Bec Sarah Get Revenge CH1
- 3 years ago
- 42
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Gravity sucks! There I was, serenely floating off the bus, when the last step down from the bus to the ground turned out to be further than I thought. Next thing I know, gravity sucked me down and thumped my feet solidly onto the ground. The jolt kind of brought me to my senses a bit. I headed over to where the team bus was unloading and arrived in time to see Pearl greet Dan as he climbed down from the bus with his bag slung over his shoulder. It was a friendly greeting with a quick hug and...
I knew things had changed even before I opened my eyes. I wasn’t lying on a carpet anymore. My head was on a pillow instead of Tara’s lap. I had blankets over me and a warm body lying on each side of me. The sound of steady breathing told me that the bodies were alive, so I guess that was a plus. Also I could feel something wrapped tightly around each of my wrists – that was a bit weird. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was lying on the floor of my room. From the feel of it, we were...
I was sitting on a chair. My pyjama pants were firmly on. There was a bathrobe wrapped tightly around me but my arms weren’t through the sleeves, so I was completely wrapped inside the robe. My body was trembling like it was the aftermath of some distant earthquake. A face swam into view. It was a face I didn’t want to see, so I swung away from it. The chair swung under me and I spun. I stopped spinning and there was my friend Cindi. She lay on her bed and looked at me with her big, sad...
Standing in line to get in to the arena, I heard a voice that was vaguely familiar in a whiney, nasally sort of way. I turned and was confronted by a pair of boobs pointed straight at me like cannons on a warship. Not recognizing those, I looked up a bit and saw a red-haired girl with a face that looked like she was permanently sucking lemons. Now I remembered. This was Sarah something or other. Dan had dated her a few times when he was in high school. She’d visited home a couple of times...
I smiled up at Liz as she made her way up the aisle of the school bus. “Hey!” “Hey!” She dropped into the seat beside me with a thud. “Listen, I have to tell you about dinner with the DiMartinos.” “Why? What happened?” “Oh, not much. Just call me Little Miss Hand Grenade. I came, I saw, I went kaboom!!” “You didn’t!” “Un huh. Which reminds me. We’re making friends with Melissa.” “We are?” “We are.” “Is that a good idea? If we even talk to Melissa, her sister gets all...” She held...
Dad took me straight to the reception desk. He must have made an appointment for a meeting because Miss Webster and Mr Shankie were waiting for us. We went into Miss Webster’s office and sat around the table; me and Dad and Miss Webster and Mr Shankie. Habit tried to make me slouch down in the chair and stare at the table but I decided a normal person wouldn’t do that. I made myself sit upright and watch my dad and Miss Webster. I figured I could safely ignore Mr Shankie unless he asked me a...
My family were all sitting around in the living room when I walked in. I think they were there to make sure my date got off to a smooth start or something. For Tara the “or something” probably included looking for another chance to tease me. My date was standing in the middle of the room looking all spic and span. As soon as I walked into the room he smiled at me with the biggest, warmest smile you could imagine. And then he held out the cutest bunch of flowers. I took the flowers from him...
The trip back from the police station flew by as Liz and I sat in the back seat and exchanged stories of our interviews. There was a strange car sitting outside our house when we pulled into our drive. Inside the living room, the first thing I saw was Mum on the couch under the painting of Dan and Dad with Tara sitting uncomfortably next to her. I scanned around the room and on the other couch I saw Tara’s friend, Tracey, sitting just as uncomfortably next to an older woman whom I assumed...
Liz licked her lips and squeezed my hand. She looked earnestly at Dad. “The thing that Bec has, is it the same?” She took a big breath. “Does Bec have Lambrecht’s Syndrome?” Everything inside of me froze. I looked at Dad. He looked at me. And then, slowly, he shook his head. He shook his head! He shook his head? Dad spoke to Liz, he ignored me. I sat there beside Liz like a ... I don’t know ... like a forgotten vase of flowers. “The thing Bec’s mother has is a condition that only...
Rebecca Louise Freeman, age 12 years and 364 days, wearing long flannel pyjamas and a dressing gown, sat on the floor of her living room. Her long brown hair was unbound and hung freely down her back. I live inside her head. Sometimes it seems to me that all I can do is watch helplessly while she lives her life. It’s a bit like I’m a passenger on the runaway train that is Rebecca. Then there are the times when I remember that she is me. I looked out at the room through Rebecca’s eyes. I...
Dad opened the front door for us and made a big show of peering around – looking for the two mystery boys we were supposed to have with us. When he saw no sign of them, he told me to go into the living room and sit down for a talk. It wasn’t really a request and it was clear that the talk he had in mind wasn’t necessarily going to be pleasant. Liz came with me – she didn’t have much choice because I had a firm grip on her hand – and we sat together on the couch. I was a bit unsure about what...
“Dad! Pull over.” “Okay honey, I can pull in up ahead. What is it? Are you going to be sick?” “No, it’s not that. I’m not sure if I can do this.” My brain had been busy keeping me distracted up to this point. Then suddenly it hit home what I was about to do. “What is it about all this that’s worrying you?” “I’m about to go to dinner with people I hardly know. They’re all going to be watching me – noticing everything I do, expecting me to talk. If I do something wrong or make mistakes or...
English class had well and truly started when I knocked on the door. Interrupting Mrs Stone in mid-rant, I handed her my tardy slip and went to my seat. Liz smiled at me from her place but then we both quickly focused on our lesson. Mrs Stone hardly ever spoke to the class like this and I wondered what was going on. Mrs Stone resumed her rant and at the same time picked a paper off her desk. She was gesturing wildly with her free hand to emphasize whatever point she was trying to make as she...
I shook Tara’s shoulder, committed to the usual long process of waking my sister. I was surprised when her eyes popped open suddenly and she looked up at me – clearly already awake. “Hey, you’re awake!” “Not really, I’m pretending,” she muttered. “Oh, well. It’s time to pretend to get out of bed then.” “I got woken up half an hour ago by a good deal of screaming coming through the wall.” I grinned down at her. “Sorry about that. Liz doesn’t usually scream like that when I get in a tickle...
Mum arrived at school with her own version of stone face on. Her stone face is a kind of half-smile that fools a lot of people into thinking she’s being nice. They relax and think they’re safe and then she lashes out with vicious swipes and they find themselves spurting metaphorical blood from dozens of wounds – metaphorical wounds that is. Tara and I weren’t fooled. We’d seen that smile enough to recognize it. Mum was angry and the smile was pasted over her face like a mask to hide her anger...
“Miss Freeman?” The voice seemed a long way away, but not loud. It was like someone was talking to me from the other end of a big empty hall. “Rebecca Freeman, can you hear me?” Yes, I could hear her. I didn’t recognize the voice. I didn’t feel like responding. But I could hear her. “Rebecca, it’s time to wake up now.” Wake up? Was I asleep? I sure felt warm and comfortable and cozy and relaxed. As Mum often said, I was as snug as a bug in a rug. Maybe I was asleep. A hand gently...
I don’t know why I waste my time getting mad at Dan. I can never stay mad at him for longer than a few minutes. See it works like this. What’s the first thing you do when you get mad at someone? For me, the first thing I do is make a big long list in my head of all the horrible things that person has ever done to me. Then I add the new thing to the list. Then I compare this huge long list to the pitifully short list of nice things that person has done for me. That way I have proof that I am...
“ ... so she ended up wearing both dresses. Pearl and I figured that together they created a decent layered look – it’s what all fashion-conscious three year olds are wearing these days,” I said. “Well that explains that little mystery,” Mum laughed as she slowed the car to turn a corner. “Oh! Speaking of mysteries – I wanted to thank you for taking all those grotty clothes out of my school bag and putting them in the wash,” I said. “I was all set up with the gas mask and the tongs ready to...
The cook served dessert almost as soon as we returned to the dining room. She served Laura first and then me. I smiled at her when she did that and she winked at me. Then she served the two parents and the other children. Dessert was a slice of home-made apple crumble – fairly similar to the way Mum makes it. There was custard in a little serving boat and whipped cream to go on top. The whipped cream had cinnamon whipped through it which gave it an interesting flavor. Mrs DiMartino handed the...
It was a week before my thirteenth birthday. I guess that makes it about a month after that stuff with the doors. For most of that month, Tara and I had gotten on with each other pretty well. We even went shopping together once to look for school clothes; both of us have been getting taller. Mum even let Tara take her credit card, but she did check up on us later to make sure we didn’t go over the limits she’d set. It was cool shopping with my sister and not having Mum trying to tell us what...
To have your hair stroked, slowly and gently, has to be one of the nicest feelings in the world. My hair was being stroked. And since my hair is long, the hand was stroking from the top of my head, all the way down my spine. Having a big, strong hand run gently down your spine, over and over is also really nice. Hmmm! A big, strong hand. It could only be Dan. It was dark, really dark. If it hadn’t been so dark, I might have been tempted to turn and look. Instead, I sighed and nestled down...
“Are you guys asleep in here?” Tara’s voice broke the silence. I blinked my eyes against the sudden light. Tara was silhouetted in the doorway. She was wearing stretch jeans and a tight-fitting yellow top, so her silhouette exaggerated her feminine curves, all those curves that she had and I didn’t. I swallowed a brief surge of jealousy and took notice of where I was. Dan was sitting on the floor of my room, his back against the wall, his legs stretched out straight in front of him, his eyes...
I was painting. It was sometime after midnight on Saturday morning and I was dressed in my favorite long flannel pyjamas with panties and a vest underneath. It’s amazing how much security you can feel from just having proper underwear on. Oh, and since I was painting, of course I had thrown on a painting shirt over the top. It had been bugging me for days that I hadn’t had time to finish the second painting on my closet doors. Well I’d been lying in my bed, not sleeping, and I figured – why...
First time, straight This story is about my first love and me. Let me introduce myself, myname was Bec. I was sixteen at the time. I had long brown hair withsmall 32b breasts. Michael was eighteen, a well-built athletic footballplayer with gorgeous blue eyes that I got lost in and jet black short hair.My first time with Michael was so special. We were in love for longtime. So long, that passionate cuddling or kissing filled every momentwe spent together. We had passionate make out sessions that...
There’s a word that starts with “ep.” I remember Dad using it once. I had to ask what it meant. He explained that it meant suddenly understanding some gigantic, important Idea (that’s idea with a capital I). That’s what had happened to me. The word is ‘epiphany’. I had an epiphany! Epiphanies hurt! It felt like this huge explosion in my brain. You should make a mental note to yourself right now never to have an epiphany of your own. I sure don’t...
After dinner, Mum grabbed the new paint Dad had bought her and went back into my room. Dad loaded the dishwasher and then washed the things that wouldn’t go into that while Tara and I dried them and put them away. There wasn’t much to do because nobody had cooked anything. We chatted about various things while we worked, then I brought up how good it was to have Mum sitting at dinner with us instead of being hidden away in my room painting. “Does that mean she’s finished her ‘episode’...
After the game, while the crowd was milling around and saying their farewells to each other, Dan leaned in close to me. “There’s an ice-cream parlor about a block from where we parked the car. We have time to go there for half an hour before I have to get you home. You interested?” I nodded, happily. To be honest I was so psyched up, I couldn’t bear the idea of going home straight away and have the night suddenly come crashing to a finish. Then I had a sudden inspiration. I got up on my...
The problem with having an exciting evening is that when you go to bed afterwards, it can be really hard to get to sleep. On Wednesday night, I went to sleep late, though I’ve no idea what time it was. I’d woken up this morning at about 3:00 AM, and I’d been going flat out all day since then, except for a couple of hours sleep in the nurse’s office in the afternoon. I should be tired. I was tired. My body was ready to go to sleep but my brain wasn’t. Or maybe it was the other way around and...
I kind of half-woke when Dan rolled over. I kept myself back out of his way as he wriggled and turned. I waited until he finally settled, lying on his back. Then I wrapped my arm back around him and moved my head so it was resting on his chest. I snuggled back in close beside him and sighed contentedly. Half asleep, I vaguely thought that I understood why Dan wore so little clothing to bed. He was putting off heat like a furnace. It was like sleeping with a large man-shaped hot-water bottle –...
We stood in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and clasped the hands of those next to us. Dad calls this a family ritual. He says rituals are important. I suppose they are but some rituals are better than others and this one isn’t my favorite. We don’t do a family circle all the time, just on special occasions. They always remind me of the circles that sports people get into when they want to rev up the team. I always feel cheated at the end when we don’t all put our hands into the middle and...
Inside the police station, the officers quickly split us up so they could talk to Liz and me separately. I sat in a small room with a lady policewoman who was little and probably older than Nana. She asked me all these questions about what happened at the bus stop. It felt weird talking about a man pulling out his penis to this little old lady – even though she was in a police uniform. After a time, she said I had to go and look at a line-up to see if I could identify the man who did it. I...
I woke slowly from a deep, warm, comfortable place. I was feeling so cozy and relaxed that it took me a little while to remember (or should that be, it took me a little while to realize) that I was in Dan’s bed. At some stage while I was sleeping, Dan had obviously slid me off the top of him and rolled onto his side. As a result I was now pressed up against his back. I say pressed because Tara was hugging me fairly tightly from behind and kind of leaning in. Squished between Dan’s broad back...
My mother is evil! I mean, really evil. Don’t get me wrong. I love her and all that, and a lot of the time she’s really nice. But when she gets it into her head to give someone a hard time, you do not want to be that someone. This time it was my brother Dan who was in her sights and she was locked, loaded and ready to fire. I guess until I’m older and have had a few hangovers myself, I won’t really understand how evil Mum was that Sunday morning, but I had a pretty good idea when it was...
Jeremys' mother finished tidying up after a visit from their neighbour, Mrs. Gonzales. Could it really work? Could Francesca Gonzales be telling the truth? She had heard of those tiny machines lately, noonites or whatever they were called, being able to change people, but a whole catalogue of clothing with the little what-nots embedded into them? Mind you, Francesca certainly proved herself when she called for young Alberto to come over and say hello; that boy had sure changed over the...
Pure fantasy but based on a true event. My birthday was coming up and my work colleague and good friend Becs invites me to spend the weekend with her and her partner Bob. Bob is not her real name, it's just a nickname given by Becs because as you may had worked out Becs and Bob are gay.Becs was 30 something, stunning looks, breasts to die for and we became friends at work because we got on so well, we would laugh and joke and I would even steal the occasional hug but that was as far as it...
My life was relatively boring, every day seemed to roll into one. Wake up go to work come home eat,sleep repeat.I live in a quiet middle class suburb and recently the neighbour who i had know for some time had decided to move house.He was an elderly man and could not maintain his house properly anymore and so put it on the property market. Before not too long a sold sticker appeared and as normal i was expecting new neighbours, little did i know what was in store for me.About a week later the...
I might have gone to sleep with a smile on my face but I didn’t wake up that way. I woke up with a thump. No, that’s not true. I woke up when I was falling. The thump came an instant later when I hit the ground. “Ow!” I said. Or at least I think that’s what I said, it might have come out more like a grunt. Then I clutched my face and said “Ow!” again. I’d landed face first onto one of my shoes which I’d normally kick under my bed, but obviously this one hadn’t quite made it that far. The...
The bell for the end of the school day on a Friday always sounds exactly like every other school bell – but it certainly feels different. It’s the signal for the start of the weekend – two whole days and three whole nights of non-school. It’s not that I hate school or anything, like I know some people do. It’s just that, most of the time, non-school is better than school. The sports afternoon had been fun. Two whole periods of doing something I really loved as opposed to sitting in classes...
I climbed into the front bus and handed Professor Greenall the letter from Dad. Then I dropped myself into an empty seat two rows behind her and propped my science book open on my lap. The letter basically said that Dad gave permission for me to ride on the college booster buses to and from the game and made Professor Greenall my chaperone for the bus rides. It’s one of the downsides of being a kid. There are so many stupid rules you have to keep following to do anything interesting. I mean...
We were only about five minutes from home when Dan’s phone started ringing. He pulled over to the side of the road and answered it. His side of the conversation made it really hard to figure out what was going on. After a bit, he turned and looked across Pearl at me. “It’s Mum. She says Tara hasn’t come home yet. She was supposed to be at the mall and it would’ve closed ages ago. Mum’s asking if you know where Tara would be. If you do, we’re to collect her and bring her home.” I bit my lip....
Drawing... Drawing... I sat back and looked at my picture. I’d drawn Faith and Danielle sitting together on the bleachers before the football game. I’d tried to capture the moment after they’d kissed each other. It had been a fairly quick kiss, but after that they’d cuddled against each with contented little smiles on their faces. They weren’t looking at each other, they’d been looking at Pearl and me, but their entire bodies seemed to be reaching out and holding the other person. It was...
I returned to my senses long enough to roll to the side and throw up. I felt the urgent need to roll because otherwise my vomit would have gone all over Tara’s lovely velvet dress. I felt Nana’s firm hands guiding my head over a bowl and I think Tara was holding my hair out of the way. I lay back on Tara’s velvet-covered lap and tried to figure out what was going on. My eyes had been closed the entire time. I didn’t need to open them. I knew what I would see and I wasn’t ready to deal with...
A loud rustling sound in my room woke me from a deep sleep. I bolted upright in my bed, convinced I was being attacked in my own bedroom. I quickly discovered that my light was on and there was Mum, dressed in her long flannel nightie, spreading plastic over my carpet and belongings. I blinked against the light, trying to wake up, and squinted at my clock. It was four in the morning! “Mum! What the heck are you doing?” I bleated. I also swore a bit, but I did that inside my head. Mum hates...
Rod Hardin looked down at Sandy as she worked his cock in and out of her mouth. She was a truly talented cocksucker but even more important she really loved sucking dick especially his. He could feel her salvia dripping down his cock onto his balls. She opened her blue eyes and looked up at him and he could see the passion and lust that had her on fire. He could see her arm extended down to her pussy as she rubbed her pussy as her mouth pumped his 8" cock. "I love your cock Rod! I could suck it...
Dinner with Sam and Sandy turned out to be a bust for Mike and Lena. They had hoped the young couple would come back to their chalet for some after-dinner fun. Instead, they said their goodbyes and went their own way. Mike and Lena spent some time in the bar but never found any suitable playmates for the night. They finally gave up and went back to their chalet.A little later, they were curled up on the bed, Lena in a shorty baby doll nightgown and Mike in his boxer briefs. They had been...
AnalMike woke up lying in the middle of the bed. His eyes barely open, he rolled over to see the clock on the nightstand. It read six forty-five. His brain was slow at processing the time, and then the realization of the night before started coming back to him. After that, the whole night came flooding back into his brain. The images scrolled through like a porno on fast forward. He could see the whole evening dancing in his vision. Then it hit him what kind of a wild night it truly was.Once his...
ThreesomesBecky's Story By Julie Finch I still remember Becky's first appointment even though it was quite some time ago. I remember when she first came in to my salon with her Mistress, and I think that was the last and only time she even looked slightly masculine. I had worked with Becky's Mistress a few times before on other sissies, but Becky was going to be by far her biggest focus of time and attention. It seemed that Becky's Mistress had just started her own business importing...
100% fiction! Rebeca walked slowly into the studio, she was surprised at how small it was, only about twelve feet by ten, it was small, the floor was covered with a thick rubber mat which gave way slightly as she walked on it, she stood in the middle of the room looking around. She noticed a small window in the wall, the glass was dark, Rebeca walked over to it and pushed her face hard against it, she pulled back eyes wide open in horror, "oh my god, no, no no" she had seen her mother in there...
IncestThe following new characters appear in the story: Kenneth Farmer, 6’-0” tall, 195 pounds, 21 years old, blond hair, blue eyes George Farmer, 5’-10” tall, 185 pounds, 22 years old, blond hair, gray eyes The guest quarters measured 20’x40’ inside, and were of quarried stone like most of the town’s buildings. It consisted of three rooms with entrances on the long side of the building. The room on each end had a chimney on the end wall. The middle room had its chimney on the back wall and...
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Beckys Vacation???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? by Kromwell As the battered old jeep exited the jungle and approached the thatched hut village Becky Donaldson was sure that her topical vacation was saved.Becky...
New characters appearing in the story: William Royal Judge and Executioner 5’-10” tall, 175 pounds, 37 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Chief Magistrate Magistrate, 6’-0” tall, 170 pounds, 42 years old, brown hair and eyes, narrow shoulders The Mayor’s office was in the town hall. It was a stone building of about 20’ x 25’inside. In addition to the Mayor, it housed the Chief Magistrate and the town clerk/accountant. The town clerk/accountant had the reception area. It held a desk and...
Wesley was there, when we reached the clinic. He was just finishing work on Helga. “How is she?” I asked. “I closed the cut and have applied ointment where I could. She will be sore for a while, but she is basically okay,” Wesley stated. I thanked him and went to talk to Helga. I found Rebeca with her, and both were crying. “Helga, I’m so sorry! I never dreamed that anything like this would happen. I was only concerned about Rebeca. I thought they might come looking for her, but not you...
The following characters appear in the first chapter of the story: Robert King’s Marshal, 6’-8” tall, 275 pounds, 29 years old, flaming red hair and beard, green eyes, freckles mostly not visible Rebeca Slave girl, 5’-7” tall, 120 pounds, 34C-21-32, 17 years old, orange/red hair, green eyes, freckles, very cute Albert Farmer, 6’-0” tall, 190 pounds, 38 years old, brown hair and eyes broad shoulders Wesley Journeyman Physician, 5’-10” tall, 150 pounds, 26 years old, blond hair, blue...
This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...
Rebecca's story Chapter one Looking back over the last two years I guess you could say I have done some pretty stupid things, but hey that's what's being young is all about. It's my eighteenth birthday next week and I am having a party, and it was while I was lying in on the bed in my room planning, that I began to think about how I arrived here. I was the youngest in the family of mum dad and two children, a boy and a girl. There was two years age difference between the...
I spent my lunch break in the women's locker room at the factory, buried balls-deep in Becca Ferguson, the nineteen-year-old press operator who wanted me. I didn't want Becca. She was flat-chested and kind of dumb, no real ambition but to get married and start cranking out babies like a puppy mill. Still, she wanted me, and I was willing to use her to get what I really wanted, which was Susan. Becca and I had our shirts on, but our pants around our ankles. I pounded into her, stroke after...
My cabin mate Robert and I looked forward to dinner. The fact that there was going to be a business meeting afterward was only a minor drawback. Steak tonight! We were exhausted after spending a very long day getting the place ready for the first invasion of kids the next day. We were junior counselors at a summer camp, this was my second year, Robert’s first. We walked to dinner together and while eating spent our time talking to two girls who were counselors at the girls camp across the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! (Nyc, spring 1979) Rutherford, RUTHERFORD! *door slams open* WHAT do you want? "nothing, i just wanted to see you", said a well aged sorry excuse for a woman. Her name was Becka, she was a plump 40 year old woman, paistey skin accompanied with a stench of cabbage. Rutherford was her vivacious son, a result of an unplanned night in the 60's. He was tall, lean, a dark haired boy with fair eyes. "Rutherford, you know that i don't like it when you wear so...