Hitchhiker's Guide To An Alternate Life Style free porn video

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Hitchhiker's Guide To That Alternate Universe You hitchhike long enough you'll meet all kinds. All kinds of men that is. Never was picked up by a woman, just men, so you can imagine how surprised I was that a woman would ease over and stop. She was older than mom and my aunt, perhaps not, but prettier. It was as if she'd just stepped out of the house fresh. A pleasant voice asking where I was going while she gave her attention to traffic again. I told her North, about twenty miles, but she could drop me anywhere along the way and settled in with a slight turn to the right to watch the world go by. Some drivers are talkative, some not and I leave it to them to decide. She left me alone for the first ten minutes or so but I was getting a now-and-then look. That too was normal and I do the same when they do. She was big, bigger than most women but proportional if I'm writing this right. Not heavy is what I'm trying to say, just big. A pleasant face, pretty dress and breasts a tad bigger than any I could remember. It was going to be long trip if she didn't say anything, but it beat the bus. She asked me that. She asked me why I was hitchhiking and I told her I hated the bus. She asked me if I ever worried about who it was picking me up and I said, bravely, no. Of course I did worry because you really do meet all kinds hitchhiking. Only I was fast on my feet and speed sometimes is better than most everything else. I was a wimp according to the jocks at school and speed was definitely better when a jock was interested in me. There were few, if any, that could catch me in a fair race and no one could when I ran scared. I was small, smaller than most of the girls my age, but then again I was fast. I was also smarter that most of the guys around me, and that left me with the happy thought that one day I'd be bossing those jocks around. When she pounded the wheel once I jumped. Scared me to an adrenaline rush, but I calmed fast when it was clear she'd only had a thought. Turns out she was suppose to do something, an email before she left the house, and she'd forgotten. I got the next offer as she was slowing to let me out. She didn't live far and was driving well past where I needed to go and she'd take me, willingly, but she had to go home first. Twenty minutes at most, then back on the road she promised and I took it hook line and sinker. A ride the whole way was better than trying for another, so yes, I could stand the delay and happily. It was a house worthy of her and her car. Not a mansion, but big enough to put it well out of my families reach. Her driveway was longer than the street I live on as she pulled to the front door. I could come in if I wanted, use the toilet, get a soda perhaps, it would only take a few minutes and both sounded great. I waited in the kitchen after she poured. Coke on ice, not a bottle, and that rang of class as I sipped gratefully. Cold and refreshing. Things do go better with Coke, I hummed. I'm actually not sure when I stopped humming or how long it was that I sat silently. I had no sense of time and it was her voice that brought me back from wherever it was I was. I remember her taking my elbow and easing me off the stool. It was going to be OK she whispered although I wasn't sure why. I wasn't sure of anything as she turned me into the room, other than thinking about the room and how pretty it was. A girl's room, no doubt of that and a girl not very old, I reasoned. How old is it when babies become toddlers, I wondered. I wondered that because there was still a crib in that room. Had to be a baby still to still have a crib and I was thinking that as she eased me to a changing table. The babies changing table I guessed feeling silly over such silly logic, but I wasn't feeling all that bright right then. I wasn't feeling scared, nor all that confused, although I took a moment to wonder why she wanted me up on that table. I didn't resist and I didn't wonder over it either and then, in a kind of clearing fog, I did wonder why I didn't wonder. This wasn't right but not wrong enough for me to panic as I watched my shoes come off. My socks followed, then my pants and there was an attempt to reason this out as my underwear came off. I did try and reason this, but she was cooing at me and smiling and each time she made a sound my attention went to her. Each time I focused on her I lost my train of thought. I sat back up again for my tee shirt and suddenly being naked got my attention. I moved my hand to stop her hand and said, in a very clear and commanding voice to stop, but my hand missed the mark by nearly a foot and I think I said something that had a lot of w's and f's in it. It was gibberish no matter how hard I tried, and there was my hand waving off to the side like it belonged to someone else. All of my attempts were useless. How could I be so clear headed and so foggy at the same time, and what had happened to all of that control I had before this? I could reason that out, but I couldn't answer any of those questions. I did panic, a little, but there was fascination as well. Who was she and what did she want of me? And that was my last thought as I saw the diaper. I could imagine a baby not wanting to be diapered and possibly protesting in the way babies do and realized I might be doing that very same thing. I most definitely did not want that diaper under me and said so fighting tooth and nail to catch hold of it. Only it came out as gibberish again and that tooth and nail part simply arm waving. I think I did feel my leg move believing I'd controlled that but it was only her lifting them. I was going to be put into a diaper and there wasn't a thing I could do but watch. I'd quit fighting because the effort was tiring and when she wiped my mouth a second time that ended any desire to try and talk. My legs came down after a moment, then she spread them well past being comfortable, but I lost focus on that with the baby oil. I could tell you, and perhaps you'd almost believe me, that it was horrible, but it wasn't. She'd poured her palm full of that oil and both hands rubbed it in. Up until that moment, it was mostly my own hands touching me like that, so another doing what I sometimes did was wonderful no matter how frightening I wanted to feel. Generous and sensuous are two of the words I can use because my loins glistened and I had an erection. Getting an erection over the prospects of being pinned into a diaper is not worthy of most men, but I would caution most men to consider their own reactions and the diaper had nothing to do with it. As far as I was concerned, it was those hands and that baby oil. Only I knew it was also the baby oil and the reason she was rubbing it in was because that's what you do to babies about to be diapered. How odd to make that connection and like it still. When the baby powder started, and it started after she wiped her hands, there was no doubt what would happen next. No doubt at all, nor any doubt I was going to lose that erection before it did happen. I wasn't numb because I could feel even the small puffs of powder touching me, and I wasn't paralyzed because I'd moved a lot when this started. So it was something else and since I'd only had that coke, it had to be that. I was proud of my deduction for all the good it would do me and only a little aware of her powdering me because of the mental effort I fought against till the powdering stopped. I could feel and felt the diaper before I saw it. She had taken up the front two corners and tugged it snugly enough to get my attention and kept me attentive as I watched her work. I have no experience with diapers and no memories of what mine were like as a baby, but this one was incredibly soft. I wouldn't have guess soft considering my tee-shirts as an example of cotton, but that diaper felt like silk and I have no experience to say that either, but it was soft. It was very soft and very thick and, as it came over me, very big. I'm small, very small, but not as small as a baby so that couldn't really be a baby's diaper. I have no idea how big baby diapers get so perhaps it could be for babies. That thought, the thought of me wearing a real baby's diaper bothered me a little, so I focused quickly back on the part where I thought it wasn't. A laughable thought considering it was still a diaper and it was going around me. Like it or not, the damn thing looked identical to what babies wore if their mother used cloth. I was also watching experience and of that I was sure. Considering I was in a room for a baby and that made sense as well. I was watching experience but I was also watching me and you simply cannot imagine what it's like watching yourself being diapered. Horrifying seems too dramatic, but there was a touch of it as she smoothed the diapers front under the back. She paused there with one hand holding the diaper together as her other hand went past my head. Obviously a tray there because I saw the pink diaper pin as it passed. She was working it open with her one hand and suddenly I caught that it was pink. Funny how color can foster some notions but I wasn't meant for pink. I was a blue. I forgot the diaper or that I was getting pinned into it to focus all of my efforts on arguing I was a blue. She smiled at the noise I made, wiped my mouth again and before I could utter another sound, shoved a pacifier between my lips. That too was also in that tray and it too was pink. Not the rubber part that went into my mouth but the circle of plastic that rested against my lips. I wanted to spit it out and tried. I discovered then that my tongue didn't work which I should have already known because I couldn't make words. I tried shoving the pacifier out but all I did was move my tongue around the soft rubber nipple and worse, I began to salivate so I was swallowing more as well. Insult to injury because I knew it looked like I was nursing it. I quit fighting that as well and watched another pink diaper pin go past my eyes. That second diaper pin sealed my fate and the diaper. It was snug around my waist, slightly gathered between my legs but a little loose at that back and against my thighs. The diaper, as thick as it was, gathered uncomfortably between my legs as if I'd caught my blanket there while sleeping. It was the only analogy I could come up with, that blanket, before noticing then that "V" shape it formed. A classic shape if you're wearing a diaper. An unnerving shape if you don't wear diapers. If I had closed my eyes I would have known it was a diaper going on, but it was that puffy "V" that became my final confirmation. That was that I mused till I saw the panties, and I remember dad telling me boys don't wear panties when I'd used that word once. Girls wear panties and pink is for girls and those were definitely a baby's panty and definitely for a baby girl. I saw baby sheep, teddy bears and whatever else decorated plastic used for babies, but what I saw most was that color pink. I tried again to move my legs but not as aggressively, more experimentally and nothing had changed. She shook the panties opened, gathered them and with only a little effort slipped them over my feet. Odd watching something like that knowing they were your feet, odder still seeing her work them along my legs because I could see it. When she reached my diaper she rolled me towards her, fixed the panties in place on my left, then gently pushed so she could do the right. It was all so easy, these motions, and unnerving that it was. I was laying there in a baby girl's room wearing her diaper and plastic pants wondering, as silly as this sounds, where that baby girl might be and what she might be thinking. I couldn't imagine what the woman was thinking because I can't imagine a woman doing this to me or any other man but there I was. I swallowed again, no longer caring how that motion might look. I rarely cry because long ago I'd learned that wimps crying, even if I wasn't a wimp, made them more wimpish. Not sure if that is a word or not because the point is I wanted to cry then but didn't because I worried I'd look too much like a baby. She might have the upper hand, and she could control most all of this, but I wasn't going to give her everything she might want. I wanted to cry because I saw the dress then, and while I wasn't sure it was actually a dress, I was sure that whatever it was it belonged on a girl. Boys don't wear pink, nor fabrics that shimmer in the light, nor anything with lace on it and that thing, whatever it was, had it all. It took less time than I would have imagined but she sat me up, took one arm and pushed it in, then the next and in hardly a minute I was wearing it. I was in a dress and beneath those girlish layers, baby pants and a diaper. This was an insane act to which I could only witness, yet not so insane for me not to wonder. I would have screamed, clawed, swore, hit for all I was worth if I could but I couldn't so I sat there in that dress quietly. It wasn't my fault because I couldn't do anything about this and that somehow made it better. It allowed me to think about it more than I might if I was fighting it. Boys hate silky things, boys hate being mothered after a certain age, and few boys, none that I know, like dressing as girls or babies and definitely not both. Only there was that material under the palms of my hands, a bit of lace touching the pad of my fingers and that diaper. That diaper was pushing itself against the pink plastic of those panties between my thighs and it felt like silk. I tried thinking about the rules I'd grown up with, those blue rules that confines us to our side of that fence separating boys from girls but couldn't. Boys don't like silky things but I did. Boys don't want to be babied but I did and even her large hand on my back supporting me felt nice. I was cataloging the rules then casting some of them aside as she laid me back. Booties, baby booties came from somewhere and the first went over my left foot. A cute look if I wasn't watching it go on that foot, but still cute even though it was. A kind of knitted slipper lined in a pink satin. Something a grandmother might knit. A bit of ribbon circled it through holes in the knitting with extra that she fashioned into a bow. She did the same to the right foot. My hands, both at my side, against the dress, moved slightly but this time under my control suddenly. I experimented with the fingers feeling the dress under them. I nursed on purpose this time using my tongue to circle the warm soft rubber nipple and that too was under my control. I could move things and perhaps everything I realized. It wasn't perfect, wasn't smooth yet, but I could move. She stood there happily satisfied and still smiling when I urged myself to sit up. She allowed it, encouraged it and I sat. I wanted to know why and asked. She turned towards the door then, telling me as she did so, that my mother could explain it better than she could and there was mom. Mom was standing in the doorway and behind her aunt Rose. That shook me right to my very core. This wasn't my fault I said in a voice shaking from the experience and terror of them thinking otherwise. Mom spoke first coming in and stopping next to me. She was so afraid of me hitchhiking she'd said as she so often said. She was beside herself with worry every day till I came home, never any real peace even then because she knew I'd do it again that following day. She had to do something, anything to get me to stop. Her professional name was Mistress Vendetta, Ms. V to her clients and she went back all the way to collage with my aunt. High school friends that lasted till now. It was my aunt's suggestion I go through this. This was an example of what might happen hitchhiking only not the worst case by far. I was shocked beyond words and more so when Ms. V opened the closet and handed mom the DVD. Three cameras recording, for all time, my utter and complete humiliation at the hands of a woman who loved humiliating men and brought it to a high art. Mom would keep that video safe and I would keep myself just as safe for the sake of that video staying safe. Not a threat, a promise and I swore right then to do just that. I dressed on wobbly knees and with mom on one side and my aunt on the other walked slowly out of that room. Ms. V was holding the dress in her hand, my baby pants and diaper folded neatly on the changing table. My booties, that pacifier and those diaper pins had been laid out as if waiting for me as I turned to walk away. Never again, I promised. I'd lied. I don't hitchhike anymore, and that is for mom's sake, and I even walked, without sticking my thumb out once, those dozen blocks to Ms. V's house not a week past that day. Actually it was six days before I gathered enough courage to knock. She didn't talk, she only smiled and this time simply took my hand. I ride the bus daily now, an hour or so after my visits, and love that slow ride home. That hour gives me time to savor the one just behind me and contemplate how fleeting those rules for blue are. I love pink, I love my diaper and those panties made of plastic and, for the record, those breasts are as ample and as soft as I had once imagined. OK, the rules are still there, the ones boys follow, and as hard and rigid as before, but I can ignore them for a time now, because I'm in another universe at Ms. V's. Perhaps one day I'll even write the definitive works on a Hitchhiker's Guide To That Alternate Universe... Has a nice ring to it. PS: Just for the sake of it, Ms. V calls me Mary Beth when I visit. Hugs Mary Beth

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Alternate Fantasy XXX Revised Version

Author's Note: This is a revised version of the first "Alternate Fantasy". I decided to redo it because I wasn't satisfied with how the first version turned out. Hopefully it will turn out better this time. She could hear them laughing. They were laughing at her struggles made pitiful by the ropes that held her. Her hands were restrained, as were her legs. For her, it definitely wasn't a good night. After quarelling with her boyfriend in a luxury restaurant, she walked out and down an nearly...

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Roberta and Patricks Next Bet The Alternate Ending

…..A king? A completely, utterly, absolutely, entirely useless king! Holy shit was I in for it now! The king was a nice card but of absolutely no use to me whatever. Patrick’s straight was good enough, and my hope of waving a full house in his face was dashed. Patrick, of course, was grinning like an idiot. “Oh, girl,” he said, “I’m afraid it’s time for a little payback.” I had no reason to doubt that assessment. Well….. nothing ventured, nothing gained. “I’ve been waiting for this,” Patrick...

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Archies Weird Mysteries Alternate Reality 2

This is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. This is a continuation of an episode of the cartoon show. Archie Weird Mysteries: Alternate Reality 2 By Paul G. Jutras For once Archie Andrews showed up right on time for his date with Veronica Lodge, but he learned that showing up on time wasn't the right thing to do. "Oh, heck, Ronnie! You're not ready and the movie starts in less than a half...

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Back to the Future The Alternate Ending

Back to the Future, The Alternate Ending By Bashful "Doc, I did what you said, I changed the past back the way it was supposed to be, what went wrong? My parents got married, my brother and sister are fine, what happened?" "I don't know. I warned you that everything you do in the past has an effect on the future," Doc Brown answered as he put the finishing touches on his latest invention. "Is it really so bad? Biff's son is a much nicer young man than his father was. He's...

2 years ago
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Girl Problems Alternate Ending

Girl Problems (Alternate Ending) By Justin Felder This is essentially the same story as Girl Problems, but I changed the ending after some constructive criticism. "I still don't understand why it takes you so long," Justin shouted from outside Miranda's dorm. "If you won't accept it just does, then there's nothing to tell you," Miranda shouted back, finishing her mascara. "But you haven't told me anything. Maybe if...

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Nicoles Alternate Wedding

This is the tale of Nicole's wedding. Bobbie and Nicole have to deal with some old foes. Nicole must deal with a personal revelation and her brother's love for her. Nicole's Wedding Alternate Ending Hello everyone. This is Nicole. This is the tale of my wedding and my brother's love and faith for me. I can never repay Larry for what he did. My wedding was drawing near. Bobbie was planning my shower and Larry was planning Howie's Bachelor party. I had to meet the local dress maker...

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An Alternate Me

An alternate me Andrew had a pretty normal calm life. He went to high school, wasn't failing any classes, and had 2 friends who were always there for him. All was well in his life... and that was precisely the problem. Andrew: *sigh*, "everyday I wake up and it's the same thing. Sometimes I just wish something...anything would happen" Mom (from outside room): "Andrew? it's time for school, you need to come down and eat." Andrew: "yeah, yeah, I'm coming" He went down the...

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An Alternate Me part 3 Playing The Part

An Alternate Me: part 3: playing the part John got to class and sat down next to Claire who was already in her seat. "Hey Claire, does Andrea seem... kinda odd today to you too?" Claire looked up from the homework she was desperately trying to finish before the start of class. "A little, I tried to talk to her about it, but she said I wouldn't believe her, oh, shhh, here she comes." John smiled at her as she walked into the room, but Andrea didn't return it and she slumped down...

1 year ago
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An Alternate Me Part 4 Illumination

An Alternate Me Part 4: Illumination Andrew unlocked the door to his house with his spare key and called out, "Hey, I'm home" His mother who was watching television turned to him and said, "Did you have fun with Claire?" He took off his backpack and nodded. "Yeah, we went shopping downtown." His mother smiled and said, "Well that's good to hear, this morning you seemed a little depressed." He started heading upstairs. "Yeah, well I'm feeling better now so don't worry."...

1 year ago
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Moving To A New Place Alternate ending

Moving to a new place (alternate ending) The day of the move in was at hand. Timmy had told the movers what to move and where everything went. They would do it for her for an additional fee. He had also arranged for the walls to be painted and for carpeting in the rooms. He even arranged for new furniture in Lydia's room. Timmy was in complete control over both of their lives. They moved into the new apartment and Lydia went to her room and saw all the new furniture. She didn't...

3 years ago
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Classifieds In An Alternate Reality

Backstory: In an alternate reality very similar to our own, an event colloquially known as "The Change" took place about 5 years ago. This Change caused random alterations in the human population, causing panic, riots, and widespread mayhem. Over time though, humanity did what humanity has always done after chaos: it fought its way back to order. People adapted to their circumstances. Society moved on, and people got back to the business of being alive and living their lives. But,...

2 years ago
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Classifieds In An Alternate Reality 2

Backstory: In an alternate reality very similar to our own, an event colloquially known as "The Change" took place about 5 years ago. This Change caused random alterations in the human population, some mental, some physical. This sudden unusual event caused panic, riots, and widespread mayhem when people began to change. Over time though, humanity did what humanity has always done after chaos: it fought its way back to order. People adapted to their circumstances. Society moved on, and...

4 years ago
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Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde an alternate ending

I've always thought the Hammer movie was very well done, except for the ending. This is how I would have ended it. If you haven't seen the movie go see it before reading this. Seriously, it's really good and you should watch it anyway. * Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde - an alternate ending by BobH (c) 2017 When he heard the commotion in the street outside, Dr Henry Jekyll immediately knew what it meant. The game was up. Accompanied by a baying mob,...

3 years ago
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Alternate Reality at Last

Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girlThis is the story of where that wish is granted.It's an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It's not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it)Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing; a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...

1 year ago
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Alternate way

Alternate way Hi, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I born in a middle class Bangladeshi family and serving in a public organization I’Monika married and having two kids. I spent a lustful life indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from hidden places when...

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An Alternate Reality

An Alternate Reality Written by Rikki "Kevin, get up. Breakfast is almost ready," his father called out. "Wake up." Kevin slowly got out of bed. Today was the first day after high school graduation and he was looking forward to sleeping in. It had been a long night. He looked at the clock. 7:00 AM. "Kevin," his father called out again, "let's go honey." Honey? His dad never called him honey before. Kevin pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of...

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My Sweet Rayne Alternate Ending

My Sweet Rayne (Alternate ending) by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the...

Love Stories
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 2 Alternate Story

Chapter 2 Alternate Story Stranger Danger Going with the "lighten up" theme you decide to go back to the room to catch Wendy before she leaves. You drop the lost and found box off hurriedly with the pool guy and head toward the main hotel on the beach. There are a lot of well lit paths on the way, but it's a tourist trap so they tend to wind toward every where imaginable to get you to spend your money on little key chains with your name on them along with millions of other worthless...

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When I came downstairs, I immediately knew things had flipped. On my way down, I heard some sounds I couldn’t really decipher. It was like a muffled moaning and some grunted cursed words being thrown out. When I turned to enter the kitchen I could not believe my eyes. I had caught my parents fucking in the counter. My mother was moaning while my father was fucking her from behind. Both of them were completely naked. “DAD! MOM! What are you doing?” I said, immediately exiting the...

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Band Geek Diary Alternate Events

[Author’s note: This story, set in the Band Parents Universe, is an alternate set of events in “Band Geek Diary” and could replace the chapters for those dates.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday morning to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the Kowalskis. She blushed and tried to make it sound like it was just two couples being good friends, but I knew...

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Hildy An Alternate Ending

My alternate ending. On my way to the hospital, I began to reconsider my parting words to Hildy. Did I really want to save my marriage? The utter contempt and disrespect she'd displayed during her "act of revenge" was certainly not that of a loving spouse - not even one who felt wronged by my actions, regardless of my guilt or innocence. Then there were my injuries to consider. Did I really want to forgive someone who almost crippled me permanently, not to mention almost killing me by...

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The MissionChapter 5 Alternate Realities

The emperor was disturbed, 4 assassin attempts on the royal family was unprecedented! He knew his daughter knew who their savior was, but getting her to talk was the most impossible thing he could think of. Remembering what she'd said the fact that the man wanted no reward, no fame, just to be made a royal, damn it! Alatem knew he couldn't do that, there were the old laws in place with good reason, the fact that she knew this didn't make matters any easier. Sighing he sat to try and come...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 58

Sandra held the back door open for her friends and then joined them inside. They were now standing in a long corridor that went in both directions. The corridor covered the whole length of the building. Before Sandra could start walking towards the locker room, she noticed how a face appeared at a door opening not too far away from her, and she immediately recognized him. "Ah, il mio dolce fiore! There you are!" the guy said with a heavy Italian accent and came walking towards them with...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 85

Sandra turned away from the street and walked towards her house after Nicole's car was out of view. It was only when she was almost at the front door that she remembered something, she hadn't taken her keys with her! Presuming that she would return home with her dad, she hadn't bothered with taken her own keys along. Not that it was something Sandra worried about. She was sure that her mother should be awake by now, so the backdoor would probably be unlocked already. So, instead of...

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Waking Up in a Alternate Reality

Something has shifted in the universe, and as such your character has inadvertently ended up in a completely different reality. It can be something small to something completely fantastical. However one thing is for sure, there is something off from this reality. Who knows what will be. Perhaps the world has turned gay or maybe all woman are futas. Maybe the socio-economic dynamics of the world has changed. Has it made your characters life better or worse. The universe has decided to change...

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My Alternate Life 8211 My Way

I am Prem, 32 yrs from Trivandrum. I am a bisexual and enjoy with both sexes together. I am narrating real life incidents. Look forward to your comments and feedback on It all started when I was in 6th grade. My elder cousin brother Jeeth, who was a role model for all us cousins, was once sleeping over at our grandpa’s place. It was a big old house with many rooms and the only other residents of the house where my grandma and grandad. My father built his villa right next to grandma’s place, so...

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When I was a teenager in a small town in the mid-1970s, lesbianism was something you had heard of in a theoretical kind of way, but there were no openly ‘gay’ (the word was just changing its meaning then) women that one knew of, never mind girls. So I knew what I was – for I definitely wasn’t interested in boys, and had been masturbating to pictures and fantasies of female film starlets and pop singers – but there was no outlet, no way to meet like-minded people. Sadly, the internet was...

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Alternate Lifestyle

The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside the restaurant. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet a couple at the restaurant to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex. This meeting was set up via an online chat room and we had never seen each other. We planned to have dinner together and then decide if we were compatible and we would take it from there. My eyes almost...

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Guide to being a Modern Cuckolding BULL

Wanna be a ‘Modern Cuckold Bull’ Here is a simple guide to achieving this quickly and safely. This guide gives a list of rules to be memorized and followed. The reasons for each rule will be explained in detail as to why they are so important. Then psychological reasons will be offered for each step you will take. So are you the type of person that throws away the instructions when assembly is required? If so, this is not for you. But if you are wanting to assemble a harem with perfect wives,...

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