The Irish Curse 3 free porn video

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The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Three As Walter exited the shower, he could see the girls fussing and getting ready as he walked over in nothing but his towel. As Holly saw him, she took a pair of pink lacy panties from the bed stretching them before his eyes. "Step in Kell!" Holly bent in front of him, holding them open. "These are really cute right?" "Pink? Seriously?" Walter exclaimed as he stepped into them. "Don't be silly! Pink is your color," Holly smirked as she tucked him gingerly and tugged the panties up tightly. "These are so comfortable though, right? I doubt you own any silk undies?" "True I guess?" Walter replied as he soon found himself in a matching bra as he looked down, seeing himself slightly growing. "Told you silk was a bad idea, Holly," said Hannah. "Just the feel of it gets them aroused. My boyfriend lies on the silk sheets and he's hard as a rock before I even touch him." "It's no big deal because his skirt's a little poufy, so no matter what we're fine tonight," said Holly. "Now sit as we've got to do that pretty face of yours for dinner. Come on April, and I'll teach you how to do a coral pastel eye." Walter sat patiently now as Holly went to work setting his foundation and then he knew the drill as she worked dotting in his freckles. It was odd that she now spent more time on his eyes, doing his eyeliner with precision and having him stare at the ceiling as she curled and coated his lashes a few times as April watched intently. It was weird seeing her flip open a metallic makeup kit filled with a sea of varying pinks and pastels, going through a regiment of instructions with April. He then watched her dip a fluffy brush into the palettes before it softly glided across his cheek bones. She closed his lids, gently rubbing below his brows and down to his lashes for a few minutes, enjoying the darkness and the soft sensation. He sat there somewhat relaxed for a moment as the soft touch left his lids, popping open his eyes and seeing April holding what looked like a small paint brush. "You like that, right?" said Holly, seeing him lick his lips. "It's a like a pink mango, right? I love the scent of it." "I don't know?" replied Walter, feeling embarrassed as he did like the taste. "Feels weird." "Maybe, but it's such a pretty color on him," said April, unscrewing the top of a tube of a clear gloss before gliding it across his lips. "I just love it with the auburn hair! I can do it right." "Sure, just don't get too crazy," said Holly. "Tonight it's dinner and then back here. Tomorrow you can get a bit more creative, and we certainly don't want to draw attention from the boys." "Sounds good," said April, switching on her hair dryer and brushing out the dampness. "Wait! What did you say?" said Walter feeling panicky. "There will be boys there tonight?" "Don't stress it Kell?" said Holly. "They're not from our school, so you won't know any of them just like you didn't know the guys at tennis. So just act cute and girly and you'll be fine." "But I know a lot of people." Walter started shaking. "Someone outside our school could recognize me." "Not all made up they won't. I doubt your own mother would!" said Holly calming him down. "But if it makes you feel better, we won't pull all your hair back off your face again." "Cute hair and nice makeup! You'll be fine," April assured him. "The dress came with a really cute headband if you want to try it," said Hannah, tossing something metallic on the table. "I love that!" April parted his hair on the left and stepping back looking at it. She then switched it to the other side and then down the middle before brushing it all forward, snapping in a few jaw clips. She took her time clipping in each weft and sliding her flat iron through the extensions in the back one at a time. "Ladies, open up." There was a loud knock. "Is everyone almost ready?" "Oh shit. Just a minute," Hannah said before yelling at the girls. "Get that dress on him girls, and I'll get the door." Lucy scrambled, quickly ripping open a package of pantyhose and having Walter step into them and then his shoes. The moment he did, Nina grabbed Walter's dress and dropped it over his head as April quickly zipped him up. As Lisa came in, she did a quick inspection looking around at everything as she then turned, staring at Hannah. "Much better than last time ladies, as I don't see any signs of any banned training items like before," Lisa smirked. "But I'll be watching you ladies carefully. You seem up to something that I just haven't put my finger on yet?" "Nope, we're all just getting ready for dinner, Lisa," replied Hannah as April got back to Walter's hair, trying to make everything seem normal. "So let us just finish up and we'll see you there." "Now that sounds much better ladies, but just a minute girls. I have something special for you for tonight," said Lisa, reaching into her pocket. "Here, I have a set for all of you. Go ahead put them on and let's see how you all look." "These are gorgeous," said Holly as her eyes popped. "We all got these?" "Yes! Actually your parents paid for them as part of the weekend fees, and we're giving them out as a little surprise," Lisa handed them out. "Each group gets a set of jewelry unique to only you ladies, and it's a nice bonding item for all of you. I think pearls will look great on this group." "I love those," said Lucy, taking the earrings from the cardboard packaging and instantly putting them on. "Me too," said Nina, dropping the necklace over her head. "This is so cool." "Do you not like them, Ms. McDermott? Lisa asked, seeing Walter stare at the back of them. "Oh no, there're very nice," said Walter, looking at her nervously. "I'll put them on later. I've just got to let April finish my hair first. It's a mess and it's almost time for dinner." "Oh, I didn't mean to embarrass you honey," said Lisa, feeling bad and giving him a hug, looking at him closely. "I've probably got some back in my room that'll work. Why don't you ladies finish getting ready and we'll go find them. Plus I can help fix that hair and you girls can all get ready." "Oh but April was helping me," said Walter, feeling uncomfortable to leave with her. "I'm not good with hair and she's amazing." "Oh, it's ok and once you're ready then just come right over April," said Lisa, taking him by the hand and looking over at April. "You sure?" said April, not sure what to do. "I wouldn't want to burden you doing what I was helping her with." "Oh stop. It'll be my pleasure to help," said Lisa flicking her wrist. "And I love that dress on you honey. Now come on let's get a move on." "Don't worry, I'll be right there," whispered April as she gave him a little nod to relax as he left the room with Lisa. Quickly they twisted down a few corridors as they headed down to Lisa's room. They sat at her little kitchen table as she rummaged through some containers, looking for some backs for the earrings' posts as he looked at all the shiny sparkling designs, until she got frustrated not finding what she wanted. "Any reason you never got them pierced, Kelly?" Lisa asked, dumping some contents onto the table. "Look through all these and let me get a feel for your taste?" "Umm.. no just never got to it I guess," replied Walter, feeling uncomfortable as he thumbed through some earrings with her until she stood up, pulling one of the top jaw clips from his hair. "Stop being so nervous honey, and those are really pretty," said Lisa, rubbing his back as he just moved the earrings around in the pile. "That's a nice choice." "Oh I really have no idea," started Walter. "I just...." "Relax Kelly. I went through some rough tom boy stages too," said Lisa, unsnapping and tossing one of the extensions on the table. "Trust me, I cut my hair way worse than you did honey, and you're at least lucky to have these pretty extensions. I was stuck looking all horribly boyish while it all grew out. Plus there are some really cute short styles right now that we never had." "No, I can't wear my hair short like a bo... I mean...!" whined Walter catching himself. "April was going to fix it!" "Wait? You knew they were extensions?" said April, surprised as she hurried in. "I thought I blended them well!" "Not bad, but I saw some seams with the jaw clips in," said Lisa, unsnapping another one. "Let's just take them out and let me get a few things. I'll help you fix all this!" Walter was now feeling even more nervous as he sat there seeing all his extensions being placed on the table as Lisa took a little spray bottle, slightly dampening his hair and brushing it back. "Give me those earrings you picked Kelly, and then just hold April's hand," said Lisa, taking them and walking behind him. "Now close your eyes and you'll be thanking me later." "Holy crap!" Walter immediately popped open his eyes as he felt the unexpected stabbing at his right ear, instantly reaching up his hand. "You didn't just do what I think you did! I thought you were fixing my hair!" "You're in high school and this is why parents do it to infants," said Lisa, grabbing his wrist as he saw her loading the metallic gun. "You're just lucky I still had this thing to do second holes. That's usually what we end up doing at these weekends for the underclassmen. I can't even remember last time I did first ones. Now be still and see you worried all these years about nothing. The pretty little studs you picked out are now yours, so consider it a gift as I love giving back to the younger girls. I don't wear them anymore anyway and you won't have to worry about this ever again." He felt the tears rolling down his face as he felt the second pop, and then she jumped over to the left side. He could hardly even utter a sound as he whimpered as she handed him some tissues and April wiped his eyes when Lisa exited the room for a moment. "You ok?" whispered April, rubbing his leg. "It's no big deal. Stay calm." "First the braces, then my freaking hair and now thi." Walter tried to compose himself. "I'm pretty stressed." "Oh honey!" said Lisa, rubbing his back as she came back in. "I didn't mean to overhear, but just relax I'm here to help you. You're in a beautiful dress and your makeup looks sensational. Now just take a few deep breaths and trust me. I can fix that bad haircut you got too, and make those extensions look amazing." "But I...I..." Walter tried to stop sobbing. "Plus the braces look cute on you. Now just take a deep breath, because I promise you're about to look incredible." Lisa looked at her watch. "Now April, you run back and get me her eye shadow kit and mascara. We'll fix the teary mess right after I fix these pretty locks. Now hurry back, because it'll be dinner time soon." As April left the room, Walter suddenly realized he was alone with Lisa as she ran into her bedroom and returned with a sheet. She quickly covered his dress and then began parting his hair with her comb. As she stepped behind him, he could hear her rummaging through a case and his eyes widened at hearing a snipping sound at the back of his head. As she moved to the left side, he turned his neck slightly, trying to see as she quickly tilted his head stopping him from moving. "Be still, Kelly," said Lisa. "I'm not cutting much, but just levelling the layers, and the extensions won't show if I place them in properly and blend. We can do something cute and modern tomorrow if you want with them out, but for now I want you to feel comfortable, ok?" "That should be easy," said Walter sarcastically with a nervous giggle. "It will," replied Lisa, stepping in front of him. "Now let me fix these unless you're growing them out to the side. Are you, because they are really uneven?" "At this point, side or middle doesn't matter," said Walter, nodding as she combed and trimmed. "Just fix it quickly please, as this is all too much." "Why is it the pretty girls lack the most confidence?" teased Lisa, lifting and trimming his hair. "Look down please and don't fidget for a moment. If you let me just trim what I need to, then everything's going to be so much better when I'm done. ok?" "Ok, I guess?" mumbled Walter. As he looked down, the comb stroked a lot of his hair forward as the dampness batted off his lashes. It then dug in at the front of his crown, pulling back some sections as she quickly placed her left fist under his chin, lifting his face up a few inches. "Chin flat, eyes looking down. I'm sure you know the drill, sweetie," said Lisa as he froze watching the scissors clear his moppy vision, followed by her brush. "This is going to be so much better." She then glided them across his brow line once more refining her work and switched on her blow dryer before he could utter a word. He wanted to reach up and touch his head, but his arm was trapped under the sheet as it took only a minute to dry his short locks. He looked over, seeing her grab the weft as expertly she lifted and snapped them under his little layers. When she finished, she tilted his face forward facing towards his lap and his eyes popped watching long strands slide down the sheet on each side. It didn't take long before she lifted his chin again and began stroking through his hair with her flat iron before combing through it and making some final snips. "Stand up and give me a little twirl, Kelly. Nice and slow ok?" Lisa ordered him, pulling off the sheet. "Is this cute on you or what?" "Wow?" said April, stunned as he spun around. "That's gorgeous on her." "I know, right!" said Lisa smiling as she proceeded to take the eye shadow kit from April, fixing his makeup. "I really didn't cut that much, but now her hair goes with the pearls and dress. Much prettier with her braces and her outfit. Plus when you LOB it instead of fully bobbing it, you can still do a lot with it." Walter glanced over at April as Lisa separated and coated his lashes a few times before she covered his eyes with her palm and coated his head liberally in hairspray. As Walter turned around completely, he could see his entire reflection in the long mirror, now in an apricot colored soft flowing dress looking more girly than he could have imagined. He looked up and down at himself in what felt so airy and weightless in his soft delicate dress and crunched his toes, feeling them trapped in the matching shiny ballet flats. It was hard to accept how far all this had come, as his extended hair had only been trimmed a few inches, yet reshaped, grazing three inches onto his shoulders in a pin straight middle parted long bob type style, with thick bangs at the edge of his brows. "Maybe you'll teach me some of those tricks, Lisa," April asked impressed. "That frames her face so perfectly!" "Sure, and if you want I'll do both of your hair for tomorrow night," said Lisa, dropping the pearls over Walter's head now. "There honey. These complete how adorable you look, and you chose a perfect dress for tonight. I love that color for redheads, and I bet some of the boys will too, but behave yourself girls. Now you two get moving and I'll see you there." Walter looked over at April, turning beat red as he twisted, feeling his hair swing in unison as he moved. It was hard not to feel sick to his stomach as he followed April from the room. "Stay calm. Everyone's dressed up nicely for dinner too," whispered April, holding his hand through the halls. "You look beautiful, and the alternative wouldn't be good, would it?." "Huuuggghhh!" Uttered Lucy, covering her mouth as they saw Walter with April. "Well, someone's not awkward anymore," teased Hannah. "All she needs is her little dollie now and you could do a hallmark cover." "Behave Hannah," said Holly, giving her a playful slap and hugging Walter. "You look so beautiful, Kelly. So classy and delicate." "Is that good?" asked Walter nervously. "It means you look amazing, Kell," said Nina handing April the headband. "You forgot this. Did you still want this?" "Sure. It'll definitely work with everything." April slid it on his head as it pulled his hair back a touch. "Now that's our table, so let's go sit down..." "Holy shit!" Spouted Hannah before having a good giggle and turning away. "Did Lisa do that?" "I thought she was doing clip in posts?" said Holly, stunned, taking April's arm leading her away for a moment. "You were supposed to watch her and now he's got bangs, had the extensions cut and got double pierced. Those things we can't fix." "I left for a minute, and when I came back it was done," whispered April. "The piercings took both of us by surprise. She said she normally does second holes on trips, but I didn't know anything about those or even that she's have a piercing gun?" "Don't make a big deal, Kelly is already on edge," Hannah replied. "Now no one has any chance of outing him now, so let's all just stick with the plan, especially since it's your turn later April and I'm pretty sure you're not looking to jeopardize that, are you?" "No way!" said April, nodding as they scurried over to everyone else now sitting down. They all sat gossiping until finally they were allowed to get up and walk to the buffet. Walter filled his plate and followed the girls back towards the table until Hannah turned looking at him and took her fork, wiping half his dish towards the trash. "Use your brain, Kell!" Hannah pointed to her dish. "Girls watch their figures! Understand? Now go back and fill your plate sensibly! Get some salad?" "I guess," Walter rolled his eyes, looking down and seeing all his meat and potatoes were gone as Hannah scraped it. He walked back, heading towards the back of the line as he stood there awaiting his turn, annoyed as he slowly passed all the things he really wanted to eat. He stared to his left momentarily distracted by a sparkle in the floor length mirrored walls, quickly realizing that the thin matching headband April slid on his head lifted his hair just a touch, exposing his glimmering faux diamond stud and pearl earrings. It was hard to concentrate stuck in his gaze as he looked up and down at himself in a short sleeved chiffon dress with a long strand of pearls around his neck. The apricot colored dress featured a slight scoop neck above a delicate upper sheer chest area with beaded flower pleated detail, and a touch of matching lace. Below, the soft thin silk ribbon sewn in, daintily defined the waistline and the dress flowed almost baby doll style in pleated rolling layers with a hollow light design and soft touch fabric. It was surreal touching the small stud and then pearl before feeling the twisted backs behind his lobes as he tried convincing himself they really weren't pierced through his skin. He blew a breath upward towards his hair, watching his bangs lift and drop right back to place as he stroked his pink nails through the edge of his straight hair, noticing the amazing shine and silkiness. He was also now wearing more makeup than previously, as his freckles looked less prevalent when mixed with more blushed cheeks and blended shadows. His lashes had certainly never looked this big, really showing off the green contacts now, especially as they peeked out from being fully lined and from under his thick bangs. He licked his lips, intrigued at their natural looking fullness, yet distracted by their reflected glow until finally he felt a tap on his shoulder breaking his gaze. "Sorry, should I go around you or do you need another minute to decide?" one of the boys asked. "I can wait but some of these guys are animals behind me." "Oh sorry," said Walter, all frazzled. "It's been a long day." "It's ok. Me too. Here, allow me?" said the boy, placing the salad on Walter's plate. "Oh thanks," said Walter, surprised as it hit his plate, feeling nervous as the boy made eye contact. "I'm Tim by the way," said the boy. "Ok then," said Walter, having no idea how to act. "Thanks again. Take care." He hurried quickly back to his table, pretty famished as he quickly sat down. He quickly caught up to the girls, eating salad didn't do much to fill him. They were gabbing and chatting as other girls came and went, as did some boys as he sat there listening to all the meaningless conversation, until he was startled by feeling a touch on his left shoulder . "Hi, it's me again." It was the boy from the food line.. "Remember me? Tim from before." "Oh hi," said Walter looking up, seeing him with another guy. "So I kind of never caught your name, and this is my friend, Chuck." "Hey Chuck," spouted April. "Remember me. I?m April. I think you know my brother don?t you?" "Yes, hey April!" said Chuck. "You look so grown up all dressed up. Long time no see, but it?s nice to see you again. I didn?t even recognize you?" "You too Chuck and thank you. So sorry to be rude," said April. "These are my friends, Lucy, Nina, and interestingly, I guess you met Kelly?" "Yeah we just met in the salad line," said Tim looking right at Walter. "So how was it?" "Oh, uumm very good, thanks," replied Walter, looking down as he fanned out his fingers, breaking eye contact. "So did any of you see the water falls?" said Chuck. "I hear they?re incredible if you want to take a quick walk." "We?re allowed to?" said Apri, looking at her watch. "Curfew is in thirty minutes." "Come, let?s take a quick peek," said Chuck, taking April?s hand. "Girls, come on," said April as her eyes lit up. Walter followed everyone as they walked for a few minutes from the dining hal,l seeing the water crashing from a distance. "Wow, pretty cool. maybe we can hike down there if we have some free time tomorrow," said Lucy. "Yeah, cause not dressed like this we?re not," said Nina. "Ok, well too chilly for me, and I?m heading back." "Yup, this noise makes me have to pee," teased Lucy. "I?m ready." "Been here. Seen it! I?m good. Thanks guys," said Walter, rolling his eyes. "I?m ready to get back to our room." "Ok, well Kelly and I will meet you back in five ok?" said April giving Chuck a look. "She and I could use just another minute before tonight." "What?s tonight?" asked Chuck, all curious. "Oh its nothing really, but we all take turns at some little games with each other and tonight we?re up," said April giving him a wink. "You know we?re a team." "Ah yeah?" mumbled Walter. "A team." "Cool, sounds like fun, but maybe can the team have a quick timeout?" said Chuck, taking April?s hand. "So if you two wouldn?t mind excusing us for just a minute. I wanted to show April something." "Sure," said Tim. "Thanks bro!" Chuck whinked at Tim as immediately Walter caught on. "So I should head back then," said Walter, immediately feeling uncomfortable as April disappeared from view for a moment. "Relax, we can?t leave them out here alone," said Tim, putting his arm around Walter. "Come on and let me warm you up and I know you must be a bit chilly in that dress." "Uuuhhh Tim," said Walter backing away. "I?m good. I don?t mind the cold." "Sorry, I didn?t mean to make you uncomfortable," said Tim, taking off his jacket. "I?m not that type of guy." "Oh sorry, I didn?t mean to be that way either," said Walter as Tim casually placed it over his back and shoulders. "I hate when guys are jerks like that too, and I didn?t really ping you as one of those." "Thanks," said Tim as they now stood together, looking at the falls. "I bet assholes hit on a girl like you all the time anyway. Must be annoying." "Like me? You?re kidding?" Walter laughed. "Trust me, it?s not what you think." "Seriously, you?re awesome!" said Tim looking away shyly. "You seem so cool and that?s a really great dress." "Cool, ok thanks?" replied Walter, feeling a bit weird now watching the little breeze slightly move his dress and lift his hair. "Sorry, I know I?m awkward. It?s just I never get to hang with the cool kids. You know the girls usually don?t even talk to me," said Tim nervously. "Sometimes kids think I weird with my braces, and I kind of slouch sometimes." "Seriously?" said Walter with a chuckle. "I?ve been the weird kid all my life and that was way before braces. Believe me I could tell you a crazy story you?d never believe about the shit that?s happened to me that got me here this weekend. But hey things happen for a reason, so I?m here and not complaining. I?ve learned an awful lot this weekend that I never would have guessed about what girls like and want." "Wait what?" said Tim lifting his hands getting confused as he looked at Walter. "But you?re a.." "Uuumm.. You know I mean other girls," said Walter, grabbing his wrist, realizing he confused him and quickly trying to cover himself. "You know the cool girls." "Ohhhh... Damn, you?re so easy to talk to Kelly!" said Tim perking up. "You know my best friend was with a little redhead when I was five, and she had these perfect bangs like you too and these big floppy pigtails. I had the biggest crush on her when I was little." "That?s great. But I can assure you I?m absolutely sure she was nothing like me." "I?m sure! Especially because I don?t remember her having salad stuck in her braces," teased Tim, turning towards him lifting his finger towards Walter?s lip. "You kidding?" said Walter annoyed yet laughing. "Not funny. I hate these things." "It?s fine," said Tim, pushing at his lip and sliding it out and flicking it away. "Thanks, anymore?" asked Walter, parting his lips with a big smile so Tim could inspect. "No not anymore," said Tim, lifting Walter?s chin and looking. "I moved on from her, but I found a new redhead to crush on." "Really, then maybe you should call her. Girls love surprises," said Walter, swishing his tongue across his braces and smiling wide. "Is it gone?" "The salad yes," said Tim. "The crush no." "Well good luck with thattttt...." Walter almost completed his sentence but was stunned as he suddenly found Tim?s lips on his. It happened so quickly and unexpectedly as he couldn?t believe his soft pat on the back turned to him holding on, as he was dipped backwards slightly, causing him to somewhat lose his balance. "Timmmmmm," mumbled Walter, trying to pull away as his mouth opened to speak, only to find Tim?s tongue enter as he struggled, not believing this was happening. What was only a second or two seemed like an eternity as he quickly twisted his neck and tried righting himself, regaining his balance when suddenly their lips were pinned together. "Oh SSSit," mouthed Tim as his words faltered as Walter pushed back to no avail. "Tttop its Ttttuck." "Ooohhh No," mouthed Walter, beginning to freak as he could feel himself shaking. "Easy please." Tim reached up his fingers between their lips, trying to get them apart. "You bent my wire. Our braces are Ttt-ttt-tangled." Tim tried twisting with his fingers with no success, and then moved his face in various directions as his lips swished every which way across Walters. "Hurry up," cried Walter. "I?m...I?m...." "Kelly? Huuuuuggghhh?" said a voice with a gasp as he looked over his shoulder, seeing April covering her mouth with her palms. "Are you kidding me?" "We?re stuck," mumbled Tim, looking over at them. "And I thought we really locked lips," Chuck quipped as April playfully slapped him and ran over looking at the situation. "Oh boy," said April, inspecting them. "Careful I?m not sure how it got so twisted, and some of that looks like it could be sharp?" "What?s going on here?" yelled Mrs. Sanchez, coming over. "Take a breath you too. This is not acceptable behavior." "They? stuck, Mrs. Sanchez!" said April, waving her over. "Oh my," said Mrs. Sanchez with an extremely agitated look on her face. "You two get back to your rooms and I?ll handle this." "Yes of course," said April as she and Chuck ran off. She opened her purse, taking out her phone and hit the flash light option as she shined it in their faces. "Don?t move you two," said Mrs. Sanchez, quickly hurrying back inside as they stood there lip locked. "Try harder, Tim," cried Walter. "Please." "Push in," mouthed Tim. "Maybe that will work." As they pushed their mouths towards each other, their lips swished and pushed constantly against each other as they awkwardly moved trying to free themselves. It was no use now as finally Mrs. Sanchez returned with an entire group of people as they took turns looking on. Finally, after a good ten minutes of adult discussion, they summoned the facilities manager who took a small needle nose plier, snipping Tim?s wire and freeing them. "Well then Miss McDermott, with the exception of a bit of a fat lip!" said Mrs. Sanchez, inspecting his mouth and teeth. "I believe he got the worst of it, and your braces seem in good shape. Report back to your room immediately and I hope you two have learned a lesson here." "Yes Mrs. Sanchez," said Walter, mortified and turning away beat red. "I?m sorry." "Sorry won?t cut it young lady, but we?ll deal with that in the morning," said Mrs. Sanchez sternly. "Now off you go." Walter turned, walking quickly as he hurried back to the room, anxious to get out of the mayhem. Once he got clear of their sight, he could care less how he looked as he broke into a quick jog, feeling his dress and hair flowing from his pace. He was slightly out of breath as he entered the room, slamming the door behind him as the girls instantly broke into applause and giggles the moment the saw him. He leaned back against the door, covering his face as he began weeping uncontrollably. Quickly feeling horrible, they all came over group hugging him to calm him down. "Sorry, sorry Kell," said Nina, rubbing his back. "We were cold and I guess we thought that maybe..." "Maybe what!" snapped Walter. "Maybe I wanted to kiss a boy. You know that?s bull shit! I did not! You guys stuck me there with him and abandoned me. He tricked me while I waited for April to finish her freaking make out session, putting his jacket on my shoulders to keep me warm and then next thing I knew our braces were locked." "I?m so sorry. It?s totally my fault," said April. "I didn?t expect anything like that, but I just needed a minute with Chuck. I?m sorry I just really liked him and it was so romantic with the waterfall and all. "Ok, ok," said Hannah butting in. "it?s over and no big deal. So you kissed a boy who thinks you?re a cute girl. It?s fine! Just chalk it up to another lesson for the weekend for you. It?s not like it was your first kiss or anything?" "Holy shit!" Holly saw him tear up and try to fight back the tears. "Was it?" "Leave me alone! Nina and Lucy already kissed me! You saw that," "I?ve had it girls. I want to go home!" "No you don?t," said April, slowly approaching and taking his hand. "This is my fault and I?ll make it better. Close your eyes and I?ll make you forget that kiss." Without another word, April began softly kissing Walter?s lips as he felt such a sense of relief as she took over caressing his face with her soft hands and tender lips. It was an amazing feeling as her tongue entered his mouth, quickly twirling with his as the sensation of being deeply kissed was better than he could have imagined. They kissed for a good five minutes until finally he felt April?s lift her knee and rub it against his dress. After a few quick pushes against his crotch area, she dropped it back to the floor and suddenly her hand grabbed his erection right through the layers of his skirt. "I think you?re over everything now, aren?t you." April broke the kiss. "I don?t know," whispered Walter. "But I do feel much better now." "Good, because I want my turn and I?m taking it now!" said April, squeezing his manhood very tightly now, causing him to tense up. "I think we could both use it actually!" "Ok?" Whimpered Walter extremely stimulated now as April dropped to her knees. He could still taste her minty breath on his as she slid down his panties and hose as they stretched across his ankles. He thought she might help him off with them, but instead disappeared from plain sight, burying her head under his dress as she circled little Walter with her tongue. She was groaning with excitement as she soaked him in her saliva before she dug her teeth into the flesh on his thigh giving a little love bit. "Sorry," giggled April as she released him and came out for air, looking over at Hannah. "So can I? You know what I asked you about?" "I guess, but they mostly won?t be like that you know?" said Hannah. "My boyfriend will if I ask him to do it!" said April, picking a pube from between her teeth. "Trust me I?ll make it worth it for whoever the lucky guy is, and tonight that would be you, little Walter." "Ok?" said a confused Walter as got to her feet. "Now let?s just move to the bed," said April as she stepped on his panties at the ground between his legs. As he moved, his flats and panties stayed put as he stepped right out of them as she led him to the bed by his penis. As he lay down flipping his feet up onto the bed, she approached him with a little case. "Now shimmy up higher on the bed and just let me lift and move your legs," said April, unfolding a white plastic looking garbage bag. "Just lift your butt for a second, and this is just so the sheet or that beautiful dress doesn?t get dirty." "Wait," cried Walter as he lowered himself back on the plastic, stretching his chin to look up at her. "This is making me nervous and I thought you were the normal one April!" "I am, I just like things extremely neat and clean," said April, filling her hand with a gel. "Now this will only take a minute, and it?s like just a clean up after all you?ve been through. Now head back and if you let me move you all will be fine!" "And if not?" whined Walter, feeling the cold gel against his balls. "The other options are all bad, so I wouldn?t move if I was you, ok?" said April holding a pink razor up so he could see it. He closed his eyes, almost not believing there was anything else they could do to him as he felt the razor drag across his testicles. It was strange to feel her move and hold his hard on as the only sound registering in his mind was the scraping sound across his public area. "Lift and spread, Kell," said April as suddenly he found his legs open wide and suspended as she and Lucy held one leg and Nina the other. "Trust me, this is better than waxing down there. That shit is nasty!" He was right that it didn?t take long as the razor glided through every crevice, as he knew he was soon to be completely smooth down there now. It didn?t take long either, as before he knew it she was cleaning the entire area with something moist, and then he could feel the sensation of some lubricant across his manhood soothing the entire area. When they finally released his legs, they dropped to the bed as she crawled between them, looking down on him spread eagle as she proceeded to kiss his smooth left testicle. She suckled for a moment before moving to the other and then kissed and licked the entire pubic area. With only her tongue, she lifted and kissed his rock solid member, twirling it around the very tip as she barely had any self-control left at all now. He could feel his eyes rolling towards the back of his head with excitement, until she suddenly stopped as he looked up at her, knowing how much she wanted this. "Sorry just need some protection," said April, ripping open a trojan. "Oh ok?" said Walter, surprised as he figured maybe being a neat freak she couldn?t handle his fluids like the others. As she unravelled it, he lay his head back down, oddly not feeling the rubber surround his manhood as she quickly engulfed him, slowly bobbing up and down and moaning. It was tremendous as he was loving every second but simply not exploding so fast for his third bj today, until suddenly he felt her finger rotating at his anus. He tried initially sitting up, only to be quickly pushed down by the girls as they lifted and spread his legs as April began taking him deeper. As s he engulfed him entirely, he gasped, feeling amazed but vulnerable as suddenly her index finger penetrated his anus. "What the fuck, April," cried Walter as the pleasure was enticing as he struggled at first before relaxing as she picked up the pace. She stretched and re-positioned them constantly before thrusting them in concert with her deep suckling. When she sensed him getting closer, she jabbed her nail tips into his tissue through the Trojan, causing a chain reaction of his explosion and moaning as she sucked him down. He could tell from her glee that she enjoyed this even more than he did, as she pulled her fingers from his crevice and almost couldn?t stop her licking and suckling until he was completely soft. "That was amazing," said April as she looked down on him almost lovingly. "I?m glad it was almost as good for you as it was me, and I want to thank you for helping me live out a fantasy, as well as get in my training." "I?m not sure how to answer that April, but it was pretty crazy," said Walter, still shaking his head at this non-stop day. "Yes it was," said Hannah, tossing him his night gown. "Now everyone to bed because it?s been a long day and tomorrow should be fun now that all you ladies are trained." Walter put up no fight, completely exhausted as they helped him off with his dress and dropped the nightgown over his head. He was out quickly once the lights were off, and woke up to a knock on the door in the morning. "Hey Lisa, it?s early what?s up?" said Holly, answering the door. "Mrs. Sanchez needs to see McDermott right away after last night?s episode," said Lisa. "Wake her lazy ass up, get her in uniform and have her there looking presentable in twenty minutes" "Ok no problem," said Holly, closing the door. "Oh shit. Kelly get up. Get up right now." "Now what?" said Walter wiping his eyes as he sat up. Quickly Hannah woke Holly and together they hustled, cleaning up a half asleep Walter. They took some wipes to his face, cleaning and redoing his eye makeup and then Holly got to work powdering and fixing his freckles. They worked as a team, quickly getting him in uniform and within fifteen minutes, he was surprisingly ready, not even knowing what really hit him. "Holy shit that was fast!" said Walter, looking down at himself. "Is one of you coming with me?" "Can?t," said Holly. "Just go say it was an accident, and it?ll never happen again." "Yeah do that and it should be fine," said Hannah, bending down and sliding on his shoes. "Ok, ok," said Walter nervously. "I?ll just apologize." "Perfect!" said Holly, sliding in his contacts and adjusting his collar. "Good luck!" Walter walked out of their room and trotted down to see Mrs. Sanchez, just looking to quickly get it over with. "Sit down, Miss McDermott," said Mrs. Sanchez, opening the file. "Yes mame," said Walter, sitting in as ladylike a fashion as he could, crossing his legs. "So what?s your excuse this time, young lady," said Mrs. Sanchez. "Excuse me."? asked Walter, surprised. "Yes this time Miss MsDermott." Answered Mrs. Sanchez, closing the file tossing it on her desk. "Even though this is my first year here, please don?t take me for a fool, Kelly. Certainly I can read your file can?t I?" Surprised, Walter nervously sat there, having no idea what to expect. "So I assumed maybe it was just some teenage hormones raging, or maybe a simple mistake, but I guess in your case it?s more isn?t it?" said Mrs. Sanchez, looking through the file. "Last year smoking and fighting in the court yard, the year before stealing supplies and spraying graffiti in the ladies room. Now this year, this?" "But I-" Walter started to say, as she stopped him, opening another file. "Wait a minute," said Mrs. Sanchez, flipping through it. "Oh my!..... I?m sorry dear. Look at these counts. I mean I can?t excuse your behavior, but I bet you were trying to compensate, weren?t you? Come with me young lady, and at least we?ll balance your issue." As she got up, she took Walter by the arm and dragged him down the hall into another office. She left for a moment, heading through another door as she left him sitting there. After about ten minutes, it finally opened as a woman signalled him in. "Nurse Wanda will help you honey, and then we?ll give you some appropriate chores, so you won?t falter again," said Mrs. Sanchez. "Please proceed Nurse, and I?ll be back when you?re finished." "Of course, Mrs. Sanchez," said Nurse Wanda. "Hop up and sit here dear." Walter sat on the elevated table, nervously crossing his legs tightly, worried about her examining him and finding his extra parts as she began with his blood pressure. She then listened to his heart in a few places and then looked into his ears and down his throat. He watched her open a large cabinet and take out some small vials, as instantly he got nervous. "Wait, what?s that?" asked Walter as his eyes popped open. "That?s not for me, right?" "It?s nothing, dear," said the nurse, injecting the syringe into one of the viles. "This will at least get your counts where they need to be until your body can properly produce." "Produce what?" Walter questioned her as she pushed his skirt a touch off his knee, took a cotton ball and wiped his thigh. "Estrogen, dear!" said the nurse, pinching his thigh and injecting the entire vile as he felt ready to pass out. "This will help jumpstart your hormone problems and get you right back on track and then some." "Are you kidding, you just injected me with estrogen!" Walter was stunned. "Well yes, and some stimulants that will help you," said Nurse Wanda, handing him a permission slip. "Your mother signed off prior to camp on us giving you any care you needed, and when I am done, this will make a big difference." "Done?" asked Walter, dropping the form as she wiped the other thigh. "Relax dear," said the nurse, and before he knew it she had injected him on the other side now. "From the results of your bloodwork, you?re hormones were so low I couldn?t even detect them, so it?s a good thing you girls volunteered blood so we could diagnose your issue. Don?t fret it! It happens sometimes, where basically some girls counts are closer to a boys than a girls, but with the mixture I just gave you, you?ll be feeling the changes and seeing some little buds in no time." "Buds?" asked Walter. "You know," said the nurse, pointing towards her chest and then his. "Normal growth." "Did you just say I?ll be growing boobs soon?" asked Walter,stunned. "Well of course not overnight, Kelly, so you?ll still need to stuff like you?re doing now for a while, if that makes you feel more natural, but that?ll be our little secret," said the nurse, flicking her wrist. "But the good news is they?ll be coming in soon and even with your estrogen levels not being up to par, I?ve heard you?re already a little boy crazy. But relax ,that?s a good sign but just kept those activities on the low side so you don?t get yourself in any more trouble ok?" "Oh this so out of control now," Walter started to rant. "Look, I just can?t keep this...." "Correct young lady, your behavior has certainly been out of control, and you just don?t want to make this easy on any of us! Do you?" said Mrs. Sanchez, coming in behind him. "And you?re right, we can?t keep up with any more of your nonsense, so instead of some down time like the other girls, we?ll be keeping you busy, starting immediately." "Busy?" Walter asked, as his eyes started tearing. "Please, I?m exhausted?" "Save those alligator tears for someone who would actually fall for them, and how much we?ll discipline you will certainly be up to you now. Show me you?ll behave properly and this won?t be too difficult. Show me otherwise and it?ll only get worse," said Mrs. Sanchez sternly. "Now go into the next room and you?ll find a change of clothes. I expect you changed and ready in five minutes." Walter put his head down and walked into the adjoining room, closing the door. He looked over at the basic outfit hanging there and let out a sigh, proceeding to change. As he came out, he was in nothing more than a basic flaring brown skirt and a white shirt type blouse. On his feet were simple grey loafer style shoes and on his legs white knee high socks. "Very nice," said Mrs. McDermott as she was awaiting his appearance, taking his uniform from him. "Here is your instruction sheet, and I?ll expect it to be memorized prior to your departure. You?re on bus 3, and you?ll be leaving within the next fifteen minutes. Go down the hall and I?ll meet you right before the glass doors once you?ve read it over." "Yes," said Walter, meekly walking down the hall reading the papers. It didn?t look too difficult, as it involved arts and crafts, painting, and a series of games. They seemed to be the things younger girls liked playing in school, so he wasn?t overly worried at first reading them as he awaited her looking at the glass doors. "Ready, Miss McDermott?" said Mrs. Sanchez approaching. "Wait, your punishing me by treating me like the little kids?" Walter was confused, looking out at them. "Of course not, dear," said Mrs. Sanchez, slipping a vest over his arms. "You?re going to be their group leader sweetie. I saw in your paperwork all of your wonderful girl scout experience, so I gave you all of our discipline needy children." "Wait, you want me to work with the problem juvie kids?" Walter asked as she now slipped a cute twist around his neck. "Exactly," said Mrs. Sanchez with a grin, as she twisted it closed. "I?ll expect you to be a role model and not a distraction, understood?" Walter gulped, not saying a word as she opened the door, handing him a clipboard. She gave a little shove as he headed towards his bus, seeing a few dozen unruly kids jumping like animals on board. It was like he was trapped, as the moment he boarded the stairs, the door closed as the driver pulled out and he was suddenly thrust into a role of troop leader Kelly. As he read the first name taking attendance, a rubber Spalding bounced off his forehead as they all laughed, enjoying his angst. He didn?t know whether to scream or cry as he did his best getting through the list, constantly being belted with balls until he jumped, screaming as a thick rubber band snapped against his bare thigh. He was ready to club the kid with the clipboard until he caught himself, controlling his anger. As he leaned in wiggling his finger to the boys, he tried not to flinch, feeling more rubber bands pelt across his thigh and ass. He knew he had to ignore it, taking charge as he did his best to control the kids, who barely listened to a word he said. Finally they arrived at their picnic type site as he was suddenly thrust into getting them seated. They were at four adjacent tables as he worked with them, cutting and gluing, making craft after craft. He actually did well at it keeping them busy until it was time for them to paint their creations. Once he set up the first table filled with boys, he was setting up one that seated girls as he felt something splatter across his calm. He looked down, seeing a mess of blue paint on his leg and as he turned, realizing he had to break up a fight. When he settled it, he set up the other two tables, but it didn?t last long as he felt more paint, only this time across his neck. He rushed to the table, stopping one of the unruly boys as another snapped a ruler against his ankle, while another squirted some glue and glitter across his vest. "Hey!" yelled a guy coming over. "That?s enough. Now sit down and respect your troop leader." "Thanks," said Walter meekly, half freaking out as the guy handed him a towel. "Hey, I remember you? From the tennis courts?" "Hey how are you Kelly?" "I?ve kind of been better," said Walter, feeling some relief. "Devin, right?" "Yes, and you?re fine," said Devin, wiping Walter?s neck. "A little colourful, but that?s all." "Thanks," said Walter as he handed him the towel. "Good seeing you again, but I?ve got to get back to my group," said Devin, softly rubbing his back. "Don?t give them an inch. I?ll see you tonight at the big dinner, right?" "Uuumm I guess," replied Walter, returning to his troop. The kids were calmer now, returning to their activities as he was finally able to handle them for the next few hours. They easily boarded back on the bus and he returned without issue, seeing Mrs. Sanchez awaiting him as he arrived. "Looks like you had some fun, but I?m sure you?ll be able to wash it out dear," said Miss Sanchez, handing him a list. "Down the hall you?ll find some clean clothes to wear while you launder these and finish your chores. Now don?t dilly dally, because you?ll certainly need more time than expected to shower and get ready." He was already pretty tired as he made his way down the hall, seeing the piles of laundry which were now part of his chores. He loaded machine after machine and then changed into the basic grey housemaid type uniform as he washed his troop leader outfit and worked. For the next two hours, he folded and ironed linens, cloths, and napkins before helping set the tables, until finally he was allowed to change back to his troop leader outfit.

Same as The Irish Curse 3 Videos

3 years ago
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My Irish Bonus

I stared at an empty computer screen. It was hard to get back to work after a wild weekend like that. That was the wildest time I’d had since my ultra horny college days. Back then they had just super charged my balls. My doctor discovered my scrotum needed to be untwisted. After that it was like having a second puberty. I thought I had a big erection before then. Plus I would soon discover an extra bonus. My first girl friend in college didn’t have much going for her in the face department....

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The Irish Cutie and the Viking Priest My Irish Cutie from New York will remember this well! ------------------ Standing before the Viking tent in full costume I had a great view of the crowd. Lots of people were in costume and it was plain that that beer vendors had been having a banner day as groups of revelers made their way from shop to shop and venue to venue. I pulled up the two foot cow’s horn and blew a mighty call that echoed through the village of Lesser Willy Nilly. I watched as a...

2 years ago
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The Luck of the Irish

It was Friday, another long week had finally come to an end. It was also, St. Patrick's Day weekend. My husband and I had plans to meet at a local tavern after work, along with our co-workers, to start the weekend.We work together, but as attorneys, we don't get the luxury of always being in the same building. Today, had been no diffrent, John got to spend the day in the office, I had been out working with women at a shelter, and than in court. We were okay with that.We decided to role play...

Love Stories
5 years ago
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First Blowjob From My Irish Exchange Student

I watched Kathleen my 19 year old red haired Irish beauty head bouncing up and down between my legs, and she sucked hungrily on my engorged cock. Who knew that four weeks ago this 19 year old virgin had never had a man before, so much as tasting a man’s cock in her sweet mouth? Kathleen had been sucking me for about five minutes now as I felt my cum rising from my dick. I moaned and arched my back as my young Kathleen realized I was cumming. Kathleen had learned her lessons well; she sucked...

3 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 2

I will admit I have had an entrance met with less enthusiasm before but I also have to admit those times I was being shot at. The girls were for the most part scattered around the room in no particular order I could figure out but then what I don't know about recording music could fill entire databanks. Their expressions ranged from outright disgust to mild interest with a touch of apprehension and apathy thrown in. Rachael was standing in the middle of the room surrounded by interesting...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 6

So anyway after that just about every night my room or wherever I happen to be became the resident flop house for eighty percent of the band. They loved my collection of old 2-D "Pictures" as they called them. That didn't surprise me that much; most people today haven't seen one of the old flicks, they're not standard fare on the vid channels and until they've seen one they probably think they're all boring and flat. Flat they may be and not really suited for viewing in a holo-tank (I...

4 years ago
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TGS The Disregarded Curse

The Disregarded Curse A Timber Grove Story by Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Bonnie Slanger sat in a small office biting her lower lip. She was fighting the urge to get up and walk out, all the while trying to avoid making eye contact with the trampy secretary sitting at her desk. As Bonnie glanced in her direction again, she was amazed that the Coho Resort Hotel would allow their staff to dress so provocatively. The young girl looked like she would be rather primp and proper, until...

2 years ago
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The Curse

The Curse By GSElvis (c) 2002 Hey, it's me. Look, I'm sorry to have woken you up. But I never would have called you in the middle of the night if it wasn't damned important. I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to treat it as if it's the most important question anyone has ever asked you. That means no kidding around, no dodging it, no bullshit. You're the one person I know who will tell me the truth. Everyone else has gone crazy. First, though, I want you to shut up...

2 years ago
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Breaking the Curse

This is a partial rewrite of a story that I wrote about 2 years ago. Breaking the Curse By Morpheus "Curse it." Prince Caiden growled, pulling a bandage on his arm, disgusted by the sight of blood that soaked through. It wasn't the blood that disgusted him, just the fact that it was his own. And that it shouldn't have been. "He cheated." Caiden growled, glaring around his empty room. Just a short while earlier, Caiden had been sparring in the castle courtyard with one of the...

4 years ago
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The Curse

Dale thought life couldn't get any better. On his 17th birthday, his folks got him an IROC. He had clothes, money, and when he graduated his Dad was going to make him a full brother in the KKK. Dale made like awful for any black kid in his high school. The Principal was one of his Dad's best friends. Everything was going his way. Till the week Marc and Pam DeCroy enrolled in Dale's school. The DeCroys had moved to Georgia after their father's home in the French Quarters of New Orleans...

2 years ago
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A Different Curse

This is my first story. Please let me know if you like this format. Please remember to vote and to leave a comment. Julie Naha was 28 years old and was 5’7′. She had dark brown hair that was long and framed her face. She had brown eyes, a small nose, and medium lips. Her body wasn’t too muscular but she was fit because of her activities. Her breast was a 32B, a firm stomach area, and legs that were somewhat firm. Julie loved to do many things. She loved to hang out with her friends. She also...

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The Fattorusso Curse

This year, my senior year, I’ve had the honor to be in Mrs. Fattorusso’s class. She quickly became my favorite teacher. It took a couple months, but by May, I had become her favorite student. Unfortunately, I started to develop a massive crush on her which made it harder to pay attention in class. That’s when I began staying with Mrs. Fattorusso after school for extra help to ensure my grades wouldn’t slip. I thought it would be awful if liking a teacher was the reason why my grades dropped....

3 years ago
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The Curse

The Curse By S.D. Vine I wasn't really having a good time that night at the bar. Truth be told, I had been practically dragged out in the first place by my best friend Joe, who told me he was tired of me "sitting on (my) ass" every night "finding new ways to be boring." Quite frankly, if this is what qualified as being not boring, I'd rather be bored to tears. To begin with, I'm not much of a drinker, so leaving the house to go to place designed for buying and consuming alcohol...

3 years ago
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BtVS A Demonrsquos Curse

Buffy came home and collapsed on the bed. "Not a great night for slaying," she said to herself as she lay there in the dark room, feeling so tired she was almost sick and could throw up at any moment.This wasn’t the first night that had ended this way.Lately it seemed she was slower to vanquish the demons, and a couple of times she was dangerously close to being one dead Vampire Slayer herself. If it wasn’t for her quick thinking.'It was strange,' she thought, 'I can leave the house so full of...

4 years ago
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The Witchs Curse

The Witches Curse Steve Islop should have been a very happy man as he sat in his railway carriage, looking out at the scenery rushing by, as his train sped from London towards Plymouth - but he wasn't! Most young lawyers, two years qualified out of College, would have been overjoyed at the prospect of taking up an appointment with a respected provincial firm of Solicitors in a pretty market town in the middle of Devon; but Steven wasn't like most young lawyers. Two years previously...

2 years ago
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John the Irish Firefighter

John was a good-looking, Irish firefighter in his 50’s. He saw Jeanne’s profile and thought he would send her an email. To his surprise, she responded to it. He explained he had been a firefighter for a while, was divorced, and had two children. He also gave a physical description of himself. He had salt and pepper hair and was balding. Jeanne did not know what she thought of the baldhead since she always had liked men with lots of hair and preferably curls. One day he asked her to call him...

3 years ago
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Irish steam bath a true story

Together with my wife I spent a few days in a medium-sized country hotel in the Spessart, a wooded landscape in Germany not far from Frankfurt. As most of the guests book these wellness oases from Friday to Sunday noon, it was quite crowded there on Saturday and also on Sunday at the breakfast buffet, but after that, the hotel emptied visibly. As we made an extensive day hiking tour on Sunday, we were a little surprised about the now quite empty hotel when we returned in the late afternoon....

2 years ago
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Luck of the Irish

‘What the fuck just happened?’ The thought echoes through me like a shockwave, making my skin tingle as if lightning had just struck a nearby tree. The memories of this night have me feeling raw and exposed.I can sense her taste on my lips, and the subtle remains of her fragrance is lingering on my shirt. If not for these sensations, and the warm burn of her touch on my skin, I wouldn't believe any of it ever happened. Yet, I know it did.This is a new and exciting feeling. I want to remember it...

4 years ago
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First Lesbian Encounter With My Irish Neighbor on

Maureen and I had been lesbian lovers for going on three years now. As crazy as this seems we met at a PTA meeting and became friends. She had just moved here from Ireland and knew no one, but for some strange reason Maureen and I had a special attraction to each other almost instantly. We were both happily married to two great guys. We had money, nice houses, new cars and were “good girl” suburban house wives with five k**s between us. Who would guess that today we were madly in love with each...

3 years ago
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Irish Curse 4

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Four He was dying to take a break as he headed back to the room, instantly receiving some hugs from the girls as he entered. "We were all so worried," said April hugging him again. "So glad you're back, Kell." "Devin texted us a few pictures." Hannah flipped around her phone. "I guess Miss Sanchez was more pissed than we thought?" "Ya think," said Walter, tossing up his hands and then sitting down. "I'm so...

2 years ago
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My Tinkerbell 8211 The Irish School Teacher

Hello ISS readers. I have been a long time ISS reader, and today, I am here to share my memorable event about my Tinkerbell. I am Harsha, 33 years, and I live in Boston. I am about 5″10, fair looking and fit. Like most Indian marriages, my family forced me into an arranged marriage. I was a virgin and innocent until I was married. My sex life literally sucked as my wife had no interest in it. Though there was barely any sex, I kept my patience until 6 years of marriage. However, the biological...

2 years ago
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Irish Pennants

"Irish pennants" is Marine Corps lingua franka for a cardinal sin in uniform inspections. The often tiny threads so commonly disregarded in normal circumstances of civilian life become the fine line between an ordinary performance and an outstanding effort when the points are added up. This perceived meaningless exercise in nitpicking actually has intrinsic value in the training objective of teaching young American males to leave their "good enough" attitudes behind. It stresses the...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 3

I'm pretty sure you can't die from embarrassment. At least I'm fairly sure you can't. You couldn't tell that by me right then. First off, it's embarrassing that a grown man can't even stop a ity-bitty girl who masses about half his weight (don't give me any crap about the differences between "weight" and "mass"; yes I know physics and yes I know the difference) from stripping off his shirt. True, given any other circumstances I wouldn't have minded one bit; she's a tasty little...

3 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 4

The next day was moving day. I've heard how being out on tour with an entertainer can seem a little like riding a tornado without a safety belt but you couldn't tell that by me. I've heard how some tours play twenty cities in twenty days but that isn't how things are done in Ireland. Time seems less important and venues aren't always open when you want them to be. We were doing 25 shows in three months and that included a two-week break in the middle to "relax." Not exactly an arduous...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 13

Five more concerts and the tour would be over. What would come after that would be interesting. I was going to have to return to the States and get all the paperwork ready for the marriage contract. Part of it we could work out ahead of time: time limit (none), obligations to future children, allocation and definition of common property and other standard stuff like that. I sent it to a law firm specializing in civil union contract law. I'm kind of an old-fashioned guy; I know the term...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 14

I felt like a real piece of shit but I have to admit I felt relieved when I heard it was Rachael that had been kidnapped and not one of my girls. That didn't last long though. I mean if you put my feet in hot coals and tied electrodes to my testicles you could probably get me to admit I had even started liking the little twit ― a little bit anyway. But that didn't matter. Being a kidnap victim is nobody's idea of a good time. The percentage of live retrievals is depressingly small and...

2 years ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 15

I woke up to a pair of black eyes staring into mine only centimeters away. "I must be in heaven," I whispered. "Well," Leanne replied with a slight grin on her lips. "Ah will say of all the first words ya could have when returning from the dead those certainly saved yer arse a stern talking to." "I love you," I whispered again. "I wanted to say that before they..." "Enough," she said placing a finger lightly over my lips. "We know and that's enough." Her fingers moved up to...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 34 An Irish Lass A Violation Rose

Over thirty people sat around in the core living room as the ‘class’ started. Some were seated on the floor, seating on the sofas and chairs, or even standing or leaning against some of the furniture. This was the largest Circle 101 class Dave had ever seen. Dave went around the room having each person briefly state their name and one sentence about themselves. There were quite a few new people compared to the previous session two weeks earlier. Among them were: Barbara, Marie, Luke, Zoey,...

4 years ago
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The Pharaohs Curse

I was watching a special about Pharaohs of Egypt, and they began talking about one in particular that I found fascinating. They showed a statue Amenhotep IV and I was surprised to see wide hips, narrow waist, and what appeared to be female breasts, on what was supposed to be a male ruler. Well, needless to say, I could see the potential for telling a grand tale of a cursed mummy who transforms victims into female followers. The following is my attempt at entertaining you, and I do...

2 years ago
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Sorcerers Curse

Disclaimer: You really should be 18 to read this so scram if you aren't. Sorcerer's Curse By JR Parz Given he was an only child and raised by his rich aunt, money had never been an issue with him, therefore it didn't come to any great surprise when he decided to take the summer off after he graduated UMASS with a Master's degree. One evening while he was looking for a video to rent at Blockbuster Video, his attention was drawn to a pair of young blonde beauties standing by the...

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The Reverse Curse

Some like the SRU wizard. I've sort of spun up my own version - a gypsy woman named Madam Zelda. She is sometimes helpful, sometimes nasty, and always has some gender-bending effect. I hope you like it. (My first story, entitled Fraternity Drag Ball, featured Madam Zelda. Look for her in future stories. I like her style...) I do like feedback from readers. Leave comments, or e-mail me at [email protected] ***************************************************** The...

4 years ago
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The Venus Curse

The Venus Curse By Lampwickxxx There was nothing in the mail for John that morning. But just as he was turning away from the door he heard a letter drop onto the mat. The postman must have forgotten it and turning back he saw a pink envelope lying on the mat. Picking it up he looked at the crisp black letters and his address. Opening it, he found a single piece of very fine paper inside, the border was gold and in old fashioned writing it had complete jargon. Metaphorsic Venus...

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