On Anthony Bourdain free porn video

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"On Anthony Bourdain" Suicide? You stupid FUCKTARD! What the FUCK were you thinking!? There. I said it. That's my opinion, short answer. So that's enough of that. As fucked up as my life has been, oh yeah, I've thought that subject through more than once. Working on your feet sixteen hours a day, sometimes seven days a week and the arthritis is here now and getting worse and there's nothing you can do about it. Wondering why you barely have enough gas in your car to drive to work every morning and now that the car is older you have the audible mantra well in mind every morning before sunrise when you hop behind the wheel and twirl that key in the lock "come on baby, one more time." You realize you'll have supper tonight though, you've still got a few slices of dry bread and maybe some of those cheese flecked bologna slices in the yellow plastic package and that last can of tomato soup to be made with the remaining dash of milk that hopefully, isn't too far past its expiration date. And you know there won't be any steak dinners anytime soon, because now with a "bone condition" the old choppers are starting to thin out anyway. And then? You're off to your seasonal job with no benefits and no future. That "five-bucks-an-hour-and-all-the- coffee-you-can-drink" job description all too ingrained in those of us old enough to understand that mantra too. I remember the night John Lennon was assassinated. Up in the high north of the Midwest snowflakes were just starting. I was at a stop sign with the blinker blinking, about to turn and head home for the evening. It was around 10:10 CST. The AM jock came on and said, "John Lennon shot in the back! Rushed to the hospital." They said he had a chance. But as soon as I got home I hollered at my dad who never missed Monday night football. "John Lennon's been shot, but he might still make it!" I said. Then my dad looked away from the screen and said, "He's dead." I went slack-jawed and felt the color go out of my face. "Howard Cossell just reported it right over the football game," he finished. I knew it was real then and there, because nobody breaks into a football game with news, never. And that was it. There would be no Beatles reunion, not now nor ever again. My Pearl Harbor moment. But now, there is another. It was this year, June eighth, 2018. I'm a writer. I got up for coffee and dialed up the internet on one computer then activated my Final Draft program on another to start my day, the grey screen and blank white page glaring at me once again with their eternal mocking "fuck you" as another day in my "pit of solitude" was about to begin. I took a strong hit of coffee and lit a cigarette and waited for the writing "muse" to appear, but she was late as usual. I glanced on my main screens internet page and there on the title page was a picture of Anthony Bourdain smiling at the camera. Ah! I smiled at seeing his picture. I hadn't seen his show in a while since I dumped my cable television but I was always on the lookout on Youtube, Netflix or Amazon Prime. Was it another show episode? Another series concept? Or maybe another kitchen book or novel? My mind raced! I saw your picture and your name posted and all those thoughts raced through my mind in a happy flash that happened in a mere instant. And then I read just why your picture was posted so large and so prominently. Then I read the whole text: "Anthony Bourdain, 61, dead, suicide!" My second Pearl Harbor. I started out learning about you by seeing your television show "A Cooks Tour." Cable had become a wasteland so there I was, I'd stumbled into one of those high channels, a cooking channel dumped between two shopping networks. I caught a few interviews you did and kept watching as you moved through "No Reservations," "The Layover," and finally "Parts Unknown." I also heard your voice on the speaker one night and sat down to see your latest venture on yet another boutique show "Raw Craft." I'd learned you were a writer, who luckily escaped the kitchen grind with old age nipping at your heels by writing your first kitchen book entitled: "Kitchen Confidential," the one you thought nobody would ever read. That's how it works sometimes. I well understood your thoughts. Starting with the fact that we're both guys, grey hair, and nearly the same height, and I'm only a year younger I looked further and found we had a lot more in common, even thoughts of suicide, but I've come to grips with the sorry state of this country and life in general and the breaks that seem to always go to someone else but never me and a third mantra "I work ten times harder than everyone else but only get half as far." But Suicide? Ain't in my vocabulary anymore. Ain't gonna happen. No way. No matter how tough things get I'm going out always getting back on my feet and back on that horse to give it just one more try, and ride just a bit longer and farther to see what's over that next hill. The Beatles hung with the maharishi looking for the real meaning of life. They never found it. I guess I was looking for a new guru when I found you. Someone who could maybe make sense of this shitty world we all now live in. Being older and wiser I realize that you most likely couldn't have the answer either. But the way you were able to lay things out I guess we were all hoping you did. It's extremely rare to happen upon a true five-star threat. A gifted author, narrator, executive producer, world traveler, and oh yeah, a chef. But there was more, so much more we never saw, all those future accomplishments still out there, still over that next hill. You'd hit your mark, your stride, and it would soon be a near certainty you'd work something else up to amaze. You might have had the time to learn the bass. If only you'd have just hopped back onto that saddle at least one more time. You read all the time about suicides, people with hopeless, tough lives that feel that everything is gone and that it ain't ever gonna come back, ain't ever gonna get better. But there are also the people that decide to die because they have too much, and they are too successful now. Their thoughts "Why have I been so lucky?" Bothering them to the point of embarrassment so profound that they decide to check out in case they are discovered to somehow be a fraud. Strange thought but very true. But that's for someone with a diploma in psychiatry to ponder, not me. So, here I sit, sad and wondering just like Zamir Gotta, your Russian friend who is knocking back the vodka shots between tears now and your good friend chef Eric Ripert who will always wonder "why" whenever he can work his thoughts past the horrible and indelible memory of discovering you hanging from a shower rod. And all the rest of your associates and family and the millions upon millions of friends the world over you left behind still wondering "why" themselves. It was interesting to hear you say that everything you have ever written has been published, even your notes that ended up in the newspapers. Not that your novels are up to "Gone With The Wind" standards,(while I believe your cooking stories are). That is interesting, and more than rare, or as you prefer medium-rare. I'm into my writing game right here, right now as you once were, grinding out "Kitchen Confidential" with no hopes of making a sale or getting ahead. For me these days, only something to keep busy with in my early retirement. With the exception of my self-published masters thesis dealing with geography and urban planning which pondered why homes in my locality were sliding off hills and how such a thing could happen that's about it. Dry words on dusty pages sitting on a dusty archive shelf, that will probably never be read nor see the light of day ever again. Nothing more than a text between expensive bound faux- leather covers that satisfied one of my advanced degree requirements. But there are other works. Two years out of college with still no decent work in sight I began writing of sorts. I happened upon Michael Pillar, once a show runner for Paramount Pictures Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He was on one of those schlock pitch networks selling copies of Phasers and Klingon knives and Tribbles and other curios and he mentioned they had an open door policy as far as spec teleplays were concerned. I had been fed up with Star Trek: The Next Generation for a long time at the poor writing and figured anybody could write better than that and I was game to give it a try. I got stuck writing a dry-as-death thesis so how hard could it be to actually write something fun? I sent my first story in and they ended up keeping it five months. Of course it didn't sell. I continued on writing other stuff and kept at finding an agent and luckily bumped into one who asked about my Star Trek script. When I mentioned they kept it for five months he said: "you were close." That got me signed. So now it's two complete teleplays, one a Star Trek: Voyager episode. That one only lasted two weeks until it was returned no sale, my last of two allowed chances with Star Trek. I ground out another seven or eight feature length screenplays and then a 427 page science fiction novel on time travel I was especially, and still am trilled about. And now this latest novel. More of a treatise on current events so far but we'll see where it goes. For now I'm only seeking the truth. I'm not looking for any quick sales. You wrote how you grew up, how you traveled to France on the Queen Mary and hated the beret and shorts you were forced to wear on vacation. And then you mentioned having the connections to get into the CIA cooking university but never mentioned how you were able to afford such an expensive school. I'm guessing your family was of far better means than mine. You say you missed your dad when he died so young and how you wondered why your mother had you. I never had those problems because I started out in an orphanage. A gothic inner city building in old Minneapolis, built in the late 1800's with large open rooms that had been taken up by the local Lutheran Social Services. They filled one of the large rooms with dozens and dozens of cribs filled with babies, 61 in all. While I, number 62 on the other hand was wheeled out into the front room and up against a wall near the reception desk as some kind of infant overflow. Others ended up there but I was the first. Unwanted - twice. I often joke by saying: "I started out life in an orphanage, and things went downhill from there." A virtual truism with one of the few grand exceptions of my life, the wonderful parents I was truly blessed with at the young age of three months. And in being stuck in being the odd-man- out all alone in the reception area maybe it really wasn't so bad. 61 babies in the one large room past the glass paned wooden double swing doors being watched by maybe five overworked nurses. They would feed the babies(sparingly) and change diapers. And once they laid that baby back down and he looked ok, that nurse was off once again in her white seamed stockings and sensible white shoes while the babies could only sleep or just lie there in wide eyed Tabula-rasa while I had a receptionist lady all to myself. I also caught another break. In the life-sucks department, I can also add that I have never been a babe-magnet. The old joke "couldn't get laid in a whore house" comes to mind. Just never worked out. But back then I looked pretty good If I do say so myself. What saved me was a nearby secretarial school. Back in the day before computers secretaries actually had to learn how to type and take dictation with real shorthand. That was another old building, a forboding Liverpoolesque looking block or so up the street from the orphanage. After the school girls finished for the day most of them trudged the three or four blocks down the street to line up at the bus stop for their ride home. One day, I guess it was raining or cold, one of the young girls stopped by, her bus stop at the end of the block, the bus still ten or more minutes away. She noticed the babies like all women do and she noticed me in my entrance hall crib first. Well, instead of me continuing to lay around all day like a pool float she picked me up and began playing with me. I don't remember but I do understand that babies do like attention. It wasn't long until there were dozens of those petticoated, swirling skirted June Cleaver look alikes storming the Bastielle. The nurses didn't like it, these young women disturbing the babies like that but then the head nurse had second thoughts, babies do need attention. So the place became a type of infant petting-zoo and in no time the cries of loneliness changed into echoes of giggles and laughter. Kinda worked out for all involved. All the girls, ah. Wish I could remember. Being in the reception area I would always be the first one they'd reach for. When my future mother first entered the place hoping to look into adoption I was the first one she noticed. And nearly daily after the cuddles I must have been filled with kisses because she used to laugh and tell me she often had to dab her handkerchief on her tongue to wipe off the half dozen different shades of lipstick on my lips, nose, forehead and cheeks! That was what caught her eye and must have sealed the deal because she next brought along my future dad and I soon broke out of that place and got a second start. Early 1970's I went to cooking school too. Of course not at your level. Mine was, shall we say a bit more conservative. High School Vocational Cooking School. A one year course in the how too's of cooking. To prepare basic food without poisoning anyone and hopefully without cutting yourself too badly and learning enough "moves" to get around a real kitchen and avoid burning yourself on all the hot stoves. I did about well enough to get by but made the mistake of cooking a slab of beef, basically by accident that was so good I nearly had to go to a state wide cooking talent cook off! Nothing fancy, just spiced it up, tossed it around the pan a bit and browned it with butter to kill time in class then after a half hour turn in the oven I slid it on a clean, hot plate, added a sprig of parsley and a twist of carrot for garnish then lined it up on the serving line. I had no concept of turning this small roast into any real meal. I just called it South Dakota Beef Steak. The teachers from the whole school arrived then grabbed napkins and knives and forks and jotted down their notes as they moved down the line and chewed away. Luckily, a friend of mine and a pretty good cook had made a far more ambitious swiss steak in a smooth, mushroom deglasse sauce. He won the contest and ended up having to attend the South Dakota Cow-belle Cooking Contest half way across the state and waste an entire weekend to re-cook that same fabulous meal. It was mostly all women with a cowgirl on the contest entry. How humiliating for us few guys in the cooking class who'd already been teased in the halls for being sissies or queers. Funny how those pricks never entered the kitchen when us guys had our sharpened chef knives in hand. I was more than happy to come in a strong second place that day. And Kevin? Well, he did just fine. After high school he went to work at the town's top prime rib and steak joint and ended up as head chef. In addition to the class work you had to get a job in an actual kitchen and actually cook or at least try. Luckily my dad ran the local bowling lanes in town. Back then in the early 1970's there weren't any Arby's or McDonalds, not around here anyway. And as my dad used to say: "the best hamburgers are always at the local bowling lanes." That as they say was my "in." I started out as a dishwasher/prep monkey, mostly making Reuben sandwich specials and those finicky layered toasted club sandwiches you spike with tasselled toothpicks and slice into four quarters then add a handful of hot fries. I learned to portion bare handed and got tough hands and used to the heat as there was never time to look for a set of tongs. However, I was told that I always added too many fries. Still learning about portion control. I had big hands I guess. I remember well your little story addition about being really sunk in the kitchen, "being totally in the weeks." We'd heard about it and been warned about it in school but we all laughed and only considered it a myth. In reading your book and in seeing that hour of video with you and Eric Ripert behind the grill really made it for me because somebody else besides me actually understood! Cooking, at least my base number of being a short-order cook was the toughest job I ever had. The afternoons always started out easy, like a cosmic tease. The old guy in for his daily hamburger steak, hash browns and toast, or on a different day he might swap the burger out for a fried ham steak and maybe with a lettuce salad on the side this time. A few ladies stopping by for coffee and a light chef's salad? No problem. Add a few walk ins that wanted the burgers either deluxe or plain with onion rings or fries and it was a no brainer, easy. But then you'd always know at the back of your mind that supper was on the way and it wasn't going to be pretty. And unfortunately, there were only three people in my kitchen on any given night, me, myself, and I! I enjoyed the slow times, usually around ten at night. While waiting for the grill to cool I'd usually make a few pies and restock the pie case and I'd always restock my " mese-in-place ", fixings for sandwiches and such and I'd get the salad container ready and fresh for the next day, always making sure to add a few gratings of carrots for color before draping a damp kitchen towel over the large bowl before putting it in the low boy. It was a good part time job that paid as good as any in the place. I even kept up when the busses would pull in with the fans and cheerleader squads on Friday afternoons before the basketball games. Thirty hungry kids that I knew would be fresh in from an all day drive and more than hungry. We often got many local kids as well. I would usually take the chance and immediately start thirty or so burgers on the grill and get a huge fresh bag of fries from the freezer opened and dumped into both bins of the hot deep fryer. By the time they were seated and ordering I was already dropping the burgers, double cheeseburgers and pizza burgers with fries on the slide to be picked up, the waitresses could take their pick. But, in addition to the cafe the place also had a full lounge. The bar crowd didn't often eat but when they did that kitchen really got slammed. I can, to this day well remember my best and most famous beat down, my "trip into the weeds." For some reason it had been a busy day, very busy. The lunch rush was a killer and afterwards it took another hour to load the dishwasher, stack plates, haul garbage and mop and restock the sliced meats, and the veg and cheese trays. There were piles of huge pots and pans to soak and scrub too. I got through that and the lady head cook that left for the night wished me well and made sure to tell me as she always did to keep the place clean, especially the grill. She'd be the first one to see it in the morning so the grill was always a priority with me, spotless. The busy day which was unusual seemed to raise the hair on my neck while scrubbing pans, that warning shot as the breeze cools and changes direction and you turn to see the dark storm clouds forming on the horizon. You're alone, supper shift is heating up, even the waitresses seemed to be stretching their arms and legs, and you just knew there was no escape. The truly macho, killer disaster trip into the weeds was just around the corner. I prayed it wouldn't happen but as the parking lot began to fill with cars I knew it was already too late! As the supper hour started I was busy at the grill, my shirt and brows already soaked, the sweat dripping off my nose. The cafe was filled and the board looked like fucking Normandy! The order tickets usually stacked neatly in line above the grill under the rubber holder on the long aluminum line was now not only full but the tickets were double and triple stacked on overlap, half over the one after the other, there wasn't any more room for tickets so I'd have to stop and double check each one before putting the orders up. New tickets went under a coffee cup on the corner of the work station until they could fit on the rail. And the grind went on. Another hour in and nothing had changed, the tickets were still overlapped and then the bar crowd started! More tickets but these were from the bartender now and instead of just burgers it was chicken dinners and full on steak and baked potato dinners with all the trimmings! Now salads were added to my duties. My head spun but I soldiered on. Then about a half hour later one of the bowlers on some team had made a bet on a steak dinner. Evidently he lost and the whole team plopped down in the bar, a full on six-top and it was all steaks, expected in flawless, various hues of done-ness. My mind reeled, I prayed that someone might just swing by and toss on an apron and lend a hand. But alas, there was nobody there to help. I can't blame them either, one would be a fool to walk into a nightmare like that just to join me in the weeds. I was falling behind and since most of the guys in the bar had been drinking while bowling and even more while waiting at their table they were the first ones I could hear complaining, an audible barometer about the food being slow. And up front? A few folks were already coming into the place and turning around because every chair and booth was already full, while many were still waiting for their food. I tossed another dozen dinners on the slide to keep the waitrons happy but it didn't make a dent. The grind was in full swing. And then the real disaster happened! We still had over an hour to go, maybe an hour and a half on this Twilight Zone night-of-nights. I half expected Rod Serling himself to show up or worse yet, Alan Funt to step in with his clipboard to wave and laugh telling me the whole evening had been a joke. But I couldn't think those thoughts, there just wasn't time. My wrists hurt now from all the grill turns and my back ached from being on my knees, swinging long-armed into the low boy and the sweat still dripped, the floor becoming spotty slick and more dangerous by the minute. I tossed, finished and stacked two more salads then turned to see the entire grill filled with meat and hash browns-we rarely had to light the left side of the grill but now we were in full combat mode. And both deep fryers, all four baskets filled and dumped, rows of plates lined up and some toast was now burning in one of the toasters. I saw the smoke and went into immediate brain-lock! I forgot everything, even how to cook! Nothing but all that food right in front of my eyes that was going to burn on the grill and overcook in the fryers. The place was packed and I was the comedian on the stage, I was failing and I could see the crowd watching and they weren't smiling. I was totally fucked! I was way more than in the weeds, I was now in the ditch! Punk bitch high school kid I was, I wanted to cry. I wanted to run away, run home and hide in bed under the covers, a total fucking sweaty failure smelling like sweat, scraped grill grease and burned french fries. And my friends? None of them worked, probably sitting in my buddies dad's garage right now splitting a joint up in the rafters in the hidden fort or smoking cigarettes or his dad's Swisher Sweet cigars and reading old Playboys. But me? I was in the battle of my life! This was getting all too real. Then, it was another smell that really brought me around. The first round of steaks were getting a bit more done than ordered. My training kicked in tougher now, I'd flip the steaks, cook less on side two and put the heavy side down, praying nothing got burned. Because that just wouldn't do at our restaurant, no way. I wiped my brow, flipped the steaks and another stack of burgers and being six-foot-three and with long arms managed to reach both french fry baskets in the far deep fryer and put them up on the hooks to drain. I flipped another six burgers to side two and added cheese to half of them then swept the now toasted buns off the grill and onto the prep line. And then reached for the bubbling chicken filling another fryer in another basket. I reached for the already slippery long metal handle and made my grab blind as I worked the burgers. It was the closest fryer to the grill and I'd done it before as my "moves" came fully into play. Then I really fucked up, I felt myself being burned as never before. I glanced just long enough to see that I'd missed the handle completely and dumped my right hand wrist and all deep into the scalding 350 degree oil! The Earth stopped spinning on its axis-- I grimaced hard, the sweat rolled over my brow and burned my eyes. I couldn't see and felt as if my hair was on fire. I felt my legs buckle and then felt the muscles tense then felt faint as the searing pain flooded right down to my toes. I managed to pull the chicken out of the oil with my good hand as well as the cooking fish and rush to the walk- in area. I grabbed up a bar glass tub, filled it from the ice chest and dove my already glowing red hand into the ice. Near instant relief! But I could still hear the grill, hissing louder now, as if it was a bit more than angry at being left alone, teasing me, shouting it was going to show me no mercy and destroy half the nights work right then and there. The moments ticked by. Notice I didn't say minutes? There wasn't time. I hauled the ice chest back into the kitchen and managed to wash the grease off my hands and face and get back on the track. But it was tough. The barmaid wandered into the kitchen, she wanted those steaks toot-sweet, and those cute little mini skirted waitrons were stacking up in front in their sensible work shoes tapping the sides of their order books on the slide. They did that on purpose. Few things pissed me off more then being given the rush when I was doing 99% of the work while they got all the tips. Then they'd stand on tiptoes twirling their hair and popping their bubble gum as they glared into the kitchen wondering just what the fuck the cook was doing! Did they care I had been badly burned? I doubt they even realized. They were more concerned with looking good for their boyfriends and customer tips, and of course when I'd do a good job on a meal I could read a customers lips from the kitchen and across the room when he'd hand over an extra buck to the waitress and say: "See the cook gets this would you dear?" She'd nod with a smile and I'd watch as she'd put the dollar in her apron pocket and that would be the last I ever saw of it. Did she forget? Could be, but over the time I was there I saw a lot of tips go into a lot of apron pockets and not once, or at least to my memory did that money ever end up in my pocket by the end of the night. I did get called into the lounge one afternoon where some banker gave me a folded cash tip personally after I delivered his favorite bowl of chili-extra hot, that one I do remember. Back on the grill now, sweating again, the hand throbbing and on fire but I held on. I'd been pounded on this job, But I was a thoroughbred now at Santa Anita, I was being driven hard with the whip and rounding the forth corner but the weather was threatening and the track was wet. I could see the flag but it seemed ten miles away. I felt my strength wane. When the burning and throbbing would get too much it was back to the ice chest I parked on the right side of the steam table. By now the blisters were in full bloom, the sharp ice squares roughing the skin further, the skin at my wrist beginning to roll now in a deep second degree burn. I wanted to quit, fuck it. I'd go back to being a Pinchaser full time, work behind the bowling machines shagging stuck balls and spotting pins and fixing machines like I already did three nights a week. But, ten- fifteen seconds later and it was back to the grill. I was going to pull this one out, other cooks had walked out before but that laughing, hissing grill was starting to piss me off. I heard the grind as I grit my teeth then with more of my moves I slapped the spatula hard on the grease drain ledge at the mid base of the grill and yanked it away, wiping it on my dry prep cloth by my apron, clean once again as if the sword was leaving the scabbard for the last time. With me having to hold my sore right hand up and as far away from heat as humanly possible while running the grill spatula with my left, I was grateful that fortune had smiled by making me left handed, and with me in whites I looked like some spastic French Olympic swordsman dueling in a life or death match! But finally, the pain began to fade and I continued getting all those burgers, fish-wiches, and fries out as well as all those chicken dinners, steaks and baked potatoes, with salads and toast to boot. The restaurant customers quieted down as they began to salt their fries and dab their ketchup while the boozers in the bar ordered yet another round they attacked their steaks. I heard the forks and sharp knives as they clicked against the heated steel trays on their steak plates. No complaints and no returns all night. I knew they were happy. I'd done my job. I'm a smoker and what you might say, an accomplished drinker these days. I'm older now, and fortunately slowing down as I should on both fronts. I was too young to qualify for a beer after my shift so I cleaned up that night with a tumbler of Coke, slowly and with my Marlboro clenched between my teeth I swept and hot-mopped the floor, as my eight track rolled off Ringo's Goodnight Vienna album in the background. So, yeah Anthony. I've been in the weeds for sure. I guess that makes me an official member of sorts. I'm not a chef, never have been but I was once heck of a short order cook. And as I don't have to ever tell you, there is something magical, almost God-like about that, isn't there? Surviving a night of total disaster, all alone in the weeds and then rising up at the end of the night like a Phoenix, arms raised, fists clenched. I fucking did it! I made it! Nothing feels like that! Nothing! And when the crowds go home happy and those storm clouds part at the end of the night and the moon and stars arrive in a crisp clean sky it is a feeling like no other. A true master-work. And until you have done a night like that and not given up and survived, you my friend will never know. I paid my dues to prove it. About the toughest job you'll ever have! Like I said, we're similar in a lot of ways. We both drink, smoke Marlboros, lights for me though. We're both college grads. I've been a cook, I'm a writer, I've done radio commercials and voice work and have written and produced a few radio commercials and shot a few television spots. But for now, unfortunately mostly just minor league stuff. But I'm still on that horse. I was hoping to get caught up in the near future, maybe find a way to write you a note or maybe become a real writer myself, get famous enough to finally actually meet you. I was really shooting for that. To maybe get together and do some cooking or maybe at least have a few beers and bat a few stories back and forth about the drunk times and the sore ankles and all the cuts and remnant burn marks and other scars I still have on my fingers and hands from cooking. Sure would have been nice Mr. Bourdain, sure would have been nice. So, even though we never met, I'll miss your voice-overs on film, they'll hang forever now like the immortal words of Bogart, and those long steps and that easy strolling gate and your smile as you walk and wave and look around a market or two or an eatery someplace where you continue to study the cultures and people of the world. Believe it or not you leave an indelible legacy of someone who was real and never phony. That is a keystone point with me. And like you said, "you can't learn character. You either have it or you never will," and "the kitchen never lies." One night in the weeds will sort you out for sure and that's no shit! I remember well. You are someone who left the world a better place than he'd found it. And that my friend is truly rare and is still my goal, you cannot ask for anything higher. That doesn't happen anymore, not in this day and age. It's a worthy goal and you were an astounding success. That says a lot! I feel and understand many of our common interests. We are alike in so many ways. It's just such a shame I was never able to meet you. And that, like the loss of John Lennon is a loss that I will remember. You might not have known it but I've counted you as my friend for a long time now. I think it was your "weeds" story that did it. And if you could have heard my story I think you might have smiled and nodded in your easy way and shook my hand and maybe even accepted me into your circle as someone who'd paid his dues as a real cook, someone who'd been in the trenches. I can imagine that smile and that knowing twinkle in your eye and the pat on the back that says well done. Thanks for being a friend Tony. Take care- Scott Richardson MS, Short Order Chef

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A light knocking on the door roused Anthony from his slumber. He groaned, rolling over to glance at the hotel clock, seeing it was just after eight o'clock. What the fuck? he wondered, jumping out of bed and throwing on a pair of pajama bottoms. Anthony staggered to the door, ready to shoo away whatever maid was coming by to clean his room this early in the day, but was unexpectedly met by a trio of women. "Can I help you?" he asked, still shaking the cobwebs from his brain. "We're...

1 year ago
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Anthonys Great RaceChapter 4 Thursday

"Oh my God, it's huge," Anthony heard as he slowly slipped into consciousness. "Quiet," a second voice answered. "You'll wake him up." Anthony fought the urge to scream in surprise as he felt something wet and warm drop down onto his cock before he realized a pair of lips was now gently sucking on his soft prick. "It's getting bigger," the first voice answered and Anthony realized the voice belonged to the girl who had seconds before been sucking his cock. "Of course it is,"...

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Anthonys Cuckold Beginnings Ch 1

Katherine awoke to the sunlight filtering through the curtains. Slowly reaching out to her husband Anthony. She groped along the sheets eyes still closed, hoping he would wake up as aroused as she had. Suddenly remembering he had to leave early for work she was disappointed.Katherine lay in bed eyes still closed wondering what to do next, she could feel her panties were moist from the dream she just had. It started to become a regular one. She and her husband were out on a date she was wearing...

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Anthonys Great RaceChapter 5 Friday

Anthony woke up before the sun poked over the horizon, roused from his slumber by the incessant sounds of large semi tractors pulling in to the truck stop to refuel or to spend the night. Holy hell, he grumbled as the sharp blast of a horn penetrated the walls of his Winnebago. What time is it? Anthony groaned as he realized he'd only been sleeping for a few hours. I'm never going to make it to Denver unless I can get some more rest, he thought, but his attempts were thwarted as more...

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Anthonys Great RaceChapter 2 Tuesday

Anthony groaned as he slowly came awake. Where the hell am I? he wondered, momentarily confused by his surroundings. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked around the tiny room, as the events of the last day slowly came back to him. The contest, he thought, followed quickly by where are all the girls? Anthony slipped out of bed, searching on the floor for his sweat pants. He put them on, tugging the drawstring tight before exiting his bedroom and walking into the living...

1 year ago
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Anthonys Cock Attacks

So much time had passed, yet! so little had happened. i remembered everything liked it had happened today. i can still see his big dark brown eyes, his hard jaw-line, the lemon scented smell of his body, the feel of his strong arms arouund me, the taste of his huge tongue deep inside my mouth, but most of all, i remembered the sight of his big fat hard glistening black cock, which can add up to about 11". Belonging to a young studd Anthony's (tony) as we called him. he was somewhat of a bully,...

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Anthonys Shopping Trip

PrologueAngelica looked through the yellow pages trying to find the number she needed.  As she flipped through the pages she was surprised to find just how many adult ?novelty? shops there were in town, smiling as she was already thinking of ways to make use of that information.  Finally she found the one she was looking for and dialed.        ?Hi, I was hoping to talk to someone there willing to help me out with something I would like to try involving a friend of mine and a shopping trip to...

3 years ago
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Safe as the bank

John worked as an advisor in a bank and enjoyed his time there. He got to see and talk to a lot of different people, while also playing with numbers which he liked so much. John was a rather open and friendly guy, though some may say he´s kind of nerdy sometimes. He didn´t care, as long as he got to do what he liked no one could put a cloud over his head. It was a Friday and all employees were enjoying the outlook of an up and coming weekend. John had planned to take an early one to go home...

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Aunty Made To Pay

My name is Gabhi, 19 yrs of age. I had some bad habits, the most severe was that of betting in IPL matches. During last season of IPL I lost massively. My debt raised to 40,000 Rs. I had to pay that much amount to Qureshi bhai within 1 month. I had no idea from where I would be managing this huge amount. I made a plan to use my aunty for this purpose. My aunt name is Anju. She is 38 yrs old. She is fair, sexy . Her boobs are big, blooby perfect size , they were so attractive that whosoever saw...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 54 Spring Break Part II

March 1981, Milford, Ohio “We’ll need some lubrication, Stephanie.” “I know,” she grinned. “There’s baby oil on my sink.” I went into her private, attached bathroom, got the bottle of baby oil, and came back into the bedroom. “Steve, when Jennifer explained how you did it, she said she was face down on the bed. Is there a way to do it so I can see you?” I thought for a second, then said, “I think so, Squirt. If you’re on your back and I hold your legs, the angle should work.” “Oh! Let’s...

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God for a Day

God for a Day By Morpheus It was mid afternoon of a day that had been pretty much like any other. The only good thing that I could really think of about it at the top of my head was that it was vaguely sunny... and of course that I had it off from work. I guess that was two things, but I didn't feel like getting picky. My name was Elliot Blaine and I was a fairly average looking man of 29. In fact, with my 5 foot 11 height, my dull brown hair and nondescript face, it was...

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Playing the BluesChapter 3

The first half of their set went without a hitch and left Jenny feeling good about playing again. She spotted the girl from the music shop in the crowd and gave her a smile, receiving a smile and a wave in return. As they sat down for their break the girl came over to them. “Hi you’re great again tonight.” She said as she shook Jenny’s hand. “Thanks, I’m still not as good as I used to be, still a bit rusty. I’m Jenny by the way.” “Kate,” The girl smiled. “I would have to disagree with you...

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A Bikini for her BirthdayChapter 17 Club Zanzie

Fenella and Jamila were in short, loose, colourful dresses, with two big boxes of fabrics. “Hello hello,” we all said as Zann introduced everybody. “Oh wow,” Jamila gazed round, “you are all in bikinis.” “Did you bring yours?” Zanzie kissed her on the lips, then Fenella. The newcomers glanced round to see whether everyone really was okay with this. “God you are gorgeous,” Saffie cemented the point by coming up and confidently stroking their asses, and helping herself to a kiss with each...

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Black Tie Affair

We are at a party. Black tie only. I am wearing a sheath of black sequins, black sheer hose, and 5 inch stiletto heels. You are looking very sexy in a black tie and tux. The room is filled with people socializing and drinking. We are on opposite sides of the room. I look away from the person speaking to me to see you undressing me with your eyes. I lick my lips slowly indicating the desire I have to suck your manhood dry. We move across the room toward one another but get stopped by party-goers...

1 year ago
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The Devils Bride

Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing anything. Constructive criticism is welcome, but please be gentle ;) The Devil's Bride - Sophie Elizabeth The day was finally here. Stood at the front of the church, watching my soon to be wife walking towards me on her father's arm, with her three bridesmaids behind her and she looked amazing. In an ivory, strapless, princess cut wedding dress and her hair in delicate, cascading curls, with a beautiful yet subtle...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 4

"Oh, yeah! Right there!" Ivory whimpered as Frankie slowly but firmly pressed his fingertips against the inside front of her pussy. Frank Jr. chuckled as he explored his wife's new body. She'd spent her first half century as a completely normal human, growing up in Solar City and migrating to New Eden with the remaining humans when their underground city in the Colorado Rockies had been attacked by the Confederacy – America's last attempt at a national government. Ivory, a trained...

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Live Ornaments for my Garden

We stood in the garden now that had recently been landscaped all it was missing were some garden ornaments and now I had three. In the garden were three holes freshly dug and there was a supply of fast drying concrete ready to be poured. Sadie was first, she was Janes daughter. She was just 23 years old nice big tits and a big mouth just right for what I had planned for her. I told her to strip naked, she looked at me horrified as I explained what was going to happen. Each of them would...

3 years ago
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Birth Control

Birth Control? Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My mom put my sister on birth control when she was 14, but after taking them for a while, they made her sick, and she quit taking them. Mom didn't want to hear about "sick" and just kept buying them, but Nancy kept stuffing them away. It was a no win situation for both of them, so I stayed out of it. It was only when I read the back of one of the packages that I realized they contained female hormones! Nancy and I had played...

2 years ago
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Carnival in Hyannis Mid Week

Slogging back to his tent with an ice-cold Pepsi, Bobby looked up and noticed a familiar face at the edge of the fairgrounds. Long fine blonde hair gently moving in the almost nothing of a breeze, Debbie’s friend Sammie began strolling toward Bobby. Sammie had coy smile as she approached Bobby. “Hi, Bobby!” she shouted. “Hello Sammie. If you are looking for Andy, I haven’t seen him today. Most of the ride boys are gone for the day; off doing what ever.” “Actually, I came to see...

4 years ago
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Average Life TurnedWetChapter 4

After this great and wet afternoon they loved each other even more. Kim was singing and humming daily now, and Rob enjoyed his life even more. Because of his confidence, he became better at his job, sold more tires and cars and was getting a promotion. A promotion meant a higher salary and more paid vacations. Kim was offered more work and longer days and a 5 day work week but at first she turned it down. They considered her the best so she still got a promotion and it was agreed on...

1 year ago
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The House at Sand PinesChapter 2 Mixing Business and Pleasure

"I haven't had a meal like this in ages," Charlotte sighed with a contented look. "It was very good, wasn't it," I agreed. "Are you staying here at this hotel?" she asked. "No, I'm staying with my mother at our family home. She lives out near UBC. What about you? Are you staying at a hotel?" "No, that's a luxury for now," she said regretfully. "I'm staying with one of the girls I went to school with. She has a condo on False Creek. It's a reasonable walk to the...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 14 Saturday March 5 Susan and Nathaniels Special Day

"Nathan what happened?" Anne was staring at his black eyes, at the two pieces of plaster on the bridge of his nose and at the cuts on his cheek that had been treated and bathed in an antiseptic similar to iodine. I was lying in bed watching Anne meet Bristoll at the gym. She didn't have any prior knowledge of what had happened because my brother and I had thought it best not to warn her, which of course would make any reaction all the more believable. "You remember saying what more can...

3 years ago
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ShakespeareChapter 5

Well, they settled in the next morning to hunt for raw materials. In order to do that they needed to be closer to the mountains, apparently, so they moved their shuttles to another location. That location was close to the Melian Clan of the Mountains. Their matriarch conversed with Meriah and they jointly decided to just keep a watch on human activities, but not interfere. I was asked to arrange for the 'access' to the humans so that the people could understand all about space and space...

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One of my naughty fantasies

True story, I was laying in bed next to my wife at the time, x wife now. She was already asleep. My phone rang around 2am, it was my friends number so I answered it and his wife asked me if I could go over and if I gave her 50 bucks she'd let me do whatever I wanted to her and her older sister. I was 26 years old at the time. She was 39 years ago and her sister was 44 years old. My friends wife name is carrie and sisters name is courtney. When she told me if I gave her 50 bucks I can do...

4 years ago
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Coeds european roadtrip horror part3

When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been deafening in the confined space. But without vision none could direct their resistance or escape or know what was happ ening as they listened to the other beg and moan. Diora had being in the position the longest as he knew she was the most resistant. Her body ached her mind...

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Java Lust Rock N Roll Style

This story is fiction: My name is Kelly, and to simply put it, I’m a Valley Girl. I’m the poster child of the typical LA blonde. From my 34C no tan lined chest to the designer clothes I only where once. So now that you know me, it’s time to know me better. It was a hot summer morning in Beverly Hills as I had just paid for my over priced coffee. Wearing my short black skirt, heels, and white tube top, I was ready for a day of shopping. I was just leaving when I collided with somebody coming...

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My SSBBW Fantasy

Tiffany’s FantasyIt was early one winter afternoon and Tiffany was doing what she usually did on these lazy afternoons, surfing the internet looking for satisfaction. She had just finished a hot chat session a few minutes ago. Although she had masturbated to orgasm a few times already, she now yearned for the real thing. She also had looked at some porno sites on the web. The usual stuff. She logged into another chat line as “Tiffany”, hoping to find some release. She had a thought. Why don’t...

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The Dirty Weekend Part One

I was racing back from work. It had been a difficult day. A child had been assaulted by an elder sibling and Social Services had been in to remove the child into protective custody. I then had to then deal with the children’s parent. It was never easy informing a mum her child was with a foster family but I had never seen such a violent reaction as I had witnessed today, although I was content in my mind the removal was in the child’s interest. As I arrived home, Mark met me in the integral...

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A hot experience never before

Initial years of our marriage were rather dry with both being illiterate in terms of sex life. We just did it for the sake of doing it. She was also totally unexposed to sex. I had to show and teach her everything. I am sure, many of our fellow indian's go through the same situation. Slowly, I started to feel more and hornier, but my wife was not achieving that state of sexiness. I found out that likewise she is very hot but keeps herself covered and quiet. I decided to train her fully to make...

Group Sex
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We were on holidays and Sarah had not had a third man for six weeks. After lunch relaxing around the pool I could see Sarah ogling any man at least twenty-years younger than her. I watched her strut over very confidently to one very good looking, well built man in bulging skimpy briefs. As Sarah spoke to him I felt sure the bulge in his skimpy briefs grew. “What did you say to him baby?” I asked when she returned looking pleased with herself. “I asked him if he would like to fuck me while...

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Hit Rock Station Ksea Transcript of Linbare Interview

Ron: For those who just turned on the radio, I am here with the lead singer of LinBare, Connie Dengler or should I say Bare. Bare: You can call me Bare, which is the name I ended up taking, shortly after making that crazy decision two years ago to start living the absolute lifestyle. Now I have noticed, when I'm walking the streets, I am not alone. Everywhere you look on the streets, you can see naked flesh. I have to say that I do feel quite comfortable out there, dealing with the small fact...

4 years ago
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The weekend part 4

Again dont know how many parts this will be been just thinking parts and writing and going. Sorry if any of my parts seem short but will make this one. Part 4 long. So back to the story. As I was asleep in bed and Steve was outside checking out the house we was staying at the next couple of nights. The ladies are chatting in the living room and heather have brought up about waking me up. And who should be the lucky one to do it. Trish said. "Well you 2 had your pussy filled with his cock...

2 years ago
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More Than She Could Ask For

‘Here is what you are going to do…’ We were inside the lobby and he had his arm firmly on my elbow walking me toward the Ladies’ room. His voice was warm and close in my ear. ‘You are going to go in there, do your business, and place the bullet inside that tight little ass. Come and find me when you are done and do NOT make me wait.’ I looked at him quickly and then looked at my purse. I hadn’t told him about this fantasy and I certainly hadn’t put the bullet in my purse before we left the...

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Seduction Plus One

STARING AT THE SAME TEXT that she had read to hundreds of prospective customers, day after day for the past six months, Lucia sighed audibly into her earpiece. Her tiny white cubicle smelled like days-old coffee, probably from the various brown circular stains on her desk. A sudden jolt pushed her rolling chair forward and her ribcage was greeted rudely by the hard edge of her desk. Lucia glared at the man sitting behind her, who muttered an apology for something he seemed to do over a dozen...

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Halloween for Life Chapter 22 Timeline 1

Chapter 22 - Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) As Jordan passed through the front doors to 'Destiny's Bride', immediately he was swimming through a sea of warm lighting, cascading sparkles of white and cream, and the pungent smells of lavender and roses. It felt like he was stepping into a foreign land. All around him were racks and racks of white bridal dresses, each on a separate padded satin hanger decorated with delicate silk ribbons of differing colors....

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LoveHerFeet Karma Rx Mistress8217s Feet Treat

Busty blonde, Karma Rx, feels a bit naughty and horny while at home with her man, Charles Dera. Wanting to enjoy her alone moment with the fit stud, the tattooed bombshell with big tits and sexy feet prepares something special. She slowly approaches Charles wearing a sexy black dress and black high heels. Karma puts her feet up on the couch and lets Charles admire the beauty of her arches and white nail polish. The bearded hunk happily lets Karma put her soles against his face before giving...

2 years ago
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Not Quite Sex

Watching you sleep: one of my secret, guilty pleasures. You are so beautiful there, lying naked, innocent, unafraid of the world around you. I wish that I did not have to disturb you, that I could let you lay like this forever, but I know I can’t. Or rather I won’t, for there are other desires greater and more powerful and no matter how I fight it, I always give in. I move closer to you and wrap my arm around your middle. I whisper you name as I kiss your shoulder up to your neck because I know...

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The Craigslist Killer

The Craigslist Killer © 2014 by Nom de Plume I think I'm in the clear for now. The police have come and gone, and the hotel staff has cleared the hallway outside my room. If I could, I'd try to get some sleep, but after what I've just been through, that would be difficult. So I'll try to write down exactly what happened this week, while it's fresh in my mind, in case my lawyer needs it in the morning. One thing's for sure: I will never, ever dress up as a woman again. Who...

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Tales of the Season Caitlyns Story

Tales of the Season: Caitlyn's Story. By Tigger Copyright 1999 All Rights Reserved. Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...

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Wow ThanksChapter 25 Next Level

I was trying hard to suppress my overwhelming lust, as I gazed at the fourteen-year-old's gorgeous blonde pussy that was on display in front of me. But I was failing, and the towel wrapped awkwardly at my waist was suddenly proving radically ill-suited to concealing my lust from my fellow truth-or-dare players. I reached out the extended length of the soft tape measure and, trying my best to be suave and calm, lay it down along the length of her slightly poofed-out, lovely pinkish cuntlips....

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My best friends part 2

As you know, in part 1, I was busy with my friends Tasha and Rocky when my girlfriend walked in on me with her sister. I smiled and looked up at her "hi Amber" I said as I instantly stopped thrusting," what the fuck bru" Rocky moaned as he felt me stop, Tasha just moaned her displeasure,non of them aware of why I stopped. Amber smiled sweetly back as she bit her lip and answered "oh baby, please. Don't stop on my account" she took her sisters and pulled her around to my right side, making it...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups April Olsen Meets her stepbrother and his massive cock for the first time

April is sitting in her room embarrassed and confused, she just met her stepbro Robby for the first time and in the process accidentally flashed him her great body. To calm her down though Robby decides to strip for her so they can be even, but he didn’t count on April liking his cock so much. Next thing you know April has his cock down her throat swallowing it all, Robby takes her in multiple positions pounding her hard enough to break her bedframe. It looks like April & Robby are going to...

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Family Reunion for Moms Birthday

I was first to arrive so I got to stay in the guest house, moms rule is first to arrive gets the prime choice. It was a long drive out so I decided to take a long hot relaxing shower before the boys arrived. I got the key from mom strolled down to the guest house. As if I had never been there I took in the amenities laid out around the room. There was wet bar with a mini refrigerator stocked with snacks and drinks, a flat panel 65” TV mounted to the wall, a desk and table with a variety of...

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desperate luck 8211 2

Hi Guyz Rahul Again. i hope u people enjoyed my previous story. i’m sure u did, but most of u were too ignorant to rate it or send a feedback.. well i did recieve some splendid mails some readers.. thanks a lot!! well this story what i am gonna tell u is another true incident of my life. well when i woke up then next day and i realised that my nani did not react to the last night incident i got a bit confused if she knew about what happened last night or she was really asleep. i like written in...

4 years ago
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My Dad Pot and Me

I couldn’t deny it, he had given it to me for my sixteenth birthday five months earlier, “Yeah dad, it’s mine.” “It’s full of weed girl; weed, pipe and lighter. I found this lying on the front walk, what the fuck are you doing when I’m not around?” I was caught cold, no way could I deny my clutch was my pot container, “Dad, daddy ---” “No, there’s no damn way you can talk your way out of this, go to your room Mykal, I have to think about this.” I lay on my bed scared shitless, my father...

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Gay friend fwb gives me a blowjob

Last week i texted a friend from work to hang out. We hadnt seen each other in a while but said sure why not. After mentioning a large load of supplies at work, i jokingly said ‘i have big loads too lol.’ but that comment sparked a long sexting conversation. He wanted a dick to suck, and who am i to say no to a blowjob. The next two day were filled with dirty messages and me sending him dick pics. We finally got together and were ready for a good time ,) We sat down on the couch, threw on the...

4 years ago
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The Day I Lost My True Virginity

Prologue: I had graduated from a Famous University over a year ago and still didn’t have a steady job in fact I didn’t have a steady anything. Gary my ex and I suddenly saw life from different angles so we parted or shall I say he told me to hit the pike. Some of it I know was our sex life, to be honest I guess I really sucked at sucking on him, honestly down deep I guess he somehow just never really lit my fire. All that aside one day my Mom asked me if I’d like $400.00 in cold hard cash....

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OTK Ch 03

So, Saturday morning dawned, and I was downstairs having my first coffee of the day when my mother came down. She looked warily at me as she came into the kitchen, and I smiled to myself: time to see if my domination of her was still in place."Come here, mother". She shuffled towards me, a frightened mien on her."Show me your tits".Mother stood for a second, then slowly, very slowly, undid her dressing gown and opened it. No nightdress, just her bare body. The plumptious tits were inviting so I...

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Fantasy came true

I'm a happily married man, my wife Andrea is a lovely five foot three blonde. Her little one hundred pound body never fails to draw attention from my friends or when she and I go out. The thought of her having sex with someone else became a strong fantasy of mine. I'm not going to lie I was scared shitless about asking her to do it. I wanted it very badly but I was afraid to tell her that I wanted her to fuck outside of our marriage. I began to read hundreds of stories on line about hot wife's...

1 year ago
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Private Ria Sunn Ria Sunn and the Teacher

The stress of daily life is too much for Ria Sunn to handle, this gorgeous babe needs a way to relax and unwind, and that’s why she has hired George Uhl today on private, a tantric sex teacher who will show her the true meaning of the word pleasure and help her orgasm all her stress away! So watch this sexy tattooed beauty in action in Private Movies, The Art of Tantric Massage where she gets horny and intimate with her teacher and enjoys a sensual fuck that has her big tits bouncing until not...

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Jessica 2

Part 2 As the limo sped on into the day, Jessica could not but wonder what washappening to her. The men in the car were silent for an hour or two, then sheheard low whispers among them. Abruptly, the large auto slowed and veered offwhat was obviously the interstate, but Jessica had no idea where. Her handswere still cuffed behind her back, and she lay almost prone on the rear seat.The sperm had long since dried on her face, but the mask was still in place.She tried sleeping fitfully, but...

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Whos Behind the Curtain

Chapter 1 My name is Sherry and I'm eighteen, a senior in high school and I'm in love. My two best friends, Val and Tonya, are also seniors and they're in love, too. We all three have boyfriends but it's not them we're in love with. No, we're all in love with sex. We all three started falling in love with sex when the first one of us, Tonya, learned from her older sister about masturbation. Now I don't mean playing around a little bit with yourself, I mean the real thing. She showed...

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EvilAngel Brenna Mckenna OilSaturated Sodomy

Pretty, ivory-skinned Brenna McKenna shows off her tats and luscious curves. She rubs her ass cheeks and douses them in clear oil. Aggressive stud Zac Wild stuffs his boner into her throat. She gives him a messy blowjob, and spit soaks her tight body. Brenna crouches on all fours, and Zac plunges his thick dick inside her butthole. Anal fucking drives her to a body-shaking orgasm! She shoots oil from her butthole graphically, screaming in ecstasy! Brenna masturbates as Zac’s boner plows...

2 years ago
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Carnival of Sluts My Visit to Iron Henge

[When I found that a journalist friend of mine had been to report on Iron Henge I was naturally anxious to read the story. After some persuasion she sent me the story spiked by her editor, followed a few weeks later by the (much longer) ‘original draft’. Then when I mentioned that Lush was doing a fall equinox competition she sent me the ‘extended edition’ that follows. For obvious reasons, all names have been changed.] Chances are the Lush people have never heard of Iron Henge. It isn’t...

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