Metamorphosis Of A Slave: Mikah's Choice free porn video

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This is book two of the Metamorphosis series. This entire series has been completed years ago, but the most boring thing on earth is editing and re-editing a book. The entire series has been a collaboration between my husband/slave and myself. We figure that it should take us anywhere from six weeks - fifty years to edit each chapter...

I suppose that our emphasis on Mikah's almost minute by minute emotional state can be quite boring for most readers. But this was the aspect that most fascinated us....

Mikah's Choice:

Chapter 1

     As i was led into Mistress's chamber i took a quick nervous glance around the office. The first thing that struck me was its sheer size – easily 400 square feet. The decor was light and airy, with a few classic paintings strewn throughout the room. I wondered if they were originals? If yes, than Mistress must be one of the richest women in the world. The room was sparsely furnished. 90% of the room was empty space. On the far back wall behind the desk was a magnificent forty foot window overlooking the ocean. It was getting dark outside, so the view was limited.

    Besides Matron Debrah, i noticed three women in the room. Two of them were bowing face down in opposite corners of the room. The third person, who i assumed to be my Mistress, was on the phone sitting at a desk with her back to me.

    Finally, i had caught a glimpse of my Mistress! My heart started to race. Ever since that frozen November morning when Genesis first declared war on Grecolo some 30 months ago, every man woman and child lived in obsessed dread of this very moment. We fought valiantly to prevent our beloved country from falling into the brutal clutches of the 'bitches' of Genesis, yet we knew deep down that it was a losing battle. Most of my fellow citizens had been sub-consciously preparing for the day when we would be officially defeated and ushered into slavery.

    A common fantasy most of us shared was how we would show our open defiance to whoever dared call themselves our 'Mistress'! The cinema was full of scenes where a newly captured victim would chose a proud death over the wretchedness of slavery.

     But nature's demand that we grasp onto life was stronger than i ever imagined and brushed away any notion of defiance. When Matron Debrah stopped ten paces into the room and gracefully lowered herself to her knees - i did not bravely challenge 'Mistress' as i had long planned. Instead i meekly followed her lead. Once i was on the floor kneeling, Matron Debrah gracefully lowered her head to the floor - in a touching show of servitude and respect. Her arms stretched forth before her in a clear sign of her supplication.

    i suspect Matron Debrah's mind set was different than mine, as i too lowered my face to the floor. If truth were told, i tried to empty my mind completely, so as not to feel the humiliation of having to bow down to someone 'superior' than me. It helped quite a bit that Mistress was some twenty feet away from me, not to mention that her back was turned as well.

    i knew that my life would be going through major rapid changes in the days and weeks ahead. But i trusted my resolve and upbringing to give me the strength to accept whatever destiny may bestow on me. We had been forewarned by Grecolo's 'experts' that the typical Mistress would be a superficial woman. Our government 'experts' determined that 'lack of depth' was a natural evolvement of any high society Mistress, who had slaves waiting to fulfill her slightest whim from the moment she entered the world.   

   According to the propaganda, my best hope was if my Mistress turned out to be a woman whose sole concern in life involved the enhancement of her own corrupted pleasure's. Such a creature would be obsessed with humiliating her slaves and flaunting her absolute powers over us. A shallow self centered Mistress (so we were informed) is easily fooled and manipulated!  

    i prepared myself for the realities of my immediate future. It would take great fortitude and self-will, but i was determined to remain strong. For the sake of my own self preservation i would obey whatever commands were given me and hopefully avoid getting punished. Just maybe than, i would be able to retain my dignity.

    As i remained bowing on the floor i found it funny that in all the months of 'surrender preparation' classes, not once was i told of the effects of prostrating with your head down to the floor. Like the fact that your knees tend to fall asleep rather quickly! Or that your hearing become hyper sensitive. i could actually hear the vibrations of Mistress's chair being pulled back and HER feet walking quietly across the room. i could distinctly hear HER sitting on the chair just a few feet in front of me.

    Despite my best efforts to remain calm, my heart started jack-hammering heavily in my chest!

    "Mikah Mikah Mikah," Mistress sighed. "I am about to tell you some information that will terrify you. I am giving you one warning –  do not utter a single word and stay respectfully bowing to me no matter what! Understood slave??

    ?Yes Mistress,? i replied automatically. i had been wondering for weeks what it would feel like to call whoever purchased me 'Mistress'. Interestingly, i felt nothing! No shame – no humiliation – no respect. Nothing! It was simply a word with little meaning.

   ?I see no point in bothering to introduce myself, since I fear that you most probably will be dead by the end of the week!"

    'What? NO!' What???? i was too stunned to move! i had never felt such immediate panic in my entire life! My mind became paralyzed. i couldn’t think straight! 'What is SHE talking about?' i was suddenly confused and terrified.

    "I had such marvelous plans for us tonight. But while you were busy playing with Elaina and Roberta, I was busy deciding if I should bother saving your miserable life!" Was that sadness in Mistress's voice? Was i really about to die?? Why? What did i do?

  The throes of sudden panic caused the release of my menstrual blood and it began to discharge down my thighs to the floor. Or was i peeing? i probably would have jumped up and gone bonkers,  but i was too dizzy and nauseous by my unadulterated panic and fear!

   'What did i do?  What happened??  How can i save myself???'  i thought incoherently.

  "I have been besieged with phone calls all day." Mistress fretted. "Prime Minister Winifred called me no less than twenty times today. Her Honor demands that I torture you and than hang you at Capital Square. Our esteemed vice premiere called me every 10 minutes or so, and is insistent that I whip you into shreds and than hang you as painfully as humanly possible – all on live television! I have always had difficulty saying no to the vice premiere. But what do you expect? She's my mother after all."

   i was gasping for air. i couldn’t breathe! i started to hyperventilate! "What did i do?" i wailed frantically – disobeying Mistress's first order. "What did i do?" Breath! Breath!!

   i jumped up and started blubbering;  "WHAT DID I DO??   WHAT DID I DO??" i now had disobeyed Mistress's second order.

   i darted mindlessly around the room in open hysterics.

   No sympathetic touch came to comfort me. No re-assuring voice told me that it would all be fine.  Not even a laughing voice to mockingly notify me that this was all just one big joke on the new slave girl...

Instead, the only response to my heart pounding terror was Matron Debrah barking at me harshly, "I don’t care if you are on deaths door! How dare you stand up? How dare you dis-respect Mistress!! Now drop and prostrate yourself to Mistress. Grovel or I will beat the living crap out of you."

  Matron Debrah's forceful voice penetrated through my foggy haze. i stood their hesitating...  which caused Matron Debrah to aggressively approach me. With a terrified yelp, i hurriedly scrambled to Mistress's feet. i dropped down and pressed my chest to the floor. Placing my head inches from Mistress's bare feet, i groveled to my Mistress.

    "Please Ma'am! Forgive me. i want to live. Save me! Save me! DONT LET ME DIE!!  I'M BEGGING YOU MISTRESS!!!" i sobbed pathetically.

   i waited for Mistress to reply, but no answer was forthcoming.

  ?Please Mistress, tell me what i did wrong?? i begged.

   i heard Mistress audibly sigh.

   "Come Mikah, put your head on my lap." Mistress young tender voice softly commanded.  

   i stumbled back up to my knees and awkwardly inched forward on my two knees to Mistress's lap. Mistress clutched a handful of my hair and directed my face downwards onto HER lap. i could feel Mistress's warm body heat emanating through the soft silk material of HER skirt.

  Mistress played with my hair while speaking soothingly to me.

   "I have been considering the matter quite carefully all day Mikah. The situation is quite complex.  The security council has already voted 8 - 1 in favor of the resolution of putting you to death." 

   The news stunned me! i couldn’t breathe! i was going to DIE!! And i didn’t even have a clue why! My mental faculties became hazy. i couldn’t think!

   "Normally I don’t bother sharing my thought process with slaves,? Mistress informed me. ?Whenever  I find it necessary to put a slave to death, I just go ahead and do it without any useless discussion. But I decided to make a rare exception in this case. I think its only fair Mikah that you understand the entire picture of whats been going on behind the scene." Mistress paused a long few moments before continuing in a low emotional tone.

   "Around a week after your capture, something truly terrible happened. Do you know who General Peter Sharpton and Marshal Grace of the 'Tyler clan' are?" Mistress abruptly asked.

   My voice cracked. "Yes. General Sharpton is in charge of battle operations for the United Front and Marshal Grace is in charge of battle operations for Genesis."

  "Exactly. But next time.." while speaking Mistress quickly yanked my head up by my hair and gave me two stinging slaps across my face, "you address me respectfully as Mistress. Understood?"

  i felt a quick surge of hate towards my 'Mistress', but i forced the words out of my lips. "Yes Mistress, i apologize."

   Mistress bought my face gently back down on HER lap, as if nothing had happened. Mistress's attitude made it clear that i was nothing more than HER property. i knew that from HER perspective the slaps were warranted and that i was lucky it had been only 'slaps'. But that didn’t stop me from hating her...

   But as much as i felt hatred for Mistress, my need for a sympathetic re-assuring touch was even greater. i snuggled my face into the warm comfort of Mistress's lap and was relieved when Mistress resumed stroking my hair.

  "Tell me what you know about General Sharpton's daughter - Annette." Mistress commanded.

   i raised my head a drop and replied. "I heard that Genesis captured her around three months ago Mistress. i met her a few times, but since she is younger than me we didn’t really know each other that well."

   "Yes, we captured her three months ago in what was considered to be a wonderful stroke of luck.?  Mistress agreed. ?Due to the fact that she was merely a child and that she was worth quite a bit in bartering value, it was decided that it was not a security risk to hold her at our operations base. The idea was to trade her for some of our p.o.w's.?

    i had the sense that Mistress was speaking to herself as much as SHE was to me.

    ?Marshal Grace tool a 'liking' to Annette and branded her as her slave..  However, due to the constant flux of the war, Annette's slave training was deficient at best. On the whole, nobody paid any particular attention to her – which was understandable as she was only 14. "

   Mistress interrupted herself to call out "Water." The slave in the right corner rushed to bring Mistress a cup.

  After taking a few sips, i was stunned when Mistress offered me some as well. i accepted gratefully, as panic and crying have a way of making ones mouth dry as a dessert. Mistress raised my face just enough so that i could drink without spilling. SHE placed the cup to my lips and permitted me to drink from HER cup.

  i thanked Mistress and placed my head back down on Mistress's lap. SHE than continued to explain the 'situation' of why i must die...

  "Two weeks ago our forces implemented a massive surprise attack on the United Front forces that had been in the planning stages for months. This attack failed miserably. It was clear that our attack was anticipated and they knew precisely what we were planning! We lost over 17,000 'slave soldiers', but much more devastating was the loss of 193 fine and brave superior women!" Mistress's voice trembled with sadness as she said this.

  i confess that my heart leapt with joy when Mistress told me about the rout. This was the first serious defeat of Genesis in at least 3 years. Needless to say, i was wise enough to hide my glee.

  Mistress continued relating the recent events. "Our investigation quickly discovered where the breach had come from. Apparently General Sharpton had sacrificed his own daughter and arranged for her to be 'captured'. He than dangled the idea of a quick prisoner swap, which made us keep Annette in the vicinity so she would be on hand for the swap. In the interim, Annette had access to many of our files and was often nearby when strategic phone calls were made."

    Mistress paused for another slow sip. ?Of course Genesis has countless security measures in place to ensure that 'slave soldiers' and spies can't attain any sensitive information, but Annette was somehow ignored. She was considered to be an ir-relevant 14 year old terrified twit. To add insult to injury, she used our telecommunication system to deliver the information to her father!" Mistress voice indicated her great dis-pleasure with the base security.

   "This massacre has effected Genesis in many horrible and profound ways. We don’t even know yet the full magnitude of this tragedy. The morale of both the army and Genesis at large has been severely shaken. In addition we have been militarily set back by at least 18 months. Perhaps as much as 3 years. In case you are wondering, nothing I am telling you is classified .? Mistress assured me.

  ?Another problem is that our enemies throughout the world have become emboldened. Pockets of                                                                                                                                                                resistance have now crept up in certain annexed territories. Some of the resistance is quite formidable. If this trend continues, than we are in actual danger of losing valuable territories which we already control.

  But the most painful and dispiriting aspect is the loss of our dear and precious 193 sisters in arms who can never be replaced!? Mistress emitted an audible sigh.

  ?Particularly the horrible loss of my close and dear friend, Karyn! She was like an older sister to me!? Mistress lamented sorrowfully.

   ?It is Karyn's death that is the main crux of your predicament. Your death is meant to be a fair and just reciprocal act of vengeance." Mistress announced.

  i had been so wrapped up in the events of Genesis's humiliating defeat, that i had forgotten that this whole story was only a lead up as to why the Security Council had voted that i should be tortured and hung!

  ?Karyn was the finest and most noble woman that I ever had the privilege to call a friend. They butchered her in cold blood! They captured Karyn and filmed her torture!? Mistress voice cracked with her raw pain. ?They made a video of her being cut into little pieces while still alive and screaming in agony! They were merciless!?

  i could feel Mistress trembling from HER pain as SHE continued. ?Prime Minister Winifred is incensed. Particularly since Karyn was her niece!" Mistress was painfully gripping my hair tighter and tighter as SHE spoke.

   i started shaking in fear as i realized that the current national climate did not bode well for me. 'Why was i being singled out? Why was this my fault? Why was i the center of their fury?' i thought helplessly.

  "Would you like a few minutes to absorb all this, or should I continue?" Mistress asked coldly.

  i was desperate for any and all information i could get.

  "Please Mistress, tell me everything." i pleaded.

   "Fine. But remember, no matter what I say, I expect you to behave respectfully. I will have zero tolerance for another outburst! Understood?" Mistress warned.

  "Yes Mistress," i whimpered.

   Mistress spoke in a cold emotionless monotone "The Security Council voted 8 – 1 to hang you because they find it fitting to avenge themselves on the famous 'princess Mikah' - daughter of Grecolo's Senior Senator and the 'face' of the rebellion!"

    A loud inadvertent gasp escaped from me. I had first been dubbed 'princess Mikah' when i was just 6 years old. Someone had taken a 20 second video of me innocently hugging some crying children who had somehow survived hurricane Gadol. In the vagaries of the world, this simple video had captured the hearts of millions. I was dubbed 'princess Mikah' and from that point on i became a favorite of the world press. Particularly after the war started, and Grecolo needed something – anything – to lift the spirits of a depressed and terrified nation. As the daughter of the senior Senator, i was the handy choice to put an encouraging spin on the hopeless war.

   No wonder the Security Council chose me as their focus of revenge!

    "As I'm sure you know," Mistress continued icily, "your father escaped our net a few months ago  and joined forces with General Sharpton. Our intelligence agency has compiled evidence that your father was the real mastermind behind the 'Annette' plan! This evidence is strongly supported by the fact that General Sharpton is not nearly shrewd enough to contrive such a bold and daring plan. Your father though, is ingenious enough to engineer it."

gAhhhhhyiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrr, NO! NO NO NO!!! Its not true NOOOOOOO!!? i wailed despondently. Father was responsible? NOOOO! It couldn’t be! My death was sealed!

   With a sudden sharp yank on my hair, Mistress forced my head up to face HER. For the first time since my sale, i was face to face with my Owner and Mistress. i knew HER instantly, SHE was the same 'girl' who had watched me get spanked by the 10 year old brat at the auction. But to call Mistress a 'girl' was ridiculous. Although SHE appeared to be a couple of years younger than me,  HER composure was downright intimidating!

   "On your knees Mikah. Now!" An unfamiliar meanness had entered Mistress's voice.

   Mistress shoved me harshly back and i quickly fell down to my knees directly in front of HER.

  A powerful slap across my cheek nearly sent me tumbling. ?That was for speaking without permission!?

  Another, even stronger slap followed. ?And this is for your lack of respect to me!? Mistress slapped me yet a third time. ?Must I remind you to interlock your arms behind your neck whenever your kneeling?"

  I quickly rushed to show my 'respect' to my young Mistress.

  Another vicious slap followed. "I asked you a question slave!"

  "i'm sorry Mistress. No Mistress! i will remember Mistress! i’m sorry, i'm sorry Mistress," i sniveled pitifully.  

   Out of the blue, we were interrupted by a crystal clear voice that appeared to be coming to us via some speakers.

   "Well Teleya, were you planning to get back to me tonight?" the voice complained.

   So my Mistress's name was Mistress Teleya! I don’t know why, but it seemed like a very important revelation.

  "Hi Mom. Its been 45 whole minutes since we last spoke," Mistress responded wearily. "It's been hectic here."

   "So what will it be?" Mistress's mother asked.

   "I don’t know yet. As you know, the situation is complicated and..."

   "It is NOT complicated!" the Vice Premiere interrupted. "You know perfectly well what MUST be done. Stop being so damn obstinate."

   "I'm sorry Mom. Your right, the situation is not complicated, but my decision is complicated! I promised you a definitive answer by morning, and you will have it by than!? Mistress said emphatically.

  "Fine Teleya. Just remember that the S.C. is counting on you!? Mistress's mother replied.

   Mistress sighed. "I’m sorry Mom. I know how upset you and the Security Council are. I promise to make my decision as quickly as possible. OK Mother?"

  "Very well Teleya. But call me the second you make a decision! And remember, its not in your best interest to piss off the S.C.! Or me for that matter!" i heard the phone click.

   The menacing exchange terrified me beyond the point of sheer panic. Mistress was clearly under alot of pressure to accede to the S.C. resolution. i wasn’t even sure what was stopping HER from acceding to the bidding of those in power. 

   Mistress turned her attention back to me.

   "Before we discuss this matter further, I want you to understand clearly that I am not your confederate. I think the S.C. might very well be correct. Think of this as your trial!" Mistress informed me chillingly. "I will serve as both your prosecutor and your judge! Now lets address the issues. Pay close attention slave."

   "Yes Mistress." Their is nothing quite like the threat of death which has the power to grab ones undivided attention. i suspected that unless some miracle happened, this sham of a 'trial' would find me guilty and i would be hanging within days!

   "The Security Council's 8 -1 vote in favor of putting you to death is based on a few matters: Lets address them one at a time." Mistress spoke in a business like manner.

   "The S.C. wants to use your death to improve national morale. They will parade you before the country and everyone will cheer your humiliation. You will be the poster girl of evil. When they announce your death sentence – people will rejoice in the streets! Everyone will want to watch you suffer and die. Genesis will be positively uplifted by your hanging.? Mistress glanced at me before declaring:

   ?I happen to sooo agree with the S.C. - Killing you will definitely boost MY morale." Mistress told me.

  Listening to Mistress, I underwent a bizarre transformation. i was too numb to cry and my system simply couldn’t handle any more reasons of why i should be tortured and hung. Out of the blue, something inside me snapped, and my panic suddenly vanished! i was actually able to listen to my 'trial' in the same dispassionate way that i would listen to some obscure discussion.

   "Next: Mom and the S.C. claims that our security concerns would be somewhat dissipated by your death. Supposedly our enemies will just back off when they see that we are brutal to anybody that defies us. Frankly, I think this is a load of bunk," Mistress ruled.

'Hooray for me! i thought acrimoniously. i was keeping score, and it was now tied at one reason for my hanging - one reason against.

  "Next on the list: The S.C. believes that your torture and hanging will demoralize your father. That clearly would be a huge advantage since he is the only one truly capable of leading the United Front forces. But I think it may well have the opposite effect. Your father could just as easily use your death as motivation to become even bolder. So I think we can ignore this point," Mistress decided,

  Two for me - one for 'them'.

  "Next up: They feel that your death would be a just payback for the murder of all the great women who were butchered. I haven’t made up my mind about this yet, but considering who you are and your fathers role in the massacre – well, you know, I can, like,  definitively see why it would be fitting."

  The panic returned. i trembled thinking: two points for my reprieve and two points for my death!

  i prayed with all my soul that the fifth reason would be in my favor. It was ironic though. Here i was praying that Mistress would save me from the gallows, but if my prayers were answered - i would end up being enslaved to a girl younger than myself – forever!

  "To be perfectly blunt, I find the 'payback' argument to be by far the most persuasive and compelling.? Mistress stated with clear antagonism.

   The second Mistress's words penetrated my hearing, i instantly lost all my strength and i collapsed to the floor in utter shock.

   I heard Mistress snap HER fingers and in seeming slow motion i watched the two kneeling slaves approach my prone body. They easily dragged my unresponsive body to a metal frame, and draped me over it with my head facing Mistress. Within seconds an automatic lock system clicked into place and i was securely fastened. The top half of my body was angled downwards, which left my ass neatly proffered for punishment.

   ?I warned you not to move slave!? Mistress's chilly voice sliced past my shock. ?Deb, start with 10.?

    i wriggled my head around and watched frozen with fear as Matron Debrah approached me with a hard and heavy wooden paddle firmly in her hand. Without the slightest hesitation, she jerked my skirt and my panties down to my knees. Taking the paddle with both her hands, she reached back and crushed it squarely into my ass! My body would have jumped a good foot had i not been constrained.

  i let our a piercing scream of agony. The unbearable torment did not even have a chance to spread, when Matron Debrah delivered my second lash.

   My ass felt like it was being ripped to pieces! A long continuing ?Arrrrrrrrrrruuuuuggggggghhhhh? was as close as i came to forming words.

   i was yanking desperately on my restraints when the third blow landed. ?NO! STOP IT! STOP IT!!? i screeched to no avail.

  My ass was already becoming swollen when it welcomed the fourth blow.

  ?PLEASEEEEEEEEE! NO MOREEEE!? i bellowed urgently. ?It Hurts! It Hurts! STOP IT!!!

   Matron Debrah ignored me and i watched hopelessly as my fifth stroke was coldly administered.

   i never dreamed that such agony existed in the world! To say that my body was on fire, was a huge understatement! ?FFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK! STOP!  IT!  RIGHT!  NOW!? i commanded uselessly.

   i watched in sheer terror as the raised paddle whizzed through the air and found its mark once again. My ass was contorting in a vain effort of minimizing my butt's 'whip zone'. But my wriggling ass was no match to Matron Debrah's expertise in wielding the paddle! It landed precisely smack on the fleshy meat of my butt.

   In the corner of my mind i knew that my tears were streaming freely down my face. But i didn’t care. The only thing that mattered in the entire universe was to stop the agony!!

   ?i......CANT.......TAKE...... ANYMORE!!? i pleaded with gritted teeth.

    A blinding white light exploded in my brain when the seventh searing lash literally cut into my lower ass. My energy to beg was becoming diminished. My ass muscles clenched tightly as i tried to make pleading eye contact with Mistress, but SHE wasn’t even watching. SHE was non nonchalantly reading some transcripts as if their wasn’t a hysterically crying girl being horribly beaten in HER presence.

   ?MISTRESS PLEASSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE! MISTRESSSSSSSSSSS!!!? The eighth strike interrupted my wretched attempt to get my young Mistress's attention. The burning searing pain was so acute, i just collapsed into my restraints.

    ?i cant – i cant – i cant – i cant – i cant – i cant,? i repeated in sobbing misery. i was simply too beaten and exhausted to put up more resistance.

   My body remained limp in resignation as Matron Debrah mercilessly pounded my flesh with her proficient professionalism. My lack of protest was not reflective of the acute atrocious burning pain that seared throughout my entire body.

   i barely had the strength to reflexively clench my ass when Matron Debrah unceremoniously reached back and nearly cracked the paddle in half as it erupted into my defeated ass.

    'Its over, its over', i gasped, hoping that my saying it would make it so.

     You can not even begin to imagine the wonderful marvelous relief i felt when i saw Matron Debrah replace the terrible paddle in its place.

    i heard Mistress snap HER fingers again, and the two attending slaved hurried to release me from my restraints.

    i tried to straighten up, but the horrendous pain was too much. Crying, i collapsed into a heap on the floor.

   ?You have 5 seconds to be bowing down by my feet!? Mistress coldly snapped.

    The overwhelming terror i had for Mistress, was enough to thrust me forward like a rocket. i  plunged down to HER feet, and supplicated myself in compliant submission. My skirt and panties were strewn below my knees, and i acutely felt my naked display of bruised ass as i bowed subserviently to my Mistress. My emotions were completely out of whack. One second i hated HER with every fiber in my body and the next second i wanted nothing more than to kiss her feet in total homage.

   Mistress pressed down HER bare foot on my neck and it felt so wonderfully natural to grind myself before HER in obeisant awe. My body trembled from my raw emotions. I had no idea why, but i needed to show Mistress that i was thoroughly beaten by HER!

  'BUT I HATE HER!!' my brain objected. My hatred was indeed real, but for some odd reason, my need to show HER my awe - transcended my hatred! As if it had a mind of its own, my arms were  about to extend forward in servile supplication, when SHE removed HER foot and commanded.

    ?Kneel slave!?

    i rushed to my knees and knelt fearfully before HER. This time when i interlocked my arms behind my neck, it was the offering of respect from a pathetic beaten slave to her younger Mistress.

    ?Mikah, do you think that your little punishment will be sufficient to remind you that I do not tolerate dis-respect behavior??

   I felt so inferior to this hateful woman!

   ?Yes Ma'am, Yes Mistress.? i groveled.

    ?Excellent! Than lets put your tantrum behind us.? Mistress declared generously.

     ?Lets proceed with your 'trial'. Where were we? Oh yes, I was saying that the justification to hang you is highly compelling. Moms point is well taken, that justice should take a parallel course to the crime.?

   Mistress glanced at some notes.

    ?Here is a direct quote from Prime Minister Winifred: 'Her bastard father was the perpetrator of this deplorable massacre and he had no compunction to use the General's daughter as his deadly 'bait' -  therefor the appropriate just punishment in this situation would be that his own daughter be the recipient of our retribution!' Sound reasonable to me, Don’t you agree Mikah?? Mistress cruelly asked.

  Every bone in my body was shaking from fear! i tried but i just couldn’t stop my body from trembling vigorously. i didn’t dare answer honestly, as that would surly seal my fate. But i couldn’t think of any strong counter argument.

   ?Please Mistress,? i begged tearfully. ?Please save me!?

    ?I see that ten taps of the paddle was not sufficient! You are still obstinate in your refusal to obey me. I TOLD you, when I ask a question, the only thing that comes out of your mouth is an answer. Debrah, give her ten more taps.? Mistress commanded.

   ?NO! PLEASE! Mistress! NO!? i shrieked in utter panic. ?i will answer YOUR question Mistress. i will answer YOUR question, Ma'am? i wept.

   Mistress sat in considered silence for a moment before replying, ?Very well. But it would be inappropriate if I let you get away with your continued defiance without punishing you at all. I feel generous, so how about you bend over and put your hands on my lap while Debrah gives you two 'reminder' taps?? Mistress offered.

   i wasn’t sure if i could deal with two 'taps', but the alternative was so so so much worse.

?Thank you Mistress,? i blubbered as i gingerly stood up. i felt myself blush as i fidgeted in front of Mistress. It was incredibly humiliating to volunteer my ass for punishment. i stood directly in front of HER shoes and was starting to lean forward when Mistress interrupted me.

  ?This isn’t good. Hmmm, the way your skirt and panties are dangling and all tangled up annoys me. Remove them!? Mistress instructed.

   i moved a pace back from Mistress and quickly did as ordered. i was unsure what to do with them? i glanced at Mistress for some indication. SHE merely pointed behind me, and turning i saw that one of Mistress's corner attendants had moved behind me and was standing with her arms extended directly in front of her with her palms folded one on top of the other. She remained in this unmoving rigid pose while i hurriedly folded my clothes and placed them on the offered 'shelf'.

   i once again positioned myself directly in front of Mistress's bare feet. i carefully leaned a bit forward and was about to place my hands on HER lap – when SHE stopped me for a second time.

    ?I see that if I don’t give you step by step instructions, than we will end up here all night!? Mistress stated with a cutting edge to HER voice.

   The urge to snap rudely back at HER was nearly irresistible. 'Didn’t SHE see that i was trying to obey? What is HER problem!' i bit hard on the edge of my tongue before i could cause myself even more trouble.

   ?Step back one foot,? Mistress said in an annoying condescending voice – as if she was speaking to a particularly thick child, despite the fact i was way older than HER!

    Seething, i stepped one step backwards.

   ?Well done!? SHE mocked me

    ?Now bend forward and place your elbows two inches above my knee.? SHE directed.

    i made darn sure that my elbows did not dig into HER flesh. i remained in this clumsy 'hard to hold' position for a good thirty seconds before Mistress continued with HER patronizing commands.

    ?You are doing marvelous Mikah,? Mistress taunted.

    My hands were so close to HER face, that i had an overpowering impulse to scratch HER hateful eyes out!

    'Easy Mikah, Easy Mikah. SHE is trying to get under your skin.' i calmed myself. 'Breath deep and collect yourself.'

   ?Now lay your arms flat down across my thighs and place your hands on my upper hips,? Mistress flouted.

   i did as SHE ordered, and i could feel how my ass was jutting out – almost inviting the paddle to crush my tender flesh.    

   Mistress put her hand under my chin and elevated my head until my eyes were level with HERS.

   ?Focus directly into my eyes Mikah. I expect you to remain looking into my eyes until I give you permission to kneel. If you look away for even as much as a split second, than you will receive another spank. Since all you are getting are two light taps, I would strongly suggest that you use this opportunity to think up an appropriate answer to my question. You do remember my question Mikah??  Mistress goaded. 

    I gazed my churning eyes up into Mistress's twinkling speckled green eyes - only eight inches from mine. ?Yes Mistress, i remember the question Ma'am.? I felt like a chastised little girl, despite the fact that Mistress was so obviously younger than me.

    ?Lets make sure that you do. Repeat the question for me, my slave!? Mistress ordered.

    i desperately wanted to look away from Mistress's youthful penetrating eyes, but of course i didn’t dare.

    ?Mistress asked if I think it's just to – to,?  i shuddered at having to say the words out loud. ?Mistress asked if i think its 'just' to kill me!? i blurted quickly.

   ?And why would it be just??  Mistress asked staring deeply into my eyes.

   A quick shudder washed through me.

   ?It would be just because my father did the same thing to Annette,?  i answered in a barely audible whisper.

   ?Close enough. Deb, she is ready. Make sure it really hurts her!? Mistress instructed.

    i sensed Matron Debrah standing to the side of me. i heard the paddle's motion even before it struck. My hands clenched Mistress's hips, as the paddle exploded into my already bruised ass. I shrieked in agony, but Mistress forcibly uppercut me under my chin and snapped my jaws closed.

  ?Don't be rude slave. You are yelling into my ears.? Mistress chastised me.

    ?i’m sorry Mistress's! i’m sorry Ma'am!? i blubbered.  i was over-matched. i so desperately needed to break eye contact with my clearly superior Mistress. i wanted to crawl to HER feet and cry for days.

   It was so hard to keep eye contact with someone who has the power to do anything SHE wants with you.

   ?Mikah, I see that you are finally trying to be respectful. Will you do something for me, my pet??

   i nodded my head up and down. ?Yes Mistress,? i said deferentially.

   Mistress wiped some tears out of the way and halfway smiled. i found Mistress's supportive smile to be just as fearsome and intimidating as her mocking taunts.

   ?I want you to stick your ass up as far as possible, and offer it for your punishment. It will hurt you a bit more, but you really should show me that respect. Do you think you could do that for me my pet?? Mistress softly asked.

   ?Yes Mistress. i will really really try Ma'am!?  i looked deeply into Mistress's eyes. i terribly wanted to communicate my frenzied emotional state to HER.  

  i arched my back down to the point that it was uncomfortable, and i consciously stuck my ass up for the paddle. i knew that Mistress was able to see in my eyes the fear and esteem i held for HER.

  Mistress rewarded me with a smile and a light brush on my cheek. While the paddle thundered into my offered ass, i locked my eyes with Mistress's. i needed Mistress to see the overwhelming pain i was suffering in HER honor.   

   i was disappointed and perhaps even angry when Mistress didn’t acknowledge my sacrifice for HER.

    ?Did you think of your answer yet, or would you like Debrah to give you a couple more while you think?? Mistress asked quietly.

   ?Yes Mistress. i have my answer ma'am,? i replied uncertainly. 

   ?Terrific! Kneel and we can discuss this.? Mistress responded softly.

    i felt a wave of dizziness caused by my straightening out to fast. i quickly sank down to my knees and assumed the respect position. My heart was drumming heavily in my chest, as i waited for Mistress's expected question. i just wished i knew what i was going to say!

   ?So Mikah, what do you have to say for yourself?? Mistress jumped straight to the matter.

   i bashfully looked directly at HER teen feet as my mind raced with what i should answer.

   ?It's not un-just Mistress. But it isn't really 'just' either!? i hesitated as i tried to find the exact words to express my feelings.

   ?What I mean to say Ma'am, is that at the end of the day – i am not my father. i wasn’t even with my father when the the plan was hatched or executed. Why should i be punished for something i had no hand in or any knowledge of.? My argument served to drain me from my last vestige of strength or spirit i had left.

   i waited anxiously for Mistress to respond with HER verdict. i wanted so much to look at HER face, so i can perhaps get a hint of what SHE was thinking. But my familiar pluck had simply been beaten out of me.

   After the longest five minutes i ever had in my life, Mistress spoke with a twinge of melancholy in her voice. ?I have a very serious problem here Mikah. To be honest, I’m deeply torn. Karyn's murder was a brutal shock to me personally. This is what your father's gang did to Karyn and 19 other female officers. They tortured them to death! They cut off their noses and their breasts and their toes and than their fingers – and than they sewed their lips shut. Both set of lips! They than hung them upside down from their feet until they bled to death. They suffered living hell for two days. This can not be forgiven as an act of war!? Mistress exclaimed angrily.

   ?I cant even fathom what Karyn's aunt - Prime Minister Winifred - must be feeling. And Mother is as livid as I’ve ever seen her! She is friends with at least half of the victim's families. They both vehemently demand that fair justice should be extracted out on the daughter of the engineer of the massacre!? Mistress ended in a dis-passionate monotone.

  i now knew the misery that a condemned prisoner felt while awaiting their sentence.

  ?Also theirs the matter of...? Mistress stopped unexpected;y.

  It took will power not to blurt out, 'what other matter?'

  "Maybe you have a suggestion Mikah?" Mistress suddenly asked - offering a faint glimmer of hope. ?Because I frankly don’t know what to do. I can of course reject their non binding resolution – after all you're my property. But I owe Karyn and all the other victims retribution for their cold blooded murder!?

  i just stared miserably at Mistress's feet. Suddenly a germ of an idea popped into my brain.

  ?Mistress?? i asked hesitatingly. "May i speak openly Mistress?"

  Mistress let out a chilling laugh. "Remember what your stupid priests used to say at weddings: 'Speak now or forever hold your peace'? I think in your case this is quite true. Speak now or you will forever lay in peace.'"

   i didn’t find this as amusing as Mistress.

   "Where is Annette now, Mistress?"

  Mistress remained silent for a whole minute.

  ?What exactly is your plan Mikah??

    i blushed with self loathing. "i was thinking that perhaps your Mother and the Prime Minister would accept Annette in my place,? i said - feeling like the lowest form of creature in the universe.

  "Mikah, you do realize that you are proposing that Annette will be brutally whipped and than hung in your place? Are you sure you want to be responsible for a 14 year old girls death?" Mistress probed.

  i didn’t want to be responsible for anybody’s death! But i didn’t want to die either!! Besides, they would certainly kill her anyways. i knew I was rationalizing, but was it so evil if i benefited from Annette's certain death?

  "But wont they kill her anyways, Mistress?" i begged tearfully.

  "When will you ever learn Mikah! You may never ignore any question I ask you!!? Mistress sharply berated me.

  My heart instantly pummeled. What had SHE asked me? I frantically tried to recall HER question!  

I just couldn’t remember!

?Debrah, when you put this stupid girl to sleep tonight, gag her with the #3 rubber enforcer. Maybe that will teach her that I own this bitch's mouth and she must use it to answer my questions!? Mistress coldly ordered.

?Of course Mistress,? Matron Debrah respectfully responded.

i didn’t even have time to panic over this mysterious '#3 enforcer' because Mistress immediately repeated the earlier question.

?I had asked you Mikah, if you are ready to be responsible for a 14 year old girls death?? Mistress voice sent a goosebumps down my back.

i knew Mistress was trapping me. If i said i was willing to switch Annette for me - than i was nothing but a conniving pitiful bitch. Mistress might even decide that such a pathetic creature had no right to live!

But if i said not to switch places, than my death sentence was probably ensured. i kept going back and forth. "Uh, well, i think maybe..." i hedged.

  "You have 10 seconds to decide slave!" Mistress contemptuously informed me.

    Ten short seconds to make the most important decision on my life! 'Think Mikah!'

   Time is up!! Think Mikah... Think! i made a final panicked decision to sacrifice Annette.

  "i think that, umm.. that... well.. that. ..    i cant kill her!" Apparently my mouth had trouble obeying anyone – even me. But i knew deep down that i was incapable of sacrificing Annette for me.

"i cant kill her, Mistress," i whispered resignedly.

   My nerves failed me and my face sagged in defeat. i rocked back and forth on my knees and cried. i knew all hope was lost. Even my tears deserted me, as i unabashedly cried soundlessly to myself. i was  doomed!

  A tense silence permeated the room. No one uttered a sound. We were waiting for Mistress to make HER ruling official!

  Many minutes passed. But the silence did not afford me with any hope. What did it matter if Mistress declared HER obvious verdict now or later?

  ?Mikah,? Mistress's quiet voice intruded into my dazed turmoil. ?Annette is dead! She was shot trying to escape right after the massacre. But you showed true character when you were willing to give up your life for hers. Even though you knew that Annette would be killed no matter what you decided.?

   i didn’t feel proud by Mistress's words. i was mortified! How dare Mistress play this type of babyish game with me? Perhaps if SHE was substantially older than me, it might have been different. But to be treated like a little child by somebody who was so much younger than me? It was downright humiliating.

  But at the end of the day, with Annette dead, - Mistress would have no choice but to acquiesce to the will of HER Mother and the Security Council.

    Mistress abruptly stood up and walked to HER desk. Nobody asked HER where SHE was going. 'This is what being a slave is', i realized. We would all wait respectfully until such time that SHE chose to return. We had no right to expect courtesy. We were simply slaves and our entire existence was based on one single task: To do Mistress's will. We would wait for Mistress for hours or days if so ordered. If Mistress never returned, we would probably not move an inch until death overcame us.

   Perhaps i was lucky that i would die quickly rather than slowly become a mere shell of a human being. Perhaps death was preferable than being a lower form of life than Mistress's dog.

  My mind continued to haphazardly contemplate why death was the preferable option. I wasn’t quite convincing myself, but the human brain seeks to find comfort regardless of the situation.

  It was at least an hour later that Mistress saw fit to return to us. SHE sat back down in front of my 'still' kneeling form and let out a loud yawn.

  ?I wont keep you in suspense Mikah,? Mistress said. ?I have been speaking to Mother and Prime Minister Winifred and they reluctantly agreed that the final decision is indeed up to me.?

  Mistress paused to collect her thoughts.

   ?I am almost certain that I have reached a verdict. Would you like to hear it slave??

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How Jenna became a slave

How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 8 The Slaver Helps a Dancer

Immediately after the jury retired to deliberate Stephanie's case, the SlendaBond attorney and I retired to the VIP club in the courthouse to await the verdict. We discussed the fact that the longer the jury was out the better our chances of achieving at least a partial enslavement of Stephanie. If the jurors were having trouble reaching a verdict they would probably settle on a compromise verdict where at least we would have Stephanie under an indenture for 5 or 10 years. That might satisfy...

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Blue collar Master white collar slave

Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN  This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now.  PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...

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Submissive slave

Submissive slave Kara was lost. All the men she dated just seemed superficial and bland. She needed more or less, she didn’t know. Then she met Phil. He owned his own company and was into the import and export of goods from Africa and Indonesia. He was the most confidant man she had ever known but until she landed the secretary job she only knew his name and his reputation as a businessman.  On their first real date they ate a lite dinner and he invited her to his place. They had had lunch in...

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Breakingin Slave Kevin

Key-words: MMM/m Slavery, gay sex, rape, abuse, forced labor, torture  and scatologyBreaking-In  Slave  Kevin? 2011 by Masostud,  the right resides with the authorNote: This is a work of fiction. All persons and names are coincidental. Who feels insulted by descriptions of hard-core slavery and dirty abuse by scat-scenes is requested to leave this story unread. You have been warned.Summary: The gay Kevin (19) was devoted to dominating men. He went deliberately into the fangs of two strong-build...

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Slave Traders

The time was late in the spring and we were on a late night drivein the countryside watching for all of the new spring animals that wereborn. We spotted a doe that was grazing in the cool grass. My sister and I were on our spring break from college and didn'twant to spend our time in the local bars looking for men. We love natureand watching all the new growth that rises from the dead of winter. As we spotted the new doe, we left the safety of our car to geta closer look when we heard...

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MsC Master slave Colony

MsC, Master slave Colony While reading the Sunday paper my slave/wife noticed an interesting ad for a unique D&s lifestyle retirement community in the desert southwest that gave a website address for interested couples.   This is a fulltime, retired, non outside employment community.  She showed it to me and said, let’s go check it out to see if it is what we are looking for.  I went to the computer and entered the address that the paper gave.  MsC came up with two links below on the page. One...

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Goddess Anuns slave camp

Goddess Anun’s slave camp Part one – Abduction in Pattaya As Simon’s taxi ate down the miles from Bangkok to the coastal resort of Pattaya the hypnotic wheel vibrations were making him drowsy. He was not sorry to be leaving the Big Mango (Bangkok); the city was polluted to the point where the traffic fumes made you catch your breath and your throat sore. However, that aside, he had enjoyed the incredible variety of food in the city and the Grand Palace was well worth seeing. He also couldn’t...

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Slave Ownership

Overview of slave ownershipOwning a slave can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but you will need to put some energy into training and taking care of your property to get the most out of it.Your slave must constantly be reminded of its place and must never be treated like a human being. Doing so will only confuse it and make the slave unsure of how to please you.The slave must understand that its sole purpose is to please its master(s). It must dedicate all of its energy to...

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Slave of the Outcast

Chapter 1Charles Greene and his three mates were loitering around the lower floor of the mall. There were lots pf people in the mall. Kids running around and screaming. Cliques of women pacing around,  carrying bags of purchases. Elderly couples eating their ice cream cones.  Charles Green’s mates were also his classmates and their names were Jim, Casper and Norman.  They had finally finished their secondary school education. They had finally finished school and were now on holiday....

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The New Slave 2

The New Slave The New Slave Putting down my paintbrush, I looked at the clock and saw I had only ten minutes until Master William would arrive.? I covered up the painting and put the brushes away, thinking all the time about the strange direction my life had taken over the last two years.? By the time I had put away my paints and put on the handcuffs Master William insisted I wear each time he visited, it was almost time. I felt the rush of fear I always felt before he arrived and worst...

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The White Slave

Not long ago it was a straight and stuffy white male. it was arrogant and self-satisfied with its white male social and economic leverage and advantages. In the rat-race of white society it suppressed its submissive white side. But from time to time it would slip into daydreams of having a Black mistress and becoming a white slave for the Black Race. it had been briefly married to a white trophy wife, but the demands of the rat-race of white society had brought that to an end. Like most...

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NBWO The White Slave

Not long ago it was a straight and stuffy white male. it was arrogant and self-satisfied with its white male social and economic leverage and advantages. In the rat-race of white society it suppressed its submissive white side. But from time to time it would slip into daydreams of having a Black mistress and becoming a white slave for the Black had been briefly married to a white trophy wife, but the demands of the rat-race of white society had brought that to an end. Like most white...

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Husband slave

               Eunuch Slave to My Wife The Consent            As my wife snapped the lock closed on the chastity cage that fitted over my limp penis, I didn’t think that that would be the last time it would be free, But now 2 years later I’m a slave to my wife and her sex partners, yes that’s all they are to her, After 30 years of marriage and a great sex life I was unfortunate to have a severe stroke, although I have made a full recovery, our sex life took a dive as I became impudent, hardly...

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Traceys Slave Contract

EVER WANTED TO BE A SLAVE! ENTER OUR FULLY REGISTERED SLAVE CAMP LIVE LIFE AS A SLAVE AMONGST REAL SLAVE GIRLS GET THE FULL EXPERIENCE ALL TIME PERIODS AVAILABLE FROM 1 DAY TO 1 MONTH. CALL 0800 2567788 FOR FULL DETAILS OR CHECK WWW.BEATEMPORARYSLAVE.CO.UKTracey had to admit, the ad had caught her eyes, more than once, the same ad had been in the papers seven days running, complete with a pic of a tastefully naked slave girl. A few of the girls at work had mentioned it a few times, mostly with...

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The Short Sexual History of Coora a Slave

Olga’s note: Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight novels, wrote a short story retold from the viewpoint of a minor character, someone who walks into the scene of one of her novels and is almost immediately killed. In my stories, at least the ones so far, the first-person viewpoints of characters in my Aghara-Penthay shave all been women on special missions, or women captured to order, which means they’ve been missing out on the experience of a more regular slave – someone unlucky caught...

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The Slave

The SlaveAs it gets later into the night I realize my slave has had nothing to eat or drink, nor has he been allowed personal bathroom time. I excuse myself and head downstairs to allow him up to stretch and take care of things. I asked my roommates to fix him something light to eat and I grab a bottle of chilled water to take with me for him.I sit down on the side of the bed and he jumps, startled at my presence. I grab his balls firmly and ask him if he plans to give me problems if I let him...

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Slave Training

Heather was waking up from her nap, and was regretting it already. She wasn't a nap person, and was now facing one good hour of headaches. It beat facing the full brunt of a seven-hour long flight, but for some reason, the headache was really severe this time."Hmmmngh...dammit..."She had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and cute features marred by baggy eyes and a few freckles. She certainly couldn't be confused for a guy, even with her tendency to wear practical male clothing, but her body...

3 years ago
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Slave Training

Heather was waking up from her nap, and was regretting it already. She wasn’t a nap person, and was now facing one good hour of headaches. It beat facing the full brunt of a seven-hour long flight, but for some reason, the headache was really severe this time. ‘Hmmmngh…dammit…’ She had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and cute features marred by baggy eyes and a few freckles. She certainly couldn’t be confused for a guy, even with her tendency to wear practical male clothing, but her ...

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The Darkest Slave Queen

Dealing in the darkest parts of the underworld had its upsides. For a start, it garnered me a lot of money. Filthy amounts of it, especially from the slave and weapons trade. For another, I had... oh, other illicit comforts in my life. A slave of my own, for instance. Every morning, when I woke up, I never used a standard toilet for my wastes anymore. Instead I would undo my lovely slave’s gag and she would press her lips worshipfully to my asshole to eat what I dispelled. Or she would gently...

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Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt

                                             Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt.                                                 CHAPTER ONE     ?You'll enjoy it so much, Jane,? Carol told her enthusiastically. ?Just think; a whole three weeks in role together!?  Jane was dubious. Her cousin's proposal was exciting, but Jane had never role-played before strangers and she inwardly quailed at the very idea of appearing naked in public. But, deep within, a queer little thrill at the prospect...

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First Slave

First Slave By captv8td [email protected] 1Angela saw the slight nod from the woman.  That was her cue.  She stepped forward as she had a dozen other times earlier this evening.  This was the last one so it would be her final chore for the evening.She stood behind the girl.  They were all so young tonight; beautiful but young.  The naked redheaded girl who was fastened to the short post with her wrists cuffed behind her trembled.  Angela wished that she could whisper something...

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Mistress Vera and her slave part 2

Mistress Vera and her slave 2Chapter 3Upstairs Mistress Vera had changed. She sat relaxed on her sofa wearing a simple t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms. She was talking on the phone. “Yes at eight,” she said. “Yes okay I‘ll see you soon, bye.” She hung up the phone but almost immediately picked it up again and began dialling another number. She talked to various people before she finally stood up and wandered into the kitchen. There she selected a cookbook from a shelf and opened it on the table,...

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Submissive slave positions

Bara This position is used for a variety of reasons, sometimes as punishment. On stomach, face down and turned to the left with wrists crossed behind back. Ankles are crossed, as well, as if for binding.? "Bara!" he snapped. I flung myself to my belly in the grass, putting my hands behind me, wrists crossed, and crossing my ankles, too. I lay there in confusion, in obedience. He went to pick up the binding fiber which had been removed from my ankles by Tupita, from my wrists, a bit before, by...

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Torturing Slave Allie8217s Asshole

Greg gave the rope that tied his sweet slave Allie’s hands behind her back one more good pull just to make sure the bindings where secure. The young, blond woman was bent over in bed, a stack of old towels supporting her so she could comfortably lie with her ass in the air, Allie was unbound other than her hands, and that was less to restrain her but more done as a comfort, Allie loved bondage, it made her feel safe and loved and for the things Greg had planned this evening his...

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