Retribution 2 Nanotechnology and The XY Wars
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Zoe continued to be quite the disciplinarian whilst my wife Susie was away, and I was spanked regularly together with Jeff, and now also 21-year-old Hannah. We would each have to go bare bottomed across my daughter’s lap to be spanked by her very firm hand and then with the strap, and occasionally with the dreaded cane. It was something to hear three adults gasping and crying as my daughter Zoe soundly spanked each of us in turn, the other two watching, either glad our own punishment was already over or waiting for our turn with trepidation.
One noticeable transition did occur. I certainly was far better behaved than I had ever been before. The thought of going across my daughter’s lap had certainly made me think more about how I conducted myself. I said please and thank you far more, actually thought about how Zoe might feel about whatever I was doing, not just because I knew of the potential of a sore bottom, but more because I was realising that when better behaved that Zoe was nicer towards me, naturally so. In fact I was enjoying my time alone with her. We bonded, had a good time together, and laughed a lot. Then, when I overstepped the mark I would see the glare in Zoe’s eye, know I had been naughty and accepted the inevitable trip across my daughter’s lap, understanding why she was cross and why I deserved to be disciplined. I even heard her tell Susie one time when she called from abroad just how better behaved I had become, and how much she enjoyed my company when I was well behaved, at the same time she told her she was now having to discipline Jeff and Hannah. She laughed a lot, presumably with whatever comments Susie was making, and I remember Zoe saying “well it looks like things will change when you get home but in the meantime I will make sure they all behave as best as I can. It’s hard work though.” Then the day came when the women came home. We all sat down in our lounge for tea. Susie had put on quite a spread, and she and Madge told us all about their trip, the places they had seen, and what they had done. Then the conversation inevitably turned to discipline. Susie said “so Marty, I understand your behaviour has improved.” I was really happy my wife made that comment. “Yes Susie, I certainly have a high opinion of Zoe. She might only be 21 years old, and she might well be my daughter, but I have a healthy respect for her. I know where I stand, and accept her decision when she tells me I have earned a spanking.” I smiled at Zoe and added “I even know when that is most times” “That’s good. So what went wrong this morning?” Susie said sharply. I looked at Zoe who was shaking her head in disapproval. I hadn’t cleaned up the breakfast things. I was going to but the match started on TV and I didn’t want to miss it. “I just forgot Susie” I said, knowing what that meant. Nice tea or not, well I was going to be disciplined. Madge turned to Jeff and said “and you Jeff, the bedroom was in a mess. How come?” Jeff blushed, and said “I needed to watch the TV. The recorder is broken and if I missed it then I wouldn’t know what happened until next week.” “Well, I am surprised with you, and you know what that means don’t you.” Madge was cross. “Yes” he said reluctantly. Madge said to Zoe “so, you used the cane a few times I understand.” “Yes, I had to. It was the best way to keep control. You were right there Mum,” she added, smiling at Susie. Susie said to me “Well, Marty, please go upstairs and bring the cane down, and a strap. Hurry please.” I didn’t argue. There was no use, and even less use when I knew the cane was going to be in easy reach. When I got back there had obviously been a further discussion. Jeff was standing facing the wall and he was naked. Not just below the waist but completely naked. My mouth dropped open. I looked at Susie but she didn’t say anything. Madge did. “OK Marty give me that cane, then get undressed and stand by Jeff” she said strictly. I handed the cane to Madge who hung it on a picture hook on the wall, no doubt as a constant reminder it was there. Then I said “but Madge, why completely naked?” “You know Marty, I don’t think we need to answer to you. In fact what I reckon is that if you are naughty you just have to accept what we tell you, including how you will be disciplined. May be even being caned if you continue to argue. Is that clear?” I didn’t say anything else, not with that strict tone, like I seem to remember she used with Jeff in the early days but not for a long time. Not with the cane hanging on the wall and within easy reach. I quickly stripped off and stood facing the wall, not daring to peek around nor even glance at Jeff. I just listened intently to the conversation going on between the four women. Madge said to Zoe “OK, now we have a modicum of order, I will be spanking Jeff and you will spank your father.” “OK, presumably full discipline spankings” replied Zoe with that authoritative tone of voice I found quite scary but almost sexy at the same time. I realised I was getting a hard on and bent away from the wall. “Of course Zoe. Do you still use the strap on your father?” “I do Madge. I tried the hairbrush once and it was good, but I like the sound the strap makes.” “That’s fine, but I have found the hairbrush to be rather more rewarding so I will be using this on Jeff.” Madge sounded almost ecstatic, I could hear the rustle of someone looking in a bag for something and then Madge said “this really does sting I can tell you.” She stood behind Jeff and whispered “as you will be finding out very soon my lad.” I heard Jeff gasp and realised Madge had grabbed him by the balls and led him over to the spanking chair. Zoe came up behind me, grabbed my penis and balls and yanked, making me turn, and she led me over to the other spanking chair. I looked across at Jeff and saw he was already being guided across his wife’s lap and positioned. She seemed more daunting than I remembered. I realised that Madge had removed her skirt, and when Zoe sat down I saw she had removed hers already. They really didn’t like us to stain their skirts so I wasn’t surprised. “You still get those erections before a spanking Dad, why can’t you be more like Jeff? “Sorry Zoe” is all I could ever say when she spoke about my erections. My 21-year-old daughter discussing my penis. It was bad enough when she grabbed it and forced me to follow her. One fact was for certain. Madge had taken over responsibility for spanking Jeff from Hannah. Now I had to focus on what was going to happen to me as Zoe was now guiding me across her bare thighs and the carpet came up to meet my face, as it had done so often. I just thought how I shouldn’t have watched the football. It was a rotten game, my team lost, and I was going to get spanked to boot. A lousy outcome all around in fact. I heard the steady spank of hand on bottom and knew Madge had started spanking Jeff, and I heard Jeff moan as each spank hit home. A few moments later and Zoe was spanking my bottom and I was joining Jeff with moans of my own as my bottom started to get sore as Zoe landed spank after spank, all over my bottom and tops of legs. My erection soon disappeared, as usual. Zoe stopped now and again and although my eyes were filled with tears I looked up, mainly at Madge and Jeff because her gaps were taken at different times and I could see Madge’s hand strike Jeff’s bottom, register just how red his bottom was already, how the skin wobbled as Madge struck him, how his back arched slightly, and then as her hand rose and the same pattern was followed time and again. One such time I saw that Madge had taken up the hairbrush, and as I followed the arc of her arm and saw the hairbrush sink into Jeff’s bottom I realised two things. First the sound of the wooden backed hairbrush was quite different to the strap. It was almost a thwack, and the whole of Jeff’s bottom wobbled as a direct reaction to the flat head of the hairbrush covering so much more of his bottom than the strap. The second, even more noticeable, was the way Jeff’s back arched, his mouth flew open, and he shrieked, maybe more than with the cane. Somehow Madge looked so sexy as she wielded that hairbrush, so much so I felt my penis stiffen and force itself against Zoe’s thigh. My daughter’s thigh. No matter how I tried to get rid of it, so it got longer. I closed my eyes and thought about Madge spanking me with that brush but I just got stiffer. I heard Zoe say “nice one Madge, that looks effective.” “It is Zoe.” I felt Zoe rub my bottom and knew we were both looking across at Madge as she spanked Jeff several times with the hairbrush. Jeff was crying freely whilst Madge was just focussing on where she was going to spank Jeff next. Zoe then said “Guess what Madge, you are so effective Dad has got a hard on, against my leg.” She sounded cross. Zoe then gave me spank after spank until my erection had gone. It stung like crazy but at least I wasn’t rubbing myself against my daughter’s thigh any more. Zoe rested for a bit and I recovered. She was talking to Madge about the hairbrush again, and then I realised Susie and Hannah were talking as well. I heard their voices to my other side and squirmed around. I double took with what I saw. Somehow I wasn’t at all surprised to see Hannah standing there, her hands on her head, looking at Madge and Jeff. Expressionless. What did surprise me though was Susie was standing next to her, also stark naked and with her hands on her head. How come I wondered? Susie wasn’t expressionless. She lent across to Hannah and said “it really hurts Hannah, and Madge knows how to use it with great effect. The last time she spanked me with it I watched as she slowly took it out of her handbag and thwacked it in to the palm of her hand. I nearly wet myself there and then.” Hannah’s face scrunched up but she looked as though this was something she knew would happen to her. I felt myself start to become erect as I watched first the spanking Madge was giving Jeff, and then got even stiffer as I gawked at Hannah and Susie standing naked, their hands on their heads their breasts standing so proud, their hair mounds somehow glistening, maybe already wet with anticipation, but why I didn’t know. Madge said to them “ok girls, keep it down, we need some quiet here whilst these two are disciplined.” Then Madge said to Zoe “do you want to try this on your father?” “I’ll try it sometime” I heard Zoe say, “but for now I’ll use the strap” and it was my turn to gasp as the first stroke with the two pronged leather strap hit me fully across my bottom. I didn’t have time to recover before the second stroke hit me, and then it was just a constant stream of spanks which I was finding harder and harder to cope with. I knew the tears were dripping down my face, I was sobbing madly, The spanking stopped suddenly, and Zoe said “OK Dad, I hope that teaches you chores come before TV. Does it Dad?” I squirmed around to look at my daughter and through tear filled eyes said “yes Zoe, I know.” “Good boy” she said, gave me a couple of hand spanks, and ordered “now go stand next to Jeff. Face the wall, and keep your hands on your head. No talking either.” I got up and only then realised that Jeff was already standing. As I walked towards him I saw how red his bottom was and my mouth dropped open, and as I got to him I saw his tear stained face heard him sobbing. I stood next to him and as I put my hands above my head Zoe said “you are right Madge, look at the difference between their two bottoms.” “Exactly Zoe. You should try it, maybe not to use every time, but a good alternative when an extra hard spanking is needed but he hasn’t earned the cane.” “I will try it Madge. I know you and Mum used it before but I don’t remember it being quite so awesome.” “I think you and Hannah liked the feel of the strap so never used it, but times do change, don’t they.” “They sure do Madge, not to mention the two bottoms that are about to be spanked.” Madge laughed. “It was a bit of a turn up for the books. A bit like Hannah deciding she liked to be on the receiving end.” “That was cool when it happened Madge, I just didn’t think Mum would be the same.” I couldn’t help it. I just turned and looked at Susie, still standing there, naked, with her hands on her head. “Susie?” I asked. Zoe screamed “how dare you Dad.” She took the cane off the wall, came straight over to me and spun me back around so I was facing the wall and the next thing I heard was the whoosh splat and my yelp.” “Sorry Zoe” I said just as I heard the second whoosh splat and scream. “Not good enough Dad. You were warned weren’t you.” I whimpered as I heard the third whoosh splat and I yelped slightly louder and was sure the stroke was landed with more strength than normal. “Now face the wall and just listen Dad. You’ll hear soon enough.” I let out a sob I just couldn’t stop, nodded, and kept as still as I could, looking at my black spot on the wall, and waited.RETRIBUTION! (PART ONE) BY WALLACE Retribution: n recompense, usually for evil. Revenge Jet lag! I felt like I was seventy years old with severe arthritis and a hangoverthat was the result of a three-day drinking binge so the last thing I neededwas any rough stuff. I'd dumped my bags on the sofa as you do and was justheading for the kitchen to make coffee before falling into bed when I hearda key scrape in the lock. It wasn't Mrs Johnson from downstairs because I'd phoned her the night...
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Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity HumiliationCategories Bondage Femdom Forced CrossdressingSynopsis Ralph thought he he entered seventh heaven when he married the wealthy Janet Milhouse but little did he know?.RetributionBy Janet BakerMet and Married It took forever to find the right man for my companion -- my husband. I wanted a man who would be easy to live with, not too demanding, attractive of course, about my age, and virile. I...
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Zoe phoned her close friend Hannah. “Guess what, Grandma and Grandpa are coming for lunch and Grandma has asked me to find a reason to spank Grandpa.” “ No kid,” Hannah exclaimed. “How will you work it Zoe?” “ Grandma is a wily so and so and I guess she will give me all the ammo I will need.” “ You gotta come over later and tell me all about it. We’ll have the house to ourselves.” “ Great. I’ll give you a call first.” Zoe’s Grandparents arrived for lunch and for once her parents, Marty...
This story is the beginning of a series. I've decided that there will be 4 parts and Part 2 will come out soon. It took me a long time to finish this story, so I hope you enjoy it. Note: Heavy sex appears in this story from time to time. This is the first story that I've done that contains heavy sex, so for those of you who can't read this type of stuff, please leave. And another note...if I seemed brief with the ending that's because this story took way too long for me to...
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Zoe phoned her close friend Hannah. “Guess what, Grandma and Grandpa are coming for lunch and Grandma has asked me to find a reason to spank Grandpa.” “ No kid,” Hannah exclaimed. “How will you work it Zoe?” “ Grandma is a wily so and so and I guess she will give me all the ammo I will need.” “ You gotta come over later and tell me all about it. We’ll have the house to ourselves.” “ Great. I’ll give you a call first.” Zoe’s Grandparents arrived for lunch and for once her parents, Marty...
SpankingMarty and Susie knew it had been a mistake. Zoe, their 21-year-old daughter had enjoyed full disciplinary control over her parents, and they both knew she was very annoyed with them. They had all agreed Zoe would have control over them for 6 months and that period was nearly up. Susie was soon to return to being the maternal disciplinarian, albeit Marty was unlikely to see any significant difference as Susie had always spanked him in any case. He was going to be spanked by someone and to him it...
SpankingRetribution My thanks to LadyCibelle and my friend SH for sorting my foul-ups and editing this short tale for me It was amazing; it looked like I'd picked the perfect spot. From my chosen seat in the back corner booth almost no one could see me, but I could see just about everyone in the place. I suppose I'd better add that Jimmy, the owner of the club, had arranged for a couple of large plants to be moved so that the booth was almost completely hidden and, to most customers, would look as...
It took Jon nearly a year to arrange it, but now his careful planning and meticulous timing was coming into fruition. Having past the wrought iron gates and driven down the gravel drive with tufts of grass growing through it, the end game was now in full swing, like a run away juggernaut, it was unstoppable. He could picture when it all started, the re-run going through his minds eye as he drove towards destiny. It seemed that it had been one of those days; one of those occasional...
I looked at Zoe and said “I’ve had seven already Zoe, isn’t that enough?” Zoe came over to me, grabbed my penis and balls, turned me around, and felt my bottom. “It is striped and marked, but Mum said twelve strokes didn’t she?” “Well she does normally give me twelve but after a warm up. You didn’t warm me up did you?” I know it sounded like a moan, but I was hurting. Then she gave me the body blow. “I tell you what Dad, treat those first seven as the warm up, so you have twelve...
Part Two My bottom was still sore from 21 year old Hannah’s spanking but the lovemaking with Susie, my wife, had been great. Susie sat up and looked at me seriously. “About Zoe” she said “When Madge and I go away on our holiday I can’t leave Zoe open to your nonsense. You know that don’t you. She gets full spanking rights over you Marty. I really don’t want a discussion about it. 21 is old enough” Susie said, looking very serious now. My mouth dropped open but I couldn’t speak. ...
Zoe continued to be quite the disciplinarian whilst my wife Susie was away, and I was spanked regularly together with Jeff, and now also 21-year-old Hannah. We would each have to go bare bottomed across my daughter’s lap to be spanked by her very firm hand and then with the strap, and occasionally with the dreaded cane. It was something to hear three adults gasping and crying as my daughter Zoe soundly spanked each of us in turn, the other two watching, either glad our own punishment was...
Marty and Susie knew it had been a mistake. Zoe, their 21-year-old daughter had enjoyed full disciplinary control over her parents, and they both knew she was very annoyed with them. They had all agreed Zoe would have control over them for 6 months and that period was nearly up. Susie was soon to return to being the maternal disciplinarian, albeit Marty was unlikely to see any significant difference as Susie had always spanked him in any case. He was going to be spanked by someone and to him it...
I didn’t mind so much being spanked by my wife when it started all those years ago. Susie was annoyed, claimed I was acting childishly, one thing led to another and I ended up across her lap and had my bare butt turned bright red, not to mention sore and that I was unable to sit for a while. After that being spanked became the norm. When she decided I deserved to be that is, which I have to admit was fairly regularly. I never did grow up I guess. We moved in to our present house several...
Madge gave the order “right Hannah, you may not enjoy spanking your father but let’s see if you enjoy me spanking you. Susie, I warned you at the airport, you are due a thrashing and Zoe is going to give you one, here and now.”I gasped. Susie is going to be spanked?I knew I would get spanked again but I had to ask. I spun around and asked “how come Susie?”Zoe went to the wall and took the cane off the picture hook and came over to me. She was about to give me a stroke with the cane but Susie...
The phone rang. Zoe answered it and I could tell it was Susie. I stayed facing the wall, my trousers and underpants already off, about 5 minutes away from going across my daughters lap for another exceptionally hard spanking. Susie has been away on her holiday for three weeks with Madge from next door. Zoe was given full spanking and discipline rights over me, even though she is my 21-year-old daughter and I am 45. Here I was again, waiting for her to take me to the spanking chair,...
Madge gave the order “right Hannah, you may not enjoy spanking your father but let’s see if you enjoy me spanking you. Susie, I warned you at the airport, you are due a thrashing and Zoe is going to give you one, here and now.”I gasped. Susie is going to be spanked?I knew I would get spanked again but I had to ask. I spun around and asked “how come Susie?”Zoe went to the wall and took the cane off the picture hook and came over to me. She was about to give me a stroke with the cane but Susie...
SpankingI looked at Zoe and said “I’ve had seven already Zoe, isn’t that enough?” Zoe came over to me, grabbed my penis and balls, turned me around, and felt my bottom. “It is striped and marked, but Mum said twelve strokes didn’t she?” “Well she does normally give me twelve but after a warm up. You didn’t warm me up did you?” I know it sounded like a moan, but I was hurting. Then she gave me the body blow. “I tell you what Dad, treat those first...
SpankingThe phone rang. Zoe answered it and I could tell it was Susie. I stayed facing the wall, my trousers and underpants already off, about 5 minutes away from going across my daughters lap for another exceptionally hard spanking. Susie has been away on her holiday for three weeks with Madge from next door. Zoe was given full spanking and discipline rights over me, even though she is my 21-year-old daughter and I am 45. Here I was again, waiting for her to take me to the spanking chair, already...
SpankingPart Two My bottom was still sore from 21 year old Hannah’s spanking but the lovemaking with Susie, my wife, had been great. Susie sat up and looked at me seriously. “About Zoe” she said “When Madge and I go away on our holiday I can’t leave Zoe open to your nonsense. You know that don’t you. She gets full spanking rights over you Marty. I really don’t want a discussion about it. 21 is old enough” Susie said, looking very serious now. My mouth dropped open but...
SpankingI didn’t mind so much being spanked by my wife when it started all those years ago. Susie was annoyed, claimed I was acting childishly, one thing led to another and I ended up across her lap and had my bare butt turned bright red, not to mention sore and that I was unable to sit for a while. After that being spanked became the norm. When she decided I deserved to be that is, which I have to admit was fairly regularly. I never did grow up I guess. We moved in to our present house several...
SpankingI had often wondered about what happens to people when they aregiven total freedom to rape and torture others.Like soldiers orderd torape all the enemies women.Most of these soldiers are just normal citizensmen and women . Armies from all countries are just as guilty,yet free ofthe constraints of normal society they can become terrifying sadistic murderers.Whatwould I do in that situation?.M and me found our limits one night and Ithink it is safe to say that we brought out the worst in each...
It took Jon nearly a year to arrange it, but now his careful planning and meticulous timing was coming into fruition. Having past the wrought iron gates and driven down the grass covered gravel drive, the end game was now in full swing, like a run away juggernaut, it was unstoppable. He could picture when it all started, the re-run going through his minds eye as he drove towards destiny. It seemed that it had been one of those days. One of those occasional days when anything and everything...
Why is it that some folk suddenly get religion when they are about go to meet their maker? Ain't it bad enough for those being left behind to be losing someone they love, but the love of their life - on their death bed - has to suddenly decide that they have to make peace with the world, and ask forgiveness for their sins before they leave it. Let me tell you my story and you might understand what I'm getting at. It was a normal Monday, just like every other had been in the almost six years...
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Arriving downtown Linda saw an Italian restaurant featuring pizza and grabbed the bus’ stop-cord. She realized that hunger pangs were making her cranky. Ms. Mouse agreed. Linda walked into the restaurant and, since it was open seating, she selected an empty table by the front window. She was pleased that the pizza menu allowed customers to order by the slice. Linda ordered two slices of pepperoni pizza and a Pepsi. It was really good pizza. She would definitely return to this place when she...
After dinner Linda went up to her room and turned on the evening news. She watched with interest a developing national story about Medicaid corruption. “An FBI agent was found dead in a park located in Cauthen, Virginia two days ago. The FBI and police are calling this a potential murder investigation. An FBI spokesman reported the agent was investigating a Medicaid fraud ring centered in Cauthen. The alleged ringleader was a prominent attorney named J. Robert Perkins. Doctor Firestone,...
The next morning Linda awoke refreshed and ready to face a new day. She decided on a room service breakfast and ordered scrambled eggs with toast and coffee. Stepping into the shower Linda planned out her day. We have the location of the Russian gang, from that creep in the hotel restaurant with the lobbyist, so let’s use the laptop to look the area over. Then, we can go there today, look around and come up with a plan, Linda mused. I like it, added Ret. Let’s not go walking in with our...
In the morning Linda walked downstairs for breakfast with Carla. Carla was practically walking on air. “Hey, Carla, good morning. You look happy today,” Linda said. “I lost six pounds! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy.” I had to give her a boost to cover the time we’re gone in the Caribbean, whispered Tink. Carla brought Linda a large waffle, sweet strawberry syrup and a plastic tub of Cool Whip. Already sitting on the table was a bowl of sliced, fresh strawberries. “Looks like we’re...
It was close to midnight when the Jellyfish arrived in George Town, Grand Cayman Island trailed by El Gato Grande and Pretty Lady. Jessica had radioed in ahead to warn the authorities she had a woman and two young girls needing emergency medical attention. She didn’t mention pirates or rape over the open radio transmission. Police and three ambulances were waiting at the pier for her as they tied up. Jessica explained the situation and informed the police she was claiming salvage rights on El...
The girls didn’t get back to their hotel room in Istanbul until 7 a.m. the next day. Linda walked in, turned her phone on and found seventeen messages and texts from Fred. He sounds mad to me, whispered Mouse. Ya think? asked Tink. I guess we better call him, whispered Linda. Go ahead. We’re sleepy, Ret said. Mouse yawned, Goodnight, Linda. See ya later. Have fun with Fred, whispered Tink. Great, the going gets tough and the girls go to sleep, complained Linda. Her complaint was...
“I have great news, Linda,” “What’s that, Fred?” She asked as she moved her scrambled eggs around on her plate. Linda was trying to decide the best way to tell Fred they needed to move to San Diego. Just tell him for God’s sake, whispered Mouse. “You’re getting noticed. I’ve been contacted by several major sponsors wanting information about you.” Tell him about the autographs, Ret whispered. Mouse giggled, That one fan with the short blonde hair was really hot. Mouse, you perv. I’ve...
Brisbane, Australia. Linda and the girls were enchanted. Fascinated. The whole atmosphere was so much like home and so different at the same time. The signs were in English. The streets and cars looked the same. Just different. The Australian cars had the steering wheels on the wrong side and they all drove on the wrong side of the road too. This would take some getting used to. “What’s the name of this place again, Fred?” asked Linda “Meriton Suites in Adelaide Street. We have adjoining...
Wake up everybody! We have to get ready for Cindy’s breakfast meeting, Linda shouted. Come on, we’re late already! Mouse groaned and rolled over. Can’t we just stay here and let you go to the meeting? Ret whispered, They’re already downstairs in the restaurant. Cindy, Fred, Mike, Diane and some new girl named Joyce. Okay then, we have to hurry. Let’s drain the bladder and go. Shower time after the meeting, Linda said. I’ll go along, but I may fall asleep during breakfast, whispered...
It was evening the day after Christmas when Linda arrived in Los Angeles. Since she was flying in from Honolulu, she could bypass customs and walk straight to baggage claim. Linda was surprised to find a guy waiting for her with a sign saying ‘Linda Spencer’ on it. When she checked with him, he handed her a note from Joyce, ‘Enjoy the limo.’ The driver collected her luggage and escorted Linda out to a black limousine. He drove her to the Charleston Hotel, and opened the door for her then...
I have been here for almost a week, recovering from my injuries. I owe my life to my saver, the priest that brought me here. The man of God, he has been taking care of my injuries. It’s hard to guess how old he is, from the thick beard that covers most of his facial features. He is a tall and slim man, always standing straight, full of confidence. It was late in the afternoon. For one hour I was struggling in bed to bring myself in an upright position. When the priest sees how much I have...
The smell of incense filled the air. I inhaled the scent, as I stopped at each Icon, made a cross gesture on my body before kissing the painting of each saint. Once finished, I made the same gesture on the large brass cross with the figurine of Jesus. I stood there, staring at Christ. “Jesus chose to die because he loved humanity and wanted to save us. To give us the chance to go to Heaven,” Father Petrou said. He appeared next to me. “You weren’t in your room or the garden. I figured you’d...
The streets of Central London were flooded with shoppers. With the festive season getting nearer, the shops were packed. Wherever you looked, there were pedestrians with more bags then they can carry. Their arms were swinging backwards and forwards, as they leapt in and out of shops. Everyone was getting ready for Christmas. I don’t come to the West End to buy gifts or browse the shops. I walk the streets of London hoping to see two familiar faces. I am searching for Goliath and his...
By ten-thirty I was in bed, compared to other night which was after midnight. I was up from the crack of dawn the next day. It was before Father Petrou arrived, with breakfast prepared for two. It was a full English breakfast, consisting of sausages, eggs, beans and toast. I was preoccupied over the cooker when Father Petrou startled me. “I hope you haven’t prepared anything for me, Tony? I am fasting,” he said. With two plates in my hand, I turned around. “Nativity Fast, right?” I...
Days turned into weeks, but time stood still for me. I expanded my horizons with Chris’s advice. With only ten days until Christmas, I hadn’t made any progress. My frustration began to show. To subside it, I trained longer and harder. I released my anger by jogging. Father Petrou noticed it as well, from my change of mood. He attempted to talk to me. It was Saturday morning. We were cleaning the garden, collecting the last of the leaves which had fallen of the trees. “Try and put it all...
I had confessed to Father Petrou that it was me who put the envelope under the bible. I kept a small amount for myself, not to spend on me, but for travelling expenses. I was planning on using some of the cash to buy a firearm, but without having the right contacts, it was not possible. Maybe it was better that way. The last thing I needed was the police on my tail. The only weapon I had was the old police baton. If appropriately used, it would be as lethal as any weapon. With my injury...
Gladstone Avenue was dead quiet at two in the morning. There weren’t many houses with their lights on. The only movement on the street was coming from the property Tatiana entered earlier. I still wasn’t one-hundred per cent she lived there. I walked past the house, taking a quick glimpse into the front garden. The two bold goons I saw earlier were still standing by the front door. They were guarding the entrance like a couple of bouncers outside a nightclub. I carried on walking down the...
As soon as I got back to St Barnabas, I locked myself in my room. I ripped off the clothes I was wearing and jumped into the shower. I scrubbed my body clean from any evidence I had on me. The clothing I had on I dumped in a black garbage bag, to get rid of later. All these items needed to be destroyed. My adrenaline was still high. I emptied the contents of the rucksack onto the bed, covering the bedspread with money. It took me a while to separate the notes into their category and count it....
It was two in the morning when the train rolled into Brighton Railway Station. If it hadn’t been for one of the passengers waking me up, I would have still been sleeping on the trains return journey. All groggy I staggered off the train. Once I went through the ticket barrier, I searched for the nearest bathroom to freshen up. After letting the water run for a while, I realised the water wasn’t warming up. As soon as the cold liquid touched my face, it fully woke me up. I was ready to begin...
Everyone around me was getting into the Christmas spirit, enjoying themselves. I stayed glued on that seat. With eyes like a hawk, I observed each person that walked through the entrance. As the evening progressed more customers rolled into the cocktail bar. It made it difficult for me to see everyone while being seated. I need to walk around. Sipping on my beverage, I casually walked towards the rope barrier. A small section of the rope was unhooked. A couple in their late fifties stood by...
Father Petrou’s voice woke me up. I checked the time. It was gone two in the afternoon. I lay there on the bed for a moment, just staring at the ceiling. “Tony, have you woken up yet?” Father Petrou called. “Give me a minute, Father.” “I’ll be in my office,” he replied. Fifteen minutes later I walked into Father Petrou’s office, under my arm the bag containing the money. My good friend, the priest, was reading from the bible which was spread open on his desk. If I hadn’t coughed, he...
It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...
Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...
Love Stories(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...
Theron won the great sparta and Queen of Sparta. By doing sexual war with Queen Gorgo. [email protected]
Fantasynous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...