Alphas Chapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Jed was grateful for fashion trends as she wrapped her cloak around her. Thisstyle had always been worn in the cold winter, because the fabric wrapped aroundthe body twice. The first loop went under the arms, fastening just in frontof the left armpit, then the fabric went over the right shoulder, a long sleevethere allowing freedom to the arm, before coming back over the left shoulderto fasten somewhere between that and the front. The hood was attached to thatfinal loop of cloth, starting at the front left and ending with a tail of fabricthat fastened to the right shoulder, meaning that the face was almost completelycovered. This was extremely useful in winter storms, but the latest fashionwas to wear cloaks of lighter fabrics in the summer.
She checked her reflection in the mirror. The soft silk cloak was clearlyexpensive, but she'd avoided any distinctive embroidery. Yellows and orangeswere very much in fashion, though having the two colours slowly merging intoone another was a little more unusual. Only her eyes showed of her face betweenfolds of orange silk. It would be impossible for anyone to recognise her.
The folds of cloth swathed her entire body, so that it would be difficultfor anyone to even guess at her build. Her money was in solid form, littlechips held in a purse beneath the cloak. Paying this way would draw attention,but she didn't want electronic transfers traced back to her. No one would beable to know her as Lady Jedry.
She imagined the scandal if she was discovered. Jerrin would do what he couldto quieten things down and her work on the Alpha Team meant that she couldalways go back to Earth for a while if she needed to wait out an uproar. Still,there was no point in flaunting what she was planning.
She picked her way to the door between piles of boxes waiting to be unpacked.She didn't bother locking the door behind her as she left. Most people wouldn'tdare go into a royal bedroom and Jem wouldn't be bothered by locks if she wantedsomething. Jed headed to the transtube to get to the ground floor, a littlesurprised to find Jem in it. Jem was probably planning something illegal, giventhe way she pushed the portcomp she had been inspecting carefully out of sight.The youngest of the Queen's sisters was always planning some scheme or other.
?You off out?? Jem asked.
?No, I thought I'd just catch up with some reading.? Jed tried not to letthe sarcasm have too much of a sting in it. ?Where are you heading??
?Council chambers.?
?Arriving late to meetings is one thing,? Jed grinned, ?Arriving when themeeting's been over for three hours is something else.?
?Don't ask what I'm up to and I won't ask what you're up to.?
?Deal.? They shook on it, just as the doors to the transtube opened. Theyturned opposite directions, Jed heading for one of the many side doors thatwould let her out into the gardens so that she could reach the city withouttoo many prying eyes seeing her.
A guard who used to ?not notice' as she sneaked sweets to her room as a childnow saluted her formally as she passed. The universe changed. She still feltlike that little girl, off to do mischief, but the rest of the world didn'tsee her that way anymore. She almost began to regret moving back into the palace,but she'd needed to get away from that house and it would take too long totry and buy a new one. She could always start looking. It wasn't as thoughshe'd unpacked much anyway.
She'd been surprised that she hadn't cried but now, thinking about it, maybeit wasn't that surprising. Their marriage had been over for years, she'd justblinded herself to it. Even living in the same house, a week could go by withthem spending barely five minutes in each other's company. Alim would worklate on his projects and she'd end up sleeping on the base after a missiontoo exhausting to make it home. Every time they'd tried to spend some timetogether, one of his projects would have a catastrophe or she'd be pulled ontoan urgent mission with the Alpha Team by Jak and the Council. But now it wasover. Done with. And Jed found her feet taking her to a place she hadn't visitedsince Alim had asked her to marry him, oh so long ago.
The city around her was relatively quiet. There was always the buzz of conversationand thought and, as a telepath, she felt minds like lights in the darkness.Figures moved here and there, unaware of her. They made their way homewardsor to private engagements, leaving her alone in the crowd. None of them knewthe emptiness that ached inside her. None of them even spared her a glance.
The stars overhead were pinpricks in the dark sky, forming patterns so familiar.She had been getting used to the constellations of Earth, but there was somethingcomforting about the ones she had known since childhood. Behind her, the crystalspires of the palace rose above the buildings. Lit from within and without,they formed gleaming towers reaching up the heavens, refracting a rainbow overthe dark city. In those towers, Jem was probably breaking into Council filesand Jak was no doubt reading those same files unwillingly, preparing for tomorrow'smeeting. Jerrin would probably be putting Helry to bed for the third time thatnight, trying to convince him to stay there until morning. Her family, contentand unaware of the situation she was heading towards.
The establishment was close enough to the bad side of town to be able to dealwith the right type of customers, but close enough to the good side for itto attract the richer of the right type of customers. It didn't advertise itselfwith bright lights like everywhere else, knowing that the people who wantedthis sort of place would know enough to find it. It didn't even have a realname.
She stepped in through the door and stopped short. It wasn't the sight thathad caused her to pause, but the sensation. More than a hundred minds, buzzingwith emotion and need, sent out a wall of thoughts that even a weak telepathwould be deafened by. Strong emotions caused strong thoughts, and lust wasdefinitely a strong emotion. Words and images assailed her too rapidly andtoo many to be able to pick out a single mind in the mass. She let the sensationswash over her, until her mind got used to the din.
?This isn't the sort of place for a nice young lady to be,? one of the doormenwarned her.
?Who says I'm a nice young lady?? And Jed walked across the room.
On either side of her, men and women in various stages of undress performedacts that would have got them arrested in most evening entertainment sites.A strong-looking man was getting a spanking, pulled across the knee of a guywho would probably end up pulp if the two of them fought. Amazing how appearanceswere skewed in a place like this.
It hadn't changed much. The faces had grown older or gone, replaced by newerones with the same lust in their eyes and thoughts in their minds. Jed embracedthat jumbled mix of wants like an old friend as she walked to the bar. Hereyes skimmed over bare flesh that held others entranced as it danced beforethem. A cross, away to one side, held a pale girl being beaten with a softflogger clearly designed to mark more than hurt.
Jed perched herself at the bar. The tender, still dealing with another customer,flashed her a smile. She was still shrouded in her cloak, but Mett was a half-decenttelepath and had probably recognised the touch of her mind. Dressed in darkrobes made of a material thin enough to hint at what was under them but leaveenough to the imagination, it was a great pity Mett was taken. Green eyes undera fringe of dark curls, his face was delicately shaped enough to give him aninnocent look. The wide, leather collar at his neck was proof that he was farfrom innocent.
?The Bright Star has returned,? Mett smiled at her, ?What can I get for you??
?Just a fruit juice,? Jed said.
Mett mixed a variety of juices together, remembering what she liked withoutany need for a reminder. It could almost have been only yesterday that shewas last in here, but for the words they spoke to each other.
?Your nice husband not exciting enough for you anymore?? Mett asked. She'dnever mentioned Alim's name, but Mett and the others knew why she'd stoppedcoming.
?We ended the marriage,? she told him.
?I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure there are plenty who won't be. I couldprobably name a dozen who'll be pleased the Bright Star is back on the market.? BrightStar was the name that had been given to her here, since she didn't want tobe known by her real name. In a room dominated by black and red, with othercolours only appearing in dark shades, she was a vivid splash of brightness.
?If they've waited for me this long,? she said, ?they can wait a little longer.? Shecould also think of a couple who would have loved to be with her. Ordry andPalth were two who would have liked to break her, make her a sub to them. Butshe wasn't interested in them. Their minds, behind faces carved and rugged,were slow and dull. She might like looks in her partners, but she craved amind that was bright and brilliant, dancing in thoughts and feelings as sheplayed.
It was that which had attracted her to Alim. So unlike her usual types, withno interest in the Games she liked to play, his mind had shone like a beacon.She had made that mind dance with clever words and interesting talk, pretendingto herself that it satisfied her almost as much. She doubted Alim would everguess what she had sacrificed to be with him. She had loved him desperately,still did, but he would never be able to share this side of her.
Jed unfastened her hood to drink the juice Mett gave her, but left it overher head, shadowing her features. She turned to admire the room, or ratherthe people in it. There was a lot of exposed skin and that which was coveredwas done so by material so thin or so tight that it might as well have beenexposed. There were some who, like her, didn't want to recognised, shroudedin cloaks. Theirs tended to be black, and of material substantially less expensivethan hers.
She let herself enjoy the sights. So soon after Alim, she wasn't sure shewanted to start getting physical straight away. For now, she'd just watch theshow that was on offer. The girl had been taken down from the cross and wasbeing gently soothed by her master. In her place was a man with firm musculatureand a great many marks from previous beatings. She suspected from the moansand the desire and desperation that was coming off him in waves that it wasmore than just a beating stimulating him. His front, hidden against the wall,was probably decorated by toys that would make him incredibly aroused. Shewondered if he had a permanent master or would accept any dominant. If he wasn'tclaimed, she might try a bit of fun with him at some point.
Suddenly Jed became aware that the thoughts of one person in the room werebeing strengthened, not by lust, but by another, stronger emotion. She focusedin on that mind, locating the body it was connected to. A man, perched terrifiedon a chair, had a couple of thugs standing over him. He looked young and innocent,his thoughts frantic and darting, rising to be almost a scream.
Mett and a few of the more telepathic in the room had noticed now. Jed quicklythought to Mett not to bother with the doormen, and went over to the thugsherself.
?Look, I said no,? the scared guy was saying.
?And we said yes,? thug number one replied, stroking the guy's cheek. Theother went straight for the groin.
?We can make it extremely pleasant,? said thug number two, ?if you're niceabout it. If not, well, we'll leave that to your imagination.?
Jed felt her anger rise and moved so that she was standing behind the chairthe guy was sitting on, staring at the thugs. The guy being hit on sent hera panicked look as she placed a protective hand on his shoulder, but she radiatedcalm.
?He told you he's not interested. I suggest you leave him alone.?
?You want to play instead?? Thug #2 leered at her.
?Not with you. Now leave.? Thug #1 backed off. Maybe he'd seen her here before,maybe he was just freaked by how calmly she was facing them off. Thug #2 wasn'tgoing to be quitting that easily though.
?I think your pretty face would look good with a nice gag and a good tightcollar.?
?A gag wouldn't do much good,' she projected directly into his mind with considerableforce, ?now go, before I make it difficult for you to play ever again.' A telekinetictouch to his genitals was the most she could manage. Let him sense her telepathicstrength and assume she had the same skill with telekinetics. No one here wasgoing to know that she was absolutely hopeless at that particular ability.
He took off quickly enough. The guy on the chair turned to look at her withgratitude, but his mind was still racing with fear. He looked so young andvulnerable. There were enough people attracted to that sort of image. Unfortunately,this guy had attracted the wrong ones.
?You should go home,? Jed told him, ?this isn't the place for you.?
?What if,? the guy asked nervously, ?what if they're waiting for me??
?I doubt they will be. Even so, I'll keep my mind open to you. If anythinghappens, call out.?
?Thank you.?
She watched him go, then headed back to the bar. Everyone in the room wascarefully not watching her. She saw one submissive staring, though he lookeddown at the ground as soon as she turned in his direction. She watched hima little longer. He was good looking, pale brown hair long enough to be pulledback in a ponytail. He wore tight trousers and an overrobe tight across hischest but open from his flat stomach to the ground. There were no visible marks,but she couldn't see his back.
?He's new,' Mett thought to her, ?he's been once or twice. He's been intothe back with a female dominant, but said ?no' to a second time.' Which meanthe liked females, or he wouldn't have said ?yes' the first time and that hedidn't have a permanent mistress.
She sent her thoughts towards him and felt his mind. It wasn't particularlybright, which meant he wasn't talented telepathically, but his mind was oldenough for her and his thoughts were quick and many. Intelligent then. Andcurious. His eyes flicked up briefly to see whether she was still watchingand she beckoned him over. He crossed the room quickly and stood in front ofher seat, eyes to the ground.
?What's your name?? she asked him.
?Danithry, my lady,? he answered. It was likely to be his real name. She didn'tlike being called ?my lady' here, since she got enough of that at home. Still,she would correct him if she decided she liked him.
?Are you looking for a new dominant??
?Yes, my lady.?
?Long term or just for tonight??
?I cannot say if I would like someone to be my mistress again until we havehad one night, my lady.? Cautious and honest, definitely a good sign.
?Why were you staring at me?? Hopefully his answer to this question wouldbe honest as well.
?You were kind to that man.?
?I've seen this happen time and again. Someone comes into this place, wantingto prove to themselves and others that they're strong and brave. They don'trealise how it will affect them until they're inside and by then it's too late.If I hadn't been here, there would be plenty others to step up to his defenceand plenty will remember those two thugs if they try to come back.? She didn'tadd that the fact she had acted would help re-establish her as someone to berespected. Everything in a place like this hinged on respect earned and respectgiven. Those thugs had forgotten that.
?My lady?? he waited for permission before continuing. ?Are you looking forlong term or just one night?? She smiled to herself at the fact that he wasbrave enough to try asking questions with someone he didn't know and couldn'tgage.
?I have just come out of a very serious relationship,? she told him, ?so I'mnot certain yet that I want something permanent. I thought I would just seehow things progress.? She took her drink, and her new companion, to one ofthe slightly more private alcoves around the edge of the room. It held a long,curved bench surrounding a circular table. It also afforded a good view ofthe cross. The same man was still strapped to it, his back now crimson withangry lines. He was moaning in desire and agony, need flowing from him in anintoxicating liquor.
Jed turned her attention to Danithry. He was perched next to her, a littletense but not frightened. His nervousness could be attributed to not knowinghow a new mistress would treat him, even one shown to be kind. A little shelteredfrom the prying eyes of the club, she lowered her hood fully from her head.Her face was less well known than her sisters' and she did everything she couldto keep it that way. Certainly, he didn't seem to recognise her.
She placed her hand on Danithry's back, rubbing it slowly. Beneath the tightoverrobe, the muscles began to relax to her gentle ministrations. She feltno blemishes or scars but that was only to be expected since most dominantswere careful and those who had been abused didn't often play submissive voluntarilyagain. Still, he didn't flinch away from her touch, which meant no bruises.She would have expected more nervousness from someone new to the game, so heeither played gently or hadn't played in a while.
?You see that man at the cross?? she murmured in his ear. He shifted a little. ?Wouldyou like to be strapped to it? Would you like me to mark you as mine? I couldleave red trails across your back; kisses of pain.? Her fingers traced criss-crossinglines, allowing him to imagine the whip there. He moaned slightly, shiftingagain. She could see his interest in his trousers and his thoughts were racing.She caught a couple of the images that his rapid mind was projecting, findingthem exciting. She just hoped he wasn't too disappointed when she took of hercloak since the body he'd imagined for her was a little too perfect to everbe achievable.
?I could make you moan with desire. I could decorate you.? Here she movedher hand to his front, brushing over a nipple and causing a shiver to run throughhis body. ?I could let toys torture you even as the whip caressed you. I couldmake you burn with the need to come, make you scream and beg for my permissionand you would know that you could only do so at my pleasure.?
?Please.? The single word was a startled gasp. She wasn't sure if it was becausehe wanted the fantasy to be made true or if he was so turned on by it thathe was already asking for permission to come. He was certainly aroused already.
It was a masterful work of timing. The man was even now being helped downfrom the cross. Jed took Danithry over to it. There were others who lookedas though they had been intending to use it, but they were old enough customersto recognise Bright Star and step back. She removed his overrobe, but lefthim his trousers and his dignity. She'd been right about his back being unmarked.Pale, smooth skin was waiting for her touch.
She strapped her submissive to the wooden bars, making sure the restraintswere secure but that they wouldn't hurt him. There was a tiny spark of fearas she finished fastening him in, but it was quickly squashed by desire.
?Are you new to the Game?' she thought to him, making sure that her wordswouldn't be picked up by any of the other telepaths nearby.
?I've played before,' he thought back, ?but nothing very serious or intense.'She chose a soft flogger from the selection available, much like the one usedon the girl earlier. The strands were flexible enough and smooth enough thatthey wouldn't hurt too much someone who she wasn't sure about. She didn't knowhis boundaries so she wasn't going to risk anything more severe.
The first blow was a test, nothing too harsh. He arched away from the blow,but his desire remained unchanged. She searched his mind for that spark offear, but was pleased that it dimmed at the second stroke rather than flared.His desire was a tide, pulled to its height as the strokes of the flogger dancedacross his back. Red lines burned on the whiteness, brilliant and so unbelievablydesirable. His moans were intoxicating as he writhed in his restraints at thepleasure and pain she was causing. She didn't think she'd heard sounds so incrediblysexy in a long time.
His desire came in waves like the sea, swelling with each stroke. With someonemore experience or that she knew better, she might have switched to anothertoy and let that desire swell some more. She felt it wash over her with pride,knowing that she'd caused him to need like that. But he was new, and his needwas beginning to bring his fear back, so she showed mercy.
She unfastened the straps and helped him away to a seat, handing him backhis robe. His breathing was heavy and his eyes dark was lust. The way he satspoke volumes about the erection he needed to deal with.
?I give you my full permission to come, but you may do so in private,? shesmiled at him, ?You did well and I would be glad to see you again.?
?I'd like that, my lady.?
?I don't know when I'll be next able to come back here. My work is? unpredictable.Thank you for tonight.?
?Thank you, my lady.?
Jed went to the bar to pay Mett for the use of equipment. Then she wrappedthe hood about her head again and made for the door, all the time feeling Danithrywatching her. She wasn't certain if she wanted anything serious after Alim,but she would gladly play with that excited young man again.
She wandered home, her mind still on those marks across his back, his feverishmoans that were unintelligible and yet so eloquent. Yes, she would like tosee him again.
The palace was still lit when she arrived, a great many windows showing figuresstill awake and working inside. The guards saluted her through and she headedfor the transtube, only to be stopped by a familiar figure. Jak was hurryingtowards her, her formal robe not disguising the fact that she wore jeans beneathit.
?Alpha's needed back on Earth,? Jak told her, ?We leave on the hour. Do youknow where Jem is??
?Council chambers.? Jed had sought out Jem's mind before Jak had finishedspeaking. Jak sighed at the news.
?You go and tell her. If I catch her doing something illegal again, I'll haveto report her.?
?Yes, ma'am.? Jed mock-saluted her older sister and headed off to find theyoungest. It seemed dreamy recollections of her enjoyable evening would haveto wait.
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Mia’s fist slammed down on the alarm clock, cutting off the shrill warbling sound that would wake her no matter what condition she was in every morning. She sat on the edge of her bed, running her hands through her dark hair before forcing herself up. A yawn caught her by surprise and she shook her head. She pulled on skin-tight lycra pants and pulled a jogging bra over her head. Then she gathered her thick locks up into a ponytail and headed out of her room. Her running shoes were in the...
Mia checked her weapons one more time, and then she rose with the rest of her team, rocking with the turbulence in the plane. The Alphas were blind night jumping into a hot zone. Their orders were to find a group of Americans that had been cut off from escape. They had to find them and get them out of the hot zone. Mia felt the usual rush of adrenaline that night jumping always had zinging through her system. It was the most dangerous kind of jump, drifting blind with no hope of knowing what...
Threading the Needle By Lainie Lee "Where did you learn to sew?" "My mother taught me. And I can't sew, putting a button back on isn't sewing, it's mending." "Whatever." "Hold still." "Weren't you a guy back then?" "I guess so, a sissy little boy, at least. Would you believe it better if I said my drill sergeant taught me?" "He did?" "Sort of. My mom, my aunts and my drill sergeant." "All at the same time?" "No, silly. Hold still or I'll sew this button to your...
HumorAlpha Dog By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] *** Life was good. I was a few months of hard work away from making junior partner at the firm. My wife was beautiful, and we had decided to start trying to make a baby. Outside of work and marriage I spent my free time on my favorite activity: BJJ, or Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I had been a pretty good wrestler in high school, and even though I'd gained a lot of weight since then, at five-nine and one-eighty, I was still quick,...
*The final part of the story started with the Howling* With widened eyes Shintaro and Brit shook their heads in disapproval. ‘That’s suicide Ken,’ the mercenary protested, ‘You can’t just take them on by your own.’ ‘Baby you can’t do this alone,’ added the female scientist. ‘That’s a direct order Shintaro,’ Ken sternly told his subordinate. ‘Alright, I will take her back and I will return to either fight by your side or die with you.’ The mercenary helped Brittany to her feet and guided...
‘Yes, sir,’ Mia snapped. ‘Sorry for the delay, sir!’ ‘Gear up, Kodiak.’ Mia dropped her bag onto the floor of the van and then met the eyes of each of the men sitting there. All but Romeo dropped his eyes. Mia shook her head before bending and opening her bag. She pulled her off duty weapon from its place in the small of her back and sat it in the case before pulling her camo pants out. Standing, she unbuttoned her jeans and let the zipper down. ‘Is this a floor show?’ she snarled at Romeo. ...
Mia blew gunpowder and her hair out of her face, wiping the sweat off of her brow with one black colored sleeve. When Demon wanted them to practice he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. They were in full tactical gear, including Kevlar vests that seemed to weigh a ton and amplified the heat. She slammed the button beside her and watched as the target moved quickly toward her. The ten-ring had been completely torn through, the rest of the target was immaculate. She laid it on the pile of...
The drive home was peaceful enough. Not too much peak hour traffic which meant that I could cruise home quite happily with the music on, the windows open to let the breeze in and a chance to contemplate the events of today. I certainly would need some time this evening to share with Joan everything that had happened. I hoped the school meetings wouldn’t last too long. I was looking forward to a nice shower and love fuck with Joan later. I got home to find Joan had put some clothes on – a...
Keeping to the shadows he progressed the last few hundred yards to the club entrance without being seen. He waited in deep shadow until a small group of patrons showed up. He tagged onto them, and deserted them once through the door, disappearing into the shadowy confines of ‘The Pink Bar’. ‘The Pink Bar’ was not an Alpha-Primes first choice of establishment for a meeting but Tom had business, female business. He looked around carefully noticing the darkened stairs leading to… god knows where,...
I know I took this down a few months ago but I’ve been working on the chapters to straighten out as much of the bs that I can. The Hunters are almost relatives to me and I would like to keep them as pure as possible. Anyway, I hope that you will find these chapters a bit easier to read and not quite so pheowy. Thanks and take care! Chapter One The sound of flesh meeting flesh was like fingernails on a blackboard. Miara stood, her mouth hanging open as she stared at her sister and the loser...
Mia felt her skin flush and wanted to curse out loud at the interruption of her shower as well as her fantasy. Having Aidan standing there, holding the shower curtain open, had her furious. She covered her breasts with one arm, cupping her swollen and throbbing pussy with the other. ‘How the hell did you get in here?’ He held up a ring of keys, Demon’s keys, which unlocked all the locks in the bunker, including her locker room. He stepped even closer to her, his eyes roaming over the delicious...
Introduction: The main characters are wolf hybrids. The female is wolf and human and the male is wolf/vampire. He is alpha over a wolf pack and she is his beta. Kristopher had gotten up very early that morning to check in with his wolves. His pack in particular, a very large one, got up early to hunt in their specific part of the forest. He wished to hunt with them as he hadnt seen them since yesterday morning. He rose out of the bed slowly, leaning down to kiss Evangelines forehead tenderly....
Note: This story is based off of a piece of work by another person. You can read it here: I am not following the storyline of the story, however the events are similar to the basis. Please enjoy. I had decided to quit my job. That was it. Done. Goodbye forever. I needed a change in my life. When I went to college a few years back, my brother and dad went to work on a project together with some help from my grandfather too. Seeing as how...
GayThere's one Frat house at edge of campus that's infamous for it's loud, wild party's. Every night loud music blares from the inside, bright colored lights shine from the windows, and young students come in by the hundreds to get some excitement in thier life. Once they get a taste of excitement, however, they can't let go, and let thier grades drop in order to come back everynight. The young men who run the frat are known for being loud, annoying jocks who, despite thier obnoxious nature,...
Mind ControlAlpha Delta Pi Sorority House By [email protected] I was attending college, I liked to pull practical jokes on people. I was able to handle spiders, ants, and other insects with very few problems. When I attended my classes, I liked to drop the ants and spiders on a person's clothes or on their desk. Usually after a few minutes, the ants and spiders would make the person jump out of their desk and disturb the class. It was even more fun when I did it to the girls that were in class. ...
SpankingHow many times did she think He would explain it to her? She kept "asking" or maybe she couldn't understand. He had finally reached the point He had been dreading. Damn! He hated doing this. This was only the second time He had felt this for a woman. And the second time the woman, His woman, had pushed and pushed until He had no choice. Maybe she just didn't understand? Never mind that, she had taken it to either/or. Spotting the street number He was looking for He pulled into the condo...
For once in a while, my alarm awoke Joan and me – not something that happened every day. We’d had a fun time in bed last night and together with the enhanced sexual life I was now leading, I had fallen into a deep sleep. Joan headed off downstairs not before shouting at the kids to get their butts in gear. I headed to the shower and got dressed. I realised that I needed to recover Ling’s knickers before heading off to Kwik Shoppe for my morning coffee – I wondered what surprises Ling might...
I managed to escape the office at about 5:15 as I needed to head to the Shopping Centre to meet up with Ling. I parked the car up and headed to the food area and found the fast food joint. I got myself a milk shake and found a table to the side. A few minutes later, Ling showed up. Again, we kissed with more passion than the last kiss this morning. This was going to be a successful evening; I could feel it. There was a nervousness in Ling but also a latent desire that I could feel. I asked...
When I arrived home, Teresa and Joan were still chatting away and looked like they’d gone through the best part of a bottle of wine – certainly the bottle between them didn’t have much left in it. I kissed both women and when I cuddled Joan, Teresa asked if she could come and cuddle me on the other side. Joan was more than happy, as was I. I was nicely in my familiar position of a female on each side. I assumed that Tracey was still around as Joan was still wearing her dress. Neither woman...
Another week has passed in the life of John as Alpha Male in his company and at home. The past week has been a whirlwind of change and accustomisation to his new world where he owns his pack of cubs. There’s so much that could or has to happen: A daily lingerie photo to John from the absent cubs When a supervisor is appointed, are they given access to the company cubs (the arse of Carina?) Does Sam sleep with John and Joan again tonight? John and Joan attend the Soiree with Mike, Tara...
Trisha's brow furrowed as she checked out the last few settings on the computer. Everything looked right. There were no glitches that she could see, and since it was her ass on the line if something screwed up well... honestly, it would only cost her money, but it was a fair amount of cash, and she didn't want to lose it. She squirmed in her seat, feeling how hot and sticky her pussy had gotten as she'd gone over the hardware and software one last time. She was going to wait until this...
"So I bet you think there is going to be instrumental music and such tonight?" she asked and giggled. "You would be completely wrong." she said and laughed. "It’s the modern age baby and we dance to what ever is hot these days" she giggled once more. Kristopher eyes had widened as he heard his mate whisper towards him that it was going to be like a modern dance. "Dance with me?" she asked Kristopher as a hip hop song came on. He looked towards his mate and smirked when she asked him...
He crashed into the forest below, landing on all fours very gracefully for such a large canine. He bolted through the forest loving the feeling of the morning frost between his paws. He ran with his tongue out tasting the crisp air as his snout locked onto his pack and he ran faster. He caught up with Darius and the rest of them, and they hunted for a good few hours. After Kristopher had his fill he knew he should return to his beta. He butted head with each of his pack and made his way back...
‘Wake up, bitch!’ The words were followed immediately by a splash of cold water from a bucket that sat close by. Mia screeched and sputtered, lifting her head to glare at the man standing before her with the bucket. He was laughing at her, watching the water drip from her chin down to her naked breasts and off her nipples hardened by the combination of cold water and the night air. ‘She sure sounds like a woman.’ He grinned at the man with hm. Mia shook the water from her face, wiping off the...
Introduction: Part two a three some with a enchanting Russian Vampire It was the night of the ball for Evangelines birthday. As well as the first night the young queen appeared in public with her half wolf lover. Her kingdom knew her husband and her no longer shared a bed, but they had not ever seen her with anyone else. Her husband had a mistress of his own and they were there together. When she entered the room all eyes were on her. Dressed in an elegant silk ball gown that fitted her body...
"What's done is done", he said pulling his cock out of her cum filled cunt. She looked down in horror as the cum dripped from her snatch. "I'm not on the pill", she whimpered. He took his semi hard cock and slid it in her again. "And you like the way it feels, don't you... my cock in your pussy, filling it with cum". She loved feeling his cock again. She had never been fucked by someone so skilled. She enjoyed every minute of the last hour. He pulled it out again. He took her panties and slid...
Have you ever seen that painting technique where the picture is made up of thousands of tiny dots of various sizes, and it only looks like a complete picture from a distance? Pointillism, I think it is. Well imagine the technique come to life. Twice. I've met them. Not only were they freckled to the point of unreality, as though the small bronze spots were the basic building blocks of their faces, but the two of them were identical. Not just genetically, but intellectually, aesthetically,...
Somewhere in the dark corners of the world, or perhaps in space, or possibly even another dimension, a new infection is waiting to take hold. This disease can take any form you can imagine, from a parasite to a fungus, but it has one defined set of symptoms. It transforms its victims into hypersexualized castes, whether it's alpha males, females, or whatever you can imagine. It can impose radical body transformations, transform the personalities of those infected, break down taboos, or even be...
Mind ControlYears ago, your mother was abducted by aliens, a dying race who sought to help prevent others from making the same cataclysmic mistakes they had, and to try and preserve at least some of their species genetics within others. They experimented on her and bred her, making her into one of many mothers of the many champions they would send across the stars. And once you were grown into a man, you were chosen to return to her home world of Earth. You are Alpha. The latest in hero flying around the...
You follow your master on your hands and knees along the cold hard floorof the dimly lit corridor. Your knees ache dully as you struggle over thehard surface. You sigh with discomfort as the thought enters your mind thatyou are in for far worse. The leash tugs against your collar as you Masterstriding slowly beside you urges you on with a sharp pull as you all behinda little. You reach the door at the end of the corridor, a hidden passageform the bottom of the wine cellar of the house. The door...
The snow kept falling pretty steady, but Cayuse and I continued to explore Helena and the area around it. Several downtown faces were becoming familiar to me. And probably to Cayuse as well, although he didn’t mention it. I’d had a glimpse of Varner three or four times since he had arrived in town. Walking around, tending to Pinkerton’s business I guess. I never was close enough to actually see his face, but I recognized his shape, his thick body. And the black overcoat he always wore...
AMY NEEDS Sometimes life can be real strange. Often some of the strangest behaviourstirs from deep inside us and manifests itself as our sexual urges. A bewilderingmix of our past experiences and our present desires. My wife, Amy and I have been married for almost 20 years. Our sex life isalways interesting, with mild bondage, spanking, and other variations, andthe lust has not diminished despite the years. However you would call our sexlife relatively normal, even if somewhat mildly kinky....
Emmy stared at the clothes in her closet and picked her outfit carefully. Tonight’s demand was for a conservative, yet elegant look and the reminder that it would likely be the last time she would wear the outfit. Alexander wouldn’t force her to have sex, in fact he might not even touch her sexually. But the fact that the outfit would not be repeated suggested rough play and she welcomed that.It had been nearly a month since he had penetrated her or allowed her to have an orgasm. She realized...
BDSMMia was warm and very content when she woke. The pillow under her head was moving and had a heartbeat that was steady and soothing in her ear. She stretched and felt the strong, muscular arms wrap around her, holding her almost tenaciously against him. She heard him moan and lifted her head, seeing the tousled man who’d made love to her through the night hours and well into the morning. She’d long since lost her shyness in front of him and she hitched herself up so that she could reach his...
Mia’s feet seemed to have a mind of their own and she cursed once more as another shape lumbered out of the darkness to come toward her at a speedy clip. The curse fell from her lips and she felt Aidan reach out and grab her camo vest by the sandy leather weapon holster. ‘You okay Mia?’ She cursed again though this time, his name was at the end of her sentence. ‘Quit asking!’ Aidan let her go almost too fast for her to catch her balance. ‘I ask because I’m concerned, Mia. You don’t have to...