- 2 years ago
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Low Libido
Carmenica Diaz
Daphne flicked through her magazine, glancing at the photographs of celebritiesposed on a first night red carpet and critically examined the gowns. Fred,her husband, sat in the other chair, newspaper open at the sports pages andspread across his lap.
Sighing at how unfair it was that the celebrities could afford dieticiansand personal trainers to keep their weight under control, Daphne turned thepage and her hazel eyes lit up when she spotted a quiz.
'Darling,' she said, eyes still on the magazine, 'there's a test here forsex.'
'Sex?' Fred's ears pricked up and he looked over at Daphne 'What about it?'
'A quiz - Ten Questions to Spice Up YourSex Life ,' Daphne said with a laugh. 'It's all rather silly,isn't it?'
Fred cleared his throat. 'Nothing wrong about a bit of spice.'
Something in his voice made Daphne glance at her husband. 'What are you saying?'
Fred shifted uncomfortably in his chair, the newspaper rustling loudly. 'Isuppose all sex lives need some spice now and again.'
Daphne fixed him with a firm gaze. 'Are you saying our sexlife requires spices of some description?'
'Well…you know…what I said...everybody needs spice.' Fred shiftedagain and tried to fold the newspaper. 'It's just another ingredient.
'I see,' Daphne said and looked back down at her magazine, turning a pageor two before asking, 'and just how would you add this spice toour sex life?'
'I don't know,' he muttered, 'I suppose we could do things.'
She looked up at him again. 'Things, what sort of things?'
'Other things...ah…kinky things.'
'Kinky things?' Daphne pursed her full lips and asked primly, 'what kinkythings?'
'I don't know…I could tie you up or something…'
Daphne laughed. 'Tie me up? So you can climb on me and pump away until youspurt? Why on earth would I do that? It would just be like every other timeexcept I'd be bloody uncomfortable or it would hurt.'
Fred flushed. 'You come when we do it…'
'You silly billy,' Daphne chortled. 'I don't think there's a woman alivewho can come after two or three minutes of stimulation.'
'What…what are you saying?'
Daphne returned to her magazine. 'I would have thought it was bleeding obvious.'She sighed again and muttered, 'men can be so bloody thick.'
'I fake it,' Daphne confessed with a sigh.
Fred gaped at his wife, astounded. 'Why…why didn't you say something?'
Daphne shrugged and flicked another page, studying a full-page advertisementfor a pretty bra. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the largest size was a C.It was so difficult to find pretty underwear in the larger sizes.
'Why didn't you tell me?' Fred repeated.
'If you couldn't figure it out, you obviously haven't got a clue. I thinkwe should both be grateful that I have a low libido. I did a test in Women'sWorld and, apparently, I do have a low sex drive.'
'Because a bloody magazine says so?' Fred snapped.
'No,' Daphne said evenly, 'because I haven't orgasmed during sex in fiveyears of marriage.'
Stunned, Fred stared, open mouthed at his wife who calmly smiled at him,turned another page and read a recipe for Danish apple crumble.
'Never?' Fred squeaked at last.
'No, never,' Daphne said airily. 'As I said, sex is not important to me.'
'But you have orgasmed?' Fred persisted. 'I mean, throughmasturbation?'
Daphne's round face flushed prettily. 'I don't wish to discuss that ,thank you very much,' she said primly.
'There's nothing wrong with masturbation, darling, everyone does it.' Hewatched her for a moment and then slyly said, 'that could be the spice we need.I could watch you masturbate.'
'Goodness gracious no! That's disgusting!'
'I didn't think you were such a prude.'
'Ladies don't do that sort of thing!'
'Masturbate? Yes, they do, even royalty!'
'Now, you are being truly disgusting,' Daphne said, standing up. 'I'm goingto make a cup of tea. Do you want one?'
Fred nodded sadly, knowing the subject was closed.
Fred managed the electrical department of a large retail store and Daphnewas a legal secretary at a small firm of solicitors just off the high streetso they travelled to work each day in one car.
'I was thinking about the conversation we had yesterday,' Fred said as hebacked the car out of the gate.
'That would be a first,' Daphne muttered, glancing out the side window, 'actuallythinking about a conversation.' She adjusted her skirt and flicked a pieceof link of the sleeve of her jacket.
Daphne considered herself to be a little on the plump side and favoured severeblack business jackets and knee length skirts to hide her shape. The jacketswere always a little large, and with the minimiser bra, helped to disguiseher large breasts.
Fred ignored the jibe. 'I thought you could do some research…'
'Research what?' Daphne asked sharply.
'Different…er…spices,' he finished lamely as he steered thecar down their street.
'You mean smut!'
'No, no…erotica…'
'I am not reading filthy magazines!' Daphne said decidedly.'What if someone sees me?'
'No…not magazines. You could read stories and things on the internet.'
'On a computer? I hate reading on a computer.'
Fred sighed but decided to persevere. 'Some of the stories are jolly interesting,I'm sure you'll enjoy them. Please, Daphne, do it for us?'
'Us?' Daphne stared at her husband.
'Well,' he said uncomfortably, 'I feel a little guilty that…you know...youhaven't…'
'There's nothing to be guilty about, darling. As I said, I have a low libido…'
'I'll get a list of internet sites for you. Please, darling?'
'I don't want to read dirty stuff...'
' Please?'
Daphne glanced at her husband's pleading eyes and acquiesced. 'It could beinteresting, I suppose,' she said dubiously.
Daphne read the list and shook her head while Fred shifted from foot to foot.'Some of these names are so disgusting,' she pronounced,finger running down the list. 'What is BDSM?' she asked after a moment.
'It's…ah…a spice?' he adlibbed.
Her finger travelled further down the list and stopped on a name. 'A womanwrites this filth?'
'It's not filth…yes, women do write erotica.' Fred sighed. This wasnot going at all well.
'Is she Spanish? I can't read Spanish or Portuguese, you know,' Daphne saidfirmly.
'No, that's just her pen name. In fact, she's English; lives in London.'
'How do you know?' Daphne asked suspiciously.
'It's in her biography. Let me show you her webpage.'
Daphne followed Fred into the study and sat next to Fred as he opened thewebpage. Leaning forward to look, she exclaimed, 'goodness, she has writtenan awful lot! Can I use the mouse? I get giddy watching someone else.'
This , thought Fred, is a breakthrough andimmediately got out of the chair. 'Please do, darling.'
Daphne settled in the chair and clicked her way around the page. 'The picturesare a bit naughty,' she said, flushing. 'My goodness, she sells this stuff?'
'Ah…yes…but it's very good…'
'How do you know?'
'Ah…I bought some…rather a lot, actually…'
'You spent our money on this filth? I am surprised,Frederick, I really am…'
'Wait, it's quite cheap…'
'Cheap? How cheap?'
'About four Euros per book. I can print them off for you and you can readthem in comfort. I could even put them in a folder for you so nobody will knowwhat you're reading.' Fred stared anxiously at his wife and waited.
Daphne clicked on a book cover and stared at the synopsis. 'All right,' shesaid slowly, 'print one and I'll try to get around to reading it.'
Fred printed all the books, punched holes in each page and inserted themin a fat office folder. He nodded approvingly as the pages now appeared asinnocent as minutes from a meeting of a women's charity group.
Daphne read the first chapter of one of the books and immediately knew theauthor was a woman. Written in a friendly and gossipyway with a sharp bitchy element that made her giggle at the sheer stupidityof men, Daphne found that she thoroughly enjoyed it.
It also gave her ideas.
'Darling,' Daphne began at dinner, 'I agree that we should try to add somespice.'
Fred's head jerked up. 'Spice?'
'Yes,' she said sweetly, 'perhaps I don't have a low libido. We should tryto find out, shouldn't we?'
'Yes,' rushed Fred, 'yes, of course. What did you have in mind?'
'I don't know this kinky stuff as well as you, darling so you suggestsomething.'
'Well,' he said slowly, I could tie you up…'
'No, we discussed that, remember?'
Fred nodded and sighed. 'Yes, we did but I have a pair of fur-lined handcuffs,'he added quickly, 'so it would be comfortable.'
Daphne blinked at him, trying not to giggle. 'Fur-lined handcuffs? Why onearth would anyone make…oh never mind. Why do you have them?'
'I thought you might…want to…you know…spice,' he finishedlamely.
Daphne pretended to think. 'I know,' she said innocently, 'why don't I tie you up?'
Fred lay naked on the bed with arms handcuffed to the iron bed head, thebedroom lit by several candles. Daphne emerged from the bathroom in a blacklace chemise, stretched against her large breasts that were threatening tospill free at any moment. The matching knickers, cut high at the thigh, enhancedher wide bottom and rounded stomach.
Fred responded with an instant erection and Daphne nodded approvingly, thinkingit was worth the thirty minutes in the bathroom.
'You are glad to see me,' she giggled as she clamberedonto the bed. 'You are my prisoner,' Daphne whispered, kissing Fred hard andhe could taste the Gin on her lips, mixed with cherry lipstick.
They kissed for several minutes, which was a first for them both as Fredusually only kissed for thirty seconds before mounting his wife. Now, of course,that was impossible and Daphne took advantage of his immobilisation, hungrilykissing him repeatedly.
He moaned as her fingers brushed his straining cock and murmured, 'climbon top, darling.'
'I intend to,' Daphne whispered slyly and slipped astride her husband's chest.Fred stared at the taut black lace covering Daphne's mound as she moved closerand closer to his face.
'I think it's time for a little spice,' she whispered, moving so her kneeswere on either side of Fred's head. Emboldened by the gin, Daphne pulled thecrotch of her knickers aside and moved closer. 'You can give kitty a littlekiss.'
Fred stared at the downy covered pussy that was inches from his face, theplump lips pouting and glistening in the flickering candlelight.
'Darling…we've never…I've never done…'
Daphne giggled. 'Time to start, darling but be gentle. You do wantme to come, don't you?' She wriggled forward and Fred could smell her muskyaroma.
'Yes,' he mumbled, 'of course…'
'Perhaps I do have a low libido after all,' she pouted,'and this is a waste of time?'
Fred sighed, moved his head forward and puckered his lips. Daphne sighedcontentedly as his warm lips brushed against her and shivered when his tonguetimidly licked.
Daphne kept him at it for ten minutes or so and then, feeling deliciouslymoist and warm, wriggled down her husband's body, stood up and removed herknickers before sliding down onto his hard cock.
Slowly, eyes fixed on a flickering candle, Daphne began to grind againstFred while occasionally moving up and down on his cock. For the first time,Daphne thought she could actually come!
Fred shuddered, groaned and came.
Daphne stopped and stared down at him. 'You spurted?'
He turned his face away from her accusatory eyes and mumbled, 'I couldn'thelp it, you were so sexy…'
'Oh, it's my fault, is it?' Daphne slipped off hiswilting cock and scooped up her knickers.
'Fine!' The bathroom door slammed and Fred sighed again. He rattled thehandcuffs and wondered how long Daphne would be in the bathroom as he was alittle uncomfortable.
'Can you come to the store after work? There's a small function for employeesand partners.'
'What for?' Daphne asked coolly.
'The new store manager wants to meet everyone.'
'Should I change?' Daphne was wearing one of her usual stern business outfits – charcoalgrey skirt and jacket, a sky blue blouse and grey hose – and she examinedherself in the bedroom mirror.
Fred looked at his wife and shook his head. 'No, you look fantastic.'
'Not too sexy for you?' she said icily, tying her hair back.
'Darling,' Fred said after a moment, 'I'm sorry about last night.' He slippedhis arms around her and kissed her throat. 'You are very sexy and it was anew situation…'
Daphne melted in his arms. 'Do you really think I'm sexy?'
'Darling,' Daphne said, turning to look up at Fred, 'I thought you wantedto add some spice…'
'I do! And I want you to orgasm. I'll try harder, I really will.'
'I'll do some more research,' Daphne said as she stepped into her black highheels. 'Perhaps there are some ideas in those stories.'
'And who are you?'
Daphne turned, nursing her glass of water and looked up at the tall man whogrinned down at her. 'I'm sorry?' she said coolly.
'You don't work here,' he said gesturing at the conference room crowded withstore employees and some partners. 'I would have remembered you.'
Fred appeared beside Daphne with a fresh lager and smiled. 'Andy, this isDaphne, my wife. Andy,' Fred said warningly to Daphne, 'is the new store manager.'
'Oh,' Daphne smiled brightly, 'lovely to meet you.'
Andy nodded, his eyes fixed on Daphne and smiled. 'Daphne; what a lovelyname.' He held her eyes for a moment and then looked around at the room. 'Right,I'd better make a speech or two.' He smiled again and walked away.
'He seems nice,' Daphne said, sipping her water.
'Appearances can be deceiving,' Fred muttered. 'He's been sent to fix thestore, to make sure we meet the revenue targets and he's got a reputation asa tough bloke.'
Daphne watched across the room as Andy shook hands with a man and said somethingto the woman beside him. 'What does his wife say about that?' she murmured.'I bet he's not tough at home.'
Fred frowned. 'I don't think he's married but I think we're in for a roughtime.'
Andy tapped a glass with a spoon and the room fell silent. He began his speechand he was very eloquent, so much so that Daphne was enthralled, especiallywhen he explained how he believed a motivated workforce always provided thebest results.
She listened avidly as he explained his theory of motivation and, in theback of her mind, Daphne began to formulate her own theory.Motivation was, she decided, the key!
Two weeks later, Fred lay naked on the bed with arms handcuffed to the bedhead and resolved that this time, he would control himself and not ejaculatebefore Daphne orgasmed. Again, candles spluttered on the dressing table andcast the bedroom in a flickering light as he waited for Daphne to emerge fromthe bathroom.
The door opened and Daphne emerged, dressed in apricot coloured baby dollnightie and Fred watched her breasts bounce as she walked seductively to thebed.
'You're beautiful,' he breathed and his cock rose in salutation.
This time, Daphne did not see it as a compliment and frowned at his erection.'You're not going to spurt again, are you?'
'No,' he said hurriedly as his cock twitched, 'I am going to try very hardnot to do that.'
Daphne sat on the edge of the bed and smiled down at him, her fingers trailingover his chest. 'I've been doing a lot of research,' she said softy and leaneddown to kiss him for a long sexy minute. 'A lot of research, darling,' shewhispered when she broke the kiss, 'and I don't think I'll be able to comewith you inside me.'
'Shush, darling.' Daphne kissed him again and his cock was jumping when shereleased him. 'I won't be able to relax and concentrate as I'll be worriedyou're going to spurt and finish before I've reached the top.'
'But, I'll…'
'I think I'll be able to relax if you're kissing my hoo-hoo like last time.'
He stared at her blankly. 'Do…that until you…until you orgasm?
Daphne nodded, her breasts jiggling in the sheer apricot baby doll and smiled.'I think it will work, darling.'
'It could take a long time…'
'Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily,' Daphne said with no thought of apun, 'but when I do we'll know I definitely don't have a low libido and we'llbe able to do lots of other naughty spicy things.'
'I don't know if I could go that long…'
'I know, darling,' Daphne said and kissed him again. 'I know it could bedifficult and you might just want to give up so I think you need motivation.'
Fred watched as she bounced over to the drawers, removed an object and satdown on the bed again. 'Those stories gave me loads of ideas but I think thisone is the best.' Daphne dangled a metal tube with in front of his eyes. 'It'samazing what you can buy these days. Say hello to your chastity belt.'
Fred's eyes bulged. 'My what! Daphne…'
'It will motivate you to help me, I know it will.' Daphne said earnestly,eyes wide.
'But…a chastity belt?'
Aghast, Fred stared at his wife who smiled proudly at him. 'It's a marvellousidea and that woman who writes those stories seems to use them an awful lot.'
'But…how long would it stay on…I mean…'
'Until I have had a delicious orgasm with you!' Daphne kissed him sweetlyand smiled, hr breasts pushing against his chin. 'I do sowant to have an orgasm with you, darling. It would be wonderful. Unless,' Daphnesaid slowly, looking at him though her eyelashes, 'you don't want me to.'
'Of course I want you to but…a chastity belt…is it painful?'
'Only when your dickie gets a stiffy,' Daphne said sweetly. 'Look,' she saidpointing at his now flaccid cock, 'it's gone all wormy so I can put it on.'
Horrified, Fred watched as his wife threaded his cock through the tube andlocked the connecting ring behind his testicles. His cock was now imprisonedin metal and forced to point downwards.
'Now,' Daphne said with a wink, 'dickies all locked away.'
'But…when…where's the key?'
'I have the key in a safe place,' Daphne said, scooting up onto his chest.'Look, darling,' she said as her knees dropped on either side of his head,'no knickers.'
After almost thirty minutes, Daphne frowned and sat back, removing her pussyfrom Fred's wet face.
'It's no use,' she said as she swung her legs over Fred and sat on the edgeof the bed. 'It's just not working. It's that bloody low libido of mine!'
'I can keep trying, darling,' Fred said urgently but Daphne shook her head.
'No, I've lost the mood.' She stood up and walked towards the bathroom.
'What about me?' Fred called after her, rattling the handcuffs
'I'll undo you in a moment, after I go to the loo.'
'What about the chastity thing?'
Daphne turned and frowned at Fred. 'I didn't come, darling so why shouldyou? Consider it to be a motivational aid.'
Fred gulped as Daphne shut the bathroom door and he scowled at the metaltube that imprisoned his aching cock.
'Darling,' Fred asked plaintively, 'how long do I have to wear this thing?'
'You know very well. I really don't like repeating myself,' she said sharply.'Next time we try, if I'm successful in orgasming, I'll take it off for youafter that.'
'But it hurts!'
'You are such cry baby!' Daphne sighed and patted herhusband's arm. 'When I'm in the mood…'
'But when will you be in the mood to try?' Fred whined.
Daphne shrugged. 'I don't know darling, it's simply awful when you have alow libido.' She sighed again and shook her head sadly.
'Hello again,' Andy said and Daphne looked up. 'It's Daphne, isn't it?'
Daphne nodded and smiled coyly. 'And it's Andy? Do you always approach womenin the lingerie department?'
'Only beautiful ones,' he said with a wink and Daphne blushed. 'I am themanager so I like to talk to customers about ways we can improve. Are you meetingyour husband?'
'No, I'm just doing a spot of shopping in my lunch hour.'
'So,' he asked in a teasing tone, 'how can we improve the lingerie department?'
Daphne giggled. 'I'm sure it's all perfectly nice. You appear very comfortablehere; most men run a mile rather than shop for knickers.'
'I'm very comfortable around women's knickers,' Andy said with another winkand Daphne laughed aloud.
'You are a terrible tease. There is one thing you could do,' she said suddenly,'to improve the department.'
'Please tell me, Madam,' he said with an exaggerated bow and Daphne laughedagain.
'There never seems to be pretty or sexy bras in…well…the biggersizes.'
'Bigger sizes?' He raised an eyebrow and his eyes dropped to Daphne's chestand then quickly up again. 'What sizes are you particularly referring to?'
Daphne blushed and lowered her eyes. 'Double D.'
His eyes travelled south again and then smiled broadly. 'Really? I will lookinto it immediately.'
They chatted for a few more minutes and Daphne was feeling quite warm bythe time she returned to her office.
Fred had another uncomfortable day with his poor cock struggling futilelyto gain erection every time he saw a pretty woman in the store. It was awful.
He met Daphne at the car and they drove home in silence, his cock squirmingwhen he glanced at his wife's legs as she left the car.
'I ran into your boss today,' Daphne suddenly said. 'He's very nice.'
'He's a bastard,' Fred said as he unlocked the front door, 'and a real demandingprick!'
Daphne didn't seem to hear him and, standing in the corridor, she smiled,dropping her handbag and keys on the hall table. 'Darling,' Daphne said ina husky voice, 'why don't we go upstairs? I think I'm in the mood.'
Fred didn't have to be told twice and scampered up the stairs, strippinghis clothes off as he went while Daphne walked sedately behind him.
He was naked on the bed, the handcuffs lying beside him when Daphne walkedin. 'You are quick, aren't you,' she said with a small smile and handcuffedhis hands to the bed head. Daphne smiled down at his imprisoned cock. 'Hasthat been awful for you?'
'Terrible,' Fred whined, 'I really want it off.'
'Of course you do,' Daphne said, patting his stomach and gently kissing him.
He waited anxiously as Daphne readied herself in the bathroom. Dressed ina pink chemise and no knickers, she examined her face in the mirror. Hedid say I was beautiful , she thought, and he's so tall!And those big hands! Daphne shivered at the thought of Andy's bighand son her body and opened the door.
She didn't bother with candles or kissing – just climbed astride herhusband and settled her pussy against his willing face. Sighing, Daphne cuppedher breasts and closed her eyes as his tongue tentatively began to lick.
'Yes,' she breathed, 'that's nice...a little'
Fred heard the instructions faintly as her thighs were pressed against hisface and his entire world consisted of his wife's pussy while his cock protestedagainst the tube.
Daphne kept her eyes tightly closed, imaging Andy's big hands squeezing herboobies while she tugged at her nipples. Fred's hot tongue was sliding againsther with an insistent and subtle rhythm. Soon, she was moaning.
'Oh god, yes! That's it...push it lick my clit...faster...god!'
Even though his jaws were aching and his tongue tired, Fred persisted ashe heard his wife's moans become louder and more excited. She's goingto come , he thought wildly as he licked, she is goingto come!
'Ooooooh yes!' Daphne's head spilt backwards, her mouth open with joy asshe came with a blinding rush on her husband's face.
Slowly, she regained her breath and her composure. Smiling wearily down ather exhausted husband, Daphne slowly slid off him and kissed him softly. 'You'reall gooey,' she giggled and unlocked his handcuffs.
'What about that?' Fred asked, pointing at the chastity tube that enclosedhis cock.
'I left the key at the office, darling,' Daphne said, giving him a hot kiss.'I'll bring it home tomorrow. That was very delicious; you're a genius.'
Fred miserably watched his wife wiggle to the bathroom and grimaced as hiscock pulsed vainly in the chastity tube.
Daphne answered the telephone and was surprised when a deep male voice boomeddown the line. 'Daphne? It's Andy. How are you?'
Daphne cautiously looked around the office at the other clerks. 'I'm fine,thank you.'
'I looked into that problem you raised with me...'
'Lack of sexy bras in the larger sizes?'
Daphne flushed. 'Ah, yes...'
'I spoke to the buyer about it and she told me that a collection of Frenchbras and knickers for larger sizes arrived this morning. I haven't seen thembut she told me they were very sexy.'
'Well...thank you but...'
'Why don't you pop in at lunchtime? I've left instructions that you shouldreceive a handsome discount if you decide to purchase something.'
'This is very nice of...'
'Don't mention it,' Andy said briskly, 'just consider it good customer service.'
Immediately Daphne and Fred returned home from their respective jobs, Fredwas ready and waited naked on the bed as his wife handcuffed his hands to theirusual position. 'Why do you have to handcuff me?' he whined and she smiled.
'Motivation, darling, the experiment isn't over yet just because of one orgasm.'
Daphne rummaged in her hand bag and returned with the key to the chastitytube and carefully began to unlock it. Fred expected Daphne to slip into thebathroom as usual but, she surprised him and calmly sat on the edge of thebed, still dressed in her business attire. It was a little embarrassing tobe naked while she was fully dressed but he desperately wanted to come.
His cock began to blossom into a full erection when Daphne crossed her legsand undid three buttons of her coffee coloured silk blouse.
Her small hand closed around his now hard cock and slowly began to slideup and down its length, making small slurping noises.
'Does that feel nice, darling,' she cooed, leaning forward and Fred couldsee fine black lace cupping her large breasts. Daphne pushed her breasts forwardand smiled seductively. 'I have a new bra, can you see the lace?'
'Yes,' he moaned as her hand moved faster and faster. 'Please,' he croaked,'let's make love.'
Daphne gently squeezed his cock and smiled. 'I'm not in the mood, darlingand it would be all messy and stuff. This is better. Unless,' she pouted, 'youdon't like it?' Her hand froze and Fred blinked, suddenly worried she mightstop.
'I like it,' he groaned and Daphne began to pick up the rhythm until he wasarcing back under her hand, his body rigid as he was on the verge of coming.
'That's the boy,' Daphne soothed as her hand travelled up and down his slickrigid cock, 'do a big spurt! Come on, there's a love!'
Fred groaned and ejaculated mightily while Daphne giggled with the excitement.After a moment, she released his shrinking cock , retrieved a warm wash clothfrom the bathroom and lovingly cleaned him up.
'Was that nice?'
'Yes,' Fred said softly, very nice.'
'Good,' Daphne smiled as she began to put the chastity tube back on.
'Does that have to go back on?' he whined and Daphne nodded firmly.
'I'd love a nice orgasm like you just had and you need the motivation.'
Daphne locked the chastity tube, dropped the key into her handbag and unlockedone of the hand-cuffs. 'I'll let you undo the other one, darling,' she said,walking quickly out of the door, 'I have to go out for a little while; to takethe key back to the office.'
Fred struggled with the handcuffs and then rushed naked through the housebut Daphne had vanished. He peered around the drapes on the window in the frontroom and saw the red taillights of a car turning the corner at the far endof the street.
Daphne didn't seem to be in the mood for the next few days, although Fred'smotivation increased as his cock tried to rebel against the tube. 'I'm willingto try again,' he said desperately after three days.'
'That's sweet, darling but I don't really feel inclined.'
'But...your low libido? Don't you want to establish whether or not...'
'Of course darling,' Daphne said, patting his arm, 'but I still have to bein the mood. Maybe another night.'
A week slipped by and then a nervous Daphne sat Fred down and sat oppositehim, twisting her fingers.
'Darling, I have something to tell you.'
'What?' Fred said, staring at Daphne's knees and trying to ignore his squirmingcock.
'I've become very attracted to another man...'
Fred sat bolt upright. 'You haven't!'
'Yes, he's very sexy and I get all warm and weak when I'm around him...'
'You slept with him?' Fred demanded hotly.
' I have let him kiss me and hold my boobies through my blouse...'
'What! Who is this bloke? I'll kill him...'
'It''s Andy,' Daphne said softly, head down, 'your boss.'
Fred sank back in his chair, his head reeling with this explosion of badnews! His boss! Andy was tall and built like a Rugbyplayer – Fred would be no match for him – and he was his boss!
'I'm sorry, darling,' Daphne wailed, 'but I can't help it. I almost orgasmedwhen he kissed me!'
'Right,' said Fred, standing up and glaring at his wife, 'get the bloodykey and get this thing off me! Get it off now!'
Daphne stared miserably at the table. 'I can't.'
'You can't? Why not?'
'You see, I kind of told Andy about it, just for a bit of a giggle and...'
'You told Andy!' Fred sank back down, his face white as he, somehow guessedwhat was coming.
'He thought it was funny and then he asked for the key...'
'You didn't!' Fred gasped. 'Don't tell me...'
'I gave it to him.'
'Oh,' Fred whispered.
'And he wants to see you tomorrow morning at the store.'
Red faced, Fred tapped on the door to Andy's office. Andy beamed nonchalantlyat him and beckoned him to come in. 'Close the door, old man,' Andy said andFred silently closed it.
'Look...Andy...' Fred stumbled and Andy held up a hand.
'You're in a bit of a bind, aren't you? I have the key in a safe place andyour cock is locked up tightly. Or so Daphne says. Let me see it,' he saidcalmly and Fred gasped.
'I could just throw the key away, old man,' he said calmly. 'Don't temptme. Now,' he said firmly, 'drop your trousers so I can see if this is trueor some little story concocted by Daphne's fertile imagination.'
Fred knew he had no choice and quickly dropped his trousers and red faced,pulled his underpants down.
Andy examined it with a slight grimace. 'Looks nasty. Does it hurt when yourtry to get hard?' Fred nodded dumbly. 'Right, pull them back up and let's discussthis man to man.'
'Look, Andy...'
'Fred, shut the fuck up when I'm talking,' Andy said calmly and Fred shutis mouth with a gulp. 'I have the key to your only source of sexual enjoymentand I would say that you should pay very close attention when I'm speaking.Now, I'm going to shag your wife. She's a voluptuous and extremely succulentsex machine. She's so ripe I think she'll explode when I first fuck her. Youwill do nothing about that, in fact you will supporther and do nothing to make her feel guilty!'
'This is...'
'You will also achieve your weekly revenue targets. Do those things and Imay let you free willy every now and again.'
Horrified, Fred gaped at Andy as the enormity of his situation sunk in.
'I'm not joking, Fred,' Andy smiled calmly at him. 'I think you understand.Now, get back to work.'
Two weeks later.
'Darling,' Daphne called as she walked up the stairs, 'I'm home. Are youready?' She waited on the stairs until she heard Fred call faintly from thebedroom.
'Yes, I'm ready.'
'As instructed?'
Daphne sighed and began walking up the stairs, her high heels rapping onthe steps. She could tell by his sullen voice that Fred wasn't happy. Weall have to make compromises , she thought, it's howwe get through life.
Fred was naked and chained by his ankles to the bed. The key to the anklecuffs was hanging on the doorknob as instructed. Andy thought ofeverything , she smiled to herself, he's so smart!
Still dressed in her business clothes, she sat on the edge of the bed andsmiled at Fred. 'How was your day?' Fred scowled and shrugged but Daphne pretendednot to notice. 'Andy said your department achieved the revenue target so that'sgood news.'
Using the key, Daphne unlocked the chastity tube and Fred sighed with relief,his cock surging into hardness. 'So, how do we want to do this?' Daphne askedbrightly.
'Can we make love?' he asked sullenly but Daphne shook her head.
'I don't think so, darling, I'm not in the mood and, honestly, I don't thinkI would feel you inside me after Andy's huge trouser snake. How about I wankyou and you can look at my pussy?'
'Or you can just wank yourself?'
' right, you can wank me.'
'How nice of you to give me permission,' Daphne said sarcastically, standingup.
Fred stared as his wife reached under her skirt and wriggled out of her knickersthat she dropped on the bed beside Fred. He saw they were burgundy colouredwith a dark lace band.
'Some more new knickers,' Daphne said conversationally and then giggled,her fingers to her mouth. 'Andy doesn't want me to call them knickers anymore,says it's not sexy so I have to say panties .'
Daphne pulled her skirt around her waist and sat on the bed, her crotch exposedto Fred's wide eyes. His cock twitched with his pulse as he stared at her pussyand noticed she was wearing stockings and that her public hair was carefullytrimmed. Longingly, he stared at the puffy lips and wanted to feel his cocksink into her.
'Can I touch it?' he croaked, pleading with his eyes but Daphne shook herhead.
'Afraid not, darling, Andy wouldn't like that. He's quite possessive, youknow,' she confided. 'He may even get angry that I've shown you kitty and onlylet me show you my knickers in future...I mean, panties!'
'Then don't tell the bastard!'
'I can't lie,' Daphne said primly. 'What do you take me for!'
Fred groaned and licked his lips, staring at her pussy and Daphne obliginglyparted her thighs a little more.
Smiling brightly, Daphne slipped her fingers around his cock and began togently tug. T his won't take long, she thought, hedoesn't last as long as Andy .
Dreamily, she closed her eyes as she masturbated her husband and rememberedthe first time Andy pushed his enormous cock into her. God, I feltso full! I almost came when his muscular body touched my clit! So strong andhard but he holds me so gently while he slowly fucks me deeply.
Fred groaned and Daphne opened her eyes, sensing her husband was about tocome. 'That's the boy,' she cooed encouragingly, 'look at kitty and spurt.Do you see her, darling? Do you? Do you remember what she tastes like?'
Fred groaned again and his entire body went rigid. Daphne began jerking vigorously,all the time repeating her soft mantra, 'come on, darling, look at kitty, spurtfor her. You know you want to. This could be your last look; it might be knickersonly from now on!'
With an almighty shudder, Fred grunted and ejaculated as Daphne continuedto milk him. 'All done,' she said brightly. Quickly, she shimmed her skirtdown, popped her knickers – no , she correctedherself, panties – into her handbag and retrieveda warm wash cloth from the bathroom.
Fred watched as she cleaned him up and began to push his shrunken cock backinto the tube.
'Don't, Daphne,' he said in a stricken voice, 'you don't have to put it backon! Please don't!'
Daphne looked up and smiled calmly at him. 'I have to, darling, I promised.'Fred heard the click and his head sank back onto the pillows and he staredup at the ceiling.
One Month Later
'Hello Fred,' Andy said as he breezed into the house. 'You're close to gettingthe revenue so that's good news.'
Fred grumpily shut the front door and, for the millionth time, wished hecould think of a way out of his predicament.
'I'll have a whisky sour, old man,' Andy said as he walked into the livingroom. 'Here she is,' he exclaimed and Fred moodily watched as Andy hungrilykissed Daphne.
'Phew!' Daphne said as she broke from the kiss, obviously flustered and shepatted her hair. 'I don't know how you do that to me.'
Andy smiled proudly and then frowned when he saw Fred standing in the doorway.'What about that drink, old man? One for you, sweetie?' he asked Daphne.
'I'll have a gin, darling,' she called to Fred who, sulkily walked to theliquor cabinet.
'I wish you wouldn't call him that,' Andy said.
'What else can I call him? He is my husband.'
'I don't know, anything but that.'
'What would you like me to call you?' Daphne asked brightly when Fred returnedwith the drinks.
'I don't care,' he said sulkily.
'Well, you're a grumpy boots today,' Daphne said witha roll of her eyes as she took the glass. 'I think he wanted to spurt thisweek,' she confided to Andy.
'Should have hit the revenue target, old man,' Andy said cheerfully and thensipped his drink.
'You increased the bloody targets!' Fred hissed.
'We can't have static sales,' Andy said mildly, 'you should know that.'
Fred slumped in the opposite chair and scowled.
Andy looked around the living room. 'Where's the television set I gave you,sweetie?'
'In my bedroom,' Daphne said. 'Fred's got the old one in his bedroom.'
'What about those satin sheets I gave you?' Andy asked with a lewd wink andDaphne blushed.
'They're on the bed,' she said in a low voice, eyes down.
'Can't wait to see how your white skin looks against the black satin.'
Andy grinned at Daphne's red face and looked over at the miserable Fred.'This is quite a problem for you, isn't it? I don't think there's a way out.Just how did you allow this to happen?'
'He was trying to establish whether I have a low libido,' Daphne explainedbrightly and Andy spluttered in his drink.
'Low libido? You're the randiest slut I've ever had! Jesus, I just have toput my hand up your skirt and tickle your inner thighs,' Andy said with a broadgrin at the glowering Fred. 'And what happens when I do that, my little slut?'
Daphne's face was bright red and she stared down at the floor while Fredblinked rapidly. Despite the shame and humiliation, his cock was twisting andpulsing in the cock tube as he stared at Daphne's nylon covered legs.'
'I get all squishy,' she admitted in a soft voice.
Andy put his arm around her and smiled. 'I bet you're wet now. Aren't you?'
Daphne snuggled close to Andy, her hand on his leg and she smiled up at him.'Yes,' she said in a husky voice, 'my panties are soaked!'
Fred stood up and was about to storm off when Daphne said suddenly, 'I know,I'll call him Freddy!'
Quivering with humiliation and sexual frustration, Fred walked to the dooras Andy called after him, 'I hope you get the revenue target, Freddy, I reallydo.'
The door slammed.
'Low libido,' Andy chuckled, draining his drink. 'What rubbish!'
Email comments welcome.
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If you're not an adult or interested in stories with strong sexual content, then don't read any further. All rights reserved by the Author. This may be re-posted on the Internet on free sites such as Fictionmania, Sapphire's Place or other non-pay sites where stories are distributed for free to the public. Just send me an e-mail telling me where you've posted it. Marlowe By Waldo ([email protected]) Chapter 1 - The Client My name is Marlowe. I'm a Private Dick but...
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Page was taught that good habits were important. She set about engraining good habit in Willow from the beginning of her training. Page had given Willow detailed instructions about how her morning was to proceed. She was sleeping on the floor next to Page's bed. Willow's alarm went off at 5:45am and it had to be turned off within the first 10 seconds. She then had 15 minutes to complete her assigned tasks before Page woke at 6:00. She put her blanket and thin pad away, folded neatly, in...
The next day Willow was amazed how little of Page's skin was damaged. All of the angry redness was gone and only a few spots showed scratches or abrasions. One knee was skinned up, but that was the worst of it. Page herself seemed to be more tense and reflective but Willow dismissed that as exhaustion. Willow was wrong. There were important things on Page's mind. Willow got an idea that things would be different that day as soon as breakfast was over. Page had been instructing Willow on...
Page released Willow from the belt restraint and the ball gag. "Clean up this mess. Shower and then come find me. Present yourself like you think a slave should. You have two hours." Page left the room and went to fix a small bite to eat. Willow would eat later. Two hours and seven minutes later Willow found Page in a chair looking over blueprints of some kind. Willow stood by her chair and quietly coughed. "Ma'am? I am done ma'am." Page did not move for a minute then looked up and...
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Another day at Foster Academy. My spirits lift a little since I convinced my friends, Charlotte, Richard, Emily, and William, to go hiking in the woods on the school's property. Well, the word friends isn't really accurate, as they really only tolerate me because my uncle is Headmaster.You see, my parents died in a car accident a year ago and I was sent to live with my only other living relative, Uncle Thomas. He just happens to be Headmaster at this prestigious school. Unfortunately, he...
Supernatural"I want to be a slut," Willow whispered."What?" I asked. I didn't quite believe my ears. My best friend Willow, who was sometimes shy beyond belief, had just told me she wanted to be a slut.I guess some background is in order. Willow and I met as lab partners during our sophomore year of college. She was shy and had a hard time speaking around others, but she was hella smart. Over the course of the semester we became close friends and some of her shyness vanished around me. She would still go...
Around midnight Lord Blackmon woke Willow and ordered her to take Page down from her suspension, remove her hood, and make sure she was ok. He instructed her to take her to the bathroom, give her water and a protein drink if she needed it, and then chain her in the bondage room. When that was completed, Willow was to come back to Lord Blackmon’s bed. When he had completed giving her instructions he rolled over on his side and slipped back to sleep. She released Page from the frame and half...
I was having my second cup of coffee, rubbing the stubble on my face and contemplating the unpleasant task ahead of me. My wife and I had just returned late last night from a road trip to Yellowstone Park with another couple. When we finally pulled into the driveway we had just enough energy to drag ourselves out of the van and into bed. Debbie had to work this Monday morning but I got to sleep in a couple more hours. I didn't have to report for my shift until four this afternoon. My name is...
Willow, Autumn, Dakota & Elle In on an airport’s pick-up area Willow and Autumn stand with their luggage, as a car pulls up, and Dakota sticks her head out. “Oh, my God!” she squeals, “You’re so grown up!”Behind her, Elle gets out.“Not as much as her!” Willow jokes.“Oh, I know, my baby sister just shot up overnight. She could carry me now!”Elle goes around back, and opens the trunk, and her and Autumn load the luggage in. “Did you just get that cut?” Elle says, referring to Autumn’s short...
She was lying on her stomach because the tight floor length hobble skirt would only allow her to bend her knees only a little. The leather skirt was open in the back leaving her ass exposed. An anal hook was embedded in her ass and was connected to a ball gag harness by a rope. The rope was adjusted so that Page's back had to be slightly bent backwards. To see what she was doing Page had to put most of her upper body weight on her breasts. Moving meant pulling herself along the floor an inch...
As the day of the Expo drew closer, Page felt the pressure to get everyone ready for the experience. There were clothes to buy, arrangements to make and preparing both Carl and Willow for what they would see. There was also a box game event to complete too. Page cut the cards and came up with a seven of hearts. The task outlined for that card involved a dildo. In one corner of the Play Room was a short stand about twenty four inches high. The dice roll told her she had to select a fairly...
Goddammit! She was going to be late for school again! One would think she could set an alarm and get the hell out of bed when it went off but Willow would slap it off and roll over for another few more minutes sleep. He hurried down the hall to her bedroom and threw open the door then slammed to a halt, the shout of “Get up!” stuck in his throat. His daughter was lying on her back, uncovered by blankets, as nude as the day she came into this world. Her eyes were closed in sleep so she didn’t...
When Carl stepped into the private dining room, the first thing he noticed was a server asking the four men about taking drink orders. The woman was very pretty with flame red hair and pale freckles. She was dressed in the uniform of the house-help with a green short halter top and a low ride miniskirt that showed off her very slim waist and flat tummy. The uniform was important to distinguish her as an employee and not a slave. Carl touched her on the arm and said, "Excuse me, but could I...
Carl held the small recorder in his hand as it played. Page and Willow knelt at his feet giving all of their attention to the description of the investigation and what the police knew or thought they knew. When the recording finished, Carl leaned back and said, "Well, it is clear that 'Master Carl' is not the focus of the inquiry." It had been made clear to Page and Willow that this discussion was operating on the "kneeling pad" principles. Page took advantage of that to ask, "Sir,...
~ A story in the Young Fern Universe ~ This story follows on from the “Young Fern Part Six” and revolves around Willow and her new life living with her Dad. ~ Philip had just been through a sole crushing divorce which saw his wife of 15 years try to take him for all he was worth and deny him the right to ever see his daughter again. Her vituperative comments came to nothing when as it turned out she was found to be cheating on him with the very lawyer that was representing her and with...
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Carl Page, It has been quite the adventure down here this week. Our ship was caught in the ice for almost twelve hours. The wind shifted and a nearby ice field decided to pack itself around our ship while we were trying to deploy one of the large telemetry buoys. The hull was damaged, but nothing major. The wind shifted again and we were able to work free. We might have to go back to New Zealand for repairs if the damage...
Page stepped into the steaming shower. She held her hands under the very warm water for a few moments, then reached for the body wash and poured some in her hand. Slowly she began spreading the scented liquid across his back and down his ass and legs. She then reached around, under his arms, and gripped his shoulders. This drew her body into his, her firm breasts pressed into his back just where she had placed the body wash a moment before. She then began to move. It was like a dance but the...
Gorp It was called the Rose House for a good reason. There were extensive rose gardens all around the house. Each had a theme and a purpose. The front was a cheerful series of terraced beds that welcomed and comforted those arriving. It was, as it were, the public face of Rose house. The two along the sides of the house were exotic in variety of plants and how they were presented. They were outdoor, long-term experiments in design and presentation. The back courtyard and garden of the house...
Steve watched the slave girl getting fucked and felt the anger burning brightly within his mind. He felt his commitment to the cause growing stronger and better defined. While the rest of the crowd saw a girl dressed in black, he saw Dee and the night she died. This was what he had come to stop. He wondered what the other slave, the one dressed in black but with her tits out, was saying to the bound slave? She was probably whispering encouragements and comforting words to the poor girl being...
Highway seventeen is notorious for delays. The winding road is narrow and often lacks a shoulder. Traffic going both north and south is heavy. Whether it was a stalled vehicle, road work or a crash, any event brings everyone to a halt. There are no bypasses and no turning around. Being stuck in traffic is a great time to think. You are captive and can't simply move on to some other activity. The boredom forces the mind to reach out for stimulation. Being in the mountains between San Jose...
With each day and each meal he was feeling more and more human. The next morning, Lord Blackmon felt strong enough to ask for some real food for breakfast. Half an hour later Page, again dressed in a man’s button down white shirt but with only the bottom buttoned, came into the room with a tray of eggs and bacon with toast. He had eaten at some of the finest and most expensive restaurants in the world, but he could not remember something tasting as good as the simple breakfast before...
It was early evening when Carl returned to Rose House. He had found a coffee shop in downtown Pleasanton that had internet access and had been doing some research. He had used his iPad to find the hotel his friend Tom had mentioned. It was located just north of SFO, the common term used for San Francisco’s airport. He searched their website and other pictures tagged as having been taken in the hotel to get a feel for the interior. Of course there was no mention of an illicit poker room there,...
WILLOW TREE by FARAH DAYE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A romantic story about a young couple who trades body and soul when struck by a force of nature. They shared an illicit love but they never expected to swap lives literally. The switched lovers struggle to escape indifferent spouses, a circle of cruel and dangerous witches, and the threat of permanent separation. Farah Daye, a transgendered artist, wrote this story. Farah has blended little bits of her own life and dreams into this...
There is something tranquil about early mornings in the mountains. The cool air seems to preserve the very best of the night and color it with morning light. Lord Blackmon loved greeting the dawn chill with a cup of good coffee, seeing a doe in the distance and watching the first birds of the day take flight. So he was surprised to see Master Carl already sitting outside nursing his own cup. “Good morning.” Master Carl still wore his suit and tie. He also wore a worried look on his face....
The rectory stood empty for decades, a for sale sign stuck into the soft ground outside the wrought iron gates. The attached church hadn't been used for worship since the end of the war. When the mill went out of business, the people in the small port town went with it. All that was left were the fisherman and dockworkers, who kept to themselves, mostly. The town was stagnant and full of hollow shells of places families once called home.Angelica Hughs wasn't born in the town. She was born out...
SupernaturalThe rectory stood empty for decades, a for sale sign stuck into the soft ground outside the wrought iron gates. The attached church hadn't been used for worship since the end of the war. When the mill went out of business, the people in the small port town went with it. All that was left were the fisherman and dockworkers, who kept to themselves, mostly. The town was stagnant and full of hollow shells of places families once called home.Angelica Hughs wasn't born in the town. She was born out...
SupernaturalCarl guided Page and Willow to the left side of the crowd. Master Lobo was speaking loudly to a slave owner at the far side of the group and did not notice Carl and the girls moving away. Just as they were disconnecting from the crowd, they heard Lobo proclaim that everyone was invited to see the slave in the tube, the one that was gasping at the bottom of the container recently drained of water, expire by drowning in about three hours. Carl decided they would be gone before that portion of...
Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...
Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...
Introduction: This is my first atteempt at writing anything. I hope that you think it is as good as I do. This first chapter is setting the scene. The sex witll come in the next chapter. Your comments, constructive critisisms are welcomed, but please keep inmind this is my first time. ,) Katie threw open the patio doors in the master bedroom and inhaled deeply, filling her lungs full of ocean air. It had been years since she had been to the beach and she really needed a vacation. She had done...
The location of the bungalow was amazing. Her bedroom patio was literally on the beach, and the closest neighbor was about 250 yards away, and she was pretty sure that place was empty. The bungalow had obviously been around a few decades, but it had been well maintained. The open floor plan suited the place. The living room and dining area were to the left when you opened the front door, and were sparsely furnished. There was a couch and chair, along with a small entertainment center...
Page had put her dressing coat back on, but it hung open in the front, a distracting display in the least with her breasts tenting out the front and her trim stomach and shaved pussy framed by the pale fabric. She was standing a few yards down the hall from the door of Lord Blackmon’s temporary bedroom. “Master Carl, can I have a moment of your time?” “Sure Page.” They began walking back towards the Great room and the fireplace, but Page did not sit down and she seemed somewhat anxious. He...
She was stiff as we began dancing, which seemed odd, because she moved with such ease, her tall willowy body moving through the crowd as if floating. I had been watching her for some time, waiting for a chance to talk to her without a gaggle of guys around. But she was the kind of girl to attract a crowd, and she did. Then, as the party moved along, she was getting more available, and soon we were dancing. But, as I said, she was stiff, and I soon determined it was because she was waiting for...
Swinger“WILLOW HALL” “It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced you’d be up for it” Suzy leaned forward in her chair as she spoke. The three girls had been mates well before high school, they all worked together as typists in a large office complex on the outskirts of London, Suzy had seen the advertisement in one of her girlie magazines. “Let me have a closer look?” Lynn enquired taking the...
Introduction: The inner thoughts of a womans mind Erotic novels by Gail Holmes WILLOW HALL It will be fun, just the three of us, plus its all for free, think about it, a whole weekend! Come on Hazel, I was convinced youd be up for it Suzy leaned forward in her chair as she spoke. The three girls had been mates well before high school, they all worked together as typists in a large office complex on the outskirts of London, Suzy had seen the advertisement in one of her girlie magazines. Let...
"Willow, c'mon baby time to wake up," Kennedy said shaking her girlfriend. Willow only reluctantly joined the awake and aware as she had been in the middle of an amazing erotic dream. The Slayers were all sparing and keeping score by stripping. Kennedy had been the first one eliminated and spent the rest of the fight with her face buried in between Willow's legs. "Wha d'ya want?" she asked sleepily. "Buffy decided she wanted you to hang around during our sparing today." "Really? Why?" "I don't...
The next time Lord Blackmon opened his eyes, he was able to look around. The room looked familiar but strange at the same time. He though he recognized the furniture, the chair and ... he realized in a flash where he was. This was the guest suite in his own house, Rose House. It did not seem familiar before because it had never held a hospital bed before. Also, he had never seen it from the perspective of lying down! But once he realized it, he recognized the entertainment unit, the books on...
“Medium rare please.” Willow carved the prime rib at just the right place for the meat to be the correct doneness. She then placed it on a china plate along with some asparagus and a baked potato and then passed the plate to Heather who was acting as server. She placed the plate in front of Master Carl and stepped back to the sideboard while Willow competed Lord Blackmon’s plate. The preparations for the meal had been an all-day affair. Fresh bread dough was made, the prime rib roast had...
I'm Ray. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. When you can't afford to eat the rest really never comes over the horizon. Being homeless is a bitch. The apartment building burned out while I was at work. The accountant job at H&R Block dried up after April. I finally got a job as a bubble dancer--that's dishwasher to you outside the service industry. It's not a bad gig. You stay warm and salvage a decent meal from the plates coming off the floor. I found a cheap way to stay clean. I run...
Standing at the door was Madame Carronade. "There are six heavily armed men coming for you. They are approaching the eastern span of the Bay Bridge right now. They are about seven minutes away. Listen to me and do what I say and I can get you out," Madam Carronade told Carl. Carl's only reliable touchstone was Page. He looked at her and saw her nod. "We're in. Tell us what to do." Madame Carronade turned to the hostess, "Heather, take them through the service area to the freight...
gorp Slave training is a process. At each stage different techniques must be used to get the final results desired. In the beginning the whip is remarkably effective, but does tend to create longer lasting marks. If a slave is nearing a projected delivery date there is an effort on the part of the trainers to limit such marks. Judy was almost ready for sale when a problem arose. She had decided, after almost a year of training, that being non-compliant and unresponsive was a good form of...
The empty office had once held a headhunting firm for the tech industry. They were often created to supply employees for a specific firm or company, signing up people for temporary positions that might later become permanent. Once the ranks have been filled out the employment agency would fold. That meant that office space like this changed hands three or four times a year. This office space had been unoccupied for six weeks and was due for renovation the following week. But till then there...
Ok, this is pretty sick lemon, I admit. But…. I was comissioned to do this and it's my policy to never turn down a comission. Not even the ones I would hate. Fat clown: "Hi Kids, I'm Bonko, it's time to start this birthday party! So what's your name B-day girl?" Girl: "Ann!" Bonko: "Hi Ann, are you having a good birthday? Hehehe!" Ann: "I had, but then something happened...." Bonko: "What?" Ann: "I saw you and I lost my will to live." Bonko: ".........Well I can turn...
Literotica Edition © 2013 Guy Bailey Co-written with Simone Beaudelaire * Nick Harper wiped his brow on his arm as he looked at the trail of straw bales in front of him. They were the small, rectangular type, each weighing around sixty-five pounds. The trailer he was stacking them on held twenty-five lying flat on the base, and could take them eight high. He stacked them using a step method, building one layer, then stepping up to a second and third level so he could shoulder each bale up to...
Hi buddies, I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net for past 10 years or more. Each day I’ll never sleep without reading a story as well I have shared few of my experiences here, when I read stories, few are amazing and some are fake, maybe to get contacts their writing down and some are true. I’m going to narrate one such true story of mine where one of the ISS readers who is a virgin wanted to lose with me desperately. Not sure how easily both men and women accept or get into bed...