Peilisalin kronikat 47 51
- 3 years ago
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Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 0, Jatkon aloitus eli uuden alustus. Jokaisella tarinalla on alkunsa ja loppunsa, t?m? ei kuitenkaan ollut kumpikaan niist?. Kaunis naisellinen kaksikkoni vietti aikaansa patjalla, kuinkas muutenkaan kuin paneskellen totta kai. Bimbo, tai siis anteeksi, ?lykkyytt??n lis?nnyt blondi oli t?ll? kertaa pantavana vaan ei alla patjana. K??nteinen lehmitytt? tuntui olevan h?nen suosikkinsa t?h?n astisista asennoista ja akteista joita min? olin p??ssyt n?kem??n. Mutta nyth?n min? hypp??n t...
Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 3, Tarina tisseist?, maidontuotannosta ja muodonmuutoksista. *Opas s?ps?hti henkisesti ja selvitti kurkkuaan.* Ah, tervetuloa takaisin! Sep?s oli erinomaisen eroottinen esitys ja tuoreen raikasta tarinaa, eik?s? Jatketaan juonta nyt kun on alkuun p??sty... Mielenkiinnolla katselin kuinka kaunis kaksikko peseytyi rankan ratsastuksen j?lkeen mutta harmikseni pesutilassa ei tapahtunut muuta mielt? kutkuttavaa toimintaa. Pettymykseni korvattiin kaksin verroin n?hdes...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 0, Muutos. Kaupunki n?ytti melkein siedett?v?lt? syksyisen aamu-usvan k?tkiess? sen hopeiseen syleilyyns?. Matka oli ollut pitk? sek? fyysisesti ett? henkisesti mitattuna. T?n??n oli viimeinkin aika tarkastella aikaisempia tapahtumia ja valita uusi suunta. Seisoin hetken suuren py?re?n rakennuksen ovella, ajatuksiani kooten ja valmistautuen henkisesti tulevaan koitokseen. Heti sis??n astuttuani saapumistani odottanut opas viittoili minua seuraamaan ja k?velimme pitk?n k?yt?v?n p??h?n. Avasin ...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 7, Puhdistus. Havahduin painon tunteeseen p??ll?ni ja tunsin jonkun koskettelevan ja kutittelevan kupeitani. "Huomenta," kuulin blondin sanovan. Ennen kuin kerkesin avaamaan silmi?ni, pehme?t huulet hipaisivat omiani kevyesti, painautuen kovemmin kiinni, hell?st? suudelmasta nopeasti intohimoisemmaksi muuttuen. Kaksi ajatusta k?vi aivoissani yht? aikaa, "joko taas" ja "oi kyll? kiitos". Vartaloni oli v?litt?m?sti valmis, n?nnien kovettuessa bimbon suuria rintoja vasten ja jalkov?li...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 12, Akti. "Pane mua jo peppuun, pliis" bimbo aneli, h?iriten ajatusteni lentoa. Kummastelin kadonneen erektion enigmaa, mahdollista motiivia miettien. Samapa tuo, totesin olkap?it?ni kohauttaen. Olipa blondilla itsell??n penis tai ei, kovasti h?n halusi minua kairaamaan onkaloaan. Sapelini syk?hti odottavasti muistaessani toisenlaisen kuuman ja m?r?n onkalon, sen tiukan puristavan imun. T?n??n pantaisiin viimeinkin kakkoseen, naisen toiveen mukaisesti, pitk??n h?nt? piinattuani j...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 17, Panostus. Tunnustelin ja tutkailin bimbon suuria rintoja samalla kun siirsin painoani takaisin jalkojeni varaan. Siirsin vaaleat pyyhekuivat hiukset hell?sti syrj??n ja painoin suudelman niskan hiusrajalle. "Olet paras panoni ikin?," tunnustin Muusalle, j?tt?en kertomatta mit? muuta h?nen seuransa minulle merkitsi. Erkanin naisen vartalon p??lt? ja leikkis?sti l?pp?isin letke?ll? letkullani kauniita kannikoita, siemenieni tihkuessa kermapiirakan uumenista. Kylpytakkini lievett? k?ytt...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 32, Yll?tys. K?dest? pit?en talutin blondin huoneeseen. Sokkona kulkiessaan nainen luotti johdatukseeni mutta ei arvannut mit? tuleman piti. K?velimme paljain jaloin sile?ll? lattialla kunnes bimbo l?ysi suuren py?re?n patjan varpaillaan. Olin aikeissa istuttaa naisen kun h?n karkasi otteestani ja kier?hti nelinkontin patjalle. Silm?t edelleen vy?tettyin? bimbo huitaisi kylpytakin liepeet pyllyns? p??lt? ja tarjosi itse??n astuttavaksi. Naurahdin ??neen, blondi oli ottanut kaksimielisen heit...
Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 37, Silitys. Bimbo keikisteli edess?ni ilkosen alasti, mahtavat rinnat tyrkyll?, punaturkin h?nt? jalkojensa v?liss? heiluen. ?kisti nappasin ulokkeen valkoisesta tupsusta kiinni ja nyk?isin sen kevyesti irti. Huomasin ett? ketunh?nt? ei ollutkaan pyllytappimallia vaan pelk?st??n blondin piukkojen pakaroiden puristuksessa. "Vai t?llaisia ketunh?nti? sinulla on kainalossasi tai oikeastaan kannikoissasi?" naurahdin Muusalle. Nainen jatkoi viehke?n eroottisia tanssiliikkeit??n, h?nt?ns? menetyksest? ...
Peilisalin uudet aikakirjat Peili nro 6, Pieni? pohdintoja, per?n puhdistuksia ja anaalin avaamisia. *Oppaan katse oli lukkiutunut patjan tapahtumiin kun h?n huomasi hienoisen h?iv?hdyksen silm?kulmassaan. P??t? k??nt?m?tt? h?n viittil?i k?dell??n, kehottaen katsojaa tulemaan l?hemm?ksi." Nyth?n t?m? vasta j?nn?ksi k?y, kun ei punap??n pyllyreik?? n?y. Jos muistini ei nyt pet?, niin t?m? kaksikkommehan ei ole viel? molempien anaaleja kairannut. Blondi kyll? oli kerj?nnytkin parrua pakaroidensa v?liin ja hyv?n ensimm?isen peppupanon h?n saikin, jos ...
I had been divorced for almost three years when Cheryl, my ex sister-in-law called one evening to say she was coming to town for a week-long business seminar, and wanted to get together for dinner and drinks. I asked where she would be staying, and she replied she was bunking with three other women in a hotel downtown. She and I had always been very good friends, and remained close and in contact following the divorce - which she blamed squarely on her sister. I suggested she stay at my home in...
Hi, This is Rahul. I am going to narrate you my experience which happened last year. This is about what happened in me and my neighbor aunty. I am lawyer and practicing in the court. my age is 28 years and single if any aunty, girl interested in me then please contact at I have rented a flat in Kothrud, Pune the flat is 1BHK and having a balcony the flat is at 4th floor that is top floor of building. Adjacent to me there is another flat on that floor, which is accommodated by a family, namely...
The Perilous Trail... How Takala Saved her People... Early on a Saturday morning in the Year 1838 a group of half-starved Indians, made up of men, women, and children, moved slowly through the large wooden gates of Fort Dragoon—a Border Settlement. The Indians, on their way to a distant Reservation, were being escorted by a small group of Troopers. Fort Dragoon a thriving notorious border outpost was home to a large contingent of Troopers. Also taking up residence was an unsavory lawless...
I was told when I finally woke up that I had been out for nearly five hours. Everyone wanted to be there with me when I woke up, but they knew the importance of the burning of the skulls. Lillian had stayed by me and told the others when I finally came to. I explained to them the meeting I had with Phaltina and that the curse had been released from the skulls when they broke apart. Kayla was a bit disappointed that she would not be using her mortar and pestle, but she was happier that I was...
“Abigail!” He ran out the door and gave me the tightest hug that I have received since I'd left. “I am so glad to see you!” It felt good, and I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I watched the rest of my immediate family file out of the home. My brother, Andrew, hugged me next while my aunts and uncles attempted to fire all of their questions out about my recent adventures. However, knowing that I was tired from my long journey, my father quickly stepped in. “Leave the poor girl alone,”...
It was a few days before Principal Martin stopped Greg in the hallway. "I wanted to let you know I have gotten some calls from parents and church leaders about your group. I told them that students are allowed to pass out flyers and that the school has nothing to do with the group or the literature. I just thought I would warn you that since they can't stop you through the school, you might be hearing from them." "Thank you, Mr. Martin. I appreciate you giving me a heads-up on...
They returned after a good long while and unlocked the cage releasing us all. By this time Noreen was asking to be taken down from the cross. They obliged her. I was taken to another room by John and Cal for a walk through. They literally showed me the ropes! On the wall they had about half a dozen hangmens nooses. It was a bit scary. Turns out these nooses were not real at all. They even tied me a real one and showed me how it works. The ones on the wall were all made of multiple...
Most of our travel arrangements, such as our visas to enter Spain, hotel reservations, and airline reservations were made with no problems. Unfortunately, we had two small problems. Those problems were that we did not have passports, and the suites on most cruise ships are set up for two adults. The limited sleeping space in the suite was easily resolved. Abby used her contacts through the State Department to make the cruise line aware that Ambassador Doug Smith, the Ambassador from the...
We continued the rounds of the workhouse and at one point found Miss Harrington sitting on a chair pretending to be dusting. When I challenged her, she sort to suggest that elderly ladies like her should be treated with respect and not be forced to do menial work. She even tried to suggest that I was already exceeding my role and would petition the vicar for my removal. Seeing the vicar played little part in my appointment, I almost laughed at her but just said, "We will see, Miss Harrington,...
Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above ? by: Diana Heche Part 1 - BASE COMMANDER KASKE It was the endless piles of the paper work, more than even being stuck on this rock floating in the nothingness of space, which got under the skin of the Base Commander. While his contemporaries were still on active duty fighting in Mexico and the Middle East for the real army, he was working as a glorified policeman for an energy company. The kind of job that washed up alcoholic...
Was chatting to an older man online, we decided to meet little did I know there were two older men when I arrived. So I had been chatting to a guy online for a while. He was a real guy, older bear type top. That's certainly my favourite kind of man. We had been discussing our likes and dislikes. He loved that I was only 22 and he was in his late 50s. We talked about how he wanted to use my mouth and really shove his cock up my bum. I think he knew I just craved dick. So we decided to meet, I...
GayIntroduction: This is a story of underage cousins going through their sexual education with one another. Most of us experimented with someone close when we were young so dont call me sick for doing so. It had been tradition for all the seperate parts of my family to camp at the same campsite at the lake that lies about an hour and a bit from where we live. Most weekends spent at the lake consisted of my entire family sitting around a single campfire chatting and enjoying each others company. I...
Special Encounter, an erotic story as told by photo model Julie Starr.Julie: Okay, so this wasn't my first bi-sexual encounter, (remind me to tell you about that one some other time though, hehe) but this one was surprisingly exceptional for a variety of reasons, as you will see.I am a happily bi-sexual girl and thoroughly enjoy the best of both worlds. This story was an experience that was one of those wonderful adventures you remember for a long long time. It has already brought a smile to my...
I lubed up some more and started to push into Mollys ass. She let out a little yelp as i pushed deep into her. I started fingering her pussy and she tightened on my cock. I pulled Bella over and started fingering her to. Lucy came over and started licking my cock as I fucked her dogs ass. I had no idea my girlfriend was such a freak, but it was a good thing. She started sucking on my balls and I came deep in Mollys tight asshole, several ropes of hot cum. I pulled out and it came pouring out...
Big Brother's Little Sister by dkb A jagged, expressionist style symbol of an eye fills the screen above the title "Big Brother" and a pounding dance music theme blares out, its undertones of menace blunted by familiarity. The abstract animated title sequence gives way to a montage of scenes of listless young people lounging, frolicking and arguing in and around a low, sprawling compound decorated in an eclectic mix of kitsch styles, a bizarre cross between army barracks and...
HumorGangbang Coach Underground Gangbang League Chapter 2: Gangbang Trucker Sluts When I finally walked up to the wash bay there was I sizable group of men. Only a few of the VIPS from the bus went in. I only let them have a twenty min head start but even I was surprise how much cum glaze Tori and Leah have had on their body. Someone had brought some cheap Ford floor mats for the girl to knee on instead of the concrete floor. Leah was on her knees right next to Tori’s ass and she was trying to get...
Only Sally's small corner lamp was on when Phillip opened the door to his dorm room which was enough to quietly latch the door behind him while his eyes adjusted to the lower light in their room. Putting his shoes next to the desk under his platform bed, Phillip pondered whether he needed a shower after the sex he had had with Rachael. Sniffing silently, a smile arose on his face as he smelled Rachael's remaining essence about his body. It smelled anything but dirty to him. Stripping down...
It's a Pink Satin Sissy's Life (And I love it!) by Missy Satinpanties Authors Note: I wish I could tell you that this is an autobiographical story, but it's not (sigh!). I'm a sissy, and there's no denying that fact. In fact, as I wrote this, I wore many of the outfits I described here (See E-Bay shops Simply Playful, Jolie's boutique, Birchplace Shop and I Love Ruffles, as that's where a lot of my sissy wardrobe came from), but I am far from looking like little Debbie,...
This is a work of fiction. All characters in this story are made up and all similarities between this story, the characters in it and the situations described, and any real life situations or people is purely coincidental. It is of course only suitable for readers of 18y and over. If you do not like stories of this nature, please don't read it. I have tried to expand on the sensations of both the male and the female characters. Of course I have only one side of the story to relate...
The cookout and sex party did indeed last most of the weekend. Sunday evening Jon, Mike, Dan, John, and Gail departed, leaving Wilkins and me with April, Serena, Megan, and Mary. Wilkins sought me out when I was alone, "Sir, I want to talk to you about the weekend." I kind of guessed what he wanted to say, so I humored him. "Yes, go on; hasn't it been great?" "Well, first, I must say; this weekend has been the highlight of my life. I hope you know I would never initiate something...
I recently bought my first pocket pussy. Well, to be honest, “pocket pussy” might be a bit of a misnomer for what this was. This thing was huge, definitely not fitting in anyone’s pocket. I did a fair deal of research before settling on one. There is a large range of different types, prices, and qualities to choose from, and I wanted to familiarize myself with a few products before making a final decision. Especially since I would be putting my dick in it. Wouldn’t want to get some shady...
Online Sex Toys Shops"Your asshole." "What?" "I said 'Your asshole.'" "I know what you said." "Then why did you say 'what'?" "Because I couldn't think of anything else to say." "Alright, well, let's try this again, shall we?" "OK." "Your asshole." "No." "No?" "Yeah, that's what I said. No." "How can you say no?" "Watch my lips. First I open them and put my tongue on the top of mouth to form the 'N'. Then I take my tongue off the roof of my mouth to make the 'O'....
Sheila and I were tired, sated, warm and cosy. We therefore slept like logs for the rest of the night. I don't think either of us stirred a muscle. The next thing I knew, there was a vague grey daylight creeping through the small gaps in the shutters, and Adrian was standing a few feet away from us, getting dressed. I sleepily lifted myself up on my elbows, causing my entwined bed companion to stir also as her head slipped off my chest. "What time is it?" "Eight fifteen. I need to get...
Just wanted to share my experience of having a wank buddy, having met online to wank over celebs...I previously had a regular wank buddy about 7 years ago which lasted for about 2 years. We met of the celebjo site which then was popular as ever. We would typically meet once a month depending on availability in his flat in SW London mainly on a Sunday morning to maintain discretion. My buddy was in his early 50's and at the time I was in my mid 20's. I felt from my end from the off this would be...
Friday, April 13, 2002 It's easy to get spoiled; I'd learned that a while ago. Even spending one night alone made me long to have someone else in bed with me. Having someone beside made me feel complete in a way I didn't really understand. JR complained I needed a bigger bed, but I wasn't sure. It was nice to feel the warmth of someone beside me. If I had a big bed, they could wander away... What would be the point of sleeping together then? I heard a soft sound in my dream; I thought...
Hello iss readers, this is Prem again. Thank you for your valuable comments & compliments to my first story. For those who don’t know me. I am Prem, 23 years guy & from Hyderabad. Please send your valuable suggestions to my id Iam going to the story now. So ala first session ipoyaka memu fresh iyamu & nenu lunch thiskochi thinnam edharam. Nenu Swetha ni malli continue chedama ani adiga, thanu ok anatu Chinna smile echindi. Inka nenu ventane thana midaki velli malli kiss cheyadam start chesa....
That night, as Kari was getting ready for bed, she heard a knock on the door. As she was already stripped down to her underwear, she hurriedly threw on her bathrobe, then opened the door. It was Crystal, wearing a large nightshirt like she usually wore to bed. "Hi," Kari smiled. "Come on in." Crystal entered the room and sat down on Kari's bed. Kari closed the door and took a seat beside her. "Kari," said Crystal, "I want to talk to you about what happened today." "With...
Mom then said; “may I have a word with my daughter, alone please?” Everyone then left the room, leaving me alone with my mother. My hands were still hand-cuff behind my back and my legs spread wide apart. Mom walked over and sat down on the bed. “Mom, what’s going on?” “Marcy, there is a lot I need to explain to you, so I’ll just start at the beginning. Two years ago I met Janet, (that’s madam to you.) at a lesbian bar, I didn’t know she was into women. We started talking about you and the...
Ich war gerade 25 geworden als ich den Hauptgewinn in der Lotterie abräumte. Ich konnte mein Glück damals kaum fassen und wusste nicht dass dies dazu führen würde dass ich bald meine eigene kleine Sex-Sklavin besitzen würde. Eins nach dem anderen. Ich machte damals eine Weiterbildung und als ich mich eines Abends spät auf den Weg nach Hause machte sah ich auf einer Bank ein weinendes Mädchen sitzen. Sie sah abselut bezaubernd aus. Schwarzes glattes Haar eine schlanke Figur mittelgrosse Titten...
BDSMThe weeks following that memorable party at Marcus's plush London house dragged by until, at last, the new college term was upon me. I had spent some of that time in my room at my parent's house, reflecting on my shameless behaviour and coming to terms with my new-found sexuality. Those moments almost always culminated in a vigorous masturbate-a-thon, reliving my adventures as Nicky the Tranny escort girl. Of course, I had enjoyed the rest of the time away from studying, partying with...
Nikki seemed to reposition herself to give me a better view. I watched as his impressive, fat cock inched closer and closer to the prize, my wife's hot, wet pussy. My wife, Nikki, is a drop dead gorgeous, blonde haired, blue eyed vision to behold. Of course, like most women it seems, there is always some minor flaw that they feel self-conscous about. My wife had been overweight as a teenager and can't seem to get past feeling like she is fat even though her body is perfect in every way now....
WifeI sat at my desk doing homework and staring out my bedroom window hoping my boyfriend Mr. Chapman would get home soon. He’d been working a lot lately and as a result we had seen little of each other. As a police officer I knew his schedule was weird and I didn’t want to smother him or anything, but as his girlfriend I worried about the late nights and wanted him to be safe and snuggling with me every night. Living with my parents threw a wrench in that particular fantasy, but I wanted it all...
We had been married for ten years, and my parents agreed to look after our two boys aged nine and six for a week so we could have a second honeymoon. Our first had been okay but a bit disappointing, as we were not well off, so a cheap hotel in London had to suffice. Right now, we were not much better off but decided to take our caravan to a remote site in mid-Wales. The weather was glorious as we set out, and with our caravan being towed behind my (company) 4x4, we headed for the hills. We...
ExhibitionismDamon Dice is on the phone, but that doesn’t stop sex kitten Kara Faux from getting the pleasure she craves. The wanton coed takes away Damon’s clothes, so he takes away her bra to let her big boobs spring free for his pleasure in a bit of tit for tat. Kara is happy to let Damon have his way, especially once he slides his hand down her panties to feel how wet her bare twat already is. Shoving Damon onto the couch, Kara whips out her boyfriend’s stiffie and doesn’t miss a...
xmoviesforyouHi, all Sneha again. I am here to share another experience of mine. Please read my previous sexstory if you have missed. I didn’t expect such a huge response to my first story. Thank you, guys. Coming back to story. After Rishi fucked me hard that night we had few more rounds. We slept like log. I woke up and told him that I will leave. He told me to stay for some time as it is Sunday. I told him that my dad is coming to see me so I have to go to my flat. He said ok but before leaving he asked...
Once we'd finished lunch and cleaned up the mess I grabbed a handful of the baby carrots and the four of us made our way out to the corral. Peggy was so full of energy and excitement I thought she might burst, bouncing around on her toes and darting forward then running back to rejoin us, urging us all to hurry. The horses weren't as leery of us as they'd been the day before and approached with no coaxing or effort from me. Izzy and Lilly fed carrots to the adults and Peggy focused her...
I opened my stepbrother’s door, lady juice dripping down my naked legs as I stepped inside. My first thought was to leave immediately. Heartbeats pounded in my ears, and I lowered my gaze to the ground, worried I might wake him up. Clothes, movies, and other various things strewn across the floor, but by the bed were my panties. My favorite pair, purple with a pink rose. I felt a smile stretch across my face. "He’s been masturbating thinking of me," I thought. My eyes became attracted to his...
TabooSissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy. Sissies are...
ch König Gregor IV. Vier Jahre ist es her, dass mein geliebter Vater bei einem Jagdunfall zu Tode gestürzt war und ich seither seinen Thron besteigen muss. Heute war Thing. Der einmal im Monat stattfindende Gerichtstag. Mein Großvater hatte ihn eingeführt. Menschen aus unserem Königreich konnten kommen und ihre Händel vortragen. An uns Königen lag es, dann zu entscheiden, wem welches Stück Land zustand, wer welche Rechte worüber haben sollte, was mit dem Ehebrecher zu geschehen habe und so...
This is my first story and I hope you like it. If I see positive responses I'll write some more. have fun ***************************************************************************************** “Amy wake up”. Three loud knocks on the door. “Amy are you in there”? The knoking continued. “time to go to class”. I hate waking up in a rush. “I'm up Jenny, I'm up, god can you be any louder”? I heard giggles from outside my bedroom door. “Today is my birthday so you have to...
You have the best looking lawn in the neighborhood. It may have something to do with the frequency that the young man who comes to mow, weed and fertilize. You love his strong muscular body, sweating in the sun as he works. And I’m sure he loves how you’re always half dressed as you clean your husbands house. The look on his face was priceless the first time you offered him a drink of water in just your nightshirt. He tried to be polite as he stared at your cleavage, but he could barely stammer...
Friday morning. The store was quiet. A couple of people looking at kitchens. Furniture deserted. I was busy in beds, plumping the pillows when I heard a gentle cough.“Can I help you?”“I’m looking for a bed," she replied. “Queen size. Brass frame. For me and my boyfriend.”I smiled at this unnecessary detail, but she did seem rather young to be shopping for furniture. She had a pretty face with large dark eyes, but her long brown hair was untidy, as if she had just woken up.“Come this way,” I...
TeenI had come to the beach all by myself which I must admit is a little pathetic but at that moment is just what I needed. Anyways, there was barely anyone there so I just laid out my towel and spread out across it. I took in the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing. It was hot and I could feel the sun on my body which is one of my favorite feelings. Since I was all alone, I decided to do something I had always wanted to try, tan naked. So I nonchalantly slipped off the top of my...
Straight SexIn my darkened bedroom, I stare at the blinking cursor on our Skype chat. I have been watching it blink for far too long. I’m waiting for you to come home and sign on. It has seemed like one of the longest days of my life. I've been so wound up, I'm aching for you. I’m sitting here on my bed, with the blankets already turned down. I have a surprise for you, when you do eventually come on. I just wish you’d hurry up now. I have been waiting almost an hour. I am feeling a little impatient. ...
MasturbationLucy was a proud woman, she liked to do things on her own and for herself. It had been eight years since her husband had left her for that whorish little vixen and she was determined never to let anyone treat her like that ever again. Her two kids were fully grown up and had families of their own now so Lucy had a lot of spare time on her hands when she wasnt working. This Christmas Lucy's children would be staying with their father and as her own parents had passed away a few years back...
Chapter 22 Tuesday came and the girls were to meet Ron and Thomas at a restaurant off Times Square. Brenda had worn her usual clothes to work, a skirt, sweater and heels. On a normal day her skirt was knee length, the sweater neck high and the heels were two inches. Her plan today was to make Ron a babbling idiot. Ron was one that liked to talk too much and as the saying goes, loose lips sink ships, would apply, or at least Brenda hoped it would. Today she wore a skirt that was...
3 Sticky Gifts for Her 17th Birthday Maria was lying on the bed, rubbing his cum around her nipple with her finger. Kevin laid there, her hand on his now softening cock, satisfied once again. Maria says: “I want to do something special for my 17th birthday this year. Something I have never done and I want it to be memorable.” She and Kevin throw around some ideas when Kevin says: “Well Maria as much as you like sex you should have a small gangbang.” “Oh my God Kevin I don’t know. What do you...
Group SexIt was during this time that Hellen Stewart’s marriage completely fell apart and her husband left her with no way to support herself. He’d filed for divorce and Hellen didn’t contest it. After the third month of not paying the mortgage, she received an eviction notice. Her father, Aaron Dickson, had greatly decreased his visits. He would show up about once a month to fuck her or have her perform oral sex. Hellen knew that sex with her father was wrong, and she even tried to resist sometimes....