Two Guys
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Avril O’Connor was like a sister to me. I was an only child and, when I met her at boarding school for the first time, I absolutely loathed her. We were both sixteen, she, tall and skinny, I, short and dumpy. She had long, slightly wavy and very glossy blonde hair, mine was reddish, and unmanageable. She was also clever, routinely coming first in any tests we were subjected to.
You probably think that the cause of my loathing was simple jealousy, but the truth was that I had worked out, despite being a gauche sixteen-year-old, that I was gay and resented the fact that someone so beautiful as Avril was unlikely to reciprocate any feelings I might have. In a youthful show of stupidity, I turned disappointment into hatred, albeit unexpressed.
It all changed during a geography field trip. Our teacher, Miss Parminter, was almost a caricature. She had teeth like a horse, a grey bun and wore horn-rimmed spectacles, a khaki bush hat, canvas trousers with pockets everywhere, and sported a haversack. Yes, haversack. No rucksack for her. This was made of canvas too and also had more pockets and leather straps than looked good for it. Her boots were elderly, her socks hairy and pulled up over her trousers.
She marched, rather than walked and she took long, ungainly strides. I was going through that sullen phase. Everything was boring. I hated school that year and would gladly have been anywhere but in that dank woodland trying to recognise land features that were so incomprehensibly recorded on the Ordnance Survey map we’d all been given.
The crocodile of ‘young ladies’ got a bit stretched out in the wake of Miss Parminter’s energetic march and I decided that I’d take a breather. I slipped into a cool clearing only to find Avril, lying on her back with a bottle of cider at her side and a cigarette in her mouth.
“Hi, Ginge,” Ginger or Ginge was the name assigned to me although I am in fact Theresa. “Pull up a toadstool and have a drink.” I looked around to check we were unobserved. “Don’t worry, Pony wont discover we’re missing for ages yet.” Pony Parminter was the teacher’s nickname due, largely, to her teeth. “Have a drink.” She passed me the bottle and I took a grateful swig. “Fancy a fag?” I didn’t smoke but, somehow eager to cement a friendship since she was being so sharing, I took one and, after an initial paroxysm of coughing, discovered I actually liked it and felt very sophisticated.
“First one?” I nodded. “Well, you did rather well.” She smiled “I nearly threw up my first time.” I took another sip of cider. “Finish it, if you want. I’ve got a couple more. It doesn’t pay to come on a field trip without some means of numbing oneself.”
“What happens when she finds we’re missing?”
“Oh, that’s easy. We’ll make our way back to the hostel and tell her we got lost but managed to find our way back by map reading. She’ll be delighted.”
“Can you read the map?”
“Don’t be ludicrous. I left a trail of peanuts on the path.” She waved a packet of nuts at me that she had taken from her jeans pocket. “Got to plan these things. My sister is in the sixth form and she gave me tuition in Pony management.”
I laughed, my nervousness reduced by the alcohol. “How long do you reckon we have?”
“My sister, June, reckons about half an hour. Then we amble back making it look as though we were a bit scared.”
“And what if we bump into the rest of them.”
“Oh, simplicity itself. We ask them if they got lost.”
I discovered Avril was a great companion. She made me laugh, was bold but not reckless and she had a delightful sense of mischief. The fact she was lovely to look at somehow made it all seem even more wonderful. The crush I had on her was squeezed a little further than ever.
We started walking back, following the trail of peanuts through the woodland. “Got a boyfriend?” I said I had not. “Nor me. I had one before I came to school. He’s sixteen and said he wasn’t going to wait for me because boys need to get a lot of sex early on so they’re ready for when the time comes. Prick.”
“What time?” I asked. She looked at her watch, but I said, “no, for when what time comes?”
“Oh. I couldn’t be bothered to ask. I didn’t want him to wait anyway. I want someone a bit more experienced than a spotty sixteen-year-old. Have you seen the new Chemistry teacher, Mr Sandell?” I nodded. “Now that’s the sort of thing I want. Except his beard is ginger. Oh, nothing against ginger hair, so don’t sulk, but a ginger beard makes it look like he’s tried to eat the cat. Lovely bum though, don’t you think?”
I agreed of course. In those days, girls like me learned to hide themselves behind a disguise of being normal.
“When we get back from this nauseatingly boring trip, I shall try to seduce him. It won’t work, of course, but it’ll be good practice.”
Finally we arrived back at the hostel. Pony Parminter was strutting about anxiously and almost leapt into the air when we emerged through a hedge. “Avril O’Connor, Theresa Lewis, where have you two been?” I couldn’t decide if she was scared or angry.
Avril looked her straight in the eye. “We got a bit lost, Miss, but we managed to find our way back using the map.” She’d been holding the map, and showed it to Pony, revealing a few well-judged pencil marks for the sake of authenticity. “Ginger here is great with a compass.”
Pony looked at me, gimlet-eyed. “You have a compass, Theresa?”
Avril was ready for that. “She borrowed mine, Miss. She didn’t think to bring one of her own.”
Pony turned and addressed the rest of the group in laudatory tones. “See, girls,” pronounced 'gels', of course, “how a map and a compass can save lives in difficult circumstances. Avril and Theresa have been very resourceful and employed the skills I have tried so hard to teach you.” She turned back to us. “Well done you two. Supper will be by the barbecue at 7. Go and get showered and changed.”
From that day on we were inseparable. My rather naive lust turned to genuine friendship and, although I realised she was never going to be my lover, she was always going to be my friend.
All through school she was there for me; wiser, craftier and loyal. When a fifteen-year-old Prudence Hawkins, known as Sticks, bullied me and threatened to beat me up, Avril was there, beside me. Hawkins was captain of the under 16s hockey team, hence the soubriquet Sticks, and built like a bulldozer. She was taller, heavier and stronger than either of us but Avril got between us. “You’re far too fat to go threatening people, Sticks. For one you’re not quick enough to catch us and if you fall over, you’ll never get up again.”
Sticks took an almighty swing with her fist which Avril evaded only to kick her very hard in the stomach. Sticks went down like a ton of bricks, unable to draw breath for a few seconds. When she could, she uttered dire threats. “Fuck off,” said Avril.
I told her later how brave she was. “Bollocks. Sticks is all wind and piss and I managed to kick a bit of wind out of her.”
Avril’s sister, June, became head girl, and, as if by regal succession, so too, later, did Avril. She was much more subversive than her sister and continued, despite apparent maturity and respectability much admired by the teaching staff, to play fast and loose with school rules and to lead me along in her glorious escapades.
We had a last hurrah when we travelled the world together for our gap year. It was glorious. We were free of school, parents and looking to explore the world that was opening up before us.
By this time she was well aware I was gay. “Sorry to disappoint, Ginge. I’m definitely the boring, straight sort but, hell, fuck who you want, I say,” was all she’d said when she had forced me into confessing my sexuality. “My uncle’s as queer as a three-eyed antelope and a bloody marvellous bloke.”
Separated by different Universities, she at Cambridge, I at Bristol, we kept in touch loosely for the following few years until we both returned to our home city with our academic qualifications secured. We’d seen each other during that time of course, holidays and so on, but on our return to our families' homes, we’d had a reunion party for two during which we drank copious amounts of white wine, smoked and bragged of our successes, failures and conquests during our University careers.
“Weren’t you dating an Austrian medic at one point?” she asked.
“Margarethe. She’s in her final year of her doctorate back in Vienna now.”
“What was she like?”
“Bloody vigorous.”
Avril hooted with laughter. “What a great compliment. I had the great insult of having a brief and meaningful with a music student, called Kevin, who dumped me for a boy in the orchestra. Apparently he played trombone so he probably gave a better blow job even than me.”
“Surely not.”
“I know it’s hard to believe.”
I was a bridesmaid at her wedding. The hen party was a riot and we barely made the church the following morning. As I adjusted her dress when she got out of the wedding car she said, “Christ, I think I am going to vomit.”
“Must have been something you ate,” I said. Laughter, the best cure for nausea and nerves. We managed to get through the ceremony and reception.
She called me a few days after returning from her honeymoon. It was a call mainly to thank me but as she was about to hang up, she said, “You’ll find someone too, you know.” She knew I’d been in a bit of a sexual desert since the collapse of a relationship a year before her wedding.
Little did she know, but I had. At least, I was in the early stages of dating a rather lovely solicitor called Annabelle but known as Belle. I’d met her when I had gone to their practice to discuss an advertising feature. I have omitted to tell you I’d studied journalism at Bristol and was now the youngest and most inexperienced reporter on a local paper. That meant I spent many hours in the lower criminal courts, reporting on the mischief perpetrated by the criminals of the district, visit bereaved families to get a glimpse into the life of the paragon (nothing enhances your reputation like dying) that was the late Grandfather or whatever, and reported on such major events as church fetes and school sports days.
Annabelle Day met me in the reception area and suggested that, rather than talk in her office, we should go to a local cafe and she would brief me there. She was smart, in a black trouser suit with a cap of ash blonde hair that contrasted with surprisingly blue eyes. Lust alert.
We sat at a table with a cafetière of coffee and a couple of cups and I took copious notes as she told me what they wanted. She gave me a couple of brochures that outlined their services, a few photographs of the partners but, sadly, not one of her. I was being total professional outwardly, and rather the opposite in my knickers under my tidy, black and grey dress.
“Oh,” she said, “and please call me Belle, I hate Annabelle. I am Belle Day - Belle de Jour, get it?”
I got it.
I went back to the office and got stuck into the piece. I asked my boss to read it before I went back to her and he said, “It’ll do,” which was high praise even if he did correct three spelling errors. I called Belle and we set up a meeting to review the piece. She pronounced it perfect and asked me out for a drink after work one evening. I agreed, probably all too eagerly.
We had a great time and it extended into having a curry together after a few glasses of wine. She had a wonderful sense of humour, and laughed, like a drain, over my recounting of the geography field trip. I felt comfortable with her. Comfortable enough that when she asked me if I had a boyfriend, I replied that men weren’t quite my thing, but not to worry, I wasn’t the aggressive sort. She nodded and smiled and that was that.
She called me when I was in the office, Friday, a few days after the feature had been published. “My boss was absolutely delighted with your piece for us. He says there will be more. The response has been brilliant. Fancy a drink after work?” I did. “Oh, and Theresa, men aren’t my thing either.” She rang off before I could say anything. I sat at my desk in a sort of trance, still holding the phone.
“Lewis!” my boss’s voice shattered my trance, “where’s that fucking court report?”
I got to the bar a few minutes late. Belle was sitting at a table in the courtyard behind the bar, smoking a cigarette which she waved at me as I sat. “A vice, but who gives a shit?”
“Not me. Can I have one? I smoke about ten a year but smelling yours has made me want one.”
“Bumming fags on a second date?”
Was it a date? Goodness me. “Not a phrase you could use comfortably in America.”
She laughed as she seemed to always; with genuine gusto. We drank wine, smoked a few cigarettes and then a sort of serious look came over her. “This is a second date, isn’t it?”
“I’d say not.”
“No?” She looked almost crestfallen.
“No, the first time we met for a drink was you saying thank you. This is a first date.”
She beamed. “Pedant.”
“And,” I said, compounding my mistake, “I felt butterflies in my stomach earlier this evening. That’s a sure sign of a first date.”
She leaned forward and her hand covered mine. “Well, that’s a bit of a shame.”
“Because,” she whispered, “I never take a woman to bed on a first date.”
Now, that was a bit of a surprise. Two things about it in fact. One was ‘take a woman to bed’ which is so, so different from ‘go to bed with a woman,’ and made me shiver, and the fact that she was bold enough to mention going to bed at all.
I looked into her eyes. Her hand closed over mine. “Am I allowed to answer your question again?” She nodded. “This is, definitely and incontrovertibly, a second date.”
“Good answer.”
Her flat was nearer, and bigger, than mine. It was on the ground floor, like mine. We got through the street door, then the door to her apartment and that was when she kissed me for the first time. There was no hurry. We stood, and after a few false starts when she’d get really close to my mouth then ease back a fraction, our lips met, mine parted and we started a little tongue wrestling and touching each other; arms, shoulders, backs, hips, until her fingers found the zip at the back of my dress and she, very slowly, pulled it down.
Once she’d opened it, her hand started to stroke my spine and I lifted my arms around her neck and revelled in her touch. Her free hand found my breast and palmed it through the soft cotton of my dress. Well, I thought, two can play that game, so I slipped my hand inside the leather jacket she was wearing and discovered that, like me, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipple was hard and I rolled it gently between my fingertips and that was when it all started to get a bit more urgent.
Belle stepped back and forced my dress down off my shoulders until it fell to the floor and I as left in just my rather unexciting cotton knickers and canvas shoes. She devoured my breasts and her hand went between my legs. Having pushed her jacket off her shoulders, she helped by shrugging it off then re-engaging with my nipple as I unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it out of her trousers.
I always find undoing trousers a pain in the arse but, with a little help it was accomplished and I worked my hand inside her panties as hers was inside mine. She almost tripped over her trousers as she hastened to get me into her bedroom and she laughed that full-body laugh of hers. I held her up as she, comically, hopped out of her pants and then we were on the bed.
What followed is a blur. Finally naked, she almost ripped my knickers off but didn’t bother with my shoes. She went down between my thighs, licked me, fingered me, then back up to my tits, her mound pressed to mine. Then I was on my front and she was lying on top of me, kissing my neck. Now on my back, she straddled my face and leaned down so we were both kissing cunt, licking, tasting. That was how she came. It was a howl, an ecstatic, primal bellow that was the catalyst for my own more muted orgasm.
Spent, we lay like that, face to cunt. Finally, she rolled off me, moved to lie beside me.
“You know what?”
“I could mistake you for being queer.”
“How dare you?”
She kissed me again and that, inevitably led to a second round.
I was, as they say, walking on air that weekend. I stayed the night with her, then, after a breakfast fuck and a bit of toast for breakfast, we walked the couple of miles to my flat in warm sunshine; the weather seeming to reflect my mood. We had showered together at hers, so I changed and then we went out to find somewhere for lunch. She stayed at mine that night, but had had the forethought to bring clean knickers so we were able to go for a walk in the country without having to return to her place.
I slept alone that Sunday night and felt her absence like an ache.
Before I went to bed, I called Avril. “Hi, Avril, it seems ages since we’ve spoken and I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”
“You got laid, didn’t you?”
“Come off it, Ginge. How long have I know you? Your voice is completely different when you’ve had sex.”
We laughed our way through a twenty-minute conversation, largely about me describing Belle and telling Avril I’d told Belle about the field trip and her reaction.
“She sounds lovely. Don’t fuck it up.”
Monday morning and I was in the Magistrates Court. That is the lowest of the criminal courts and where all the shit goes on, drink driving, brawls, petty theft, along with a few more serious cases that were being referred up to the Crown Court, where the more serious offences are dealt with. When the court adjourned for lunch I went outside and ate a sandwich, sitting on a bench. A woman I vaguely recognised sat down next to me. She was about fifty her hair tied back in a severe bun, a rather elderly looking grey trouser suit and sensible brogue shoes.
“I’m DS Roberts, Frances. You’re the cub reporter on the ‘Voice,’ right?”
“Yes, Theresa Lewis.”
“See that guy standing by the fountain, talking to the older man?” I did. “He’s probably the most corrupt lawyer in this city.”
I turned back to look at her. “Why are you telling me?”
“Because someone needs to do something about him and I have been warned off.”
“Warned off by whom?”
“My bosses. That makes me even more sure I’m right and I have no idea where it might end up. Don’t look now, but I have slipped an envelope into your bag. Read it when you get back to your office. My private number’s in there too.”
Then she was gone.
Fortunately, the court finished early that afternoon and I went back to the office, eager to see what she’d given me. It was an A4 envelope stuffed with papers.
The first thing was a typewritten note; an old-fashioned, mechanical typewriter.
“Never reveal how you got this. James Palmer is a solicitor. He has his own firm and mostly deals with criminal cases. He works alone but with a group of private investigators. They are mostly ex-coppers and thugs. Two of his clients are big players in vice. One is Gerry Kola, an Albanian. He’s loaded and owns a few bars and a nightclub. But that’s all cover. He runs women, some only teenagers, into the UK from Eastern Europe The other is his sidekick, a local boy called Henry Palmer. They are both protected and I think it’s by a couple of Detectives in our vice squad. See what you can do, but be careful.”
I phoned her. “Why me?”
“Because nobody would ever think someone as insignificant as you would be given the steer. Take care. They’re bad men, especially Kola.”
The dossier was surprisingly detailed. So now, I had to decide what to do. I could go it alone to start with, build on the dossier. Or, I could go straight to my boss and tell him what I’d been given. He’d laugh me out of his office. But then, there was Larry Snape. Larry was a drunk, a relic from the unreconstructed past of journalism, a once-great investigative journalist brought low by a libel case and whisky.
He, now, out of our editor’s rarely exposed sympathy for him, or for anyone else, come to that, did a column in our Saturday edition on farming, about which he knew as much as my bicycle does. I absolutely adored him. On his day, he was funny and amazingly good company. He called me his Tess of the D’urbervilles.
Larry was a man you spoke to in the morning. If you were lucky, around 10.30, he’d be through the worst of his hangover and wouldn’t have had more than a couple of scotches. I found him, that Tuesday morning, his feet on his desk, a cigarette with smoke curling from it in an ash tray despite an absolute ban.
“What dirt have you got on the editor, Larry? Nobody else gets to smoke and do fuck all.”
“Our beloved Bradman knows that I know he is the spawn of Lucifer, holds black sabbaths in his garage and, worst of all, votes Conservative. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visitation, Miss D’urberville?”
“I’ve got something to show you.” I put the envelope on his desk in front of him.
Larry pulled two glasses from the top drawer of his desk, along with a bottle of whisky. “If I have to read, I need to adjust my eyesight.” He poured two fingers into each glass and shoved one in my direction. I watched as his unsteady hand extracted all the papers from the envelope and he scanned the first note. He then went methodically through the remainder while not once touching his glass. I finished mine and put it on his desk. Without looking, he refilled it.
I waited for twenty minutes while he read it. Then he looked over his specs at me and said, “Fucking hell, Tess. Where did you get this lot?”
Quandary. Frances Roberts had told me not to tell anyone how I got it. I suspected Larry would not help unless he knew.
“Can I hold that back for a while? It comes from a source in the Police and they think it’s potentially dangerous.”
“Dangerous? I should bloody cocoa. If any of it is true it’s fucking dynamite.” He shoved the papers back into the envelope. “My advice, burn it and go back to doorstepping widows.”
I said nothing. Larry was a thinker and, as he took a first, if large, sip of his scotch I could see the wheels turning in his mind. He stood up suddenly and pulled his scruffy, tweed jacket on. “Right, come with me.”
I slipped the envelope back into my little document case and followed him. We walked in silence to a small Italian restaurant with a large ‘Closed’ sign prominent on its door. He pushed the door open and shouted, “Paulo, two large ones please.” At this rate I’d be falling over before noon. “Paulo, this is Tess and she’s one of the good ones. If she ever comes to eat here, don’t give her the rabbit.” Paulo sniffed and placed two huge whiskies on our table.
“Gerry Kola is believed to have murdered at least three people. He looks respectable, but he’s about as straight as a corkscrew. He’s bad, through and through. Jimmy Palmer wouldn’t know how to represent an honest client. He’s as bent as Kola. He, to my certain knowledge, has used his thugs to frighten off or buy jurors. Palmer is a blackmailer of quality. We’re talking very, very bad men here and you need to be bloody careful. Bryant and Gordon are the weak links.” Bryant and Gordon were detectives, very senior.
“Will you help me?”
“Me?” He raised his glass. “It may have escaped your notice, Tess, but I am a drunk. Twenty years ago I’d have bitten your hand off for this, but today, I”d be a total liability.”
“Wash your mouth out. If we’re going to do anything with that poisoned chalice, we’re going to have be totally bloody silent until we think we’re there. When we get ‘there’ I will take it to Bradman, and we’ll say nothing of your involvement until they’re all locked up or he decides to play safe and burn the lot.”
“Because, Tess, you have a life ahead of you and we don’t want Kola or anyone else snuffing that. If they do for me, well, who’d give a shit?”
“Yes, well you’re a simpleton. Don’t say a word to anyone. I shall formulate a plan. Paulo! Two more.”
Later that evening, I tidied Larry’s house; well, the kitchen and sitting room anyway. I don’t think anyone had for quite some time. Larry was sitting at his kitchen table, a glass inevitably within reach.
“We don’t go for Kola or Palmer. We go for the two so-called detectives.”
“Why the cops?”
Larry slammed his hand down on the table. “Don’t call these vermin cops. Cops do a good job, serve the people, fight the bad guys. These two ARE the bad guys. If we get them, we take away the protection Kola and Palmer enjoy.”
I was walking home when my phone rang. Belle. “Supper this evening?”
“Belle, I have spent the morning with Larry Snape. You don’t know him but he is old-school journo and he and I are working on a story together and I am almost incoherent.”
“Old school means drunk?”
“No, old-school means alcoholic but rarely drunk. I am new-school and, since I didn’t have a choice, I am as pissed as a fart.”
“You’re not just putting me off?”
“Absolutely not. I am protecting you from an evening with a woman who wont be able to stand up much longer.”
“Call me tomorrow. We need to practice.”
I called her. “Let me cook for you?”
She arrived, looking scrumptious. It’s strange, isn’t it, that when you live in a flat, how easy it is to go into the bedroom instead of the kitchen by mistake?
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Thursday As usual, I was awake and gone before the women awoke, although I couldn’t go too far. I noticed that we were anchored offshore and not docked in New Orleans. The captain explained that the ship had never docked here, so we didn’t have a place reserved. He didn’t want to choose a dock and have me upset with his choice. “How much does it usually cost to buy fuel for the ship?” I asked. The captain looked at me oddly. “You mean for refueling the helicopters?” he asked. “No, to keep...
Reni lay back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling of the guest bedroom at Jack and Annie’s. She had been out of the hospital for two days, and this was the second day in a row, Dev had treated her like a fragile piece of glass, going off to do what he had to do as far as the truck went, but not doing more than cuddling with her and making sure she was comfortable. And what was with this talk about another driver coming down and taking the truck back while they rented a car, and drove back...
Wednesday, June 29. “Yeah, so this chick NEVER swallows!” Aaron explains to J.J., as they stand together in the back room of the convenience store, with Destiny down on her knees in front of them. “Yeah, but at least you said she’s good, dude,” J.J. replies consolingly as Destiny works her mouth down to the base of his swollen cock. “Oh yeah, dude, she’s real good, but she’d be perfect if she swallowed!” Aaron replies. “She doesn’t swallow? What’s wrong with her?” Destiny asks in disbelief,...
Well this one is a throwback sex story!!! When I was studying final year of my PU and me and my friends had planned a trip just the 4 of my classmates to hills station in “Ooty” and we thought of having a road trip which would be fun and Sanil had agreed to bring his Dad’s car, so that we all 4 would have a long road trip and the journey would be more fun than the actual destination, it was easy for Sanil as his dad was in Dubai and his Mom was very of a jolly person in herself so she had no...
As Mr. Frank rested, the two sluts in the basement were getting more from the boys. They had disconnected the two from each other and now had them on their hands and knees, side by side. Each of the girls had a hard cock in their mouths and one in their cunts. This was the fourth set of boys who fucked them. Then, as those two shot a load of cum into the sluts, two more took their place. This continued until all the boys had at least one turn with the two. Some had even gone back for seconds...
This was my first meet with another tgirl from a contact site id recently joined which turned out to be one of the most enjoyable sexual experiences.i started chatting to sandra on the website who was another mature tranny which soon turned into rather naughty cam sessions when we both played until we both had wonderful cums until one day sandra suggested we take it further which was what i wanted so we agreed to meet in travel inn in bristol. Room was booked and sandra arranged to meet me and...
The merchant set off for the village and took care of business with only half his attention on work. Was it any wonder that he couldn't get Beauty out of his thoughts? She was every man's dirty dream, wicked fantasy! And he was very possessive of her, especially now. Maybe he'd always meant to make her his; after all, hadn't he ridden off all potential suitors for her? He didn't want his little girl getting married to some bum and moving away from home where he could keep a watchful eye on...
A few years back I got a call out of the blue from a bloke that I used to work with from some twenty years ago. Dave was a electrician, I was an apprentice at the time he was the first man I had crush on. Dave was what I would consider a 100% straight bloke that always bragged about his conquests with women, but he had the uncanny knack of being in his underwear when I called. Dave was your average man, six foot tall with broad shoulders and torso, he was quit hairy and had a type of Mexican...
Posted by humbert1My Porn Star family Our family had been hit financially like everyone else's these days, and as I was already working full-time and really could not grasp the concept of getting a second job, and my wife just lost her employment after 20 years at the same company, we had to get creative and our solution to our financial crisis. After all, with two teenage k**s to finish raising and a mortgage we did not want to fall behind on, something had to be done! The k**s, our nephew...
This is a true story. The names are altered to keep it private. It is about a wife that started cheating and a husband that was turned on but let it get out of hand ——————————————————————————————————————————————— I started to notice the change in my wife. At first it was a subtle change in her clothes. She always wore revealing clothes and never wore a bra so her tits and nipples were somewhat exposed through her tops but now her tops were tighter shearer and opened more showing a lot more...
It is a Dark time in this world...The Kingdom is broken and omens of the fall are close at hand. Orcs and Goblin war tribes constantly raze havoc around the mainlands of Hexos while underground The Ratmen led by their Cruel Overseer have started to raise from the sewers and wage brutal and bloody war in the streets. Whole armies of slain warriors are resurrected by vile men..using the power of the gods for their own usage. The woods are full of Vile trees, Giant spiders, Minotaurs and worse...
Maria Jade loves California, and there is nothing this thickie enjoys more than hanging out by the beach. Today, she goes to the Santa Monica Pier and has a ton of fun while she is at it. By the end of the day, she is ready to head back and get some hard sex going. That is when our stud shows up with his stiff prick. She kneels down and drools all over it in preparation for some extra sexy penetration. Then, she gets on the bed and takes his cock inside of her, moaning orgasmically as he...
xmoviesforyouBAKER'S DOZEN By, BZ As Kat (short for Katrina) Lang sat at the Restaurant bar watching NickBaker, she was sure she was onto something. Kat was the new reporter at the Bulletin. She was desperately trying toget her first big break. And her intuition was telling her that Nick Bakerwas at the bottom of the story that had plagued the city for over a year now. Over the past fourteen months fourteen women had disappeared from the city,vanished without a trace. Twelve had disappeared during a...
‘It was so nice of you to have me and Tyler join you guys up here for the weekend! We really appreciate it,’ Brooke said to Amy, holding her cup of coffee close to her lips to protect against the chilly bite of the Sierra Nevada breeze before taking a sip. ‘Jacob and I have been up here so often, just the two of us, that we decided that this year we wanted some company and who better than you two? I mean, you and Jacob spend so much time together at work that I’m sure you’d like to hang out...
Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 45th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about brother and sister. Sister is married and brother has visited her sister on New Year. Let us come to the story. I have visited my sister after 6 months of her marriage on this New Year. She has greeted me and takes me to her room. She gives me some snacks and water. I asked about her married life. She said his husband is out of city usually and this time he...
IncestA VISIT TO MISTRESS ANN'S Mistress Ann is a very good and old friend that I have known for some years so when I had some vacation time I planed to visit her for a week at her home. Ann knows I a AB/DL and encourages me to enjoy the lifestyle when I called Ann and told her of my plans she told me that it was a great idea and she had some surprises for me. When my vacation time rolled around I loaded up my jeep with my stuff for my trip especially my diapers and my baby boy cloths then...
Hi all. I am with my story here my email ID is I had a friend of mine who was from Nagpur. He used to tell me things about times he was in Nagpur how he and his two other house mates used to have fun. One day he told me that all the friends had girlfriend who used to visit their house and they used to have sex with them in front of each other. sometimes more than two people also used to indulged in. At first I didn’t believe him. I too had one of my friends in Nagpur working in CIL. He used...
"I was tending swine, at the south gate well after sunset." Ena continued as the new scene all about them became stable. Even if the location was different, Ryoko could still see the humble family dwelling in the distance behind. As the young Blue woman went busily about her chores. Emptying scraps of food into troughs as the swine eagerly converged on their banquet. "I was enjoying the music of crickets singing to the night, when suddenly ... impossibly, someone called my name! I...
Lloyd appeared at the office through the elevator door, not his usual cocky and arrogant self. He’d not missed his wife being there, but missed the control he’d had over her, and it was five days now. He adjusted his tie, and resurrected some of his greasy charm as he walked past the water cooler, giving false smiles to people as they passed, then casually glanced through the glass wall of Patti Payne’s office to see her sat with a mature and shapely redhead ... and a very pretty and petit...
After School(F/M-teen, 1st, school)A Senior in high school is seduced by his French teacher. ***Every day, Bill looked forward to going to school. He was a normal eighteen year old in his final year of High School. But he didn't enjoy his classes - No that wasn't what he enjoyed. Instead, he looked forward to seeing Miss Jones - Cheryl Jones, his French teacher. Miss Jones was every boy's wet dream come true; especially Bill's. About 5' 4" tall, with long dark curly hair that went half way down...
My husband and I were on a holiday to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. We'd gone all out. It was meant to be the trip of a lifetime so we had flown first class to Jamaica. It had been three days and so far the holiday had been magical. Beautiful beaches, stunning scenery and amazing food.We were back in the hotel after lunch. Callum was in the bath and I just flicked on the screen on his phone to see how much battery he had left. There was a Snapchat message. I didn't even know he had...
FRIDAY -- END OF WEEK ONEIt was Friday, the end of Daniel's first week at the club. He lay in bedawake, well before the alarm. There was something about the day, theexcitement of his first paycheck, all that money, yet something more thatmade him wake early with anticipation. His dick was raging hard, more thanjust the normal morning wood. It throbbed, standing straight up making atent in the sheet.He reached under and wrapped his hand around it; it felt so good, hairless,hard and demanding....
Nina Elle is having major problems with her husband. As they try to discuss the situation with some civility, her soon to be ex-husband is right on the brink of losing his cool. Nina, after all, fucked his son, Tyler Nixon, and despite it being her stepson, he feels like she really crossed a line. She tells him that her stepson came onto him but he’s not buying it. He tells her that until Tyler tells him to his face that it’s all his fault, he’s not signing anything. When he...
xmoviesforyouEven as the wormhole started to close behind him; he saw the flash of light as the station exploded. Shaking his head, he was almost to Queen Triada's world, when he heard and felt the distress from Drivas and Thellus. Shaken, he landed with a thud not far from Queen Triada. "I have released Thantas from the IP, I am afraid that she won't recover for a bit. Triot, attacked Drivas and Thellus, they are in bad shape. Please tell the others, that I will return, I have to go after them, then...
Gwen couldn't believe her son's report card, as he stood there beaming happily in the kitchen. In high school he had been an average student at best, and that was mostly due to the fact that as a starting wide receiver on the school's football team. The 38 year old blond thought her son had often been given extra help by his teachers, just so that he wouldn't be kicked off the team for academic reasons. When he had been scouted by LSU, it was also clear to her that it had more to do with her...
William Wainright looked up as Alexander Beall wiped his boots on the scraper by the door and entered his office. "Good day," the constable said, pushing back a short forelock that had escaped from under his brown tie wig. "Terrible run of weather we've been having." Beall hung his coat on a peg. "Yes, hard on the roads, and I think my roof's got three new leaks this week." "I talked with that store clerk, Sparks," said Wainright as Beall sat down across the desk from him....
There are only five kids in the class and all of them were either 6 or 7 years old: Lexi – dirty blonde hair, tan skin, really cute and outgoing Rachel – black hair, dark eyes, average kid Andrea – black hair, dark skin, dark eyes, a little reserved Mike – short black hair, dark eyes, a loud kid Sean – longish brown hair, tan skin, average kid It was the second week of camp and we were inside. The kids were coloring in pictures. The other person working with me was a 17 year old...
Jacob Ruthven hungrily gasped in the coolness of the night air as he carefully closed the heavy metal door behind him. His fingers worked unthinkingly over the workings of the lock, which secured the door. After giving the lock a final tug to ascertain he had secured it properly, the man pulled up the lapels of his coat, nestled his head within their comforting shelter and walked quickly away from the evil that currently resided in the boiler room. "Mon Dieu! Everything inside me tells me...
"Larry. I'm sorry, I just don't understand." "Angie, It's really simple. I am moving out. By the time you get home from work tomorrow I will have my things." "But where are you going?" I asked it, even though I wasn't sure I wanted to know. "You can reach me through my mother," the voice of my soon to be estranged husband came through my cell phone... The phone went dead before I could understand exactly what it all meant. I fought to maintain control of my emotions. I had to...
We caught a ride on one of the sprayers out beyond the shield and had ourselves transported back to Capital. We met with Amphy Rulot and gave him the list of names and addresses we had gotten from Ms. Kama Sutra. He put some investigators on it searching the citizen data base for the appropriate planets. Damned if most of the names didn't turn out to be fake, though the addresses were real enough! We threw away the 4 names that were valid and concentrated on the fake ones. There were 10...
A TYPICAL WOMAN! By Sylvia Who? 1. A TYPICAL WOMAN! "CLANG": For the fifth time in the past ten minutes my high heel missed the clutch as I steered my wife's Jaguar into our secluded drive and for a moment was unnerved by the jarring 'crunch' of gears. - "Typical woman" I tittered to myself as I slid the car to a noisy halt on the gravel outside the front door and thankfully switched off the engine at the end of my ordeal, trying to control the rising tide of elation at having...
Hi i am riya from bhubaneswar mujhe jab pata chala ki sex exp ko asi net pe share karte hai to me bhi apni exp share karna chahati hu jo apko pasanda ayegi me jo bol ne ja rahi hu wo mere bhai ke sath mera peheli bar thi mujhe pehele se exp hai thodi thodi. Ab me bina bore kiye hua apko mere family ke bare batati hu meri family ek higher middil class family hai mummy papa me aur mera ek chota bhai hai me 26 ki hu aur mera bhai 23 ki haiye kahani 2 saal pehele ki hai . are me to apni bare apko...
Ex Appeal (c) Paul Garland 2020Chapter 1“This is so romantic,” Alexandria said to me and she was right. I wouldn’t consider myself the most romantic man in the world, but here, walking along the Champs De Mars in Paris, the Eiffel Tower glowing ahead of us in the early evening sunlight, I could feel a fizzing energy in the air that could only be called romance.“It is,” I agreed, taking a step back for a moment to admire the view. The Champs De Mars was beautiful; a wide green space at the very...
This is a different one for me. No cheating. No elaborate plots. Just a story of appreciating what you have. I’ve been told that happiness is not having everything you want, but wanting what you have. And there is more than one way to betray someone, so here’s a story about that. Edited by my good friend NonetheWiser, who, as usually, takes my drivel and makes it readable. The man truly has the ability to polish a turd and make it shine! It does start with a funeral. Sorry Ohio — I hope it...
Chapter 1 =-On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy.The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months without a man, and it was...
I woke to an empty bed, an empty bed! Heather and Simon were no where around and worse, my head was a lead weight. Naked, I got up and went to the bathroom. Crossing the hall I could hear people talking upstairs. Must be them. I closed the door, went about my business and then attempted to brush my teeth with some toothpaste and my finger, not effective but better than nothing. Oh fuck, my head thudded like a drum. I was really drunk last night. Half out of it I opened the door only to run into...
ExhibitionismAbout ten years after high school, I was on a book tour that took me back to my old home town. Coincidentally, there was a reunion being held, and I told my agent to clear my signing schedule so that I could drop in for the opening night mixer. The gym smelled as badly as it always had, a mix of old sweat, dirty sneakers, and something else that we always said was a body under the floorboards—some poor freshman who had never been able to climb the rope. I picked up a badge at the reception...
The Breaking the Pony A Pony is Broken - Sfcitydom ? 2005 It is Friday evening. They are sitting at the sushi bar at Blowfish and have just finished their first couple of pieces of fish. The bar is packed and their favorite chef, Kenji, is working this evening. She is looking as beautiful as ever. He slowly slides his hand up her inner thigh under her skirt and feels her pussy is wet even though her panties. However, he pulls his hand back. As he retracts his hand, she utters, ?Fuck,?...
Monday morning and I have never been so excited and nervous about going to school. It was just after 6, sleep had not gone well. Part of me missed Amy but another was anticipating what would happen at school. Mom, dad and I had fun when we went to the bed store and picked the most beautiful bed I had ever seen. I had tried to find a cheaper one, but I could not stop looking at this lovely wooden bed. It was beautifully crafted; the headboard had flowers engraved into it. My dad joked when he...
The first week of camp was really grueling. They had us doing everything from cutting trees to planting new ones. All the CIT's were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows each night. Well, almost all of the CIT's that is. Chad and I took the opportunity almost every night to replay the shower room activity that we enjoyed that first day. We would wait until the other guys would fall asleep. Since our bunks were only separated by the metal frames and in the corner hidden from any light,...
GayThe library is quiet, it has been empty for days giving you little to do. You adjust your glasses so you can see the screen better. You watch the actors on the screen lock lips. Kissing each other passionately as they begin to undress each other. The girl lowers to her knees pulling the actors large cock from his pants. You can already feel your body react at the sight, squirming in your seat. The soft fabric of your black dress slides over your smooth skin as you wriggle. You sit your eyes...
Unlike most of her co-workers, Donna enjoyed her job at the post office. She had been working behind the counter for over twenty years now and had long ago established a rhythm that made things go by smoothly and quickly.Donna also enjoyed talking to people and this job brought them to her in droves. Sure there was the occasional asshole or the distraught person who made things difficult. But most of the time the conversations were enjoyable.And after all these years she hardly even noticed how...
[ In an on-going series of quasi-fictional 'stories' about interracial sex, and, more importantly than that, interracial breeding, I offer yet another based on my very good friends A & T, who continually inspire and amaze me with their dedication, and bravery, to furthering the agenda of better racial relations between 'white' and those of color! ]Though the outside temperature was quite warm, and the sultry humidity of Kenya at this time of year was heavy, like an invisible blanket...
Don Luis had certainly expected this formidable blow; and yet it appeared to take him unawares, and he repeated more than once: "Ah, Weber is here! Weber is here!" All his buoyancy left him, and he felt like a retreating army which, after almost making good its escape, suddenly finds itself brought to a stop by a steep mountain. Weber was there—that is to say, the chief leader of the enemies, the man who would be sure to plan the attack and the resistance in such a manner as to dash...
Aryanna’s neighbor came over to borrow some sugar. Since she wouldn’t come to the door, he decided to sneak in. He ended up bitting more than he could chew. Inside he found Aryana naked in the shower. He spied on her for a little bit but eventually got a bit too carried away. She discovered him and got right in his face. From there, she pushed him down and made him eat her pussy. Thinks escalated quickly from there, and soon Aryana was getting fucked by her neighbor in several different...
xmoviesforyouJonah Wills was the type of man that any lady could appreciate. He was sweet, considerate, gentlemanly and polite. Plus it did not hurt that he had the looks of an A-List actor. He was a successful man who owned a real estate business which he had built up by himself. Through the good and the bad, he kept it alive and he was reaping the rewards. He had everything that a person could want and need. So when he met Celine, he thought he had it all. Celine was a melting sexpot. She was half black,...