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Avril O’Connor was like a sister to me.  I was an only child and, when I met her at boarding school for the first time, I absolutely loathed her.  We were both sixteen, she, tall and skinny, I, short and dumpy.  She had long, slightly wavy and very glossy blonde hair, mine was reddish, and unmanageable.  She was also clever, routinely coming first in any tests we were subjected to. 

You probably think that the cause of my loathing was simple jealousy, but the truth was that I had worked out, despite being a gauche sixteen-year-old, that I was gay and resented the fact that someone so beautiful as Avril was unlikely to reciprocate any feelings I might have.  In a youthful show of stupidity, I turned disappointment into hatred, albeit unexpressed.

It all changed during a geography field trip.  Our teacher, Miss Parminter, was almost a caricature.  She had teeth like a horse, a grey bun and wore horn-rimmed spectacles, a khaki bush hat, canvas trousers with pockets everywhere, and sported a haversack.  Yes, haversack.  No rucksack for her.  This was made of canvas too and also had more pockets and leather straps than looked good for it.  Her boots were elderly, her socks hairy and pulled up over her trousers. 

She marched, rather than walked and she took long, ungainly strides.  I was going through that sullen phase.  Everything was boring.  I hated school that year and would gladly have been anywhere but in that dank woodland trying to recognise land features that were so incomprehensibly recorded on the Ordnance Survey map we’d all been given.

The crocodile of ‘young ladies’ got a bit stretched out in the wake of Miss Parminter’s energetic march and I decided that I’d take a breather.  I slipped into a cool clearing only to find Avril, lying on her back with a bottle of cider at her side and a cigarette in her mouth.

“Hi, Ginge,” Ginger or Ginge was the name assigned to me although I am in fact Theresa.  “Pull up a toadstool and have a drink.”  I looked around to check we were unobserved.  “Don’t worry, Pony wont discover we’re missing for ages yet.”  Pony Parminter was the teacher’s nickname due, largely, to her teeth.  “Have a drink.”  She passed me the bottle and I took a grateful swig.  “Fancy a fag?”  I didn’t smoke but, somehow eager to cement a friendship since she was being so sharing, I took one and, after an initial paroxysm of coughing, discovered I actually liked it and felt very sophisticated.

“First one?”  I nodded.  “Well, you did rather well.”  She smiled  “I nearly threw up my first time.”  I took another sip of cider.  “Finish it, if you want.  I’ve got a couple more.  It doesn’t pay to come on a field trip without some means of numbing oneself.”

“What happens when she finds we’re missing?”

“Oh, that’s easy.  We’ll make our way back to the hostel and tell her we got lost but managed to find our way back by map reading.  She’ll be delighted.”

“Can you read the map?”

“Don’t be ludicrous.  I left a trail of peanuts on the path.”  She waved a packet of nuts at me that she had taken from her jeans pocket.  “Got to plan these things.  My sister is in the sixth form and she gave me tuition in Pony management.”

I laughed, my nervousness reduced by the alcohol.  “How long do you reckon we have?”

“My sister, June, reckons about half an hour.  Then we amble back making it look as though we were a bit scared.”

“And what if we bump into the rest of them.”

“Oh, simplicity itself.  We ask them if they got lost.”

I discovered Avril was a great companion.  She made me laugh, was bold but not reckless and she had a delightful sense of mischief.  The fact she was lovely to look at somehow made it all seem even more wonderful.  The crush I had on her was squeezed a little further than ever.

We started walking back, following the trail of peanuts through the woodland.  “Got a boyfriend?”  I said I had not.  “Nor me.  I had one before I came to school.  He’s sixteen and said he wasn’t going to wait for me because boys need to get a lot of sex early on so they’re ready for when the time comes.  Prick.”

“What time?” I asked.  She looked at her watch, but I said, “no, for when what time comes?”

“Oh.  I couldn’t be bothered to ask.  I didn’t want him to wait anyway.  I want someone a bit more experienced than a spotty sixteen-year-old.  Have you seen the new Chemistry teacher, Mr Sandell?”  I nodded.  “Now that’s the sort of thing I want.  Except his beard is ginger.  Oh, nothing against ginger hair, so don’t sulk, but a ginger beard makes it look like he’s tried to eat the cat.  Lovely bum though, don’t you think?”

I agreed of course.  In those days, girls like me learned to hide themselves behind a disguise of being normal.

“When we get back from this nauseatingly boring trip, I shall try to seduce him.  It won’t work, of course, but it’ll be good practice.”

Finally we arrived back at the hostel.  Pony Parminter was strutting about anxiously and almost leapt into the air when we emerged through a hedge.  “Avril O’Connor, Theresa Lewis, where have you two been?”  I couldn’t decide if she was scared or angry.

Avril looked her straight in the eye.  “We got a bit lost, Miss, but we managed to find our way back using the map.”  She’d been holding the map, and showed it to Pony, revealing a few well-judged pencil marks for the sake of authenticity.  “Ginger here is great with a compass.”

Pony looked at me, gimlet-eyed.  “You have a compass, Theresa?”

Avril was ready for that.  “She borrowed mine, Miss.  She didn’t think to bring one of her own.”

Pony turned and addressed the rest of the group in laudatory tones.  “See, girls,” pronounced 'gels', of course, “how a map and a compass can save lives in difficult circumstances.  Avril and Theresa have been very resourceful and employed the skills I have tried so hard to teach you.”  She turned back to us.  “Well done you two.  Supper will be by the barbecue at 7.  Go and get showered and changed.”

From that day on we were inseparable.  My rather naive lust turned to genuine friendship and, although I realised she was never going to be my lover, she was always going to be my friend.

All through school she was there for me; wiser, craftier and loyal.  When a fifteen-year-old Prudence Hawkins, known as Sticks, bullied me and threatened to beat me up, Avril was there, beside me.  Hawkins was captain of the under 16s hockey team, hence the soubriquet Sticks, and built like a bulldozer.  She was taller, heavier and stronger than either of us but Avril got between us.  “You’re far too fat to go threatening people, Sticks.  For one you’re not quick enough to catch us and if you fall over, you’ll never get up again.”

Sticks took an almighty swing with her fist which Avril evaded only to kick her very hard in the stomach.  Sticks went down like a ton of bricks, unable to draw breath for a few seconds.  When she could, she uttered dire threats.  “Fuck off,” said Avril.  

I told her later how brave she was.  “Bollocks.  Sticks is all wind and piss and I managed to kick a bit of wind out of her.”

Avril’s sister, June, became head girl, and, as if by regal succession, so too, later, did Avril.  She was much more subversive than her sister and continued, despite apparent maturity and respectability much admired by the teaching staff, to play fast and loose with school rules and to lead me along in her glorious escapades.

We had a last hurrah when we travelled the world together for our gap year.  It was glorious.  We were free of school, parents and looking to explore the world that was opening up before us.  

By this time she was well aware I was gay.  “Sorry to disappoint, Ginge.  I’m definitely the boring, straight sort but, hell, fuck who you want, I say,” was all she’d said when she had forced me into confessing my sexuality.  “My uncle’s as queer as a three-eyed antelope and a bloody marvellous bloke.”

Separated by different Universities, she at Cambridge, I at Bristol, we kept in touch loosely for the following few years until we both returned to our home city with our academic qualifications secured.  We’d seen each other during that time of course, holidays and so on, but on our return to our families' homes, we’d had a reunion party for two during which we drank copious amounts of white wine, smoked and bragged of our successes, failures and conquests during our University careers.

“Weren’t you dating an Austrian medic at one point?” she asked.

“Margarethe.  She’s in her final year of her doctorate back in Vienna now.”

“What was she like?”

“Bloody vigorous.”

Avril hooted with laughter.  “What a great compliment.  I had the great insult of having a brief and meaningful with a music student, called Kevin, who dumped me for a boy in the orchestra.  Apparently he played trombone so he probably gave a better blow job even than me.”

“Surely not.”

“I know it’s hard to believe.”

I was a bridesmaid at her wedding.  The hen party was a riot and we barely made the church the following morning.  As I adjusted her dress when she got out of the wedding car she said, “Christ, I think I am going to vomit.”

“Must have been something you ate,” I said.  Laughter, the best cure for nausea and nerves.  We managed to get through the ceremony and reception.  

She called me a few days after returning from her honeymoon.  It was a call mainly to thank me but as she was about to hang up, she said, “You’ll find someone too, you know.”  She knew I’d been in a bit of a sexual desert since the collapse of a relationship a year before her wedding.  

Little did she know, but I had.  At least, I was in the early stages of dating a rather lovely solicitor called Annabelle but known as Belle.  I’d met her when I had gone to their practice to discuss an advertising feature.  I have omitted to tell you I’d studied journalism at Bristol and was now the youngest and most inexperienced reporter on a local paper.  That meant I spent many hours in the lower criminal courts, reporting on the mischief perpetrated by the criminals of the district, visit bereaved families to get a glimpse into the life of the paragon (nothing enhances your reputation like dying) that was the late Grandfather or whatever, and reported on such major events as church fetes and school sports days.  

Annabelle Day met me in the reception area and suggested that, rather than talk in her office, we should go to a local cafe and she would brief me there.  She was smart, in a black trouser suit with a cap of ash blonde hair that contrasted with surprisingly blue eyes.  Lust alert. 

We sat at a table with a cafetière of coffee and a couple of cups and I took copious notes as she told me what they wanted.  She gave me a couple of brochures that outlined their services, a few photographs of the partners but, sadly, not one of her.  I was being total professional outwardly, and rather the opposite in my knickers under my tidy, black and grey dress.

“Oh,” she said, “and please call me Belle, I hate Annabelle.  I am Belle Day - Belle de Jour, get it?”

I got it.

I went back to the office and got stuck into the piece.  I asked my boss to read it before I went back to her and he said, “It’ll do,” which was high praise even if he did correct three spelling errors.  I called Belle and we set up a meeting to review the piece.  She pronounced it perfect and asked me out for a drink after work one evening.  I agreed, probably all too eagerly.

We had a great time and it extended into having a curry together after a few glasses of wine.  She had a wonderful sense of humour, and laughed, like a drain, over my recounting of the geography field trip.  I felt comfortable with her.  Comfortable enough that when she asked me if I had a boyfriend, I replied that men weren’t quite my thing, but not to worry, I wasn’t the aggressive sort.  She nodded and smiled and that was that.

She called me when I was in the office, Friday, a few days after the feature had been published.  “My boss was absolutely delighted with your piece for us.  He says there will be more.  The response has been brilliant.  Fancy a drink after work?”  I did.  “Oh, and Theresa, men aren’t my thing either.”  She rang off before I could say anything.  I sat at my desk in a sort of trance, still holding the phone.  

“Lewis!” my boss’s voice shattered my trance, “where’s that fucking court report?”

I got to the bar a few minutes late.  Belle was sitting at a table in the courtyard behind the bar, smoking a cigarette which she waved at me as I sat.  “A vice, but who gives a shit?”

“Not me.  Can I have one?  I smoke about ten a year but smelling yours has made me want one.”

“Bumming fags on a second date?”

Was it a date?  Goodness me.  “Not a phrase you could use comfortably in America.”

She laughed as she seemed to always; with genuine gusto.  We drank wine, smoked a few cigarettes and then a sort of serious look came over her.  “This is a second date, isn’t it?”

“I’d say not.”

“No?”  She looked almost crestfallen.  

“No, the first time we met for a drink was you saying thank you.  This is a first date.”

She beamed.  “Pedant.”

“And,” I said, compounding my mistake, “I felt butterflies in my stomach earlier this evening.  That’s a sure sign of a first date.”

She leaned forward and her hand covered mine.  “Well, that’s a bit of a shame.”


“Because,” she whispered, “I never take a woman to bed on a first date.”

Now, that was a bit of a surprise.  Two things about it in fact.  One was ‘take a woman to bed’ which is so, so different from ‘go to bed with a woman,’ and made me shiver, and the fact that she was bold enough to mention going to bed at all.

I looked into her eyes.  Her hand closed over mine.  “Am I allowed to answer your question again?”  She nodded.  “This is, definitely and incontrovertibly, a second date.”

“Good answer.”  

Her flat was nearer, and bigger, than mine.  It was on the ground floor, like mine.  We got through the street door, then the door to her apartment and that was when she kissed me for the first time.  There was no hurry.  We stood, and after a few false starts when she’d get really close to my mouth then ease back a fraction, our lips met, mine parted and we started a little tongue wrestling and touching each other; arms, shoulders, backs, hips, until her fingers found the zip at the back of my dress and she, very slowly, pulled it down.   

Once she’d opened it, her hand started to stroke my spine and I lifted my arms around her neck and revelled in her touch.  Her free hand found my breast and palmed it through the soft cotton of my dress.  Well, I thought, two can play that game, so I slipped my hand inside the leather jacket she was wearing and discovered that, like me, she wasn’t wearing a bra.  Her nipple was hard and I rolled it gently between my fingertips and that was when it all started to get a bit more urgent.

Belle stepped back and forced my dress down off my shoulders until it fell to the floor and I as left in just my rather unexciting cotton knickers and canvas shoes.  She devoured my breasts and her hand went between my legs.  Having pushed her jacket off her shoulders, she helped by shrugging it off then re-engaging with my nipple as I unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it out of her trousers. 

I always find undoing trousers a pain in the arse but, with a little help it was accomplished and I worked my hand inside her panties as hers was inside mine.  She almost tripped over her trousers as she hastened to get me into her bedroom and she laughed that full-body laugh of hers.  I held her up as she, comically, hopped out of her pants and then we were on the bed.

What followed is a blur.  Finally naked, she almost ripped my knickers off but didn’t bother with my shoes.  She went down between my thighs, licked me, fingered me, then back up to my tits, her mound pressed to mine.  Then I was on my front and she was lying on top of me, kissing my neck.  Now on my back, she straddled my face and leaned down so we were both kissing cunt, licking, tasting.  That was how she came.  It was a howl, an ecstatic, primal bellow that was the catalyst for my own more muted orgasm.

Spent, we lay like that, face to cunt.  Finally, she rolled off me, moved to lie beside me.

“You know what?”


“I could mistake you for being queer.”

“How dare you?”

She kissed me again and that, inevitably led to a second round.  

I was, as they say, walking on air that weekend.  I stayed the night with her, then, after a breakfast fuck and a bit of toast for breakfast, we walked the couple of miles to my flat in warm sunshine; the weather seeming to reflect my mood.  We had showered together at hers, so I changed and then we went out to find somewhere for lunch.  She stayed at mine that night, but had had the forethought to bring clean knickers so we were able to go for a walk in the country without having to return to her place.

I slept alone that Sunday night and felt her absence like an ache.  

Before I went to bed, I called Avril.  “Hi, Avril, it seems ages since we’ve spoken and I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

“You got laid, didn’t you?”


“Come off it, Ginge.  How long have I know you?  Your voice is completely different when you’ve had sex.”

We laughed our way through a twenty-minute conversation, largely about me describing Belle and telling Avril I’d told Belle about the field trip and her reaction.

“She sounds lovely.  Don’t fuck it up.”

Monday morning and I was in the Magistrates Court.  That is the lowest of the criminal courts and where all the shit goes on, drink driving, brawls, petty theft, along with a few more serious cases that were being referred up to the Crown Court, where the more serious offences are dealt with.  When the court adjourned for lunch I went outside and ate a sandwich, sitting on a bench.  A woman I vaguely recognised sat down next to me.  She was about fifty her hair tied back in a severe bun, a rather elderly looking grey trouser suit and sensible brogue shoes.  

“I’m DS Roberts, Frances.  You’re the cub reporter on the ‘Voice,’ right?”

“Yes, Theresa Lewis.”

“See that guy standing by the fountain, talking to the older man?” I did.  “He’s probably the most corrupt lawyer in this city.”

I turned back to look at her.  “Why are you telling me?”

“Because someone needs to do something about him and I have been warned off.”

“Warned off by whom?”

“My bosses.  That makes me even more sure I’m right and I have no idea where it might end up.  Don’t look now, but I have slipped an envelope into your bag.  Read it when you get back to your office.  My private number’s in there too.”

Then she was gone.

Fortunately, the court finished early that afternoon and I went back to the office, eager to see what she’d given me.  It was an A4 envelope stuffed with papers.  

The first thing was a typewritten note; an old-fashioned, mechanical typewriter.

“Never reveal how you got this. James Palmer is a solicitor. He has his own firm and mostly deals with criminal cases.  He works alone but with a group of private investigators.  They are mostly ex-coppers and thugs. Two of his clients are big players in vice.  One is Gerry Kola, an Albanian.  He’s loaded and owns a few bars and a nightclub.  But that’s all cover.  He runs women, some only teenagers, into the UK from Eastern Europe  The other is his sidekick, a local boy called Henry Palmer.  They are both protected and I think it’s by a couple of Detectives in our vice squad.  See what you can do, but be careful.”

I phoned her. “Why me?”

“Because nobody would ever think someone as insignificant as you would be given the steer.  Take care.  They’re bad men, especially Kola.”

The dossier was surprisingly detailed.  So now, I had to decide what to do.  I could go it alone to start with, build on the dossier.  Or, I could go straight to my boss and tell him what I’d been given.  He’d laugh me out of his office.  But then, there was Larry Snape.  Larry was a drunk, a relic from the unreconstructed past of journalism, a once-great investigative journalist brought low by a libel case and whisky. 

He, now, out of our editor’s rarely exposed sympathy for him, or for anyone else, come to that, did a column in our Saturday edition on farming, about which he knew as much as my bicycle does.  I absolutely adored him.  On his day, he was funny and amazingly good company.  He called me his Tess of the D’urbervilles.

Larry was a man you spoke to in the morning.  If you were lucky, around 10.30, he’d be through the worst of his hangover and wouldn’t have had more than a couple of scotches.  I found him, that Tuesday morning, his feet on his desk, a cigarette with smoke curling from it in an ash tray despite an absolute ban.

“What dirt have you got on the editor, Larry?  Nobody else gets to smoke and do fuck all.”

“Our beloved Bradman knows that I know he is the spawn of Lucifer, holds black sabbaths in his garage and, worst of all, votes Conservative.  To what do I owe the pleasure of your visitation, Miss D’urberville?”

“I’ve got something to show you.” I put the envelope on his desk in front of him.

Larry pulled two glasses from the top drawer of his desk, along with a bottle of whisky.  “If I have to read, I need to adjust my eyesight.”  He poured two fingers into each glass and shoved one in my direction. I watched as his unsteady hand extracted all the papers from the envelope and he scanned the first note.  He then went methodically through the remainder while not once touching his glass.  I finished mine and put it on his desk.  Without looking, he refilled it.

I waited for twenty minutes while he read it.  Then he looked over his specs at me and said, “Fucking hell, Tess.  Where did you get this lot?”

Quandary.  Frances Roberts had told me not to tell anyone how I got it.  I suspected Larry would not help unless he knew.

“Can I hold that back for a while?  It comes from a source in the Police and they think it’s potentially dangerous.”

“Dangerous?  I should bloody cocoa.  If any of it is true it’s fucking dynamite.”  He shoved the papers back into the envelope.  “My advice, burn it and go back to doorstepping widows.”

I said nothing.  Larry was a thinker and, as he took a first, if large, sip of his scotch I could see the wheels turning in his mind.  He stood up suddenly and pulled his scruffy, tweed jacket on.  “Right, come with me.”

I slipped the envelope back into my little document case and followed him.  We walked in silence to a small Italian restaurant with a large ‘Closed’ sign prominent on its door.  He pushed the door open and shouted, “Paulo, two large ones please.”  At this rate I’d be falling over before noon.  “Paulo, this is Tess and she’s one of the good ones.  If she ever comes to eat here, don’t give her the rabbit.”  Paulo sniffed and placed two huge whiskies on our table.

“Gerry Kola is believed to have murdered at least three people.  He looks respectable, but he’s about as straight as a corkscrew.  He’s bad, through and through.  Jimmy Palmer wouldn’t know how to represent an honest client.   He’s as bent as Kola.  He, to my certain knowledge, has used his thugs to frighten off or buy jurors.  Palmer is a blackmailer of quality.  We’re talking very, very bad men here and you need to be bloody careful.  Bryant and Gordon are the weak links.”  Bryant and Gordon were detectives, very senior.

“Will you help me?”

“Me?”  He raised his glass.  “It may have escaped your notice, Tess, but I am a drunk.  Twenty years ago I’d have bitten your hand off for this, but today, I”d be a total liability.”


“Wash your mouth out.   If we’re going to do anything with that poisoned chalice, we’re going to have be totally bloody silent until we think we’re there.  When we get ‘there’ I will take it to Bradman, and we’ll say nothing of your involvement until they’re all locked up or he decides to play safe and burn the lot.”


“Because, Tess, you have a life ahead of you and we don’t want Kola or anyone else snuffing that.  If they do for me, well, who’d give a shit?”


“Yes, well you’re a simpleton.  Don’t say a word to anyone.  I shall formulate a plan.  Paulo!  Two more.”

Later that evening, I tidied Larry’s house; well, the kitchen and sitting room anyway.  I don’t think anyone had for quite some time.  Larry was sitting at his kitchen table, a glass inevitably within reach.

“We don’t go for Kola or Palmer.  We go for the two so-called detectives.”

“Why the cops?”

Larry slammed his hand down on the table.  “Don’t call these vermin cops.  Cops do a good job, serve the people, fight the bad guys.  These two ARE the bad guys.  If we get them, we take away the protection Kola and Palmer enjoy.”

I was walking home when my phone rang.  Belle.  “Supper this evening?”

“Belle, I have spent the morning with Larry Snape.  You don’t know him but he is old-school journo and he and I are working on a story together and I am almost incoherent.”

“Old school means drunk?”

“No, old-school means alcoholic but rarely drunk.  I am new-school and, since I didn’t have a choice, I am as pissed as a fart.”

“You’re not just putting me off?”

“Absolutely not.  I am protecting you from an evening with a woman who wont be able to stand up much longer.”

“Call me tomorrow.  We need to practice.”

I called her.  “Let me cook for you?”

She arrived, looking scrumptious.  It’s strange, isn’t it, that when you live in a flat, how easy it is to go into the bedroom instead of the kitchen by mistake? 

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“They’ve left for work.” She informed him as a panicked look crossed his face. “We have just enough time for a quickie.” Mark unzipped his cargo shorts and pulled out his dick, shoving it into her mouth with no ceremony. He was still upset with her from last night, and felt pretty aggressive. As he quickly grew to his full size, she tried to back off of him a bit, but he grabbed her head and held it in place until his crown was pushing into her tonsils. She started to choke until she...

3 years ago
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Thank You Owen Addams

In the late summer of 1848, a hundred and twenty years before I was even born, a briny old fisherman named Owen Addams did me a remarkable favor. While fishing the tidal pools of what was then known as Pleasant Harbor Township, old Owen reached deep into the mucky banks off Harbor Cove and pulled out something the local Native Americans had known about for centuries, an oblong bumpy casing that looked more like a rock than the shell it actually was. As legend has it, Mr. Addams had almost...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing ka anokha tarika

Hi this is Dev age 25 having good body. I want to tell you of one of my true incidence. This happen 2 Year back when I m in the college I used to give tuition for small earning for my pocket money. There is a girl whose name is Renu she is in the 10th class but she doesn’t look like in 10th class she has a whitish complexion and very matures body having big boobs. At first I thought that she is normal innocent girl but when time passed I saw that she is very horny girl. One day when I am going...

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My Ride to Montana with Candice Part 2 of 2

As her pussy started touching my cock I could feel the wetness of her lips. She was extra wet from her anticipation of the action that lay ahead. Slowly she lowered herself all the way down onto my cock, and then back up, and then down again. She kept raising herself up and lowering herself down again and again for some time. All the while she kept her gaze on the guy in the river.By now I was so horny I could barely hold it back. So I pulled her whole body down so I could suck on her breasts...

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Voyeuristic Mother Joins In Ch 01

PRELUDE The Crowley family, mother Allison, daughter Claire and gay son Blake were listening to their neighbor Doug Jones’ proposal for a get together with friends of his. Doug and Blake were drinking beer as the two women drank white wine. Allison was still in disbelief that things had gotten so far out of hand. She knew that the pool party Doug was proposing would turn into an orgy. ‘I have these two friends of mine and they have this cool house with a swimming pool. The pool is completely...

4 years ago
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My Mothers SonChapter 8 Playing For Kisses

Dear Diary: "Poor Charley. He tried out his newfound French kissing ability with Sally. And Sally slapped his face very hard and sent him packing. To be fair, I warned him that it would scare her. The older girls in the neighborhood are kind of advanced for there age in the first place, but Sally is only 13. Good grief, I hope she doesn't alarm her mother again and they send the police down here to arrest poor Charley. He was very contrite and very sweet about it, even though Mame was here...

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EdenChapter 23

As it developed, Zo did wake Igwanda once in the night. The infrared showed only the same grouping of watchful natives as had assembled during the day plus assorted scurrying small creatures and the occasional avian; but the audio scan abruptly transmitted sounds of subsurface tunneling. Zo apologized, saying he felt it was some sort of wildlife activity; the sounds were too faint and too irregular to be reasonably ascribable to the Edenites. After a few moments the colonel agreed. He again...

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Three BBWS and a guy chpt 4

" As you know I'm Nancy." said the blonde as she walk over to Brian.Where she rubbed her breasts on Brian's chest as she hugged and kissed him. " I'm Lynn." said the burnette as she did the same as Nancy. " And I'm Teri." replied the reddish-brown " How are your arms?" " Nothing broken." he answered " Now as for what's going on. We heard you B-B-Q a mean steak and we havesome in thr frig. We can talk over diner." said Teri " Let me wash my face and put on some pants." Lynn...

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my mexican lover

It all started the day she started working at the office i worked at. She was a temp, but she was really catching on to the tasks that were given to her. She was quiet and shy, and I thought she was really cute. She was a little short, i would say around 5'-4". She had straight brown hair that was a little past her shoulders, big brown eyes and pouty lips. She was what some would probably consider on the chunky side, but i couldnt get over how cute her face was.I introduced myself and made...

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Normal Morning Routine1

She grasped his phallic rod from the base, and stroked it up and down. Annabelle felt his cock throb with excitement the more she stroked him. She slumped back, lifting her entire bottom half into the air.She left her knees planted on the mattress. Again he chuckled, Making her blush even harder. “Is he really awake or is he…” She couldn’t help but gulp in anticipation, waiting for his next reaction. She rubbed his shaft up and down, taking his balls into her small palm, massaging and...

2 years ago
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Princess Peach captured

(Disclaimer: This story is a porn parody. It is not officially endorsed by Nintendo or their affiliates. The writer is in no way associated with Nintendo or their affiliates. All copyrights are owned by Nintendo) (Mario is canonically 26 years old; Princess Peach is canonically 25 years old; and while Bowser doesn't officially have an age, he has been seen as being a baby when Mario was a baby, so he cannot be much older; I would say Bowser is 30. This means I can safely say that all characters...

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Why Did You Do That

Rodney was devastated. He’d expected to be the first male to explore between Matilda’s virgin thighs, let alone deposit sperm near her womb. But she told him that she’d had a fun weekend with another man “on a lark”. Now she was offering him access to “spoiled goods”, at least in his opinion. Her opening words on returning were unexpected, “What the hell’s the matter with you? Are you gay? I just discover how good sex can be and you don’t want to enjoy me? Get your goddam clothes off and get...

3 years ago
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My Wild Night Out Part 1

Saturday night and it was time to head out again with the girls - and this time I was going to make sure I got some action. We'd all gone out Thursday night, dressed for fun, and I was the only one that didn’t pick up, maybe I was too selective. Whatever, they still got some and I didn’t ,so tonight was my night for fun. I dressed, without a bra, in a revealing pink dress, black panties and strappy black heels to show off my legs. The four of us met up at Steph’s place around eight for drinks....

Quickie Sex
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Andee Learns Just What Stays in Vegas

Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked ‘Just For You.’ She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...

4 years ago
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Runner and Lilah

“I gotta get out of here before it gets cold,” she said, almost to herself. He shot a look at her profile without breaking stride. He hated when she spoke like that, but he kept his mouth shut. They were surrounded by abandoned factories where the old service road was scarred by frost heaves and cracks with spindly weeds pushing through them. Lilah was three years older, but they were both too young to remember when the industrial park had been active and booming. Runner had a flash of the...

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Black Magic

I am a sales rep for a large machinery manufacturer, supplying and doing business all over the world. A company located just outside a major city in South America, had contacted my company, arranging for me to visit them on site and suggest what they would need. I was picked up by a nice young man, at the airport and told it would be approximately a 2 hour drive, which ended up being perfect, since he was easy to talk to as well as being knowledgeable about the culture and life style, giving me...

3 years ago
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An indecent evening

So what do you do when a work colleague mentions that she likes kinky sex? What do you do when your work colleague mentions that she and her boyfriend have a shared fantasy to have sex in front of an audience? Especially if you’re both drunk at a formal work ‘do’. And the boyfriend is sitting next to you. And you are all staying the night at the hotel. Is it an offer? Are they teasing? Do you really want to watch a bloke shagging a girl you fancy? Especially since you’re supposed to be in love...

2 years ago
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Down and Out

It was raining hard. I watched the light traffic roll by fifteen stories below. My place wasn’t exactly a penthouse, there were but three of those in the building, and they were on the eighteenth floor, but what the heck, I liked my place. Four bedrooms, three baths, a kitchen I could play tennis in, well, if I even liked tennis, and a really well appointed wet bar. The streets of our little town—Granby Station, Ohio, population forty-some thousand—used to be heavy with cars and bikes and all...

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Stalker Story Ch 01

I shivered in the cold as I pushed my way through the thick underbrush toward the outskirts of my small town. The tangled trees that surrounded me blocked my path time and time again, and I had to struggle around them, making my own path that only lasted a moment before the forest overtook it once more. I pulled my cloak tighter around my small frame and I blew on my hands to warm them up before I continued. I scanned the small clearing in front of me in fear. I had been taught to fear the...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Maddy O8217Reilly Scarlett Sage Practice Makes A Happy Ending

Maddy and Scarlett are college students, hanging out in Maddy’s dorm room. Scarlett is trying to do homework while Maddy is devising how best to fake her massage certification so she can start doing massages through the ‘Relax’ app. Scarlett wants her to be patient and get through massage school so she can be legit, but Maddy just wants to make money to go to Ibiza during spring break. Scarlett relents and agrees to take a break from her own homework and let Maddy practice...

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It was the Beginning of Summer

(This story is a combination of characters created by me and Cbsummers, and it is actually a prequel to Cbsummers’ story Field Trip Follies. To say that he helped me by editing this story doesn’t even cover how much he did. He was in reality my co-author. Thanks, Cb. I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.) * It was the beginning of summer as Amy Gleason sat with her friends Alyson Ferrie and Dana Lee Pruitt. Each dangled their feet in the pool occupying the...

4 years ago
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Double Kidnapping

Ann and her best friend Kylie where tied down in a small damp room, their collars were connected to a leach and a metal ring on the wall and their hands were bound together behind their backs. Ann’s muscles were sore and painful. She quietly listened to the sounds in the rest of the house. She didn’t know how long she’d been here, the last thing she knew was being lifted of the street, here feet kicking in the air, someone putting her in the back of a fan, she barely noticed Kylie was...

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Gang Bang MomChapter 3

She kissed him. She clamped her lips over his mouth and pushed her tongue between his teeth. She continued stroking his cock as she fucked her tongue in and out of his mouth. Grabbing one of his hands, she pulled it to her tits and forced him to fondle her tits. He groaned under her mouth and dug his fingers into the flesh of her tit. Finally pulling her mouth away from his, she smiled at him and said, "Don't be so bashful, honey. I like it when you touch me." She opened her...

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Mummy ko principal ne choda

Hi dosto mera nam vikas hai aur aaj me aap logo ko meri mummy sarita ki school me hui chudai ki kahani ke bare me batane jar aha hu .me jab 8 class me tha to mere papa ki death ho gayi vo private school me teacher the . Hamare school ke principal ne mummy ko adhoc librarian ki naukri school me lagva di to jis se mera aur mummy ki paise ki problem solve ho gayi. Lagbag 2 mahine tak to mummy mere saath school jati aur vapis aa jati par fir mummy week me 2se 3 baar school band hone ke baad library...

3 years ago
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Coming to an Understanding

This is the first of several interludes that I am writing for One Big Horny Weasley Family. This one takes place in the middle of chapter 5. Coming to an Understanding Harry stepped out on to the wide balcony and looked out over the hustle and bustle of London. He let the light and sound wash over him as his thoughts turned inward. Despite almost eight years of marriage to Ginny, he was still learning to master those skills of ‘communication’ and ‘empathy’ that seemed to make for happy...

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Flavored Pops

Flavored Pops by Boredsitting This is a little, weekend story for those who like my style of writing. There isn't much of a plot on purpose - my plots take more planning. I'm trying to go back to the original concept of a token changing a person without their knowledge or permission but loving every minute of it. I'm trying to put together a long, character-driven story called The Student. It's going to be some time. Life and responsibilities seem to get in the way. Sorry if...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Ivy Lebelle Professional Anal Whore

Bubbly Ivy Lebelle happily danced around, showing off her curves in baby blue Syren Latex lingerie, excited over her soon-to-be anal pounding! Toni Ribas popped out her bejeweled butt plug and slid his big cock down her throat with her pretty blue eyes staring back in a playfully devilish manner. She loves being a dirty little whore – let her make a slobbery mess on your cock and take all her holes. Ivy enjoys getting stuffed in the rear like such a good girl, bouncing that booty up and...

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I think my doctor has a thing for me and I think

I never written a story here before but this happened recently so I thought I will share this with you. Not like many of the stories, this one is true, however, it may not be as exciting as some of the other stories on xhamster. I added some pictures to make the story more entertaining (pictures are not mine and i'm not in them unless specificly stated, go to my profile to see my pictures).So, most people in Ireland have their GP (general practice doctor). A GP is a family doctor who does...

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The Bucket ListChapter 6

I couldn't wait to get down to the gym the next morning. Joe was already running on one of the treadmills as I came through the door. "Hello, Sleepyhead. MaryAnn already has your machine set up for you. Just press the green button." I looked around, "Where is she?" "She went for a run on the beach; she'll be back before you finish your cardio work." When he was finished, Joe went over to the circuit machines; he was doing curls when she returned. "Good, I see you're both hard...

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Nailed A Telugu Divorcee In Bangalore

Hello guys, been very long and I’m here again with very new incidents in my life. Well, my life is a bit changed in this gap. I lost the person I loved the most and took some gap to be normal again. A small intro about me. Myself Jay from Vizag but settled in Bangalore. I’m 26 now 5’9 with 8 inches long and enough wide dick to satisfy any pussy and ass holes. Working in an MNC for a couple of months. In this story, I will tell you how I met a lady on the bus while coming from Vizag to...

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Cruising Ch 05

Wednesday I woke up kind of groggy, either from the drinks, the massive about of physical fun or both. Going right into the bathroom I started the shower and took a leak in the toilet. The shower woke me up and I packed up my things for the day. I was planning on picking up Millie at her cabin, going to breakfast and we arranged to be on the same tour of Cozumel. Twenty minutes before I was supposed to meet Millie there was a knock on the door. Looking through the peep hole I spotted Millie in...

1 year ago
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Barrack Room Betty Chapter One

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Wish I Was Wren "Wish I was a Wren," Recruit Brian Perkins mumbled under his breath. 'Fuck! I wish he hadn't said that!' thought Recruit Michael Nyland. He knew that no good would come of it. "Your wish might come true," Leading Recruit Jason Jones (Spike to his friends) sneered. Michael Nyland shivered, and not just because he was standing at attention (or at the 'Ho' as it was referred to in the RN) on parade in the...

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Johns Gift Part 3

John's Gift by: Prudence Walker Chapter three I could see in her eyes the thought taking hold, and as she lunged at me I had time to dodge sideways. Too late she saw her mistake, and as she tried to stop herself I saw her slip and lose her balance, falling over the rail with a soul-chilling scream. As her legs were going over I grabbed them, not just with Cathy's hands but my own ghostly ones as well, that's how scared I was of seeing her fall. Nobody deserves to die that way,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 50

Once we slipped into her bed, it was largely a repeat of the night I slept over last year. We made out for about an hour, my hands never moving from where she had moved them earlier in the evening. And even though I had caressed her breasts last year, this time I was going to wait until she directed me to do so again. So finally after about an hour, she cuddled up on my chest and we fell asleep. When we woke up the next morning I was curled up behind her, and my hand was resting on her...

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MadeleineChapter 7

The storekeeper was not inclined to be generous and offer me additional books. He was willing to give us a ride in his wagon to Canard’s tavern after my mother’s little show degrading herself by sucking horse cock. My mother genuinely appeared contrite and humiliated by what she had done. It was the first time I had seen that look on her face it quite some time. It pleased me to know that even she could feel shame. We had been gone a long time, and Canard would probably be angry with us for...

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My married coworker

This is a true storyA few years ago I was working in a general office type business (rather not mention the company name). There was this very attractive mexican woman I would say in her late twenties. Let's say her name was Maria. She had such a hot body and the perfect latina ass. She was skinny but her ass popped out just perfectly. Not to big but not to small. Maria had long brown hair and a a pretty face. Nice big lips and those fuck me eyes. I looked forward to every causal Friday...

4 years ago
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A Journey To My Sister

A brief valentine to love, written in an especially romantic mood. Not much plot, but loads of atmosphere. Hope you enjoy it. *** I can still remember when I saw her, really saw her for the first time -- because that was the moment that would ultimately change everything between me and my sister. Carly was the younger sibling who I'd never paid much attention to, at least, no more than big sisters usually do. Oh, I tolerated her, but being five years younger, she might as well have come from a...

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StepsChapter 7

Henry stayed where he was. Samantha walked slowly into the kitchen. Henrietta was indeed there. She opened her arms. "Hallo, darling," she said softly. Samantha fell into them with a sob. Henrietta held her. "Henry warned me," she murmured. Samantha nodded but otherwise did not move just clung to her drawing on her strength and love. Eventually they drew apart but continued to hold hands. Their eyes met and held. Samantha's were full of grief tinged with shame or fear. Henrietta's...

3 years ago
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Life Story 3

Once inside, I felt my way to the wall and stood there, panting. She asked me what I thought about the sensation, but I was unable to answer. She just asked me to either nod or shake my head as to whether I liked it. After a few moments of thinking about it, I nodded. She said that she figured that I might. She placed a collar around my neck as I stood in the kitchen. She asked me to raise my head, and she lovingly fastened the collar and buckled it behind my head. I heard a click and...

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A Birthday To Remember

If you know me you probably already know I have always been into older guys. My first boyfriend was Spring of my Sophomore year in high school and he was a senior. Ever since then I have always been attracted to older men and have only dated older men.When I was a senior in high school I was dating a college boy. He was tall, dark and ruggedly handsome. He was my first love and the guy I lost my virginity to.After the first time we had sex we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We would...

1 year ago
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E Club

E+ CLUB Cheyenne Chaste Moon It was another sultry August evening. It was another boring Friday night. It seemed to be a night like countless others, yet the air was crackling with excitement and magic, and before it was over, it would change forever the lives of three young people. With a population of only seven thousand, Landesport was a small, quiet town which many folk would love to retire to. It was not, however, a place for three young college students who liked...

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Anitas Phone Tease

"Ummmm - is it noon already?" Anita's hand found the alarm clock on the nightstand next to her bed and switched it off. She turned over and lay on her back, stretching luxuriously. Sunlight was streaming through the windows, brightly illuminating the white sheet that covered her nude body. Her blonde hair was spread out on the pillow around her pretty face, a single strand lying across her lips. She brushed it aside as she yawned, smiling at what promised to be a fine day. As she lifted...

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Some time back, my wife and I were eating supper with our k**s, Bobby who is 19 and his sister Linda, who is a year younger. Bobby was my son by my first marriage and Linda is my wife's daughter by her first marriage. We both had amicable divorces and frequently saw each others former spouses. Bobby was slurping his spaghetti one strand at a time, my wife was twirling hers with a fork, I had cut mine with a knife and was spooning it up. Linda was just moving hers around on her plate, like she...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 42

Ken had a laptop positioned on the table out by the pool. Bill had set up two new tools on the system that Ken really loved. The first let Ken access the program controlling the Tens unit attached to Jane from any computer in the house. The second ran a graphical representation of a person when the program ran; when the Tens unit applied electricity to an area of (in this case) Jane's body, the corresponding area on the graphic turned red. Bill had done a nice job. Ken glanced over at the...

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Affair With Brahmin Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 2

Hello,this is the continuation of affair with brahmin mom and daughter. Am ragu and i love to have fun with ladies. Please send feedback to . Coming to the story,i saw someone fucking janani in store. I took my mobile and clicked some photos to blackmail her. And I shouted whats happening here, she pushed him and looks to the direction the sound came,and shocked to see me,she adjusting her saree and closed her boobs by pallu without inserting it to blouse. I looked at him,he put his belt and...

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My Bitch Now Gay

I still don't know how this happened exactly. I've been straight my entire life but somehow, because of one crazy night, I've become the bottom bitch for all my friends. Let me explain how.My name is Drew. About a month ago I was at my friend Mark's house, we're both in high school. I'm 18 and Mark just turned 19, he's about to graduate. Mark is one of those super masculine jock/ woodsman/ hunter guys. He's only 19 but he already looks a lot like the Brawny man. He's tall, dark, hairy, and...

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TEST My first encounter with a whore and a

It was a sunny Sunday, short after lunch and I went out for a walk and decided quickly to pay my girlfriend a short visit. She is living in the centre of Berlin, close to the Oranienburgr Strasse. I took public transport and called her by mobil phone that I am on the way. She felt sorry because she also has left her flat to visit other friends.The Tram has reached the tram stop and I went out. It was already late afternoon and getting slightly dark.I decided to take a coffee and then return...

4 years ago
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A rainy night

It was raining heavily from theevening and still continuing during the night. Nick turned restless in bed trying to get rid of all wild thoughts raging through his mind. The harder he tried to forget what he just heard from his aunt’s room next door, the more restless and frustrated he became. He wished he hadn’t waked up that time and walked to the kitchen to have some water. Was it breathless moaning that he heard from his aunts room or just a fig of his imagination, he couldn’t decide. But...

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Filling in for Gina Part 2

As I got ready to leave, Jay gave me a kiss and opened the door. As I stepped outside he gave my ass a light smack, “See you at work babe... remember the panties.” And he closed the door.Once outside, my mind started racing. What if he changed his mind. As I stepped off his porch and moved towards my car, I remembered I was dressed as a woman, in very tall heels. The cool air rushed under my skirt as I moved. Finally in the safety of my car, I learned how hard it can be to drive in heels. Then...

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