Cherished Memories free porn video

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Breaking up with a knockout girlfriend is not the typical way to start the sexual adventure of a lifetime, but I’m happy to say it was for me. If Chantelle hadn’t dumped me, I would never have met Marjorie and Edith. Now, I know what you are thinking from the names alone. Yes, Chantelle was twenty-nine, slim, attractive and high maintenance, and Marjorie and Edith could not have had ten years between them before they were collecting their pensions, but they were not second prize by any means. I’ll tell you my story and you can judge for yourselves.

By the way, I’m Jeff, thirty-nine, tall, brown-haired and not yet gone to seed. I can wear a suit and not look like I’m going to a court appearance; which is good because I sell industrial kitchen equipment to everyone from five-star hotels to factory cafes. You have to get on with all sorts of people, including up their own arse interior designers, like the one advising on the refit at the big architectural practice where I met Chantelle. I think he gave me a hard time because she was more interested in me than him and sided with my suggestions. She was the managing director’s PA, saddled with the job of organising the refit of the staff canteen. Chantelle was out of her depth, but I took her to one side and explained how to project manage the job. She did well, and the project was a success. `How can I ever repay you for everything you’ve done for me?’ she said over a glass of champagne to celebrate the opening. That evening she was on her back in my flat, paying for the discount I’d given her on the equipment. I said my management consultancy advice was pro bono. She asked if that meant I was going to fuck her again. I said that’s exactly what it meant.

We lasted six months until the managing director promoted her to a new position. I think it was sitting on his face in his London pied-à-terre while his wife and kids were safely ensconced in a six-bed detached in Hampshire. I thought the experience weekend surprise package I’d bought for us would go to waste when Chantelle gave me her own surprise. A proper Dear John letter. Nice to know the art of penmanship is alive, and classier than sending me an Insta photo of her jumping the bones of some headless bloke. So, as it was a no refunds deal, I decided a weekend in the Cotswolds was just the change of scene I needed to get over my loss. I thought of asking a mate to come with me, but it was not the thing you’d go to with another bloke. Unless you were gay.

I arrived just in time for dinner on the Friday night, following a mare of a journey on the M4 from London. Reception said I just had time to drop my bags and change before aperitifs. That should have warned me about the age of the crowd the event targeted. I mingled with middle-aged and retired guests, holding a glass of something fizzy and trying not to do a B movie James Bond impression in my dinner jacket. A quick glance at assembly suggested I’d be heading home after a leisurely breakfast in the morning. There were twenty couples all looking very married, including the obligatory gay couple, who it turned out had become grandfathers before acknowledging their sexual identity. Fair play to them, I thought. It looked like I’d be playing gooseberry until a lady approached me.

“Excuse me sir, are you waiting for your partner to arrive?” I put her at early sixties. Her heavy platinum blonde bob framed an attractive face and a welcoming smile. She must have been a real looker in her youth and had not lost too much middle age. She wore a black Grecian-style evening dress with a bodice designed to draw the eye. So, I did not disappoint her. I lingered on her chest a moment too long, but her smile said you’re welcome.

“If I was, it would be for another lifetime. We parted recently. I didn’t want our booking to go to waste.”

She put a consoling hand on my arm. I felt a ripple go through me. “Sorry. I hope it was not too painful.”

“Thank you. We were only together six months, so no actual damage done. Are you here alone too?” She had deep blue eyes and the prospect of spending the evening looking into them was attractive. She blushed at my interest.

“No, I’m here with my friend Marjorie.” She leaned in and I smelt her perfume and fell into the trap of her breasts. “We’re not a couple.”

I looked at the two gay guys. “I don’t think it’s a requirement yet.”

She laughed. “Forgive me for being forward, but would you care to partner us in the weekend’s activities? “She made it sound like she had propositioned me and I held her gaze for a long moment, pondering what might be on offer.

“On one condition. You tell your name.”

She blushed. “Silly me, I’m Edith.” She offered me her slim hand to shake and looked me in the eye. Her gaze made my cock lurch and I think she heard it. I never thought I’d be interested in a woman old enough to be my mother, but most women my mother’s age did not look like Edith.

We found Marjorie sitting at a table studying a hand-written list in a small notebook. Our arrival took her by surprise.

“Marjorie, this is Jeff. He’s on his own this weekend and has generously offered to accompany us in the activities.” Marjorie seemed to take a moment to process her friend’s information, then she smiled. It took my breath away. It transformed her round, middle-aged face. Her hairstyle was a grown-out youthful pixie cut with a ragged fringe. Black and cut into the nape. With her smile, it took twenty years off her.

Edith noticed my reaction. “She won’t tell me how she does that.” It was my turn to be embarrassed. Marjorie stood and offered her hand. She wore a similar sleeveless evening dress, but this one had an empire line. The high waist started just under her fulsome bust and hid her heavier build. Marjorie was also in good nick for her age.

“It’s a trade secret, “said Marjorie, giving me another one. I fanned myself in a mock swoon and both ladies laughed.

The dinner gong sounded, and I offered them both an arm. “Look at me, big time Charlie bringing his wife and his girlfriend out for the evening.”

“I didn’t know you were a Frenchman, Jeff,” said Edith, and we all laughed. This weekend would not be the washout I’d feared.

The `Who done it’ dinner theatre was wonderful and everybody was friendly and enjoying a delightful time. I’d long grown tired of clubbing nightlife and thought if this is what the future holds for me, I’d look forward to it. Edith and Marjorie sat me between them and conversation pinged across me. I discovered they were next-door neighbours. Marjorie widowed three years, while Edith’s husband was less considerate and ran off with her friend five years ago. Maybe it was the drink, but I said, `Why would anyone leave you?’ she gave me a glassy-eyed smile and squeezed my leg. Another three inches to the right and she’d have had a handful of my straining cock. She saw the concern on my face and withdrew her hand. `Sorry,’ she said slyly, not fooling anyone.

We’d won a bottle of champagne for guessing the murderer and were merry on its contents. Marjorie had less capacity for drink than her friend and leaned on my shoulder when she spoke so I could hear her above the noise of the conversation. She had that delightful look of a woman who’d had just enough alcohol to enjoy a ravishing but not enough to pass out or throw up. I looked in her chestnut eyes.

“What are you thinking Jeff?”

“I’ll let you read my mind, Marjorie.” My expression required no interpretation.

She flushed and gripped the table. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’d just come. “Jeff, I don’t know what to say.” She looked away embarrassed. I tilted her chin towards me.

“How about do that to me again?” I gripped her thigh under the table, feeling the clasp of a suspender. I wanted to grab her head and kiss her right in front of everyone. Edith took my other hand and put it on her thigh. I felt the bulge of her skin at the top of her hold up stockings. I looked at Edith, whose expression suggested she wanted it as much as me.

People were getting up, and I suggested we join them at the bar. I wanted to get the two of them up to my room without anyone noticing our absence. There was one problem. “Edith, do you think you could stand in front of me while I get up?”

She gave me a sly look. “Why’s that Jeff?”

I whispered in her ear. “I’ll show you why in five minutes.” I gave her a peck on the nape and she sighed. Edith stood up, shielding my tenting trousers from the other diners as I rose. I didn’t expect it when she backed onto my cock. “Jesus, Edith, do you want me to come right here?”

Marjorie had seen none of this and, still seated, looked a bit out of it. “Oh dear. It’s the champagne. She shouldn’t have had it with the pills she’s on, but she looked so happy,” said Edith.

We both helped her up, and it was easy to see she was unwell, not drunk. “Will you help me get her to our room, Jeff?”

We said goodnight to the other guests who hoped Marjorie would feel better in the morning. She was full of apologies in the lift. “I’m very sorry. One minute I was fine and the next bang. I’ve spoiled the evening, haven’t I?” She became tearful. I held her head up and kissed her gently. “Don’t be silly. We’ve had a lovely evening and there’s tomorrow to come.” She put her head on my chest. “He’s such a lovely man, Edith. I’m glad you spoke to him.” I looked over at Edith, who mouthed `thank you’.

I got them to their room and said goodnight. Edith asked me to wait while she took Marjorie in. She was back moments later.

“Will she be okay?”

“Yes, she can sleep it off. You’ll be okay too, Jeff.” She pulled my head down to her and kissed me. Her tongue was in my mouth, hands messing my hair. I ground my cock against her stomach and held her arse in both hands. The kissing went on until we heard the lift doors open. We pulled away, breathless. “That was from both of us. Tomorrow you won’t get away so easily.” She jumped back in the room and closed the door.

A crowd from the lift came down the corridor and I pretended to open their door with my card key. I just wanted them to pass so they could not see my erection. I got back to my room and I swear I did not touch it. `It just went off in my hand, officer.’


I played it by ear at breakfast and when they didn’t appear; I thought they were embarrassed and avoiding me. Five minutes before they stopped serving, the two of them rushed in. Edith to the buffet and Marjorie to me. She wore a sundress and wedge sandals. I looked up and there was that smile again.

“I’m so sorry, Jeff. I should have remembered those tablets. Can you forgive me?” She leant forward and presented the valley of her braless breasts.

“Good god Marjorie, can’t I even finish my breakfast before you’ve given me another hard on?”

She giggled and took that as absolution and flopped into the spare seat, grabbing a slice from my toast rack.

Edith turned up with two plates for them. “Morning Jeff. Are we good?” She looked lovely. She wore a wrap-over summer dress held closed by a buckle at her hip. In my mind, I was undoing it and opening the folds of material to reveal her nakedness. My thoughts must have been written across my face because Edith said, “I think he’s forgiven us.”

It would be a long, hard day.

The smallest acts became foreplay. Their hands suggestively moulding the ingredients in the sushi-making class. The way their chests jutted out in the archery competition and the croquet, all that cleavage on display as they bent over to strike the ball. I thought I would be better off behind them, but their arses in the air were just as bad. They were enjoying my discomfort and gave my cock the occasional discrete brush just to keep me on the boil.

I tried to divide and conquer. I sidled up to Edith after croquet and whispered. “Let’s skip tea and go upstairs. I want to fuck you raw.”

“Jeffrey, there are scones and clotted cream. I’m sure your cream will last a little longer.”

Marjorie was not so resolute. “Marjorie, come upstairs with me now. I want to stick my cock between your magnificent tits and spunk in your face.”

She whimpered and bit her lip, but Edith rescued her. “Come along, Marjorie, before Jeffrey leads you astray.”

I got my own back at dinner when their wandering hands tried to grab my cock under the table. We were on these big round tables. I batted them away and slid my hands along their thighs. They’d both worn long dresses again this evening, and it took me ages to ruck the material into their laps so my hands could wander across their thighs and stocking tops. Again, Marjorie wore suspenders on hers as her thighs were full. Edith wore these tarty fishnet holdups, which could only be seen at her black strappy stiletto sandals. She looked so classy, and the thought she’d dressed like a whore underneath had my imagination in overdrive.

A close quarters magician entertained us for an hour with sleight of hand and card tricks and a rather good mind-reading ploy. It inspired me. “You know each other well, don’t you girls? Do you think you could read each other’s mind? I bet you could.” By now I was stroking the wet gussets of their knickers as discretely as any guy trying to finger two women at the dinner table can.

“How would you do that?” said Marjorie. She eased forward in her seat and spread her legs, allowing my hand to slip inside her knickers. Her fleshy cunt was smooth and wet, and two fingers slid in. She sighed and arched forward. “I shaved it this morning. That’s why I was late for breakfast.”

“We both did,” said Edith. “She pulled the crotch of her knickers aside and I felt her slim-lipped pussy. “What are you going to do now, Jeff?” Edith dared.

I squeezed Marjorie’s meaty clit between my fingers; she came with a snort, halfway between a sneeze and a scream. Heads turned, and I withdrew my hands from both girls. Marjorie leant forward, elbows on the table. She dabbed her brow with a serviette.

“Are you all right, dear?” said a man opposite. His smile suggested he had half an inkling of what I was up to. His po-faced wife was just annoyed we had interrupted her monologue.

“I think I just need some fresh air,” said Marjorie. She leaned across me and whispered to Edith, who met her halfway. “Jeff made me cum so hard, I think I’ve peed myself.”

I discretely lifted my hand to scratch my chin and sniffed my fingers. “Don’t worry Marjorie, it’s not pee, it’s just fanny juice.” She grabbed my fingers and smelled for herself.

“But there was so much, I was sure—”

“That’s my first magic trick for the evening, ladies. Anyone can turn water into wine.”

Edith groaned. “You’re so full of it, mister.”

“I’m not, but she was. It will be safer if I perform my next trick upstairs.” I stood up and held the back of Marjorie’s seat. She got up, and I saw the big damp patch on the chair and the dark patch on her pale blue dress. “I need to walk close behind you, Marjorie. Just in case you slip.” I leaned back so Edith could see the patch and she nodded.

Finally, we were back in their room, and I wasted no time in setting about them. I grabbed Marjorie and pulled the zip of her dress down just enough to get it off her shoulders and get her hefty tits out of her bra. My mouth moved from one brownish nipple to another and she groaned against me. “You’ve teased me all day with these you sexy bitch, now you are going to get it.” Or she would have if Edith had not chosen that moment to rub against my back.

I felt behind me. She’d removed her dress. Sheer lacy knickers met my searching fingers. She’d hooked her thigh around mine and rubbed the coarse fishnet against my thigh. It was my turn to groan. They sandwiched me between their hot flesh. Edith pulled my jacket off and Marjorie attacked my shirt. I had to slow down her fumbling fingers. “I’m so excited, Jeff. It’s like I’m in a porn film.”

Edith nibbled at my exposed neck. “Marjorie is a big fan of internet pornography since her husband died. He would never let her use the computer.”

“Now I know why, the dirty bastard. Do you know the stuff people do and put up there for everyone to see, Jeff?”

I laughed, “What, like this you mean?”

She slapped me. “Edith, be a dear and get my list and the camera.” Edith huffed, and I sighed. She’d been doing a sterling job nibbling my earlobe. By the time she came back, I had Marjorie out of her dress. She was down to a substantial white bra, which now threw her tits at me. Below she wore a foundation garment, an ivory-coloured elasticised girdle with suspender straps attached to tan coloured stockings. Her soaked knickers were trapped between her meaty flaps. Not Victoria’s Secret, but my cock was not complaining.

“I’m sorry I’m such a fat old thing. You must think I’m the booby prize.” It was such a sad thing to say.

I looked from her to Edith. “Her husband was not a kind man. He’d go to massage parlours and spend a fortune on skinny Chinese whores and then come back and tell Marjorie about it. Jeff’s not like that. Look at his cock. When did Eddie ever greet you with a cock like that?” Edith’s consolations lifted her friend.

“No more of that, hey?” I held her face and kissed Marjorie’s tears. “This is the most fun I’ve had for years. Isn’t that so, boy?” I twitched my cock against her leg and she laughed. “What’s this list about?”

“She’s done a lot of research. It’s what she wants you to do to her. It’s your list Marjorie, you read it.”

Marjorie held it out, trying to get focus without her glasses. I glanced at Edith. She looked gorgeous. She had womanly hips, but the rest of her was amazingly trim. A firm bust still winning the fight against gravity, a tiny tummy mound like the early days of pregnancy when you’re not sure, and lovely toned arms. If Marjorie was not so fragile, I’d have grabbed Edith right away. She read it in my eyes and mouthed the word `later’ and nodded at Marjorie. She was such a sympathetic friend.

Marjorie got her eye in. “Here I am, Marjorie’s sex list.”

I stood behind her, reading over her shoulder and juggling her tits. “I can’t read your writing, what does it say?” I could read her bullet-pointed shopping list, but I wanted to make her say the words.

“I would like Jeff to

Finger my pussy till I comeStick his cock between my tits and come in my faceMake me suck his cock and ballsFuck me doggy styleFuck me upside downFuck me in the bum (if it doesn’t hurt)Take lots of pictures of it all.”

I whistled. “Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me. I hope you’ve got a long-lasting battery in there, Edith.”

She turned on the old digital camera, and the warning light flashed. “Oh, Marjorie. You forgot to charge it up!”

“No problem, use my phone. Leave it on video and you can take stills of the ones you like. “I showed Edith the controls, and she sat in the chair while I lay Marjorie on the bed. Once I got her out of the bra, her tits were still shapely with pert nipples despite their size. I rolled them in my mouth and nipped each one between my teeth. Marjorie squirmed around on the bed and grabbed my cock In both hands. One squeezed my balls, the other smeared my pre-cum around the head. She pulled me up the bed and I straddled her head, one foot on the floor, the other on the pillow. Marjorie sucked my cock and ran her nails down the back of my balls. A shiver went down my spine. If she carried on like this, I wouldn’t get far on her list. I didn’t want to disappoint Edith, who was enjoying the show.

“He’s got a lovely cock, Edith. Proper foreskin and no big varicose veins.” Marjorie ran her tongue around the head and teased the eye, making me twitch. Her teeth nipped me down the shaft before she sucked on each ball. She could give any girl I knew a run for their money in the blow job department. “I hope you are getting all this, Edith. I sensed her behind me and then her tongue flicked the top of my arse crack. The phone camera appeared between my legs, just below my swinging balls. Marjorie smiled for the camera before going back to sucking. She was making the most erotic noises.

“You look like such a whore. Jeff loves it.” Edith pushed my arse, making Marjorie gag.

She took my cock out of her mouth. “Yes Jeff, push it in, make me gag.” I pushed on and Marjorie relaxed I went past her gag reflex and kept going until my balls were on her chin.

“Jesus, Marjorie, you’re a champion cock swallower, where have you been all my life? Chantelle couldn’t do this.” Her throat relaxed, and I slid out until the head just touched the tip of her tongue. Then all the way in again, to the balls.

“I need to put the camera down to cum,” said Edith. I looked back. She’d taken her knickers off and her free hand had three fingers in her pussy. The sight made me swell in Marjorie’s throat. My balls twinged in her hand and I knew it would be game over soon.

I pulled out of her throat and put my saliva-coated cock between Marjorie’s tits. She pushed them together, trapping the head in her warm flesh. I’d not been a big tit man before, but she converted me. I started gently, sliding in and out of the hot fleshy tunnel, but as my orgasm approached, my rhythm became ragged and I fucked her tits roughly. “Yes Jeff, be rough, fuck my tits like the slut I am.” Her dirty words were too much for me and I sprayed cum in her mouth and face. Edith even caught some on her arm as she came in for a closeup. I slapped the last dribbles out on Marjorie’s nipples and smeared it around, then she pulled my spunky cock into her mouth and licked it clean.

Edith’s fingers flashed in her pussy. “That was so horny. You dirty bastards. Oh, my god!” Her thighs snapped around her fingers as she rode the spasms.

I reached behind me and Marjorie arched her pussy up to my hand. I found her clit, which stood out like a thumb and wanked it. “Yes, Jeff harder, be nasty.” I pinched it and Marjorie went over the top. “Oh no. Too much, my eyes are tuning backwards. Edith, help me.” She leaned over her friend and I pushed their lips together, then I stuck my flagging cock between both mouths. I took the phone from Edith and captured the moment for my album.

We lay breathing quietly until I heard a big snore. Edith and I looked at Marjorie sleeping between us. “Poor dear, she’s done in,” said Edith. I got off the bed and moved around to the other side and helped Edith up. As she stood, I put her arm around my neck and reached down. It threw her for a moment, but then I picked her up behind the legs, honeymoon style. I carried her to the other bed.

“Have you got anything left in the tank, husband?” Edith whispered.

“Just let me look at you for a moment, wife.” She kissed me passionately, and I got her onto the bed without a breaking our embrace. She rolled on top of me and I reached behind and unclasped her bra. I smiled when her tits didn’t flop and she lowered them in to my mouth.

I pulled her mouth to mine, and we kissed for ages.

“It’s been a long time since a man has kissed me like that.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to kiss someone like that. Years, I think.” A tear fell from her eye onto my chest. “I don’t want to have porny sex with you, Edith.”

“Perhaps I’d better take these off then.” She rubbed her stockinged thighs against my chest.

I grabbed her by the cheeks of her arse. “Let’s not be too hasty.”

I rolled Edith on her back and kissed her neck, then moved down to her nipples. She knew my destination and her breathing became ragged. My tongue darted into her belly button in a precursor to the major event. She pushed on my shoulders urging me on. “Don’t tease me, Jeff. Hurry.” Her pussy was like that of a youthful woman, a neat slit with small labia. Remarkable for a woman who’d had two kids. I wondered if they went back like that, if they were not tended to. Despite my earlier promise, as I ran my tongue between her lips and breathed in the essence of her, lust overpowered me. I lifted her calves and pushed her knees against her chest. I looked up to see if Edith was annoyed, but she was lost. Eyes closed, biting her lip, hands plucking at her nipples.

I thrust my tongue in and a squirt of juice came out to meet me. Her eyes opened in surprise. “Relax Edith, it was just like Marjorie.” My tongue raked her pussy with long strokes. Her fingers reached behind her legs to hold her lips open. My tongue circled her unprotected clit, then dipped into her pool of juices before circling her rosebud. Her mouth protested, but her hands spread her cheeks and I speared her inviting hole.

The effect was immediate. Edith spasmed, she grabbed my hair and thrust her ring piece to meet me. She muttered, “So dirty, so dirty.” She spasmed again and pushed my head away. “No more, Jeff. Just fuck me now, please.”

I levered myself up, her ankles now resting on my shoulders. We both looked down to see the head of my cock stretching her lips and disappearing inside her. She was so warm and wet, and the tightness was incredible. I looked at her. “Pelvic floor exercises,” she explained.

Then she squeezed my cock, and I lost control. My hips shook like I was riding a runaway horse. I felt the spunk rising in my balls but all my senses were tingling. She gripped me again and held me on the edge. Then she reached up and cupped my face. It was such a tender action at such a frantic moment. I felt the cum rush out of me in four proper squirts, then she miked three more dry ones until my cock was aching. “Please, Edith, no more,” I begged. She released me and I flopped on the pillow next to her.

“I’ve never come like that before. The tingling, I feel it everywhere. Did your—”

“No, he never came like that for me. I guess he didn’t fancy me enough.” I kissed her hard, and she pushed me back on the pillow. I was about to speak, but she put her finger on my lips. “I know it’s not sensible for a woman to make promises when she’s just come like that. It’s probably the same for a man. She pulled my head to her shoulder, and I was in complete bliss.



I don’t know how long I slept, but it was getting bright outside when Edith woke me with a soft touch. “Will you do something for me, Jeff?” I reached between her legs. “Not that. Will you get into bed with Marjorie and hold her until she wakes up? Her husband had his heart attack in his sleep. She woke to his stiff corpse. I know she is still frightened to open her eyes in the morning. She often has a little play before she opens her eyes so she does not have to think about him.”

I was amazed at what women share. “Do you tell each other everything?” She nodded. “Well, just to keep you happy, I will get in that bed and fuck your friend when she wakes up.” I tried to sound put out.

“Don’t give me that, you love sleeping with two women.”

“That’s the point. I haven’t done that yet, technically. Have you and Marjorie ever had a little play together?”

“No, but I was tempted to last night, while you were in her mouth.” She felt my cock stir. “You’re such a perv. Mr no porny sex.”

“I’m sorry about that. But you didn’t seem to mind if I remember right. Did it feel like porn to you?”

“No. It felt wonderful. Even when you stuck your tongue… When you came so hard it was so special. Such a compliment. I’ve got no complaints. It's no-good nudging my leg with that thing. Look, she’s stirring, go over there and don’t forget her list.”



Marjorie was disorientated when she woke. She did not know where she was or who I was. I had an inkling about her problem. “Good morning, Marjorie, you’re in the hotel with Edith and Jeff. Remember this?” I held the phone up to show her deep throating me. Recognition dawned.

“How could I forget Jeff. Is Edith awake?”

“No, she’s asleep. We can do what we like as long as we don’t wake her.”

She reached down and found me hard. “You’re such a naughty man.”

“I’ve never had a blow job like the one you gave me. Most young women just give it a few half-hearted licks before they stick it in. Did your husband teach you to do that?”

“Ha! He wished. He liked to receive, but not to give. Not like you. It was Tommy Standish who taught me that. He picked me up in his car at the bus stop on the way home. It was pissing down, and the bus was taking ages. Wouldn’t let me out of the car without a kiss. By the third time, we were fucking in his dad’s barn. “

“How old were you, Marjorie?”

“I can’t remember exactly, but he was twenty-one.” She felt my cock lurch. “You are as bad as him.” She reached behind for me and ran her finger around the sticky head. “It’s been ages since I’ve had a good morning fuck.”

“Do you want to put Tommy Standish in your notebook first?” I reached across to the bedside table. The little black notebook was like the police used in old TV shows. It had a holder for the pencil. She found a fresh page and wrote, `Tommy Standish took my virginity in a barn.’ As an afterthought she added, `He spunked on my school blazer.’ I laughed, and she saw the funny side. She flicked through the pages, coming to her wish list from last night. I took her pencil. “Well, we did that, and that, and that.” I ticked my completed tasks. “What’s next?”

She selected from her menu. “Let’s have a cuddle and then we’ll do that one.”

She’d got up in the night and changed into a nightie. I pulled it up and my hands roamed over her generous body. My mouth found her stubby nipples and my hand reached between her splayed legs to find hers already at work. “Take my hand and show me how you do it, Edith.” She put her hand over mine and guided my fingers into her lips and around her prominent clit. “Amazing,” I said.

“I always thought I was a bit of a freak down there.”

I pulled the duvet away so I could have a proper look. It was like a little half-inch cock. I took it in my lips and sucked it. It swelled again. “I think you’d be an internet star if people ever saw it.”

The idea appealed to her, and she propped herself on her elbows. “Do you think so? Can you take a picture and put it up there?”

I took some video of her playing with it. It grew again and her puffy lips opened. My cock strained. I’d been so engrossed I didn’t hear Edith get up. She leaned over my shoulder.

“Oh god Marjorie, it’s like a little cock. Mine’s just a pimple.” It intrigued her. I took Edith’s hand and guided to her friend. I made her wank it like I had. “Oh Marjorie, it's lovely.” Both women were panting, and I continued filming.

Marjorie sighed. “Let me see this pimple then.” She pulled Edith by the hips and she swung a leg over her friend’s face without thinking about it. Marjorie parted her lips. “It looks like mine did when I was fourteen.” She stuck her tongue in and Edith gasped. I pushed her head down and Edith sucked the big clit into her mouth. I filmed for a few minutes, switching ends to catch the action. They both started to come, and I pushed Edith’s head out of the way so I could fuck Marjorie again. I’d pull out every few strokes and feed my cock into Edith’s mouth. They both came and Edith slumped, head between her friend’s legs. I went to the other end and started fucking Edith while Marjorie sucked my balls and fingered my arsehole. My list of things I wanted to do to two women was fast emptying, just as my balls were about to do. Then inspiration hit me. I pulled out of Edith, getting complaints from both of them. “Lift her legs up, Edith.”

It puzzled her when I built a pile of pillows behind Marjorie’s back so her arse was in the air. She got it straight away. “Jeff's going to fuck me upside down.” Edith saw what I was trying and splayed her friend’s legs. I stood on the bed and straddled Marjorie. Edith sat back and ground her cunt on Marjorie’s face while she watched my cock moving up and down in Marjorie’s hole. She’d pull it out now and then to give me a lick until Marjorie’s muffled complaints made her put it back. I put Edith’s hand on Marjorie’s clit and wanked it. As I thrust in, she pulled up and vice versa. Marjorie moaned and came again, coating me in her thick juices. I remembered the list and pulled out.

“Spread her cheeks for me, Edith.”

Her slim fingers parted her friends generous bum and we both watched as the tiny hole winked at us. I slid my slicked cock across it. It seemed an impossible fit.

“Don’t hurt her, Jeff.” Edith’s concern for her friend was touching.

I pressed gently and suddenly her ring gave and the head was in.

“Oh, he’s in my arse, Edith. You dirty bugger, Jeff. It's lovely.” I took this as permission to proceed and slid deeper into her, withdrawing until the ring swelled to release the head. Marjorie was swooning now. I pulled out and the hole stayed open.

“Oh my god, Marjorie. I can see right inside your bum.” I proffered my cock but Edith was reluctant to suck it. Just because she should not see the unmentionable didn’t mean it wasn’t there. I re-entered Marjorie and picked up the pace. She felt fantastic. So different to the front door. My cock started twitching but Marjorie beat me to it. I held still as her arse spasmed around my cock.

“You dirty bugger, Jeff. You’ve made me cum in my bum.” We both held her legs until the tremors subsided and I pulled out. The hole shrank slowly.

“What you just did. I can’t believe my eyes.” Edith’s face was a mix of shock and arousal.

Marjorie’s cunt was still gaping and it gave me an idea. “Then you won’t believe this either. Hold her lips open.” I thought I would try something I’d dismissed as a camera trick. I smeared my balls in Marjorie’s juices. Edith said, “You’re not going to try…” I just grinned and nodded. She spread Margaret’s fleshy lips, and I rubbed my balls around the hole. I grabbed my balls at the cock end, making them swell taught and fed them in. It was trial and error. As soon as I got one in, the other popped out. Finally, I managed to get both to stay inside her.

“Oh my God! Marjorie, he’s put his balls in you.” I don’t know how to describe the sensation of my nuts inside her, but it was great. She twitched her fanny muscles, pumping the spunk into my cock.

“It feels like those eggs dirty bitches put in their minges.”

I laughed. “You really have been doing your internet research, Marjorie.” Her cunt was pumping the spunk out of my balls and the eye of my cock opened and closed like the mouth of a fish out of water. It was inches from Edith’s face and she was hypnotized. “Well go on girl, it’s not going to suck itself.” I pulled Edith’s head onto it just in time. My first spurt caught her on the cheek but the rest went into her mouth and Edith swallowed several loads.

My pulsing balls brought Marjorie off and it was agony and ecstasy as her powerful cunt muscles gripped and released me. My aching cock was now shooting blanks. Marjorie’s tongue brought Edith off again and I held her hands as she shuddered. A wave of release seemed to cycle through the three of us and I saw stars.

Eventually, my focus returned and I looked at Edith’s lovely face. There were a million things I wanted to say to her but now was not the proper time.

“Tommy Standish couldn’t do that.” We looked down to see Marjorie smiling between Edith’s thighs and we started laughing. Her spasming cunt squeezed the last reluctant drop from my cock and it fell between me and Edith. “Dirty bastard. That went right up my nose,” Marjorie complained.

Edith looked down at her friend and up at me. We all wore the same expression of joy. “Yes, Jeff is a dirty bastard. We were so lucky to find him.”

Afterwards, I lay in the middle with my arms around the two of them, feeling pleased with myself. Marjorie looked up. “We’ll have to get out of the bed if his grin gets any bigger, Edith.”

Her friend looked across. “He’s such a show-off.”

I looked at them. “Girls. It’s been a lifelong ambition to sleep with two women. You’ve made it better than I could ever have dreamed it would be. I can now die a happy man.”

Marjorie threw a thigh over mine, giving it a pussy kiss and hugged me. “You are not going anywhere, Mister. You’ve got a job for life.”

I kissed her and she rested her head on my chest. It was such an honest emotion I was choked. I looked across at Edith and drew her lips to mine and kissed her. Again, a thousand words span around my head. All I could say was, “It’s the best job in the world.”

Upside down became our thing. For special occasions.



We missed breakfast and were still asleep when room service knocked. I skipped back to my room for a quick shower. I ruffled the unused bed for form’s sake and met them in Reception an hour later. Most of the others on the weekend deal had already checked out. The girls had come by taxi from the station, but I offered to drive them home. It was seventy miles out of my way, but what the hell.

They lived next door to each other in tidy bungalows with connecting gardens. I downloaded the video of our antics onto Marjorie’s computer while Edith cooked Sunday lunch to thank me for the weekend. They were so grateful; I couldn’t believe it. I said it was an experience I’d cherish forever. I uploaded a discreetly edited version of our antics to an adult site Marjorie enjoyed then lay on her bed for a snooze before my trip home.

When I woke, it was dark. I’d slept for six hours. Hushed voices came from the living room and I padded along the carpet in my socks and listened.

“I didn’t know you took this?” said Edith.

“The two of you were having so much fun. I didn’t want to disturb you,” said Marjorie.

I looked through the crack in the door. I’d just pulled all the files from the weekend from my phone onto Marjorie’s computer without checking. She’d filmed me and Edith when we thought she was asleep.

“God, I look like a slut,” said Edith. She covered her eyes in mock embarrassment.

“A man doesn’t look at a slut like that, Edith. You look like lovers. We know the difference between making love and fucking. You two are making love. Jeff really likes you, Edith.”

She looked away from the screen. “No. It’s just a bit of weekend fun. I couldn’t do anything more. Besides, I’ve got you to keep an eye on. No more wandering down the high street.” She gave Marjorie a hug.

“You’re such a wonderful friend to me, Edith. I would hate to come between you and a chance of happiness.” Marjorie was tearful.

I walked in. “Margie, what’s this all about? No one’s coming between you unless you ask me to, that is.” I gave her my best wide boy leer, and she sniffed back her tears.

“How long have you been stood there?” said Edith.

“I heard the crying and came to see what was wrong.” I lied. They needed a change of mood. “Let’s check the internet and see how our movie is doing.” The number of views surprised me. “Looks like you’re a star, Marjorie. Two thousand views and one hundred percent thumbs up.”

“You’re joking, let me see.” She looked at the figures. I refreshed the screen, and they went up by another thirty. “Imagine. All those blokes sitting there with their cocks out on a Sunday evening.” She was laughing now, her earlier unhappiness forgotten.

“Have you looked at the comments, Marjorie?” She looked blank, so I scrolled down and she read. ‘Lucky guy. Two beautiful, mature women. Loved the one with the big clit. When he got his balls in her and came in the other one’s mouth. Never seen that before, brilliant.’ She scrolled down. “Look, this one’s in Italian, pity I don’t understand it.”

“You can do this.” I copied the text in to the translation app and selected English. It was pretty much in the same vein. Not a testimonial I could put on my work CV, but pleasing all the same.

“I’ve got to write and say thank you. It's only polite,” said Marjorie.

I laughed. Nineteenth-century manners met twenty-first-century technology. “You can’t do that. You must keep your identity secret. “She looked crestfallen. “But you can write something on your profile page. Just don’t put any names, addresses or phone numbers on it.”

Marjorie looked at Edith. “Isn’t this exciting? The things Jeff has shown us.” Her face was excited and engaged.

Edith looked at her friend and smiled at me. “He’s made it a weekend to remember.”

“Speaking of which, the weekend is almost over. I need to get back to London. I hope I can come back and see you both.”

“You had better, or we'll come looking for you,” said Marjorie. I gave her a goodbye kiss, and she was back on the screen soon after. “I’ll write this weekend up in my notebook so I don’t forget.” I wrote my name and phone number on a blank page.

Edith stood up. Her face searched mine. “You’ve got to go now?” I nodded. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me for ages. We weren’t fooling anyone.

I cupped her cheek. “I’ll go back first thing in the morning.” Edith took my hand and led me through the garden into her house.



“Do you mind if we just go to sleep? I think we are both tired, Jeff.”

“Sure. Just hold me like you did last night.” She stroked my hair while I lay my head on her shoulder. “How long has Marjorie got? Her forgetfulness.”

“You know then?”

“I thought the notebook was odd, but then the way she looked at me first thing this morning. She didn’t know who I was. It passed quickly, though.”

Edith cuddled into me, and I hugged her. “Oh Jeff, it’s so sad. Alzheimer’s is such an awful disease. To steal your memory so you don’t recognise loved ones. It's more than the victims who suffer.” She looked up at me through tearful eyes. “I was worried about her. It took me six months to persuade her to see the doctor. He sent her for tests. The consultant says she’s got a year to eighteen months. I see her every day. I think it’s less.”

“I’m so sorry, Edith. You are such a wonderful friend to Marjorie. But you should not have to take all that on your shoulders. What about her daughters?”

“They live up North. They are reluctant to take responsibility for their mum. I give them updates, but they have done nothing.”

“That’s lousy. Well, I’m here for you and Marjorie, for as long as you need me.”

She looked up at me through glassy eyes. “You mean that, don’t you?” I nodded. She straddled my hips and leaned over me. Her tears fell like rain on my face. Oh Jeff, hurry.” She pulled up her nightdress and tugged at my pyjama bottoms. I sprung to attention, and she impaled herself. The nightdress came off, and I grabbed her breasts, pinching her nipples as she ground her cunt into me. She moaned as if possessed. As if the burden of everything since her divorce has been released. I felt that tingling from the night before. Rivers of electricity coming down from my head and up from my feet to where we were joined. As I came, I pulled her head on to my chest and told her I loved her. She climaxed and involuntary spasms in her tight cunt drained everything I had to give.



I saw Edith and Marjorie about once a fortnight over the next year, but with video calling in between, we spoke every few days. Marjorie had taken to performing for the camera like a duck to water. I ordered a few bits from a sex shop for her birthday and she went the whole hog. More than once, Edith walked in on her filming herself before posting on the internet to her sizable fan club. Some old ladies might do puzzles to keep their minds active, but Marjorie had other ideas.

Edith saw her every day and could see how quickly her memory was fading.

The end happened quickly. I’d been busy on an overseas job, so I’d missed my weekend with them. I got off the plane at Heathrow and saw four missed calls from Edith. She was tearful when we spoke. “On Jeff, it’s awful. She used to forget me once a day but now I can go out of the room to make the tea and when I come back in, she’ll say, `Oh that’s nice love, who are you?’” Edith was at her wit’s end.

“Stay with her, Edith. I’m coming right over.” I phoned the boss to say I was taking a few days' compassionate leave. I’d been working eighteen-hour days in Germany, so he was in no position to object.

I thought I’d prepared myself for the worse, but when Marjorie looked at me and asked if I was Edith’s husband, it took me aback. I reminded her we met at a hotel and the day trips we’d all been on since then. But there was no spark of recognition. The lovely woman I’d known had almost slipped away.

“Why are you crying dear, has something happened?” Marjorie put a gentle hand on my arm and my heart broke.

We got her to bed, and I sat with Edith. She looked tired and drawn. “This stops here, Edith. She needs professional help. You need respite and her family need to take responsibility.” I got the elder daughter's number from Edith and phoned her right away. I explained that I was a friend of both of them and I was concerned that her mother’s deterioration was taking its toll on her friend who had taken on what Marjorie’s family were reluctant to do. It did not go down well, and the woman slammed the phone down, but she phoned Edith later and heard all the things she had kept from her because Marjorie asked her to. The woman was ashamed and thanked Edith for her kindness.

I was there when she arrived to collect her mother two days later. She was shocked at how long it took Marjorie to recognise her. Her plan was to take her mother home, but with three young kids in the house, she conceded a care home might be the only alternative. She would find one near to her home. Marjorie waved at us from the car as they drove off. She was oblivious that she would not see us again. I took Edith back in her house and we cried for ages.

I persuaded Edith to spend more time with me in London and that was fine for a while, but I worked long hours and she wanted her own things around her. We both had doubts we could make the relationship work long-term. That was resolved when Edith received a tearful call from her daughter, whose husband walked out on his family following an affair with one of her daughter’s friends. It was a cruel irony that mother and daughter should suffer the same fate. Of course, Edith had to go up to Leeds to support her; which reduced our relationship to furtive nights in a budget motel. It was not what either of us deserved and after a few months, we parted tearfully but on good terms, glad we had known each other, and Marjorie of course.



That all happened five years ago, so you may wonder why I’m writing about it now? Well, it looks like history might repeat itself. My wife’s sister came over two weeks back and I walked in on a teary conversation on why she couldn’t find a good bloke like Tess, my wife had. Tess mouthed `give her a hug’ and I did. I’m sorry to say my cock behaved inappropriately, and I pulled away. I thought Tess would be furious, but she just laughed. “He’s always fancied you, Angie, he thinks I don’t notice, but I can read him like a book.” I just kept quiet and Angie laughed nervously. “And you Angie, I’ve seen you check Jeff out. Don’t forget you’ve been my sister all your life.” We both protested innocence, and then Tess said something remarkable. “I know you both fancy each other, but I don’t want you skulking behind my back, so go on.”

“What do you mean, Tess?” I was sure it was a trap to see if I was a scumbag at heart.

“Your cock knows what to do, kiss her,” said Tess.

I stood still, but Angie looked at her sister like she’d dared her. “I will, you know I will.” She advanced on me, and the conflict between my desire for Angie and Tess’s wrath played across my face.

I noticed the flush on Tess’s neck and her nipples poking through her tee-shirt. She wants me to do this? Angie put her arms around my neck and stuck her tongue in my mouth. I lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her short summer dress rode up and her lovely arse was in my hands. I slipped a finger into her knickers. Tess came over and I expected a slap, but she just kissed her sister’s neck and her hand joined mine in stroking Angie’s soaked cunt. It all went haywire from there. With Angie hanging off me like a baby chimp, I took Tess’s hand and dragged them both to the bedroom. The three of us fucked like porn stars for the next twenty-four hours.

In the middle of the night, I got up to get a bottle of water and listened to their conversation from the other side of the bedroom door.

“Do you think Jeff's fucked two women before?”

“In his head perhaps,” said Tess.

“But that thing with his balls. What a kinky turn-on.”

“He’s just copying something he’s seen on the internet. Did I tell you about the grey wig he likes me to wear occasionally? I think he’s got an older woman thing.”

“That’s good, Tess. At least he won’t run out on you for some young tart, like my bloke did.”

“Yeh. But go easy on him when he comes back. I don’t want to be a widow before my time.”

“Maybe he thinks it’s his only chance.”

“Let’s tell him he’s on a three-month trial.”


Don't miss your next Bedtime Story.

Devotion and duty 

To lessen the pain at their loss of a beloved sister and wife, Victoria and Frank agree to dispose of Jessica’s effects together. They come across letters to both of them with Jessica’s instructions that they read them separately, then talk.

Will Frank and Victoria understand Jessica’s motives when they know her terrible secret? Will they be able to forgive her and find happiness together as Jessica hopes with her dying wish?

Read Jessica’s story and decide what you would do.




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Incredible ChangesChapter 337 Memories

“David,” Steve said, sounding pensive. “Lenny said to stop by his house before going home. Paula is already waiting for you in your room.” That is odd. Why is Paula in my room waiting, but he wants me to come to his house? I headed on over to Lenny’s house to see what was up. When I arrived, Trina was only wearing an annoyed look on her face. That changed into a big smile once she saw it was me. Of the multitude of boys, girls, men, and women, the only ones partially dressed were girls on...

3 years ago
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Highway Memories

As she drives down the highway, her mind wanders to the last time that she and her lover were together. She could still feel the first embrace of his arms, the first kiss on her lips, and the smell of him after being apart for so long. Oh how she missed him during those weeks that they could not be together. How she longed to be with him, if even for a few brief moments, but she knew the reasons why they could not be together and accepted them no matter how much it hurt her heart. She could...

2 years ago
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Repressed Memories

REPRESSED MEMORIES by BobH. (c) 2003 "She was stunned when our sessions first brought those memories to the surface," I said, "could not believe her own sister - now her brother - had used a magic stone to switch bodies with her when they were children and that she had been born a boy. Until she found the stone." "She switched bodies with me," said my companion, "not knowing the stone only works when both want to switch." "People never believe how easy it is to plant false...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 14 Futa Ghosts Naughty Memories

Chapter Fourteen: Futa Ghost's Naughty Memories By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My blood-soaked shide hissed down at the yokai-possessed Daimyo. Blood streamed from his face, wounded by my first exorcism attempt. Mitsuko-hime, my lovely Ōjo-sama, screamed in terror, not understanding what I was doing, and threw herself over her father. I had a moment of frozen time, Mitsuko-hime staring up at me, tears streaking the white makeup coating her face. She looked like a crying doll. I had to...

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The Memories

There are many things that stand out in a person’s mind over the years. You remember your first day at school. You remember the day you graduate from school. You remember the day you get your driver license. Sometimes it is a simple thing. Sometimes it is the smell in the air or a song playing in the background. Still there are memories so vivid and so powerful you remember them for the rest of your life. Here is one of those memories. It was a normal day and there was nothing about it that...

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Mountain Memories

Sometimes there are events in life that are short-lived but remain an important and wonderful memory. This is one of those memories. I have always loved the mountains. Not the barren western high country but the dense, tree-covered, misty slopes of the Great Smoky Mountains. There was and still is no better place to find solitude. The nature of my work allowed me a four-day weekend every six weeks. Many times each year I would load the car with camping gear and start the six hour trip to...

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Introduction: Memories This happened in the summer of 1972. Im writing now because I recently saw a girl on TV whose unusual name and resemblance brought the memories flooding back… She moves with graceful feline elegance. With dusky brown skin, long glossy black hair, come to bed eyes, beautiful lips just made for sucking dick, slim waste and flat stomach and very long, slender legs she is stunning. The way she moves and her beauty combine to craft one of the sexiest looking woman Id ever...

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Memories By Robin Y. I often think back to how I came to be the feminine male I am. There remains a lot of wishful thinking, but wishful thinking never changed anything and I try to use what I remember to gain some understanding of why I am who I am. I don't know if that is possible....I'm sure those memories are tainted with time, but I do believe that they offer some clues to why I chose the paths I have. Why we have the inclination for these choices may never be clear....but...

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a story of memories

it was almost a surprise the first time she emerged from the shower and he was privileged to be there. beads of water clung to her body and she shown in the morning light coming through the window. he crossed to her and after a glance in her eyes he bent over to dry the water from her. with towel and tongue she allowed him to touch and then to bend over her for a kiss. he began not on her mouth but on her soft breasts licking the drops of water off. slowly, he swept his tongue around the...

3 years ago
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Gay first time memories

When I was about 18 I had my first sexual encounter with a man. I was in the navy and me and a buddy had been drinking and were picked up by this guy who said he would take us back to our ship which was in Jacksonville( I think, it was a long time ago) I just thought he was being friendly. On the way there he said we could stop off at his place for a drink which is where we wound up. I was already quite well d***k and my buddy was too, in fact he fell asl**p. While my buddy was asl**p this guy...

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Holiday memories

For a little winter sunshine break last year, DJ and I decided to head off to Gran Canaria for a few days. Our goal was to just relax in a nice hotel and recharge our batteries after what had been a very busy period of work and various other commitments…although we were obviously looking forward to spending some time exploring the Maspalomas dunes and having some naughty adventures too!We had booked ourselves into a lovely beach front hotel in San Augustin, which was close enough to allow us to...

4 years ago
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Random Memories Glory Hole Memories

Number One:I love it when, just as one of my glory hole visitors is just about to come, that their cocks become so firm and stiff as the body prepares to expel the load of sperm both he, and I, are there for in the first place!Number Two:I love it when AS they are ejaculating, that I can feel the powerful muscular contractions at the base of their balls and cock shaft, as the sperm is forcefully jetting out into my mouth! That's the epitome of any and all glory hole experiences! There's nothing...

2 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 3 Memories

Yankee Swap, Chapter 3: Memories "Hurry up - I'm getting cold!" Ken was hopping from one foot to the other to keep them from freezing on the cold concrete floor. Of course they wouldn't freeze in August, but he was nervous as well. He and his best friend Cindy were in her garage changing their clothes - with each other. It was a silly thing to do, but they were 6 years old and bored. Her clothes were much too small for him anyway, he thought. She passed him her dress and he...

4 years ago
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The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness. That upsetting...

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Hidden Memories

She heard Cody murmur something to her but she didn’t understand him because she was almost asleep. She’d ask him tomorrow what he had said. She fell deeper into sleep as she felt his hand caressing her thigh. On the ride to her house things weren’t exactly awkward, there was tension and she didn’t know why. Last night was nice, so why was she feeling this way? Cody hasn’t looked at her since they got their clothes on. She had a bad feeling that something was going to happen and...

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Hidden Memories

Introduction: Ok, some people have asked me about me having any involvement with someone in the military and I havent. I dont have anybody special like that, though sometimes I wish. I just have an idea of what that life what must be like. Anyways this story is a new one, I hope you like so far. Im not sure if this one will have ten parts like my last one. I know how I want it writen, I just dont know how long it will actaully be, so be patient for my next part. Sorry for any mistakes I didnt...

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Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day Memories School had just ended for me and my sister. Separated by just over a year (me at 21, her just turning 20), we were in separate colleges and returning home at about the same time. During the drive I could think of nothing but the pure bliss that would be relaxation after the intense studying of finals. I pulled into the driveway and there was my sister. A sight for sore eyes indeed. Standing at barely five feet tall she stood with a hand on her hips and a playful scowl on...

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False Memories

‘Mr. Kisaragi, my severance check is in the mail. Once it comes in, I can pay the rent in full!’ ‘No, Tom. You live in this apartment for months, you pay for it! I’m making it easy for you. I let you have extra time to pay and you still can’t pay. No money tomorrow, no apartment! No money, and you leave. But you still pay for living here. I know people who can make you pay.’ Once Kisaragi slammed the front door of the complex, the woman standing next to Tom hugged him and broke out in tears. ...

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Olivias Prom Night Memories

He was 19 years old, though he had just graduated from our high school. He was 6’1 with dark brown shaggy hair (usually looking like he needed a haircut, even right after he’d gotten one) and eyes the color of maple syrup. He had a thin build, yet his arms and legs were well defined. He had played rugby throughout high school, only was one of the back field players, as opposed to the thick necked guys in the scrum. When he had asked me to prom I thought he may have been teasing me, as one...

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Sweet Memories

Sweet MemoriesChapter 1The fall air had a bite to it as I was finishing stacking firewood under the carport. Even with the cool air I had worked up a sweat and as I took my gloves off to wipe my face my wife arrived home from work. As I greeted her home her cellphone want off and she withdrew it from her purse and put it to her ear:“Hi Amber, how is your day going?” She asked as she blew me a kiss.“Well of course I can. I’d love to spend the day with my wonderful grandc***dren. When do I need...

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Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it....

1 year ago
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Making Sexy Memories

She took my hand and we both walked down the hall. "Damn, you look good in that bikini. Pink looks really good on you, Faith." "We're on our honeymoon, so you are guaranteed to get laid at least fifty times," she reminded me before she brought me to the wall by the door. "We love each other, Dante," she stated before she kissed me. We made out for a moment and I brought my hands to her thighs. I rubbed them ever so softly as her hands came onto my crotch. Her lips slowly parted from mine. "Your...

Oral Sex
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Reprising Memories

Let us dive back into history as we row our boats down towards the castles of memories...... And then momentarily get lost into of the memoirs of illusions.... gliding in the air breathing fresh old air and floating through the wet warm waters of vices drinking from the lips and from the lollipops seeing how they opened up and how they closed down slowly smoothly and softly scrubbing the skin caressing the skin sucking licking touching and fucking the skin rubbing one skin next to the other...

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Hotel Fucking in Atlanta Memories

This very hot pic posted today by eyesonu, stirred up an old memory.The girl in the pic reminds me of a young local student ecsort I once fucked at the Atlanta Sheraton, about 15 years ago. Nice memories of the encounter and events surrouding it.I was at a trade show as part of a group of about 12 people from various businesses. I had some free time after lunch and arranged for this girl to come to my room. We had a fun time even though the girl was new to the work, and quite nervous. She was a...

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my memories

The memory of life Time.Well i was 21 years old, and the world in me feat, thats exactly what we think, we are invincible, and. We at 21, omg, we love women's, but is time to talk about me,I always like older women, it was around December of 1995, this woman name is Maria she was at list 40 years old, very well taker of it, and amazing legs, she have the most beautiful smile, I seen her for amount always wait in the bus stop, she was ready to going to work, she always well dressed, always...

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I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 46 Plans Confrontations and Bad Memories

Precisely at noon, the phone rang at the McGrath home. Caitlin picked it up, as the bedside phone was at hand while she got ready for work. "Hello?" "Hello." There was a pause. "Is Erin there?" "Um, yeah. I'll get her." Caitlin carried the phone to Erin's room, where she was draped across her bed watching TV. "It's for you." "Who is it?" Erin asked suspiciously. She didn't feel like dealing with Mary or Louise -- especially if Toby wasn't going to call... "Well, I THINK...

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Ginsu Memories

‘Ding Dong!’ The doorbell rings, but Donna keeps reading. ‘Her defenders flee shamelessly, leaving the princess at the mercy of the pirates. As the barbaric hoards swarm aboard, she desperately seeks sanctuary in the captain’s cabin. Without warning, the door explodes in a shower of splinters leaving the dark shadow of a pirate blocking the only exit.’ ‘Ding Dong!’ ‘The forsaken princess feels the thick callused hand of the pirate encircle her waist. She feels the excited breath on her neck,...

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Fond swinging memories

13 years ago was my last experience of threesome pleasure with another couple. Doug and Carol were married and we met through a contact swingers magazine. Computers and the internet were not prevalent then as they are today. I remember being invited by Carol, who called me one day to say they wished to meet me. I went over to their house and we chatted at their bar, got to know each other a bit and after awhile they said lets go into the lounge. We all got naked very quickly. I was a bit...

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Reliving Old Memories

"Stay with me, Luke. I don't mind having a house guest." "Are you sure, Allison? We lived together for seven years, things happened, and then we went our separate ways. I know I can stay with a friend." "No, please, come here and just let me have someone to talk to in person. I have a couch for you to sleep on." "Okay, I'll be over tomorrow." "Already then, talk to you later, I love you." He stayed silent for a few seconds. "I love you too, Allison," he answered, before he hung up the phone. I...

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Sea of Memories

Hello everybody, the following story happened when I was 14, I am now 29. Let me introduce myself as “Jack” for privacy issues. Since a very early age I’ve been very shy, specially around women. I did not penetrate a girl until I was 18, even though I don’t consider myself to be bad looking. Sometimes girls would hit on me when I was in high school but to be honest I was too shy to make any moves on them. I have been playing soccer since I was 8, I love the sport ant that helps me keep in...

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Happy Memories

After a couple of hours watching granny porn and grandpas wanking and spunking I found my mind drifting back to when I was a young pup back home in the N.East and some of the naughty but very exciting things I got up to at my paternal grandparents home. Now, I'm not going to be going into lurid details of being bum ****d by my grandpa or sticking my juvenile cocklet in my grandma's cunt because it wasn't like that. But those times DID set the trend for my life of sluttyness to some degree. Most...

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Sweet Memories

You know sometimes you see or hear something that gives you a private smile? Well, occasionally I hear or see the phrase ‘3G’, and when I do it reminds me of an incident that took place a long time ago, and some distance away from where I now live. So read on if you’d like to find out why… * If I remember rightly, I was twenty three at the time. It was just after Christmas, and around the time of New Year, 1974. I’d left home about two months before, and I was still getting used to being my...

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Summer Memories

My earliest memories from my Summer Holidays revolve around staying with my Aunt and Uncle, and my Cousin Mark while my parents went abroad for some alone time. I stayed at their countryside house, which had a lovely old barn where Mark and I would play, away from any prying was innocent at first, but we soon began to grow curious, and would play 'doctor' up in the old hay loft. I wore my white cotton summer dress and he would lay me on a bale of hay and 'examine' me, pushing the hem...

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Raw Memories

Unfortunately, I was coming of age just as the AIDs crisis was exploding. The first few times I had anal sex were what was later called bareback, but I soon went with consistent condom use. At one point, I even considered using a rubber to give oral, but quickly learned that 1) a hard cock encased in rubber does not taste good, 2) the blowjob is less effective, 3) if you should manage to get him to cum with your mouth, you didn’t get the pleasure of swallowing his cum. Finally, it was...

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Funny thing about "MEMORIES". In my senior years, I can not remember the name of the movie I watched last weekend or the name of its lead actor but I recall perfectly the events of May 11, 2009. The washrooms at the mall were bereft of cock so I walked a couple of blocks to the library to see if there was any action there. When I entered the washroom, there were 2 guys in there. One was standing in front of the right urinal and the other guy was at the left one. The middle urinal was where I...

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