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Wicked. Stupid. Fuck! That’s what I was, seeing the situation I was in. Fuck, how didn’t I see it coming?! Shit!

Dammit! I should probably tell ya what’s going on, here. Best to start at the beginning, though.

Prologue: Luck o’ the Irish ... not! 1989 - 2008

My name is Richard Donnelly, but everyone calls me Rick. I’m the son of James and Erin Donnelly. Yeah, full blooded South Boston Irish, here. Hot temper? Check. Iron jaw? Check. Fists calloused from multiple fights? Check. Stupid fuck from Southie? Check. Yeah, I grew up in South Boston, where the Irish Mob ran the show. You ever see The Departed or Black Mass? Those movies barely scratched the fuckin’ surface.

Life wasn’t easy on us. Mom and Dad did what they could for me, but school still sucked. I had a few close friends, but there were always stupid fuckin’ assholes around, too. I never shied away from a fight, and I usually ended up either in detention, or suspended. It took me two tries to get through eighth grade, because of stupid fucks picking fights with me. I won more than I lost, I’m proud to say. No matter what, though, I’d promised my Mom that I wouldn’t do or sell drugs.

Why did I promise her that? Simple answer: She died of breast cancer. By the time the doctors caught it, she was already in Stage 4. Nothing they could really do for her. I made her that promise on her death bed, right before I started High School.

Dad took Mom’s death really hard. He soon found himself at the bottom of a whiskey bottle, every damn night. Luck of the Irish? What a fuckin’ joke!

If you want to know what the luckiest day of my life was, it was when I got arrested at the age of 17 for assault and battery. Hey, the asshat that I smashed was trying to rob Old Lady O’Connor. Not in my neighborhood, dammit! I guess if I’d stopped beating on him when he finally let go of the purse, I wouldn’t have faced any charges. Was I that smart, though? You already know the answer to that.

The cops pulled me off the stupid fuck and slapped me in cuffs, as I wailed away on Dwight Fisher’s face. Imagine the scene in Game of Thrones, where Jon Snow is beating the shit outta Ramsay Bolton, and ya get the idea. My fist, his face, ‘til the fat lady sings. Or in this case, ‘til a couple of Boston’s “Finest” pulled me off the fucktard!

Anyways, to make a long story a bit shorter, I only got six months in Juvie for that dust up. Thanks to witnesses who testified that I was only helping out our neighborhood matriarch. The judge wanted to make an example of me, though. Hey, it coulda been a lot worse.

Strangely enough, I didn’t get into nearly as many fights in the joint, as I did on the outside! I had to fight one guy on my first day. After that, they left me the fuck alone. Go fuckin’ figure, right?

While I was inside, my life took another shit biscuit on me. My Dad died. Grams and Gramps found him after he didn’t answer his phone for two days, and they went over to check on him. From what they told me, he’d drunk three fifths of Jameson, and that was all she wrote. He never got over Mom dying, and I hoped they were together in Heaven. At least they let me out, to attend his funeral.

Yeah, it hurt like hell! But that was when I met Ms. Murphy. Ms. Amelia Murphy was an older black lady, who acted as a counselor in Juvie. She was the no-nonsense type, but deep down, she had a heart of gold.

After hours of talking through my problems, she asked if there was anything I liked doing as a hobby. When I told her that I liked computers, since I’d fixed my Dad’s PC a few times before he died, she asked if I would like to train on them. I jumped at the chance!

She set everything up for me, for after I got out. She talked to Grams and Gramps about it, and said that the City of Boston would foot half the bill for my training. They footed the other half. With my credits from the education in Juvie, I went on to finish my junior year, and managed to keep my nose clean through senior year, too.

Ms. Murphy stayed in my life, even after I got out of Juvie. She and her daughter, Alysha, became regulars at Grams and Gramps’ place for Sunday dinner after evening Mass. Alysha was a year older than me, and I went over to their house some nights, so she could help me study. It didn’t hurt that she was wicked hot, either!

Nothing happened, though. I guess it was the color barrier, or whatever they call it. I was scared to ask her out, thinking she’d probably turn me down flat. For reference, she looks a quite a bit like Aja Naomi King, but taller and with bigger tits. I eventually came to think of her as my best friend. She already saw me as one of her best friends, so that made it easier.

So, yeah. I’d gone to live with Grams and Gramps McKinnon, Mom’s parents, after I got out. Dad’s folks died before I was born, so I never knew them. Senior Year, I had a breakout season in Baseball, and ended up with a full ride scholarship to the University of Florida. Hey, I thought my luck was finally turning around.

Part 1: Damn Yankee! 2008 - 2015

Now, Mom and Dad raised me to always treat women right. They taught me that if a lady was in trouble, to do what I could to help her out. So in my freshman year as a Gator, I ended up in my umpteenth fight. The result of which, led to my first date with Sophie Randall.

Fuck, she was hot! Sophie wore her long red hair in a ponytail, most of the time. When several frat boy fucktards tried to get her to go with them, and she told them fuck no, I had to step in. It was just their shitty luck that I’d just finished batting practice. I was on my way back to my dorm, bat in hand.

I know what you’re thinking. No, I never went looking for trouble. Trouble just had a way of finding me. In this case, I wasn’t going to allow Sophie to get raped by these stupid fucks.

When two of them grabbed her, I saw red, and not the red on her head. So, with aluminum bat in hand, I waded into the fray. Nah, I didn’t go in swinging wildly. Shit, gimme some credit here! I used it more like a night stick, using each end to deliver shots to ribs, nuts, or to the jaw of an unlucky fucktard. I took a few hits, myself, but not enough to feel through the adrenaline. I’d feel it in the morning, though!

Nah, I didn’t try any of that “let the girl go” shit, either. I fuckin’ hate clichés, ya know? Besides, why warn the stupid fucks? No point to it, really. If anyone has a problem with me not fighting “fair” then they can go fuck themselves.

Sophie had called Campus Security, while I beat the shit outta those fucktards. They arrived just after the last douchebag hit the ground.

Their first act was to slap me in cuffs, of course. I wasn’t any stranger to police procedure, but Sophie squared it all away with a few statements. She identified me as the guy who’d rescued her after those fucktards tried to manhandle her over behind a dumpster. I looked where she pointed, and sure enough, there was a dumpster! So, that’s where they’d planned to take her. Oh, well. At least they wouldn’t get her, now.

Once they got their reports filled out and took our names and student ID numbers, they let us go. In turn, they placed the fucktard frat boys in cuffs and called the local cops to come get them.

“Are you ok?” I asked. “Did those stupid fucks hurt ya?”

“I’m ok, thank you,” she replied in her southern drawl. She smiled as I stood there. “Your eye is gonna need some attention. Why don’t y’all come back to my dorm room, and I’ll give you some ice for your eye. I’m planning to go for a nursing degree, so you’re in good hands. What’s your name, sir?”

I laughed at that last part. “My name’s Rick Donnelly, not ‘sir’. I already know that you’re Sophie Randall. We have English 101 together.”

“Oh! That’s right! You’re the new shortstop, ain’t ya?”

“That’s me. You a Baseball fan?”

“Are you kidding? I love the Devil Rays!” Sophie replied, making me smile. Super cute, sexy, smart, and loves Baseball? Fuck yeah! “Now, c’mon. Where y’all from?”

“Boston,” I said, smiling as we started walking towards her dorm. “South Boston, if it makes any difference.”

“So, you’re a Yankee,” she snorted and gave me a disgusted look. When I raised an eyebrow, she laughed lightly and winked at me. “Don’t worry, honey. I love your accent. It’s cute!”

“Well, your accent is sexy as fuck,” I retorted, before my mouth filter could kick in.

“Well, ain’t you a smooth talker!” she laughed again.

“Sorry about that,” I blushed. “No filter, sometimes. We’re kind of blunt, where I come from.”

“I think ‘blunt’ is an understatement, Rick. Don’t worry about it, though. I like bluntness. It shows that y’all are honest. C’mon up, we’re here.”

Sure enough, while we’d walked and talked, we’d also arrived at her dorm. I checked my watch, and saw that it was only a little past 9pm. I remembered from orientation that dorm curfew hit at 10.

“Lead the way, Sophie,” I shrugged.

Once we got to her room, she gave me an icepack in a towel, and I put it on my eye. In spite of that, I knew I’d have a shiner, the next day. But with the ice pack on, it wouldn’t be as swollen, so there was that.

“So, what’s your story, hon?” Sophie asked, once she’d given me a few Band-Aids for some scrapes on my jaw and arms.

My green eyes looked into her blue orbs, and I ran my hand back through my reddish brown hair. I just felt the need to be totally honest with her. I told her about my life in Southie, and how badly it had gone, so far. I didn’t leave out anything major, even telling her about my stint in Juvie.

“Y’all have had it kinda rough, huh.” She said, sympathetically.

“That’s one way to put it,” I shrugged back with a smirk. Then I had to go and open my big mouth again. “I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you’re wicked gorgeous!”

“Wicked?” she said, raising her eyebrows with a look of confusion mixed with offense.

“Sorry, ‘wicked’ means totally or really, as in you’re really, totally hot!”

“Well, thank you, Rick,” she said and blushed. “You’re wicked cute, yourself.”

“I prefer ‘ruggedly handsome’ with a face full of character, but I guess I can settle for cute,” I shrugged again. Then she surprised the fuck outta me by giving me a really hot kiss.

Before I knew it, I’d dropped the ice pack, my arms went around her, and we engaged in a full contact game of tonsil hockey! Holy Mary, Mother of God! I felt my cock getting harder than a fuckin’ girder, and almost as big! That woman could kiss! She broke that sexy fuckin’ kiss way too soon, though.

“Slow down there, cowboy,” she giggled, as she saw the confused look on my face. “That was a ‘thank you’ for saving me earlier. It wasn’t an invitation into my panties, though. You should know that I’m a good girl, not some sorority slut. Ok?”

“I understand,” I nodded and gulped. “I just really want to kiss you, some more. You’re wicked awesome at it!”

She giggled, retrieved the icepack from her bed, and gently placed it over my eye again. Then she leaned in, and gave me the softest, sweetest kiss that I’d ever had. “Now, you just hold that in place, ya hear?”

“You got it, girl,” I replied, holding the pack over my developing shiner. Then I looked around the room, noticing that the other bed didn’t even look used. “Don’t you have a roomy?”

She giggled again. “Nope. I guess I got lucky on that. The girl who was supposed to room with me, got expelled before I even got here. Nobody would say why, though.” She shrugged as she finished the explanation.

“Shit, you got better luck than I do!” I chuckled and shook my head.

“Well, Mr. Donnelly,” she said, giving me a sexy smile while biting her lower lip. “I think your luck is about to change for the better. And so is mine.”


The next three years flew by, but in a good way ... mostly. The frat boys that assaulted Sophie got expelled, since ... surprise, surprise, it wasn’t their first near miss with a rape charge. In fact, the Sophie incident turned out to be their third strike. Stupid fucks.

Sophie and I started dating, and I excelled at Baseball. What can I say? I know how to swing a bat! No pun intended. I also excelled with Sophie, and by our third date, I slid into home. Pun intended. She “scored” several times on my home run, too. Ok, ok. Enough baseball sex puns ... for now. Honest!

Most of our dates went great, and the sex was awesome! That is, until I discovered a dark side to my redheaded love. You know the saying, “red on the head, fire in the bed?” Well, she also had a fire inside her head. Even though her eyes were blue, they turned nasty green whenever she saw me even talking with another person of the female gender.

First time we had a huge fight, I stood my ground while she called me everything but a Child of God. Then I told her, in no uncertain terms, that if she couldn’t trust me, we were done. Then I walked out on her. No, I hadn’t cheated on her. I wouldn’t cheat on her. Shit, I thought she would’ve known that by the end of Sophomore Year!

I took that time, after our breakup, to get my CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, and Server+ certifications. Those tests are wicked hard, but I passed ‘em all. Hell, it kept my mind off the shit biscuit my love life had turned into, anyway.

Sophie and I didn’t talk for five weeks, until she sent me a text, asking me to meet her. I seriously considered telling her to fuck off. Maybe in hindsight, I should’ve done just that. But shit, I couldn’t see the future! I was young, stupid, and fuck if I didn’t still love her! When I met her at what used to be our usual spot, she sat beside me and wouldn’t look at me for a long moment. When it was obvious to her that I wasn’t going to say shit, she spoke.

“I’m sorry, Rick,” she whispered. “I’m sorry about what I said, after I saw you talking to that bitch.”

“Ok,” I said. “Sophie, if you don’t trust me, there’s nothing I can say or do to make you. Since you never asked, Kate was telling me that she and Ted wanted to invite us to their engagement party. I had to go alone, because you don’t trust me. By the way, Kate isn’t a bitch. You should’ve known that.”

Then she surprised me as the waterworks started. She held her face in her hands and bawled her eyes out. It broke my heart, so I leaned over and put my arm around her shoulders.

“I’m so, so sorry, Rick!” she sobbed, wrapping both arms around me. “I should’ve trusted you, baby! I will from now on. I promise! Please give me another chance. You won’t regret it!”

“Why don’t you trust me?” I asked, now curious.

“You remember when I told you about Mom and Daddy getting a divorce?” she asked.

“Yeah, but you never said why,” I recalled.

“Daddy cheated on Mom,” she sniffled, looking me dead in the eyes. “When I told Mom that I was dating you, she said that all Damn Yankees were the same. Daddy’s from New York, originally.”

“Well, I ain’t from New Fuckin’ York,” I snorted in derision. Yeah, you know about the Boston-New York rivalry, right? If you don’t know about it, crawl out from under your rock!

“I know that, baby,” she said, tears still streaming down her face. “Mom wouldn’t stop talking about what you’d end up doing to me, though. She just knew that you’d cheat on me, or betray me somehow. I’m ashamed to say that I listened to her. You have to believe me, Rick. I love you, and I swear to God, I trust you! Give me a chance to prove it, ok?”

A bit dramatic? Damn right, it was! Did I believe her? Yeah, I guess I did. The make-up sex that night was fuckin’ wicked awesome!

We dated throughout the rest of college. Sophie helped me a lot, when in my Junior Year, shit went sideways for me again. Twice. In rapid succession. No joke.

First, Gramps died of a heart attack, followed shortly after by Grams. No, she didn’t die of a heart attack. She died of a broken heart, since Gramps was the love of her life. She just didn’t want to go on, without him. To anyone who says that dying of a broken heart is a myth, fuck you. I know it’s true.

Coach Winston gave me two weeks to fly back to Boston, and get my shit sorted out. I also got special dispensation from my professors, telling me I could make up the work when I got back. The shit being double funeral arrangements. Ms. Murphy and Alysha helped, of course. God Bless them, always! Grams and Gramps had decently sizeable life insurance, and they named me sole beneficiary in their joint Will.

Alysha and I became even closer friends than we were, before. Ms. Murphy never talked about her husband, but Alysha told me that her Dad died when she was young, too. Drunk driver ran him off the road and died, too.

“Are you still hanging around these parts?” I asked, making conversation after the heavy talk was over.

“Nah, I got a scholarship to Cal Tech, out in California,” she answered. “I’m going for my Masters in Engineering. Are you still going for Computer Science, down at Florida?”

“Yeah, I’m getting my Bachelor’s when I graduate,” I confirmed, with a sad smile. “There are a couple MLB teams scouting me, too. I just wish Grams and Gramps were still alive, not to mention Mom and Dad. I just want to make ‘em proud, ya know?”

“I know, hon,” she sniffed, giving me a hug. “I wish Dad was still alive, too. They’re all up in Heaven now, looking down and being wicked proud of us, though.”

“You’re right,” I grinned, in spite of myself. “I know they are, too.”

“So, Mom tells me you got a woman. Is she good to you?” Alysha asked, taking me aback for a second.

“Yeah, Sophie is amazing,” I replied, a smile of happiness coming to my face. “She’s wicked awesome. I’m thinking of asking her to marry me.”

First thing I saw on Alysha’s face was surprise, followed by a look I couldn’t quite place. “That’s good, hon. I’m glad you found someone. You deserve some happiness.”

“Hey, what about you? Anyone special in your life?” I asked, smiling.

“Not at the moment,” she said after a long pause. “My last boyfriend turned out to be a wicked asshole. So no, and I’m not really looking, right now.”

“Sorry to hear that, sweetie,” I replied, hoping she found someone good, and soon. “You deserve to be happy, too.”

“Thanks, Rick,” she gave me a radiant smile, hugging me and kissing my cheek. “I have to go, but here’s my number, if you ever need anything. And I do mean anything, ok?”

“Hey, same here,” I told her, earnestly. I gave her my number too, and we programmed them into our respective cellphones. “You need me, I’m there.”

She hugged me again, and I hugged her back. We said our goodbyes, and went our separate ways. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure that Alysha is the only friend I know from my childhood, who didn’t go to prison. Go fuckin’ figure, right?

The lawyer read the Will, and I collected my grandparents’ estate. Only Ms. Murphy was there with me, since Alysha took an early flight to Los Angeles. We said our goodbyes, when she dropped me off at the airport for the flight back to Florida.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Nope. I didn’t become wicked rich. I did inherit a tidy sum, though, even after funeral expenses. I also inherited Grams’ engagement ring, as well as a bunch of other family heirlooms. I made arrangements, and had everything shipped to me, down in Gainesville. I rented a long-term storage unit there, and put everything into storage, while I finished my degree.

You might think I’d suffered enough, right? Not by a fuckin’ long shot, kids.

No, I don’t mean Sophie. I mean my burgeoning Baseball career, and how it all came to a fuckin’ screeching halt. And by fuckin’ screeching, I mean that literally. When I said it all happened in rapid succession, I wasn’t kidding! First game back, BOOM!

We’d made it into the College World Series, and Game 1 was going well. I’d already hit a double and a homer with 2 RBI’s, and we were up by 5 going into the Ninth Inning. Our pitcher threw a slider, and the batter hit a bouncer in my direction. They had runners at 1st and 2nd, so I moved as fast as I could. I had to run into the baseline to grab the bouncer, and turned just in time for the runner to slam into me hard. He pushed me down, and stomped on my left kneecap as he ran over me. That caused the aforementioned fuckin’ screeching, from yours truly.

I’d held onto the fuckin’ ball, at least. I then somehow threw it in the general direction of second, from flat on my back. Got a double fuckin’ play! I found that out later, though.

When the play finally ended, the Ump ejected the stupid fuck that ran me over, not to mention half of each bench as the dugouts cleared for an infield brawl.

When all the dust settled, my left leg was in a cast in traction, at the University Hospital, and my girlfriend sat beside my bed, holding my hand. Then the doctor came in, and told me the bad news. Oh yeah. The good news was, we won the fuckin’ game. Now for the bad news.

My kneecap was shattered by the stupid fuck’s cleats. Not to mention extensive tendon and ligament damage. I stared down six months of rehab, and that was after they put in a new kneecap for me. One of those new artificial knees, made from titanium and silicone. I’d be able to walk, and even run a bit, but I’d never be able to play college Baseball again. As for the Majors, yeah fuckin’ right!

My Baseball career ended on that field in Gainesville.

I kinda slipped into depression at that point, and only Sophie kept me alive, so to speak. Yeah, I actually considered suicide, at one point. I never said anything, but I did consider it.

Sophie was there for me, every step of the way, though. She had finished her Nursing degree, and now had a job as an RN at the University Hospital. She pulled a couple strings to get assigned as my nurse, assisting the Physical Therapist with my recovery. Then she’d drive me home every night, and make sweet love to me. As much as I felt sorry for myself, right after it happened, she helped me through it all.

I’m just glad that the University didn’t yank my scholarship after my injury. That would’ve sucked ass, but Coach put me at ease. He felt just as shitty as everyone else, over what happened.

Well, everyone except for the stupid fuck who stomped on my knee. He didn’t seem to care, when we went to the NCAA hearing on the incident. Yeah, Coach Winston filed a complaint with the NCAA! But since Dwight Hollister was a rising star, destined for the MLB, the hearing was pretty fuckin’ one-sided. Even though the video showed him purposely stomp on my knee, he claimed that he just lost his balance. He gave an insincere apology, and they let him off with a warning.

After the hearing, he came up to where I stood with Coach and my NCAA rep. Then he stuck out his hand. I shook it, out of reflex, but he wouldn’t let go as he spoke. “Hey man. I’m sorry I stepped on you by accident. You know it was an accident, right? I don’t want there to be no misunderstanding, you know?”

In answer, I squeezed hard. He’d tried squeezing my hand as he spoke, but my Dad had taught me to always extend my index and middle fingers along someone’s wrist, just in case. He hadn’t taken that precaution, though. So I squeezed back as I spoke back to him.

“Karma is a wicked bitch. Be careful now, Dwight.” Then I let his hand go, and he stepped back. The stupid fuck looked like he wanted to take a swing at me. I think if Coach and our rep hadn’t been there, he might’ve tried. I really wanted to shove my crutch up his stupid fuck ass, but he never gave me an excuse.

I’m just glad that I picked a good career field to fall back on, in case Baseball didn’t work out ... which it didn’t, as you can see. So, once I graduated, I started making money as a freelance IT guy. Word spread pretty fast, and the students at the University became some of my best clients.

I also met Sophie’s Mom, Diana, and she hated me from the get-go. No matter what I said, she glared at me like I was the Devil himself. I guess I was a Yankee Devil to her, after what her ex did. She got in little digs at me, every time she opened her mouth. You know how Southern Belles are, right? If not, they can give you a compliment, while insulting you at the same damn time. Fuck if I know how they do it, but they do it!

Finally, I’d had enough. “Look Ms. Sterling,” I said tightly, addressing her by her maiden name. “I’m not your stupid fuck ex-husband. I ain’t even from New Fuckin’ York! I’m not going to cheat on your daughter! If you want me outta here, well that’s just too fuckin’ bad. I love Sophie, and I ain’t going anywhere!”

Diana got a look of pure shock on her face, and so did Sophie. Nobody talked to her Mom that way! Well, nobody but an Irish hooligan from Southie.

“No one talks to me that way, young man!” Diana said, the look of shock still on her face.

“Nobody ‘til now, you mean,” I shot back. “I’ve been taking your veiled insults for the last four fuckin’ hours, and I’m done taking ‘em. I get it. You don’t think I’m good enough for Sophie. All I want, is a chance to prove you wrong. If you won’t give me that chance, that’s still too fuckin’ bad. We’ve been together since Freshman Year. I haven’t cheated on her, and I won’t ever cheat on her!”

“Fine,” she said, after a long few moments. “You want a chance, you got one, Rick. You hurt my daughter in any way, and I swear to Almighty God, you will regret it!”

“Accepted, ma’am,” I replied, holding out my hand to her. We shook once, nodded to each other, and that was that.

Diana started treating me a lot better, after that day. She stopped with the backhanded compliments and little digs. She was even cordial, now. Life started to look up, again!

Sophie and I lived together for six months, before I popped the question. I had enough money saved up, to give her a fairly nice, but small wedding.

I’d been working up to the proposal. I kept up the rehab on my knee, and could finally get down on one knee with only minimal pain. I surprised her when I pulled out the black felt ring box, and surprised her again by moving smoothly down to my right knee. I didn’t even wince as I opened the box and smiled up at her.

“Sophie Randall, will you marry me?”

Her hand flew to her face, and I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. “Yes! Yes! Oh my God, yes!” she giggled as she jumped up and down for a minute. Then she let me slide the ring onto her left ring finger.

Yeah, I gave her Grams’ engagement ring. It had given Grams and Gramps fifty-six good years together, before his heart attack and her passing, a week later. I hoped we could beat that record.

Diana took the news surprisingly well. Spending Sundays together with her and Sophie after Church, probably had a lot to do with it. It felt good that she’d finally started to like me, if not trust me.

Breaking the news to our ... mostly her ... friends was a mixed bag. Most of her girlfriends liked me, already. Most of her male friends were also fairly cool with it. However, Brad Douglas, Gerald Shoemaker, and Dwight Bagwell hated me, already. News of our engagement just made it worse.

See, Dwight was Sophie’s ex-boyfriend from High School. She dumped him after a huge fight, when she wouldn’t give it up to him on a regular basis. He thought that since he took her virginity, she owed him sex whenever he wanted it. She didn’t see it that way. He never got over the breakup.

Dwight also had a rough life, or so he says. His mom died when he was a baby, leaving his asshat overbearing father to raise him. So, I guess he came by it honestly. It didn’t hurt him that his daddy was also the Town Sheriff, either. He got a pass on some serious shit, from what Sophie told me.

What made things worse, was that I started getting harassed by the cops. Yeah, you guessed it. Dwight and his cronies were on the Force, in the small burg just south of Gainesville, where we all lived. So, shortly after news of our engagement got around town, the cops started following me. Yeah, no nepotism there, with Dwight’s douchebag father employing his douchebag son, right?

As a nurse, Sophie worked long hours at the Hospital in Gainesville, while I worked odd hours some days, too. I’d kept up my freelance IT business, and got calls at all hours to help someone with this problem or that. I’d been able to buy a sweet ride for cash, shortly after graduation. A local used car dealer sold me a 1969 Chevy Camaro for a reasonable price. I paid five-thousand for it, out the door. I took it to a local mechanic, and he was impressed by how good of a condition it was in. It had a few little things wrong, but three-hundred bucks later, it was running like new.

It wasn’t my first car, but it was sure as shit better than the old Honda Civic that Dad left me when he died. I’d sold that one for two hundred, before moving down to Florida for school.

Having that big muscle car was a blessing and a curse. As long as I wasn’t in town, it was pure fun on the road! Whenever I was in town, I kept it right on the speed limit. I signaled every time I changed lanes or made a turn. Last, but not least, I made damn sure I didn’t give Dwight or one of his flunkies an excuse to pull me over and ticket me.

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Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Paying Dues

Paying Duesbypenisleeve©INTRODUCTIONAnyone could go to The Caves but there were a couple of areas where only the members could enter. I had always wanted to be a member after hearing some stories about the goings on. The Caves is a club in the city I live in. Over five floors of an old warehouse on the edge of the city centre a gay bathhouse, disco, bar club had developed. As long as I’d been aware of The Caves I’d known it as a place where the wildest things happened. I went as one of the...

4 years ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 28 The Duel

A loud knocking on the room door brought me out of a deep, exhausted, sleep. “Who is it, and what’s o’clock?” “Begging your pardon sir, but there’s a Captain Bassett here to see you, and it has just struck half past five.” “Send him up – and fetch me some hot water.” Billy Bassett came in the room a little later. “It would appear Amy gave you an energetic and loving night,” he said, looking at my dishevelled appearance and the rumpled bed clothes. I did not tell him who it was that had...

2 years ago
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The Duesy

…This afternoon was the first truly last warm day of fall. The temperatures in the sixties, conjuring up out of the earth those sweet familiar smells that certify fall more surely then the leaves changing color. Finch was whistling a theme from something-Debbie thought it was Grieg. A moment later Diana Krall was singing. Finch crooned softly, without ruining it: ‘S wonderful ‘S marvelous That you should care for me ‘S awful nice ‘S paradise ‘S what I long to see! He was a man of eclectic...

4 years ago
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The Grand Duellist

Fierre is an 18 year old French Duellist in the city of Demacia. Standing at 5'10 he is smaller than many other fighters his age. Clothed from neck to toe in a skin tight black bodysuit which hugs the plump cheeks of his bum enticingly. Two long silvery white boots, the edges lined with a gold tint. Some leg guards coloured the same with a matching pair on his shoulders running up the length of both his toned arms. A long thin white cape trailing from the left shoulder guard. Lastly a short...

4 years ago
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Round Duex

    You pull me up from my position on my knees, as I've just had my fill of you. My eyes still glassy from the high of our experience. You grab both my arms & pull me in close for a wet passionate deep kiss where you pause for just a minute to bite my lower lip...making me melt in ur hands & instinctively my body pushes into urs. The pressure of me against u makes ur dick jump in anticipation so u spin me around putting one hand around my neck with ur fingers on my jaw holding my head...

4 years ago
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Tammy True Duex

Tammy True Deux By Angel O'Hare "No, I haven't started my period yet! What the heck is a period, anyway?" Tammy True Deux Tammy True Part 2 Crinolines and Aunties By Angel It took forever for everybody else to leave the plane. I had to pee real bad now. Cindy finally came back and unbuckled me. I still hadn't figured out how to get out of that thing. She told me Sue had to work and was flying out in 4 hours, but she would join us for my surprise. I told her I had to pee...

2 years ago
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Good neighborsPart Duex

...continued...yes, there's more peeing...Saturday afternoon my neighbors threw a bbq/party, last days of summer I guess, and had a bunch of their friends over. It sounded like they were all having a great time from all the laughter and shouting going on. They have a small hot tub which they didn't use right away with all the people there. Things soon turned differently by that evening.By around 10pm most of their friends had left, probably due to the fact they started partying around noon. I...

2 years ago
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step mummy and me camping part duex

I had been tired from the previous night’s exertions and the vodka schnapps on top had ensured I’d slept like the dead. I came too slowly. Someone was whispering in my ear. “Now shush little one I’ll look after you. Please don’t struggle your perfectly safe”. I recognised the voice as my step mum. It all came back to me the diaper the sixty nine and the butt plug. I could feel restraints on my legs. Somehow I had been tied up with my knees drawn up to my arm pits. I could feel my...

4 years ago
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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

2 years ago
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The raid was supposed to be a surprise. Both my company commander and the battalion commander had given me a green light. We were to drop in two assault shuttles at dawn and hit the rogue world training camp. Things went wrong before that and the battalion commander sent a one word text, "NOW!" So we scrambled into the shuttles and dropped. Only they were waiting and we took fire before we even began to exit the shuttles. I lost ten men during the attack and after the last enemy died we...

4 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 14 Duets

"I'm going to do some theory homework down in the lobby," Emily said to Sandra. The two of them had just returned to their room after seeing Allison to her car. Richard was stopping at his room for a moment before coming up. There was talk of getting together again with Allison, but she was flying back to Melbourne in a few days. In case it didn't work out, they had said their goodbyes. Allison had seemed sad to leave them, but she had to get up early to start some...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 22 Duets

I woke up, feeling bad about what I had done yesterday, and how I had treated Lori. I lay for a while in bed, thinking of how I should have handled things better; not jumping to conclusions and accusing her of trying to deceive me. Still, what was done was done, and no amount of wishing otherwise would change it. As I got up, I saw the two notes from Lori on my desk, and as I read them again, I felt even worse. I was about to screw the notes up and toss them away, when I changed my mind and...

3 years ago
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Rents Past Due

Rents Past DueTruth or Dare They both heard the loud slapping of someone's palm on the apartment door. “Hey Salina, can you get that?” asked John in a low voice.Salina could see through the peephole it was the building manager. “Hey anybody here?” He shouted. Salina shrank away from the door hoping the man would go away. Soon she heard his footsteps abate. Salina found John in the bedroom surfing the Internet. Salina bemoaned, “Dammit John, it was the manager again. You know what he wants. We...

3 years ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 4The First Duel

The transports that had lifted us from Bordeaux disembarked us on the English coast at Lyme Regis, where we kicked our heels for a week or two while the Powers That Be decided where next the regiment would be deployed. There was a certain amount of unrest in South West England, due to several factors, but in the main to the high price of food, and the greed of some landowners who were hell bent on enclosing common land. During the time spent at Lyme Regis I had the good fortune to purchase a...

3 years ago
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Alyssa braced herself for the effort, and then stood up. She cradled her swollen tummy – and the life growing within – taking a moment to rest before heading to the door of her office. She pushed an errant lock of dark brunette hair away from her eyes and gathered up her purse. “Why didn’t you wait for me to help you up?” Sarah asked. Her dark-haired assistant wore a scowl as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. The expression couldn’t remotely mask the young woman’s beauty. If...

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Alyssa braced herself for the effort, and then stood up. She cradled her swollen tummy – and the life growing within – taking a moment to rest before heading to the door of her office. She pushed an errant lock of dark brunette hair away from her eyes and gathered up her purse. “Why didn’t you wait for me to help you up?” Sarah asked. Her dark-haired assistant wore a scowl as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. The expression couldn’t remotely mask the young woman’s beauty. If...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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the rent is due

'good morning miss wick your rent is overdue and needs to be paid in full or you and your partner need to find somewhere else to live' john says'please come in' miss wick says 'lets talk about it''there really is nothing to talk about the rent is due and needs to be paid''please john come inside please'miss wick steps back john enters the house'there really is nothing to talk about pay or leave ' says john as miss wick closes the door'we are desperate please give us more time is there anything...

4 years ago
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Sarah gets her due

It started as just a little on-line exchange between Sarah and I as we compared stories and discussed which ones we liked. Sarah was a young wild one who professed her love of older guys while I was an older guy looking for an adventure. After several months of exchanging our views and discussing what we liked and didn’t like, we took the dangerous, but exciting step of deciding to meet. The idea was to meet at a Denny’s in western Virginia during the day so that either of us could turn around...

3 years ago
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The ShootistChapter 12 The duel

The unjustified torture of Hank Blossom required my immediate response. Of coarse, there was no way that I would be able to catch the wagon before it reached the Upton ranch, but I had to do something. I was sure that the ranch hands had not thought up this treatment of Hank by themselves. It had to be instigated by one of the Upton men. Therefore, I figured that an attack on a ranch hand would not do anything to halt the war. I had to concentrate my efforts on the two Upton's who were the...

4 years ago
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Kelly Gets Her Dues

Kelly had always been popular with boys.  Throughout high school and after, her 34C breasts, perfect waist, and striking features gave her constant attention and she loved it.  It was no surprise, however, that she had few female friends – and none that she really loved.  Kelly didn't care, though.  With the constant compliments and help with whatever she needed, she was perfectly content to have only guy friends.After high school, nothing changed.  Her female coworkers always seemed to have...

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Emily Gets Her Dues

She’d seen it online and thought it’d be perfect for her perky C cup breast. She was wearing a purple blouse that blended shadows well and underneath a cupless bra. The satin felt amazing against her nipples and every time she moved she felt a little arousal. She was having a management team meeting today and really wanted to get the guys riled up. She knew that with this get-up every dick in the room would be rock hard as the men did their best to stare at the conference table. To add to her...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 90 Freedom Dues

Foster sent us, me and George, out to do some requisitioning. Our orders were to get something for the men to eat, anything, but especially corn and flour. "Do it legally if you can," our officer said with a smile as he gave us a sheaf of quartermaster forms, "but get us some grub." We took two tired riding horses and a wagon and mule, both old as dirt, and we started scouring the countryside. It did not take us long to figure out that a lot of men had been out doing the same thing before...

4 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 28 Paying Their Dues

Suddenly, all smiles in the limo disappeared, except for one. Tom Millerd felt the color rush from his face as he stared at the man who had all but promised a contract that would put his company on the map, “But if you back out now, I’ll be ruined. I put everything...” Mr. Cox’s smile suddenly grew even more sinister as he held up his hand, “Then you need to make sure I don’t.” At the restaurant just minutes earlier, the Millerd family was consumed with the excitement of new opportunities....

3 years ago
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Ikea… che palle!Katia mi aveva talmente stressato, tanto da cedere e soccombere ad una Domenica in quell’ immenso capannone alla ricerca di un divano per il suo appartamento; e la sera non si è nemmeno concessa a me.Effettivamente trovammo ciò che faceva al caso suo, e pure in offerta.Problema n1: in macchina non ci sta.Il loro servizio di trasporto era troppo costoso allora ripiegammo sulle amicizie.Mi accordai con un mio amico e il sabato pomeriggio successivo partimmo in tre (io Katia e...

2 years ago
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Payment Due

Payment Due WARNING! This storyis of an adult nature, all the usual stuff applies, not intended for thoseunder 18. yada yada yada… "Alright, on the bed with you." She said. I lazily lay out on the bed, looking over at her and grinning. She was inthe mood to play and I was ready to enjoy every second of it. She tapped mythigh with the crop and said, "Spread'em boy." "I'm getting there," I protested just trying topush her. This resulted in a sharp snap of the crop against my inner thigh. I...

4 years ago
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Appraisals were due

Hi guys and gals thank for all your appreciation and mails which forced me to write anther experience of mine which I made it happen with my boss for all those who have not read my previous story this is who I am. My name is Priya Agrawal. I am a 23-year-old single woman working in a multinational software company in Mumbai. I originally belong to Punjab but I am in Mumbai for last 5 years. Talking about looks I ‘m an extremely attractive young woman with 170 cms height and milky fair...

3 years ago
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Alyssa braced herself for the effort, and then stood up. She cradled her swollen tummy - and the life growing within - taking a moment to rest before heading to the door of her office. She pushed an errant lock of dark brunette hair away from her eyes and gathered up her purse. "Why didn't you wait for me to help you up?" Sarah asked. Her dark-haired assistant wore a scowl as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. The expression couldn't remotely mask the young woman's...

2 years ago
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Devil Inside

by Droid447 Scarlet and Dolores arrived at Leah’s house and hurried to the basement. They were on edge about the upcoming event. “Okay girls, I spent three hours doing this pentagram. What do you think?” Leah said, watching her friends stepping down the stairs. “It is perfect. This is going to be awesome!” Scarlet exclaimed. “The book says that we all have to be naked, so let’s show more skin,” Leah said happily. “Are we seriously doing this?” Dolores asked, a little scared about...

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Devil or Angel

Devil or Angel By Morpheus Everything happened so fast that I didn't know what was going on, only that my whole world suddenly exploded into chaos. A billion images flashed through my mind at once, assaulting every one of my senses simultaneously. Then in an instant, the infinite amount of pain that I'd barely been able to register was gone, along with everything else. I had no idea how long I was there, or even if there was a there. Time had no meaning... I had no meaning. I...

2 years ago
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Devil in the Flesh

Have you ever met the Devil? It’s a completely serious question. I wouldn’t joke around about something like that. So, have you? Have you ever met the Devil himself face to face? Well, I have so let me tell you all about it. I met the Devil in July of ’99. I met him a couple hundred yards from my house where three old logging roads converge and a bubbling creek cuts one of those roads in half. I was standing on one side of the creek and he was on the other a little bit further up but still...

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The Duel

The year is 1820 and a relative peace resides in Europe. It is a time where the Nobility of a handful of Continental families rule over the millions of common people across borders and barriers of language. Living in decadent opulence, their lives consist of balls, operas and hunting parties, an endless series of social gatherings across the great cities of Europe, every man assured in the knowledge that the world and everything in it is placed purely for his own pleasure.. Marie de Solle, now...

4 years ago
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The Duel

"Did you see that, Tal?" the commentator asked his partner. "Indeed I did Marr. I've never seen anything like it in all my years of commentating." "Nor have I-" Marr began, preparing to wax lyrical over the numerous unusual things he had seen in duelling arenas over his many years of commentating- -when an over-excited Tal interrupted him. "They came together, their knives clashed, and, bam! Broken knife!" Tal cried out, sitting back and giving his partner to explain the situation...

2 years ago
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Cat FightChapter 10 Duel

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill’s Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill’s body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill’s body guard and mate Mikos Glac -...

4 years ago
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The Empire Book 3Chapter 19 The Duels

Jason invited his uncle and aunt for dinner. “I have something interesting to show you that I am sure you will find entertaining.” Jason said. “We have a trade delegation from one of the remote planets to meet, we will be happy to see you all tomorrow. Come to the palace and bring the whole household. The chef wants to make some new foods from Earth that he has been working with. “I am pleased to hear Winston is back with you and I hear from Nora you had quite an adventure,” Alana...

4 years ago
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Devil May Cry The Lascivious Espada

The echo of footsteps filled the underground tomb's caverns. The squeak of rusted door-hinges opening for the first time in god knows how long. The screech of awakened demons. A salvo of gunshots. Dante sighed as he stepped over the now-perforated Msira bodies, paying them little heed as they flailed around in their death throws before dissolving into ash. "I never did get the idea behind using you guys to guard crypts," he muttered to the deceased demons as he holstered his pistols....

2 years ago
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Daredevils in a Parking Lot

Hey guys, sorry it took too long to share another story. Editting our sex videos takes a lot of time so i wasn't able to have the free time to type up our adventures. Anyway, here we are now.. hopefully I'd be able to share once a month.This particular story may have been a once in a lifetime event.It was almost this time of the year (Christmas Season, if you're reading this sometime later), it was Wednesday and Wednesday nights are date nights for us. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for us...

1 year ago
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Devils Film? Well, Hail Satan! You might not think you owe the devil your soul, but if you watch as much porn as I know you watch, then you most certainly do. Okay, maybe not your soul, that might be a bit of an extreme exchange for porn (save your soul to bargain for your very own brothel or something), but you at least owe him some gratitude. If it weren’t for Satan, there wouldn’t be any porn. You’d have to rely on your mental spank bank alone. And obviously that would just suck. You and I...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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The book slid into place – the last of those that had been returned that day.  Melissa pushed the cart back to its normal parking spot next to the front counter.  Along the way, she glanced out the door, and then at the clock above the counter.  It was half past six – nearly closing time – and she was beginning to worry.Dani was like clockwork, arriving at five after five every Saturday for the entire seven months Melissa had worked at the library.  Today, there had been no sign of her.  For a...

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Vander Mullens Good Wife Uncovering of Black Cock Sluts is Overdue

Vander Mullen's Good Wife - Uncovering of Black Cock Sluts is Overdue Synopsis: One goodie girl wife's tardy self-discovery of her inner hyper Black Cock Slut. Coming out to her husband, and her journey of discovery and fulfillment as a she becomes a Black Only Sex Reginald Story Codes: M/f M+/f exhibition interracial size spanking toys voyeurism Swallowing Tit Torture B/D S/M slavery bondage Rape real romantic consensual humiliation torture nc Forced Extreme Heavy Serious Hardcore...

3 years ago
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The book slid into place - the last of those that had been returned that day. Melissa pushed the cart back to its normal parking spot next to the front counter. Along the way, she glanced out the door, and then at the clock above the counter. It was half past six - nearly closing time - and she was beginning to worry. Dani was like clockwork, arriving at five after five every Saturday for the entire seven months Melissa had worked at the library. Today, there had been no sign of her. For a...

3 years ago
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Devil worship

Introduction: Blasphemy & sacrilege Youll recall from my earlier story, Devilish Cruelty, that my wife had discovered that she was something of a pain slut, and had found that abuse, both physical and verbal excited her tremendously. Youll also recall how we watched the movie on TV, and became inspired to have me talk about all sorts of Satanic and Devilish things for my wife. I know that Id gone a bit overboard in advertising my wife along those lines on the net sex sites, but Id been feeling...

2 years ago
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PreludeToday, I'm having breakfast with a very special friend. Despite a thorough shower this morning, I am very much aware of the fact that no matter how much you scrub, there are just some things that only time can remove. Normally, I would worry about being in such close company with another man after my lustful sex last night, but this morning, it's just breakfast....I know her better than she thinks I do, but I let her think that she's in control. She's so in touch with herself, her...

4 years ago
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Devil worship

You'll also recall how we watched the movie on TV, and became inspired to have me talk about all sorts of Satanic and Devilish things for my wife. I know that I'd gone a bit overboard in advertising my wife along those lines on the net sex sites, but I'd been feeling so horny at the time and besides that, I got the impression that my wife was really excited when I told her what I'd done. Well, it so happened, as it does with most of these sorts of postings, that there was an initial...

3 years ago
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Devil Inside

Do you think some people are born evil? That's what our pastor says sometimes at church. That some folks are just born with a devil inside. Sometimes I think I'm that way. I have some strange ideas, I know that, some weird thoughts and I don't know exactly where they come from or why. They're bad, some of them, but I'm not sure if I'm really evil or not. I just don't know. I saw the man I wanted to marry at the Payless shoe store at the mall. He was older than me, old enough to be my...

2 years ago
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Devil May Care

Chapter 1:The Pick-UpSo I was sitting at the bar of a club in an old part of town, on a night out, enjoying my Mojito.My strait friend I was with had been chatted up by this handsome - if a little too slick - guyand she and him had gone off somewhere more... Private.I was left all alone, and every girl I chatted to was either strait or in a relationship.I had already been drinking a lot most of the night and was now onto cocktails and shots.Feeling bored, I was getting ready to finish my drink...

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Devil With A Blue Dress On

Devil With A Blue Dress On A "Transgendered Adventure" by Web Dazell "ADVENTURE (noun): an unusual and exciting, often hazardous, experience or activity." OK, before we start with this story we need to get one thing straight. Despite what you're about to read, I'm not gay. OK, maybe that's two things straight, me and my sexual preference. In fact, I'm so not gay that one woman, even one as beautiful as my wife, just doesn't do it for me. That's how I got in this in the first...

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Devils Island Sporting Club

Devil’s Island Sporting Club by captv8td [email protected] 1“What are you doing still here?” the man asked accusingly.  “Git going!”  He poked her with one of the tending poles along the dock.Kim cowered back for a moment, afraid of the threatening male.  Then she decided that it was best to leave.  The other two girls who had been on the dock with her had already run off into the distance.Kim passed the three cages that were still on the dock.  These cages had held the three girls...

4 years ago
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A Duet

This is another entry in an ongoing story consisted of other shorts I’ve written. I recommend reading Odd Job then Another Day before reading this. Just in case the story is confusing. I want to thank everyone for their comments and emails I’ve received and the support I’ve received. I also want to thank Allison for editing all of my work and helping improve my writing skills. I hope you enjoy the story. Comments appreciated and I ask everyone to write one. Thanks again. * October/26th/2015 ...

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This story was written as a tag-team effort, in collaboration with a certain ‘bitsie’, who is the most unusual muse that I could imagine.   Him:   Hal dragged the last suitcase out of the back of the van and over to the curb, where the porter was waiting with the rest of the luggage. ‘That’s the last of them,’ he grunted as he dropped the heavy bag. He dug into his wallet and handed the porter five dollars – one for each suitcase.   Dena gave her mother a final hug. Her father turned to...

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This story was written as a tag-team effort, in collaboration with a certain "bitsie", who is the most unusual muse that I could imagine.   Him:   Hal dragged the last suitcase out of the back of the van and over to the curb, where the porter was waiting with the rest of the luggage. "That's the last of them," he grunted as he dropped the heavy bag. He dug into his wallet and handed the porter five dollars – one for each suitcase.   ...

Straight Sex
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Short and PointyDuet

“What’s this”, I ask? I am not angry. Walking in on two beautiful and naked women, one a skinny redhead with large tits, the other a petite goth, is not really a situation to get angry about. Surprised, yes, since I was only expecting the redhead, who is my slave Anna. I have no idea who the slim chick with the black pixie hair and the tattoos all over her body is. Hence the question: “What’s this?” Anna is apparently under the impression that I am angry, or that I’m about to be (which is a...

3 years ago
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Violet Says YesChapter 2 Discordant Duet

Richard, Earl of Kalworth, was adamant. “James, it is time you found yourself a wife. Yes, dancing at the balls of the Season is pleasant, but the reason that we go is for you to win a girl, marry her, and begin to fill your nursery.” Unfortunately, he was ordering his brother not his son. That was unfortunate for several reasons. One, brother James had not felt obedient towards Richard since he, too, went away to school. “Why is it imperative that I start filling my nursery? I am not the...

4 years ago
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A bitch gets her due

She was dressed in a black pair of low heeled dress shoes , a short silky black side slit skirt with a silver belt , anda silky sheer white dress front button low cut blouse. She did not usually wear bras or panties.Today she was in top form and had already assigned most in her class to Saturday detention. Saturday morning the detention class was full with twenty young men and ten young women. Ms. Gomez arrived at class and greeted her students with good morning you lazy lot get to work on...

2 years ago
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Training Sarah PArt Seven Ginny gets her due

“Yeah bitch, before you call, you should know that I’m willing to go all the way with these cards. You and Sarah will end up waiting on me the entire evening. Can’t wait to see your flowered underwear…” Gail, remaining quite calm said, “So, all the way huh?” Ginny shot back, “You don’t have a chance.” All the while, Ginny knew that if Gail called her bluff she was in deep shit. “Fine”, said Gail, “All in, so whoever loses joins Sarah in servitude the rest of the night, right?” Ginny, knew...

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Rent due

I was desperate. It was the fourth time in the past six months I was late with rent. When I told my landlord he just looked at me. He told me he would give me one more week to come up with the money if I sucked his cock. I quickly refused and he just laughed. “Fine”, he said. “Rent in full by this evening or the eviction notice will be on your door in the morning.”I gave in immediately, really had no choice. I started to get on my knees and he laughed again. “Oh no, Princess” he chuckled, “I...

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