In Heat free porn video

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President Jason Johnson sat back in his chair, sighed, and rubbed his eyes. After a brief pause, he addressed Dr. Luc Olson:

"Let me see if I've got this right. You are suggesting I authorize release of a virus into the population."


"This virus will rapidly spread to infect virtually everyone."


"Its effects on human sexuality are profound."


"You don't know of any way to get rid of the virus or reverse its effects."

"Yes, though we are working on that issue."

"But there is no guarantee you will succeed."


"Do you realize how illegal and immoral that is?"

"Yes, of course. But our situation is so dire that we have to consider all alternatives."

"Aren't there promising new research directions arising all the time?"

"The scientists who are applying for funding say that, of course, but 85% of the American Academy of Sciences thinks the chances of restoring normal fertility within the next ten years are under 10%."

"And could you tell me again why we need to act now?"

"It would help if I can give some background."

"We are all pretty familiar with the situation."

"I'm sure you are, but I think it helps to hear it presented all at once."

The President sighed. "It certainly is an important issue. Go ahead."

Dr. Olson breathed a small sigh of relief. The first hurdle was overcome. Even when the world might be coming to an end, getting the President's undivided attention was no sure thing.

"It is now thirteen years since the precipitous drop in fertility -- the baby bust.

"We quickly determined that while girls and women had periods as always, they were ovulating only rarely. There are always a certain number of women trying to get pregnant, and we determined that they were not succeeding even with normal sex during one of their rare ovulations. We determined that multiple sexual partners increased the chances of conceiving, but it took ten or more partners to give a significant chance of conceiving.

"We have also known for a few years that girls in their mid-teens are the most likely to conceive, with the chances of fertility decreasing as age goes up.

"The key to achieving a pregnancy is having a girl or woman receive dozens of sexual partners during her fertile time. Science has done everything we could to remove obstacles and risks getting in the way of that behavior. We have prevented the transmission of STDs. We have allowed easy and reliable identification of a fertile period. We have tried without success to see if artificial insemination with a mixture of semen from different men could have the same effect."

The President interrupted. "Do we know why that doesn't work? That was supposed to be our ace in the hole -- so to speak." There were a few smiles among those at the table.

"No, we don't know why. As far as we can tell, insertion of the penis in the vagina followed by ejaculation is required."

Dr. Olson continued, "The biggest problem is getting the girls to have sex with a great many partners. It goes against deep-seated patterns in all societies.

"The social scientists have tried to address this problem. Movies, TV, video games -- all the entertainment media -- have been saturated with messages to promote a great many sexual partners as a natural and happy experience. Persuasive essays and inspirational speeches have been tried. As you know, a cash award of $15,000 has been offered for 15-year-old girls if they will have sex with 30 men when they are fertile. All of these efforts have failed. Very few girls accept that offer.

"In short, voluntary measures simply aren't enough.

"Requiring girls to submit to sex with a great many men does seem effective, where it has been tried in China. In democracies it is politically unacceptable."

"That's for certain," the President said.

"This brings us to the current proposal. The virus which we have fashioned enhances the sex drives of girls and women when they are fertile."

"You said that before. But somehow I don't think that girls being hornier is going to overcome the problem, is it?" The President smiled, as did several of his advisers.

"You would think so, but in our studies, their interest really is quite extraordinary. Quite extraordinary indeed."

"And what is the hurry, again? Why can't we wait several more years to give you scientists a chance to work your magic to produce a legal and moral solution, without coercion?"

"Ah, yes. Since the baby bust struck thirteen years ago, there are simply very few girls younger than thirteen. And this is where our latest finding is so vital. If a girl succeeds in conceiving during an ovulation before the age of sixteen, she is much more likely to conceive second and third children later. But even if a young woman in her 20s conceives, she is just as unlikely to conceive later.

"To a large extent, the possibility of a remotely sustainable birthrate relies on girls getting pregnant while they are in their teens. Once the youngest girls reach the age of twenty -- or even eighteen, many of us think -- our chances of keeping the human species from vanishing are very small.

"We have to act now -- or risk going extinct as a species."

The President sat back to think. On the one hand, there was a significant chance that the species would go extinct. On the other, there was the prospect of social chaos, as girls became sluts. Most voters would be very upset. The idea that his administration would be responsible for such profound unhappiness was unthinkable. He supposed that in time, eventually, people might see the wisdom. The idea of girls begging for sex with men did have a certain appeal, and this made him suppress a smile. But he faced the voters as he came up for re-election in a mere three years. It really wasn't that hard to make a decision.

"I hereby order that all research on this subject be stopped. I order that all stocks of this virus be destroyed and all the labs that are working on it be shut down. I want to make sure this virus could never be released."

"But, sir!"

"The meeting is adjourned."

Dr. Olson's heart sank. His confidantes told him this would happen, but it was still hard to accept.

Well, there was still plan B, and it would have to be executed immediately.

"Time to deploy the virus," Dr. Olson said into his secure phone line.

"So the President approved it?"

"Yes, but he would never admit it. He told me in a private meeting. The release must happen immediately, in total secrecy."

"OK," said his chief in the Los Angeles office, uncertainly. "Are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely," he said.

The President had had no private meeting with Dr. Olson. The good doctor was simply lying. He thought back to the end of World War II, when the Nuremberg trials had established the doctrine that following the orders of superior officers was not a defense in the case of war crimes. In Dr. Olson's view, failure to release the virus would be a war crime -- something worse than a war crime. Not even a crime against humanity -- a crime against the existence of humanity. His conscience was clear.


Sally Johnson was just thirteen years old. She awoke in the middle of the night feeling strange. A glance at the clock showed that it was 4:06 am.

She felt very energetic, and not at all tired. Down between her legs, she seemed to be glowing. It was nothing like menstrual cramps, which she had first had about eight months earlier along with her first period. It was a glow. She had never heard of such a thing before, but she was used to surprises from her reproductive system -- discharge, PMS, and of course those yucky periods. She would have to look online in the morning and see what she could find. If worst came to worst, she could ask her mother.

As she lay awake, she thought of boys in her school. Brian was really cool, and she found herself imagining what he would look like naked. She'd never wondered about that before! And then there was Carl, who was pestering her, and he suddenly seemed very sexy. She would be happy to go out with him, maybe invite him over to study. But in that scenario her hand was running up and down the inside of his thigh, then he was reciprocating, and in no time ... What was this? Had she turned into some kind of sex maniac?

Even Mike, who she hated -- she imagined hating him while he lay on top of her, driving his penis up into her vagina. How could you hate someone and want them to fuck you? This was bizarre!

As for Will, whom she had had a crush on for months, she felt a hunger so intense it hurt. It was crazy -- she wanted to have sex not just with her crush Will but with all them. As she thought of their bodies against hers, she shivered. She checked the clock again. It was 4:17.

There were two males in the house. Her brother Ben was still a kid, just ten years old, and while she felt some excitement, it wasn't that strong. But with him she could act instead of just thinking -- and she wanted to act. Nothing physically prevented her from simply walking into the hall and around the corner into his room and sliding into bed next to him. She hadn't seen what he looked like inside his underpants for many years now.

The other male was her father. What a horrifying thought! But he was right down the hall. Sally was glowing between her legs, and the thought of his big, strong body made her breathing speed up. But what a yucky idea! If any boy from her school was there, she would do it with them -- oh, what was she thinking? She had had no intention of having sex any time soon at all.

These were stupid thoughts. It was normal for girls to think about sex more, she knew that, but this was ridiculous! She decided she would just breathe deeply and she would soon fall asleep. After a few seconds, she realized she was uncomfortably warm, and peeled off the covers. Her private parts were especially warm, and she took her panties off. She went back to deep breathing, and kept it up for about a minute.

She remembered the one time she had seen her father naked, when she was five. She felt a little surge of moisture in her pussy as the image of his dick came to her. All she had to do was walk down the hall and go into her parents' bedroom. But her mother slept right beside her father, so that was a problem. Enough! She took a few more deep breaths.

She used to go crawl into bed with her parents if she had a bad dream. She could pretend she had a bad dream -- even if it was five years since she had any inclination to do that. It was the best excuse she could think of to get near her father, and in a sense this was a bad dream.

She stood and smoothed her nightgown down to cover her bare privates, then padded down the hall. As she opened the door she saw her parents sleeping. Her father slept on the near side of the bed and she just climbed in, just like when she was a little girl. But she didn't feel like a little girl. Her feelings surged. She had intended to snuggle up with her back to her father, but instead she found herself facing him, as he lay on his back. She had to push her hot privates against him. She just had to!

Tom woke with a start. What was that smell? His penis was filling as fast as it could possibly fill. Someone had just climbed into bed next to him -- his daughter Sally, and the smell was coming from her. He needed to tell her to go back to bed. But for some reason he couldn't possibly do it. She was snuggling up against him, and he turned on his side to face her.

A breast beneath her nightgown touched his chest. When he reached out to touch her hip, there was no nightgown and no panties in the way. He was feeling his daughter's flesh. When he slid his hand down to her private parts, he felt pubic hair, showing most definitely that she wasn't a girl any more! Tom slept in nothing but a T-shirt, so there was no cloth between their respective lower parts.

He had no choice. He grabbed her butt cheek to hold her body to his. When he thrust his cock upwards, it poked against her soft and hairy parts. He pressed again, and it slid partway into what had to be her pussy. His orgasm was starting. He thrust hard as his penis went in all the way. Ecstasy seized his brain as his semen shot down the length of his cock and up into Sally. Sally cried out, and so did he, in spite of himself.

His wife Mary woke suddenly and leaned over them.

"What's going on?" she asked. "What are you doing here, Sally? Why are you breathing hard?" She leaned over and pulled the covers back to see her husband's softening but slick organ and her daughter's pussy. "What?! I can't believe it! How could you!"

Tom was confused. "I don't know, Mary --"

Mary stood. "Get out! Out of my room!" Then to her daughter, "Oh, sweetie, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, mom," she said. The nearly unbearable tension had broken. As she had brought her pelvis to her father, Sally had been suddenly surprised and overwhelmed to feel something blunt poke her between her legs, to one side. She moved just a little so another poke would be more in the center. Then she felt something enormous and hard but also smooth and soft surge between her legs and up inside her body. It must be her father's penis. It felt so wonderful and so amazingly right. Her body started an intense orgasm on his second surge. Her father cried out at the same time, and then that huge penis withdrew.

"Tom! How could you do this?"

"I don't know, Mary," he mumbled.

"Your girl came to you for comfort, and you raped her!"


"Why did you let him, sweetie? You could have just yelled..."

"I wanted it, mom. I wanted it so bad."


Tom mumbled, "It all happened so fast. Mary, can you smell her?"

Mary sniffed. "No, I don't smell anything." Tom's cock was hardening again, and Mary noticed. "What? I can't believe you could possibly get turned on. Out!"

Sally saw her father's cock, and her desire surged again, her pussy feeling warmer than ever. She slid to the center of the bed and took off her nightgown completely, then spread her legs. She willed his organ towards her.

Tom saw what his daughter was doing out of the corner of his eye and nearly fainted.

"Tom! Tom!" Mary yelled.

Tom couldn't stand it. He rose and took Mary firmly by the arm and ushered her out of the bedroom, locking the door behind him.

Tom understood that he had broken the ancient and powerful incest taboo, and while he was very confused, he told himself he was not a worse person if he broke it again. He gently slid his body over Sally's.

"You want this, honey?" he asked.

"Oh, God yes! Oh, please! Again!" Sally urged.

He thrust into her and she pressed up against him, and he thrust for maybe thirty seconds. Within a few seconds she had an orgasm, crying out and gripping him with her pussy strongly in rhythmic waves.

They heard pounding on the door. "Tom! Sally! Come out of there right now!"

But the two lovers were focused on nothing but the other's body and their union. Her pussy was literally hot in a way he had never experienced before, her body temperature elevated. Although he had come just a few minutes before, he shoved deep and spurted his semen into her once more, moaning.

"Oh, thank you, daddy!" Sally said. She seemed to glow, and kissed his cheeks.

Tom fell back onto his back. Why was he so intent on sex with his daughter? "I don't get it, Sally ... Why?..."

"I don't know, daddy, but I needed it so bad."

"What have I done to you?" Tom asked, mostly to himself.

"It was my idea, and I'm glad you did."

"Go back to bed now, sweetie," he said.

Sally reluctantly pulled her nightgown down and headed back to her room, her mother having given up her post outside the bedroom door.

Sally knew she wouldn't sleep. She was thinking of those incredible bursts of pleasure she had felt when her father's penis was stroking back and forth inside her. Those orgasms dwarfed the ones she had when she played with herself. She was amazed that her father's penis was so huge but it all fit inside her comfortably -- more than comfortably. She craved it.

She heard her parents arguing. Then her mother knocked on her door, and entered after a couple seconds without being asked.

"Sally, I don't understand. You know you're not supposed to do anything with your father, and keep yourself covered whenever you're around him. It's his fault, but why did you egg him on?"

"I don't know, mom," Sally said. "I had to."

"You had to? You had to?" Mary said, voice rising. "We all have urges, but we control them, and why would you want your father?"

Sally exploded. "I don't know, mom! I don't know why, but I had to! And I can't stand your bugging me all the time. I hate you!" And with that she shoved her mother towards the door. "Get out!"

Startled and bewildered, Mary retreated. Sally slammed the door behind her.

Sally tried to distract herself, with little success. She spread her legs and looked at her pussy. The entire area was slippery with secretions, and there were faint traces of blood. She had lost her virginity, but as she thought back to her father's enormous surge into her the first time, she had no memory of anything resembling pain at all.

After a trip to the bathroom to clean up, she returned to her room and lay down. The clock said 6:33. But after tossing and turning for a few minutes, she knew that was useless, so she got up and turned the light on. She tried some music, tried texting her friends, and looked at what was new on the internet.

She rarely wore dresses to school, but she chose one now. She knew that she couldn't stand to wear panties as long as she felt so warm down there, and a dress would help with the ventilation too.

When the clock showed her normal waking time of 7:00, she went out into the hallway and down towards the living area, not sure what she would find. What she found was her parents sitting in the living room in their pajamas, her father's head in his hands. The conversation stopped when she appeared at the door.

The sight of her father took her breath away, and their eyes locked.

"What is that smell?" he asked. He beckoned her to come closer, and without even being asked, she raised her dress.

"Sally!" her mother shouted.

Her father's nose had zoomed to the little triangle of hair between her legs. "I've never smelled anything like it."

Sally gave her mother a defiant stare and said, "Daddy?"

"Yeah, honey."

"Can we do it again?"

Mary exploded then, "What is wrong with the two of you!"

Sally screamed back, launching herself at her mother and pummeling her.

"No, no, no fighting!" Tom said uncertainly, separating the two who were on the verge of a no-holds-barred cat fight.

"I feel like doing it, Sally, but I can't," Tom said. "Let's ... let's have some breakfast."

Just then Ben shuffled down the hall. "What's that smell?" he asked, but stopped when he saw his parents and sister in disarray. "Oh," he said, looking confused and putting his hands in front of his crotch as he retreated to his bedroom.

Sally thought of that cock that he had in his underpants. Had it been getting stiff? Was that why he had covered himself? She left her parents and followed him down the hallway, though he had already retreated behind a shut door.

"Ben, can I come in?"


Sally went in anyway. Ben turned away from her where he stood, hands between his legs.

"Is it stiff? That's OK. That's natural. Can I see?"


She started pulling his pajamas down, and he resisted. He was probably afraid she was going to humiliate him, as big sisters sometimes do.

"Please! You can look at me too!"

"Sally, what are you doing?" came their mother's voice from the hallway.

"I think we need to let them be," they heard their father say.

Sally raised her dress and said, "See?" Sally. Ben looked over his shoulder, very surprised. "Let me see you too."

She saw his eyes riveted to her hairy girl parts. "Have you ever seen a big girl before?" she asked warmly.

Ben shook his head a little.

"Well here I am, you can look! But I don't want you to just look. Here, turn around!", Sally said, turning him so his bulging pajamas faced her.

He let her pull his pajamas and underpants down. His erect penis popped into view. "It looks great," she said. There was no pubic hair, and it was much smaller than her dad's, but it still entranced her.

She took his hand and led him to the bed, then lay back with her dress spread. "Come here and put it in me!" she whispered with excitement.

He looked surprised but he approached quickly, a faraway look on his face. As he slid onto her, he instinctively poked his little penis forward, and she slid it inside. He began thrusting away. It felt good to Sally, even if it wasn't anything like her father. Ben started breathing hard, and he kept shoving in and out really fast.

Sally realized that she felt relaxed with her brother fucking away in her. That is what he's doing, she reflected. Fucking. After a couple of minutes he moaned, paused, then pulled out, looking confused.

Neither of them really knew what had happened, but it seemed like it was over. Sally hugged him, and told him he was a great brother -- something she realized she hadn't said in many years.

As she emerged from Ben's room she saw that it was 7:25. Usually by then her mother would be telling her to hurry or else she would be late. She usually dreaded school, but today the images of her classmates came back to her, the same ones she had dreamt about during the night.

"Are you going to drive me to school?" she asked.

Her mother stared at her. "Are you kidding? Going to school, after what's happened this morning? Your father and I are trying to figure out what to do. I think we ought to call the police, but I'm hoping we can work this out some other way."

"I need to go to school," Sally said. "I'm ready now."

"You are not going to school!" her mother announced with finality.

She called to her father in the living room. "Hey, daddy, can you take me to school?" In the past she would never have appealed to her father after her mother announced a decision, but things were different somehow.

"Oh, Sally, I think your mother's right. It's not a good day to go to school. We'll call to tell them you're sick."

"I am not sick!" Sally said. "I need to go to school."

Looking back and forth between her parents, she saw she was not going to make any headway with them.

But the school was not even a mile away. It would be easy enough to walk. So she simply walked out the front door.

"Where are you going?" her mother called.

Sally realized she didn't have her backpack, but somehow that didn't seem important at the moment. What was important was the other kids -- the boys, to be precise. "To school!" she said, and started jogging. When Brian's face came to her mind she started running for a little while, smiling. She slowed as she got within a hundred yards of the school.

As she got into the building, she felt a little dizzy at all the boys around her in the corridor. A hush came over the boys as they stopped and sniffed. As they looked around for the source of that arousing odor, they followed her with their eyes. The girls smelled nothing, but realized something was wrong and started talking nervously. Sally got to her locker somehow.

Brian was right there, not far from her locker. Sally felt like someone else was controlling her, as she went right up to Brian and tentatively pulled the front of her dress up, exposing her lower parts to him. The hall filled with excited chatter. Brian stared, wide-eyed, and his rapid breathing marked tension and excitement. After a moment's hesitation, he fished his erect penis out of his pants and pushed Sally gently against the locker. She felt herself tingle at his touch. She lifted one leg so he could get at her more easily, and with their joint efforts he thrust into her within a few seconds. The kids in the hall were dumbfounded.

"Yes!" she whispered softly.

Within a few seconds Brian's urgent thrusts ended with one deep one, while he groaned. Pleasure coursed through Sally's body too.

"What? I don't understand," said Brian softly as he withdrew from her. He was suddenly embarrassed. The hallway was in an uproar.

Mrs. Morse appeared to check out the commotion in the hall, and arrived just in time to see Sally's dress falling into place and Brian rearranging himself, turned away from her.

"They were doing it, right there!" one girl said, incredulous, while others echoed the observation.

"All right, all of you, move along now!" commanded the teacher. The students all moved off slowly. A number of the boys could be seen rearranging their pants surreptitiously -- the telltale bulge of an erect penis could be seen in several others.

"Are you OK, Sally?" Mrs. Morse asked.

"Sure," said Sally, in a happy daze.

She didn't have any pack with her, but managed to pull out a notebook from her locker before she headed off to math class. Mrs. Morse decided to follow along behind. All along the way, she saw the boys and the occasional male teacher stop and sniff, and then eyes followed Sally. Some turned around and followed her.

Sally was one of the last ones into the classroom. She started for her seat, but along the way she passed Carl, who was looking especially sexy, and she pretended to lose her balance and fall over him. He sniffed deeply and got a crazed look in his eyes as she slowly got herself upright again, letting her hands linger in his hair. Without thinking about it, she casually lifted her dress and pressed her naked pussy against him.

"Sally! What the... ?" the confused boy asked.

"Can you fuck me?" Sally whispered.

"Now?" Carl asked, incredulous.

"Yes!" Sally said, oblivious.

Carl got up, eyes glued to her pussy and oblivious to his surroundings. Sally looked around for a suitable place. With no better option in sight, she simply lay on the linoleum floor, legs spread wide.

"Sally!" shrieked Molly. The few people in the class who hadn't already seen the spectacle turned, riveted to the scene.

Like a crazed man, Carl pulled down his pants and underpants, revealing his very erect prick. He lowered himself onto the girl, and she grasped his cock lightly to aim it. The instant she did, his seed shot out and coated her hand. "Oh well," Sally laughed, smearing the goop on her pussy.

Panting, Carl pulled aside.

"I can't believe it!" said some girl.

"Sally, what are you doing?" asked Molly, trying to be calm.

But from her place on the floor, Sally saw John, his erection plainly visible as he stared at her pussy.

She met his gaze. "Yes! Please?" she said.

John needed no more encouragement, and his pants were off in a second, he leaned over her, and slid inside.

"Yes!" Sally moaned.

"Oh God!" said John, panting. He got his cock seated in the girl's pussy and managed a few strokes before he gave a loud groan, coming inside her cunt.

Sally squeezed his powerful back and smiled. He lay down on her, panting.

By then other boys had pulled their pants down, all revealing raging erections. Sally looked at them hungrily.

"OK, John," she said, "I need another boy."

Confused, John rolled to the side, his softened cock slipping out of the girl on the floor.

The girls had formed a semicircle, gasping and talking.

"What's going on?" asked Mr. Chadwick as he strode into the room.

"Sally's fucking all the boys, right on the floor!"

The teacher wondered what sort of a joke this was, but as he made his way between the girls, he saw that it was no joke. There lay Sally on the bare linoleum floor, dress up around her middle. Steve lay on top of her, pants down to his thighs, his butt cheeks tensing and relaxing in the motion that is a sure sign of fucking.

"Steve! Get up, right now!" Mr. Chadwick commanded.

But Steve only sped up his thrusting action before groaning. After a few seconds he came to his senses and rolled off, looking sheepish, and quickly pulling himself together again as he was aware of his teacher watching.

But Mr. Chadwick was staring at Sally, whose pussy was engorged and leaking semen.

"Get up!" the teacher said, but Sally lay where she was.

"Can you do it too?" she asked him with a hungry smile.

He was in a group of boys, those who had already serviced the girl sweaty and panting, others with pants down, hard cocks, and an intent expression.

"No!" he said.

"Please?" Sally said. "Put it right in here," she said pointing to the obvious place. "You can fuck me too, like the others. I'd like it if you would!"

"Yeah, go for it!" said an anonymous boy.

Still the teacher hesitated, his cock filling with blood and desperate to be set free of his confining pants.

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Heather ? Capd'Any  Heather -Cap desetmana 1  Heather 2  El Cotxe 4  La Festa 5  Dissabte 8  N?ria obeeix 9  Dinar 9  Proves A 10  HabilitatArt?stica 1 10  Bellesa iSeducci? 11  Forma F?sica 1 13 Sopar 15  Nit Dissabte 16  Proves B 17  HabilitatArt?stica 2 17  Compenetraci? ambla parella 18  Forma f?sica 2 20 Proves C 23  HabilitatArt?stica 3 23  Dolor 25  Capacitat Sexual27  Sopar i Premis 31 L'ad?u. Va alPalau 33   31 de Desembre de2000  19:00 Heather  La Heather t? 23anys i ?s una bona concertista de piano i intel...

4 years ago
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HeatherMy Wife, Heather, and I, Dave have been married for 25 years and have brought up 2 k**s, who no longer live at home with us and we recently down-sized our big house for a 2 bed-room mini-home that is 68 feet long and 14 feet wide and very nicely laid out as we designed it ourselves. She is 45 years old and I am 46 years old and time has been on her side as she looks at least 10 years younger than she is.After the k**s went to college and university, Heather decided to go to the gym and...

3 years ago
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Keith Johnson pushed the two wheeler filled with bins of supplies across the dirt parking lot towards the distant set of barns and stables. He was anxious to get set up before too many arrivals for today’s rodeo, and as a stable hand, he needed to be ready when the riders showed up. Behind him, his wife Heather was gathering her own supplies, arranging food in her coolers so that she could wheel them to the opposite side underneath the metal bleachers where her hot dog stand was located. She...

1 year ago
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HeatherHeather found herself on a beach, pounded by the surf and lashedby the wind and rain.  She supposed it must be the coast of Spain,but all that mattered at that point was survival.  She crawledupward and hid among some rocks, her shoes lost, her clothingsodden with sea water.  At dawn, some peasants, searching forvaluable jetsam after the storm, found her.  She could not run fromthem, for her bare feet and full skirts, wet, heavy, clinging,impeded her, and she was, in any event,...

2 years ago
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There was a time before marriage and becoming parents that my wife and I partied almost every weekend. We would work our fingers to the bone during the week and spend Friday and Saturday nights out with all types of friends. This led to quite a few erotic encounters during those formative years of our relationship that helped lay a solid foundation for a healthy and fun sex life. However, there was one that still stands out in both of our minds.Just shy of fifteen years ago, my then fiance...

1 year ago
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Heather loved doing Gymnastics she had been doing it since she was 3yo and she was now 16yo. Heather is 5ft2 tall and has long brown hair and green eyes her weight is 70lbs and she has full 16C Cup tits that she first grew at younger age she was an early bloomer just like her mum who at 35yo and 5ft8 tall with black hair and brown eyes she has 36 D Cup Tits and she works hard to provide for her daughter since her husband died 3 years ago. Since Heathers mum works so hard and sometimes for...

3 years ago
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It had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...

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The first time she noticed anything Heather had just been amused. She didn't know about Cole's ex yet, who she was and what she looked like. Heather and Cole had been dating for a while and that day was the first time he took her to his place. They had been sleeping together already at her place and their relationship had reached that endorphin-rich state where they felt like butterflies were going wild inside them and they couldn't spent more than a minute without kissing each other. On that...

4 years ago
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Part 1This narrative is a letter from a close friend who asked me to publish it for her. I cannot authenticate the story but I have never known her to deliberately give me false information. I shall call her Debra for the purpose of identification. She is 39 yrs old and has a daughter of 17, Lena who is studying at a college near to the family home.A few days ago, Lena went away with another girl on her course, Francine Renshawe, to study their subject within the industry. She asked me to pick...

1 year ago
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Please Note: This is a reworking of an earlier story now with an option of two different endings It was mid afternoon on yet another bleak English Saturday and I was trying, and failing, to get some work done, I was a self-employed IT Consultant advising companies on all things computer related. The previous seven days had been hectic and I was already a week late with my report. The incessant rain hitting the window and reverberating across the still room wasn't helping my already wavering...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1Trees flitted through Shawn's window, their droning a soothe for his mind as the train cut though their wake. New York City was a few hours in his past, and all his knotted up tension and the grind of the kitchen still echoed in his muscle memory. He couldn't shake away the anticipating mental rote of planning his station's 'mise en place' list. Today's list, even though he was sitting here, on the first day of a much-needed vacation. Cooking was like that, it took time to detox from...

2 years ago
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It was after midnight when I finally made it back to my own bed. I don't know if I felt a little guilty about what I'd done, or guilty that I didn't feel worse. I guess this is where I should say that I never intended things to go that far, but I don't expect you to believe it. I wouldn't. I mean a guy just doesn't "accidentally" seduce his little sister. Then again, as a senior in high school she isn't exactly little anymore, and I'm only four years older. That was a big gap when I...

1 year ago
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I was sitting in my office, bemoaning the fact they I had not made it out golfing that day., and was getting ready to go home When the receptionist buzzed in announcing that I had a visitor. I walked up front and was amazed to see Heather, dressed in a ladies black business suit, with a knee-high skirt. I had not seen her since she had left her job at the restaurant (not by choice) I frequent for lunch. After the initial hellos and hugs we moved to my office. I asked her what I owed this visit...

4 years ago
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TheatricalBy: The PriestI was about to start the engine when my mobile phone rang, it was Mary, she was unable to make the theatre date because one of her c***dren had gone down with some kind of virus so I decided to make the girlie night into a one woman night rather than give up seeing the one woman show at the theatre especially after I had been so looking forward to it, I had the tickets which were not cheap, I knew the seats were in a perfect spot and the artiste was a fantastic American...

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She was a naughty, naughty woman, and she knew it. This time she wondered if she went too far. Had her mouth gotten her into trouble, or pleasure? She had no idea yet, but took a deep breath and started the car. As she drove to the meeting spot her mind wandered...Patty had lived a normal boring life for a long time. She had the hubby, the k**s, the job, and the house. Everything a good girl should. She also had one hell of a boring sex life. Sometimes she wondered if her husband had gotten...

4 years ago
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Yet another Gor story! Not my universe, no profit, etc etc. Hope you enjoy! A chill wind brings a light shiver forth as he makes his way through the pass... surprised at how quickly the cold seems to have come on, he is grateful to see home in the distance. The glow of the fire reaches out into the gloom, growing more pronounced as he nears the steps, and it is with growing anticipation that he climbs the stairs quickly, unlatching the door and slipping inside, closing it behind him, loathe to...

3 years ago
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I don't know why seeing a policeman at the door was such a shock; my conscience isn't THAT guilty. "Uh, Pat," I called, "police officer to see you!" Pat poked her head out of the kitchen, where we'd all been working on the fruit salad. "Oh, come on in, Sondra," she called, "we'll be out in a minute." The person in the blue uniform smiled at me, and as she moved into the room, I noticed some features I had overlooked at first glance. Officer Sondra Hernandez, badge number 1469, was...

2 years ago
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“God yes,” Lisette moaned as her husband flicked his tongue in and out of her hole. The five-foot-ten-inch brown-skinned beauty grabbed his head with both of her hands and pushed his face deeper into her ass crack. As he made love to her tranny pussy, her body, all one hundred and forty-five pounds of it, squirmed. She wiggled in every direction effectively working the fitted satin sheets off of their California king size bed. Her barely functional clit stiffened. “Fuck...

3 years ago
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We had the very last seats in the theater. The lights went off and the movie began. A hand settled in my lap and I twitched a little. It took less than a second for Mitzuho to unzip my shorts and retrieve my limp organ. It jumped to life in her hand. It had taken me four months to get the vixen to go out with me. On our very first date, here she was, taking things to the next level. Never in my life would I have imagined something this wild from my innocent-looking Japanese beauty. ‘We’re...

1 year ago
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We had the very last seats in the theater. The lights went off and the movie began. A hand settled in my lap and I twitched a little. It took less than a second for Mitzuho to unzip my shorts and retrieve my limp organ. It jumped to life in her hand. It had taken me four months to get the vixen to go out with me. On our very first date, here she was, taking things to the next level. Never in my life would I have imagined something this wild from my innocent-looking Japanese beauty. 'We're...

Straight Sex
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My bedroom door handle turned and I looked up, to my surprise seeing my newly dumped ex-boyfriend entering and shutting the door behind him. I hadn't told my parents that I was dating someone new... I was sort of embarrassed at the quick change of heart after so long (and the stubborn teenage angsty fights for his love, since he was about 6 years older and my parents didn't quite approve, but they couldn't do anything once I was of consenting age.) So there he was. Right in my room, door...

3 years ago
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Introduction: If you dont want to read about rape, move along. Also, written very quickly so please excuse how sloppily it is written. There was a knock on my front door in the evening time, and I was the only one home at the time, so I ignored it, I wasnt expecting anyone and my parents didnt like me opening the door when I was alone. I had just gotten out of the shower, and was lying on my bed. I had returned earlier from a long camping weekend, and boy was it a crazy weekend. I had been...

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This takes us back a year now but if you're honest, it's where this whole implausible tale began. A history trip for a weekend to see the WWI memorial sites and battlegrounds. You'd been buzzing about it for the whole 10 months previously because whilst your history teachers and the subject were cool, it was a weekend away from home with all your best friends and (lest we forget) some of the hottest girls in your year group and the year above. The funny thing was that the girls you'd obsessed...

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Tia Lopes was a freshman at a lousy community college in a seedy part of San Diego, just above the Mexican border. With her dark looks she fit in well. Whether because she loved suntanning, or because she had a bit of ethnic blood everyone had assumed she was Mexican and treated her as such. Since most people in her neighborhood were hispanic it meant she fit in fairly well. Jacob Wright was her boyfriend. Tall, muscular, rich, a famous playboy and the son of the mayor, he was an incredible...

3 years ago
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I don't know when it started. One day, I was the poster-boy for what a guy should be when dating a girl, the next, I was a womanizer. I guess it happened when I realized I still hadn't lost my virginity despite dating my girlfriend for at least three years - it shocked me, and I wondered very briefly if my girlfriend was cheating on me with another guy - but I stopped that train of thought as soon as it began. If it was true, I didn't want to deal with it. However, I am a teenage male, and I do...

1 year ago
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It’s not until almost 6 AM that you slip out of Christine’s dorm room. Walking down the silent hallway, you smile to yourself, thinking that any guy would be proud to take the Walk of Shame home from Christine’s room. You trace the familiar path down the stairway and out of Christine’s dorm automatically, not taking any notice of your surroundings. Instead, your let your mind wander, imagining Christine’s perfect features: her beautiful tanned skin, long dark hair, deep brown eyes always...

4 years ago
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“He’s an ass! Ten years of marriage, and he goes and bangs some skank! What an ass! I might be able to understand if she was at least pretty, but she’s not. She’s an ugly slut! She’s been down on at least half of the guys, and probably women, in his office. I hope she gave him herpes or VD. Oh god! If I get VD cause he fucked that slut, I’ll kill him! Why? Why would he do this to me?” Natalie broke down and sobbed. I wanted to tell her Kenny, her husband, had always been an ass, and this was,...

Straight Sex
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Its wednesday. Once more ur husband isnt gonna b home. Ur fucken tired of it now. Especialy cuz u know hes been cheating on u. U tried to b the good wife for the sake of the k**. But now ur done with it. U call me...i can hear by ur voice that ur emotional. I try to calm u down to prevent u from crying. Ill ask u if u allready had diner,on wich u answer with a no. Oki...u call the nanny. Ill b with u in 1hr. U agree and allready nervous hang up the phone. Imediatly u call ur nanny and ask her...

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Moria liked sex and she knew she was good in bed. So why did her boyfriend cheat on her with the slut assistant from work? How could the bastard do that to her!? It was a drizzly night. But for Moria it was exciting. She had never done anything like this before, but it was time break out, quit playing it safe and go out and have some fun. Fuck her boyfriend, the sleazy bastard. Moria had been with Bob since their senior year in high school. She had never even given a thought about straying away...

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It was a beautiful afternoon, so I decided to wash and dry clothes and hang them out on the line for a change. I know it sounds old fashioned, but living in the country, a lot of people still use clothes lines. Drying on a breeze, clothes get to smell really fresh.I washed a couple loads and hung them out. Lovely. But, back in the house — disaster. There was water all over the floor, pouring from my washer. My first step was to quickly turn off the supply to the machine. I started to mop up the...

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I have a style that keeps me away from using too much bad language or giving too much detail... I expect the reader to fill in the details. On the other hand I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to write a smut laden story full of genital dripping filth. I have had this urge before but the characters in the story wouldn’t allow me to do as I wished and hijacked the piece into one of my previous efforts.I am hoping to overcome my natural resistance to bad language and use lots of it in an over...

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One day I went to a XXX theater wearing a short skirt and a tube top no bra and a thong.when went to take a seat there was acouple men spread out strokeing there cocks so I sat right behind them.I spread my legs and let the men take a look.One man quickly got up and sat next to me rubbing my thigh up to my wet pussy pulling down my thong to my ankles.Another man got up sat next to me and grabbed my wet thong sniffing it.The first man grabbed my hand and started me jerking him off.A third man...

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It was the end of summer and I was going to be a senior, me, Bill, had made it. This was a big deal as I had already heard about how impressive my sister was from all of her teachers, I have to tell you, that really sucks. I was seventeen and in exceptional shape, 5'9" tall and a solid 175lbs. I ran track, played tennis and swam in school and still had time to surf with my buddy's. I have a 15 year old cousin whose name is Marge. What is of great importance is how she had changed in a year....

3 years ago
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His day of privacy had finally come. His room mate, wife and k**s had all packed it up and driven south to visit family. His kind friend insisted he join them but he had no desire to spend hours being questioned by the elder family members and being jumped on by the small ones. All week he looked foward to some quiet time doing as he wished, going for a bike ride, job hunting, enjoying some good porn with volume, and maybe running into a hot friend and hooking up. That summer he had managed...

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It was 3:30 and I had just finished school for the night. I decided to go buy a new game, figuring that the chick I always flirt with would be working. She was a hot lady long brown hair, brown eyes, she stood at about 5'7 about an inch shorter then me. We had come to an unspoken understanding, I flirt with her and put a smile on her face and I get whatever I want. This came in handy especially when I wanted a new game system. I just traded in the old one for twice the profit I should have...

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I think my GF is cheating on me. And I want you guys to help me distinguish whether I’m just being paranoid or if she really is the slut I think she’s turned into. The reasons exactly why I think this will be explained in full as the story goes on, but trust me here when I tell you – there is a clear reason why I suspect her of this. Her name is Kayla and she’s 27 now. I am a few years older than her and we’ve been living together now for almost 5 years. Once things started to get a little...

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I think my GF is cheating on me. And I want you guys to help me distinguish whether I'm just being paranoid or if she really is the slut I think she's turned into. The reasons exactly why I think this will be explained in full as the story goes on, but trust me here when I tell you - there is a clear reason why I suspect her of this. Her name is Kayla and she's 27 now. I am a few years older than her and we've been living together now for almost 5 years. Once things started to get a little...

4 years ago
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It started out innocently enough, if you can call cheating on your husband innocent, but I'd have to say it was - at least compared with what happened later.What happened was no one's fault except mine. After all, I was the grown-up. I could lay the blame on my husband for ignoring me, but the bottom line is that I could have, at any point along the way, kept it from happening. Could I have stopped it? Yes. Should I have stopped it? Most definitely. Did I want to stop it? Even now, knowing how...

2 years ago
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Its wednesday. Once more ur husband isnt gonna b home. Ur fucken tired of it now. Especialy cuz u know hes been cheating on u. U tried to b the good wife for the sake of the k**. But now ur done with it. U call me...i can hear by ur voice that ur emotional. I try to calm u down to prevent u from crying. Ill ask u if u allready had diner,on wich u answer with a no. Oki...u call the nanny. Ill b with u in 1hr. U agree and allready nervous hang up the phone. Imediatly u call ur nanny and ask her...

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I had never been in a sex cinema before, so I thought I would check one out. I went into the dingy neon lit doorway and up the stairs. I paid my $5 to the old man at the cash and headed to the door marked theatre.I went inside the dark theatre and as my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I saw that there were 6 or 7 other guys in there, dotted about the place. I headed for the back row where there seemed to be a bit more legroom and sat down.A film was already playing, one young guy plowing...

2 years ago
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Well, what to do now? Marge walked in and caught him red handed. No, “red dicked” would be closer to the facts. Merry’s lipstick was smeared all over the head of his cock. Her lips were attached to the end of the damned thing and she had a suction going. Dell looked up as his wife Marge stepped out on the back porch and looked at the scene before her. His mind searched and discarded a hundred logical reasons to explain how his cock ended up in his next door neighbor’s mouth. Had he really...

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You never thought it would happen, but here you are after years of marriage, waiting quietly at a dark table in the corner of a hotel bar to meet someone you'd connected with online. Someone who, if things went well, you would be having sex with later tonight. You take a shot of tequila and breath deeply. It burns, but you barely feel it. You are a mixture of emotions. Nervous. Scared. Ashamed. None of them seems quite right. You love your wife. You have never questioned that, although you know...

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It all started about a month ago when I got a phone call from an old boyfriend of mine that was now living in Florida. Dan is very muscular and teaches weight lifting in his own gym. Dan is a very tall man and besides being very muscular, he is very well endowed and is black.I dated Dan a couple years ago and I had to stop seeing him because things were getting too serous to continue. Dan moved to Florida a few months after we broke up our relationship. You see. My husband allows me to date...

1 year ago
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I will never leave my wife of 30 plus years we have sex maybye 3x a year she wants her pussy fingerd but complains about me fucking her, sooooo i kinda met a women, a big women who does not mind if i make love to her instead. it started out as an occasional bj in return she got her pussy ate well i got caught after 2 days of cryin me on the couch she started kissing me (i figured i would never be able to have any sex) but next thing i know my wife is grabbing my cock begging to fuck me and suck...

4 years ago
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After the death of my wife, I took voluntary retirement and settled down in the farm which I bought by the side of a hill. My children were all abroad and came home only for holidays. My household was taken care of by one Nagamma, middle aged spinster. She kept the house neat and tidy, cooked food, washed clothes and vessels etc. She hinted to me that she is available for any sexual services. But I did not want to take any such services from her for the reason that I won’t be able to deal tough...

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Let me introduce myself first. My name is Anil Mishra and I am a resident of Bombay, India. I have a beautiful wife whose name is Anita. She is the owner of a very petite and slim body. Doesn't have a very attractive pair of knockers. She is just average size or may be a size too small than average. I have never ventured out of my marriage life because of some reasons. One, my wife is very hot in bed and she takes care of most of my sexual desires. Second, she is too aggressive for me and...

2 years ago
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Das Bordell

(Die Geschichte ist noch nicht fertig. Gerne könnt ihr Kapitel hinzufügen oder weiter schreiben :) ) Es ist war eine dieser schwülen Sommernächte und ich saß mit einem Bier auf dem Balkon. Seit ein paar Tagen hatte ich den Gedanken, mal ins Bordell zu gehen. Seit dem ich mich von meiner Ex getrennt hatte, hatte ich nicht wirklich viel Sex, und könnte den mal wieder gut vertragen. Nach ein wenig googeln fand ich einen Saunaclub, der ein bisschen weiter weg war. "Nicht, dass ich da jemanden...

3 years ago
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Maa Aur Papa Ka Pyaar

Mera naam Ansh hai aur meri age hai 19 saal. Main 2nd year mein hu aur ghar par hi rahakar padhai karta hu. Meri maa ka naam Radha hai aur woh 40 years ki hai. Maa ka rang ekdum gora hai aur unka figure 36-30-38 hai. Maa house wife hai aur ghar par hi rahati hai. Mere papa ki age 43 hai aur woh ek school teacher hai. Papa subah 9am se 5pm tak bahar hi rahate hai. Humare ghar mein hum teen hi members hai. Humare ghar mein do bedroom hai. Maa subah jaldi uth kar naha leti hai aur fir papa ka...

4 years ago
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Caught Crossdressing by my wife

Caught cross-dressing by my wifeI have always been a cross dresser and enjoyed it. When I got married I put all my special clothes in the basement and lived a normal life. One day I was home from a trip early and found my wife was doing the laundry. There on the top of the pile were her pink knickers. I remembered I loved the feel of silk on my body. She left the room and I picked them up and I was running my hand across them and soon I was feeling and rubbing my cock which quickly became...

3 years ago
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Laundry Day

          New to the Apartment Jeff headed down to the laundry room in the basement of his building. With just his College sweater and sweat pants he was not planning to impress anyone, hey it was just laundry day. The elevator opened and he walked down the hall to the door, as he unlocked it he was greeted by the sounds of machines and chatter. The room was full of people and all the machines churned away, baskets lay in wait for the next machine. Jeff sighed and realized that maybe Sunday...

4 years ago
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Bailey Our Babysitter

Bailey was our very vivacious seventeen-year-old babysitter and from the moment I first laid eyes on her, I knew I wanted to experience a little private one-on-one time with her. Bailey was an elusive catch, but one that was worth pursuing.Our relationship was very casual at first and very businesslike, but the more she took on babysitting duties for Ally and me, the more desirous I became. I loved Ally, but our marriage had become a little rocky. I was pretty sure Ally was seeing someone on...


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