We Did It! free porn video

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We'd invited Ted and Dorothy over for dinner but we had ulterior motives. After the barbecue and the drinks and the wine we planned on seducing them.

My wife, Teresa, and I have been married for fourteen years. We were both married before and we both have kids from those early marriages who were well on their way in their own lives when we met. We lived by ourselves and things were pretty good. It was just that, at some point, we had seemed to reach a sort of plateau in our sex life and we suffered it in silence until one fateful day.

It was a Saturday and I hadn't expected Teresa's actions. I got up early, as usual, and made the coffee. I was on my second cup when she came out to the kitchen naked. Now, Teresa is one of these women who are perpetually cold, no matter where the thermostat is set or how brightly the sun is shining. So her nudity was a clear signal that she wanted me to notice her body and, hopefully, take her back to bed.

Well, I love her and I always try to please her. So I played out my role — to a point. I took her back to bed and she did get off. But when it came time for the final act I found my cock had gone soft. From the heights of her pleasure, Teresa plunged into the depths of despair. She blamed herself and that she was 'fat' (she's 5'7" and weighs about 170 — fleshy, and, yes, I guess fat, but I happen to love the woman who inhabits that body). We talked and we both admitted that we were simply bored with it all. It wasn't that I wanted other women or even that I didn't like her body, I explained. It was just that... well; things were sort of stuck in a rut. She confessed that she felt the same way.

"So what do you think we should do about this?" she asked me. I just shook my head.

"I don't know. Maybe we should try getting risky and go make love somewhere we might get caught." That seemed to strike a note for her. I saw a new spark in her eyes.

"Or we could... I don't know... maybe check out some of those ads in the personals column," she suggested. I looked at her to see if she was kidding.

"You mean you want to answer some ad and get together with some strangers for sex? You're nuts! That's playing with fire these days!"

"Okay," she replied, "but what if it wasn't a stranger? What if it was somebody we knew?" That brought me up short. I hesitated to respond because I knew this was an important discussion. I felt that our whole relationship was in the balance. Besides, I was reluctant to admit some of my fantasies about her friends to her. I decided to hear her out.

"Er... well did you have somebody in mind?" We hadn't defined what we were really talking about, whether she was talking about a threesome or a foursome; whether she was talking about swapping or a group free-for-all.

She looked at me and I swear she flushed a little bit, but she soldiered on. "What if we invited Ted and Dot over and... sort of... seduced them? I know Ted likes my body. He's always flirting with me and the last time they were here he made some comments." This wasn't exactly news to me — except the part about the comments. I'd seen him ogling Teresa's ass when he thought no one was watching.

"What comments?" I asked. Teresa looked away but then she looked back at me with a grin.

"He just said he could 'eat my ass for days'." I tried to absorb the idea that my best friend had made such a blatant move on my wife. Then the thought occurred to me: I felt the same way about his wife. I'd just never had the guts to admit it. I set that aside for the moment.

"Well, that's only half the equation. What about Dorothy?" I'd always appreciated Dorothy's physical friendliness. She always hugged me when we met, whether it was at home or at the supermarket. She's kind of a stout woman too — her tits are bigger than Teresa's, for one thing -- but she carries her weight well and seems accepting of things. Maybe that was why Ted was attracted to Teresa. Anyway, as far as Dot went, I'd never gotten the impression that she was interested in me or in anybody but her husband, Ted.

"Oh, she's made some comments. Remember when we all went to the beach together last summer? She said you looked 'delicious' in your swimsuit."

"'Delicious'? What did you say?"

"Oh I agreed wholeheartedly. In fact I told her that I planned on tasting how delicious you were after lunch. And I did, if you remember." I remembered the day she was referring to, all right. We'd gone to the beachfront café for burgers, beers and fries. Then Teresa had made a point of escorting me back to our motel room, letting our friends know that we were going to the room specifically for sex. We'd made love and she had seemed more animated than usual. I wondered at the time, and I felt that I had the answer now.

"So, you took me back to the room and fucked my brains out because she thought I looked good?"

"Mmm... well, no, I really did want you. It just made it more... erotic, I guess, knowing that she wanted you and that she — and Ted -- knew what we were doing right then. Dot gave me a sly grin when we went back down to the sand. And Ted looked me over and winked at me. You missed all of that." I just looked at her. She'd played a flirting game last summer with our friends and now she wanted to play a different kind of game. I told her I had to think about it.

Ted and Dorothy were our closest friends. They lived in a different neighborhood but Ted and I had worked together a couple of years ago. We'd had them over for dinner a few times and vice versa. That was when we became 'couples' friends. We regularly went out together, too. He'd since resigned from the company and started his own business. From what he said, he was doing well. Teresa and Dot had taken to each other from the start. They frequently met for lunch, either at one or the other's house or at the mall.

Still, Ted and I never had discussed our sex lives in any way, other than ogling strange women when we were out together in public. He'd never given any indication of his sex life with Dorothy and I knew I'd never said anything about Teresa and me to him. I turned back to Teresa.

"What makes you think they would be interested in swapping with us?" I took a stab and it was fairly on the mark.

"Well, I wouldn't call it swapping. That's so '70's. I was thinking of it as more of a group effort. You know, with all of us together and being there with each other; for each other. All four of us making love at once." She breathed out in a puff and I realized it had taken some courage for her to put her desires out there, even if it was just with me. Maybe especially because it was to me. I thought about it and I thought I saw what she was worried about. She was, in effect, admitting that I didn't do it for her any more — at least just me by myself. Well, what was wrong with that, really? It was sort of the way I had been feeling about her at times. But she was also seemingly admitting that she was interested in having Dot right there next to her when she was fucking me and/or Ted. That opened up a whole new subject.

Yet, I couldn't see how we could 'seduce' both Ted and Dorothy. "So how do you see this happening?" I asked. Teresa turned to me and gripped my hand. I hadn't rejected her idea and I hadn't reacted in anger. She knew I accepted — at least the possibility — of her idea. I told you we'd been together a while. We had that kind of unspoken communication.

She absolutely changed as she talked about it. Her idea was so detailed that I knew she'd spent some time already imagining and fantasizing about how it would go. I smiled to myself, imagining her masturbating about having Ted and Dot with us in bed. The picture in my mind wasn't repulsive. Of course, I couldn't quite picture Ted naked next to me, but I didn't have any problem at all picturing Dorothy's round, soft curves rubbing all over me. I had no problem at all picturing Teresa and Dot... involved. But Teresa was answering my question.

"We invite them over for dinner and have a few drinks before eating..." She went on to sketch the scene we'd just lived out, but this time we had company. Now came the moment of truth. In Teresa's plan, she would go and change her clothes. She'd change out of her shorts and tee shirt and into a sheer nightie without panties. When she returned to the group, she imagined Ted and Dorothy succumbing to her physical charms.

Whatever happened in the future, once I got that picture of Teresa in a nightie and talking about how our friends would tend to her with fingers, mouths and tongues, I was too excited to finish the conversation. But my response — fucking her until she asked me to stop because she'd climaxed too many times — let her know I was on board with her idea.

As it turned out, the whole thing went pretty much as she described it, with only a few surprises. I grilled some steaks and Teresa made a salad. We ate and Teresa had more to drink than usual. I knew why she was 'fortifying' her courage, but Ted and Dot were right there with us, keeping up. Finally, Teresa made the first step in the long ballet.

"I'm... um... gonna go change," she said, feigning tiredness. "Dot, come with me," she added, holding her hand out to her friend. It wasn't unusual. Whenever the four of us were out they always went to the rest room together, the way most women do. I watched them leave the room. Now it was time for me to 'prime the pump', so to speak. I made a point of making sure they were gone before standing up and going to stand next to Ted's chair.

I started by telling him how good Dot looked that night. "Yeah, I thought she took extra time this evening," he said.

"Well it shows. She's absolutely beautiful." I had to look away because Ted had begun to look at me with a strange expression. I had never been so open about my appreciation of Dot's attractiveness.

"Yeah," he said. "Thanks."

"Hey, I wasn't complimenting you! Don't thank me because your wife is beautiful." I hesitated a second before I lowered my voice and said to him, "Hey, I have something I want to show you." My glance down the hall and the fact that I was whispering told him it was something juicy. He eagerly followed me to the garage. My garage came with the house, of course, but it had been built large. It was a two-car-plus. There was room for two cars with a room-sized extra area at the back. I'd turned it from a workshop into a sort of den, complete with a couch, two chairs. a refrigerator, a TV and a VCR with a DVD player.

It was the DVD that I activated to start showing Ted the disk that Teresa had picked out at the rental store. As the credits rolled and Ted realized it was a XXX disk, he looked at me with almost panic in his eyes. "What about the girls?" Ted wanted to know. "What if they come out?"

"Well they probably won't, but if they do then they do. Teresa knows I have this and she doesn't care. I wasn't sure how Dorothy felt about porn so I kept it quiet. Teresa's seen this but I wasn't sure how she'd feel about me showing it to you knowing she'd seen it and enjoyed it."

"I think Dot would be okay with it," he replied then.

"Good. Then let's watch. If they come out they can join us," I said and turned the volume up. The video was, of course, about a group of people who got together and ended up all having sex together. When I say 'together', I mean exactly that. Of course some of the women eventually turned to one another and we got some juicy lesbian action. But this disk was different in that two of the four men — briefly — seemed like they would get it on together. But they didn't -- quite. All that really happened was one of them licked the woman the other was busily fucking. The first time I watched it I was surprised when they didn't suck each other or something. I also found it strange that I felt disappointed that they hadn't. I didn't think about that much until I was showing it to Ted. The brief thought passed through my mind that he might think I was angling to do something with him. I pushed the thought away. The men in the movie didn't do anything more than what I said, other than leaning on each other a couple of times.

We watched it and about the time the bunch on the screen started shedding their clothes, Teresa stuck her head around the edge of the door leading to the house. "Hey, do you guys want some fresh beers?" I knew the fridge in the garage was stocked, but I also knew she was looking for an excuse to flash Ted and maybe bring Dot into the fold. She knew what we were watching but she acted as if she hadn't noticed.

"Sure, honey. We'll be out here for a while."

"Okay," she said on cue and disappeared back into the house. A few minutes later I watched Ted's face as she — and Dorothy — came out with beers for us and more wine for them. They also brought a bag of chips and some dip. Teresa had changed into a knee-length nightshirt. Of course, I knew she wouldn't be wearing anything under it. Dorothy wore her shorts and one of Teresa's nighties on top. Teresa said later that she'd tried to talk her into going a little more bold, but Dorothy didn't see why she should 'dress down', since she would be going home to bed. "I'm flashing my tits as it is." She wasn't really. The nightie wasn't sheer, just loose and thin.

Ted and I were on either end of the couch. Teresa plunked herself in between us and propped her bare feet on the coffee table. The move caused her nightshirt to rise up on her thighs. Dorothy took a seat in the recliner. "What are you guys... oh, my God!" Her eyes locked on the screen. It was just then that the 'hostess' on screen doffed her panties and straddled the hunky neighbor's lap — and oversized dick. The action turned explicit fast and soon they were all fucking and sucking. Dorothy's eyes were locked on to the action. Ted's eyes went from the screen to his wife, trying, I thought, to gauge her reactions. He would spare a few glances at Teresa, too, especially to see if he could see up her nightie.

Teresa, meanwhile, was obviously restless. I knew she was horny since this was her fantasy beginning to come true. I hoped that Ted and Dot would play along. She scooted forward and grabbed a handful of chips and sat back. But when she sat back she hadn't seemed to notice that her scooting had bunched her nightshirt somewhat. Most of her thighs were now visible and I didn't hide my interest. When my hand stroked along her leg she glanced at me and grinned. She winked and propped her feet back up on the table, her knees falling to the sides somewhat, allowing my hand to slide to the inside of her thigh. I looked at her and realized that, should she look over, Dorothy would get an eyeful of Teresa's shaven pussy. Ted, sitting next to her, would have to lean forward and obviously ogle her.

I wondered then which of our friends Teresa was more interested in. She'd always sworn she didn't have any interest in other women, but things seemed to be changing. I glanced at Ted in time to see him wrench his eyes away from my wife's legs. He glanced my way with a guilty expression. I just smiled and shook my head, letting him see me enjoying the sight of Teresa's exposure. His guilty look vanished and, with a fast glance back at Teresa's lap, he returned his attention to the screen.

I looked over at Dot and smiled when I saw that she was enrapt with the show on screen. Her hands were on her legs and it looked like she was giving her thighs a massage. She was obviously reacting to the sex going on on the disk and just as obviously was not repelled by it. I let my eyes roam her body, over the mounds of her breasts and down to the bulge of her belly. I wondered then if her pussy was plump, her lips pouting out over the entrance to her womb. I wondered if she shaved her pussy. I glanced again at Ted.

Well, when my eyes went that way, I saw that Teresa had almost completely exposed herself. Ted definitely had noticed. He was almost panting as he watched my wife putting the last chip into her mouth and dusting the salt off on her thighs. Her movements 'accidentally' brushed the hem of the nightshirt up even farther. Her pussy was right there, out in the open! Ted glanced at me but I made sure my expression didn't let him in on my reaction at all. He was looking at my wife's crotch and I apparently didn't care. He took it as license and went back to looking, ignoring the hardcore sights on the screen.

Okay, I thought. I figured half the problem was out of the way. I still wondered how she planned on getting Dot on board. As things turned out it was me that sort of tipped the scales. I finished my beer but I could see that Ted had lost interest in his. So, I simply stood up and went to the garage fridge to get another one. My path went between Dorothy and the TV so it distracted her from the action. She watched me cross to the fridge and, after I got my beer, I turned back. She had turned to look at Teresa and Ted and she forgot all about me and my beer.

The sight that met her eyes — and mine -- was enough to strike us both dumb for a few seconds. I stood, rooted to the spot too, waiting for her to react. She took a deep breath as she gazed at Teresa, sitting with her lower half exposed and her legs splayed wide. And she saw Ted, oblivious of everything but staring at my wife's exposed pussy, his hand on her thigh and her hand covering it; welcoming it. Then Dorothy almost whispered, though it was clearly audible to us all, "Teresa... you're... shaved!" She didn't say, 'Teresa, your pussy is showing.' She didn't say, 'Teresa, my husband looks like he's about to jump on you.' Though it looked like that was exactly what Ted was contemplating. She simply reacted to the novelty of a pussy that looked like it belonged between the legs of a ten year old girl.

Her words brought us all out of the sexually charged trance we'd been in. Teresa clapped her legs together and pulled her nightshirt down discreetly, if a bit too late. That was when I realized how nervous Teresa was about doing this. I dove into the silent storm. "Isn't it great?" I said to Dot, as if we were discussing the weather. "If you haven't tried it, Dot, you should. Ted would probably love it, wouldn't you, buddy?" I turned to Ted. He looked like his head was about to explode from the blood that flooded his face. He looked like he'd been caught — which, I guess, he had been, in spite of the fact that he'd been set up.

He glanced guiltily at Dorothy and back, finally, into Teresa's face, where he found only a friendly, somewhat sheepish smile. He seemed surprised. But it was nothing compared to the surprise Teresa gave us then. She kept smiling as she pulled her shirt back up and parted her legs. "What do you think, Dot? Doesn't it look... cleaner?" Her voice was soft.

Dorothy's reaction wasn't what I'd expected. I had thought she would yell at Teresa, and then at Ted (whose eyes were glued to my wife's crotch again). I thought she'd make a move to leave, if not run out screaming about my wife's perversion. Instead, she remained silent as her eyes went to Teresa's hairless crotch. Ted's gaze was still riveted there, as if he didn't care what his wife did, as long as he could look at this rare wonder as long as possible. Dorothy stood up and moved over for a closer look. She perched on the edge of the couch, pushing me aside and seemingly ready to bolt. Then she raised a hand toward Teresa's crotch, but she pulled it back fast. Teresa divined what she wanted. "You can touch it," she said in that soft voice. Dot glanced up at her, then at Ted (who had heard the words and licked his lips), then at me. I just smiled and shrugged, acting as if my dick wasn't clearly hard and making a tent in my shorts. Dorothy hadn't noticed that yet, I think — sort of tells you where her attention was, doesn't it?

Then she turned back to Teresa. This time, when her hand came out of her lap, she reached it steadily toward Teresa's open and hairless cunt. She closed her hand over the mound, fingers together, not probing. She breathed in. She closed her eyes and cupped Teresa's treasure and her nostrils flared. I wondered if she could smell Teresa's arousal. I was too far away, but I could see it in Teresa's eyes as they locked onto mine. She was getting off on this and her pussy was oozing its nectar, and she wanted me to know it. Dorothy rubbed her smooth mound for a few seconds.

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Ukefication Center

The year is 92 PT (Post Tezuka) the Anime World is large and varied with diverse environments and civilizations, and the people who live in this world are equally diverse: people of all different races, genders, species and sexualities call the Anime World home. Speaking of sexualities, one of the many problems the Anime World faces is a large number of gay bachelors. Since this is the Anime World same sex relationships have to follow certain yaoi tropes, specifically that one party HAS to be...

4 years ago
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The Gentleman Highwayman

** This is the first story I have ever written, and is dedicated to Countess DeWinter. Thank you for being my inspiration and for giving me the confidence to try something like this. ** * * * * * ‘Lady Martin…’ Her mind barely registered the words, lost in a fantasy world of adventure and dashing heroes, as she tried desperately to forget, if just for a moment, her own unpleasant predicament. She dreamed of the infamous ‘Gentleman Highwayman’, who was the talk of all the young ladies in...

3 years ago
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Caught by my Teacher Part 2

I walked into the small office. There were papers scattered on the floor and various surfaces around the room. The stacks of old books lining the walls of the room made it look much smaller than it actually was. An old oak desk, pushed up against the back wall, took up the majority of the space. I tried to avoid my teachers eyes as I scanned the room for something to focus on besides her. ‘You can have a seat’ She said as she motioned to the wooden chair in front of her. She clearly had...

3 years ago
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Losing my virginity

I'm a 21 year old attractive crossdresser from Mumbai, India. I am sharing a true story of how my roommate turned into a permanent fuck buddy!I've been crossdressing for 10 yrs now and have my own collection of all kinds of stuff you can think of. I moved into the city 2 years back and rented an apartment with a guy called Vishal who I didn't know at the time. The first few days went in unpacking and setting up my room and trying to build a decent rapport with Vishal, have some drinks once a...

3 years ago
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Capture an Angel Ch 01

From the author: feedback, comments, etc, are all appreciated, even suggestions on how to improve, what is lacking, and the readers feelings about the story, good or bad. Chapter Two will be forthcoming. Thanks for reading! Shadow Each weave of moonlight distorted vision in the night fog. Laughter and loud music echoed from open doors far off to Fiachna’s right, deadened and unreal. Dark demons of lust cavorted in his soul. He thrust his fingers into the long tresses of the woman kneeling...

3 years ago
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My first naked swim

One summer, having just left school, I worked for the mother of the hottest girl at school doing odd jobs. In reality, I was trying to get closer to my boss's daughter, who I shall call Bev. Bev was the hottest girl in our year and had the best figure—like most of my friends, I wanted her as my girlfriend. Bev and I were just 16 years old. She was a curly headed brunette, 5'6 tall, and had a slim build with breasts that were about a D or DD cup. I was a skinny 5'9", 10 stone, but normally could...

First Time
4 years ago
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Exposed Hotwife Part 04

The skinny one leaned back in the chair, waving his long hard shaft in the air. The four other men lifted Chris to a sitting position and carried her over to the chair. They held her legs spread, her pussy poised above the stiff rod. The skinny one reached up and removed the gag from her mouth."I want to hear you moan as your cunt slips down my hard cock, Bitch," he said, grabbing her hips.The men lowered her down, and her pussy stretched and spread over the pole."Oh, no," she groaned, feeling...

3 years ago
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Learning Together 3Chapter 8

Kathy walked into the dining room. She found Meghan with her face buried in her hands. In front of her paperwork lie scattered across the dining table. “Meg, what’s wrong?” “I can’t do it.” “Can’t do what?” “After I pay my bills, I’m wiped out. I’m having to sell my house.” Kathy’s voice was gentle as she spoke, “What are you talking about?” “I haven’t worked for a month. These bills will take all I’ve got.” “Tell me what’s wrong.” Kathy nudged. Meghan looked to Kathy with tears in...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 37

05:25 Friday, October 17th, 1991 Guadalcanal Jetty, Coronado NAB San Diego, CA 92155 Lenore waited in the predawn twilight for Chief Kostowe. There had been no indication that anyone was in the Dock Master's office when they'd driven up, though the SPs on guard at the base of the jetty let them through without comment. Kostowe drove the rental up, and stiffly extricated himself from the vehicle. Christ, he's so old. I wonder why I never think about that when other people are around?...

1 year ago
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Mooh Boli Behen Bani Girlfriend

Hello ISS readers, I have been reading stories on ISS since I was in 10th grade. I am from bhopal. And I m fair and 21. With 5’8 height.With good physique. So ab story pe atta hun.Ye meri pehli kahani h iss pe.Yea kahani 2011 ki h jab main 12th class mein tha tab meri mummy ki ek bahut achi dost thi jinke ghar humara khoob aana jana aur ghulna milna tha. Unki ek beti bhi thi , jo ki mujhse umar mein 6 sal badi thi uska nam pinky(fake name) hai,is kahani ki heroine h pinky. Toh bat uss time ki...

3 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 66

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara Ungrown - unnumbered 2 - onboard Shelby, in Re-gen 0250 Tendra 1000 - Sherry 0999 - Zan - still lost Known and OR numbered 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena Lieutenant Colonel Randall Jimison still couldn’t believe what...

2 years ago
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Amnesia Ch 0405

My thanks and appreciation to my very skilled editor, Erik Thread, who has patiently worked with me to make this story cohesive and readable. Any errors are mine. Nina Novak was the older of two sisters, brought up in a modest home in the Bronx. Her mother, Ursola, and father, Janos, were the children of refugees from the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Their parents had escaped in the chaotic aftermath and had landed as legitimate refugees, first in Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, and finally settling in...

2 years ago
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Unexpectedly shared wife on vacation

This happened while we were on Vacation and I was kind of having troubles getting a grip on my emotions. I was just looking to chat with people about it since this is not something I can really bring up to my friends. I did not want to post the whole story for fear of someone recognizing us but this is a throwaway and I figured why not. I typed this all out for a guy yesterday and just copied and pasted it here, if you have any comments or advice please let me know. We have been talking more...

2 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless...

2 years ago
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My Wife 8211Stripper For A Day

Thank you Indian Sex story readers for your support on the first sex story. Several of you asked me for my contact details. My email address is You can send your personal opinions here. For those of you who have missed my first sex story is titled “First Threesome of Wife” Farida (my wife), had got extremely turned on and excited by this gesture of mine. Threesome with 2 complete strangers. She and I did not want to make it too often as it reduces the level of excitement. We used sex toys and...

1 year ago
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Family Isnt Blood Freds Life Ch 03

To celebrate my birthday, Cathy and Mike has decided to take a couple of the family out to dinner with us. Kaja had moved to Florida several months ago, and things just had not been the same. My life has been less exciting, and less full. Things have not been bad, but just not great. We were at a restaurant on Milwaukee Avenue an early Saturday afternoon for my birthday. She did it right, we had an open bar for 2 hours. Cathy made an announcement and we were all suppose to sit down. The room...

3 years ago
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Pioneer VillageChapter 5

Early the next morning Marty and his group of fellow settlers left the little town in which they arrived and received their small amount of onsite training. The trip to the valley they intended to settle was mostly unremarkable, it being the third time in a week that most of them rode on the same route. The only exception to that statement might have been learning how to drive their teams, and moving slower with the wagons than they had previously when they were on horseback. Thankfully,...

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Thank You Aunt Martha Part II

I let my hands slide down from her shoulders but hers stayed in place. My hands moved over her chest reaching her erect nipples. Sliding over them to cup her breasts in my hands my fingers brushed her nipples and a soft moan slipped from her lips. Leaning forward I kissed her nipples. Nibbling on them with my lips then letting my tongue slip ever so slightly through my lips touching her nipples. Her hands caressed my neck and face as I continued at her nipples. She moaned and pulled my head...

3 years ago
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Hate Fuck

"That's the guy from our, Toronto, office. He’s kinda hot," Shelly whispered to her friend Amber. I had been tasked with reviewing all the IT projects presently in development, and to identify any redundancy. Our IT headquarters was located in, Vancouver. Amber and Shelly were strategically seated at the highest trafficked area of the bar. Dab smack in the middle of it. When a cute guy would be waiting to order a drink, the opportunity to start a conversation would not be wasted. Amber...

4 years ago
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Panty Pride

Panty Pride By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Mutual interest All your life, people tell you that you need to find others who share your interests. Common ground. Birds of a feather. Flocking together. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? It is. Unless you're so ashamed of your "interest" that the mere act of looking for someone who is like you foreshadows a pit of potentially abject humiliation. Sure, it's no problem if you like to collect Crimean War hand weapons or...

2 years ago
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Aprils Fools DayChapter 3

I was at odds with myself. Marge and I have been through a number of rough patches in our life. The one thing that always held us together was our honesty to each other and discussing our problems. We didn't always agree on everything but we were able to work it out. I wasn't sure if we could do it this time. If she went to the party and got fucked by Dave or some other man I know our lifetime commitment of being together would be over. I had to wonder if she had already been with Dave or...

1 year ago
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Just Friends

Sue and Carol were enjoying one of their regular girl's-day-out, man-bashing lunches. This lunch was fueled by Carol's most recent disastrous interaction with the testosterone poisoned male of the species. "Sue, I just can't believe I ever actually moved in with this creep," said Carol, who was doing most of the talking. "I actually though he might be mister right... yea right! As soon as I move in, the whole relationship started going down the flusher. Remember how I always commented on...

3 years ago
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High School Stud

This story is completely FICTIONAL. All characters are fictional. _____________________________________________________________________________ y name is John. I’m 15, semi athletic build, short dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, nearly 6 feet tall, and I’m in high school. From that, you know that I’m an average teenager. But what isn’t average about me is the size of my cock. Ever since I began to grow, I knew I was big. In the showers at school, guys would shy away from me and...

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A Boy Meets World Wedding

Here he was 18 yrs old, and he was getting married. Little Cory Mathews couldn't believe it, in 3 days he was going to be married, and tomorrow was his bachelor party. Maybe he would get to see a girl naked for the first time. Topanga never let him get passed second base, but that would all change in 3 days, they would lose their virginity on their wedding night. He couldn't wait, in fact Cory had already masturbated twice today, but he needed to again, just thinking about it. Meanwhile...

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A Loving and Forgiving Wife

Donna forgives, but punishes Hank for stepping out.Donna was mad. She'd just been told by a near total stranger at a seminar she had just finished attending that her hubby, Hank, had stepped out on her with the woman's best friend, Wendy, while he had attended a convention several years ago. Donna sat on the bus on the way home and calmed her feelings and thought about what to do.Her Hank was handsome a 55 year old, he had distinguished silver streaks in his hair, he had a high sex drive and...

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Black Bergman Buchanan Masters At Law

Black, Bergman & Buchanan, Masters at Law Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle John Black had just won a major class action case and was bent on starting a law firm of his own in the heart of San Francisco with his three and one half million dollar settlement check. As a founding partner of a successful new outfit that he could make a great deal more money than if he was merely an un-named partner at an established firm. And he could manage his own time and activities without interference. He...

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We continued to become more comfortable with each other

In a couple of months, Greg became a part of our family. Regardless if we were partying, just hanging out to eat dinner or just playing cards we all did it together. Short of having a key to the house or having a key to his house, we spent much of our time getting to know each other better and better. Teresa and him would have long conversations about their family or things from their past. They found many things in common and their feelings for each other grew. Greg and I became closer and...

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Shruti Hassan Sexy

Hello, friends, my name is Kunal.This is my first ever sex story on Indian sex stories dot net.I believe in masturbation by imagining rather than watching porn. So to start the story.This story is about south Indian hottest milky milf Shruti Hassan.I and Shruti were school friends.I often used to visit her home.I was alone at my home so I called Shruti for time pass.I came to Shruti was also alone bored at home because all family members had gone for a family function.She offered me to come to...

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Howe Watson 4qs

After we booked the snot nosed kids, I was thoroughly disgusted with humanity. I just wanted to go home. I had one thing I had to do first. I had to stop off at Mary Ann’s apartment. I needed my Baby Sparrow fix. I used my key to gain entry to Mary Anne’s apartment. Her car was missing from her assigned space in the lot. I went inside her place to snoop and to make sure Sparrow wasn’t there alone. I admit it was terrible thing to think, but it was a thing we had investigated before. Hell she...

2 years ago
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Aatmakatha 8211 Part I

25 Aug 2012 Raat k 2 baj rahe hai aur mai computer table k saamne kursi pe nangi baith k ye story aap logo k liye likh rahi hu.kamre ke sab lights off hai.”Kya kar rahi hai bharti?” mere bhai girish ne apne lund se condom nikalte huye pucha.”apni story likh rahi hu ISS pe post karne ke liye” Maine type karte huye jawab diya.Girish mere piche aa gaya aur mere dono kandho pe hath rakh k dhire dhire sahlane laga aur computer screen pe dekhte huye bola “Apne location ki details mat likhna”.maine...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 30

Before he could say anything, I took the bull by the horns. "Yes, Yes and Yes, All three of you may come with me. I have room for five human passengers and you three will come." Tears of relief flowed down the women's faces. They looked at Billy and with his nod, they launched themselves at me. My women scattered to make room. They were on me in a flash. They kissed me, my face, my neck. Maria reached up to her blouse, pulled it down and lifted her dark brown nipple to my mouth. I was...

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My real life story Part4

My name is Rohan let me briefly tell you about myself. I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my own business and I’m a martial arts and yoga trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few ladies with whom I’m in contact with. I had Sexual encounters...

1 year ago
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Brunos Wild Night

THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL. ANY RELATION TO A PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. Bruno McWillis is a 32 year old construction worker who lives in Ohio. He has enormous bulging muscles, wavy brown hair, a rigid nose, and a long thick 11 inch daughter. She is 18 now, and was called Sally. Sally was deliciously hot. She had nicely rounded buttocks, firm bouncy breasts, long blonde hair, a pretty face, complete body tan and a smoothly shaven snatch. One night, whilst Bruno was watching...

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Hum do aur hamare sath do

I and my wife were very happy with our married life. we were enjoying the sex very much. but after 7 year our sex life become boring. we started doing sex as our duty to keep our partner happy. nothing excitement was there. then one day my wife closest friend came to our house.she was very beautiful at the same time her husband was very handsome with blue eyes and good physiques.my wife was very excited meeting her friend and her husband.i saw special look at pinki face when she talks to...

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Red Hot Summer Pt3

David was barely aware of the conversation happening around him, their voices sounding distant and muffled as though heard underwater. He could hardly think anyway. It was like he could feel the blood draining from his head and flowing into his cock. All his worries and thoughts melted away, replaced by a fluffy cloud of hot, lustful energy.   Tiffany's body felt amazing against his. Relative to the oppressive, humid heat her skin was pleasantly cool and he felt like he could make out every...

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Tokyo Symphony Ch 01

AN: All dialogue, unless otherwise noted, is spoken in Japanese. For cultural objects that don’t fully translate I’ve added a glossary at the end of the chapter. If New York was the city that never slept, then Terry thought Tokyo was the city that never dreamed. Its denizens pulsed through the neon veins of the city, on their way to work and back, or another kind of work: the work of being fashionable, or up-to-date, or whatever. Harajuku and Akibahara were as businesslike and devoid of...

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