Pancho and Lefty
- 3 years ago
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Secrets Held In is a short story written by Sir Semega and posted at Storiesonline. It was presented with an invitation to write your own ending. Well, I did and this is mine.
Trust Left Out by juanwildone
To say I didn't know what would happen next, between Doris (my wife) and me, well that turned out to be the understatement of the century. The next morning, when I awoke, I was fully rested and refreshed - maybe for the first time in years. I showered and even though I put on yesterdays clothes - I felt better. My brother Charlie noticed and gave me a strange look; as if to say you think you feel okay but you really don't.
Last night I'd arrived on his doorstep still reeling from an unplanned revelation. I had known about my wife's workplace affair of many years previous, at the time I had sought so desperately to remain married that I dealt with her transgressions by burying the knowledge deep within me. The result was that I compromised my health due to the internal conflict of denial and desire for my wife. Her recent behaviors had reminded me of that painful time and in a moment of anger my hidden knowledge was revealed. Doris was stunned, while I simply had to be free of her presence; hence my impromptu stay at my brother's place.
Last night I confessed it all to him, everything I'd done, everything I'd suffered. So it didn't bother me that my brother thought my current behavior wrong; he now understood the price I'd paid. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought my feeling so good would be temporary at least and possibly traumatic in the long run. I just smiled at his concerns, I simply felt new.
Charlie treated me to breakfast at a local diner. I had an excellent crab omelet, I forget what he had. I do remember that he was fairly amused by my clumsy efforts at flirting with our waitress. I had the last laugh as she reacted to my double entendre laden good-bye by laughingly calling me a dirty old man and informing me that her shift was over at two. That's when Charlie steered our conversation back to my marriage.
"So big brother what's next? You're more than welcome to crash at my place." My lack of concern (I just shrugged my shoulders) surprised him. He started to speak again then stopped. Then he looked at me with fresh eyes (that's the only way I can describe it.) "I've never been where you are Frank. To tell you the truth I don't know anyone who has been where you are. Do you have any idea where this is all going? I mean now that its all out in the open it might be time for counseling or something?"
I wasn't a lot of help in committing to anything. One of the little known by products of this strange feeling of release is that I wasn't inclined to take any new positions. Decisions seem constricting, opinions less than compelling, the future - vague, too far away yet surprisingly full of possibilities.
I did make one decision as my brother and I talked, it was time for me to return home and talk with Doris. Surprisingly it did not make me feel anxious. I thanked my brother for being my brother and left. As I got closer to home I felt an unfamiliar calm envelope me - which puzzled me. I parked in my usual spot, picked up the paper, and opened the door. I realized I was smiling.
Doris stood at the end of the foyer, eyes red from crying and unleashed a torrent of words, phrases and excalmations. The few that were recognizable were, "Oh Frank. Where have you been?" and numerous variations of "sorry" from "so" to "very," and on and on. She included an update of her status, "I've been calling you. I didn't know where you were. I can't imagine how you must feel." My wife was babbling, one word tumbling in on the other, sentences fracture and uncompleted, some in context - most not, and I can honestly say I'd never heard her babble before. The play of emotions across her face was fascinating and made one thing above all others clear - Doris was lost, she was adrift and had no bearings, no point of reference. Her frustration increased until she finally just quite talking and motioned toward the kitchen. "Coffee?"
I declined the offer of coffee but followed her to the kitchen. Doris prepared the coffee in silence, then forgetting my 'no thank you' she placed a cup in front of me anyway, "I could make you something?"
"No need I already ate." That statement was met with a look of pure consternation. Then her eyes shifted down for a moment and her jaw visibly tightened. I was still smiling - it wasn't a twenty teeth showing, look how white my teeth are smile - just a slight upturn at the corners of my mouth. I could see that it bothered her.
"Last night when you left..." I was surprised, did she honestly think that she was going to make this about my reaction? Dragging last night into the discussion was a clear 'no-win' for her, no good would come out of that. Last night she had shrugged off my heartfelt concerns about our marriage as unnecessary. Her long hours, missed calls, and the drop off in our sex life were all dismissed as childish on my part. Then she had teased me about the amount of time she was spending with "the dreamy and delicious Kevin Fricks." I freely admit that I did not take it well. My blatant jealousy was met with laughing derision. I responded by asking just what services she was providing him. She literally slapped me for my curiousity and angrily threaten to leave me. Our crisis peaked when she demanded to know just when she had ever done anything to make me not trust her. My usual restraint failed me.
"Not trust you? How about when you spread your legs for that fuck Gerald Sanders? How about then? You cheating cunt!"
It literally exploded out of me. By blurting out of my long-held secret I had - in the blink of an eye - extinguished Doris' anger and left her stunned and confused. My exiting was a simple self defense mechanism - I had to be away from her, as much for my sanity as anything else.
"You want to talk about my walking out last night - really?" A calm mind is a very quick mind, if we were going to have any conversation this morning it was not going to be about me and my actions. That wasn't going to happen, not this day. There was a far more compelling subject matter.
"Shouldn't we clear up the matter of Gerald Sanders?" Doris twitched her head and let her mouth hang open. I stood up and pushed back from the table, "I need to change out of these clothes, then we can deal with you and Gerry."
I dumped my cup in the sink and rinsed it. I was surprised at the state of our bedroom, I guess I expected to see half-closed drawers with clothes strewn about - it was actually neat and tidy. I wondered if everything neat and tidy meant something - then decided it didn't. I speculated that Doris was falling back on routine and taking her comfort in it. I remembered I'd showered earlier at my brothers place but habits are habits. I made it a very quick shower (more of a rinse and spin) and had just finished toweling off when the bathroom door opened. Doris was naked and in a flash I realized what she had in mind; I'll fuck him into getting past my affair. I moved towards her and saw a flicker of expectation in her eyes. Then I turned sideways keeping the towel between us and was past her before she could react. I called out a cheery "Waters still hot, take your time."
I turned into the bedroom and immediately noticed that our bed was freshly turned down. I dressed quickly and was out the door in seconds - I was not about to be caught in her sexual snare. You want to know what weird is? Weird is effortlessly turning away from the sex you were formerly so desperate to reclaim. Doris had made sex the coin of the realm in our marriage and I had happily concurred. It was apparent to me that an across-the-board revaluation was at hand. My wife eventually found me in the garage fiddling with my golf clubs.
"You're not going golfing are you?" There was an honest to goodness tremor in her voice. Surprisingly, I found myself feeling quite at ease. Maybe I was overdoing it but once again I was struck by her questioning my actions. It was beginning to piss me off; first the focus on my reaction last night, then the attempted ambush in the shower, now this. I decided to keep her off balance.
"I wasn't planning to, but..." I placed the club I was cleaning back in the bag. I could feel my smile coming back.
"I thought you wanted to talk?" she interjected. This was getting to be almost too good. I looked at her and slowly shook my head, I even added a convincing sigh of disappointment.
"No, you've misunderstood me Doris. You need to talk. I'm willing to listen. Are you ready to talk? Because if you need more time to prepare..." I stood and made to hoist the clubs on my shoulder. "Hitting a bucket of balls might be a good idea. Give you some time..."
"No, I don't need more time to prepare." Oh there was some bite in her reply. I have to say I had put a little irony on 'time to prepare' when I spoke those words. 'Time to prepare' was a common work related phrase for her, I'd been put-off countless times upon hearing it. Evidently she took some offense at my intended sarcasm. Too bad. For my part I was more than a little disappointed. The great thing about freedom is the feeling of confidence that comes with it. She knew I knew about Gerald Sanders, but I was willing to bet she didn't know about this.
"I meant nothing by it. It's just that," I paused for dramatic effect. I wanted to say this as calmly and clearly as possible. "When I confronted your lover and compelled him to dump you..." chew on that little nugget of news Mrs. Dolan "the price for my not telling his wife about your cheating (terminology is everything in a good argument and I was not going to let her called anything less than infidelity) was a full and detailed confession. He was very co-operative. I wouldn't want you leaving anything out."
"You talked to Gerry?"
"Actually, he did most of the talking. Did you ever meet his wife and son - very nice family. Nice home too." I was looking right at her and she couldn't hold my gaze.
"You went to his house?" Her expression asked if this situation couldn't get any worse. I smiled and nodded.
"Are you sure you don't need more time?" I left out the sarcasm this time. "Lets go inside and get comfortable. And Doris, I will accept nothing less than the full, complete and absolute truth - it's imperative you leave nothing out!"
We walked back into the kitchen and I asked her to make us some coffee. I walked out of the kitchen so we couldn't speak, a cheap delaying tactic to be sure, but something was beginning to bother me. While she was making the coffee I thought about her reactions since I'd spill the beans about her adultery. So far she had spoken more than enough apologies and appeals for forgiveness, yet something was missing. I replayed our brief conversations and came up empty - something wasn't right.
I heard a rattle of crockery and looked up to see Doris entering with a full coffee service in her hands - tray, carafe, cups and saucers, cream and sugar. She was smiling too. I watched as she set everything down and prepared our coffees, hers with cream and sugar, mine just cream. The coffee was perfect and I automatically complimented her on it. Her smile deepened and I saw a glimmer of confidence in her eyes.
"Frank, I love you. I love you with all my heart. I cannot begin to express my regret for the pain I've put you through. I am so sorry. I don't presume to imagine your hurt and your disappointment. I hope and pray that we can find a way to put this behind us and..."
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Trust By Razor7826 (Copyright Razor7826 2007. The events presented in this work are fictional and do not represent the views of the author in any way.) "John... put that thing away. We've already talked about this..." I stared at the disgusting red ballgag that my shirtless husband dangled in front of me. "You know that we should always have a safe word." "Shhh, Erica." He placed his index finger gently over my lips and stared at me with his hazel eyes. "You trust me, don't...
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I'm going to tell you a story. Okay – that's what I do, I know. But this one is sort of true. You'll have to guess how much is truth and how much wishful fantasy... Jack's an older guy, nearing retirement age. He was, when this started, married to Audrey. Now Audrey, sadly, only comes into the story peripherally, but I need to tell you about her so you understand where Jack was coming from. He really loved Audrey. She was lovely; loyal, reliable, caring, honest, sincere ... you'll get the...
I always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people.After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...
I always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people. After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...
I always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people. After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...
Trust is a word that gets tossed around a lot in the context of DS relationships but it's such an intangible and there is no set process in how to build or strengthen it. It can take ages to build and seconds to destroy. You know it when you have it, or when you've lost it but how did you get to that point? This is a story of how a bond of trust was strengthened following an emotional session of correction.They had gone through the usual steps of chatting online and felt that there was enough...
BDSMFrank was going to the ball field for a little practice with his old teammates. He looked around the kitchen to make sure nothing was left turned on. When he was satisfied everything was in order, he put on his team cap and left for the field.The ongoing rivalry between him and his younger sister made him decide to walk to the ball field; otherwise he would have to ask his sister Trish to give him a ride. Frank and his friends couldn't help noticing Trish. She had become quite a cocktease. She...
"Why the hell did they pull me up from Toledo if they didn't intend to use me?" Steve Strathmore sat on the bench in the dugout at Comerica Park in Detroit, watching as the fans slowly filed out of the ballpark. He'd been called up from Triple A Toledo for a month while one of the Detroit Tigers' star players recovered from an injury, and since his arrival two weeks ago, he'd played exactly two games. He loved the game, had since he was a kid. This was his shot at the big...
Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Five OUTSIDE THE AIR IS WARM and the city seems full of energy. ‘I’ve heard about your Fountain Square. Would you show it to me?’ ‘Of course, it’s this way.’ I lead him one block south. We skip up the steps to the square and it’s more crowded than a normal weekday night. There’s a band on the stage playing salsa. The musicians are decked out in those traditional colorful costumes of countries that all blend together to...
=== Trust Machines: OTP === by Trismegistus Shandy ----- Note: the main character does not change gender, but several others do. For those who are unfamiliar with _Worm_ and its sequel _Ward_ by Wildbow, start here: For those who are unfamiliar with the Trust Machines universe by dkfenger, start here: But hopefully you can enjoy this without having read either. Warning: minor character...
=== Trust Machines: Show and Tell === by Trismegistus Shandy ----- Thanks to dkfenger for creating the Trust Machines universe and letting others play in it. Thanks to dkfenger, mrsimple, and JAK for beta-reading the first draft. ----- "All right," said Ms. Koopman, eyeing her kindergarten class. "Who's next...? Kimberly, what have you got for Show and Tell?" The little girl she'd called on got up and walked up in front of...
Despite the strange tension and embarrassment, she was beginning to like the feeling of having her ass filled. She never imagined herself this exposed. On her belly, her buttocks lifted up to him, this vulnerable. She’d seen the device adorned with a diamond. She’d felt him slide it in after lubricating her.“It won’t hurt. Trust me.”He saw her body was slightly arching, as she adjusted to being stretched. He savoured the view of the diamond knob of the toy disappearing between cheeks. He...
AnalIt was supposed to be a graduation present to Jack – a family trip to Australia. Since Jack was little he was always fascinated with the "Land Down Under". He used to watch "Crocodile Dundee" over and over and he would read many books about Australia. Therefore, his parents promised him that upon graduation they would take him on a month long vacation to that distant country.Jack graduated and the date for the trip was set. Jack's parents, Tim and Joanna, decided to do the trip in August – the...
Forward:I am a great fan of Bill Bryson. Having read his book entitled, Down Under, I was intrigued by a passage in his book that dealt with his journey from Sydney to Adelaide. During the excursion, he visited a town named Young, also renowned as the cherry capital of Australia. While in this town, he encountered a store that doubled as the local pet store and porn shop, one all the most unlikely and unusual combinations you could imagine. He didn’t elaborate too much about the place but went...
Gay MaleFirst let me say thanks to my volunteer editor KJ plotts for putting up with me…I know I can be a handful. This is a long story about some fairly dark subject matter so if that’s not your thing I can completely understand that but you should think about another story then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it and make sure to vote. The Second Coming Turning and turning in a widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the...
Riding into St. Johns, Hoyt had a good feeling about himself. For the first time since he was old enough to do a days work, he didn’t have a real job. Yet, he’d made more money this week than he’d made in any three years of his life. At the courthouse, he met with Apache County Sheriff, Braden Wills. “Hoyt, I got one here for you that I’d like to get cleaned up as soon as we can. This’n is gonna to be a tough one, but from what Marshal Freeman told me, you can get the job done if anyone...
Spells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...
Dick van Dyke 1: If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book "Turnabout" By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Rob, do you *have* to watch this movie?!" Laura said, upset. She was sitting up in her twin bed, trying to ignore what was on the bedroom TV behind her book. "What's wrong with this movie? It's a comedy!" Robert Petrie said from his bed. "It's going to give you nightmares! I just know it." "What?? This silly thing?!" "I know how suggestible you are, Rob. You...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...
This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...
IncestWhen I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...
Our dinner was uneventful, and even pleasant. No, it was better than that. It turned out to be delightful, because despite all of my fears about the way I looked, nothing happened. The "first time" experiences accumulated so fast I didn't even notice many of them after a while, and Monica had to remind me about them. Monica drove to a modest-priced Italian restaurant, and when I saw it was crowded I protested. "No, that's what we want, dear, for you to be out among lots of people who...
“Remember: sexuality is not meant to be stale. Sexuality is fluid!”Miss Grunee was enthusiastic to speak in her favorite park, to her small audience, “You’re not heterosexual. You’re not LGBT. You are who you are!” the lady ended her monologue with a standing ovation.Next to the group, PJ was doing his reps of traction at the bar. 'Yeah, right,' he thought, ironically.PJ has been proudly gay since he discovered sex: he grew up as a small cub in a small town where he was the only jock in...
BisexualBy the next morning any fear the women of the clan had of me was either gone or ignored. They still acted apprehensive but I think it was more because none of their clansmen were around than because of me. I believe that the confidence and self-assurance that my mates displayed was even beginning to rub off on some of them. Some bustled around preparing breakfast, others taking care of babies or youngsters, while still others remained on lookout, but farther outside of camp now that it was...
The outpost is a thriving and busy place known as Riverbend Outpost. There is a good sized market near the gate, multiple inns and pubs, at least one blacksmithy, and myriad other businesses to be found within its walls. The first order of business, the two agree on is finding food. They’re not starving, but it sure feels like it to them and they have finished the rations they were provided with a day ago. Neither of them has ever had to go any significant length of time without a meal...
My story starts when I was nineteen and joined the army, now I’m not going to say what country but there was always some kind of military action going on. I went through training camp, passed all the requirements and was shipped to small military base. I was given my weapon and was attached to a small five now with me, six man patrol to give me experience. We went on patrol every day for months and the only action I saw was when a farmer’s bull got loose and we helped capture him. I actually...
LesbianBook One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Thirteen BEN KNOCKS HARD ON MY door again. It startles me. Why does he do that? I know it’s six without checking the clock. He would be exactly on time. That’s who he is. The table is set. The salad is ready, I just put the potatoes in the oven a half hour ago and was waiting until he got here to cook the steaks. The whole time that I’ve been prepping dinner, I’ve been wondering when to have the I-don’t-love-you talk with him. I think over...