Scott s Yucca Man Tale
- 2 years ago
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Well children, I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you the entire truth. Maybe I should say children, grandchildren and a very few great grandchildren. Just let me sit back here and get comfortable, we still have some time.
It was a little over forty years ago that my husband and I moved into this neighborhood. We had only been married a few years at the time. I was twenty five and my husband was twenty six.
Next door was an older man, he was almost forty. We thought that was pretty old. Anyway he was a confirmed bachelor.
"What is a confirmed bachelor, grandma?" one of the grandchildren asked.
A confirmed bachelor is a man who never wanted to get married.
"Did he ever get married mother Audrey?" one of her daughter's in law asked.
No as of this minute he is still a bachelor and it has been forty years. Oh he did fall in love and asked the woman to marry him but she kept refusing so that is the way he lived, a bachelor.
I remember it all so well. Every moment of every day, it is still right here. Audrey said pointing to her head and her heart.
"Your pin, you remember it in your pin?" one of the giggling grandchildren said as she pointed to the Ruby and Diamond "A" pin she always wore. It was two rows of parallel diamonds in the form of an A with a center row of Rubies between the diamonds. No one ever remembered her not wearing it.
No, it is in my heart that I always remember, but this pin is a reminder too. With that she looked at the smiling silent man sitting beside her, holding her hand. They don't talk with words much anymore; there is not really any need.
My husband and I did not want children right away; well he didn't. My husband worked as a salesman selling books to colleges, so he was on the road quite a lot. He also had a business getting professors to write text books which he had them sell to their own students and put out new versions every year. He was just starting out and money was tight, or so thought, but we found this nice house to rent.
Now my husband also had a problem with my size. I was always a big girl, but not tall. As my daughters can bear witness to, our lot is to be buxom. At five feet tall I was already one hundred and thirty pounds. As a teenager I was one of the first to grow boobs and they just never quit growing. By the time I got out of high school I was pushing maximum density as the boys would say.
This is a lesson for all you girls, you are what you are, you just need to find someone who likes what you are and then you will be happy, just like my daughters did. It is not that we are fat, but a little soft. I am still one hundred and thirty pounds today, all these years later. It is what I am.
She feels a squeeze on her hand and does not need to look over to know.
Well back to that our story. Now some of this I did not find out when it was happening but I learned about it later.
"Damn Audrey can't you lose a few pounds?" Franklin said rather than asked. "You are as big as a fucking house. Shit, if you ever get pregnant I will have to roll you around like that girl in the original "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" movie."
"I am the exact same size I was in high school and college and when we got married. If you did not like me why the hell did you marry me?" Audrey asked.
"I liked your tits and that is why. Damn you got the biggest tits around Audrey, every guy wanted to squeeze those monsters but you did not give it up easy. But now, well you are just to fat for me. Lose some weight. 'EE' tits will not shrink that much if you drop fifteen or twenty pounds." Franklin said.
Crying Audrey said:
"What can I do? My waist is twenty four inches and always has been. My hips are thirty six and my bust is thirty eight, and that is never going to change. You never minded putting your arms around me, except you never touch me now. You don't even play with these big tits you claim are so wonderful. I am at a loss how to make it better."
Not all of these thoughts were conveyed to her children and grandchildren, but enough for them to know what was happening at that time in her life. Audrey would have to be careful not to verbalize some of what she was remembering and limit what was said, but she would never forget, never ever forget, the destruction of her marriage at the hands of what she would later think was a monster.
"Pierce, what is it you do for a living?" Franklin asked the older man who lived next door.
"I am in almost the same line of work as you are. I work on books, or pamphlets, anything actually. I am an editor. I fell into it by accident and never gave it up. Have you ever read an instruction manual and laughed at the language? Well that is what I work on. I read thousands of them and correct the language so that it says what people what it to say in English, not what some computer thinks the translation should say. I also make sure the instructions are correct for the project. When it is something that has to be put together I am sent the product and their instructions and I check them out. I also do the same with books and articles in trade publications. Anything that is published by someone who is not a native English speaker would make use of my services. No job is too small for me and none is too large. I do it all. When it is real small I ask how many times they will print it and add a little to the price for the distribution. I don't gouge but I sure don't want to get taken. I even update for a modest price so they always come back." Pierce said.
"So that is why you are always at home?" Franklin asked.
"No that is why I am always at work." Pierce said with a smile.
"Audrey, bring us another fucking beer!" Franklin yells.
"Bitch is so fat she needs the fucking exercise. But I can't just dump her or I would have done it a long time ago. It would cost me half a million to do it right now. Then there is the damn alimony and split of everything. Damn her big tits were not worth it. She was a fucking mistake that is for sure." Franklin says quietly to Pierce.
Pierce noticed the difference right away. Audrey was only five feet and a little tubby but not fat. She was firm and had a rack that any tit hunter would love to mount. Now Franklin was the typical jock. Six feet two and two hundred and twenty pounds but the muscle was beginning to give way and you just knew that in a few years he would make it to three hundred and it would not be pretty. But for now Franklin was the golden boy of the world. Blond hair, piercing blue eyes and fair skin that, with his drinking, would eventually make the blood vessels that were close to the surface of his pale skin look like lines on a map of Mars.
Pierce was just the opposite. Only five foot nine and one hundred and seventy five pounds he was officially a heavy weight if he was a boxer but no one would take him for one. He was dark and wiry as they say. He did a lot of manual labor working with his buddies and he had a lot of friends. Like any bachelor he filled in his time with other men from the bachelor herd, and they drank and whored together and tried to retain their youth by acting like they were young.
There was the sailing and the biking and hiking and running. They all had motorcycles, speed boats, mountain bikes, and when the shift came they dumped the skis for snowboards, because the younger guys rode them. They still chased the girls but were becoming invisible to the young hotties.
Eighteen became just a number instead of the age of a date. Now their main catch of the day were thirty something women, divorced with kids and looking for a man to support them all. Damn few women were never married but some were but they were like the men, confirmed as single and not the marrying type.
There was always sex, and that was easy. Funny that when you were young you could never find enough and now it was always there. Sailing you found some young stuff that would do you and "The River" was always good for some action on a three day weekend, but mostly it was work, sleep and party when you needed it.
"So what do you think about Audrey? Think she is hot?" Franklin continued.
"Not my type Franklin. I usually want them taller and athletic. I am more into speed rather than comfort with my women." Pierce responded.
"Me too. I got me this hot bitch that I travel with. Five foot nine or ten, sleek like a gazelle, and can suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch. This slut keeps me hard and then drains me dry. Shit she is the best fuck a man could want." Franklin confided.
"Well why are you still with Audrey, divorce her and marry this other one." Pierce offered.
"Can't man, I just can't give up the money." Franklin responded. "You see Audrey has this trust for half a million and I want it. I have been hiding bucks from her for years, it is not much but I want this money too. If I just divorce her I don't get any of it. Now if she divorces me I get it all. Unless there is adultery and then the innocent one get the money. By innocent I mean the one who does not get caught." Franklin winks when he said that last part.
"How about you? Why don't you fuck Audrey and then I can get the evidence and divorce her fat ass for cheating and I get all the bucks. You have the time after all. You are always home working and she is always here too. You just get a few pictures and I can make it worth your while." Franklin ended.
Without saying a word Pierce got up and put his unfinished beer down and walked away. This was way to fucking much for him. As he got to the fence that separated the property he heard the words:
"Ten thousand dollars man; all you go to do is fuck a fat pig once and you got ten thousand dollars." Franklin said.
Pierce never turned around; he just opened the gate and closed it. This time he put the lock on it and made sure Franklin saw him do it.
It was almost a month later that Franklin approached Pierce in the front yard.
"Look man, I am sorry if I offended you. I did not mean to do that. It was obviously too little and you took offense. I don't blame you at all. Who would really want to see pictures of themselves fucking that disgusting pig for ten grand? Twenty grand is what I will pay. Cash on the barrel head." Franklin added.
Pierce just looked at him and shook his head and started to walk back to his open garage. Franklin followed and then got in front of him stopping Pierce's walking.
"Thirty man; you can have thirty." Franklin said.
Now Pierce was pissed and he did not want anything to do with this guy. So he decided to play.
"Half; I will do it for half." Pierce said.
"Dude! That is a quarter of a million dollars just for a fuck and a few pictures; are you crazy?" Franklin asked.
"No it is not a quarter of a million of anything; it is half of what you get from the trust. There is probably interest added to that amount. But you are looking at this all wrong. I am going to get you at least one quarter of a million dollars that you can't get to. That is a quarter of a million you are not entitled to as you are already fucking around. I will get you absolute proof of her adultery and make the bitch wear a scarlet "A" just like the story the Scarlet Letter for the rest of her life. The last part you don't need to concern yourself with, but that is the price. If you can get someone else to do it, have at it but I will bet I am not the first you came to. I will also bet that none of the others even got close. So that is the deal. Take it or leave it but no matter what you decide this is our last discussion about price." Pierce added.
Pierce was a man used to bargaining with others, especially the Chinese and Arabs who paid for a lot of his services and they were cutthroat in their dealings.
It was a week later when a somewhat contrite Franklin appeared again.
"Man how about forty thousand and we have a deal." Franklin said.
Pierce did not say a word; he just got into his car and drove off. When he got back later that day Franklin came running out of the house.
"OK we got a deal man; a quarter of a million." Franklin said. "Shake on it." He said holding his hand out.
"It is half, not a quarter of a million and I would not touch that slimy thing you call a hand for all of the money. I can't even begin to guess where that has been and what you have been doing with it. Tomorrow we meet at my lawyers to have a contract signed, here is his card, be there at ten tomorrow morning." Pierce said.
The card he handed him belonged to one of his buddies and he was a lawyer. Pierce called him and filled him in on what he wanted and why. It was ten o'clock the next morning when they met at the lawyers.
The contract was signed. It called for the contract to be a lien on any payout to Franklin for a debt owed with the terms of the contract not to be disclosed, just that there was a debt.
The next day Pierce began his seduction. It would give him something to do. A few hellos and a few cups of coffee. Maybe a repair around the outside of the house, a few lawn mowing sessions and some trimming of a bush here and there and they were friends.
Now Franklin did everything he could to get the three of them together. The best way was a barbeque and maybe a drink outside when it was warm. The lock came off the gate in the fence and two yards became one for all practical purposes.
There were outdoor dinners and when the weather was bad then inside it was. Franklin was always an asshole and Pierce always the gentleman. Even when Franklin was traveling he made a point of asking Pierce to watch out for Audrey for him because he was afraid for her. It was bullshit made up so that Audrey would not realize that Pierce was there to fuck her and cause her to lose her trust fund; the money designed for any children she was to have.
Audrey was trusting and sweet and was a little girl at heart, looking for someone to just love her. She had dark brown hair and a little kewpie doll face. When she spoke she had a little girl voice, like she never grew up. Franklin found it irritating, Pierce endearing.
Soon Pierce had Audrey having dinner with him every day and he became her main confident. She did not have a lot of friends because Franklin wanted her to stay home. That was part of his plan, to have Audrey stay home and be seduced by Pierce.
She told Pierce that Franklin was not touching her as a husband should. She was upset and did not know what to do. She was fat, unattractive. Franklin yelled at her all the time and criticized everything she did.
One day, it just happened. She was crying about how Franklin was treating her. She was just so upset. She had no self esteem at all. This was what Pierce was waiting for. He was an experienced seducer.
He held her in his arms as she sobbed and opened her heart to him. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead as if she was a little child again. Soon she looked at him with tear drenched eyes and they moved to each other. Their first kiss was tentative, slight and they recoiled at what they had done but only for a second.
They pulled one to the other, both at the same time and their lips became as one, tongues in battle, like two snakes. Before she realized it she was naked and so was Pierce. Pierce, that was a perfect name for him because he pierced her with his fleshy lance over and over. She cried in joy as her body responded to his attentions. Her breasts were his to play with and he did. He marked her that day.
Before that day was over he had taken her many times and many ways. Once her passions were spent she went home. Even her ass was sore because he kept sticking his finger into her brown hole.
She slept fitfully. She had cheated on her husband. Should she confess? If she did he would divorce her. What could she do? She would ignore Pierce and never speak with him again.
For the next few days his "hello" went un-responded too. She ignored him. Franklin would be back in a few days and she would tell him and be done with it. She would confess and beg him to forgive her. Then there was a knock at the front door. Without thinking she opened it and there stood Pierce. He said not a word, he just handed her a large manila envelope and walked away.
She opened the envelope to find a number of eight by ten pictures of her getting fucked. Pierce was not identifiable but Audrey sure was. The last sheet was not a picture but a typed note:
"Be at my house at noon, come through the back gate. Only wear a robe and be naked under it."
Despite what she wanted to do, despite what she wanted to tell Franklin, she went to Pierce. Pictures, so many pictures means it was all recorded. Franklin may forgive the information but video and audio of her begging him to fuck her again, demanding to suck his cock clean and to push two fingers in her ass, and that would kill any chances of forgiveness. Her mind was made up, she would have to comply.
She appeared at the time and as instructed. She was used over an over and at each use she fell deeper and deeper into the trap of passion. Soon she was fucking him back, sucking him hard, riding his cock, and sucking it clean to get it hard. She was like his fuck slut. Hell, he was older and had lots of women but now he wanted her. She has just a hint of pride that he chose her for a tryst. He was handsome and he wanted her. It had been so long since she was wanted like this. It had been so long since that she had been fucked and that was just what he was doing. She had orgasm after orgasm.
When he was finished with her he sent her home to wait for her husband's evening call. That night she had difficulty sleeping and it had nothing to do with guilt, it had to do with the fact that Pierce let himself in through the back door and had her on her stomach on the marriage bed as he ploughed her pussy from behind. That night, for the first time in her life, in her marriage bed, Pierce fucked her ass and left a load of cum in it.
Pierce remember that Franklin told him he did not put anything in the home as it might pick him up talking with one of his many bimbo's and that a few times, at a little get together he might actually fuck one of them fast during the soiree. Franklin was not a man to do something to allow himself to be caught. Even on his "sales trips" he never did anything except in the privacy of his own room, where he knew everything was clean and safe for him.
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A sting in the Tale Brigid lay in the hospital bed, as impassive as ever. I couldn't help but wonder how much she actually understood of what was about to happen to her. We had told her she was finally to be rid of that most erroneous anomaly that lay between her legs. As it existed now it was shriveled and atrophied and devoid of function. She seemed willing, perhaps even excited to be rid of it. Not that her emotional range really extended as far as excited. It really only...
The Displaced Detective, Part 1 (A Body Hopper Tale) By Limbo's Mistress Chapter One "Here you go, Detective," the barista behind the counter said with a little smile. "One double espresso latte with whole milk." I returned the smile as I reached out to take the cup of steaming coffee. "Thanks," I said. The pretty young clerk smiled again and turned to help her next customer, leaning slightly over the counter. Instinctively, my eyes slid down to admire her pert rear showcased...
The First Story - A "b.j. darling" Tale By Grace Love ------------- While this story contains truthful elements, it is a work of fiction and should not be construed as anything else. Nor should it be seen as condoning risky or violent behavior. All relationships portrayed are of a consensual nature and involve only individuals 18-years-of-age or older. ------------- Master does not allow me to cum. At all. Ever. i literally do not remember the last time i came. It was...
Synopsis.What happens when a man is taken by a woman who needs a pet? Remember: A man is not just for Christmas!An Adult Female Domination Tale by Miss Irene Clearmont & Mrs Jessica McKovanaughCopyright ? 2013 Miss Irene Clearmont & Mrs Jessica McKovanaughTell Tale-----------The footsteps sounded hollow on the bare boards of the floor as she walked towards me. I could not see her, all was dark before my eyes, but her presence was tangible. A force that had captured me and confined me for her...
Teen Fuck Toy – A Thanatos Tale – Part One Author's Note: This fictional tale contains images of torture and humiliation.It is meant for an adult audience that can tell the difference between fantasyand reality. -- Cerberus In a quiet section of Manhattan, a large anonymous brownstone serves as arest home for some members of the Thanatos Society who are too old to carefor themselves. While the residents are wealthy enough to pay a staff to carefor them at their homes, in their declining years...
The Legend of the Latex Princess Rubber Fairy TaleBy Darqside There is an old legend that spans the fabric of time itself, well not really that old actually, but it will be around for a long time at the very least. Legend has it that there was once a young queen who ruled her people and her house with an Iron fist.? She was very strict with her Manservants and Maidservants.? She was a very selfish and indulgent woman by nature, and was very choosy about the men who courted her.? In...
William?s Tale William?s Tale By Lorgrom Hey there my name is William I?m 46 just under 5?8? and 166 lbs. I?m your average looking African-American. Unlike my inner-city brothers, I grew up in a lower upper class city. While most of the kids in school were white they accepted me as one of their own. Since my father was the lawyer for many of their parents. During my senior year of collage, I met Gwen. She was a freshman, who was only there because she qualified for one of those grants...
Nina?s Tale By Dr. Quirt A young Afro-French girl explores her masochistic desires but gets a lot more than she bargained for. This story is the second of a trilogy, the first part being ?Julie?s Story? and the concluding part ?What Happened to Lucy?? Part 1 Hi, my name is Nina and I am going to try to tell you my sorry tale. I don?t know if this message will ever reach the outside world as I shall have to try to smuggle it out through one of the harem guards, tonight. I don?t think...
The Perfect Wife ? A Thanatos Tale ? Part One The Perfect Family ? A Thanatos Tale ? Part One Note:? This is a work of fiction.? Any similarity with persons living or dead is purely coincidental. ?A family is but too often a commonwealth of malignants.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? -- Alexander Pope Thirty-one year old Larissa Monroe shudders as her son, Andrew, loudly...
The main character here is aligned to one member of our small social/support group who is a country mile ahead of the rest of us in passability, but lacks the confidence to make the most of the gift in anything other than events for crossdressers. The story itself is unintentionally longer than previous ones that I have posted, but it took a long time to write and kept hoovering up new sections. It is just a shame that I could not think of a decent ending, so if readers think the story...
"The blonde with the big tits in the Zep tee." Our drummer and bass player, brothers Sal and Rik Venturi also left requests. I waved him off, "Not tonight. Gotta work the day job tomorrow." Roscoe smiled and asked, "Not even a quick bj, Kev?" "Nope, gotta run." The Clown Show was an oddly named bar and club that often had us signed on for weekend gigs. Two 45 minute sets after an opening group, usually on the popular Saturday night. This one was a more rare Wednesday night as a...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...
Life was a bit mundane for Tracy. She was married for about thirteen years. She was a wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister. But she felt very alone. Things were okay with her marriage. They had great sex, but did struggle connecting emotionally. This frustrated Tracy very much. Her husband was an introvert and she was more social. Then one day she went looking for something a little different. She had no intentions of cheating, but just wanted to see what was out there. She discovered that...
HumorA Cat's Tale By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Author's note: This story was in part inspired by a very strange dream I had recently. Chapter 1 Derek Silva logged onto his computer. He had recently found a very interesting chatroom, and he was hoping that there would be some exciting people in there that evening. It was a little after eleven PM, but Derek didn't care; it was summer, and he had no worries until fall when his college classes started up again. He...
Once upon a time, there was a girl with the heart of a kitten. Shy, and skittish, she was slowly coaxed from under the bed, or should I say, out of the closet by her owner, and then her new found friend and next door neighbor. Eventually, she shared her story, and became comfortable about talking about it, even writing about it, playing with a few select others who would throw balls of yarn for her or scratch her behind the ears and smile as she rubbed up against their legs, showering them with...
FetishNote All characters are entirely ficticious and my apologies of any family or company names have inadvertently been used My Lady's Descent, the Butlers Tale. I was idly cleaning some silverware. The sun was shining through the drawing room windows. The lawns stretched away towards the lake with its island and folly while a gardener snipped ineffectually away at the lawn edges. It was an ordinary summers day. Mr Harrison my lord's stock broker and adviser arrived just after...
The group watched Iverson intently as he took a long swig from his mead pouch. The darkness fell around the group as they sat beside the brightly burning fire, drinking their mead and finishing off their stew. Iverson finally spoke: - Well. Where to begin? He mused tantalisingly. The young men shifted impatiently. All bar Romian, Luther and Iverson himself had rarely met let alone experienced the wonders of women! They all wanted to know what it was like! As highly hormonal...
Author’s note: The noble ladies of medieval France loved tales of women who had to put up with old and jealous husbands. Sometimes the stories were comic, sometimes tragic, sometimes romantic – but always the bad husbands were outwitted, one way or another. Here’s my (slightly naughty) take on the bad husband tale. Rosette daughter of Galon was rounding the last corner between the village well and the cottage she shared with her mother and father when two of the Duke’s soldiers, magnificent in...
You may think of me as Fiona, and I am a cross-dresser.A story by Erica inspired me to pen my saga of cross-dressing. I am also a recovering alcoholic, with a few days over 19 years without a drink as I write this, and I suppose the two tales are intertwined to some extent. Not that I am a saint by any means, a lot of people with a lot less time have a better sobriety than I. But I learned that alcohol is a poison to me, so I avoid it. I just do irrational things when I add alcohol to my...
My name is Ms Layla Smith, and I am, as you might say, a lady of negotiable affection. This is quite wrong indeed. My price is rarely negotiable, since the customers willing to negotiate obviously are not wealthy enough to afford me. I am a true professional, discreet and perfect in every manner a gentleman could ask for. I know what they want before they even know it themselves, when to smile, when to stare, when to lie, when to be the ever so modest little flower, and when to be the...
THE HUNTER'S TALE. By Cassandra Anaconda Morrison I had been collecting tales of the old days from the people in that small mountain community for several days. And everyone I talked to said the same thing: "Boy?yew should talk to Old Man Sackett if yew wants to hear some hair-raising stories about the old days." It had taken me some time to track him down?apparently he'd taken his Winchester and gone off hunting deer for all he was over 90 years old. But now he was sitting...
The Blue Unicorn: An Allegorical Tale By Lynn LeFey Once upon a time (as is often the beginning of such tales), there was born to a mare a beautiful young foal. Like the other foals, it climbed on wobbly legs, and eventually ran through the green pastures where it lived. This young horse was unremarkable, except for its blue mane. Often the others would comment about this unusual trait, sometimes playfully, sometimes in a mean way. As the young colt grew, the blue coloring slowly...
A Fabulists Tale By Rachel Anne Now where do I start? Well they say that the beginning is always a good place, so here goes. I have always been a storyteller but lately everything has changed. It seems that my tall tales aren't so tall as I always thought at least they aren't after I tell them that is. Confusing? You don't know the half of it, but I'll try to explain as best as I can. I first noticed that things weren't as I had been taught when I wrote a story about the SRU Wizard....
Altered Fates: Kyle's Tale By Christy_D My name is Kyle Crane and I've got a story to tell. I'm 19 now but when all this happened I was 17. It started off as a normal day, as tales of this nature often do, and I was doing chores around my house. My parents and 15 year old sister, Cassie, were gone for the week visiting my aunt and I had the house to myself. As I took the trash out I noticed something lying in the bushes next to our front door. I put the trash bags by the curb and...
I have to say it’s good to know there are other people out there living the Cuckold lifestyle. Sandra and I are from the South of England, have been married six years and have a daughter together. I love my wife very much indeed. As well as being a very attractive woman with a great figure she is popular and fun to be with. There is nothing I enjoy more than having her on my arm or of spending time with my family. With all this in mind I’m pleased to say that Sandra is also a self-made slut for...
A Pirate tale A long time ago, the kingdom of Spain ruled much of what we call now Central America and the Caribbean. Their domination was opposed by the British, but not using the Navy, no. The British used pirates. There have been many tales written of those times, and this may not be the strangest .... At the docks of the great city of London, a young man moves carefully, occasionally looking at a piece of paper he carries. The docks are a place of bustle and noise, which...