Why Me? free porn video

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We're the Fowlers: Dana and Gordon. Common age thirty-one. Married right out of high school: that makes thirteen years ago as of the first of next month. Dana's a beautician, learned the trade on the job working for Julia's Styles, a shop catering mostly to ladies with blue hair. I'm a short haul truck driver for Drummond Trucking, freight haulers. I'm never gone more than one day in a row, and most times home by five or six every night.

Maybe this would be a good place to describe us a little, physically that is; I mean before we get into the story per se. Dana's slender; tall, at five-eight; and pretty. Me? I'm a shade under five-seven; stocky, at one-seventy-five; hard bodied and strong—I bench 315 for reps. Did a little silver and golden gloves when I was younger. Did pretty good too, made it regional finals when I was seventeen.

At any rate, lookswise, and otherwise, Dana's way out of my league; but none of that's ever been an issue; well, until lately. Okay, and sex...

Sex between Dana and me has been good ever since we were seniors in high schools. I got her cherry, and she got mine the night of homecoming. But sex between us now is more than problematical, and I do mean more than! Oh and we have one daughter, Jessica, my pride and joy.

"I love you, Gordie, and no one else. Always have always will. But..." she'd started.

"But, what, Dana? What's all of this about? Why did you come down here today?" I said.

She'd called my cell a couple of hours earlier and had made a date with me for lunch at one of the stops I was making that today. We were seated in a not too tacky café just outside of town. Burgers downed, and the iced teas refilled she'd morphed from pensive, and mostly uncommunicative in any real sense, to nervous and anxious.

"Gordie, I have a lover. I needed to tell you. I don't want you finding out the wrong way, and so I made the decision to out myself and put it out there for the two of us to talk about," she said.

I suppose I hadn't really heard her, or having heard, her words had not registered with me, with my conscious mind. "Huh?"

"I have a lover, Gordie. He's a nice guy. But, just a part time thing. You know on the side. No threat to us, no threat at all. But, that said, I know you may see things differently than they in fact are. Anyway, I had to tell you," she said.

I was finally coming to grips with the meaning of her words. I was suddenly sick to my stomach. "No threat to us? What does that mean?" I said. She seemed to relax at hearing my words—that is—my tone which an outside observer might have described as matter-of-fact. I wasn't raving. I figured that had been the reason she wanted to out herself in a public place instead of at the house: she was afraid I might lose it. Well, and while that was not an impossibility; I probably wouldn't be doing that being the kind of person I thought myself to be.

"It means that what he and I do, in the best of all possible worlds, will not have any effect on you and me at all. I do not want a divorce. And, I repeat, I love you, not him. And, I am here to beg you to accept my proposal," she said.

"Proposal?" I said. I was pretty sure my less than boisterous reaction to her pronouncement was making an impact; I just wasn't sure what kind.

"Yes. After we leave here today, I am hoping that things between us will still be good. And, while I know it's going to be impossible for you to forget what I've told you; that's kind of what I am hoping you will try to do. Or, if not forget, which as I say I know would be hard, at least ignore what I've told you. I need you to consider what I said today as my being honest and up front with you and not a slap in your face, at least not that," she said.

I found myself feeling very calm almost detached from what she was saying, roiling stomach or no. The love of my life, my high school sweetheart had betrayed me. The mother of our thirteen year-old daughter, Jessica, was risking it all to fuck some other man—how did she say it—on the side. Calm, yes, I was calm, weirdly so at least outwardly.

I'd figure out what I was going to do sooner or later, but for the moment, I needed solitude.

"I see," I said. "Well, okay, I guess we'll be talking some more later." I could feel my voice beginning to crack, but I was still holding it together. "But, before you ask, I don't know what I am going to do right at the moment," I said. And, the truth was that I didn't. I loved her, and I loved our daughter; and whatever I decided to do would have to take into account those two very cogent realities.

"Okay, honey. Just please consider that I do love you, and I am praying that we can make it through this," she said. She rose to go. No kiss, no hug, she just rose to go; and then she was gone. And I was left to the rest of my day and my thoughts.

"How did he take it?" said Hiram Rogers.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. He didn't lose it like you thought he might. He just said that we'd be talking later," said Dana. "But, I made one big ass mistake, I just walked out. I didn't kiss him or hug him or anything. I guess I was just trying to retreat as fast as I could before he did lose it."

"Really? I'm surprised. Most husbands would either cry in their beer or lose it big time. But, you say he was just kind of matter-of-fact. You think he might be playing on the side himself? I mean..." he started. She gave him a look.

"What? Uh—no. Not my Gordie, not even," she said. He nodded, but looked dubious.

"I don't know. The way you say he reacted just doesn't seem normal to me," said Hiram.

"Well, if there is one thing I'm sure of is that Gordon Fowler would never cheat on me," she said. The hypocrisy of her words didn't seem to register with either of them.

"Whatever, I think it's time we did our thing," he said, smiling. "And, you and I will be talking later too." He began to strip. She matched him garment for garment.

Naked he moved to her and began exploring her body with his hands. She giggled as his fingers invaded the cleft of her buttocks and poked obscenely at the sphincter of her anus.

"Looking for some candy to go with your whipped cream," she mocked.

"Absolutely," he said. Pulling his fingers from her behind, he licked them clean. "Nice." She smiled her appreciation.

"Hmm, my turn," she said. She went to her knees and took hold of his eight inch penis. Stroking it a few times, she leaned in and let it slip between her lips. She began sucking on it. He jerked spasmodically as the sensation rocked his sexual world. Ready, he pulled her up, and turned her around. She leaned over the seat of the chair in front of her and spread her legs wide for him.

He poked at her pussy and gained an almost immediate lodgement. He began seesawing in and out of her. She grunted and moaned and dribbled spit down her cheeks as he took her. As usual he was able to last some minutes: long enough for her to stiffen announcing the arrival of another shattering climax, the main reason she was cheating on her husband. Her Gordon could never give her what her Hiram did. Guilt? Yes. If she had to choose, and she hoped she never would: Gordon Fowler was way better than Hiram in every other way but in bed. The climaxes that her Hiram gave her were irreplaceable. God how she feared the conversation she would be having with her husband just a few hours hence.

"No, Jimmy, my dad would never allow me to date a senior in high school; so just eat your heart out," giggled Jessica Fowler. "Just forget it."

"Okay, Jess, but I like you a lot even if I am four years older than you. And, I'd have no problem meeting your dad and asking his permission myself," said James Colby.

She watched the captain of the Central High football team walk off and away from her. Too bad, she thought, he's hot.

I was done early, but decided not to go directly home. I needed a drink. I needed it real bad. The Hard Hat, my favorite watering hole, was but fifteen minutes from the house, and the bartender Christina Mosely loved me and took care of all of my alcoholic needs.

I was hardly even seated before my favorite brand of Tennessee refreshment was in front of me. "Thanks, girl, I figure to need a few of these before the night is over," I said. She looked me askance. I knew she'd be probing for more info before too long.

I sat there sipping my drink and trying to figure how I was going to handle the disaster of my domestic situation. I knew I'd have to go home sooner or later. But, what then? What should I do or say to her when I did. And what about my junior high school daughter. Did she know? Should she know if she didn't already? Would she take her mother's side or mine? Mine I decided, at least in the short run.

And, who the hell was she fucking. It just occurred to me that I had asked almost no questions about her liaisons. I would be. But, when I did, would she be forthcoming or try to keep me in the dark? I had never hurt her or anyone outside of the ring, and that had been when I was a kid. I was still in shape working out as I did four days a week at Maximo's gym. Dana knew I could fight, but she'd never actually seen me. She had seen my trophies; they were at my parents' house upstate. But, I'm not sure she actually knew what I could do. Thinking about it, though, that might have been another reason that she outted herself: to keep her lover from being beat like a cur dog. But, then again, who really knew? I sure didn't.

"So, hot shot, you have that look. Wifey giving you trouble?" said Tina.

"You could say that. She informed me today that she loved the hell outta me, but that she'd taken a lover on the side, and hoped I didn't mind," I said.

"You're fucking with me," said Tina—and yes everybody called her Tina; she'd always preferred it to her given name.

"No, no I'm not. That is exactly what she hit me with. So, now I have to figure what I'm going to do," I said.

"Well, how about divorcing her and marrying me?" said Tina.

"Yeah, like you'd marry me even if I did divorce her," I said.

"You think I'm pretty, right?" she said.

"Well, of course. You're stunning. Way out of my league. But, then, almost all the girls are," I said, meaning it.

"You are a helluva nice guy, Gordon. Super-duper handsome, no, but not too bad. A woman like me could easily fix most of your problems.

"What's your dick size?" she said. She wasn't smiling.

"Huh? What? Jesus, Tina, is nothing sacred with you?" I said.

"Not much," she said.

"Six-inches," I said, "maybe a trace over that. Not exactly imposing." She smiled, and left to fill an order at the other end of the bar. I went back to sipping my drink.

She was back in what was likely about a minute and a half.

"Okay, your wifey is fucking around on you. Leaving aside answering my question as to whether or not you'd marry me after you divorced her. There is another option," she said.

"Instead of going home tonight, shack up with me. Fuck me good and proper and then go home in the morning with your ego mended," she said.

"Huh? Are you serious?" I said.

"As a heart attack," she said. I looked at her, stared at her, and made a decision.

"Yes," I said. "Yes, indeed."

My cell began going off at around 6:30. It was her right enough. I turned it off and settled in to wait for Tina to get off that would be at 9:00PM.

We walked to her place: it was just around the corner from the bar. I'd already had three JDs, and had cut myself off after that in view of the evening's goal: a very pretty red head's pussy.

"Convenient," I said. After the three minute walk. She smiled.

"I'm going to change. You get comfortable," she said. I nodded my obedience.

I just walked around the front area, peaked into the kitchen, and waited.

"Checking me out?" she said, noticing my noticing her place.

"No, just killing time," I said. "Oh, and you are absolutely stunning."

"Well, thank you," she said. She was stark naked and I was drooling. "You can strip now unless you want to wait for later."

I didn't even answer her. I just began shedding clothes while making every effort to keep my eye on her shaved pubes. Naked, I went to her and fell to my knees.

"Way out of my league," I said, worshipping her. I leaned in and kissed her secret place. She took hold of the back of my head and pulled me in tight against her pussy. I began licking and sucking her as I had never licked and sucked a woman before, not even my wife. This was one very hot babe. She shuddered and pushed me away. She lay down on the floor and spread her legs for me. Still on my knees, I shuttled over to her and stared.

"Jesus, you're a beautiful woman," I said.

"Of course," she said. "And if you divorce your whore, you can have me all to yourself for the rest of our lives." I just nodded. I wasn't quite sure why a woman like her, so good looking, and younger than me, was so interested in a joe-average like me, but that was a question to be answered another day.

I climbed on top of her and began poking to gain entry. She grabbed my cock and guided it to where it needed to go. I pushed and pulled for a few moments and then, lodged in, I drilled her.

"Uhg!" she blurted.

I began doing her. "That's it, big boy, fuck me. And, do a good job of it."

I did my level best to last as long as I could. Eleven minutes later she twitched and moaned and I emptied myself into her. I rolled off to the side breathing hard.

"Not bad," she said. "Yes, I think you'll do."

"Glad you liked it," I said.

It was a Wednesday night. I had to work the next day. I had to go home to get clothes. I had planned to stay the night with Tina, and I would next time—if there was to be a next time. But, on this night I needed to get home and face a no doubt irate wife. Tina understood.

After thanking her profusely for saving my sanity and maybe my heart, I headed on home. Oh, and we'd made a date for the following Friday night: she had a 9:00 o'clocker that night, but Saturday she closed.

It was after midnight. The house was dark except for the usual night light in the kitchen.

She was sitting in the living room on the couch. "Okay, Gordon, is this some kind of statement," she said. Well, the best defense is a good offense.

"Hmm, I guess you could make a case for that, Dana. But, as to that, I'm not really sure," I said.

"Look, I outted myself to try and spare us all of the drama that would have to follow if I hadn't," she said. "Please just deal with it, okay?" Her words darkened my mood.

"Hmm, drama. Yes, deal with it. Yes, I guess this, situation, is kind of dramatic isn't it. Of course if you were an honest and faithful wife, there wouldn't be any drama," I said.

"Gordie, I told you those things to be honest with you; to make it so that you and I could be even better than we have been. Well, that was my goal," she said.

"Okay. But, I have a couple of questions for you. Answer me honestly, give me the straight skinny, and I'll do the same," I said. Stonewall me, and we may as well just go to bed and forget everything—and I do mean including us."

"Gordie! You're not thinking of doing anything stupid are you?" she said.

"I don't know. What qualifies as being stupid from your point of view," I said.


"Question, Dana, why?" I said. She sagged back into the couch.

"He's a good lover. Really, the best I ever had," she said. I snickered.

"I suppose I'm supposed to conclude that that includes me? Me, mister inadequate. You sure no how to hurt a guy," I said. She looked shaken.

"Gordie, for God's sake I didn't mean to put you down, not even. You're good too. Okay. I mean it," she said.

"Just not good enough to lure you away from super dick, right Dana? Never mind. Okay, I can't fault your honesty—so far."

"Who is it?" I said.

"His name doesn't matter, Gordie. Really," she said.

"It does to me. Who is it? Tell me or were done, and then it really won't matter," I said. She stood and started pacing back and forth.

"Gordie, you really don't want to know. Drop it. Let it be," she said. I just stared at her. She started to head for the stairs. I followed her.

Inside the room, she headed for the bathroom and I headed for the closet. I was already packing the first of two suitcases that I'd retrieved, when she emerged in her nightgown.

"What are you doing?" she said.

"Leaving you," I said.

"What!" she all but screamed. "What about Jessica? What about our thirteen years together? What about our future plans?"

"All in the shitter. I guess the lawyers will be hashing out the custody issues. I do need to see and be around my baby. But, you and I? We're done. Your secret, his name, is apparently worth more to you than our marriage. That's unacceptable," I said. I continued to pack.

"Would you stay and try to get over this—challenge—if I gave up his name?" she said. I stopped, and looked at her.

"Unless it's my dad or brother or other close relative, I might be willing to make the effort or come to some kind of compromise," I said. She paced back and forth trying, I was sure, to decide if the risk was worth the possible blowback. She stopped and nodded.

"Okay. It's Hiram Rogers," she said. I know my face darkened. I started to sputter.

"My-my-my best friend?" I said. "My from-my-childhood best fucking friend!" I tried to calm down. It was the fucking cliché of cliché's.

"You said..."

"Yes, I said I might be willing to try. Okay, and I am. But, please let him know that he and I are quits. Oh, and he's never to come around here again. Not ever. Fuck him, do whatever you want to with him, but I never want to hear his name or see his face again. I don't want to end up in jail for beating him to death," I said.

"Gordon, he and I..."

"Just not around here. Okay?" I said. she nodded. "It's time to take your nee'r-do-well husband to bed. Let's go."

We were undressing. "Can I ask you a question, Gordon?" I shrugged. I kinda figured I knew what she was going to ask. I was right.

"Where were you tonight?" she said.

"At the Hard Hat," I said. She nodded.

I rolled over to my side of the bed. The scene was tense. But, after a short time she chanced it: she reached for my cock. I let her. After some few minutes I surprised to discover, and so was she, that I wasn't hard. She couldn't turn me on.


"Just don't feel like it, Dana. I guess, you put a pretty good hit on the old ego," I said. That was true of course. What was also true was the simple fact that I had come three times earlier in the evening.

I could hear her sniffling. "I'm sorry my husband. I thought that I was doing the right thing. I guess I was wrong." She rolled over and went to sleep. Well, I assume that that was the case.

"Jesus, you told him!" he said.

"Hiram, yes, I had to. He was packing to leave me. I had to. And what is almost worse than that was when I tried to make it up to him by fucking his eyes out, he couldn't get it up for me. That has never, I mean never happened before!"

"Well, that sure as hell puts an end to him and me," he said. "I guess it was inevitable."

"Yes, I'm afraid so. You're persona non-grata around the house now. He told me to tell you that," said Dana.

"He still doesn't know the biggee, right?" he said. "I mean about Jessica's..."

"No. And he must never," she said.

"I guess it's a damn good thing the two of them look a lot alike," he said. She shivered.

"Yes, he'd kill me, and him, if he knew," she said.

"On another point, Does he know how long? I mean us?"

"No. And, he didn't ask. If he had, I'm not sure I could have kept it from him. But, he didn't, so for the moment we're okay on that score," she said.

"Thank God! I'm gonna miss our family gatherings, but I guess it couldn't be helped. Sooner or later he'd have caught on, and it might have been even worse," he said.

"Yes for real," she said.

"I just had a bad thought," he said.


"What if, you know, Jessica starts to notice that good 'ole uncle Hiram isn't coming around anymore. It could raise questions..."

"I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and deal with that issue if and when it ever comes up," she said. "Jesus, how could I have not thought of that!"

He went pensive. "I'm going to miss us all being one big happy family," he said. She nodded.

"Once the dust settles, we'll try to make amends with him," she said.

"Wouldn't that be something," he said. "I mean if he could be convinced to buy into what we're doing."

The Hard Hat was busy. Tina was running her ass off, and a beautiful ass it was too. I owed that gorgeous ass. She it was that pulled me out of the emotional frying pan at the very least.

"So, got anything for me tonight, cowboy?" she said coming up to me.

"Lots, but for the moment maybe you can help me find a fella name of Jack Daniels," I said.

"I believe he just arrived. I'll see what I can do," she said.

It was Friday night and we had a date for 9:30—an hour to go.

She was wiping down the bar in front of me. "Your wife know where you are?" she said.

"No, and I think she'd kind of pissed at me," I said. "She's home sitting with our daughter. I'm certain she wanted to go out tonight, but my going out first kind of short shanked her," I said. Tina smiled.

"Kind like got your licks in first, huh," she said. "I think I saw your wife once or twice in the past with you. She did look like she might be kinda feisty."

"Yeah, you could say that."

"She making nice. I mean after what she laid on you the other day?" said Tina.

"Yes, she's tried, but believe it or not I couldn't even get it up for her last night. Kind of scary, really," I said. Now, Tina laughed.

"Yeah will I had pretty well drained you if I recall. Anyway, I hope you won't be having any such trouble tonight," she said. "Wonder what she'll be doing with herself since she's obviously not going out with her mister studley."

Her words made me think. Babysitter? We didn't have one that we used with any regularity. Leave Jessica alone till one or the other of us got home. Have her boyfriend over to the house! No, no, she was irresponsible, but not that irresponsible; I was sure of that.

The second night with Tina was more or less a repeat of our first time together. I still couldn't think why she'd settled on me as a possible mate. Her reminders, that I would be well served to marry her, if my marriage did in fact implode, were just too unbelievable to take seriously, but she apparently was serious. There had to be a hundred guys came in to the Hard Hat with more money, were better looking, and probably with bigger dicks than me—so why me? It made no sense. But was I going to kick a gift horse in the mouth? Not on your life! Christina Mosely was primo female stock I was going to ride it as long as she'd let me.

I got in a little after 1:00AM. The place was dark. Well, it should have been.

"So, you finally decided to come home," she said. The sarcasm was palpable.

"And, that would bother you why? Because you didn't put in your bid for the night out before me," I said. And, yes the sarcasm was dripping from my facial orifice as well.

"You could have called," she said. "It wouldn't have killed you."

"Why, you never call me to let me know when you're out fucking your boyfriend—my ex best friend. The way I see it, what's good for you is sure as hell good for me," I said.

"Gordie, Hiram wants you to know he'd like to make things right by you if you'll let him," she said. This was intriguing, laughable, but yes intriguing.

"Really? And, what does he propose? Maybe promise to fuck you less than he has been?"

"No, not exactly. He's of the opinion that if we were include you, you know do threesomes..."

"Forget it. I don't willingly share my woman. But, I'm dealing with it as you let me know I had to do," I said.

"Gordie, I didn't mean it that way. I didn't mean to seem like I was issuing ultimatums. I don't know, I guess, I was kind of encouraging you. Yes, that's it I was encouraging you," she said.

"No harm no foul, Dana. You go out; I'm going out too. Where it'll all end is a mystery at the moment, at least to me, but sooner or later we'll both know, I suppose," I said.

"Where it's going to end? Young man, if it's up to me, it'll end with you and I being together and madly in love for the rest of our lives," she said.

"With or without your little something on the side?" I said. She looked away.

"Someday, you'll understand," she said. "Hiram is not threat to you. None!"

"And, that bothers me, Dana. Why is he no threat. He's a better lover than me; you said so. He makes as good a living. He's Taller than you instead of shorter. He's overweight, but not that bad looking. So why don't you just dump me and take up with him? I'd really like to know. It would seem like a no brainer to me, given what you think of me, for you to go with him," I said.

"Because, Gordon Fowler, you're the sweetest and kindest and gentlest bit of male flesh out there; and, you're the fath..." She'd stopped in mid-sentence. She was obviously about to include fatherhood in the equation, but stopped. Then it hit me.



"What were you about to say, but didn't," I said.

"Nothing. It's just..." My eyes narrowed.

"Dana, am I Jessica's father?" I said. I said it very calmly, quietly.

Yes, of course you are silly. What a dumb question. No one could ever take your place in Jessica's heart." The words were right, but the tone was all wrong. I nodded, but I was not convinced. I'd be getting a blood test on my baby. I was AB negative, fairly rare type. I'd know by Monday morning.

Once again, I was sitting in the Hard Hat sipping my JD when she plopped down beside he. "Hi handsome," said Tina.

"Oh, hi Tina," I said. She gave me a quizzical look.

"My, down in the dumps today?" she said.

"Yeah, maybe. Jessica may not be my kid. Well, she is, but somebody else might have been the sperm donor. I'll know by Monday," I said.

"Oh wow!" she said. "Monday?"

"Yes, a blood test. I'm a rare bird. If she doesn't match then the shit's gonna hit the fan in technicolor," I said.

She joined me and we closed the place, oh and it was Sunday, her day off.

"Mom, why was daddy so quiet at dinner tonight," said Jessica. Her mother pretended not to hear her.

"Mom?" said Jessica.

"He's—he's—got a lot on his mind, Jess," said her mother.

"Mom... ?"

"He'll be okay. Like I said, he's got a lot on his mind."

She could see that her daughter wasn't buying the party line. But, there was nothing she could do about it now. She'd finally come to the conclusion that outing herself was a big mistake, maybe the biggest of her life.

Jessica turned and headed into the den. Her dad was watching the tube. He never watched television unless it was a college football game.

"Daddy?" I looked up. I think my look was impassive.

"Yes, honey?" I said.

"Dad, what's wrong?" said Jessica.

"Nothing, honey girl, why do you ask?" I said.

"Daaddddyyyyy?" said Jessica.

"What? I'm tired is all. Got a lot on my mind."

"You and mom got your stories straight, but it's not the truth is it daddy," said Jessica. She saw him take a deep breath.

"Jessica, some things are for adults to deal with and some for young people like yourself. This is one of the adult things. You'll be brought into the loop if it ever seems useful to do so. Okay?" I said. I could see my tone of voice left her frustrated, but oddly a little less worried. Her daddy would take care of things; he always did.

I parked in front of the clinic and hesitated. If I got out I'd be committed. I knew they had my babies medical records. She'd spent half a day in the ER the year before with an infection gotten during softball practice. The fly in the ointment was that they didn't have mine. But, I knew my blood type, and I'd know immediately if I went inside and asked what Jessica's was. And, knowing, I could be opening a whole new set of problems and challenges to deal with. So, again, I hesitated.

I steeled myself. I went inside. It was a slow day. There was just one other client or customer or whatever they called us drop-in-ers waiting to be helped.

The clerk at the front desk had me fill out a request form. She retreated into the back. Ten minutes later a nurse carrying a folder came out.

"Mister Fowler?" she said.

"Yes," I said.

"All you needed was your daughter's blood type?" she said, she looked dubious.

"Yes," I said.

"Type O," she said. She smiled. I smiled. But, inside my heart my mind my stomach my soul concealed a typhoon of emotions carving a swath of anger and hurt and a sense of betrayal through me. Jessica was somebody else's biological child. But, she was mine—and only mine—in any possible world regardless of what the medical record indicated.

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I sit here on this bar stool nursing my fifth beer, wondering 'why me?' I realize that I have led a full life and that I was a little wild when I was young and foolish, but I guess there is no fool like an old fool. I knew my greatest mistake, or maybe my worst discovery, was an errant nail. Let me start at the beginning. My name is Robert Michael Forsythe; I am 60 years old today, and I discovered yesterday that my wife of 24 years has been unfaithful to me for at least the past ten years....

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Author’s note: All legal references are based on my imagination. When she left me, she never gave me an answer to the question I asked. She just said she had to leave me. She also said she still loved me. When she left me, she never gave me an answer to the question I asked. She just said she had to leave me. She also said she still loved me. That was five years ago. She found me again. I had sold my old house, sold my company, and moved to another city. I tried very hard to not leave a...

4 years ago
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She got out of her car and I knew it was her. She matched her description to a 'T'. She was even a few minutes early, which is a serious plus in my book. Fashionably late might work for a party, but not a date."Hi!""Hi!" She said with just a touch of shyness. I smiled and held my arm out. She took it and we went into the club for dinner.Blind dates are always risky, but internet blind dates are the worst. You meet over a bunch of bits and bytes and try to establish a connection to the...

First Time
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So after a long day at work and thinking about ass all day I came home got all of my stuff ready for the next day, ate, showered, and talked my wife into going to bed with me. Once there I of course got even more horny, I started to lick her pussy and she just laid there as if she were dead. A bit disappointed I started to pout, determined though I tried again. This time she had rolled over and her fat ass was up in the air, I started to play with it and opened her cheeks. And I started to do...

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She was not sure what he had in store for her today. As she sat in his car, her mind was going over all the possibilities, trying to figure out what he might do. As much as she liked to think she could figure out what he had in mind, in reality she knew that he wasn’t really all that predictable. While she was sitting there, she became more aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties. It had started as simply not wearing panties, but then her mouth had made it worse, and he had...

3 years ago
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Hi all if you like my story mail me on So don’t forget mail ok thanks for like my story. Sarah Jefferson lay in bed, restless. She was in her pajamas. She was a nice looking girl. Dark eyes and hair, pale golden skin. Really beautiful. She looked good and knew it. She was an honor student at her college. Her parents made a good living. Her father owned a chain of restaurants and her mother was a lawyer. Sarah herself was a model and she had a good reputation. She had it all. Money. Fame....

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*** The island, visiting the shaman. In the summer of 2021, I found myself visiting Olkhon Island on the lake Baykal in Siberia. I was not alone, and we would spend a few days on the island and then visit the mountain regions in Buryatia. But Buryatia was closed because of the pandemic, and we stayed the whole week on the island instead. Olkhon Island is home to breathtaking landscapes that are second to none. Surrounded by the largest freshwater lake in the world, the island is a...

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Each action has consequences and in this case a very dangerous ... We're all super, for some reason my mouth felt tired and had a taste, my ass hurt, the other night we were having a great time on a record. It's the only thing I remembered from the other night. Suddenly the teacher said that a new student was going to enter. We were excited by a new student, fresh meat. The teacher said that his name was Melany, for some reason it became familiar, and a sensation of cold ran through my body, I...

4 years ago
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A NIght Out A work of fiction

After the fun I had had with Jane, I decided it was time for me to get out and about and meet other transvestites. I had a taste for sucking tranny cock, and I wanted more. I couldn’t believe myself, after one evening of hot tranny sex I was a cock hungry slut, who couldn’t wait to get her red lips round another hard and sweet cock.I decided that the best way to meet girls was to go on one of their nights out. I chatted To Jane online as usual, and she told me of a night out in Glasgow in a...

1 year ago
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Kutia saas ki chudai

Hi friends mera naam shanu hai. Main gwalior mein rahata hu.meri age 28 hai mera laand 6.5″ lamba aur 3.5′ mota hai.maine bahut hi sexy hu mujhe sex karna acha lgta hai maine aaj tak kisi kesaath sex nahi kiya tha mera sochne tha ki jo maza biwi ke sath sex karne main e hai vo kisi aur mai kaha es liye maine muth mar ka hi kaam chala ta tha par meri abhi abhi shadi huyi hai.main apko meri pahali chudai ki story sunanae ja raha hu. Meri shadi yahake ek neha namke ladaki ke satth huyi hai. Neha...

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A Woman In Full Sharons Journey Continues Part I A Dinner at Home

A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Author's Note: A Woman in Full is the sequel to Sharon's journey, the story of a young man who, with the help of a woman, became a woman and found love, strength and some heartache along the way. If you have not yet done so, please read Sharon's Journey, so to better know the characters and the history. I hope you enjoy this next effort. Part I A Dinner at Home The framed photograph on the mantle caught Sharon's eye. Of all...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Jillian Janson Madi Meadows Better Than Your Boyfriend

It’s been a bit since Jillian Janson and Madi Meadows have been able to get together. They finally get their schedules to match up for a visit. They decide to hang out in Jillian’s kitchen for some coffee and a catch up. As they’re chatting, the girls reminisce about college and how much fun they used to have. Jillian uses that to segue into talking about Madi’s new boyfriend. Madi eventually confesses that her new boyfriend hasn’t been able to make her cum, which...

2 years ago
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The Monster Cock 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is Vishnu again. Thanks for reading and excellent feedback on my earlier stories. The one I am going to narrate now happened about 6 months of me meeting Raj. We both used to have a great time almost every weekend and my frequency of getting fucked by him used to be 3 – 4 times a week. As I already told you, I met Raj over yahoo messenger and he was one among many guys who I chatted with but ended up meeting only Raj. Coming to the story, it was one Friday where Raj called me...

Gay Male
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To fully enjoy this story please read the original betrayal story at the link below.https://xhamster.com/stories/well-hung-betrayal-9690411A couple of months after our encounter with the well hung guy in the lay-by and my wife Sarah’s comment about finding her another big cock to suck soon we hadn't spoken about it and although I wasn't adverse to the idea I hadn't even begun to think about how or where to find a nice well hung guy happy for my wife to suck him off. I wasn't even that sure she...

4 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 14

Kim awoke when she felt a nudging against her leg. She opened her eyes and looked at her cousin lying next to her. Sally was rhythmically rocking and soft moans were escaping her. Kim looked at the clock, it was six in the morning. There was sunlight flowing into the room through the open drapes. Kim could see Sally had her hand in her shinny burgundy panties. She saw the rise in the material move as Sally's hand rubbed between her legs. Sally's other hand covered her breast, her fingertips...

3 years ago
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Sissy Bimbo Dream Part 2

I looked over my shoulder at my new Mistress with adoring eyes; I knew I would do anything for her. She caught my adoring look and pointed between my legs. I looked down to see a very large puddle of sissy juice on the bed between my legs. My mouth watered at the thought of licking it up and I shivered in anticipation of the order, Mistress chuckled. "Well bimbo it seems you have some cleaning up to do...I know it's inferior Bimbo juice but I'm sure you will lap it up eagerly"...

3 years ago
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Punishing Teacher Fucked

Kiran Arora had been the headmistress of the high school for the past 8 years and this was the first time that she had received a complaint about a male student eve teasing and that too a female teacher. Miss Sheetal Verma  had said” The bastard had the guts to touch my butt! I pretended I did not notice. But if you dont take action against this bastard, he will go on and on” The boy was Mohit, a grade 12 student, a rich spoilt boy. Kiran was a 42 years old divorcee who had gottten rid of her...

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My PhobicfetishChapter 2

In time I learned that my doctor, Brenda Huggins, was in a long term committed relationship. She'd been together with her partner since she was in med school. I'd found this quite common among pure lesbians. It's us dual and bi sexuals who are the promiscuous ones. She and my friend, the one I've referred to as Carly, met at a gay rights rally going on fifteen years ago now. Thanks to our chat following her first exam, the second time she examined me there was no elephant in the...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Aaliyah Love 24653

Penisgate! Who’s been using the office photocopy machine to make copies of their dick and balls, and leaving them around the workplace? Human resources manager Aaliyah Love doesn’t know yet, but she’s going to get to the bottom of it! She’s interviewed everyone in the office thus far, except for Tyler, and now it’s his turn to get grilled. and the only way for Ms. Love to truly know whether Tyler is the cock culprit is by pulling down his trousers and examining what could be the delinquent...

2 years ago
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Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill: The Awakening of Priapus and Venus Jack Manly and Jill Comfort sat across from one another at a table in a dimly lit bistro, holding hands, gazing deep into one another’s eyes. Their voices were low and becoming throaty as they talked quietly. The flickering candle light added subtle highlights to Jill’s (Dare I use the cliché?) peaches and cream face which was framed by a lustrous cascade of raven colored locks, and mesmerized Jack. Jill was no less effected as she stared...

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Summer of 93rsquo Borrow Him Part II

Summer of 93’ Borrow HimPart III was stretching in the swim spa, Maggi and Natalie came out both naked and giggling. Nat seemed much more comfortable being naked while walking around our home. Even though she had been intimate with Maggi for over 18 months in our home, she never reveled herself to me before. Nat sat on the edge of the spa and spread her legs, Maggi sat next to her and did the same, Nat said, “Pete, I want to ask you a question and I want a serious answer”. She Continued, “what...

4 years ago
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My Wife Shared

Before we married my wife and I decided to we would be quite honest with each other, what I mean is if anything sexual happened to us when we were apart. My wife Jill told me all about the men and women that had been in her sex life before we met and likewise I told her about mine.A few years ago after an office party she came home with a grin on her face so I knew something had happened, I didn’t need to ask she was only too keen to tell me all about it. Seems one of the juniors, a young man...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Hope Harper Give It To Me

Johnny Castle is fast asleep when Hope Harper sneaks into his room in full-on seduction mode. She may be his sister’s friend, but she gives one hell of a blowjob and that’s more than enough to convince Johnny to go all the way. Soon he’s guiding her head down further down on his cock as he encourages her to deep throat every inch of his stiffie. Assured of her conquest now, Hope climbs on top of Johnny and settles down on his cock so that she can rub her slit up and down on it...

1 year ago
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Another holiday fuck

Just had a great holiday. The reps organised a water polo match in the pool and it was typical stuff, no holds barred, anything goes type game. There was about 8 in each team and there were often bundles when people held the ball too long and others tried to get it away. One girl in particular girl in the opposing team was a looker, slim light hair small tits and bum and wearing a bikini. The ball cam e to her when she was near me and I made a grab but she got there first and clung on to it and...

3 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 18

I returned to my house near five o’clock in the afternoon, Ashley was already home. I decided to spare her the drama of my recent visit to my grandfather, instead inquiring about her day. We talked for a few minutes before she went to change clothes and get comfortable. I noticed that since I had come back home, the awkward feelings with Ashley had somewhat passed. Maybe what had happened between us was for the best, we now knew what the parameters were. She came back into the kitchen dressed...

2 years ago
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My First4

When I was around the age of 13 I began watching porno’s, I couldn’t get enough of them, id wake up watch a porno and wank, id wank at a porno hours later, and again and again and once more before I went to sleep, I absolutely loved porn. But as time progressed it became harder and harder to for me to ejaculate quickly at normal porn, and I would end up racking off for almost an hour and only a drop of semen would exit my penis, I didn’t know what to do until a friend of mine sent me a link...

4 years ago
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Baby My Baby

Baby’s mother left us over three years ago. It was very rough for her with the challenges a young girl meets, as well as not having a mother around to answer the questions that she has as her body changes. We struggled through it and as a result we became closer than before. I always felt we had a special bond and we intuitively understood each other…I admit that as she grew, I found myself looking at her in new ways. If she lay on the floor watching TV, I would find myself looking up her...

4 years ago
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Jake White The BeginningChapter 9

Mr Hatherly gave a short laugh. “I’m sure our relationship will continue to be profitable to both of us Mr White,” he said. “I trust that ‘Moonfleet’ is proving useful.” Jake was well aware that Hatherly was referring to the fact that he had acquired the ship at no cost. “Yes,” replied Jake, “she’s in Dublin at the moment.” “Of course, but she’ll be back in about a week, and turned round in a couple of days, I think.” “That would be about right.” “I’d like you to take a passenger for me...

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Introducing my slave Jason

A couple of years back I was fresh outta prison with a build to fit the bill and a dominant attitude with plenty, while expressing plenty of gratitude and enjoying the little things in life. One of the things in life we really are deprived of as human beings while incarcerated is sex. A prisoner's sex life can plummet or skyrocket depending on his attitude and outlook on the situation. I was sentenced to 4 years in state prison back in 2009 for matters that I decline to state. I had been in and...

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Tainted Friendship

I've always been a timid, shy boy. Maybe it was because of my upbringing, or maybe it was caused by the world I lived in. The majority of the world didn't think we belonged, and we tried hard to hide. You see, I am gay, and being a young virgin adult doesn't help this fact. My name is Daniel and I planned to lose my viriginity these summer holidays. I've had crushes on many of the guys around me, especially my best friend Andrew since I have been near him for most of my memorable life. We've...

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Margaret Jeanettes Sperm Count Revised

Margaret Jeanette?s Sperm Count [Revised] With an alternative ending by Samantha Jay ? I like Margaret?s stories immensely, but I feel unsatisfied with some of her endings. As an author I write mainly for myself so I write the endings I want and I suspect that Margaret probably did too. When I read this story an alternative ending suggested itself, now I would normally ask the author?s permission to change a story, but since Margaret tragically died early February I am unable to do...

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Japanese Exchange Student

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started quite innocently, with a phone call, from the head teacher at the local school. “Debby, would you be able to help me out, I’ve got a small emergency on my hands and I need some one I can trust. This was Mrs. Ashley, a very nice middle-aged woman, who had devoted most of her life to her school and students. Mid 40s looked after her self, some one who was in charge, always looked ready for any thing, the students loved her, all bark and no...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 60

Synopsis of Story to This Point (story continues further down the page). Elsa Conner and billionaire Mark Worthington meet at a party, only he hides his true worth and identity from her in fear this nice girl might be another gold digger trying to get into his wealth. They date, but when the truth is discovered Elsa breaks up with him in anger over his lack of trust in her. In love, he grovels his way back into her good graces only she sets a condition of reestablishing the relationship as...

3 years ago
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My First Time to Cheat

My husband and I took a trip with another couple to one of these resort places. I had been married to him for about fifteen years. The other couple, Paul and Susan, were some fun to be around. The first night there we all went out together, dancing and drinking. We got so hammered. The next night the men went one way and we went the other, we were to meet up at around midnight. Susan and I decided to go to one of these clubs that the younger people go to. We got there and found a table and...

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Mandalorians Ties

The diner was quiet ever since you walked in, the bar was manned by a Besalisk man who wore his gut out above the belt. His face showed signs of weariness and the sweat on his brow told you just how much crap he’d gone through in the day alone. Perhaps he’d been struggling for longer, but that wasn’t something that you needed to concern yourself with - the struggles of these people were that of the weaker after all. You see the shape of your visor in his alien eyes, and he nudges his pudgy head...

2 years ago
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Dream Life

       Samantha Smith appeared completely normal to the outside world. As a nurse at the UCSF hospital specializing in ICU, she had a lovely home in Berkley and volunteered her time every month at the free clinic. At 25 she was 5’4? petite but very curvy with long dark hair, green eyes and a bright smile. She kept her hair cut in blunt bangs circa Betty Paige and accented with long layers. At work it was usually tied back and kept out of the way and at home was kept down and around her face....

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Our First Meeting3

“I am not missing out on the big dick for anyone" The day of the flight arrived. I made my way to the airport. It was 3 am hear. My flight was at 6 am. I hard a good 12 hour flight to get so given there was not delays I should be state side round 6 pm UK time round 1 PM in the states. Nice time of day to arrive. The flight left with out any delays, that was a good thing as i didn't fancy sitting round the airport longer than I needed to. On the flight all I could think about was her and...

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A wife8217s husband plays Santa at her company party and gets rewarded twice

I dreaded going to my wife’s company Christmas party, but there was no getting out of it. Alice had been at her new job less than a year and was soaring to the top of the corporate chain. Her promotions were coming at the rate of almost every other month. I was happy for her, as she brought plaques of praise, letters of appreciation, and even cash bonuses. I was also happy for the extra income she was getting; in fact, she now made a lot more than I did. All of this success came with a...

3 years ago
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My Sister My Lover Part 3 Our Baby Comes

There was a connection between my wife and sister long before she came to live with us. And that connection had gotten richer as they lived together. Lindsey did a large share of the domestic chores since Liz and I both worked outside the home. But as Lindsey got bigger she had to quit doing some of the more strenuous chores. I was in my glory. No matter the time of day or day of the week there was a juicy pussy, warm, wet mouth, or tight ass available for my use. Linds was ready and...

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From Chuck to Irene 2

Chapter 2 Cleaning They went to the city and talked to Helen. She was surprised. "You both want to be in on cleaning the apartment?" Donna seemed to want a discussion. "Look, sis. How long would it take you to clean it yourself?" "Forever and a day. I never liked cleaning." "Precisely. If I should do it alone - I'd say six hours - minimum. With Chuck pitching in - probably four. In time he'll get better, I suppose. They discussed exceptions. Window panes - cupboards -...

1 year ago
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Circles In The City Part 2 of 2

Circles in the City By Jennifer Richardson (part 2) Towards the early evening I began to pack a small hold-all. My own lingerie, white satin, and also a set of black lace lingerie I'd bought before in the early afternoon. Much too large for me, and not to be worn by me. I hunted out the bag of balloons that had been with me for so long and smiled to myself when I put them into the bag. I added Mandy's shoulder length auburn wig as an after though and a pair of black fish net...

2 years ago
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A Star Wars Universe Story Smuggler to Slave II

A Star Wars Universe Story: Smuggler to Slave DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all of its related contents contained herein are property of LucasArts Ltd. and NOT mine. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY and I make no money from its distribution. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the author, and not any website which hosts this content. I was lost in Narssia's dark blue eyes when a rough voice interjected and snapped me back to the present. "Are you fucking...

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My Step Cousin MadeleineThe true story Part 1

so you read through the background, if not go back to the introduction(The True Beginning) This is where it really got good for my 18 year old self .So we were both living in my grandmothers 3 family home. My step cousin Madeleine in the top apartment , grandma on the middle floor and myself in the basement apartment.Each day I would go to school and be home around 3 and eagerly await Madeleine's return from her hospital shift at 7.I would heat up what my grandma had cooked for the day and...

4 years ago
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Another Regency Romance Ch 02

2. Amelia’s tale. I am known to family and friends as Amelia, Millie to my brother and sisters, but I was born The Honourable Augusta, Caroline, Amelia, Courteney Fox, eldest daughter of Edward Fox, third Baron Holland, and the Lady Caroline Courteney. Our home is Seagrave House, in Leicestershire, not the biggest or grandest of our family homes (that would be Caversham Priory), but the homeliest and most comfortable. My mother treasures her comfort above all, which is a surprisingly good...

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Whats a little sex among friends Part 3

After we both got up and took our separate showers we headed out to the new arcade in town. Noel had told me about it before I came down and it was a cool sounding idea. The owner had set up Xbox 360’s, PS3’s, Wii’s, and pool tables instead of the normal arcade style games and charged $5 and hour to play what ever you wanted to. He had almost every game for every system and if he didn’t have one you wanted to play he’d go get it, just for you. Nice guy, I hoped that he started...

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Robin LaRouges Posse

It is a well known fact that Robin LaRouge and his company travel the world liberating the wealth of the rich and freeing chains of bureaucracy that encumber the good and innocent folks. Warding off monsters and slaying dragons, all in a days work for this cloaked company. As to how all this evil is fought has always been a mystery, one left to fire side tales by drunken warriors and tipsy barmaids, secreted in the bedchambers of the elite, and whispered by squires that hope to someday run away...

2 years ago
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PrivateerChapter 17

The next morning I woke up and couldn't move. Mari was half on top of one side while Anna was on the other with Katherine spooning her. Sam was at the foot of the bed silently laughing at my predicament. "Ugh," was my response as I dropped my head back onto my pillow. That seemed to be enough to wake Mari up. She rolled onto her back and stretched, then moved into a propped up position, blinked sleepily and smiled at Sam. She looked at me, smiled, leaned over and kissed my cheek. She...

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First Night

Hi every one I m from Coimbatore. I m a regular reader of the Iss I have read many stories and this time I posted mine. This is not a real incident all the things mentioned here are my ideas. Since my uncle was in a village his daughter was in our home for her studies. I was 20 at that time and my nice was 18. We 2 were more than friends and we share every thing between us except sex. I was very much interested in sex and I used to watch porn movies. My niece is a sweet girl, who will accompany...

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bound and fucked1

Here’s my blog: http://singlesexysecrets.blogspot.com.au/ I was dressed for a party. I was a teenager back then. It was a Saturday night. My ordinarily light brown hair was dyed blue-black. The black hair made my green eyes shine brighter than usual. My fifteen centimeter heels made me an enormous 177cm tall. Still not as tall as my boyfriend who was more than 6’ tall. “Breathe out” he commanded. I exhaled as hard as I could, preparing for the rib-crushing torture as he strapped...

2 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 20 Serious Discussions

1873 "Caroline," said Mrs. Williams, coming quietly back into her kitchen, "my dear, you have a visitor." Two worry lines had appeared above her sharp nose and her voice had an unusual stiffness. The young woman dried her hands on her apron and went into the front room of the Williams' farm house. There stood a well-dressed man of middle years with bushy sideburns and polished boots. To Caroline he looked vaguely familiar. He smiled at her. A round diamond glittered in the middle of...

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TheRealWorkout Joseline Kelly Clearing Your Head At The Gym

Joseline is the definition of a gym rat. Whenever she has some spare time shes working out, and people have noticed, Especially the gym manager. He always sees her going hard in the paint so one day he decided to find out what her deal was. He asked if she was training for anything in particular, but Joseline just likes to go to clear her mind. The gym manager insisted there were other ways to do that, but Joseline just wanted to get back to her workout.the gym was closing up, the manager...

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Little Buddy

Little .... Buddy ? "Skipper, can we talk?" "We are talking." "I have a question but I dont want you to be mad. Can you try not being mad for me?" "I ... I will try. What's your question." "Well, you remember when I was hypnotized into thinking I was Mary Anne?" "Yes...so what about it?" "Its just ... how could that happen? I mean how could I really believe I was her?" "The professor said you were the kind of person who falls for hypnotism easily. Its not a big deal,...

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Hindi Hotel Hooking

Meena was at her wits end. She worked hard as a hotel maid in one of the upscale ones near where she lived but just didn’t make enough money to help her husband go to university and get a job with a good income. He had looked and looked for work but none was to be found so he stayed home with their two-year-old girl child while she made what income she could. When a client at the hotel offered her money for sex, she was seriously tempted. She liked sex and got it frequently from her husband....

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My Sissy Life Part 16

My Sissy Life Part 16 On the ride home all I could think about was that soon, I was going to have breasts. Real breasts. C cup size breasts. When we got home my mother said that she was going to start dinner and that I should be ready to serve in about a half hour. After dinner my father told my mother that he had a few things to do at the office and left. I told my mother that I wasn't feeling good and asked if I could goto bed. She said yes and I went to my room. When I got...

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Flying high

Reaching around his body, I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to stay there all day but I couldn’t. I had to work in a matter of hours. Staring out of the hotel window at the waves lapping at the sandy beach made it seem so unreal. I couldn’t believe I had fallen for a guy just by talking for a few months on the phone. It had been every night for three or four hours for those few months, but still it wasn’t like me to fall for someone so easy. I had been with James for 8 months and not felt this...

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