Stay at home Mom and her cuckold fantasies
- 4 years ago
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"All rise," said the court officer as judge Katyn entered the court room.
"Has the jury reached a verdict?" asked the judge.
The jury foreman stood. "We have, your honor. We the jury find the defendant, Yeony Parker, guilty of one count of driving while intoxicated, guilty of one count of reckless driving, one count of driving with a suspended license, once count of leaving the scene of an accident, five counts of failing to appear before her probation officer on two prior FDWI convictions, two counts of reckless endangerment, four counts of resisting arrest, and four counts of assault upon a peace officer performing official duties, three counts of manslaughter, and three counts of vehicular homicide."
Yeony began sobbing on her lawyer's shoulder as the verdict was read. Judge Katyn said, "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Before I commence with sentencing, may I have a word with the prosecution and defense in my chambers?"
"All rise," said the court officer as the judge left the court room, followed by Yeony's lawyer and the chief prosecutor.
The judge looked at the prosecutor. "Do you seek the death penalty?"
"Yes, your honor. This defendant destroyed an entire family. Two children have both been left paraplegic and quadriplegic, and both parents dead and another sibling dead. This while driving intoxicated with a suspended license from two previous DWIs. And then leaving them for dead as she fled the scene. The people seek the death penalty for this defendant."
"I'm inclined to agree." To the defense lawyer, judge Katyn said, "I assume you intend to appeal?"
"Your honor. My client wishes to surrender her right of appeal and be admitted into the CH-MEMS program in lieu of the death penalty."
The prosecutor let out a huff. "Another femborg?"
The judge glared at the prosecutor, then returned her gaze to the defense attorney. "Does your client realize that admission into the CH-MEMS program requires her to surrender all rights of appeal? Upon execution of the CH-MEMS procedure, there is no appeal or stay, and your client will be declared legally dead. Does she understand these facts?"
"Yes, she does, your honor. Further, your honor, my client is an attractive young woman. We believe that, as a CH-MEMS, she will bring a good price at auction to compensate the surviving victims and will benefit the surviving victims to a much greater extent than executing her."
The judge said, "You have 48 hours to submit the application or I will issue the sentence of death by lethal injection."
Yeony sat in her cell, day after day, week after week, only being let out into the prison courtyard for a half hour each day.
Yeony had made friends with one of the other inmates. She and Latoya talked about things that prisoners talk about. "Latoya," Yeony stammered. "What do you do about, er, you know?"
"About what?"
"I haven't had a man since I've been here. What do you do? I mean besides your fingers?"
"Hell, girl. Ain't nothing we can do. Used to be we could get favors out of the male guards for giving them some ass. You know, give and take? But now that they only allow female guards here, we don't get none any which way. Fucking puritan bastards don't even let us have vibrators."
"Not only that," said Yeony, but now I'll never get to finish _Wargasm_ or _Final Fantasy._
"What are those?" asked Latoya.
"Video games!" said Yeony. "Girls are gamer's too! I'm probably the only person in America who bought the 4-CD music soundtrack to _Final Fantasy 7_ imported from Japan."
"Never played a video game," said Latoya.
Several months later, Yeony walked over to Latoya on her courtyard break. "Whassup, girl?" asked Latoya as Yeony sat on the crumbling concrete stoop. "Something wrong?"
"The paperwork just came through. They're making me a femborg."
"No shit?"
"No shit, Latoya. I'm scared. What's it like to be a femborg?"
"How the fuck do I know, girl? But I tell ya' what I hear."
"What's that?"
"I hear you're wide awake and can watch everything you do. But you can't do nothing. Everything you do is controlled by your owner's remote control. Like your body is a radio controlled car or something."
"That's what I hear, too." Yeony sighed. "Maybe I should have just told my lawyer to let them kill me."
"Damn straight! I'd rather be dead than be some honky's robot slave bitch."
"Oh! Why did I do it? Why did I drive drunk and kill those people? Why did those fucking people have to be crossing the street just then? I'd have got home no problem. It was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." Yeony started to cry, and Latoya put her arm around Yeony's shoulder.
"Shit, Latoya!" Yeony sobbed. "I really fucked up my life!"
"We all done that good in here," said Latoya.
"I wonder what'll happen to me?"
"My half brother killed a guy in a bar and they turned him into a manborg."
"Really? What happened to him?"
"Last I heard, Ford or somebody bought the lot at auction and used them as crash test dummies."
"That's legal?"
"Hell, yeah, girl! You declared legally dead. It's just like they sell corpses to laboratories and shit. Legally, you're no different than a corpse to be bought and sold."
"Fuck! You mean I did that to escape execution, and whoever buys me can kill me anyway just for jollies."
"Yup!" said Latoya. "But they don't do that to young pretty girls. You'll just become a whore in some hellhole country."
"Gee, thanks, Latoya."
Latoya laughed, "Don't mention it."
Several weeks later, Yeony awoke in the prison hospital flat on her back on a gurney in the small recovery room. As the anesthesia wore off, she was momentarily confused, but then remembered. _Femborg. They just turned me into a femborg._
She tried to turn her head too look around, but couldn't. She tried to sit up, but she was strapped down. No. She wasn't strapped down. She just couldn't move. Immediately panicking, she took note of her body. She could still feel her body—-she could feel her back pressing down on the gurney, she could feel the starchy prison sheets draped over her body. But she was utterly motionless. She could feel herself breathing, and could hear her heart pounding. She looked left and right, and swallowed. At least she had that much control over her body. She blinked, looked around though her head remained stationary. And she could swallow and wiggle her tongue. But that was it.
Fear welled up and she tried to scream, but no sound emerged from her lips when the doctor finally came over to check on her. "You're awake, I see," he said.
Yeony merely blinked.
"Blink twice if you can hear me," he said.
She did so.
"Good. There will be some discomfort at the back of your neck for a few days where the control module was implanted and spliced into your spinal cord..."
At that, Yeony did feel a bulge pressing against the back of her neck as she lay there. It felt a little sore.
" ... beyond that, are you in any pain? Blink twice for yes, once for no."
Yeony blinked once.
The doctor poked and prodded her here and there, taking her pulse and blood pressure before moving on to other tasks.
_Locked in! That's what this is called, _ she remembered from reading about various medical conditions in the prison library over the past few months.
Tears dripped from her eyes as she lay there motionless and ignored for hours. But, finally, someone came over to her and fiddled with some gizmo. To her shock, she sat up without meaning to. Then she spun on the bed and stood. _What the fuck is going on?_ Some woman in a lab coat was holding some kind of box with two joysticks--a large and bulky version of a PlayStation controller. Yeony tried to speak, but was still mute. At least she could move her eyes around. She watched as the woman wiggle the joysticks, and her body responded accordingly. Yeony suddenly realized that the woman was controlling her body by remote control from that control box. Yeony turned left, and lost sight of the woman with the controller. She walked out of the recovery room and down a hallway. Yeony could hear the footsteps of that woman behind her as she passed several doors and found herself in a room with several other prisoners sitting motionless in metal folding chairs. Yeony walked over to an empty chair, turned, and found herself facing that woman who was controlling her body. The woman did something on the controller, and Yeony sat on the chair. Finally, without a word the whole time, the woman set Yeony's controller on a counter top and left the room.
Yeony could see the other borg people out the corner of her eyes sitting in adjacent chairs. But try as she might, she couldn't speak or move.
After work Friday night, Jarvis plopped down in front of his TV to turn on his PlayStation and play _Wargasm_ for a while. Then, after getting killed in the desert for the umpteenth time by that sniper that he couldn't see, he got onto his computer and clicked though the daily paper that he subscribes to. Clicking past a number of pop-up ads from _Try-N-Save_ and other local big box stores, he spied an ad for some car dealer that was having a huge blowout sale this weekend. Having just paid off his last car, he was thinking of a new car. He'd even managed to save up about $20,000. He could get a clean late model used car for that. He eyed listings for a late model _Smart ForOne, _ a _Chevy Volt, and a brand new _Sony Joule._ Then he noticed a small unobtrusive thumbnail ad for a government CH-MEMS auction. Cyborg-Human Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems it said in small print. He'd heard of these things. He'd considered buying a fembot a few times, but he wanted a flesh-and-blood woman, not a machine. He'd heard that HI-MEMS had started out as an experimental way to control cyborg insects. The military got into it, calling it CI-MEMS, but all hell broke loose when a retired operator kidnapped his girlfriend, and the girl's father, also a retired CI-MEMS operative staged a recovery, destroying half a city block in the process. It was all over the news for weeks, with the government ultimately paying out millions in settlement damages. So, anyway, he googled around a bit on _Bliingle, _ eventually learning that a female CH-MEMS bot is called a femborg, because she is a real live human body controlled by a remote control instead of her human brain. _Cool!_
So on Saturday the next day, he played _Grand Theft Auto_ on his _NextBox_ for a few hours, then drove down to the state armory in nearby Springfield to attend the auction. In the large hall, people milled around looking at the CH-MEMS people to be auctioned. The two long walls were lined with cyborg people behind steel barricades. A leaflet that he was given upon entry explained that most were condemned prisoners who agreed to become cyborg people to escape the death penalty. The proceeds of their sales will go to pay off their victims or victim's estates. A few were people with life threatening conditions but who lacked medical insurance to pay for treatment. For them, the price of being cured was to become CH-MEMS.
Most of the cyborg people on display were young males, mostly black but some white, convicted of various murders and manslaughters. A few attractive young women, both black and white, lined the displays. Each display didn't identify why each particular person was a cyborg, but it didn't really matter to Jarvis. He wished that he could see the girls nude, but they were each wearing a sort of hideous unattractive loose black jumpsuit.
At the beginning of each round, a government staffer would fondle a sort of controller like an elaborate PlayStation controller with thumbsticks, a keyboard, and an LCD display, and "operate" the cyborg person, making him or her walk up to the front of the room.
The auction worked by each bidder sliding an ID card into a reader on the arm of their chair and keying their sealed bid. When the timer counted down, the highest bidder was announced who won that particular cyborg.
He passed the first dozen rounds, those being for various males. By the time a female came up, an attractive black woman with short curly black hair, he had a general idea what an appropriate bid amount was. The bids weren't as high as he'd thought they'd be. He bid $10000 for her, but was outbid. She sold for $15000. So the women go for a little more than the men, eh?
A little later another woman came up for bid, a cute blonde with a handful of tattoos all up and down her arms. The tattoos kind of turned him off, but he bid again, this time $15000, and again he was outbid but only by a thousand.
Some time later, another woman came up for bid, a girl with jet black hair who looked to be a Chinese-American mix. He blew his wad this time, bidding $20000. He almost fell back in his chair when his name was called as the winning bidder.
He approached the clerk on the side of the room where he signed some papers paid with his debit card. Another clerk approached, working a controller as the femborg followed. The first clerk opened up a manilla envelope and pulled out a slew of legal papers.
"What's all this?" asked Jarvis.
"Never own a femborg before?" the clerk asked.
"Nope. Never bought a femborg before." Jarvis looked up and stared into the eyes of his new purchase. Having her brain replaced by a remote control unit, he didn't expect to sense anything, but he saw intelligence there. She even blinked.
"Yes," said the clerk. Sliding a form out, the clerk said, "This is her birth certificate."
Jarvis examined her birth certificate. "Her name is Yeony? What a weird name!"
The clerk handed Jarvis another form. "This is her death certificate."
"Death certificate?" gasped Jarvis. "She's just a walking corpse? A dead body? A zombie?"
"No," the clerk said dryly. "She's not a zombie at all. Her body is very much alive. Heart beating, blood flowing, and all that. Walking on her own muscle power. But she's been declared legally dead. Otherwise, she couldn't be sold as property."
"I see," said Jarvis as he read her death certificate.
"Yup! And these are her court records," said the clerk as he slid more papers in front of Jarvis.
"What sort of records?"
"You read about that girl a few years ago who drove drunk and rolled over that family? Killed the parents and left the kids paralyzed? Then fled the scene?"
"Yeah!" said Jarvis. "I remember that! Everyone wanted her to get the chair!"
"This is her," said the clerk pointing at the girl.
"Shit!" said Jarvis, glancing back at his femborg in disgust.
"Every one here has committed some heinous crime worthy of the death penalty, or they wouldn't be here."
"I guess you're right," said Jarvis. "But could she turn dangerous? She can't come alive and kill me in my sleep, can she?"
"You play too many video games, kid," said the clerk. "Her spinal cord is cut below her brain in two places a quarter inch apart, and the middle section removed. No way they can ever reconnect, even partially. And the control module in her neck has no circuitry to receive motor signals from the brain, so there's no way to even reprogram it to give her voluntary motor control. There's no way she can move except by that remote control."
"Well, okay," said Jarvis.
"Now here are her medical records. And this is a guide book on how to care for her. Remember, she's real live human girl, so she needs to eat and do everything that a person needs to do."
"I see," said Jarvis, realizing that he may have got in a little too deep. _Perhaps I would have been better off with a fembot._
"Anyway, Joe here will show you how to operate her."
"Yeah, follow me," said the second clerk.
Jarvis followed Joe and the femborg into a back room where Joe handed him the controller.
"Now," said Joe. "Ever play a First Person Shooter video game?"
"Yeah!" said Jarvis. "All the time! I'm a video game addict, actually. I have a problem keeping girlfriends because of that."
"Okay then. You operate her like controlling yourself in a FPS. The left thumbstick controls her movement. Forward and back, side step left and right. Try it."
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It was mid-October, some seven months after Ireland had gone into lockdown. With no end to the lockdown in sight, Anna was beginning to get restless.She had moved to Dublin from her home town of Leiden in the Netherlands some 18 months ago to take up a role in one of the world's largest tech companies - a role she loved both for the challenges it posed and the diversity of her workmates and clients. As a twenty-nine-year-old ambitious woman, the job was perfect for her - giving her the...
Straight SexCONFESSIONS Part 2 MY NEW JOB Hi, Continuation of my confession. Like I mentioned before, once I moved from my home town down south, I got a job in auditing firm. My job there was to up load accounts on the computer what others in the office have done manually. I also had to file income tax online for the customers. To do this along with me there are two others, assarudeen & Sheba. Our job was to file every account in the computer what others have finished during that day. The office...
Hi everyone! I'm your old pal Betty Boop. Lately I've been getting into situations where I have to bust a fella's balls. Why just last week I had to kick my landlord in the scrotum three times. Once for squeezing my boobs and twice for pinching my fanny. I kicked him with my high heel pumps, my high heel sandals and barefoot. Some guys just don't take no for an answer. I've had several jobs that I got fired from. Not because I was doing a bad job but because I crushed the nuts of bosses, co-...
BDSMThere is no way to say it other than I am a whore---I am here at this truckstop just outside of Chicago. My duties are to let any and all truckerswho want to be serviced use me any and all ways. There is nothing I won'tdo to give a trucker sexual pleasure. I am well versed in getting fucked,sucking there cocks or asshole or being fisted by them. I am trained to doanything and everything. I work for my master who cares for me. He is agood master. It is not like I never had what most people...
رفعت امي رجلها الاولىوالتانية لاتزال في البانيوو...وغسلتها من الرغوة جيداا...وقالت لي يلا لشوف مصلي اصبيعيوانا هون بلشت مصمصة وامي بدء الامر يعجبها وتان أأأأممممم اااي ااي وتقول اقوى حبيبي اقوى فزدت من قوة المص لاصبيع رجليها يليكانو في منتهى الجمال والاناقة والأعتناء الفائق والمينيكور الأحمر الغامق...وهنا كانت قدم امي التانيةلاتزال في البانيوو...وهي تلامس قضيبي عن طريقة غير مباشرة وسريعة وكانت خاطفة جداا....وكأنها تحلب ايري بين أصابع قدميهاوهنا انتهيت من المصمصة انا...؟وقالت امي برافو حبيبي...
Tiny Riley Reid is back at JJV for some Anal DREDD-struction from the new MONSTER cock, Dredd. This sweet, petite whore is looking ever so sexy in her skimpy bathing suit and high heels as Jules takes her on a scavenger hunt to find the BBC that’s going to devastate her holes. They find Dredd lounging in the hot tub and Riley decides to tease him as that giant BBC pops out from under the water. She rubs and sucks that dick with her whole body before squeezing it into her tight little...
xmoviesforyouKrissi's idea of shopping started at Devlin's closet. "Have to see what we have," she said. "What we can throw out, and what we're replacing?" "Throw out?" Devlin tried to block Krissi's access to her closet. "Nobody said anything about throwing away any of my clothes." "Have you looked at your things?" Connie said from her desk. "Your wardrobe can do with some purging." "It's all good stuff," Devlin said as Krissi began looking at things. "I don't have anything old or...
Sexual Harassment - Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 Cute Little Thing The story is so familiar I hardly need to repeat it. I'm talking about layoffs of course and today it was my company's turn. It started this morning, rumors started right away and by lunch it was clear what was going on - our company had been purchased by a competitor, and they were liquidating half the staff by sundown. Anyone judged to be redundant was gone. Practically our whole building was being fired. We all want...
Faint through the gathering darkness, voices were calling their names. "Ashaia! Shantar!" The voices came nearer. "Where are you? It is time to leave for Talai." He started to rise, but her arms pulled him back down. Their lips met in a long, fervent kiss. "Now, you can get up," she purred roguishly. He laughed with her as he helped her to her feet, and they hurried to meet their friends. "You don't seem much like a Royal Princess right now," he teased. "Tomorrow, I'll be a...
Im back again everyone. After doing some thinking I remembered that I left one story out from my previous sex experiences. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember, my stories are real because I went through all these experiences.There was this guy I knew that I played basketball with. He had a real hot girlfriend that was really sweet and always trying to make friends. She sent me a friend request one day and I accepted it. On her top friends she had this really cute white girl so I sent her a...
As I'm kneeling there, over my garden, stretching to grab at the last of the weeds, I feel my wet hair caress my heated cheeks. I love that feeling, especially on such a hot day as this one. I'd been working in the garden for over an hour now and the sweat was flowing freely. There was, in fact, so much of it that it has left a wide swatch of moisture between my breasts, leaving my T-shirt soaked down the front. Leaning back on my heels, I again stop to wonder if I'm crazy to be out here...
Hi everyone .this is Kevin from Chennai and I’m 26. This happened when I was in my 10 and is about my bio teacher ranchal who is 46yrs old and married and I am 18 then. She stays in front of my house and as she is also a teacher so she offered to give me tuition and my mother also agreed. She is very sexy with big boobs and a big round white ass. She was staying alone here as his hubby was working abroad and her son was staying in a hotel. She always used to be Saree or night and she looked...
From that first day, I was awake for almost 20 hours a day and performing over a 100 rescues a day, some over in minutes, others requiring a lot more time. My worst ever disaster that year was a landslide in Asia. I tried everything to stop it, putting rocks in the way, but the only thing I could do was to STOP the whole thing, for nearly 2 hours while it stopped raining, then I moved it back up the hill, while the sun slowly began to dry it and the people escaped the area. I slept for 2 days...
This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Savita was setting up lights since it was festival time. She always made sure she celebrated in the best possible way. Savita had already decorated the house, and only the lighting was remaining. But Savita never expected to fuse a bulb while fixing the decorative lights that caused all the lights to turn off. She immediately called an electrician. She didn’t have much time in hand. The electrician came with an...
By the time they got home, Arrian's hand had completely healed, although a small amount of dried blood remained on the back of it. It was late, so Arrian carried a sleeping Sarah into her bedroom and tucked her in before going to bed himself. Arrian was surrounded in total darkness; he turned from one direction to another trying to see something. He attempted to yell in an attempt to catch someone's attention. Trying as much as he could he couldn't get his mouth to make one single...
I truly enjoyed anointing Pat and Julie with moisturizer. Tactilely, they were soft and pliant and warm - I suppose that stirred other memories. At this stage in their development, they were like babies, puppies, and kittens - they enjoyed physical contact and a soft, reassuring voice. Maybe some day they'd have a few words that they would recognize, but now the tone and volume were the important elements. Jay had invited one of her friends, Elaine (with bronze Zander) to sleep over. Elaine...
Chapter 5 - Bilingual Ashley had been worried when walking into the Luxies Club tonight. When eyeing the crowd in the bar, she could not find a man that fit her profile. On her previous trips to Luxies there were plenty of men that were her age or older than her with strong physiques and totally take charge attitudes. Tonight’s candidates had mostly been younger. She was relieved, and excited, when her eyes settled on Chad after scouring the bar. She guessed that he was maybe five years...
Novels"Well, Mr. Torch, I have some good news," good old Dr. Malkewitz explained as he scribbled something onto a pad of paper, "All your tests are normal. All you need are a few nights of good, uninterrupted sleep." George narrowed his eyes. He was trying to appear exhausted, but it was hard to control his normal body language. "The divorce has been hard," George said, his voice simmering. "I don't sleep much." "Uh-huh, uh-huh," the doctor acknowledged distractedly. "Of course....
My wife's family is mostly in Illinois. We decided to go visit them and while we were jumping from home to home to see all her uncles and aunts. We stopped in to see her one uncle and since he had recently had a stroke he was not doing to good. His wife was divorced and her cousin Jim was the only one there to help out. Jim was 17 and she had never met him before. When we had finished dinner, Peggy was cleaning up in the kitchen and Jim was getting his uncle ready for bed. I helped place him...
My mind is uneasy with starvation tonight. It is she that I hunger for. I sleep at night with her picture under my pillow in the hopes that I will find her in my dreams. In a crowded restaurant I spot her. She is standing at the bar waiting, an elbow propped casually on the wood and her cheek resting in her hand. Her thinly strapped black cocktail dress fitting her like a glove as she stands with one ankle crossed over the other. I am frozen from my desire, my eyes looking upon her for the very...
LesbianThe next day Mrs B had arranging the boat around the Island and the trip to the ship wreck on Zante was a must do, we spent most of the day on the large boat and when I met up with Magaret on the same boat I felt a lot more cheerful and as I went to thank her for last night shekissed me and asked, “Can I see you again Later tonight?” I said , “Yes what time?” Magaret replyed, “ About 10:30pm in the bar!” I kissed her and said, “OK!” she was carefull not to let Mrs B see her and I could not...
As a collegge student you have to spend a lot of time behind the books,or you fail the year and you lose your social scollarship. And as a horny 21 year old collegge student,i spend a lot of time in a library near our dorms. It's actually pretty routinic, but sometimessomething you are surprised like you never thougth you would be...A couple days ago, i was having a smoke break in front of the library to rest my mind of those equations.I just lit my ciggarette when an elder lady came up to me....
Jack Surprised 2 off 3Continued from Jack Surprised 1 The whole day long Jo shows no signs of this morning play. I try to follow her example. However, I have to adjust myself whenever she glances my way. That night I slept like a log, even to the point of sleeping in. Eventually I slip naked from my bed. With just a towel around my waist I nip into the bathroom opposite by bedroom door. I take a luxurious hot shower. I’m feeling alive for the first time since my wife’s death. As I start washing...
Hi friends, I am back with my next story.. I am sirisha 34-30-34 a great exhibitionist.. This is continuation part of my before stories.. This is long story.. Start only if you can hold until end.. I was waiting at Delhi station.. My bro came in his car to pick me.. We reached his home in karol bagh.. I got fresh up (mainly I washed my pussy and ass neatly).. I got soo many bite marks on my body which are covered by my dress.. I sat in hall and chit chatted with my sil and bro.. After some time...
IncestA bunch of us are at a party, having a good time and having a few drinks. At first you are a little uncomfortable looking me in the eye after the chats we have had, but after a few minutes, it actually becomes more enjoyable - knowing things about each other that others don't know. Easy to make comments to each other to try to get a reaction, like the ultimate inside joke. A little later in the evening, you and I are talking and Susan shows up holding her wine glass, giving you a hug and saying...
Group Sex