Perchance To Dream Pt 4
- 4 years ago
- 35
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Kat called us in to eat about an hour later. One question was answered instantly. She sure as hell can cook! My mother couldn't cook for shit and unfortunately she passed that on to me along with my low self esteem. But my grandmother was a great cook. Kat's dinner was every bit as good as anything my grandmother ever made.
Kat was uncomfortable. Not because she was sitting there naked with us. Well, maybe that, too. But I'm pretty sure that she was more uncomfortable because she was having trouble accepting the concept that the people who pay her salary are not her betters, that we can also be her friends.
After we ate that wonderful meal we were relaxing with a glass of wine. Gregg said, "We have to wait until Thursday to go to the bank. Wednesday is the last day of school. On Thursday we'll take you to the bank. I need to have Mouse put on my bank accounts. While we're there we'll open an account for you and I'll give you your signing bonus."
Kat gave him a funny look and asked, "My what?!"
Gregg winked at me and said, "Didn't Mouse tell you? There's a thousand dollar signing bonus for taking the job."
Kat grinned and said, "No there isn't. You've done enough for me already. You don't have to do that. I think that I'm happier right now than I've ever been before. And I do mean ever.
"I have two strange new friends and a nice place to live. I have a job that pays me far more than I'm worth, far more than I've ever earned before.
"No, I appreciate the offer. But it isn't necessary. I'm so happy now that I have to keep checking to see if I'm not dreaming this. Before long I'm going to be black and blue all over from pinching myself."
Gregg put a stern expression on his face and said, "You are not too old to spank young lady. If I say you get a signing bonus then damn it, you get a signing bonus!"
Then he smiled and said, "You aren't going to try to tell me that you couldn't use the money are you? It sounded to me like you were pretty desperate a few hours ago. Did you come into some money while we were making love this afternoon?"
Kat blushed and said, "No Mr ... no Gregg. But you don't have to do that. It would be like I'm taking advantage of you and I don't want to do that."
He shook his head and exclaimed, "Damn! Now I have two pushy broads telling me what I can and can't do!"
Kat looked shocked until I laughed and said, "Yeah, right! Like I could tell you what to do! I get to tell you yes master and no master and hope for the best."
Gregg rolled his eyes, turned to Kat and said, "You don't believe that do you?"
Kat smiled and said, "I think I really like you guys ... a lot. But you sure are weird!"
Gregg smiled and said, "She's figured us out already! Let's clear off the table and go for a swim."
Kat shot to her feet and exclaimed, "No! That's my job!"
Then she blushed. I'm not sure if it was because we were enjoying the view of her pretty body or because she realized that she had slightly overreacted. She took a deep breath, sighed and said in a calmer voice, "You two go swimming. I'll clean up. And anyway, I don't have a swimsuit."
Gregg leered at her and said, "I was hoping you'd say that. Mouse has one you can borrow."
She really hated it. But Gregg and I helped her clean up. There wasn't really that much to do. She cleaned up behind herself in the kitchen while she was preparing the meal. These kitchens are really tiny so that's pretty much a necessity.
We put the dishes in the dishwasher and wiped down the table. Then the three of us went to the bedroom and I pulled out the tiny little suits that Gregg bought for me at Sweet Nothings.
When she first saw them, Kat laughed. She exclaimed, "You're joking, right?!"
I went over to the hamper, dug out the one I wore to the pool last Sunday evening and held it up. I laughed at the expression on her face and said, "Actually, it was pretty exciting."
I dropped it back in the hamper and said, "But you don't have to wear one. You can just come out in your shorts and sit with us while Gregg shows my ass off."
Kat looked at me and looked down at the suits. She looked back up and exclaimed, "You're really going to wear one of these?!"
I shrugged and answered, "By the time we move out of here I won't be surprised if I've worn them all."
I asked Gregg, "Do you want to pick one or shall I?"
He smiled and said, "Go ahead. Let's see how brave you feel tonight."
I took that to be a dare. So I picked out the tiniest, sheerest suit of the bunch and put it on. It's almost identical to the one I wore last weekend. My nipples and my slit are nominally covered by the tiny patches of sheer material. But as soon as it gets wet I'll be as good as naked.
Kat looked at me and shook her head. She said, "I'm sorry. I don't think I can go to a public pool in something like that!"
I smiled and said, "Of course you can't. No woman in her right mind would. Unfortunately, I'm being forced to expose myself this way by this mean ogre that I'm about to marry and live happily ever after with."
She cocked her head and gave me a funny look.
I laughed and said, "Well, you heard him! He as much as dared me!"
She asked, "You're really going to wear that to a public pool?"
I smiled and nodded. Then I took her hand and said, "Come on. Let's go."
We were half way down the short hall to the living room when she stopped suddenly and asked, "Can I try one on?"
I shook my head and said, "Kat, you don't have to wear one of these. We want you to enjoy being with us. We don't want to make you any more uncomfortable than you already are."
She smiled shyly and said, "I know. I get that. And I appreciate it. I think that's part of the reason that I want to ... I don't know, is play the right word?"
Gregg chuckled and said, "Maybe you'll be more comfortable if you wait until you get to know us better. Don't rush things. Don't make yourself do something you don't really want to do."
Kat seemed to appreciate the fact that we aren't pushing her. But she looked up and said, "Maybe it would be exciting to not be so comfortable. You're such an unusual couple. I envy you and I admire you. You're so ... exciting!
"Maybe I could use some of that excitement in what, up until I met you two, has been my life of drudgery."
Gregg and I looked at each other and shrugged. We turned around and returned to the bedroom. I told Kat to pick out whichever suit appealed to her. She stood in front of the small pile of suits on the bed and said to Gregg, "Why don't you pick one for me?"
Gregg smiled and said, "You don't want me to be in charge, Kat."
She blushed and replied, "Maybe I do. Maybe it would be fun. It seems to be working for Mouse."
Then she looked at me and asked, "Is that okay?"
I moved closer, put my arms around her and hugged her. I kissed her cheek and said, "Of course it's okay. I don't have a jealous bone in my body if that's what you're worried about. If you want to give Gregg that power over you I think it's exciting. But if you change your mind, just say so. I can tell you from my limited experience, it's very exciting. But it can get pretty intense."
She replied, "The most excitement I've had in my life was when you offered to pay for my groceries and then gave me a new life. But it isn't so much that I'm grateful. I am. Of course I am. I'm more grateful than you'll ever know. But I want to be more than the housekeeper. I don't want you to feel that you have to be careful what you say and do when I'm around.
"And I have to be honest. You and your friends are so free and so comfortable with each other. You're all so nice. No one puts on airs. You're friendly and just damn nice people. I never once got the impression that any one of you was looking down at me or Dani because we're out of work cleaning ladies.
"And I've got to admit, you look hot as hell in that thing! I could use a little excitement in my life. So please, Gregg, pick out a suit for me. I want you to be in charge."
Gregg walked over to the bed. He reached out and lifted Kat's face up so that they were looking each other in the eye. He smiled as his hand drifted slowly down to her breast.
She didn't even flinch. In fact, she smiled. He teased her nipple to hardness and said, "I have to think that you don't fully appreciate what you've just asked for. But I'm going to give you a taste of our life.
"I hope you like it. You're a beautiful young woman. I'm going to enjoy being in charge of you just as much as I do with Mouse. Well, almost as much. But Mouse was wrong about one thing. You can change your mind if this turns out to be too intense for you, but not until tomorrow. It doesn't work if you can say no. You won't get the same effect. For the rest of the evening you are my property if you allow me to select what you're going to wear. You'll be my little slave girl. Is that clear?"
She glanced at me. I saw her eyes sweep my mostly nude body. I was watching her closely. She's nervous. But judging by the expression on her pretty face it does seem like she's excited by the prospect of letting Gregg take control. What he's doing to her nipple might have had something to do with that. I saw the resolve form in her eyes. She made up her mind. I hope she doesn't regret her decision. I certainly haven't.
Before she could speak I said, "Think about it, Kat. This is a new concept for you. It was different for me. This is the stuff that my fantasies were made of before I even met Gregg."
Kat hesitated for a moment, looking me in the eye as if trying to see the world the way I do. Then she smiled, looked back up at Gregg and said, "I'll do anything you tell me to do. You have my word. What do you want me to wear?"
Gregg leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She wasn't expecting that. She flinched, but she didn't pull away. She quickly surrendered and returned his kiss.
Gregg straightened up and then bent down to go through the remaining suits. While he was doing that, Kat turned to look at me. I think she was trying to see how I reacted to Gregg kissing her.
I smiled and winked at her. She was visibly relieved when she realized that I wasn't upset about the kiss. I'm sure that she'll better understand once she experiences one of our strange parties.
Gregg selected the only one piece suit we bought that day. But it was one very small, very nearly transparent piece. I had a hell of a time figuring out how to put it on when I tried it on at Sweet Nothings. But I finally figured it out and now I helped Kat get into it.
Once she had it on I helped her adjust it. Then I stepped back and saw for the first time what I really looked like when I was trying it on in front of all those people. Fuck! I have a nearly unobstructed view of her nipples as well as her narrow strip of closely cropped pussy hair and the tight little slit below it!
She looks hot as hell. If I were a man I'd want to fuck her! Come to think of it, I'm not a man and I still want to fuck her!
Her suit is difficult to describe. Her pussy is only just covered by a tiny diamond shaped piece of sheer material from which two narrow strips of that nearly transparent material extend up like suspenders to just barely cover her nipples before turning into thin strings that continue up her chest and tie behind her neck. It looks like a deep, narrow V painted on the front of her body. Just like the suit I'm wearing there's nothing in the back but nearly invisible strings.
Kat turned around and looked at herself in the mirror. She shook her head and exclaimed, "I'm fucking naked!"
Gregg chuckled and said, "You're fucking beautiful! Come on, bitch. Let's go see if we can shake up the neighborhood."
We started down the hall once more. I asked, "Gregg, shouldn't we wear something over these suits until we get to the pool?"
He nodded and replied, "Yes. I'm going to give you each a towel to wrap around your waist."
He stopped at the small linen closet in the hallway and took out three towels. Kat and I each wrapped one around our waist and then we were off to the pool. It's still light outside but the light is fading. It's almost dusk. I thought there'd be safety in numbers. I thought that having Kat putting on a similar display would make me feel slightly less uncomfortable, slightly less embarrassed. But having her with us in one of these suits seems to have the opposite effect. I think it makes this harder for me that I can look at Kat and see how exposed my own body is.
The first time I went to the pool in one of these suits I avoided looking down to see how nearly naked I was. I tried, without much success, not to think about the fact that everyone at the pool could see me, could see my nipples and my ass and my pussy. But every time I look at Kat I'm reminded of what the guys at the pool can see when they look at me.
Since the last time we went to the pool I spent an evening naked in a strip club putting on a live sex show and being stared at, groped and fondled. You might think that would make this easier. It doesn't. This is an entirely different set of circumstances. Those people at the pool tonight didn't go there to be entertained by naked women; or at least most of them didn't. Undoubtedly there will be young men at the pool who will enjoy the spectacle we present even if they aren't expecting it. But even so, it's a different atmosphere entirely.
Going out in public like this is deeply embarrassing. But damn it turns me on when Gregg "makes" me go out in public this way!
We made it out of the building without running into anyone. But just as we started down the sidewalk a car was coming slowly down the street toward us. When the driver was close enough to see how nearly naked we are he must have slammed on the brakes. We heard the car come to a sudden stop behind us.
We kept walking, all three of us struggling to keep from laughing out loud. The car never moved until we crossed the narrow street and entered the pool area. I was tempted to take my towel off to give the poor guys in the car a little something extra to look at. But that would have spoiled the mood. I don't want to act too slutty. I might give someone the right impression!
There were probably a dozen people lounging around the pool. Every motion, every conversation stopped instantly when we stepped through the gate. I glanced around quickly. Kat and I aren't the only women there. I spotted two couples and there were two young women sitting near the opposite gate. The rest of the people staring at us now in obvious shock are all single guys. Everyone continued to stare as we pulled three lounge chairs together, spread our towels out and sat down.
As soon as we were seated a low buzz of urgent conversation broke out around the pool deck. Kat and I smiled at each other. We were both blushing bright red. But I noticed that my feelings about being out here with another nearly naked woman have changed now that I'm seated and my heartbeat is slowly returning to normal. Whereas looking at her before seemed to emphasize my own nudity, now I felt comforted by the fact that there are two of us dressed this way.
I don't know why my opinion has changed. But now what we're doing doesn't seem quite as embarrassing because she's here to make me stand out less and distract some of our drooling audience. The fact that I've done this before probably doesn't hurt. And I suppose that little show I put on at the strip joint may have altered my perspective after all. That was most definitely a life changing experience.
Kat and I were sitting on either side of Gregg. He got up and turned his chair in the other direction so that when he sat back down he was facing us and suddenly we were an intimate group. We're able to look each other in the eye and talk quietly. We talked about Kat's reactions at first. I asked her how she's holding up and if she's having second thoughts.
She shivered, I'm not sure why. It isn't the least bit cool out here. She smiled and said, "It helps that it isn't just me. To be honest I'm not sure what I'm feeling. I'm embarrassed. But I think that this is the most exciting thing I've ever done! No. I know it is. I've never been the least bit exhibitionistic. I've never had the nerve. I suppose I still don't have the nerve. I know I wouldn't put this suit on and come out in public like this if it was just me. But damn!!"
She took a deep breath and said, "I almost can't believe I'm doing this. And on the one hand, I'm not looking forward to going into the pool and getting this suit wet. I know what I'm going to look like when I come out. On the other hand, the area between my legs is already getting wet and I may have to go in the water to keep everyone from seeing it.
"It's funny. I never before realized how exciting exhibitionism is! No wonder so many women dress ... well, you know."
She chuckled and added, "I never realized there was such a huge slut locked up inside of me!"
I laughed quietly and said, "Yeah. That pretty much sums it up."
Gregg chuckled and said, "You think you guys have it rough! I can't even stand up my dick is so hard!"
I reached over, patted his thigh sympathetically and said, "Oh, you poor baby! Would you like us to do something about that for you?"
"Not unless Mo gave you the number for his attorneys."
We sat and talked and got to know each other a little better for a while. Normally the pool starts to empty out at about this time on a Sunday evening. I know that from watching all the people having fun out here from my balcony for the last two years and wishing I could be like them. But for some strange reason no one seems to be in a hurry to leave tonight!
I think that Kat and I would both have happily remained in our chairs until Gregg decided that it's time to return to our apartment. We're both excited to be out here on display this way. It's a hell of a turn on. But getting up, moving around and getting wet is still a scary step. Gregg isn't going to let us off that easy, though. After ten or fifteen minutes of conversation he said, "Come on, ladies. It's time to see how those things react to the water."
He stood up and I couldn't help noticing his hard cock is still very obvious. I had to smile. For some reason it made me feel just a tiny bit better knowing that he has reason to be embarrassed, too.
Kat and I looked at each other, took a deep breath and stood up. Gregg took our hands and led us around the pool to the steps at the shallow end. Once more, all conversation stopped and every eye was trained on us.
I glanced around quickly. Everyone, even the couples and the single women, seemed to be getting a kick out of our suits. They were staring in amazement. But they were smiling. Well, a lot of the guys were leering. But that's close enough.
I didn't see anyone I recognized from our building. For some reason I took comfort from that. I probably shouldn't have. Even after two years I know almost none of my neighbors and I consider none of them my friends. That's a pretty damn sad admission to have to make, even to myself.
We entered the water slowly. It's getting dark and the air has started to cool off. The water and the air are almost the same temperature now. But it wasn't the cool air or the cool water that was making our nipples hard.
I glanced at Kat's breasts and grinned. She saw me looking and blushed even more. I saw her glance at my nipples and she snickered. Then she turned away because we couldn't look at each other without laughing.
We waded out until the water was just covering my tits and stood together against the side of the pool. Gregg smiled at us and said, "Well, at least I'm not the only man here with a hard on now!"
I reached out and worked my hand into his trunks. I wrapped my fingers around his hard cock and said, "I'll bet that Kat and I could get rid of this thing in no time at all."
He chuckled and said, "I know that you could. But let's not push Kat too far on the first day. We just found her. I'd hate to lose her now."
She blushed, but she chuckled. She slowly reached out, gently cradled Gregg's balls and said, "You're going to need something scarier than this to chase me away!"
Gregg furrowed his brow and replied, "Hmmm, I'm not quite sure how to take that! I think that my manhood has just been called into question!"
Kat laughed quietly and said, "But, sir! You have two pretty slave girls at your beck and call. You must surely be the most virile man in the pool!"
Gregg smiled and snapped back, "That would be a much bigger compliment if we weren't the only people in the pool."
I leaned closer and whispered, "I think the lady has your number, Gregg."
He sighed loudly and said, "Life was once so simple!"
We bantered back and forth for a little longer before Gregg said, "It's time to go back to our chairs and air dry for a while. I was expecting the walk back to be easier for me. You two have sure screwed that up!"
Our hands still cradled his cock and balls. His cock is still as hard as a rock.
Kat and I grinned nervously at each other and I said, "Here goes nothing!"
By MojaveJoe420 © 2016 Edited and Inspired by Mel (melanieatplay) (Author's Note: Howdy all! This one has more story than sex, so it isn't a quick wank job for ya. But work through it if you can, there's a pretty good payoff towards the end. This is part 1 of 3. Thank you for checking out my tale.) Today was shaping up to be like most any other Thursday; pretty boring. My daughter Alice turned 21 today and, despite promising me that she and I would go get her first legal...
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Fuck ... wouldn’t you believe it? The battleship-grade steel that layered the entire top of the basement, under the ground floor was still there ... and virtually immaculate, with hardly even a scratch on it! Now I could also see that this impenetrable layer not only covered the floor of the Murder Mansion, but also the houses next door and even under the old warehouse that had stood behind it. It covered, that thick layer of hardened steel, the entire city block where my house had once...
CHANCE GIM sat at the desk in his home office and looked down at the long list of names, phone numbers and personal data. He had numbered them. One hundred and eleven. All women. The youngest, eighteen, the oldest, twenty-six. All proportionately built. Carefully weeded from an even longer list of three hundred and eighty two. Like fruit, he thought, you gals are ripe and ready, oh so fucking ready, to be added to the lovelies I already have. All I have to do is give you my song and dance and...
WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary, their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. * * * * * ...
Now if I had to award a second place prize for the next choicest skirt decorating the room, it would have to be a coin flip between Skulda the Valkyrie Warrior-Maiden or the Green Canary. The others? Who could tell really, under all of those cowls, hoods, masks and full bodysuits. They could have all been dolls or drudges ... who could tell? The Norse babe had it all; youth, a crisp Nordic face with big blue eyes, long braided blonde hair and more than a hint of well-nourished cleavage under...
I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a pitch black bedroom and at least two warm naked female bodies. There were no street lights on outside and very likely the entire house, along with most of the remaining bits of the Westside, were without electrical power. By feel, I determined that Denise (Firefly) was curled up on my right side, or least her massive tits were. A more slender but nearly equally petite figure dozed on my left, and a brief caress of her hair suggested that this...
She stood naked near the window, silhouetted against the dim light that came through the lace curtains. He could see that she was still naked, a cigarette in her hand. She took a puff before putting it in an ashtray on the small table in front of her. ‘I’m happy that you’re writing again,’ she said. She noticed the filled legal pads and closed laptop on his desk before she walked into his bedroom. She knew that he was going through some writer’s block lately. ‘Have anything ready for me to...
Our very private chat now done, we headed on home with naught but a grocery stop at the A&P planned along the way. We agreed that mission number one for tomorrow morning was shopping to seriously upgrade our extremely limited wardrobe. I’d picked up a few basic items of casual clothing at a couple of local used resale shops in North and South Hell over the last couple of weeks, but I still had nothing that our old pal Rags would have been caught dead wearing. We now had the dough, so it...
We’ve never met. At least not in person. She is just a screen name to me and an avatar, and I suppose that is all I am to her. A few exchanged messages online. That’s what we share. And perhaps she knows more about me than I do about her, since she’s read some of my stories posted online. She knows a bit of what I look like, at least from the waist down, and she knows my age and where I live. Her? I know where she lives and how old she is, but I have no idea what she looks like. I don’t even...
We’ve never met. At least not in person. She is just a screen name to me and an avatar, and I suppose that is all I am to her. A few exchanged messages online. That’s what we share. And perhaps she knows more about me than I do about her, since she’s read some of my stories posted online. She knows a bit of what I look like, at least from the waist down, and she knows my age and where I live. Her? I know where she lives and how old she is, but I have no idea what she looks like. I don’t even...
MasturbationSo, on that peaceful Saturday evening I was sitting up on the roof of Murder Mansion, alone and slowly enjoying four fingers of fine quality rye, enjoying the late-night spring breezes and the sounds of the city from off in the distance. Most of the flat roof was covered with a series of four long rectangular greenhouses, but everything inside had been dead for a full decade or more. Orchids most likely, from all of the dried petals on the floor. At the northwest corner of the roof, the...
I muttered something about sandwiches and brewing up a pot of fresh coffee for everyone, back at my place, and a few of the heroines agreed to hang around there for a while. For now, at least, all of the fun, mayhem, and destruction seemed to be over. Most of the gals decided that they’d rather enjoy a long bath at home, along with a dozen or more stuff drinks instead, and most of them made their farewells. Even the horde of newsies and television camera crews started to look bored and began...
“I get the idea, rather clearly, that most of your ‘relationships’ have been with other women. Same I think for nearly all of the other super-heroines that I’ve met so far. You’re all Sapphists ... and most of you nearly exclusively lesbian. Odds are that none of you, including yourself, would find any long term romance with a man, such as myself, satisfying or enduring. I’d just be an isolated, momentary, object of dalliance. In fact, chances are that none of your relationships with other...
Chances were, if I could help it ... that not a single bullet was going hurt me or any of my mortal friends! As for most of the three dozen or so assembled super-powered heroines, there wasn’t one of them really that was the least bit frightened by gaggles of gunsels spewing lead! Some, especially the mightiest ones on the front line, were innately bullet-proof and others had protective armor in their costumes or else were just too fast to be hit either in flight or on the run. A cameraman...
I suppose I was alot like most boys growing up. My first sexual arousal came about when I had a crush on my mother. Not until I was older did I realize that this was a perfectly normal feeling. Of course, having a mother who was quite attractive helped the situation along considerably. The first time I masturbated, I jerked off thinking about her. As time passed, so did my fantasies about my mother, or so I thought. Mom aged very well and at the age of 61, she was still a beauty. She was 22...
I let her rest and breathe deeply for several long minutes before I gently revived her from unconsciousness, caressing her hair and kissing her lips gently. Pinching her nipples and rubbing her over-stimulated clit a bit seemed to help too. It wasn’t her desire to be controlled and be made into a passive object of violent sexual use that was starting to frighten me, now that the frenzy of our wild lovemaking was over, but that I had so willingly obliged her. I had sensed empathically with my...
It had been one of those days. A three-hour early morning drive to a conference to give a presentation on my favourite topic and what felt like some endless meetings. Now it was time to relax and enjoy some dinner and wine at a highly recommended Italian restaurant.As I walked in, I couldn’t help feel at home. I’d never been there before but it felt familiar. Well-dressed staff moved easily round the elegantly decorated room. White tablecloths were de rigueur and lo and behold, there were...
ExhibitionismChapter 08: Chance The ride to the restaurant had been quiet. Helen prided herself on her ability to engage anyone in a conversation which seemed to have deserted her since opening her door to Duncan. Duncan’s own short, one or two word answers to her sallies hadn’t helped. Thank goodness the ride had been short. Even that was relative with the thoughts churning around their heads. Duncan was embarrassed at being tongue tied. Try as he could there didn’t seem to be a thing he could do about...
Rebecca walked briskly down the hallway of the Chance Motel toward room 461. She had gotten the voicemail demanding she meet him here at 4:30 p.m. when she had finished work for the day. She especially couldn’t understand why he asked to meet her in a dive like this. As a prosecutor, she tried to keep away from any and all things that could in any way damage her career as the D.A.’s up and coming new attorney mastermind and this place had scandal written all over it. The Chance Motel was known...
1Chance Encounter It was just a bit over two years since my divorce and I still hadn’t come completely to terms with it. I was still looking for other answers. Maybe I had dedicated too much time to advancing my career and not enough time to her, although my major goal there was always to be the best breadwinner I could be, and not aimed at feeding my ego with my success. And I always tried to be very solicitous to her when we were together. Maybe even over solicitous. She had just...
Paul caught a taxi to the airport with Jim Spencer and Ted Wilson. Few words were spoken on the way, and nothing was mentioned about the explosion in Wilton's office, or the meeting in general. Paul had gone off like a rocket, and the others could see that he hadn't quite landed on the ground. They decided to let him cool, rather than risk re-ignition. It was a side of Paul rarely seen. The younger man, Spencer, had never seen it. As the plane began its climb out over Lake Michigan Paul...
Chances and Opportunities By Karen Hansen Most games can be fun... some can be sexy and kinky, a complete turn- on... others can be a little on the dangerous side. Especially when one has caught the eye of a thief who has you under surveillance. Someone who might have had your phone and residence bugged, your schedule recorded and would from that, have learned that you have a thing for your cross-dressing and self-bondage, such as calling a friend to request a...
I ought to have slept like a log, but instead I just dozed fitfully for the next two hours or so. The morning sun coming in through my south facing bedroom window didn’t help my attempt to get some quality shut-eye. That was another thing for the shopping list; I muttered sleepily, some new bedroom curtains! I’d tossed the old ones out, as they’d all been impregnated with some noxious and likely highly toxic chemical. Something exceptionally flammable, I guessed, likely to make an explosion...
I couldn’t get over how big the dog was or how attractive the one girl was, but the girl with the dog said hi back, and as we passed each other, and we made eye contact, I commented, “That’s a big dog.” We again smiled at each other, and she simply remarked, “Yea.” But suddenly, as if the German Shepard knew I was attracted to the girl, it pulled her, causing the two girls to giggle a little as they continued on there walk around the lake, cutting off my chance to talk to her. The girl...
Duncan knew it was not a sign of age for a man with his long history to indulge himself in reminiscing. Still, sometimes he felt guilty to just sit and reminisce, remembering all the wonderful things he had seen and, more importantly, the people he had met. It hadn’t been that many years since he made that early pit stop here in Ritzville. Lord knew he’d spent hours enough recalling that morning. Most especially the vision of Helen, walking, swaying up the walk from where she’d parked that...
CHAPTER 4 — Every Worm Must Turn Paul took a taxi to the airport with Jim Spencer and Ted Wilson. Little was said on the way, except necessary details about flights and arrival times. Nothing was mentioned about the explosion in Wilton’s office, or the meeting in general, until their plane lifted from the runway. Paul had gone off like a rocket, and they could see that he was still in descent mode. They decided to let him cool, rather than risk reigniting him. It was a side of Paul rarely...
Chapter 9 Endings and Beginnings (Part II) It was the middle of March. Paul found himself seated on an airliner next to Ted Wilson on their way to Chicago. They had two items on their agenda that day. First, was the signing of the dismissal agreement on the Peoria lawsuit. It had gone as planned between Paul and Leonard Raines five weeks before. A small flap developed when the plaintiff’s side asked for a ‘hold harmless’ clause. It had been due to Paul’s mention of Harry Carmichael’s company’s...
CHAPTER II — A Plant in Peoria Paul woke first on a Saturday morning. Lying on his back, he couldn’t see the clock. He judged the time to be early—before six—considering the hue of the light streaming into the cabin window and the songs of the birds in the surrounding forest. Partly alongside, and partly atop, Glenda lay in bed with him. Her deep rhythmic breathing told him that she wasn’t about to wake up. Paul thought that a change of pace might be enjoyable. He and Glenda had not seen one...
The night in Adam's cabin had come to an end. I was disappointed. I never wanted it to end, I wanted to stay with Adam. Around nine, I started to get dress, I had a twelve hour drive back to Ohio. I looked at Adam, sound asleep in bed. I didn't want to wake him, but hoped he'd wake before I had to leave, maybe even convince me to stay.I didn't have to wait long, he woke up shortly after I did. He smiled as he propped himself up on the pillows. He said, "You know, I love that shirt, but you look...
Love Stories"I swear you are the absolute worst James! I came all the way from Ohio because YOU wanted to rekindle our relationship. I swear I should've seen you pulling something like this. You stand no chance to rekindle our relationship." I was sitting in the bar he told me to meet him in, and now he was telling me he couldn't even show up?!I was young and naive and should've known better. It was a total James thing to do to stand me up. I just didn't want to think he'd do that if I traveled all the way...
Love StoriesChance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...
Once again i will take you people through the pages of my sex life. It’s totally a chance encounter with a hot Punjabi girl in my previous office and it’s a real encounter started in office lift. Needless to say that Punjabi girl has an ass which every men wants to spank and fuck. Hot figure 36-30-38… hold your dicks guys because i know every one of you would love to remove her panty and spank her big ass before actually fucking it… ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was a normal day, and i was...
Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...
Chance Encounter – Sarita & Nimmo revisited This is the 2nd episode of Chance encounter. Thank you readers of ISS. The original story had over 1,00,000 hits. That was way beyond what ever I expected it to be. And it prompted me to put this second episode on paper. After few months, I went back to this small town where Sarita & Nimmo lived. I went directly to their house hoping to get the room of the roof for rent again. As I alighted from the rickshaw, I heard a shreik of joy from inside the...
IncestI work as an accountant and I was attending a conference for tax preparers. I was standing by the entrance when I could not believe my eyes. I could swear the woman who had just walked through the door was Deanna, a former co-worker and a friend of mine. I remember the last time I saw her it was at her going away party. She had taken a job out of state. The party was winding down, myself and Deanna wound up the last ones still in the club. The juke box was still playing....
Straight SexIt has been a pretty rubbish year this year with everything thats happened, plus staying safe and all the restrictions has made looking for fun put on hold for a while. i have been good stayed in and looked after myself but have been super horny too, so to pass the time i like most have been spending a lot of time online chatting with sexy people and enjoyed some great chats and horny messaging.I spent a lot of time on gay sex dating sites chatting to guys about horny stuff getting more and...