Hartstein (A Hartstein Story)Chapter 4 free porn video

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Paul caught the last train back to Danbury that night and on arriving home went right to work on his novel. During the train ride he had worked through a knotty problem that had prevented him from moving forward. Now sitting at his PC, he was amazed at the clarity with which he saw the problem’s solution. He finally went to sleep and dreamed restlessly about Carol and their sexual romps. He woke at dawn and after making a pot of coffee worked on the novel until his belly began to growl; at which point he remembered that he still had almost all of the $500 Carol’s publisher had given him and went out to a nearby diner for pancakes and bacon and was surprised to find he couldn’t eat it all because he was stuffed.

Back in his tiny apartment Paul concentrated on the novel, working fifteen hour days and made great progress. When he finished the sixth chapter, he reread it, proofing it as best he could, and sent all the recently completed material to Carol via Federal Express.

That Friday’s mail contained a letter from Carol’s publisher, Jubal Harshaw, extolling the novel and giving him a $5000 advance ahead of its publication. Paul was stunned and rushed to the bank to cash it before Harshaw or anyone else could changed their minds at the publishing company, putting $4500 into his checking account and $500 in his wallet.

His next top was to the florist, where he bought 2 dozen long stemmed roses for Celia, and waited until he was fairly certain her husband Jim would be home before knocking on their door.

Celia and her husband, Jim were necking on the couch when Paul knocked on the door.

Celia jumped off the couch, pulled her top down over her boobs and peeked through the blinds to see who it was. “Jesus, Jim ... it’s Paulie!”

“Paulie!” Jim exclaimed while hurrying to get his erection into a less prominent position.

“Paulie!” Celia yelled happily and caught herself before she jumped into his arms and crushed the roses he was bringing to her.

“Are those ... for me?”

“Yes they are, Celia, two dozen long stemmed. The very best Taylor’s florist had.”

“Hey guy!” Jim shouted from just behind his wife. “Would that be a case of Sam Adams?”

“It would, and it is for the two of you. But the roses are strictly Celia’s. She took me in on the coldest night in history and fed me.”

“You sold the book!” Celia said, making it a fact, and dropping the roses to the floor, then quickly kneeling to pick them up again.

“Actually no, but they’ll publish that after I make a reputation from the novel I’m writing hits the charts. For that I got a $5000 advance!”

“Five grand? Holy shit!” Jim roared happily. “You’re rich, buddy! I always knew you’d make it big.”

“I’d better find a vase and put these lovely flowers in some water before I drop them again. I swear I’m so excited I can’t seem to hold anything,” Celia chirped happily. It was the first time other than her wedding day that anyone had given her flowers.

“I’ve got something for you to hold that you won’t drop,” Jim said lewdly.

“Oh, did I interrupt something?” Paul said with a smile, knowing the Masters fucked like rabbits.

“Never mind,” Celia said over her shoulder as she found what would pass for a vase and poured some water into it. “His something will still be there when I decide what to do with it.”

All three laughed then Jim took a moment to open the case of John Adams and then took three bottles out and after opening them, hand one to Paul and Celia before taking a big swallow from his own bottle.

“Ahhh, good stuff, very good stuff!” Jim said and paused to burp. Paul laughed, feeling comfortable with his two college friends.

“Oh-oh-oh!” Celia chirped. “I almost forgot we have company!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I should have called and not barged in like this,” Paul said apologetically.

“No--no,” Celia said quickly before Paul made some excuse about leaving. “She’s my old roomie from my Hartford days. Her name is Joanna and--and I’m sure you’ll like her. Oh--oh--oh Paul, I’m not marrying you off, but she’s a good looking girl and you make a perfect fourth for a night out. Are you up for it?”

“Well I don’t know,” Paul responded, looking at Jim for guidance in his decision. Jim just kept nodding his head up and down. “She’s a looker, Paul, no shit! Why...”

“Jim, cool it! I’ll fill Paul in, now let’s just sit down and have another beer or two. I’ll tell Paul the story. Joanna’s due in an hour or so. She has an interview with the Danbury Times, and yes, she’s a writer too. So you see, Paul, you already have something in common.”

“Umm,” Paul began, “You said you two were roomies in Hartford?”

“Yes, right after college. You may recall that we ended up getting jobs in different cities: him in Danbury and me in Hartford, a distance of about 58 miles, or roughly an hour and fifteen minutes driving time. The pressure to make good at our respective jobs meant we could only see one another on weekends and holidays. In many ways, this kept our relationship hot...”

Jim interrupted her to say: “Yeah, she couldn’t wait to jump my bones. Shit she told me that’s about all she ever thought about.”

“I think of it as my slut period. Anyway, you didn’t seem to mind, so ... anyways that Labor Day offered us our first three day weekend, and while driving to Hartford all this lunk could think about--so he says anyways--was how to get rid of my roomie.

“Now I gotta tell ya Joanna was my closest friend in high school. By the way, she’s very cute and she’s Asian—American with a tight, athletic build. The three of us got along all right, but on several occasions we umm, kept Joanna awake with the sounds of the headboard slamming against the wall.”

“Yeah, well,” Jim chimed in, “I really felt like a prick for planning on how to get rid of Joanna so we could get some privacy, you know?”

Paul smiled and nodded. He knew all right. He had been a big man on campus and many a night Jim had sat outside in the cold while Paul bedded a coed in the cozy warmth of their dorm room.

“In fact,” Celia said, “Jim felt so awkward about the situation, you know, that we were basically forcing Joanna out so we could have our little fuckathon. So I got this big lug to agree to a compromise in which we would tour Hartford like tourists leaving the apartment to Joanna for whatever for most of the day.”

Jim jumped in at that point to say: “Yeah but Hartford ain’t that big a city. We did the museums in short order--twice. That pretty much left the architectural splendors of the insurance companies that dominate the city’s skyline. Took us maybe fifteen minutes on a cold day.”

Celia joined the two men in laughing at his apt description of the Hartford skyline.

Celia picked up the storyline, saying: “That left movie matinees and bars. Inasmuch as we would visit the bars in the evening, it fell to the afternoon matinees; during which, the close proximity usually brought both of us into a heated state from which we invariably fled back to the apartment to jump each other’s bones to the dismay of Joanna, who would make an excuse and take in a movie herself.”

“Okay, now comes the juicy part,” Jim said as he opened his third beer and took a swig.

“I had no idea that Celia here was telling Joanna all and I mean each and every detail of our lovemaking.”

“No!” Paul gasped.

“Yes!” Jim said with a special emphasis. “Al the lurid details, even some embellishments as well from what I know of my Celia here.” Jim had one arm around Celia’s shoulder and the other holding his beer. “And the girl has a hell of an imagination anyway. So the headboard banging against the wall had certain erotic particulars included thanks to my porno princess here.”

“Be nice, Jimmy!”

“Yeah--yeah, anyways, she was kept abreast of the positions used, the things I did and said. I tell you, Paul, I felt violated.”

“Bullshit!” Celia crowed. “Absolute bullshit!” Pointing at her husband, Celia raised her voice to emphasize her point and said: “When I told him about the sharing he was thrilled--thrilled by the fact that Joanna knew everything, in fact he demanded more explicitness to my details.”

Paul chuckled and his eyes were shining with interest.

Celia’s voice dropped and with a sly smile she added, “Of course I was delighted to provide them to him. We did it five times in a row that night. I swear to God, Joanna was howling with laughter in the next room.”

“We had to have the wall repaired. It seems the headboard broke through the wallboard. Celia made up some story for the landlord and he had it fixed before my next visit.”

“You two are leading up to something,” Paul surmised out loud. “So what is it?”

“Oh you!” Celia gushed, “You’re always ahead of me!”

“So tell!” Paul said and opened a second beer.

“I found a date for Joanna. She hadn’t been out with a guy in months. His name was Kevin, but that isn’t important. It’s what happened during the date.”

Jim took over, saying: “Joanna was friendlier than ever, greeting me with a tight hug. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra under her tank top. She’s shorter than Celia, and compared with Celia’s voluptuous body I imagined petite Joanna being tossed around the bedroom by various boyfriends.”

Paul noted the excitement in Celia’s eyes as her husband recounted the meeting.

“Anyway, I returned the hug and said it was good to see her again and that I was glad that we were going out together. I recall Celia announcing it was time to get dressed, and then asking Joanna if she was still up for going out, which surprised the hell out of me.”

“She was--she was,” Celia chirped. “Remember she said, “The guy’s cute, right? I haven’t met a decent guy, or even an indecent one in months. Of course I’m up for it!”

“Joanna went into her room and I followed Celia into hers.”

“Are you going graphic on me Jim?” she asked.

“No--no, just filling in the gaps as needed.”

“I’ll do the filling here, lover.” Celia looked at Paul and said, as you probably know, we had us a quickie. Admittedly I was as horny as he was. We tried to be quiet about it, but like I said before the apartment walls were thin, very thin. So, Joanna heard what she heard. The thing is I finished dressing before she did, so maybe, just maybe she did some playing herself.”

“As a matter of fact, ‘ Jim stubbornly interjected, “I’ve never mentioned this to Celia before, but when Celia opened Joanna’s door to check on her, Joanna was bending over to slip on her shoes and I could see one of her pert breasts hanging, totally exposed in her low-cut, little black dress. With the shoe on, she straightened up, smoothed out the dress and asked if we were ready to go. She looked sexy as hell, Paul,” Jim said solemnly.

“She really did. Joanna really has no idea of how sexy she is. But you’ll see for yourself when she gets here, ‘ Celia added with emphasis.

“This guy Kevin was waiting for us at the bar. He had gotten us a table for four and he seemed to be a nice guy,” Jim said.

“Joanna hung back a little bit, but Celia introduced her to Kevin. She gave him a shy but friendly “Hello,” and it was obvious that they were both taken with each other. Kevin invited us all to sit at the table, and we had a great time catching up over beers for the next hour or so.

“Joanna and Kevin seemed to be getting along great as they laughed and flirted on the other side of the table. It was a tall bar table with one end against a wall, and we sat on stools, me next to the wall on one side, Joanna next to the wall on the other.

“Eventually, the bar slowly emptied out and there was just one other couple sitting in our section. Celia and I had been talking between ourselves for a while to give Joanna and Kevin a chance to get to know each other. Our waitress came over to let us know that it was last call, and we ordered a last round of beers.

“That’s when Celia got frisky. Very frisky. She laughed and kissed me on the cheek. I gave her a kind of puzzled look, after all, why the cheek, you know? But then her hand landed on my thigh and I caught her looking around the room and at Kevin and Joanna.

“I was about to ask her what the fuck she was doing when she told me by moving her hand up to my crotch and placed her other arm around my shoulder and leaned close to me before I could say anything and possibly alert the others to her devious scheme.

“To Joanna and Kevin, and anyone else looking our way it probably appeared that we were just having an intimate conversation, and the tabletop was high enough that the motion of Celia’s hand was not visible. Under the table, she began massaging my dick through my pants as I grew harder and harder. She made small talk with me as she did this so that we wouldn’t draw any attention, and I tried my best to mutter some replies. It was clear that she was getting a kick out of seeing me try to keep my cool while she handled my manhood under the table.

“Celia certainly knew how much she was teasing me as she ran her hand up and down the contours of my dick through my khakis.”

“I certainly did,” Celia laughed, seemingly delighted with herself. “I did have a little bit of trouble opening his fly--he was so hard I couldn’t get the damn zipper to move!”

They both laughed and Paul couldn’t help but join them.

“Oh, but then I got to him.”

“Did she ever!” Jim laughed. “Fished me right out into the open.”

“He couldn’t sit still, the big lug,” Celia cackled.

“Well hell, man” he said to Paul, indignantly. “We were with another couple. I mean, for Christ’s sake Kevin was a stranger, and Joanna--well just because this one (he pointed at Celia) confided in her about our sex lives didn’t mean we’d perform a sex act in front of them.”

“Fuck no I couldn’t sit still!” Jim protested. “Paul she was rubbing her thumb over my cockhead. You know how stimulating that is?”

“I can imagine,” Paul replied with a wide grin on his face as Celia cackled wildly with glee next to him.

“Meanwhile she’s babbling some shit even I couldn’t understand much less Joanna and Kevin. Thank God they didn’t have the slightest idea what was going on ... until...”

“Until?” Paul said questioningly.

“Umm, I guess I took care of that part,” Celia said with a mischievously lewd grin.

“Oh, really?” Paul said with a knowing grin. He knew Celia all too well.

“She started to jerk me off!”

“I finished the job as well, sugar, but let me tell the rest, okay?”

“I gave him or it about a dozen strokes. He was like a rock by then. Next I gave it some special attention to the more sensitive parts, you know? Then my sugar bear here began talking gibberish to me. He’s the pot callin’ the kettle black about making silly talk to disguise what we were doing.”

Jim gave Paul a pleading look. “I--I had to do something. I mean, the others would have realized what she was doing to me.”

Celia mimicked her husband, “I had to do something ... shit! Did I stop when the waitress came by with our check?”

“No,” Jim replied weakly.

“In fact I saw that she had Kevin’s and Joanna’s attention and I used the opportunity to give your cock a couple of hard and fast jerks. And as the waitress walked away, Kevin said, ‘I guess we should probably get going soon, huh?’ But I was ready for him and cut him off by saying something like, don’t worry about it. Take your time, finish your beers—we’ll close the place tonight.”

“I couldn’t believe it--they bought her bullshit story, hook, line and sinker. And worse, I knew that Joanna and her would be laughing their asses off at my expense later on. It was infuriating, Paul.”

“Infuriating my ass!” Celia crowed. If I had let go of your dick just then you’d have run around the room like a chicken with its head cut off!”

Paul was laughing continuously.

“Then she had to lean forward so that her tits were half out of her dress. Jesus, I thought Kevin was gonna have a heart attack! Here he was, trying to impress his date and there’s Celia’s tits all but hanging out over the table as she jerked me off.”

“I thought it would help get you off. I couldn’t jerk you off forever. The place was about to close. We had the check on the table. I couldn’t wait any longer.”

“Well you didn’t have to do what you did!”

“What did she do?” Paul inquired as tears ran down his cheeks.

Celia answered him, saying, “Well, Joanna gave me a curious look and I knew I was running out of time. But I wanted her ... you know ... to kind of be in on the grand finale.”

Paul nodded.

Jim swore under his breath.

“I began to choke his chicken, going as fast as possible under the circumstances. I put this ... I guess it was a fiendish expression on my face and in the middle of all the gibberish I’d been murmuring to him, clearly stated that I was going to make him cum in the next ten seconds.”

Jim nodded and looking at Paul said, “She did say that, I swear it.”

Celia giggled and jumped in, “Nice to have that confirmed. Anyways, I grabbed a napkin with my free hand and brought it under the table. Jim here thought I was going to clean him off with it. Well I was, but at the time I had another idea.”

“And that was?” Paul asked with a broad smile.

“I let it sail over near Joanna’s foot.”

Jim, his face red with embarrassment, said, “She had the unmitigated gall to ask her innocent friend to pick it up, knowing what was about to happen. Do you believe it?”

“From Celia--yes I do,” Paul replied.

“Jo ... I dropped my napkin by your foot. Would you be a dear and hand it to me?”

Celia probably used exactly the same pitch in her voice at that moment as she had back in the bar.

Celia laughed then and still laughing said: “Simultaneously, Joanna said: ‘Sure no problem, ‘ and went under the table.”

Jim picked it up at that point, “I didn’t believe my ears. Why bring Joanna in on what we were doing? But true to form Joanna bent down and retrieved the napkin.

“Time seemed to go into slow motion. I looked at Kevin, who was too busy checking out Joanna’s ass to notice that I was about to have an orgasm right in front of him. I looked at Celia, and her devilish grin put me over the edge. Joanna seemed to be taking a little too long to get the napkin, and I was sure she has caught sight of what was going on under the table. This was all happening in just a second or two, but it had to be long enough for Joanna to see Celia’s hand moving up and down my cock, and what was about to happen next.”

Celia preempted him at that point. “That did it. Jim erupted onto my hand, oozing out between my fingers while I continued pumping him as he continued spurting and covering my entire hand with his cum. I continued to stroke him until the orgasm subsided.

Joanna was too stunned to react at first, but recovered before her going under the table aroused any suspicions from Kevin.

“She was white as a sheet when she finally met my eyes,” Celia said calmly.

Paul was still laughing. Jim took on a hang dogged look and Celia laughed so hard she started to choke and had to be slapped on the back by Paul.

“Did--did she leave you hanging?” Paul said laughing almost as hard as Celia had.

“That’s the thing, you know? She wiped me off and tucked me away. I zipped up and things returned to normal, or as normal as one might expect after that.”

“We paid our bar tab, and I left a big tip. Joanna had clearly been dying to flee from the bar since she’d sat back up at the table. Still, she and Kevin had hit it off, and I hoped Celia’s little stunt didn’t shake her game too much. Then we all headed for the exit.

“There’s another chapter to this, isn’t there, Celia?” Paul said knowingly.

“Uh-huh,” Celia said with a gleam in her eye.

“We shared a cab back to the apartment. I made Jim sit up front with the driver and I had Kevin sit between us in the back. I knew Joanna was creaming in her pants. I mean, she hadn’t been laid in over four months! But all Kevin did--and I had to stick my elbow in his side to prod him into action--was kiss her chastely on the lips. He did ask her if he could call her, and she gave him her number. And they did go on a couple dates, but I could tell even then he wasn’t the one.

“And so I hatched another plan.”

“You didn’t!” Paul exclaimed.

“She did,” Jim chimed in. “And I liked it.”

“I’m sure you did, you perv!” Celia yelped happily.

“So what happened?” Paul asked impatiently.

Celia laughed and asked, “You gonna put this in your novel?”

“You never can tell,” he replied with a grin.

“Do it!” Jim shouted. “Damn, just do it!”

“Why should I make you famous?” Paul laughed.

“What ... you’d use my real name?”

“Sure-- if you fucked Joanna and Celia after being jerked off at a club. You’d be famous.” Paul was kidding, but Jim had those beers in him and was slow picking up that he was being kidded.

“C’mon, what happened next?” Paul persisted.

“When we reached the apartment, Joanna wished us a good night and went to bed. Celia and I shut the door to our bedroom and giggled inanely. We rolled around on the bed tickling and groping each other, wordlessly reminiscing about the scene in the bar.”

“We stripped down to our underwear and fell back on the bed. I’m sure Joanna heard us. I didn’t know how to repay Celia except to give her the most pleasure I could. I pulled off her panties, and hoisted her hips up and kissed her pussy.”

“Must you provide him with all the lurid details, Jim? He’ll be humping your leg if you keep that up,” Celia chortled happily, reveling in the sordid tale her husband was spinning to their college friend.

Ignoring his wife, Jim continued; “I placed a couple pillows beneath her back, and held her hips up by her bare ass and buried my face in her pussy.” Jim flapped his tongue against the front of his mouth and made a blathering sound, dismissing Celia’s comments about the details he knew she wanted him to provide to Paul.

“When Celia grabbed my boxers by the waistband, I set her down and let her remove them. I was fully erect, energized with all the excitement of the evening. She climbed on top of me and pressed my cock slowly but deeply into her.”

“Jim!” Celia protested weakly.

“I began what I like to call my slow fuck special. You should have heard her: ‘Oh, baby ... that’s soooo fucking good!’ and I recall laughing and telling her I was glad she liked it.” Celia moaned.

“When she was able to talk again she cooed, ‘Slow down Baby, let’s make this last.’

“Like this?” I asked.

“Yeah ... just like that. Mmmm, say, baby, what do you think of Joanna?”

“Joanna? Why I think she’s eminently fuckable.”

Celia interrupted him to say, “Really? Eminently fuckable?”

“And that’s when the door flew open and Joanna barged into the room, yelling, “I can’t take anymore of this shit! I’m fuckable? Eminently fuckable? What the fuck does that mean?

“It’s a compliment, Jo ... a compliment!” Celia said. “Lighten up a little.”

Joanna stood there confronting Celia and Jim, wearing a long burgundy sweater that had seen better days and with the belt holding it closed coming looser with every breath she took. It was obvious that Joanna had had more to drink in her room after coming home.

“He thinks I’m easy?” she said and turned on me. “You think I’m easy? You two fucking like cats on a hot tin roof with me suffering in the next room! ‘Cause if he ... if you two think I am I swear to God I’ll ... I’ll...”

Celia burst out with: “Fuckable means you look good enough to fuck. Guys love that. I know Jim here can easily picture you in bed with him when I’m not around.”

“Hey, I can picture that scene with you around too, Celia,” I said happily since I was half stoned and half drunk. “You know my motto, a threesome for me-sum.”

Celia jumped in to add, “He can easily imagine you in his bed with him. You must know all this, Joanna. You know you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

“Yeah right, Celia. I’m tall, dark and blessed with my big girls here!” She ended up cupping her modest sized breasts which were managing to remain confined in the sweater despite the ever loosening of the belt holding it closed.

“Hey, c’mon Joanna ... Jim and me were getting it on. What we say and how we say it ... well we’re not accountable for what we say to each other in the heat ... you know?”

“Yeah, like tricking me into watching you jerking him off under the table, while I was stuck with the dud of duds in Ken.”

“But how were we to know... ?” I sputtered, Jim said chagrined at finding himself in such a situation.

Joanna hooted and gave Jim the finger. Then she turned to me, said: “Maybe he was just a pawn in your hands, Celia, but you lured me under the table. You knew he was about to cum. You ... you ... you...”

I nodded and picked up my drink and finished it off in one long swallow. “So what can we do for you ... I mean, now that you’re out here with your girls hanging out for my man Jim to admire. You want to join in? Make it a threesome?”

“WHAT? Threesome? Me ... You ... Him? WHOOP DE DOO!”

All three started laughing at her antics.

Joanna’s sweater slipped off her right shoulder.

Jim ogled her tits.

I was still laughing, possibly even harder than before. Joanna shrugged the sweater off and stood nude before us. “Like it, motherfuckers?”

“Yeah,” Jim crowed. “I like it! Hell, I fucking love it!”

“Easy Jimbo, you don’t wanna be the one starts the fire,” I cautioned my man.

“Like my girls, Jimmmbo?” Joanna inquired, deliberately dragging his name out.

Jim nodded automatically before even thinking about what he was doing.

“Well, la-de-da if I’m so fuckable what are you waiting for? Right Celia? I am soooo fuckable baby!”

Joanna was holding each breast as though it were a melon and jiggled them both up and down in a titty dance all her own.

“You go girl!” Celia yelled. She was obviously thrilled that Joanna had decided to join us in a threesome.

Mockingly Joanna drawled, “You can fuck me here,” She ran her hands up the inside of her leg and it came to rest snugly on her crotch area. Throwing us a lascivious look over her shoulder, she crowed, “Or you can even,” she drew her words with a devilish hint in her voice, “fuck me here!” She illustrated her point by leaning over the side of the couch; legs splayed open and offered up her ass to the two of us in a mock sexual come hither fashion.

“Oh, yeah baby!” Jim hollered imitating Mike Myers portraying Austin Powers.

He must have inspired her or something, Paul, because she raised her head from the couch, looked over at us, saw our legs still entwined on the bed and slowly began humping the top of the couch.

“Oh, God!” Celia screeched as she rocked with laughter.

“Look at your man, Cel,” Joanna said with a lewd grin. “He’s got a hard on for me!”

“Still laughing Celia asked, “How do you know it’s because of you?”

Continuing her mocking of the sex act, Joanna cooed, “‘Cause I’m fuckin’ this couch here and you and I both know Jimbo loves porn and I’m puttin’ on a porno show, ain’t I?”

Jim started to get up from the bed. Seeing his erection swaying to and fro, I put a hand on his hip to keep him on the bed.

“What?” Joanna poutingly said in a slightly slurred voice. “You gonna come over here and spank me, ‘cause I’m being bad?”

“Maybe,” I said flatly, only to have my butt pinched by my loving wife, Celia here.”

“You want to spank me baby? I’m sooo shocked!!” Joanna cackled, and added, “You’re a very naughty boy, and Celia’s a naughty girl ... I’d tell you how naughty but then I’d be just as naughty as she is.”

“Now that comment gave me something to think about, but what followed put it on the back burner for a time. See, Joanna raised a hand to her own ass and began spanking herself across her right cheek, yowling, “I’ll save you the trouble of spanking me. I’ll do it myself!”

‘SLAP—SLAP!’ “Oh, yeah baby! Oh, yeah that feels sooo good!”

“We’ve seen enough, Joanna, put the sweater back on,” Celia said, still giggling at her friend’s drunken antics. She stopped spanking herself; but resumed humping the couch more energetically than before.

“If you get that couch wet you pay to have it cleaned, Joanna!” Celia yelled, but there was a gleam in her eye that said otherwise.

Joanne moved up so as to straddle the couch and moaned as she fucked the back of the couch.

“Celia, she’s fuckin’ the furniture ... you gonna stop her?” I remember saying. Remember Celia?”

“She is, she is!” Celia said, “She’s gonna fuck the furniture! Oh God!”

“Oh, yes! Oh, yes!” Joanna’s pert tits flounced up and down as she pumped and ground away at the couch. We looked on, laughing and playing along with her sex show.

Arching her back, Joanna rode the couch like a cowboy trying to reel in a bucking bull. I don’t know why exactly, but Celia and me lost it and egged her on, you know?”

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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 7

The Roomate Although he didn’t know it at the time that was the last time he would see Joanna. Three weeks later, Paul had finished a rough draft of his novel and took the train from Danbury into Manhattan to meet Carol for lunch. On this occasion, Carol went without the black wig having had her blonde hair styled for the occasion. Under the London Fog raincoat she wore a dark blue business outfit, jacket and skirt with a white blouse. This time the blouse was fully buttoned and Paul took...

2 years ago
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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 9 Friends in the City

It only happened because of what was said at the party a month before. Paul had joined a group of four women and the subject of bondage came up. “Have you tried it?” Marti had asked. After some less than adroit verbal fencing he had replied, “I think it depends on the woman. Some would never do it, some put up with it for their partner, and some are really into it.” “But what about you?” the one called Callie asked with arched eyebrows. “Okay,” Paul said raising his voice for the first...

3 years ago
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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 12 Jaded

The following afternoon while working on his new novel, Paul paused and took out the card that his former roomies girlfriend, Jade had given him the previous night. It was a plain embossed business card with her name and number on it and nothing else. But it was her words that kept coming back to him. “I’ve heard things about you. Good things. I’d like it if you called that number. This Tuesday works for me, say around seven.” He smiled and slipped the card into his wallet, got up and as he...

2 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 01

By Paris Waterman An X – Rated Novel Illustrated version available on request Paul Hartstein winced as the icy wind blew the swirling snow into his face and wished he’d thought to bring a scarf with him as he vainly tried to deflect some of the snow from his face and eyes. He bent his 6’4′ feverish frame into the stiff winter wind whipping down Danbury’s Main Street. It was the coldest January in forty-seven years and he never doubted it, but he did regret not having taken his car to the...

1 year ago
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Hartstein Ch 05

Sexual Reminisces With everyone trying to recover from the avalanche of sex that the four had launched, Jim went to the kitchen and without asking, made everyone a much stronger drink, double shots of tequila for the girls and double scotches for the guys. Celia, nude except for a Tee top she’d thrown on after her watching Paul fuck her friend, and occasional lover, Joanna. Both men remained nude, while Joanna had a towel draped across her lower extremities. It wasn’t long before a second...

4 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 04

Chapter 4 Illustrated version available on request to Author Intrusion Results in Foursome Fusion Paul caught the last train back to Danbury that night and on arriving home went right to work on his novel. During the train ride he had worked through a knotty problem that had prevented him from moving forward. Now sitting at his PC, he was amazed at the clarity with which he saw the problem’s solution. He finally went to sleep and dreamed restlessly about Carol and their sexual romps. He woke...

3 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 03

Paris Waterman Illustrated version available on request to Author Chapter 3 They hailed a passing cab at the busiest time of the afternoon. And to Paul’s amazement one pulled to the curb immediately. It wasn’t until they were inside the cab that he realized the cabby had spied Carol and stopped for her, and not him. Turning to Carol, he said, ‘I can already see the benefits of traveling with you.’ Carol laughed, gave the driver her address and took hold of Paul’s rapidly rising cock. ...

3 years ago
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New Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This picks up where Hartstein ends , it’s a year later, and Paul is working with the editors on the finalization of his novel. Carol is no longer the leading editor working with Paul and it seemed that each day brought someone new into play as the many details of finalizing a novel before publication begin to overwhelm him. But he was buoyed by the fact that he now had a publication date and his world was spinning faster and faster with each passing day. The work and its many ramifications...

2 years ago
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Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This Continues the Hartstein Saga. Paul met several women at a party and has begun fucking them, one by one. It only happened because of what was said at the party a month before. Paul had joined a group of four women and the subject of bondage came up. “Have you tried it?” Marti had asked. After some less than adroit verbal fencing he had replied, “I think it depends on the woman. Some would never do it, some put up with it for their partner, and some are really into it.” “But what about...

1 year ago
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Incident at Cafe Orlin a Hartstein Story

The next few days flew by as far as Paul was concerned. On the one hand, he wanted to arrange another get together with Nadine, but was stuck on just who to bring into their little game playing. On the other hand, that morning Carol had called to tell him that Regal Publishing was ready to market his novel--that he would be expected to appear on the Today Show that Friday and Oprah on Tuesday and that he needed to come in to Regal’s offices that afternoon to cram for both shows--meaning the...

1 year ago
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the cage

The traffic seems to take forever but I finally get home. I go in through the garage. The house is empty, there is nothing in the living room, the dining room, or the kitchen. I make my way back through the house to the bedrooms. I open the door to our room and there it is. He has pulled out his kennel and added the carpet to it. I smiled. He left my collar and some handcuffs out on the bed. I strip, head to the bathroom and buckle my collar into place. Placing the small lock on...

1 year ago
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Maid For Each Other In The City Of Destiny

Hello everyone. I am Sunny (name changed) and i currently live in Delhi. This whole episode happened when i was a young teenager aged 18. Since my dad has a transferrable job, we keep shifting every 3 years. It so happened we had to move to Vishakhapatnam and my dad was posted in a township 20 outside the city so we moved into a good house and were looking for a maid and found one called Paaru. She was 18 when she joined. About her, she had a really good figure, i believe she was 34-28-36. And...

1 year ago
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Tomo and Takashi

Takashi stared silently for a moment then nodded silently, he reached up, yanking his bandages from his face and mumbled very simply, "Good, one less grave to dig." He silently stared, before considering, no doubt it'd be her first time, a gentle touch would be needed. He moved forward and placed his mouth over hers.Tomo's first instinct was to pull away from the unfamiliar touch and feeling, but she kept herself where she was, feeling and learning the soft shift of his lips. Hesitantly, one of...

First Time
2 years ago
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Old Fashioned

The man straightened his uniform jacket as he stood up front, giving the instructional video of what to do during the flight in case of emergency. It had become second nature to him as he had been a flight attendant for the past fifteen years. His face had a plastered fake smile. He was stuck working with the first-class passengers. And although most thought that was the best place to be, you quickly find that the seasoned flight attendants requested economy for their assignments. The...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Taking Cindy Dent

Her name was Cindy Dent she was my Dad's intern. Cindy is 22 and about 5'8" tall. She has long blong hair that she wears in a pony tail and a sexy body to die for. She has Large perky breast and muscular legs. Cindy's ass is sexy as hell, it looks muscular and tight everytime she wears one of her little tight dresses or on Fridays when she wears jeans to work. One weekend she had a birthday party at her house. I am 18 so I couldn't drink. However, I couldn't pass up the...

4 years ago
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CLOAKED By Lana B. FORWORD This story is centered on a familiar and somewhat well-worn concept but one that I've always liked. So here's my spin on it. My thanks to the authors of similar stories from whom I've drawn inspiration. Enjoy. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. PROLOGUE Augie Provenzino looked down the long table as the men entered the room and took their seats. They'd come to this meeting at his request to discuss a number of...

2 years ago
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Fantastic Foursome

During the '90s, I had a wonderful relationship with a girl named Bonnie. She was not beautiful like a fashion model, but she was incredibly cute. Bonnie was 5'2" tall with curly black hair, nice tits and a great figure. And when she walked, she had a wiggle in her hips that drove me absolutely wild. It wasn't anything that was affected or intentional; it was just the way she walked. It reminded me of a snake the way that her hips gently swayed back and forth. I would get a hard-on just...

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There are days when you annoy me so much I just want to fuck you senseless so you can't talk and annoy me further. There are other days when you're so sweet I just want to lie you down and show you how much I love you. Last night... Last night was completely different to any of those nights. You just got out the shower and entered your room with just a towel covering your naked body, the water dripping from your wet hair down to the top of the towel, down your cleavage. I want so much to lick...

1 year ago
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Afternoon Surprise Delight Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been a rough day at work and my head was killing me. I decided I would take the rest of the day off and head home to get some rest. I figured I would have the house to myself and could relax a little. When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed my niece’s car was there. She was normally at work at this time. Perhaps she was just running late and would pass me in the hall on her way out. I probably should explain a few things. My wife got custody...

3 years ago
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The Threesome pt1

ALL NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO HIDE IDENTITES AS THIS IS A TRUE STORY It was a hot weekend afternoon in June a year back. It was a lazy Saturday, nothing planned, just hanging out, relaxing by the pool, and taking it easy. All of a sudden, my phone goes and who should it be, but my old girlfriend Sarah from high school. Now Sarah and I use to be as you say, fuck buddies back in the day. She was wild too, loved sex and she practically worshiped my huge cock. She was tall and had a great...

1 year ago
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Tempting Fall

Shelby stood leaning up against a post leading into the trails that marked their way through Kinderman’s Woods. She was waiting for her best friend Taylor and her husband David. She wasn’t so fond of the idea of getting back in touch with nature while taking one of these 3 to 6 hour hikes up Ketter’s Mount, but Taylor had begged for so long, she was tired of saying no. She swore it to be beautiful and breathtaking and something that Shelby would not regret, so, here she was, and they were late....

Erotic Fiction
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The lucky cheerleaders

Man! It sure feels good to let go and pump a nice, healthy load of cum into my sister Cindy. She's so soft and her pussy is sucking on my cock as it squirts. I can't tell you how good it feels.I know what you're thinking.You're thinking that any brother who would climb between the thighs of his little sister and slide his big nasty boner into her poor little pussy... and then CUM in that pussy... is probably a rat bastard. But it wasn't that way. Really! I HAD to do it! I had to do it for the...

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One HARD night in Las Vegas

So there I was in Las Vegas thoroughly enjoying the sights and the casinos. I was staying at the Luxor and thought I’d go down and get a bite to eat and something to drink. I was also kind of horny and was thinking about going to a strip club are having a cab take me to a brothel. I was just finishing my meal and enjoying a jack and coke when a very sexy russian girl named Ludmila introduced herself to me. She had long black hair, nice DD boobs and long legs and a beautiful smile. We had a few...

She Males
4 years ago
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July 3 Why I booked my flight for the day before the Fourth of July, I’ll never know. Every single seat on the plane is filled, and I swear half of them are just obnoxious babies. It takes forever and a day to finally get off the plane and make it through the terminal. Despite my six hour nap, I’m jet-lagged to hell. A quick stop in the bathroom shows my bun resembling something of a bird’s nest and my eyes fighting to outdo raccoons. There’s a crease on my cheek from the airplane pillow...

1 year ago
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Tribal Love Last Part

I awaken alone in my tent, realizing I must have dozed off lying beside Josh. Shaking off the grogginess from my nap, I see something draped across my open hand. Oh my goodness, it is a beaded headpiece! Kioko strikes again. That man is a stealthy one. I am a pretty light sleeper, but somehow he manages to sneak in and out of my tent without stirring me. Sitting up, I examine the eye-catching headpiece. It is tightly woven with all red beads, matching the first necklace he gave me - the one...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen April Harmon Applies To Be On JamesDeencom

Brand new blonde teenage April Harmon is living out her fantasy today. She applied online to be an amateur model for James Deen. James has been rolling around in his giant truck with Sophia Grace. The two turn the camera on in anticipation of April’s arrival. We learn all sorts of things about the two porn stars, but none of that is important right now. What is important is that eventually they pick up the brand new amateur starlet. April is extremely excited to meet James Deen. She fan...

2 years ago
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Three Cocks In A Fountain

“Three Cock’s In A Fountain”(A True Story)It seems like only yesterday when I visited my brother and his wife’s house 10 years ago. I visualize now being asked to look around the house and check out the study room to look-over his computer. How was I to know that the door I opened was his daughter’s bedroom!As I opened the door I heard a faint groaning noise; so I realized this wasn’t the study; but it was! The sight before me was of my brother’s 17 year old daughter Carrine and her brother...

3 years ago
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Masters torture toy

Masters torture toy.My name is Steven I am 27 I have no job and now lived with my sadistic Master I was not gay and very much hated this life. I was kidnapped while walking home from my friends one day, I walked into a ally to take a shortcut then remember a sharp pain in my head then everything went black. Now I was hogtied in the middle of the living room floor, where Master had left me over an hour ago.He was out walking his dogs, while all I could do was lay there in the strict tie hoping...

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My Wifes first lesbian experience

My wife’s first sexual experience was when she was quite young and was with a much older male. She seduced him and enjoyed sex with boys and men whenever she had the chance. As she grew older, but not yet out of school, my wife, Kathaleen, started fantasizing about other girls. She had read a little bit of erotica that focused on f/f sex, and the idea of making love to another girl became a mild obsession with her. She had a very close friend, Linda, who was her same age, and it wasn’t unusual...

4 years ago
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Recovery By Ricky Meetings. What? You think I should say more? You obviously haven't been subjected to that modern form of torture that is the Business Meting. In mediaeval times they had the cute little custom of pressing you for the Truth; naturally the specific Truth your torturer's wanted to hear. They tied you down and piled rocks on your chest until you couldn't breathe, maybe slicing or burning other parts of your anatomy just for fun, and encouraged you to say what...

1 year ago
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A Change of lifestyle Part 4

A Change of Lifestyle Part 4 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. For those of you who are waiting for a trip to the salon - it's coming but may take a while to get there. Be patient. Chapter 9 - Sunday Victoria was once again up before me. I removed the ankle bracelet before the rest of the clothes and went for a...

2 years ago
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Interracial Weekends

Ally, a woman where I work, would often come in on Monday mornings looking happy but pretty well used.This one Friday when we were getting off work l saw this buff black guy pick her up. It was rather clear that they were more than just casual friends.Ally is white, married, in her 30s, and this definitely wasn't her husband.The next time I had the chance I asked her, "So who was the black guy that picked you up on Friday?""My weekend date."She saw the look on my face. "My husband got me into...

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Regrets part 2

Well if you didn’t read the first story it doesn’t matter. I’m and old white lady who’s being ravished by her younger black boss. That’s the basic plot of the first regret. Now this is the second part. Let me start off by telling you women just like you don’t realize what you are capable of you might not know what those who are the closest to you are capable of. My life is changed is it better or worse I’ll let you decide this is how I tried to cuckold my husband. well here we go. I catered to...

2 years ago
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The Scorcher

The Scorcher By Lincin ? I: Ben ? The heat was unbearable. It was a scorcher that hit me as soon as I drove beyond Oklahoma. Last I checked, I was still on Route 40, somewhere in New Mexico. Lost? Never, but I did have the AC turned off for the last hundred miles. Call me paranoid, but I didn’t want to take the risk with less than a quarter of a tank of gas. ?You know what? That sounds stupid." I told myself and cranked the AC up to high. Instantly, I was greeted with a cold breeze of fresh...

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Mother reclaims son from Aunt Shobha

They met next in the kitchen downstairs. It was the morning after the wild night of sex in the household. Shobha had woken up, her body wonderfully tired but well rested from the deep slumber through the night. Her clothes were draped around her, and the bed sheet covered one part of her bare body that lay beneath. As she overcame her drowsiness she remembered the events of the night before. She felt the bed next to her and discovered that her husband was not in the room. She remembered the...

4 years ago
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Nasty But Horny

So the story starts like this…. As normal day I was lying in my room when my mom came and told me that she was going out for shopping, and told me that maid will be coming to clean the room. Now let me tell you about that lady, her name was Payal and she was in her mid-30’s, with fully grown body. As she was there in our house for past 4 years, so I didn’t had any bad intention for her. She came around 1 pm in the afternoon. I was sleeping in my bed so I was not able to hear her voice. She was...

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the naughty mom part 8

Chapter Eight: Alicia slept that night as if she'd died, having no dreams she could remember, never once waking during the night. After leaving Mark in the hot-tub to finish his soak, she'd gone straight to bed, not caring about anything except to sleep. She'd never experienced such a feeling of pleasant exhaustion, of complete relaxation. If the boys had tried to disturb her during the night, she hadn't heard them. She slept better than she had in many...

3 years ago
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Horny Mother And Son

Hi readers, i am 28 year old horney woman, married to a 45 year old man whose first wife died due to some illness.he has one son with his first marriage.i married to him b’coz mine is a poor family.he is a businessman.his name is arif khan.we had good sex life for first two years of marriage.but after that he is not so good at that and he became worst after his business ran in to huge losses.he went to gulf to earn money leaving me and my stepson back home. now i tell about me. i’m sameena 28...

3 years ago
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American young mans Christmas gift to hot sexy aunty

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . Velamma had volunteered to help Steve, an American to collect donations for an NGO. She was wearing tight jeans and a top that showed her sexy curves. Steve selected a random house and knocked on the door while Velamma watched. Since no one was answering the door, Steve decided to peak through one of the windows on the backside of the house. But Steve was awestruck when he saw something that we never...

3 years ago
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My FamilyChapter 13

The next couple of months were hectic to say the least. We picked up two large contracts at Luke Air Force base and several smaller contracts in Phoenix. Brenda was working full time in the office and Peggy described her as our office manager. By the end of two months I don't know how we ever got along without her. The extra contracts were stretching us a bit thin and I spent a good deal of my time arraigning a line of credit in case the money was slow coming in. Anyone that has ever had to...

3 years ago
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Looking for Gentry part 6

I'm not the first to lie beside the wall of someone's sleeping body, a wall that you had hoped would mark the border between the world and two people on their rumpled plain of sheets and blankets kicked aside. A wall instead between them, huge and still unbreached. One heavy body, rumbling and indifferent. A smaller one, a hand plucking at a satin strap, staring in the darkness, wondering how to make things right, and if they'd ever be. And if, of course, it really was all her fault, in...

1 year ago
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My Best Trip

Hey, guys, this xxx98208. I have been reading stories on Indian Sex Stories since quite a long time and now, I finally decided to share my sex story with you all. I am boy aged 19. I will be turning 20 soon. I am a little chubby but my dick is 5.11 or 6 inch. I have the stamina that allowed me to fuck for 1 hr with a 5 minutes break. This a sex story of how I fucked my aunts one by one then together. This sex story started when I visited my aunt’s home for 2-3 days. Let me introduce you to my...

2 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 22 Riki is taken in full view

Inviting Riki in, Alex took her by her mane of blonde hair using it to guide her wanting mouth, onto his hard cock while his sisters looked on. Izzy was frigging herself like mad as she watched. Abby was rolling her hips against Gwen’s mouth but she was glued to the erotic sight and even Gwen who was eating her younger sister out, was taking breaks to peer over at her very cock hungry mother. Riki, in turn, was giving quite a show as she devoured Alex’s dick like she was in heat. A dam had...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life Of Mrs Stewart Chapter 2

After her first john of the day left satisfied, she went to her small bathroom and cleaned herself up, and reapplied her makeup to get ready for the next customer.She had just reached the bottom step when a man came in looking for some fun. Michelle recognized him as a regular whom she'd had a couple of times before."Hey there baby, looks like I came on a good day!" the man said as he walked in and saw Michelle at the bottom of the stairs."Aww, how sweet! You came all the way over here to see...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The Journal of Mark Trewidden part 4

January 10th 2013 I have decided to go to the lab again. It is over a month since the last time. I need to check up on the changes that are continuing. I have not been aware of any further physical changes, other than a slight increase in boobs. Looking back at this journal at the start of December, I have changed mentally. I think I have started to accept that my future is female. There does not seem to be a way back to where I was. I think that I need to start exploring a female...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Bridgette B Spying On This Busty Pornstar Worked Out

Bridgette B called the electrician for her high issues. He has a big shocked face when he notices her big tits come out of her robe. Bridgette didn’t care much but tells him to please go fix her lights has she has stuff to do. We get to see her hot body and great tits as she gets naked to get in the tub. She takes a sexy bath and masturbates before getting interrupted by the spying electrician. She confronts him and tells him that since he already saw her now its her turn to see what he got....

3 years ago
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Siennas Seduction Part I

She and her boyfriend, Adam, had been coming to this club for a while now. Being from Ireland, it wasn't really her thing. She preferred the pubs of the Temple Bar in Dublin with their relaxed atmosphere and air of craic to the seemingly frenetic chase for a mate - any mate - that she’d witnessed in Sydney’s nightclubs. She believed she was a confident person, but felt off kilter in these places; a feeling compounded by the fact that she’d started to change since being with Adam. She didn’t see...

2 years ago
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Sliding lotion over my curves as I step out of the shower, enjoying the smell of cocoa butter and coconut as it wafts through the air, and anticipating the hours ahead. The aroma makes my pussy tingle with memories of past rendezvous, some brief and others enthralling, all thoughts give me a rush of sensations over my skin. I slip on a new leopard print bra, sexy black dress, no panties and red heels. I can feel the lubrication between my legs as I step in to the car for my short drive up to...

4 years ago
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BecChapter 19 Late Thursday Night

The problem with having an exciting evening is that when you go to bed afterwards, it can be really hard to get to sleep. On Wednesday night, I went to sleep late, though I’ve no idea what time it was. I’d woken up this morning at about 3:00 AM, and I’d been going flat out all day since then, except for a couple of hours sleep in the nurse’s office in the afternoon. I should be tired. I was tired. My body was ready to go to sleep but my brain wasn’t. Or maybe it was the other way around and...

2 years ago
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Honey I8217m Home

About me, I’m Anil Birju. 22 years of age, based in Mumbai. I live with my parents, but i have a fantastic sex life without their knowledge. I’ve had affairs with many older married women who are probably unsatisfied with their marriages. They make love to me on the condition that i guard their secrecy. I escort women purely for the pleasures of it. For my call boy service contact me at We have women purely for lesbian sex only. This story is fiction, enjoy it. I work the late shift. I hate it...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik Penny Pax Ultimate Slut

Stunning superstar Adriana Chechik and redheaded minx Penny Pax practice their oral skills on an enormous dildo. The all-natural girls stretch their assholes with giant toys and squirt girl cum, all in preparation for their interracial threesome with Rob Piper. Rob porks their white asses, greased with copious lube and spit. The girls worship his big black cock with deepthroat, ass-to-mouth blowjobs. He ravages their holes with dick/dildo DP, nearly wrecking Adriana’s rectum via...

3 years ago
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The End of a Long Week

Author’s note: This story, like my previous posting ‘The Gift’, was written for a specific lady and to her particular tastes. I met this lady online and fell in love with her. I found out later, after receiving a suicide email from her, that ‘she’ was as fictional as this story. *Ugh* But, as this was written for a lady and as a sort of cybersexual monologue to a lady, I’m not sure my fellow men will get much from this story. Sorry guys. I debated whether to post this as one really long story...

1 year ago
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Medical Surprise

Let's be honest, men seem to have a great sexual appetite in general than women? Right?
Well, maybe. In my reasonable experience, women are just as ‘up for it’ as men but often need a little coaxing out of their shell.
Ok, one thing that I’m sure we can all agree on, is that men's thoughts, fantasies and desires run a little darker and a little deeper than our female counterparts. Right?
I think that this is generally true. Which is why what happened to me (all those years ago) is so fucking...

2 years ago
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my night in carpark

My husband and I had been married for ten years, we had decided to leave c***dren until later, it wasn't that I was career minded or anything like that, just that John was starting his own company and he needed all the capitol he could get his hands on until the business could properly support a family. I wasn't the brightest tool in the box, I worked as a shelf stacker in a supermarket but it meant that I could help out with the household bills in those first few years. My job meant that I was...

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