When Groinkians Attack!Chapter 4 free porn video

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"I do, do you do, too?"

TEN COPS showed up for the Sniffer-Prissyfoot wedding. Twelve if you count Chief Melrose and Sniffer.

Wives and girlfriends were also in attendance. It was held at the charming chapel behind Our Lady of Perpetual Dreams church. Father Olympus Farquar Kaminski performed the ceremony.

The only problem to occur, if one thinks it's a problem, was when Father Kaminski asked, "And do you, Pissy Pootyfoot take.,, " Sniffer himself interrupted and corrected the good man. Just in case a slip like that made the marriage somehow null and void. Why take the chance, eh?

Pooty looked absolutely lovely. She'd made her own wedding dress. From a pattern she got by mail order from one of those women's magazines. It was a dead-ringer for the wedding dress worn by Elizabeth Taylor at her sixth, or was it seventh? betrothal. To... what's his face?

The dress was a pastel lilac, and it looked absolutely light and delicate on dear, sweet Pooty as she stood next to the Cloud Nine she was soon going to wed. And only Pooty saw Magic perform the ceremony. Everyone else saw dull-as-dish-water Kaminski.

Prior to the nuptials, Chief Melrose gave an order to the entire stationhouse personnel. He had caught the entire gang of cops going over a flyer from a local store that had many items on sale, including toasters. Knowing his cops as well as he did, he could see it coming. The Sniffers would be the recipients of eleven fucking toasters.

"Listen you bozos," he barked at them, "these two have all the appliances they need right now. So here's a chance to use your collective imaginations and show some creativity... give 'em cash." He scowled at them. "You hearing me?" They heard.

The Sniffers honeymooned at a small, charming place in the mountains. Pooty picked the place out, possibly because of its name: Sal & Sally's Love in the Clouds Bed, Breakfast, and Beyond. The Beyond was a late night snack of milk and cookies. Which Sniffer loved, especially as he could also watch his Pooty in her warm flannel pyjamas.

By the time they returned, Mr. Rinsdale had three eff all painted and cleaned up for them. He loved the idea of having a cop living on the premises so much he gave them a thirty percent discount on their rent. Turned out the maintenance engineer not only ran the building, he owned it, too.

And the Sniffers needed a bigger place. Not just for convenience of extra space, but for the proverbial bun that Pooty had in the proverbial oven. They peeked. It would be a boy. A love child boy made on a bed of clouds.

They plan to call him Richard after Pooty's great-grandfather, Dewey Richard Renfrew Prissyfoot. The child would be Richard Sniffer. Or Dick Sniffer. Or Dickie Sniffer. Oh, yes, we can hear it now. "Hey, wanna give my dickie a sniffy, Dickie Sniffer?" Poor kid. Will parents ever learn? Or never learn?

It reminds me of the inimitable real-life Hogg sisters, Ima and Ura. They'd get a kick out of meeting new people. Ima would say, "Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg." She'd then point to her sister. Great fun, what? And, of course, there's Jack Frost. And the real-life dentist, I. Pullem. Not to mention Lana Evoli, whose name means nothing much unless it's read backwards. Then it's a hoot.

The Three Stooges had fun with names, too. Such as their law firm: Dewey, Cheatham, & Howe. I love that one.

But, yes, it was the same Dewey Prissyfoot who founded Prissyfoot's Haven for Wayward Girls. And yes, there was that scandal. Where ninety six girls said he had threatened to throw them out on the street, in the middle of winter, if they didn't, as he called it, "Ride my little pink pony to Heaven." All ninety six had taken the pony to Heaven numerous times, to hear them tell it.

He'd gotten away with it for over ten years, and probably would have gone on for who knows how long if one of the girls didn't up and get jealous because he spent more time with what's her name than with her. She turned him in. And there was a trial. But all the girls, including the whistle blower, recanted their statements at the last minute. Just funning, they said. Dewey Prissyfoot was forthwith released and all charges were summarily dismissed.

The townsfolk saw it differently, however. As one local yokel put it, "I guess old Dewey's little pink pony really did take them to Heaven, dontcha know."

All the girls, including the whistle blower, wanted to go back to Dewey's haven, for more riding lessons it was presumed, but the town council took his license away, just to be on the safe side it was rumored. So Prissyfoot was forced to close up shop. But he outfoxed them in the end. He turned the haven into a party dress manufacturing plant. And hired all the girls! Whether they could sew or not. As long as they could ride.

He could often be seen riding around in his horse and carriage with one or more of the girls accompanying him. With heavenly smiles on their young faces, you betcha.

But that was then and this is now...

"All's well that ends OK!"

BALLIWICK was at London's Heathrow airport, but anyone who knew him before would never pick him out now.

He looked fantastic. Bookem had Karl take him for a hair styling and a manicure. And a new suit, shirt, and tie. With new shoes to boot. And, believe it, a new watch, too.

So here he was, looking squeaky clean. In a pearl gray suit with a pale yellow shirt and a dark blue tie with tiny yellow dots sprinkled thoughout. With styled hair and shiny nails. He looked like a fashion plate. A far cry from the Balliwick of old.

His plane was due to take off in twenty minutes. Bookem had said he'd meet him and present him with his check. Balliwick checked his watch. Where's Bookem, he thought. Oh, well, he's probably conned me and there'll be no check. But at least I'm still...

Balliwick looked through the window out at the tarmac. A Rolls-Royce limousine had pulled up. It had a British flag flapping in the wind on each front fender. On the driver's side door was a crest of some kind. Bookem stepped out. He saw Balliwick through the glass and waved to him. Balliwick smiled and waved back.

A moment later they were face to face. "Sorry," Bookem said. "We hit some traffic. But I'm here now. How are you, Bert?" Balliwick smiled and said he was OK. Which he sure was now. Bookem said, "Karl did all right by you, Bert, didn't he now?" Balliwick nodded.

Without further ado, Bookem handed Balliwick the cashier's check as promised. Balliwick thanked him profusely and pocketed the check real quick like. Before Bookem could change his mind.

Then Bookem reached into his inside coat pocket and brought forth a small, purple velvet box. He opened it to reveal a medal sitting on an interior of gold lining.

Balliwick leaned forward slightly and peered into the box. He saw a cross, enamelled white and edged in gold. It hung from a one and one-eighth inch wide red ribbon edged in blue, with gold bars, top and bottom, ornamented with laurel. In the centre of the cross, within a wreath of green enamelled laurel, sat the Imperial Crown, in gold upon a red enamelled background. Balliwick gasped.

Bookem said, "Mr. Bertram Balliwick. On behalf of Great Britain, I take immense pleasure in awarding to you the Distinguished Service Order. This is awarded in recognition of special services you have performed for Her Majesty's government." As he offered the box to Balliwick he added, "You have Great Britain's undying thanks and everlasting gratitude."

Balliwick hesitated. He looked as if he was either in shock or afraid of the box. "I... I... don't know what to say, Mr. Bookem. It's... it's beautiful!" Bookem said, "Here, take it Bert, you've earned it. It's yours now." Bookem smiled.

Balliwick took it and his hands shook. Bookem saluted him. He saluted back. Both ended their salutes with snappy hand-aways. Bookem offered his hand to shake. They shook. Bookem said, "Congratulations Mr. Bertram Burlappe Balliwick." Balliwick said, "Thank you, Sir."

He then told Balliwick that when he got to where he was going and was settled in, he was to call a certain phone number. He handed him a card which merely read, on two lines: Major M. Wolfert 703-555-1236.

He told him Major Wolfert was a de-briefing officer who would help him adjust to civilian life. Balliwick told him he didn't think he needed that kind of stuff, but Bookem told him, "Whether you need it or not, Bert, it's the law." Balliwick stuffed the card into his new suit's inside pocket. No point in ruining his squeaky clean police record now, was there? He promised Bookem he'd call immediately upon settling down somewhere.

"Now, Bert," Bookem said. "When you get to your destination airport a chauffered car will be there to meet you. The chauffer's name is Vincent. I think you'll like him." He also told him that he had the use of Vincent and the limo for one full month. A gift of the UK and MI-5.

Balliwick's flight was uneventful except for his pestering of all the flight attendants with stories of how he saved the world from aliens. And had the medal to prove it. As he wasn't drunk, boisterous, or acting crazy, they politely listened to his story once or twice. One attendant heard it four times. By the end of the flight she had a dizzy look on her face and mumbled her goodbye to each passenger.

And Bookem was right. Balliwick liked Vincent immediately. He kept calling Balliwick sir. "May I make you something to drink, Sir? It's a good thirty miles to Magnolia Lane, Sir. A nice martini, perhaps, Sir?" That hit the right note with the new and improved Balliwick.

"Yes, Vincent, a martini will do rather nicely." The he switched to his best Sean Connery: "Please see that it's shaken, not stirred!" Vincent laughed and said, "Yes, Sir! Comin' right up, Sir!" Balliwick enjoyed this immensely.

When he got to 1411 Magnolia Lane he could see that Henrietta's house was dark. Well, he thought, it is after nine o'clock and she's probably asleep, but she did tell me to come 'round no matter what time it was. Vincent told him he'd wait, just in case.

Just as Balliwick neared the front door and was about to press the bell, the door opened. A middle-aged man stepped out. He looked at Balliwick and said, "May I help you?" Balliwick thought Henrietta had probably hired a butler.

"Yes, my good man," said Balliwick, "tell Ms. Higga... uh... Henrietta that Mr. Bertram Balliwick has arrived. She's expectin' me. So could ya tell her I'm here, please?" Balliwick smiled. He liked living up to his new look.

"Ah," the man said. "I'm Mr. Griner, Henrietta's lawyer." He offered his hand to shake. Balliwick shook it. Then Griner said, "And you're just the man I've been looking for. Come in, Mr. Balliwick, please." He stepped aside to allow Balliwick to enter.

He asked Balliwick to make himself comfortable in the living room while he opened his attache case and took out some papers. He spread them out on the desk and came right to the point.

"Mr. Balliwick, I have the sad duty to inform you that Ms. Higgambotham-Smythington has passed away. Two days ago. In her sleep." Balliwick gasped. He looked sick.

"Now, now, Mr. Balliwick, she was, as you know, very sick for the last few years. It was to be expected."

"I... I didn't... I knew... " Griner cut in. "But I guess even if you know it's coming, it's still a shock." Balliwick was in shock all right. Real shock. But more shock was to come.

Griner said, "Henrietta's will has already been read, Mr. Balliwick, but as you were not there I can fill you in on the basic details now. Henrietta has left all her money, save what she has bequeathed to you, to The Chalmer's Association for the Rapid Neutering of All Felines, or CARNAL, as they're better well known. To you, Mr. Balliwick she has left the sum of $500,000 and this very house." He swept a hand around.

"Mr. Griner," Balliwick said. " I had no idea she had that kind of money. She didn't seem to... you know... "

"I know, Mr. Balliwick, she didn't live as if she had money. Rather frugal woman, to be sure. But, nonetheless, she had it. Left to her by her husband Wellington who was quite adept with real estate and the stock market." Griner looked toward the hall closet.

"Oh, yes," he said, "I almost forgot. She left you something else." He went to the closet, opened it, and brought out four shoe boxes tied together with heavy green gardener's twine.

"Balliwick asked, "What is that, Mr. Griner?"

"I don't know. She never told me. Only that I was to give them to you for your own use. Rather mysterious, eh?" Then he added, "She said she hoped it brought you as much happiness as it had her." Griner looked at his watch.

"Well, Mr. Balliwick, I have to run. Now, you won't get the money until the will is probated. Should take nine to twelve months. But in the meantime, you'll find the name of a bank president and a letter of introduction in this." He brought forth a long, white envelope from his case. "All you have to do is contact him and he can arrange a loan, if you need it. Just tell him to call me if he gives you any problems."

Griner then wrapped it up. He had Balliwick sign some papers. Then he gave him the keys to the house and wished him luck. He said goodnight, handed Balliwick his business card, and took his leave.

Balliwick just stood there. In his living room. He felt very, very weird. And very funny inside.

He said out loud to the room, "Henny, why'd you go and do this? We hardly knew each other. And just being here without you makes me feel funny. I feel like a thief who's broken in and has the place all to himself. Why couldn't you have some living relatives, for crissakes?" Then he noticed an envelope on the desk Griner had used. It was addressed to him. He went to the desk and opened the envelope. He took out a letter. His hands trembled as he opened it. It began:

My dearest Bertie,

If you're reading this it's because I've gone to grow prize-winning flowers for the Angels. I know you didn't know, but I've been ill for quite some time now. And the way this old body of mine is feeling lately I think my time is getting nearer. In spite of what that old coot doctor of mine says.

We haven't known each other very well, but you gave me the greatest night of my life. Whew! The greatest! For a whole week afterwards I didn't notice my pains at all! Not at all. You've got some wonderful medicine there, Bertie. You should bottle it! You'd make a fortune, I can tell you. And if you need a testimonial--well--what can I say?

You're still young, my sweet Bertie, with a whole life ahead of you. So you go and give your "medicine" to some nice sweet girl who will appreciate it. What girl wouldn't? Ha ha.

The money I've left you should make your future easier. And this house, too. Please, Bertie, live in it and make it your own. Nothing would please me more. It's a friendly house, Bertie, and it takes to people real quick like. In no time you'll feel right at home. You just wait and see. Promise me, Bertie. promise me right now! You hearing me?

Balliwick stopped reading and said out loud, "I hear you Henny, real loud. OK. I'll do as you say and live here if that's what you want. I promise. You hearing me, woman? He looked up at the ceiling and he was sure she did. He read the last paragraph.

And Bertie? Don't open the shoeboxes until my birthday on December 6th.

Promise me!

Love, your Henny.
Who now loves the taste of salty onions!

Balliwick looked up at the ceiling again. "I promise you Henny. December 6th. Not one day sooner... "

"Heeeeeeeeeere's... !"

THE SUPREME COMMANDER was due to make another speech. In a few minutes from now.

He looked into the mirror in his dressing room. He liked what he saw. The Devil had shown him a clip from an Earth transmission that featured punk rockers. Knowing how adored they were on Earth, the Supreme Commander went ahead and had his Glixizza dyed a bright orange. The star points he had dyed blood red. His face was made up to look like a cadaver, overall white with black sunken eyes and black lips. He thought he looked magnificent. Especially with the purple star on his left cheek.

He couldn't wait to make his speech. The Devil's plan was right on schedule. They had suffered a massive defeat, as the Devil had arranged, at the hands of the Earthlings. Now, he would predict a fantastic turn-around victory. All with Satan's help. How delicious it was going to be. He would go down in Groinkian history, for sure.

And his pi éce de r ésistance was to be his keynote speaker, Satan himself! Could it get any better than this? Satan said he would outline his plan for defeating the unbeatable and undefeated Earthlings. A sure-fire plan. Led by the Supreme Commander himself.

A slave gossix came in and told him it was time. He gave the mirror a final glimpse and proceeded to the door. Showtime, he thought. Oh happy days. His glixizza swished noisily as he walked.

And there he was. Satan. Just as he said he'd be. Standing in the wings alongside some of the most famous Groinkians imaginable. And Satan looked unbelievably magnificent. He wore a black hooded robe covered with yellow quarter moons. He reminded the Supreme Commander of the wizard he had seen in one of the first Earth transmissions. Floating over the Devil's head was a halo of fire with the flames going round and around. His blood red hands sported white nails at least six inches long.

Same as When Groinkians Attack!
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[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke around 6 am and made it into the shower without running into anyone, as I would expect for the time. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen and was in the mood to make some breakfast. I had come across a jar of instant coffee the other day and decided to go for it. We were going to have to get a coffee machine soon. This instant coffee stuff was going to be horrible. I put the kettle on the stove to work and started rummaging for food ideas. Two...

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[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] The next thing we knew, the front door was opening, and my mom was home. Fortunately, she spent a little time putting groceries away in the kitchen and pantry. Kim and I had time to get our shirts buttoned up again. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, smashing the volume button and hoping it wouldn’t be deafening when it came on. It wasn’t, and I flipped through the channels until I came to MTV and slowly increased the volume. One video was just...

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[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] When I woke up, the alarm clock told me it was nearly 8 am. In case I ran into anyone to or from the shower, I donned a pair of shorts from the laundry hamper to cover myself. I should get myself a decent robe for that. The bathroom was surprisingly free. I took my shower and headed back upstairs to change for the day, carrying my shorts and wrapped in just a towel. I dressed in jeans and one of my new polo shirts. I liked my new wardrobe a lot better than the...

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[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

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[Sunday, June 22nd, 1986] I woke again to the sunlight coming through the window. Looking at the alarm clock showed me it was almost 7 am. I got up and took my morning shower. After getting dressed for the day, I headed out to the car and made my way to the nearby diner. While I drank the coffee that Carol had poured for me, I considered the menu. Carol soon came back and asked, “So what can I get for you this morning?” I replied, “I think I’ll go with a short stack of pancakes and a side...

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[Monday, June 23nd, 1986] I got to Kim’s house right after 7 am, as requested. She had made french toast for all of us. Her mom was still in a nice comfortable robe, but her dad was dressed in a suit for the office where he worked. We all enjoyed the food, and Kim and I left for the mall right after her dad headed out for the day. Our day of shopping went very similarly to the first time, with a couple of notable changes. Kim modeled almost a dozen dresses for me. After she decided on the...

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[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and found the Sun shining in my eyes. Looking over to the alarm clock, I saw I had slept in a bit this morning. It was nearly 8 am. I quickly got showered and dressed for the day, but I took special care to shave well and apply a little cologne. I wanted to look nice, and I opted for khakis and a light blue polo. The penny loafers we had purchased went well with them. I grabbed my backpack and headed out to the car. I headed to the diner and grabbed the...

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EverywhenChapter 18

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke up to a heavenly sensation. Kim had decided to start her day with a little more practice. I could only applaud her dedication. There was more than enough light in the room to see that Kim had crawled under the covers, and the alarm clock on the nightstand showed it was just after 8:00 am. We were up pretty late last night. I’m not surprised I had slept in a bit later than my norm. I said, “Well, good morning to you too.” I heard and felt what I could...

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EverywhenChapter 19

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] I opened my eyes and found myself looking at another pair of eyes from about a foot away. I blinked a couple of times to clear the sleepiness away, and Kim smiled at me. I said, “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?” She grinned and said, “Other than that very friendly wake-up call at 2 am, I slept fine. Why don’t you go use the bathroom then come back out here so I can thank you again for that. I enjoyed it very much.” I said, “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right...

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EverywhenChapter 20

[Saturday, June 28th, 1986] Kim and I made it to the kitchen just a few minutes before Amanda and Rob joined us. If the smile on Amanda’s face was any indication, we weren’t the only ones in the house who had a little fun this morning. Kim had just started the Coffee going, and I was looking in the fridge for breakfast ideas. I noticed a pound of breakfast sausage and a nearly full carton of milk in the fridge, so I offered to make biscuits and gravy. Everyone liked that idea, so I got to...

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When dressed

Properly start from down to above..When dressed I could never pass as a woman. I am clearly a sissy put into woman’s close. Love being sent out like that. Exposed. Knowing whoever sees me knows just what I am. I have only done that at adult bookstores and at adult theaters. When openly dressed there, either in nothing but lingerie and stockings and panties, or if I go in a skirt, stockings, blouse, bra and breast forms, it is not only clear what I am, but most men who enjoy sissies see it as an...

2 years ago
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When dressed

I could never pass as a woman. I am clearly a sissy put into woman’s close. Love being sent out like that. Exposed. Knowing whoever sees me knows just what I am. I have only done that at adult bookstores and at adult theaters. When openly dressed there, either in nothing but lingerie and stockings and panties, or if I go in a skirt, stockings, blouse, bra and breast forms, it is not only clear what I am, but most men who enjoy sissies see it as an open invitation to use me. When dressed like...

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When Innocence EndsbyCosmickinkiness©Sometimes your body and mind want something so bad that it defies logic and makes you do things you would have believed otherwise impossible. Things you never could have even imagined. It was very early on that Mitchell noticed that his daughter Fiora, or Fi, was developing a very playful and teasing side just like her mother who was a natural charmer. During her teenage years and high school, Fi and her father were always very close and their...

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When The Wifes Away

Creampie Corners - When The Wife's Away Marcie, a college girl of 19, sat and attentively listened to Judy Stubbletrap fill her in on her duties for the next two weeks. "While I'm gone, you'll take care of the house, fix meals for my husband, care for our pets, tend to the yard, household things like that. Now, you mentioned that you'd broken up with your boyfriend, is that correct?" Marcie's bare legs were nicely framed with a tasteful skirt that settled about mid thigh. She unconsciously...

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When Curiosity Fills

I sat in alone in my office at 11:00 p.m. on a Thursday night in April, preparing an important motion in a multi-million dollar malpractice suit. After editing the final draft I sat back and took a deep breath. I was exhausted, and, oddly enough, pretty horny. The wife was out of town and somehow I couldn't stand the thought of spending the night with just my hand. Shaking off the sordid thoughts that were roaming through my head, I stood up and began the walk down the empty hallway...

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When Doves Cry

When Doves Cry by Natalie Nessus Part 1 Dig if you will the picture This is the journal of Robert Amati. Although it sounds impressive, this so called journal is just a few pages scrounged from Julietta's study and will be, I fear, all that is left of me. Calmness has descended on me, filling me, and I am no longer constantly afraid. I am, I fear, now accepting of what I am and that means more of my memories are leaving like smoke from a...

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When in RomeChapter 2

Day 3 I left the house before dawn, arriving at the forum as the first merchants were setting up. Once there, I quickly learned something. However I came to be here, I could understand and speak the different languages I’d heard so far. I knew I had been speaking Latin, even though I thought in English. Without even knowing what language it was, I understood and conversed with someone who spoke a different language this morning, probably Greek. Unbelievably cool. By noon, I had the...

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When In Rome 03

Authors Notes Back to Callia&Cassius – although no one gets pregnant in this chapter, there IS mention of it. So, fair warning if thats not your thing. _____________________________ CHAPTER THREE: Scene 01: Callia – Sex? No. Scene 02: Cassius – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Callia – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ CALLIA It was her third, and probably final, bath of the day. Callia could finally relax. Her day was supposed to be over, and it had been a good day. Every inch of her body had been...

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When a Wish Comes True

The following story is based on real-life experiences up to the point of my wish and prayer to become a girl. I did do that wish and prayer as I have every day of my life since. I thought this might be a way of considering how my life would have been different had that wish come true. I hope you enjoy the story. (Recently edited to provide a slightly better ending) -------- I sat near the front of the bus and kept my head tucked down to make myself less noticeable. It was near the...

2 years ago
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When The Time For Clowning Around Has Passed

Some losses are impossible to survive. I certainly felt that way when my wife of eight years was killed by a drunk driver. There were days when it weighed so heavily on me that I couldn't breathe. The only thing that got me through was the need to be strong for our two children.Our son was barely three years old at the time. He barely remembers a time when it wasn't just the three of us. Our daughter was six years old. Right from the start, she made it her mission in life to make sure her...

Love Stories
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When I Learn To Fly

ONERain is so much prettier in the summer.As we drove, fat drops splattered against the car windows. The sun shot through their glossy skins and threw coloured lights inside—like riding in a kaleidoscope. Good job it was this pretty, too; to tolerate another hour in the car with Mom, I needed the distraction."Danni?" Esme, my girlfriend, traced the seam along the inner leg of my jeans. "You're quiet. It's weird.""Just tired, baby." It wasn't weird. I'd been quiet with her a lot lately, but...

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When I Became A Woman Chap 4

Dear Diary, I have to remind you again that I’m not making any of this up!!! It happened just like I’m saying, and it was wonderful. I’m now a REAL WOMAN!!!!!!! You know when you come back to school in the fall and the English teacher makes you write “What I Did This Summer” essays? Well, Diary, I wish I could turn this one in ‘cause I am just thrilled to death and I just wish I could tell everybody! She always says “write what you know, write how you feel”, and I know I’d get an A+ on...

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When It Blows All Cats Are Grey

When It Blows, All Cats Are Gray By Brandy Dewinter Chris Stevenson looked up from the analysis he was working on to let his eyes rest on his roommate. She was certainly, as always, a sight for sore eyes. Karen Ashley was just about the prettiest girl on the Smithfield College campus, slender and graceful, with flowing golden blonde hair. For about the ten millionth time, Chris thought about how lucky he was, not only to share a house with this co-ed goddess, but even a...

1 year ago
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When Sally made Emma

When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...

2 years ago
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When Social Misfits Find What Fits Part 1

I think we all know that one strange nerdy girl that's a little twisted, maybe even a little too insecure and bordering on scary-desperate. Like Michelle, the flute playing, band camp character from American Pie, or maybe more like Osgood, the scarf wearing, inhaler sucking character from Doctor Who. She typically mumbles sarcastic comments under her breath, dresses like she doesn't much care, almost always looks a little unhappy, and occasionally blurts out an inappropriate comment that lets...

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When Sally met Myn SallyMyn 1

She walked in and my world stopped. I stared like a hormonal teenager, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She wasn't the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, she wasn't the fittest, nor was she particularly well dressed. I can't pin down what it was that captured me, but I was hooked.Part of it was her walk! She strode with a confidence I had seen in very few people. Not an arrogant walk, but a walk that said, 'Here I am, regardless of what you think.' There were no apologies in her...

1 year ago
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When I was a busboy

This happened many years ago. I got a job working as a busboy.This was a very classy restaurant and I was almost getting used to talking to customers. Some customers were kind of snippy, but some were also very nice. This story is about what happened on a week night. The place was kind of busy but not slammed like it would be on a Friday or Saturday.I had just watered the tables (poured water into empty or mostly empty glasses). I had had left, after watering a table with an older couple...

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When the Dam Breaks

My name is Janice and I met my husband Mike right after college and we hit it off right from the beginning. Before I knew it we were dating, then we were a couple, then we were engaged. Sounds like a fairy tale right? Well yes and no. You see Mike was suave, handsome and intelligent and he got a great job that paid really well right out of college. He's tall about 5'9" with a pretty average build short brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm not bad looking either or so I'm told. I'm 5'2" and I...

2 years ago
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When I Was a Teen

I was basically an average boy starting puberty. I had been jerking off for years, and although I couldn’t yet produce any sperm, I had started to grow a little hair. If there’s anything unusual about me it was my 6” cock. One day, a neighbor kid stole a condom from his parents. 4 of us took turns trying it on. To everyone’s surprise, my hard cock was quite a bit bigger than the other kids. At 12 years old, my cock was already at its full size, don’t ask me why. Anyway, I spent that...

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When worlds collide the training of John

Arrival John came to he felt fuzzy, he remembered fragments from the night before, a white light, falling, just some terrible dream. His head felt like it was swelling like bad popcorn and cracking out of this skull. "Hay you,hay you", John heard a man's voice. This wasn't his bed he realised. "Huh?" "What's your name?" "John, John Evans" "My name is Richard Shuttleworth. Look we haven't got much time. I know it sounds strange but you've fallen through a rift in space time...

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When your Girlfriend discovers she is dating a cro

Part 1Meeting Sally.Arriving back from overseas and having had the amazing experience with Lars and Anna with them helping me to truly accept my other being, Samantha, it was time to get back into life here in South Africa.The experience of embracing my feminine side and accepting my cross-dressing was unfortunately going to have to take a back seat as I moved back in with my parents upon my return. For the next 3 months while I lived at home and found a job while finding my feet I was limited...

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When your Girlfriend discovers she is dating a CD

Part 1Meeting Sally.Arriving back from overseas and having had the amazing experience with Lars and Anna with them helping me to truly accept my other being, Samantha, it was time to get back into life here in South Africa.The experience of embracing my feminine side and accepting my cross-dressing was unfortunately going to have to take a back seat as I moved back in with my parents upon my return. For the next 3 months while I lived at home and found a job while finding my feet I was limited...

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When in RomeChapter 3

Day 8 I took Antia aside in the morning to tell her about the dream. “I know, I saw it, too,” she replied emotionally. “I will make you the happiest husband in all of Rome,” she promised. “I’m already very happy,” I replied, kissing her. The kiss turned heated and we ended up back in bed, but just for a quickie. “Make Tacita pregnant, too,” she insisted when I was close to coming. Since Tacita was having her pussy licked by Antia, she was well lubricated when I pushed into her. Barely a...

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When the Mind Finally Takes Command Edited

Part of my motivation was of course my young daughter who just turned 16. Any father out there knows, the wonderful body changes that take place as a young girl begins to grow up. My daughter Bella was no exception, but taking after her mother, her breasts were still somewhat small, although they were almost perfect in shape. I have to admit, I had looked at them in the flesh, especially during the summer months, (having to wait until after she was asleep at night to do my viewing). If you...

4 years ago
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When Hosties Wore Stokings

When Hosties Wore Stockingsby Michele NylonsCopyright© 2009 by Michele NylonsAuthor's note: As you can see by the copyright this story was written in 2009 before Continental Airlines merged with UnitedBy the time Mike Harris boarded his Continental Airlines flight out of Houston bound for New York he was shagged. The cheery "welcome aboard" issued with a smile by the cabin staff at the door of the aircraft was about as insincere as the offer he had turned down at the business meeting he had...

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When Morals Blur

An Original Story by Starrynight Chapter 1 Life was good, or so Liam thought as he relaxed on his father's new 50-foot yacht. It was a warm sunny day and Liam had a cold beer in his hand while he let the warm sun caress him with his eyes closed. His father, Henry, was at the helm, while his two older sisters, Beatrice and Amelia, sat at the stern chatting, each with an umbrella toped cocktail in her hand. Their mother had decided to skip today's sailing, after joining her husband the...

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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 3

When My Dreams Came True. Written and posted by hard93 Chapter 3. Learning to be the Couple we always wanted to be: There is more story than sex if that not what youre look for, sorry but try a another writer. In the previous chapter Andy found out he won the lottery. Rachel his longtime crush, the girl Andy dreamed of as long as hes known her also had a crush on him. From their second kiss on their crush become love and Rachel insisted all she really cared about was Andys love. Andy is not...

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When the Teacher is the Pet Part Two

Introduction: the Fun continues. I had a hard time sleeping that night. After my session with Shanda The night before I had slept so much because of how stressed I was. However, that sleep wasnt caused by the stress so much as an escape from it. Even sleep didnt give me a leave from the reality of my situation. When I did manage to sleep, my dreams were filled images of Shandas juicy little pussy and the spanking she had given me. Shanda had power over me. Eating out her young pussy was...

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When it Came

When it Came Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I heard what dad said, it was all I could do to keep myself calm. I was going to have the chance I always dreamed of, and believe me, I didn't hesitate to accept the half baked challenge he threw at me! My father was smirking, confident that he had created a set of conditions that I could never meet, but if he knew the truth, he would not have been so eager. After a moment to gather myself, I accepted his...

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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 4 and 5

In our last chapter, Andy and Rachel love grows and they quickly marry both no longer willing to be apart. They spend time together, as their fathers work on building their new home. They are determined to have children as quickly as possible. Slipping my shoes on, I stand and help Rachel to her feet. I pick up the blanket and shake it out as my back turns to Rachel she playfully jumps onto my back. Like a little kid she asked, "Give me a piggyback ride please hubby." Dad and...

1 year ago
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When the Teacher is the Pet Part Two

Shanda had power over me. Eating out her young pussy was amazing. Humiliating, but I had never cum with any girl or woman the way Shanda made me cum. I awoke one time that night after a dream I was with another woman. The woman I was with had no identity besides a romantic interest. Perhaps I drew parts of her from women I've known throughout the years. I'm no psychologist, though. Just before the dream ended, she began tying me down. I didn't want her to, but she did it anyway. I...

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When in Toronto Extended Version

“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!”The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe.For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream – sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For...

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When did Mom Start Wanting Me

Back shortly after I was born dad was in a bad accident that killed him while on the job at work, which left my mom, sister, and me, to live without a husband and dad.Some years later mom met a guy and they got married and even thou he never really tryed to just step in and take dad's place in my life, which was a good thing at the time, he did treat me like a friend and not like a k** and he did the same with my sister too.The one thing I didn't really like the most about the guy was, he never...

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When Fictionmania Strikes

Summary: Larry didn't believe the nonsense about people being changed just by reading stories on Fictionmania, until an accident occurred that changed his life forever... Author's note: The people and events in the story below are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons or events is coincidental. The Fictionmania Department of Magic mentioned in the story does not exist -- or at least that's what they want you to believe. (g) Comments and constructive criticism are...

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