Mayhem In A PillChapter 15: Shall We Play A Game? free porn video

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"So, how was the first day for you?" Tim's father, Raymond, was sitting on the desk chair while his son was finishing his first journal entry for his honors U.S. History class.

"It was pretty good, Dad. You were right about the girls. Everywhere I went, I started seeing more and more girls looking at me and then looking away if I made eye contact with them. I'm not used to the attention, but so far it isn't bad."

Raymond was practically bursting with pride. His son who, just a few months earlier, was living a sedentary life with no friends and no desire to find any, was finally blossoming. A possible girlfriend was no where on the horizon, though, and he had even begun thinking about accepting that his son might be homosexual. While intellectually he would not have minded if his son was homosexual, deep down he hoped it would not be true. Instead he wished his son was just dealing with low self esteem issues.

His son was a short, pudgy kid who was more interested in the imaginary life in his own head than the real life around him. Now, he could see the butterfly as it emerged from the cocoon. His son was growing to be an amazing young man, and was living a life that only Hollywood could have conjured up! Raymond had a front row seat and was determined to help guide his son anyway he could.

"How are your classes? Are you happy with them? I remember you told us you were worried about having the time to be in the honors courses."

"No problems there, Dad. I just need to budget my time. The work isn't too hard, it just takes time. No more just sitting back and waiting until the last second to do things."

"Well, good. Remember, you always need to make sure your grades are up! Your mom and me are gonna be pissed if they start slipping." Tim's father stood up and patted his son's shoulder. "Come on. Dinner is ready."

Tim stopped his father before he could leave the room. "Hey, Dad, would it be okay if we return some of these polo shirts for a little bigger size?"

"Well, yeah, of course. I don't mind, but don't you think the girls might, Tim?" his father asked with a smile.

"Oh, I know. I got a few compliments on them already, but I'm thinking about the rest of the year. I'm gonna keep working out, and I know for a fact I will be getting bigger. I don't want to rip them just trying to stretch them over my body. Just a couple of sizes bigger and they will still fit tight, but won't rip."

"Sure, no problem. I should have thought of that when we were buying them in the first place. We'll go this weekend, and trade them up for bigger sizes. Now, I understand your mom made your favorite, and from the torrent of colorful adjectives that were coming out of her mouth, I'm guessing she burnt it ... again."

"Dadgummit, son! This is football! You are allowed to hit the guy! In fact, it's even highly encouraged! Now, get in the front of the line and do it again!" Coach Alvarez was still mumbling to himself as he walked back away from the hitting drill, still visibly discouraged with the performance of several of the freshman linemen.

The hitting drills for the freshman offensive and defensive linemen continued. They understood what the coaches wanted from them but, after a full morning of practice, followed by a full day of school, and a good hour into the afternoon practice, the players were beginning to tire and make stupid mistakes. Practice was becoming repetitive.A few of the players who were doing well were beginning to resent those who were not as up-to-speed.

"Come on, Gary. You've got this, man. Keep your head up, and drive with your feet right through the tackle. Remember to hit right through him, or you might not have enough power to bring him down."

Tim Murphy was trying to get his teammates ready for their first action of the season that Saturday morning, a practice scrimmage with the Alamo Heights Mules.

Alamo Heights is an suburb within the city limits of San Antonio. Originally it was on the outskirts of town, but San Antonio grew and surrounded the small city of nearly eight thousand. Those families living in the Alamo Heights city limits, however, are some of the most affluent in the area, mainly doctors and lawyers.

As a result, the children within the Alamo Heights Independent School District have the best of everything, be it facilities, teachers, equipment ... and, of course, family support. They were rich kids, but they also had a reputation of living up to expectations. Then, when they go home, they are greeted with lush, manicured lawns and large, beautifully maintained homes. Driving down any number of residential streets in Alamo Heights, one could easily spot several properties previously featured on many 'home and garden' magazines as well as TV shows airing around the country.

"Oh come on, Cindy, I can't believe you wanna ruin what you have with Troy just to see what Tim Murphy can do in the bedroom. Jesus, you know I'd do anything for ya, but Troy is a good one, and you should not be hurting him."

Jennifer Smith was sitting in the passenger seat of Cindy Diefendorf's Ford Focus. Cindy was detailing her infatuation with the new freshman football god. Cindy was not alone in her infatuation. It seemed all the girls in Roosevelt High were engaged with discussing him. If the government happened to be listening to the phone calls of every girl from Roosevelt, for whatever reason, they would be hearing about every single second of Tim Murphy's day, from the route he takes from the locker room to second period, to which girls attempted to talk to him, to how he pretty much wrote off each one.

On top of all this, the girls were circulating numerous pictures of Tim walking through the halls, drinking from the water fountain, etc. There was even a short video that was quickly going viral, featuring the hair maneuver Cindy and Jen caught during homeroom when they were choosing lockers. Someone had filmed him from their homeroom seat while Tim was finding his locker.

Not surprisingly, given the overabundance of attention, there were even a few rumors being started that Tim Murphy could be gay, since he had not yet made it clear which girl he wanted.

"Jen, I'm not leaving Troy. That would be nuts, and I know that. I'm just saying, wouldn't you want to have a taste of Tim?" Cindy answered her long time friend as they shared a soda in the Sombrero Rosa parking lot. "I'm just saying that he is one gorgeous hunk!"

"Duh! I might be a lesbian, but I'm not blind. And to answer your question, no, I don't want to try a taste of him." Jen visibly shook in disgust at the thought of "tasting" any boy, even one as seemingly perfect as Tim Murphy.

"So, what have you heard about him? Is he a transfer student or something?"

"No. Get this! Apparently, he has been living here his whole life, and no one ever noticed him before."

"No way! Jen, I have to call bull on that!" This same conversation was being repeated, many times that evening, between the girls of Roosevelt. Phone calls, tweets, instant messages and plain old one-on-one conversations were all centered around Tim Murphy.

"You mean a gorgeous creature like that was running around under everyone's eyes, and no one tried to scoop him up!"

"No, look at this!" Jen opened her backpack and produced a yearbook from Krueger Middle School and found the one and only non-mugshot in the whole book of Tim Murphy. The picture was of the Krueger Academic Pentathlon team, and seated in the front row was a short, fat Tim dressed in a basic t-shirt with a pocket on the chest and athletic shorts that, at one time, were probably athletic sweats. He was smiling, and it was an awkward smile -- half 'I don't wanna be here' look that a lot of the nerds forced to take pictures were wearing as faces. The other half was a 'Please help me get out of here' look. There were three medals hanging from his neck. The caption read "Tim Murphy earned a Gold Medal in Literature, a silver medal in History, and the entire Krueger Academic Pentathlon team won silver in the 'Super Quiz' during this year's statewide competition in Austin."

"This is my little brother's yearbook from last year. While he is still at Krueger for another year, he told me about Tim."

When Cindy took the book from Jen and looked closer at the picture, Jen added, "Yeah, apparently he is a total nerd, and that's why no one knows anything about him."

Cindy's jaw threatened to hit to floor.

"Well, I think there may have been a couple more reasons why none of the girls know anything about him." They both started giggling. "How did he go from this," she pointed at the yearbook picture, "to this..." Cindy started as she grabbed her phone from her purse between the seats. She pulled up a picture that someone had secretly taken of Tim, who was in line at lunch and laughing with another freshman while one of the lunch ladies served him.

"Well, my brother said the story going around the locker room at Krueger is that Tim got sick, like during the first week of summer. He actually spent, like, the whole first month of summer in the hospital. When he came out, he'd lost a lot of weight, like a hundred pounds or something. Some kids say they saw him later running around his neighborhood. He started working out like crazy, and then, I guess, he finally got his growth spurt. Supposedly, he was running in the mornings, lifting weights and boxing, or something after that, and then in the afternoons he would take his little sister to the library."

"Are you sure about this? I mean, come on, it's a story from a middle school boys' locker room." Cindy was trying to poke holes in the story because it just seemed too mythical to believe. "Jeeze, it sounds like some kind of a movie of the week, or something." The entire time Jen was telling her story, Cindy could not take her eyes off the picture of Tim on her phone.

"You know Peggy Morgan, right?" Cindy nodded affirmatively. "Well, this summer she was working at the library at school, since she had that broken toe and couldn't be a lifeguard this summer. Anyway, I remember her telling me this summer that she'd been watching this great looking hunk, who was coming into the library pretty much everyday and reading book after book. Sometimes he brought a little girl, probably a second or third grader, with him. Peggy thought the hunk was her father or something."

"So, Peggy told me after school today that she remembered that the guy was Tim Murphy, especially when she remembered he had, like, a meeting with Ms. Barrett's husband, the freshman football coach, one day in the library. Yeah, she kept saying she thought the hunk was, like, in college already, or something, and that he was incredibly sexy looking ... and, like, the stuff he was reading showed he was obviously smart, too." Jen took a drink from her soda and waited for Cindy to say something, but she was still under the spell of the picture on her phone. "Hellloooo? Earth to Cinnndyyyy." The giggling started up again this time with Cindy adding a wonderful blush.

While they were sitting in the back row of the parking lot enjoying their drinks and talking, Jen noticed a group of large boys crossing the street from the school and coming toward the restaurant. While sitting in the car, the girls had a perfect view of anyone coming or going from the restaurant. That was done on purpose, just in case some bit of gossip needed to be confirmed or denied in the morning. Many relationships hit rocky spots because of who sat at what table at Sombrero Rosa, and with whom. The facts needed to be uncovered and sorted properly!

"Looks like the freshmen finished their practice a bit early and, yes, the object of your fantasies is right there with them."

"Oh, you can just keep quiet, miss Jen." Both were still smiling. "He is not the object of my fantasies."

"Oh, he isn't?"

"Well," Cindy paused and then looked over at her friend in the passenger seat, " ... not yet." She picked up her commemorative cup and exited the car with Jen quickly following.

The guys were indeed freshmen, come to wind down after a hard practice, and had just sat down together at a big table on the patio.

They were actually looking to set themselves up as the new kings of the freshmen class, and to make themselves available for any higher grade girls, as well. That was the basic idea, at least. However, having two of the best looking and most popular girls in the school ask to join their table changed that entire dynamic. It was like the entire restaurant quieted down so no one would miss a peep of what was happening at the large table on the patio.

"Hi, I'm Cindy and this is Jen, do you mind if we join you guys?"

The other kids, eating both inside and out on the restaurant's large patio, got a first hand look at what 'deer caught in oncoming headlights actually looked like.

Tony Parker was the first to get a hold of his faculties. "Um, oh yeah! Sure, ladies! Please, have a seat."

Jeff Smith grabbed a chair from one table, and Mark Mazzurana grabbed from another. Tony was a naturally gifted BS artist with women, so he was able to act the most mature and spoke up to both tables, "Sorry guys, may we borrow the chairs?" The obviously dumbfounded nerds at one table just nodded while the older couple at the other table were smiling at the antics of the two boys who obviously did not have the proper amount of blood in their brains at that time.

"I'm Tony," he said, with both hands on his chest, nodding at each of his friends, "That there is Mark, Jeff, Johnnie and Tim."

Both girls made a point to sit directly across from Tim by standing and waiting for Johnnie to move a seat over. He smiled to himself, shook his head, and scooted over a seat, bringing his meal with him. He was more interested in the meal than the girls ... so was Tim. That aggravated the girls to no end!

"So do they talk, or what?" the blonde, wet dream inspiring Cindy, asked in a tone that actually made her significantly less attractive.

"Of course, we talk, " Johnnie said after make a show of swallowing, "but with so many other guys sitting here with no food in front of them and obviously willing to talk to two very attractive girls such as yourself," he took a drink of soda. "we didn't want to seem uncouth." Johnnie cleaned his fingers with a napkin, wiped his mouth with the same napkin and took another bite of one of his tacos. Tim didn't say a thing and just continued eating his own tacos and enjoying his iced tea.

Cindy, obviously not used to being ignored and embarrassed, was about to tear into Johnnie when Jen simultaneously stopped her friend from exploding into a rage and apologized to the group at the table. "No, you are quite right. It's just that we came over here with certain expectations and when you did not immediately give in, well let's just say 'we ain't used to that.'"

Johnnie finished his last taco and, with a genuine smile, said, "No harm, no foul. Like Tony said, I'm Johnnie and this is..."

Tim noticed the small nod from Johnnie and introduced himself. "I'm Tim, Tim Murphy. We just finished football practice and, while we came to just get something to drink, well, we just could not resist the smell and got a few tacos, too."

"Yeah, same thing here. We just finished dance practice. We are Patriot officers and we pretty much run the squad. But now that the pleasantries are over with," Cindy turned her stare directly to Tim, "what's your story? No one knows who you are."

"Damn, Cindy, nice way to beat around the bush." Everyone at the table laughed. A few people out on the patio laughed as well.

"Well, I want to know, and I'm pretty sure I ain't the only one," Cindy said as she waved her hand around the patio, indicating a few of the other diners.

"What do you want to know? I know a bunch of the people here, but they might not remember me. I had a little growth spurt over the summer."

"Pffftttt!!! 'Little, ' he says," Johnnie commented, just loud enough for the table to hear as he accented his joke with a sly smile.

"Actually, about a week into summer I got a tapeworm. I had to spend over a week in the hospital. When I came out, I had lost about seventy five pounds, and my metabolism had shot into orbit. I had never exercised, before; but when I got home I started and found out I really liked it," Tim explained.

The guys at the table had heard the story before but calmly paid attention and watched the girls' reaction. "I've been living at the same house since fifth grade, and I went to middle school at Krueger; but I was a short, fat kid that no one paid attention to." Tim took a sip of his iced tea and looked at Johnnie. "What was it Coach Brown said about me?"

"He said you looked like a pear with toothpicks for arms and legs." The table laughed again and several nearby tables joined in the fun. Tim just blushed.

"So I guess our reconnaissance was correct about you being a nobody at Krueger and growing up kind of quickly." Cindy leaned forward, accentuating her ample cleavage over the table at Tim and asked, "So, you got a girlfriend?"

It was like a bad high school TV drama when the entire restaurant inhaled in shock in response to her asking the question. The rumors probably started flying right then and there. Was Cindy trying to two-time her boyfriend? Was she going to dump her boyfriend in order to date a freshman? Jen playfully smacked Cindy on the shoulder and scolded her, saying, "Leave him alone, you hussy. You got a good man waiting for you. You don't need some snack to ruin your appetite before dinner. Leave him alone." Both Jen and Cindy were giggling. After a moment, "But I did notice you did not answer her question."

Tim actually surprised himself when he answered in a normal, conversational tone, like he had no problem talking to women, "Nope. No girlfriend. I haven't found one yet that could keep up with me, or that was willing to partner up to take care of business." The booming sounds of several "ooohs" filled the patio and were quickly followed by boisterous laughter. There was even a "YEAAAAAAH! BOYEEEEEE!"

Once laughter slowly faded and people were settling down, Cindy playfully pointed at Tim, "You, sir, are going to be trouble. We would love to stay and chat some more, but we have to go."

"Aww, you interrogate me and then don't even give us a chance to find out about you and your friend here. Obviously, you two are very popular at Roosevelt. I can tell that by how pretty both of you are. You probably have a long line of potential paramours constantly chasing you. So, Cindy, please tell us," Tim waved to indicate his friends around the table, "about the two of you," he finished while pointing to both of the seniors.

"What would you like to know?"

"Well, first of all, Jen there said you had a good man waiting for you at home." Tim then leaned forward over the table and pumped his pectorals up and down like he was playing bongos. He had done the same move Cindy had just done but added his own accent to it. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

It seemed like the entire patio started howling in laughter, and everyone was laughing at Cindy's reaction to being one-upped in front of people. She was turning red, not from embarrassment, but from anger. The queen of Roosevelt high was being laughed at, in HER hangout spot. Jen spotted Cindy's anger threatening to erupt and immolate every diner on the patio. Thankfully, Tim noticed it as well and quickly changed the subject. "I'm just playing, Cindy. Say, I heard someone say you and Jen were seniors, so you are probably getting ready for college. Do you know where you are going?"

Jen noticed Cindy was calming down but not yet ready to continue a conversation so she answered first. "Yes, sir! We are both going to college. I have already received my acceptance to UT Austin and will be there next fall. I am so excited!" She was bouncing excitedly in her seat, and her happiness was infectious. It quickly drained all the brewing contempt from the immediate area.

"What about you, Cindy?"

"Well, yes. I also got my acceptance to UT Austin, but I haven't made up my mind. I have my heart set on the Ivy Leagues, but I need to figure out if I want to leave home for THAT far away, or get a great education near here and come home whenever necessary." Cindy was nearly over her mad and was visibly in a quandary about her schooling. Everyone figured it was just as she said, rather than the life-long mission her mother had placed her on, ever since her first menstrual cycle.

"Well, it is good to have options. We are just now freshmen, and I guess we all have some time to make up our minds about college," Johnnie added to the conversation.

"Are you kidding me! Look at you guys! You guys are all in incredible shape and are just getting ready for football. Personally, I can't wait to see how you guys grow into a team. Maybe you can bring TR another state championship in football." Jen reached over and grabbed Mark's arm to give the bicep a squeeze. "You guys certainly are bigger than any of the other freshman classes I've seen since I've been here."

"And you, Mr. Murphy ... there is something about you that just screams 'look out for this one!' You're going to be interesting to watch," Cindy said while pointing at Tim. She looked down at her now ringing phone and, seeing the time and who was calling, she got up quickly from the table. "Oh jeez, Jen. Come on! That's my mom. We gotta get going."

Both girls grabbed their purses and rushed out the door to their car in the back of the parking lot. Cindy was apologizing to her mother a little too loudly. They walked right by the side of the patio where the guys were still sitting and waved goodbye while jogging to the car. The effect of jogging was noticeable on their young, energetic bodies. The guys at the table noticed. The other males in the restaurant noticed, as well.

"Oh shit, yeah, guys! Come on. My mom should be here to pick me up by now. If you all want rides, then come on, and let's get back to the locker room."

Tim and Johnnie threw away their empty bags from the food they'd bought and hustled with the guys out of the restaurant and back to the school. They beat Mark's mom to the locker room door by a couple of minutes.

The JV team had the honor of the first scrimmage with Alamo Heights. This would be the second time most of these players would see the Mules, having played them in a scrimmage the year before.

The majority of players on the JV were now sophomores. A few juniors, considered third- or fourth-string varsity, were staying in JV for the playing time. No one wants to spend all this time and work practicing football, and never play. So, most juniors who knew they would never get to play on the varsity, be they not that good or just not good enough to beat out other players, would willingly play on the JV.

This year's JV squad was a little above average, and beat the Alamo Heights JV team easily, 21-7. There were no official scores kept, since the rules for scrimmages were a little different than regular games. There was no kicking or punting at all. Drives continued only if the offense could make ten yards in three downs. If the defense could stop them three drives in a row, then the other team's offense was allowed to take the field. While a team was on offense, their offensive coaches were allowed on the field behind the offense and could stop a play before it started in order to do some teaching to someone doing something incorrectly. If an offense was stopped and had players admonished for doing something wrong, it was considered a "win" for the opposing defense.

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Chapter 15: Shall We Play A Game? Videos

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 73 New Record Why Not

“Murphy!” yelled Big John Fontana. The Theodore Roosevelt High School’s head coach and athletic director had just blown the final whistle for Monday morning practice. “Give me a second, son.” Tim Murphy finished his conversation with his friends before turning back toward the coaches. He and the other players were returning to the locker room for showers before beginning their regular school day. “Yeah, Coach?” Tim replied with his helmet under one arm. “I got a call from my old friend...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 17 Now It Counts

Tim’s father Raymond considered the chance to go with his son to his first football game something of a bonding opportunity. Going to the first varsity football game with his son and his son’s new best friends was like chocolate sprinkles on the desert. So Raymond and Tim with Johnnie Boynes, Mark Mazzurana, Jeff Green and Tony Parker were cruising toward Northside Stadium, home field for the Warren Warriors. Everyone was excited because they were all going to get a small taste of their first...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 20 Kick Off

Juanita didn’t exactly know what to do to get Tim ready for his first game. Her initial feelings were to make a good solid breakfast, for him to have enough energy for the game. Raymond came in for his cup of coffee and was able to confirm what she was thinking, but she was making too much food. “Honey, what are you doing? Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, cinnamon rolls. Good God, dear, we’ll never be able to finish all this off,” Raymond was rubbing her shoulders from...

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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 5

-Brian- It had taken awhile to get Allison calmed down and it wasn't easy, let me tell ya. Christ, the poor girl was completely overwhelmed and totally shell-shocked. If I'd had my med-kit with me I'd of tranked her (For those of you not lucky enough to have needed the services of a field medic it means I'd slip her an shot of Don't-give-a-shit juice and tranquilize her.) but I didn't and as my daddy always said, "Wish in one hand, and shit in the other and guess which one fills up...

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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 6

-Tampa- Brad glided into the parking area outside Grace's apartment complex and thumbed off the power. As much as he loved his bike it wasn't the first time he regretted not having one of the older IC-powered two-wheelers. His baby was a blast to ride but the almost silent hydrogen-fueled power cell just wasn't the same as one of the older piston-banging throbbers. He'd heard rumors that someone was going to introduce a replica of the old Harley-Davidson line using a...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 29 Unexpected Opportunities

His smile was wide as he made his way down the hall to his room. He heard his mother showering and going through her processes for bed. His dad just gave a halfhearted hello as he walked past their bedroom door. His dad was busy watching TV. Tim turned on the overhead light as he entered his room and immediately closed and locked the door. He quickly blew a kiss to Cindy on the wall, sat down at the desk, and was taking off his shoes when his mom knocked. Tim unlocked the door. “Hey, I...

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MayhemChapter 4

I didn't stay long at the party ― it was their party, not mine ― and hiked back up to the flying bridge. I sat there for a while and burned one while thoughts flew through my head. What had I gotten myself in for? Was it more than a little flirting? (Okay, I knew it was more than just flirting, but how much more?) The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want it to stop no matter where it led. The weather guessers were right about the front coming in, for once. By 0100 it was...

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MayhemChapter 8

Top came back a little over an hour later grinning like a mad fiend at the same time Weird surfaced from his daze. "The East Bay warehouses," Top announced triumphantly. "That checks," Weird nodded. "The first tracker on her limo stopped transmitting about midnight, just about the time she was supposed to have left the party. The second one didn't stop until they got right here." He placed his finger on a map of the Bay area. It was an area just west of East Bay. At one time there...

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MayhemChapter 9

We couldn't tell how closely they had been watching Tink's house or even if they were so we didn't head straight there. I'm sure it would have been safe enough but I didn't want to take even the small chance of getting into a firefight. Besides I had no desire to see Cynthia right then and Tink didn't want to go back home just yet. Tink did call her to briefly say she was okay and would be home soon. Luckily I had to only hear half of that conversation. "I'm fine, Mom," Tink said...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 4

- Daniel- Okay, I knew the Xanadu was big but until you look down at it from a few thousand meters you can't really know just how fucking big it really is! Sure I know the specs and you can look them up yourself if you want to: 1,450 meters in length, 524 meters wide, displaces about 180,000 tonnes and carries up to 20,000 passengers with a crew of almost 3,000. That's not a ship, it's a small floating island! We got a good look at it as we flew out to meet it on the shuttle. Of course...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 5

-Sumalee- I was happier than I probably should have been when Daniel walked into my lounge again the next day and sat down at the bar. I could not tell you exactly why I was happy he had returned but I was. I mean ... looking at him through unbiased eyes he is not particularly handsome, other than in an everyman, rugged sort of way. But he was nice and listened, laughed at my silly jokes and seemed to be enjoying talking to me for a reason other than just a ploy to separate me from my...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 7

-Sumalee- It was still dark when I woke up that first night although I could see a little in the dimness from the small amount of moonlight shining in through the window. I rubbed my cheek on the warm surface I was sprawled on and smiled when I was rewarded by the scratchy roughness of Daniel's chest hairs. I hadn't moved a centimeter from where I had fallen asleep and neither had he. I was still face down on his chest as he lay on his back. He was not snoring but I could hear and feel the...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 8

-Mr. Black- "Do you have the vest made up?" Black asked as Green frowned at him. "Yeah, sort of," Green replied. Before Black could ask the obvious question he continued. "The gel is setting up and will be ready at the same time everything else is. It'll go off; no problem. No, the problem is the detonator; actually the remote activator for the detonator. This wasn't exactly in the mission plans so we didn't bring that kind of equipment with us. I was able to adapt an old raghead...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 15

-Sumalee- To say it had been an interesting evening would be an understatement. The relationship Daniel has with his team would make for a lifetime study by any clinical psychologist. We met two more of them that night: the brothers Stanley and Samuel. Their reaction to Lidia and myself was fascinating. It was almost like they had known us as long as Michelle, Brian and Nathan; almost like they had shared memories. As I said, fascinating, exciting and just a little intimidating. Not that...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 33 A Man of Wealth and Taste

A Man of Wealth and Taste Raymond Murphy had trouble keeping the smile off his face. His son Tim was going on and on about how cool it was being on the sidelines for the varsity football win against the Clark Cougars. The first half of football featured an unsure Roosevelt team going up against a Clark team who, though good, was not up to their usual standards and was going to have a down year. Roosevelt was not expected to make the playoffs. “I’m telling you, Dad, Frank Robinson looked...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 39 Control Alt Delete

Leonard Huffnagle was having a lot of trouble looking for dirt on Tim Murphy from San Antonio Roosevelt High School. The only tangible thing he was able to confirm was that Tim had gifted the Trojan iPad, given by Coach Andrew Thomas of IMG Academy, to his little sister, Carmen. IMG was known for recruiting the best high school football players from across the country and giving them highly specialized coaching to better prepare them for college football. Kids graduating from IMG often...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 45 Proper Motivation

Rodney Valentine’s throat was sore from his screaming. His knuckles were scratched and bruised from pounding on that poor, unsuspecting asshole who didn’t know any better. Rodney was especially pissed because no one could figure out why he was so pissed off in the first place. Valentine and his posse of teammates arrived at the house party a little bit later than everyone else, as usual. It was an unwritten rule that the host of the party would have the game highlights from that weekend’s...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 49 Onyx

Tim, Troy, Rob, Frank, and Jeff were quiet most of the way on the drive to the address included with their multi-colored cards found in their lockers after the beating the Rough Riders had given to the Johnson Jaguars. The five young men crammed into Jeff’s GTO were mostly quiet, daydreaming about the story Troy had told them. “I think I know what this is. You guys feel like having an experience?” Troy asked with a strange, tilted smile. “My dad told me a story that he said I could never...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 51 A Messy Situation

A Messy Situation Once Tim Murphy closed his bedroom door and turned on the bedroom lamp, he blew a quick kiss to his one-and-only Cindy, taped up on the wall, and collapsed on the bed with the biggest smile of his life. Tim was quietly reliving what had happened to him after the game. When he laughed to himself, he realized he didn’t even think about the game when the great time he had that night ran through his mind. The quiet knock on the bedroom door alerted him to the here and now. The...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 63 Is It Better To Be Lucky or Good

Tim Murphy and the nanites in his body had already written the two reports – one for his English class and the other for his US History class. It was just a matter of typing and formatting the report in the proper sets. All in all, the two assignments only took a few minutes to type, save, and email to their respective teachers. When he sent his English paper, he had a flash of remembrance of his short relationship with his English teacher, Julianne Holmes, considered one of the hot teachers...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 64 Itrsquos Just a Party What Could Happen

The week of practice started with a few announcements from Big John on Monday morning. Big John had canceled morning practice with a sign written on the giant dry erase board along the long wall in the locker room. He didn’t cancel all practice, but it would be just no helmets or pads. That meant a full hour of lifting weights rather than working out on the practice fields in full pads – a day off for sure. Before practice would have typically begun, the Roosevelt football teams met in the...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 69 Sounds Good to Me

Going into downtown San Antonio for evening dinner was rare for the Murphy family. Of course, they went out to dinner occasionally but not very far from their neighborhood. Raymond had ordered the women in his life to a day of indulgence at their favorite beauty spa to get pampered and eventually have their makeup done. While the womenfolk were enjoying their day of pampering, the men folk went to fill a glaring hole in the younger Murphy man’s life: the lack of a nice suit. Tim had never...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 70 Dinner and a Show

As they did so often, the Murphy family sang along with the music on the radio. The Murphy parents both enjoyed all genres and encouraged their children to listen to all types of music. Juanita had her favorites and listened to them with the specialized music channels through the cable provider. She preferred the popular hits from the 1980s and 1990s, while Raymond also preferred that and rock music from the 1970s. The patriarch of the family steered into a parking lot nearby the...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 4

The next day was moving day. I've heard how being out on tour with an entertainer can seem a little like riding a tornado without a safety belt but you couldn't tell that by me. I've heard how some tours play twenty cities in twenty days but that isn't how things are done in Ireland. Time seems less important and venues aren't always open when you want them to be. We were doing 25 shows in three months and that included a two-week break in the middle to "relax." Not exactly an arduous...

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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 5

The next few weeks were just plain work. It probably seems like touring with a popular band would be great fun and endless adventure but mostly it was a lot like combat: endless hours of boredom interrupted by moments of shear terror. Well, terror is probably a bit of an overstatement, maybe agitation and concern would be more appropriate. Anytime the girls were heading into a large crowd there was a concern; happily we hadn't had anything like the clusterfuck we'd seen in Clonakilty but...

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Former Playboy Playmates Part 7 Alyssas Journey

Introduction: Escaping an abusive husband, making friends, sending letters to her son, and loving black cock. Authors note: Fictional former Playboy Playmates. Each have two stories. First story is Interracial. The second will be Incest. I experimented with first person POV story telling. I separated the jump from 3rd person to 1st person with a series of seven asterisks. I think it turned out fine. Former Playmates Pt. 07: Alyssas Journey Chapter 1 Ulysses ran his fingers through Alyssas...

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Shall We Play a Game

If someone had looked into the room, it would have seemed very normal. Two couples sitting around a table in the great room of a rustic cabin with drinks in front of them. If the observer had guessed that we were fairly new acquaintances, one young couple and one older couple, they would have been correct. The many video and still cameras and the bright lighting would have puzzled them, as would the fact that most of those cameras and lights were focused on a large bed behind me. I believe...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 60 A Stanley Cup Playoff Game

April 5, 1991, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “Hi Tara! Hi Marie! It’s good to see you again,” I said when Mario, Ned, and I arrived at the Pittsburgh Civic Arena, known affectionately as ‘The Igloo’. Tara gave me a quick hug, and I nodded to Marie. She and Mario kissed, and then Mario introduced the women to Ned. He produced five tickets, which we presented to the ticket-taker at the gate. We followed the signs to section W2, and an usher showed us to our seats in the second to last row, almost...

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Mayhem Room 69

Feb 12, 2011 10:24 Am You were supposed to have checked out of the hotel by 11 am. The bags were packed but you had needs that must be tended to before leaving. A long flight awaited you at the airport and knowing you couldn't stand to be this horny all the way home you decided to take matters into your own hands one more time before leaving. I had been given the key to your room from the hotel manger. This was a room that was scheduled for remodeling and my contracting firm was putting in a...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 3 Back to the Future

A by product of time travel that no one knew about was the momentary blindness and nausea brought on from the rapid assault to your senses immediately after travel. But for some reason only on your return. When he re-materialized in the time travel chamber, Tim Murphy needed to shield his eyes from the suddenly ultra bright lights. He also needed to make a concerted effort to control his nausea. Nausea controlled and his sensitivity to light diminishing, Tim decided it was time to see how...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 5 At the Hospital

The drive to the hospital was uneventful and easy enough. Tim’s mother, Juanita, parked the family SUV in a General’s parking spot, right outside the front entrance to the emergency room. Tim’s father, Raymond, who was standing just inside the ER doors, knew from the frantic sound of his wife’s voice on the phone that she would not obey the parking rules and would take the first available space she found. Raymond quickly reached the SUV before Juanita could turn off the engine. He stuck his...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 6 An Unexpected Debut

Summer two-a-day practices are a rite of passage for the Texas high school football player. The players arrived at their new high school, two weeks before the start of the new school year. Sure, they were only going to the football locker room, the football practice fields and also the weight room; but the psychological advantage of being able to GO to high school, earlier, was a definite positive feeling for the young soon to be high schooler. Freshmen did not have their own cars ... yet....

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 7 The Gang

To say Tim was excited, would be a major understatement. “It was sooo cool, Mom,” Tim was almost jumping up and down in the front seat of the SUV while his mother was driving them home. “I was sitting there reading, and the librarian came up to me. I didn’t even hear her, as I was paying attention to what I was reading. She actually scared me when she touched my shoulder to get my attention. Standing with her was Coach Barrett, her husband. He’d come all the way to the library to just meet...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 8 Doubting the Future

The lights turned on in the cell at half past six, every morning since Tim got back from his trip to the past. About a week after returning from the past, his nanites confirmed his hypothesis that no one he had met, yet, had any nanites of their own. Tim theorized to himself the interrogators did not have any nanite improvements since they constantly made mistakes in their questioning and also in their answers to his questions. Oh, they answered the questions as he believed they would but...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 9 Gotta Start Somewhere

A good hundred or so young men full of testosterone and desperate to show they were not afraid, were indeed afraid. Afraid of not fitting in. Afraid of being shown they were not good enough to make it on the freshman football team. Afraid they were good enough to make it on the freshman football team. Afraid of the high school girls. Afraid of the high school guys. Afraid of the work their new teachers were preparing to pile on them. Afraid they would not be able to finish the work their new...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 10 Lets Get It Started

With the day’s drama complete after finishing with their equipment, they began leaving the locker area to try and enjoy their final day of relaxation before the two-a-days started. Tim and his friends crossed a very busy Walzem Road, right in front of the high school. Walzem Road’s three lanes headed northeast and three lanes going southwest were divided by a median island running the length of the high school. Once beyond the high school, the divider island changed into a turning lane....

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 11 Patience Fades

The tacos were just great. Tim was still not doing anything to jeopardize the loss of the twice-a-week breakfast tacos treats. George was still bringing in the savory, artery-clogging breakfast tacos from everyone's favorite family restaurant. In fact, George was now adding an extra taco, since he understood the body's instant response once it smelled one of Yolanda's tacos. Whether breakfast tacos dripping in the grease of the Mexican sausage and fluffy egg combination, or the...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 12 A Day of Firsts

First day of school for both Murphy kids saw a return of a family tradition: Mom fixed a full breakfast for everyone. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, fruits and all kinds of baked goods. She generally cooks for the family, then the mothers from the neighborhood carpool come and enjoy a wonderful meal at their own pace. There were usually a few empty bottles of wine in the trash when the kids returned home from the first day of school. Rumor has it the same carpoolers also got together toward...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 13 A Fine Mess

“Hey, Joe, what do you mean the freshmen offense knows fourteen plays already? I thought Big John only wanted the freshmen to concentrate on getting in shape, until at least the first scrimmage,” Kevin Krebsback, the JV and Varsity defensive backs coach asked, once the freshmen left the coaches office for second period. “It’s exactly what I said it was, Kevin,” Coach Alvarez said. As he sat back down at his desk, he saw he had everyone’s attention, including Coach Barrett. The freshman...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 14 Frustration Creates Opportunities

"I know you guys are keeping the pain receptors turned off during my questioning, but are there any problems with maintaining the status quo? I ask because I am starting to feel some of the pain," Tim whispered to himself while he held a pillow over his own face in a mock effort to fall asleep. "All efforts to minimize, and even counteract, the effects of the enhanced interrogation techniques are within their limits, and all nanites are performing at optimum levels. If you are, in fact,...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 18 Enough is Enough

The newly-instituted procedure of sleep deprivation was annoying at worst because the nanites in his system could effectively turn off the pupils of Tim Murphy’s eyes and keep the lights from waking him. The same could be done for his hearing. The nanites would disable his hearing so any loud or annoying auditory stimuli would eventually be deemed ineffective. At the moment, Tim was quietly reveling in this private joke. The guards were pumping loud and annoying sounds, usually called music,...

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