Reginald's DisasterChapter 9 free porn video

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There was another call after they got back to the hotel.

This was from the second pair, led by Prudence, reporting that their target store was in trouble for all sorts of reasons: bad siting, movement of population away, vandalism that made the store look unattractive, and to top it all, simple bad management by the guy in charge. Their formal report would recommend closure.

“The store accounts show this was not a new situation, but one building up as time went on. The manager must have a friend at head office, for the data is pretty clear. The basis for closure has been there for at least a year, if not more.”

Reg’s only comment when told this was, “Once they close that store and pay off the liabilities, the chain should save a fair bit of money. We need to point this out in the report, so that when they conclude the closure, we should be due a payment from these extra savings.”

The Robson sisters had not reported in by the time they were all about to sit down to their evening meal, but it was not clear how much driving on older roads they had to do to get to their store destination. Once you got off the motorway, the roads were more difficult to negotiate, so slower, and they had been left with two in such locations.

Jessica asked to join them this time, and Reg was happy to oblige, so she used the hotel lift to make it easy for her. She asked how things were going at the stores, and Frances brought her up to date while they ate. Jessica was stirred by the impact the girls were making on the store problems, and so quickly too. Sidra and Elizabeth were also interested and listened in.

“I am amazed at how you can send these girls out to distant places and expect good results from them all, Reg. They can’t surely all be good at problem solving?”

Reg explained, “We are not asking them to solve the problems they find, Jessica; just bring them to the attention of the store chain for action. It is an investigation of the facts as we find them. Our ladies are trained by their university studies to get at the basic facts and see where these facts take them; collecting relevant facts is part of studying a topic.

Even in historical subjects, the same process applies. You search out the causes behind the battles and dynastic conflicts, to find what really mattered at the time. Often the officially-stated reasons are not the true ones. Many disputes boil down to arguments over control of resources, or simply access to resources, and often that comes out in the background reading.

At times religious disputes are genuinely arguments over interpretation of religious doctrine, but just as often it may be a power play by one side or the other to be in control of the organisation that rules the religious body.

Battles between semi-autonomous cities for supremacy in medieval times may in fact be the leading families in each city pushing for a fight so that the other family is shoved out of the way in the furtherance of trade routes, or gaining a monopoly over a spice trade or a profitable market in certain goods.

The same principle often occurs in disputes between nation states. A leader may secure his own position by seeking to conquer or humiliate another state. Winning usually goes down well with your population if you are an autocratic ruler. It goes down even better if you get a reputation for winning battles, even if the winning is done by good generals of the ruler. The leader gets the plaudits for the success of the nation’s army.

In the case of our company, every success we have encourages more success, as our executives are emboldened by previous successes to push themselves to do even better. The CEO of Recovery Enterprise Group – me – doesn’t have to do the real work, as long as the staff work assiduously to solve every problem they meet. I act as figurehead, or Frances does when I am not available. The CEO’s job is mostly public relations with clients while the rest of the team performs the successful actions. Our Group as a consequence gains the praise of the client.”

“Well, my man, When the girls all get back with their initial reports it will be up to you and me to go over them and re-jig them into formal company reports to our client. That means we need a standard format to use. I suggest it could be like this: Summary of the contract details, and what these mean for progressing the work our investigators have been doing and our expenses in doing so. This will include travel by hire car, accommodation costs, and subsistence incurred during travel and on site. It is noted that a proposed figure has been mooted, and we therefore try to contain our total costs within that sum as far as is reasonable in the circumstances.

Observations: matters noted by our investigators about the locality, population movement or lack thereof, condition of the building and its surroundings, etc.

The store itself: Notes on interior condition, presentation of goods for sale, and levels of apparent staff customer training and knowledge of stock. Relationship between staff and the management team; relationship between the management team and local suppliers. Relationship with the local community – press and media appearances, assistance to local charities, staff involvement in local festivals.

Crime: Fraud, shoplifting, and other criminal activities by staff or outsiders, and suggested action by the Head Office thereto.

Recommendations: closure; investment; retraining; redeployment of good staff; suggested alterations to suppliers and/or distribution arrangements.

Our estimate of possible savings, if any.

Reg? Do you have anything to add to this reporting format? I have been thinking about it while feeding Jimmy. It gave me a way of keeping my mind active during that sedentary task.”

“Only thing I would suggest is to draw their attention to the part of the contract about fees payable to us on completion. Remind them politely that our fee structure is laid out in paragraph X, and that contractually it applies to any further savings made in other stores of the chain as a direct result of our findings and advice/recommendations.”

“Trust you to look at the income side, Reg.”

“That is my task as CEO: Make sure our company remains solvent!”

Frances rewarded him with a kiss and a hug.

Reg said to all the women, “I am full. I fancy a walk outside and have a look at the views of the beach and the sea. Anyone want to join me?”

Frances looked at Jessica, and both declared with a scowl: “Babies!”, but Sidra and Elizabeth were keen.

“Let’s go, Dad. As we go, you can tell us about the shelling of the town by the Germans in 1914. It seems it was an important part of our history.”

“Once we are on our way. It is a long tale but I’ll try to shorten it.”

They were wandering along the street, but it was packed with parked cars. “I want to get to a street fronting the beach, without cars getting in the way of the view. The Shuttleworth Gardens would suit. The story starts then.”

On arrival, the girls were quite taken with the well-kept gardens and lawns, but still demanded the history of the Bombardment.

“December 1914. The Germans decided they could not survive a face-to-face engagement with the Royal Navy, so thought that a punitive attack on an undefended coastline would drive home a message. Curiously enough, the British intelligence service got word of this attack, but decided to wait until the attack happened, then catch the raiders on their way home. Stupidly, they missed the fleet and the raiders got home safe.

Anyway, the bombardment hit Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby. The raiders cruised up the coast then back down again, and fired around a thousand shells. There were no defensive coastal batteries to stop them. The first shells hit Scarborough at eight in the morning, and shells landed mostly on residential areas, plus the major coastal target, the Grand Hotel. They even attacked the ancient Scarborough Castle on the headland, where there was an army barracks; it was hit.

The death toll was minimal, less than forty I think, with about 500 injured. Talking about injured, there was a convalescent hospital for war wounded from the trenches, and that hospital got a hit, without much damage. Patients who were upstairs were rushed downstairs in case there were more shells.

There was more damage and deaths in Hartlepool, but Scarborough got the publicity as it was a well-known coastal resort. The national press produced lurid headlines about the raid, and again featured Scarborough as it was the best-known of the three towns.

The borough was good at PR and pushed for the army to avenge the bombardment. That was a good line to take, and ‘Remember Scarborough’ appeared on recruiting posters afterwards.

“Did they have to evacuate after the raid?” asked Elizabeth.

“Not at all. The day of the raid, a lot of people jumped on trains to York and London to be safer, but the excitement soon died down and things got back to normal, ready for the summer tourist season next year.”

“So it wasn’t a terrible disaster at all?” demanded Elizabeth.

“It was, for the people involved. It was terrifying for the local residents who were lucky enough not to be injured. One school got hit by a shell, but it was so early that practically no-one was there at the time, so instead the pupils got an early start to their Christmas holiday. The school didn’t re-open until January.”

“You seem to know a lot of detail about this, Reg,” opined Sidra. “How come?”

“Interest. Some stories grab your attention, and then I found a talk on U-tube about the bombardment. It was fascinating to watch.”

They watched as the moon rose over the ocean in front of them. Elizabeth declared, “That’s beautiful, Dad.”

Reg acknowledged the fact. “It is. I have always liked seeing the moon in the sky; I don’t know why. Perhaps because it was on its own, but surviving all the same; just as I was, when I was growing up.”

“Aww, that’s sad, Reg. I had a good early childhood, then it went bad for me. You had a bad childhood, then life got better for you. You never know what lies ahead of you, do you?”

“Currently, I do. We have a company to run, babies to care for, two teenage girls to be parented as best we can, and university courses to complete. I reckon I am going to be busy for a long time.”

They finished their walk in the twilight, getting back to the hotel just as the street lamps were switching on. The girls told Reg they were feeling tired and that after they had said goodnight to Frances and their mother, they were going to bed.

When they found Frances and Jessica in the nursery, Frances was saying goodnight to someone on the phone. Reg asked who that had been.

“Jemima this time. She wanted a time to chat with me.”

“Anything to report yet?”

“Yes and no. They went through the second store as it was not too far from the first; just a few miles, but all they could get from their visit is that the manager seemed to let the store run itself. The store seemed to be fine, with plenty of customers coming and going, and the staff were friendly and chatty. There was just a touch of reserve about them, as if they weren’t telling us everything. The thing is, neither of us could get a handle on what was off about the store, apart from the lackadaisical attitude of the manager.

You would expect that the staff would be happy with that kind of manager, and they were, sort of. There was just that feeling we got, but couldn’t put a finger on what it was. We gave up and went out to our car in the car park. As we stood there talking, a woman came up to us and asked, ‘You girls came out without a shopping bag. Do you want a special deal for some groceries?’ That was odd, but we played along.

‘Don’t mind if I do,’ said Hermione.

The woman, a middle-aged lady, said, ‘My daughter works in there, and she can get you stuff at a lower price, if you want it.’ Hermione volunteered, ‘I could certainly do with some tinned stuff, but I didn’t have time to stand in a long queue.’ ‘If you give me your shopping list, I can get my daughter to collect the items into a bag for you, if you are able to pay cash. The deal is cash only.’ Hermione got her purse out and checked her cash.

‘Yes, I think I should have enough to pay for what I need. Hang on until I get my sister to write down the list.’ She dictated to Jemima what she wanted, and handed it to the woman, who got her phone out and transmitted the details to her daughter. Actually what she did was take a picture of the list and sent the picture, after saying, ‘a shopping list for a couple of girls, dear.’ Next, the woman took us on a walk round to the back, to the staff entrance, and there we waited for a short while, then the door opened. She walked over to the door and accepted a heavy carrier bag. ‘How much?’ she queried and was told a figure. She then came over to us and held the bag open for us to look and confirm it was what Hermione wanted, then said what the charge was.

It was indeed a lot less that one would have expected, so Hermione handed over the cash, saying ‘keep the change if there is any’, then we left.

Hermione led me back to the car, and we got in.

‘What do you think from that, sis?’ ‘To my mind, if it is happening with one member of staff, it is probably happening with a lot of them, and if the price you paid is the wholesale price, then the loss to the firm would be the total profit on these goods. We need to think on this farther and come back in the morning to test it out. No, what we should do is come back just before closing time and watch the back door to see what happens, to get a shot at the scale of the theft.’ Frances had said, ‘How do you think this seemed so easy?’ ‘Two factors, Frances. One, the staff door can’t have any bar code detector for items leaving without being put through the till, and second, the manager is not making any checks to stop this going on. It is theft on a grand scale, for the combination of what they walk off with for themselves, plus what they sell on to other people, must be significant.’ Frances had agreed. ‘I can imagine: each member of staff walking out the staff door at the end of a shift with a carrier bag full of stolen goods. They probably see it as a perk of the job rather than theft, though that woman who offered you a deal was definitely involved with theft.’ Reg took all this in and asked Frances, “So what are they recommending for that store?”

“They will give us their full opinion tomorrow morning, but I would hazard that it will be to close the store and make all the staff redundant. The only other option that comes to mind is that store which was failing despite the good and effective staff. We could suggest that they transfer all those staff to this store and give it a new lease of life.”

“Hmmm. That sounds innovative, if the staff are willing to move to another store. They would need to get a transfer allowance for at least a year, to let them find new accommodation and cover their travel costs while they do that search. We’ll wait and see what Hermione and Jemima have to say.”

“I am okay with that. Another night with you, Frances, before the others get back?”

“Hmm ... yes, I would like that. Are we going for more children, my love, or do you have enough?”

“As always, Frances, that is up to what you and the girls want. Fiona has already says she wants a second. How about you?”

“I have never been keen on my baby being an only child, but with all the others having babies ... I still want two of my own, Reg. Full siblings is a trifle better than half-siblings, I feel.”

They were interrupted by sobs from Sandra, and looked up to see her staring at her phone. She exclaimed, “Bastard mummy’s boy!”

Frances called to her, “What’s the problem, Sandra?”

Sandra scrunched down as if to make herself smaller. “My boyfriend ... my ex-boyfriend; he has dumped me!”

Frances opened her arms, “Oh, Sandra; how terrible! Come here, dear: you need comforting.”

Sandra got up and rushed to Frances and be enveloped in her embrace. Frances murmured to her words of encouragement, “It will get better eventually, Sandra. Teen romances are always getting broken up, dear. It is not the end of the world. Another boy will appear in your life and you will forget all about this one. I hope you haven’t given yourself to him?”

“No, We haven’t gone that far, Frances”, the girl sobbed softly, slowly getting over the initial shock. She continued, not realising the details she was giving out, “I only let him touch me with his hands and fingers. I am still intact down there.”

“There you are then: Nothing for you to be ashamed of, just emotional scarring that will soon heal over. Was he much older than you?”

“Just a year: I thought that was old!”

“He was just a boy, then, Sandra. Has he found another girl he liked? Did she sweep him off his feet?”

“Nothing like that. His mother...” she stopped and went back to sobbing her distress. Frances let her continue crying, and signed to Reg for a drink. He nodded, and went to the bathroom for it. He returned with a half glass of water and handed it to Frances. She persuaded Sandra to sip at it, and this distracted her from her distress.

“Thanks, Frances. I am so sorry to involve you in my troubles, ma’am.” She was recovering her stability and remembering Frances was her employer.

“Not at all, Sandra. You are almost family by now, just like Elizabeth, but you still have your parents to fall back on.”

“Oh. I can’t tell them about this, ma’am. It is too private for me.”

“Nothing is too private for your mother, Sandra. Mothers can be very understanding about love that has gone wrong. Half of mothers experienced the same thing when they were younger; well, except for me. I never had a boyfriend before Reg. You were lucky that way.”

“What? Never had a boyfriend?”

“I was only friends with boys when I was small and they paid no attention to my looks. When I developed into a woman, but my face did not similarly change for the better, it was a turn-off for boys, I am sorry to say.”

“Oh, I am so sorry, Frances. That must have been terrible.”

“Terrible, no. You get used to being ignored by boys at school; as long as they don’t taunt you as being ugly.”

“They didn’t, did they?”

“No, I didn’t get that at school. Enough of them knew my dad was a developer, and they assumed he was a tough guy, so they were scared I would set him on them if they were nasty, so they didn’t try it. I had more bother from the girls, actually. They seemed to think that if they had a boyfriend and I didn’t, it made them superior. I didn’t, for I saw that being cleverer than them made me superior!”

“Yes, I see that. You didn’t miss not having a boyfriend?”

“Not really. I got closer to other girls who were in the same boat, and we had fun together.”

“Oh, you mean Freda and Erika?”

“Not during our schooldays, for we went to different schools, but any girls who did not fit the accepted norm of beauty. That was one of the reasons we fell for Reg: his idea of norms was anything that he liked, and to him, personality, brains and social ability were all far more important than facial beauty. I now look on myself as beautiful in my own way, no matter what the outside world thinks. What I think, and what Reg thinks, is the determining factor in my life.”

“That is wonderful Frances. I always thought there was something special about you and Reg’s other women, but now I know what it is, at its basic level: appreciation of people for who they are, inside. I wish my boy... – my ex-boyfriend realised that.”

“Oh, what did he think?”

“He thought that you, Reg and the others were weird people. He couldn’t understand what I liked about my job with you. He really was short-sighted, wasn’t he, Frances?”

“He definitely was a lad with blinkers, Sandra. It is probably for the best that he broke it off.”

“It was not entirely his doing, Frances. His mother is a bit of a social climber, and she thought her son should not be associated with a girl who worked for you.”

“More fool her. This is a family that is going somewhere. It has a dynamic to it that most families never achieve. Every one of us is actively pursuing social, economic and educational targets to make us better people. I bet that woman is a mayfly, only interested in short-term gaudiness and then falling by the wayside or gobbled up by a predator.”

“You may be right, Frances, but she could be dangerous.”

“In what way? She is a nobody. In reality.”

“Ah, but I told my boyfriend that you were effectively a polygamous family. That shocked him for a while, but he must have told his mother, and that is why she was so down on him having me as a girlfriend; the association with you. She put pressure on him, and as he always did what his mother told him, he broke off our relationship.”

“With that sort of family, Sandra, you are better off without him and his mother. If your relationship had developed a lot more, she might have been your mother-in-law! Could you imagine that?”

“Ugh. That sounds dramatically horrible, Frances. Perhaps having him leave me was the best thing for me, and also for him. I would have been unhappy having an endlessly critical woman as a mother-in-law.”

“There now. You have stopped being upset, Sandra. Good for you, girl. We’ll start looking for a new boyfriend for you; someone who understands odd working hours. Did you know that policemen have many family breakdowns because of the working hours. Spouses often don’t appreciate the stresses that police work under, and that includes shift working that can be changed at a moment’s notice. A similar situation subsists for hospital doctors and nurses, who are under-appreciated by their family and friends.”

“You think that was part of the problem; that I work long hours for this family, including evenings and weekends?”

“I am sure it is part of the problem. Most folk who work 9-5 have evenings and weekends for socialising, but you often don’t. It is an extra pressure on a relationship, if the other side of the relationship is on a 9-5 schedule. That is why, if you want to continue with your career, you need a boyfriend who either is in a similar situation or can understand what life is like for you in your job.”

Sandra’s eyes widened as she thought this through.

“Frances, is this part of the reason why so many of Reg’s wives are at university? They all know the pressures they are under to attain their degrees and that Reg is in the same situation.”

“Interesting proposition, Sandra, but it is more than that, for you could equally cite propinquity as the link. No, all these factors play their part, for you are not likely to meet someone on the other side of the world, nor is a lawyer likely to meet and fall in love with farmworker. In the case of Reginald, we started with the ulterior motive of improving our results in our university classes. Getting to know Reginald better was a cultural shock for him and for us. We had no idea of the life he had lived as a child, and in other circumstances he would never have gone to university. He was still a little boy in a man’s body when he started classes. He did not know what to do or say to let a girl know she is appreciated, but we three had the social background to help us cope with Reg, so we took him under our wings, taught him the essentials, and ended up flying in the sky with him.”

“Frances, thank you for this discussion. You have made me feel a lot better about my life, and I understand more about how you ladies fit with Reg. You are amazing women, all of you.”

“Fine. Now Sandra would like a night off, so that you can get to bed early and have a good night’s sleep? It may help you get over that desertion.”

“You think I should, Frances? That would be great, but who is going to look after the babies during the night?”

“Who do you think? Me and Reg. If I hear a baby crying, I will get Reg to go fetch him or her. Then I will determine what the need is. If it is feeding, I’ll prepare the battle and feed the infant. If it is a nappy problem, Reg has enough experience now to change his offspring’s nappy. He knows where everything is kept. That right, darling?”

Reg, with a sigh, admitted, “Yes, Frances my love. I can do that.”

“Right. You have a double bed in here, so we will sleep here tonight, and you can have our room. Off you go, young lady, but do me a favour and tell Sidra and Elizabeth where we are. I’ll notify Jessica that Reg will come for her if it is her Rex needing fed.”

By morning, Reg was cursing the ability of babies to wake each other up. He had a couple of hour’s sleep before the first one needed a nappy change. His crying woke two others, so he had three to check out. One needed feeding; the other was another wet nappy. He took the hungry one to Frances and set to the nappy changing.

The first one was done and laid back down, and the second half changed when another started up. He let that one cry while he completed the nappy change and laid the baby down safely. He knew never to leave a baby alone on the changing table in case it rolled over and fell off.

Fortunately it was the hunger game again, so another one for Frances. The new one was a mucky bottom, so a clean-up as well as a new nappy and liner.

That was the end of that group crying session. Then little Rex cried for a feed, and he had to carry him through to Jessica’s room for her well-prepared breasts and ready nipples. She said she would take him back to the nursery when he was full and sleepy.

Reg got back to dozing for a while, with a sleepy Frances in his arms again, then another two started yelling. Both were hungry, so he passed them on to Frances, thinking he was finished.

No. He was no sooner back in bed when the first two nappy change babies now indicated they wanted a feed, so he had to help Frances by warming the formula and bottle while she saw to the actual feeding and burping. They were learning the joys of mass parenthood.

Morning was a blessing, as Sidra came in to ask how they were coping with the flock of babies. One started crying as soon as she arrived, so a zonked-out Reg called out, “Deal with that one please, Sidra. We need some sleep after a busy night!”

Reg and Frances slept late, never noticing when Jessica came in to feed Rex again, nor Elizabeth coming in to allow Sidra to have her beakfast. It was only when Sandra burst in that they woke.

“Mr Robertson! Mrs Robertson!”

“Yes, Sandra? What is it?”

“I’ve got a text from HIM, my ex-boyfriend. He says now that he is no longer linked to me, his mother is going to report you to the police!”

Reg and France both smiled at her, and Reg enquired, “What is she going to report, Sandra? Did you ask him?”

“No. I just found the text while I was having my breakfast, and I came straight to you.”

“Yes, I follow that. Why don’t you text him back and ask what his mother intends to report?”

Frances added, “The police will only be interested if a crime is involved. Do that text, dear, for me. It will be interesting.”

The befuddled Sandra typed the text into her phone and sent it off. Then she asked, “Why aren’t you worried, Frances? Polygamy is a crime, isn’t it?”

Frances took her hand. “A little lesson for you, on actual legal matters, Sandra. What is bigamy?”

“Oh, that is where a man marries a second wife while still married to his first wife.”

“Exactly. Now what is polygamy?”

“That will be where a man is married to several wives at the same time. Right?”

“Again, right. Now, tell me what crime your boyfriend’s mother is going to accuse us of?”

“Polygamy, of course!”

“Yes, I expect she will. The police will smile and ask, ‘What is your evidence, madam?’”

“Evidence? You mean, she has to go and get copies of your marriage certificates?”

“She dosn’t have to do that, Sandra; just give the police enough evidence for them to take it further. Just a couple of people who were at the weddings would do. The police would then ask the local registar to confirm that such marriages had taken place: simple.”

“What then? She gets the people as witnesses, and that will set the police investigation in motion?”

“Yes. So she will get nowhere. She will find no evidence whatsoever.”

“Why not, Mrs Robertson?” Sandra asked Frances, emphasizing the Mrs.

Frances beamed at her. “Because Reginald is not married to anyone!”

“But ... but ... you ladies are all Mrs Robertson, aren’t you? That is confusing.”

“Let me inform you, Sandra, about a little detail of our family: We are all known as Mrs Robertson, so that I am Mrs Frances Robertson, Erika is Mrs Erika Robertson, Freda is Mrs Freda Robertson, for the reason that these our our legal names, officially recorded by deed poll.”

“Deed poll? What is that, Frances?”

“A simple legal formality to allow you to change your name to something different. We discovered it when the university administration people refused to accept us calling ourselves Mrs Robertson without legal evidence of a marriage certificate. One of the staff let slip that a deed poll certificate was the only other acceptable evidence. We investigated and found that the new name could include an honorific, and as Mrs is an honorific, we added that to the name Robertson so I am legally Mrs Frances Robertson without being married.”

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

3 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

1 year ago
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My former mistress from hell Part 1

She took it too far! I was in my room one night, just lying in bed lightly petting after watching my neighbor slowly undress herself, she always knew I was watching, but still she pretended to be oblivious. It became a weekly ritual, my very on peep show as it were.All of a sudden, we were interrupted by a phone call. I knew straight away it was my mistress. You would never think to look at her that she was capable of such a role, she was quite petite with big blue eyes, long blonde hair and a...

2 years ago
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Stalked Raped Part 3

I only say that because my green eyed man turned me around at some point, stuck me on his dick-more like impaled me there...stretched over his big cock. We were face-to-...well mask. There was no door covering the front of my body, no darkness in the room-nothing blocked me from him. Just the grip on my hips, the furious bounce he made me do in his lap that rolled my eyes back. He scooped me up and slid me back down, over and over making me moan wildly. My head bobbed up and down and my tits...

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GenerationsChapter 40 The Bridal Shower

“Grandpa, grandpa! We’re having a party!” Frank Boscow looked down at his granddaughter. Holly had just opened the door for his wife and Frank had entered after her, his arms filled with shopping bags full of groceries. Shirley had also been carrying a full load of groceries when she had come in, but she had quickly sidestepped the little girl to dump the bags in the kitchen. “Yes, I know. It’s your mother’s bridal shower.” Holly looked up at him curiously, her head tilted to the side....

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Jennifer and I were the first home. We took a minute and made up all the beds and sprayed some Lysol. I also took the time to change ... my undershirt was soaked through. The doorbell started ringing and ultimately the crowd all showed up. Mom and Ally went to the kitchen. “Don’t rush Mom, we have plenty of time. Who wants a glass of wine ... anybody?” I asked. Everyone, including my girl, raised his or her hands. I got her a bottle of water and a kiss. I actually opened my first bottle of...

4 years ago
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Mumbai Truth And Dare And That Girl

Mumbai… Yes Mumbai… A city which is always on run. They say that life has pace out here and those who live here can feel it. Here every individual has some or the other interesting fact or a story with them. Some stories which come up and arouses ears and some just die away. I have realize everyone wants gossips or rather want something interesting that can be heard or discussed. They say ABCD Sells here.. A is Adult content, B is Bollywood, C is Cricket and D is devotional and if any 1 has any...

1 year ago
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Long LegsChapter 4

When Parris arrived at the cabin, McTeague was sitting next to the fireplace, waiting for him. Greta was there, too. She was standing on her toes, her wrists tied behind her. A sock was stuffed in her mouth, and her steel collar had been replaced by a noose. The taut rope ran up and over a ceiling beam, and the other end was tied to a steel hook in the wall. Greta's eyes were filled with fear and dismay. Parris wondered which of them his boss would kill first. McTeague said, "Hello, Troy....

4 years ago
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Mike Naked in CollegeChapter 7

Thursday, September 17, 2009 I really, really didn't want to get up. The bed was so warm, and David's skin was so soft against mine. I looked over at Hunter, who was in bed with Jeff. I decided to just lay there and watch David sleep for a few minutes. I swear it wasn't as creepy as it sounds. He slowly stirred and woke up, and we took another shower together. This time I went straight to his morning wood, soaping it up with the washcloth and then taking it in my hands. I started...

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15 February 2009Chapter 4

“I feel guilty, us doing this while we watch Jessica play hockey,” Sandra mentioned. “I expected some accidental body contact to take place on the ice, not in the stands,” he joked. “Should I receive a ten-minute misconduct for my actions?” she kidded. “Only if it takes you that long to cum again.” “Maybe we’ll have to see how long it takes you to make me cum again at home,” she hinted. “Now my face is turning red instead of yours.” Sandra let his cock shrink and reluctantly put it back...

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My first time receiving anal and getting a facial

Hi, this is the story of how I got my first cock up my ass, and first cum all over my face.I had been giving Thomas regular blowjobs and handjobs for a while now. We had worked out a sort of a deal. He'd come over to mine twice a week and I would suck him off while he watched porn. In return I would get to play with whatever part of his body I liked, and cum on him, provided I lick it off again. I was also allowed to take some pics, but no face. And no, I won't be uploading them here, for the...

Gay Male
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1939 The New AgencyChapter 8

The fire had been a smoke pot prop cleverly placed so that the entire theater had been filled with smoke before it was discovered. The police believed it to be a ruse so that the entire production staff would have to come out. Then the murderer found his victim and silenced him forever. The police had been thorough. Everyone's name and where they were located at the time of the murder were recorded. Few people were left without a solid alibi. Many had multiple witnesses that placed them...

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My lovely dream

I love my wife so much. I loved her gorgeous body from the first moment I saw it, her short but voluptuous body, her raven hair, beautiful dark eyes, and those very sexy dynamite legs. I had always been a leg man. Perhaps that’s what caught my attention. She loved to wear short skirts, not the vulgar slutty type, but short enough to expose their tone and beauty, yet hiding enough to make me desire the treasure that rests at the apex of those wonderful legs. In time I learned to love her soul as...

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KellyChapter 11

(Special - Laura 1 written by: MikeC) I snap awake with the sharp screeching noise. For a moment I am home, and Dad is rushing off on screaming tires to another emergency. The gentle breathing next to me reminds me that I'm not home, but in a luxury suite on a resort island in the Atlantic Ocean, next to the two dearest friends I will ever have. I smile, as I taste the dried remains of last night's love play on my lips. The frenzy of sex, as we physically tried to show each other the...

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Bareback Party

Eigentlich hätte es für Jana nur ein Tagestrip nach Berlin werden sollen zuerst war alles glatt gegangen und die Termine liefen wie geplant aber dann schlug der Winter erbarmungslos zu. Der Flughafen war geschlossen worden da hatte die 34 Jährige Businessfrau die Sicherheitskontrolle schon durchschritten gehabt. Auch ein ICE Richtung Heimat war nicht mehr zu bekommen. Es war nicht so dass Zuhause jemand auf sie gewartet hätte, aber dennoch hatte sie keine Lust das Wochenende bei minusgraden in...

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Mother Lust

My mom and dad got divorced when I was thirteen, at first I was shocked and frightened and was sick with worry that I'd never see my dad again.He got caught out having an affair with a woman at work, and I remember thinking WHY ?Cos she was slightly older then him and definitely not very good looking.I couldn't work out why he'd "played away" with someone like her, I'd heard the stories about middle aged men going with young sexy women to get their youth back but HER !My mom wore glasses, and...

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Sapphos Amulet

Las Vegas is one of the more interesting towns on Earth. You've just finished an incredibly boring conference and thought you'd throw a little money down the drain while you were in town. After two hours of feeding the one-armed bandit, you were down to your last ten bucks and decided, on a crazy whim, to throw it all into a single high-payoff slot machine at the center of the Luxor casino. Ten seconds later, you were a multimillionaire. The thing is, that wasn't the strangest thing that...

Mind Control
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Mind Control

You have 4 options to choose from. Each are from different backgrounds and professions. Mr. Brady (30), a part time teacher at a university and high school. Strong and respected but hungry for the guys. Tommy (26), a swim instructor. Gets a thrill from seeing others bathing suits and gets a bit more hands on underwear and in the lockeroom. Joel (28), camp manager. Often doing pranks on visitors and doesn't miss a chance to embarrass someone. Samuel (freshly 18), unemployed and desperate for...

1 year ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 25

The Farr 3.7 needs a trailer. Something I can do myself. It looks like a pair of bedrails ... maybe three rails would be a better fit. Hmm? A simple T ... one long handle with piece of pipe ... maybe a straight bicycle handlebar with one grip bolted in for a handle. a six foot ... maybe five and a half crossbar with axle stubs welded or U bolted through each end of the cross. A couple of angle braces ... small wheels ... Rex Industrial ... the Harbor Freight of Dunedin. “Jimbo?” I’d met...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 7 Kinky Squeamish

Heels: The Ultimatum 7 - Kinky & Squeamish By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 6: Road Trip Having just enjoyed their first lesbian encounter, Gale suggested that they both take the remaining personal days that they both had due them from the previous year, and use them for a long weekend lesbian based getaway together. Kelly absolutely loved the idea. The next morning, having called into work and left voice-mail messages with their...

2 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 8

The Guy Next Door – Chapter 8 Jane and Matt arrived home at the same time. Matt had actually parked down the street a little. He decided it would be safer if he kept all the toys, just to save Jane’s blushes. Jane rang the doorbell and looked at Matt, he winked at her and smiled then disappeared inside his own house. Jane rang the doorbell again. There was no answer, she eventually rummaged around in her bag for the keys and opened it herself, she struggled in with her bags. She sighed and...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 26

This item is compliments of bobw40‎10 From A School Principal’s speech at a graduation... He said “A Doctor wants his child to become a doctor... An Engineer wants his child to become an engineer... A Businessman wants his ward to become a CEO... BUT a teacher also wants his child to become one of them... !!!! Nobody wants to become a teacher BY CHOICE... Very sad but that’s the truth... !!! The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided...

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The Presidents ClubChapter 3

The elevator doors opened silently on a sumptuous boardroom that had been converted into a ballroom. There was music playing, performed by a live 8-piece orchestra. Karin was impressed. Not that she had ever seen a room this nice before. She had never heard a live orchestra before. She stood still and let the soothing sounds steady her nerves. Several people looked up as the opening doors announced her arrival. She stepped out of the elevator and waited, her hands hanging easily by her side....

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 60 The Sapphic Wedding Part 3

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Full House Motherly AdviceChapter 13 Epilogue

After their night of debauchery, all four of them slept soundly in Becky's bed. Becky fell asleep between DJ's legs. DJ, she fell asleep with her face in Joey's crotch. And Joey, he simply had a stupid grin on his face with his legs apart to accommodate DJ. As for Comet, the Tanner's Golden Retriever, he just nestled his head between DJ's budding tits. When morning came around they all slept past the alarm clock ringing. This time it was Stephanie, Danny's twelve-year-old daughter,...

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Life 20Chapter 7

Right after breakfast, Bachman and Irene left for Laramie in the motorhome, while Cheyenne and Stan headed west in the Land Cruiser. Before he left, Stan tossed me the key to his Honda Shadow and said, “Feel free to take it for a spin.” At dinner the night before, I told him how much I liked it and that I’d like to have one someday. “Thanks, Stan! I just might do that if I have some free time.” I watched them head west on the dirt road, then I went back into the bar to help Jackie and...

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Confessions 4 Blond beauty hot Helena

Unlike the first three tasty cunning confessions in my series, this is one from my own privacyWith blushes at my cheeks I tell the tasty tale of me and my sexy younger sibling, still so shyWe are back then young teens - hardly know anything about love lust tease or any sexy seductionTelling my true sweet sexy story emerged from an unexpected challenge by a sexy slim fresh friendWonderful woman wonders why I get wet hot and horny by watching tasty teens at the toiletA fresh female fine friend...

2 years ago
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The Greedy Prince

THE GREEDY PRINCE by Throne Once there was a Prince who possessed great wealth. Even so, he was not satisfied. Instead, he longed for even greater riches. As it happened, he heard about a valley where special flowers grew that allowed magic to be performed. So Prince Stefan decided to travel to that valley and cause a magician to create fabulous treasures for him. The Prince did not wish to pay anyone to accompany him, so the only person he brought along was a humble servant,...

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Tanning Virgin

We saw only sometimes the farmer who rented the cottage to us. Mainly weekends when he drank with his friends at his pier. They were a loud bunch so we were not very happy about it, but at least there was some distance between his pier and ours. Weekdays I was left alone with my lil sister at cottage as parents went to work and our big sister went to meet her friends. Me and lil sis tanned, swam, tanned, read lot books and so on while alone. One Monday morning it was truly hot already...

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I hesitated for just a second before opening the door and entering the bar. I was in town for business and had come here many times for lunch. This was the place to be for the view and the beer. Every table was packed and the bevy of wait staff busy attending to all the tables. There wasn’t one empty in the place, it was jammed. Classic rock was playing in the background and some twenty televisions had all the current sporting events playing, sensory overload. I found an open stool at the bar...

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Fucking The Maid With Authority

Hello ISS readers. I’ve been following a lot of the ISS for about a couple’ weeks now. Noticing how wild the stories are, I decided that instead of hiding my stories from everyone, I’d share so it gives every guy a wood and makes every girl dripping wet. So without wasting any time, I shall go straight into the details I’m 20 as of today, 6’1″ tall with an athletic build and a 7″ pole which can drill anyone like a king. I live in Bhopal and I’m doing my engineering. I live here alone in a 2 BHK...

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Across the BorderChapter 5

Lisa had assumed she was done for the night, but that was not the case. A knock on the door and they both sat straight up. They both looked at each other as if they had been caught, well, fucking. “Just a minute...” Lisa yelled at the door. The next minute was Lisa and her son scurrying and fumbling around the room, trying to get dressed as quickly as possible. Finally, Lisa opened the door. There stood Steven with a big nasty grin on his face. “Sorry, Lisa. But we need you.” When he saw...

2 years ago
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The Model

I was sitting on a bench at one side of the room, a small suitcase filled with clothes beside me. Beautiful girls and photographer's assistants swirled around me, although none of them paid any attention to me. I was there to try and start chasing a dream, although right now it seemed like little more than a foolish quest fueled by some stupid ambition. I was a forty year-old divorcée, the mother of two boys, and I had always thought of myself as fairly pretty, at least in my own narcissistic...

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Peaches and Cream

If you’re wondering why I called this story Peaches and Cream. Have you ever met a girl that had the complexion of peaches and Cream, and a body to match? That I found out later. I was eighteen years old, and a senior in high school. We lived on a farm in the country. One day a new family moved into a farm down the road, about a mile from our farm. Our bus driver lived down the road the other way, so that meant I was the first one on in the mornings , and the last...

1 year ago
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Kate and I Ch 4548

Like to think my editor sexnovella, for looking over this. * 45. BRAW, BRAW, damn phone, who the hell turn you on last night, as I turn over to where Kate was sleeping and notice that she’s nowhere to be found in my hotel room, what the hell, I think as I turn over and slap my phone off, what a minute did that actually happen last night, or was that one hell of a dream, completely confused, okay let’s do some thinking here Aden, I’m under covers, wearing what seems to be, sniffing my shirt,...

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Donkey Punch

Meanwhile, on another planet... "The Principal will see you now, Mrs. Person," Amanda said, smiling politely. "Miss Person," my mom corrected the school secretary with a tiny scrunch of her nose. "I'm not married." "Oh!" Amanda nodded, like that made a difference and turned her smile on me as we stood up. "She's just a slut," I explained, since I'm sort of like that. I always feel like I have to say something for some reason. "Bambi!" Mom giggled. "Be nice." "What?" I...

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How I Got My Bicycle

How I Got My BicycleBy billy69boyHi, my name is Danny, and this is my story about my first sexual experiences. I was pretty young when I started out, so if you don't care for stories like mine, you should stop reading right now. I live with my mom in a tiny house, in an old, quiet section of a small town. My mom is always working, because the old man left us 10 years ago, and never came back. Mom said he did us both a favor by leaving, but otherwise, she never talks about him. We don't have...

2 years ago
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Me and My Best Friend Part 20

After dinner, we went up as usual and as we walked into the greenhouses, Dylan walked towards the pet section, he started spreading the dog beds out around the area. I asked him what he was doing, he replied "what did i tell you last night?" I started to panic on the inside, asking myself is this what i wanted, i stood there like a statue. Dylan started to strip off and asked if i was ok because i wasn't responding, before i could reply he was kissing me with is half naked body wrapped...

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Littles LifeChapter 4

Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...

1 year ago
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Another Bad Date

I never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn’t be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can’t seem to meet anybody. I’m starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can’t find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking. Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me, but...

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GirlsWay Jane Wilde Paige Owens Showcase Jane Wilde

Jane Wilde and her coworker, Paige Owens, aren’t exactly the best of pals. In fact, their animosity towards each other has gotten so bad that their boss insists that they get their act together. If they can’t get along, they’re going to get booted off the current project. Since the future of her employment depends on it, Jane reluctantly calls Paige to arrange for them to get together. When Jane and Paige meet up to do some extra work on the project, the tension between them...

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All in a Week Ch 03

Day 1, Late Night about 11 p.m. ‘Sam, wake up.’ Oz said softly, running his hand over the side of her face. ‘Meh?’ She mumbled, stretching slightly, than opening her eyes with a frown. ‘Where are we?’ She asked, brushing hair out of her face. He smiled. ‘A long way from home.’ He gently grabbed her, pulled her across the seat, and out the drivers door. ‘You have got to see this, I had to come out here for a claim a couple weeks ago, the moment I saw it, I knew I had to show it to you.’ He...

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Anita prefers Jeromes black cock

I had a severe bad headache when I opened my eyes in the morning.The sun was on my face and I recognized I was in my own bedroom.I was facing the window and I heard our marital bed was rocking very slowlyI rolled over my back and found Anita’s beautiful face close to me. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning very softly. She had a very pleasant expression on her lovely face.I started to set up to see why the bed was moving, but my sensual wife put her hand on my chest and held me down. I...

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changing room voyeur experience

This is a true story.This happened when I was 15 years old, I was shopping with my parents and with my cousin. We were so bored and we were in a department store. We had to wait for our parents who were looking around the clothes section.Me and my cousin then decided to go near the womens changing rooms. It was the type where you could see in a gap at the side. I watched as the busy area was full of women. I saw one woman who was gorgeous, she was in her 30's blonde and she was holding a...

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