An Adventure In The Life Of Lisa CornellChapter 7: Joining The Family free porn video

I walked out of the bedroom wearing a burgundy blouse that scooped almost to my belly-button and would've showed my tits if it wasn't for the matching bra. You know, I love these big fucking knockers of mine but sometimes it would be nice to be able to spend most of my time not wearing a bra without having to worry about gravity and age dropping them to my navel.
Along with the top and bra I wore a white skirt that barely made it to half thigh and fit so tightly it was clear I wasn't wearing panties and if the guys didn't already know that they were going to gangbang me then the way I was dressed certainly would. The only question I had was just who and how many I would be taking on at a time and how long the gangbang would last?
On reaching the bottom of the circular staircase I half expected Jason to be waiting for me but he wasn't, Ellison Stewart was. His eyes took in the way I was dressed and stopped for several seconds in the general vicinity of my breasts. What is it about tits and men that turn most of them into dribbling idiots? Not Ellison though I have to give him credit, at least after looking at the way my skirt hugged my hips and thighs his eyes met mine and stayed there. Then he did that thing with his finger that men who like to think they are in charge do, he held up the index finger of his right hand and moved it in a circle anti-clockwise.
"Please my dear," he finally said, "if you could present me with the full effect."
Feeling a little like piece of meat I did as I was told and started a slow turn; well he did say please didn't he. Then when I had my back to him he told me to stop. "Very nice Lisa, very nice indeed, you know they look even better on you than they ever did on Rowan's first wife."
"What's the matter, Ellison, doesn't anyone like to use her name any more?"
"No we don't," he said bluntly, "why should we, she's dead and you're here. And as long as you and my son share a relationship you're name will be remembered, when that relationship ceases for whatever reason your name will be forgotten, that's just the way things are."
"So, do you speak for Rowan too?"
"Of course I don't, his feelings for the women in his life might be different than the rest of us but he is still my son. He revelled in the way his wife treated him and was more than happy being monogamous while she behaved like the delightful slut she was. He also promised that if or when she died he wouldn't mourn her."
"He broke that promise Lisa," said Luanne, "he wouldn't even fuck any of us and believe me we made it hard for him," she laughed softly, "if you'll excuse the awful pun."
"And then he went into this club one night and saw you," said Ellison, "and from that point we knew it was only a matter of getting you here so that he and our girls could once again have sex. I guess what we didn't expect was that you would have such a dominant streak or that we would love you for it. Now are you ready to take on four cocks while Rowan continues to fuck that pretty redhead, Francie?"
I giggled, "Lead on Ellison I'm randy enough to fuck you all several times over, all I want to know is will you be able to get it up enough to satisfy me?"
"Surely you've heard of Viagra, now how else do you think my brother and I are able to keep up with these young sluts?" He lead me into the lounge where I saw Rowan laying on a sheet covering a portion of the plush carpet, he was on his back and naked and Francie was a cowgirl to his bucking bull as he continuously thrust his cock up and into her hungry cunt. I mean you have to picture the scene, only Rowan's shoulders and feet were touching the floor as he continued to buck vigorously and energetically while Francie hung on for dear life as she tried, and occasionally managed, to lift her cunt of his thick 8-inches. Fuck what a sight, now I was more anxious than ever to get this gangbang started.
"See," said Hannah moving over to me and giggling, "now you know why the rest of us girls are anxious to have Rowan back in our pants again. He may be quick but he's enthusiastic and he gets it up again so quickly and he always lasts so long the second and third times."
Then something from the other night occurred to me, something that Rowan had said after that private session with those three guys. I turned to Ellison and asked, "Did Rowan's wife make him suck your dicks Ellison, and can you tell me if there were other men that weren't members of the family?"
For the first time since I walked into the house Ellison Stewart blushed and lost control. "I'm embarrassed to admit that he did indeed suck the cocks of me, my son Daniel, my brother Brandon and his son Trenton but I can say that as far as I know his wife never forced him to suck the cocks of any of the other men in her life."
I glanced across to see that Rowan and Francie were just finishing up with her sitting on his stomach, she was wanking his cock until several streams of cum shot out of it and onto her lower stomach. That seemed to be the signal for that little session to finish and for Jason to set things up for what I suppose you could call the main event.
"So," I said turning back to Ellison, "how many of the rest of the men in this sexually insatiable family suck dicks to please their women?"
He shook his head and replied, "None."
"That's what I thought, and from now on the only lips wrapping themselves around cocks will belong to Luanne, Celia, Lynn and Hannah."
"And what about you Lisa Cornell, won't you be sharing in the cocksucking duties?"
"Try and stop me." I turned to Jason who had set his camera up and was now rigging the lights with the help of Francie who had cum and pussy juice leaking down her thighs. "Are we ready to get this show on the road?"
"Ready when you are, and don't worry about following a script, there isn't one. Just do what comes naturally," he grinned, "in other words be the randy slut you are."
He moved behind the camera and I knew we were ready to go which is when Daniel Stewart walked up to me and took the centre strap of my burgundy bra in his left hand. The expression on his face told me all I needed to know, he thought he was the master of his particular universe and I was simply there for his pleasure. Apparently our little altercation before and the dressing down he received from his father had taught him nothing. It appeared he had learned nothing from our run-in before.
"DON'T YOU EVEN FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT, YOU MORON, these clothes belonged to Rowan's late wife, now if you don't want to treat such beautiful clothes with respect then at least treat her memory with the respect she deserves."
Ellison walked up then and if I thought he was mad before I was wrong, he was infuriated with the behaviour of his son. "Sit down you imbecile," he started as he began to undress, "I've put up with your bullying behaviour for the last time. You Have to learn that you can have a dominant relationship with a person and still treat them with respect, and until you do you will lose all the privileges that come with your family position. That means your money, your job, your car and any rights to have sex with the family women." He reached out his hand for Hannah who walked over and took it. "And that includes your girlfriend."
He began to curse and protest while calling his father as many names as he could think of until Ellison slapped him hard across the face, the sound of which reverberated around the room. "Take your punishment like a man Daniel and this punishment won't last long. Talk to me or the rest of this family like that again, behave inappropriately to this beautiful young lady again," and he indicated me, "and you will find just how hard I can be." To Hannah he said as he finished undressing, "I hope that that is not going to put too much of a cramp in your style."
"Oh I still have three handsome men willing to satisfy my needs," she looked over to where Rowan was laying on the sheet looking very satisfied while Francie cleaned up his cum, "four if you count Rowan."
After admiring Ellison's physique, six foot two and slim with distinguished silver grey hair and a penis that looked to be well on the way to what seemed to be a stiff 9-inches I followed Hannah's gaze and noticed that my Rowan's cock was as limp as a wet noodle. Turning to her I said, "Maybe you can join Francie and see if you can help stiffen Rowan's ... er ... resolve." I turned back to Ellison and stared unashamedly at his now fully erect penis. "That looks very impressive Ellison, very impressive indeed."
He grinned and wrapped his hand around a little more than half its length. "It should be, Brandon and I both took a 100mg Viagra tablet thirty minutes ago, I'm as fit as any 62-year-old man on the planet I have low blood pressure and cholesterol and Brandon is in equally good condition for a man of 53." He laughed as he removed his hand from his hard-on and replaced it with mine, "and the best part of all is that we both expect to be good for around three to four hours."
Wow, just imagine that people, with two cocks guaranteed to be hard that length of time how could any self-respecting slut not be over the moon, especially one with a cunt that weeps as much as mine.
Ellison and I watched Hannah walk over to where Rowan and Francie now lay side-by-side, watched as she lay on the other side of the elder of Ellison's two sons and began to help Francie work on his cock. With their mouths! "Well now that's all settled we can finally get down to what you're here for." He turned to Jason. "So young Jason, are we ready to start?"
When he nodded and turned the camera in our direction Ellison took one side of my blouse between the thumb and index finger. "Would Mademoiselle Cornell be offended if I divested her of her clothes?"
I giggled and turned to look into the lens of Jason's camera. "Now how the hell is he going to fuck me if he doesn't undress me?" Turning back to Ellison I added, "Yes, Mademoiselle Cornell would be more than happy if you stripped her and fucked her," then to Ellison's brother Brandon and his son Trenton I said, "and as for you two you're not much good to me with your clothes on."
While they undressed Ellison quickly removed my clothes before he stepped back to admire what he had unwrapped. "I would call you statuesque Lisa but I doubt that does you justice; those incredible breasts, your slim waist and those delicious hips, you are incredibly beautiful..."
" ... And fucking horny now lay down so I can climb aboard the Ellison Stewart express." I looked across and noted Brandon and Trenton were now naked and ready willing and able to step up to the plate. "So are the two of you planning to climb aboard, yes or no?"
They both yelled yes at the same time as Ellison lay on a sheet conveniently placed there by Luanne and pulled me astride him. I took his thick 9-inches in my right hand, lined it up with my labia majora, slid down until my inner lips wrapped themselves around it and then in one smooth easy motion dropped down until I had every inch of him and its tip was trying to make a dent in my cervix.
"Okay," I said looking at Brandon and Trenton standing with cocks waggling up and down and side to side as I leant forward and pressed my breasts into Ellison's chest causing an inch or two of his cock to slide from my cunt, "who's next at bat?"
Trenton move closer waggling 10-inches of thick cock. "That'd be me, especially if there's an arse to be fucked. I never get the opportunity to fuck and arse, so if yours is on offer I'm your man."
Thinking that with all of these luscious women around Trenton would at least know something about anal sex I told him to climb aboard. What I didn't expect was for him to kneel over me, spread my buttocks apart, line his cock up with my anus and try to dry fuck it." I was about to tell him to get the fuck off me while enjoying the little movements of Ellison's wonderful cock as he fucked my cunt when his father Brandon beat me to it.
"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TRENTON," screamed his father as he slapped him on his naked arse. "God what is it with you and that idiot Daniel? No wonder our wives and girlfriends won't let you up their bottoms."
I grinned as I squeezed my pussy around Ellison's cock. "I will if he lubes his cock and my arse."
Satisfied that things were all under control at the back end I looked Ellison in the eyes as gently moved backwards and forwards sliding two or three inches of his cock in and out of my pussy while rubbing very erect nipples across his chest. Then I saw Celia step across and whisper in her son's ear as she placed a tube in his hand before I felt a familiar coldness between the cheeks of my bottom as Trenton began to slide a well lubricated finger into my anus, a finger that, I a gratefully noted, had closely trimmed nails.

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