- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
Driving home that afternoon, suddenly I felt exhausted. I guess I hadn’t noticed how tired I was sooner due to the adrenalin coursing through my body but now I had allowed myself to unwind a little and knowing that thanks to Tahlia, my house would be empty, I couldn’t wait to get home, kick off my shoes, have a glass of my favourite red and then perhaps just lay down for a late afternoon snooze.
I’d never had an orgasm like that, not in my vanilla life with my husband David, or any of my very few previous sexual encounters. I couldn’t help but think to myself those few moments of sheer pleasure riding that Girl’s face must be how a true orgasm feels. All those other times when I had thought I had cum, I hadn’t, not compared to the violent eruption I felt that afternoon. A part of me, the part of me not feeling sick with anxiety and exhaustion, a part of me deep down did wonder if my body would ever scale those heights of ecstasy again.
My fantasy of submitting to a teenage school bully now fulfilled, I guess you could say at that point I was ready to go back to my safe vanilla life with David and Carly. Of course I was dreaming, Tahlia had taken steps to ensure my vanilla life would be lived at her whim, at least in the short term until she tired of me and I could prove what a hopelessly boring submissive I would make for her. At least that was my initial plan to try and escape the trap she had set for me that I had allowed myself to fall into.
I work in the city and would usually catch public transport to and from the office but today with having to meet Tay first thing this morning I had driven from my home in the eastern suburbs to her school in the northern suburbs. Thankfully it wasn’t a long drive from the office to my house and I was so very grateful to not have to be sharing public transport with anyone that afternoon.
I needed a shower, that one thing was certain. Tahlia had only used my nose and chin to masturbate briefly and I had washed once back in the office but in my mind I could still feel her juices all over my face. And I won’t even tell you the state my pussy was in given how aroused I’d been all afternoon, not to mention the orgasm that still had me wet well after the event.
So you can imagine my relief when I pulled my car into the driveway with nothing but a big empty house in front of me. I went through my usual routine getting out of my car, putting everything I needed to take in the house on the front passenger seat before walking back up the driveway to check the letterbox, then back to the passenger side of the car to grab everything I needed to take inside, keys jangling free in my right hand so I could unlock the front door without having to put anything down, slid the key in the lock, turned it, and my heart fell.
My front door was already unlocked.
We had never been robbed before and I didn’t even know if I should go inside. What if the robbers were still in there? Of course, when I look back on it now I should have realised there was no sign of forced entry, just an unlocked front door. Needless to say my heart was racing again as I pushed my door open and glanced in expecting to see my beautiful home ransacked. Yet as I walked further into my house down the corridor that led into our main living areas, not a thing was out of place. I think that was when I heard her voice.
I didn’t know how much more emotional trauma I could go through. My heart was racing at the fear of being robbed but then in the same moment that I heard her voice, that fear and anxiety, that hard grip of my stomach, that horrible reality of my life returned.
Tahlia was in my house.
I think I saw her first. She was still in her school uniform, dressed exactly as when I had seen her only an hour or two earlier at school. She hadn’t even kicked off her shoes. Reclined in one of my lounge suites talking on her mobile phone as if it was the most normal thing in the world for her to be here.
She looked up and saw me and never even broke conversation. Instead she motioned with her hands, at first waving hello and then clicking her fingers and pointing to the floor beside my recliner.
Surely she didn’t expect me to?
But I did. I guess that was when I first realised how terrified I was of this teenage schoolgirl. In that first day of uncertainty and hopelessness where in my mind she held all the cards, she could quite easily ruin my life if she so desired, as well as hurt my daughter, I simply made up my mind right then and there to do what I was told. I put my laptop and all my work gear I still held in my arms on the table as I walked in the room and went to walk over to where she had pointed.
I had taken one step when she started clicking her fingers again, more urgently this time. She gestured with her hands for me to get down and was about to interrupt her call when I understood what she meant. I was to crawl to her. Crawl to her like a dog, then sit on the ground beside her like a dog and then while she spoke on the phone for the best part of fifteen minutes, kneel beside my lounge suite like a dog while she played with my hair petting me like a dog.
About ten minutes later and by the time Denny walked into my house, I was well aware who Tahlia had been talking to. And even though I had only heard one half of the conversation a lot of my questions had been answered. Apparently Flea wouldn’t be coming, she had to go home and also keep an eye out on Dani. Other than that Tay spoke to Denny mostly about me. I didn’t like much of what I was hearing but I stayed quiet like a good little doggie, behaving herself, kneeling down beside my couch while my owner petted my hair and scratched me behind the ear.
With Denny now here, they terminated their call and Tahlia started talking to me directly,
‘As you probably guessed Robbie, or should I call you doggy (laughter from them both) a lot more happened while I had you tied up in that locker than you could ever imagine. Yes, I went back to class, as I promised you I would but what I didn’t tell you was that I had a free research period. So while I went back to class, Denny ducked out and had a copy of your house key cut for me. You would have seen the texts by now I sent to Carly and your husband, you see I wanted my little toy all to myself for a few hours so we could finalise a few things, make this more official. Well, not really official, but binding I think is a good word to use.
Denny had some important classes this afternoon so had to go back to school after what you did to poor old Dani in the toilet but I only had gym so I was able to skip my class after lunch and went to pick up your key, it’s amazing how easy it is to do things like this when I have all your personal details. Did you even notice your driver’s license and credit card missing from your purse? I guess not since you hadn’t mentioned it.’
They both laughed again as I knelt beside my chair miserably listening to them. Of course I hadn’t checked the contents of my purse. We had just raped a girl and my life was spiralling out of control. When Tay handed me back my bag and purse, I just assumed everything was still in it, I didn’t bother to check.
‘I used your card and some more information in your purse to find your uber account. Then once school finished I gave all the details to Den so she could do the same. And here we are!’
I was a bit stunned and really had nothing to say.
She was still playing with my hair as if I were her pet sitting at her side when she violently grabbed a fistful and pulled my head back. While these sudden acts of violence frightened me most about her, I should have been way more scared of how much control she was about to take of my life.
‘So tell me bitch? Are you happy to see me again?’
I didn’t know what to say. My stomach was in knots I was so nervous that she was in my house, and on the same day we met. Things had just moved so quickly. In my arousal, and even while fantasising before this fateful day, I had never even considered what a dangerous young criminal I was dealing with. Yet now as I knelt on the floor of my own home with her in total control of me, all the reports I had read in the lead up to our meeting together about her criminal offending, the likelihood of her offending again and the common assaults came flooding back to me. Fresh tears sprung to my eyes as the helplessness of it all started to sink in, the danger I had bought upon myself, upon my family and the stinking pain in my scalp while she roughly held me by the hair. I couldn’t believe I could be so stupid, and all just to fulfil a fantasy? Honestly, I can’t even tell you.
You know the texts to Carly and David, they were there, yet they just didn’t seem real to me. But with this, this was her in my house, invading my own privacy, my own personal space, it was hard evidence of exactly how much control she held right now. And you know how when you are in trouble, or you feel threatened, there is usually someone for you to call or to speak to, or to report it to, well I had no one. She held evidence against me that if she allowed or encouraged Dani to press charges I would be the one seen as the criminal, not her.
She stood up, hand still wrapped in my hair.
‘Since you’re not talking puppy, I will have a look around our house myself, and you can follow me on your knees while I pull you by the hair. If you’re going to act like a little bitch, then I will treat you like one, let’s go.’
I yelped as she started walking toward the kitchen with a handful of my hair, I was forced to crawl hurriedly along behind her.
‘Now it’s pretty obvious what room this is puppy’ she led me to a corner right next to our rubbish bin, ‘sit right there and no comments while me and Den have a look around.’
Tears started running down my face, this was all too much. They went through everything in my kitchen. Opened every cupboard, every drawer, every pantry. Tahlia read every piece of paper on my fridge from personal invitations to insurance papers to bills. Denny helped herself to a soda and offered one to Tahlia before they grabbed some after school snacks to eat.
‘So tell me Robbie, do the three of you usually eat at the table together?’
I shook my head no. Generally David would go into his room to watch sports while Carly and I might watch something together while eating dinner, we only really ever ate at the table when we had guests, which in recent times was not that often.
‘Okay then, when she sits at the table where does Carly usually like to sit?’
I remember thinking at the time I would have to stand up for myself. The tears were flowing but I wasn’t actually crying. So I ignored her question and gathered my strength in the same way I did the very first time we met earlier that morning. That brief moment when I tried to stand up to her. Back when I was a student counsellor and she was a school girl.
So from my kneeling position where Tay had led me, beside the bin, I started to stand up. I was going to stand up and talk down to her like she was still my student. This simply couldn’t continue. So I lifted one foot up from underneath me and planted it on the floor ready to rise off the ground when I caught her eye. Tahlia often had this look of amusement and mischief about her, like a cheeky kid, but there was this other look I had already seen a few times today.
I was kneeling back down humiliatingly beside my bin in an instant. Just where she had placed me. It was a withering look, similar to the cold stare that I had seen with Flea, but more calculated almost like she is challenging you to defy her. I had been hit often enough by her already today to know better than challenge that look. So I remained kneeling, and speechless.
‘Good girl Robbie. I don’t know what’s going on inside that head of yours but I can tell from looking at you it is full of rebellion and confusion. The fact you’ve not said a word since you walked in the door tells me more than you can imagine. I know it’s only our first day together but you need to start to understand that I will be coming in and out of this house anytime I want. I’ll do what I want in it too. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.’
And that’s when I started to cry. Not just tears but actually broke down and cried properly. Right in front of them both. Through my flood of tears I could barely make out Denny coming over toward me. She knelt down beside me reached over to give me big cuddle. She just let me sob into her shoulder for maybe a good five or ten minutes. She was whispering in my ear. Something about sisters. That she would always help to support me because she could understand better than Tay could. That submissives should always stick together...
With Denny’s support I was eventually able to pull myself together. I looked back up at Tahlia, playful, mischievous Tahlia again. The look of terror she gave me was gone thankfully.
‘I’m sorry Tahlia.’
I was deliberately using my adult/mother/teacher voice with her now. Strong, confident and forceful.
‘It was such a shock coming home to see you here. Given everything that happened all I wanted was to come home to my empty house, which I was very grateful to you for organising by the way, come home, kick my shoes off, flop down on my couch and have a good cry. I can’t even begin to tell you how badly I feel about what I did to Dani. I feel sick and dirty. I just want a shower. Wash it all off me. Wash this entire stinking day right off me!’
I rarely swear but I did raise my voice at her. I was frustrated and angry. This is my house! She should not be here. I never fantasised about any of this, this wasn’t what I wanted. It’s not what any sane person would want!
Tahlia walked over to where I knelt and crouched down in front of me. She took my face in her hands, gently, and forced me to look straight into her eyes.
‘Robbie, Robbie, Robbie.’
I couldn’t understand why she had to be so damn condescending.
‘My poor little bitch. Didn’t truly understand what she was getting herself into when she thought it would be cute to fulfil some stupid submission fantasy to a schoolgirl. Robbie, even you should know that fantasy hardly ever works out like reality. You probably know more about me than I know about myself with all your stupid reports and whatever paperwork the education department has on me. Surely you had some understanding what might happen by playing your silly games with me?’
I stared straight back at her.
‘Can we please talk about this Tay?’
‘That is why I am here Robbie. To talk. That is why your house is empty right now. But I only talk in certain ways to certain people, and you certainly haven’t earned the right to ask anything of me yet. In fact, you should still really be trying your hardest to please me, you should be earning your right to privileges from me, not the other way around.’
She let go of my face and stood back up walking over towards the table.
‘Now where the fuck does Carly sit?’
Angry Tay was back briefly so I showed her the spot where Carly would usually sit and eat her breakfast. Tahlia pulled the chair out from where it was tucked in under the table and used it as a step to stand on making a scene of taking her school dress off displaying her naked pussy and arse to both me and Denny. She reached behind herself and pulled her butt cheeks apart, squatted, then backed up and sat right on the edge of the table where Carly would eat. Her naked ass, and specifically her butt hole, resting disgustingly on my dining table. Denny then pulled the chair even further out at which point Tahlia called me over to take a seat.
I rose from my kneeling position and walked over to take my seat right between Tahlia’s spread legs. Denny helped to push the chair back in and Tahlia put her sandaled feet on each arm rest so that I was trapped between her legs looking straight at her taut athletic tummy.
Tahlia grunted, ‘I was hoping to have you directly at the same level as my pussy. Denny go and grab a cushion from the couch please and put it on the floor here for Robbie to kneel on. Robbie I want you kneeling before me so that your eyes and mouth are directly level with my pussy.
You will listen and worship my pussy. Listen carefully to what I say, but also never direct your gaze from my cunt. I want you to start with little kisses around the inside of my thigh, Denny will guide you as to what I enjoy and how I expect to be worshipped. There is a hierarchy in my gang, it starts with me at the top, Flea is my associate but she still answers to me, while Denny is our slave. You heard me earlier talking to Denny about your place in the group.’
This was true, it was all part of the conversation I had walked in on when Tahlia was talking to Denny while we waited for her to arrive. I had started to lightly kiss around the inside of these perfect thighs now surrounding my face. Denny had knelt down beside me and was quietly whispering in my ear while Tahlia spoke.
‘You might not know it from what you’ve seen so far but neither me nor Flea are lesbians. Sure we enjoy when Denny goes down on us but we never return the favour, I don’t like pussy, nor does Flea. The difference between Flea and I is that she enjoys sexually tormenting our victims. Especially pretty white girls. I don’t know I guess it’s a race thing with her but you need to be very aware of what I told you earlier today, Flea fancies Carly and all it will take is one word from me and Carly could find herself in the same place as Dani today. Remember that. You see the difference between me and Flea is that I get drunk on the power. I’m not usually one for sexually assaulting girls. Like I know what you saw today says otherwise but that was all business. Dani was a means to an end of guiding you down the path I have.
I do everything for a reason Robbie. And it’s always to my own benefit. I don’t mind hurting people to get what I want. Did you notice I didn’t use Dani today to get myself off? I don’t need sexual assault on my rap sheet but I did ensure everyone else’s DNA was on her face. And I made damn sure that yours was last and freshest. You see, if I want someone to go down on me it will always be consensual with someone willing, like either you or Denny for example. I know in your mind you think I’m blackmailing you into this but we both know why you’re here. This is what you always fantasised about, isn’t it. Bullied when you were a little girl and now you fetishize it to deal with the trauma they put you through. Poor thing. But also, lucky thing!’
Tahlia burst out laughing with that. By now Denny had directed me to start kissing Tay’s labia. Unlike Denny, Tay’s are quite prominent and Denny instructs me to lightly kiss each side before taking the sensitive flesh into my mouth and suckling gently on them in turn. When Tay talks she sounds so in control, and at first I thought she was, but now as I worship, kiss and suck on her labia, it’s clear I am turning her on. Her moisture gathers initially at the top of her pussy but Denny has told me I am not to go anywhere near her clit until I am told I can.
‘I use my pussy now to overpower girls like you and Denny. The submissives that enjoy worshipping me this way are the lucky ones. I know you’re turned on by being forced to serve me like this, that’s why you came on to me the way you did this morning. This is exactly what you wanted. Of course there needs to be something in it for me, well besides the orgasms (laughter from them both this time), and I enjoy the fact that every time you see Carly sitting here eating her breakfast in future you will be reminded that it’s the same place my naked, sweaty ass marked her spot. You see Robbie, this is a power exchange moment right here. I told you what would happen this morning, didn’t I? I said I would take things from you. And from Carly. Well my naked arse on your dining table in the place where she eats is at least a pretty strong metaphor now for Carly’s new place in your life. Beneath me. Everything in your life is beneath me now... ‘
While Tay spoke Denny had whispered that I should start licking her clit now. And then as Tahlia spoke of metaphors and my place beneath her she moaned as she had her first little orgasm. Denny pulled my face away from her pussy as Tahlia breathed heavily above us before instructing me to start kissing the inside of her thighs again.
‘Hmm, that was nice Denny. Thank you baby.’
I looked up at Tay, why did she thank Denny for? I gave her the orgasm didn’t I? She peered back down at me, smiling,
‘You’re in training Robbie. It was Denny’s instruction that caused me to cum not you. Remember what Den and I spoke about when we were on the phone while you listened in? Well let’s make it formal shall we? I just told you that neither Flea nor I are lesbians. And surely you realise by now that while Denny is one of us, She is also our submissive little slave girl. She spends a lot of time making us cum and we spend absolutely no time doing the same thing for her. Sure she’s got a cute little pussy but that’s just not how we roll. So I got you for her as a present. That’s what we were talking about on the phone. You’re going to be her very own submissive!’
Tahlia clapped her hands excitedly,
‘I’m so happy, I’ve been wanting to get her someone like you for so long! I think you’ll both end up becoming friends or something, I don’t know, well I don’t know how you submissives think. I’m just thankful I didn’t end up like you two!’
I knew this was coming from what I had overheard them speak about on the phone. I had mixed feelings about it, well I’m not a lesbian either, and I certainly hadn’t fantasised about submitting to some schoolgirl like I had about Tahlia. And I guess there was a piece of me that resented being handed over as if though I actually am property. Tahlia spoke again,
‘Why the long face puppy?’
I looked back up at my bully from my position kneeling beneath her with her glistening pussy just inches from my face,
‘I’m sorry Tay, it’s just so much to take in. There is a sane part of my mind desperately wanting to get out of this entrapment. It’s not natural for a free adult Women like me to be just handed around between schoolgirls as you see fit. But then in that very sentence, there’s a part of me so aroused by this. I’m confused. I’m anxious. I’m dirty. I’m disgusted in myself for what happened with Dani. I really just want a shower to wash the entire day away.’
Tay smiled.
‘We’re not finished yet Robbie. There’s still a lot to do. A lot to talk about. My decision about Denny owning you is final. You’ll do everything she says. You will treat her word and any order she gives you the same as you would if it come from me. Denny may not be capable of physically and mentally punishing you in the ways I can but you must always remember where her loyalties lay. She knows my expectations of you and her and if she tells me at any time that you disobeyed her or said something or did something to upset her then she will tell me. It doesn’t even have to be truthful. I will believe Denny over you every single time. So make sure you keep her happy. Make sure you learn how to give her the most wonderful orgasms she desires. This is my one expectation of you with Denny. I owe her a lot and I intend to repay that debt with you Robbie. Am I making myself perfectly clear?’
I sadly nodded my head,
‘Yes Tay, that is clear.’
‘Good. Okay so you can go and have your shower. Take Denny with you. She needs one as well after the way she made me squirt my juices all over her face this afternoon. You are to shower together. Denny is in charge, and don’t take forever. If I have to come in and get you out you will both be sorry!’
Denny quite happily offered me a hand to stand back up from my kneeling position beneath Tay.
‘Don’t worry Sis, I’m not going to make you crawl around after me like Tay does, up you hop!’
So I have got to know Denny quite intimately over the past few weeks.
In private she calls me Sis though she is quick to point out that she is the older sister in our relationship. She says that as submissives we have to stick together like Sisters hence the nickname. Anyway, my relationship with Denny is perhaps the only aspect of everything that has happened since this all started that I have actually enjoyed and been able to relax about. It’s funny once you get to know someone what you learn about them. And I especially enjoy the building of new relationships, well consensual ones anyway!
My first reaction to Denny before I got to know her was that she is one of these Girls that always seems to be happy, smiling, eager to please, yet probably not all that intelligent either, in fact I probably thought she was a bit of a bimbo I guess you could say. I was terrified of her, same as I was with the other two, of course Tahlia held all the power, but Denny and Flea both also knew what I had done with Dani.
But since then I have seen been able to see Denny for who she truly is.
She is very pretty, curly light brown hair to her shoulders and with those beautiful blue eyes. Honestly, given how beautiful she is, she could have anyone she wants. Yet she was born a lesbian submissive, loves who she is, and doesn’t even look sideways at any of the men that glance her way. Her bright, airy attitude just lifts you up and takes you with her. I can’t help to feel better when I’m with her. I’m still learning about submissive relationships and having a Mistress and all that but when I’m with her everything feels a lot safer. There isn’t that constant threat that Tahlia or Flea represent either to myself or to my family. Just a constant need to be closer to her because, even though I know it is nonsense, I get the feeling that she might help to protect me from the other two.
With that said though, above all else she is fiercely loyal and loves Tahlia. And I mean that literally. She totally adores her. I can kind of understand that too. Tahlia is an exotic looking beautiful young Woman. She has this light brown skin complexion with dark brown hair and eyes to match. Her aboriginal heritage traced back through her Pacific racial background make for the most exotic genetics. And Denny genuinely enjoys Tahlia’s company and will do anything for her. Almost to a fault. But I do like that about her personality. And I’m certain someone as pretty as Denny would have nothing to do with an adult in her mid-thirties, especially a submissive girl like I’ve turned out to be, unless it was as a gift from Tay.
Back to that first day though I was still quite guarded around her. After all she is part of the group that is blackmailing me and threatening my daughter. She helped me up from my knees and told me to lead the way to the bathroom. Denny made our respective positions in this newly formed relationship with me as her submissive quite obvious as she had me undress her before myself, made me turn on the water to a temperature of her choosing, got in the shower first before inviting me in, and had me lather her entire body, including her very well developed breasts. As I washed her body, Denny spoke;
‘I’m so excited Tahlia is letting us play together like this Robbie. I’ve never really been dominant before so don’t expect I’ll be anything like Tay. Don’t get me wrong, clearly you have seen me top with what happened today to Dani, but I would never have done that if Tay hadn’t wanted me to. I think we can be like submissive sisters together, like you’ll always have to do what I say, but I want to teach you how to submit and enjoy your submission and make other people feel good. Also the most fun part for you is that as a submissive we often make the best dominants, you know, only because as a submissive I know exactly what I like and how I like to be treated and what turns me on most and I plan to use that knowledge so that we have a lot of fun together.
Also, I’m, like, totally approachable. So I can tell the same way as Tay can that this isn’t really what you wanted to happen when you submitted to her this morning. And she can seem really scary at times I know but the best thing is once you get to know her she totally isn’t! Anyway, I don’t want to use you like Tay does, that’s all I’m saying. I really hope we can be friends and you enjoy playing with me. Obviously the main thing Tay wants for us is for you to bring me pleasure, and I’m going to love to have someone do that for me without it seeming like I am cheating on Tay, but I want you to have fun as well, so we are more like lovers than the relationships I currently have in our group.’
I had finished sponging her by now and Denny held her hand out expectedly,
‘It’s your turn now silly! Whenever we’re lucky enough to shower together we will have to sponge each other and wash each other. We can’t have me being the only clean one! Now I reckon you’re actually quite sexy for your age sis but there are a few things I’d like you to do for me if that’s okay?’
She casually sponged my butt, getting right up between my legs before concentrating on washing my pussy.
‘I could see how aroused you were today Robbie. Poor Dani! You left her face in quite a mess! You should have seen the poor thing, like you didn’t squirt like Tay did to me but we could still see how turned on you were by it. Hold still I’m going to give this old pussy of yours a real good going over.’
CHAPTER 3: OWNEDThe travel through the wasteland proved to be uneventful. Though riders were spotted along the way, it did seem that word had somehow preceded the caravan and even a group of marauders did not wish to attempt an attack on a caravan with Goran leading the way.Once the caravan had reached the relative safety of the other side, as if they had traversed a treacherous open sea, Goran left Cat with the borsin while he finalized the negotiation for his services. Since the caravan...
My name is Mary. I have a husband, but am owned. I eagerly allow any man my master chooses to use my body to please himself. It doesn't matter that they all cum inside me because I'm already pregnant Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm pretty good looking, 35 years old, 5 foot 7 inches, 130 pounds, natural dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and enhanced 36 C breasts. I wasn't always a slut. For the first 30 years of my life every thing was quite normal. I was a very ordinary housewife and part...
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I didnt realised what it meant until it happens to me too, wearing cute panty and caught by a older str8 black guy at the parc . alone smoking my weed my sweat pant pull just enought for my pink flashy panty to be seenhe walk by me on the picnic table sit alone and smokingi smilled at him and he smile starting to walk towards mei never was this nervoushe sat and look at me''hi can i smoke with you? ''''yeah ok..''he took my weed and started smoking ''good weed, you smoke here alone late night...
Imbalance of Power By Ashley Stevens - You can't be serious. - Yeah, I am. We've got problems coming up. There are about 14m more males than females in the world at the moment, and 9m of those are in the category from 15-59. How can we have equal rights when we don't have even numbers? We'd lose every vote if it were on purely gender lines. - But what difference does that make; you never have any votes or anything, which are like the whole world. - Okay, bad example,...
It's amazing how hard it is to think logically when you're horny. I had the house to myself for the entire morning, a rarity anymore, and I was finally able to spend plenty of time in front of the computer searching my favorite porn sites. On a day like this, when I know my wife will be gone for hours and there is no chance of being disturbed, I like to take my time with things. I grab my lube, strip down and watch video after video, browse through stories, look at pictures, and try to make my...
The bar wasnt the best I knew, not even one of the best… It was just too conservative…it was so 21st century. Seemed like it was pulled out from a history book… The music didnt quite suite my taste, but since this was the only bar which only allowed humanoid races in, it was my regular hangout. I admit it, I dont like aliens. I just cant quite enjoy a drink while there is some kind of a squid thing sitting next to me and sucking in something that I dont even want to know what it is. I suppose...
The bar wasnt the best I knew, not even one of the best... It was just too was so 21st century. Seemed like it was pulled out from a history book... The music didnt quite suite my taste, but since this was the only bar which only allowed humanoid races in, it was my regular hangout. I admit it; I dont like aliens. I just cant quite enjoy a drink while there is some kind of a squid thing sitting next to me and sucking in something that I dont even want to know what it is. I...
I was 5'6" tall and 117 lbs. with a 34-24-34 figure, the longest and silkiest blonde hair, blue eyes and a face that looked a lot like Taylor Swift. Or, so people still say. My "B" cups were firm and perfectly-proportioned to my athletic body. I had been in ballet and cheerleading for many years, and I spent about 10 years of that time in gymnastics. There were 5 years where I modeled clothing in catalogs for large retail chains. Modeling was dry and bland. I knew that I could continue, but...
Krystal Sampson “When is Justin going to unpause time?” I asked, standing roughly where I believe that I was when he froze time to begin with. At least I thought it was the right section of my high school’s hallway. It was hard to remember after the naughty things I did. My cheeks burned from the shameful pleasure of eating out my time-frozen mother’s pussy full of my brother’s jizz. I couldn’t believe I enjoyed doing that. I was a hundred percent gay. Right? I definitely liked girls. And...
It didnt take long for her to get to Freds place. She looked at the normal sized home with a shabby lawn and heard loud music from coming inside. She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. THere was no answer. After numerous tries she decided to walk in. It didnt take her long to notice that the house was filled with guys who all looked about 18 and they all were drinking. Mindy saw beer everywhere. She decided to ask one of the guys (who all had no idea she had walked in) where...
Introduction: little mindy went to get her brother but got something else instead IT was getting late and Denise was worrying about her son Roger. He was 18 but Denise still thought that being out past Midnight was too late. He told her that he was going to a friends house. She knew that it must have been Freds house. Denise paced the room and was just about to grab her keys and go search for them when the phone rang. It was her brother in-law who had just brought her sister to the hospital....
101 ideas to make Your slave feel Owned (i.e. loved)1. Have her wear slave bells. The constant soft jingling of the bells is soothing and a certain reminder of her submission.2. When she has broken a rule, talk to her as you punish….and make her speak in detail about why what she did was wrong.3. Make her take her shoes off every day as soon as she enters your house.4. A beautiful, special collar will make any slave joyous. Take the time to select the right one, and have her wear it as often as...
Owned:He grabbed her wrists as she tried to move away. "Be still, he commanded. She still struggled. Slap. He backhanded her. She caught her breath and paused for a second to measure in her mind his new aggression. "Let me go," she pleaded. "Be quiet and be still," he commanded again. "You will do as I say." She looked at him with contempt and then jerked again, hoping to free herself from his grip but without success. Slap. He slapped her again. She was startled by his v******e. "I require...
I slid the keycard to the house into the little box and watched the dot turn from RED to GREEN. Just like a hotel. My heart was racing as I waked into the grand living room adorned with dark, deep, red curtains which covered the floor to ceiling windows. A fireplace stood against the far wall, next to a large, comfy looking couch. As I looked around I saw very little decor, but what I did see had a rather dark tone. Against the opposite wall from the fireplace there was a large collection of...
BDSMby Abe Froman(c) 2006The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature so if you are under 18 stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental.This story - from inspiration to final text - is courtesy of my muse and my Lady,...
This happened a few years back and honestly been craving and dying to let it happen again. So I answered an ad on craigslist about a Gloryhole nearby my place. One check that out and oh my God fucking One of the best blowjob I have ever had. I love it so much, I emailed him my number and told him to text me when he has his gloryhole up. And boy he hit me up every time and damn straight I went to him on a regular. After a few time letting him suck me dry I didn’t ask him I told him I wanted to...
First they discover BBC on porn site ..And they masturbate thinking about big black cocks fucking them ...And then ... one day they agree to a date with a black man ... and discovers their first big black cock ...With apprehension they suck their first big black cock ...Then comes the time of the first penetration ...They have never been penetrated like this .. so hard .. so intensely ...Then comes the moment of the first ejaculation in her ...Now they are blacked .. too late to go back .. They...
Chapter 1 In retrospect, bumper to bumper traffic on my way to work was the first sign that today was going to be a terrible day. For some reason or another, the state had a repair crew out there again, even though they were supposed to have finished months ago. I swear, sometimes it felt less like a road, and more like a construction site. Unfortunately, it was also the most direct route to work. I've never been one to believe in omens, but if I had the signs would have been clear....
Light rain had been drifting down from the heavens all morning. The dark, foreboding rain clouds above might actually be smoke, and the drizzle falling to the earth could be spurting from an emergency sprinkling system which had been set off due to it. However, the only trace of fire in the Green Hills Cemetery resided in Penelope Baker’s heart, which had been smouldering for two days straight. No amount of rain could extinguish the searing flames licking at her soul. In the sea of black...
The ruddy light in the cold stone room is dim, but it is enough to make out every detail of the cowering figure. He is nude save for a studded leather collar around his neck, slender and fragile, he is on his knees, enduring the wrath of his Mistress. Standing over him in a tight, black and blood-red corset, a tiny black skirt and high leather boots, her eyes snapping and crackling with barely-controlled savagery, her scarlet lips flickering between a sneer and a wicked smile, she resembles a...
Julian sighed. He had just gotten off the phone with his ex-wife, Stacey, who told him that she was taking the kids to the Gold Coast for the weekend, so he would not be seeing his kids on “his” weekend. Julian wondered why he even got his hopes up anymore. The last time he had seen his kids was almost 9 months ago on his daughter Abigail’s 8th birthday. Stacey had made the mistake of telling Abby that she could do “whatever she wanted” on her birthday this year. Abby said she had wanted to see...
Mind ControlThe ruddy light in the cold stone room is dim, but it is enough to make out every detail of the cowering figure. He is nude save for a studded leather collar around his neck; slender and fragile, he is on his knees, enduring the wrath of his Mistress. Standing over him in a tight, black and blood-red corset, a tiny black skirt and high leather boots, her eyes snapping and crackling with barely-controlled savagery, her scarlet lips flickering between a sneer and a wicked smile, she resembles a...
BDSMIf I had known how things might turn out from my position now beneath Tay, I would have pushed her foot away that was still pressing painfully on the side of my cheek grinding my face further into the dirt. Pushed her foot away, stood up, and marched straight back to my education department with a full report on how she had assaulted me. I would have recommended her immediate expulsion and had her file re-opened, the same file that the Board had examined when it recommended her re-instatement...
The StockadeWhen Mistress saw the stack of strangely cut boards in my closet and asked what they were for, I knew right away I was going to be rebuilding the stocks. I originally built them from discarded scraps from a construction site, and I didn’t even know whether or not my girlfriend at the time would want to use them, or not. We did for a time, though she preferred to have ME locked in them rather than visa versa. The wood is very rough and uneven, so rough that it would be easier to...
Rebecca had fallen on hard times. She had to put off school until she could afford it. So she decided to apply for the ad for a live in house keeper. It was at the house of Dr. Marshall Wilkins and his wife Shirley. They had a posh mansion with a huge gate around the enormous estate. Rebecca had heard of Dr. Wilkins. He was a radical psychiatrist, and had an extremely successful practice. She stood at the doorway with her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to slow her breathe so that...
My name is Mark, until today I lived pretty much an average life. I am happily married for many years with grown up c***dren. I am self-employed and work from home, my wife has a good paying job at an insurance company. We are not rich but what I would consider comfortable.Recently I have been getting I guess you would call it curious about certain male/male relationships, to be exact I fantasize about sucking a cock. On day a couple of months ago I responded to a classified ad from a young gay...
I am a mid 30's fairly attractive male who has always been Bi-Curious. I prefer women but have always wanted to suck a cock. My biggest fantasies are a MFM threesome and to be used and dominated by a group(female or male). I have seen many guys sucking other guys off and getting it up the ass at Adult Bookstores but have always chickened out.Well, one night I got up the courage and decided to go down to the Adult bookstore. I got out of the car and went inside. I got some tokens and went back...
Vera got through the next couple of days almost in a trance. Conversation with Frank was minimal, she tried to stay out of his way as much as possible. On the Thursday evening, Frank had been at the pub all evening, finally staggering in just after eleven and going straight to bed. Vera waited half an hour, hoping he would be sound asleep by the time she joined him.She crept into the room, silently undressing. She was about to slip her nightdress over her head when she froze as Frank turned...
It was an early summer evening and I was taking the train home from work. Opposite me there was lady who looked like a corporate exec. She was late twenties with well kept shoulder length blonde hair and reading through what looked like legal papers of some kind. The only thing that looked slightly out of place was that her skirt was a little shorter than I might have expected. In fact as I tried to discretely check out her legs, she crossed them and the darkened hem of a stocking top was...
It was around 7:00pm on a Saturday when I felt that feeling a bottom knows well. My hole began to twitch and hunger for a hard cock. I decided that I would head downtown Toronto to steamworks. I showered and cleaned myself out and was out the door.I arrived around 8:30 paid for a room and headed inside. I went to my room quickly undressed and pushed some lube into my hole trying to get it nice and deep.I went out and walked around the halls to see how busy it was. Lots of various guys around. I...
I will start out by telling you I am a mid 30's married male who has a pretty good sex life but one day I got the urge to call my ex and see if she was interested in seeing me again since I would be on a business trip in her area. She said she was and could I come over Friday night but I would need to come up to the back door and to make sure I took off all my clothes on the porch before I walked in. Wow, I was going to get some of her hot ass and I was excited. I finished my business Friday...
I can only nod. A tear of expectation rolls down my cheek. Your lips touch mine again and I readily accept your invitation to entwine our tongues. Salival sweetness once more touches my taste buds and euphoria takes me. My worldly existence holds no interest anymore whilst my hands once more wander your body. Following the ribs of your corset up, I recup your breasts so as to regain the feeling of joy. Sliding my hands around your chest and down to your buttocks, the same roundness has the same...
My name is Sam Thompson and I’m 56 years old. I have been married to my second wife for 5 years. She is 27 and incredibly sexy with large natural tits and a very tasty ass, both literally and figuratively. I had lost all interest in sex with her after she had an affair in our first year of marriage which went on for some time. Additionally, I was sure there were others which she never denied. I often ask her if I could watch other men fuck her. She would say, yes, but it hasn’t happened. The...
It seemed to take forever but Saturday finally arrived. I was so excited about going to the theater with my uncle tonight that I had a hard time focusing at school the past couple days. During breakfast my mom asked me if I was still planning on going to the movies with my uncle, I nodded yes. "So what movie are you going to see?" she asked. I had already anticipated this question and had looked in the movie listings in the paper. I responded with the name of a scary movie that I knew she...
As summer turned to fall and fall to winter our chances became fewer and he hatched the plan to take me to the movies at the local mall on Saturday around noon when almost no one was at the first matinee, take me to a corner of the theater where it was dark and have me play with his cock and suck him while he undid my pants, shoved his hand inside and played with my asshole. He came to me with this plan at first and told me that this was what we were going to do, he didn't ask me or suggest...
I slid the keycard to the house into the little box and watched the dot turn from RED to GREEN. Just like a hotel. My heart was racing as I waked into the grand living room adorned with dark, deep, red curtains which covered the floor to ceiling windows. A fireplace stood against the far wall, next to a large, comfy looking couch. As I looked around I saw very little decor, but what I did see had a rather dark tone. Against the opposite wall from the fireplace there was a large collection of...
You're taken by surprise as a fairy appears in front of you while you're home alone. "Hello dear human" she says. She's stunningly beautiful and has blonde hair. "I've decided to make you my slave!"
Mind ControlLife is simple for you married with children. But as you know life is never simple or straight forward you remember the day you made the "MISTAKE". Life was simple my wife worked away a lot most daily interactions involved caring for our now teenage son Ryan. He was a good lad and he's done well for himself getting a girl like Rebecca. They share a room in our house we don't mind her staying over after all they are both 18 and seemed to have sex a lot something i was lacking right now. Well it...
BDSMYou don't remember much, mind caught in a dark and distant haze of unrelated events. Maybe you were walking alone at night, or maybe you were studying in the dark corners of a library. Pieces of your life crackle in your mental grasp, crumbling apart the more desperate you become to reach them, flickering as if they may fade away entirely. There's an echo of darkness in your mind, pitch black with impossibly darker shadows swirling at the edges. Words are fuzzy, incomprehensible, as they fall...
I used to see her everyday at work. I'm an executive at a large insurance company and she is one of the secretaries. But she'd captured my attention every time. She was beautiful. Her green eyes, her long black hair, her chocolate skin, her curvaceous ass, her luscious tits, all bound together in a gorgeous frame. I had wanted to ask her out but our racial difference made it difficult; I didn't think she'd cross that barrier too easily. That's why I asked a good black friend of mine to set us...
Ok so please go easy this is our first story to share so i am not sure how people explain these things but i wanted to share my horny and interacial holiday experience now before i start if you are offended by racial insults please do not be offended i love racial play and i love paki and nigger dicks i love to fuck them and i love them to racialy abuse me so again please do not be offended. Anyways it all started last year me and my partner decided to take a holiday to tenerife just the two...
Honey we have to talk I found some disturbing things in your computer today when I went to use it because mine was broken. after I log onto your computer I saw your favorites porn sites not just regular porn sites but chicks with dicks gay sites and girls with strap-ons fucking guys. so is that what you're into you like seeing dicks up men's asses and maybe your ass. that explains why you're not interested in fucking my pussy anymore you're too busy watching this disgusting porn. well mister...
Long day as I reach out to you and I reach out to you after you have been at home drinking I’m invited over for some drinks we take a couple shot and toss back a few beers now drunk and horny you catch me looking at the bulge in your pants, you throw a few more drinks my way and we call it a night . Days later I’m fucked up and we bump into each other so I ask for a ride home as I can’t even walk into the house by myself you walk me in. I fumble with the key as we get to the door, telling you I...
Baby Joe had always known since was in the seventh-grade and his gynecomastia, which is the condition that cause female looking breasts in males, never went away at the age most boys were already starting to see the androgen clock in to make them look like men. At the same, Baby Joe’s ass had begun to plump up and his hips started spreading wider. He had been effeminate since before he could remember and now he was developing a body to match. At that tender age, the k** raised by a single...
Last night his fingers played with my puss while he kissed me wildly, holding my hair tight in his grip, his lips nearly devouring me alive all while he probed gently teasingly at my puss. Getting me wetter than ever. Sliding his fingers on me gently, playing in my wetness. Bringing string after string to my clit, gently covering it, stroking my lips, slipping his middle finger gently between my lips and then down to my puckered ass. Sliding wildly all over my sensitive areas, never relenting...
Chapter 1 Cindy was enjoying the pussylicking she was receiving from her mom Joyce , she loved her old lady's tongue on her tongue. Meanwhile her boyfriend / master Todd was receiving head from a local stripper named Monique Gomez , who was 5ft 10 with big fake tits & fat ass . The 47 year old slut was deepthroating the monster penis & Cindy couldnt wait to eat the bare cunt . Monique was super sexy , & Todd had just gave her a super load of jism all over her face. Both Cindy & her momJoyce...
As I left school I saw Sandra, one of my pupils at the gate with 2 large cardboard boxes. She was struggling holding them and trying to walk down the street. I pulled up and offered her a lift. She gratefully accepted and directed me to what I assumed was her address. On arrival I helped her with the boxes. She led the way to the front door and I followed with the 2 boxes. She opened the door and asked me to put the boxes into the next room. I entered the dimly lit room and suddenly felt a...
She lured me in with the simplest, more direct of invitations. I was at a rather good party while not in the best of moods, so I hadn't really gotten into the vibe of the music or the conversation. All that I had gotten convincingly into was a rather good bottle of bourbon. I was leaning against a column, off to the edge of the impromptu dance floor, letting the taste of the whisky linger in my mouth while I ogled a few of the more attractive women guests. All of this contributed to my...
My wife and I are in our early 40s, with a couple of kids...we are the typical american married suburban couple, with the white picket fence. Picture the women on "Desperate Housewives" (minus the "desperate and slutty" part), and that's us. My wife is just what you'd educated, former sonority girl, clean cut and all-American looking wife-next-door. She is also still very attractive in her early 40s....brunette with enhanced D-cups, nice figure, beautiful face. She is, however,...
InterracialYou couldn't believe you had done it. You had been thinking about asking for a open relationship for awhile but you were always too nervous. You figured your partner would be hurt and upset and it would lead to a big fight. It was growing more and more on your mind until it finally came out. Your partner wasn't upset like you feared, just a little confused. After you had a conversation about it they will still a bit unsure (or so they said) but were willing to give it a try.
Here's that explanation story I promised. Too bad to end this part of the continuum, though the story continues in a different form, well, you'll see. But Kristie Ann's gimmick can only work so long and the Ashley part of it, well, I didn't want to stretch that any more. And the darkness has to lift at some point. Once again, it helps if you've read the previous stories in the continuum. Balancing The Equation By Wolverine Someone finally realized there was a problem at Arelyn V....
Balancing Act By Magentashadow Lord Transformtrix coalesced quietly into existence high above the planet called Earth. Humanoid in appearance, the strange being looked like a perfect blend midway between male and female. His/Her body seemed to be an anthropomorphic version of the yin/yang symbol come to life. Her top right side a right white, his lower left an inky black. Slowly the black and white, and the male and female in the being changed as if the yin/yang symbol it seemed to...
It was the usual procedure - swim so far in one direction and then over and back, looking up, down and around. At least the water was clear - better than that mucky shit in the river. Bob's zone was the farthest out from the suspected area and he had made 5 passes before he decided to go deeper. He was at 30 feet and had made two passes when he looked up. What he saw almost made him gasp. It was nothing less than a vision - an angelic vision. The sun was directly overhead and the...