Dynasty And Destiny; Book 6 Of Poacher's ProgressChapter 21: Secrets And Liars free porn video

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It was a sombre party that left Walton Grange the following morning.
I gave an edited version of the previous day’s events before we left the Grange, and Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent was moved to tears when learning of the death of Captain Hutton, or perhaps it was learning of the death of the man she knew as Captain Wilhelm Erzählenmann.

“I shall inform the King of Captain Hutton’s sacrifice, Sir Elijah.” She said.

“Perhaps you could present the Petition from the Artisans of Birmingham at the same time, Your Royal Highness? Captain Hutton was always a supporter of fair play, and of the views of the Petitioners.”
I knew both statements were true.
The Duchess looked at me with narrowed eyes. “I acceded to the demand, –request, of those unter – artisans, and I am a woman of her word, Sir Elijah.”

“I have never doubted that for one moment, Madam.” I bowed, took her hand, kissed it, and then took my leave.

I was about to hand Mimi up into the coach she shared with Claudette, the Duchess of Kent’s ladies maid Gerda, and Baroness Louise Lehzen, when she stopped and turned to face me.

“Caroline said she saw you talking to Uncle Callum yesterday when the Royal Party was leaving Tewkesbury Abbey.”
Caroline-Domina was always the more observant of the twins.

“Yes, he was on his way to Bristol, but did not have time to stay the night at Walton Grange. We shall meet up with him in Bristol later.”

“What is he doing in Bristol?”
A fair question, to which I only gave a half answer.
Mimi then fixed me with a look I can only describe as lewd.

“Did he bring you any of Professor Potter’s Potent Prowess Providing Potion, my love?”
“Why would I need Professor...”
This time her look was a combination of love, lust, and lechery.

“Trust me, Jacques, you will have need. I know you have had much on your mind during this Royal Progress, which is why I have been quite gentle with you when making The Beast. But now, with the assassin dead, you can relax, and I can be more inventive, passionate, and feral. You best be in good fettle, as I am going to take you to the very brink of depravity, and of your strength, my love.”
Her lips descended on mine, and her tongue invaded my mouth.
She literally took my breath away. Eventually, after devouring my mouth and damn near swallowing my tongue, she unfastened her sucking lips from mine.

“Consider that un aperitif, sweetheart.” She climbed into the coach, and then blew me a kiss from the window as the vehicle started off.

I mounted my horse and made my way along the Gloucester Road, my mind filled with the delight of being married to a woman like Mimi Renoir.
Of the three ‘Blanchard Girls’ – as I referred to Mimi, Chloe, and Matilde – she was the one I had thought to be the most restrained and ‘sensible’. Chloe, Matilde, and Annette Blanchard, had all been my lovers, and each had an underlying sensuality that bordered on the dissolute, at times delving into debauchery. I had thought Mimi above that type of conduct, possibly because of her having a child, but more likely because she always appeared to be in control of her emotions. That she had acted like a whore after learning of the death of my first wife, Caroline, came as a complete surprise, but her aberrant behaviour could be blamed on the mental distress she was suffering at the time.
However, after our marriage, I discovered Mimi possessed a similarly voracious appetite for fornication as did her sister Chloe, her cousin Matilde, and her aunt Annette, but had not as yet shown their predisposition for debauchery. From her conversation earlier it seemed that Mimi was about to demonstrate she too shared the family’s enthusiasm for unbridled lasciviousness.

Inwardly I smiled. How fortunate I had included several bottles of Professor Potter’s potion in my knapsack. After The Progress Mimi and I would be spending several months in Grantham. Mimi was more adventurous when making love at ‘Coromandel’ than at Blanchards, and still more so than at Monmouth House, and I thought it prudent to have a cache of the potion at hand in case I was unable to satisfy her more extreme demands.
To date I had manged to keep up with her appetite for copulation without the need of stimulants, but Mimi was at least ten years my junior, and if her wantonness became excessive I would be hard put to keep up with her wishes.

An unpleasant thought then entered my head. Mimi, Chloe, Matilde, and Annette, were all descended from the same sire as was Eloise de La Zouche.
All thoughts of galloping my desirable and enthusiastic wife vanished.
In my mind I was transported back to the room in the tower of Tewkesbury Abbey, with Erzählenmann holding a loaded crossbow, and my family on a platform within range of a crossbow bolt.
Every year I received a birthday ‘greeting’ from Eloise de La Zouche containing veiled threats to my family. Last November the note had promised me ‘unimagined delights when you are free of your encumbrances.‘.

I was convinced Eloise de La Zouche had paid Erzählenmann to kill my wife and daughters. Her intent was obvious. The destruction of my family would herald the beginning of a relationship betwixt her and I, and that destruction had been planned for yesterday. However, my death was not part of the plan; Eloise wanted me alive, to suffer the loss of my family for a second time.
Erzählenmann must have been in two minds how to deal with me when I burst into the room in Tewkesbury Abbey. If he had killed me then Eloise would not have gained her revenge, and might have withheld the major part of his fee. He must have planned to wound me, and then carry out the devilish work of murdering my family. His indecision had led to his death.

I was wondering if my family were still in danger from Eloise de La Zouche when Humphrey Appleby rode up alongside me. I was glad of his company as it drove out the unpleasant thoughts from my mind.

“You made a strong argument for Captain Hutton’s widow to have a pension comparable to the hero he undoubtedly was,” he said.

“Only right and proper, Humph. The man died saving the life of our future Queen.”

“I shall ensure a grant of pension or gratuity is swiftly passed through the Treasury. Missus Hutton shall have no need to scrimp and scrape for the rest of her life, and Hutton’s son will be able to return to his Public School. Do you know which one?”

“Oundle, I think.”

“Oundle! We certainly can do better for the lad than that. I would suppose the boy will follow his father into the army, and his Mama would prefer he attend Eton, Rugby or Harrow, the army being where most graduates from those three, greatly over- rated, centres of Academia, end up. Nonetheless, the boy should be given a choice of careers, and I shall have a word with the Master of Winchester. Wykehamists are more suited to a career in the Civil Service rather than in the army. The former puts a premium on brain rather than on brawn.”

“I take it you are a Wykehamist, Humph?”
“Indeed I am. Something for which I am eternally grateful, as I am for being born English.” He glanced at me with a smile on his face. “You have a keen intellect, Jack, what centre of learning did you attend?”

“The local grammar school in Grantham. The King’s School is not quite in the same league as Winchester and its ilk.”

“Nonetheless, it has as an alumnus the great Sir Isaac Newton.”

“I am surprised you know where Sir Isaac went to school.” I said, but then recalled that even Madam Juliana Hainaut, teaching rustic youths in a small village in Flanders, was aware of Sir Isaac Newton’s school.

He pursed his lips in thought. “It was a great moment in the history of the world when the apple fell on Sir Isaac’s head, and he then pondered on the force which had caused it to fall. I would imagine he shouted out in a similar manner as did Archimedes, ‘Eureka’.”
I leaned from my saddle and whispered in Humphrey Appleby’s ear what Isaac Newton had actually said when struck by the apple.
Humph damn near fell off his horse with mirth. He let out a tremendous roar of laughter that so startled his horse it reared, bucked, and twisted, all in one continuous movement. The majority of riders would have been thrown by such a manoeuvre, I certainly would have been, but Humphrey effortlessly kept his seat, and gentled the horse.
I congratulated him on his superb horsemanship. He actually blushed at my praise.

“I was riding before I could walk. My Pa was Master of Foxhounds of The Quorn, and I was riding to hounds at twelve years of age – got bloodied on my fourteenth birthday, and also lost my virginity to one of the parlour maids – quite a day.”
The Quorn Hunt is the oldest established pack of fox hounds in England, and hunts in Leicestrshire and parts of Nottinghamshire, which would explain the trace of an East Midland accent I could detect in Appleby’s speech.
He had paused in remembrance of the day of his fourteenth birhday, whether in memory of the blooding or the loss of his virginity was made clear by his next statement.
“Pretty little Polly Perkins from Paddington Green taught me more that day, and night, than all the years I spent at Winchester.”

“I doubt Pythagoras’ Theorem was part of her syllabus,” I said.

“No, but something I have used more often than that theorem: how to gain the confidences, and madges, of females.”
I stared at him. Humphrey Appleby did not strike me as a ladies’ man.
He was the epitome of nondescript. Everything about him was indeterminate; height, build, age, hair colour, eye colour, voice, manner – there was nothing about him that struck you at first glance. He was the sort of cove you could be alone in a room with and not notice him, although I must admit when he spoke he commanded both attention and respect.

He saw my look of amazement and smiled. “I know you think me a dried up old scribe with only ink in my veins. I might have developed into such a figure had not Polly told me the sure way to be a success with female. It is quite simple. Regard females as sentient human beings and not as a something to be pursued, possessed, owned, and disregarded. And always listen to what they have to say.”

We rode in silence for some time as I digested this information.

“I am about to divulge something that I ask you keep to yourself, Sir Elijah.”
Humphrey Appleby’s formal mode of address made me sit up and take notice.

“I know how to keep a secret, Mister Appleby,” I said, responding in a like manner.
He grinned. “Well that’s good to know, Jack.” He paused before posing a question. “Why do you imagine I am with the Royal Progress?”
I shrugged. “Something to do with the Home Office I warrant, although for the life of me I cannot see what role you play.” I then remembered something he had said the day before on the road to Tewkesbury.
“But you are temporarily attached to the Home Office from the Treasury, so I expect you are ensuring government money is not being squandered during The Progress.”
“Yes, that is my cover, but I am really gathering information from those Great Houses where the Royal Party stays more than a night – particularly Mount Bank Hall, Rougemont Manor, and Blandon Hall.”

“Information gathering? Are you a member of MI6?”
He shook his head. “No, but I often liaise with that department, as well with MI5, and the Metropolitan Police, but my department is separate from them...”

“How many damned information gathering departments are there? There should only be one instead of several, who sometimes fail to pass vital information between themselves.”

“My sentiments exactly, Jack, but we have to deal with the system in place. Each Government department fights its corner when it comes to information gathering. I work in the financial investigation office of the Treasury...”

“Why does The Treasury need an intelligence gathering office?” I said.
Then something Sir Boris Crossley had said some time ago stirred my memory.

He had proposed a method where a resurrected Relocation Bureau could be maintained without funding from a Government department, by the simple expedient of a clandestine office in the Treasury diverting a percentage of revenue gathered from negligent taxpayers.
Boris had titled this unit the ‘Reclamation Office’, and suggested that coercion of those who were remiss in paying their full tax would bring in much needed revenue, keep the Chancellor of the Exchequer happy, and unaware, or care, how the money was raised.
Was Appleby part of this undercover department? Should I reveal to him what Boris had divulged?
I decided to keep my thoughts to myself, and instead paid attention to what Humphrey was saying.
“A country’s strength is measured by its wealth, Jack. Remember that the Prime Minister is also designated The First Lord of the Treasury. Taxes are the life blood of a government’s finances, and when Income Tax was introduced by William Pitt the Younger a department was set up to ensure people were paying the amount of tax proportional to their income.”

“So you are checking to see if the owners of those Great Houses are stumping up their correct tax revenue? How do you go about discovering that information?”

“I shall answer the second question first, Jack.”

He paused, marshalling his thoughts. “I use the skills developed from Polly Perkin’s advice on how to ingratiate myself with females. My targets are carefully chosen. Not the grand ladies of the house, nor the young housemaids, but the more senior members of a household; housekeepers, cooks, governesses. Mature ladies, usually widows, who are still active in the galloping stakes but are not taken over the fences as often as they would like. Once I have their confidence I probe them – that is after probing their honey pots – for tittle-tattle concerning the master of the house. What guests he has entertained, what was said, and what sort of entertainment was enjoyed. Bits and bobs, straws in the wind, random scraps of information, that can be fitted together and a pattern identified.”

Same as Dynasty and Destiny; Book 6 of Poacher's Progress
Chapter 21: Secrets and Liars Videos

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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse’s cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies. Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

3 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 22 Date With Destiny

Saturday October 29 My eyes blinked open, and I moaned. And not the good type of moan like I made last night, but the moan an old man must utter when every part of him aches. My Vitamin T had worn off, and I hadn’t taken a pain pill before going to bed last night. I decided to get up and cringed when my whole right side decided it might cramp up. Duke lay at the side of the bed, where he’d slept last night. He gave me a look that said it was too early. “Hey, Buddy. Go get me a pain pill,...

2 years ago
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Interview With Destiny

Interview with Destiny By Cassandra Morgan This was destiny, I kept telling myself. And I was Destiny. At last. All along, it was supposed to end up this way. I never had a chance. People always thought that I was surrounded by rainbows, and now I was going to be. They knew it all the time. I stuck my left toe into my pantyhose and pulled them over my smooth leg. This was nice, almost liquid in texture. I smoothed the hose over my calf. I smiled. I put my right foot in, like...

3 years ago
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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse's cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies.Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

3 years ago
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Facing Destiny Pt 2 of 2

Darkniciad melted into the kiss, lost in the feeling of her soft lips. She pressed her body against his and he subconsciously followed her lead when her other hand slipped behind his back. Even as he marveled at the feeling of her tongue slipping into the kiss to tickle his lips, one of his hands curled around her back, and the other settled on the swell of her taut bottom.Destiny moaned, pulling herself even tighter against him. Then, as suddenly as she’d moved in for the kiss, she pulled...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Destiny City

Destiny City Foreword: I hate smartphones. I know that doesn't sound like something you'd expect from your typical four year old. Anymore children practically come out of their mommies with some sort of electronic device in their hands. I'm not a typical child, just like any other Destiny City child. Before I get into that I guess I should tell you why I hate smartphones. Like any other, "how I got from there to here story" mine starts a little over a year ago. Four year old...

4 years ago
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By the Personnel Book Pattis Destiny

By the (Personnel) Book - Chapter 5 By some aggressive flirting and a little luck, I had succeeded in pushing by my encounter with Ken Anderson to the next day, but I knew that the respite was only temporary. The best thing I had going for me was that the changes forced upon me - the porn star breasts, lips and other plastic surgery, combined with dramatic makeup and clothing -- had an unintended effect. To put it crudely, my appearance made men go hard and women get wet. And...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

1 year ago
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Its Your Destiny

It's your Destiny This is a story I started cooking up as my first TG story many years ago. It is now vastly different, as was Wildfire, and Hiding in plain sight. My last attempt at a normal story was a disaster, so I have to go with the kind of thing I love to write. I am working on stories based on the Highlander universe, as well as the Star Trek one, but this story just won't stay away. Hopefully, you will enjoy it, I awoke with a start to my alarm clock. It was time...

2 years ago
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The Sands of Destiny 2

*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. members.home.net/dow75stories The Sands of Destiny, 2) Family Crisis By Ron Dow75 [email protected] [ Note: This story is only ? completed. I have published it in the hope that someone can help me kick-start it again. I know how the technology works, it's the action visuals I'm having trouble...

4 years ago
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DestinyChapter 1

I was jogging in the park one morning sweating in my nice new outfit on a lovely sunny day. The trail led through the forest which presented a variety of wonderful smells like pine and some floral scent I couldn't identify but I loved it. Suddenly, I noticed a guy running along beside me. I almost panicked before he smiled and asked, "Are you Destiny?" What a relief. Maybe my heart missed a beat and I'm sure that my look of surprise gave me away. I managed to gasp, "Yes, and you're...

2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

3 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

3 years ago
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Its Your Destiny part two

It's Your Destiny Part 2 Thank you for the positive responses to Part one. I'm afraid that there won't be any cheerleading in this one, although a dream of being one has always been in the back of mine. Not that I wouldn't do it, but it just doesn't fit in this story. I have enjoyed a number of books and movies over the years that show that the line between what we consider great fiction in our world and whether there is a place where it really exists in another dimension can be...

3 years ago
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DestinyChapter 4

They had plenty of space between my room and Dad's to have complete privacy. I opened the computer and stared at the opening screen. As I reflected, I had practically forced them into an arranged courtship. Did I do the right thing? What would you do if she came to live with us? I let that question play out a while. Is she going to stay with me while he's gone? Is Tyler? Yeah, I was confused. She told you many times that she had no interest in getting married. I forced myself to...

2 years ago
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DestinyChapter 2

In a few more minutes, I stopped crying and had to get serious. I took out my nifty makeup case that Charlene gave me. The local merchants gave her a bunch when she won the title and she gave me four. I gasped when I found out how much regular people had to pay for them. I fixed my face and stayed in the restroom until after the class bell rang. I went quickly to the nurse to get a tardy slip, telling her about my period being a surprise. The last time I used that excuse, it was a physical...

3 years ago
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DestinyChapter 5

After my successful two-hour study session it was time to organize dinner from leftovers and the new delivery that would be coming. I really was getting better at focusing on work after a good fucking. When the doorbell rang, I figured it was Charlene. She came in with her overnight bag smelling sexy — almost depraved — to give me a hug. I said, "I'll have to get you a key, Mom. No reason for you to knock anymore." "I'd be afraid to use it. What if he had someone here?" She looked in...

3 years ago
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DestinyChapter 10

After starting the picnic with the company video, Amanda paired us with our trainees for a few minutes to go over the daily checklist. Tyler picked the girl named Sherree, the one with the best figure, and took her to the outside table. Why not? I took the male named Dylan to sit on adjoining chaise lounges. Bill and Charlene picked the other two and went inside to find a place to work. Dylan stood about six feet, looked strong, smiled a lot, and was in my class. In our interviews, I noticed...

2 years ago
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It has been said that there are three steps to happiness - step 1 find out who we are, step 2 - accept who we are and step 3 - be who we are. For many of us, this is straightforward but for some, the changes needed to complete each step are far reaching and life changing. It's then that we need Destiny to do her job. Destiny is a funny thing. For most of the time, we don't even notice her. It's as if she's sitting in the background, quietly minding her own business until she...

1 year ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

2 years ago
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Erics Destiny

Introduction: I had no idea my best friends fater was in love with me… My name is Destiny. When my parents told me that they would be out of town for a whole week, my first reaction was excitement. However, upon further pondering, I realized that I had never been left alone for a whole night, much less a weekend. I hid my nervousness from my parents, after all, I was supposed to be old enough for that stuff. Luckily, my best friend Brittany lived next door with her dad (who was my dads best...

4 years ago
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Wand Book and Candle Part 1

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 1 By Elliot Reid "If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me; I had it from my father." I snapped the book shut, eyes unfocusing from the text. With my fingers I massaged my temples, kneading tension away. I was approaching my birthday with mixed feelings. In two days I'd be sixteen. I'd have crossed another threshold. Would I feel more grown-up? I looked over at the stack of comic books by my bed, beside the Joseph Campbell and the Homer that I was...

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Erics Destiny

I was okay for most of the first day, keeping busy by eating and watching television. When the sun set, my stomach sank. I tried not to think about how dark it was outside, and how alone I was. The quiet of the room started screaming at me, and I knew I had to get out. The cool air blew threw my thin pajamas when I walked over to Brittany's house. I looked down and realized my nipples were struggling against the thin fabric, and I hoped that Brittany's dad was already asleep to avoid some...

2 years ago
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DestinyChapter 6

Some days I surprise myself. I lined up the food service. We could eat a decent meal and not cause Tyler or Paul to go bankrupt. Eating at home, I could serve us wine. The TV was paid for, I had the network code, so if we wanted a racy movie, I could rent it. So for the price of the gas to drive over here, Tyler and Paul would have an evening to remember. I think Tyler likes to look at Charlene's naked body as much as I do. If Paul joined the group play, we'd all have a wonderful date. I...

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Destiny Allison and Bailey

I waited by the stall door when, finally she opened it. As she turned the corner and faced me I slapped her pretty white face, knocking her into the stall wall. She hit it with a thump and passed out. I stood there gazing at her beautiful 15 year old body, well developed for her age. She had double c tits and a big firm ass. She had blonde hair the fell about halfway down her back. She wore black tights that showed off her ass and a small OU shirt that revealed her cleavage. I walked over...

2 years ago
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A Correct DestinyChapter 7

Jo, from the right hand seat, brought the A-300 down gently on Mather's Runway 22L with only the slightest of thumps. It was 6:02 AM, exactly the time she'd put on the flight plan for arrival, and the sun was still forty-four minutes away from broaching the eastern horizon. Runway lights whizzed by outside as the nose wheel touched down and she transitioned from flying an aircraft to driving a ground vehicle. She deployed the reverse thrusters to slow them down as a matter of course, even...

3 years ago
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DestinyChapter 11

On the way to school, I asked him, "What did you say to Mom when she came down to breakfast?" "I said that I wish she could be a participant rather than a spectator and that I wanted to play that game with her." She turned red, and said, "Thank you, Tyler." "Good for you. I like it when you crowd her a little. I know it makes her feel good, even though she knows that she should be playing with someone older. I hope you can get her over that hump." Monday always had more potential...

2 years ago
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Wand Book and Candle Part 3

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 3 By Elliot Reid I hefted the 'phone, punched in the long-distance number and tried to ease back in the chair by my computer. My head, cushioned by a mass of unfamiliar hair, rested against the wall as I tilted back. I was cocooned in the femme pinkness of my bedroom, still glowing from my pool encounter with Tisha. As soon as I had gotten back I'd shucked off the starched school clothes. Having spent the day prancing around in my hot...

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