Rotlicht indian porn

4 years ago
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Rotlicht Reportage

Julia stürmte wütend aus der Tür. Der Chefredakteur war ja wohl so etwas von arrogant. Sie hatte sich um ein Praktikum bei einem der wichtigsten Nachrichtenmagazine beworben. Damit wollte sie während ihres gerade angefangenen Journalistikstudiums ein paar Erfahrungen in der Praxis sammeln. Bisher hatte sie nur für die Schülerzeitung ihres Gymnasiums geschrieben. Sie hielt sich für gut vorbereitet auf das Gespräch und hatte sich zusätzlich auch noch extra hübsch angezogen. Doch der Chefredakteur...

4 years ago
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Mein Weg in die Zuh lterei Part II

Danach ist Davor… Seit meinem geilen Erlebnis auf dem Rastplatz mit den ganzen Truckern, was für mich durchaus sehr erregend war, sind schon wieder 2 Wochen vergangen… Was aber das Wichtigste von allem für mich ist…von alle dem Haben bis heute, Gott sei Dank, waren ja meine Eltern an diesem Wochenende zu Freunden gefahren und somit hatten meine Eltern überhaupt nichts mitbekommen… Er machte dabei seinem Namen als mein „Beschützer“ durchaus alle Ehre …Das war für mich diesbezüglich doch sehr...

1 year ago
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L auml szlig t sie sich auf die Spiele

Da ich zur Zeit keine Geschichte fertig kriege, mal wieder eine alte. Diese ist von 2004. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich sie schon mal veröffentlicht hatte, aber wenn, dann im Greyarchive.Mit der Kategorie bin ich mir nicht so sicher, es will eigentlich keine so recht passen, aber nach dem englischen „NonConsent/Reluctance" scheint mir „nicht festgelegt" am Besten.Wer keine Beschreibungen von Sex oder moderate Gewalt mag, bitte doch woanders hingehen, das www ist schließlich groß genug.An einem...

4 years ago
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Die Englische Gouvernante

Zu "CAPEM?DEL" gab mir Reniar einen interessanten Rat: Belass es beim Anfang - dann k?nne jede(r) in der eigenen Phantasie selbst entwickeln, wie's weitergehen solle! Dort zwar soll ich laut Wunsch der Mehrheit weitermachen - aber gerade so einen Auftakt kann ich Reniar auch bieten: Das war n?mlich mal ein Experiment, ob sich - im Stil etwa der "Lady- Thrillers" a la Mary Steward usf.. - eine Art "TG-Roman f?r Nicht-TGs" schreiben lie?e, in dem sich die Leserin unwillk?rlich mit der...

1 year ago
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Eine Germanistikstudentin geht weiter auf den Strich

Die Zeit in der Bahn verflog. Julia schrieb in feiner Handschrift über ihre letzten Monaten. Sie schrieb darüber, wie sie Dina, ihre Nachbarin bewundert hatte, wie sie mit ihrem Schreiben ins Stocken, mit sich in Zwiegespalt geraten war, wie der Auftrag durch Professor Sebag authentischer zu werden, sie ins Rotlichtmilieu geführt hatte, ohne dass sie sich für das Rotlichtmilieu bewusst entschieden hätte. Nein, es hatte sie eher dorthin gezogen. Die Nacktheit, die Unvermitteltheit, die Rohheit...

1 year ago
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Das Rote Halsband

Das Rote Halsband © 2006 / 2019 Lydia Lighthouse Schon seit langem hatte ich es mir vorgenommen. Nur an einer passenden Gelegenheit mangelte es bisher. Zugegeben, ein wenig mehr Mut w?re dem Unternehmen sicherlich zutr?glich gewesen, aber jetzt war es ja endlich so weit. Mit einer Eintrittskarte f?r einen Travestie-Event in der Tasche war ich auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Erfahrung als Frau in der ?ffentlichkeit. Nun gut... ?ffentlichkeit war zwar vielleicht etwas zu viel gesagt, denn au...

4 years ago
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Das Milieu hat viele Gesichter

Diese Geschichte ist ein genehmigter Spinoff der Geschichte von Die Erzählung setzt nach dem Kapitel fort. Was bisher geschah: Die Hauptperson der bisherigen Geschichte ist Simone. Die junge hübsche Frau hat sich bei dem missglückten Versuch, ein Cateringunternehmen zu gründen, schwer verschuldet und hatte gerade zum Ersten Mal Sex mit einem...

3 years ago
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Die Turnm dchen von St Pauli

Der traditionsreiche Turnerverein St. Pauli 09 hat im Laufe vieler Jahrzehnte schon eine ganze Reihe Höhen und Tiefen mitgemacht und überstanden. Doch noch niemals in der langjährigen Vereinsgeschichte ist die finanzielle Lage so bedrohlich ernst gewesen wie heute. Immer im Schatten der größeren und wesentlich mitgliederstärkeren Turnervereine haben sich schon zu früheren Zeiten die Sponsorengelder nur sehr mühsam auftreiben lassen. Jetzt aber ist der Schuldenberg so rapide angewachsen, und...

4 years ago
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Die Reise zum Mars. Was einst als irreale Träumerrei galt, liegt im Jahr 2032 scheinbar in naher Zukunft. In einer Kombination aus verschiedenen Staaten und diversen Unternehmen arbeiteten hunderte Wissenschaftler unermüdlich an der Realisierung dieses schier unfassbaren Ziels. Jetzt, da es scheinbar tatsächlich in begreifbare Nähe gerückt war, kamen weitere drängende Fragen abseits der technischen Machbarkeit auf. Eine davon lautete: Wen sollte man dort hoch schicken? Nun war die Zeit der...

1 year ago
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Eine Germanistikstudentin auf dem Strich

Julia trug zufrieden Lippenstift auf ihre schönen Lippen auf. Sie schimmerten bereits rot und einladend, aber das war nicht genug. Sie mussten glänzen, die Freier erregen. Ihre Aufgabe war es, die Blicke auf sich zu ziehen, und darin ist sie eine wahre Meisterin geworden. Sie war mit Abstand die erfolgreichste und meistbenutzte Nutte auf dem Strich und erfüllte ihre Zuhälter, Ivan und Damian, kontinuierlich mit Stolz. War es am Anfang nur eine Phantasie, ein Interesse, eine Verirrung gewesen,...

1 year ago
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Eine Germanistikstudentin auf Abwegen

/-- Eine Hommage an 'Rotlicht-Reportage' --/ Julia saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und seufzte. Sie sollte eine Projektarbeit anfertigen, aus dem realen Leben, eine Geschichte, etwas Authentisches. So war das Zauberwort, Authentizität hatte der Dozent mehrmals gesagt. Authentizität sei das, was einen guten Schriftsteller von einem schlechten Schriftsteller unterscheide, was in der Zeit der sozialen Medien zu verschwinden drohe. Und hier saß Julia und wusste weder ein noch aus. Authentizität, sie...

2 years ago
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Ganz unten

Da sass ich nun in meiner neuen Wohnung. Bezahlt vom Staat nachdem mein bislang so geordnetes Leben völlig aus dem Ruder gelaufen ist. Statt meinem schicken Mercedes Cabrio hiess es nun Bus und Bahn fahren. Statt meiner Designerwohnung in bester Lage in Frankfurt durfte ich nun in der Hartz4 Bude welche mir das Amt spendierte in der Nähe des Frankfurter Rotlichtviertels residieren. Statt gehobenem Nachbarn mit besten Jobs und Verbindungen in Kultur und Kommerz waren hier Rentner, Penner,...

3 years ago
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Shemale im Urlaub

Als Hans sich entscheidet alleine in den den Urlaub zufahren, fällt seine Wahl auf Amsterdam. Er hat sich im voraus erkundigt und sich besonders über das Nachtleben und den Rotlichtbezirk informiert. Hans hat schon länger Fantasien mit Transen und ist gespannt was der Urlaub mit sich bringt. In Amsterdam angekommen verbringt er den Tag als klassischer Tourist. Zwischendurch besucht er immer Mal wieder einen der vielen kleinen Sexshops und stöbert durch die Dildos, Dessous und Magazine wobei er...

4 years ago
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Nie wieder würde ich einer Freundin einen Gefallen tun. Nie wieder! Egal, wie sehr sie mich bitten würde. Seit Stunden stand ich hinter dem Tresen und zapfte ein Bier nach dem anderen. Meine Füße und mein Kreuz taten weh. Anja hatte mich gebeten, für sie einzuspringen. Nun stand ich da. Körperliche Arbeit war ich nicht gewohnt. Mein Bafög besserte ich sonst mit Aushilfsjobs an der Uni auf. Ich seufzte laut auf. Langsam leerte sich die Kneipe. Nur noch ein Tisch ganz hinten in der Ecke war...

2 years ago
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Wie ich mir einen Toon fing

Seit du ein kleiner Junge warst, liebst du Toons und wolltest nach Toon Stadt um all deine Helden und Idole selbst zu treffen. Mit 21 konntest du dir diesen Wunsch endlich erfüllen, da der Zutritt für Minderjährige in Toonstadt verboten ist, ein Gesetzt, dass erst sinnvoll schien als du selbst die Stadt zum ersten Mal betreten hattest. Tatsächlich war Toonstadt in einer Hinsicht wie alle anderen großen Städte auch: Es gab Viertel die für Touristen und Besucher gedacht waren, es gab andere die...

3 years ago
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Erziehung zur Hure

Diese Erzählung ist ein reines Phantasieprodukt. Ähnlichkeiten mit der realen Welt wären rein zufällig. Ich bin Anfang 30 und verdiene mein Geld im Rotlichtmilieu. Zusammen mit einigen Partnern betreibe ich in Deutschland mehrere Bordelle und Clubs. Nach außen habe ich natürlich die Fassade eines seriösen Geschäftsmannes mit Villa in einem Nobelviertel und großem Auto aufgebaut. Mir obliegt es unter anderem, immer für ausreichenden Nachschub an Frauen, intern unsere Pferdchen genannt, zu...

4 years ago
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m dchen auf abwegen

Als ich mal an einem Abend zu mir an den Stall fuhr, was ich eigentlich selten tue da meist ja Nachts Arbeite oder Unterwegs bin staunte ich nicht schlecht was ich da so sah. Denn da war dieses unglaublich hübsche langbeinige blonde Mädchen. Sie war eine der jungen Reitschülerinnen von einem der beiden Reitlehrer die ab und an am Stall Reitunterricht gaben, sie beugte sich vor und lehnte an der Holzverkleidung einer der Boxen. Ihre Bluse war offen und und zeigte Ihre schönen festen aber nicht...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Mein Undercovereinsatz gegen einen Zuh lter

Ich bin die 27jähige Sina, Polizeihauptmeisterin, bildhübsch, mit sanften, blauen Augen, gut schulterlangen, glatten, blonden Haaren, einer gut Handvoll Busen, eine Wespentaille führt zu meinem knackigen Po und geht dann in meine schlanken doch durchtrainierten Schenkel über. Kurzum, mich würde wohl Jeder gerne vernaschen. Bei einer Größe von 1,74 m wiege ich 62 kg, meine Pussy ist komplett rasiert. Im Beruf bin ich bestimmend, beim Sex sehr devot. Es wurde für einen Undercovereinsatz gegen den...

3 years ago
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Versteckte Kamera XXX Prominentenspecial

Das Prinzip ist einfach. Ein oder mehrere Promis werden mittels versteckter Kamera beobachtet, und es werden Situationen erzeugt, die in heißen Sex enden. Sei es die Moderatorin, die einen Bericht über das Rotlichtmileu drehen soll, die Spitzensportlerin deren Duschbad durch Pheromone ersetzt wurde, oder Sängerinnen, die beim Charetykonzert im Knast in eine Revolte geraten. Alle Situationen sind möglich und wir sind von Anfang bis Ende live dabei. Also sucht euch einen oder mehrere eurer...

3 years ago
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Die unbestechliche Staatsanw ltin

Nora, die 32jährige, 1,65m große, wohlproportionierte Staatsanwältin hatte es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht den größten Drogendealer Hamburgs endlich in den Knast zu bringen. Und sie war sich sicher ihn diesmal zu bekommen. Es hatten sich schon einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen daran versucht, einige hatten einfach aufgegeben, andere waren korrupt und hatten sich abgesetzt, wieder andere waren einfach verschwunden. Doch Nora war sich sicher, sie würde ihn überführen, denn sie hatte Fotos und...

3 years ago
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Mein erstes Mal als Sissy Part 10

Fortsetzung von:„Hallo meine kleine Schlampe“, begrüßt er mich nachdem er mich ein Zeit lang mehr oder weniger ignorierte. „Nun kommen wir zu meinem persönlichen Höhepunkt des Wochenendes“, er führt mich nochmal ins Bad und legt mir Dessous in Rot bereit, dazu ein rotes Negligees, die blonde Perücke lasse ich auf und er bittet mich, dass ich mich ganz nuttig für ihn zu Recht mache. Ich freue mich darauf endlich wieder von...

1 year ago
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Magische Reise

Die Wirtschaftskrise war schuld. Gerade hatte ich es in den Nachrichten geh?rt, was meine eigenen Erfahrungen best?tigte: "... sind dieses Jahr kaum Ferienjobs f?r Sch?ler und Studenten vorhanden ..." In den Firmen herrschte Kurzarbeit, kein Platz f?r einen Studenten. Deshalb las ich erneut eine Anzeige, die ich sonst ignoriert h?tte: Reisef?hrer gesucht. Keine Erfahrung erforderlich, aber Aufgeschlossenheit f?r etwas Besonderes. Auf den ersten Blick sah das nach einer zwi...

2 years ago
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Eine Karriere im Rotlichtbezirk

Wie konnte es nur so weit kommen? Diese Frage hatte sich Simone in den letzten Tagen schon öfter gestellt. Simone, eine junge Frau von 20 Jahren, ist zwar mit ihren 1,58 Metern nicht besonders groß, aber sie hat eine sehr ansprechende sportlich zierliche Figur mit etwas kleineren, aber wohlgeformten jungen Titten die von braunen spitzen Nippeln gekrönt werden, und einem schönen runden Hintern. Ihre hellbraunen Haare trägt sie gerne etwas länger, so dass sie ihr hübsches, unschuldig wirkendes...

4 years ago
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Anita Chachi

Hi ISS readers. I my name is Rohit, from Mumbai. This happened a week ago with my aunt. I m 24 years and I m working as an engg. My aunt is 32 and she’s house wife. About her, she is really beautiful with a nice fat ass and she has got boobs, which will be protruding out of the saree. This incident happened on Saturday. My aunt whos name is Anita is housewife as i said earlier. My uncle is in merchant company and stays out on trip for six months of a year. And now he is out of country from pass...

2 years ago
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Late Night Encounter

Wendy was feeling lonely when she got home from the party. Her boyfriend was out of town on a business trip and she missed him. She missed his cock, that is. They weren't exactly getting along anymore, and she'd thought more than once about leaving him. But she didn’t want to be alone. Gary wasn’t the right man for her, but until that special someone came along he’d have to do. The house was quiet, but she was glad she'd decided to sleep over at her friend's house. Her friend was working the...

Straight Sex
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My Stepmother from Hell Heaven Part Two

Getting blowjobs from my hot stepmom Rachel was almost a daily event.I knew I had to have more but I didn't want to lose what I had. I couldn't be around Rachel without getting hard, even with my father in the room. I would skip classes to make sure I could get her on the knees.It seemed Rachel read my mind with my twentieth birthday a week away.After an amazing oral session, Rachel with my cum running down her cheeks told me that she had a special present for my birthday. Not only would I get...

4 years ago
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Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer By Circe Since I was little I always wanted to be a writer. One of my earliest memories are of writing a huge (for me at the time) five-page epic story of a Prince and a Princess. I loved reading about people, and so I wrote about people. When I was eight I started a journal, just observing the people I saw every day; my mother, my father, my sister, my schoolteacher. I think when puberty hit me and hormones began coursing through my body that the tone of my...

1 year ago
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First BGG! It will come as no shock to my readers that I love fucking pussy. It's one of the few things that I enjoy more than masturbating. I know you guys can't empathize, but the feeling of a tight pussy sliding up and down on your cock is incredible. There's nothing like it. I only wish you could experience the joy I feel every day, just once.Better Than Pussy?But hold on one god damn minute. Believe it or not, there is something I love even more than fucking pussy: fucking two pussies at...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Travis finally gets his fantasy

hello this is my first story so please write a review even if you think it sucks ....thanks patricia Travis was your average Goth boy long hair very pasty not very muscular but with a 9 inch cock it did not matter he could get any girl he wanted but he did not want just any girl he wanted Patricia she was goth as well which made Travis party but that would all change soon. The new school year was starting and Travis hopes were answered Patricia was in two of his classes P.E. And Sex ED in P.E...

4 years ago
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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 24

Shortly after lunch Doc stopped by my quarters. I hadn't gone to lunch, I was too busy working on the sketches of the tanks. I was making different sketches showing different features of the tanks. He picked them up and started to look through them. "My God, Mick. I can see why you'd have nightmares. These things could ruin your whole day. I've never seen anything like these and I hope I never do. You say 5s just bounced off?" "Doc, AC-5s bounced, LRMs didn't appear to bother them a...

2 years ago
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Conservative to Cuckold Slut Part 1

Hi sanddy here , a regular iss reader. This story is about how my wife made a cuckold by becoming cum hungry slut. My wife swetha is 27 year old with 38c boobs(sallu), 34 waist(nadumu) and 40 ass(gudda) and she is 5.3 height. I want to narrate the true story which is happening from past one year as per my notice in my native language telugu so that telugu readers will enjoy better. Nenu swetha ni 4 years back pelli chesukunna. Pelliki mundhu naa love story thanaki thana story gurinchi nenu...

3 years ago
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Terrible life part one 1

_________________________________________________________________________________________ "ugh oh yeah" I ran in to my my moms room thinking something was wrong... When I tried to open the door, it was locked! I ran downstairs to find my dads fat ass passed out on the couch. "dad! I think somethings wrong with mommy!" so we ran upstairs and he unlocked the door.  Inside we found a whip and school girl outfit lying on the floor... Dad began screaming!  I looked up to find mom...

3 years ago
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Santa s Tinsel TeaseChapter 2

Scott’s mind goes over and over the events that had happened after they got back from the airport. She caught him masturbating in his bedroom when she got out of the shower. She watched him orgasm and then sucked him off. His sister, the catgirl, had actually sucked his cock. He tried to let this sink in and wonders what the rest of the weekend, all the way up to Christmas day, will be like. Was that just a once in a life time thing? Is it going to be like this all weekend? Will it end after...

4 years ago
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I'm out shopping with my girl and were going from store to store like a normal Saturday. We go into a few different clothes stores and look around and then you see something you wanna try on. I'm bracing myself for another long wait as most men know it will be lol.You come out and show a few things and ask my opinion and im letting the time pass, etc.. I stand up and go to the cubicle to find out how much longer your going to be and when i pull the curtain aside your wearing just your...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Kristof Marci Marcis Story pt2

Continuing Marci’s story in her words… We entered a gorgeous bedroom with a huge king size bed against one wall. There was a dressing room off to one side and at the end of the room a comfortable sofa. The decor was feminine but not over the top and the artwork on the walls was erotic in the extreme, mostly lesbian scenes which left just enough to the imagination to be tantalising. On the wall opposite the bed was a large mirror. The phone rang and as Tanya went to answer it, I asked where the...

3 years ago
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Blind Violation

Amber shivered as she was led into the room. A million things were going through her head. She wondered how many men were in the room with her and what they were thinking. The blindfold prevented her from seeing anything and there was an uneasy silence. She was nervous. Nervous and afraid. What were they going to do with her? Her mind raced. She thought of what she must look like being led by a leash into a room wearing only a fishnet body suit and a blindfold. She thought about the events...

4 years ago
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Our Trip to Alburqurque

Introduction: My wife and I are playing in New Mexico Our Trip to Alburqurque Janet and I checked into a classy hotel in Albuquerque, it was our spring fling in early February. I watched television while she took a leisurely bath and began to apply her make up for her evening out. She had shaved her pussy while in the bathtub and she looked adorable in her black thong. I wanted to take her as she sat in front of the mirror curling her shoulder length blonde hair. I loved her mascara that way...

1 year ago
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Rawalpindi Raja Bazar Encounter

Hello umeed hai app sab log theek hoon gay ISS  kay tamam deewanon kay liye Rajja apni dosri kahani kay sath hazir hy. Jesa kay app sab jantay hain kay mera Lun aam logon say kuch lamba tha jb mujhay apni iss khasoosiat ka pata laga tu mera dehan sex ki taraf ziada rehna shuru ho gia aaj jo waqia main apko sunanay jar aha hoon ya bilkul sacha waqia hy mujhy kuch shoping karni thi tu main Rawalpindi kay mashoor rajabazar chala gia Sunday ka din tha our bazzar main kafi rash tha ziada tar ourtain...

4 years ago
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Evening Refreshment 8211 Breastfeed By Anita Mam

Morning 7:00 am college lectures till 1:30, then lunch and back to hostel; in evening some light refreshment and sports time. This was used to be my daily routine when I was in one of the reputed boarding college of Chhattisgarh. Hello friends out there in ISS, am Sid (name changed) a boy with average body and average height of 5 inch 2 feet, fair complexion and fat dick enough to satisfy ladies. Am here to narrate my real, first time sex experience which I had with my lovely teacher Anita...

4 years ago
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Threesome And BDSM

Hello everyone. This is Romil Singh. Before starting the story let me tell you about myself. I belong to north India and I’m fair with a lean body. My height is 5.8 and my dick is average, not too big nor too small. This is my first story on ISS and I will tell you how I ended up having a threesome. Let’s start this story. I work in a big firm as a Business Analyst and this is a real story. I used to have one good friend in my office. His name is Rishab but he was transferred to Mumbai. He was...

4 years ago
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Quickie With A Stranger 8211 Part 1

It was 8 in the morning and I struggled to put up with fact that sun was shining up my ass. Such a lousy day ahead, I thought. There was something camping beneath my night dress, because there was a tent which was vividly observable by anyone. I turned aside and picked up my laptop which was on my bed. I looked for WiFi signal (Thank god my mother hadn’t turned it off). As usual, I opened up a gay porn site. I searched for another site, but then I had seen the whole gay Indian videos in that...

Gay Male
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Maruthuva Pennai Sex Seitha Kathai

Vanakam nanbargale, indru Tamil kama kathaiyil maruthuva penin vaazhakai eppadi irukum pinbu avaludan nadantha kama uravu patri ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar gautham vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Naan pondicherryil vasithu varugiren, enaku doctor student oruvan nanbanaaga irunthaan. Avan enidam avargal eppadi pazhaguvaargal endru solinaan, niraiya padithu padithu avarglauku relax kidaika sex seivaargal endru solinaan. Avargal udan padikum nanbargaludan matri...

2 years ago
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Vince Invites his Hot Cousin Jen over

Vince was extremely nervous today. He invited his hot cousin Jen over to stay a few weeks at his place while she would be looking for a job and a place of her own. His apartment was big and clean considering that his parents had bought it for him but that wasn't his problem, ever since Vince can remember he's had a huge crush on his cousin Jen. He knew it was so wrong, considering that she was nineteen and he was twenty-three, not to mention that they were cousins, but still he couldn't help...

2 years ago
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RansomeChapter 11 Shopping For Ecstasy

The furniture was positioned so that it was natural for them to sit side by side on the sofa, and she simply sat where David indicated, next to him. He murmured, “Allow me,” as he put an arm round her shoulders in a comforting manner when she sat next to him. This quickly became a habit, and David didn’t ask permission, any more; he just assumed that she would sit next to him and lean companionably against him. It went on like this for a fortnight or so, until they watched, for want of...

3 years ago
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The fantasy

i just have dreamed of this day, this moment, this feeling. i imagined the morning of the "event" You calling me and i knew by the sound of Your voice seeing You this time was going to be different. i didn't come close to imaging how different however. You instructed me as always to play with myself but gave me a specific time to do so. Usually it is 15 minutes before Your arrival. This time it was to be done at exactly 10:30 am. You then instructed me to make sure the front door was left open...

2 years ago
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Panties Lips Stick and Big Black Cock

What could go wrong ? I bought a pair of panties and I would wear them while watching $issy porn. I really enjoyed watching white sissy and crossdresser with Big Black Cocks. Panties eventually turned into a full blown outfit. I was going for a rocker chic / goth look.My truck was loaded and I was heading to New Orleans East, I planned to stay just down the street from my delivery in an empty lot. I stopped at a truck stoped showered shaved grabbed some food and trucked over to the empty lot...

4 years ago
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Let me help you she said

It consisted of its representatives of the emerging lumpen of the proletariat, which it continuously increased by all possible means. The most sophisticated tricks of religion, along with the thing or it was difficult then, differed very seriously, fought against a friend, while time and all internal relations were limited almost did not want to rush more into the Middle Ages, meeting with the princes. The arrogant clergy of both the whole life and relics, the device of pious pilgrimages, trade...

1 year ago
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Working Like A Slave

Please note - this story is completely fictional! This story takes place in an unnamed third world country. A slave auction is going on for some very wealthy customers. "We have this stud, here. Raise your arms. He is..." "What about him?" the blonde woman points, interrupting the auctioneer. She is a wealthy older woman and owner of the area's rowdiest bar. She is also involved in many illegal operations. This woman, though voluptious, with full breasts and a plump ass, is tall at about 6 feet...

She Males
4 years ago
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Hot Wife Hotel Olivia s Fabulous Foursome Part Twelve

Olivia was sore for a few days after her session with the Hot Wife Hotel's owner, Darko Angeles. But she didn't mind. The man had promised she would find him to be a generous lover and he hadn't lied. She came multiple times and had never felt so filled up. She wondered how her fellow Premium Hot Wife, Heidi, was able to take Darko's massive cock in her ass! A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined how it would feel going into her ass. It had barely fit in her pussy.She opened her email and...

Wife Lovers
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Tonights Need

Slowly she paces back and forth, turning sharply at each end, to walk back over the same path. Had one seen this behavior in a tiger behind its bars in a zoo, an onlooker would have understood immediately. The animal caged lusts to escape. Sue is that caged animal, and she lusts, but not to escape. She lusts for his return. She lusts for his touch, for his maleness, for his muscular chest and the tight curls of his pubic hair. She lusts for his cock, its rigidity and power, its heat and its...

3 years ago
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Family Changes Part 2

Family Changes part 2 Dave awoke to the feel of a mouth on his cock, it felt amazing he opened his eyes to see a lump in the bed bobing up and down. He lifted the sheet off himself to reveal Joanna giving him head and he loved it and was so glad he had choosen this family to make his. As she was sucking on him he imagened what was going to happen today, first after he had had breakfast he would go in to Dan's room and make some more changes to the litttle fag to be, Then he would...

1 year ago
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Maria The Blowjob Queen of the University

Maria Castelo walks the campus in small fast steps. Her 4" spiked high heels prevents the hot Latina from going faster. She notices all the male students turn their heads to see the young busty girl walk by, her large braless hooters sway beautifully with each exaggerated little step. The girls give her evil stares, hating the fact that the big titted girl is able to draw their boyfriend's attention with her large and firm bubble butt and gigantic jugs. The cockteasing little minx loves male...

3 years ago
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Unexpected cottage delight

Wife drove up to our cottage on a Thursday afternoon with one of our son's good friends, our son was suppose to drive up Thursday night and join his friend and my wife to stay at our cottage until late Monday. Wife arrived at our cottage @ 3:30 with Greg. Our son, Robert, called his mom @ 5:00 to inform her he couldn't make the trip. Greg is 21, same age as Robert. Greg and my wife, Tryphaena, cleaned up the yard a bit and started to make dinner. Wife finished her call with our son and turned...

1 year ago
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Self Isolating With MomChapter 9

Seth had been banished to his room while his mother took Dani into hers. She’d promised to let him know when he could come back. They were going to change out of their dresses and into something which his mother called ‘more appropriate’ for what the rest of the night had in store. Seth couldn’t wait to see what she had in mind. From all those times he’d gone through his mother’s drawers when he’d been left in the house alone, he knew she had a ton of sexy lingerie—many of which he’d pressed...

3 years ago
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Picking Up Mom

Adulthood came hard and fast in the era of the diaspora, after the Darjee announced that the Earth would be invaded by the Sa'arm in ten years. Boys became men and girls became women at the tender age of fourteen years. That had been a requirement for some time when Joe took his first CAP test. He left the CAP test center some time later with a smile. He had just scored a nice 6.6 on his first CAP test. Not only was he an adult by the rules of the diaspora era but he was one of the privileged...

4 years ago
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Forever Gone Forever You

My supercharger's whine as it pumped pressurized air into my engine's intake manifold was louder than the rapid thumping of my heart. I was surprised that my heart could even beat in its current condition. It was getting hard to see from the tears pouring out of my eyes. I figured that I should slow down before I rolled the only thing in this world that I could really call my own. As the needle on my speedometer moved back into the readable zone, I heard the sirens again. I guess I thought...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 250 Family Week

I survived my midterms without too much trauma. I'd been studying hard and regularly. I was caught up in all my classes. Studying for midterms really just seemed like review. It was a lot easier than last year. So, Monday night, I baked a cake and went to see my Casa del Agua hearthmates and my cónyuge Doreen. The cake was for Sandy's twenty-first birthday. I was happy to celebrate, but, of course, my real purpose was to have time with Doreen and the baby inside. She dragged me to the...

3 years ago
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Rubberslut 3

Rubberslut Part 3 Chapter 13 The basement, as Master Dave and Bambi calls it, is nothing of the sort. It is actually a huge area of stage sets. There is the bedroom. There is the bathroom. There is a Jacuzzi. The height to ceiling is twenty feet. The walls go up twelve. Cameras and lighting are everywhere. As Bambi locks the door behind us me, Master Dave trundles me out, and loosens the bands that tie me to the dental chair. Helps me up. Almost kindly. I am dumbfounded,...

4 years ago
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Pink Pajamasd

Pink Pajamas Katie Leone Published by Katie Leone at Amazon Copyright 2014 Katie Leone Kindle edition -1- Francine was tired of being depressed and down in the dumps and was looking for anything to feel productive once again. The year had been a hard one, she was consistently at odds with her fifteen year old son, but he decided to leave her, and she didn't know when they would see each other again. She looked up the stairs, hoping that by raising her chin she could...

1 year ago
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Aggy book 2Chapter 24

Sally noticed McCock sitting with his head held back reading the Senate coverage on his PDA, with that instrument held in his outstretched hand. "What's wrong with your eyes, Aggy?" "Nothing" laughed McCock, "it's just that my arms don't seem to be long enough these days and I am a short fellow to start with, you know." "Nonsense" snapped Sally and signalled over the waiter. "This gentleman has something wrong with his eyes. Where can I find someone to look at him?" The...

2 years ago
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Lamb of GodChapter 10

Gail returned from her shopping errand ten minutes later than she'd planned. She wanted to catch the class still in session. The kitchen, usually a beehive of activity at this time with student helpers now assisting the assistant, was empty with large pots on slow simmer. A peek out back revealed bicycles still in racks, meaning the girls who came from other families were still in the classroom. Gail set the grocery bags on the food prep table and hurried out back, raced across the lawn,...

3 years ago
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Poolside Plaything

The cocktail was ice cold in my throat yet it burned almost as hot as her. That swimsuit. Two electric pink pieces separated by a stomach not yet exposed to overindulgence. Water cascaded from her body in a 'V' as she hauled herself out of the coruscating pool directly in front of me and flicked dark hair behind her lissome frame like something from a damn movie. Nobody yelled, "Cut!"I'd never been so glad of tinted glasses and having my knees drawn up on the sun lounger to hide my gaze and...

4 years ago
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God Controller

I looked out my window. A thunderstorm was rolling in, the withered late-autumn corn bristling in unison. The last gasp of Summer, was about to be overtaken, and the freeze of winter would coop me up in this two-story prison for the the next season. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the passage of seasons. From the radiance of summer to the sterility of winter, it adds a predictable spice to life. People in the South do yearn for snow, after all. But in this rural outpost, two miles out from...

Mind Control
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My Initiation Part15

I was ready to complete my challenge for my initiation into my fraternity. I had one week to observe every room in one particular sorority to learn the habits of the girls living there. I had to sneak into each room, steal a pair of panties from each girl, label it, and get out without getting caught. This had to be done in one night over the weekend. I had watched every girl, what they liked to do behind closed doors, and when they liked to do it. Some of the things I saw were absolutely...

4 years ago
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A week at the cottage

Day after day I would watch this interaction between all of the kids and would often retreat inside the cottage where I could lube my cock with astroglide and slowly stroke it while I watched the tight bodied young boys and girls wrestle with each other. Inevitably, I would end up shooting a rope of cum across my chest and, sometimes, enjoy a splash of my own cum as it made it's way into my mouth. The sensation of my cum as it sprayed across my face and into my mouth made my climax that...

1 year ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 12

Thanks to KD for the fantastic help with editing and suggestions! Please start with Chapter 1. ***** At the loft, Philip was exceedingly anxious. Sending Mei back to her place, he now felt, had been a mistake. One or two days would have been ok but five was too risky. He was worried that she may have slid back into her old thinking, assumed some of her old habits, and then of course he missed her. He wouldn’t do it again. Atop that concern was the new dynamic of this Karla woman and what...

3 years ago
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The Virgin Slave

“I just wanted to kiss you.”  I paused, feeling uncertain and vulnerable, “But I was scared if I did, you might hit me.”Gazing at her prone beside me, she looked out in a thousand yard stare.Dismissively as a snort of air could be, her eyes narrowed to focus, “I probably would have, too.”I did not know much about her but that look I understood well.  A sultry stare full of determination, her gentle caress travelled from my torso to my stomach and onto my loins.  My reaction still had the power...

College Sex
2 years ago
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My Sister in law BethChapter 23

The work week started much as any other, cleaning up the previous week’s mess. Soon it was mid-week and I had still not heard from Jen. I called her office, Tiffany answered telling me she was in a meeting and was really busy. I left a message for Jen to call me when she got a chance. Later that night, Jen called me at home. She told me she had just gotten home after a long day in court. She did sound tired, so I decided to cut it short. I told her I would call her Friday to see about the...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two Schoolgirls

Simon worked for the British Gas Company. He had the job of going from house to house and reading people’s gas meters which were usually placed within the property. He was in his mid-twenties, short cropped, fair hair and clean shaven.As part of the British Gas Corporation, he had a smart Navy blue uniform to wear, which was totally synthetic from his nylon shirt and socks right down to his crimplene, knitted tie and trousers! One afternoon he knocked at the door of a particular house and...

2 years ago
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My friend

I’m Rosie and I’m 18, until recently I wasn’t 100% sure I was a lesbian. I was slowly coming out to the ones I held close to my heart. I decided to text Kelly Saturday morning saying, ‘It’s been so long since we have caught up. I want us to have a sleep over’. We both agreed on a week from Saturday. I was so excited, it had been so long since we had seen each other. * I didn’t have my licence then, so I had to get the train and then a bus up to her house. She met me at the bus stop. ‘Hey...

4 years ago
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Charlie and the Factory Ch 1

Let me tell y'all a story about a woman I used to know.I walked through the Factory on a cold night in January. When I walked through, all my olfactories felt a tingle. I looked around at the people for a symbol. This was no Willy Wonka chocolate. Past athletes from my childhood, married men committing infidelity, singles... This was a whole different kind of thing for your sweet tooth.Nonetheless, I still walked through the Factory with thoughts that can fill a diary. What was I doing here? I...

3 years ago
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Beti Ki Jaga Maa Chud Gayi Andhere Me

ISS ke sare readers ko Ashu ka pyar. Me ek bar fir hazir hu apne life me ghati ek anokhi ghatna ko lekar. Magar us se pehele me un sabka thanks karna chahata hu jinho ne meri pichli sari kahaniyon ko itna pasand kiya ke unka pyar mujhe e-mail ke zariye mila aur mujhe encorage kiya aur kahani likhne keliye. Isiliye me apne busy shidule me se time nikal kar ye kahani likh raha hu. Ese hi mujhe pyar dete rahiye me kabhi aplogon ko nirash nahi karunga. Ye bat us time ki he jab me class 9th me tha....

2 years ago
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I Finally Got Up The Nerve

We met online. I had posted a free personal ad and he, "Jackie" wrote to me telling me that he liked the way I described myself and was interested in knowing more. Over the next few weeks we emailed sometimes as many as three times a day, often with pictures and always very descriptive. He knew I was new at this and very eager to meet. He was a beautiful tall crossdresser with incredible legs, ass and taste in clothing. He lived out of town but was coming to San Diego on business. He...

2 years ago
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All A Game Of Trust

Brad and I have been having long, smoking sessions of sex ever since he took me. To be honest, I feel closer to him than ever before, but something was missing. I knew there was an element in our love that just wasn’t there, yet. Normally, sex would be every other working day and all of our holidays including weekends. Sometimes, though, Brad would get really horny after eating dessert and fuck me on the table. ‘Babe?’ He asked during our drive home. ‘Hm?’ I was pretty tired and a little hum...

3 years ago
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The Biker s Conquest

I speed downtown before the afternoon gets any later. I want to check out all of the booths while it is still daylight and I have less chance of running into any biker guys looking for fun. My college friends want to come down here later tonight and go to the beer tent, but unfortunately I am the youngest and not quite drinking age yet. Plus, crowds make me nervous, especially rowdy ones with drunken men. For some reason I feel safer during the daytime, there are always others like me walking...

3 years ago
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Wanting to go farther

So now I had taken the final step... I had been fucked and dominated by a old man and loved it for some reason, which I would later discover after self-reflection. He had only made one little comment about the hair on my butt, but that was enough and I started to shave my butt and thighs. Just this act was and is in itself was exciting and sensual, whenever I shave my butt and thighs my heart starts to beat faster and I start breathing heavier. I look at my handy work in the mirror. I stare at...

2 years ago
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Global Warming Ch 02

I almost couldn’t believe it! I was over there helping out Marilee with her frozen pipes and one thing led to another and she let me FUCK her! Man oh man oh man! The object of every fantasy I had had since the day I looked out the window a few months back and there she was. Long flowing hair, it shined just like that gal in the TV commercial’s did, you know the one I mean, she flips her hair and it flows back like water. She also had on a halter top that had just one function and that was to...

1 year ago
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The BusinessChapter 3

(I'd made a point that if I was going to prostitute myself; I wasn't going to be cheap. This was a very busy, very expensive hotel and the people who stayed here could afford it. If any male guest wanted to hire my body for pleasure, there was a large price tag on it. The method of placing money in front of me was perhaps the most used method. A West African diplomat had his aide approach me. The diplomat was not present at the time; they were occupying one of the top suits. The aide...

2 years ago
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Sonya 8217 s Dirty Thoughts While She Works At Her Dad 8217 s Family Business

Hello everyone, I often read others stories from my mobile phone. I usually slip into bed while my hubby is busy watching his space shows on TV. I enjoy reading erotica late at night while rubbing myself as I skim through stories on For change, I decided to unload fantasizes for everyone to read. You will get to meet Sonya and learn what excites her mind. Hope you enjoy and do provide feedback since this is my first attempt. Here we go! Ah! Another cold bleary day and I...

3 years ago
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My homegirl s man

I have always had an uneventful fantasy life with my female friends' men. I never cross the line and sleep with them, but I always have the lustful eyes roaming over the bodies of my homegirls' dudes. This one I am about to mention is the newest in my fanatasy file. I recently met this chic that moved around the bend from me. She finally got me to come over one night and kick back with her. Her man was supposed to kick it as well, but he remained asleep in the bedroom for a good two hours as...

3 years ago
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Blue Creek Chapter One

Introduction: Its a history about a group of teenagers that live in a beach town called Blue Creek. The focus changes between them and their experiences as the plot develops. Flowing between romantic teen sex, fetishes of all kinds and brutal sex scenes. Itll approach it all. Hi there, Here are some considerations for you to understand what is this story: – Blue Creek is told from several different points of view, always in the first person. In total there will be 7 or 8 main characters....

1 year ago
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For the Love of Another Episode 2 Melisa

After their first encounter together, Nate and Allison were naturally more wary of each other. They were still friendly enough, saying hello to one another on campus but they were awkward and did not speak of anything let alone what they had allowed to happen between them. Neither of them wished to pursue anything romantic, but Allison was more than dying for a second sexual experience. Of course, she didn’t know how to introduce the subject and allowed him to slip away for a time. Nate was too...

3 years ago
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The Fantasy Memory Of Carlana Callende I Mis

Thanks for existing. You’re the woman of my dreams (。-‿-。)Every single night. I dream of you, masturbate. Solo sex routine ♡ _ …-=≡ξ;゚o゚)I want your sexy body. Like right now baby, not tomorrow NOW! Massively horny (‿!‿) ԅ(´ڡ`ԅ)Undress already. I like you better naked. Jiggling your precious ebony boobies ( • )( • )♡⃛(꒡ε ꒡ღ)I worship your beautiful ebony body. & would never overlook an inch. Bow down too this Nubian Queen ♛Fantasize with me. Don’t call me twisted. You make me want you soooo...

2 years ago
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It s All About Faith Pt 07

by Phillip Johnson Chapter One Hundred Thirteen The three guys talked over breakfast and coffee at Ma’s Kitchen, and the four women were several tables away deep in conversation barely taking time to eat. Doug finally went over and told the women they were going back to a bench on the town square and they’d wait for them there. At least that way they could watch the people as the town slowly came to life again. On the way, some guy stopped them and thanked them for saving Discovery, shook...

4 years ago
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Hot Midwest Summer After All These Years Part 4

Terrana lay in bed, thinking about the last several weeks. Never had she felt her life could feel so complete and full of so much love. Her sister Trista created new emotions in her; emotion she was familiar with but struggled to fully accept.Stroking gently, Terrana ran her fingers through her younger sisters hair. She leaned over and placed kisses on Trista's neck, tasting the dried sweat on her skin from their lovemaking session the night before. Trista still smelled of apple shampoo and...

2 years ago
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Christie s tale or The third leg of the triangle pt 2

She awoke the next morning to her phone buzzing, feeling relaxed and refreshed, and a little sore between her legs. Oh my God. Was that for real? Her eyes drifted around her room and settled on the picture of the two of them taken when Chris was an infant. My, you’ve certainly grown. The insistent buzzing of her phone drew her attention. What is so important on a Sunday morning??? 6 missed calls, and a dozen text messages. Jennifer, one of the varsity cheerleaders was on the...

3 years ago
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The First CommandChapter 2 Trouble With Management

Gloves also turned out to be not too complicated, although it took awhile. After several tries, we finally ended up with a two-part system, and while we were working on the gloves we had our coveralls modified again with pockets. Lots of pockets. I insisted on the six pockets that the Navy's standard "poopy-suit" coveralls had, and Frenchy wanted ankle, forearm, and shoulder pockets like his flightsuit had. Last, I added four huge cargo pockets on the front and sides of the thighs. Maybe...

1 year ago
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I had been assigned temporary duty overseas. A few days before I was to leave I called the wife of a friend who was posted at my destination to see if she wanted to send him something. She said she would definitely have something for me to take to him and to come by the night before I left. On the eve of my departure I went over to their house. Her name was Margaret and she was, as they say, terminally cute. Very small, short dark hair, very outgoing. She was two or three years older than me....

First Time
2 years ago
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Up Your Kilt

Ray Mallender had a couple months break from university and he wanted to do something exciting for at least part of it. Serving fast food was out of the question and so was construction, he’d been there and done that and he didn’t want to do it again. He searched several papers in Wales were he lived but there was nothing that took his fancy. However one day on the train from Cardiff to Aberystwyth he picked up a Scottish newspapers that someone had left behind and there was an advert for an...

4 years ago
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Yes Sir I ll do whatever you want Part 5 My boyfriends father

How do you dress to seduce your boyfriend’s father? I thought to myself while getting ready that morning in my new fancy apartment Gene furnished for me in celebration of my decision to “stay on”. What was I thinking? Well, I was doing two of my favorite things in the whole world, making an obscene amount of money, much more than I was promised, and fucking obscenely! I was definitely becoming a hardcore slut. He was pimping me out practically. I set up all the video equipment and everything...

4 years ago
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Your restraints are red

Your restraints are red and your blindfold is blue, but tonight my darling, someone else will punish you! He led her slowly to the chair, guided her into a 180 degree turn and helped her sit down. Her breathing was heavy, he could see her breasts rising and falling and he was tempted to touch her, tempted to fondle her through the satin material of her red dress, but he restrained himself. She too was restrained but her restraints were a length of red cord tying her wrists behind her...

2 years ago
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The Arrangement

John Usher is driving home from work one day and sees this car coming at him on his side of the road it is a convertible and a woman driving but as it gets closer he sees another woman sucking on the first ones tits and the car gets back in her lane , as they pass he is frozen by the sight the woman sucking the others tits is his wife Ann. He whips around and follows them to a house on the lake where they get out the driver has a dress on but her top pulled down but, Ann his wife is naked from...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Ryan Keely Khloe Kapri Too Hard To Relax

Khloe Kapri, a young masseuse-in-training, is learning how to do NURU massages from Ryan Keely, an experienced masseuse. They have a client, Derrick Pierce, along with them, who Khloe will practice on under Ryan’s supervision. But as Khloe sneaks Derrick lustful, appreciative little looks, it seems she has more on her mind than just massaging Derrick… As Khloe and Derrick strip down, Ryan oversees them. But each time Ryan gets distracted, Khloe becomes anything but professional as...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be Normal10 A Spiritual Gamble

Alright, once more I, the biographer, am going to intrude on the normal track of this history, to show Alex’s life from a slightly different perspective. This time, like the last, it contains information that Alex never knew about, although I suspect he eventually figured out a fair amount of it. It’s important because it reveals another aspect of his abilities that hasn’t yet been addressed, and one that everyone was afraid to mention to him, for fear of how he’d respond to it if he...

4 years ago
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Wankers who don rsquo t lsquo do it rsquo

From what I can tell, there are wankers who also have ‘relations’, some who used to but don’t any more, and me – I’m a solo-sex girl-worshipper, life-long. I’ve read about others like me, but don’t know any of them.There are all sorts of fetishes, so to be clear, I only ‘look’. At girls. That makes me a voyeur I guess, but I’m not a peeping tom, I don’t need – or want – to see girls nude, I don’t want to watch people ‘at it’. I’m lucky that I’m content to get my pleasure watching fully-dressed...

2 years ago
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My Scholarship

My name is Annie, and this is my story about earning the scholarship that is getting me through college. This is my first time submitting a story, let alone my story to a site like this, but reading through, I'll go ahead and share about me at the time of the story. I'm a 19 year old girl from Washington State, going to school at a small, private liberal arts college in Canada. This story took place about a month into my sophomore year there. Myself, I stand at 5'5, about 135 pounds ... I...

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