GreeniesChapter 6A free porn video

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There were no Internet terminals set up in the abandoned hanger the special forces soldiers were being housed in at the Triad MPG base and, though every last one of them had a PC that was capable of monitoring Internet channels, the signals had all been damped for security reasons. So it came to pass that the 640 men who were slated to strike the first real blow to the Earthlings were the least informed about events on the planet.

They had been fed well during their stay there. Dinner the previous night had consisted of steak and baked potatoes cooked in the base mess hall. Breakfast that morning had been scrambled eggs and pancakes prepared by the morning shift mess staff. All had eaten voraciously despite the nagging knowledge that some unspecified, possibly dangerous mission was awaiting them.

"When the hell are they going to tell us something?" Horishito demanded of Lon about an hour after breakfast. Lon's squad was leaning against the far wall of the hanger, very near the front doorway, their weapons and packs resting beside them.

"When they have something to tell," Lon replied automatically, though he too was growing impatient and bored.

Several of his men had brought decks of cards along with them and an impromptu poker game was being waged. In the absence of Internet access to facilitate betting they were forced to revert to the old fashioned technique of using poker chips to represent money. In this case the chips were actually paper clips that had been bent in specific formations to represent different denominations.

Lon was just about to go get himself dealt in for a few hands when the door to the opposing hanger suddenly slid open and Colonel Bright entered the room. Even at the age of 56, Bright was still an imposing presence, able to outrun and outgun a good number of his younger soldiers in the training fields. He was a stickler for training standards and quite a hard-ass when it came to admission to his elite corps. It was well known that he personally gave final approval on all inductees into the cadre.

Nobody stood up or came to attention when Bright entered the room of course — it just wasn't done in the MPG — but everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked up at him as he walked to the front of the room and took up position near a podium that had been set up earlier. A microphone sat on the podium and he tapped it a few times, confirming that it was live. He then began to speak, his voice gruff and self-assured.

"Good morning, men," he told them. "I know it sounds very cliché to say so, but I know you've all been wondering just what you've been brought here for. For security reasons I've been forced to be very vague with you in regards to the call-up and your deployment. The time for being vague is now over however. Let me begin by explaining to you all what has been happening on the surface over the last few hours and from there I'll get to the mission that I'm going to ask you to perform." He paused, his eyes tracking over the collection of soldiers. "Last night, in Denver, a federal grand jury consisting entirely of WestHem civilians and hearing evidence presented only by the federal attorney general's office, voted to indict Governor Whiting on charges of corruption and misuse of office and several other things."

Some angry uproar erupted from the crowd. Lon heard several utterings of profanity echoing off the hanger walls.

Bright waited patiently for them to quiet down and then continued. "This morning, in New Pittsburgh, a group of forty FLEB agents, all of them armed with automatic weapons, attempted to serve this warrant at the capital building and take Governor Whiting into custody. Their intent was to extradite her to Earth for trial and imprisonment, therefore leaving the Lieutenant Governor in control of the executive branch of our planetary government." He gazed out, seeming to lock eyes with everyone at once. "The capital security team — which, as I'm sure you are all aware, is made up of MPG special forces soldiers — fired upon the FLEB agents and prevented them from completing their mission."

Now there was shocked silence in the room as every man tried to contemplate the ramifications of Bright's words. Fired on federal agents? Prevented them from completing their mission?

"The attempt to take our governor into custody on these trumped up charges was unsuccessful," Bright told them. "All of the FLEB agents participating in the raid were killed or captured. The New Pittsburgh police department has been ordered to stay out of the situation by their chief. When the second wave of FLEB agents showed up at the capital, they too were taken into custody by regular infantry troops from the New Pittsburgh area division. At this moment the capital building and two blocks around it is secured and being guarded by MPG soldiers. Governor Whiting has issued an order for the rest of the MPG to mobilize for deployment. As we speak, several platoons of our soldiers are fighting a battle with WestHem marines at the main gates to the Eden marine barracks. Their intent is to keep the WestHem soldiers from exiting the base and impeding MPG operations on the surface."

He let that sink in for a moment and then went on. "Gentlemen, you're all Martians. You have all grown up on this planet under the rule of WestHem and you know what their system has done to us. We are second class citizens on our own planet. I won't try to duplicate the speeches of Governor Whiting here today because I'm just not up to the task. But I know that all of you have been listening to her words and that most of you agree with what she has been saying. It is time for us to break free of WestHem by whatever means necessary. I want none of you to make any mistake about the gravity of the situation that I have just described to you down on the surface. Our troops have fired upon federal officers, killing several of them. We have defied federal orders to hand over Governor Whiting to them. Our planetary guard troops have initiated firefights with WestHem marines and are using armored vehicles to keep them in check. What has happened today is nothing more nor less than the opening move in an armed revolt by the Planet Mars against the Western Hemispheric Alliance. It is a bid for independence from WestHem by force of arms. A revolution. And I'm about to ask you men here to play a part in it."

Without giving them time to think too deeply, he continued. "Now I've been your commanding officer for a long time now. I like to think that I'm the type of CO that makes himself available to his troops. I visit all of the commands regularly and I know most of you by name and by face. I've heard you talk to each other around the dorms and out on the training field. I've seen you all enraptured by Governor Whiting's words when she speaks on Internet. I've heard you rant about those 'fucking Earthlings' and about how Mars needs to be free. I've heard you cuss the name of WestHem and the bastard capitalist corporations that rule our lives."

He stared at his crowd, his expression now challenging. "Well, gentlemen, guess what? The vehicle for that change you all want has arrived and you have the opportunity to be it. A plan has been in place for this day for several years now and the day has come to put it into action. If you really want Mars to be free, if you really want to break the bonds of WestHem rule, the time has come to shit or get off the pot. I'm about to ask you men to go into combat against WestHem soldiers, against the institution that rules us. I'm about to ask you to commit high treason, the penalty for which is life imprisonment on Earth."

"If any or even all of you does not wish to do this you are free to stand and leave the room right now. I have orders direct from Governor Whiting herself that I am not to compel a single soldier to do my bidding. This is a voluntary assignment from this point on and that means more than one thing. If you commit to my plan, you will be doing so of your own free will and you will not have the excuse that you were simply following orders. If we lose, you will most likely suffer the fate I just explained. If we win, you will be heroes for the rest of Martian history.

"If any of you chooses not to be a part of this, I will be disappointed, I will label you as a hypocrite, unwilling to put his money where his mouth is, but you will be allowed to leave this room and go about your lives. You will of course be held until the operation is complete but you have my word and the word of Governor Whiting that you will not be persecuted in any way.

"So..." He looked at his men, wondering if any would fold. A large part of him feared that all 640 would stand as one and move to the door. "Those that do not wish to participate, please stand and exit the room at the back right now."

Not a single soldier stood up. The chant started somewhere in the middle of the room and quickly spread. "Free Mars, free Mars, free Mars!"

Before long the entire room, Colonel Bright included, was shouting it at the top of their lungs.

The Mermaid had docked at Triad Naval base two hours before after its long deployment to the Jupiter system. Though the majority of the crew had been released for three days of shore duty at Triad, Spacer first class Brett Ingram was not among them. He was in charge of a work detail tasked with unloading the unused food supplies left over from the deployment and returning them to the main Owl supply area. It was somewhat insulting work for a skilled computer technician but after nine years in the WestHem navy he was quite used to insulting behavior from his superiors. When Lieutenant Commander Braxton had been faced with the task of forming an unload detail he'd picked the six Martians out of the entire crew to form it, seeming to pick at random but, out of forty-eight enlisted men it was quite a large coincidence that only those of Martian heritage had been chosen.

This was all status quo on the good old Mermaid of the good old WestHem Navy but today it was particularly irritating because Jeff and the members of his detail were burning to monitor the news broadcasts regarding the situation on the surface. Could what they were hearing possibly be true? Had they really indicted Laura Whiting? Had her forces really fired on federal agents? And now new reports were coming in as well, reports about some sort of battle at the entrance to the WestHem marine base. Were MPG troops engaging the marines? What kind of madness was going on down there?

Of course every compartment on the ship had an Internet terminal in it and, since they were docked, they were patched into the base Internet system. They didn't dare turn any of these screens onto anything other than a music station however, nor did they dare monitor things on their PCs. There were security personnel on board the Mermaid too and, as Martians, it would be unwise to show much interest in the goings on down on the surface.

"Do you really think that Whiting is holding the capital building hostage?" asked Spacer third class Fairfield, a young black man in his first year of naval service. He was still young enough and dumb enough to take visible offense at his treatment by his Earthling shipmates. If he didn't get it under control right quick, he would find himself tossed out of the Navy and virtually unemployable before too much longer. Brett had already had a few talks with him about this.

"It sounds pretty wild, doesn't it?" Brett replied, careful to keep his voice down. They were descending the ladder from the galley area, carrying the last of the eggs from the supply room, which was connected to the spaceport dock by it's own airlock door. Since they were docked the Mermaid was connected to the base gravity generators and therefore under normal gravitation.

"It's sounds fuckin' crazy." Fairfield told him. "Can you believe those Earthling motherfuckers? Arresting Whiting? Just because..."

"Hush, Fairfield," Brett barked sharply, looking around nervously at the supply room which thankfully only contained one security person at the moment, and he was on the other corner watching two men pack up milk and powdered juice packages. "Remember where we are. Remember the talk we had. Be static."

"Yes sir," Ingram, his face scowling, nodded. "It's just that..."

"Shhhh," Jeff reiterated. "We'll talk later, once we get out of this ship. We'll go get ourselves a drink, okay?"

"Yes sir," he repeated, handing over a carton of eggs, which Jeff carried silently over to the pile by the airlock.

They continued to work, unaware that they would not be going to any bars for quite some time.

The Triad Primary control building was near the center of the city, in the worst neighborhood. It rose thirty stories above the street level and was surrounded on all sides by high-rise, low income housing complexes. The street level here was a dangerous place full of intoxicant shops, pawnshops, and massage parlors. The walls and even the ceilings were covered with graffiti of all sizes, colors, and sentiments, most of it illiterate, much of it anti-Earthling in nature. Each housing entrance lobby was a gathering place of the residents here. Most of them were unemployed and living off of the meager allowances of the welfare system. They sat out in front of their buildings hour after hour, day after day, smoking cigarettes of tobacco and marijuana and drinking Fruity. Crime was high in the neighborhood and, before the Whiting reforms of the past few months, there had been multiple incidents of control personnel being assaulted or robbed of valuables, enough incidents so that the Triad Police made a habit of hanging around the building at shift change time and escorting the workers to the tram station two blocks over.

The entrance to the building was much like the capital. Two guards armed with body armor and sidearms controlled access from behind a bulletproof layer of glass. The guards were watching an Internet screen and keeping half an eye on the pedestrian traffic walking back and forth in front of them. Currently the lobby was empty and there was not much going on. Shift change would not be for another three hours.

The channel they were watching was a MarsGroup channel of course. A live news broadcast was in progress from in front of the capital building. Nothing had changed there in the last hour. MPG troops could be seen in force out front and patrolling the perimeter. Pedestrians stayed well away from the goings on. Every once in a while they would clip to other shots; the FLEB building in New Pittsburgh, which was now under a similar guard, and the city jail, where it was believed that the FLEB agents had been taken. In Eden, news teams were reported to be heading for the entrance to the WestHem marine barracks where it was said that some sort of battle was going on.

"Governor Whiting," said a pretty female reporter of Asian descent, "has yet to make a statement of any kind in regards to the startling chain of events that has occurred today. It is unknown just where this will all lead. Speculation remains high that the only course of action that Whiting will be able to use is to give herself up to the WestHem authorities on a variety of charges, which now include murder. Like all Martians I find myself..."

"This shit is getting way out of hand," said Roger Ire, the first guard, to his partner. Like most Martians watching the events unfold he was in a state of shock and disbelief. "What's gonna happen to Whiting? They're gonna execute her when they finally get their hands on her."

"I'm not sure that they're going to get their hands on her," Julie Woo replied nervously. "This is starting to look more and more like... well..."

"What?" he asked.

"Like a rebellion," she said, saying the words that she had been thinking for the past hour. They sounded strange on her lips.

"A rebellion?" he asked, astounded and scared. "What kind of shit are you talking?"

"Think about it," she said softly. "The feds come to take Whiting into custody and the MPG fires on them. A few minutes later a whole group of MPG just appears out of the woodwork and secures the entire capital. There's a general call up of forces and now there are more MPG troops shooting it out with marines at the barracks. What does that all spell to you?"

Hearing her logic spoken out loud he had a hard time coming up with another explanation. "Damn," he said slowly. "Can we do that?"

"You mean legally?" she asked, looking at him as if he were a dumbass. "I'm pretty sure that WestHem considers it illegal to rebel against them."

"No," he said, pushing at her with his hand, "I mean physically. Do we have the manpower and the weapons to take this planet for ourselves?"

"I don't know," she said. "What if they ask you to fight?"

He thought about that for a minute. "I'd do it," he said. "Just give me a gun and I'm out there with them."

"Me too," she said.

Their chance to participate in the revolution came sooner than they thought. Their Internet screen changed from the news broadcast to the face of their supervisor. His expression was strange, a mixture of shock and excitement. "Julie, Roger," he barked at them, much too loudly. "There is a platoon of MPG troops heading your way. They are accompanying a Colonel. Let them into the building when they get here."

Julie and Roger looked at each other silently for a moment. What the hell was this about? MPG troops on Triad?

"Do you understand?" their supervisor asked.

"Yes," Roger finally replied. "What is this about? What are..."

"I don't have time to explain right now," he answered, which they correctly interpreted as 'I don't know'. "It's orders direct from Sanchez herself. Let them in when they get there and direct them to the VIP elevator."

"Right," Julie nodded.

"And let me know when they're on the way up."

They emerged out of the train platform and marched down the stairway. The stairwell was crowded with dangerous looking thugs hanging out, some of them undoubtedly waiting for fresh robbery victims. The thugs exited quickly as they saw forty MPG soldiers wearing tactical helmets and carrying M-24s out before them. Whatever was going on, they were certainly not going to mess with a platoon of soldiers in any way.

The troops formed a loose diamond formation after leaving the stairwell and began marching down the street towards the control building. A Triad Police officer who was talking to a young gang member about some outstanding warrants for theft saw them approaching and stared in disbelief. She had never seen anything like this before on the streets of Triad. What did it mean? She let the young man go about his business and walked up to the soldier on the point. The platoon halted before her and all eyes turned to her.

"What's going on here?" she asked a little nervously. Events at the capital and at the marine barracks had not escaped her attention and she could not help but draw the conclusion that they were related to this.

The soldier on point said nothing. Instead, a tall man, unarmed but wearing the rank of colonel approached her from the center of the formation. He stared at her, looking at her nametag on her right breast. "Officer Smith," he addressed her, "I'm Colonel Bright of the Martian Planetary Guard. We have been mobilized at the command of Governor Whiting and we are on our way to secure the control building."

"The control building?" she asked incredulously.

"The control building," he said levelly. "We have a mission to accomplish there. Is it your intention to try and stop us?"

"No, of course not, Colonel, but..."

"We are in haste, Officer Smith." Bright told her. "Things will become clear to you very quickly. Free Mars," he hailed using a greeting that had become commonplace since Whiting's inauguration.

"Free Mars," she replied back, smiling.

The soldier on point gave a signal and the platoon moved out again. Smith stepped aside, allowing them unimpeded passage. Bright stood until the center of the formation caught up with him and then he began to march once again.

Three minutes later they were at the entrance of the control building. Lieutenant Nguyen, the platoon commander approached the two glass encased guards and identified himself. The guards opened the doors without question, just as he'd been assured they would. He began barking orders.

"First squad, accompany Colonel Bright upstairs. Second and third squads, secure the outside of the building, fourth squad, come with me for inside security. Weapons tight people until told otherwise. Under no circumstances are you to fire on any Martians and that includes cops. If the feds show up, normal rules of engagement apply, self defense only unless they try to breach the building."

His four squad sergeants affirmed his orders and the soldiers began moving quickly to their destinations.

"Will the elevators take us where we need to go?" Colonel Bright asked Julie.

She seemed awed at his presence but answered quickly, "Yes, Colonel. We have orders to let you immediately up."

"Thank you." He began walking towards the elevators. His squad followed behind him

The elevator doors opened before them and the eleven men crowded inside. The elevator, like all of Triad, was under the influence of the artificial gravity system and the inertial damper. The elevator shot upwards towards the thirtieth floor of the building, the only indication that they were rising the changing numbers on the display. When it reached 30 the doors slid open to a small foyer tastefully decorated with modern art and couches. The carpet on the floor was threadbare but presentable. A uniformed guard stood before them.

"Colonel Bright?" he asked politely.

"That's me," Bright said, stepping forward and out of the elevator.

"Follow me, sir," the guard replied. "I have orders to take you to Mr. Sanchez and the main control room."

They were led down a long hallway and around two corners before coming to a steel security door. A computer terminal with a fingerprint analyzer was installed in the door. It was supposed to only allow access to authorized personnel. The guard placed his hand on the pad and the door slid open, revealing the large control room.

The control room was a crowded, busy place. Forty people were sitting at computer terminals monitoring all aspects of the orbiting city. They looked up as the doors opened, almost to a person. A tall Hispanic man walked over to Colonel Bright as his escorts crowded into the room and took up positions near the walls and windows. The two men appraised each other silently for a moment. Frank Sanchez, the watch commander of this shift, had been recruited for his part in the mission back in the planning stages. His counterparts on the other shifts had likewise been recruited. In this building, in this very room, was the key to success of their mission.

"Colonel Bright," Sanchez said loudly, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Welcome to the main control room. It is my honor to turn this facility over to the MPG in the interests of a free Mars."

There was a gasp from the assembled controllers, none of whom knew why Bright and his men were here. It was a shocked gasp but not an unhappy one.

"Thank you Mr. Sanchez," Bright replied. He turned to the controllers. When he'd recruited Sanchez he'd made sure that Sanchez would never allow anything other than a second generation Martian to work in this room. He didn't figure he would have any trouble with these people. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Colonel Bright of the Martian Planetary Guard. You have all heard of the events at the capital building and in Eden I'm sure so I will spare you the details of that. Let me say to you now that Mars is in the midst of a rebellion against WestHem rule. As I speak the MPG troops that Governor Whiting called up earlier today are making motions to secure the planet from WestHem forces. They will be successful as long as we can keep the WestHem marines trapped on their base. However the entire thing will be useless without a single key element that involves this room."

He peered at their faces, wondering how they would react to what he next had to say. "You're all Martians in here. Mr. Sanchez saw to that a long time ago. You know what WestHem rule has done to this planet. The time has come to put a stop to it. I need your help, people. You are the operators that control this orbiting city and the future of our rebellion now depends on the next two hours. I will ask you to act in the interest of Mars and Martian freedom. If you do not wish to participate you may stand up and be counted. You will be removed from the room and held until the forthcoming operation is complete and then you will be released. You will not be persecuted in any way for failing to assist and you will have the same opportunity to evaluate Governor Whiting's actions tomorrow. We will not compel a single person to participate. This is a voluntary revolution, people. So what do you say? Does anyone wish to stand?"

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Submissive Lover part I

James had been slowly grooming his latest lover to follow his every command. A powerful man by appearance James was tall, looming over a full foot taller than Sarah’s 5’3” frame. His face was angled, muscles rippled over his chest and arms giving him a “don’t fuck with me” body language. He was used to being in control and wanted his lover to enjoy being submissive. When he met Sarah she was independent, strong willed. She refused his sexual advances at first. James was persistent, first...

2 years ago
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After the ChangeChapter 8 Val

They say first impressions determine how you feel about someone or something from then on. My first impression of The Town was not very good. In fact, The Town never had a chance to make a first impression on me because we ran across Garth the blacksmith before we even saw it. The guy pissed me off with his arrogance. Hell, we were the Seniors, the Patróns, and he hassled us for a good five minutes. He made some half-assed apology and Dad seemed OK with it, but I was so pissed I didn't even...

4 years ago
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A river of surprises

Time on the river. The legacy I had after the untimely and shocking loss of my parents, was to now own the family house and to take over the ownership of our lovely little motorboat. You could say that I am a shy, quiet, solitary and submissive sort of person and in reality, I suppose that I always have been. I don't blame anyone for that, it's just the way that I was brought up. My mother had been very strict, instilling into me respect for my elders and betters. Growing up I...

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My first lust missed opportunity

So a little background on this situation. I was 21 or 22 in the mid 90’s and just out of the military when I met a guy that became my weightlifting partner. At the time I was a extremely in the closet but had an array of sex toys that I used on my self, short dildos, long ones, skinny ones, big fat ones and several plugs, but at the time I had never been with a live person. The beginning of this is real and the second part is fantasy. About 2 years earlier while I was in the military I...

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Nothing’s hotter than a squealing JAV slut getting dicked down in HD. Well, unless I had her right there in front of me. But that just isn’t realistic for most of you sex-starved betas. So, you’ll have to settle for the next best thing. Well, I went out looking for the best of the best. I know you weebs don’t want old videos shot in 480p that you can’t even download to your massive spank bank of Asian whores. So I rolled up my sleeves and went digging for the best damn JAV site that I could...

Asian Porn Sites
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My First Time With Widow Bua

Ye story tab ki hai jab mai 18 saal ka tha. Meri 12th ki exams bas khatam hui thi aur mai apne chuttiyo ke maje le raha tha. Meri bua ka naam Kajal hai. Wo tab 40 yrs ki thi jab december mei unke pati ki heart attack se maut ho gayi. Unke bacche bahar padhte the aur unhe akele rehne mei darr lagta tha. So mai unke ghar unke pass rehne gaya. Bachpan se hi meri bua mujhe pasand thi. Wo bohot hi sundar, gori, medium height ki aurat thi. So ab story start karte hai. Mai Kajal bua ke ghar pohocha....

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Sexy new neighbor Kate

My name is Henry Bowman and I can hardly believe this has happened. As I am mostly a very private person there is a very good chance I will not finish this story. The only reason I'm starting it is that it's such an amazing thing and I'm hoping that writing it down will help me come to grips with my own feelings around the lack of guilt I feel about what I've done....and will surely do again and again!My family and I live in what most would call an upper middle class neighborhood. The houses...

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Jake and Brett

As said in my last story, I stumbled upon a gay couple one night on campus. Jake was a 6'1 jock, pretty ripped, dark and handsome. Brett was a 5'7 blonde haired twink with a few piercings and tattoos. They found me on Facebook through a mutual friend and started a messaging conversation. Never really talking about anything sexual, Jake would chat football and basketball and Brett music. I would click through their photos while we chatted. Jake was pretty muscular, with a couple tattoos and some...

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First, before I tell this story, let me say that it will sound highly improbable. Having said that, I will leave it to you to decide if it really happened or if it is just the daydream of an older man who would like to believe such things are possible. I met M (I’ll call her that to protect her identity) in the normal course of the work we both do. She is much younger than I, but after running into her at several different work-related events, we came to think of each other...

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Cutting the Grass

IntroI grew up in a part of town that was perpetually on the edge of gentrifying you could say. There were traces of what used to be seedy area close to my High School, but overall it was safe. One day in early May of my Senior Year, I overheard some real alternative guys (think 90's hippies) talk about getting into the Adult Book Store, Secret Treasures, that was in the more seedy part of the strip. They were talking about nudie mags, sex toys and even a theatre. I heard one guy describe the...

1 year ago
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Indian Hidden Cams! I’ve learned a couple of really interesting things lately. The first is that you shouldn’t eat chana masala if you’re planning on hiding behind a wall in a women’s restroom. The second are the sections of the penal code dealing with public indecency and voyeurism. To make a long story short, my lawyer has advised me to start jerking off to Indian hidden cam porn sites in lieu of my typical Tuesday night activities. I guess I’m staying in, but I’ve got

Premium Indian Porn Sites
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It happened in early summer during my senior year in high school. I woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee, so I climbed out of bed and padded down the hallway toward the bathroom. It was summertime in Arizona, so I typically wore a sheer tank top over my 35E boobs, along with thong panties. Our family wasn’t overly prudish, so running around like this at bedtime during the summer was fairly typical for me. As I opened my bedroom door and started quietly down the hall toward the...

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Second Session With Aunty And Got Chance To Fuck Her Next Time

Hi my dear friends! I am back with my sixth story and thanks to this website who had given a chance to post all this stuff. Comments and requests are all ways accepted on my mail lovingdynu(at)gmail.Com. Waiting for more feedback friends, I am expecting a lot of feedback and comments for all my stories and I want to help any girl’s/aunties/womens/widows who are facing problems, they can share any problem to console themselves, I am not only a sexual friend but can be a genuine friend. In this...

1 year ago
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The Hall Pass

My hand was trembling as I reached for my phone. I could see it was a picture message from Taylah, my fiancé. It was the first time I had received one from Taylah, and I was worried about what it would be. It was her last week of freedom as a single woman; next Saturday, we would be married. My wedding gift to her was a hall pass to cut loose and go wild on her hen night out with her girls before she became my wife.Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't worry about receiving a picture text...

3 years ago
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The Beginning Of A Friendship

David was lost in thought as he walked home on his way back from college. Professor Jacob had given him an “F” in chemistry practicals again. David knew that the results of his experiment were accurate. But he couldn’t do anything about it. Professor Jacob has been intent on giving David a hard time ever since he caught David kissing his daughter. That bastard, David thought, how can he keep doing this? One more time and I am taking this to the principal! “Hey Mike, did you learn to count to...

4 years ago
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A Book By Its Cover

== A Book By Its Cover == by RickD1960 Jim and Carol had just celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary, having been married in 2025. Their sex life was good, just not as frequent or as exciting as it had once been. Carol had not been very experienced when they wed. Jim was only her second boyfriend and her first boyfriend had not made it past second base. Recently Jim had begun to feel that Carol may have missed out on some valuable sexual experience by not having dated more before they were...

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Rikki convinces Tyler to do her History homework1

__________________________________ Rikki yawned yet again. Her new History teacher Mr Galveston was droning on again about the American Revolution. It was only the second week of her Senior year in High School, and Mr Galveston had given them two exams, and she had an essay due the next day. People had warned Rikki the previous year of how difficult his class was, and to avoid getting into it at all costs, but it was out of her control now. She was trying hard to get into Stanford next year...

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A Dream of Roses

We are coming home from a night out on the town, we are kissing, cuddling, and fondling with each other as we walked down the pathway to the front door. I opened the door for you and gave you a sweet sensuous kiss, on the lips as my tongue gently swiped over your lips. I lead you into the lounge room and went to make a cup of coffee for us, as I walked back in from the kitchen I see that you are slowly squirming in the seat. I watch you for a minute or two before you noticed me standing at the...

2 years ago
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Behind The Tapestry Part 4

After they dried off and dressed, they enjoyed their picnic lunch next to the water.  “Who else has access to this area?” she asked as they lay back in the grass.“Only us,” he said, closing his eyes and feeling the warmth of the sun on his face.Without a word, they both had reached over to one another and held hands.  Their fingers interlocked, both emitting a sigh.  During the next week, the king would not allow the queen behind the tapestry.  All he would tell her was that he was working on...

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Second Chances

This is the most seriously autobiographical telling of my first marriage. There are fictional aspects to it, but this one is close to the mark. This is my first foray into cheating stories; there may be a couple more. Not a stroke story by any means. I can recall the moment I found out my marriage was a lie. It was a little thing, an overheard comment; yet it crystallized everything in an instant, so many little facts spread out over fifteen years of courtship and marriage. It was all so...

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Mike the Gigolo Part 1

Before reading this story it may be helpful to read ‘Sadie Shows Mike the Way’ I'd learned much of my sexual prowess in the hands of Sadie Summers, our married neighbour. After I'd turned eighteen, she had been my mentor. I was pushing twenty when, after one of our more heated sessions, she told me she was leaving the area because of her husband's health.I was devastated. Sadie looked into my sad eyes. "I really believe you're good enough to make yourself a career out of your abilities."She had...

4 years ago
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Sometimes, a hobby is more than a hobby. Dominic reflected on this truth while absently rustling through his pockets for whatever change he could find to pay for the bus. Sometimes a hobby is a means to an end. A subconscious expression of deepest feelings. Sometimes a hobby sets you free. The rain seemed to grow heavier as the evening wore on, and as night gathered her skirts and prepared to saunter onto the sky stage, the bus finally came down the street. He straightened his shirt and got up...

1 year ago
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I had been married for about fourteen years when I finally got divorced, and I immediately felt a tremendous release to get a little wild and try new things ....which, for me, meant constantly looking for the next big dick. In my mid-thirties, I was still a very attractive woman, with long blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a very shapely body. But my most noticeable characteristic was definitely my soft, bouncy 34DD tits that always captured the attention of every man...and several...

3 years ago
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Poor Auntie

I had regretted agreeing to help my older sister out, but a promise was a promise so here was stuck in her living room being stared at by her two sons while she flustered about the room. "I've left the number where I can be reached by the phone," Maud said for the umpteenth time "there's plenty of food in the..." "Look Maud," I sighed in exasperation "you've been through this a hundred times already, you will only be gone a week, what the hell can happen in a week?" Half an hour...

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The Math Teacher

This story is somewhat true. Names used in story are fake for privacy. I had just graduated high school and I had got a call from my Math teacher, Ms. Brisk, that I had left somethings in her classroom and that if I didn't come to get them that they'd be thrown away. I hated Ms. Brisk's class to be honest. She was always so annoying and got on everyone's case. She did have a fairly nice body though. She was in her late 30s with brown skin. She rarely wore bras so you could visibly see her...

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Releasing the wand for what he promised would be only moments, he continued sawing at his bindings, slowly, rhythmically, trying to gain precious centimeters of mobility... He was armed, and the realization had numbed him, his next move horribly elusive. With the rhythmic sawing of the shard, his mind fell curiously blank for the first time in what felt millennia. His gaze fell upon her as she moved, shoving herself up from where she lay on the floor, arms shaking fiercely, be it...

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So Night Follows DayChapter 29

“Then on to Monte Carlo, to play chemin de fer. I threw away the fortune I made transplanting hair. I put my last few francs down on a prostitute, who took me up to her room to perform the flag salute. Whereupon, I stole her passport and her wig. And headed for the airport, and the midnight flight, ya dig? And fourteen hours later, I was down in Adelaide, looking through the want ads, sipping Foster’s in the shade.” -Warren Zevon, “Mr. Bad Example“ “Troilus,” Contessa Helena de San Finzione...

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More Fun with Ann

Over the next few weeks Ann and I continued to play our little sexual games in the office and I must say she was as creative when it came to sexual fun as any woman I had ever met. For example; one day I came back from lunch early sat down behind my desk and to my surprise there was Ann, kneeling topless, her slacks open, legs spread wide and hairy pussy exposed just waiting to suck me off and masturbate at the same time. And then there was the time I followed her into the unisex executive...

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Jamaican Resort Day 2

Introduction: Our vacation continued As I wrote in Day 1, this is a 90% true story. The next day we lazed around cuddling then did some sight seeing and shopping. When we got back to the room we got into the Jacuzzi. I got hard and started rubbing my prick between your tits. You started sucking me. I started the dirty talk and we relived last night. We went into the bedroom and I got your vibrator and a sex toy. I licked your cunt and wet your sex toy with my mouth. Soon you were playing with...

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CopurniaStory 1

Crystal and Margaret led me up to the second floor. It was one big room, oddly shaped, obviously. A built-in ladder led up to it through a round hole in the floor. Up against the left-hand wall as you came up the ladder was a king-size bed, made of trees cut to length and nailed together, with a mattress full of leaves. They informed me that they refilled the mattress once a month with new dead leaves. The covers were all ones that various people had made, including them. There were two...

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My favorite freckled female carrot-top was coming up next, “Miss Clarice Hornicek, it is your turn.” She got up and fixed her hair for a moment, and then went up on center-stage. She was a complete unknown quantity to me. I had no idea how well she could sing, but we all were about to find out. “Number seven, please,” I said to my pianist who began it... CLARICE HORNICEK Maybe I didn’t treat you Quite as good as I should have Maybe I didn’t love you Quite as often as I could have If I...

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Masturbation on subway train

This happened a long time ago – year 96 or 97 I think. I remember it was late in November or probably early December. I was a student and I would take the train from Harvard to Quincy. One day, I was returning home very late, close to midnight. I usually got into the last car of the train, because it would usually be less crowded. On this particular trip, I was the lone person on the car (probably next one also). A couple of minutes later, I realized I was totally alone in a public space and...

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Sexy Aunty Aur Meri Bholi Maa 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, ”sexy aunty aur meri bholi maa- part 1” me maine bataya tha ki kis tarha maine meri sheetal aunty ki ghamasaan chudai ki thi , aur ab is story me, mai ye bataunga ki kaise sheetal aunty ne badi mushkil se meri maa ko seduce karne me meri madad ki.. To hua yun ki us hafte maine aur sheetal aunty ne khoob chudai ki, aur phir mere maa papa dubai se wapis aagaye..Aur as usual papa office jaane lage, subha jate the 8 baje aur shaam ko aate the 7 baje aur itne waqt me meri maa aur...

2 years ago
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Fulfillment Freedom

At twenty-three I’d accomplished my goal. After a five-year grind—four to get my degree plus an internship to satisfy all requirements—I was a fully licensed CPA.I was ready to celebrate.Having been raised in the Catholic Church, I’d experienced the full indoctrination. I was the quintessential good Catholic girl. I did stray a bit. Lost my virginity at twenty—that was a hard bridge to cross—with a few boyfriends here and there. My no first or second date sex rule probably hindered that a bit....

Quickie Sex
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The Courtship of Maria Theresa

It was a world of change. The old rules were being broken every day. There was a time when your husband died and your life was over. The only thing you were good for was cooking, cleaning and watching the grandchildren when they arrived. Maria Theresa was forty-two years old the year Nick died. He pushed a young man out of the way of a falling pallet of boxes on the loading dock, and it hit him instead. He was an instant hero and she was alone. Maria Theresa’s problem was she didn’t feel old....

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Daughters Oral Fun Chapter 5 fini

"Honey, I'm concerned about your marriage," Van said softly, running one hand along the girl's inner thighs which were wet with cum and pussyjuice. "Oh, Daddy, don't worry about it," Loni said with a little sigh, "I told you that things are better." "Better… but still not good enough. Honey, I want the very best for you because I love you so much! You deserve it all! And you certainly deserve a first-rate marriage and an outstanding sex life with your own husband!" Van said...

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SamChapter 8B

The bell rang to indicate the start of school and everyone crowded through the door to get to their homerooms so the roll could be called. Bud bent over and kissed Jolene on the cheek before retrieving his books and heading to class. She watched until he disappeared into the crush and then she turned to me. "He has a very large penis, doesn't he?" She asked, shyly. As she spoke, Janice stepped closer to hear what she had to say. "Yes, he does," I answered. "You won't see many cocks...

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BBW Wife Gone Wild Part 1

This is a continuation from a previous story I submitted a while back (Wife Gives In And Loves It). After her first experience with another guy our sex life got really good. I asked her if she wanted to do it again, and she answered she couldn't wait. I asked her what her favorite part about her first experience was and she said being naked in front of everyone really turned her on. Then the fact that I and the other guys wife watched her get fucked. I asked her if she wanted me to set up...

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Getting Started

(C)1997, All Rights Reserved I am 16; Julie is 15. The year is 1959. We have been "dating" for more than six months, although in that time in that small town in Indiana, our dates consist of meeting surreptitiously and spending an hour or two together walking around the three square blocks that constitute "downtown." Only rarely can we manage to meet at the show and sit next to each other after paying our way in separately. We kissed for the first time only about two months ago. On the...

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Barsaat ki raat

Namaste main jo aap beeta sach batane ja raha hoon ye ek raat ki baat hai jo maine kisi se nahi batae.dosto baat ek barsaat ki raat ki hain hamare shaher mein jor ki baarish ho rahi thi, main is sunahri barsaat ka maza lene ke liye sham ke 6 baje se baarish mein apni motorcycle par ghum raha tha, thand lag rahi thi socha kuch garam miljae toh jaan mein jaan aaye raste par ek wine shop tha maine ek rum ki bottle parcel li aur socha kisi dhabe par jaa kar pi loonga, lekin jab baarish bahut tej...

2 years ago
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Revenge of a Goddess

REVENGE OF A GODDESS By Limbo's Mistress Chapter One The doorbell rang while I was making dinner. "I'll get it," Katherine said as she bounced off down the hall to the front door of my apartment. I grinned and went back to stirring the sauce in the pot on the stove. Today was mine and Kat's one-year anniversary as a couple, and I was preparing my signature dish: chicken parmesan. When I didn't hear any sort of conversation or movement from the living room, I placed the wooden...

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