A Lodi ChristmasChapter 13 free porn video

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Some day when I’m awfully low

When the world is cold

I will feel a glow just thinking of you

And the way you look tonight

... Dorothy Fields/Jerome Kern

“Ms. Walsh, it’s almost five-thirty. Just thought I’d check in with you before I go.”

Irene Delgado was a short, slightly plump Latina in her forties, whose title was executive secretary to the CEO and CFO of Air-Bytes. In a stroke of luck, shortly after incorporation, they had hired her from a defunct drilling company. She’d become, at least in Anastasia’s mind, the one employee Air-Bytes could not afford to lose. Truth be told, it was Irene Delgado who kept the wheels on. She knew Air-Bytes inside and out and was the de facto head of Air-Bytes during the times Cassandra and Anastasia were on the road, or otherwise unavailable.

Anastasia looked at her desk clock and sighed.

Damn, where has the day gone?

“Any word from Ms. Cavanaugh?” Despite their best efforts, Anastasia and Cassandra had no luck in getting her to address them by their first names.

“I got a text from her as she was boarding her flight about an hour ago, so I expect she’ll be here soon.”

Irene looked at her tablet. “She was scheduled on an earlier flight. I hope there were no problems during the meetings.”

“I’m pretty sure we’d have heard.”

Irene nodded, and looked at her tablet again. “Mr. Kaufmann and Ms. Vishnevsky finished the interviews with three pilot candidates, and they’ve recommended that two be hired. I’ve sent the files to you and Ms. Cavanaugh.”

“You sat in. What did you think?”

She paused, on the verge of demurring.

“Irene, I know you’re not a pilot, but you are a great judge of character, and I value your opinion.”

“The two they selected will fit in well.”

“And the third?”

“He spent all his time hitting on Ms. Vishnevsky...”

Anastasia chuckled. “I bet that went over well.”

Irene had trouble keeping a straight face. “He barely escaped with his life.”

They both laughed.

Irene went on. “I didn’t ask them to hang around since you were on that never-ending call with the management at that tech startup in Boise, but I’m sure Mr. Kaufmann and Ms. Vishnevsky will fill you in at dinner.”

Anastasia looked at her blankly.

“You had me make dinner reservations at Zack’s Steakhouse for five of you tonight.”

She smiled. Of course.

“Oh, and Mr. Reynolds called and said he’d be here the day after tomorrow.”

Anastasia kept her expression neutral, hiding her disappointment.

I wish he’d called me. We still have some things to talk about. I miss him. It’s been awful - those months without Case by my side. The physical part of our relationship was wonderful, but that’s only a part of what I miss. I miss the closeness we had. I could bounce ideas off him and I could just be his ‘Ana,’ and let myself go. I screwed it up...

She thought about the last time they’d been together – Christmas Eve almost three weeks ago in Lodi.

There was no opportunity to talk. And there was Vika staking her claim. And I was being stupid, flirting with Jonas. And then Case’s sister was killed. How terrible for him. I tried to call as soon as I heard, but had to settle for leaving a message. I sent flowers, but what I really wanted was to fly to South Carolina and just hold him. He has to be hurting.

Now, I’m sorry I didn’t. As soon as he arrives, I’ll spend some time with him. I need to know how he feels – he was so reticent at the airport, and distant at lunch at Lodi. Could we ever get back what we had?

Unconsciously she shook her head slightly as she stared out her small window.

“Ms. Walsh, are you all right?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry, Irene – just thinking about how horrible it’s been for Case - losing his sister.”

Irene examined her for a few moments. “Yes, horrible. He was so proud of her. It was obvious they were very close.” She left it at that.

Anastasia nodded sadly. “Yes.”

She paused, and then asked, “Did he leave a time and flight number?”

Irene shook her head. “He said it was a Gulfstream – a private charter, arriving sometime after noon.”

“What? How on earth? Wonder who he knows who can afford to charter a Gulfstream?”

“Other than you or Ms. Cavanaugh’s mother, and a few of our Board members, I can’t think of anyone,” Irene said dryly.

Anastasia failed in her attempt at a disapproving scowl and added. “Case is pretty resourceful. He makes friends everywhere he goes...”

Irene stared at her. “Right ... He is resourceful, but I thought it was unusual. He didn’t explain.”

Anastasia shook her head, trying to hide her amusement. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Irene went to the door, paused and turned. She smiled slightly. “And don’t keep Ms. Kesi up late. She’ll be working with me tomorrow – wants to learn all of Air-Bytes’ secrets.”

Anastasia couldn’t help but smile in return.

“You’d better watch out, Irene, if you teach her all your secrets, you could be out of a job!”

Irene laughed. “As sharp as that girl is, you could be right, but I’m not really worried. She’s a pilot like her dad, and a desk is hardly competition for the wild blue yonder!”

“So I’ve been told.”

Maybe I need to learn to fly.

“I’ll see you in the morning, Ms. Walsh. If Ms. Cavanaugh needs anything when she gets here, just let me know.”

Anastasia gave a mock disapproving look.

“Not a chance. Now get out of here. You make us all look like slackers anyway!”

Irene left with a chuckle, and Anastasia’s thoughts returned to Kesi and Jonas.

Kesi’s a wonderful young woman, but any woman interested in Jonas has to understand they’re a package deal. I really like her and I think she likes me.

They’d been out looking for houses together during her lunch breaks while Jonas had been busy with familiarization flights and getting his licenses renewed.

When the realtor mistakenly called me ‘Mrs. Kaufmann,’ I felt a flush of pleasure. Why? Is it because of the way Jonas looks at me? Could I be that woman – the woman who gets the package deal?

She envisioned Jonas’s endearing crooked smile.

Is that what I want?

Anastasia let that thought drift away and got back to the new contract she was reviewing.

Damn lawyers anyway. Getting paid to change ‘happy’ to ‘glad!’ These are pretty simple contracts that any first-year law student should be able to review and approve without these niggling changes.

She changed the wording back to the original and attached it to a carefully worded e-mail to the attorney for the potential client.

Then she pushed away from her desk and leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes.

The way Jonas looks at me ... He’s handsome, smart, a wonderful father, and he’s interested. I’m narcissistic enough to enjoy the attention, but do I see him replacing Case in my heart? I’ve only known him for a few weeks. We’ve never even had a date, much less any alone time. Heck, I’ve spent more time with Kesi in the week they’ve been in Austin. What’s it going to be like when Case and Jonas are both around?

She had an amusing vision of two knights on chargers with lances jousting for fair Anastasia’s hand.

She shook her head and opened the next contract for review.


“Jeeeze, what a day!”

Anastasia looked up to see Cassandra Cavanaugh drop into the chair across from her desk. It was already after six and she looked tired, and her nicely tailored blue suit was rumpled from travel.

“Rough day, huh?”

“That’s an understatement.” She pulled a thick file from her briefcase and set it in front of Anastasia.

“First the plane was late leaving Orange County, which meant I was late for my meeting with Mr. Duncan and his coterie of accountants and attorneys in Dallas, and then the meetings went long so I had to reschedule my flight to Austin. And to top it off I got one of the last seats and it was in the last row in the middle!”

“Well, you’re staying with me this week and I have reservations at Zack’s Steakhouse tonight, so we’ll have a bottle of wine or two and you can just relax.”

“Sounds like just the thing – although I think I’ll start with a single malt.”

“I’ve got the perfect thing. Dad got me a bottle of 21-year-old Redbreast for Christmas. I’ll put it up against any other Irish whiskey any day. He said he wanted to upgrade my liquor cabinet for when he visits. You can start in with that while you’re getting changed. Think that’ll work?”

Cassandra grinned. “Probably. Sounds like your Dad has good taste. No Scotch, though?”

“Bite your tongue. With a name like Cavanaugh, you should only be drinking Irish. I think I might have a bottle of Scotch somewhere. I seem to recall getting some as a gift and it’s never been opened. If that’s what you’d prefer, it’s your funeral, or should I say, your hangover.”

Anastasia paused and smiled. “Oh, I get it. Your sainted step-dad Dillon drinks Scotch, doesn’t he?”

Cassandra nodded. “On the very rare occasion that he drinks. On my twenty-second birthday he sat me down and said he wanted to give me a lesson on what he called ‘adult beverages.’ I laughed and asked him what was wrong with rum drinks. He said, ‘nothing as long as you’re a pirate or sitting on a beach somewhere, and want fruit and an umbrella in your drink.’”

Anastasia laughed. “Score one for Dillon! In the Walsh family from County Kilkenny, it has to be Irish single malt, but if you insist on Scotch, so be it.”

“I’d hate to insult the ‘Walsh family from County Kilkenny,’ so I’ll give it a try.”

“You definitely won’t regret it.”

They laughed.

Turning serious, Anastasia asked, “Other than your flight misadventures, I’m guessing the rest of your day went as planned.” She gestured toward the file on her desk. “Otherwise I would have heard.”

“It did, and I appreciate your offer to fly up, but everything went well, thanks in large part to your hard work. So, we’re still on track to close the sale on March first. The main reason I missed my flight was Mr. Duncan wanted some one-on-one time with me.”


“Yes, he’s decided to cut his son from the deal.”

Anastasia nodded. “That’s a good sign. It means he’s taking this purchase seriously, and not another vanity bauble about to be wrecked by that idiot.”

“That’s the impression I got without him spelling it out. However he does want both of us to stay on longer, offering a two-year contract, with extensions based on performance.”

“Both of us? Did you accept?”

Cassandra shook her head. “Noah was fine with the six months originally offered, because that would coincide with his leaving the Marines. If I accept Duncan’s offer that means we make a commitment to Austin and Noah would have to start looking for a job here instead of Tulsa.”

“That’s tough considering you guys have pretty much decided on Tulsa. But it’s a guaranteed job for the next two years – a job you love doing, and he doesn’t have a job yet.”

“True, but we don’t need the money, and if we were both out of work for a while, it wouldn’t be a tragedy. We could take some time and go sit on a beach on some Greek isle for a month or so.”

Anastasia sighed. “Sounds wonderful. Clothing optional?”

Cassandra’s face colored slightly, and she replied with mock indignation, “Only in our beach-side villa – I don’t want any of those Aphrodite wannabes ogling my man!”

Anastasia winked. “Or vice-versa.”

Cassandra rolled her eyes as Anastasia suppressed a giggle.

Cassandra turned thoughtful. “Although, I would like to stick around long enough to make sure the new and improved Air-Bytes is a success. I’ll talk to Noah. I’m thinking about going back to Duncan and saying I’ll stay for a year.”

Anastasia looked disappointed. “I’d love to see you commit for two. We work pretty well together. You could float the idea of two years by Noah and see what he says.”

Cassandra nodded and then smiled. “Maybe I will, but the call of the Greek isles is pretty strong. I guess that means you’ll accept Duncan’s offer.”

She smiled. “Oh, no doubt, I’ll stay.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I wanted to know before I called Noah. If we decide it’s only for a year, I know you’ll provide the continuity after I leave.” She smiled. “And then, whether it’s a year, or two, you could take over as CEO.”

Anastasia shook her head. “You know me better than that. I’m fine as CFO, because I can stay in the background.” It was her turn to smile. “The CEO is the one who has to take all the flak. No, thanks.”

“You’d be a good CEO, but I understand. I’d hate to bring in someone from the outside. Do you think Case might be persuaded?”

Shaking her head, Anastasia didn’t hesitate. “He doesn’t want the job.”

Cassandra raised a questioning eyebrow.

“It’s not that he couldn’t, he’d actually be a great CEO ... He’s just not interested. You saw the way he groused about being senior pilot.”

She smiled. “True, he really didn’t want that job either, but decided to take one for the team.”

Anastasia looked sad. “Case is happy in his own skin. He loves what he does and he doesn’t want to sit behind a desk. Not telling him about William, ‘The Third,’ Davis aside, I’ve come to the conclusion that for us to get back together I have to convince him that I’ll quit trying to mold him into something he isn’t. I foolishly wanted him to stop being ‘just a pilot.’ To win him back I’ll have to get him to trust me again, and I’d have to convince him that I’d be happy with him the way he is.”

“And can you? That is, accept him just the way he is, or will it be a constant source of friction? Anastasia, I know you. You’re very competitive, and driven. Any man who is with you has to accept that. I think the successful part of your relationship with Case was that he accepted who you are, but didn’t feel threatened by it. You admitted you couldn’t leave well enough alone.”

Anastasia just nodded.

“And, what if Case had been one of those highly competitive guys that you’ve been around all your life? Most of them have pretty big egos which can also be pretty fragile. Many actually don’t want a woman who can compete. Would you be happy being the ever-supporting wife to one of those guys? Doubtful.

“In many ways Case was the perfect guy for you – calm, supportive, and not threatened by your success. I don’t think he wants to be a house husband, but he does want kids. Did you ever talk about that?”

She shook her head. “I know he does, but we never got around to having a serious discussion about it.”

“Anastasia, would you be willing to put your career on hold for a few years to start a family? Like me, you don’t have to worry about money, so being married to a mere pilot wouldn’t be a burden – at least financially.”

Anastasia was quiet for a long time, staring out her window. “I just don’t know the answer to that. Having and raising kids scares the heck out of me. My own parents are hardly what you’d call great role models.”

Cassandra reached across and touched Anastasia’s hand. “Tell me about it. My messed-up family...” She swallowed, keeping her emotions in check. “Including me, drove my older brother, James out of the house. Mom and I were lucky to get him back. From what you tell me, your brothers seem to be doing fine, and I kind of like the Anastasia sitting across from me.”

Anastasia smiled slightly. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

They both sat silently for a couple of minutes, lost in thought.

Suddenly, Anastasia brightened. “Cassandra, what if we offer Noah a management position with Aero Services Austin?”

“Huh? Where on earth did that come from?”

“I think left field, but hey, I’m a problem solver. Hear me out.”

Looking at her friend like she’d lost her mind, Cassandra nodded.

“Right now, Aero Services Austin is nothing more than some corporate documents in my desk drawer and a pending lease on the hangar three doors down.” Anastasia pointed out her window.


“On March first ASA will be funded by the sale of the Air-Bytes stock we transferred to the corporation and shortly thereafter we’ll pay the leasing company and take delivery of the three aircraft from Air-Bytes and take possession of the hangar. At present, Rachel Paulson, at least on paper, is CEO of ASA, but since she is still obligated to Air-Bytes until September 1st she just won’t have time for the hands-on stuff. And lord knows we don’t have the time to get involved.”

“So, what you’re saying is that ASA will need some full-time staff right away.”

“Exactly, like an experienced mechanic to take care of the TBMs, someone to manage the office, office support staff, and here’s where Noah comes in – a senior manager who can keep the regulatory stuff straight, sign documents, deal with the FAA, and at the same time be out drumming up more charters. He’d be the CEO in all but name, and if he plays his cards right Rachel’s just liable to go to the board and have it made official!”

Cassandra laughed and shook her head. “I think senior manager is just fine.” She turned serious. “But Noah’s not a pilot.”

“No need. Noah’s a Marine officer - someone who can organize and manage. Jeff and Rachel will be available to advise and will come on full time on September first. Didn’t you tell me, with his accrued leave; Noah could leave the Marines as early as May first?”

Cassandra opened her mouth to respond and then closed it. She sat back, obviously thinking it over.

Quickly warming to the idea, Cassandra said, “Noah’s looking for a challenge and this could be it. It would also be a résumé builder.” She grinned. “Somehow a career of making loud noises and breaking things doesn’t translate well into most HR algorithms.”

“So, you’ll talk to him?”

“Definitely.” She looked at her friend. “Anastasia, you may just get your wish that I stay for two years.”

“That was the plan. And maybe sometime we can arrange for you and Noah to get that vacation to the Greek isles.”

“I’ll tell him to get that in writing!”

Anastasia fielded a phone call while Cassandra caught up on her messages.

Finally, Cassandra asked, “Any news from Case?”

“He called Irene – he’ll be in the day after tomorrow, arriving, according to Irene, by private charter. A Gulfstream no less.”


“That was my reaction, too. I guess your mom didn’t set that up.”

Cassandra shook her head, looking puzzled. “I’d have been told. I know she likes Case, and was dismayed to hear about his sister, but certainly not a chartered jet.”

“Wonder if he’ll tell us.”

Cassandra replied, “Not our Case. He won’t volunteer a thing. If we want to know we’ll probably have to pry it out of him.”

That remark got a nod and the expected chuckle from Anastasia.

Cassandra turned serious. “Do you think he’ll be okay?”

Anastasia gave some thought to her answer. “I hope so. It had to be a terrible blow, but Case is a resilient guy. What do you think? You’ve talked to him since ... since his sister died.”

“That’s true, but it was just that once on January second – that call I told you about. That’s the only time, and that wasn’t much of a conversation. I told him how sorry we all were about his sister and the dear man responded by apologizing because he felt like he was letting Air-Bytes down. I told him Vika was filling in for him.

“But knowing our Case, he’ll be ready to go to work when he gets here, and fortunately we have Vika and Jonas on board now to fill in, so he can concentrate on the new Air-Bytes.”

“You’re right. I’m glad he’s not scheduled for flying though – we’ve got so much to do that he’ll hardly have time to sleep, much less brood.”

“That’s probably best. With Vika covering for him, he can concentrate on working with us to get the new Air-Bytes ready to go. How are you going to handle being around him all the time?”

Anastasia considered her question. “After meeting him at Orange County, I think I’ve helped clear the air. He knows where I stand. We still have things to talk about, but working together should be fine. We both know what’s at stake for everyone in this organization and will work damn hard for the new Air-Bytes to be successful...”

Anastasia paused and said ruefully, “Ex-girlfriend, or not...”

“And if he decides Vika’s the one? She’s pretty determined and committed to relocating. I know she’s already put in an offer on a condo, not all that far from here.”

Anastasia stared at her for a moment. “I won’t like it, but I’ll survive, and considering what’s at stake we’ll make it work. Although, I have to say after watching them at lunch in Lodi, I think it’s pretty one-way. She has a tremendous crush on him, but he doesn’t feel the same way.”

“Despite the kiss?”

“A wise friend said something like, ‘what red-blooded male wouldn’t enjoy being pursued and kissed by a beautiful young woman?’” Anastasia gave a fleeting smile. “Heck, I’d probably enjoy being kissed by Vika!”

Cassandra laughed.

“And Jonas? It was obvious from the start that he’s attracted to you. How’s that been since he arrived?

Anastasia colored a bit. “Well, what red-blooded female wouldn’t enjoy the attention of Jonas Kaufmann?”

Cassandra smiled. “Touché.”

Anastasia grew thoughtful. “I’m attracted as well, despite the fact we’ve never even dated, much less kissed. I adore Kesi. Being around her has given me some important insights into Jonas the man and father. Future? I think that depends on Case...”

Cassandra looked at her friend. “You and Case make a good pair – always thought so, but that said, from what I’ve seen of Jonas, he might be a better fit for you.”


“I believe Jonas is the guy you want Case to be. He’s smart and driven, and from the little I’ve seen, he also cares about people. I’m looking forward to meeting Kesi. From your description, she’s a wonderful young woman and that says a lot for Jonas.

“I’ve looked at his record, and I know you have too. Successfully running Air-Bytes would be easy in comparison to running a helicopter squadron fighting terrorists in Africa.”

“So, you’re saying that Jonas could be the next CEO of Air-Bytes?”

“Anastasia, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. Over the next year we’ll have an opportunity to look at Jonas, as he gets a look at us. I already envision his role as more than just one of our pilots. He’d be wasted and probably quickly bored with that position.”

“With as much as Case will have on his plate as senior pilot, maybe Jonas needs to be manager of operations?”

“Good idea. Let’s talk it over with Case when he gets in.”

Cassandra pointed to the file regarding the buyout she’d placed on Anastasia’s desk.

“I’ll leave that with you; I think everything is as it should be. They really didn’t have any but minor changes, but as always, I’ll want your opinion as well as Irene’s. I’ll email you both copies of my notes once I look them over once more.”

Anastasia pulled the documents from the file folder. “What’s this?” She held out a copy of some newspaper articles.

“Oh, sorry, those must have gotten mixed in. They’re the articles about Case’s sister from the local Barnwell newspaper. Seems everyone in town knew her and the family.”

Anastasia examined a photo of Juliet in her police uniform. “I’m sorry I never met her. Case thought she was pretty special.”

Cassandra nodded in agreement. Anastasia opened the website for the newspaper. The articles and photos about Juliet and the family were not hard to find, and included a number of photos from the memorial service.

As Anastasia scrolled through the photos she asked, “Any idea who this is?” She pointed to a young woman. She was a tall and beautiful Latina who was next to Case in every photo. In some she held his arm, in others, he had his arm around her as she leaned against him.

Same as A Lodi Christmas
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 18

Jo is ticklish on the bottoms of her feet. A lot of people are, I know, but finding that a fingertip dragged gently down the sole of her foot leaves her uncontrollably giggly and therefor perfect for scooping into one's arms for loving. Monday was the previously discussed informal practice session. Tuesday was the real thing at the music department. Still, Jo is a responsible sort and we missed nothing of her schedule. So am I. She's an accomplished musician, and that translates to...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 19

I didn’t have to be psychic to read Jo’s mind. The touch of her hand in mine was usually a delicate thing. This time she was tugging. I couldn’t understand, so I did the one thing that husbands have been doing since the beginning of time. I said, “Yes, dear.” “Don’t be condescending, Randall Jackson,” she said. “We need to talk.” Less than twenty-four hours since she and I stood in front of friends and family and God and pledged marriage to each other. Now I was wondering exactly what I’d...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 20

Stoney: She loves me. She REALLY loves me. We're married. I killed a guy. I'm supposed to feel remorse. I'm supposed to receive counseling by caring professionals who will help me grieve or some such crap. Therapy? I'll tell you what therapy is. It's having the woman you just protected put her arms around you and tell you that she loves you. And when the thought crossed my mind that this scum wanted to touch my Johanna, I tensed up. "Stoney?" a little voice said. "Yes,...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 21

Johanna and I discussed the idea of taking off from our lives for a few days for an abbreviated honeymoon, but neither of us were really at points in life to do so. I mean, I could have just begged off, but I was in the middle of a project with a time limit, I'd already given my word on its completion, and Jo? "I really shouldn't take off in the middle of the semester. Academically it's not good. And musically, we have the Veterans' Day thing in two weeks, and then a couple of big...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 22

"Somebody you know?" Jo asked. "I saw the 'USA Retired'." "My platoon sergeant in Iraq," I said. "Good guy." "I'll let you read it, baby," she said. She started to turn away. "Where are you going?" "Was giving you some room. Privacy." "I don't need privacy. I need Johanna. This is just part of the past. He's a good guy. Wonder what he's got to say." I opened the envelope. A single printed page was inside. I read: Dear Lieutenant Jackson- I haven't heard from you...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 23

Johanna's turn: Glorious Saturday morning, drifting along with the light pushing its way through the little gap in the drapes. I hear soft, regular breathing next to me, calming, protecting. That would be my husband. He's sleeping. He's slept all night and I get the best feeling about that. We've been sleeping together two weeks. Married, that is, 'officially' with the public ceremony and a marriage license, for a week today. In that two weeks, he's wakened in the middle of the night...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 24

Johanna: Yes, it's primal. The urge to mate. Sociologists talk about it. Religions talk about it. Poets talk about it. It gets couched in various cloaks: love, duty, morality. But it's never right until two people decide it's right for them. And I'm thinking this in the dim light of the sun streaming into the cabin through the portholes. I hear the sound of waves slapping the hull and the whistle of the wind on the mast and the rigging. And the breathing of this guy next to me. Sometime...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 25

Lovely, languid, quiet Saturday morning. Waking up next to a soft form. I have to touch that sweetly curved hip, just to tell myself I am not dreaming. The touch elicits a purr and a movement, several movements, actually, one of which put an arm around me. The hand at the end of the arm started exploring, finding morning wood. "Mmmmm, Stoney, is that for me?" "Yes, but be careful. It's loaded." "I thought we emptied it last night," she said, twisting in the bed. Her head dipped for...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 26

The week went by with nothing major going on to interrupt our lives. Waiting on Friday. Before Johanna, I wasn't one of those people who worshipped Fridays, but now it was not a matter of escaping FROM something, it had become a matter of escaping with somebody, TO something. The weather was warm in the afternoon, cooler enough at night to be comfortable, and a cold front was due through late Saturday. When I got home Friday, the weekend's provisions were stacked by the door. I walked...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 27

Johanna's turn: Almost magical, waking up in the morning on the boat. Not sure exactly what time it is, reminding myself that it really doesn't matter, feeling the form of this MAN touching me, rolling to face him, snuggling in against him. The boat is rocking gently and there's the wind and the waves and the sound of our breathing. I know my guy is drifting along because he hugs me closer and resumes his even breathing. I know several things that would be very pleasant for both of us,...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 28

Stoney's turn: Aside from the idea of leaving Jo behind, I was not feeling bad when I left for work. After all, I had her kiss still tingling on my lips when I got in my car. A push of the button and I had the classical music station on the stereo. Oh, yeah, I have the iPod plugged in, too, but I liked giving the radio station a shot at titillating my ears on the way to work. This technique insured that my tastes received some variety. I hated the commute. Traffic is aggravation. After a...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 29

Johanna's turn: I brought my Stoney home. My poor, broken, battered Stoney. Well, actually, a medical transport brought him home and ceremoniously deposited him in bed. The bed is a rental hospital bed, at least for the time being. I have home health technicians setting up trapezes. One over this bed. One over our bed. One over Stoney's favorite recliner. He's got crutches. "But do NOT try using them for a week," the doctor said. "And not while under the influence, either. I just...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 30

Back to Stoney: Wasn't bad enough that I got T-boned by an illegal alien a couple of weeks ago, but now my beloved wife has thrown me under a bus. Admittedly, it's a bus full of musicians. Doctor Bob, the conductor/instructor of the university's chamber orchestra is complicit. Early in the relationship with Jo, she'd intimated to me the desire to play Mozart's Concerto for Flute and Harp, an idea I'd mentioned to Bob. When Jo saw that I was somewhat adept at my banjo, she railroaded...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 31

Stoney's turn: Okay, I do admit that meeting Dan Richards and his surprising wife Cindy left me thinking. I was serious. Cindy, barely fifteen, was a cutie. "Jo, drag out the baby pictures," I said. "Baby pictures?" "Yeah, I want to see what you looked like growing up." "I don't have 'em. Mom keeps those." "I wanna see 'em," I said. "You might've been a horribly ugly child. I want to prepare myself for our offspring." She slapped the back of my head. "I was a wildly...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 32

Stoney's turn: I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but life with Johanna had turned me quite a bit more optimistic, even if some bozo broke my leg. Yeah, I can drive again. Insurance popped for a replacement of my SUV, mostly. By this stage of the game I could be mobile if I needed to be, on my own. Bumping around the apartment was not a problem. If I started getting messages from my leg, I just eased it straight on the sofa or in the recliner. Walking out to my parking spot,...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 33

Johanna's Turn: According to the stories I heard at my Momma's knee when I was little, I should be looking for leprechauns. This stuff got surreal. First, there's Dan and Cindy. Cindy could be a pixie. Dan showed up to talk with Stoney about picking up where Stoney left off on an engineering project when he had his accident. So I figured 'another engineer? What could it hurt?' Except this engineer shows up with a fifteen year old redheaded pixie of a wife, and we had a delightful...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 34

Stoney's turn: It actually WAS in Cindy's words, 'a riot'. I never did 'band camp' or anything like that when I was in high school. They didn't have 'science camp' and 'math camp' in my school district and I wasn't in band. Jo told me about her own experiences. "Wasn't anything like this," she said. Our trip home was as wondrous as the trip there. I can definitely see why Dan and Cindy (and everyone else in the bunch, apparently) would cling to personal aviation as a...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 35

Johanna's Turn: I walked out of the classroom with a definite spring in my step. I had several reasons to bounce, you know. Let's see. That test paper I laid on the GA's desk was, to the best of my knowledge, close to perfect. Stoney was home waiting on me. The semester was almost over and for the first time in my life I was not packing up to go spend winter break with Mom and Dad. The test. How ironic that I was testing at the end of a class on the history of Europe since 1945. I smiled...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 36

Still Johanna: Semester's over. Christmas break. And this was new. Ever since I started school, Christmas break was with Mom and Dad, even in college. Well, this year, people, it's different. Little Johanna Elise Solheim is now Mrs. Randall Jackson and with that status comes a whole new life. Christmas dinner. "Do you think we can manage something close to a Christmas dinner, Stoney?" He smiled. "Yeah, I think we can do that, in a restrained fashion." "Turkey. Little one. With...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 37

Stoney's Turn: That was a surprise. Of course, since last September I've had lots of surprises. That was pleasant. Same thing. Since I touched fingertips one day with this startling redhead, I've had lots of 'pleasant', too. I parsed Jo's comments, "A little girl with family issues." "I get the feeling..." I concurred. "She's quite comfortable when she's playing, though." My partner smiled. "I've seen the family issues. Us military brats get an introduction." She paused....

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 38

Stoney's turn: When I was walking out of the building, headed home, I called Jo. "Hello, sweetness," she said. "Hi, princess," I returned. "Did Kara come over?" "Oh, yes," she said. "We're cranking out the music. Come home and join us!" "I'm on the way. Pedaling as fast as I can." My wife giggled. "Just drive careful. You know how you are!" Ten minutes later I was parking. Locked the SUV, walked to the door. I could hear the music as I unlocked it. It stopped with the...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 39

Johanna's turn: It's not about sex. We're cuddled together. The sex is over for the night. And I still love him. Of course, right now we're both glowing. I mean, if we tossed the covers back, the room would light up. The post-coital (coital? - Damn you, Sheldon Cooper!) tingles will subside in a bit, but that loving glow hasn't. Nope. Hasn't. Not since I first admitted to myself that this was the guy for my life. I trust him. He trusts me. Kara's turn: Kara Sevinsky. That's me. I...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 40

Stoney's turn: I punched the button on my office phone. Rang twice. Sweet, happy voice. "Hi, my love." "Hi, my princess," I replied. "I'm getting ready to walk out the door. What's up for the evening?" "Me and you. Some deli roast beef. Muenster cheese. Artisan ciabatta rolls from the bakery up the street. A bottle of Reisling. And then ... I have designs on your body..." "No Kara this evening?" "Nope. We talked a bit ago. She's got a Skype session with the bunch in...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 41

Kara's turn: I feel like Balboa. You remember him, don't you? And no, NOT Rocky. He's the guy who 'discovered' the Pacific Ocean, at least from the Eurocentric point of view. That's how I feel after meeting Jo and Stoney and subsequently the girls in that community in Alabama: like I walked out of the jungle and there's a whole ocean just waiting for me. I'm seventeen. It's time that I start taking some actions to control my own life. It hasn't been easy. I'm not a poor kid, at...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 42

Stoney's turn: So let's see where we're at now. I have a rollicking good life. There were long, lonely nights in the not too far past that I despaired of finding the person who would fill the void in my soul. As I sit here, eyes closed to repair the strain from staring at the diagram on my monitor, there's a little metallic blue Japanese car leaving the campus of the university, headed to what used to be my apartment. It's not my apartment now. It's ours. The driver of that little...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 43

Johanna's turn: Friday! I was never one of that 'TGIF' bunch who LIVES for Fridays before. Before Stoney. Now? Maybe. Just a little bit. We swapped vehicles this morning. He drove my little hatchback to work. I took his SUV to campus. And at three, after class, I was loading bags into it at the apartment. That way, when he got home, we'd be ready to head to the marina. I can't wait. Yes! I get excited. I know, really, we have as much privacy as two people could possibly ask for here...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 44

Johanna's turn: Two more weeks. That's it. Two weeks! I will graduate college. Stoney says he's the first of his family to receive a college degree. For myself, both parents have degrees, Dad's masters includes four years from West Point, Mom's from Trinity College in Dublin. And now I'm getting ready to graduate here in Houston, Texas, US of A. Double major, too, music and business administration. I have that 'music' part nailed. I could take a position with the local symphony,...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 45

Johanna's turn: Back from ten wonderful days in Norway. Spent some time living out of Great-uncle Jan's place. He's got a beautiful home up a mountainside above a fjord overlooking one of his shipyards in the distance. It's a little shipyard, and this is Norway where shipbuilding is part of the national psyche, so it counts as scenery, understand? We did the touristy things, visiting museums and churches, seeing sights, absorbing the culture like a sponge. Phone call. I looked at the...

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Exploding CupcakesChapter 2

Cat felt like a zoo exhibit. Every once in a while, passing footsteps would stop in front of her cage. Sometimes the passers by would comment on her. Other times they would linger silently and walk on. The door to Cat's cage opened. She was led back down the ramps. Her blindfold and chains were removed, as was the gag. "Get undressed," her handler commanded. Cat removed her jeans, shirt, and shoes. "Keep going," she was instructed. She removed her socks, bra, and panties. She was now...

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Exploding CupcakesChapter 3

The next day at work, she went up three floors from her office to visit her friend, Brenda, at another company. While there, she asked to use the phone. She assumed they couldn't tap all the phones of all the companies in the building. Steve was surprised to hear from her, but agreed to pick her up at her office after work. Cat had brought a change of clothes to work. She changed shortly before quitting time, put on a wig, and turned her reversible coat inside out. When Steve arrived, she...

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Exploding CupcakesChapter 4

"Did it take long for that brand to heal?" "Who are you?" the woman demanded. She eyed Cat's neck brace. "Don't you know what will happen if we're seen together? Get away from me." "It's okay," said Cat. "They can't track me." "Maybe you managed to ditch your watchers, but we're in just as much trouble if mine see us." "You don't have any watchers. They track you electronically with your collar. Mine is shielded, so they can't tell we're together." "You don't...

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Jeff and his Daughter Part Two

Part IIThere was a knocking at the door. Jeff looked a little surprised but it only slowed his fucking by a little bit. “Expecting some one?” he asked. “Oh yea dad, Caitlyn said her dad had that thing you need done, and was going to bring it by today.” Jessica breathed in between Jeff's thrusts into her love slot. “Should we move some where more private?” Jeff asked. “No, Caitlyn's cool. If your lucky maybe she'll join you,” I said putting the camera down and walking to the kitchen to answer...

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Mother in laws

“Can’t we give her another chance,” nervously pleaded Hansa as we pulled into our driveway. “No”, Ravi said as he saw tears filling her downcast blue eyes, and making her mascara run down her face. “It is time for her to make a decision. This will not go on like this any more.” As they walked in the door they could see Sumitra sitting on the coach in the living room, drinking a glass of wine and peacefully smoking a cigarette, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Still statuesque, in her...

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EncountersChapter 5

Dan Casey had mixed emotions about flying down to Florida. While he was happy to be leaving the cooler weather up north and heading to the sunny south, he had enjoyed the Saturday night dinner dates with Dana and Kerrie’s periodic layovers at O’Hare. Dana said she would see him when he came back north for the holidays but Kerrie said layovers in Tampa would be a rare occurrence for her. These were two great women and he would miss being with them. Dee had sent him an e-mail saying that she...

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I made my way through the dart players and into the corner where I like to sit. Armed with my note pads and pen I sat on the high bench that ran the length of the bar and angled myself so I could watch the game on the big screen. Slightly off to my right and 2 tables away sat an interesting looking brunette. She also was on the bench seat. She was wearing a black full length winter coat that was undone enough to reveal a mid length skirt and long nylon clad legs. She was entirely over dressed...

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The Setup

© copyright 2006 All rights reserved "I'm still not sure that this is such a great idea, Tracy." Steven chose to stare into his coffee as he spoke, rather than look at his girlfriend. "I already told Jennifer that you would." She replied. I know that you don't like her, but she's really sweet if you get to know her." "I don't understand why this doesn't bother you, Tracy. Don't you want me to be loyal to you?" "It's only this one time, Steven. When I get back, we'll pick up...

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Swim Team Bus Rides

I was on the swim team my senior year in high school. I know what your thinking "speedo's eeewww" but that also means 3-4 hour long swim meets, with maybe 15 min tops in the water. That is a lot of time to view the scenery around you....Any way in my Catholic high school we had a lot of away meets in places that were a one to two hour bus rides away. After being surrounded by bathing suit clad females for hours and then cramping all us into buses together, you have a lot of potential for sin.It...

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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 20

It was one of those days that Sal thought for sure would go down in the books as uneventful. His Aunt Gina was all caught up in some asinine Bingo game scam up in Yonkers that he viewed as a big waste of time. A lot of the residents were away at the shore making up for lost time because of the last two rainy weekends. He had an appointment to do Mrs. O' Brian's pipes right after lunch but she came down into the basement early in the morning catching him putting some Irish in his coffee and...

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Loosing my freedom to being fucked in the ass

So I’ve been in a relationship with a girl for 4 years now, very happy with the sex, but as a Bi guy I some times need to have my ass ruined and my girl is very submissive so very unlikely to happen, recently I’ve been having the same fantasy over and over and i’d like to share it with you all. Before i start you all need to know something, even though i can cum as i ride a dildo (it’s my fav way to cum when wanking) I’ve never been able to cum as someone’s fucked me, no matter how hard i try,...

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Gymnastics Trainer

I was cleaning the change room.It was about 18:00.There was nobody in the building.Or I was thinking so.I heard some voices from shower section.Someone was taking shower.First, I thought that gymnast girls left the taps open.But, no..someone was taking shower.Probably, one of the gymnast girls were taking shower.I cleaned the room and began waiting for her.I'm almost 74 years old and still working.I'm retired but I didn't want to stay at home.That's why the manager of sports center accepted me...

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Can You See Me NowChapter 19

Building B516 was, indeed, easy to find. That was partly due to the fact that the gate guard provided Bob with a map of the installation, which had J36 Headquarters marked on it. Then, of course, there was the LGM-118A Peacekeeper shell (most likely) standing tall in the sunlight on the front lawn of the building. He knew, of course, that the Peacekeeper had been decommissioned because of the START II treaty, but he still thought it was odd that what had been such a secret weapon was now out...

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The Mansion

Perhaps it was by accident, but I'm kinda glad it happened. I saw on his phone a message to some kind of orgy, with a bunch of buddies of his. Assholes even sent pics of the girls they'd be bringing over, as well as ones expected to be there. Can't believe how often I put up with this kind of crap from men. It was practically instilled in their minds, to stick their dick in whatever hole they could find. Needs, they called it. Needs that seemed to constantly rise to their convenience, and...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 1

The image that we have of a hero is of a muscle-bound man who can carry three victims in one arm while firing a machine gun with the other. The word hero makes us think of a man with a strong chin, chiseled features, and steely eyes. Sure, some heroes are the big strong manly types such as described in stories and portrayed in movies. Of course, we also think that heroines are attractive hard-body types who have studied martial arts their whole lives. From the media presentation of heroic...

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Barbie 3

This is the final chapter of Barbie. It is dark and contains non- consensual sex between minors. If this offends you, please do not read it. All characters are products of my imagination and any resemblance to people living or dead is mere coincidence. KJ Barbie 3 I watched as Lisa walked away from me. I was alone and scared. It was already dark and I knew it wasn't safe for a young girl to be out on the streets alone. I suspected it might be even worse for me if I were caught. I...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 30

Out Of Afrika, Chapter 30A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and WunderboiThe journey back to Hawksville of the Professor Steeves Research Group was a subdued one. Each and every one of them was completely fatigued from the sexual exertions of the past few days and the flight back over the Atlantic in the company Gulfstream was mainly spent sleeping. In their waking moments, the events of the farewell celebrations they had enjoyed in Lerotica loomed large in...

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Home from the Road 2

Danny decided she was ready to clean the RV. She donned her bikini top and a modest pair of shorts, or so I thought anyway. We gathered the supplies, ladder, water hose and vacuum she would need for her task. My wife announced she was going shopping and wanted to know if I wanted to go with her. I told her if Danny was going to be using the tall ladder to wash the RV one of us should be around to make sure she was OK. My wife agreed and left alone. My wife’s car was barely out of sight when...

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