Champion of the KingdomChapter 4
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Martian Planetary Guard Base Troop Club — Eden
The smell of marijuana smoke hung thickly in the air, overpowering even the odor of alcohol and tobacco smoke. The ventilators in the room struggled to keep up with the outpouring but it was a hopeless task. Scores of off-duty MPG soldiers of all ranks, sexes, and ages were sitting at the bar or at cocktail tables; smoking and drinking the intoxicating substances, unwinding from the stressful twenty-four hours that had just occurred. Even though the bar contained about twice as many MPG members as usual, particularly for a weekday, the absence of any marine personnel was conspicuous and a constant reminder of what had occurred.
The speech that Whiting and Jackson had just witnessed had been played in the club on the large Internet screen above the bar; the sound reproduced perfectly by speakers at every table. During the speech itself the room had been eerily quiet, the silence broken only by the occasional outraged muttering from a soldier that knew what Williams was saying was a lie. But the final part of her speech, the part addressed to the soldiers in this room, had been met with stony, worried silence.
When the speech ended conversation erupted everywhere, much of it angry, some of it terrified and hysterical.
At a table near the rear of the room, Lisa Wong and Brian Haggerty sat together. Lisa was taking a thoughtful draw off a bong the server had brought to her. She had paid for the double hit with her debit card; forking over six dollars for it, and was now smoking the last of it. Across from her Brian was sipping out of a bottle of beer. He'd declined the marijuana, not caring much for it. The two partners had coincidentally run into each other at the front door of the club an hour ago and decided to sit together.
"Brian," Lisa said, "you're in a combat branch and I'm only in admin so I want you to give me an honest opinion."
"Okay," Brian agreed, already knowing what she was going to ask.
"Can we win this thing? Can we actually hope to defeat the WestHem marines when they land here? I mean really? I know most of what that WestHem bitch said was bullshit, but she wasn't bullshitting about them sending marines over here to take this planet back from us."
"No," he agreed thoughtfully, "she wasn't. They're gonna send a shitload of them here."
"So are we fighting a hopeless cause here? I don't mind fighting for Mars. In fact I'd be more than proud to do it. And since Whiting is opening up combat branches for women, I'll volunteer for combat duty." She smiled. "I should be able to get in given my background, don't you think?"
Brian nodded.
"I don't even mind fighting if the odds are way against us. I will gladly take the consequences of losing too. But are there any odds? Is there any chance at all we'll win? I don't want to sacrifice myself for no chance at all. I don't want to be a martyr if it's hopeless before we begin."
Brian picked up his beer and took a sip from it. He stared at his partner thoughtfully, thinking of a way to say what was on his mind. "I met General Jackson a few times," he finally said.
"I did more than just meet him once. We were at a formal party for MPG promotions and I actually got to sit down and talk to him for a while. He's a very smart man. You can tell that just from a few minutes of talking to him."
"What did you talk about?" Lisa asked, suspecting that whatever they talked about had bearing on her questions.
"Military history," Brian replied. "Of course I never got much further than tech school. I'm not one of the elite that was allowed into our university system. But I have studied quite a bit of military history on my own. Do you know what General Jackson's degree is in?"
"Military history," she answered. "Any MPG member knows that."
"That's right," he said. "Military history is his passion. In the fifteen-minute conversation I had with him I could see that he was more than an expert on the subject. He is the authority on it. And do you know what particular wars interested him the most?"
"There were three of them that fascinated him. Three that he told me he'd studied extensively. One is very famous; the war that brought the beginnings of what would become WestHem eventually."
"The American Revolution," Lisa replied. "The birth of capitalism and so-called democracy."
"Right," he said. "But the other two wars were very obscure conflicts. Most school kids today have probably never even heard of them. The first was called the Vietnam War. The second was called the Afghanistan War. Both took place in the second half of the twentieth century. All three of these wars have a single thing in common. Do you know what that is?"
Lisa's mind, assaulted by cannabis, could not think of a common thread. She shook her head.
"In all three of these wars," he told her, "an enemy that was better equipped, in better numbers, and that was absolutely sure of victory, invaded a smaller country expecting the conflict to be over in a matter of weeks with their unconditional victory. And in all three cases the under-equipped, undertrained, understaffed inhabitants of those lands defeated those enemies. Soundly defeated them."
"I'm not sure I'm following you," she said, although she was starting to get a glimmer.
"In all three of these cases the enemy — the Russians in Afghanistan, the French and the Americans in Vietnam, and the British in the revolutionary war — were invading unfamiliar terrain at the end of long supply lines. They were fighting an enemy on their home ground, an enemy that was committed to not being pacified, an enemy that was fighting for independence from a superior power, an enemy that had something to fight for. In each case the invaders did not really care for the task that they were embarked upon. They had no passion for the battle. They only wanted to get the job done and get out of what they considered to be a shithole. What do all of the Earthlings call this place?"
"A shithole," Lisa replied. "Or worse."
"Do you think any of the WestHem marines are going to want to die for this place? To give their life to return Mars to the WestHem corporations? Because no matter what kind of bullshit the WestHem ruling council slings via the media, anyone with any intelligence on that planet is going to know what the real reason for the war is. That includes the marines. When they start seeing their friends die, when they realize that this war is not a cakewalk, their morale is going to go down the shitter. Troops with poor morale are the perfect setting for defeat."
"So you think we can defeat them?" she asked. "Drive them off this planet with poor morale? Even though they'll have five times the equipment that we do?"
Brian pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one with a laser lighter. He drew deeply, exhaling a plume of smoke into the air. "I've been thinking about this a lot lately," he told his partner, his friend. "It goes back to those three wars. Now General Jackson hasn't confided his plans in me or anything, but I can make a few guesses as to what he's going to do. Do you know what the major factor in the victory of those three wars was?"
"Home ground?" she ventured.
He nodded. "Exactly. The victors were on their home ground. They knew every nook and cranny of the battlefields. And they all made extensive use of guerrilla warfare. They were all under-equipped forces, with inferior weaponry. They rarely, if ever, hit the enemy head on. What they did was pick at them, piece by piece in their own rear areas. A few squads of harassment troops here and there, squads whose job was to pick off soldiers one by one, when they were least expecting it. The concept is simple. Never give your enemy a place where he can feel safe. Even in their own heavily guarded encampments they were hit by snipers, or mortar fire, or rockets. They made the enemy feel that as long as they were anywhere in those godforsaken places that they were in peril, that they could be killed without warning at any time.
"I believe General Jackson is going to employ a lot of special forces teams whose job it will be to do just that. To go out into the wastelands, to their very landing sites, and pick at them. To position themselves along the march and hit their tanks and APCs with lasers. To knock them off one by one and to degrade their morale."
"And that can win the war?" she asked.
"Yes," he said. "Although in all of the above cases it was a long, protracted process that cost a lot of the defenders their lives. They all took horrible casualties doing this. It took years in every case. With the Vietnamese it took nearly a generation. But they all achieved their goals in the end."
"So you're saying we're going to have to fight them for years?" she asked, depressed at the thought.
"Well," he said, "there's a basic difference between them and us."
"What's that?"
"The Americans, the Vietnamese, and the Afghans were all under-equipped and poorly trained forces. We, on the other hand, though numerically inferior, have the same equipment that the WestHems have. In fact, we have equipment specifically designed for use on Mars, something WestHem lacks. We also have training that's better than the WestHems."
"So how does that fit the equation?"
He smiled. "I think that WestHem is in for a big surprise when they come over here. A shocking surprise. In any case, to answer your question, this war is far from hopeless. I think we're gonna kick some Earthling ass."
All over the planet people did as Laura Whiting had instructed. They talked to each other. They discussed the question. In some cases there were arguments. In some cases the arguments were violent. In a few they were deadly.
In Libby a man shot his wife to death when she refused to change her mind on how she was going to vote.
In Procter two street gang members shot another when he told them that he was going to vote no and they disagreed with his choice.
On Triad there was another violent voting argument between gang members. Shots were fired in the heat of the disagreement and two were killed.
There were other episodes of violence during the period between Laura Whiting's speech and the vote itself. In the industrial city of Dow, for instance, the regional manager of MarsTrans corporation headed for his office as he usually did the morning after Laura Whiting's speech. His wife, a high society Earthling who hated her husband's assignment on Mars, protested, warning him that it wasn't safe but he scoffed at her and headed out of the two hundred and eighth floor apartment, intending to take a first class tram downtown and begin calling each of his managerial staff and ordering them to come in. Where did that Martian bitch Whiting get off declaring a work holiday anyway? He was going to show those greenies a thing or two about playing hardball. He made it less than a block from the front of his apartment before an angry group of middle-class Martians, many of them employees of MarsTrans, attacked him and beat him to death.
But for the most part the presence of the MPG on the streets kept the planet in order. In every city roving patrols on foot and in clanking APCs took up positions on major street intersections and augmented the police force. The actual incidents of street crime — already at an all-time low — took an additional dive.
The cities of Mars were confined to the Western Hemisphere of the planet and stretched across only nine of the twenty-four Martian time zones. The prime meridian for the planet ran through New Pittsburgh, the first of the Martian cities. The furthest city to the east was Dow, a mining city in the northern latitudes with a population of five million. Dow was three hours ahead of the prime meridian. It was here that the polls first opened on the morning of the vote; at 0800 Dow time, 0500 New Pittsburgh time.
Voting was accomplished by calling up the ballot program on an Internet screen. The main computer that controlled it was in the capital building in New Pittsburgh. The computer had been instructed to allow only those people who were Martian citizens to vote. It obtained a list of these people from the census computer and downloaded their names, social security numbers, and fingerprint information. The voters would identify themselves by placing their right index finger on the pad of the screen they were using.
Once the terminal sent the identification information to the main voting computer and the main voting computer was satisfied that that person was a Martian citizen of voting age that had not already voted once, the ballot was sent. In this case the ballot had a single issue on it that required either a yes or a no vote. When the voter made his or her decision it was sent back to the main computer and logged.
The program that controlled voting, aside from being completely tamper-proof (attempts to change the programming would erase the program completely), would not allow the release of any results until all polls had closed planetwide. This was because in the past it had been found that the release of such information as it was collected tended to discourage many people from voting at all. After all, what was the point of casting your ballot if the issue already seemed decided? This was a particular problem among the western time zone cities both on Mars and Earth. Since 2070 the new system of non-release had been in place and all but the media, who used to delight in making daylong newscasts out of Election Day, seemed to like it.
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My sweet wife had flown to Buenos Aires, in a quick trip to visit some friends and relatives there. I was busy at office and had declined to join her.On Friday, I came home exhausted after a hard week at the office.I got a relaxing warm shower, a light meal for supper and poured myself a glass of Irish whisky. I was feeling a little bit horny and home alone, missing my sensual Ana’s wet cunt; so I began watching some porn. I found a new hot site there on the net…It looked interesting, showing...
Hannah was twelve when her mother Debbie and I first got together and only two years older when we were married. Her parents had divorced when she was only three and her ‘real’ father now lived in Toronto with his new wife and a gaggle of younger British-Canadian kids. Hannah hadn’t seen him in years. The last time she had gone to stay she had felt so awkward with his new wife clearly resenting her presence in the house. Their two kids had been far too young to be company for Hannah and the...
TabooThis is a story about butt-style facesitting and a male who craved it for years. Sometimes, the things we want most come with problems we never imagined. This is not a sex or penetration story but rather one focused more on ass-adoration.----------------------------------Tori Rollins was a cute and popular girl with short brunette hair, bright brown eyes, and a compact gymnast-like body which included a very round, compact gymnast-like butt. Since I had been a butt watcher from c***dhood, her...
Hello lovely and sexy people of Indian sex stories this is Ajit from Mumbai with yet another real story for all you beautiful women and couples . Lets begin with the story without wasting your time ……. Names changed to maintain privacy . I received mail from one of my iss fan his name is raj and he wanted to have a foursome with his wife to which I obliged and fixed a date with him and the place was rajs home. It was a Saturday night party and I reached at the place around 11 p.M and had a...
For those of you that have been following my story, chapters 8, 9 and 10 are a trilogy. Chater 8 is the setup for the other two, with an enjoyable amount of sexual tension for the fun later. Don’t forget to read all three chapters for the full effect. Enjoy! *************** Jason was nervous. Friday came too fast for him. He had been invited to Angela’s house to meet someone tonight, and that time had come. He was just pulling up to their home on Sycamore Avenue. The evening breeze mussed...
A Virus Marriage By Jillian Well, here we go again, my third story that takes place in the Virus Universe. This time the subject(s) are a middle-aged married couple, Helen and Philip Kingston whose three children are all grown and out of the nest. Here again, the subjects not only change sexes but their ages as well, losing about 35 years as a result of the virus. A twist to this particular story is the continuing reluctance of both parties to willingly accept what it inevitable and...
A week later we were a good ways down the trail. I eased up on Zeke. “Seen ‘em yet?” “Maybe five of them, tryin’ to stay out of sight. They don’t look too salty.” “The four riders on the ridge do. They look like they mean business.” “Yep, those boys act serious. Maybe we need to let the fools catch up with us get lost in the crowd a bit.” An hour later we found what we wanted, a little draw just off the trail. We eased into it and waited. We heard them for a good while before we saw them,...
I never really did much in terms of jobs that pay a decent wage throughout my college years. Usually jumping from minimum wage job to minimum wage job did not help pay for my tuition, plus applying for scholarships would take a lot of time, and you aren't always going to get the scholarship so it could be a waste of time. So I was going to start looking for another means of getting paid for easy work that is legal.Searching on job sites was really boring. I would find something I like but it...
Hi many of you have appreciated my last part, and have mailed me your thoughts so thanks a lot for your replies and opinions. Now here is the part 7 of this series. Please keep your comments coming so i can write more and simulate your fantasies. So here we go. We played with each other’s bodies for a bit and kissed and caressed each other in the bath tub till we felt the water get colder by the minute. The bath tub though sizeable was still uncomfortable for two people, by now anjana had held...
Dr. Jones woke up to a bright light, He clamped his eyes closed, took a deep breath and was suddenly consumed in coughing fits as a grey fluid was expelled from his lungs. At first he thought he was in the hospital, but he quickly realized that it was too quiet. After a few seconds a feminine voice spoke, as a small hand began to pat on his back. "The Cryogenic fluids should clear your lungs shortly. Try and take deep breaths as it will help expel them faster." Soon his fits began to...
Written By MusclecockI'm Samantha, an ordinary 20-year-old brunette, with an ordinary job at the reception desk in an ordinary office building downtown L.A. You might have seen me shopping at the mall or dancing at the local night club. You might have found me attractive, too. Some men can't keep their eyes off me.Did I say ordinary? Well, not quite. I'm an nymphomaniac. I just love men. I just love making myself look sexy, and make men staring at me. It makes me so hot.Anyway, I didn't mention...
It wasn’t truly morning yet when I awoke to your moving on our bed. You threw back the covers, swung your leg over me and ground your sopping pussy onto my face as you leaned over to take my rapidly hardening cock into your mouth. You ground your cunt on my face, getting yourself off on rubbing against me, hardly letting my lips and tongue contribute. You sucked my cock with an urgency that I had barely felt when we first came together after being apart for nearly 5 months. I hardly had time...
Standing there, Erik had a hand to his chin in thought. He had delved into the mind of the Penelope, or Pen for short, and found an interesting desire. It became obvious to Erik that some of the fantasies these girls had were possible, others were not. The fact that they were often pure fantasy meant that some of the girls dreamt of scenarios Erik could never fulfill. Fran for instance wanted to have sex in space with a fictional character from one of her favorite books. Sure, Erik could...
I held Erin and kissed her and pulled out of her, laughing my ass off. We walked hand in hand down the stairs, my penis still erect. As we hit the ground floor, I heard a voice. “Oh daddy. Look at that.” “Oh oh!” “Taylor, you and your sisters and mommies have a ‘gina’ and daddies have a penis. Sometimes, when daddies show their love to mommies, it gets big.” “Ok!” That was it. Keep it simple stupid! Right? After putting the older girls to bed, my wives and I White Castle farted ourselves...
Let me tell you a little about my wife CeeCee. She is tall and blonde – definitely blonde! I found out over time that she also had a little trouble connecting the dots. I met her a little over three years ago. She was in a bar with this asshole they were fighting over something. I don't usually interfere in peoples squabbles unless I am getting paid for it. That day though, the guy slapped her hard enough to knock her backward and into the chair behind her. That made her cry and I hate to see...
Boot Camp Blues By Deputy Duffy In northern Vermont there's an old school building that was used once asthe State Police Training Facility. Some vandals had trashed the place recently,and Deputy Johns and I were sent up there to play janitor. And I certainlywasn't happy about it. But then, in the debris of some vandalized wooden lockers,I found these papers -- letters from a girl to her sister. It was kind of strange at first to read them, but it was also kind of titillating,too. It took some...
Flashback – Masha and Louise – Home Again We returned to the furniture store, finished shopping for furniture for Louise’s room and of course bought a few things for Linda while we were at it. We made it back to the house and I was shocked when we arrived. Television news vans lined the streets. Louise stated the obvious, “Auntie Masha, it looks like the television stations have finally figured out your home address.” I complained, “This is the last thing I want to deal with today!” Then...