Incredible ChangesChapter 93: Spring Break Mission – Change Of Plans free porn video

So what is going on here and where is the “man in the machine” that has been in my ear all day?
Thirty-six told me to head out past the energy weapon shooting range, down the hall and then through a door I hadn’t gone through yet. She led me down a series of maze like hallways before we came out into an area that looked like it made from a video game for some sort of live-action role playing game. It was all shot up, had lights hanging down that flickered, and, just as in video games, bodies lying around.
Where are Sherry and Celine? Are they in this mess of bodies?
I instantly felt a calm come over me as saw the bodies were in all black uniforms, but not anything matching the ones I had worn here. As we moved further along I began to see people in uniforms to the people training here, but none of them were anyone I had seen at breakfast or lunch. All of them were dead.
We had justturned a corner when I started to hear a faint sound of shooting. Thirty-six told me to keep going in that direction. Right as my helmet powered up a bunch of bullets slammed into the wall in front of us.
Did I cause that to happen or is the “man in the machine” hiding somewhere to keep from being detected?
Now that my helmet was on everything around me quickly got enhanced. As another round of three bullets headed toward the wall in front of us, the visor highlighted traces of blood on the bullets. There was another long series of automatic fire right before a body fell into the hallway. Somehow I sensed Thirty-Six’s response as she saw the body.
Reaching back I pulled her protectively into my arms as I said, “I don’t think they are one of your group. They have some sort of energy rifle, but it isn’t anything like the ones from the range. Stay behind me, I will keep you safe.”
When I picked up the energy rifle I noticed the battery pack was completely used up and the body didn’t have any spares on them. Knowing my shield would take care of providing the needed power, I carefully moved up toward the door the body had fallen through. I told the place in my head to remove all of the walls and replace them with wire frame outlines. Soon I saw a lot of people behind cover shooting at each other. Thinking to have attackers in red, I saw that there were at least a hundred enemies working to attack around twenty of the people from here. Whoever had shot the enemy beside me was far enough away now to not see me going into the room. I was going past four dead bodies when I saw my helmet face shield light up something on one of the bodies. It was a force shield, but obviously more advanced to what I was shown on the range earlier. I quickly got it off the body and moved back to where Thirty-Six was waiting just outside the door.
Faster than I should have done, I had her naked above her waist. I pulled out a knife from my belt to scrape off some sort of plastic coating was meant to be removed before these parts of the shield were put on. My helmet facemask showed video of places where to put the knife tip and how much I needed to turn it to make some adjustments. I could feel it instantly when each part was set perfectly. As I had each piece ready I pushed it tight to her bare flesh exactly where they were to be placed. When I was about to turn it on, my mask showed that I was missing a critical part. I told Thirty-Six to pull everything down so she was naked above her boots, I would be right back.
My helmet guided me through the room of dead bodies, down a short hallway and then right up to a blank section of wall. It opened silently and inside on a bench was exactly what I needed. I grabbed it up, some small screwdrivers, a weird looking tool, and a roll of some sort of tape.
Thirty-Six was stripped down like I had asked. The weird tool was what the shield unit needed to open up hidden access doors used to patch in these long strip things I had grabbed from the hidden room. I strapped the strips along the front and backs of her legs using the weird tape to hold them in place. Right where it went between her legs there were two inch long finger protrusions positioned so they could only go up inside her. She barely flinched as I forced the one into her butthole and the other inside her vagina. Once I had all of the connectors pushed into the hidden access ports I powered the unit up. My eyes showed me that it had been setup completely wrong. It needed the straps for their legs to make it work properly. My adjustments fine-tuned it so it could charge off any AC line within a foot of the unit. The data I was seeing on my mask showed it would stop any bullets someone could be firing in here. With her naked, it would stop a sniper round as long as it was fired from more than two hundred feet away.
It lucky the person wearing it hadn’t known how to adjust it or find the missing parts to have it fully operational. Thirty-six needed to be protected somewhat like my shield protected me.
While I watched around the door frame, I made it appear I was looking for a shooter as Thirty-Six got dressed. There weren’t any enemies anywhere close to us. She just didn’t know that.
“If we live through this you are going to take my last virgin orifice Mr. Smith. Whatever is pushed in there now feels extremely pleasurable, but needs to be both longer and fatter,” Thirty-Six told me.
My enhanced display showed that she was past horny now. I got a red alert that it was causing her to lose focus and might get her killed even with the shield.
Before she could tell it was coming, I slapped the shit out of her. She didn’t have her helmet on and I saw the look of surprise as her head barely moved even though I had used my shield’s energy to enhance my strength. I watched the fire appear in her eyes and anger on her face as she started to reach for her sub-machinegun.
“Why the fuck did you do that Mr. Smith,” she said as I quickly pulled her sub-machinegun from her hands and pinned her to the wall.
Trying my best to not have my voice crack I said, “Getting your head out of your wet pussy to get you back into keeping us alive. I’m really thrilled I manage to turning you on. Right now that isn’t what we need to be thinking about. You are almost as good a shot as I am. We need that focus right now.”
The fire didn’t go out of her eyes. She soon looked like a trapped animal that knew it was at the mercy of what had it trapped her as soon as she found she was unable to break loose from me. When I let her go I handed her gun back and started into the room again.
Knowing right where the groups of enemies were in front of us made it extremely easy to find the best places to ambush them. Thirty-Six stayed back a bit to watch my six in case some attackers managed to circle around behind us.
There won’t be anyone that is going to get anywhere here that I won’t see.
I suddenly got the bad feeling that she was a virgin in more ways than just sex. I doubt she hadn’t ever killed anything bigger than a spider or cockroach. If I could help it, neither of us was going to kill anyone today.
Coming around one corner got me in the perfect place to hit eleven attackers with the energy rifle. I seemed to have the exact knowledge of the specific amount of energy required to knock each one out for hours without actually killing them. Completely forgetting they were even in my tactical pants pockets, I had zip cuffs out that I used to quickly cuff each hand to their opposite ankle. Just to be sure they weren’t going anywhere I used another around their wrists. As I scouted a bit forward I saw Thirty-Six stripping the attackers of all weapons she could find. She was making quick trips to another of the hidden wall rooms to stash them. We did this over and over again until sixty of the attackers were down, but we hadn’t killed any.
In the next room I was worried I was going to go off the rails to the point of actually pulsing. Over in one corner I saw Sherry and Celine laying just below a big spray area of bullets. If the helmet’s enhanced video overlay hadn’t shown me they were alive and uninjured I would have switched to live ammo as I tore through the place putting bullets in every one of the attacker’s heads. I quickly checked them over to be sure they weren’t hurt. Both were covered in wall board dust, but that was it. Still they weren’t responding to me. Thirty-Six reached past me to hold up what looked to be a tall energy drink can that had been crushed.
She told me, “Emergency sedative that causes their body to appear to be dead to their attackers. It is issued to young resources to use in imminent death situations. Scanners will register them to be past saving or able to re-engage.”
Well at least something going on here makes some sense.
We continued on toward sounds of a heavy fire fight. When I got close to the enemy I wondered why the helmet was marking these people as attackers. All but one of them were people I had seen here at lunch. Where they were shooting were more of the people from lunch. Even the man that had evaluated me on the gun ranges was shown as an enemy.
My helmet has not been wrong so far. It is safer to neutralize them all and let someone else sort it out.
The people that had been shooting this way stayed down under cover as I zip-cuffed all of these attackers. There was one more group of thirty enemies attacking down the next hallway. Thirty-six heard the shooting too, so she moved with me to just be just at the edge of the hallway to cover my back as I went around to attack. I targeted each enemy and used the energy I pulled in from around me to take them out with a single full power burst from the rifle. Well at least I made it appear that was what I had done. Just like that I had taken out the whole group in one shot.
No one but me will ever know. I’m good with that.
Taking more zip cuffs off the attacker’s bodies, I had them all bound up as well.
How many of those zip cuffs can my pockets hold? They aren’t that small or easy to store. Was I picking them up off bodies earlier without noticing?
I hadn’t been paying enough attention and soon heard a lot of shots pinging off my body armor. They had to have been nine mm bullets as the body armor was made to take those easily without penetration. My shield hadn’t needed to do anything in this case. I felt more coming at me. When I turned to look the bullets were coming from the four people hunkered down behind their cover.
I grabbed my MP5, flipped on the blue laser, and soon had shot out all of the lights except the ones right over them. It shook them up enough to drop way down below their cover toward the floor. I could only guess they were expecting incoming fire. Instead I moved silently over the dead bodies all around the room and got to where I was just at the side of the low cinderblock wall they were using for cover. Making myself see their guns, I plotted out the path that would let me run through them to strip the guns from their hands. In one a few seconds I was at the other side of the wall they were using as cover. I dropped their guns and aimed my energy rifle at them.
“Do I need to stun you too? Four is a lot easier than the thirty or so out in the hall,” I told the four women that had used my dick to take their virginities this morning. “I have no idea what the hell is going on around here, but I would be justified in shooting you four given you raped me this morning. I need to know what the hell is going on around here, so why don’t you come with me back to Thirty-Six where she is watching the hallway?”
So now what are you going to do? I took your guns after you unloaded at least one clip each at me without hurting me. I could kill you right now without you having any chance to do a damn thing about it.
I secured my MP5 and then the energy rifle before I reached down to offer my hand to the one closest to me. She may have been very well trained in all sorts of martial arts, but when she tried to pull me off balance it didn’t work like it had with Annie during her karate class. I didn’t move even an inch. When she relaxed a bit, to try something else, I jerked her off the floor to be standing beside me. The other three didn’t bother to trying to attack me, they let me help them up as well.
Looking at them through my helmet showed one had gotten shot through her right lung. With a speed I hadn’t expected, I lifted her up and took her over to a nearby table. In seconds I had her naked from the waist up. I started digging through one of the other women’s vests to get out one of the tall black tubes they had the sedative used to make them appear dead. The place in my head somehow knew what I needed to see inside it. I found myself quickly pulling the can apart to get out the long needle. From one of the other women I had gotten a handful of alcohol wipes that I used to clean a spot on the woman’s side exactly as I had seen in many movies. Somehow I knew to find a place between then second and third ribs somewhere in the middle. That is where I pushed in the needle and then heard a big hissing sound of air coming out. She was soon breathing easier and trying to get up.
“Hold it right there. You aren’t going anywhere with a needle sticking in you like that,” I told her. “No matter what the hell you four are involved in I just saved you from dying from a collapsed lung. Don’t move an inch or I will let you die.”
Making my eyes not see the outer clothes or material of the vests, I couldn’t find what I needed. Out in the hall I found that half of these attackers had bags of surgical tubing.
What were they planning to do with that?
I grabbed up two of the smallest looking sizes and rushed back to the room. Using more alcohol I pulled the needle out and cleaned the place where it had been. I must have had the process in my head, but for some reason I wasn’t getting all the things need in one go. Rushing back out to the pile of unconscious attackers I found some long nosed atrial forceps still inside a sterile surgical bag, just like the tubing had been. I used those to force the end of the smallest tubing into her body to let out the air building inside her again. I put a stack of alcohol wipes all around where I had pushed the tubing into her body. Everything was secured with duct tape.
Does anyone actually use duct tape to seal up ducts?
“You can knock the shit of me later if they take that off without you being asleep or really drugged up. The bullet is just under the skin on your side. I won’t have to dig it out to stop any bleeding. It cauterized the skin around where it entered,” I told her. “If the pain is too much for you to move you are getting morphine and I will carry you. We have to get the hell back to the others to find out what is going on here.”
Damn she is tough as nails. Period cramps probably don’t even bother her.
I duct taped the rest of the tubing to her stomach before getting her shirt and body armor back on her. Thirty-Six turned a bit pale when she saw me helping the one woman down the hall. One of the other women caught her up on what happened. When I got back into the room where Celine and Sherry had been I found them sitting up in one of the corner. There were three men and one woman helping them clear their heads of the powerful sedative they had injected to appear dead.
Almost all of the people that entered into the room were the core group from breakfast. Only two were missing based on what I remembered. When the Sherry and Celine were able to stand, we all moved off down a maze of bullet ridden hallways until we turned a corner that led into a completely pristine hallway. I helped the one injured woman as the rest scouted forward or watched out backs. Eventually we ended up going down a long ramp into a place that definitely at least four stories underground. At the end there was something that looked like a subway car on the outside and first class cabin on the inside. I buckled the injured woman into a seat against the wall and took the seat right next to her. She lifted the arm rest up, pushed over a bit closer, pulled my arm around her and then promptly passed out. I could hear the air whistling out of the tube as she breathed, so she was still alive.
The ride took well over thirty minutes even though it felt like we were really flying down the tunnel. Without anything to use as a gauge I couldn’t even guess at our speed. At the other end we came to a stop to find hundreds of people aiming machine guns at us. All of the others with me passed over their weapons and put their hands up.
They can’t hurt me and I have something that will make them shit in their pants even if they are more of the attackers from where I was supposed to be training.
Reaching inside the security case for my all access badge, I pulled the badge out, found the badge holder with all of my other badges in it, slid the lanyard around my neck and put the all access badge facing out. I unbuckled the unconscious woman, got out of my seat, lifted her into my arms, and moved toward the steps to get up onto the platform.
“Don’t move or we will shoot,” the man closest to me yelled.
I turned so it was obvious he could see my all access badge and said, “No you won’t. You will return my parties weapons and escort us to where we can get medical treatment.”
He aimed his rifle right in my face. The woman has woken up so I was able to help her stand beside me. Sherry looked defiant and came to support the woman.
I got the lanyard off my neck and held the badge holder out in my left hand. I used my left arm to force his machine gun away from my head as I put the badge holder inches from his face. My right hand already had my suppressed Glock out of the holder. I put the suppressor right in front of his left eye, the badge was just inches from his right.

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