Incredible ChangesChapter 94: Spring Break Mission – Now What? free porn video

Here I was in the room I had been to taken after our arrival and my debriefing. The same room where Thirty-Six / Amelia had come in naked with a tech to get me to help remove the shield harness. I finished looking at the tablet with the current data on the cluster fuck that happened at what was supposed to be a training base for this mission. I didn’t really understand many of the terms the used. The best I could figure out was that outside of the team I had met this morning, the rest were part of a group of rogue agents. They locked me up to keep me from stopping them. None of my team had been killed, but many support people and quite of few of the attackers had.
The biggest issue was that the “man in the machine” seemed to have gone offline. Looking inside my head I could see the transceiver was still in place. It was working, but I wasn’t getting any incoming energy. I didn’t have any other information on how to reach out to him or even know if he really ever existed.
All of the team is now looking toward me to do something. Every one of them has a lot more experience than me. What do they expect me to do? I was brought to their base to train for their mission! Now what?
“Mr. Smith,” one of the men said. “We have gone outside of the mission parameters headquarters provided us. None of the people in this facility have any ties to our organization. My team is on lockdown here until contact can be re-established. We’re restricted of the rooms within this security block.”
Amelia told me how these security blocks were designed to provide for all basic needs of those interned within. Each block was completely stocked with frozen meats, water filtration equipment, basic medical supplies, insulin, medications, linens, uniforms, and laundry facilities. Milk and eggs were collected directly from the animals themselves by those imprisoned in the block that had been somehow redirected here a random from one of the commercial farms nearby. From how she described it, nearly a thousand cows existed on the nearby farms that milked by automated machines. Each passed through a system of gates that would guide a cow into an open stall and then move the entire stall to where an automated milking system had just been sterilized and readied for the next bovine. When required, one would be redirected to through various tunnels and passages so it would instead be milked by the people in one of these security blocks. Chicken coups were a bit different, but the process used was quite similar. Not even the people inside the base here knew the exact source of any cow or chicken coup. If we choose to not collect the milk, the cows would go to an automated milking station like normal. Chickens would have any eggs we didn’t collect from them sent for automatically processing. Given the large numbers of chickens around this area, a few being taken to be eaten by people in the security blocks would go unnoticed.
More like it is a total pain in the ass to pluck, gut and get them ready to cook.
The security blocks were equipped with the equipment to inspect the eggs for containing embryos. Any embryos would be put back with the chickens before they were sent from that security block. There was also a system where the milk was tested to ensure it was safe before it was pasteurized. Similarly all of the eggs were cracked into some sort of lab testing machine that would check them for any range of things that could harm us before allowing us to use them.
Sherry added, “Our most recent classroom training session explained that the attackers you left alive be moved to security cell blocks deeper inside this base. While similar to this block in design, the confines are between twenty-five and fifty percent smaller. Each will be intensely interrogated until every detail of their objectives are known. While they would be unable to crack someone as hardened as yourself, the people here are supposed to be the best in the world at finding the one thing that causes someone to break. Not officially existing puts nothing off the table. It has been said that they have brought in entire bloodlines of a person’s family to be raped, beat, tortured and then slowly killed as painfully as possible.”
“They weren’t stretching the truth in your briefing on this facility Sherry. Anyone who dies inside a security block isn’t removed. Their corpse decomposes with no way for those in the security block to dispose of it. Until the interrogators are certain they are finished with their interrogations, the dead bodies remain. Each block is hermetically sealed, so the reek associated with a decaying corpse is recirculated inside that block,” one of the men told us. “Only so much can be ignored by those within.”
Seems that would be quite effective when nothing else might work. It wouldn’t work on me with my shield blocking those odors, but I’m sure others here would crack before long. Well unless they are psychopaths who enjoy the smell.
They continued to give me information about this place, but no one told me what they expected me to do about it. Finally I got a clue when it hit me that I wasn’t a “prisoner” in this base. I had no restrictions on where I chose to go.
Like I have any clue where to go or even what to do when I got there.
To keep from showing my ignorance I asked them about specific ways I could signal their commanders without anyone else knowing it was a request for emergency help for the team ... Turns out every method was so simple that it was elegant.
When I was sure I had all of the details I needed, I headed out toward where I could leave this security block. Even though I could take them out with me, their operating procedures required them to remain until they were officially released, or somehow escaped without having to engage the forces inside the base. They all made sure they were clearly standing as far back from the door as they could and still be able to watch me leave.
No point in getting these guards nervous.
When I got to the door I saw three men and one woman move to the door with their fingers on the side of their weapons just above the triggers.
One hit an intercom button to ask, “Is there some reason you are at the door sir?”
“As a matter of fact, there is. I am leaving. I need to communicate securely with my employer,” I responded.
“I am sorry sir, we can’t open this door until authorized to do so,” he responded.
I pulled out my all-access high security badge I informed them, “I didn’t ask you to open the door. I said I was leaving. I will get the door myself.”
All four of them stepped back and aimed their guns at the three inch thick door as I put my badge over a place in the wall with a tiny red dot. It was so small that it looked as if someone had touched the wall accidentally with a red pen. When the door opened up. I put the lanyard around my neck so that all access high-security badge faced out. I ignored the guards as I walked through them to head off in the direction that would take me to a central corridor which Amelia said would take me to the surface.
Joe, or someone who knows how to signal people like me without anyone noticing, was guiding me. Along the walls I was picking up arrows illuminating in a ultra-violet wavelength just only a tiny bit longer than X-Rays. I ended up at an elevator that took me one floor below what I found out was a resort hotel of some form. When I got to the lobby I could smell the ocean air.
This is definitely not in the U.S. There was a long list of languages saying “Check-In”. English is toward the bottom of the list.
I needed to find a computer to get online to send the S.O.S. to Sherry and Celine’s handlers. Before I left the elevator I secured my all access high security badge in the shielded case and then put the other badges away in their secured case. At the check-in desk I asked if they had an office area where I could pay for time on the computer to check my email.
“Sir I will need to see your room key to check if your parents have paid for that service. We are not permitted to take cash payments due to counterfeiting. Why are you not using the cell phone or tablet all of you American children seem to have fused to your hands,” the slightly snotty, though very well stacked, woman at the desk asked.
Pulling out one of the black credit cards from my wallet, to use as payment for the services, one with the name Darren Smith and my picture in the corner, I told her “I hadn’t yet decided if I was going to stay at your hotel. If you treat all VIPs with such disdain, I do believe I will take my business to another resort who treats their guests respectfully.”
Walk away and wait for it David. Five, four, three...
“Mister Smith. Mister Smith. One moment please,” a thin man said rushing up wearing an expensive-looking suit that was almost as fancy as a tuxedo. “Please forgive our desk staff’s inexcusable behavior. We do NOT treat our guests or visitors to our resort in such a fashion, regardless of their youthful appearance. Allow me to show you our VIP business facilities. I believe you will find they exceed any needs you may have.”
Yeah, sure. If I hadn’t pulled out my credit card you would have ignored me too. Why does a black card mean something to them? I thought Platinum was the one that doesn’t have any max limit.
He took me to some offices that looked like they belonged to Donald Trump, Larry Ellison, the Koch brothers or Bill Gates. Everything was extremely expensive looking as was the computer hardware. I was shown to a desk as he told that if I needed anything to just pick up the phone. Someone would come to assist me immediately. After making sure I had any drinks or food I wanted, he left.
Given the huge hidden base below here, I knew everything done on these computers was logged. There was no chance at all for any form of encryption software to keep anything I did on here secure. But that didn’t matter.
First off I logged in with a bogus Facebook account Paula has created for me specifically for this mission. It had a very bland profile with very little data on me at all. Mainly it was designed to install a lot of damn good hacker tools to spy on the people spying on me. She told me that they were put only into memory and would get wiped out completely if I closed the browser I used to open Facebook. All of the data they sent back to her was made to appear like it was from adware and pop-ups for penis pills. After reading the unread posts on my page I randomly followed one of various links Facebook suggested for me. Each suggested link would kick up a new page that would push data off to whatever machine Paula was using somewhere.
Every now and then I would click onto someone else’s Facebook page. Six of them were pages meant to send the S.O.S to Sherry and Celine’s bosses. When I was done playing around on Facebook I logged out so I could login to a bogus email account with the same user ID. The password I typed was two random words, numbers and symbols. I knew I wouldn’t remember them much past typing them in anyway. The email account would pull down different hacker utilities to get other data.
All of the emails in my account were complete bullshit. Paula said they would make for interesting reading by anyone spying on me. The purpose of the account was to alert Paula that something went off the rails so she could let Steve know I was ok for now. As soon as I was done with email I went off to a few random sites mixed in with more of the team’s sites so the S.O.S. could better track down this location. I did make sure to spend some time scanning through the various hotels and small inns on the island. I still had no clue of where I was other than on some isolated island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Their internet was filtered to the point that I was unable to zoom out to see anything but a satellite map of the island. I didn’t see an airstrip anywhere and I knew there had to be one here somewhere.
More likely this is a fake image of the island showing only what they want people to believe.
“Mr. Smith,” the thin man from before said immediately as I left the business service offices. “Did you find everything to your satisfaction?”
Stick it to him David, just politely.
Smiling I said, “Actually? No.”
I walked off toward the entrance and turned into their gift shop. Inside I quickly found a pair of shorts, t-shirt, ball cap, and flip-flops. I even picked up a pair of sunglasses that looked like the ones I had brought with me to the training base. I headed down to the pool area to change in the changing rooms. Making myself not see the locker doors I quickly found one that had a slightly worn backpack inside. I picked the lock easily using the same skills I had learned in the hospital to turn off light switches. There was very little in the backpack, so I dumped that onto a towel and laid it back in the locker. I put a hundred dollar bill on top.
Whoever this belongs to should get the hint that I “bought” their worn out backpack.
All of my uniform clothes were now in the backpack, the bag from the gift shop was buried in the used towel bin and I looked pretty much like every other boy that I saw in the changing room or out by the pool.
Making sure I wasn’t noticed, I headed out to the pool and then left through a side gate that headed back into the hotel. I didn’t go in to the hotel through that door at the end of the path. Instead I went over to another gate that led into their spa. From there I wandered around a bit until I came to door requiring a badge to get into a hallway I could see led outside. Pulling the energy from the electromagnet at the top of the door let me into a hallway that had male and female employee locker rooms. Inside the men’s locker room I found a rack of clean uniforms I had seen the staff wearing.
They must hire a lot of Asian men to work here. No way would I ever find a uniform in my size at hotels back home. They even have shoes in my size!
Deciding it was best that I take advantage of my good luck, I stripped to my boxers and dressed in one the uniforms. There were plenty of worn out backpacks in the locked wire baskets, so I should fit in even more as I left. Right before I got to the door leading outside I ran into a group of men that were dressed like me. Two of them actually looked younger than me!
“Hey! New boy! Where you think you’re going? We got plenty of work for new boy to do,” one of them said to me as I walked past.
I shrugged and said, “Seems I’m not scheduled to work today so I am out of here. They told me to go or I would be punished.”
Another said, “You pretty American boys get all good work. Not shit work like us locals.”
“It could be worse. I heard people that don’t make it working for the hotels get sent to shovel shit at the farms from before done until after dark. Not something I want to risk having to do,” I replied.
I kept walking past them and headed outside. There I found an employee shuttle which took me to some sort of dormitory where the staff were housed. It was bordered by some tall trees, but not far from what looked to be a shopping center. I started toward the well-worn path in that direction.
“Hey, you, boy, wait up,” a girl’s voice said from the direction of the dormitories.
When I turned around I saw a pair of girls that looked to be Asian mixed with some other races rushing toward me. One wore the same uniform as me, the other was in a skirt and white shirt that were so thin I easily saw her blue panties and braless breasts clearly.
“Thank you, boy, for waiting,” the girl that called out to me said. “You look new. We come here start of last week. Everyone say not safe for girl to go this way without boy who go with them. Ok if we go down way with you? When you have to come back to go work?”
Saying what I had told the boys at the hotel, “I got dressed to work and found I wasn’t on the schedule for today.”
The other put her arm around my waist and said, “Really. Will you hang out with us today? We are off all day too. Did they give you your card to get things you need too?”
“No. I do have some American money saved up that I was going to use to get some new clothes and things,” I replied.
“You are so lucky we find out you going to shops too. We know they show American money price for tourists who come here. They take you money like tourist, not worker. We help you save lots of your saved American money if maybe you buy us something nice too. You will have not very much money left over if we not go with you,” the first said.
Just as we started to head to the trail someone came out yelling “Areta! Iwa got very sick. They call you come work now. Said to I find you and tell you that you go to hotel or never come back to work.”
I don’t need to know her native language to know she is cussing up a storm. She didn’t even look back at the other girl to say goodbye before storming off.
“I am glad Areta isn’t coming with us. She does a lot of talking and not much comes of it,” the girl told me. “My name is Keiki.”
“Darren,” I said offering her my hand.
Keiki pulled my arm around her so my hand was just below her firm little boob.
She told me, “Everyone here knows Areta is safe walking here alone, even at night. The people say that other girls have to worry about someone taking them away to hurt and rape them. None want to ever touch Areta. No one knows why. Anyone with her is safe too. Biggest problem is that Areta likes to goes off on her own and girls have to wait for her to walk the path home again. She didn’t lie when she said can get you better prices. You just don’t want to be in her debt. She has very nasty ways she make you pay her back.”
Interesting. Not that it would matter to me anyway.
I needed to get some other clothes and then find one of the tourist coffee shops where I could get on the Internet. Paula installed some sort of program called a VPN that would encrypt my connection to Steve’s office. She had said not even the NSA could snoop on what I was doing. Having a girl showing off her firm tits and panties, to everyone who looks our way, would make me even more invisible. As we walked I made myself not see any vegetation above the ground for twenty feet around us.
Shit! No wonder the girls are scared to come here without a boy. Do they sell the tourists “grab and rape the female staff” packages? There has to be eight creeps with nets, ropes, duct tape, and who knows what else just waiting a little off the trail.
I could see the end of the trail about forty feet away as we came close to one of these creeps that looked a little jumpy. Both of us could hear him moving around. A few feet from him I could see he was grabbing onto a loop of rope in one hand and had a strip of duct tape stuck to his pants.
Keiki surprised me when she stopped and pulled her shirt out of her pants. She used one hand to pull her skirt and panties out from her body before whispering to put my hand on her pussy. I was to have my other hand slide up under her shirt to her firm breast. Her hands went to my zipper before I felt her cool fingers moving around in my pants. She wasn’t playing with my dick, but made it look like she was. After pulling me down for a kiss, she stared kissing on my neck.
“Your hands feel nice, but you must please just pretend you are doing things to me like I am pretending with you. We do this for a bit more before we take our hands away. You zip up and then grab my hand. We are going to run like we are lovers going to place to do more than just touch,” Keiki told me.
Sounds like a plan.
On her cue we pulled our hands away from each other, I zipped and then I grabbed her hand tightly. We ran as fast as she could go toward the end of the path with her seeming like she was pulling me after her. I saw the one man near us try to get ready to grab at her, but we were past him before he could move. None of them had enough time to be ready to grab us both, so they left us alone.
We didn’t stop running at the end of the path either. She kept pulling me along until we got around to the front of the tourist trap strip mall.
Once we got to where we could sit down she turned to me looking pissed off. I didn’t blame her. Those jerks could really hurt or kill one of these women or girls here.
“Darren you don’t ever do to me what you did again. You could have gotten me taken and you killed,” she told me angrily. “You are supposed to pretend you are touching me. I almost couldn’t make you stop. It felt too good.”
What the heck? I didn’t even do more than just put my hands on her tit and down on her pussy. My fingers never moved.
Before I could even reply she went pale and started to cry.
She didn’t have any problems crawling into my lap and crying on my shoulder has I held her until she was done.
Once she calmed down she said, “Now, I need to really go find room to be with you like I say we going to pretend to be doing on the trail. You aren’t like the other men and boys that went on the trail with me before. They really touch me just like people hiding along trail, not just pretend. I know none of them hold me nice like you when I cry. Are you one of those special gigolo men they hire for rich tourist women who want a man who listens and holds them?”
“No one has told me what I would be doing here yet,” I told her.
Remember David, don’t lie.
“If we want to shop, we have to go now. A bus comes here with tourists in one hour. I know of place with let us pick really well made fake clothes if we help them change out stock to the cheap ones for the tourists to buy. We can do that, go do the same at one shoe store and get to ladies lingerie store before tourists come. Then we go help at restaurant for two hours till tourist buses leave. Afterward we eat and go shop, ok,” Keiki asked. “I like you be seeing me wear really naughty panties I try on.”
I really shouldn’t screw around like this while the team is locked up in the security block, but I still need to be able to get in touch with Paula if I can find a place to get Internet connectivity.
Closing my eyes I scanned around for energy that wasn’t just electricity, lights, appliances, or things only for entertainment. I picked up on some very weak cell signals and two cordless phones, but that was it. No Wi-Fi anywhere. Even the phone lines were crappy.

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