Cletus Tucker(4)Chapter 3 free porn video

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Missouri, late August, 1866

The wagon train was a little closer to Kansas City, but Cletus still doubted that they could make it to Nebraska before the weather got too cold to travel. He had seen snow, but he still thought people were teasing him when they talked about big snow drifts and a snow fall as much as 12-inches in one day. He had to see it to believe it. He wouldn't worry about it until then.

Cletus was still acting as scout for the wagon train, and the guards were beginning to think of him more as a man and less as a "nigger." He wasn't accorded social equality, but they listened when he talked about the job of guarding the wagons. Cletus figured that was the best he was going to get and let it ride.

On his ride out this morning, Cletus had seen some sign of human activity, but he couldn't pin down how recent it was. He and Hal thought that activity this close to the road, but not on it, was a suspicious sign. Ordinary people would not spend time traveling in the woods when there was a perfectly good road 100 yards away.

Today's route was going to take them over a small river. They had forded many small streams, but nothing as big as this river. This was going to take so much time that they would be spending the night at the ford. They might even have to spend part of tomorrow getting the last of the wagons across. Nevertheless, Cletus went the full 15 miles before he turned around to return to the wagons.

He was just completing his turn around when he spotted a group of men camped among the trees. As soon as he saw into the camp, he knew that his wagon train was in for trouble from this gang. He could tell because he could see some remnant of Confederate uniforms. This might well be what was left of a rebel guerrilla group. If so, these men could have had some military training and be more dangerous thereby.

They were far enough away from the current location of the wagon train that Cletus figured that they would not attack before tonight or tomorrow morning. Therefore, he continued his regular scouting routine until he reached the wagons. He had seen nothing else dangerous, so Cletus rode up to Hal with no show of excitement—no point in alarming the Mormons at this time.

Cletus asked for a meeting with Hal and Jeff as soon as possible. The first of the train would reach the river about noon, so Jeff had scheduled the noon break at the river bank. Hal suggested the noon break for the meeting time and Cletus agreed. Jeff, Hal, and Cletus took their food and coffee to a quiet spot away from the wagons and ate lunch. They often did this, so it did not attract attention.

After they had eaten, Cletus told of seeing a gang of possibly 25 to 30 men who looked like they were capable of attacking the wagons and might well do so. The best time for an attack, in Cletus' opinion, was while the train was crossing the river or just after they had done so. At either time, the men would be tired and distracted and not able to put up a good fight. An attack by 25-30 men would surely overwhelm the few available guards and the attackers must know that. Fortunately, Jeff had found 9 Mormon men who had been in the army and were willing to fight alongside the guards. There was the minor problem that they would not take orders from Cletus, though they would from Hal. This problem could be overcome by having Hal relay Cletus' orders. All three men felt that they could live with that. With the Mormons added, there would be 17 defenders to repel an attack.

Cletus believed that the bandits would not attack as long as the wagons were all on the east side of the river since this was the only ford for miles either up or down river. The bandits would have to wait until a substantial number of wagons were across the river before attacking. Cletus proposed to make use of this fact. His plan was to stay on this side of the river for the rest of the day and start crossing at first light tomorrow. The guards and the Mormons who were to be part of the defensive force would cross first and line up their wagons as breastworks as soon as they crossed the ford. The draft animals could be taken back across the river to protect them from bullets. Cletus wanted to keep all of the animals on the eastern side of the river until the battle was over. If and when the fighting started, Jeff could join in and that would make the 17 defenders. Of course, anybody else who wanted to join the defenders was welcome.

Cletus wanted to build more breastworks than would be supplied by 9 wagons. He thought that the men could cut trees and arrange them this afternoon so that they would be ready tomorrow. The breastworks would consist of the 9 wagons in the middle of a 150-foot arc with trees filling out the arc to the river on each side. The remaining wagons would be arranged in an arc as a second line of defense behind the first arc, keeping about 20 feet of separation between the two arcs. This would leave plenty of fighting room for the defenders but not much room for any riders who might break through the first arc.

Jeff and Hal approved of the plan, so a meeting was called of all of the members of the wagon train for immediately after lunch. The plan would be explained then and specific jobs assigned. There was some grumbling among the Mormons, but that could be expected. They did not seem to want to do anything until after a meeting of the elders. Jeff explained that there was no time for such a meeting. He and Hal were doing what the Mormons had paid them to do and if they didn't agree with this plan, he and Hal would just leave and he expected that most of the guards would go with them. This threat got the work done, but it didn't stop the grumbling.

Cletus really didn't expect an attack to take place. He figured that any sensible bandit captain would see that a raid was expected and just call it off. Therefore, Cletus was more surprised than anyone else in the wagon train when the attack actually happened. Everything went as Cletus had predicted: the attack started when 15 of the 22 wagons had been moved over the ford.

The initial attack was fierce, with a massed cavalry charge at the center of the defensive arc. Again, Cletus thought, "How dumb can they be?" The horses could not jump the breastworks, so the charge was useless. Everybody was ordered to shoot at the horses, not the riders, but who knows how many actually did that? Cletus counted 8 dead horses out of 28 attackers, so at least part of his plan worked. He didn't expect to kill, or even wound, most of the attackers; he just wanted them to decide to attack somewhere else.

Even though there were 8 dead horses, there were 11 dead attackers. Either some people had not followed orders or they were lousy shots. It didn't make any difference, the results were still good.

When the first attack broke, Cletus asked Jeff to resume moving wagons over the ford. He hoped for the best, but wanted that second line of defense just in case they needed it.

The defenders had been lucky, nobody had been seriously wounded. There were a few bullet scratches among the Mormons without battle experience, but they soon learned to keep their heads down when bullets were coming their way. Cletus was surprised that none of the defenders were shot in the leg. Either the attackers did not find legs an attractive target or else the angle was wrong and they could not get a decent shot from horseback. Cletus planned to check on this at his first opportunity.

Four of the non-veteran Mormons had joined the fight, which pleased Jeff, Hal, and Cletus. A few more shooters never hurt a defense and one of them might get lucky. Maybe they could have some regular target practice for the Mormons and convert them into useful shooters. Cletus had a feeling that they might be needed before this bunch got to Deseret. Maybe Jeff could cook up a contest among the Mormons to get them to practice shooting; Cletus would bring it up.

Two more wagons were across the ford before the next attack. This time, the bandits were a little smarter: the didn't charge in one big bunch. They started at the south end of the breastwork arc and rode along it firing into the defenders. Two of the attackers were wounded and one of the defenders received a wound in the upper arm much like the one Cletus got a little while back. If this kept up, they could bring wagons over the ford during an attack.

Apparently, Jeff thought so. It wasn't much later when Jeff announced that the last wagon was across the ford. It was nearly noon, so Jeff told the women to start fixing lunch.

The attacks had been reduced to nuisance level by now. The attackers were not accomplishing anything, but neither were the defenders. Cletus began to cogitate on some way to permanently discourage the attackers. Then he had an idea. He suggested to Jeff and Hal that they each take two pistols and all three squat under a wagon. When a horse came by, they all fire both of their pistols at once into the horses belly. If they fired on command, they would all fire together and some of their shots were bound to hit the horse. Once the bandits start losing horses, they might rethink the value of attacking this wagon train.

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Alice smiled when she saw the old school. It was like coming home again, she thought as she entered the big downstairs hall. Even though she knew there would be changes, it was still good to be back. The skiing she'd done up in the mountains, the nice friendly mountain hotel with its young clientele, all seemed far away now, as she began to look for familiar faces. Several boys said hello to her as she made her way to the new principal's office, and Alice was already looking forward to her...

3 years ago
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Surprise Im LefthandedChapter 8

I went to supper at Mary O'Connor's, and it was the usual thing. The O'Connors were nice enough people, but it seemed to me that all Mary really wanted was a reliable source for sex. That was not the only thing I was looking for in a wife, so she was stricken from the list before we got to dessert. Martha did a good job of compressing the visits to the long list of potential brides by pushing them to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. At least, we were through the first pass in a reasonable...

2 years ago
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On the Mountain

I came home to get you on my dirt bike I pull up and you come running to me, we hug and kiss long and deep, you jump on behind me and grab my waist we drive away and as we start heading up the trail you undo my pants and slip your hands down to pull out my dick it sticks straight up past my belly button already half hard and there is some precum on the tip, with one hand you message my balls and with the other one you lick your fingers then you rub my head under my foreskin it is nice and...

4 years ago
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More Naked Than Lady GodivaChapter 3

Jill was standing in the door of the barn as we neared it. She had her camera out and was taking pictures of us walking naked to the barn. I was going to kill her—what could I do? We walked in the barn with her standing there. Our horses were in their stalls and our clothes were hanging on the coat hooks just inside the barn. She was giggling at us. We had to tell her about skinny dipping and that the lightning chased off the horses. Her attention seemed to be centered on Bill’s large cock....

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing the Line IV

Authors Note: This is the fourth chapter in the continuing story of Mike Moore, whose life was turned around while returning home from a crossdressing outing in Las Vegas as Rachel. If you have not read the first three chapters 'Rachel ? Crossing the Line I / II / III' you may be a bit lost with Rachel's motivations and the story line, a lot has happened to her in the first chapters! No one edited this chapter for me and as much as I was flamed for mentioning the file editing of...

1 year ago
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My wife and the dog

My wife does anything I ask, so that basically leaves the door wide open for me to do as I please. In the past I have brought home many of my friends for her to service. I really enjoy watching her sucking or fucking other men off. I usually have a blindfold on her so she doesn’t know who’s doing what to her. This way when we go to parties she never knows whose cock she might have sucked or fucked. About a month ago I told her she was going to have a new experience that...

2 years ago
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Die traurige Vampirin

Die traurige Vampirin Die traurige Vampirin von Patrizia Panther [email protected]  Claire bahnte sich ihren Weg durch die Party, schl?ngelte sich teilnahmslos durch die Gesellschaft und taxierte ohne spezielle Hoffnung die Menschen um sich herum. Sie wusste nicht, wieso sie hier war, es erschien ihr ein guter Weg zu sein, ein wenig der Zeit totzuschlagen, von der sie unendlich hatte. Sie musste ein wenig dr?cken und schupsen, denn wegen ihres unscheinbaren Auftretens wurde sie oft ?...

3 years ago
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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 13

After supper I rushed to get dressed in dark clothes and grab my camera. I left the tripod at home. I thought it might look suspicious carrying it down the street even though the Brown's only lived a half block from our house. It was already dark as I slinked into their yard already smiling because I could see light coming from Maddie's bedroom window. I was a little disappointed that I had missed the beginning of the father daughter scenario. I wanted to enjoy watching Maddie strip off her...

2 years ago
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Haleys CometChapter 5

My alarm for six o'clock seemed to sound moments after my head hit the pillow, despite it was 7 hours later. After brewing coffee I went to the front door to open it and get a breath of what I hoped would be cool morning air. There, to my shock, I found Gail sprawled in the doorway asleep. Actually I hadn't seen her face yet, but who else would be wearing a huge black baggy sweatshirt and oversized black sweatpants and black men's shoes and be on my porch. Somewhere she had found black...

2 years ago
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Behind a Store

Tiffany before leaving for work to work the late night shift told me she will have a surprise for me tonight. She was working to 11 to 7 at night so I had to wait. All day I wondered what is was. I checked to see if she took the camera because she knows how much I would like to have pictures of her with a big cock pumping her in her mouth and cum all over her face. I couldn't think of anything else as to what she had in mind. Well it was 11:30 as I waited impatiently thinking when the phone...

4 years ago
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Eatting Out

Eating Out By Matthew Phillips The Decision: It was a normal Friday night at the Williams household. Tommy and Suzie were home from school for the weekend and were already playing. Their mom, Beth, was in the kitchen trying to decide what to make for dinner. "KIDS...I'm tired of trying to figure out what to cook for supper." Mrs. Williams complained to her children. "Call Dad mom he usually has good ideas about that type of thing." Suzie suggested. Thinking it wasn't a...

4 years ago
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Keywords     Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity  HumiliationCategories    Bondage  Femdom  Forced  CrossdressingSynopsis       Ralph thought he he entered seventh heaven when he  married  the wealthy Janet                       Milhouse but little did he know?.RetributionBy Janet BakerMet and Married  It took forever to find the right man for my companion -- my husband. I wanted a man who would be easy to live with, not too demanding, attractive of course, about my age, and virile.  I...

3 years ago
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The beautician

Hi I am Sarah, I am a 35 year old housewife from south West London. I have always been a feminine girl and put on lippy just to go to the shops..  I keep myself in good shape by visitng the local gym at least three times a week.  I also like to have a regular bikini wax – it makes me feel like a woman again.   I go to a little place nearby.  I just phone up the day before, they are great. It used to be a different beautician each time, but I had a spate of seeing the same girl which was nice. ...

2 years ago
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My first cock sucking experience

I am a very normal straight guy. I enjoy looking at women and I have never been attracted to any guy. A few years ago I started looking at online cam sites. There I noticed that all women want you to pay for their services and that you're not interesting for them when you don't pay. I also noticed that this is different for men. Men like to chat, they like to show and they love to cum online. So I started to look at men more and more. I created an account on cam4 an got more excited every...

4 years ago
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Sex with Horny Girl

Hey All ISS readers my name is Kranthi I live in Hyderabad this happened to me when I was in college and I was seducing my dad’s friends daughter Mamatha , she liked me too but she was younger to me by like 3 years , Now ill describe her nice tits white complexion slim n sexy. This happened at a party , we have parties with them almost every fortnight so it was normal but this time it was different . She came to our house looking very hot just a miniskirt and a sleeveless top .She may be 3...

2 years ago
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Summer On The Farm Chapter 10

Laura had gotten angry that her parents had hidden the truth for so long. "You should have told us when you found out", she yelled and stormed out the front door. Moments later, the sound of the truck starting and peeling out of the dirt driveway could be heard. Lucy, upon hearing that she was going to lose her father, completely broke down. She was the youngest and most fragile of the girls, often feeling overwhelmed by life. And this was the worst thing that had ever happened to their...

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