Foggy Beach
- 4 years ago
- 22
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IT WAS SEVEN in the morning when Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout set foot upon the American continent, if this name can be given to the floating quay upon which they disembarked. These quays, rising and falling with the tide, thus facilitate the loading and unloading of vessels. Alongside them were clippers of all sizes, steamers of all nationalities, and the steamboats, with several decks rising one above the other, which ply on the Sacramento and its tributaries. There were also heaped up the products of a commerce which extends to Mexico, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Europe, Asia, and all the Pacific islands.
Passepartout, in his joy on reaching at last the American continent, thought he would manifest it by executing a perilous vault in fine style; but, tumbling upon some worm-eaten planks, he fell through them. Put out of countenance by the manner in which he thus "set foot" upon the New World, he uttered a loud cry, which so frightened the innumerable cormorants and pelicans that are always perched upon these movable quays, that they flew noisily away.
Mr. Fogg, on reaching shore, proceeded to find out at what hour the first train left for New York, and learned that this was at six o'clock p.m.; he had, therefore, an entire day to spend in the Californian capital. Taking a carriage at a charge of three dollars, he and Aouda entered it, while Passepartout mounted the box beside the driver, and they set out for the International Hotel.
From his exalted position Passepartout observed with much curiosity the wide streets, the low, evenly ranged houses, the Anglo-Saxon Gothic churches, the great docks, the palatial wooden and brick warehouses, the numerous conveyances, omnibuses, horse-cars, and upon the side-walks, not only Americans and Europeans, but Chinese and Indians. Passepartout was surprised at all he saw. San Francisco was no longer the legendary city of 1849-a city of banditti, assassins, and incendiaries, who had flocked hither in crowds in pursuit of plunder; a paradise of outlaws, where they gambled with gold-dust, a revolver in one hand and a bowie-knife in the other: it was now a great commercial emporium.
The lofty tower of its City Hall overlooked the whole panorama of the streets and avenues, which cut each other at right-angles, and in the midst of which appeared pleasant, verdant squares, while beyond appeared the Chinese quarter, seemingly imported from the Celestial Empire in a toy-box. Sombreros and red shirts and plumed Indians were rarely to be seen; but there were silk hats and black coats everywhere worn by a multitude of nervously active, gentlemanly-looking men. Some of the streets- especially Montgomery Street, which is to San Francisco what Regent Street is to London, the Boulevard des Italians to Paris, and Broadway to New York- were lined with splendid and spacious stores, which exposed in their windows the products of the entire world.
When Passepartout reached the International Hotel, it did not seem to him as if he had left England at all.
The ground floor of the hotel was occupied by a large bar, a sort of restaurant freely open to all passers-by, who might partake of dried beef, oyster soup, biscuits, and cheese, without taking out their purses. Payment was made only for the ale, porter, or sherry which was drunk. This seemed "very American" to Passepartout. The hotel refreshment-rooms were comfortable, and Mr. Fogg and Aouda, installing themselves at a table, were abundantly served on diminutive plates by negroes of darkest hue.
After breakfast, Mr. Fogg, accompanied by Aouda, started for the English consulate to have his passport visaed. As he was going out, he met Passepartout, who asked him if it would not be well, before taking the train, to purchase some dozens of Enfield rifles and Colt's revolvers. He had been listening to stories of attacks upon the trains by the Sioux and Pawnees. Mr. Fogg thought it a useless precaution, but told him to do as he thought best, and went on to the consulate.
He had not proceeded two hundred steps, however, when, "by the greatest chance in the world," he met Fix. The detective seemed wholly taken by surprise. What! Had Mr. Fogg and himself crossed the Pacific together, and not met on the steamer! At least Fix felt honoured to behold once more the gentleman to whom he owed so much, and, as his business recalled him to Europe, he should be delighted to continue the journey in such pleasant company.
Mr. Fogg replied that the honour would be his; and the detective- who was determined not to lose sight of him-begged permission to accompany them in their walk about San Francisco-a request which Mr. Fogg readily granted.
They soon found themselves in Montgomery Street, where a great crowd was collected; the side-walks, street, horse car rails, the shop-doors, the windows of the houses, and even the roofs, were full of people. Men were going about carrying large posters, and flags and streamers were floating in the wind; while loud cries were heard on every hand.
"Hurrah for Camerfield!"
"Hurrah for Mandiboy!"
It was a political meeting; at least so Fix conjectured, who said to Mr. Fogg, "Perhaps we had better not mingle with the crowd. There may be danger in it."
"Yes," returned Mr. Fogg; "and blows, even if they are political are still blows."
Fix smiled at this remark; and, in order to be able to see without being jostled about, the party took up a position on the top of a flight of steps situated at the upper end of Montgomery Street. Opposite them, on the other side of the street, between a coal wharf and a petroleum warehouse, a large platform had been erected in the open air, towards which the current of the crowd seemed to be directed.
For what purpose was this meeting? What was the occasion of this excited assemblage? Phileas Fogg could not imagine. Was it to nominate some high official-a governor or member of Congress? It was not improbable, so agitated was the multitude before them.
Just at this moment there was an unusual stir in the human mass. All the hands were raised in the air. Some, tightly closed, seemed to disappear suddenly in the midst of the cries-an energetic way, no doubt, of casting a vote. The crowd swayed back, the banners and flags wavered, disappeared an instant, then reappeared in tatters. The undulations of the human surge reached the steps, while all the heads floundered on the surface like a sea agitated by a squall. Many of the black hats disappeared, and the greater part of the crowd seemed to have diminished in height.
"It is evidently a meeting," said Fix, "and its object must be an exciting one. I should not wonder if it were about the Alabama, despite the fact that that question is settled."
"Perhaps," replied Mr. Fogg, simply.
"At least, there are two champions in presence of each other, the Honourable Mr. Camerfield and the Honourable Mr. Mandiboy."
Aouda, leaning upon Mr. Fogg's arm, observed the tumultuous scene with surprise, while Fix asked a man near him what the cause of it all was. Before the man could reply, a fresh agitation arose; hurrahs and excited shouts were heard; the staffs of the banners began to be used as offensive weapons; and fists flew about in every direction. Thumps were exchanged from the tops of the carriages and omnibuses which had been blocked up in the crowd. Boots and shoes went whirling through the air, and Mr. Fogg thought he even heard the crack of revolvers mingling in the din, the rout approached the stairway, and flowed over the lower step. One of the parties had evidently been repulsed; but the mere lookers-on could not tell whether Mandiboy or Camerfield had gained the upper hand.
"It would be prudent for us to retire," said Fix, who was anxious that Mr. Fogg should not receive any injury, at least until they got back to London. "If there is any question about England in all this, and we were recognised, I fear it would go hard with us."
"An English subject-" began Mr. Fogg.
He did not finish his sentence; for a terrific hubbub now arose on the terrace behind the flight of steps where they stood, and there were frantic shouts of, "Hurrah for Mandiboy! Hip, hip, hurrah!"
It was a band of voters coming to the rescue of their allies, and taking the Camerfield forces in flank. Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Fix found themselves between two fires; it was too late to escape. The torrent of men, armed with loaded canes and sticks, was irresistible. Phileas Fogg and Fix were roughly hustled in their attempts to protect their fair companion; the former, as cool as ever, tried to defend himself with the weapons which nature has placed at the end of every Englishman's arm, but in vain. A big brawny fellow with a red beard, flushed face, and broad shoulders, who seemed to be the chief of the band, raised his clenched fist to strike Mr. Fogg, whom he would have given a crushing blow, had not Fix rushed in and received it in his stead. An enormous bruise immediately made its appearance under the detective's silk hat, which was completely smashed in.
"Yankee!" exclaimed Mr. Fogg, darting a contemptuous look at the ruffian.
"Englishman!" returned the other. "We will meet again!"
"When you please."
"What is your name?"
"Phileas Fogg. And yours?"
"Colonel Stamp Proctor."
The human tide now swept by, after overturning Fix, who speedily got upon his feet again, though with tattered clothes. Happily, he was not seriously hurt. His travelling overcoat was divided into two unequal parts, and his trousers resembled those of certain Indians, which fit less compactly than they are easy to put on. Aouda had escaped unharmed, and Fix alone bore marks of the fray in his black and blue bruise.
"Thanks," said Mr. Fogg to the detective, as soon as they were out of the crowd.
"No thanks are necessary," replied Fix; "but let us go."
"To a tailor's."
Such a visit was, indeed, opportune. The clothing of both Mr. Fogg and Fix was in rags, as if they had themselves been actively engaged in the contest between Camerfield and Mandiboy. An hour after, they were once more suitably attired, and with Aouda returned to the International Hotel.
Passepartout was waiting for his master, armed with half a dozen six-barreled revolvers. When he perceived Fix, he knit his brows; but Aouda having, in a few words, told him of their adventure, his countenance resumed its placid expression. Fix evidently was no longer an enemy, but an ally; he was faithfully keeping his word.
Dinner over, the coach which was to convey the passengers and their luggage to the station drew up to the door. As he was getting in, Mr. Fogg said to Fix, "You have not seen this Colonel Proctor again?"
"I will come back to America to find him," said Phileas Fogg calmly. "It would not be right for an Englishman to permit himself to be treated in that way, without retaliating."
The detective smiled, but did not reply. It was clear that Mr. Fogg was one of those Englishmen who, while they do not tolerate dueling at home, fight abroad when their honour is attacked.
At a quarter before six the travelers reached the station, and found the train ready to depart. As he was about to enter it, Mr. Fogg called a porter, and said to him: "My friend, was there not some trouble to-day in San Francisco?"
"It was a political meeting, sir," replied the porter.
"But I thought there was a great deal of disturbance in the streets."
"It was only a meeting assembled for an election."
"The election of a general-in-chief, no doubt?" asked Mr. Fogg.
"No, sir; of a justice of the peace."
Phileas Fogg got into the train, which started off at full speed.
Chapter Twenty-Six"FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN"-so say the Americans; and these four words compose the general designation of the "great trunk line" which crosses the entire width of the United States. The Pacific Railroad is, however, really divided into two distinct lines: the Central Pacific, between San Francisco and Ogden, and the Union Pacific, between Ogden and Omaha. Five main lines connect Omaha with New York.
New York and San Francisco are thus united by an uninterrupted metal ribbon, which measures no less than three thousand seven hundred and eighty-six miles. Between Omaha and the Pacific the railway crosses a territory which is still infested by Indians and wild beasts, and a large tract which the Mormons, after they were driven from Illinois in 1845, began to colonise.
The journey from New York to San Francisco consumed, formerly, under the most favourable conditions, at least six months. It is now accomplished in seven days.
It was in 1862 that, in spite of the Southern Members of Congress, who wished a more southerly route, it was decided to lay the road between the forty-first and forty-second parallels. President Lincoln himself fixed the end of the line at Omaha, in Nebraska. The work was at once commenced, and pursued with true American energy; nor did the rapidity with which it went on injuriously affect its good execution. The road grew, on the prairies, a mile and a half a day. A locomotive, running on the rails laid down the evening before, brought the rails to be laid on the morrow, and advanced upon them as fast as they were put in position.
The Pacific Railroad is joined by several branches in Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, and Oregon. On leaving Omaha, it passes along the left bank of the Platte River as far as the junction of its northern branch, follows its southern branch, crosses the Laramie territory and the Wahsatch Mountains, turns the Great Salt Lake, and reaches Salt Lake City, the Mormon capital, plunges into the Tuilla Valley, across the American Desert, Cedar and Humboldt Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and descends, via Sacramento, to the Pacific-its grade, even on the Rocky Mountains, never exceeding one hundred and twelve feet to the mile.
Such was the road to be traversed in seven days, which would enable Phileas Fogg-at least, so he hoped-to take the Atlantic steamer at New York on the 11th for Liverpool.
The car which he occupied was a sort of long omnibus on eight wheels, and with no compartments in the interior. It was supplied with two rows of seats, perpendicular to the direction of the train on either side of an aisle which conducted to the front and rear platforms. These platforms were found throughout the train, and the passengers were able to pass from one end of the train to the other. It was supplied with saloon cars, balcony cars, restaurants, and smoking-cars; theatre cars alone were wanting, and they will have these some day.
Book and news dealers, sellers of edibles, drinkables, and cigars, who seemed to have plenty of customers, were continually circulating in the aisles.
The train left Oakland station at six o'clock. It was already night, cold and cheerless, the heavens being overcast with clouds which seemed to threaten snow. The train did not proceed rapidly; counting the stoppages, it did not run more than twenty miles an hour, which was a sufficient speed, however, to enable it to reach Omaha within its designated time.
There was but little conversation in the car, and soon many of the passengers were overcome with sleep. Passepartout found himself beside the detective; but he did not talk to him. After recent events, their relations with each other had grown somewhat cold; there could no longer be mutual sympathy or intimacy between them. Fix's manner had not changed; but Passepartout was very reserved, and ready to strangle his former friend on the slightest provocation.
Snow began to fall an hour after they started, a fine snow, however, which happily could not obstruct the train; nothing could be seen from the windows but a vast, white sheet, against which the smoke of the locomotive had a greyish aspect.
At eight o'clock a steward entered the car and announced that the time for going to bed had arrived; and in a few minutes the car was transformed into a dormitory. The backs of the seats were thrown back, bedsteads carefully packed were rolled out by an ingenious system, berths were suddenly improvised, and each traveller had soon at his disposition a comfortable bed, protected from curious eyes by thick curtains. The sheets were clean and the pillows soft. It only remained to go to bed and sleep which everybody did-while the train sped on across the State of California.
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Canadian pornstars Alyssa Reece and Erik Everhard meet each other at the gym, and their solo workouts end up in a footjob and pussy fucking session instead in today’s foot fetish premium porn scene. Erik just can’t help but to notice the athletic brunette’s fit-to-fuck body or her perfect size 7.5 feet, and he offers the unsuspecting beauty a foot massage. Things turn kinky quickly when he starts toe sucking. Alyssa seems put off at first, but with a little more of his skilled...
xmoviesforyouCampingWe were going camping with the daughter & son-in- law as usual we were running late so Sam said he would meet us there. Wendy finally was ready to leave two hours later, she was dressed in short denim skirt & sheer white singlet top way to big for her as it showed a lot of side boob. I said bit sexy for camping don't you think & she replied no! Because I want to go to that waterfall when we setup camp for a swim. We finally got to our campsite next to Arielle & Sam they...
It had always been something I had wanted to try, just never had the facilityuntil now.. With the advent of Internet chat rooms etc, my fantasies were closeto becoming a reality. Never before had I had the avenue to get what I wanted, aman to fuck me.It was in one if these chat rooms, late at night, when I began chatting to Neil.Within minutes of Idle chit chat we had moved on to what we liked in bed, whatmade us hot and what we would do to each other if we could meet up. The thoughtof finally...
BBW are Big Beautiful women. They are for all the chubby chasers out there. They are for people who like women with a little meat on there bones. They are women who can be aggressive or nice. Women who like all types of men, be it skinny or tall themselves. This story is second person. The first intro is short because it your story to make. You pick your age and body builds and goes from there
FetishAfter that one day trip and all the damn money I made, I began to wonder why I had wasted all those years in law enforcement. Even Swamp dog had never paid that well. Okay, I kind of stole the money, but no one was going to complain. While I was waiting for something new to come along, I hung around the plant making the wooden tool box kits. The guys had it going really well. The Internet was even beginning to show some interest from retailers. Sure we still offered to assemble it for $25,...
My name is Cassie, a lonely woman in her late thirties, and not to mention horny. I could not stop thinking about sex. To be touched by another person, to touch another person giving them pleasure as they gave me sexual pleasure. It had been such a long, long time since I had gotten any. Every chance I got I would stick the porn on onto my laptop. I watch lesbian porn as its more of a turn on than straight. I'm a straight woman but straight porn doesn't do it for me. The way the porn girls...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAs Ron pulled my wife's legs apart, I could see her pussy lips were already swollen and slightly parted as they get when she is aroused, and I swear, that I could see moisture on her slit! All this, and the guy hadn't even touched her pussy yet! The "slut" was HOT!I watched as Ron ran his hand up the inside of my wife's thigh and slid his hand onto her pussy. As soon as he touched her "there", I heard her let out a loud sigh and saw her sort of shudder as if she had caught a chill. I saw Ron's...
Frank rode into the old Johansen ranch yard when the sun wasn’t quite at the noon position. The place was deserted. Based on what his father had said, he figured they had gone to find their sheep. He knew roughly where they had last been, also compliments of his father’s sparse comments from the night before, and headed that way at a canter. His horse was still in good shape. He hadn’t rushed, knowing he’d need a lot more out of the animal before he was done. He was amazed at the width of the...
There's a point where things change: the hunter can lose a part of himself in the hunt. He learns things, and maybe changes. When what he learns does not conform with the vision of himself, the hunter becomes the hunted. "Hello," I say as she walks into the computer lab at that hurried pace she uses. It is not a quicker pace like most people, but a lengthening of stride. She flashes me a hurried smile before entering the management office. I take a moment to enjoy the smile; and look back...
Introduction: Fuck bro, just stick my fucking cock in your mouth. I want to feel your mouth on it. he slurred. I pulled back his white underwear and out popped the most gorgeous cock Id ever seen. It was 8 inches long, about 4 inches wide, not too many veins but enough to make it look like a mans cock. I couldnt wait any longer. I attacked my beautiful best friends cock. I almost started choking because I went down on it so fast. I started sucking around 5 or 6 inches of it before he grabbed my...
Likes boys loves to party.... Part 3 "The switch has been flipped." They looked so leggy fresh coming into the clubhouse gym, this girly pack of younger male cross dressers. And Goldilocks was one of them, with elevated heels making this exotic clip-clopping across the hard wood floors. There was this other blond haired femme swinging 'her' pink mini- skirt to and fro. Flexing 'her' perfectly round pansy tail and pretending not to notice, this posse of virile...
Josh and I had known each other for years. We had both just gotten out of a bad relationship and decided to transform our friendship into a friends with benefits relationship. I was 23 at the time, and Josh was 28. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs and perky titties. They are small, size A, but they go perfectly with my slim figure. Josh was always staring at my ass, so it must have been great to him. Since I got a new job, John and I no longer work together. The last five months...
Quickie SexBODY: Maria spent the morning with her Uncle Pierre and his kids. He had told Maria that his cousin Carlos, who was fifty-four, was coming-by about 2 p.m. to pick her up. Her uncle told her also that he had talked to her mom and that although it was ok for her to go with Carlos she needed to be home by midnight because she had school tomorrow. "Maria, I'm pretty sure Carlos is planning on getting somewhat more than a little conversation from you, so you need to look nice for him,...
Chapter Eight: Activating the Incest Protocol By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michael I pulled my truck into the parking lot of the Church of God Assembled. I turned it off and grabbed my cup of coffee, those thoughts of leaving a device at the Stay Awake Cafe burning through my mind. I shook my head. Had to get those ideas out of my mind. This was church. My wife parked her car a few spaces down from me. She climbed out and shot an...
Tom was a white man in the wrong part of town. He had taken the wrong exit off the expressway and ended up in a seedy, run-down neighborhood. To top it off, his car hit something in the street which punctured it. Pulling up to the curb in front of a bar, he stepped out and inspected the tire. After changing the flat, amid taunts and remarks from passers-by, Tom now needed directions for getting back to friendlier territory. After stepping into the bar, he noticed no one there except three black...
InterracialMelanie first noticed the two men as she pushed her trolley down the dairy aisle of Morrison’s. She smiled at them, encouragingly. They were clearly out of their depth in what they regarded as an alien environment. With smooth efficiency, Melanie scooped up her butter, natural yoghurt and some basic cooking cheddar.She met them again in household. They appeared to be debating laundry liquid.“It’s no good Ben, we’ll just have to ask someone.”“Not one of the staff, this time, Hal. I’m still not...
NovelsI stepped onto the train. feeling tired and flustered. It had been a shit day. Robinson had been a complete bastard, insisting that I stay late and work on his brief. Now I had to endure a long train ride home, as the city sweltered in the midst of an unbearable heat wave. I juggled my bags as the train started and lost my balance, falling into the seat behind me in an ungraceful slump. I looked around with embarrassment, but the only other passenger on the carriage was the blind guy opposite...
VoyeurDione looked over enviously at the table of five girls at the top of the dining hall. It was her first week at this college - her parents had moved across the country and she had to go with them - and she was already missing the popularity she was used to. "That's the cheerleaders," said Mandy, her first, and currently only, friend. "The black girl, that's Lucille Marshall," she continued. "She's in charge." "Oh," replied Dione. "Are they popular then?" "Popular," exclaimed...
The technical set-up to take her last carefully kept cherry was the easy part.To watch well what will happen to her holiest hole, my muse must be on all fours. So she sees on the big display right in front of her in split screen what is up her horny sexy split. One camera in between her feet shows her from below. In close-up. Second screens her ass seen from above. So far electronic equipment.Mechanically, my muse must be bound. Tied up to raise her sense of helplessness.Legs spread. Her hair...
Just wanted to write and tell about this past weekend. Spring was coming in and the mountains were gorgeous with lots of sun out. But with the small amounts of snow on the ground, not to many people were out, which left the mountain to us. My sexy girlfriend Sam and I were out hiking with another friend of ours, Amanda. Sam and Amanda are about the same size women, about 5'4, petite girls with nice soft white skin, such sexy ladies. Sam is more brunette with green eyes, where Amanda is...
A few months into our Ricky experience I was on Vacation. Just wondering around the neighborhood actually looking for Ricky. I thought so early day fun might just get us some double time encounters. I couldn't find him anywhere. That evening Ricky showed up with his cock out and hard. Now we had tried over several encounters to talk with Ricky but he only grunted we never heard him say a word. I told him morning right before he left that night. Ricky shook his head and left. That night I...
Its sunday morning and all you've been thinking about was how good last time was and how much you want more. Your wife's gone away for the day with the k**s so you're totally free to do whatever you like. You send me a filthy text telling me exactly what you want to do to me, but I reply reminding you that, I'm playing in a mixed netball tournament today. You picture me in my short netball skirt and really start to get horny. Your mental images get more and more explicit as your hand starts to...
I can’t explain it, and I’m really not sure I want to. It’s been there for so long that I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t, this desire for vulnerability, the risk of being caught, and the exhilarating threat of exposure and humiliation that it brings.Even after all these years, if I think about it, I can still almost feel my first ever orgasm. Of all the places, it happened in the swimming pool at school. The teacher blew the whistle for everyone to get out, but I remained floating face...
TrueHello Friends…… all hot guys and gorgeous girls….. Thanks for your wonderful comments on the email for my previous story (Heena – the baby sitter seduced…). I received so many responses that i found it tough to answer all of them….. Also met a couple of you post the email conversations and had a blast….. Anyways coming to the story….. I am a teacher in part time at one of the leading engineering colleges in the city of Mumbai. This particular college is my favorite as a teacher since the...
Day 14 Steph woke up the next morning of the party. When she opened her eyes she didn’t recognize the bed she was in. But from the surroundings it seemed she spent the night at Matt’s place. She lifted her head and realized her head was pounding something fierce. Oh great a hangover she thought to herself. Just what she needed. Steph sighed to herself and thought she might as well get up and get her ass back over to Amanda’s place. She carefully sat up trying to make sure her head didn’t...