KennedyChapter 12: Kennedy Loses A Friend free porn video

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Kennedy bounced out of bed the day after she got back from camp and all but ran downstairs, then threw herself into her exercises.

Mr. Glastonbury arrived a few moments later, a tray with a coffee cup and some toast in hand. He watched her for a few moments, then picked up the paper and started reading it.

Kennedy finished her usual set, feeling not the least tired. Yes! There is magic and there is magic! Ferinc and those others had theirs and she had hers!

She plunked herself down opposite Mr. Glastonbury. "We need to talk," she told him. It wasn't a question.

"Do we?"

"Yes. What, sir, do I do about a dark human? One as evil as any vampire or demon?"

"You are not their judge, Kennedy. You can stop them, but you can't hurt them ... at least not lethal hurt. Modest amounts of certitude."

"Could you explain why I can't kill someone as evil as say, Adolf Hitler, but I can kill some demon who might be as innocuous as Mr. Waterman?"

"Well, first off, you've made an unwarranted assumption about Mr. Waterman, one that you know for a personal fact isn't true. He's not on the side of evil; he's on ours. This is called 'using judgment.' It isn't the long suit of most teenagers. Still, one hopes that one's teaching isn't totally wasted.

"True evil, other dimensional demons, our own vampires and werewolves aren't the same as a living, breathing human beings. They're dead. Cut a vampire and it isn't going to bleed to death. Cut a werewolf and it will bleed. You'll want to be careful of that blood, because if your bare skin touches it, the next thing you know, you'll be one of them.

"There are a few werewolves who've managed to control their lust for human flesh. You'll know it if you ever meet one.

"But the bottom line is that vampires don't have souls and werewolves rarely do."

"So, I'm not a judge of the living, I'm the executioner of those already dead?"

"Lady Kennedy, you speak of the duties of a Slayer. You aren't a Slayer and may never be one."

"But that's the essence of it, right?"


"Did I show off too much at camp?"


Kennedy lifted an eyebrow, expecting a different answer.

"Why not?"

"You only used Lady Kennedy twice, for the play. Everyone, except you, knew the story you played a scene from. Everyone laughed. No one takes anything seriously that they laugh at."

"And why have you never taught me a team sport? I do pretty good at those."

He met her eyes. "For the first time in quite some time, Miss Kennedy, I'm alarmed. You haven't used 'sir' but once to me since you sat down. You haven't the wit to understand why meditation is bad, or why slaying isn't a team sport. It seems that I've taught you nothing at all."

Kennedy had been unprepared for his anger. "You've taught me several sports, sir."

"True. Archery, swordsmanship, unarmed combat, various martial arts. Miss Kennedy, would you say your schedule has been easy or busy? Empty or full?"

That was easy enough and the answer, of course, was why she was being stupid. "Full. You didn't want me wasting my time and it's not easy."

"Such sports are, at best, diversions. I could have taught you chess, too. To learn any of those sports well you'd have had to devote considerable time to that study. Time you don't have. It's why you don't play a musical instrument."

"Is that why I don't ride a bicycle?" She was a little angry with that.

"Miss Kennedy, contemplate a battle against a vampire with you mounted on your bicycle. Or your skateboard or your ice skates. I've taught you to swim, because you never know when a battle will end up in the water."

She sat fuming. "And I'm just supposed to supinely let you guide me in all of this? Following by rote anything you try to teach me?"

"That, Miss Kennedy, is what students do."

"And yet, there you sit, wondering why Slayers always die! Tell me, Mr. Smarty-pants-Glastonbury, why do you think your methods work, when they've failed every single time? Or has a Slayer ever died of old age?"

"Because we are always looking for new ways, new techniques. Slayers live longer these days, Miss Kennedy."

"I'm sure Amanda appreciates that! She was what, eighteen? Her Watcher gave her what? A couple of years?"

He waved at the door to the room. "If you like, I'll leave."

Kennedy moved then, without thought, without preparation, filled to the brim with anger. She went across the table, tackling him in his chair. She sat on his chest, her knees forcing his shoulders to the ground. "Yield!" she commanded.

He twisted and bucked at the same time. She hit him in the chest with the flat of her hand, careful not to break anything, but leaving him gasping for breath. "Yield, I say!"

He tried to gouge her eyes and she slapped his hands away. Her next stroke against him was blocked, and then he heaved again, catching Kennedy by surprise, when his legs wrapped around her upper torso and pulled her away from him.

She flipped away, coming up as he was trying a leg sweep. She coldly stepped forward, caught his leg and spilled him on his butt. His leg jerked out of her grip and he came up at her, launching a full bore punching attack, an attack that would have crushed most tae-kwan-do opponents. She blocked what she could and let the rest bounce harmlessly away.

It went around and around, a dizzying spiral of punch and counter-punch, blows landed, blows missed. Finally, nearly exhausted, she was once again on his chest, her knees pressing his arms down, her hand on his throat, sufficient pressure to have brought him to stillness.

"I suppose," he said conversationally, "that this means you now think you're the cock of the walk; the big bad dude who lives here. That you no longer have to follow any rules whatsoever."

"Don't be silly," she told him. "It means that for the first time in what, five years? I beat you in a fair fight. You expected me to pay attention, each and every time you beat me. Why is it you want to ignore me, now that I've beaten you? Why do you want to run me down? Does it make you feel better?"

He reached up slowly, carefully and put the mildest pressure against her hand, pushing it away from his throat. Kennedy let up and rocked back, coming to her feet. "You offered me your hand a thousand times," she told him, holding out hers.

He reached out and took it. It was clear, Kennedy thought, that both of them were wary of the other trying a trick. She hauled him to his feet.

"What do you want, Miss Kennedy?"

"A little respect. Not much beyond that. Mr. Glastonbury, I've respected you since the first day we met. You don't approve of the way I show it ... and I've never approved of the way you wanted me to show it. Let's call it a draw."

"No, Miss Kennedy. Call me what you will; you will always be either Miss Kennedy or Lady Kennedy to me. Don't tell me what to think or do."

She bobbed her head. "My friend Ruby lives in Tarrytown. I'd like to find a way to see her at least once a month and more often if possible."

His regard was steady.

Kennedy couldn't help blushing. "Not always," she told him. "But now and then would be nice."

He chuckled.

"I want to go to Faire more often. I want the 'sex' part of the rules lifted. I'm comfortable with the drug rules. You can throw in music rules, because as near as I can tell, I sing about as well as a lark farts."

He inclined his head, regarding her, then nodded.

"Mr. Glastonbury, this isn't my question, but Harriet's. Are you serious about her mother?"

He laughed. "This once, you can ask a question like that of me. I'll answer it regardless of how I feel about personal questions. After the answer you can ask another personal question and we will do this again. You will not always catch me on a bad day."


"Then, no. Then again, Harriet's mother is not serious either."

Kennedy nodded. "Harriet is worried."

Mr. Glastonbury shrugged. "At one point or another, her parents' marriage is going to come unglued. The first time I was ignorant of it. This time I just turned a blind eye to it. Sometimes, Miss Kennedy, you are a breath of fresh air, a new and unique insight on things that others -- including myself -- have made too complicated. I think Harriet's situation is as complicated as is possible. After the last two weeks, it's clear to me that it's not going to turn out well. I expressed my dismay, and I was told ... well, let's just say that I'm not welcome any more."

"I still want you for my tutor," Kennedy told him. "Sir."

He laughed. "Miss Kennedy, you really have no concept of duty at all, yet, do you? That's all right, because you understand what is required sufficiently."

Kennedy sketched a bow. "I'm going to get a shower, then breakfast."

"Fine. In an hour, we'll start on a bestiary of demons. It was pure luck you knew what a Sofai was. I will fix that gap in your education, quicker than quick."

Something about what he said made Kennedy frown. She remembered a hundred times before that he favored the phrase "lickety-split." It was almost enough to double her over with laughter, because he obviously understood that the phrase now had a new meaning.

She stopped, going to another subject she'd been thinking about. "That reminds me, sir. I had no idea what a The Princess Bride was or why everyone laughed uproariously through the entire sword battle that I fought with Ferinc. I felt like I was in a fog, battling unseen, unknown opponents. I'd appreciate it, sir, if henceforth we can include some pop culture in my curriculum."

For the first time in her memory, he made a rude gesture at her, but he was laughing.

Three weeks later, Kennedy lay on her stomach in a tent, with the post on one side of her, then Harriet, while Ruby was just inches away, touching her shoulder on the other side. The three girls had had their chins in their hands, watching the revelry of Faire village.

Harriet sighed. "In two weeks, school starts."

"Me too," Ruby added.

Ruby giggled after a second. "Lucky Kennedy! No school for her!"

Kennedy laughed at that. "Ruby, you have it backwards! You had the summer off; I had the two weeks of camp off. The rest of the year, I'm in school. Every day, six days a week. Seven, sometimes, because Mr. Glastonbury doesn't always take his days off. He told my father he's saving up for a two week visit to England this fall. My father thinks he's stupid, because he'd just give him the time off without having to save up days."

"So, what did you learn this summer after camp?" Harriet asked.

Kennedy shook her head, not wanting to talk about demon clans. "Well, I asked, and I read Cervantes Don Quixote and now I'm reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I watched the movie ThePrincess Bride and a few others."

"My mother would freak if I read Atlas Shrugged!" Harriet said with a laugh.

"It was the first book I saw Ruby reading," Kennedy admitted. "I was curious. Mr. Glastonbury said that I can read Red Storm Rising some other time." Actually, he'd said a number of things, mostly unflattering about how the Cold War had turned out and that Kennedy would be better off reading the lotto winning numbers than Red Storm Rising.

Kennedy reached out and started feeling up Ruby, until she found what the other had hidden under her skirt. Kennedy pulled the thick tome out. "War and Peace?" Kennedy asked, when she held up the cover to the firelight.

Ruby giggled. "You cheated! You tickled me!" For the next several minutes their play got very romantic.

Harriet sighed. "I think I'm going to roll over and go to sleep."

"Don't make too much noise rolling over," Kennedy told her. She knew her friend well!

Harriet stuck her tongue out, but laughed as well.

Kennedy and Ruby resumed their position as they had been, chins in hand, looking at the adults carrying on around the main campfire.

"What do you think?" Kennedy finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Of Faire?"


"When you first told me about it, I thought it was a bunch of grownups with some serious mental problems, wishing they were living in the Middle Ages. I got here and looked around. They are a bunch of grownups who wish they lived in another time. Rationally, it makes no sense. Life back then was nasty, brutish and short, particularly if you were a woman who wanted kids or a man who was a soldier.

"They really aren't rational, either," Ruby concluded. "But when I think about it, I wonder who among us is?" She leaned a little towards Kennedy and nudged her shoulder with her own. "I don't know why you love me. I'm not cute; I'm not as smart as you or Harriet. I can't sew, I can't swing a sword, and while I could probably swing those bamboo sticks of yours, I couldn't do it nearly as good as you. I shot a bow and arrow and hit the target next to mine, but the arrow wasn't going very fast, and it just sort of sagged there in the target.

"Yet, you do love me, because here we are."

"Yes!" Kennedy said, sneaking a peck at Ruby's ear.

There was a stir a few feet away and Kennedy looked up, a little embarrassed to be caught kissing Ruby. Caught kissing anyone.

Duke Roger appeared from the dark.

"Are you awake, Lady Kennedy?"

"Awake, even altogether dressed," she said, hoping to preclude his speculation on what she and Ruby were doing.

"Please, we have a situation back in the Faire area. I think you could help."

Kennedy snaked out of the artificial fur blanket she'd bought just to bring to Faire and stood up. She reached back and got Lady Kennedy from where she'd been laying on the other side of Ruby.

Sir Roger cleared his throat. "This isn't dangerous, Lady Kennedy. Friar Geoffrey would string me up higher than high if I even suggested something dangerous."

Kennedy inclined her head. She wasn't surprised to hear that, not at all. She put Lady Kennedy down where she'd been laying a moment before.

Sir Roger went on. "We have a couple of pairs of constables who patrol the Faire area after we close for the day." He saw her intent look and he grinned. "You have to be a badged peace officer, Lady Kennedy, sorry.

"Anyway, one pair just called in from over by the petting zoo; they can hear what sounds like a small child, probably a girl, crying. They've tried to find her, but it's clear, they say, that she's hiding from them. I'd just as soon as you left Lady Kennedy behind, this time. I don't want the kid more frightened than he or she already is."

Kennedy considered it. This would be the first time in years she'd gone anywhere at Faire without Lady Kennedy hanging over her shoulder. She chuckled. Sir Roger was right, though. The Faire area could be pretty scary, late at night, with strangers looking for you.

Harriet hissed and Lady Kennedy turned to her. "Come close," Harriet demanded. "Give us a kiss."

Kennedy got down on her knees, and Harriet actually pulled a little back, forcing Kennedy to move closer still to the tent. Harriet leaned a little forward and put her hand in the fur near Kennedy's. "Maybe some of that stuff from the gypsies rubbed off on me, Kennedy. Please, take this," she whispered. She slid her hand forward and Kennedy saw the stake Friar Geoffrey had given her so long ago, that until a few seconds ago had been under her pillow.

Kennedy moved her own hand and pulled the stake up, and slid it up the sleeve of her tunic as she stood. Without a word, Sir Roger set off, moving rapidly through the night.

Kennedy was used to Mr. Glastonbury doing the same thing; he never made allowances for her shorter stride, expecting her to match his.

They reached the familiar area of the petting zoo and he slowed down. A man waved to him and Kennedy followed Duke Roger over towards the Play House. There was a low, whispered conversation.

The man said quietly, "I'm pretty sure it's a girl, and young. I haven't been able to get a good look at her, but she's small and now and then you can hear soft sobs. When we try to get close, she slips away." The man waved at the area beyond the Play House. "That slopes down to the ravine, and it's fairly heavily overgrown. I don't want her to trip and fall in the brush in the dark, so I backed off."

"You did good. Kennedy, please, if you would, see if you can talk her out."

Kennedy nodded and started forward. The other man, who hadn't said anything up until then spoke softly, "Blacker than the depths of hell back there, girl! No light, lots of brush. Be careful!"

Same as Kennedy
Chapter 12: Kennedy Loses a Friend Videos

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KennedyChapter 25 Queen of the Night

When they got to Scarsdale, Kennedy simply walked towards the taxi stand, Ferinc in tow. She waved him to get in the next available cab. "I'll be a second," she told him. "Sure, Kennedy." Kennedy took eight quick steps, grabbed the man who'd been following them and smiled. "Walk with me." He shook his head, but didn't say anything. She pulled a ballpoint from her purse's outside pocket and pressed it against his skin. "This contains a quick nerve-toxin. If I inject you with it,...

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KennedyChapter 31 The New Mint

The injured girl reached out her hand, seeking Kennedy's. Kennedy wrapped hers around the proffered hand. "You came back for me. You saved my life," Amanda whispered. "You're my sister and friend. I'd have done it for any of you." "This itches something terrible." "Don't scratch," Kennedy told her. She managed to lift her head. "The Marching Band didn't make it, right?" "No, I don't think any of them survived. Not if they stayed." The wounded Slayer looked around....

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Hi Godling Im Kennedy

Can you hear me? Hear you? I'll take that as a 'yes'. What about the other senses? You're in a room with a small desk and a home computer; there's a wall-sized shelf of books beside you. The air smells of slightly acrid floral perfume, and it's comfortably warm. For some reason you can't move your body. I can see and hear and smell and feel, but I can't move. So that part's working too. You're sharing my senses, but you can't control me. Actually, it's pretty-much entirely the other way...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess10e05 Beverly Kennedy 48 from Glasgow

Once again we fade in on our dark studio – moving in on the rusty old bed and the smelly, cum stained mattress, illuminated by that single powerful spotlight. If you looked “sleezy” up in a visual dictionary, it would probably look like this. Then there’s the familiar clicking of heels on concrete as our next guest walks onto the set and into the pool of light infront of the bed. She’s an older lady, very thin, with long, straight brunette hair in a center parting. Her small frame is...

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The Kennedys 13 That got the cream

Simple, easy to follow instructions, that works for me. So I hasten to do just that, my clothes got left on the chair I'd just been sitting on, and I knelt between her open legs on the bed. I enter her and thrust away. She's obviously enjoying it, the usual moaning and writhing, I'm enjoying it as well, obviously. I start slow, I want to make it last, it’s probably not going to last that long, it’s the first fuck of the day, I'm always a bit eager, but I'm trying. That's when she opens...

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The Kennedys 11 A Little Test

That set the tone for our interactions, I felt like I was being used, and that Kennedy was rude towards me, but I seemed to like it. I just got turned on by that. That I didn't understand. So, as with any problem I don't understand, I researched the issue. There's a lot of information about sexuality out there, some of it helpful, some of it less so, some of it just plain wrong. There are a lot of opinions, like they say, everyone has one. What I found most useful to understanding was a...

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The Kennedys 25 Be still my Cheating Heart

Kiki's my wife, she runs a porn production company, after she made a name, and a buttload of money, acting in porn. She still acts in some of her productions. I on the other hand, sometimes hang around the productions, and Kiki encourages the porn stars to be nice to me (like have sex with me). I do officially have a job as part of the production, just taking care of the women's needs, including sex. It's the sex I like. The job may have been a joke, which stuck, I do get paid to have sex...

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The Kennedys 17 Surprise

"Hey." She got straight to the point, telling me, "I want to give you as many blowjobs as you want this afternoon." That was a rare treat, I might wonder what bought that on, but I wasn't going to argue. "OK." "So I want you to be naked, on my bed, and hard when I get there, OK?" Not unusual, I had a spare key to her place, I quite often waited for her on her bed. "OK." "Unless, …" There was another part coming. "Unless what?" "Unless you want me to spank...

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The Kennedys 27 Interview with Kiki

AVN: So, “Dr” Kiki Kennedy? Kiki: Yes, I have a doctorate, in particle physics no less. You can look up the exact title if you want, but it’s to do with saw-tooth instabilities in plasma wakefields. And, if that made any sense to any of your readers, I invite them to join our “physics nerds” section of the discussion forum on my website. When I founded the company, I thought that having the title “Dr” would lend a certain gravitas to my being CEO. Before that I’d only been known as a...

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The Kennedys 15 Safe at Third Base

Every other time, I've whole heartedly approved of what emerged from that closet. This time, I was definitely in two minds, she was wearing the strap on dildo I'd bought for her, but she'd never got around to using it on me. I'd told her I didn't want her to use it on me, and I meant that, but still the idea turned me on, a lot. She stood in front of me; I shook my head. The dildo was waving on my face. "You don't want it?" She questioned. "No. No way do I want you to use that...

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The Kennedys 2122 Large Proposals

I flew down to L.A. with Kiki again. This time we were met at the airport by Jade, who expressed surprise to find me in tow. Jade was different from the average porn star I'd met before. First, she was driving an old Geo Metro, so I guessed frugal. She was also bigger than the average porn star, she was what is known as a "BBW" it seems, "Big Beautiful Woman." I wouldn't argue with any part of that label; she had humongous boobs which wobbled temptingly. She was also black, or...

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The Kennedys 16 Kiki at Large

I didn't know when to expect Kennedy, she hadn't sent me the usual text telling me which plane she was catching. She didn't always, sometimes keeping that as a surprise. There was a knock at the door, I wasn't expecting anyone, except Kennedy, and Kennedy didn't knock. So I was really surprised when I opened the door and Kennedy was standing there. Actually, I wasn't sure if it were Kennedy, or Kiki, if there's a difference. She wasn't dressed in Kennedy's usual dowdy manner; she...

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The Kennedys 35 The Doctor Makes Housecalls

But there was something missing, eventually I had to do something about it. I sent a text, just "?" to Kennedy. It wasn't too long before a terse reply came, "You want something?" I thought that was obvious, "Yes." Kennedy's next reply cut to the heart of the matter, "Doesn't the slut do that for you?" Kennedy never did seem to like Kiki, calling her "the slut," the feeling seemed to be mutual, Kiki called her "The Bitch" (on the rare occasions they acknowledged each...

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The Kennedys

I’m shy at the best of times, around women that gets much worse. Around Kennedy it was nearly terminal. After unsuccessfully trying to start a conversation with me she said, “It's all right, I won’t bite!” Then, she made exaggerated biting motions towards me, growled, and said, “Not unless you want me to.” Then she laughed her characteristic laugh. I froze then, I’d gone past fright or flight, I’d got to the part where I just froze. I did eventually manage to talk to her, we were going to...

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The Kennedys 31 House and Ass Warming

Kiki’s response was unexpectedly enthusiastic, “Oooh, thank you! You’ve never asked me to tie you up before. You know how much I love that.” Actually, I didn’t, and I hadn’t though of that. As usual, the situation here is a bit complicated. Kiki may, or may not, have tied me up before, depending on your point of view, it was Kennedy, Kiki’s alter-ego that had done the tying. I didn’t know that Kiki, as Kiki, not Kennedy, liked to do it, she’d never said. Sometimes, she’s just too...

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Coach Kennedys Lesson

Bridget Sweeney rolled her eyes as she listened to the other cheerleaders complaining about having to run laps because they got caught smoking between third and fourth period by Mr. Kennedy, the boys’ gym teacher and the cheerleading and competitive dance team coach. Stupid spoiled brats she thought, everyone knows not to smoke in the second floor bathrooms. Bridget was not above sneaking a quick cigarette between classes, but she was smart enough to use the bathrooms on the first floor that...

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The Kennedys 23 ChChChChanges Turn and face the strange

She had another “coming out,” this time as the porn star to all our friends and colleagues. Most were surprised, some seemed to know who Kiki was, some didn’t. They were surprised at her change in manner, Kiki was much more easy going than the acerbic Kennedy. Not many were surprised at the news of the engagement, I may have been the last to see that coming. It still did feel weird being engaged, I’d spent so long suppressing any attachment to Kennedy/Kiki, that I had difficulty expressing...

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The Kennedys 14 Coed Axemurderer

In a last desperate effort to escape, Kiki ripped off Dee's miniskirt, showing Dee's naked, bald pussy, then dove in face first to the exposed pussy. "I like this bit." Said Dee, in her incredibly sexy British accent. She was sitting next to me as we watched the action unfold on the TV screen in front of us. We were watching "Cherry Falls III: Co-ed Axe-murderer," Dee was playing the lead of the axe-murderer. Kiki didn't say anything, she was kneeling naked on the floor in front of...

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Who Loses Wins

I was readying myself to jump out of the shower, when Celine wandered into my bathroom. “Ah, just in time. Pass me a towel, will you? I forgot to grab one before getting in," I asked her. “Good thing I’m here as usual or you’d be parading around butt naked, dripping water all over the place,” she retorted, whilst nonetheless wiggling her firm little cheeks over to the cupboard where I keep my towels. “Here, wipe your church doors with this!” then, “Shame, I wouldn’t have minded drying them...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 1 To Adam video

LENA LOOKS AT HER LOVELIEST AT EIGHTEEN AND STILL A VIRGIN -- FINALLY FULLY FREELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: over eighteen, gymnasium graduated.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. As far as I know, she even has not discovered masturbation yet.Lena takes the train with me, after our hot holiday. That day she is exactly eighteen and six months old. Lena is born on February 27. As a 'Fish' by star-sign she loves bathing or our swims in a Bavarian...

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The Kennedys 33 House and Pussy Warming

Kiki was laying out the plans for our housewarming party, when she got to that part, I thought it was an excellent idea. I'd been the entertainment at a few of Kiki's parties, back to her bachelorette party before we got married, it was always fun. This party was going to be for the girls in the office, but it was purely social, not something I'd get paid for, unlike that bachelorette party, I didn't mind either way. So the day of the party rolled around, I'm naked, except for the...

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The Kennedys 37 Exhibit M

Of course, Kiki has lots of pictures, and videos of herself, they were all over the internet, and her website. I never wanted to be on that side of the camera, but now I knew that Kiki wanted it, I thought about it. Then we talked about it, I had lots of reservations about the idea, but Kiki came up with a plan I could live with. I never liked the idea of being naked (or fucking) in front of men, but women are no problem for me (now). Kiki said we could have Tina and Dana, the videographers,...

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Fuck buddy Loses control

Title - Fuck buddy loses control Synopsis – My regular fuck buddy whom I fuck once or twice a day comes over one night very drunk after a wedding. We always have rough sex. He treats me like the whore I am. But tonight he loses control and I experience real fear. This story actually happened and I have related it exactly as it played out. Codes – m/f, spanking, D/s. B/D, S/M, BDSM, bondage, real, consensual, reluctant, humiliation, nc, heavyStory: Are you ready for me??A thrill runs though...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 1

The following characters return from Part 1: Sgt. Bill Baker Radio Operator, 5'-10" tall, 170 pounds, 24 years old, Auburn hair, Hazel eyes MSG Sawyer Team Sergeant, 6'-6" tall, 275 pounds, 42 years old, black hair, brown eyes Suenee Sa Bill's girl friend and wife, 5'-2" tall, 108 pounds, 34C-23-35, 21 years old, brown eyes, long black hair, oval face, very cute Sophie MSG Sawyer's girlfriend, 5'-10" tall, 140 pounds, 38C-25-37, 25 years old, brown eyes, long black hair The...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 2

Fields dropped me off at Ploenchit Road and continued back to the Team House, while I walked the few blocks to the Nana. I was soaked when I got there from Bangkok's heat and humidity. The air conditioning in the lobby felt really great. I went up to the room where I found Suenee talking to two of the women who worked at the hotel. The women left just after I arrived and Suenee took one look at me and said, "Shower." I knew better than to argue by now and collected my other clothes and...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 3

New characters appearing in the next several chapters: Short Round Friend of Bill’s, 5’-9” tall, 145 pounds, 21 years old, brown hair, gray eyes Ear Company clerk, tall thin young man, 20 years old, red hair and freckles SSG Williams, Willie S-2, 83rd RRSOU, 5’-8” tall, 170 pounds, 31 years old, very short blond hair, blue eyes First Sergeant Never named other than his rank, tall, thin, balding, reddish completion 44 years old Major Taylor Commander, HQ Co, 83rd RRSOU, 5’-4” tall,...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 6

The trip from Bangkok back to Korat is about 260 km, more or less by road. We pulled out of Seri Court just after 0830 and made good time once we got out past Don Mung airport. We took the turn to Sara Buri and headed up Friendship Highway. I had a much better view of the trip from the elevated cab of the deuce and a-half then I had had from the pickup truck coming the other way. It was shortly after passing Sara Buri and before we reached the climb to the Korat plateau that I started to...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 7

New characters appearing in the next few chapters" Luang Silapakom Bill's landlord and teacher, 5'-6" tall, 130 pounds, 53 years old brown eyes, black hair going gray John Bill's co-worked, MOS 98G (Voice Intercept Operator), 5'-9" tall, 150 pounds, 23 years old, blond hair, blue eyes, SP/4 Ernie Translator (Vietnamese), MOS 04B, 5' 8" tall, 160 pounds, 24 years old, brown hair and eyes, SP/5 The entrance to the Operations area was the red guard-shack we had been to last...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 8

The rest of the morning was pretty dull with only a few good bits of conversations to be captured. It wasn't until after lunch that we picked up the Attapu station again. John went to get Ernie while I recorded it. There was shouting again at both ends of the transmission. Ernie was laughing his ass off after he came in. They finally signed off, and Ernie eventually managed to stop laughing enough to talk to us. "What the hell is so funny?" John asked, as he turned from his receiver to...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 9

When we returned to our house shortly after midnight on New Year's day, Suenee seemed very distracted. I was sitting on the bed when Suenee came over to me. "Can we do something different tonight," she asked, but seemed worried. "Sure. What would you like to do?" I asked. "I ... I have been talking to some of the younger women, the ones that work in the bars," she said nervously. "They have told me that it is not a big thing to do." "What is?" I asked, confused. "Smoking,"...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 10

New characters appearing in chapter 10 and after: Phil Del Vecchio Captain, Bill met him in Bangkok, 5’-7”tall, 185 pounds, 36 years old, black hair, hazel eyes, very muscular Tweed SSG, Engineer, Bill’s friend from Cambodia, 5’-9” tall, 155 pounds, 32 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Carson SSG, Infantry, 5’-11” tall, 170 pounds, 32 years old, black hair, gray eyes Williams SSG, Infantry, 5’-9” tall, 150 pounds, 30 years old, Brown hair, hazel eyes Colby SSG, Artillery, 6’-0” tall,...

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