HatedPart 4: Full Circle free porn video

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Pete’s wait in the office was much longer this time around. Given the severity of the beatings he had handed down, and the accusations of assault, and defense, Mr. Robertson had been forced to call the police, and now Pete sat, alone, waiting for them to conclude their interviews. Miss Sarah had not even bothered to show up, telling Pete that she would deal with him when he got home, and Ashley’s aunt had come to collect her while Pete had been giving his statement. In the end, a combination of video evidence, provided by a student who had recorded the beginning of the fight on her phone, and corroborating statements from both Pete and Ashley had convinced them that he had, in fact, been acting in self defense.

By the end of the day, the score stood; one torn ACL, a fractured patella with torn lower patella tendon, combining to equal one lost scholarship offer. One hemorrhaged testicle, a broken collar bone supporting a dislocated shoulder, a fractured cheek bone complete with three missing teeth, and a second degree concussion. Two cracked ribs, a severely wrenched neck with a bulging disk, along with yet another severe concussion on the parts of Greg and his friends. Versus four bruised ribs, and and a bruise creeping down the left side of his face, on the part of Pete. As the police detective watched Pete walk down the road away from the school, he turned to Mr. Robertson and said quietly, “I don’t know how that boy has made it this far. And I have no clue whats keeping him together.” The vice principal looked at him seriously and replied, “Ashley Waters is.”

By the time Pete got home, Miss Sarah was waiting for him, she had been furious when she found out that Pete had not even managed a single day without getting into another fight. She had begun drinking as soon as she got home, and had, by now, completely wound herself up waiting for the worthless little fucker to get home. And as soon as Pete walked through the door he could see that tonight was going to be a bad one. But for the first time in his entire life, Pete felt no fear, for the first time in his life, he knew someone out there actually cared, someone out there actually thought he was worth the effort to care. And for the first time in his life, that made Pete untouchable.

Sarah started as soon as the door closed, her voice shrill and slurred, as she came at Pete in a rage. The wooden cooking spoon in her hand brandished like the deadliest of weapons, swinging at Pete like she intended to decapitate him. Pete honestly couldn’t care, what he had learned that day, had taught him that pain was inconsequential, absolutely meaningless, when someone was willing to help shoulder the burden. The spoon cracked down onto Pete’s shoulders and face, in stinging slaps, as Sarah continued to berate him. “You stupid little fuck! You couldn’t go one day without showing how worthless you really are?” she shrieked, her voice going up an octave, as she saw how little Pete was reacting, “You think you can just spit on all the effort I’m putting into you?”

Something inside of Pete snapped, he had finally had enough of it all. For the first time, he knew he was worth something to someone, and that everything Miss Sarah was spewing at him was bullshit. It had always been bullshit, after everything Ashley had told him today, he finally understood, that none of what happened to him, had been his fault. Pete’s eyes hardened, and he pulled himself up to his full height, towering almost a full foot over Sarah, who suddenly saw something in Pete that she had never known was there, burning behind those eyes, that had always been empty and hollow, was anger, and outrage. His eyes were burning with an anger so all consuming that it stopped Sarah cold, as fear settled into the pit of her stomach.

Snatching the spoon out of her hand, Pete snapped it in half in front of Sarah’s eyes. “You will never touch me again, you worthless bitch.” Pete’s voice was calm, the type of calm that spoke volumes about the anger that was boiling just beneath the surface, and it turned her insides to jello, “I’m nothing more than a stipend check to you, remember? I’m here because I have no choice, but I will not be a victim ever again.” he grated through tightly clenched teeth, “I’m here until I age out of the system, you keep getting your money. But that is as far as it will ever go again. You will never hit me, or raise your voice to me again! And you will never, ever, feel my dick inside of that sloppy hole you call a cunt again. Do. You. Understand?” All Sarah could do was stand there, mute, and nod, knowing that if she pushed this boy, whom she had so callously disregarded, had used and discarded simply because she felt she could, if she pushed him one more time, she suddenly knew, he might break her, just like her spoon.

That night, was the first night, since Pete had been forcibly removed from Uncle Billy’s home, that Pete slept, deeply, soundly, safe in the knowledge that no matter what was to happen to him next in life, he had someone who was willing to have his back. In the small hours of the night, deep in his first untroubled sleep in years, Pete dreamed. He saw Ashley, her beautiful eyes, glorious and smiling, and felt, again, the touch of her hand on his cheek, and her warm, soft lips as they touched his. The dream morphed then, into the long litany of faces, and voices, that had brought him nothing but pain and horror throughout his life. He saw his mother, her cold, merciless eyes, glaring at him, Victor, his first foster father, leering at him with that sick, degrading hunger that had inspired fear in a young, vulnerable Pete. On and on the line continued, taunting, and tormenting Pete with the memories of the pain, opening all of the old wounds, but this time, the words carried no weight. There was finally nothing more for them to use to hurt him, because at the end of the line, after the storm of pain and sorrow, was Ashley. Those glorious eyes, smiling at him like a lighthouse beacon, shining through a hurricane, calming both wind and sea, letting Pete know that he was ok.

Pete woke up with the sun streaming through the window of his bedroom (barely more than an expanded closet in truth) and it was to Pete, like the sun rising on the first day of time. After the best night’s sleep of his life, this was the most beautiful morning he had ever experienced, and in a few short hours, he knew, it would only get better. Today he was going to spend his entire day with Ashley Waters, and Pete finally felt like being around another person, was going to be a good thing. Looking at the small clock next to his bed, Pete realized that it was already after nine in the morning! He was stunned, he had never slept this late, always awake long before the other people he had lived with, always finding a reason to leave early, and come home late, avoiding contact as much as possible. Today, all he heard was silence, the house was still, calm, just like Pete felt. Right up until he realized he only had an hour before he had promised to meet Ashley at the gas station uptown!

Pete rushed out of the house, his hair still wet from his shower, still pulling his shirt down his lean, bruised, scar laced body. He had never bothered to really look at himself, so he barely understood why the neighbor, Mrs. Bradley, a kind, matronly, septuagenarian, who was out getting her morning paper gave him such a stare as he passed her, while straightening out his clothes. Pete ran as fast as his long legs could carry him, knowing he was already running late, hoping Ashley would wait for him. By the time Pete had covered the twelve blocks to the Dairy Mart & Gas’er’Up, he was panting for breath, his right side was wailing at him in pain, and every intake of breath shot white hot needles from his waist to his armpit. He skidded to a halt at the air pump in the gas station parking lot, pressing in on his ribs, and gasping for breath, and looked around, not seeing Ashley.

He started to panic, thinking he had kept her waiting so long, that she had decided to leave. Pete looked around the uptown area, a juncture of two secondary state highways surrounded by local businesses and the town bank. Pete stopped and stared, at the front of the bank stood the ‘Old Towne Clock’, the story was it went up when the town was incorporated over a century ago. That wasn’t what was important to Pete though, what was important was that, according to the clock, it was only five minutes to ten! He had covered twelve blocks in under fifteen minutes! In fact he was so stunned that he completely missed Ashley walking up next to him. “Hey Peter!”

The sudden sound of a voice next to him made Pete jump. Right up until he looked down, and saw Ashley smiling up at him. Pete stood, his mouth hanging open, Ashley looked amazing, her rust red hair was pulled back into a pony tail, fully exposing her heart stopping face. Her pale skin glowed in the morning light, and her broad smile lit up her eyes like Pete had never seen before. She wore a pair of tight jeans that accentuated her narrow waist, and perfectly flared hips. Her green sweater was light, and hugged her curves gracefully, showing off her amazing chest (Pete had no way of judging them, but they were in fact a very generous C cup) while not making her look trashy. In a word, Ashley was stunning. Right up until the smile slid from her face, to be replaced by a look of outrage.

“Peter?! What happened?” she demanded, as a tiny hand came up to cup his chin, pushing and pulling his face from side to side. She could see the confusion in his face, and suddenly she realized something about Pete that she could never have prepared herself for. She realized that Pete, this poor, shy, quiet, wonderful boy, who had saved her from her worst fear coming back to life, was so accustomed to pain, that he didn’t even notice the bruises that now covered his cheeks and jaw. Her heart broke, and she had to fight off tears, knowing they would only confuse Pete even more. “Peter, your face is covered in bruises! I know it wasn’t the fight, so ... What. Happened!?” She demanded, wanting to know who’s eyes she was going to have to claw out for hurting this poor boy again.

“Oh. That?” Pete said, trying to brush it off like it was nothing “I had a disagreement with Miss Sarah. It’s all settled now though, don’t worry.” Even as he said it, he could tell, Ashley was not about to not worry. Her gray eyes hardened like flint, and her mouth thinned to a single line, as she tried to sublimate her anger.

“I don’t think I can do that Peter,” she whispered hotly, her voice carrying an edge of anger to it Pete had never heard from her before. She grabbed his hand quickly, her tiny, delicate fingers lacing into his own, and squeezed tightly, “I don’t think want to either. Someone’s gotta care about you Peter, and I think I’d like to take that job.” Her smile completely floored Pete. A feeling he had no familiarity with flooded through his gut. If Pete had been given a chance to grow up like a normal boy, he would have known immediately, he was falling in love. “C’mon Peter, I’d like you meet a few of my best friends!” Ashley said, changing the subject before Pete had an emotional breakdown, and quickly tugged him down the sidewalk.

It was only a four block walk to Ashley’s home, but after a twelve block sprint, and the quick pace Ashley set for him, he was again gasping, and pressing on his ribs by the time they made it there. Ashley looked at him, concern in her eyes, as he leaned against the porch railing, trying to catch his breath. “That kick.” Pete said hoarsely between breaths, “Ribs are a ... Little bit tender...” he explained, waving away her concern. By this point in his life, pain was just something that was, there was nothing all that unusual about it.

Brushing aside Pete’s explanations, and protests, Ashley pushed up the side of his shirt and stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes widened in shock, but it wasn’t the bruise that spread from Pete’s armpit to his hip that shocked her. Yes, the bruise was gruesome, and she could tell it was painful, but it was the scars that laced his body that put a lump in her throat. She was intimately familiar with kinds of marks physical abuse can leave on the body, but she had never, in her life, seen the sheer volume of them that she was seeing now. His chest and back resembled a rail yard, scars from an inch to a foot long covered his torso like a road map of misery. Ashley had always known Pete had been abused, but she had always assumed that the scars she saw on his hands and arms were from being a cutter. She could not even begin to process the amount of torment this gentle boy had been forced to endure.

“Good God Peter!” she whispered, “I am so sorry!”

Pete grunted in reply “Yeah, but I can tell the ribs aren’t broken.” Not even realizing why Ashley was so upset, “Been there twice. Not really something you forget.” He said as he pulled his shirt back down. As he straightened up, he looked into Ashley’s eyes, and saw tears welling up. He cocked his head questioningly at her, and tried to smile. “It’s ok Ashley, like I said, they’re not broken. Nothing for you to be sorry about.” he said gently, as he placed his massive hand against her face, his thumb wiping away the tear that was sliding down her cheek.

Pete could feel Ashley restrain her impulse to flinch at his touch, and suddenly she melted into the feeling of his hand. Her soft, warm cheek nuzzled into his palm, as a contented smile slowly spread across her face. The feeling of joy, at seeing someone smile, simply because he was touching them, erupted through Pete’s body like a geyser. He had never experienced something like that before, someone was actually happy just to be near him, there was no hunger, or lust, or sick desire in her smile. It was simple, pure, undiluted, happiness, and Pete’s heart swelled at seeing it.

The hand was rough, and calloused, Ashley could feel that the pointer, and ring fingers were twisted in a manner that spoke of improperly healed breaks. The thumb, that so carefully, and gently wiped away her tears, was still strong, and hard. It was, in Ashley’s opinion, the most beautiful touch she had ever felt. Hands that had turned to fists, dealing out punishment to people who had tried to hurt her, were now gently trying to erase the guilt she was feeling, for so badly misjudging this lonely, gentle, beautiful boy in front of her. It felt so natural, to allow herself to revel in a touch so innocent, and full of care. Deep inside of her, where she had walled off so much of herself, protecting her from ever being hurt again, she felt a tectonic click. Ashley’s eyes snapped open, and bore into Pete’s with a questing intensity, looking for something all of her instincts told her should be there. Looking for that perverse desire all the men in her experience had shown, and praying it was not there. All she saw was care, deep, sincere, and unconditional. Her smile widened, somehow, she knew, she would always be safe with Peter.

“Peter,” she whispered softly, as she looked him in the eyes, those soft brown orbs captivating her completely, “Come inside with me, I want you meet my two best friends in the world.” and taking his giant hand in hers once again, led him through her front door. The house was small, and had that cluttered, yet orderly look of some place that could only be described as ‘home’. The sea foam green wallpaper had that faded look of a place that had absorbed countless memories, most happy, but some sad as well, and quite simply spoke of comfort. The furniture was worn, yet not shabby, the sky blue carpet showed the signs of countless steps, without being threadbare. It was the sort of home Pete had always dreamed he could have grown up in, and, even though he knew Ashley had not always lived here, it was still the kind of place that said she belonged here.

Pete was looking around, taking in the details, letting them burn into his mind, knowing, one day, he wanted a place just like this. He was so caught up in the place, that he completely missed seeing the giant dog lumbering down the hall, until his legs were nearly taken out from under him. The massive, barrel bodied, gray brindled, pit bull put his shoulder into Pete, rubbing along his leg, trying to get this large stranger’s attention, since, a new person was in the house, and they still hadn’t petted him. He felt this had to be corrected, and this was obviously the best way to go about it. Pete looked down, after regaining his balance, just as the wide head, and open, honest, face of the dog looked up at him. Those light chocolate eyes boring square into his own, caused a lump the size of the dog’s head to form in Pete’s throat, all of his memories of Goliath crashing down on him. Pete dropped to his knees next to the beautiful dog, his hands cupping the enormous jaws, and began to scratch gently, up along the jawline, and behind the ears, tears standing in his eyes, as he remembered how Goliath had loved this exact same thing.

“Peter, this is Broadway,” Ashley explained, as she knelt next to the pair, and began scratching along Broadway’s flank. The giant dog’s eyes rolled up in ecstasy as he now had two people petting on him, his tail wagged like a battering ram, slapping into Ashley’s shoulder with loud pops of joy. Pete looked at Ashley in shock, at hearing the name, but his question was erased from his mind as Broadway began happily licking his cheek and jaw. All he could do was laugh, it was just like Goliath used to do, and as he laughed at the sensation, all of the sadness he felt at Goliath being gone, was replaced by all the memories of love, and joy he had of his lost puppy. It was the first time Ashley had ever heard Peter laugh, and it was, in her opinion, one of the most beautiful sounds she had ever heard.

Pete’s laughter was abruptly cut short, as he felt a tugging at his left elbow. The tugging came from low on the floor, and was accompanied by the needle sharp insistence of claws. Thinking Ashley also had a cat, Pete looked down into the inquisitive, curious, face of a striped skunk. Pete froze, and lightly cleared his throat. “Uh ... Ashley...” he said softly, trying to get her attention without startling her, not wanting any of them to get sprayed, “There’s um ... There’s a skunk in the house...”

Ashley giggled at Peter, looking into his concerned face with a bright smile. “I know Peter. He wants you to pet him too,” She said gently, as she scooped the skunk off the floor, and cradled it in her left arm. “Peter, this is Hudson, and yes, he’s a skunk.” her smile was broad and infectious, as she presented Hudson for Pete to pet too. And he couldn’t help but smile at her too, it was strained, and forced, since Pete had had very little reason to smile through most of his life, but it was still genuine. “C’mon Peter, lets sit on the couch, so these two attention hogs can have their way,” she said brightly, as she bounced down into the soft cushions of the sofa.

The next hour was one of the happiest times Pete could remember having since before Goliath had died. The pair spent it petting, and cuddling, Broadway, as he wiggled back and forth between the two, deciding who was going to get the pleasure of scratching his belly next, seemingly at random. Hudson meanwhile had climbed up on the back of the couch, and scampered back and forth, taking time to nuzzle, and sniff, and occasionally nibble on both Pete and Ashley in equal measures. Through it all they talked, avoiding the obvious topic, of their similar past, instead just honestly getting to know one another. Ashley found out that Pete had tested in the ninety-eighth percentile in math, science, history, and language every year since he was in fourth grade, but only ever barely passed because he never spoke, and rarely ever did the homework assignments. He wouldn’t give specifics as to why, only “Home isn’t a good place for me to work”.

Pete found out that Ashley was very nearly a savant in the areas of art, and music, she could play seven different instruments fluently, and loved to paint, sketch, and sculpt. Her passion was the violin, and she dug out her phone, and played played a video her aunt had taken of her playing Vivaldi’s Summer Movement of The Four Seasons. Pete was spell bound when he saw the emotion in her face, as she played. He could tell just from that short video, that Ashley was being modest about her talent.

After an hour of unadulterated joy at having two people to give them attention, both Broadway and Hudson had finally had enough. Broadway lumbered off into the den, and plopped down on a giant pillow, while Hudson waddled off toward the back of the house. Ashley used their reprieve to go to the kitchen and get both of them a glass of iced tea. Pete sat on the couch, and for the first time in he didn’t know how long, actually relaxed, just soaking in the peace that seemed to envelope the entire house.

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Full Circle

Thirty-nine years ago I met Darian while attending college with his fiancé. They were childhood sweethearts and had become engaged prior to her first year of college. They decided to delay their marriage until she had finished her college degree. Taryn, Darian’s fiancé, and I hit it off the college from day one. Essentially, we had the same sense of humour and got on famously. It was, however, clear that she was totally in love with Darian and that our friendship was purely platonic. Later that...

Gay Male
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The Circle

I am middle c***d.One older and one younger sister. Father left when I was like 10. I was 5 yo when I got into my sisters clothes. I don't know why other than it seemed exciting. I put on her pastel green panties, short blue skirt,light blue top and mary jane like flats.I went outside and played with 2 neighbor boys and had fun.Nothing happened. My Mom later said to only wear boys clothes outside. {I guess the neighbor complained}I recall bathing with my mom up until maybe age 7.She had a...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Circle

I have masturbated since I was ten years old, but I've always had to do it in secret because I was taught that it was a shameful act. It was first referred to in the Bible (Genesis 38:9) where it was called "Onanism" and it was considered a sin in those days because the act wasted semen instead of using it for reproduction. Well at the age of ten, I didn't even know who Onan was or why he was put to death by God for his actions, but I didn't really care. I just knew that, in my case,...

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The CircleChapter 26 Invitation to Join Helping Another Circle

Bob strolled through the new addition first thing on Saturday morning. As he passed by each of the larger bedrooms he could hear some serious fucking going on. He even peeked into a couple of the rooms where the doors were open or ajar. In one, Steve was plowing into Zoey as Stephanie sat on her face being eaten. From the condition of Steph’s pussy, Bob guessed that she’d already had a load that morning from Steve or someone. In another room, Bill had Michelle riding his cock as she bounced...

2 years ago
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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

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The Westhampton Womens Circle

Chapter 1: New In WesthamptonA New HomeLiz was particularly pleased with her new home. She still thought of herself as Liz rather than Elizabeth but maybe it was time to move on. Of course it had been a wrench moving away from the town where she and her husband had lived for so long out here to the ‘burbs’, but with Ben’s new job they couldn’t really have stayed where they were. And, of course, now that he was earning more they had been able to afford something bigger and in a nice part of...

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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

1 year ago
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Wonders of American BackroadsChapter 3 Magic Circle

If you think that all the sex adventures would start as soon as we camped in a nudist area, you really don’t understand naturism. The one thing above all about nudist resorts and naturists is that it isn’t about sex. That’s especially true about an encampment like Quartzite’s Magic Circle. When you think about who can take off for the winter, or even a couple of weeks, to camp out and enjoy the mild weather of western Arizona, you have to come to the immediate conclusion of retirees....

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The CircleChapter 11 Converting and Indoctrinating Kyle Into the Circle

Tracy came through the front door into the living room lugging a backpack containing her laptop, notebook, and three dense textbooks, plus everything else she might otherwise carry in a purse. She slid the pack under a table so it was out of the way, and flopped down next to her brother. As usual, she was dressed in a sexy little outfit that usually brought her a lot of attention when she was at the university: tight jeans, a camisole top held up with spaghetti straps that didn't allow much...

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There and BackChapter 17 Vicious Circle

I was getting a bit sick of the disorientation following one of my 'transitions', overall, but this was definitely the worst. I opened my eyes and let out an involuntary shriek. Not only was I completely clueless as to where I was, but as I watched in dismay, the headless corpse of what I assumed was once a person fell towards me, almost in slow motion, and landed right on me. Blood flowed freely from the stump that was once a neck, and I quickly closed my mouth, turning my head to avoid an...

1 year ago
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Roomies Full Circle

(I had thought that I was done with Kim and Pam, except for possibly filling in a missed adventure or two. But recent news changed my mind and I wrote this bit of fantasy.) "Oh gosh that feels good," Pam Maguire Norton settled onto the sofa that rested against one wall of the living room of the retirement suite. Bracing her cane between her legs, she folded her hands on the top and rested her chin. "Pooped?" inquired Kim McCall Keagan of her once and now again roommate from her easy...

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Full Circle

All characters in this story are 18 and older. I would like to thank l8bloom for her editing of this piece. * Sarah didn’t know what woke her up. She didn’t know if it was the bright flash or the sound of the sky tearing. For a brief moment, she saw the time on her clock, midnight, and then the red digits went blank. Her heart pounded as she listened to the sound of the tree branches slamming against the side of the house. Storms terrified her, they always had. Even as a teenager, she would...

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The Red Circle

The Red Circle By: badmouth I was almost as tall as Katy now. It felt like an accomplishment. We shared a bathroom. She liked to hum while she brushed her teeth. I hadn't known that about her before. Today, the tune was one I didn't recognize, but it was catchy, and I made a mental note to ask Katy about it. If she liked the song, the Overmind would want me to know it well. Getting out of bed, I almost fell over the last Harry Potter novel. My bedtime reading. Katy had devoured...

4 years ago
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The Witchs Circle

The Witch's Circle Before she married him, she'd insisted on full disclosure. He was a romantic, and this made him a lost soul in her eyes. People would do uncharacteristic things under the spell of love. For example... marriage. She wanted to make sure he knew what he was in for, not a rough ride exactly, but not exactly a normal one either. His disclosure was minimal. Hers was more eventful. As always, when one attempts to deliver weighty news, the buildup, the prologue is a...

2 years ago
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Vanessa Embarks on a Journey into Unknown Territory Expands Her Social Circle

Author's Foreword & Acknowledgement It probably goes without saying, but the main story, while set in the ‘present day’, does predate the COVID pandemic. It reinforces the point that this story is purely an erotic, fictional fantasy, developed solely from the present author’s weird imagination. The events & individuals portrayed are completely fictional & not based on any actual real-life cases from either group to my knowledge. The following story is set in a particular context, & partly...

3 years ago
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LimitsChapter 14 The Inner Circle

The day required planning. Kelly and Dad -- pretending to be husband and wife -- took the twins to some Disney/Pixar movie. For awhile, they could act the part of the happy-go-lucky teens they once were. Kelly, especially when wearing Mom's clothes, passed herself off as older so she could be seen with Dad. At the movie, they sat in the back and made out like teenagers (of course). Marie was over at the Meyer house -- which by now should have had a revolving door on it for all the sex that...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 10 Cumming Full Circle

Chapter 10 It was the end of the school year. It was a Wednesday and Jeff was already coming up that night for the weekend parties. There was one more day of exams, but Felecia and I were finished for the summer. Jeff had wrapped up the previous week at his school. It was about ten in the morning and Jeff wouldn't arrive until around three or four in the afternoon. I was bored so I picked up the phone and called Felecia to see what she was up to. The phone rang a few times, then she finally...

1 year ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 75 Full Circle

July 10, 2007 I don't usually remember my dreams very well, unless I happen to wake up in the middle of one. However, the night after we decided to take part in the band competition in New Jersey, I had a dream unlike any I'd ever had before. It was so vivid, and so detailed, it didn't seem like a dream at all. In it, I was an observer. I merely took in the happenings around me, with the people appearing like actors in a play. I was positioned inside what appeared to be a hotel lobby...

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The Ladies Circle

It had been my wife’s idea for me to go into massage professionally as she had always enjoyed the ones I had given her. Having recently lost my job and now having more spare time it seemed a good way of earning a bit more money and I happily enrolled in various classes. Of course the massage techniques I was learning were somewhat different to those I had given Helen -- once or twice in the classes I had to stop myself venturing south of the equator! I bought myself a proper table and...

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A Winners Circle

It was Friday evening and our trip to Las Vegas from southern California would be about a 5 hour drive. Getting through Los Angeles can be a nightmare on the freeway. My girlfriend Linda and I decided to take the weekend off and just go! We had been planning to do something fun for ourselves and what would be more fun than 2 women in Las Vegas for a weekend? Once past L.A. it was clear sailing on I-15 north. We decided to stop off in Barstow for a bite to eat. Barstow was at one time a...

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Bloomsbury Circle

Gwendoline Callaghan, known to all our circle as Harry, was tall, slim and as butch as you like. She did class butch. Not for her the tight vest, torn jeans and Doc Martens. No, for Harry, it was a decent suit or classy chinos and a leather jacket. She was deep in conversation with a woman called Jess, who never seemed to do anything but was as rich as Croesus. I was watching her at the party my friend Sylvia arranged every September – she called it Harvest Festival but there was nothing...

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Mindy completes a circle

The summer moved slowly like a beetle crawling along a hot, dusty, back road. Days dawned too early and went dark too late as far as Mindy was concerned. She used to love the lazy summer when she spent her time with her friends, traveling and playing between their various homes and vacation cottages. But that was when they were young and considered socially awkward so they were encouraged to take turns planning, then promoting parties and dances.Mindy and her friends seemed to be focused on...

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A Full Circle

My name is Sean Patrick O’Conner, at least that is the name my parents gave me. Back when I was in junior high, I got confused about a question the teacher asked in class, and answered with something that had no connection to the question. One of my so-called buddies hollered out, ‘Don’t pay any attention to him, Miss Trotter, he’s just a dumb Mick.’ He got sent to the principal for that one, but the name stuck, and nowadays, everybody calls me Mick. I joined the service after high school,...

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Full Circle

She is a Dark Mistress, people said, although I have no idea what they mean by that. She has a queue of would-be slaves, they said. She treats them like shit, they said. The best around, they said. A sadistic whore, they said. I munch on some peanuts and say nothing. My initial embarrassment overcome, I am left only with my own shyness. I try to look out through the blacked out windows but see only my own reflection - a hollow, haunted face, drawn out, looking older than my forty-three years,...

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Coming Full Circle

As I lay in my bed, recalling these recent past events, I determined to write this all down before I woke up and found out I was dreaming. In my family, there has existed for some time now a terribly messed up gene that causes one in every eighty of our line to be born with the wrong sexual organs, such as a penis, despite having ovaries, or a clit and vagina despite producing sperm. With such problems, and the inherent hormones that steer sexual identity, any of us today could have a sex...

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Bridgets SpiritChapter 9 Full Circle

The holiday visit passed quickly. When the young couple said good-bye, every eye was wet. Liam and Gina drove home in silence. Gina stayed at Liam's apartment that night. He made love to her with all the passion he felt. The couple fell into a deep sleep quickly. During the night, Liam woke with a start. He could feel his Bridget with him again. In his head, he heard her voice. She's at peace. Liam sat up in bed and looked over at his nightstand. He stared at his phone and within seconds,...

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Cumming Full Circle

"Tommy gave me your letter," Mack sad as Jenny let him inside. It was already dark out and Mack had just caught her before she was about to slip out of her white blouse, black shirt and stocking...and into a nice hot bath before bed. Closing the door she turns to hear Mack say hungrily "I can hardly wait to taste your sweet juices." Without warning he picked Jenna up into his arms and carried her over to the kitchen table. Pushing her skirt up around her waist to reveal the black garter...

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ExtramaritalChapter 7Full Circle

As Jayne picked up the phone, she wondered how she was going to explain things to Zach. He was an incredible lover, for sure, and she had feelings for him, but her new relationship with Carol was complicating things. If only there was a way to accommodate both of them in her life, that would be perfect for her. But would Zach be willing to share her, much less with a woman for whom he had felt such dislike and scorn? She answered the phone. "Hello Zach, how are you?" "Jayne, I'm doing fine, how...

1 year ago
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Full Circle

I was reading some hot porn on the internet, and the host asked for some stories. I realized that I had one to tell. It has all the stuff I like to read about, oral, anal, lezbo lovin, incest and rape. The difference is this story is true. I guess I just wanted to contribute something. I mean I get so much pleasure from porn sites like Masterbator, ASSTR, Kristen, OnlineStories and Mr. Double-- it's only fair that I give back. I married my girlfriend after she told me she was pregnant with our...

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Quilters Circle

Sometimes a dream needs time to cook. It stews on the mind’s back burner, bubbling in the juices that form thoughts, lodged in the wrinkly grey meat of one’s brain. It was Chicago’s fault. In the early nineties I was the new kid, fresh off the farm and too dumb to stay away from Cicero. One evening in the parking lot behind my apartment building, I saw children playing a game. It wasn’t like any game I’d ever seen in rural Ohio. The boys had removed seat belts from parked cars and swung them...

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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

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The Inner Circle

I just can't stop writing these things. And it's fun to plug them all together in some way. I'm planning a bigger story with a deeper plot to explain why this keeps happening in this area. Till then, enjoy the smaller stories. Sorry, male to female transformations are only a small part of this, but I worked it in. Enjoy. The Inner Circle By Wolverine Candice Walman was the hottest cheerleader in school. She and her girlfriends practically ruled the Arelyn V. Carley Memorial...

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A Friend in Need Part 15 Squaring the Circle

A Friend in Need Part 15. Squaring the Circle March 2013 Thinking back to the day I found out that the man I was in love with, because that is most certainly what I was if I was being honest with myself, was very hard, well it was then but now when I look at my baby girl I feel such a rush of love for her but also for my darling husband. July 2011 Before he started I jumped out of bed and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the bedroom door, this story was one I...

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The Omo Circle

It was back in the late sixties and I was working on a door to door sales job, selling vacuum cleaners. The Electrolux Z65 if I remember right, available in any colour as long as it was red and white. The money was good and I was making a good living as well as fringe benefits. We used to work late afternoon and early evening as this was the best time to find both the husband and wife at home. Almost as soon as I started the job I was told about the ‘OMO’ circle. It was explained to me that OMO...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 Going to the Arctic Circle

On Friday: For the first time, 200 engineers were separated from the others. Among this battalion were the first group of twenty Willa and Tony worked with. For the first time, five officers stood before their men. It was obvious President Pusin was nervous. He had transported up to 20 several times, but knowing he was nervous, Tony encouraged him, “Mr. President, get the men excited. Get them laughing. It will be much easier. We are here to guide you. This will happen!” President Pusin...

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