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Diese Geschichte habe ich vor Jahren mit einem anderen Autor zusammen "verfasst", erweitert und verbessert. ich wünschte ich hätte noch Kontakt mit ihm, damit er sehen kann, dass seine komplette Geschichte hier gelesen werden kann und auch gelesen wird. Ich habe für diese Veröffentlichung damals sein Okay gehabt, also kann ich heute diese Geschichte präsentieren. Für den sehr unwahscheinlichen Fall, dass er es nicht mehr möchte, darf er mir gerne Bescheid geben. Aber so lange habe ich das Recht sie der Welt zu zeigen, bis auf Wiederruf. Wenn du noch leben solltest, dann melde dich bitte, ich würde gerne wieder mit dir arbeiten.
Monatelang haben wir die drei Cousinen und ihren Cousin beobachtet. Kinder einer schwerreichen Unternehmerfamilie, die ihr Geld seit vier Generationen im Möbel- und Antiquitätenhandel gemacht hatte. Franz Rennik und sein Schwager Gerald Binder leiten das Imperium immer noch selbst, während ihre Frauen Annette Rennik und Silvia Binder, geb. Rennik, sich der Kindererziehung und der gesellschaftlichen Pflichten widmen. Insgesamt lebt die Familie ziemlich zurückgezogen auf dem Land und nimmt kaum öffentliche Termine wahr.
Jetzt steht unser Plan, wie wir die vier reichen Kids kidnappen. Jeden Donnerstag spielen die vier Unzertrennlichen von 19 bis 20:30 Uhr Tennis. Dass ihre Väter ihnen keine eigene Tennishalle gebaut haben, wird sich für sie bitter rächen. Regelmäßig fahren die Vier in die knapp 20 km weit entfernte Kreisstadt. Abwechselnd fahren sie mit Sarahs Golf oder mit Célines 1er BMW. Aber da die Rennik- und die Binder-Villa nur 300 Meter auseinanderliegen, spielt das für die Planung keine Rolle. Pünktlich um 18:30 Uhr treffen sie sich und fahren dann, schon im schmucken Tennisdress, zusammen los. Dabei nehmen sie nach vier Minuten eine Abkürzung zur Bundesstraße, die durch einen kleinen Wald führt. In den 26 Malen, in der wir die Rennik-Binder-Kids oberserviert haben, ist ihnen in diesem Wald nur einmal ein Wagen entgegengekommen, so dass wir optimistisch sind, sie dort zu kriegen. Und wenn es nicht auf dem Hinweg klappt, dann halt auf dem Rückweg. Nur wäre dann das Zeitfenster bis sie vermisst wären, etwas kleiner.
Als Max, Claudia und ich vor vier Wochen mal wieder vor der Rennik-Villa warteten, ob die Kids auch ihren Zeitplan einhalten, meinte Claudia auf einmal: „Der Henri ist schon ein schnuckeliges Kerlchen. Was machen wir eigentlich mit denen, während wir auf das Lösegeld warten?“ Das war Wasser auf Max' und meine Mühlen. Wir hatten uns schon manches Mal darüber ausgelassen, was wir am liebsten mit den Mädchen machen würden, waren das doch wirklich hübsche junge Dinger mit geilen sportlichen Figürchen ... Und so sagte Max vorsichtig: „Was wir mit denen machen, bleibt uns völlig überlassen. Wenn du dem Kleinen mal an die Wäsche gehen willst, steht dem nichts entgegen. Ich hätte auch schon Lust, mir die Mädel einmal genauer anzuschauen.“ - „Och, ich würde es nicht bei dem Schauen belassen“, ergänzte ich. Seitdem haben wir zu dritt uns gegenseitig aufgestachelt, was wir mit den reichen Unternehmergören machen würden, sobald wir sie in unserer Gewalt hätten. Und haben uns ihr Entsetzen vorgestellt, wenn sie von uns bis auf die nackte Haut ausgezogen und anschließend abgegriffen würden.
Und heute sollte es endlich so weit sein ... Max und Claudia warten mit einem unauffälligen Sprinter im Wald, während ich mit meinem Motorrad in der Nähe der Villen in Stellung gehe, um meinen Kumpanen die Ankunft der Unternehmerkids zu melden. Pünktlich wie immer steigen die Vier in Majas Golf ein und fahren Richtung Kreisstadt. Ich informiere Claudia, die daraufhin mit ihrem Mann einen jungen Baum über die Straße legen.
Ich fahre hinter den Kids her und kurz vor dem Wald schließe ich zu ihnen auf. Maja fährt zügig durch die Kurven, bis sie auf einmal vor sich den Baum entdeckt und scharf bremsen muss. Max wartet hinter einem Baum maskiert und mit Pistole bewaffnet, bis sich die Tür öffnet, während Claudia hinter einem Gebüsch mit einigen Narkosespritzen wartet.
Maja und Céline steigen aus, um den Baum zur Seite zu räumen. Max tritt vor und schreit sie an: „Hände hoch, keine Bewegung!“ Erstarrt bleiben die Mädchen mit erhobenen Armen da stehen. Trotz der Hektik muss ich noch ihre geilen Figürchen in dem knappen Tennisdress bewundern, bevor ich Henri und Sarah im Fahrzeug bedrohe, die tatsächlich auch schon zu ihren Handys gegriffen haben. Ich zwinge sie, die Handys aus dem Auto zu werfen und schon kommt Claudia auch zu mir und injiziert erst Henri und dann Sarah das Narkotikum. Umgehend sacken die Beiden zusammen. Céline und Maja hatte Claudia schon „versorgt“, als ich mit den beiden anderen beschäftigt war. Wir tragen die vier Bewusstlosen zum Sprinter, der in einem Waldweg in unmittelbarer Nähe steht, und legen sie in den Laderaum, laden das Motorrad dazu und fahren dann den Golf in den Waldweg, räumen den Baum an die Seite. Die Handys der Mädchen werfen wir in den Golf, nachdem wir sie ausgeschaltet haben. Dann setzt sich Max ans Steuer des Sprinters, während Claudia und ich zu den Kids in den Laderaum steigen. Max startet den Sprinter und fährt zügig, aber nicht rasant los.
„2 Minuten und 38 Sekunden. Noch unter den geplanten 3 Minuten. Wir sind gut!“ Claudia und ich klatschen uns ab und knebeln und fesseln dann die Viere, die aber noch eine ganze Weile schlafen werden. Ich rufe noch mit verstellter Stimme über Henris Handy das Tenniszentrum an und melde die Kids kurzfristig ab. Dann fliegt das Handy ausgeschaltet in den Straßengraben.
Währenddessen fährt uns Max zügig Richtung Belgien. Wir wechseln vorsichtshalber noch zweimal das Fluchtfahrzeug, bevor wir dann umkehren und unser eigentliches Ziel in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern anfahren. Hoffen wir, dass die Polizei auf die Finte hereinfällt.
Als die Kids so langsam aufwachen, ziehen wir ihnen blickdichte Säcke über den Kopf und verschließen sie am Hals sorgfältig. Wir ziehen die Bänder etwas strammer als nötig, so dass unsere Vier leichte Panik bekommen. Das macht sie schön gefügig.
Darcy giggled as she looked at the poor sob's crotch. He clearly had blue balls from all of the teasing that she gave him. It served the bastard right for drooling over her ass! Who said that she had to put out, just because she flirted with him? She took a certain sadistic delight in leading boys on for a long time, even occasionally letting them cop a feel, but never giving them any relief! The idea of a boy's aching cock and balls after a thorough teasing cracked her up. Boys were so...
I’d seen them move in a little over three months ago, newlyweds I suspected. They were kissing and hugging every few minutes, they couldn’t take their eyes of each other. While they were unloaded the belongings from the removal van I took my opportunity to go over and introduce myself to them. He was polite introducing himself and his wife – their names were David and Layla. I hadn’t noticed from my living room window how attractive Layla was, but here she stood, probably the most attractive...
Miley thanked everybody for coming and waved goodbye as she made her way backstage as the Teen Choice Awards were ending. She headed to her dressing room and flopped down on the couch, thankful the show was over. A knock on the door a couple of minutes later startled her as her publicist popped her head in “Hey Miley, great show tonight” she said as Miley stood up. “Yea, it was pretty awesome” Miley said as she grabbed a bottle of water and took a drink, walking over to the door. “Somebody...
The weekend had arrived. We, between our little gang, had invites to a whole lot of parties, Ryan had even been asked to join a few frats. I guess being filthy rich, smart and handsome did that. Still, we decided that it was the perfect opportunity just to hang out together. We could already feel all these things pulling us in different directions and we all instinctively understood how easy it would be to lose contact with each other. More so for Stella, Pepper, Leila and Ryan who had known...
Hey to you all, what's up? :)First of all, since this is the introduction of some incredible stuff I want to share to you...let me introduce myself:- I am 33 years old;- I live in Europe;- I am really into my job;- I love sports;- I LOVE women. :) I was thinking these days...which would be the secret of happiness for a man? That question, whose answer would REALLY make a guy happy?...Would that be...How can I be rich? How can I get a nice car? How can I eat without getting fat? -...
Polly Tarantella hadn’t always been the great custodian of Crystal Passion’s legacy nor always the music’s greatest champion. In fact, I first heard of her when Olivia—one of the few original band-members I still keep in touch with—e-mailed me a link to a Rock Music website I’d never have discovered otherwise in which Polly Tarantella lambasted Crystal Passion with a vehemence that was bizarre given the many years since the band had broken up. In those days she was known as Sally Tyrant and was...
Wonder if Tia and Tara are willing to try to get pregnant again? I looked them over as I walked toward them to see that Tia’s metabolism had finally slowed down enough that she now looked like she was Tara’s twin. The place in my head showed me both were going to ovulate sometime in the next twelve hours. Is Tia emotionally ready to handle getting pregnant again? Yes, David. She is. So is Tara. I heard the voice in my head told me. Both girls still really want David to be with them but...
The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Reader - the story continues from Chapter One - Hidden Pleasures Chapter Four - Return to Hidden Pleasures As Linda was finishing the kitchen cleanup Lady P strolled in looking lovely and ready to go out. "Linda dear, I laid out some clothes for you. We have a mani/pedi scheduled at Mistress Beth's salon in an hour and then we're taking you shopping." "Yes m'lady," Linda replied. As she left the kitchen Patricia reminded her that...
Last night was my first night as a sissy maid for my beautiful goddess maureen and i have been instructed to tell you what a dirty little cock sucking whore i have been.I have known goddess maureen for a while now, she has been giving me instructions via webcam. She would make me flog myself or fuck my ass with a huge black dildo untill she was amused. So last night, i received a set of instructions telling me that i must prepare for a very special night. I was to lock my cock in a chasity...
SRU: Sweets By Gina R "Spells? Yeah right." James (17, male, 5 foot 6) was no believer but he was in a habit of checking out any new store in his local mall, unless it was a girl's shop of course. In fact he could not even remember seeing this shop in construction and tried to think what it replaced. The shop was at the far end of the mall and he didn't come down this way often so maybe that was why he could not remember it. He walked into the shop, which was called 'Spells R...
My heart was beating faster and faster as a sense of panic rose in me partly from being unable to move due to my bonds but really at the though, the revulsion I felt at what may happen. I kept telling myself this was all being done to scare me afterall if this went all the way then it would be ****, a serious crimenin anyones book. There's no way he would go that far nor would my Shells let him despite how angry she may be feeling and hurt too.She wouldn't stand there and watched me...
It was friday night and my girlfriend came over, my parents weren't home so we had the house to ourself for about 3 hours. We both had it in our minds that we wanted each other. So after about an hour of watching a movie i slid my hand on her nice small perfect titts, and my dick rose in excitment as i could feel her nipples poke through. She than looked at me with her nice blue eyes and pressed her lips to mine. We kissed for along time, than she stardeled me and took off her shirt and undid...
First TimeWhen I say lazy, well, I still went for my morning run, did some shopping on the way back to our flat. David was in the shower when I placed the bags on the kitchen table. Smiling I started to undress and made my way to the bathroom. “Afternoon gorgeous”, I teased him as I squeezed in beside him. “Oi, you can wait,” he grinned and tried to push me back. With his hands on my small tits which only made me smile. “Do you really want me to wait instead of having this body next to you? These...
Have you ever fantasized about women getting robbed? It could be one or many. It could be based on a scene from a movie or one that should have had one. Here is a place where we can write and read about girls getting robbed. Sex can and should often result, but every scenario must start with women getting robbed. The story will be divided into fictional scenarios, from imagination, and pop culture scenarios from specific movies/TV/anything or from celebrities.
Dr. Helen Smith was a smoking hot blond. She had a pale, white, milky complexation and curves in all the right places. However, her best features by far were her legs. She had long slender legs with jaw-dropping carves and toned thighs. Her feet were always pedicured and just beautiful, with high arches and red nail polish. The first time I saw her she was wearing a flowery summer dress and sandals. I was rock hard I'm surprised I didn’t cum.After a couple months in therapy and talking about...
FetishYou're over worked and single. One of your fiends had just came back from holidays engaged. Your friend had never been in a serious relationship before and now their on their way to getting married. When you ask your friend why the change. You get told all about the holiday to this island where you get to live a fantasy. Its all real and if your lucky you may even find true love. Your given a phone number. That night you ring the number and book your holiday. Your told to think about what...
"High On Life" Sunday December 23rd, Night For the next two hours the house was organized chaos as Jennifer drafted everyone into the effort to clean and prepare for the party. Dave and Emily were put to work dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the living room, Olivia and Hayley were drafted as assistant cooks for Jennifer as she prepared as much food as possible for the party tomorrow. Megan was sent to her room to get it clean while Molly swept and mopped the hardwood floors in the main...
Sofia joined the company almost a year to the day that Simran had started there. They were in the same department and couldn’t avoid each other. Which was a shame as from the very first they did not get on. Really it was Sofia that was at fault, wherever the sultry brunette had been before she had always been the centre of attention. Always the loud & fun girl. She was in her late twenties now and to have it re-enforced as to how beautiful and desirable she still was a real fillip to her...
She was prettier than I had thought, big tits, though not very big, but they sure bounced while she walked, and her ass swayed like crazy too. I was posted in Nagpur and was getting sexually frustrated. It had been some 6 odd months since I had gotten laid. I was getting desperate; a friend of mine said he could help me out. He knew about a guy who could arrange a female help, but of a different kind, someone who would take care of all the needs. Initially I was reluctant not knowing what this...
My phone alarm rang at 0630 the following morning. We were still where we fell asleep. Jill was on one side of Clair and I was on the other. My alarm also woke them from their slumber. Jill said, “good morning my lovers, sleep well?” Clair laughed and answered, “I feel like you two put me in a coma and I just came out of it. When the two of you set out to create an atmosphere for the ultimate orgasm again, I want to be at the front of the line. When will your new house be built, I am ready...
Monday, September 26, 2011 7pm It didn’t surprise Jesse to find a large attached file on an e-mail from Sue Chen. He opened it and looked over the details. The file was 137 pages and a little over 60,000 words. Quite a substantial paper, he realized. Regrettably, it was formatted in some fancy script that he didn’t recognize, making it difficult to read. He thought this would be a hindrance to anyone trying to grade it. He looked up Sue’s phone number and called her on his cell...
Respectable Woman Denver, Colorado Territory, December 1862 Around Denver, work in the diggings came to an end, too. The diggers moved into town, mostly bunking in primitive huts. This presented a problem for the poorest in the city. A group of women, the widows or wives of the hapless among the diggers had used those bunk houses over the summer with their children. Now, the influx of paying lodgers displaced them from their shelters. One day in early December, Rose and Amanda had visited...
This is your sweet juicy cunt sudha again with my second narration the broad minded readers of iss. I hope this also turns into a good entertainment for you all. Though this is not my own story i assure you, you will get the same spice which you got from my previous narration “sweet home. My self and my father joined an ngo organization as volunteers and one day they asked us to go to a village which is on the borders of the andhra pradesh and chattisgarh. Here i am not giving the name of the...
Saturday nights are always restless. They give you time to think and indulge in activities you never want to; some of these may be very tempting and bold. Need is always different than desire and mostly later overcomes the first one. I hope readers are able to relate to it. It was Saturday night in Mumbai city. I love this place since it offered me my first job. I was 22 at that time and I’ve never had sex in my life time. I don’t know if it was lack of opportunity or it was my reluctance. I...
Max & Sage took a shower together & then Sage stayed nude except for a pair of spiked heels ,now he also collared & leashed his mature sexslut & brought her upstairs to the den where she sat on his sofa , then she was ballgagged and told to be quiet. The doorbell rang , Max went & answered it , well hello Sheila Max said , the 56year old , gray haired, long legged & fake giant tit amazon was his oldest & longest serving submissive . It had been almost a year since he had met Sheila ....
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The arrow falls, the door opens, the Queen is made. This story explores the connection between the Orionid meteor shower, the ancient Celtic myths which surround Samhain, and the great warrior Queens of ancient Ireland. ‘Aoife, the Queen Maker’ is the story the pixies told me when I wanted to write something else. Sometimes I write a story with a theme and plot that I have created, sometimes I just tell a story as it unfolds in my mind. The story I...
Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain’t chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it’s close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...
January 17thDear Diary,Another week has gone by now and today I read through his letters again. I cannot seem to stop myself from looking at all his mementos either. My mind is swimming with all the times we shared and how much fun we had. I still cannot understand why I was not good enough. I keep playing back through to see what it was that I did wrong and I could have given him more faith in me and in us. In his most recent letter, he conveys to still care for me and wishes to remain,...
Love StoriesI shared my concerns with Garner, but chose to withhold them from the chief of security, who also came to me from MI6 but seemed less all-in, than Garner. The result was instantaneous. “Boss, I have the CIA on the phone. They tell me that the whole story about Fiona and Nan might be a mish mash of made up tales and old cases that MI6 worked over the last few years.” We talked until he gave me the rest. “Fiona is her name and she is from where she says she’s from, but there are no...
Linnet woke as Jeremy left the bed; she heard him move through the cabin, then the sound of him peeing over the stern. It was quiet, the storm having passed, and the day was just dawning. She got up herself and made use of the sea-toilet, not bothering to dress, then went to the sink to clean her teeth. Jeremy beat her there, though, and she smiled at him as he turned to face her, toothpaste round his mouth. "Great minds think alike," she said, "kissing you is going to be much nicer when...
The journey home wasn't too long, and all the seats had been occupied. I saw an elderly lady struggling to stay standing with the constant movements and jostling of the train. I stood up offering her my seat and she gracefully accepted. I smiled down at her, as she smiled back at me. Taking my hand, she opens and brushes her fingers along my open palm, which made me wonder what she was doing as it sent a shudder through my whole body. She scans my palm, and then looks up at me, excitement...
Elle Voneva is one of these girls who has problems with authority, so when Sophia Lux tries to keep her under control while babysitting her, there is no way Elle is going quietly. She gives Sophia hell, refusing to listen to anything the hot blonde babysitter has to say! She pretends to get in bed for the night, but as soon as Sophia leaves, she starts taking some racy photos of her tight Asian body in the mirror. Sophia catches her in the act, but she is so turned on, she is not even mad....
xmoviesforyouAfter my divorce, I had dated quite a few guys but I found that none my age could fully satisfy my unyielding unquenchable lust. I was 47-years-old, a redhead with 40DD tits and a nice round ass that men loved to fuck. The problem was they came during our encounters and fell asleep. I was ready to go at it again and instead had to settle for hearing them snore for hours on end afterwards. I thought about having a gangbang but though I hungered for more men, I wasn’t yet ready to make...
Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-one Peter Tomlinson parked his car in front of Bonnie Markham’s garage, got out, walked up the sidewalk to Bonnie’s house, and rang the doorbell. Bonnie opened the door and her eyes brightened when she saw Peter. ‘Hi,’ she said. ‘Wow!’ Peter said, ‘You look fantastic!’ Bonnie had on a loose-fitting turquoise dress, gathered at the waist by a sash. The looseness of the dress accentuated, rather than hid, her voluptuous...
Dan was sitting in the den, settled into his favorite reclining chair with a nice cold beer and watching his favorite sports team, the Chicago Cubs. On a rare occurrence, he had the house to himself while his wife and son went to visit her parents for the day. His goals for the day were to relax, watch the baseball game, and consume lots of cold beer. Naturally, he was annoyed when the doorbell squealed during the fifth inning in the midst of a really good triple play. “Oh, come on!” he...
First TimeMoms Submissive side #2 Cindy was standing in the kitchen as her husband Alex walked in, Hi honey I missed you. She smiled at him and continued fussing with the dishes, I missed you too Alex its good to have you home. Im going to take a shower, change and be down in a few minutes ok? Sounds like a plan babe. Alex headed for the stairs, Cindys mind was on the 10cock which had been fucking her pussy while Jasons cock was stuffed deep in her ass Friday night. The feeling of both cocks pumping...
Before you start, make sure you are prepared for another session. This is the fifth session in the series. So to get the proper effect you should have completed the previous four sessions. Make sure you will have privacy for the next while, that your door is locked and you will be undisturbed. Turn off anything that could distract you, this includes your television, music and your messaging programs. And turn off any bright lights. You want to focus all your attention here. Sit or lie down...
Nancy, my wife of ten years was totally faithful. That was until I discovered her infidelity almost by mistake or rather by luck. I had often teased her about coming on to other men, something she had done from away back in the days when we first met. I had been working for the same company for almost fifteen years now, and had moved steadily up the promotion ladder to the point I had several area managers under my guidance. One of these, was a guy named Bob, slightly arrogant, rugged looks,...
Chapter 1 "So why are you here tonight?" I asked, looking at the woman sitting on the couch across from me in the studio. She had said that her name was Tracie and she was 28 years old. She was attractive though not beautiful. Mostly though she was big. I guessed that she was 5' 11" or six feet even maybe and probably weighed no less than 200 pounds. She was dressed in a nice cream-colored brocade suit that didn't give a hint of whatever was under it. "I think I have the world's...
We had had a rather enjoyable day of lazing around and watching films, due to the guys being rather geeky films Star Trek and Star Gate related were on the agenda. It was getting later though and people were beginning to leave. My parents had gone away and weren’t expecting me back so I was planning on staying later anyway. Tim lived about 10 minutes away by bike and the others had already left. We decided to watch one more film before we went. So we stuck on one called The Illusionist. It...
Congratulations. You’ve just found one of THE kinkiest, hottest, and somehow still most adorable girls in all of amateur porn land. Aarin’s first boy-girl scene will certainly not be her last if we can help it – she’s INCREDIBLE. A chick that sends a selfie to her fiance (!) of her cum covered face (!!), after getting ass-fucked by a stranger on camera deserves true porn stardom. Aarin has been watching porn since a very early age (it’s all in the interview…)...
xmoviesforyouI recently started reading ISS and became a big fan of it. I too want to share real incidents happened in my life. If you like my stories, please send an email to I would like to start with one of my unexpected pleasure with my classmate which lead to another unexpected encounter with my neighboring aunt. This is a true incident happened in my life and no friction involved except names to keep secrecy. Her name is Siri (don’t think a lot, yes name changed), she is my classmate during my...
100% fiction! Mom’s a dream, a real treasure. I’d gotten in a day earlier than expected and she was out. I’d driven through the night and wanted to get a little exercise in; I was stiff from the drive. Thought I’d swim a few laps then maybe take a nap. So I was in the pool when she got home. Of course she’d seen my vehicle in the drive, she knew I was there but still, I’m her only boy, I’d just gotten home from college for the summer; she was on the pool deck calling to me, “Tommy, come here...
IncestIt was a normal Thursday working day, time passing by, sales getting done, admin work all coming through, and the type of day were your thinking 'Nearly ***** Friday'!Anyway, Went to my last appointment, 3pm, last appointment of the day. Wasnt expecting much, until the lady with whom I had the appoitment with cme along, and asked for me, 'Adam'.Looking up, I couldnt stop starring, up appeared a stunning, gorgeous blonde lady, aged between 35-40 yrs, slim sized between 8-10, and a black dress...
I walked away but I came back later after a call from Paul. I did think of telling him what had happened but didn't want to cause an upset so kept quiet. That weekend Paul proposed. Of course I would accept but knew what this would bring down on me from Fliss so suggested to Paul he draw up a pre-nuptial agreement and tell Fliss about it. "Why?" he asked, "Are you getting some grief from her?" "No," I lied, "But I think she may still be wondering if I'm just after your money and...
This is all from Naz's POV - but alternating between flashback and realtime. God knows why I thought this was a good idea. It was kind of weird to be on the boat, at last, what with everything that had happened over the last few days ... not to mention the stuff that Seffi had told me on the train. Then again, it felt pretty good, too– hey, I wasn't really used to this business travel stuff, the expense account, all that shit. So we did first class on the train– another first– and now we...
The Clothes ShopBy ManndeePart 1I looked at my watch, "Fuck it...nearly six, ...I bet they will be closed!"I parked the car and walked towards the shop. It was raining, it was cold, a typical January Saturday. "Bradley will fucking kill me if I forget my suit!" I smiled to myself. "The man's a dick for getting married anyway!"I walked towards the door, 'Fuck, is it open?' The lights were on. I opened the door, and like in a horror movie, did a mini scream as I saw someone "Fuck!" I shouted.A...
We were the team of 8 people who started from Kenya. Everything was alright until that day... I had gone to Nairobi to buy some liqueur as there were only few bottles left. The capital was some 400 miles from our camp. I came back in the evening only to find the nest empty.i searched everywhere but got nothing. There was no trace of any human being. There was a very queer atmosphere. Something was very strange. I rushed to our site.. As I reached there, I found the body's of my mates. I...
We left just before lunch. Madison helped us pack Ben. We got to know her some and she agreed to come to our house after Christmas. She said she try to bring her brother and Gwen. Christmas was good though q1uiet. Tricia spent a lot of time at Bert's house but Ben spent time with us. Right after Christmas, Madison, Bobby, and Gwen joined us planning to stay through the New Year's celebration. Madison is a hot blonde who loves to be nude. She also enjoyed sex but no pain. She and Ben...
Commonwealth Navy patrols were an occupational hazard of Cas’ job. They were, in the grand scheme of things, one of the less dangerous of those hazards. Unlike some of the less savoury customers that Cas dealt with, the low-ranking blue caps assigned to inspect cargo and intergalactic transport papers were not especially dangerous. They tended to avoid going in guns blazing, least of all on innocent-seeming cargo ships being piloted by boyishly handsome and charming captains who honestly,...
"Told you I was a different woman. I also warned you that you might not like what you see. But I also told you that there was no turning back. Now you're just going to have to ride this out 'til I'm done, but judging by your cock, I think that you enjoyed the show. Now I've got something I need you to do.""What's that?" I asked nervously."My pussy's a mess, and I'm afraid I'm going to need you to clean me up.""There's not much I can do for you unless you take these handcuffs off me.""Who says...
I’ve been stretching myself out for about a month and I found an added benefit to being limber. I can now with the help of something heavy to push my feet against, curl myself into a ball and get about 2 inches of my erect penis into my mouth. So I am able to suck the head of my own cock and lick it’s slit and part of the shaft. Anyone with a cock knows that the head is the most sensitive part. I was all alone one afternoon and I decided to try my new found exercise and see if I could make...
MasturbationI have no idea why I decided to skip school for the fourth time that term.It was a totally stupid thing to do and I knew it. I just hated my Friday timetable at school, and knowing that my adopted mum, Zoe was out at work from early morning until late evening that day made it easy for me to skip school. Zoe Rudd was far too trusting when it came to me, and over the years I had been living with her, I had managed to find out what her email passwords were and even the code to unlock her mobile...
SpankingI had dated this guy and went with him to a wedding reception. He took me shopping for the occassion, and we both settled on a cute form fitting beige tank dress, and matching heels. He kept the dress until the day of the reception and it was then that I discovered that he had the hem shortened. The dress was cut very short, well above mid-thigh when I was standing, and I'd really have to be careful when I sat. I didn't wear panties, because he didn't want me to (and I don't wear them hardly...
“Jenny, get in here!” It was not even eight in the morning and Mr. Kempel was already screaming at her. Jenny picked up her notepad and a pen and then made her way around the secretary station. The short walk didn’t take more than five seconds but when she walked into the big corner office Mark Kempel sighed and said, “you did take your sweet time. Sit down and take notes.” “Sorry, Mr. Kempel.” Instead of answering he indicated with his hand for her to sit. She took about two pages of notes for...
BDSMLying in the bedroom, we were watching TV. The show ended and she rolled toward me, her breasts shifting like firm bags of warm jelly. “Honey,” she said with a slow smile, “I have to pee.” I grinned back and rose to my feet. My dick had already begun to thicken and firm up. It always happens that way. Like last night. Let me give you a play-by-play... I give her a hand and we walk to the bathroom. Hand in hand we step into the tub. I sink to my knees, my tongue trailing saliva along the way,...
The Rise of Michelle By jasmine This is a dark tale of a woman tormented by years of abuse and torture. She grew up enslaved and tormented by her sisters. The torment served not to destroy her but in enraged her and destroyed her compassion. What was left was an empty shell possessed by hatred and evil. Her name was Michelle Groves and this is her story. In fact she was born Michael Groves. His sisters hated their brother, because of what he was, and what he represented. They were...
It was the 45th of the Sixmonth at 20:15 hours when Golden Knight, Princes Manria, and IGN404 reached their assigned orbital position over Ananu. This placed them 3000 km below and 500 km ahead of the Dóchas ships. Once they had settled into position Star said to the Command Staffs, “Alana’s team is now on board IGN404. All passengers are gathering in their respective ballrooms and dining areas.” Alana said, “Good evening Command Staffs. It sure is nice to be home.” Aoife responded with,...