Jenny Ch. 08 free porn video

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This is the final chapter in my re-post of Jenny, a story written over two years ago when I was just starting. I have edited it to improve the punctuation, grammar and, I hope, the readability.


Jenny and Ingrid were enjoying the last minutes of their ‘girls’ night out’ as they sat in Ingrid’s great room and enjoyed a glass of wine. Jenny had told Ingrid of her desire for to become pregnant and she and Tom were hoping they would know soon.

She had also shared her concerns over Tom’s intervention on Vinnie’s behalf. While the incident turned out well, she sensed Tom had taken some personal risks that might have put him in danger. Tom had brushed the confrontation off, but Jenny had recognized that he wasn’t telling her the whole story. Eventually the conversation got around to their husbands.

‘It will take me forever to find out where Steve learned all his bedroom ‘tricks’.’ Ingrid confessed.

‘He keeps claiming he read about them in books, but I know better,’ she laughed. ‘I keep nattering at him about it but he stays tight-lipped

Jenny was amused. ‘What difference does it make if you’re getting all the fun from it?’

‘None, I suppose, but it drives me crazy when he won’t tell me,’ Ingrid admitted. ‘Is Tom holding back any secrets of his own?’

‘Not that I know of, but I’m sure I don’t know everything about him. He seemed awfully sure of himself when he dealt with that loan shark. I don’t know why.’

‘We all have secrets, Jenny.’ Ingrid smiled enigmatically.

‘Not me. I’ve lived a mostly boring life,’ Jenny offered.

‘Oh really. What about that other Jenny who showed up the first night you were with Tom?’ she smirked.

‘That’s not a secret. Even I didn’t know that would happen,’ she laughed.

‘Yeah, well if you’re smart, it’ll be a secret now.’

‘Ingrid, you told me that Steve had asked you to marry him many times, I think you said twenty?’

‘Yeah, well … I may have exaggerated a bit, but that’s right.’

‘What happened the twentieth time? Why was it different?’

‘It wasn’t, I guess. I think he just wore me down.’

‘What made it so hard to say yes? You knew you were in love with him, and you knew there wasn’t any doubt in his mind that he was in love with you. I’m sorry … I’m prying … It’s none of my business,’ Jenny trailed off.

‘That’s OK,’ Ingrid smiled. ‘I must have asked myself the same question a thousand times too!’

She paused and she looked off into the distance for a moment.

‘You remember what I said about secrets … how we all have them? Well, I had one I couldn’t share with Steve. Not then anyway.’

Jenny sat quietly looking at Ingrid, waiting for her to continue in her own time, and at her own pace.

‘My ex-husband, Max, was a nasty, kinky kind of guy. I was a nineteen year old reckless girl. I wasn’t a virgin when I met him, but I might has well have been. He taught me more about crazy, uninhibited sex than I ever imagined, and I loved it. I thought that’s what being a complete woman was all about.’

Ingrid paused again and then continued.

‘I don’t know why he asked me to marry him. He didn’t want a wife, he wanted a concubine. A fuck buddy. I was just too naïve to see that. Anyway, as time went on, he got kinkier and kinkier and then he started in on me about an ‘open marriage.’

‘He wanted to screw other women, and he wanted me to look after some of his friends. I wasn’t having any part of that. I told him no in no uncertain terms that it wasn’t going to happen.’

Ingrid stopped for a moment, took a sip of her wine and then shook her head.

‘I should have known he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Anyway, I got home from work early one day and walked into the bedroom and there was Max and the next door neighbor’s wife on our bed, naked. There was semen all over her and the bedding, a used condoms on the floor, along with their clothes. The pair of them were fast asleep. They’d obviously screwed themselves into oblivion. The bitch was even snoring. I almost laughed out loud!’ Ingrid grinned as she recalled the scene.

Jenny had covered her mouth with her hand. Her intake of breath and wide eyes expressed her shock. ‘What did you do?’

‘The smartest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. I took off my shoes, quietly walked over to my dresser and picked up my little 35mm camera and shot the last eight pictures left on the roll. Even the flash didn’t wake them up!’

‘Then I went down to the little one hour photo shop in the mall, you know, the one where you can see anyone’s pictures as they come off the machine. I stood outside the window and waited until my roll started to come through, and then I started telling passers-by that they should wait a few seconds and see the special portraits I had shot,’ Ingrid laughed again.

Jenny’s jaw dropped. ‘No! You didn’t!’

‘I sure as hell did. A handful of people got quite an eyeful that afternoon. Unfortunately, there were a couple of kids in the audience and they didn’t need to see that,’ Ingrid said, shaking her head.

‘I went back into the shop and made two more copies of the last eight pictures, and then headed for a lawyers office on the outside of the mall. None of them could see me right away and I just sat in the waiting room for a while, and then I started to cry. I couldn’t believe how stupid I was. I just wanted to go somewhere and hide,’ she confessed.

‘Oh Ingrid, it must have been horrible!’ Jenny sympathized. ‘I can’t imagine what I’d do if it happened to me.’

‘Anyway, after I while, I got up and went home. I don’t know why, it was the only place I could go, I guess,’ she said wistfully. ‘Max was awake, the woman was gone and I was just starting to get really, really, pissed off.

‘I sat at the kitchen table and in he waltzes like it’s just another day at the office. It was all I could do to keep from taking a carving knife to his balls!

‘I opened the photo package and pulled out the pictures. Naturally he wanted to see them, so I handed them to him. It took him a couple of minutes to get to the last eight and then the shit hit the fan. He started swearing, and ripping them up, and throwing the torn pieces around the kitchen.

‘I had taken the extra prints and the negatives and given them to the lawyer’s receptionist to hold for me when I got an appointment. Max started screaming at me that I was trying to blackmail him, and that he had more on me than I’d ever have on him. I couldn’t figure out what the hell he was talking about. I just had to wait until he had calmed down enough to hear what I was telling him.

‘I told him the negatives were in the hands of my lawyer, and I would be filing for divorce at the first opportunity. That set him off again. He couldn’t seem to grasp the idea that infidelity was grounds and I was the victim, not the perpetrator. That’s when he spilled the big pot of beans,’ Ingrid said with a note of finality.

Jenny was lost in the narrative and completely captured by this story of deceit. She sat motionless, listening to Ingrid’s every word.

‘Max said he had a video tape of him and I having sex. Not just any sex, but real, full blown, kinky sex. He had got one of his buddies to hide in the house and then he jumped me and got me going pretty good. Like I said, I like sex and I guess it was one of those times when I was up for the game, and put on quite a show while his pal was recording it all on video.’

‘Oh no, what did you do?’ Jenny asked, again shocked at another revelation.

‘I told him I didn’t believe him, so he disappeared for a couple of minutes and came back with a VCR tape in his hand and asked me if I wanted to have a look. Naturally, I couldn’t say no. It was awful, Jenny. I was so humiliated, I couldn’t believe that was me on the screen, but there wasn’t any doubt. I just felt sick to my stomach,’ Ingrid conclude

‘Oh god, Ingrid, that’s horrible. Does he still have that tape?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, he’s still got it. He hasn’t used it that I know of, but I’ll bet all his buddies have seen it several times. That’s one of the reasons I left Kelowna and came down here. I didn’t want to run into any of those creeps.’

‘And Steve doesn’t know about this?’ Jenny asked cautiously.

‘No, I haven’t told him yet. Maybe I never will. It was over fifteen years ago, and I was just a kid. Every year that goes by is that much more distance between me and my past,’ she said sadly. ‘I don’t know where Max is, but I haven’t seen or heard from him since the divorce. I thought for sure he’d use it against me, but my lawyer had so much shit on him that I think he figured he’d wait a while. I’m not even sure he’s still alive.’

‘Wow, have I ever lived a sheltered life,’ Jenny laughed. ‘You really had an exciting time back then.’

‘I guess so, Jen. But I wouldn’t trade today for anything in the world. The past is just a bad memory, and that’s fading a bit more every year. Maybe that’s why I can live without knowing all of Steve’s secrets,’ Ingrid said philosophically. ‘That way I don’t have to tell him all of mine.’


Jenny had developed the habit of visiting Tom’s mother and father at least once a week. Her work schedule had been reduced after she had married and had informed the MacDonald family that she would be trying to have more children.

The family were disappointed that she wouldn’t be taking over as a principal buyer, but recognized they didn’t want to lose her. They sat down and worked out a manageable schedule for her until she took pregnancy leave.

After that, decisions could be made about when she could return to work on a limited schedule. At present, she was working three days a week and available for buying trips this fall and winter.

Tom had made it clear that they didn’t need her income, and that she should only work if she enjoyed it, and it didn’t interfere with their personal lives. His schedule demanded his full attention from April through September, the maximum daylight period of the year.

But something else had arisen which had been unexpected and would cause Tom and Jenny to reassess their futures. It was now apparent that Tom’s father would never completely recover from his stroke, and in all likelihood, would retire from active participation in the business.

By the end of the year, Vinnie would be set up in his own company as a framing contractor, and that would leave two very big holes to fill. For all intents and purposes, Tom would become Blanton Construction, holding 50% of the shares, but 100% of the responsibility. It would mean a complete rethink of the management structure of the company.

Tom would have to devote a significant amount of time recruiting new management and/or developing it from within. He had one proven candidate in Robbie Delgado, but he needed at least one more. More importantly, he needed someone to take the administrative load off him so that he could continue to run the field operations. These were problems he shared with Jenny, and they spent many hours pondering their alternatives.

With Tuesday and Thursday off, Jenny had some time for herself and would be home when Nikki came home from school. Tom’s parents had accepted Jenny as one of the family and a daughter they had never had. Jenny would usually visit them on Tuesday for lunch and they would discuss matters of the day, or just pass the time in pleasant conversation.

Not long after Vinnie had announced his decision to form his own company, the three of them were discussing the incident which led to Vinnie’s beating and Tom’s rescue of the situation.

‘I still don’t understand why Tom didn’t think that situation was dangerous,’ Jenny said in wonder. ‘He shrugged it off as if it didn’t mean anything, but I was really worried.’

‘I was too, Jenny,’ Louise confirmed. ‘But Tom isn’t an ordinary guy when it comes to defending himself,’ she said cryptically.

‘What do you mean, Louise?’

‘Didn’t he tell you? He has a black belt in Karate. He’s had it for years, when he was in school.’

‘No, he never said a word about it!’ Jenny exclaimed

‘When Tom was young, he used to be small and not very strong. He wanted to play football, but he was too small. He didn’t weigh enough. He tried out for the wrestling team in junior high school, but he wasn’t strong enough for that either. The only thing he could get into was karate at the Community Center.

‘So he tried out and started there when he was about fifteen. Just about then, he started to grow, and he was doing very well in the competitions. When he got up to about the middle of the rankings, a man from a private club in Vancouver saw him in a tournament and asked him to join his club. He would become his teacher.

‘Tom did very well with this man and he kept moving higher and higher in the city rankings, and then in the provincial rankings. He was still growing at eighteen and you could see all the work with his dad and all the training at the gym had made him into a big, strong boy,’ Louise paused.

‘Is that why he wasn’t afraid of that loan shark guy, Tremblay?’ Jenny asked.

‘Yes, I think so,’ Louise nodded. ‘Karate taught him a lot about self-control and only using your power when it’s absolutely necessary. I think it made him a better person, and I know it helped him in school. He was only an ordinary student until he got involved, but every year his grades got better and better.

‘He treated his school work very seriously. He was always smart enough, but now he was using that discipline to be a better student. We were very proud of him when he earned his black belt. There were very few of them in the province, and he was one of them.’

‘That explains a lot,’ Jenny smiled. ‘He’s very conscious of his power and he works very hard to keep it under control.’

Louise looked at Jenny with a knowing smile, and Jenny blushed. Each knew what the other was thinking. Tony had been sitting quietly listening to Louise talk about Tom and nodding his head in concurrence with her comments.

‘Eees ah goohd mahn, Chennee! Eee whull look ahftuh yooo,’ Tony slurred slowly, with great effort.

Jenny smiled and nodded. ‘Yes, I know, I’m lucky to have him.’


Tom had scheduled a meeting with Robbie Delgado for 3pm that same Tuesday afternoon. He needed Robbie’s help, advice and support to get Blanton Construction back on track. He had come to rely on the diminutive young Mexican-born worker. Like Tom, his training had been at B.C.I.T., but Robbie had done it the hard way. Night school while holding down a steady job. He was the energy that Tom fed from on days when he wondered if they would get all their tasks done on time.

‘Robbie, how’s Julie?’ Tom asked by way of greeting that afternoon.

‘Big!’ Robbie replied. ‘Just another month and I’ll be a dad again. But to answer your question, she’s fine.’

‘Wow, two kids in what, four years?’ Tom marveled. ‘I’m jealous,’ he laughed.

‘Yeah, but as soon as I find out what’s causing it, I’m goin’ to put a stop to it,’ Robbie laughed in return.

‘You’re a lucky guy, Robbie. I just hope Jen and I can do some catching up in the next couple of years.’

‘Good luck, but for now, I guess we’d better get down to business, eh?’

‘Yep! Did you have any luck with the upcoming graduation class at B.C.I.T.?’ Tom asked.

‘Yes, I think so. I’ve got my eye on three people, two guys, and a really sharp girl!’

‘Good! Are they all available in January?’ Tom asked hopefully.

‘The girl and one guy are, the other guy has some classes to make up and won’t be done until May,’ Robbie responded.

‘That may not be so bad. It will give us time to get the two of them started and then we can pick up one more just as the busy season gets
going,’ Tom suggested. ‘Do they all look like winners?’

‘Hey, Tom, we’re talking B.C.I.T. here!’ Robbie laughed. ‘You have doubts?’

‘OK, let’s set up the interviews as soon as we can. I don’t want to lose any of them between now and graduation.’ T

‘I’ll look after it. Any particular timing?’

‘Yeah, tomorrow!’ Tom grinned. ‘Naw, but as soon as you can. I’ll make sure I’m available. It’s our number one priority right now.’

‘Consider it done,’ Robbie said simply.

‘Now, what about leadership? Any likely candidates for lead hand in the crews?’

‘I wish I could tell there are, but I don’t see anyone. We’ve got some good workers, but I haven’t seen any leaders emerge yet. I’ve been so busy, I haven’t really been able to spend time with the guys. I think Derek Tryon is smart enough, but I’m not so sure about his people skills. He’s someone that I have to spend some more time with,’ Robbie concluded.

‘Well, maybe, if you think he’s got potential, we can send him for training. They don’t learn this stuff by accident.’

‘Yeah, well, that’s one less guy on the crew, so if we’re going to do that, it had better be in the next four months or we’ll be shooting ourselves in the foot,’ Robbie said ruefully.

‘OK, let me see what I can find that fits. You think it’s just people skills he needs?’

‘A bit of management training wouldn’t hurt. He’s not one of our B.C.I.T. guys, so he doesn’t have the background they have. But in every other way, he looks good,’ Robbie said brightly.

‘OK, leave it with me,’ Tom smiled. ‘Meeting adjourned … can I buy you a beer?’

Robbie took a quick look at his watch and said, ‘OK, I’ve got time for one. I hate to leave Julie alone for too long. I want her to rest and not bother with all the housework. I can help with that stuff.’

Tom nodded his approval and they headed off to the pub. It would give Tom the chance he was looking for to talk to Robbie about something important and personal.

He had come to rely on Robbie so much in the past year and he realized he would be a prize possession for any contractor. He didn’t want to lose him, either to a competitor or have him start his own business. He wanted to make Robbie a partner in Blanton Construction and he now had an extra share to make the offer attractive.

As they entered the Pub, Tom found a quiet corner with no one around and they sat down. The waitress quickly took their order and they were served within a couple of minutes.

‘Robbie, you know how happy I am with what you contribute to our company. You really make a big difference to our bottom line and better than that, you’re a good people person, something I think is really important,’ Tom began.

‘I want to make sure you are happy at Blanton, and I want to make sure you are properly rewarded for your efforts. I have been trying to think of a way and now I have one.

‘You know I bought Vinnie’s share back recently. I’m sure you also know that my father and mother hold one share each as long as they are alive. In the past, only a Blanton could hold a share, but in the last couple of months, there have been some big changes in the family. My dad will never come back to work, Robbie. With Vinnie starting his own company, I’ll be the one and only Blanton with operating responsibility. I’ve talked to Mom and Dad about this idea and they are in agreement. We would like to offer you a half share in Blanton Construction,’ he concluded abruptly.

Robbie sat stunned, speechless for a moment.

‘I don’t know what to say, Tom. How much will the half share cost?’ he asked cautiously.

‘Nothing! You’ve earned it and I want you around here for a long time to come,’ Tom grinned. ‘With the current profit structure, you should more than double your income next year, even with a half share.’

Now Robbie was truly speechless. He sat looking at Tom, his eyes blinking, trying to comprehend the meaning of this offer. Julie wouldn’t have to go back to work. They could buy that house they were longing for, and his long hard climb up from the bottom would be worth all the effort.

‘I really don’t know what to say besides thank you,’ Robbie said quietly. ‘It will mean everything to our family.’

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This story is about neha,a simple girl from Punjab who has been a brave girl all through her life..she belongs to a middle class family and right from her school days she had been good at sports..Which helped her have a well toned figure.Like any other Punjab girl,she has mass at the right places making her a beautiful young lady..She was always approached by guys but she was not in favour of having sex before marriage..After her exploits in sports,she was offered a job by the Punjab police and...

3 years ago
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Identify Chapter 3 of 10 The Road Trip

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Identify - Chapter 3 of 10 - The Road Trip "It was all a nightmare," Linna told...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 6

If that dinnertime was filled with repressed sexual frustration, the next twenty minutes were at least ten times worse. Kathy, or rather Trixie, couldn't keep her barely clad ass still and wandered the living room in a pair of sky high heels aimlessly giving her butt cheeks a workout while keeping her tits jiggling non-stop. Garry gave me a pointed sort of look of frustration and I agreed with him. It was time to put an end to this shit. "Slut, come over here!" I bellowed, calling Trixie...

3 years ago
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Me and not my Nieces fun

Alternate ending 1::: Until. One night when Crista was 27 I heard her knock at my window. So, I got up and let her in. I couldnt believe my eyes as she stood before me in a short jean skirt and a sheer red top. I could see she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples poked out. Her brown eyes looked deep into mine. Her hair flowed at least 2 ft below her shoulders and her skin is a smooth dark olive. OMG her legs looked so hot. She immediately kissed me and our tongues intertwined. I literally...

1 year ago
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Oh brother

I Went on vacation to Germany with my Boyfriend my brother and his Wife around the beginning of August, the first day in Berlin we must have walked a least 20 miles trying to see a lot of the tourist sites, by the time we got back to the hotel we all were so tired and sore, they had a hot tub and a steam room (they called it a "Wellness Center") down in the lower basement, my brother and i decide to go get massages while his wife and my boyfriend went upstairs to go to bed, it was about 10 P.m....

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Kissing Cousins Part 1

I had been very sexual from a very young age. I could remember listening to my mom mess around with the guy that I called “dad” for 9 years. I would sleep on the couch in the living room with the Cartoon Channel on, while she was in the other room fucking this guy's brains out.I was the youngest of 3, well technically it's a tie because I'm a twin, bu I'm the youngest twin. My mom was the oldest of 6 making us the oldest cousins in our family, except my cousin Mo, who was about 2 months younger...

2 years ago
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Wet Mountain

When I tell people I live in the far west of Ireland, out on the Dingle Peninsula, their first response is usually “You’re so lucky, that sounds lovely.” Then, when I’ve explained a bit more about it, and showed them where Cloghane is on a map, they change their tune slightly, and ask, “Doesn’t it get a bit boring?” To which my answer is invariably a variation on “no, not in the slightest.” Ok, it’s not exactly Tralee, let alone Dublin , but when I’m sitting outside the pub on a warm summer...

4 years ago
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Street FindChapter 7 A Whole New Sound

The three of us sat at the kitchen table after dinner while Gina told Fran about meeting their father and the outcome. I saw the look of shock on Fran's face and I got up and left the two of them. This wasn't my affair or my decision to participate in. I went to the living room, far enough away that I could only hear subdued voices coming from the kitchen. I didn't hear any negative sounds, but I did hear some sniffling. I was sure it was a very emotional discussion for both of them. When...

1 year ago
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My Journey

Finally, graduation day arrived, I was eighteen and free to do as I pleased and for me, that was getting on a bus and seeing the country. I had the whole summer in front of me to explore, meet people and do whatever moved me, before I started college. I am a five-foot four inch, brunette, one hundred and twenty pounds, thirty-four C with a killer ass, I am told. I had worked my whole senior year in high school, saved a lot of money and was now going to spend it as I saw fit. I boarded the bus...

Group Sex
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Grandpas birthday gift

Melinda and I were making our regular visit to her grandpa in the nursing home. this week was special though as it was his 85th birthday today. He had alzheimers and remembered little and never recognized us. Every visit he would call us by someone in his history's name. Sometimes it was funny as he oftn mistook Melinda for his deceased wife Betty or some old girlfriend. I would giggle when he would do this and grab Melinda's ass or boobs or make some lewd suggestion. Today was one of those...

3 years ago
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The Rose Garden 7

Between them stood the final test of Beth’s sexual endurance, a bondage table engineered with moveable segments, a fiendish device for binding and displaying any part of a naked woman’s body for abuse and sexual pleasure. The table looked innocent enough, like a massage table. It was fashioned solely of metal, wood, and padding, no servo motors or electrical parts. The segments that formed the top moved by mechanical means: slides, hinges, levers, and the like. The central pedestal could be...

3 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 12 Jim Senses a Threat and Makes a Plan

Jim was concerned. Susan was late and hadn’t called. Plus she wasn’t answering her cell phone – calls went right to voice mail. Now that wasn’t too unusual – cell phone service was horrible in this part of the country. Jim was just about to get into his car and head down the route he knew she’d be taking from her mother’s house when she pulled into the driveway. Jim ran out the door to meet her. “Susan! I was worried,” he said as she got out of the car. He walked to her and gave her a hug...

1 year ago
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Club Aqua

The street to Club Aqua were crowded as twenty-three year old Allie Forrester walked along the sidewalk. She had needed a night out, and her friend Jenna had agreed to go with her for some fun. The air was cool on her skin, as the breeze hit her and went through the slinky white dress she had decided to wear. As she turned the corner and saw the club a few buildings up, her cell phone rang. She dug through the small purse she had brought, pushing aside lipstick and breath mints and grabbing her...

4 years ago
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I met Daddy the same way Mummy did

My bedtime stories were full of Eastern fantasies of wild nights of splendor, passion and wild sex, but what them feel real, was the simple truth that they were.There was no missing the Eastern aspect, as the warm balmy nights in Singapore, was as far east as you could get, from a wet cold Scandinavian country like Sweden.It was where my Grandfather taught at a renowned collage, now an established University, and my mother was schooled as a young teenager, around thirteen, 'Of course', she...

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Blaze Part 3

Authors note** Just wanted to thank Steffen for helping me get this story back on track. I was dangerously close to giving up on it but with some excellent suggestions we were able to bring it back from the brink of death. Thanks, Steffen!!! Blaze Part 3 "Here are the test results you wanted, Robert," Sandy said as she handed him a thick packet of papers. "I think you might want to run her AS charts again, they can't be right." "They probably are...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 294

With Makeeda in Japan, enjoying the intoxicating, exciting new ascendance of her career, Laura was curiously restless. She had enjoyed her Sunday afternoon of fucking with Sara and Sheena, and had ever since been accommodating her feelings to the fresh tilt her relationship with Sara had suddenly taken. In the background, though, there was still the deep longing for the girl who was singing her heart out in Tokyo, pouring out the emotion Laura craved over those nodding, smiling Japanese jazz...

4 years ago
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My Total Chastity Enclosure

A multitude of conflicting feelings fill my mind as I await whatever Mistress has planned for me today. Anticipation and apprehension vie for prominence. She says that this will be the final evolution of the new life she has planned and provided for me. She assures me it will be wonderful and filled with sensations I have never known.It was several months ago that she took me to the strange little shop where they make all of my elaborate corsets, braces and my steel chastity panties. They had...

1 year ago
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Satisfied client

I still remember my blonde that came into the office of our law company one day. I knew she was an attorney of one of our clients and I thought her boss, and my friend, sent her to express gratitude for the very good deal we helped him to close. As I stood up from my chair to welcome her she pushed me down back into my chair and came around while opening her trench coat. There was nothing on underneath the trench coat but there was some equipment that I was not accustomed to, a cock! I knew her...

She Males
4 years ago
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MisfitsChapter 15

"I don't know, Billy..." Trista smacked her lips around the tart flavor of estrus fruit pickled in bull semen. The rare delicacy from the ringworld of Kryslys-V was an acquired taste perhaps, but doubtless my daughter had enjoyed the dish previously. "You don't know if you like it?" I dipped her spoon into the milky bowl. "You swallowed too quickly, I think. You have to savor each bite ... Open wide..." She teased me with her dark eyes, opening her mouth and extending her tongue. I...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 45

Sean and Walt were waiting – just as ordered – when Adam showed up at the lot where he parked his car during class. Beginning golf class didn't appear to have taken much out of them. "We're getting worse at the game now that we're being taught to play it the right way," Walt lamented. "My grade is based on using the correct form to get the ball to do what I want it to. I can use the correct form or I can get the ball to go where I want but I can't do them both at the same...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Payton Preslee 30936

Payton Preslee is having some neck issues so she makes a massage appointment, but her co-worker keeps bringing her more and more work. She’ll never make it to her appointment at this rate, but not to worry because her co-worker has magic fingers and can hook her up with a massage right there and then. Realistically though, her co-worker just wanted a chance to fondle Payton’s huge tits. He gets more than he bargains for when Payton gets into it and decides she wants to get dicked...

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The Babysitters BoyfriendChapter 2

Charlotte was a superficially shy and innocent young babysitter with the devious hidden thoughts of a plotting Medici staining her soul with depraved fantasies of the Devil’s making. She had already taken the randy cock of Mister McNally inside her tiny rear door opening and she desperately wanted him to continue his explorations of her female parts. The wife was completely oblivious because she assumed the young girl was not at all attractive to her aging spouse more interested in...

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My Hot Shrink 12

(1/3)I've been seeing a shrink for about 7 months to treat my post tramatic stress disorder which I was diagnosed with after nearly losing my leg in a car accident a few months back. Luckily for me I still had all my limbs but I had to deal with the nightmares, and pains PTSD had caused me....thats where Rebecca comes in.Rebacca, my shrink, is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in person. Shes around 5'6, with sleek black hair, and a gorgeous face and some beautiful (Im guessing)...

2 years ago
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Memories From Moving Out

The sweat glistened off his face as once again another heavy box was carted from the small, two bed room third floor apartment that he lived in. Every single cussword known to mankind came to mind as Trey wobbled from left to right down the stairs with a box filled with what he had ‘lovingly’ deemed with the rest of the boxes marked in black pen: ‘God Only Knows’. Moving from apartment to apartment was suppose to be easy. Not back-breaking! Yet, as usual, Trey had waited till the week before...

4 years ago
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Illicit Desires Ch 05

As soon as I reached the shelter of my car I sat back, closed my eyes and let out a long slow sigh. The meeting with Dana had been emotionally draining. After taking a moment to pull myself together I put my key in the ignition and started the engine. As I was pulling out of the parking lot I realized that I didn't know where I was going to go. It was Sunday. I didn't actually have any reason to go back to work. The problem with the bridge in Kansas City was a ruse to fool Katie. The three...

4 years ago
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After School Playtime With Brooklyn

Brooklyn's petite fingers played around at the edges of the crotch of my panties as I sat back on her bed, my legs laying open for her. No one has ever touched me there before and I was very excited."Do you like the feeling?" She asked me with her adorably cute smile and flashing eyes. Her bright yellow hair seemed to cascade from her head in tendrils, like a pixie from a storybook. As she asked me this, her fingertips slipped under the warm cotton to tickle the edge of my labia on one side....

2 years ago
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Terror in TenerifeChapter 1

The long flight from England was over. We had cleared customs after landing at Tenerife. I had been struck by how unfriendly the customs people were here. Not that they are all that friendly everywhere else. We had been warned that the police and government officials here did not pander to tourists. If you had something to say to them, you had best be able to get by in Spanish. For the most part they did not speak English and had no patience with tourists. We were received much more...

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Youre Going To Enjoy This One

Tonight I am on my way to another clients house. This one I have fucked many times before. It just keeps getting better and better each time we get together. To night he has requested me to dressed like a school girl. Cartoon cotton panties and all. I have on a short green plaided skirt, matching those of the normal Catholic School Girl Dress Code. But its way shorter than school regulations. Then I bend over my little ass pops out from under neight. I have a basic white cotton top on, with...

4 years ago
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The Long Train to Chicago

I’m waiting at Penn Station a little after 3.30 pm with a 19 hour train journey ahead of me. I am thankful for my expenses card that allowed me to purchase a roomliner bedroom all for myself so at least I can have some privacy, and some time to rest after my long week in New York. I’m wearing an old pair of slightly worn jeans, a nicely fitting polo shirt, a tatty leather bag is at my feet containing all my stuff for my summer in the States. With nothing else to do, I scan the platform mild...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Alexia Anders Vocal Vixen

In the beginning of this video, Alexia tells us that she’s super sexual and she’s here to show us everything she’s got. For starters, she has a great rack and a tight body. She’s also a pro at dirty talk and loves to suck cock and balls loudly. Things stay loud as this former cheerleader moans, squeals and encourages her guy. The whole time she rides him, she lets him know in a sultry voice exactly how much she likes his dick filling up her tight pussy. One of the best...

4 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 10 The Queen Goes Home

A mile away and hidden half by a cloud, the Queen of Hearts would appear as just a speck to the construction workers. However, her eyes could zoom in on them as if she were ten feet away. She'd come to watch Joe for awhile now. She'd found out where he was working from his parents. He had a construction job and was currently on the roof of their current project, hammering away at the shingles. He looked good. Very fit, not much different at 23 then he had at 18 when they were...

3 years ago
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Lady Victoria Part 4 The Servants take their Revenge

Lady Victoria’s dramatic fall from Baronet’s daughter and high ranking society débutante to lowly scullery maid had been swift and decisive. Mr Tannard, the minion Butler who had once served her without question, was now her master whom she had quickly learned to obey without hesitation. Her transformation from Lady to servant was now complete, with many of her lessons having been educated at her former Butler’s knee! She had agreed to accept any punishment he decided to give her and, although...

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The Red Dress

Back in the spring, my husband and I went to visit a 1940’s Weekend. There were many people there dressed in the fashions and uniforms of the 1940’s. There were vehicles and stalls and it really was a wonderful weekend. An escape from the humdrum repetitiveness of my daily life.As I walked, arm in arm with my husband, Philip, I took in the sights, sounds and even tastes of the Forties. The corned beef hash was delicious! The majority of the chosen uniforms were, sadly, American but there were...

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Anger Not Those Wild Wyldewood BoysChapter 7

Lindsey and I closed down Joe's, and between the two of us we put down enough fine home brew to float a small flotilla. Being ex-military, I certainly had plenty of drinking experience under far worse adverse conditions, but Lindsey matched me pint for pint. She maintained that she wasn't much of a beer drinker (preferred wine) but she found the local "Old Ordinary" quite tasty. Soon she was sampling Joe's other more exotic offerings, such as the "Old Peculiar" and "Rex's Stout". I...

4 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 14

SIX YEARS LATER "Kevin! How long has it been?" said Eric, rising from behind his office desk to shake hands and motioning the other man to a seat. "A little over six years," answered the other. "What brings you to L.A.?" "My firm is expanding. They sent me out for a start up of the new plant." "How are you?" "I'm fine. Married now. Two kids," he responded taking out his wallet and showing the family photo. "A great looking family," said Eric, noting that the wife was...

3 years ago
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Three Steps to HeavenChapter 4

Our friend Freud That first afternoon had passed with Iris showing me over the rest of the old house. It was originally Georgian with pieces added over time. The cosy flagstone kitchen was adjacent to the comfortable living room having a lovely French bay opening onto the pretty patio garden. It was choc-full of character; once, even an old family ghost had appeared. Upstairs had creaky corridors leading off to various bedrooms and bathrooms. The room Iris had prepared for me was on the left...

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