Choices Ch. 06 free porn video

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My thanks to my editor adetaildiva. Without her this would be a poorer story. After her any errors are mine.


‘Since it’s my turn for Saturday, can you be gone overnight? We’d run up to Martinsburg Saturday morning and you could meet my parents. Then we’d drive back on Sunday.’ Nan had called me Monday night about the next weekend.

‘Give me a few minutes to discuss it with Linda. Oh, wait. Bobby’s still up and I want to talk to Linda after he goes to bed. I’ll call you in an hour or so.’

I presented the request to Linda. ‘We probably won’t leave there until after lunch on Sunday. I won’t be able to do anything with Bobby next weekend.’

‘Why don’t you plan a special outing Friday night?’

‘We could go to Chuck E Cheese and play games together after dinner. He likes that. Meeting the parents is a big step, but Bobby comes first. I don’t want him thinking that Nan is going to replace him.’

I confirmed with Nan later.

Tuesday night I decided to call Jean. ‘Hi. Can we talk for a while?’

‘I guess. I don’t know what good it’ll do either of us. You aren’t ready for a relationship and I can’t let my daughter get close to anyone whose might just be an emotional hobo passing through my life.’

‘That’s a pretty harsh term, don’t you think? I can’t be exclusive with anyone until I can say ‘I love you,’ and I’m just not ready to do that yet with anyone. This isn’t junior high where you fall in love and out of love in the same week.’

‘I know that, but I’ve got to protect my daughter first.’

‘Look, I like being with you, and I want you to do the right thing. You’ve got to be honest with me though. You owe me that.’ I paused waiting for confirmation.

‘Okay.’ I could tell she felt a trap coming on. I didn’t waste time springing it.

‘Suppose we only date on weekends when Josh has Rebecca. Whether you want to continue going to bed with me is optional, too, until you’ve figured out where this is going.’

‘Well –‘ She hesitated. I knew I had won. ‘That seems reasonable.’

‘Good! Then we’re on for a week from Saturday?’

‘Okay.’ I could hear a new tone in her voice. Was she happier now?

‘I’ll call you early next week and we’ll firm things up. Uh-oh, no sex, er, pun intended.’

Her laughter tinkled down the line. ‘I’ll look forward to it. Thanks for calling, Jack.’

‘Jean, I still don’t know where we’re going, but I want to take time to explore the direction. I’ll talk to you next week.’

Friday night Linda, Bobby and I were in Chuck E Cheese. After washing down some pizza with a Coke, Bobby and I had played several games. Now he was on his own as two adults slowly became dazed by the Terminator-like activities of dozens of pre-teens trying to beat the machines.

‘Linda, how is this working out for you? I know you enjoy taking care of Bobby and I really appreciate how you take care of both of us. But personally you must need other adult company to do things with and to hear more than Pentagon gossip or seven-year old playground conversation.’

‘Jack, I really enjoy taking care of the house and Bobby. And you’ve been so pleasant to live with.’

‘Well, your daughter was an excellent judge of character,’ I smiled even if it was bittersweet.

‘I always liked you, but you never know how someone’s going to be to live with. I mean, everybody can be nice and considerate for a few days when you’re visiting, but what happens when the alarm doesn’t go off or you have a really hard day at work? That’s when you find out what it’s like to live with somebody.’

‘Thank you for appreciating my finer qualities, but back to you. How are you feeling about being up here, away from the rest of your family and your old friends?’

‘I was a little afraid of doing this for just that reason. The Guild at St. Francis has helped tremendously. We meet once a month and they’ve been very friendly. Most of them are in the same boat as me, widows or divorced and retired. There are a few trophy wives but most of them are older. Of course, you’ve heard me speak about Sally. She’s two years younger than me. Her husband died in a light plane crash three years ago. She’s just recovering.’

‘Several of us get together for dinner out once a week,’ she continued. ‘The plays and movies I’ve gone to are fun. It’s been great that we discovered Katy to baby-sit when we both want to be out.’

‘Linda, I really, really appreciate what you’re doing for Bobby and me. If you get unhappy though, please tell me. You are such a great person, I don’t want you to be unhappy.’

‘My mother always used to say,’ Linda sat up straight and put on her Parent face and shook her finger. ”Only you can make yourself happy or unhappy.’ Last weekend I showed you that I can make myself happy,’ she grinned. ‘I’ll tell you if it becomes otherwise.’

Her eyes twinkled. I blushed and my cock twitched remembering last Saturday night.

Saturday turned out to be a beautiful fall day, wonderful for driving and enjoying the company of a sexy woman. Nan and I left about 11AM and took the back roads up near the Potomac. We stopped and strolled through some of the parkland. We stopped again in Fredrick and saw the Barbara Fritchie house. We had a leisurely lunch and finally arrived at her parent’s house outside Martinsburg about 2:30.

‘Jack, this is my mother, Martha Baker, and my father, James Baker.’

‘Pleased to meet you, ma’am and Mr. Baker.’

‘You look old enough. Call me Jim.’

‘And please call me Martha.’

I lifted Nan’s overnight case and my hanging bag from the car. Nan’s mother led us into the house.

‘Jack, you can put Nan’s case in her room, and the guest room is the next door down on the other side of the hall.’ Nan winked at me behind her mother’s back. I’m sure the Baker’s had few illusions about their daughter’s virginal status, but they were old-fashioned enough to act like they did.

Jim proudly showed me his garden and his woodworking shop. ‘Nan tells us that you work at the Pentagon.’

‘Yes, sir. Just got there in May.’

‘You can drop the sir.’

‘I’m sorry. It’s force of habit. First from the way my parents brought me up and now working with all those generals and colonels everyday.’

‘It just makes me feel old.’ Nan was their oldest, so Jim wasn’t more than fifteen years older than me, maybe only ten. This was the first year they’d had empty-nest syndrome.

‘I’ll do my best, Jim.’

After dinner we sat around the den. The TV was going in the background, but mostly we talked. Or, should I say, I talked as they gently grilled me. I told them about some of my experiences in Iraq and working in the Pentagon.

‘I can relate to those bureaucratic snafus,’ Jim said with a chuckle. He had worked for the IRS now for over twenty-five years. He let me recover by telling some stories himself. ‘How long have you been in?’

‘Just over fifteen years. I was enlisted for almost six before I got my commission.’

‘Jack was promoted to Major below the zone,’ Nan interjected. ‘That means he was better than 95 per cent of the officers who were commissioned the same year.’

We continued to talk. About 10:30 Martha spoke up. ‘I’ve had a long day. Jim, why don’t we go get ready for bed. We’ll see you folks in the morning.’

I stood up. Martha kissed me on the cheek and Jim shook my hand. They both hugged their daughter. When they left the room, Nan turned out most of the lights and pulled me back down on the couch. Sometime during the evening she had changed into a heavy terry cloth robe with a high-necked nightgown peeking out from underneath. I soon discovered that was all she had changed into.

We necked on the couch for a long time like two teenagers. I caressed her body over the robe for what seemed to me an eternity. Finally, I insinuated my fingers under her nightgown between her legs. I c
ould feel where she had soaked the nightgown where she was sitting. After just a minute or two, she broke our kiss.

‘You know what I need,’ she exclaimed softly as she pushed on my shoulders.

I knelt on the rug and feasted on the sweet nectar available. She pulled one of the throw pillows over her face to muffle her groans when she came. After resting for a short while, she returned the favor, not letting a drop escape from her lips. We parted with a kiss at her bedroom door.

The next morning we were up early for Mass at the nearby Roman Catholic parish. ‘What church do you attend,’ Martha asked on the way back.

‘I was raised a Baptist, but my late wife was Episcopalian. I’ve continued to take Bobby to St Francis near us since we moved here.’

‘Martha and I always thought that it was more important to believe in something than necessarily how to believe,’ Jim responded.

‘The old saw is that there are no atheists in a foxhole. I told my men that it helps if you aren’t one before you have to dig. I always encouraged them to attend whatever service they wanted to.’

Surprisingly, we got on the road again shortly after a huge brunch, which Martha fixed. ‘Let’s drive down towards the valley for a while. Maybe down to Front Royal and back across I-66 home,’ Nan suggested.

‘Sure,’ I replied. It was another beautiful day, why not?

‘You seemed to survive the third-degree pretty well?’

‘It’s been awhile but I’ve done this 10 or fifteen times since my first date at 15. And it’s not like at 15 when her father had absolute say over whether his daughter was going out with a teenage boy whose hormones were raging.’

‘I don’t make your hormones rage?’

‘You do, but I can hide it better nowadays.’

‘Can you?’ She pointed her knees toward me and began teasing her navy blue skirt upwards. The hem moved upward at an agonizingly slow pace. My eyeballs were swiveling back and forth between her legs and the road so fast I thought my eyes might burn up from friction. The hem stopped moving, leaving only about two or three inches of thigh hidden.

‘Yep, you’ve definitely upped my hormone level.’

‘But not raging yet?’ The hem moved upward again and the thighs split apart.

‘My hormones are afraid of causing a wreck.’ By now I could see baby blue panties, which matched the camisole she was wearing.

‘But not raging?’ She hooked a finger in the crotch of her panties and exposed a very wet gash to my eyes. The coral pink folds were swollen and her clit was prominently displayed. A digit from the other hand began to lightly caress the damp surfaces.

‘Might as well get comfortable,’ Nan remarked. With that she lifted her butt, as she eased the blue panties to the floorboard.

Now her wonderful aroma tickled my nose. I wondered if there was a rest stop along this stretch of I-81. I heard her fingers playing in the wetness.

‘I wish your fingers were doing this, but I’ll make do until they can.’

When I glanced over, one index finger was circling her clit. The middle finger on the other hand was slowly moving in and out of her tunnel.

‘Jack, see that truck ahead?’

‘Yeah.’ A UPS semi was about a quarter of a mile in front. Brown is everywhere.

‘Pull up so that you’re right beside the cab.’ She swiveled to face forward while her hands continued to play.

I pressed the accelerator. My Toyota began to rapidly close the gap. I saw more movement out of the corner of my eye. When I turned my head, I saw that the camisole had moved to cover the console and uncover the girl in the passenger seat.

‘You sure you want to do this,’ I asked.

‘Yessss,’ she hissed as her finger continued to circle her clit, while the other hand had moved to tug and pinch her nipples. I pulled up even with the cab of the truck.

‘Honk the horn,’ Nan commanded. She rolled down her window to eliminate any glare. The temperature in my car dropped ten degrees, but I could see sweat glisten on her face.

‘Oh god! OH GOD!’ She arched up off the seat and went rigid for a few seconds. She flopped back down, her hands sliding back to the seat.

HhhhnnnnnnnnK! HhhhnnnnnnnnK! The truck driver blew his horn happily.

I reached over and slid my finger lightly over her pussy. I gently stroked it up and down her slit, gathering moisture both ways. After about two minutes, she began to respond, rolling her hips slowly back and forth. I stuck my finger deep inside her and wiggled it for a short time.

I pulled the finger completely out and leaned over toward Nan. She looked at me questioningly. I stuck my finger out the window in the universal salute while tapping my horn twice. Then I hit the accelerator. Nan burst out laughing.

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“But how did he come into the village without being seen or heard?” Jord stood anxiously over his son as Jona and Leana attended to Rand’s wounds. “We have watchers, and they should have alerted us!” “A few, thankfully very few, of the enemy’s tools are given special abilities. Some are able to hide themselves,” Brgghhh rumbled, his mind-voice sounding much the same as his audible one. “At times, and only for short times, even from some of us. Fortunately for us they soon become useless for...

2 years ago
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Holiday Couples

This may seem a bit of a theme from my last story, but again this was an experience whilst on holiday in Turkey. This time a recent experience.I was staying in a large resort hotel along the coast from the main town with my husband. We had become friendly with a couple staying at the complex, had a couple of meals with them and drinks on a couple of evenings.Adam was tall(ish) dark hair, mid thirties, Lucy short and curvy, plump in that sexy way and in her early thirties. My husband and I are...

Group Sex
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Aliens and CowboysWedding Day

The guys awoke the next morning at their usual times and did the chores. Now that Atlantis had a pretty decent population Joe and Kat had taken on boarding horses, riding lessons and, of course, trail rides. Their ranch business had taken off quicker than they had expected, but because of Atlantis’ climate and lack of dangerous wildlife, all boarding was in group or private pastures rather than in a barn. So they didn’t have much in the way of chores to do, but there was some. After the...

4 years ago
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The Game Of Sex 8211 Part III

This is continuation of my story please read first part I and II. Aise hi khelte khelte sab decide ho gaya tha ab bari thi practical ki tab usne apne room ke kubod me se kuch ajeeb sa jo uske hat me tha le kar mere pass aya aur bola is chus chus kar chikna kar do wo dekhne me lund jaisa hi tha 6 inch lamba aur 3inch mota tha mene uske kehne ke hisab se kiya aur use chat chat kar chikna kar diya aur usne fir le kar mujhe kutya ki tarha khada hone ko kaha mujhe laga shayad wo meri chut Marne ke...

2 years ago
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From Across The Waves

Standing on the edge of the surf I could feel the warm gulf waters lapping over my barefeet. Looking down I made sure the white cotton slacks I was wearing were rolled up high enough to keep from getting damp. As I wiggled my toes in the foam of the surf I began to wonder why I had been drawn here to the edge of the water. Raising my head I let the warm breeze caress my opened shirt. The beat of the reggae band at the surf bar flowed with the night air. The licks of the bass guitar, the...

3 years ago
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Spanking My Mother

Fbailey storyI accidentally overheard my mother asking my father, “Please spank me. You know how much it excites me.”Dad said, “I have told you a hundred times, no.”Mom asked, “Then fuck my ass, please.”Again Dad said, “I have told you a hundred times, no.”Mom then said, “If you really loved me you would inflict pain on me as I request. I know that you think it’s sick but I crave it. Don’t make me look for it elsewhere.”Dad laughed and said, “Now you have told me that a hundred times too. Go....

2 years ago
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The summer I got to know Mom Part 2

June 20th Dear Journal, Every morning I come down now in my underwear to the kitchen, and every morning mom is totally naked out of the shower. Neither of us acknowledges anything is different, or weird or inappropriate about this. Then when we Mom gets home from work, she’ll gradually shed her clothing. By the time she slides her feet over my lap for her foot rub (best part of the day!) she’s usually wearing just her underwear, sometimes a nightie. The best one is purple, totally sheer and...

3 years ago
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cyber fun

Today[You]5:10pmhey cutie[You]5:15pmwhats upr u there[Nick Smith]5:17pm? sup?[You]5:18pmhi :):) what u doin[Nick Smith]5:18pmwho are you??[You]5:18pmlily[Nick Smith]5:18pmwhere?you from?[You]5:19pmparis did u like the pic i sent[Nick Smith]5:20pmwhy arent you naked?[You]5:20pmlol would u like me to send a naked one[Nick Smith]5:20pm. . . .[You]5:21pmlol what r u gonna do 4 me[Nick Smith]5:21pmwhat you want?[You]5:22pmidk u should send me a pic[Nick Smith]5:23pmlet me see what you have working...

1 year ago
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amals ass

my name's jamal and this is the storie:It all started on day while I was home alone in the evening. I received a call from a colleague at work. She asked what I was doing; I told her I was alone watching TV. She asked if she could come to visit with me. Now, amal was one foxy lady. She is petit, but full. She has smooth skin, short dark hair, a lovely pair of lips, full breasts, lovely legs and a great ass. my parents was away, and I was home with only my lovely Hispanic maid that I had been...

1 year ago
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A crop duster finds love

Betsy Watson owned a cabin in the woods. It was summer vacation and she wanted to get closer to her little girl. She was growing up so quickly. "I want to go to the river and get some sun" said Sissy. The river bank was their favorite spot for to sun bathe. Betsy watched her sweet. Betsy decided she wanted to marry him. She and her little girl would share him. Betsy kissed George and drifted back to sleep dreaming sweet dreams. The morning came and it stopped raining. Betsy woke up and saw her...

1 year ago
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Community Service

Keith Spencer looked up at the clock on the wall and sighed. The crew-cut eighteen-year-old couldn't believe that only thirty minutes had passed of the eight hours he was required to put in at the Roosevelt Park Tri-County Help Center. For perhaps the hundredth time this month alone, he asked himself how he had gotten into this fix. A few years back, the local school board had passed a requirement that every student have a hundred hours of community service in order to graduate. While it did...

3 years ago
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Educating Stan Part 2

So once I turned Stan on to the joys of fucking, he just couldn't seem to get enough. I had gotten a job doing housekeeping at a local motel and between what I made and his Navy paycheck, we managed to rent a little single wide in a park across the street from Judy's house. We would spend most of our days working and our nights smoking a little weed and tending to his youthful sex drive. He seemed to get an erection at the slightest touch. Sometimes he would have to stand night watch at the...

1 year ago
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Vixen Expostulates

Vixen sat in the front row in Mr. Valpor’s English class listening to him discuss Mark Twain and local color. She took notes and between times sucked on her Bic pen, keeping her pouting lips wet and soft, showing him her tongue tip now and then and enjoying the dampness her vagina was generating. She was “in heat” and she knew it. Estrous it was called in the animal world. She noticed that he was wearing a wide wedding band, and it looked like he might have gained some weight since he got...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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New Contract

New Contract A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I used to believe that the two most valuable things that I had were my custom-made CZ 75B and my penis. Now I have only one of those. My CZ 75B is my tool of trade, after all. In addition to a good weapon, the other two ingredients for a success career in my chosen profession are a total disregard for human life and total anonymity. You lose either of those and you are no use. In fact, as far as my handler would be concerned,...

4 years ago
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Belle The Beginning

The wind blew my hair and I tried to tuck it in behind my ears but it was to no avail. It came loose and covered my eyes and face. I glanced over at the speedometer. Jake was doing close to a hundred miles an hour. My eyes turned to his face. He was staring at the road in front of us, his features hard and still. He must have known I was looking at him but he paid no attention to me. I guess he was still in shock after what happened in Cactus Hill. I put a hand on his leg and slowly a smile...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected

The wife and I had a helluva a spat, so I took off to the pool area at our apartment complex to cool off. I knew that if we spent a little bit of time apart, one or the two of us would eventually come to our senses and apologize- which means I was usually the first one to admit my part in the argument. Even if I was right, I knew better than to push the issue. It was always easier to just apologize. Last night was no exception, except I think I got my just rewards without even feeling the least...

4 years ago
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Our First Encounter

I sat in my truck in a hotel parking lot on a late Friday night. Because I was nervous, my heart was racing. I didn’t know how my first meeting with Ivy would go. We had met online over a month ago and had become great friends, but I wanted us to be more. The site we met on was sort of an online dating site, but it also was not your regular dating site. This site was used to bring doms and subs together. I had been on for a few months now and was becoming restless because no one lived in my...

2 years ago
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Balls Out Party

“Hey, little Brother,” my Sister Marie said when I finally got the phone away from my younger sister, Angie, “Listen, there’s a party up here this weekend at the house this Saturday, there’ll be free beer and I can make sure you get in the door, wanna come?”“Yeah,” I said, a party at my Sister’s sorority house sounded like a blast – especially when I imagine all the hot coeds running around a sorority, “I’ll be there, what time?”Sis filled me in on all the details like time, where to park, etc,...

1 year ago
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She Opens My Hole

God, I loved to fuck Janelle up the ass. But when the tables are turned things can get even better. Janelle picked me up after work, wearing a blazer and that short skirt that showed off her supple ass and her legs to their best advantage. We had been dating for a few months and she had fulfilled every thing I needed in a woman. She was smart- a pre-med student and registered nurse. She was funny- but never vulgar. And she loved to fuck. In the car. On the beach. While the neighbor's daughter...

4 years ago
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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 17 Reunion and Renewal

After dinner, Petunia had wanted to stay longer. Apparently she, Albus and James had got on well together. Lily, who was two years younger, had attached herself to Tunie like a big sister and she had made sure the boys did not leave her out of anything. However, Luna and Dudley wanted to get to Luna's place so that they could get their things put away and get some time to themselves. They felt that a lot had happened that afternoon and they needed time to reflect on it. Particularly as it...

3 years ago
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ChangesChapter 18

"Dad," Jae said later that after noon, "I think I'm going to look for a new apartment or maybe I could move back home for a while, we have that apartment over the garage" "Jae... don't make any decisions yet, okay." David told her. "But, I think I want to be closer to you, right now I'm like 30 minutes away." "Why?" "Well with everything that happened, I want to make sure that you're near. I don't want to have to depend on family friends" "Jae... Think about it for a...

1 year ago
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Becoming The Mafias Moll

Just two days after my trailer sex with Hakan and Taner, I got a text message from Hakan. It was all in Turkish, and Google translate didn't help me much with it.Gary is a lot better with the language here than I am, so I gave him my mobile and asked if he could make head or tail of it.He smiled at me as he told me that they wanted to know if I was interested in doing more, and if I was, I was to phone another number and speak to Patron.The prospect of another good fucking from both of them...


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