Blindsided Ch. 02 free porn video

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Nazareth woke late the next morning, the edges of his block-out blinds glowing with the morning sun. He stretched, yawned and rolled over to looked at the clock, marvelling at the fact he was able to sleep uninterrupted for the first time in a week. If he got up quickly, he could go for a run, get a coffee and come back to do some work. The blind rolled up with a sharp squeal as he looked out the window of his bedroom. The grass wasn’t too bad, he could probably mow it next week. He pulled a face. He needed to stop procrastinating. Pulling on his skins and a t-shirt, he padded out of the bedroom to find his runners.

The Schöneberg Marmion Remix pounded through his earphones as Nazareth’s legs stretched over the uneven terrain. Navigating this area of the foothills was always a little tricky. Going too hard was a sure way to cop more than just muscle injury. He’d seen a few people with what the locals coined ‘mountain rash’, after losing their footing and eating dirt. Not that he hadn’t come close quite a few times, but he’d finally worked out the best route for him on the way to the sharp incline, and even then he still had to be careful. Years of runners and the elements had eroded away the grass on the hill, but it was rough ground in general. The music eventually faded away and the silence was filled with Nazareth’s own laboured breathing. He felt the burn of his muscles and knew that he was going to pay for it later. He hadn’t run in some time and winced as his footing slipped against the dirt, but his momentum kept him steady as his weight transferred to the other foot. Several kilometers later he was enjoying the view of the town over the treetops from the top of the hill. After a good break, he started the descent.

* * *

The sun was high in the sky by the time Nazareth made his way back to town. He stopped in the reserve for a stretch, then made his way across town to get a coffee from Percolate. He opted for a takeaway and stood out on the footpath while he contemplated whether to linger in town or drink it as he walked home. Taking a sip he realised the sugar hadn’t been mixed in very well, so he took off the lid, turning to throw it in the bin. As he turned, someone bumped into him, causing him to spill most of the coffee down his t-shirt.

‘CHRRRIST!’ Nazareth instinctively jumped back, knowing the coffee was hot.

‘Shit! I am so sorry. Oh god, are you okay?’ The older woman looked horrified, as she stood and looked at Nazareth’s stained t-shirt. She was holding a bunch shopping bags with her phone in her hand.

He tried not to be angry, despite the fact that it looked as though she’d been busy on her phone and wasn’t watching where she was going.

‘Can I help? My goodness I am so so sorry.’

Nazareth waved his hand and shook his head. ‘Look, no it’s fine. Don’t worry.’ He couldn’t bring himself to smile but at least he was able to keep his voice under control.

‘Are you sure?’

He nodded and turned away. He had no stomach for coffee now as he threw the rest of it in the bin. One of the staff at Percolate had seen what had happened and had come out with some serviettes.

Nazareth took them gratefully. ‘Thanks.’ He soaked up what he could, but the t-shirt looked worse for wear, it was probably a throw away. He screwed up the last of the serviettes and threw them in the bin shaking his head.

‘Hey there…’

Nazareth looked up to see Els parked at the curb next to him. He’d been so involved in cleaning up his t-shirt that he hadn’t heard the car pull up.

‘Els…’ He half smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed at how he must’ve looked.

She pulled the sunglasses from her face and cocked her head. He noticed she wasn’t wearing a trace of make-up. Her eyes were still quite dark, but she looked younger, more girlish. ‘That’s not good. I tell you what, why don’t you hop in. My house isn’t far and we can get you cleaned up… if you want? Or I can drop you home?’

Nazareth blinked and gave her an easy smile. ‘Sure, I guess. I’d all but figured the t-shirt was ruined.’ He should have told her to drop him home but curiousity got the better of him.

‘Nah.’ She waved her hand. ‘Let’s clean it up before it really does stain.’

* * *

It was immaculate. The faint smell of leather filled his nostrils as he looked around the beautifully restored interior. Els changed gears and looked at him, before turning her eyes back to the road.

‘Thanks for this. I appreciate it.’

She chuckled. ‘Thank me when we get the coffee out of your t-shirt.’

Minutes later they pulled into a driveway. The small yellow bricked house featured a stone chimney and lawns were simple, but manicured, hosting a solitary streetlamp. He followed her to the front door as she opened it and ushered him in. Standing in the small hallway as she closed the door, he noticed that she stood a good head under him without skates or heels.

‘Right, clothes off.’

‘What?’ Nazareth was taken aback.

‘Give me your t-shirt silly.’ Els held our her hand.

He pulled it off and handed it to her, feeling strange that he was standing in her hallway, half-naked in only his skins. She on the other hand was wearing black jeans, a black short sleeve mechanics shirt and her hair was down. She walked around the corner.

‘Make yourself at home’

Two seconds later she came back with a black t-shirt, and studied his chest for a second before throwing it to him. Nazareth hoped that she hadn’t noticed how his flesh prickled under her appraisal.

‘That should fit you.’

He pulled it on hastily. ‘Thanks.’

She smiled before disappearing again. ‘No problem.’

Nazareth felt as though he’d stepped back into the fifties, not the family home style, but more designer almost masculine with the exception of a few items he noted, seeing the row of bakelite canisters on the kitchen bench. The corner fireplace had some logs piled neatly in the hearth, but it looked like it hadn’t been used in some time. There was also a simple shelf tucked against wall with a stack of vinyls and a record player.


Nazareth turned his head to find Els standing in the kitchen.

‘I can’t offer you a coffee as good as Percolate, but I have instant, or tea if you feel like it. Or maybe a soft drink?’

He walked up to the breakfast bar and pulled out one of the stools. ‘Tea will be fine. Black and one.’

She grinned. ‘Sure, that makes it easy.’ She turned on the ceramic jug and pulled out some mugs and sugar, then leaned back against the bench waiting for the water to boil.

‘Nice place you have here.’


Nazareth looked back towards the living area. ‘Is that…’ He shook his head trying to remember. ‘Paul McCobb?’

Els laughed. ‘I wish. It looks pretty good huh? It’s a reproduction piece.’ She crossed her arms. ‘Impressive Nazareth, what else can you tell me?’

A wry grin tugged at his lips. Probably not what she’d want to hear. ‘I’m afraid that is the extent of my impressiveness today.’

‘So… you’re a fit one. Run often?’

He shook his head. ‘Not as often as I would like.’ He shrugged. ‘As you can see, it was all going well until the coffee.’

The jug reached the boil and Els turned to make them tea. She then grabbed both mugs and went into the living room. He followed her and she handed one of them to him as they sat on the lounge, balancing their mugs before Els gave in and put hers down on a coaster.

She gave herself a stretch before settling back in as Nazareth nursed his tea.

‘So Els for Elsie, what do you do?’

She screwed up her nose. ‘Thanks for reminding me. Well, sometimes I work at the skate rink, sometimes get roped into helping out at derby but other than that, not a great deal. I’m an in moment kind of gal, but simple. You know?’

He didn’t, but he nodded his head anyway.

‘And you?’

He shrugged. ‘I work in product design.’

She raised an eyebrow. ‘Sporty and smart.’

Nazareth laughed. ‘I don’t know about that.’ He looked at her marvelling at how he’d gone from one roller derby to being in her house. ‘So if you’re into skating, why don’t you do derby… or do you?’

She gave him a small smile. ‘I did it once but I’ve got a weak knee. I get my excitement from the sidelines these days.’

She studied his face for a moment. ‘You know Nazareth, you’re not like other guys.’

He frowned. ‘How so?’

‘I don’t know…’ She looked at his as though she was trying to figure out how to phrase her words. ‘Most other guys, well the ones I have the pleasure of running into… I don’t know.’ She looked at him dead on. ‘I like you.’

Nazareth had to stop himself from chuckling, but he grinned nonetheless. ‘That’s nice Els, I like you too… You had me worried for a moment.’

‘Worried? Why?’

He shifted in the lounge. ‘I’m not sure, you had me feeling as though I had to protect my manhood.’

‘Oh… right.’ A twinkle appeared in her eye. ‘You think that I was going to imply that you were less of a man.’

He shrugged. ‘Something like that.’

Her eyes dipped as they trailed over him, and he felt the heat flash over his body under her scrutiny.

Els gave him a cheeky grin, that slowly disappeared. ‘I assure you Nazareth, I have noticed that you are man.’

He felt the tension rise and he purposely drank his coffee to give himself something to concentrate on. It was as if the shoe was on the other foot.

‘Did you?’ He murmured almost inaudibly, taking another sip.

Els raised her eyebrow. ‘I see.’ She gave him a lazy smile. ‘Grace?’

Nazareth looked at her, not knowing what she meant. ‘Grace?’

She shifted in her seat still smiling. ‘The gorgeous blonde that came to the skate rink last night.’

‘Oh.’ He couldn’t pretend he hadn’t noticed. ‘Yes, I think I remember… Your girlfriend?’

‘Girlfriend?’ She shrugged. ‘Grace and I? Yeah, we’re lovers. I’m not sure about the girlfriend bit though.’

Nazareth wanted to smack himself in the head. This was entering dangerous territory for his overactive imagination. He tried to stop himself from envisioning them together, knowing damn well what would happen if his body got the best of him. In his skins no doubt. He suppressed a groan.

Els had stood up from the couch with her empty mug. ‘Finished?’

He looked in it and then handed it to her and watched as she put them in the kitchen sink.

‘Are you…’ He stopped. Was he really going to ask her that?

She looked at him for a moment, blank faced. ‘Labels are so passe.’ She disappeared for a few minutes and then returned.

‘Ta-daaah!’ She had returned with the wet t-shirt. From what he could see, most of the stain had come out. It was going to be salvageable after all.

‘Wow, thanks.’ He smiled and stood up as she rummaged around the in the kitchen for a plastic bag.

Els handed the bag to him and grabbed her keys. ‘Come on, I’ll take you home.’

* * *

When they pulled up to his house, he knew that he should have just said thanks and left it at that, but he went ahead and invited her in anyway. To his surprise she said yes.

‘Do you mind if I have quick rinse? You know, the run, the coffee…’

‘Sure. Don’t worry about me, you go have your shower.’

With a look of gratitude he left the kitchen and quickly had a shower, relieved that he was able finally clean up. If he wasn’t so taken by Els he probably would’ve said no to going to her place.

Pulling on a pair of loose pair of sweatpants and another t-shirt he came into the kitchen to find that Els was sitting on the back deck in the sun. He slid the door open, closing it behind him and sat down next to her.

Els gave him a small smile and closed eyes, obviously enjoying the sunshine. Nazareth smiled back and looked her over, wondering what it would be like to hold her. He thought about the hammock he’d packed away during the Winter and imagined her lying in it on Summer days. Maybe asleep, perhaps bikini-clad, with one slender leg dangling off the edge. He had to stop for a moment and contemplate whether that was being borderline creepy. Strange that, sexually fantasising seemed completely normal, but everyday mundane stuff was probably weird.

‘Whatcha thinking about?’ Els watched him through lazy eyelids.

He couldn’t help but grin, that secretive sort of grin. ‘Nothing in particular.’

‘Aha.’ She said looking as though she didn’t believe a word. ‘What’s on the agenda for this weekend?’

‘Well, I had planned to catch up on some work. I managed to get a run in today, so all in all it’s looking right on schedule.’ He looked around the yard. ‘Maybe some lawn mowing? You?’

She shifted so she was facing him. ‘Well, not much really this weekend. I might drop into the skate rink… Are you doing anything tonight?’

Nazareth shook his head. ‘I hadn’t really made any plans…’

‘Well you should come out tonight with me and Grace tonight.’

He looked at her sideways. ‘Ummm, I don’t want to be a third wheel.’

‘Oh.’ She laughed, her dark eyes sparkling. ‘I wouldn’t want you to feel that way, but we don’t bite you know.’

* * *

Nazareth flicked through wardrobe for the tenth time. He honestly didn’t know what to wear. He should’ve asked Els where they were going. Hell, he shouldn’t have agreed. He didn’t know why he was doing this to himself. It was self-torture at the very worst. Why couldn’t he say no to her?

* * *

It took him a moment to remember his manners. Both Els and Grace had caught a cab to come and pick him up. He almost had to physically peel his chin off the ground.

‘Nazareth!’ Els was in a good mood as she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. ‘This is Grace.’

Grace put out her hand. ‘Pleasure to meet you.’

He took her hand and shook it. ‘The pleasure is all mine.’

He was in trouble the moment he opened the door. Both women were dressed in platform heels, short fitted dresses and loose jackets. Els was in black and Grace was in cream. It looked like they had gotten ready together, both of them sporting loose wavy hair. Els had her signature dark makeup on while Grace had much lighter, natural looking makeup, her diamond shaped face framed by manicured eyebrows. Her lips weren’t as full as Els but she was stunning nonetheless.

‘Are you ready to go, or do you need a few minutes?’ Els looked behind her at the cab.

‘I’m ready to go, I’ll just grab my wallet and keys.’

* * *

Nazareth swirled his whiskey around the tumbler. Of all the places they could have gone to, they ended up at Midnight. Perhaps she didn’t want him to feel like the third wheel, but he sure as hell felt like a chaperone, although the looks that he got from most of the other men was just enough to rub his ego the right way. He’d asked Els indirectly why we’d come to Midnight and why perhaps they hadn’t chosen something that was more… he didn’t have the word. Els had given him a look as though he was dense. When he thought about it, she was right. It didn’t bother him, but a straight guy hanging out in a lesbian bar with two beautiful but unavailable women would have made him look like a putz.

* * *

Grace smiled warmly at Nazareth. ‘So Els tells me you work in product design.’

Nazareth nodded. He wasn’t sure if he really wanted to talk shop tonight. He’d ploughed through his work this afternoon, on a buzz at thought of spending more time with Els, but it was all fantasy.

‘I’m not sure if Els mentioned it, but I’m a lawyer.

‘No she didn’t. That must be quite an interesting job.’

Grace shrugged. ‘Sometimes it’s good, other times… Well no one ever really gets out unscathed.’ She paused. ‘Your c
ompany would have it’s own firm already wouldn’t it?’

Nazareth nodded. ‘Yes, we’ve been using them for years.’

Grace suddenly grinned. ‘Well if you ever decide to shop around, we’ve got some good ones that specialise in IP and related areas.

Nazareth laughed. ‘Sure, I’ll remember that. How long have you known Els?’

Grace stopped to think, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. ‘Hmm, I’m not sure now, maybe five years?’

‘Right.’ Nazareth nodded, only to hear Grace laugh.

‘Oh we haven’t been together for five years.’ She looked up and smiled softly as Els made her way back to the table. ‘Els is a free spirit. She’ll come freely and openly, but she’s not one to be held down if she doesn’t want to. What about you Nazareth? Wife, girlfriend, lover, partner?’

He shook his head. ‘No.’

Grace looked him over. ‘Fussy?’

Nazareth was taken aback. He’d never thought of himself as fussy and the confusion was apparent on his face. ‘No, I…’

Grace laughed again, the soft echo was rich and infectious and Nathaniel couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘Take it as compliment Nazareth. You don’t strike me as a man would would have trouble finding a woman. Well… unless you know, no offence.’

‘None taken.’

* * *

Somehow, after far too many drinks later, he found himself on the mezzanine level. He’d never been upstairs before, and it appeared to be a VIP area where people could watch the club below. It wasn’t well lit and there weren’t that many people around. They sat on a lounge in the corner that followed the contour of the back wall, where a part of it was bathed in darkness.

Nazareth leaned back into the soft cushion, enjoying the feeling of his body sinking in as he revelled in his whiskey induced high. It was getting late and even though the club had thinned out, there was still enough activity downstairs to keep it interesting. He watched absently-mindedly and realised he wasn’t being much company, so he turned to say something but had to wait a moment till his eyes adjusted to dark.

He couldn’t stop himself as his cock instantly hardened. Els was sitting on the lounge next to him with Grace straddling her. Her hand threaded through Grace’s hair, gripping the back of her neck as they kissed. Nazareth took a deep breath and turned away and his gut twisted inside. It turned him on beyond belief but it was difficult too. If the situation was in his favour, he wouldn’t say no to the both of them. What fool would? However he couldn’t help this growing feeling for Els and it was starting to make him feel like a rejected school boy. If this is what it meant to be friends with her, could he handle it?

He tried to block them out, but he could still hear them and goodness help him if his desire wasn’t making ache tightly from his torso down. Anymore and he’d probably have to whack off in the damn toilet stall, just to get a hold on the situation.

Suddenly he felt a hand latch onto his thigh.

‘Fuck.’ He mumbled, not knowing what to do.

It was Els’ hand and he prayed she didn’t move it higher, or else this thread of control he barely had grasp of would surely snap and he really didn’t know what he’d do then. She didn’t though, she just dug her fingers in and the pain was just enough to bring him back. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the music until he lost himself and eventually realised that she’d let go.

Without another thought he stood up. ‘Thanks for the night ladies, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for inviting me out Els.’ He didn’t wait for a response and left the club.

* * *

Nazareth couldn’t get a control how he was feeling. He hadn’t been himself since he’d laid eyes on Els, his quiet confidence deserting him. Now he felt as though he was being slowly torn in two and he had to make some sort of decision, or risk finding himself in an unhealthy position. His chest ached and sighed as he stepped through the door. He wasn’t obsessed, but wanted her so badly it was tearing him up inside.

Maybe he just needed to sleep on it.

* * *

When Nazareth awoke, he was surprised that he slept, smiling to himself feeling moderately refreshed. However his mood didn’t last long as his thoughts went back to last night. If he was honest to himself, he didn’t have a bad time, it was just that he couldn’t help the way he felt. He cringed at recalling the way he left, it wasn’t like him. He should’ve seen them home, and made sure they got back safely. He looked at his phone. He couldn’t call Els, since he didn’t have her number.

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My phone rang late one night. It was Tracey and she wanted me to come to her apartment. I was dressed for bed, wearing only a loose pair of jogging shorts. It was late at night, and she’d already seen me wearing less, so I just grabbed my keys, locked the apartment and went downstairs. She opened the door wearing my favorite outfit. She had on a short, cropped t-shirt that just barely covered her breasts. She had taken it a step further and cut the sleeves off and cut out most of the neck so...

2 years ago
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Ma petite pouletteAmy ENGLISH

After the cold winter passed by,Life went on in our village. However Wwe came from the USA,they lived in Southern Germany. Long ago,their grand-fathers had stayed in Germany after World War II. Our Family( Robinson) was a very basic family, excisting out of a father,mother,daughter,brother. And not to forget, our cat Mr. Whiskers. Amy(16), the daughter, was the kind of student that doesn’t really care. If she gets a 6/10 her parents are glad, so is she. Hours, a day she would listen to...

1 year ago
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Legend of the St Albans Sanatorium

It was Halloween night in southwest Virginia. Katie and Tommy decided to go for a drive out to the old abandoned St Albans asylum.The legend of the ghosts of St Albans Sanatorium dated back to the beginning when it was a school for troubled boys, then it was closed down by the state and used to house the people the state claimed to be insane. The doctors performed horrible experiments on the patients. Several people died from those experiments and were reported to haunt the place searching for...

1 year ago
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Helping Big Brother 3

Introduction: True story as told to me…of brother-sister love True story (as told to me)….continued Jimmy spent the day at school with his mind in a blr. Thinking about his baby sister and her eagerness to help him with his hornyness had him just sort of drifting through the day with his mind somewhere else. One very good result was that he wasnt quite so uptight when dealing with his girlfriend, Rita. His original problem had been due to the fact that both he and she, although a great match,...

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Filling Santas Shoes

It was about 4 months ago that my brother Eric had been killed in Iraq, he was Army, an IED got him. Eric had been married to Julie, They had one child together, Suzie, who was 5. Julie had two other girls when they married. Marie was now 18, just turned about 2 months ago, and Dawn, who was 20 about to hit the big 21. They were destroyed when we lost Eric, they all loved him very much. I am Randal, still being called Randy even though I was now in my middle 40's, 46 to be honest. But Randy...

3 years ago
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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 8

The first thing I did when I got inside my home, was taking a shower and getting those last stains, that were still on my body, off of it. When I was clean again, I made myself a light dinner and ate it in the kitchen. After I had cleaned up, I went relaxing on the sofa in the living room. I wondered what this evening would have in store for me. I especially thought about how those cops in training would react on me when I would be brought in naked. However, I also wondered how I would...

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Shes an Art Project

She gazed at the black curtains, they became foggier and foggier. He was close, she could feel him, he was so close she could just lean into his chest and smell his aftershave. It was almost mesmerizing. ‘What’s happening?’ She ask disoriented. She knew love could feel like you were floating, and they said love was blind, but she didn’t think that was meant literally. She blinked her eyes and tried to focus on her surroundings, where were they now? Everything was so hazy, the black...

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A Naughty Day In Public For Emily

Emily is a young girl. She is very horny and loves a good fingering. This is Emilys 1st story of many more to come.....................................................It was Thursday morning and Emily had just woke up. The night before had been very hot as it had been a heatwave so Emily had took all of her clothes off. All Emily had on was her white ankle socks. Emily got out of bed and put on her dressing-gown. She walked round the house to make sure she was alone. Sure enough she was. She...

1 year ago
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SISTERS.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation A fantasy story inspired by a two page ad for Loreal lipstick with two models with different looks who could be sisters. Sherry and Terri are two sisters getting ready for a double date. Their dates arrive to pick them up before the ladies are quite finished getting themselves ready. As they open the door to let their dates in, the sisters sigh in disappointment. The guys are in T-shirts and jeans; they didn't bother to get dressed...

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caught cross dressed part 3

The next few days felt like a lifetime for me. I couldn't sleep at night - every time I closed my eyes, all I could see were replays of myself, dressed like a whore, being strapped to a padded sawhorse while it fucked me from both sides. Everything I ate and drank had a horrid aftertaste of that bastard's cum - it was as if that taste was permanently embedded in my ataste buds now. The back of my throat was sore so it hurt to speak and my pussy... no, my ass, as I had reverted back to calling...

1 year ago
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Private Paola Hard Glory Hole Massage

After a long absence, we’re thrilled to be reunited once again with the ever sexy Paola Hard, and this busty redhead returns to with quite the bang… literally! Paola sure knows how to put her big tits to work, and Jesús Reyes is the lucky recipient today in Private Specials, Busty Masseuses where Paola oils herself up and gives his BBC a special Private massage that includes everything from a gloryhole blowjob, to a wet and slippery titfuck, to some POV interracial gonzo action,...

3 years ago
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I Just Had to Know PART 3

Having just finished having my throat blasted with cum from Darlene's juicy white pussy, I was more than ready to soak my dick for a while in Brenda's puffy, white pussy. She lay in her back and opened her big creamy white thighs as wide as her legs would let her. Geraldine stopped fucking Cheryl long enough to give my dick a nice wet kiss and before guiding it into Brenda's throbbing pussy. OOOOOhhhh, it felt so soft and smooth. She was close built down there and her pussy felt like a...

4 years ago
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Cupcake Delight

Lily McAllister hummed “Phantom of the Opera” as she zigzagged her way to the front of her bakery to begin her afternoon chores. It was Sunday, the only day she worked her bakery by herself. She loved the quiet solace that these Sunday afternoons brought her. Over a year earlier, she had moved here to hide and lick her wounds after a nasty divorce. She remembered those dark days when she didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed, recalling the fresh dose of evil that her ex had heaped...

3 years ago
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Claire Chapter 2

Introduction: Sam Meets Claire DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of COMPLETE FICTION. Any likeness to individuals or events is unknown and unintended. This story contain descriptions about a sexual relationship between a young girl and a adult man. If you find such subject matter to be offensive, PLEASE STOP READING NOW !!!!! It is not my intent to offend you. This story is a continuation of Claire Chapter 1 and there are numerous references to that first story. I would encourage you...

2 years ago
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Neros Queen

Nero's Queen © 2010 by Nom de Plume Based on a true story: the year is AD 65 and the place is ancient Rome during the licentious reign of the emperor Nero. A pall has been cast over the emperor's court following the death of the empress Sabina and her unborn child. Few outside the emperor's inner circle know that Nero himself caused the tragedy by kicking his pregnant wife in a fit of pique. For Sporus, a young slave serving in the imperial household, the madness is only...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 64

As we were all sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast that Sunday morning, Dad offered to drive us over to the factory. "Mr Johnston said that he'd be there all day catching up on his paperwork, and he'll show you over the caravan if you like." "Thanks, Dad, that'd be really useful. You sure you don't mind coming?" "Not at all; you know that your mother will want to see it all for herself anyway!" Dad had a point. We all knew that Mum would worry about the welfare of her chicks...

2 years ago
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Despicable BeautyChapter 10

“Steve, what are we going to do?” “I’m not sure what you mean.” “Will you let me move in with you?” “I will have to run my harem off if you do that.” “Good. I want all your time. I will take care of your physical needs and desires. Steve, you know I’ve been “around the block.” What you may not have gleaned is that I’ve never moved in with a guy. That piece of me has never been given before.” She continued. “Also, I’ve never wanted to be honest about my feelings with anyone nor was ever...

1 year ago
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Honey I Thought You Should Know

Wife cuckolds hubby as he had asked of her.I received a letter from my wife of many years. I think it speaks for itself. Following is her letter:Honey, I thought you should know that I finally did what you wanted me to do. Remember all those times you told me that you wanted me to fuck other men? Well, I thought that you were trying to get rid of me at first, but after all the years of you talking to me about it, I knew you were serious.Remember that even when you were fucking me you would ask...

4 years ago
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my wet Pussy

So I spent the night over my good friends house last night. We had a lil bit to much wine. Her husband was out. Later we both got sleepy so she said just get in bed with me. My husband can sleep on the couch. So we both fell asleep butt naked. Later I heard her husband come in. He just got naked and in the bed with us. I paid him no mind. He began playing with his big dick. He rolled over on my friend and was beating her pussy up! it was so quiet all I could hear was the sound of her wet pussy....

3 years ago
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Bridging The Gap Part II

Over the next year, Bridgett had a dozen or so nocturnal seat affairs with men and four with women, three of the former and all of the latter ending in the toilet, all thrilling and physically satisfying but interesting the rest of her mind less and less. Before boarding, she swore to herself she would sleep a few hours and wake up fresh and dainty the next morning; as she neared her seat, the anticipation of being seated beside a handsome, well-endowed man, preferably black, or a sweet young...

3 years ago
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How Not To Babysit part 16

PART SIXTEEN: PUNISHED "What are you doing?!" Emma demands. I'm prancing around the house in your clothes. What does it look like? This is terrible. "I, uh," I stammer. "I just took that dress off five minutes ago and you're already wearing it!" she scolds. "Take it off!" she demands. "Take it off, right now!" she repeats. "Babe..." Dave calls from the doorway. "You okay?" he says but his words hang there. Dave smiles broadly. "You don't want to wear girl's clothes,...

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Seducing My Neighbors part

It was something of a surprise when I found out that Paul Dirk had been making love to my daughters. Both Susie and Becky were now in college and only came home during the holidays and the summer. So they must have used that time to have fun with Paul. I must admit I was jealous. I had not been well serviced by my husband, Cal, for years now. Oh we often went on cruises and such, but he always ended up playing poker and then getting drunk and collapsing in our room. I hardly ever got a really...

4 years ago
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The Birth of Lesley Renee Charles

The Birth of Lesley Renee by: Lesley Renee Charles Part One - The Early Years I was born on Sunday, September 26, 1965 in Somerville, New Jersey. I was named Ernest for my father and Charles for his paternal grandfather. My mother says I was a prissy child from day one and had to be treated just right or I would be moody. My father always told me that I was a very good baby, and that they only had to tell me no and tap my hand and I would stop misbehaving. The first three years of...

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AlmaChapter 6

Yesenia and Alma rode for a while before pulling up to the club. They got out and walked to the door. Yesenia knew the bouncer, so both girls were given wristbands that showed them to be over 21 year old. They walked into the club and looked around at the people dancing. They decided to go to the bar and sit for a while. They ordered a drink and sat on a barstool. It wasn't long before the girls were approached. "Hello. Mind if we sit with you?" the first male said. His name was Jose and...

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Three Gay Men In Bed

Hello everyone, my name is Ajay Kumar, and I am based in Visakhapatnam. A little introduction about me. I became bi-sexual under different circumstances. I was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. The following story is a work of fiction, which I hope happened in my life. It’s a bit lengthy and sorry for any grammatical errors. The story is about gay men in bed when I was staying in Hyderabad for my training. I didn’t want to stay in a...

Gay Male
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The Lokian Way 47

* * * * * * * * * * Saturday * * * * * * * * * * "There she is. Our sugarplum." Mercy winced hearing her Aunt Mary's nickname for her. Grumbling and with bed-hair, she bridged the last few steps down the stairs. "Good morning," she mumbled as she reached for a bowl and cereals. Both her parents and her Aunt were already sitting at the table. It hardly couldn't be a more unmatched trio. Mercy's parents - already dressed for the day - looked prim and proper in outfits that...

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High Seas Pirate

There's something great about pirate settings for erotica. I'm trying out stats/variables for a more RPG experience, so hit the 'Start' Game' button. Hit the 'customize' tab to set your own name. If you enjoy the story, feel free to add it to your favorites or leave some likes on the chapters. You are a lowly crew member—named Jack—on a pirate ship, with dreams of one day being captain of your own ship....and hopefully finding plenty of plunder and booty on the way. You wake up with a start....

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Trick or Treat

I was out with several friends, just yakking and stopping here and there for candy. A couple of the girls, Stacy and Marie, were dressed as fairies. Brenda was wrapped in gauze and was a mummy. Her mom found a case of expired bandages at the hospital where she worked, and oh, my, what a find! She laughed as she told us the story, her supervisor thinking it would make a great mummy costume for a silly teenaged girl and told her to take it home. It totally did! Two of us were dressed like slutty...

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Fall of Noel Episode 0 Preview

FN000Preview Greetings. J R Skells here. I am testing interest for the next story. It's mostly about mind-control but has TF elements, body enhancement, rejuvenation, body swapping, and at least one sex change. I can't promise that it will be shorter than my last story, but I will organize this one differently. Instead of Day 1, Day 2, whatever, this will be Episode 1, Episode 2, etc. That way I can skip days, or combine them, and nobody will panic. Anyway.... In my previous...

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GirlsWay Adriana Chechik Riley Reid Bogus Burglar

Adriana Chechik is dozing on the couch, unaware of a pair of eyes peeking in the window. Riley Reid, suspiciously dressed, slips away and enters through the back of the house. As she quietly creeps along, she tries not to stir Adriana, but her plan is foiled when she makes a fool of herself by tripping. Adriana bounces to her feet and is ready to rumble with the robber. She confronts Riley, demanding to know what the stranger is doing in her house. Is Riley there to rob her?? If she is,...

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My Life as an Escort

My name is Jenny and this is my story on how I had sex with my father. This was truly accidental. I was only doing my job. I've been an escort since I was eighteen. I love my job. I meet lots of interesting people and have done lots of traveling. The money is really good and it's like just going on dates. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I've gone on a lot of interesting dates. I've dated men that were younger than me or men that are twice my age. It's been a very...

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Sex Starved Housewife Seduced

Hi, all this is my new story of a new incident which happened recently in my life. This story is dedicated to all the housewives who are frustrated in their sex life with their husband and want to have some fun secretly and want to enjoy their sexual urges rather than suppressing them. A Starting with myself, I am a 29-year-old guy working in an MNC in Bangalore with a good height, average built and attractive looks.So as I had recently shifted into a new flat near my office I was in need of a...

2 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 1 Light Gathered

"Dave! C'mon, get with the program man!" I heard Mike say from the doorway behind me. I stood up from where I'd been sitting on the porch steps and flashed him a grin. "Sorry. I just got to thinking about something. Is everything ready?" "Oh Yeah!" Mike answered back with enthusiasm. Inside my parent's house a blur of organization and activity through the course of the day had produced a sea of blue and gold balloons, streamers, and a huge banner that stretched the entire living...

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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 11 Copycats

As is often the case, the biggest selling morning newspapers picked up on the exclusive run the day before by the evening newspapers. The vigilante story was so sensational that all of the main Scottish papers carried their own versions of the story on their front pages. The difference in the treatment of 'the vigilante' was marked however, with none of the 'cowardly' slant that the Evening Times story had used. If anything the Daily Record hailed the vigilante as a modern day hero,...

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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 24

So many things were happening at once that I didn't know where to look or which girl to watch! At the second stage a robotic arm shoved a rod into each girl's ass. Abbey was first to go and she screamed louder than when I fucked her in the ass the day before. I continued watching as Keiko, the petite Japanese girl took it up the ass but then jumped forward to see what was causing a new round screams to emanate from Abbey. Apparently two vertical needles had extended from under her body...

4 years ago
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Wifersquos Nude Portrait

Wife’s Nude PortraitThis is the true story of my birthday five years ago which was one of the most memorable I’ve ever had. Babs threw me a big party and all of our friends and family were there. It was a tame party compared to the private ones we’ve had with our core of friends since that time, and I was anxious to culminate things after everyone left.Babs was dressed in a very sexy black dress that clung to her sleek body. She had on black heels and nylons. Since I could not see any panty...

2 years ago
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Anath Ladki Ko Apne Ghar Laa Kar Choda

Hi doston, main Raj singh Bihar ka rehne wala hu, aur Jharkhand aur Bihar ghoomte rehta hu. Meri job ek MNC mein hai, jo ki medicine se related hai. Meri age 28 hai, aur height 5’11” hai. Ye kahani kareeb 2 years pehle ki hai, jab meri posting kuch samay ke liye Ranchi mein hui thi, aur Ranchi se 200 km ka radius mera working area tha. Ye aap beeti jo main batane jaa raha hu, wo Ranchi se kareeb 150 km door ek zile ki hai. Jab main waha pahuncha aur apne kaam mein lag gaya, pata hi nahi chala...

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Pool side

Unexpected things happen to everyone. What these things are vary, though. As for me, a 35 year old mother, the story I’m about to tell is way unexpected and totally blew my mind, but in a good way. I’m 42 and a mother of a 18 year old beautiful girl. Compared to most the women my age I would be considered pretty sexy. I still have pert tits about 36 C , shapely firm ass, and a small tight stomach. I’m about 5"6" and I have sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. People say my daughter looks a lot like...


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