Betrayal Ch. 06 free porn video

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When her eyes fluttered open, Derek was sitting next to her, wiping her forehead with a damp face cloth.

‘What happened?’

‘You fainted.’

‘I did?’

‘You did.’

‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to.’

Derek leaned down and kissed Emma’s wet forehead. ‘Hush. It was the most wonderful thing you could have done.’

‘How come the bed is all wet?’

‘That’s you, too, I’m afraid. That last orgasm was a wet one. You squirted again. A real gusher.’

Emma was completely embarrassed and hid her face behind her hands, causing him to laugh as he pulled her hands away.

‘Did I ruin your mattress?’

‘It will dry out. That was one of the most sexy things I’ve ever experienced.’

‘It was?’

Derek now kissed her softly on her mouth. ‘Oh, yes. Women have told me I’ve sent them to the moon, but this is the first time I’ve made one swoon.’

She yawned. ‘I feel like I could sleep for a week.’

Two strong arms lifted her from the bed as if she weighed no more than a feather.

Derek carried her to his spare bedroom, shifted her weight to one arm, and opened the bed with the other, laying her gently down. The room was cool and dark.

‘Sleep now.’

‘But I’m all sticky.’

‘We can shower later.’

‘What time is it?’

‘There is no time right now.’

Reality flooded back. Peter. Peter was going to call her around 6:00. What had she just done?

Emma struggled to sit up, but Derek’s hands on her shoulders pushed her inexorably back.

His head came down, kissing her cheeks and around to one ear. ‘Emma, now is the time to sleep. What’s done is done. We can figure out later where this is all going. Sleep now. Sleep,’ he kept whispering.

Derek’s voice was almost hypnotic in its effect and she felt herself relaxing and drifting away.


Emma could see from the light leaking in around the shades that it was still broad daylight. Disoriented at first, she realized she wasn’t in her own bed waking up from a very nice dream. This was Derek’s house and she’d just made love to him.

Her eyes flew open and her hand went to her mouth as the reality of what had taken place, hours? moments? before sank in. She had completely dishonored her marriage vows. Tears flowed down her face. Emma was indeed now a fallen woman.

Ten minutes later, she crawled out of bed, sticky all over, but especially between her legs where Derek’s semen flowed down freely now that she was standing. Clapping one hand over her pubic area, she scurried for the bathroom she knew she’d find at the end of the hall. She didn’t want to use the one in the master bedroom in case Derek was there.

No matter how much she scrubbed herself in the shower, Emma could not make herself feel clean. Her head throbbed and her body ‘down there’ ached even though she knew Derek had been gentle. She felt between her legs, checking, and discovered that her vagina was open and loose. How could she ever hide this from Peter? He would know immediately upon entering her that she’d been with someone else. Where had her brain been this morning?

She began to cry again as the shower water flowed down over her, unheeded.

The shower door opened and Derek began to step in.

‘Please leave me alone, Derek. I need to be alone.’

He got quickly out. ‘Sure. Absolutely. I’ll be downstairs.’

Fifteen minutes later, she had collected her clothes from Derek’s room, dressed and was walking down the stairs.

‘I’m in the kitchen,’ he called out.

Emma found him at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and staring out at the back yard. He turned to look at her, his expression unreadable.

‘Feeling better now?’ he asked as he got to his feet.

‘A bit.’

‘Want some coffee?’

‘Sure,’ she answered sitting down.

He sat down again and pushed her mug across the table. Instinctively, he knew enough not to get any closer.

‘Care to tell me what you’re thinking?’

She shook her head.

‘Care to let me try to guess?’

Emma’s voice sounded wary when she answered, ‘Okay.’

‘Is it guilt? The fact that you’ve sinned with me against your husband? That you’re worse than worthless now? Not fit company for decent human beings?’

She kept her eye’s steadily downwards. ‘Something like that.’

‘Did you not enjoy what we just did? Was it not done freely and lovingly?’

‘That’s beside the point. I dishonored my marriage.’

‘What marriage? Look deep inside. Can you honestly say that you love Peter anymore? Did you ever really love Peter, and most important, did he ever love you?’

Emma felt like clapping her hands over her ears. Her nerves felt raw and chaffed. She wanted to run away.

Derek reached out and took her hands. ‘Emma, please look at me.’ She did as he asked. ‘Do you think I took any advantage of you?’

She shook her head. ‘No. I did this to myself.’

‘Do you think this might be an evolution for you? That you’re getting ready to move on?’

She examined her most inner feelings and couldn’t decide what she felt anymore. Everything was so confused, nothing clear, nothing solid enough to hold on to.

‘You once told me that you wanted to find out what sex could really be like. Now you know. Do you think it was a bad experience?’


‘Are you glad you did it?’

Emma thought about that for several minutes, and the best she could come up with was, ‘Sort of.’

‘I’m going to tell you something. Part of it is really going to hurt you and for that I’m sorry.’

Derek gripped her hands tighter and she looked at him again. His expression was as tight as his hands.

‘I told you once I was your friend, first and foremost, and that I never lie to my friends. Do you believe that?’

Emma nodded once.

‘When Peter and I were playing golf yesterday, I got him talking. I almost wish that I hadn’t because he told me things.’

‘You said that last night, but wouldn’t tell me what. Why are you changing your mind now?’

‘I’ll tell you after I tell you what Peter said.’

‘Okay.’ Emma felt very unsure where this was going.

‘There’s no easy way to say this,’ Derek began, ‘but Peter is planning on leaving you and he asked me to help him.’

Emma felt as if the world had shifted sideways. Perhaps it was me, she thought hazily when the next thing she knew. Derek was holding her in his arms as he led her into the living room and lay her on the sofa.

‘Be right back,’ he said and disappeared for a moment, returning with her second wet towel of the day. Folding it, he lay it on her forehead. The cool moistness felt very good. ‘You fainted, and I just barely caught you before you hit the floor.’ He smiled warmly. ‘You’ve had a tough day.’

The words ‘my husband is leaving me’ floated through her head and Emma started to feel things slipping away again.

Derek was sitting on the floor next to her, holding one of her hands in his.

‘Do you want me to continue?’


‘Peter has been having an affair with his executive assistant for nearly two years.’

Emma felt the import of what that timeframe meant and started to cry. ‘That’s when I found out I couldn’t have babies. I lost him because we couldn’t have a family.’

‘That’s basically what he said, too. Marie is fertile. She’s going to have Peter’s baby.’

Emma sobbed for nearly half an hour, her body wracked as the sorrow washed over her. What difference did it make now what she’d done with Derek? She was a complete and utter failure as a woman. If Derek hadn’t been patiently holding her hand, saying soothing words, she had no idea what she might have done.

As her sorrow gave way to weariness, Derek said, ‘May I tell you something else, Emma? Something good?’

She didn’t
have the energy left to answer.

‘Emma, as you’re well aware, I’ve known many, many women.’ He shook his head. ‘Two called while you were asleep, wanting to know if they could have a ‘consultation’. Emma please look at me.’

She turned her head.

‘I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever say this to a woman, but over the past month I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with you.’

‘You’re just saying that because you’re my friend.’

He shook his head. ‘No. I am dead serious. Let me finish what I need to tell you, then you’ll know.’

Emma sat up. ‘Okay. I’m listening.’

Derek stayed on the floor in front of her, talking for a long time. He told Emma more about her husband’s ‘liaison’ (as Peter had referred to it) with this Marie person. Each word was like a body blow to the poor woman, but as Emma herself pointed out during the conversation, she was no better than Marie.

Not only had Peter been sneaking around with Marie for 2 years (all the nights coming home late because of ‘work’), they had been traveling together on all those trips. With the advancement to New York, Peter saw the possibility of starting over with his new woman. She’d follow him and they’d get married in a year or two with a ready-made family. The problem was getting rid of Emma. He needed evidence of her ‘moral turpitude’ to be able to divorce her quickly.

‘Peter asked me to try to seduce you, although he doubted it would work,’ Derek told her with a grin. ‘If I was successful, he would pay me to testify against you in court.’

Emma was shocked, sad, but most of all, angry now. ‘And you agreed to do this for him. Is that what all this has been about?’

Derek quickly sat next to her, putting his arm around her. ‘Didn’t I just tell you that I’m in love with you, dear sweet Emma? That is and will always remain the truth.’

She nodded. ‘And what did you tell that rat?’

‘That I would think about it.’

‘And did you?’

‘I’ve spent the past 24 hours thinking of nothing else, but not about what he wants from me, but what I can do to him.’

‘And what have you come up with?’

‘This,’ Derek said as he wrapped his arms around Emma and told her his plan.


Two days later, Peter pulled into driveway and noticed that his house was dark. When he got to the front door, that was locked, too. Glancing at Derek’s house, he saw that the lights were on.

He hadn’t heard from his neighbor since he’d left for New York, even though he’d promised to call. Now that he hadn’t gotten the promotion, all of Peter’s plans had changed. If Derek had somehow managed to seduce Emma, things would be really grim. How could he take back a soiled wife?

Entering the house he wondered where Emma might be. She wouldn’t be out when she knew he’d be arriving home.

Dear God! Peter suddenly thought. What if Derek has gone ahead without talking to me? What if my neighbor had somehow managed to seduce my wife? Was she next door right now?

He ran up the stairs, knowing that he would be able to hear everything from the bedroom if Derek ran true to form.

But at the top of the stairs he received a surprise. The bedroom door was shut. Not only that, he couldn’t open it. Strange it hadn’t had a lock when he’d left. As he paused to think about this, he clearly heard the sound of Emma’s voice.

‘Derek, that is just so naughty of you, touching me there. What you want is farther along… Oh yes! That is so good! Keep fucking me just like that…Ah, ah, ah. I’m going to cum again. Make me cum again!’

Emma’s voice changed to moans, then a long gasping groan as she obviously came very hard.

Peter’s anger boiled over. Pounding on the door, he shouted, ‘Let me in, you goddamned whore! You’ve betrayed me! I’ll throw you and all your stuff out on the street and tell the world what you are!’

Someone padded over to the door and slid two bolts back. It opened and there was Emma, nude, sweaty, but her body had a glow and her face had a radiance that he’d never seen before. Behind her stood Derek, tall and threatening, his arms crossed. He too, was naked but it did not diminish him in any way. Peter’s eyes dropped to take in the size of Derek’s manhood and he suddenly felt like a little boy.

‘There you are my dear, sweet, lying hubby,’ Emma said sweetly, but her eyes had a dangerous glint. ‘Sorry to give you a homecoming you weren’t expecting. Or perhaps you were?’


Derek said, ‘I told Emma everything, Peter.’

Emma added, ‘It might interest you to know that I’d begun to fall under Derek’s spell long before this week. Last week we had a wonderful evening on our sofa where he licked me to several glorious orgasms. I was desperate to find out what that felt like since you never would. This afternoon I sucked him until he came in my mouth. Actually, we’ve spent the day in bed fucking.

Peter’s eyes dropped down and he could see that Emma’s genitals were red and swollen.

‘You slut! You have betrayed me.’

He took a step forward, but so did Derek, putting his arms lightly on Emma’s shoulders.

‘I wouldn’t try anything Richards — unless you want to go to the hospital. Now just be a good boy and listen to what your wife wants to tell you.’

‘Bastard!’ Peter screamed at him.

His neighbor laughed. ‘No doubt.’

Emma smiled at him. ‘Now listen closely, dear husband, all of your clothes are in the front bedroom. You’re going to take them and leave.’

‘And where am I supposed to go? This is my house! You leave!’

She shook her head. ‘Tempting…but no. You no longer live here.’ Then she turned to Derek. ‘Wait, Derek love, I’ve just had the most brilliant idea. I’ll just move in with you. Then little Peter wouldn’t have to be out on the street.’

Peter saw immediately the diabolical nature of what his wife was suggesting. He’d have to lie in bed listening to the sounds of her being fucked every night. He’d have to watch her with someone else every day. The neighbors… Oh God, the shame of it all. His shoulders slumped in defeat.

‘I’ll leave.’

‘Perhaps Marie will take you in.’

Emma’s words hit him like a slap to his face. That rat Derek had told her everything.

‘Listen to something else, dear sweet husband. We hired a private detective to follow you in New York. We have evidence of you and Marie together.’

‘You what?’

‘Since Monday night. We hired detectives to follow you. Now, if you’re a good boy, and don’t contest our divorce, I will share the proceeds from selling this house with you, and I won’t show several damning photos and videos to your company, but you have to promise to leave now and never bother me again. We will only have contact through our lawyers. Is that clear?’

Peter felt as if he was going to cry, and couldn’t bear the thought of anyone seeing his defeat. So he turned on his heel, went to the front room and started removing the garbage bags strewn around.

After his third trip, he found Emma at the top of the stairs. He hardly knew her as she stood there naked. Never had she looked so alluring, he thought.

‘I’m sorry that things turned out this way, Peter. I really tried hard for a very long time. I guess you could say we both broke faith, each with the other. I hope you make a good life for yourself. When you’re finished removing your things, be a lamb and turn off the lights and lock the door. Derek and I have some things to finish now that the interruption is over. Good night.’

Despite himself, Peter watched his wife sway down the hall. He’d never really appreciated how beautiful, how sexual she was. Her slender form, her long legs, her sexy bottom.

Now, it was all too late.

The door to their bedroom shut and he was alone. He turned to continue removing the last of his clothes.

In the bedroom, Derek was lying on his back, his magnifice
nt cock towering rampant above his body. She had to have more of it.

Bouncing onto the bed, Emma straddled him, lined his erection up with her opening and began to sink down on it.

‘It’s going in a lot easier now, don’t you think?’ she said, smiling radiantly.

Derek reached up to take Emma’s luscious bottom in his large hands. ‘Oh yes, my dear sweet Emma, but you’re still very tight and the best fuck I’ve ever had.’

‘My goodness, how you talk!’ she giggled and kissed him, her tongue snaking into his mouth.

When their lips broke apart, Derek said, ‘That went all right, didn’t it?’

Emma suddenly looked serious as she sat, impaled on his cock, hands on his chest. ‘I really hated myself in some respects to do it to him, but you were correct as always, my love. It was the right way to do it. Peter had that shock coming to him.’

She began to move again, just slight rises and falls. Emma felt stuffed, but whole for the first time in her life, as if Derek’s penis completed her by filling in this special empty area inside her. She began to roll her hips as she fucked him and immediately felt an orgasm announce its immanent arrival with little sparks shooting through her abdomen.

She felt her love for this wonderful man flow from her. How lucky they were to have found each other.

Emma was making so much noise, they didn’t hear the final slamming of the front door as Peter left, a childish attempt to get her attention.

She wouldn’t have cared even if she had heard it.

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Does this guy ever leave the estate? I soon got the impression that the butler was stalling for time, but not why. He was all excited to escort me to Toledo to see it from the eyes of someone who grew up there. “Please pardon my needing to step away. That was someone I hadn’t seen in years. They were telling me about those in their family who had passed away who was close to my wife and her family. Talking to you had brought back memories as if I had made them days ago. Thank you for...

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How Do I Move On

Have you ever lost a loved one? Sat there, having them slip away suddenly? I have. It destroyed me. It destroyed my life. How would I move on? Should I move on? It happened one night as we were driving back from a movie. I was in the front, she, Monica was in the back, Nathan was driving. A great movie it was too, Sleepy Hollow. We were enthralled in praising the movie, too enthralled to notice as we turned right across the intersection the car that skipped the red light to our left. I...

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Was It Fate

  I lead the typical boring life of a stay at home mom. My husband Tim got a big promotion at work that made it possible for me to quit my job and become a simple housewife and to be at home for our 10 year old son Billy. We got married when we were both 20, I was a virgin, and we had Billy 2 years later. For a woman of 32 I think I look pretty damn good, though my husband never really tells me that. I am 5' 5” and weigh about 120lbs. I think most of my weight is in my tits. They are...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 580

The Retreat ...”Since I’m almost a wife, would you mind if I go with you when you talk to her? I promise that I’ll leave you alone with her after a little while.” “Honest, Tosha, I haven’t kissed her, or even talked with her in private more than a few times.” Then with a quiet sigh, “Yeah, I knew that she was looking at me in that special way, but I thought ... Oh, shit. How do I get myself into these things?” he said again. Then in frustration and almost to himself, “Isn’t a group of...

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My LifeChapter 3 The California Years

A funny thing about the SR-71; it was originally called the RS-71 just like all other aircraft like the RB66, the RF-4C EC-130 and so on. The first letter denotes the mission the second letter denotes the type of aircraft. So an F-15 is a fighter jet, a C-130 is a cargo plane. An RC is a reconnaissance cargo aircraft, but the SR-71 is slightly different. It is a reconnaissance supersonic aircraft so it should be a RS-71, but since the 71 is not really a fighter, it is a reconnaissance...

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Math Teacher

It was just like any other day for 20 year old Jason. He woke up, got dressed, went down for breakfast. Just before he got downstairs he heard his parents yelling again and his dad leave for work. His mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee and as he ate he asked her what was wrong ... she said "Nothing ... you know your father ... when he is late he gets cranky". Jason shrugged and finished breakfast. On his way to the local university, Jason was just sort of daydreaming, not really...

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Giving her a good soaking

It had taken long enough to organize, but it was worth it. Finally she was there, lying on her back, her white thong already darkening where it pressed against her wet, ready pussy. But we weren't here for pussy. No, the 6 of us, footballing mates from a Sunday league side, were here to fulfill a fantasy - hers and ours - that centered on her tits and our cum. And now, as she lay in front of us, coyly looking each of us in the eye, running her tongue over her lips, we couldn't wait."Oh boys,"...

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Poor Hunter

Do you remember the Academy Award winning movie "Rain Man"? Dustin Hoffman won an Academy award for his character of the autistic Raymond Babbitt. Well I am not as bad as that, but I do have Asperger's syndrome. For the most part, I am just like you, just a bit quirky. All right, a lot quirky. Us "Aspies" cannot decode social cues. Most people understand that if the person they are speaking with is yawning and looking at their watch, it is time to go. People with Aspergers are unable to...

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Vintage Movies

It's no secret I love the movies I watched in the 70's so I still Love watching the ones (I can still remember). I used to go to this movie theater with my friends and watch at lease 2-3 movies on a Friday or Saturday night. I had never thought about anything more than Straight Porn. Then I got into wearing womens panties,borrowing them,stealing them from relatives and wearing them to jerk off. (Wish we would've had digital camera's back then). I remember dating this girl when I was 19 and this...

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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 18

She let me lead her upstairs and we took a nice long shower together. We didn’t talk in the shower. I think she was still trying to wrap her brain around what just happened and how she reacted to it. I helped her dry off and we went into the bedroom. I led her to the bed and we stretched out on our sides facing each other. She still has a slightly dazed look on her face. I smiled and said, “I wouldn’t have started that if I thought you’d regret it or if I thought you couldn’t handle it....

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Hot Tub and Forbidden Fruit

Emily again. I told you about how I met Paul and Sara in "Hot Tub Service Girl" and how I met their son Jeff in "Hot Tub and Whipped Cream." Well, if that wasn't wild enough, things got even more interesting later that summer. I had to laugh ... when I was in high school, all the girls in the shower used to call me "No-boobs" and brag about the great sex they were getting from the guys, while I was getting zilch. Things didn't much change in college. My tits weren't really any bigger,...

4 years ago
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Our new baby sitters mum 6

On Sunday morning I was naked when I opened the door to Helen and Wendy. “I was hoping that it was you two. I'd hate to open the door naked and find that it was a Jehovah's witness or whatever.” We all giggled. They came in and dropped the pieces of cloth that they had wrapped around their naked bodies for the walk across the road from their place to ours. Wendy went outside to play with Phillipa and Mary. Helen joined John and me in the kitchen. We were anxious to hear about the...

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Salesman humping

Hi ISS readers, thanks for the response shown by all of you. This has prompted me to write one more experience. This was a real shattering experience with a sales man who came in to sell bra and panties and ended up making me his slave. The door knocked, it was late noon and I was enjoying a nice nap after all my house work. I came in the sleeveless gown I was in, forgetting to wear the jacket, and again I wasn’t wearing my bra, so my boobs were ogling freely. I opened the door to find this...

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Hardon Family 05 Convention Surprise

John was in an unusual position! Unusual for him, that is. At six-four, two hundred pounds, with an eleven-inch slab of meat that jutted out like a monster club from a jungle of crotch hair when he was hard—like he was now—he didn't often find himself on his knees at the edge of a king-sized bed, resting his weight on his forearms, so that his hard-mus­cled butt was sticking in the air. And he didn't often find himself waiting eagerly to play mare to another man's stal­lion—like he was...

3 years ago
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Illicit Affair Chapter 4 Drunk in Lust

The lights in Gabriel’s condo illuminated the hall as soon as he flicked on the light switch. He shut the door when Rachel stepped inside, and then helped her out of her coat first before he hung his own in the closet. “Make yourself at home.” The ceiling lights in the living room dimly glowed as Rachel entered Gabriel’s “lair” for the very first time. It felt like uncharted territory. I can’t believe I’m actually in his personal space, she thought, standing in awe, taking in the each...

Office Sex
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Four Wheeling Ladies Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was out on a photo shoot on a remote trail in the woods. I stopped for a bit, to rest, removed my shirt and wiped my brow with it. It was warm today. Off to one side of the trail was an old tree trunk lying about a foot off the ground. I walked over and sat down. In the distance I could hear the sound of engines getting closer. I guessed they were four- wheelers or maybe dirt bikes. I would soon find out as the sound got...

Group Sex
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“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...

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Cow goes Moo

“Sorry cous’.” Billy Bob replied, shaking his head to his cousin. “But ah gotta get these cows to ARIZONA!” “Ya hafta scream that everytime don’t ya.” Abigail annoyingly replied,rubbing her temples. “But mah prize bull is in season and needs a mate. Can’t ya spare one?” “Sorry cous’.” Billy Bob replied, turning to get in his truck. “But da order was for all ya cows. Ah can’t do nothin’ else.” Frustrated, Abigail stormed off, not even bothering to say goodbye to her cousin. This was a...

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The senior prom was only two weeks’ away, and I needed a ball gown. I didn’t have anything of that sort, as I had never expected to be invited. I wasn’t a senior, but was in the year below – in fact, at the time, I was not quite seventeen. However, one of the graduating class, a nice enough but rather nerdy boy called Brad, had asked me to go with him. It was a surprise; I didn’t know him very well at all. Perhaps he couldn’t find anyone in his own year – or it might have been because...

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Big FeelingChapter 5

Two weeks later found me sequestered in a cheap guest house in the picturesque town of Arles in the South of France. Arles was a town where Van Gogh had spent a year of his life painting and where several of his works were on display. Every year there was a festival in honour of Van Gogh. As part of this there was a prominent local music festival that we'd (two other bands and yours truly) been booked to play. It was a two night thing that promised to be quite an attraction. Several French...

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my best friend part two0

We spent the rest of the week end in a routine that was, in the morning after breakfast I would eat her pussy then she would return the favor and in the afternoon we would watch a movie, which we could never finish because of our renewed sexual vigor causing us to have slow sex in synch with the movie then we would have dinner and head upstairs where we would go straight to the initial sex but at least three times before we (or I) quit from exhaustion, her sex drive was so high that she would...

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Sex with my Mother Chapter 2

It took us an hour to open the place up and to roll back the covering off the swimming pool, then we spent another hour trawling round the local supermercado, it really was hot, but that was why dad bought the villa in the first place.Once we'd done it, all mum stripped down to her minuscule panties and asked me to do the honors. We'd been traveling for about seven hours, and we were both very hot and very sweaty, but as I knelt to take her panties off, her natural aroma filled my senses, and...

4 years ago
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TranquilityPart 3 Over His Knee

We got into his car and took the drive back to his house. “Are you hungry?” he asked. “Yes, very, but I don’t have any money,” I confessed. “Don’t worry, I got this one,” he said with a smile. We went to the drive through and ordered hamburgers and sodas. As soon as we got to his place, he locked up his gun. We immediately tore into the food, which we finished in about ten minutes at most. “Nice place you have here,” I said, trying to be polite. I lied. The place was drab at best. It was...

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The Two Rooms at the Back

One of my favorite things to do after a long, tedious night at work was to visit the adult bookstore. I used to tell myself “I’m just going to go watch a little porn” as I went into the next room where all the video booths were but really, deep down it was to rationalize my love for the anonymous (and very hot) sex that I knew I would find. I could tell myself whatever I wanted but the excitement I felt as I walked through the door told me it was just a lie. Tonight was no different. The whole...

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Claire ConvertsChapter 15

When we got home, we dropped off Amy and Jim and said good night, and then we headed into our house. Jake went to get a drink, and I went upstairs to get undressed and take a shower. When I came out, Jake was sitting on the bed waiting for me. "Do you want to explain what the conversation that I had with Becky in the car was all about?" I asked as I dried my hair. He nodded and said, "Becky's boyfriend must have shared part of our conversation with her." He stood up and walked over to...

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40 Papa was a Rodeo

[Lords and ladies of Literotica, if you could italicize the first 5 paragraphs and the last 4 ‘twould be great. Chapter titles would also look awesome in bold. This is the third that I have submitted for my 69 Love Stories series. They won’t be coming in order (e.g., 40 submitted before 8), but I would like them to be listed in numerical order on my submissions site. Thanks again!] Hi! This is the third in my 69 Love Stories series, each of which is loosely inspired by one of the songs from...

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Tiefgreifende Vernderungen

„Mann so ein Kackwetter", fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen. „Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können", meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die...

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Iam the Neighborhood Cock Sucker Gay

Knoxville is a great city to raise a family, with conservative, religious values, and I was fortunate to have lived there all my life. My name is Jason, and my life was typical I suppose, having met Emily, the girl who would become my wife, when we were juniors in high school. We dated for the rest of high school and then through college at the University of Tennessee.We got married right after graduation, and both worked, living in an apartment for four years while we saved for a down payment...

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My wife secret lovers Part 1

My wife used to go out with her best friend every Friday night about 7.30 she used to get in about 3.30am absoulouly pissed I used to pretend to be asleep she stumbled about the room as she took her dress off unhooked her bra and threw it on the floor and the slipped her black knickers off and kicked them to one side then she slowley slipped into bed. I waited until her breathing got deeper before I started to feel her tits and her large nipples became erect, she was now in a deep sleep. I then...

Cheating Wifes
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Girls Wearing Pajama Bottoms

Girls Wearing Pajama Bottoms When she came down the stairs in a little white T-shirt with spaghetti straps and wearing her pink flowered silky pajama bottoms I said, “Your not going out in those.” Tabatha smiled and said, “Oh Daddy, you’re just being old fashioned. Lots of girls are wearing these out in public. I’m sure that you have noticed.” Actually I had noticed and I had even gotten erections too, which I was not too proud of. Sometimes at night watching Tabatha doing some...

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The Secret Life of Emily Part 2

“My God you`re such a little snitch Cassie, you wouldn’t dare tell Mum and Dad.” Stormed Emily to her sister. “Oh I really would Em.” Smiled Cassie. “What do you think they would say when they find out that you`re working at The Secret Life club? Everyone knows what goes on there.” “And what's that then you horrible little bitch?” Demanded Emily. “People go there to screw.” Emily laughed. “And what exactly do you know about screwing, you tight assed little virgin.” Cassie allowed the...

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The big date

Huney you wear my dress better than I ever did.{I had been cross dressing for a month or so but not in public. My sister wanted me to double date with her and her fiancee. His best friend was home for the summer. She had been giving me make up help and lots of girly advice.I had shave d my body and not worn boy clothes for 2 weeks. Mom thought it was a big game}“Sis quit k**ding me.Can I pass as a woman?. I am still unsure about all this but I want to look like a girl and not get outed” {Her...

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Sword and Sorcery

Swords & Sorcery Darumar the warrior paused as he saw the yellow glow of a lamp through the branches. A cold autumn wind rustled the trees and made him pull his cloak tighter around his body. Chainmail armour made of steel rings was not the warmest thing to wear on a night like this and the prospect of the warmth the cottage ahead promised was welcome indeed. Yet still he hesitated. Magic worried him. He was a plain man, simple and strong. Not stupid, he had plenty of quick...

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