Run Ch. 02 free porn video

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This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity.

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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission.

This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD’s, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.

This is part of an ongoing series. Please check out earlier part(s) for background and character history.

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Gail had been talking with Mr. Keibler and a number of other Special Olympics volunteers. The athletes were having a morning of practice which seemed to be a great deal of fun. It was a bit intoxicating for Gail. Todd still seemed a bit nervous, but he was loosening up.

The rest of the volunteers, with a few exceptions, were middle-aged or older persons, most of whom were female. Gail didn’t think she’d ever met a nicer group of people. She almost forgot that the reason she had volunteered to help in the first place was because she had sort of been caught stalking Pat and had to think up something quick.

Gail hadn’t actually seen more than a glimpse of her quarry of curiosity all morning. The girl had been working with her brother Buddy on his track skills. Pat, who normally wore the same color slacks and tee-shirt every day, was actually wearing comfortable shorts that day, and Gail found herself envying Pat’s legs. ‘Those things are fucking ripped!’ she thought, determining that her own legs were suddenly quite homely.

She wandered over and grabbed another tray of sports drinks, taking them from venue to venue and distributing them to grateful participants. She smiled at Todd, who was doing measures over at the long jump. Then she noticed that his smile vanished and he was staring opened eyed at something directly behind Gail. She turned around.

There was Pat. The smile that Gail had seen on the girl’s face earlier that week and even earlier that day was gone. A more stern and familiar visage adorned her face.

‘May I ask what you’re doing here?’ Pat asked evenly.

Gail looked like a deer in the headlights. She held up a cup. ‘Gatorade?’

Pat just stared at her.

‘I’m a volunteer here . . . now.’ Gail was withering under the force of that stare. ‘I just started today.’

Pat’s face almost made an expression, and it was one that made the other girl nervous. It was almost a sneer.

‘You just HAPPEN to start volunteering here the same week that your buddy Keith tries to dig up dirt on me? Yes,’ she started in response to Gail’s unspoken defense, ‘I see you two together all the time, so don’t try denying it. Christ, I almost bought his ‘I’m sorry’ line too. Now he’s got you spying on me for him?’

Gail hated being on the defensive, so she did the first (and probably not wisest) thing she could think of. ‘Kiss my ass!’ she said.

There was a moment of silence, and Gail realized she had just said something provoking to a potentially dangerous girl, so she realized she needed to say something else.

‘Keith has nothing to do with me being here today. He thought I was crazy for doing it,’ she added.

‘Don’t lie to me,’ Pat responded, a little venom in her voice. ‘You honestly expect me to believe that it is coincidence that Keith’s friend is volunteering . . .’

‘Good grief, Keith didn’t put me up to this! Why can’t you get that through your head?! I was curious as to where you hurried off to after school, so I followed you once, and it was entirely my deal. Well, I drug Todd along, but he’s a boyfriend and therefore has little choice.’ Gail had meant that to lighten the mood, but Pat wasn’t biting.

‘Why is everyone suddenly so damn concerned with what I do?’ Pat shot back.

‘Because . . .’ Gail gave in a bit. ‘Because you’re different and we’re just a bunch of kids with nothing else to do but try and figure out why. I saw you out here and saw how . . . how much fun you seemed to be having and how much fun THEY were having,’ she said, waving at the athletes, ‘that I decided to help out. Honest. If you’re going to get mad at anyone, don’t make it Keith. Be mad at me.’

‘No problem,’ Pat replied. She had another statement on the edge of her lips when she found herself wrapped up in an enthusiastic hug. Her brother had run over and had wrapped his pale arms around her and was trying to jump up and down with his captive.

‘I did it!’ he exclaimed. ‘I took third!’ He had an enormous smile on his wide face, and Pat’s face lit up when she saw it.

‘Excellent Buddy!’ she replied with a warmth that Gail couldn’t imagine coming from the woman. ‘Did you keep your head down and watch the lines like I told you?’

‘I did good! I did good!’ came the only response Pat was likely to get. He looked at Gail, not losing that smile. ‘Hi! I ran and got third!’

‘So I hear,’ Gail said. If she was going to avoid being eviscerated by Pat, she figured being cool with her brother would be a good plan. ‘Great job!’

‘Thanks!’ He turned back to Pat. ‘I want to run again! Watch me!’

‘Buddy, we’ve got to get home and get you cleaned up before the movie. You want to go to the movie with your friends, don’t you?’

‘Yeah, but . . . ‘ Buddy stopped and rubbed his finger up and down the bridge of his nose. ‘But I want to run again!’

‘Okay,’ Pat said. She stunk at telling Buddy ‘no.’ ‘But you’ll have to run really fast, so we don’t miss our ride, okay? Just a couple more times around.’

‘Okay!’ he said, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her back to the track.

Todd wandered over and put his arm around Gail’s shoulders, and it almost made her jump out of her skin.

‘Calm down! You’re like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!’ he said.

‘I’m sorry. I thought she was going to beat the hell out of me. She thinks I’m here as a spy for Keith or something.’

‘You are.’

‘Am not! I’m here spying for me and me alone. You’re just here because you’re cute.’

‘I feel so cheap,’ he replied back, giving her a kiss on the lips.

Unbeknownst to them, Pat looked back and saw them with each other. Her heart felt tight in her chest, so she quickly looked away. That type of happiness wasn’t meant for people like her. She watched as Buddy took off down the track, and her heart felt a little lighter.

Mr. Keibler wandered by where Gail and Todd were standing. ‘Hey, I’m getting ready to head over to the theater, so would you two mind doing me a favor?’

‘Sure,’ Gail said. ‘Anything.’ She quickly realized what a mistake that statement was.

‘Excellent! Are you two going to the movie? We’re seeing Madagascar!’

‘Sure,’ Todd said, then looked a little embarrassed. He was a bit of an animated-film fan.

‘Good. Could you give Pat and Buddy a ride? I was going to take them, but I’ve got to get going. Thanks! It’s a real help!’ he said as he turned and headed towards his car, leaving a wide-eyes and slack-jawed pair of teenagers behind him.

‘Oh . . .’ Todd said.

‘. . . shit,’ Gail finished. She turned around. Buddy was half-way around the track and looked exhausted, and Pat was looking a little worried. Gail stiffened up her back and walked over. Todd stayed at a safe distance.

‘Uhm . . . Mr. Keibler had to leave and asked us to give you and Buddy a ride to the movie,’ she said nervously. The anger that Pat must have felt was almost visibly tangible.

‘What?’ she said slowly, turning around and seeing that, i
ndeed, Mr. Keibler was gone. ‘Is this your idea of a joke?’ she asked.

‘No. I kind of backed into it on accident. Listen, I’m happy to give you guys a lift. I promise I won’t ask any questions or say anything. And if us being here pisses you off so badly, we’ll stop after today. Okay?’

Pat mulled it over. ‘Very well,’ she replied clearly.

Buddy finished his run and ran over with his characteristic cheerfulness and hug. Gail noticed that the first thing Pat did was check his pulse. After a few seconds, she seemed . . . relieved.

‘Buddy, this is . . . Gail,’ Pat said, trying to remember the girl’s name.

‘And this is Todd,’ Gail said. Todd offered his hand to Buddy, who shook it vigorously. Gail was proud of her man.

‘Gail’s giving us a ride home and then to the movie,’ Pat said, trying to force cheer into her voice. ‘How does that sound?’

‘Yay!’ Buddy exclaimed. ‘Can I ride up front?’

Gail smiled. ‘Absolutely. You can be my copilot.’

‘I’m a copilot!’ Buddy shouted at his sister.

Pat had wanted to object, but it was too late. ‘Well, hopefully it won’t hurt.’

Gail noticed that Pat seemed less than enthusiastic. As soon as she pointed out where her car was, Buddy was off at a trot. ‘I hope that’s okay. I didn’t mean . . .’

‘He just doesn’t get to sit up front very often,’ Pat interrupted. She stopped there. No point in going into THAT story.

The three teenagers strolled after their more enthusiastic counterpart.

Gail decided to risk conversation. ‘This is going to sound stupid, I know, but . . . but what kind of handicap does Buddy have?’

Pat didn’t turn her head. She was debating whether or not this was something they needed to know. Then she sighed. ‘He has Down Syndrome, and has some problems with his hearing. That’s why he talks so loud,’ she continued.

‘Does he have high blood pressure or something? I saw you taking his pulse.’

Pat turned. ‘Listen, I don’t know what you’re after, but my brother is off limits, okay? Whatever you people have planned . . .’

‘There is no plan!’ Gail almost shouted.

Todd felt obliged to step in. ‘She’s not kidding. She never really plans anything.’

Gail glared at her now-on-thin-ice boyfriend, then looked back at Pat. ‘We’re not trying to hurt or embarrass or . . . anything . . . anybody. I’m just trying to make conversation, and I’m trying to understand things.’

Pat fought to keep her temper and suspicions under control. ‘He’s at a high risk for developing heart problems. I just try to keep an eye open for signs.’

Gail decided to stop with the questions as Pat was already on edge. They climbed into Gail’s car. Pat looked uncomfortable, like she didn’t know how to behave. She and Todd sat as far apart from each other as possible. Buddy, on the other hand, was investigating everything from the glove compartment to the fuzzy dice and air freshener hanging from the rear-view mirror. He stuck his head out the window, much to the chagrin of his sister.

As odd as things had been that day, Gail was in for an even bigger shock. This one came in the form of the house that Pat and buddy called home. The house at the other end of the iron gate and long driveway. It was huge! There had to be a couple dozen rooms in that place!

And what was weirder was the Pat looked embarrassed about it. ‘C’mon Buddy. Get up to your room and get cleaned up,’ she said, as soon as they walked inside. About that time, what appeared to be a butler strode up.

‘Hello, Ms. Baker,’ he said, a faint smile on his lips as he noticed the other young people in Pat’s presence. ‘You have . . . company?’

Gail wondered why the man seemed so surprised. Didn’t Pat EVER have people over?

‘Don’t start,’ she said, albeit a bit fondly. ‘This is Gail and Todd. They’re temporary volunteers for the Springfield Special Olympics chapter,’ she said, emphasizing ‘temporary.’ She looked at the two interlopers. ‘Would you two like to get cleaned up or . . . I guess . . . uhm . . .’

‘That’s alright,’ Todd said smoothly, realizing that Pat was struggling to be polite. ‘We really didn’t do anything sweat-inducing.’

‘Why don’t you go shower and I’ll get your friends something to drink while we wait?’

‘They’re not friends,’ Pat said sharply, then realized how bitchy she had sounded.

‘Of course,’ the man said, a little more somber . . . almost as if disappointed. He watched as Pat went upstairs.

‘I’m sorry,’ Gail said when Pat had vanished from view. ‘That was a little awkward.’

‘It’s alright,’ the man said kindly. ‘I’m used to it. My name is Tobias Smith, by the way. I work for Patrice’s parents.

Gail’s eyes opened wide. ‘Her name is Patrice?’

Tobias smiled and winked. ‘And she HATES being called that, so I would advise against it.’

Todd made a ‘zip’ motion across his mouth. Patrice was . . . well, a ‘girly’ name.

Tobias fetched two glasses of lemonade, then sat down next to the young couple.

‘Does . . . does Pat never have friends over?’ Gail asked.

‘I don’t know if I should be discussing Ms. Baker’s affairs with anyone,’ he said.

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.’

‘Yes you did,’ Todd said. ‘You’ve been curious about her for a week.’

Gail nudged him in the ribs with her elbow.

‘She is a bit of an oddity,’ Tobias said.

Gail stood up and stretched her legs. Then she noticed a couple of large cases against the far wall of the parlor, and that those cases contained trophies of some kind. She went over and had a look.

One case contained a scattering of awards, military medals and trophies with the name ‘Reginald Baker’ engraved on them. ‘Must be her dad,’ Gail thought. The trophies seemed to be martial arts related, with a lot of second and third places won.

The second case really caught her attention. More martial arts trophies, but all of them had Pat’s name on them, and there were a whole lot of first-place markers there. She noticed that Tobias was next to her.

‘For crying out loud, these are ALL hers?’

‘Yes,’ the man said proudly as Todd joined them. ‘Ms. Baker is quite an athlete. She’s been competing since she was barely out of diapers. She’s won tournaments in six different countries on three continents. She’s currently taking a break from active competition.’

‘Good grief! I knew she was dangerous, but damn!’ Todd muttered.

‘She’s not dangerous . . . really,’ Mr. Smith said. He was obviously wondering if he had said too much.

Gail looked towards the magnificent spiral staircase where Pat had vanished to. ‘Mr. Smith, we’re not just volunteers. We go to the same school that Pat does. She got into a bit of a scuffle with a friend . . . actually, she kinda almost broke his arm. Apparently he was ‘in her way,’ and I got curious so I followed her to find out where she was going and now I’m volunteering for the Special Olympics which I really think could be fun . . .’

‘Remember to breathe,’ Todd said.

Gail paused. She had just completely leveled with a veritable stranger’s butler about her stalking habits, and wasn’t quite sure what to expect at that point. She just really wanted to understand Pat, and she had a feeling that Tobias might know things. And he was obviously fond of the girl.

‘She’s . . . a complicated girl,’ Tobias said. ‘And there are reasons she is the way she is. If you are genuinely interested in getting to know her, I think the end rewards would be worth it.’

Todd pulled Gail close to him. ‘That’s polite-speak for ‘leave it alone’ sweetie.’

Gail nodded. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or anything. Sometimes I wonder if she realizes that if she really wants to be left alone that acting so . . . aloof . . . might not be the way to go.’

‘I don’t think she necessarily wants to be left alone,’ Tobias replied, somewhat quie
tly. He glanced toward the stairs. ‘If you want to understand her you might make better progress if you keep in mind that she . . . Patrice has more of a military mentality than that of an eighteen year old girl. Most of the time anyway.’

Gail was curious about those comments, but didn’t have time to follow up on them as Pat descended the staircase.

‘Almost ready,’ she said, once again adorned her in olive-green pants and black tee-shirt. ‘Buddy is probably messing around again,’ she said, rolling her eyes and allowing a feint smile to play across her lips. Then she straightened up and looked at Tobias. ‘Are . . . Mr. and Mrs. Baker around?’ she asked.

‘No ma’am. Your father is out on the course with a client, and your mother is . . .’

‘At work?’ came the bitter interruption. It was about then that Pat remembered that there were other people in the room. She may be a bit of an isolationist, but she still had manners. ‘Did Tobias show you around?’

‘I thought I might leave that to you,’ the butler said, then exited through a door.

Patrice was annoyed. She knew what Tobias was trying to do, as the crafty old fox had been trying to get her to be more sociable for many years. He had just stuck her in the role of hostess, and it was a role she was quite unsuited for.

‘I guess . . . uhm . . . this is the kitchen,’ she started, not quite sure how to go about this. Room by room, she showed Todd and Gail the entirety of the bottom floor of the spacious estate, including indoor pool, weight room, living room, den, two studies, dining room, entertainment room and home office. She gave a very detailed recitation of the statistics of the house, from square footage to style to history.

Gail realized that Pat wasn’t bragging. She was acting as a tour guide, seemingly with no personal investment in the property.

‘What’s upstairs?’

‘Oh, that’s the personal quarters,’ Pat said.

‘You mean your room?’

‘I guess so,’ came Pat’s reply. There was a moment of awkward silence. ‘Would you like to see it? The upstairs I mean? It’s really not very interesting.’

At that moment, Buddy came charging downstairs. ‘I wanna show my room!’ he said boisterously. He grabbed Gail by the hand and drug her up the stairs.

‘Hey, let go of my girlfriend,’ Todd said, more surprised than anything.

‘Don’t bother,’ Pat said, shaking her head. ‘Once he gets an idea in his head, he’s got to see it through.’

Todd nodded. That was one of the most genuinely human things he had heard her say. He was thinking back to what Tobias had said about her mind set. He was a military brat himself, so he thought he might be able to relate to her.

‘So, your folks are hardcore workers hunh?’

‘You could say that,’ Pat said.

‘What do they do?’

‘Mr. Baker is the president of Global Advertising. Mrs. Baker owns her own import / export company.’

‘Do you always refer to your parents as Mr. and Mrs. Baker?’

Pat stopped for a minute. She heard Buddy’s voice as he showed Gail all his worldly belongings. ‘Most of the time.’

Buddy burst out of his room, Gail still in tow. Much to Pat’s chagrin and surprise, he was pulling Gail into Pat’s room.

‘Buddy! No!’

It was too late.

Gail found herself in the one place she never thought she would be . . . Pat Baker’s bedroom. ‘There’s a lot of porn stories that start out with that line,’ she thought. The room was . . . stark.

Gail couldn’t imagine that this was the room of a teenaged girl. There were no posters, no CD player or CDs, no television or clothes strewn about the floor. There was a simple bed on the bamboo floor. It was a large room with a training dummy, weight bag, weight set and exercise mat. That was it, except . . .

Gail noticed a small, homemade-looking bookshelf next to the bed. On it were some cheap plastic trophies and a few ribbons, all of which were more ‘thanks for competing’ type prizes. And all of them belonged to Michael ‘Buddy’ Baker.

‘Why aren’t these downstairs?’ Gail asked.

‘There . . . there isn’t room,’ Pat said, almost meekly. No one bought the excuse. There was more room downstairs in the entryway for another house, so fitting another trophy shelf wouldn’t be a problem.

‘He got that one for participating in the Springfield Marathon,’ Pat said, an unusual warmth in her voice. ‘He made it a long way on that one. This was for third place in the long jump, but he doesn’t much like that event. He stopped completely when he started doing straight racing and relays. This was his sportsmanship trophy for the 2000 games.’

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Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...

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by Sanity's Plight 1. Quick Beginnings "Some days I feel like work follows me home." She smiles, "You don't seem to mind that much." "Hey, that's not fair." She cocks an eyebrow at him. "If I couldn't work, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I am very good at this, and it's what I do." "I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy you like your work." He's not usually this touchy. He's agitated. Maybe he's getting it from her. "Sorry..." A satyric smile, "Come...

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Fair Warning: This story is mostly a tease, but I hope it leaves you wanting the next chapter. Tom Clark slapped his belly as he looked at himself in the mirror. Rather than the flab he gotten used to over the years, his flat hand met real muscle, and like they said on those old cereal commercials, he no longer pinched more than inch on his waist. It was true that at the age of 47, Tom was in the best shape of his life, and it was all thanks to his daughter, Brin. After a scare with his heart -...

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RUNNING by Rebecca Author's Note: There is one graphic sex scene near the end of this story that might be somewhat offensive to the heterosexual Crossdresser. I do not write from experience -- I just wanted to see if I could write such a scene and, also, it seemed to fit the story better than anything else I could come up with. Chapter 1 Jim pulled his coat up tightly around his neck and looked nervously from side to...

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Walking in my front door and setting the bag containing two bottles of Alcohol on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief as I took off my shoes, I need this today. I'd spent the last few hours, before me and my cousin went and got the liquor, cleaning so there were no drunken mishaps. I peered around my living room to make sure everything was in order, confident it didn't have any trip hazards, I picked up the bag and walked through the living room past the coffee table and into the dining room. I...

Group Sex
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“It was just a routine call” Duran said, “nothing to worry about.” But when they landed on the planet they could tell something was wrong. Was it the air or just the way that the sky looked that made the scout team weary. Either way when they reached the colony and it was deserted Sgt. Duran called out. “Ears open eyes up, stay frosty I don’t like the look of this”. “Oh man” L.Cpl. Mendez said, “What can take out a whole colony like this, every building, every house, all gone”. “Cut the...

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Cute Love Story

Hey girls and guys, this is Adi again with another story. This story is a work of fiction from my mind. It relates to no one dead or alive. Send me your review at If there are any horny girls, aunties around Delhi ncr looking for a fling feel free to mail me. I assure your privacy will be kept. Thank you. looking forward for your replies. Skipping credits just enjoy. Sometimes you love someone more than yourselves. When they leave your whole world comes crashing down, shattering to bits. This...

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making them pregnant pt 10

I looked through her folder. A naked picture was included. This woman was not beautiful. She wasn’t ugly, either. I saw that she was right in the middle of her cycle from the charts of her cycle. She was not real heavy. I knew that didn’t matter. I would get anything pregnant.Nurse Anna came back and said, “Mrs. Brady is ready.” I got up and followed.I entered Exam Room 8 for the third time that day. I greeted her, “How are you today Mrs. Brady?” I shook her hand. Then I washed my hands. “Nurse...

2 years ago
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Third Time Part Fifteen

Author's note: This chapter is the second of final three chapters of this long and sordid tale. Your patience, and your comments - good and bad - have been most appreciated. G.A. The next morning, the small room where Janet spent the night bound, gagged and drugged provided a surreal sight to Elizabetta as she entered. She greeted her victim warmly, much like someone might greet a friend who was ailing in the hospital. Unlike the night before, Elizabetta was now dressed in a...

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Fulfilling my boyfriends fantasy

I am standing at your front door, wearing a not-so-long black coat, that ends suggestively mid-thigh. You invite me in, licking your lips in anticipation. My sexy heels straighten my back and gently push my ass out, and as I slowly turn around to close the door, you catch a glimpse of the bottom of my ass cheeks. I turn back to look at you, expecting a gentle, yet passionate welcome, but instead you grab me around the throat and snap a collar around my neck. “You’re mine today bitch, and you...

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Old Friend

The weekend was here and it was time to relax. I had already smoked a little weed and had a few beers and was just getting ready to get in the spa as was my custom on Friday nights. I didn’t get out much since my wife of 30 years had passed. In my mid-50s there was really no point. Even though I had my own company and was doing pretty well the women I was interested in were more interested in younger, more virile guys. Guys with beards and man buns and other effeminate traits that were...

2 years ago
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Mission Girlfriend To Mission Arsh Sister Fuck

Hello ISS k readers. I am Dev and this is my first story hope you guys will enjoy this story so much. Let me tell you about myself. I am Dev from Punjab. 6 feet tall thoda sa healthy Sardar. mere lund ka size 7” hai and yeh thoda xtra mota hai koi bh ladki aj tak isko apni muthi mein band nahi kr payi hai. Mere ghr mein mere ilava Mom Dad and choti behn hai, Mom Dad dono Govt. employee hai and Monday to Firday bahut jyada bzy hota hai and main 9 se 5-7 bje tk akela ghr pr hota hu. So ye to...

1 year ago
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First Time With BBW Junior College Girl In Delhi 8211 Part 1

I am going to talk about the first time I hooked up with a chubby but pretty girl at my college. First, something about me. I am Sunny and I am a student at a college in Delhi. Physically, I am muscular but short, only 5 feet 5 inches tall. For privacy reasons, I won’t be using real names. I had been studying in Delhi for the past two years and till that time, I was not even able to make friendship with any girl. As you can tell, I was like any desi guy who was stressed about studies and could...

4 years ago
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A letter to my father

A Letter to My Father Dear Dad: I wish I could give you this letter in person. I wish we could sit down and talk. We actually have a lot in common, you and me. Both of us have struggled with a sense of worthlessness, although it may have been for different reasons. But, you left this world a long time ago, and I can only grieve for the loss, and pray that you are now at peace. I wonder what you might have been like if you had somehow overcome the suicidal impulse and had been able...

3 years ago
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A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows Part 2

A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows by Karen Page Chapter 2 At breakfast the next day Beth didn't mention anything about my nocturnal visit and Mum didn't say anything about knowing about it. Nothing more was mentioned about the pantomime. Conversation however was quite heated about items that were on last night's news. Dad always talked about current topics to keep us abreast in the world. Mum just continued when Dad had left. I left the house just as Anna and Erika came...

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MagicChapter 43

Sean parked his truck in the mall parking space next to the flattened police car. At least, he was pretty sure that it was a police car despite the fact that it was rather dimensionally challenged. He got out and walked around to the passenger side. Opening the door, he bowed and said, “Gold door service for the lady.” “Why thank you,” Suzie said with a giggle. Sean helped her out of the truck. Once she was out, she gave him a curtsy. Sean closed the door and said, “There’s another...

4 years ago
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My sister invites me to fuck her

I am a widower and my sister, Audrey, is a widow. She lives in a bungalow not far from mine. Earlier this year I took my caravan to a campsite in the south of France by the Mediterranean. When there I went to a nudist beach every day and became brown all over. When I returned home I went to Audrey's bungalow and she commented on my sunburnt face. She said that the weather on the campsite must have been very good. I told her it was and I was brown all over because Id been on a nudist beach. At...

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Ainsely 6

It was bad enough that Ainsely slammed the bedroom door, but hearing the lock click, I realized she was really angry this time. I was still pretty ticked myself, not especially at her, but more at the situation we were in.But sitting there alone in the living room, sipping a bourbon and water, I started to really think this through. It was time to tell myself the truth. Ainsely might well never have gotten beyond the friends stage with another guy without my instigation. Honestly, she was doing...

Wife Lovers
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Toms AdventuresChapter 57

It was a week later that Tom went to find John. "He had been doing a lot of thinking and had made a decision. When he found him he asked to talk to him in the library. John could tell from his expression that it wasn't going to be good, but he waited for Tom to give him the news. "John, I am going to be taking a little trip, and I will be going alone." Tom knew that John would protest and he was ready for it. He held up his hand to stop the flow and explained, "John, I will need you...

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Time with Lizbet Part1

The firm sent me to Houston to work on a huge project; it involved energy, the government, foreign investors, and of course taxes and contracts. I was going to be working it for 6-9 months. My government Liaison/advisor was an attorney named Lizbet. She went by Liz, but after awhile I called her Lizzy. She was a South Texas girl, about 30, married with 3 that were 13, 11, and 5. She was a stunning beauty that looked identical to Chloe Amour. (If you don’t know who Chloe Amour is, do a...

1 year ago
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Dirty Little Love Secret

Introduction: Second posting of this story. This story has been posted a few years ago, but I asure you I am the same person (jessica). I had to get a new account and wished for the story to be posted on here. So that the second story, once finished could be posted on the same account. It has been edited and slight changes. If you are looking for a fast shorty, this is not the one for you. I hope you enjoy the story! Dirty Little Love Secret Chapter 1: First Hint Let me start off by telling...

3 years ago
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My life part 6

I woke up with my arm still around Alexis. Watching her as she slept. Who knew that trying to hide something would reveal what you really want. I heard someone come down stairs. And then Sara came and sat in the chair next to the couch. "That was sweet what you did for Alexis." she said "yeah it was" Alexis said "i didnt know you were up" i said "ive been up for awhile" she said "why didnt you say anything" i said "i just wanted you to hold me" as she gave me a...

2 years ago
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Masturbating for the first time

The first time I masturbated was the morning after I lost my virginity. As much as I'd love to say my first time was the most beautiful thing, it wasn't. It lasted all of about 15 minutes and "he" proceeded to roll over and fall asleep while I lay extremely un-happy. I eventually drifted off to sleep after calming down, realising the alcohol in his system probably had something to do with the way I was treated.I woke up at 10.03am the following morning, as usual, feeling grotty. I pulled a...

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Naked In School The Students and The Principal

Monday, At School — The Principal He stared out the office window at the landscape of Bluff Oaks, Iowa, a lush but slightly arid town in Taylor County at the bottom of the state. It was a lovely day, the summer heat had subsided a bit, but the cool of the fall had not yet arrived. It was the third week of school, the first week of The Program. It was either going to be the best or the worst day of his life. It all depended on the eight children coming to his office, two from each class,...

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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

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My hot cus Sarah

Note : This story is completely fictional! my cus sarah came round to stay whilst she was worknig in the area she was 20 years old average size with beautiful looks and amazing legs and always wearing miniskirt. One day she came home and it was only me and her alnight everyone was away. and i went to buy some milk leaving watching tv in my room, when i came back she was looking angry at me and had found my porn dvds and a pair of her dirty knickers i had used to wank in. we discussed and agreed...

3 years ago
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New friends 3 Bens stay

Introduction: Ben and a work mate fill my wifes pussy Bens stay I got a call during the day on Thursday to say would it be ok for Ben to arrive tomorrow as he was having the materials delivered on the Friday and needed to be on site, plus would need to get some prep work done on the Saturday morning. Sam was visiting their daughter so he would be alone. I said it wouldnt be a problem. When I got home and told Chris, she went about tidying up the spare room and making the bed for him. By the...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 239

Say Thanks to dorsetmike ‎for the following: Before the fall of the USSR, there was a Communist weather forecaster named Rudolph. One day he said to his wife, “It’s going to rain pretty soon.” She looked out the window and said, “I don’t know, it looks clear to me.” The forecaster drew himself up and said, “Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.” Why did JSBach have so many children? There were no stops on his organ... Women are like pianos. When they’re not upright, they’re grand. A...

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Caught sniffing my cousins panties

Ive always had a thing for my cousin. I dont know what it is, but when I am close to her or in her house, i get permanently horny. Sarah is three years younger than me. When this happened… Ive always had a thing for my cousin. I dont know what it is, but when I am close to her or in her house, i get permanently horny. Sarah is three years younger than me. When this happened the first time, I was about 19 and she was 16. Shes quite tall, a little skinny, blonde and blue eyes. She has long...

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The 27 Year Old Virgin

As I walked to the counter to return some library books I was brought up short, the girl…well, woman waiting to service me took my breath away; and I have no idea why. I like my ladies tall, slender and dark complexioned with black hair. This lady was probably five feet nothing tops, red headed with a complexion like clotted cream. A spray of freckles over her pert little pug nose, emerald green eyes and full heavy breasts and she was round, I mean everything seemed to be round. Her...

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Making Her

‘Hi baby, where are you?” I quietly whisper into the phone. “Just dropped off the kids.” “What’s next on your agenda?” “Going for a run, how ‘bout you?” It’s a very warm day so I know she’s not wearing her yoga pants today. “So what are you wearing then, your running shorts?” My pants grow tight even as I say the words. I love it when she wears her workout pants but she looks even hotter in those skimpy, tight jogging shorts. “Yeah, the black ones with my turquoise tank top. I’m feeling...

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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 20

Annette Larreau was more enraged than fear-stricken; her pride had been severely damaged. She felt like a complete idiot, having fallen right into their plot as innocently as a lamb being led to slaughter. She couldn't imagine how she might have responded differently; nevertheless, she felt the perfect fool, and it wasn't in her nature to accept that without some sort of retaliation. Thus, although her tears were for the most part tears of anger, the larger portion were pretended, in an...

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Sometimes combat can bring out the unexpected in people, especially when they come through a firefight alive. This story was based on an Army buddy's fantasy. It isn't meant to reflect chauvinistically toward female soldiers. This is a man's fantasy; even military men can fantasize, can't they? It's almost funny how it all started. I'd been with the 81st Airborne in vehicle maintenance for almost 6- months before our unit was sent to Iraq. Being one of only one hundred women in a...

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The Dark Side

The Dark Side By Morpheus The tension was thick as I stared across at my two opponents, one of whom had just drawn a magic sword. This was a free for all fight so she could attack either of us, but unfortunately, my other opponent had a shield out. That made me the easier target. "And now you die," Gayle exclaimed, choosing to come after me just like I'd expected. "Oh no I don't," I responded with a grin, slapping a card down onto the table. On it was a picture of a gorilla...

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Taking control of mother

Your name is Bart and though you've been out of school for about three years you've managed to land a high paying job, a job that you are good at and you are for the most part happy with the way your life has turned out. You own your own home having bought the house you grew up in after your father passed away from a heart attack. The only fly in the ointment is your mother Lois Conroy, she is still a very attractive woman and never misses a chance to expose a little flesh. On this particular...

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BOUND TO PLEASE (PART 3 FINAL) ................. About in a sexual situation with other guys .. Not outside in public !.. "Get pedaling slave !" the same voice as last time.. Others joined in "Get Pedaling" ............. "Get pedaling" ........I started pedaling I didn't feel any sensation of moving, and I decided that it was on a kind of stand. I felt a little bit more relaxed now. Someone was pouring oil over my body, down my back, over my front, someone else was fastening a wide leather...

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Tale Of A Father And A Daughter

This story is completely fictional! After my wife and I were married, we had a little girl. We named her Sandra, and she was a joy to us. Sandra and her mother were so much alike. My wife emphasized the similarity and went everywhere with our daughter dressed in matching outfits. We both spoiled Sandra, but neither one cared. We put off having another child again and again, and the years passed. My wife told me she was pregnant again. Suddenly, she was gone, killed by food poisoning at a local...

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My Delhi Experiences 8211 Part I

It was in early 1990’s that I had to be in Delhi for over a year in connection with some official assignments. I was not so rich on those days and was earning a nominal salary. Hence I was not able be accommodated in the posh areas and hence I had to take shelter in one of the suburban Industrial areas of Delhi. The place where I used to stay was a sort of labor quarters with rows of single rooms. It was a double storied building and I was staying on the first floor. Toilet and bathrooms were...

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