Chapter 2 Celina
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Authors note: This is a romance because it is about love, loving and relationships. Sex is an important part of the story but the details aren’t. What sex there is isn’t all that convenional though so if you are offended by such things please do not read this story. It is a figment of my imagination, written solely for my enjoyment but I hope it pleases others as well.
I first met Josefin, or Jo as she prefers, on a sunny Whitsunday when she was twelve. Elin and I had moved into our new home on the week of Ascension and I was out talking to one of our new neighbours when I noticed her walk by, tall, blond and beautiful.
At that time Elin and I were well on our way to being married, in fact as far as I was concerned we already had a marriage of conscience. We had met at a party a few years earlier when she was nearly nineteen and I was just twenty-three. I am not really a party person so I had intended to just wish my friend a happy birthday and then leave but she captivated me. It was nearly dawn when I kissed her good-night at her front door. Pretty soon we were seeing each other exclusively. When her room mate moved out I sold my tiny flat and moved in with her.
We went out to parties quite a lot then, mainly to please Elin but she always came home horny so that I didn’t complain too often. Things went well for us until her landlord started on renovations that would result in a rent increase. We looked around and when I found a row house in a quiet backwater I told Elin that I wanted to buy it. She was less enthused than I but went along anyway.
That summer was a joy, Elin liked being near the woods and the water. She even began to take an interest in the garden. I’ve always been a something of a homebody and so I felt that it was time to settle down and started to think about marriage and children.
It was when Elin went back to University at the end of summer that our problems began. She had an hour’s travel each way, longer if she missed the last rush hour bus. All her friends talked about was this party or that concert and suddenly the compost heap lost some of its glamour. I wasn’t that interested in driving into the city centre and trying to park just to go to a party where I couldn’t drink and those around drank copiously and quickly stopped making sense. Public transport wasn’t really an option as it took a couple of hours to get home after midnight and a taxi was out of the question.
I know what you are thinking by now and I agree, I was an arse-hole who failed to even try and understand the very partner I professed undying love for. Things got worse though.
After Elin had gone to a few parties alone and not come home till the next day I began to feel cuckolded. I asked her straight out if she was cheating on me and her reply was that she hadn’t had sex with anyone other than me but that she wanted to and furthermore that she wanted my approval and even participation. I went ballistic.
When I had calmed down a bit we talked. I hadn’t realised that Elin was relatively inexperienced when we met, she had had only two serious boyfriends before me and she felt like she had settled down with me too quickly. In her mind we were a couple and she wanted us to stay that way but she also wanted to sample a few more cocks and even a few pussies before we settled down completely. It reminded me of Stephen Sondheim’s ‘The Miller’s Son’. I wasn’t convinced that she hadn’t sampled a few cocks already so I asked for details of her recent experiences. Once again she was completely open, she said that she had kissed both men and women and that they had explored her body as she had theirs although always while fully clothed. I really tried hard to believe her but I felt hurt. Why I wasn’t enough for her?
I couldn’t exorcise her imagined transgressions which meant that I found it hard to even kiss her and my cock refused to cooperate when she tried to entice me. Elin likes sex a lot but more than that she likes kissing and caressing, all the physical expressions of love. I might just as well have hit her when they stopped. My forced attempts at intimacy only made things worse.
In a month she had moved out. I won’t repeat some of the things I said, suffice it to say that I am deeply ashamed and hold myself largely responsible for the breakdown of a wonderful relationship.
Elin’s departure created a problem for me. At the beginning of autumn Jo’s mother Kerstin had asked me if we would mind taking care Jo over christmas. The rest of the family was planning a trip to Thailand but Jo was afraid of flying and a journey that long was out of the question for her. None of their family or friends could take her so she had asked us as a last resort. Now I had to tell Kerstin that Elin wouldn’t be home which presumably meant that Jo couldn’t stay. Kerstin didn’t agree, she thanked me for telling her but said that she trusted me.
Christmas came and with it Jo. I don’t know what that christmas would have been like without her, fortunately I didn’t have to find out. We walked and talked and ate and watched TV and then talked some more. I was quite sad to see her leave.
Shortly after twelfth night Elin called, she was nervous at first but we soon began chatting. I told her all about Jo staying but that I didn’t want to hear of her revels. She replied that there hadn’t been as much of that as I might have expected. I remember well her expression, ‘Nouvelle Cuisine is much more attractive when you have a hearty stew waiting at home.’ I told her that I missed her hearty stews and she said that she did too. I was on the brink of asking her to come home when she said good-night and hung up.
Jo started dropping in after school. I worked from home so I was usually there, I even tried to avoid afternoon meetings so that I could be with her. We chatted and I helped her with her homework if I could, we enjoyed each others company.
Around about Easter I started to get so horny that I felt that I had to find a new lover or at least a fuck buddy. I have never been all that good at meeting women and being morose didn’t help so my horniness went unabated. The remedy came from a totally unexpected source.
Elin turned up on my doorstep one evening, I invited her in and tried to be a congenial host and offered her a drink but she wasn’t interested. She pushed me into the bedroom, onto the bed, handed me a condom and said, ‘Get your clothes off, your cock up and into me. You don’t have to kiss me and that will protect you from my disease infested body’. I was hard in seconds and naked soon after. Elin remained fully clothed, she just slid her panties to one side and mounted me. It was surrealistic to feel her sliding over my cock without being able to see it. Both our fuses were short and we soon lay in each others arms.
After that first explosive fuck I wanted intimacy, I asked her to undress and get into bed with me. That joining and the one after were much more satisfying with lots of caressing and kissing. I didn’t want her to leave the next morning but she did, ‘nothing has changed’ she said. I had to agree. She called later to thank me for a good time, I said something about us at least becoming fuck buddies when I really wanted to beg her to come home.
Life continued, I worked, renovated my house, Jo visited often, Elin less often. I can’t say that I was happy but it could have been much worse.
When Jo was fifteen things changed and not for the better. I don’t know if Jo was early going to school that day or if Elin was late leaving but Jo saw me kiss Elin good-bye as she walked past. I waved but I had suddenly become invisible.
Jo didn’t visit me for the next couple of weeks. I worried that I had screwed up yet another relationship and so I was relieved to see her when she knocked on the door. I wasn’t relieved for long though. She had taken time with her clothes and make-up and looked gorgeous in her halter top and short denim skirt, quite a change fro
m her normal jeans and t-shirt. It didn’t take long to learn that she was upset.
‘You don’t need that bitch to get your rocks off’ she said to me. She drew her skirt up to her hips and pushed her panties down. ‘If you need a good fucking just call me.’
I stared at her pretty pussy and wondered how I was going to get out of this mess.
‘Jo, I wish that I could but I can’t. You’re too young to make that offer and too young for me to accept it. Moral issues aside, if I did then I could go to prison. Please put your panties back on. Pretty please before someone sees you’. She glowered at me. I drew my last ace. ‘If you still feel this way when you are eighteen then we can talk about it again.’ I hoped that she would forget, but well, I’ve never claimed to understand women.
Things returned to normal, at least what passes for normal around here. Jo got mad at me and stayed away for a few days after each of Elin’s visits. I think that Jo started wearing more revealing clothes but it is more likely that I just hadn’t noticed that she was growing up. Whatever the reason I often found myself feeling nervous around her.
I’d pretty much forgotten Jo’s offer by the time she turned eighteen. She looked as beautiful as I’ve ever seen her that day and I looked forward to hugging her and wishing her a happy birthday. I didn’t feel so happy when I put my arms around her and she whispered ‘I still feel the same, expect company this weekend.’
When Jo arrived on Friday evening I was a wreck. I tried hard not to look forward to seeing her naked nor to being inside her but I didn’t succeed. She was too young for me and deserved someone better but I couldn’t help wanting her. The more I thought, the less I slept and the less I slept, the more I thought.
Fortunately for me Jo arrived in jeans and a blouse, she was beautiful as always but I could forget that she was now a grown woman when she wore the type of clothes she’d worn as a girl. Nearly anyway, she sat much closer that evening and her perfume was intoxicating. All too soon it was time for bed and Jo could see my hesitancy.
‘You’ve thought of a thousand reasons why we shouldn’t do this but you forgot to take one thing into account, this is something that I have wanted for years. Sooner or later you will cooperate with the inevitable. Tonight though, I’ll be satisfied if you hold me while I sleep.’
When I awoke the next morning I found that I’d slept well and I felt refreshed and ready to cooperate, but not before my morning coffee. I started the coffee after peeing and brushing my teeth. Jo awoke, visited the bathroom and accepted a cup of coffee. She looked so beautiful that morning that I felt that it was a shame for her to wear clothes. We drank our coffee in silence, I was content to just contemplate her beauty and for once I didn’t worry about what she saw in me.
‘Here is today’s ration’ she said handing me a package of six condoms, ‘if there are any left tonight then I’ll know that you don’t love me.’
We actually used the last one in the wee small hours of the next morning. Not too bad for an old man I thought but then I was inspired. When I awoke I still found it hard to comprehend her presence but I just accepted it. So different from Elin I thought but with same passion and honesty. Strangely I missed Elin more than ever that morning.
Jo made an uncharacteristic blunder at breakfast.
‘Does yesterday mean that I can take over from Elin now?’
‘I can’t promise that, Elin means a lot to me. Besides you should be out having fun with your friends not stuck at home with a boring old fart.’
Jo sighed and dressed.
‘I had hoped that I could show you that I don’t think that you are either boring or old. Yesterday you showed me how well you understood my wants and needs but today you understand nothing. Your cock understands women but your brain doesn’t, that’s why Elin shares your bed but not your life. I want more than that.’
Jo was always friendly after that but she rarely came to visit. I missed her a lot but this time I felt that I had done the right thing.
It was Kerstin who instigated the next change in my life about eighteen months after that wonderful weekend. I found Jo waiting on my veranda when I came home from a bike ride. She was seething. I gathered that she had had a blazing row with Kerstin and stormed out. It seemed to me that she needed time to cool down so I offered her a bed for the night, I even offered to fetch some clean clothes. In reality I wanted to talk to Kerstin.
Kerstin was relieved to have her daughter stay with me but she wouldn’t discuss the argument. She packed a bag with clean clothes and other necessities and sent me back to Jo. Her parting words were a mystery to me so I remembered them.
‘Jo told me about the last time she stayed with you and right now she needs a man in her life so I am really glad that she is staying with you. Look after her.’
The next day Jo and Kerstin talked on my patio, I couldn’t hear what they talked about but at least there were no raised voices. When Kerstin went home Jo asked me if she could stay for a few days until she found a place of her own. I was delighted to have her company again, even without any sex. A few days soon became a month. She pretended to look for a place, I pretended to help. In truth we were both pretty happy with the arrangement.
Living with Jo was a bit like living with Elin, she was gone most Friday and Saturday nights, home studying the rest of the week. I was glad that she was having a good time but I didn’t look forward to the day when she would move out to live with some pimply face boy or worse, invite him home.
A couple of months after Jo moved in she cooked me a meal which she served with a rather nice New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. After the dishes were cleared I raised a questioning eyebrow.
‘A friend of mine, a girl, is also having trouble finding a place to live and her sub-let ends soon. Do you think that she could stay here with me for a while?’
I agreed to meet Alicia but promised no more. She reminded me a little of Elin, shorter than Jo, more rounded and with black hair and olive skin. All three of us got along well during dinner. As they relaxed around me I saw a few shared glimpses, caresses and how close to one another that they sat, I began to get an inkling of the cause of Jo and Kerstin’s disagreement.
‘It’s OK with me if Alicia stays, the main question is one bedroom or two?’
If you have never been hugged and kissed by two beautiful girls simultaneously then I recommend that you try it some time. It was getting late by then so I invited Alicia to stay the night and even loaned them my double bed. When we kissed good-night Alicia surprised me by removing her panties and giving them to me to keep my cock warm. It felt strange sleeping in Jo’s bed wearing Alicia’s panties but not at all unpleasant.
Noises in the kitchen awoke me the next morning and I was greeted by Jo and Alicia in all their naked glory as they got breakfast ready. They giggled when they saw that I was still wearing Alicia’s panties so I fetched my robe and returned the panties. I believe that Alicia had expected them back wet and sticky but she didn’t seem all that upset when they weren’t.
After breakfast we invited Kerstin over for coffee to let her know what was going on. She was pleased to meet Alicia but I could see that she was disappointed that I hadn’t succeeded in converting Jo back to heterosexuality. You can’t please everybody I suppose. After that we examined Jo’s room to see if we could fit in a double bed but there wouldn’t have been room for much else. In the end we decided to remove the wall dividing Jo’s room from the next and make them into bedroom built for two.
Jo took Alicia home and when she returned she announced that she was moving into my bedroom until the renovations were done.
‘If you want me, just take me.’
‘I’ve wanted yo
u for years, taken you as well but now you belong to Alicia.’
Jo laughed, took out her cellphone and rang Alicia.
‘Hi Alicia, Michael wont have sex with me because I belong to you.’ She laughed again and handed me the phone.
‘Hi Michael, Jo doesn’t belong to me, we just love one another. If she wants to fuck you she will. I think that it’s a good idea, it has been quite a while since she was last filled and she has wants and needs that I can’t satisfy, I just wish I could be there, I’ve never seen a cock up close and I would love to see yours disappearing into Jo’s pussy. Take lots of pictures.’
I was stunned at first but then I realised that Alicia just wanted Jo to be happy. Had I wanted Elin to be happy I wondered. The truth was that I wanted her to be happy with what I wanted her to be happy with. I hadn’t even been able to discuss what she wanted. I felt humbled to have a girl not yet nineteen lecture me on love. Fortunately Jo dragged me out of my dark mood and we did take lots of pictures which pleased Alicia no end.
We worked hard on Jo’s and Alicia’s room and had it finished with plenty of time to spare. Alicia didn’t have much to move so we packed it all into Kerstin’s minivan and took it home. Alicia was delighted with the room, especially the double bed and it wasn’t long before they closed the door and I could delighted squeals from within. Wants and needs that I can’t satisfy I thought.
I had just laid down to sleep when two frisky young ladies burst into my room. Alicia had really liked the photos and wanted to watch. Jo was wet and ready and soon so was I. She first showed Alicia how to put a condom on and then how to mount me. She was so turned on that she came quickly and Alicia prolonged her orgasm by kissing and stroking her. I thought that that would be the end of my involvement for that night but Alicia surprised me when she asked if she could borrow Jo’s dildo. Jo just nodded. Soon I found myself clad in a new condom and sliding into Alicia’s pussy.
‘I’ve always wondered what a cock would feel like’ she said. ‘It’s quite nice really, nearly as good as the real thing.’
This time I came first. Alicia hopped off, took off the condom and cleaned my cock.
‘This dildo needs a lot of maintenance’ she said. ‘At least you taste better than brussel sprouts.’
I asked if I could taste her, she queried Jo with a glance. ‘He’s not as good as you are, but then who is. Probably better than me though.’
Alicia carefully positioned her pussy on my mouth and I licked her to a satisfying orgasm then Jo and I together took her to a longer and more intense one. Finally Alicia and I gave Jo a soft and tender one. We were all tired after that and slept well.
I awoke the next morning to find Jo and Alicia kissing and caressing. It seemed to me that they wanted to show me their love so I watched for a while then went and brewed some coffee. Once the coffee was ready they came out. They looked wonderful and smelled even better. I reacted in the time honoured way. When I saw their smiles and glances I felt the need to clear the air.
‘I really enjoyed last night and watching you this morning but I fully expect that you spend your nights in your own bed. Either or both of you are welcome in mine but it isn’t a prerequisite for staying here.’
Jo replied ‘Last night was special, we enjoyed ourselves very much,’ Alicia nodded, ‘expect company often.’
The penultimate step in my transformation came the next week-end. Jo and Alicia left to go to a party and said not to expect then home till the next morning. No sooner had they left than Elin turned up. I later found out that Kerstin had kept her informed of developments at my house. That evening and night with Elin was great as always, the morning less so. We were drinking coffee when Jo and Alicia came home.
‘I thought that you’d left’ shouted Jo. ‘Why do you have to keep coming back? Why can’t you let him get on with his life?’
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It wasn't until our daughter Emily was ten years old and my son Ron was twelf that Melinda finally went back to teaching math in a High School. She took a couple of refresher courses, that summer, but was able to pretty much jump right back in: she was really gifted when it came to math. Our kids took after her in that way. In fact, they were both excellent students. Like Melinda and I, they were also tall and good athletes. They, too, became team handball players. I was very proud of my...
THE CHANGELING BY JANICE Part 1: My name is Glen; I was twelve year sold when I ran away from home and changed my life forever. My Mother and Father were both drunks and very abusive to my sister, Connie, and me. Connie is three years older then me. I had always tried to be a good boy for them but no matter what I did, I never did anything right, they were never satisfied. They wanted me to do better. It was...
The changeling Hoping to get some ideas for my software business I had been to a EU sponsored conference at Bled in Slovenia. I had picked up a lot of good ideas and was looking forward to getting home to work on them, so once back in my hotel I logged on to check my flight with Adria Airlines. I was annoyed to find that my flight had been delayed by a whole day, but decided to make the best of it by exploring the Triglav mountain area, so using the hire car, I set off through several...
Joshua, was a quiet, attractive boy who lived with his biological aunt and his stepmother. His mother died at Joshua's birth and his dad remarried in 5 years. Unfortunately his dad died when he was eleven. His step mother was sad, and did not remarry. Right now his stepmother was on a business trip in Japan for six months leaving Joshua and his auntie Jennifer alone in the house.Jennifer moved in with Joshua and his stepmother when Joshua was 10 years old. She came from a quiet town to the city...
I have successfully passed all the phases of my purification and slave training. As promised, my Master has accepted me back as soon as I was released from the prison beneath the Eglise Sainte Jacqueline. My life is back to normal - as far as a relationship consisting of a Master, a Mistress and a slave can be called normal. It is normal in the sense that my Master has returned to using all three of my orifices and my Mistress allows me to pleasure her with my tongue. How long was I held...
All characters are 16 or older and all sex is consensual. Also don’t steal my story that wouldn’t be cool. Riding the Pipeline I think I’m going to scream, if he says over the next hill one more time! I’m Katherine Holman. My son Brad wanted to take a long ATV ride and camp out overnight, so we are riding the pipeline in southeast Missouri to a remote campground near Van Buren MO. We ride the gas & power lines which are great trails. We have to connect to some county roads once in a while....
IncestYour name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...
Mind ControlWAITING FOR MELINDA by Rumple Foreskin The cold rain told a sad story in a soft voice, and I was listening. I’m a good listener, always have been. Especially out here in the woods, in the rain, inside this small cemetery. I sit in the cab of my old truck, listening to the rain tell the story, and wait for Melinda. We don’t have nice winter weather around here. Seems like it’s always cold, cloudy, and raining. About all it’s good for is hunting, mostly deer. Only I don’t hunt—not anymore. But...
2026 Riley’s incarceration proved to be as much of a pain in the ass for us as it was for her. One of us had to be her jailer at all times. I told Kelly that I should have taken the Basic Jail Officer course at Athens back when I was taking the Basic Law Enforcement Officer course. On the days I was home I drove her to school and back home. Sometimes it was Kelly who did the duty. When I was away teaching or consulting, and Kelly had classes, either her mother or mine had to take the detail....
I sat on my couch, taking a break from my house cleaning. I had on a pair of short, cut off jeans that my white ass cheeks hung out the bottom of, and a half tee shirt with no bra underneath. My big white 44DD tits almost hung out the bottom of it, but it didn't help keep me any cooler. The extreme summer heat still battered me. By lunch time, with all the condensation running down my body, I looked like I was standing under Niagara Falls. I cleaned my house all morning, working up a real...
I guess having a supposedly promiscuous daughter didn’t suit them. But I found her quite reserved and she didn’t go out all that much. Personally I felt she was just trying to find her own way to adulthood and find her own voice, they pushed her to conform to their puritan ways pretty hard. They saw their blonde haired, blue eyed, piano playing angel turn into a freak with jet black hair, colored contacts to make her eyes purple, piercing in her nose, eyebrow, belly button and lip. As well...
The Contest was to make a Panto using a Fairy Tale. As an American I really don't understand the concept of a panto but with any luck I made an enjoyable story. There is very little in the way of explicit sex in this story though I tried to make it as suggestive as possible. The Thematic tags of beastiality and nonconsensual sex are for one scene only. Please leave comments ***** Once upon a time in a far away kingdom lived a young couple who were very much in love. They...
CHAPTER 1 Seated at the breakfast table, hidden from his wife Janis behind a rustling newspaper, Claude Jones said grumpily, ‘What time did the little bitch get home this morning? She’s becoming later and later.’ A car door slammed and drunken voices shouted, ‘Goodbye Nikita.’ A screech of burning rubber indicated a nutter drove the vehicle. ‘Here she is now Janis said brightly as the hall clock struck 8:00. Claude groaned ‘Holy fuck!’ and the backdoor slammed shut and their bright-faced...
My thanks go to Techscan and LadyCibelle for their kind assistance with the editing of this story and correcting the usual clangers that keep my critics so happily amused. But I’m sure you’ll find something you don’t like in the story somewhere. Foreword: I know that some people will say that the hero in this story is manipulated by at least one of the other characters in the tale. As a man, I have had many women try to manipulate me on many occasions, my good wife is adept at the art. She...
No matter how many times he had seen it, Pastor Andy Craft was never really prepared for death. As he stood next to Jim Andrew's hospital bed and held his hand, he knew the end was near. Jim's wife, Kelly, was stroking her husband's forehead. His breath was more and more shallow and infrequent. Finally, there was a noise from his throat and then nothing. "He's gone," the nurse said. Kelly said nothing, just continued stroking his brow. The two c***dren moved behind their mother, holding her....
I'm going to try and make this quick. This is a fucked up sarcastic fantasy, and if it turns you on, um, wow.I'm chatting on some sleezy alt site with some chippie who is obviously a cop. Cute misspelling and cartoon references that showed he studied.I dance around the issue for weeks. I'm not sending any dick pics, asking for specific info like age etc. I was real cagey. I'm not into that sort of thing but i got another agenda, so eventually i agree to meet.I know what this is. I've made...
I stayed in the city for 3 days and then we had to head towards Darjeeling for a second honeymoon that we planned immediately given the chance. We took a guest house endorsed by my company.We reached around 11 pm and checked in. There was a young care taker and he was the only one.I was very feeling pain inside my undy with the naughty cock of mine expanding its size with the slightest thought of fucking my wife far from our parent’s hustle and bustle. We quickly took dinner and then went to...
New to Eternity: Marriage Counseling I was sleeping in bed with June that night, having strange dreams. I don't remember what they were about, but I know they were bad enough that I made myself wake up from them. As I laid in bed, I was overcome by the feeling that I was being watched. I sat up slowly, chastising myself for being so easily scared, and reached for the chain on my nightstand lamp. As the light clicked on, I gasped in surprise. Standing at the foot of my bed was a...
Hi readers! This is devil. Basically residing and working at Kolkata. I’m not a regular sex addict guy who moves around having sex with random girls or married ladies. I have a passion for darkness. I love to research paranormal stuff right since my childhood days. In between my researches I’ve someone say what would it be like to have sex with something like this. And that brought me here. So I use my imagination to write down the intimate paranormal stories here. Ladies looking for sex and...
I walk into the living room of my master. I am completely sissified and wear a very frilly sissy maid outfit. My 6" white leather peep too high heels have thick leather straps around my ankles and are closed with medium sized padlocks. I wish I knew where my master holds the keys. On my lightly sun tanned and smoothly shaved legs I wear white sheer seamed stockings and with a nice lace band at the top. At the back the pink seams end with large pink girly satin bows. Just above my...
CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 3 RELINQUISHMENT Charlie stared at the door as if it were a wave of fire rapidly heading toward him. His eyes watered and his hands trembled with shock. His could hear his mother's heels clicking against the shiny wooden floor getting louder and louder as she approached her bedroom door. Then, something electric shocked Charlie's brain which broke him free from his frozen state as adrenaline pumped through his body. He jumped to his feet and turned for...
Helbelinc By Sylvia Wechsel Chapter 1 - The Monk My name was Helbelinc and I used to be a monk. This was not my Baptism name, I adopted it after I was accepted as Postulant in my Monastery. This name means "half penny" in our language, or, more or less, "insignificant" or "useless". This was not due to self-depreciation, in fact I considered myself a worthy Monk, participated both in the religious services and in the hard work of the monastery with good will. I was still in the...
LUPETTE & THE THREE PORCELINAS By C ([email protected])Synopsis: Lupette pursues some very pretty porcelinas. Who will outsmart whom? Who will have a happy ending? F/f+, snuff, forced, humiliation, fantasyOnce upon a time, there were three very pretty porcelina sisters: Sondra, Cindy, and St. Cloud. Upon the death of their mother, they divided up their inheritance and set out into the Great Big World to seek their fortune. One may imagine them together, strolling hand-in-hand along the...
You and you party of thieves entered Loreline's castle, her domain. The riches buried beneath her lair of pleasure, inside of the great iron vaults, outweighed the pleasurable ends that met others that ventured where you venture now. The way down was spent avoiding her slaves, all dressed in black latex, with only the tiniest of slits where their eyes were. All of them had stiff erections at all times and all of them could barely walk as they shook in pleasure every few steps. Some carried...
FantasyNatalie Bradshaw was a juvenile delinquent. At least, that’s what her mother called her all the time. She didn’t mean to get into trouble; it just seemed to happen to her. Maybe it was the friends she hung out with, like her Mom kept saying. But she liked Livia and Brad, and she wasn’t going to stop seeing them just because her mother wanted her to. As the 17 year-old stood looking out the window, pout- ing over her confinement, she thought about her friends and...
The fact that she wasn't wearing any panties excited Sumitra. In fact, with the shortness of her maid's uniform, Sumitra knew that almost any time she had to bend over, she was going to end up flashing someone, and that excited her, too. The young girl knew it was only a matter of time before someone on the farm took her body for the very first time and that excited her, too. She really hoped it would be the farm owner's son, Mohan, who would take her first and not one of the dirty,...
Since Floyd introduced me in his “Boxer Walker” story, I decided to post a little story of my own as a sequel. It has been several months since I had met and first made love to Floyd. I have been quite busy with my practice and have also been busy with other erotica as well since I am an OB/GYN in private practice. Some of the things I have found that have really given me some outrageous orgasms has been experiences and adventures I have found out from some of my patients. I found I can...
It has been a little over 8 months since I had helped Deedee and her friends with their breast suspension and cervical splitting ceremonies in front of a large group of BDSM fans. The group then had followed it up with a horse coupling over night and the sealing of their cervical splits in the expanded condition ending the possibility of their ever being able to bare a child. Their breasts had healed well and, while not quite as high and firm as they had been, were larger than they were...
The next day was memorable chiefly for Yvonne. I had invited her to Fran's flat at lunchtime. It seemed only a courtesy to mention this to Fran at work the next morning when I apologised for again failing to return her keys. She told me not to worry, she had assumed I meant to retain them and had had another set cut on the way to work. "So keep them," she smiled. "You'll need them if you're going to keep using my flat as a handy knocking shop. How many girls this time, darling? Three?...
"Today is the day, I finally get to go to see Destroyer of The Flesh. I've been waiting so long to get into that mosh pit, with DoTF playing it's going to be fucking brutal." I hit send and the text blasts to all the friends I made in the mosh pit over the years. Still don't know their names, but who cares? They make a great pit, and they were in the wall of death last year at the fest. It's too bad none of them are going but one. The tickets are cheap, but everyone has plans, they always...
If GameLink was a newer brand, I might assume from the name they were selling video games or maybe the face-to-face kind you play on a board with your family. Of course, they’ve been around since 1997, which is more than enough time to establish themselves as a world-class emporium of smut. Only a handful of porn sites from the era still exist, so you can guess a lot about their quality just from their longevity.I’d argue their mature age is hinted at in their business model. These days, most...
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