A Prayer for Mercy
- 3 years ago
- 25
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It all began with a smile.
‘Hey Mercy!’ A deep voice called, causing the girl in question to falter as she took the last of her belongings from her locker.
Dark hair tumbled down her back and curtained her face- causing her to have to crane her neck to see who was calling her. Not that it was too hard to figure out. Only one person in the entire school had that voice.
‘Wait up for me!’
The girl lifted her head, gaze falling on a rapidly advancing Jordan Brooks. Honey brown hair fell over his eyes as he went to Mercy’s side, the grin on his face as bright as the sun.
Mercy couldn’t help but return his smile with a timid one of her own. He was as handsome as he was kind, and against the likes of him even the coldest of ice could melt. Sometimes Mercy wondered how he could ever be friends with someone like her, when he could have the entire world at his feet.
But then, she couldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth could she? Especially since in no time at all he would be moving all the way to Washington to attend Georgetown- one of the best colleges in the country.
She however was less daring, and her plans to stay in their hometown and attend the University there would keep her far away from Jordan and even farther away from her dreams of expressing her feelings for him and, hopefully, not getting shot down.
Not that she would ever gain the courage to confess. If the last eight years hadn’t been proof enough. Mercy had watched girls come and go throughout her friendship with Jordan, her self confidence taking a blow each time. And if Jordan was one thing, it was demanding. Not in terms of body, but of character. And not many girls matched up to what he wanted.
Of course he made sure to be kind about his rejections, but the only girl Mercy remembered Jordan ever taking seriously was the beautiful Amber Rochefort.
And to be clear, that hadn’t lasted very long either. Which was saying something since Amber was not only beautiful but exceptionally smart, friendly, and very, very elegant. Any sane person would want to date her. If Mercy had been a man, even she would want to date her.
Alas, Jordan was not one of those people. Though even Amber couldn’t refuse his sweet apologies and his usual offer to stay friends. That said something about his character. And even more about his charisma. With eyes as dark as the night, the aura of a leader, and the build of a runner, it was no secret that Jordan was not only extremely kind but also extremely desirable. The girls who trailed after him were proof that his days were filled with admirers, one of who might one day actually catch his heart.
Which made it all the more difficult for Mercy to resist trying to be more than friends with him. Even if she was meek, she knew what she wanted. And the first time they had met, she had been completely converted to jello the second he met her gaze and smiled. When he opened his mouth, Mercy fell in love with his lips. When his husky voice had reached her ears, reciting a beautiful psalm- she fell in love with his voice as well as his soul. Everything about him exuded perfection.
And what was even more amazing was that even though he had been surrounded by admirers then, he chose to be best friends with her. All of the intelligent and popular people he had to choose from, and he chose Mercy. Quiet, sweet, completely unnoticeable Mercy- and yet Jordan had noticed. He had seen her. And he had pursued a friendship with her.
‘That has to mean something.’ Mercy thought as she closed her locker and turned to him. ‘Right?’
Jordan suddenly lifted a hand to Mercy’s small shoulder, causing the girl to look up in surprise as she was pulled from her thoughts. She was not surprised to see he was still smiling.
‘You have any plans tonight?’ The brunet asked as he leaned over to take away the heavy duffel on her shoulder, the gesture sweet enough to make her melt.
He said it so casually that it took Mercy a moment to let his words sink in. When they did however, her hazel eyes shot open wide.
‘Uh…’ Mercy murmured, her voice shaking slightly as she met Jordan’s eyes. ‘I don’t think so…why?’
The taller boy grinned, causing the girl to quake on the inside at the way his face seem to light up.
There’s no way he’s going to ask me out… Mercy told herself, biting her bottom lip in agony as she watched Jordan lift a hand sheepishly behind his neck. I mean, it’s impossible. So soon to him leaving the state? No way.
Her shaking hands seem to disagree with her.
‘Well,’ Jordan went on, Mercy’s thumping heart hanging on a string as he averted his gaze to the side. ‘I was just wondering if you’d like to come over to my house.’
‘Oh?’ Mercy couldn’t believe how steady her voice sounded even as heat bloomed between her legs at the huskiness of his voice. He didn’t even know what he did to her did he? ‘Sure. Of course. What were you hoping to do?’
‘Hopefully me.’ Mercy thought to herself, her face flushing in embarrassment the second it flashed through her mind.
If Jordan noticed the spreading tint of red on her usually dark skin, he didn’t comment on it. Instead he smiled in relief at her answer, his hand lowering to his side as he gestured for her to follow him outside of the building.
‘My dad is coming into town,’ Jordan soon explained, his eyes shining as he led Mercy to his car.
Well so much for wanting to be alone with her. Mercy was not deterred however, a flash of surprise jolting across her body. Her hazel eyes widened in interest as she strode beside Jordan, trying to keep up with his fast pace.
‘Really? That’s amazing!’ She said. And it truly did sound amazing. Mercy had only met Jordan’s mother, and if his father was as eccentric and excellent at cooking then she would enjoy every second of his company. She knew the story of the divorce vaguely, but she also knew Jordans mother held no hard or bitter feelings. And neither did Jordan, as far as she knew.
‘It really is.’ Jordan agreed as he unlocked the doors to his car and opened up the passenger seat for Mercy to get inside. The second she did, Jordan handed her her bag and shut the door. When he came in on the other side, he sent Mercy a warm look that sent heat all the way down to her toes.
‘You know that my parents have been separated practically forever.’ Jordan began as he started the car. ‘And it means a lot to me, for you to be there when I finally see him…’
‘He’s coming tonight?’ Mercy asked after a moment, her eyebrows raised.
‘Is he staying at your moms house?’ It would be awkward for everyone if he did, considering the divorce and all.
Jordan chuckled, sending another smile her way as he did. Mercy blushed, feeling slightly foolish.
‘Nah, he’s just going to have dinner with us and maybe stay for the night. He rented out a hotel for the rest of the week.’
‘Only a few days before our graduating ceremony?’ Mercy asked. ‘He’ll be there too, right?’
‘That’s right.’
‘Wow.’ An entire week with his father. That would be a huge change. Mercy hoped Ms. Brooks wouldn’t take it too hard. It was clear to anyone by the pictures that hung around the Brooks household that she hadn’t gotten over him quite yet.
‘Wow…’ Mercy repeated, her voice softer this time. ‘That’s so weird…’ She didn’t worry about offending Jordan, since he knew her well enough to understand what she meant.
‘I know.’
Jordan looked away from her as he backed out of the school parking lot, his gaze somewhat guarded as silence filled the car.
Mercy watched him anyway, her eyes brimming with anxiousness. She knew that Jordan had spent most of his life living with just one parent. She could relate to the feeling, since her own mother and father had died when she was little. For what seemed like her entire life she had been raised by
her Aunt Jennifer, a woman who worked all day and spent her nights drinking away her sorrows. The only person Mercy really spent time with was Jordan, and so she knew almost everything about him.
Mercy knew it must have been hard, knowing that his father had left him and his mother for another life, and hadn’t even stayed to raise him or love him. But he was also excited at the thought of finally meeting him as well, if the energy blazing in his eyes were anything to go by. There was also a sense of nervousness there however, and Mercy sensed it instantly. He was excited, but he was also anxious for what was to come.
How could he not be?
‘Jordan…’ Mercy murmured, turning to watch the road.
‘Yeah?’ He didn’t look at her, but Mercy could see the tenseness of his shoulders out the corner of her eye.
She lifted a hand to the steering wheel and placed it over his. Warmth filled her then as she laced her fingers through his hand. It was a first for her, to be so bold. But Jordan didn’t seem to mind it as the tension left his shoulders, though he still flashed her a look of surprise.
‘You don’t have to be nervous you know. I’m sure he’s a great guy. I’ll be there the entire time too…’ Mercy poked his shoulder in a playful manner, trying to lighten the mood. ‘And I bet he’s a better card player than you.’
At that, Jordan let out a loud burst of laughter. The sound was warm, like a hug. Mercy grinned at him, happy to see him in a better mood.
‘You of all people should know that it’s impossible for anyone to be better than I am at cards.’ Jordan retorted, his smile devilish as he turned to meet her eyes. They were already a few minutes from his house, just a few more blocks and they would be there. Mercy pushed her anticipation away, knowing that Jordan would only become nervous again if she called his attention to it.
‘Well then,’ She taunted, one of her eyebrows cocking upward. ‘I guess you won’t refuse a match between us all. A war of cards between the master and his father- That is, if you’re up to it.’
Jordan took one look at the challenge in Mercy’s delicate face and began to laugh again, shaking his head in amusement as they pulled up to his home.
The large beautiful stone house was a much more welcoming sight than Mercy had been expecting earlier. She knew it had to do with Jordan’s brightened mood, and she couldn’t help but laugh as well.
‘You’re on sweetheart.’ Jordan said, his usual smile taking form as he gestured for her to exit the car.
‘Mercy, honey!’ Ms.Brooks looked both surprised and pleased when Jordan unlocked the door and Mercy came bounding in, running across the older woman as she came out of the kitchen ‘It’s so great to see you!’
‘Hello Barbara!’ Mercy greeted, her face full of warmth as she ran up to the older woman and threw her arms around her. Ever since they had met, Jordan’s mother had insisted Mercy refer to her by her first name. It took a while to get used to, since Mercy was rarely informal around adults, but Ms.Brooks’ nature was so young and mirthful that it soon came naturally for her.
‘Oh yeah, it’s nice to see you too mom. No need to give me the same treatment as your long lost gal pal here.’ Jordan called from behind them, his tone both playful and mocking.
‘Oh shush.’ Ms.Brooks said with a laugh, removing her hold on Mercy to give Jordan a kiss on the cheek.
Mercy watched them both in amusement, her nose suddenly becoming aware of the sweet aroma of steak wafting around the kitchen. She glanced towards the oven, her mouth watering.
Barbara sent her a knowing look from over Jordan’s shoulder and winked. Her look said that she would certainly insist on having Mercy stay for dinner, as everyone knew her love for her cooking. Mercy smiled sheepishly, her hazel eyes glittering in both thanks and anticipation. There was never a boring moment when Jordan and Barbara were in the same room, especially when the room smelled as good as now.
After his mother finally released him from her hug, Jordan stepped back and made a big show of looking around. Mercy understood what was going through his mind easily. The entire house shined from top to bottom, flowers and clear stones setting a mood of warmth in the kitchen and, as they discovered later, the rest of the house too.
‘I see you’ve broken down the place.’ Jordan stated, his tone playful as he raised his eyebrows at his mother. ‘Beautiful decorations, the smell of steak in the oven…who could this be for, I wonder.’
Barbara blushed instantly, her straw blond hair tossed back as she turned away from her sons knowing expression.
‘I know what you’re thinking. What you’re both thinking.’ The older woman replied briskly, her eyes snapping from Jordan to Mercy and back again. ‘And I’m telling you right now, it has nothing to do with your father Jordan.’
Mercy flushed slightly at the accusation, but Jordan only laughed, his hands raised in mock surrender.
‘Okay ma, whatever you say.’
‘I’m serious Jordan. Stop playing around.’
‘Who’s playing?’
‘Jordan.’ The warning in Barbara’s voice sent a shiver through Mercy’s spine. She knew that sometimes Jordan could take his teasing too far.
Most of the time Jordan didn’t even treat Barbara like she was his mother- rather a friend to tease. And usually Barbara played along in kind. Truly, they did seem more like friends than mother and son, which was mostly due to big Barbara’s sense of humor.
Still, Mercy knew when enough was enough.
She sent a pleading look to Jordan, watching as he let out a sigh at his mothers dark expression, his tan seeming so out of place in the pale kitchen.
‘Okay Ma.’ Jordan murmured, his arm lifting to hook around the blond womans shoulders. He pulled her into him, a quiet apology murmured into her hair. Barbara stiffened for a moment, but it was clear that she could never stay upset at her beloved son for long and soon she was chuckling to herself and hugging Jordan once again.
‘You are one devious child.’ She said with a sigh, watching as Jordan’s eyes sparkled with mischief.
‘No more devious than you.’
Mercy smiled to herself at the sight, pushing her hair back as she turned and studied her surroundings. The Brooks household had always been grande and elegant, but Barbara had taken it to a whole new level. One could assume she did it in celebration for Jordan’s impending graduation. And it would be fitting, since she was a wealthy woman and wasn’t afraid to spend a little money.
Still, Mercy wondered how much truth had been in Jordan’s unsaid accusation that had been masked by teasing. Had Barbara done it all for her Ex-husband?
‘He may have moved on after all these years. After all, he’s coming to see Jordan. Not her.” Mercy thought, her smile slowly fading as she watched Barbara playfully shove Jordan away as he leaned in for a kiss. ‘Would he even appreciate all this? I doubt this is all just for Jordan. And I don’t know what kind of man he is, but they’ve been divorced forever. It isn’t good to still be…’
She quickly cut off her train of thought, raising a hand to her temples and discreetly turning her body away from both of the Brooks’. She felt shame course through her. She had no right to judge Barbara. She was an independent, beautiful woman. She could do what she wanted, and if she felt like making her house more extravagant than usual, who was Mercy to question her? Besides, Mercy couldn’t even summon up the courage to tell Jordan she loved him. Who was she to judge?
Hoping to distract herself from her downward spiraling mood, Mercy quickly brushed her hair out of her eyes and took a step closer to Jordan and his mother.
‘Hey, Barbara?’ She asked, causing both relatives to stop their bantering and look towards her. ‘I smell steak in the oven. Does this mean you’re going to have your world fa
mous chilate too?’
Barbara’s face lit up, a smile spreading across her face. Her smile was a lot like Jordan’s, heart quivering and beautiful. Mercy knew she had said the right thing. Ever since she was little Barbara had always made the most delicious chilates to go along with her meals. Even for someone who disliked spicy and sweet beverages thought it was more than satisfying.
‘Thank you for reminding me dear.’ Barbara said, her voice breathless as she removed herself from Jordan and clapped her hands together. ‘I have to go the store! I’m fresh out of cocoa…’
‘I’ll head out with you if you like.’ Jordan offered.
‘But then Mercy will be all alone here. You know more than two people can’t fit in my car. And I’m not driving that sinful vehicle of yours!’ Barbara replied crisply, her green eyes flashing with annoyance as she thought about Jordan’s SUV.
It had given her more than enough problems, with her petunia’s being run over by it all the way to horrible steam filling the air whenever the engine died- which happened often. She had begged Jordan to let her buy him a better vehicle, but he had refused time and time again due to having many ‘fond memories’ of it.
Mercy was pretty sure those fond memories consisted of driving his girlfriends around in it, not that she was complaining or anything.
Jordan laughed, his eyes twinkling as he nudged his mothers shoulder. ‘Mercy wouldn’t mind it. I drove her home in my car today. Besides, we both know you only hate my car because it’s not ‘pretty’ enough for you.’
‘That is not true! That thing is a menace on wheels.’
‘Now you’re being over dramatic Ma.’
‘I don’t care. My point still stands. I’m not driving in it, and Mercy shouldn’t stay here alone.’
Jordan sighed in expiration at the finality in Barbara’s tone. He turned to Mercy for assistance, who only shrugged her shoulders in defeat, a small smile on her lips. Close to Barbara she may have been, but even she couldn’t sate the older woman’s ire for Jordan’s choice of a vehicle.
‘I don’t see why Mercy can’t stay here then.’ Jordan said after a moment of silence, his hand running through his hair reluctantly. ‘She’ll be fine. After all, she’s familiar with the house. The neighborhood…’
‘Yeah.’ Mercy cut in, a helpful smile on her face as she lifted her hand to grasp Barbara’s arm. ‘You don’t have to worry about me. It’s just a quick trip to the store right?’
Barbara’s lips curved downward.
‘But, love…’ The blond protested, her gaze shifting from Jordan to Mercy. ‘I just got to see you…’
A pout formed on the woman’s lips, causing Jordan to laugh, which instantly caused her to glare at him. Mercy only smiled, her arms wrapping around Barbara’s shoulders as she pulled her into a tight hug.
‘It’s fine Barbara. It’s only a short trip for some cocoa right?’ She asked sweetly, causing the woman to sigh.
‘I guess you’re right…’ Barbara murmured, her pout never leaving.
By then Jordan had already left to slip on a jacket, his voice sounding from the hallway. ‘You coming or what? Don’t be too slow or else I might think you’re a grandma already!’
Barbara scowled instantly, but Mercy only shook her head and gave Barbara one last squeeze. ‘Go ahead.’ She told her as she turned towards the stove. ‘I’ll make sure the steak doesn’t burn.
The very moment she said that, the ring of a doorbell reverberated throughout the house. Both females paused, looking towards the hall questioningly.
‘That can’t be right…’ Barbara murmured as she stepped outside of the kitchen, her green eyes wide. ‘He shouldn’t be here for another two hours…’
‘He? You mean…’ Mercy gasped, her hands lifting to her mouth.
When Barbara walked off, Mercy stepped out into the hall after her, eyes instantly falling on Jordan. He was already beside the door, hand frozen beside the doorknob which he had surely been about to open before the sudden ring, his back still to them. Seeing his tall form and yet not being able to discern his expression caused Mercy to begin to sweat.
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The following work is the whole property of R. C. Conrad. Posting this story transfers no license or property. No authority is granted to post this story to any pay site. This story may be posted to any free site, provided notice is given to the author. This story contains transgender images and imagery of magic. If you are easily offended, please do not continue. Persons under the age of 18 should not view this material. Altered Fates: Mercy By R. C. Conrad What can I...
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My name is Jennifer. I suppose I am what you would call normal, for the most part. I am twenty-four years old and I work in admin for a textiles company. It’s not the job of my dreams or anything, but it gives me the finances and freedom to fulfill my hobbies. My dream job would’ve been to teach drama and acting, but really, I never had the courage to grab the ‘brass ring’ and go for the career. I think I had talent, I just wasn’t quite confident enough that I could achieve what I wanted...
The slave was naked but for black stiletto heels, black leather cuffs holding her wrists tightly together behind her back and her leather choker collar with its shining silver letters. Miss Kitty turned up the slave’s chin with one fingernail so the girl looked her in the eye. “What does your collar say girl?” The slaves deep blue eyes were wide. She was nervous and aroused. “Fuck me.” Miss Kitty smiled and slapped the girl hard across her upturned buttocks making the girl wince and...
Nobody knows who She is, or where she came from. But everyone, religious or secular, agreed that there are only two eras that matter now, before Her, and after Her. At first, there were reports of entire villages in Eastern Europe being rampaged. Buildings were found half demolished, unnatural earthquakes started occurring in zones that had never experienced it before... when people went to look for survivors, what they found were naked bodies with a smile on their face. The ones who had died,...
You're Jack, a dark-haired high school senior almost ready to head to college in a couple months. You've got a pretty average build, not chubby but certainly not anything that would peg you as a jock. That of course makes sense since you aren't a jock. In fact, you fall fairly far down the social ladder at your high school. Nevertheless, you lead a fairly happy life, hanging out with friends and tolerating your family. Today was a quiet Saturday afternoon, unremarkable for the most part. You...
IncestDear Mom & Dad, It has been a real drag here at college. The people are all in clicks and the professors are even worse. I had great plans of doing as Dad wanted and become a teacher, but the English Lit Professor is the world's biggest ego trip jerk, and told me he was hell-bent desiring to dash my hopes! He wants those not in frat houses to brown nose him at every exam time, or buy him gifts, and he has a list! Although my grades are still acceptable, I thought of looking around at some part...
[ For my very good friend Meg, and her insatiable need for big black cock. Your doing wonderful things in the quest to destroy the long, sad, shameful racist history here in America---by something much more powerful than any set of laws could ever achieve. Keep it up, babe! ]My wife passed away some years ago. Her death was one of the most difficult, and painful things I've ever had to go through, and for a long time I lived single, trying to be a good parent to our daughter, as best as I could...
Beth's birthday was coming up and we planned a special way of celebrating. We went to a nice dinner and a show. The night started off very nice. When we got back to her apartment she invited me in. She lead me back to her bedroom. We started kissing and stripped each other. Right when she reached for my cock, I moved away and asked her if she wanted to try something different for the night's play. "How different?" she asked. "No pain," I saidShe nodded and I grabbed a bag that I had brought in...
My shemale boss had called me and said that since she was on a vacation then I was free to fuck her secretary.I went over to her place with my case filled with bondage equipment from my boss.As I knocked at her door my mind filled with fantasies about how I would tie her and fuck her. I made my choice.As she opened the door she imediately understood why I was there. So she took me to her bedroom and asked if I wanted her to wear something special:-Yes, in this case is a latexsuit that should...
"Will you really do it?" I asked my brother Jack. "Will you really help me to commit suicide?" "If that's what you really want, then yes; I'll get you the stuff, and I'll stay here with you 'til the end." Jack whispered. 'Here' is Savannah, Georgia, just like any other place, 'cept maybe hotter and more humid. What led up to this decision to end it all? It all started last Spring, when I was a senior in high school looking forward to a modeling career. I was offered an...
“500 channels, and nothing but Christmas specials on...” Ken Dix flipped through the TV guide at a moderate pace, finding nothing but disappointment at every turn. As it was Christmas Eve, every show was a mushy feel-good romp spouting lines about family and goodwill to others. None of that spoke to Ken in the slightest. “Ken?” a voice came from the kitchen. “What’s up, Mom?” “I’ve got my hands full with making everything for dinner tonight, but I’m going to run short on a couple of...
He sat in a chair across from the end of the bed that I laid in naked and exposed for him, my fingers twisting and pumping inside of my sex as the soft sound of juices squelching echoed around me. I was in a haze, barely aware of his physical body before my own, but I could feel him more intensely than ever before. With my eyes closed, I couldn’t see him, I couldn’t watch him as he admired me, I could only listen to the sounds my body made, and the occasional groan he uttered to himself. His...
Going to school in Princeton was a privelege I enjoyed immensely, especially being a Phillies fan. I had grown up in Pennsylvania Dutch country in the southeastern part of the state and my parents were well enough off to pay the huge costs of Ivy League. Two years after beginning my college life, my sister Naomi graduated high school and started attending nearby Ryder college, partly because my parents wanted her to feel safe - that her brother was only minutes away. Naomi and I were "okay"...
Time: October 23, 8235 10:37 AM After spending four hours in morning prayers with some visiting Royalty who had come for the occasion, I hurried off to the nuptial wing of Jizari's central cathedral. My time in the wing was a stark contrast to the friendliness of the Royalty, so many of whom seemed eager to be my friend. The nuptial procedure itself was all business, and very dry, as was the specially trained Priest who performed the marriage. "As you can see," commented the Nikahaldi,...
The next day they all assembled in the quarters as directed and when Tani did not appear, they went to bed. At two minutes into the next day when it was still, pitch black outside the lights flashed on in their bay. "Stand by the end of your bunks," Tani yelled. When all had complied, she began to pace up and down the aisle and address them. "You are mine for the next week and I just thought I would let you know that training starts three hours from now, during this week I will tell you...
"Go ahead," I said, putting my left hand up next to my ear. "Meiko," Maggie's voice said. "We have a teleport unit near Morrigan, but we are going to have a problem. The gunner is barely conscious and won't be able to get out of the pod without help." "Can someone from Morrigan do it?" I asked. "No," Maggie said. "I already asked. The grid is charged so anyone setting foot on it would be killed." I considered the situation. "We've done that kind of teleport before, but...
Becky really enjoyed her afternoons working as a volunteer at the local hospital. Sometimes she would read to a patient or maybe take one for a walk in their wheelchair. Her duties seemed to run the gamut, and she loved helping people. Today she had helped an eighty six year old lady write a letter to her grandson who lives in New York, and later on she helped feed a young girl who had both of her arms in casts. Where ever she could help is where she wanted to be! After watching the doctors and...
Erotic‘Just tell me what you remember.’ ‘I told you that I don’t remember anything.’ ‘Take your time.’ ‘NO!’ Haven screamed, pushing away from the metal table in the interrogation room. She couldn’t understand what these people wanted with her. She didn’t remember anything about what he was talking about, and yet they continued to treat her as if she’d been complicit with that madman. The detective sighed as she moved to the window to glare at the rogue shackled to a chair. ‘You know what? I am...
The cool Autumn air flowing through the open door disturbed the dusty webs of long dead spiders as we pushed the heavy wooden door inward. Only the whisper of the breeze, our breath, and the screech of the door’s rusty hinges competed with the sound of my pounding heart as I stepped through the threshold into the house’s foyer. It was evident that Madison and I were the first visitors in quite some time, that the house’s reputation for evil had kept people away for a long, long time. I stepped...
{if Days = 1}You are reading the story in Game Mode.{else}Please click Start Game before you begin reading, or parts of the story won't make a lot of sense.{endif} You wake up in your dorm room on your first morning as a student at Lakehaven Academy. Just a week ago, you had never heard of this place; now, it seems, you will be here for the foreseeable future. You think back over the unlikely chain of events that led to you ending up in this dingy room. Aged eighteen, you recently failed your...
TeenThe cool Autumn air flowing through the open door disturbed the dusty webs of long dead spiders as we pushed the heavy wooden door inward. Only the whisper of the breeze, our breath, and the screech of the door's rusty hinges competed with the sound of my pounding heart as I stepped through the threshold into the house's foyer. It was evident that Madison and I were the first visitors in quite some time, that the house's reputation for evil had kept people away for a long, long time. I stepped...
Supernatural?Augustus come through, don’t dither boy! You’re already late for our meeting and I cease to believe why???I’m sorry Sir, some of the bigger boys were hurting me, and they kept pushing and shoving me in the corridor??That is a fault only of your own boy, you were instructed to arrive here promptly at half four. Why should I sacrifice ten minutes of my life because of your own ability to be punctual? An extra punishment will go your way Augustus; I will not tolerate this kind of...
Another Hentai Haven? It just might seem to you that the world has a massive craving for quality hentai that's progressively getting bigger and bigger, and if that's an assumption that you've made, then you would be absolutely right! Western and eastern cultures collided a long time ago, and things have been heading in all sorts of direction for quite some time. Among all the things that have been impacted by this cultural exchange, pornography has been changed irreversibly, and thus, the...
Hentai Streaming SitesIt’s funny that some people still think cartoons are just for kids. Stoners have been making their case for years as they dine on Cheetos for dinner, and even Pixar fills their flicks with double entendres to keep the adults laughing. And then you’ve got hentai, like the shit you can find on HentaiHaven. This shit is so perverted it’s not only unsuitable for adults, it’s unsuitable for damn near everybody.Except you, am I right? You’re browsing reviews in the hentai section because you love the...
Hentai Streaming SitesHentaiHaven! Have you been looking for a hentai haven full of cock-swallowing anime chicks, big-titted schoolgirls and warrior chicks getting fucked by cartoon monsters? Well, my freaky friends, you’re in luck today, because I’ve got just the thing to get you all hard and drippy. Put the body pillow waifu in the closet or that canvas bitch might get a little jealous.HentaiHaven.com is a newer hentai site molded after an older and very well-established brand. Longtime masturbators to Japanese...
Hentai Streaming SitesWhat does the ‘N’ stand for in Nhentai Haven? Could it be Naruto, meaning you can find only Naruto-based pornography here? Fuck, I hope not! Nobody wants to see that fox-tailed mother fucker pointing his asshole in other dude’s faces! But what is it?Fuck if I know! But none of that matters when you have an assortment of hentai pornography to jerk off to. There are all kinds of hentai videos on this website for you to discover. Regardless of what you are horny for, Nhentai Haven has the kind of...
Hentai Streaming SitesHi guys I'm Rajan 26 age from Chennai India. Here I'm going to share an offer came from neighborhood aunty , Now we are fucking like rabbits Continuing our wonderful affairs. We were… [email protected]
AffairThe hollow autumn moon lingered low on the murky midnight horizon as a brisk, winter kissed wind relentlessly rolled along the harbor, effortlessly gathering up acrid ocean aromas that easily carried far inland. The stringent, salty stench added a bitter bite to the chilly, late November night, giving most just cause to keep locked indoors, safely sheltered away from the unpleasantly seasonal elements. In the hours since the sun had faded far, into the distant west, the temperature, had...
HAVEN The crush of snow, dirt and oil outside the drab building, combined with the almost unnatural quiet, belied the warmth and faint, deep heartthrob of drum-and-bass that leaked from the metal door, intensifying as a window slid open with a faint, rusty screech at his knock. The eyes inside looked suspiciously over the two standing in the cold, the man standing broadly, confidently in the fresh powder, his thin, but not scrawny frame wrapped in the Designer’s latest double-breasted wool...
*Author's Disclaimer: I am an amateur that is providing content for free. While I desire to maintain a certain level of quality, this story is constantly a WIP. Current chapters may be edited for grammar or content, and will be noted at the end of each chapter in the chapter update notes. While constructive criticism is welcome, please keep it that: constructive. * You step out of the taxi as it drops you off at a house you've never seen before. You shoulder one bag and pull your other behind...
The headmistress of this school believes that only with the strictest corporal punishment can wayward schoolgirls be brought to behave like young ladies. Take From : [url]http://www.photosbdsm.com.ar/[/url]
The headmistress of this school believes that only with the strictest corporal punishment can wayward schoolgirls be brought to behave like young ladies.Take From : [url]http://www.photosbdsm.com.ar/[/url]
Introduction: hope you enjoy this Small Mercies Part I Her Im late…so late…and yet as I hear your key in the lock, Im still not ready to go. My sense of time has escaped me tonight. It does that sometimes…and now with your new boss and his many stuffed minions awaiting our arrival Ive done the inexcusable once again. I hear you settle heavily on the edge of the bed as I finish pinning my hair and applying my lipstick…pink and understated. I turn. You are resplendent in your new suit....
Part I Her I'm late...so late...and yet as I hear your key in the lock, I'm still not ready to go. My sense of time has escaped me tonight. It does that sometimes...and now with your new boss and his many stuffed minions awaiting our arrival I've done the inexcusable once again. I hear you settle heavily on the edge of the bed as I finish pinning my hair and applying my lipstick...pink and understated. I turn. You are resplendent in your new suit. Italian. Tailored....