A Sacrificial Lamb Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is my first foray into erotic writing and what a strange and a dark journey my mind has taken! This is the beginning of something much bigger. I would really appreciate your comments and of course, ahem, your votes! Thank you Carlton_11 for your editing and helpful advice, you’ve been a god send.

* * * * *

The slamming of the door was worse than any slap I would ever endure. I had displeased my Master.

I sit huddled in the middle of the floor, clutching the remnants of my torn dress, the blue satin cool upon my hot skin. Taking a deep breath, I do battle with my desire to just walk out, to leave behind my submission, to make Master see that he would be nothing without me.

I choke back the tears, knowing that I am just fooling myself. If I were to walk out, he would never take me back, I had tried his patience too many times, that much was obvious. Why else would he command me to dress as a slut and leave me to my own devices? Normally he was so meticulous when it came to his treasured prize whore.

I rise up from my knelt position, my muscles shaking with tension and pent up frustrated desire. My Master had teased me mercilessly, bringing me so close to the edge, where I love to plummet from and give myself completely over to him. But, he withdrew. Knowing me so well, he left me cruelly teetering on the edge. There was to be no release, a cruel torture even for my Master.

Walking unsteadily into the bathroom, the click of my satin heels sounds hollow upon the marble tiles. Gripping hold of the white basin, I lift my head to look at my face, surprised to see no bruise rising on my cheek where Master had struck me in his anger. Only a dull ache is reminding me of what had happened. Touching my cheek gingerly I wince. I am ashamed at my make up, which is smudged with my tears. I reach for the make up remover then stop myself, remembering Master’s words.

‘Leave your make up as it is slut, you do not deserve to look pretty, you have shown me what a whore you are.’ His thumb drags heavily over my red painted lips, smearing my cupids bow.

I look again at myself in the mirror, the black mascara is smudged, emphasizing my blue eyes, making them deeper, darker, masking any innocence that I may usually show. My red lips are full and wanton, ‘the perfect mouth to suck cock.’

I drag my fingers through my tousled long red hair, removing the dainty clasps that hang on by barely a strand. Turning away from the mirror I walk into the wardrobe, delving into the darkness. I retrieve the clothes I had last worn, before I accepted Master’s collar and entered into his service. Gathering the clothes close to my naked form, I return to the bedroom. I place the short black satin circular skirt, the white gauze blouse and wide white net petticoat upon the four poster bed. I run my hands lovingly over the garments, kicking off my blue satin shoes. My feet sink into the thick plush carpet. I move soundlessly over to the large oak carved chest of drawers, pulling the smallest compartment open, and look down upon a black lace Basque and thong panties.

I’m concerned that wearing these may be taking my Master’s command a little too far, but he did order me to dress as a slut and I shall fulfil his desires. Grinning devilishly, I pull out the Basque, knowing, or should I say hoping, that this may soften his resolve a little. I Slide the Basque over my head and pull it down to cling over my soft feminine curves, clutch hold of the ribbon and pull it tightly, forcing my breasts against the sheer material. My breasts are pushed up into a deep creamy cleavage, two tiny cups of lace mask my nipples. I step into the thong, the thin piece of material pulls up between my well rounded bottom cheeks. The gusset barely covers my shaven mound. I stroke myself through the silken material, still so wet.

‘Mmmmm, ‘I sigh, removing my hand before I get too carried away and forget my duties.

Bending over, I slide the tan hold-ups down my legs, and kick them into a corner. I take black fish nets out of a draw and pull them quickly into place, my hands sliding down over the suspender clasps, pulling them tightly, ensuring that the seam is perfectly straight. The straps push into my soft flesh. ‘Perfect, ‘I think. I slap my rump playfully, I’m growing more confident as I adorn the outer clothes. The gauze blouse is barely hiding the jet black Basque. I fasten up the buttons to my neck, the high collar framing my oval face and step into the net skirt, so short and wide that it barely covers my stocking tops as it fans out. Slipping the black skirt over my head and letting it settle over the full white net I giggle at the irony of the white petticoat, so virginal.

‘Sally!’ I jump as I hear my Master’s voice. ‘Are you ready slut? ‘

‘Yes Sir, just give me a moment. ‘

My confidence drains as I look into his cold dark eyes. Quickly stepping into the black patent stilettos, my toes cry in protest at the tight confinement I am forcing them into. I walk over to my Master for his inspection, head chastely bowed.

‘I am ready Sir. ‘My voice catches in my throat.

‘Not quite yet Sally.’

My Master’s hand tilts my chin up, pulling me towards him. My heart is pounding as I prepare for his kiss, my eyes are fluttering beneath their closed lids. His hands trail softly down my neck and over my shoulders, my lips ache for his kiss, and then my eyes fly open as his hands tear at the gauze blouse, revealing the black Basque underneath, my cleavage is revealed to any that would look upon me. Any teasing sensuality is now gone from my garb.

‘You are a slut, Sally, a whore, and tonight you are going to be treated as such,’ he tells me harshly. ‘I want you to go to the kitchen, you’re to serve my guests tonight. ‘

His hand softly strokes my cheek, where he had struck me earlier. A deep growl is in his voice: ‘I cannot guarantee they will act gentlemanly to you, my sweet little submissive.’ Grasping my chin in his hand with a vice like grip, he forces me to look into his eyes.

‘˜Nor shall I prevent them from doing what they want with you. Remember this is a punishment Sally – or should I call you Tara? ‘

I gasp as I am called by the name he first knew me by, and turn my eyes away from his, my cheeks are flushing in shame. He releases his grip on my chin.

‘Go now my guests are waiting, don’t disappoint me slut.’

I nod mutely and turn towards the back stairs, feeling my Master’s eyes upon me, yet when I turn to look at him, he is gone from the hallway.

The kitchen was hot and humid, a writhing mass of people, bustling about with important tasks, a cacophony of yells and bashing pans. I slip into a darkened corner, terrified to step into the mayhem.

‘Ah there you are Cherie! ‘

A soft hand encircles my wrist and pulls me into the light. I bow my head, casting my eyes down upon the butler’s shiny black shoes.

‘Tsk, tsk,’ Henri clucks like a mother hen, ‘now child there’s no need to bow your head in my presence.’

Tilting my head up and letting out an audible sigh, he reaches for a white linen handkerchief, moistens it and wipes the smeared lipstick away. I gently push Henri’s hand away. I look forlornly into his soft brown eyes. He is always so caring, so tender, he is a good friend and confidante since I have come into the house. He has quite literally taken me under his wing.

‘What am I to do with you child! Will you never learn? You are certainly testing Sir’s patience,’ he admonishes.

I move to speak, protesting my innocence, but Henri’s finger silences me.

‘No, no, child you are far too impetuous, learn the rule of silence, bend your will Sally. Then you will know true happiness.’ Henri looks down upon me sadly shaking his head. ‘Now take a tray of drinks and begin your punishment.’

I looked surprised, not realizing it was so serious that Master had informed Henri. This meant that i
n a while the unessential staff would be dispensed with, and then the party would really begin. Taking the tray in my hands, my nerves make the glass tinkle sharply. Henri rests his hands reassuringly upon my shoulder and presses his warm lips against my cheek, before pushing me through the door.

The reception room was gaily lit, adorned with silver and gold decorations, cherubs heralding a new enterprise and angels smiling benignly down upon the guests. The men were dressed in tuxedos, a sea of black and white, which contrasted with the bright vibrant colours of the ladies. I recognise a few of the guests, and the husbands had not brought their wives. I slowly step into the milling crowd, offering champagne to any who would take it. This was not the first time I had been to one of these parties, but before I had been one of those strutting peacocks, adorned in all the finery a lady could acquire with the help of her benefactor.

Sighing heavily, I realise how drastically my life had changed. I belonged to one, and with that came a responsibility that I was ill equipped to handle. I was brought back to reality as another glass was lifted from my tray. I straightened myself and breathed deeply, lifting my head up defiantly, smiling to hide my shame. My false bravado crumples as I see the glances of the men, as they take in my garb. My cheeks are flushing, I am wishing I could button up my blouse, and protect myself from the lascivious stares. I drop my eyes down to the slowly emptying tray to avoid catching the eyes of Master’s guests.

A neatly manicured hand stops me. ‘Why if it isn’t Tara?’ I look up on hearing a familiar voice. Inwardly I groan as I see Savannah, impeccably dressed with her neck laden with glistening diamonds. Her fingers softly stroke the cold stones, and she smiles at me.

‘I thought you had moved up in the world darling!’ Her voice drips with sarcasm. ‘Now I hear you’re to be tonight’s entertainment!’

Just as I am about to retort, I notice my Master taking Savannah’s hand and kissing it, before wrapping one arm around her slim waist. He leans in and kisses her neck, not even acknowledging me. Savannah’s face is a picture. She is gloating, knowing that what was mine is now hers, even if only for the evening. I stand motionless, my fingers curl around the silver tray and the knuckles go white as my stomach starts to churn. I quickly turn on my heels before I give Savannah the satisfaction of seeing the tears in my eyes. I push my way through the crowd, holding the tray high. How could my Master be so cruel: Savannah, of all the women he could have chosen, why her?

Suddenly I am yanked backwards, the tray clatters to the floor as my hand flies back to clutch a hand that has entwined itself into my long red hair. ‘Let me go!’ I cry. The stranger pulls me back against his chest. A roughly shaven chin presses down upon my shoulder.

‘Oh no, you don’t get away that easily. Your Master has told us all what a slut you are and free to anyone this evening.’

The man’s hands move down to my breasts, gripping them tightly. I struggle to free myself, but his grip merely tightens, crushing my soft flesh.

He whispers huskily into my ear: ‘I want to be the first.’

His hands tear at the black Basque, grabbing my breasts and pulling them out of their black constraints, and his fingers viciously pinch my nipples. Ignoring my cries and struggles, he bites down upon my neck. Bending my knees I manage to slide from his grasp, stumbling slightly as I regain my balance. Desperate for freedom, I bolt towards the kitchen door. Grabbing hold of my torn Basque, I cover myself, and I stifle my sobs and reach the first step. Five more steps and then I will be safe, Henri will protect me.

My foot rises, reaching up for the second step. My heart is pounding desperately. I scream as the stranger’s hands grab my waist pulling me back. I start punching the hands that grip so tightly around my waist, but his strength is too much for me to handle and he drags me back into the centre of the room. I twist around, not losing my will to fight, even though the odds are against me. I lash out like a wild cat, my pointed shoe making contact with his shin. He curses and lets me go. As his fingers release my waist, I lose all balance and fall onto my knees.

The commotion draws my Master’s attention. As I make to stand up I see him striding towards me, and collapse back down onto my knees. I look up at him with tear filled eyes, begging desperately for his forgiveness. He does not even acknowledge me as his face sets like stone.

He nods. ‘You may Giles, she needs to be taught a lesson.’

The bite of leather lands upon my back, a sharp tendril whipping against my cheek.

‘Master please!’

Another lash strikes my back as it concaves away from the strips. I am pleading, but his face is cold, expressionless, his eyes dead. My arms buckle from under me, pressing my cheek against the cold parquet floor. I close my eyes, spread my arms wide, and lift my bottom high in the air, wincing but suppressing my cries as the whip bites down again and again and again.

‘Now get up slut!’

I draw myself up, shifting on my knees to turn and face Giles, bowing my head in submission.

‘I’m sorry Sir.’

Without a word, a blindfold is placed over my eyes, plunging me into terrifying darkness. My ears fill with the sound of applause and jeers. I remain on my knees, looking only at the darkness.

‘Lets take her to the gentleman’s lounge.’ Giles says.

There is a roar of appreciation as the whip that was used for my punishment is wrapped tightly around my wrists. Hands slip under my arms, lifting me up on to my feet. My wrists are pulled forward, and I follow blindly, as unknown hands touch me and spank me as I pass, stumbling in my blindness. A hand wraps around my hair keeping me upright.

Suddenly there is silence, I hear a heavy door closing and my heartbeat ringing in my ears. The whip is removed from my wrists, quickly replaced with cold metal cuffs. My arms are dragged high above my head, until I am stood barely on the tips of my toes. There is a quick jerk and the clink of metal against metal. I am left suspended, my arms stretched, my shoulders already beginning to ache.

Masculine fingers fumble with the last remaining buttons of my blouse, then it is simply torn off me, making me shake, and putting more weight upon my over stretched arms. I quietly whimper as this invisible man yanks down my skirt, roughly lifts my feet and removes the skirt completely. I cease to struggle, resigning myself to whatever my Master has in store for me. I sense that I am now alone, the darkness and emptiness press down on me. I seem to hang there for an eternity as my arms grow numb and my legs shake with the effort of standing only on the balls of my feet.

Suddenly, the room is filled with hushed whispers. My ears try to pick up what they are talking about, they seem to be waiting for someone or something. I hear the creak of the old oak doors slowly opening, and a low haunting chant begins. A monotonous beating of a stick against the marble floor resonates through my body. The low chant builds in volume, growing more intense, and the hypnotic rhythm of men’s voices and the constant wood against marble sound fills the room, nearly overwhelming me. There is a loud final beat from the stick and silence falls once more.

From the silent room, my Master’s voice emanates, so warm and deep, sending shivers down my spine. ‘Hail, Gentlemen. Welcome to this special evening.’

There is a round of applause and cheers, until the room falls silent again, and my Master speaks once more:

‘We have our sacrifice to lust!’ he pronounces, as my stomach tightens with fear and anticipation.

The low rhythm begins again, the beat hard and sharp. The hypnotic tones draw closer to me, and I begin to struggle against the cuffs as fear overwhelms my anticipation. My breathing
quickens as I pull against my tired muscles, trying to free the cuffs from whatever is holding them up. There is no escape for me. The chant surrounds me, I feel the breath of many upon my body, my head falls back and a moan escapes my dry lips. I wish unconsciousness will take me, free me from all the senses that have heightened since I was plunged into darkness.

* * * * *

What does the darkness hold for Sally? to be continued…

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This happened with one of my neighbor aunty in 2005. Her husband was in investigation bureau so lots of out station visits for him. Our family had a good relation with them and i never had any intention for her. I am 28 now so at that time i was aroung 25 n even her son was in 11th standard so never thought that i m gonna fuck lady of that age. Coming to the point, i went to her house for diwali lights fixing as her hubby was outstation and supposed to come at diwali n her children were out to...

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The Company Ashley 01

Ashley 01: Happiness Ashley wasn’t sure what to think of Heather. They’d grown up in the same house, been raised by the same loving parents, and even been baptized by the same Catholic priest. That was why the latest news in her younger twin sister’s life made Ashley’s heart sink in her chest. ‘You’re cheating on Jerry?’ The phone was silent for a while and Ashley truly felt like she would cry. It had been a double wedding, Ashley marrying her husband Peter while Heather and Jerry tied the...

2 years ago
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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 12 We Built Smaller

I began another dangerous long-term research project. It had to do with Nanites. We'd had medical nanites that could simply deposit medications where they were needed--at cancer sites, for example. Our progeric treatment was based on them. They were debugged, efficient and reliable. However, they were extremely limited. They were microscopic syringes, period. I wondered if we could first create biological reconstructive nanites that could reconnect nerve bundles, heal bones and aid in the...

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Fun Times with Rachel

Beep….Beep….Beep I woke up with a start to the sound of my alarm clock. My hand instinctively smashed the top of it, turning it off. I sat up in bed and checked the time. 11:34. I got up and walked to the bathroom, without even bothering to close the door as I had my own bathroom in my room. I did my business and brushed my teeth. As I finished, I stopped and looked at my self in the mirror. My name is Paul Allen and I’m 16. I’m an only child. I have short brown hair and I’m about...

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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 8

Jason could not muster the will to throw off Heather's influence in time to stop Richie from leaving the room. When Richie exited through the back door, he harnessed his growing anger with the Sovert girls to emerge from the thick pall of induced desire. He took a deep breath to steady himself as he turned to Heather. "That was not nice." Heather stared at him. "Huh? What are you talking about?" "What you just did to Richie. You practically pretended he wasn't even there!" "Yeah,...

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I will tell you a story!But it is not the story of havin sex and love, but it's my story of pain and humiliation.This happend several years ago.I knew her for a long time and I really liked her. She was the kind of girl that realy turnes me on. So I tried my luck with her. We were sitting at a drink. I was extremely nervous, but I surprisingly noticed, that she was pulling her glas of wine seesaw, so I concluded she was nervous too. So she invited me at her birthday, wich was several days later...

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Ordered Spanking

With my partner working away for long periods of time, we have a open relationship, were we allow each other to have sexual experiences with others, to the point where my boyfriend sets me up in various encounters. This is just one of them.I was at work, when I got an email though from my partner, he told me not to go home but to go straight to the address he gave me, to meet a Mr Harris. The next sentence just said "he is going to cane you!".As I finished up at the office, I kept wondering who...

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Three times and your in

You text me "Feeling greedy, are you up to the challenge?" Intrigued, and excited I reply "Go on, what's the challenge?"Seconds later my phone vibrates again, message reads "Make me cum three times before using your cock!"Damn, I can't resist trying that, can I? so I reply "there in 10 minutes, start without me if you want :0)"When I get there you are on the bed dressed to impress and sure enough you are as horny as hell one hand rubbing your pussy through your panties the other caressing your...

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The Blind DateChapter 16

As soon as most of the people were back in control, Jeevika and Heemita started their show, not separate but decided to work together. They both had put on a kind of dress of some kind, not really transparent much, silky white, strange material actually. One of the tables was placed in the middle of the place, they would not do separate performances at each table this time. Since they performed together they told, they decided to play a game and the winner of that game, would win this...

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Candy Stroker part 1

Candy Stroker When I was 17, several things happened to me. I got my license, I got my first real boyfriend, my boobs went through a big growth spurt—and I got a job as a candy striper. A few weeks before my 17th birthday, I’d gone shopping and gotten new bras. I remember it was hard to decide whether to get a 34A like I’d been doing for a while or to go to a 34B. I got the B on the advice of the salesgirl, who said I’d probably get bigger, but that there was no way a girl my age would get...

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Lady Peasant Ch 06

The second day of being away from Al was a little easier than the first because she knew that the next day they’d be together again. Throughout the loneliness of the day and night before, she cherished his final words to her… the first avowal of love a man had ever given her and it was certainly from the man who held her heart in his hands. For Gwendolyn was sure of it, she loved Al passionately and desperately… and she would cherish there time together for the rest of her life even as she knew...

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Beer VS Pussy

Introduction: As always your comments, ratings, and jokes are greatly appreciated It is time to do a comparison between two things treasured by men, beer and pussy...A beer is always wet.A pussy needs encouragement.Advantage: Beer.A beer tastes horrible served hot.A pussy tastes better served hot.Advantage: Pussy.Having an ice cold beer makes you satisfied.Having an ice cold pussy makes you Hillary Clinton.Advantage: Beer.Beers have commercials making fun of skunky ones.Pussy does...

2 years ago
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Mausi Ke Ladki Ki Chudhye

Hi am akshay from mumbai mere age 20 hai dhik ne mai chota hu magar mera dick ka size dek kar koi be shantus ho jata hai mai iss ka regular reader hu par mai paile bar story likh ne jane wala hu agar koi galti ho tho sorry ab mai apne real story par atha hu mere ek cousin bhen hai jo ki thane mai rathe hai uska nam twinkle hai uske boobs size 34 or uske gand 36 hai jab bi wo mere gar athi hai tab mai uske gand he dhekta ratha hu mere gar par mom dad or ek mera bada bhai retha mom akhile rene se...

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Men Are Just Testicles in PrisonChapter 7

It was an unfamiliar footfall that arrived in the morning. It was someone carrying his breakfast bowl, but it wasn't the usual woman. It was Rachel! The second-grade teacher. "You slimy bucket of shit!" she said. "You raped a dozen women, multiple times. I will teach you a lesson you will never forget." "But, ma'am..." "Silence! When I want your opinion I will ask for it." "Here is your breakfast," she said, placing the bowl six feet outside the bars. When she walked up the...

2 years ago
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Young PussyChapter 2

That evening after work Elton came out of the subway still behind his normal time schedule. It would be impossible for him to be at home by six p.m., but he hurried anyway. A quick stop at the A&P and he picked up a TV dinner and a bottle of Pepsi. Then he rushed to a different supermarket where oranges were on sale. "Nobody could say that Elton was a spend thrift," he said out loud as he paid for his two oranges. Thus laden, he scurried out of the supermarket towards his co-op...

3 years ago
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The Ostler and the Lady Chapter Four Thoroughbred

Seeing the twin horse-driven polished box-like carriage heading up the main drive, Jack Wetherly knew exactly what it contained. His heart gave a heave, knowing that this was his new challenge, arriving with two long-coated men sitting upfront. Excitedly, he called to Alf, his boss and mentor.Alf came hobbling out of the stable. Jack couldn’t help thinking how much slower on his feet the older man had become. He was due to retire soon and that was why Jack had been appointed. But this new...

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Under the ArchesChapter 10 All Good Things Must Come To An End

Alex finally managed to get in touch with Joan around supper time. Even on the phone he could tell her mind was elsewhere. The conversation was almost formal – Joan asking the obligatory questions about the trip, apologizing for not being there last night – her mom wasn't feeling well was what she told him. They arranged to get together in an hour. Alex would pick her up and take her out to dinner. Alex's nerves were totally on edge as he got ready for dinner. Ang had to work a close shift...

1 year ago
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Prologue. If anything can be said about me...its that I am a wimp. So it might surprise those that knew me exactly what my job occupation eventually became, only a week and a half when I was forced to spend an evening in a septic tank because Billy Bretterson had decided he didn't like how my glasses sat on my face. So it was that night that I had finally managed to get the damn thing open and had walked home, my pants sopping with things I didn't even try to smell. I walked into my dormitory,...

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Bad Girls

When I was fifteen or sixteen I got a job working at the country club near our house. There were three other girls working there that I was friends with, they were in my class. Linda, a blond, Lisa, a brunette, and Tammy, brown hair. Now we had a lot of fun working. We got to mow the grass, do painting, and all kinds of maintenance. And while we did our duties we always took time to flirt. We would give beaver shots, boob shots and many other things. The old men at the club could not keep their...

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my online friend and our journey into a switch sub

this story starts with my growing obsession about introducing a man to the pleasures his body can give him. Freeing him from things a stereotypical male should and should not like. Its my belief that the adult human body is there to be enjoyed and between consenting adults explored together respectfully and boundaries gently and safely tested.We met online and we chatted nicely about turn ons and turn offs shared links to movies we liked and chatted about how open we were to trying new...

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Sold! By Cassandra Morgan Beauty fades. Colors wash away. Passion ebbs. It is but a matter of time. Dreams die. Energy fades. Skies darken. You get used to life, until that which was exciting becomes routine. It is even so for those of us who refuse to live ordinary lives. There was a time when dressing like a maid was all that mattered in my world, when cleaning and cooking were highlights to my day. There was a time when the sound of my Mistress' raised voice thrilled me and...

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Sweet to Eat

Lots of women complain that they don’t like the taste of their man’s cum. What seems funny about that to me is that they will take a load in their mouths but they won’t swallow. Tastes buds are in your mouth, not your stomach. Once you’ve got the cum on your tongue, it seems a bit ridiculous to spit it out; the damage has been done so to speak. While I’m definitely not a fan of taking a load on my face and it seems sort of a waste to have it anywhere other than inside me, I’m here to say...

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Dominance and Submission

On my 15th birthday I went to live with Shelly. Shelly was a family friend who agreed to adopt me indefinitely. She was a beautiful 28 year old and quite independently wealthy. We got along well - I gave her no cause for complaint and respected her for letting me live with her. I did everything Shelly asked and in return she was like a big sister to me.After I had lived with Shelly for a week, she began to reveal her true intentions. After dinner, during our usual conversation, she said, “I...

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Mr Dithers goes after Blondie

Mr. Dithers watched his hidden camera inside the Bumstead home. He never did like Dagwood, but he kept him around because of his amazing blonde wife. Julius Dithers believed that Dagwood didn't deserve her. He would make it his mission to bed her and breed the young wife. After all, he had no heirs with his fat wife to leave his empire. A young woman would do nicely. That day he sent Dagwood on a overnight conference meeting. He arrived at the Bumstead house an hour after Dagwood left. Blondie,...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 62 Ghosts

At first sight, the exterior of the house at Auteuil gave no indications of splendor, nothing one would expect from the destined residence of the magnificent Count of Monte Cristo; but this simplicity was according to the will of its master, who positively ordered nothing to be altered outside. The splendor was within. Indeed, almost before the door opened, the scene changed. M. Bertuccio had outdone himself in the taste displayed in furnishing, and in the rapidity with which it was executed....

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Tammys tale of being blackmailed

"Please don't make me do this," Becky pleaded, her gorgeous green eyes filling with tears. "I'm not making you do anything," I told my pretty neighbor, leaning back into the couch, legs akimbo, waiting for my show. I was ready, wearing only boxers and a t-shirt. Her eyes flickered to the side, once again taking in the collage of pictures on the coffee table. "You know that if John ever saw those pictures he'd kill me." "So am I supposed to lie to him?" I asked her, pointedly. She stood quietly,...

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Morning Rimjob

His text said, "I'm on my way, be there in 20.""I'm home alone, the door's unlocked, come on in." I replied and went back to styling my hair. That's plenty of time to finish up, I thought to myself.I was wrong.When he walked in I was still using the flat iron. "I'm sorry, thought I'd be done with this by now. But I'll hurry up.""Yeah, what's up with that?" he joked as he leaned down to kiss my cheek."Almost done." I said as I ran the straightener down the last section of hair. I shut it off and...

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Just a SecChapter 11

The sex between Jennifer and Matt that night was slow and gentle; and definitely loving. The concerns about the possible level of noise resulting from their joining were unfounded. Any sounds coming from the two of them were limited simply to slightly-louder-than-usual sighs and moans. In fact, neither Connor nor Haley was disturbed, embarrassed, or even alerted by Matt and Jennifer’s sexual activities. But the low noise level was definitely NOT indicative of the level of pleasure and...

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A night at the neighbors

My next door neighbors have been friends with my family since my grandparents moved here in the 70s, my father even went to school with their eldest son and they became best friends. As the years went on our two families stayed close; within a few months after I was born the neighbors had a daughter and we were almost inseparable, playing together almost everyday for years. About the time we both turned five both of our families had another c***d, the neighbors had a boy and my family had a...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 42

When I woke up just a couple of hours later, I still had one of my sexy little sisters sleeping atop me with my cock firmly lodged inside her womb. This was definitely one of the best ways to wake up every morning. With my morning wood surrounded by a wonderfully tight, warm, young pussy. It wasn’t just my cock that was enjoying my little sister’s presence. I loved feeling the slight weight of her soft, warm body laying atop mine. The silky smoothness of her toned legs entangled with mine,...

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The Interview

The summer before my final year in college I was really hurting for money and didn't know what I was going to do. My parents didn't have any extra money and I couldn't find a job for the summer no matter what I did, it just wasn't working out for me. I was sitting in a coffee shop with a few of the girls from one of my classes that had just finished. I only knew a couple of them, the rest I knew them to see them, but didn't know them well. I was sitting there upset not knowing what to do, when...


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