Larry Had a Little Lamb
- 3 years ago
- 30
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The sound of the heavy doors closing behind me reverberate around the room. I turn back feeling my way over the dark carvings, searching for the handles. My hands finally touch the twisted metal. I wrap my fingers tightly round them and draw them down, trying to pull the doors open. Beyond the thick wood I hear muffled laughter, and the doors refuse to yield. I bang my fists against the doors, yelling to be let out. My efforts are in vain as the laughing disappears. Resting my head against the warm wood, I breathe deeply, fighting the fear that is welling up inside of me. The silence that surrounds me is so oppressive that I have to do something, anything, to distract myself.
I step away from the door and wrap the red cloak around me. The material is so soft it offers me no comfort as I walk forward, my naked feet making no noise upon the floor, one hand reaching out in front of me, trying to feel my way through the darkness.
Each step is hesitant, but nothing obstructs my way. I continue onwards, some force pushing me, in the hope I may find an exit out of this nightmare. I hear a soft click behind me. I stop walking, my ears fight against the sound of my own heart beat, trying to distinguish where the noise had come from. My fingers curl in the soft sheer material, as I hesitatingly call out.
‘Hello?’ Silence replies. ‘Is anyone there?’
I hold my breath, hoping for reply. Nothing. My only company is the darkness.
I continue onwards humming to myself softly under my breath to fill the aching hole. I had never liked silence, being happier in the bedlam of noise. I wonder to myself why I have been put in here. There is nothing barring me from moving forward so I must arrive at a door soon. This room couldn’t be endless, could it? I spin on my heels as I hear another click this time so much closer.
Another click. I squint my eyes, trying to see where the noise is coming from and who is making it, but the darkness is too heavy. I step back as the clicking begins again, drawing closer. With each click I step back, trying to keep my distance. One click… two clicks…. My heart desperately pounds against my chest. I gasp, as my feet step upon cold stone. The clicking quickens, my feet following suit, until they stop, the silence resumes. I take one more step and then stop myself, I am breaking out into a cold sweat. ‘Please show yourself?’
‘She’s here, she’s here, she’s here,’ a hushed whisper begins, surrounding me, the voices join as one.
I spin around and around trying to pinpoint where they are. Their voices grow louder and laughter intermingles.
‘Stop it! Stop it!’ I cry out, unable to take anymore as I collapse down onto the hard stone floor and cover my ears. My body shakes involuntarily. I sob. ‘Stop it, stop it, please,’ I whimper, rocking back and forth, wrapping my arms tightly around myself.
A warm hand rests upon my shoulders, making me yelp in shock. I scramble to stand up. The hand takes my elbow and draws me up. My Master’s voice is like a beacon of saving light. ‘It’s alright Sally.’ I grasp, and take hold of his hand.
‘Master is it really you?’ My hands seek his solid form blindly, and I breath a sigh of relief as he gathers me into his arms. ‘I’m so sorry, truly I am.’
His hand gently strokes my cheek. I look up towards his face but am met only by a mask. I draw a shaking hand up to pull away the mask to see and to know that it is him behind the mask. His face is so pale, his blue eyes glazed, as he mindlessly strokes my cheek.
‘Master?’ I grab his shoulders shaking him. His face shows no flicker of emotion. ‘Master what’s wrong with you?’ Suddenly, a spotlight shines down upon us, and I see how pale my Master his. His skin is cold to the touch. I wrap my arms around him, pressing my body against his, and try to warm him. ‘Oh Andrew what have you done?’ I cry into his stone like chest.
A single clap breaks the silence that had surrounded my Master and I. Henri stepping into the circle of light. No longer wearing his butler uniform, he is dressed in a black suit with a red shirt which shines brightly in the light. His face is a picture of smug satisfaction. As he stands, just at the edge of the circle, I shake Master, desperately trying to rouse him from his hypnotic state.
‘It’s no use Sally,’ Henri purrs, his voice laced with impatience. ‘He’s beyond your reach now.’
He turns his gaze over to my Master. ‘Kneel Andrew!’
Master breaks away from my arms and slips down onto his knees and his eyes connect with Henri. I pull at my Master’s arm, trying to get him to rise. I cry out desperately. ‘Master, please, you kneel for no man!’
Henri laughs in glee. ‘Such an innocent child. Sally, you know nothing!’
I release my Master’s arm and it flops loosely down to his side. I turn and walk towards him as anger burns deep inside of me. I don’t care that the cloak floats behind me displaying my strapped body. The light makes my skin so pale, and the red rouge Savannah had placed upon me glimmers. Henri’s smug face angered me so much that rational thought flies out of the window. I am propelled into some form of action. I lash out as I draw close, my hand impacting with Henri’s cheek. His head is pushed to the side. My breath is heavy as I stare at him.
Stepping closer to my Master. I scream out: ‘Let Andrew go!’
Henri rubs his jaw as he turns his face, back to me. Grinning sardonically he moves towards me with slow, steady steps. I stand my ground, my fists clenched ready to hit him again and again if necessary.
‘Such a wild cat Sally, but do you really think you can resist me?’ His confidence unnerves me, but I gather myself.
‘Master owes you nothing!’
Henri stops and glares at me. ‘That is where you are wrong Sally,’ he roars. ‘He owes me everything! YOU are the price I am willing to take!’
My confidence grows as I see how I have angered him. I crouch down beside Andrew and stroke his face. ‘You cannot take what isn’t yours!’ I spit back.
Henri’s head falls back and a loud dragging groan escapes his throat. I shake Andrew again, needing his support, but still I get no response. Henri shrugs his shoulders, straightens his jacket and lifts his head.
‘Did you not listen to Savannahs advice Sally? Are you truly so stupid?’
I rise up, standing in front of my Master. ‘I love him, you can’t do this to us.’
My words sound feeble as Henri grabs me harshly, cutting into the flesh of my arms. His face is only inches from mine. ‘This could have been so simple Sally, but now you have sealed both your Master’s and yours fate!’ His spit lands on my face.
My face grows pale as a horrid realization hits me and Savannah’s words coming back to me: ‘Your Master tried everything to prevent this.’
He did love me, but what had I done? ‘Henri, Henri please, I don’t care what you do to me, but please, please I beg of you don’t hurt Andrew.’
Henri’s nails dig into my arms, and as he spins me round to face Andrew two masked men drag him up to his feet. They pull away the cloak and reveal his body, naked apart from a black leather collar attached to his neck. Henri presses his face against my neck and inhales my fear as if it were some aphrodisiac. ‘See your Master now Sally. See how frail and pathetic he is.’
‘No, no, no,’ I moan as tears stream down my cheeks.
The men drag Andrew off into the darkness. I try to pull away, but Henri’s grip is tight. ‘There is a way you can save him my sweet, quit this futile struggle, bend to my will and your Master shall be returned to his proper place.’
‘I can’t, I can’t,’ I cry.
I crumble down onto my knees. Henri looks down upon me with satisfaction. How could I let this happen? To see my Master in this harsh light tears my heart apart. How could I give myself over to Satan, when I had given myself to my Master heart and soul?
My head i
s dragged sharply back as Henri twists his hand in my ponytail. He hisses into my ear.
‘You have no choice bitch!’ He throws me brutally down onto the stone floor. ‘The time has come, oh followers of black Satan, for us to feast upon this pathetic piece of flesh!’
More masked bodies enter the circle of light and grab hold of my arms and legs, flipping me onto my back like a rag doll, pulling me so that my arms and legs are stretched out as thick metal manacles clamp down. Someone unclasps the cloak. A grinding noise begins as I struggle. The floor rises up beneath me and the cloak slides down over the edges of the star shaped pedestal. Henri is prowling around me as I rise up, until the mechanics shudder me to a stop.
‘You don’t have to give in willingly Sally, I shall take what is mine.’
Henri draws a knife over my face, the metal shining into my eyes. He is going to kill me! I start to scream. Henri’s laughter rings in my ears. ‘That’s it, scream for your new Master!’
He presses the blunt edge of the knife against my neck. It is so cold against my fevered skin. I know screaming is futile, but I scream even louder, fighting against the metal constraints that bind me.
‘Oh yes Sally that’s it! Scream scream for Satan!’
The knife is drawn over my breasts and twists as I feel the sharp edge graze over my fragile flesh, parting the skin, making blood ooze from the wound. My back is arching up in anguish as Henri presses his lips against the open wound and draws my blood into his mouth.
‘So sweet.’
His warm breath blows over my nipples, making them rise. His hand takes my left breast and squeezes it, forcing more blood to flow from the wound. I look at him with his mouth smeared with my blood. It repulses me, but I cannot drag my eyes away from him, and he brings his lips close to mine, opening his mouth. His hand clamps on my jaw, forcing it open, as he lets my still warm blood flow into my mouth. He rears up roaring. His arms stretch out and he pulls away the shirt. His body is daubed with satanic tattoos, and his nipples are painted black. The masked men run to him, ripping the clothes away from his body.
‘Henri,’ I sob, my mouth full of bitter bile.
As he looks down at me a tiny flicker of the Henri I once knew dances over his face, and his voice is soft once again.
‘You would have given yourself to Henri wouldn’t you?’ I shake my head, ‘you were my friend.’
His hand crashes down upon my cheek. ‘Don’t lie to me Sally.’ His voice is low as the brutal hand strokes my cheek.
‘You open your legs to any sort of kindness that is why you are so attractive, still so innocent and pure. But now it is time for you to become the servant of desire and lust. I am going to break you Sally, you are never going to be the same.’
His hand encircle my bare throat, and he squeezes against my wind pipe as he looks deep into my eyes. I am choking for breath as tears spring forth from my ducts. Henri licks my tears away. My protests are trapped deep within my soul.
He presses his hand against my left breast, digging his fingers into the wound, lifts the bloodied hand up and offers it to his faithful disciples. They descend upon the hand, fighting between themselves to suck Satan’s fingers. Others kneel around him, kissing and licking his skin. I twist my head away, fighting my own body. The site of his followers’ tasting the blood oddly arouses me.
‘Enough!’ he shouts, his followers scattering away, as he turns his attention back to me. I lift my eyes to see him towering over me, naked, his manhood standing proud, red and angry. My stomach tightening with a mixture of fear and trepidation. He takes my face tilting it up and presses his lips against mine, his tongue invading my mouth, his hands softly stroking up and down my neck, the nails dragging over my tension. Touching my most receptive and sensitive nerves. My eyes fluttering closed, my fingers releasing themselves from their tight fists. Joining my swollen tongue with his, his groan breathing life into my body. Sighing as he breaks the kiss, my lips feeling abandoned, my neck tingling desperate for the touch of his nails against my flesh. He walks away from me.
My mind didn’t register the bite of the lash the first time it struck upon my torso. The shock was almost unbearable, as it struck over my breasts, torso and legs. One tail flicking over my sensitive bald mound.
Crying out, my throat growing hoarse, my pale skin rising up with stripes of bright red welts. The assault upon my unprotected body, making me writhe and twist, but there was no escape from the vicious torrents of snake thin leather.
‘Master! Master!’ I wail as the lash focuses on my breasts, the ends of the whip gleaming with fresh blood from my open wound.
‘Who is your Master Sally’ Satan hisses into my ear.
‘Master Andrew!’ I whimper
‘Wrong answer.’ He purrs stroking my face, his hand cool upon my fevered skin. ‘How delightful’ His voice soft insinuating into my nerves. I bend my neck tilting my head up looking up at him with tear glazed eyes. He clicks his fingers. ‘Look up Sally, look up and see your Master now!’ His fingers pressing down on my chin, breaking our gaze.
As I am forced to look up, my master, Andrew descends his body wrapped with thick silver chains. Red stripes matching my own all over his body, some had even broke the skin, small drops of blood forming along the welts. I look back at Satan as I now knew him, Henri had gone completely, this man that was abusing my Master and I was a stranger a vicious, sadistic, stranger. He smiles down at me, lifting his hand and clicking his fingers. The lash bites down once more across my hips. As I scream I hear my Master moan, a red welt rising up exactly where the whip had struck my body, just above his forced erection, caused by the leather cock ring surrounding the base of his shaft.
‘Oh yes Sally, he shall feel every bit of your punishment, every whip lash, every twist of your nipple’ to prove his power, he pinches my areola, twisting and pulling it between his fingers. My Master bucking wildly against his chains, the rattles mingling with his anguished moans.
I could not take my Masters pain as well as my own, sobbing desperately, having no option but to submit to Satan.
‘Stop it, stop it please’ Drawing a ragged breath ‘I’ll do anything, just free my Master!’
Satan wags his finger, his eyebrow raised mockingly.
‘I mean Andrew, free Andrew.’ I correct myself quickly.
‘Do you give yourself over to your new Master Satan?’
There was no other choice, to refuse would not only mean my suffering but Master Andrews as well. I had to sacrifice myself to Satan to save him. My voice barely a whisper. ‘Yes Henri, I give myself over to Satan.’
My blue eyes filling with tears as I look up once more at my Master, no, I mean Andrew, his body was slowly being lowered, drowning in his wounded dark brown eyes. The pain of the experience etched upon his face, I break our gaze, turning my face away, biting my lip. The pain little relief from the guilt I now felt.
Henri leans forward his tongue sliding over my ear. ‘You have made the right choice Sally, Master is proud of you.’
‘Thank you Master.’ my voice tinged with regret ‘Please will you now release me?’
Henri draws my earlobe between his teeth, grinding the soft flesh between his sharp teeth, his breathing heavy. ‘Now why should I do that slut?’ He growls ‘You are mine to use as I please!’
Part of me still wanted to fight to prove Henri wrong, that I only belonged to Master Andrew and could never serve another. His closeness was making my stomach churn as his tongue slides down over my neck. I was sure he could feel my body tensing as his tongue hesitated briefly for a moment, my heart skipped a beat. Then I felt his teeth tearing into my flesh, I opened my mouth to scream but his hand covered my mout
h muffling my terror. I struggled desperately against my binds, my body bucking wildly. Hands pushed my hips back down, forcing me to be still. My chest heaving heavily with the effort to breathe through Henris hand as he continued to suck at my neck, I felt a strange sensation emanating from where Henris teeth had pierced my skin, I could feel the blood flowing into his mouth, sapping me of my strength, my screams turning to whimpers, struggling to remain conscious, my eyes fluttering closed. I feel the hands moving from my hips, running over my stomach, lips kissing my breasts, so many, so many.
Henri removes his hand from my mouth, I was relieved to be able to breath freely once more, my eyes closing completely as I feel Henri drawing away from my neck, the many lips and tongues teasing and tasting my flesh, to weak to protest, nor really wishing to, each touch sending a small jolt of pleasure through my aching body.
I am brought back to consciousness with a quick slap across my cheek, my eyes shooting open, Henris face leering over me, his mouth covered in my blood. ‘Oh God!’ I moan as his face draws closer to me.
‘Yes I am your God now Sally and you taste so sweet. A true blood maiden.’ His lips so close to mine I can smell the stench of copper, my blood upon his lips.
Whimpering helplessly, trying to move my head away from his descending lips. His hands clenching my head in a vice like grip, tears streaming from my eyes, there is no escape as he presses his lips against mine, forcing my mouth open his blood stained tongue stroking mine, the taste of blood infiltrating my senses, I expected my taste buds to reject this alien liquid, but as Henri kissed me, his tongue exploring my mouth and coating my tongue with blood, all thoughts of revulsion were ripped from my mind.
My brain registering fingers pressing against the soft folds of flesh that protect my sensitive clit, moaning into Henri’s mouth. My body bombarded with a mixture of conflicting emotions responding to the touches and caresses I was unable to prevent. Henri releases his tight grip upon my face, lifting his lips slightly away from mine, I immediately lift my head up to his seeking his lips with a desperate need. But he denies me the contact with a chortle, looking down into my passion crazed eyes, drawing his fingers over my neck and then placing them into my mouth. No longer caring that I am drinking my own blood, I eagerly suck and lick at his fingers, drawing his fingers deep into my mouth, grazing the flesh with my teeth, my moans growing more abandoned as fingers explore my aching pussy lips, the fingers sliding over the lips with ease, occasionally, teasingly sliding between, nails grazing the hooded clit.
Henri withdraws his now clean saliva soaked fingers, my mouth achingly empty. He obviously notices my look of disappointment, he smiles softly as he leans forward. ‘Lick my face clean slut’ He breathes quietly into my ear. At the same moment fingers delve into my wet passage, making me writhe against my constraints in delight. ‘That’s it pet, let yourself go, give yourself over to me.’ Henri growls, his hot breath tickling my ear.
‘Yes, Yes master!’ I moan, sliding my tongue over his lips, lapping up the now dried blood that rests on his chin and cheeks. He presses his face against my tongue making it difficult for me to move, his hands running down my shoulders and over my breasts, his nails dragging over the open wound, making me squeal as the pain is mixed by the pleasure being given to me through the stranger’s fingers.
‘You are going to experience such delights Sally, I am going to invade all your senses, your mind will be mine, and you will not be able to hide anything from me.’ His hands now massaging my breasts, the nails digging deep into the soft flesh, my nipples responding, rising into small tight buds of rose red, pressing against his palms. An animalistic instinct takes over me I bite at his cheek that still presses tightly against my tongue, my teeth scraping over the taut flesh. He jerks away from me, growling. ‘Careful Sally.’
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First I will give some background information. At the time of this occurance I was 19. My name is Jeff and both my parents died two years apart from each other. My mother was killed in a hit and run which inturn spirled my father to join the military and ended up dieing overseas. Being a minor at the time I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle. They are nice people and because I am unsure if they would want their names here They will be changed for their prefrence, nothing else will be...
Keith's first opportunity to use the crossbow in his new profession came sooner than he had expected. He was strolling through some woods when he heard a woman scream. He reacted immediately by dropping the tow rope of his sled and picking up his crossbow. He didn't really know why he took the crossbow, rather than the rifle; possibly, it was because he had spent so much time practicing with it lately. For whatever reason, he was carrying it and the quiver of bolts when he ran toward the...
[Charlie writes from Lisbon] We settled in at the terminal with food at a couple of tables and our peoples met one another. A surprising number of the Portuguese spoke English. I guessed it was due to Monica Lewis. We began to tell our stories and I found that I was mostly, but not totally, correct. I asked Mom Janice to tell our story. She did it quite well including some of the early days of Preservation. She told of gaining airplanes and the trips and places where we had friends, naming...
I have had a crush on Ronnie (Veronica) ever since I met her at college orientation. I would not have called myself a lesbian or even bi, but she was just so beautiful; about 5’6, tight tan body, black hair, green eyes, and the most perfectly round C cup breasts. Ronnie was extremely outgoing and I was very shy so I was surprised that we became such good friends. Through college I kept my crush a little secret, but school was almost over and I could not leave without at least trying to get with...
LesbianSarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made...
This true story happened when i ran a shop,there was a woman Patricia who i have known for a number of years worked in a shopfurther along the shopping mall, i had always liked her as she always dressed cool and looked stunning,(i thought to good for me)She was very prim and proper and went to church every sunday and ran the mothers religous group,She was married to the local big wig on the council.It was last xmas when the group she was running wanted items for their xmas party, (I run a party...
Fear would have made me speechless, were it not that I had already lost the ability to speak. My eyes desperately tried to pierce through the intense darkness; the gag that had been placed in my mouth making it impossible to call for help. I was tied to a wooden chair which was pressing against my back in a way that was far from comfortable.The rope that bound me was digging into the tender skin of my wrists, making it not at all tempting to struggle and increase my discomfort that way. To my...
Chapter 1 As I lay in the grasses of Pallet town looking up at the evening sky. Pidgey fly by on their way to their nests. "Tomorrows is the day isnt it Jason?" Sitting up I say my long time girlfriend Jane walking up to me."Why yes ma'am yes it is."I reply in a sad attempt of a cowboy accent. Glaring at me she looks down at me, her aburn hair blowing in the slight breeze. "You have one day left here and your spending it alone. Why is that?" A sad look comes across her face. We have...
This is the continuation of my story new life ........ I finished up cleaning the guestroom bathroom and also took a shower. Although my ass hole was swollen and hurting like hell i still managed to clean it all up. I got redressed and went up to my father. During all these activities i was just thinking what i have done.(I mean what kind of situation i have fallen into and what will this lead to in the future) i entered my dads room but he was not there icalled him and he answered from the...
June lay on the mattress, wearing her little bright blue transparent nightie ,wiggling her big sexy ass in the air , face down. The young man roughly finger fucked her cunt. The photographer instructed the young man to lick her asshole. Fuck! It felt so good. He grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back. The mask covered the top of her face. Another young man knelt in front of her his big black cock pulsing as she put her hand on the thick shaft and opened her mouth. Her husband had said he...
Present – Jens – In the tunnels Hammer dragged a person into the room, Linus just finished one of his terrible jokes (thanks Daddy!), and I declare, "I'm not sure which was worse the drugged water or the joke. Now Hammer what makes you think this man isn't a Marine?" Hammer answers, "Th' dobber gart up some tossel an' bull story abit hoo he'd saved th' General. He was braggin' tae aw th' other men." Daddy looked at him and swore, "Like hell he did! I've never seen this man in...
I have a girlfriend named Shalini. She is not really a regular type of girl. Cute and innocent buts that’s all before this incident took place. Thanks to fucking me! Shalini was a hot bomb. She was extremely hot with a figure of 36-24-36 and her boobs! Good God! They were amazing! Boobalacious I say they were soft huge and well curved with small pink nipples. I used to suck on them whenever I got a free time I used to call her in my paying guest room which was far away from the coaching campus....
Mimi’s turn: I spent my last night in the shelter after doing burgers with Tommy. The next morning I announced my departure. Got the expected looks and words of concern. “Look, y’all have been great,” I said. “I had nothing. You took me in. Helped. I think the group sessions helped me see some things. I understand life better.” “Where are you going, again, dear?” the matronly lady asked. “3Sigma Engineering has four female employees with toddlers. They wanted a daycare program. That’s...
[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]The bar was quite noisy with groups of people meeting after work to relay the day's events. There was a football game on the TV -screens which was attracting loud groups of men, all with their opinion on how their team was performing.Jan sat in a booth towards the back of the bar on her own. She was contemplating life – it had not been a good day. She had been late for work, had lost a big contract, and had been given a hard time by...
September. School. Because Mike was a teacher, the arrival of the fall term had a greater effect on the Ferguson household than on most others. But with everything else that was going on, school starting almost faded to insignificance. Kristen and Coach reluctantly held off their plans for a quick civil wedding, and organized a small church wedding. A few of Coach's relatives were able to make the trip, and this had a surprising healing effect on him. Jenny's singing career quickly became...
Ashley was sleeping the sleep of the just (and just soundly loved), when my phone rang late one night. I awakened, and blearily reached for the instrument. “Hello?” was my witty greeting. And, abruptly, I was fully awake. “Is this Mr. Evans? Mr. Mark Evans?” “It is. What prompts this late night phone call?” “This is Sergeant Willoughby of the Shelby County, Kentucky, Sheriff Office. Are you the father of Brittney and Adam Evans?” “I am. What is going on?” “Your ex wife was stopped for a...
Hi friends, enathu peyar Sanjai, vayathu 23 naan kumara maavatathil vasithu varugiren. Enathu kalluriyil nadantha suvarasiyamaana sila sambavangalai indru ungalidam kuurapogiren. Enathu teacher ennai avargalin aripedutha kuuthiyil enathu sunniyai eppadi vittu oothargal enbathai naan ungalidam pagirugiren. Intha sambavam muzhuvathilum unbaiyaanavai enbathai naan niyabagathiruku kondu varugiren. Appozhuthu naan kalluri kadai aandu padithu irunthen enathu vagupu porupaalaraaga oru pen vanthu...
Hello friends. Aap log kaise ho. Ab aage ki story. Aur phir mummy ne jor se lekin bilkul dheere siskaari liiii.Aaahhhhhhhh.Aur wo uncle ke muh hi jhad gayi.Uncle ne meri mallu mummy ki chut ka pura ras pi liya aur chaat chaat ke chut bilkul saaf kardi.Ab uncle dheere se uthkar bahar chale gaye aur thodi der baad andar aaye. Uncle aunty ko. Uncle – ab tum thoda rest karlo aur leela ko bhi karne do. Aunty ne dawayian kha li thi isiye ab unhe neend aa rahi thi.Ab uncle dusre room me chale...
Skinny blonde cutie Tallie Lorain immediately lies down on the outdoor couch as soon as she gets home from work. Her tiny feet are all sweaty and dirty after all the walking she did while working. Tallie knows that her boyfriend likes seeing her sweaty feet, so she Facetime with him to show them off. While Tallie is busy flaunting her feet and shaved pussy to her man, her mom’s boyfriend suddenly comes home. Stirling Cooper doesn’t want to make his future stepdaughter catch him...
xmoviesforyouGuys always stare at me, at my big knockers and booty. Sure, the ideal woman issupposed to be slim and look great in the latest fashions. But what do you thinkguys really want? Why are there so many magazines with titles like MAMMOTHMAMMARIES and BOMBASTIC BOOBS? Or DOUBLE-WIDE BUTTS and SUPER-SIZED SITTERS? Screwthe latest fashions. I wear tight tops and tighter jeans, to show off what I'vegot. So with all the guys who are interested in me, when some shy little twerp cameup to me at my...
It was another boring day at work. Coworkers were steadily coming and going from my office, showing up to dump the next problem on me, and goon about their day. Finally, five o'clock came and the stream of new problems ceased. "Just a few more hours and I can go finally home, get some sleep, come back, and start again, " I thought. How could I have gotten into such a rut. I guess that's why I excelled at this job, because I really didn't care if I went home or not. An ungrateful boring wife...
Love Stories“Here, take this. I want you to be safe. “ With that, my husband handed me a condom. Actually, I don’t know why he bothered. I’m not going to need it. He’s truly k**ding himself if he thinks that I will be having sex tonight with somebody else. “Dress up seductively”, he told me as we were getting ready to go out. Tonight was the night that I had agreed, quite reluctantly I must add, to act one of his fantasies. Maybe “act out” is a bit strong. Go through the motions is a lot closer to reality....
Matt stood in the electrical aisle at the Walmart in Centerville comparing the attributes of dimmable versus non-dimmable LED light bulbs. He had a list of items to pick up, all in the nature of cleaning or maintenance on the house. The LED bulbs were slated for the canned ceiling lights in the cathedral ceiling part of the living room. He’d already rented a twenty-foot folding ladder to be able to reach the fixtures, several of which had dead bulbs and no way to easily reach them. Now, he...
First Name Last Name = Reader's name You woke up after a long night's partying. Your youngest sister Mandy had just celebrated her 18th birthday with you and your other three sisters Amy, Susan, and Tammy. Amy is 26 and Susan is 21. Tammy, who is actually your stepsister, is 25. There were a lot of people at your house but now all were gone. You grab your head noticing you that you have a hangover. You get up and stretch with only a pair of blue jeans on before stumbling out into the hallway....
IncestMa femme et moi, nous aimons toutes les formes d’amour. Elle est bi et je le suis aussi. Elle se tape des mecs et des nanas. Je fais pareil. Le plus souvent, ces amours «mélangistes» se déroulent à la maison, et nous recevons beaucoup. Et c’est par téléphone que nous faisons nos rencontres... De plus, c'est vraiment donné, 90 centimes la minute, presque le coût d'une communication ordinaire locale. Et c'est grâce à ce numéro vraiment pas cher et sympa que j'ai pu vivre la belle aventure que je...
This is the sequel to my previous story which you can read by following the link in the brackets. ( ). My email is or . I would love to hear your thoughts regarding this story. I have written this story in such a way that you can read this story on its own but having knowledge from the previous part may help you but it is not necessary. In the previous part I told you how we met, what we used to talk about and that we were going to meet the next. Next day we met over coffee, spent together...
After high school I went to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's degree in computing and information services. At the beginning of my junior year there, I met a girl named Alyssa who is my age. She was working on her degree in psychophysiology. I was immediately attracted to that beautiful girl, who just happens to look a little like the actress Scarlett Johansson. And for some inexplicable and happy reason, she was attracted to me as well.Alyssa is five feet...
My wife and and I had been happily married for 12 years, we owned our own 3 bedroom bungalow in a quiet area near Ottawa.Shelly was a nursing assistant, and I was a HVAC technician.Shelly was my high school sweetheart, 5'8 150lbs, long brown hair, brown eyes, slim waist, fat juicy ass, and an impressive big set of tits.I am 6 feet, 205lbs, blond haired, blue eyed, and a fairly athletic build.We had no c***dren, and spent most of our time off traveling around Canada.It was winter 2015, and we...
Note : This story is completely fictional! HI, I am married and I am 40 yrs old, I have 2 sons and one who is Married to a great wonderful . after sending the kids off and living on our own for a while my son and his wife " debbie" came to live with us, first I should tell you about her, shes 28 and has the best blue eyes anyone could have, she is a 34 /24/36 at least and she loves to wear clothing that shows off her great body. last summer I was off work for 3 weeks when they moved in with us,...
IncestI often used my mother's absence as an opportunity to browse through her latest "reading material". It wasn't long after Jenny arrived, that we found ourselves sprawled out on my bed amidst a vast array of sexy magazines and catalogs. Because there hadn't been enough time to sort through them, I ended up with some pretty heavy duty stuff. Jenny dug up one that was buried at the bottom called "Submissively Yours: Adult Toys Catalog for the Women who needs to be put in her place."...
The Makeover Massage Inspired by Mike Allegretto K.Moore "Oh man, that feels so good!" he said as the pretty but strong-fingered masseuse dug into his tired muscles. Between his grunts of satisfaction and bliss, he reflected back on just how hard it had been to drag him here. His girlfriend, Amy, had been imploring him for weeks to go to the new "Everything" salon that had opened to rave reviews...
A whole month passed with me following the same cursed routine. Training, patrols, rest, repeat. And contrary to my experiences the first night of patrol, there were no more monsters strong beyond the norm. In fact, I could handle most of the monsters myself, without any assistance from Samuel. Speaking of Samuel, that guy was a big, hard reality check. I had assumed, incorrectly, that since his ability hadn’t yet unlocked, he would not be that great in the field. I had experience patrolling...