The Motel california
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Introduction: My entry to the CAW 8.5 Halloween contest. A ghost story about the power of desire. You have got to be kidding! Lucy said, summarily dismissing the suggestion.
Come on babe, itll be fun. Well get our scares on. Beer, wine, and spirits… of the dead
Jack raised his hands up over his head and made ghost noises. Lucy laughed.
Weirdo she said grinning at her boyfriend.
It had become a badly overused Halloween cliche, partying the night away in a supposedly haunted house.
The house in question was actually a long abandoned motel, and the story attached to it was the typical far fetched tale of brutal murder followed by equally gory revenge from the grave.
There were numerous variations in circulation, changing over time like Chinese whispers but the basics, the core of the story, remained surprisingly consistent through the generations,
Back in the 1920s a newly married couple, delayed on the road, had come to stay the night on their way to their honeymoon destination, a private cabin by Lake Cachuma. Had they known that they were only another forty five minutes drive away chances are that they would have continued on, and perhaps their grandchildren would be telling tales of a different grizzly crime at that damp-ridden ramshackle old eyesore of a building. But they were road weary and unsure of the way.
Why they didnt simply ask directions was explained away by a stream of later additions to the story, the Motel clerk was first deaf and blind and then also mute. Questions regarding how he managed to perform his duties at all later led to him losing his various disabilities and simply being a recluse who had never left the building, then a horribly scarred recluse. Then a horribly scarred recluse with webbed fingers and toes, and a habit of spying on amorous couples through tiny pinholes in the walls while masturbating himself with sandpaper. It is said that on a still night, if you listen carefully, you can still hear the shrill cries of him shredding his cock to agonising climax.
Having booked in and taken room 13 the couple had settled down to bed for the night when they heard gunshots from outside. Being a man of the law, the groom went outside to investigate and was shot in the leg by a notorious (yet strangely unnamed) mobster on the run from the police. What followed, according to the story, was a brutal night of physical and psychological torture for the unlucky couple who were found dead the next morning, having suffered numerous cuts, blows and stab wounds.
The alleged perpetrator had fled in the early hours, but was found drowned in the lake after taking the couples belongings and using their honeymoon getaway as a hideout. The legend has it that he fled the cabin in terror and drowned himself after encountering the angry spirits of the murdered couple soon after his arrival, and being driven mad by the horrors they subjected him to. It is also said that the twisted look of terror on his face was so horrific that the superstitious local police chief had his head removed before taking the body to the mortuary.
The final part of the story tells that the spirits returned to the motel, forever reliving their last night on earth, and claiming the souls of anyone who dared to spend the night in their room.
The truth of the story was something very different, but elements of truth clung doggedly to the tale like spectres protecting their resting place.
Jack had set up dozens of candles in the best room he could find at the motel. He had cleaned it up, brought sleeping bags, copious amounts of alcohol, snacks and a boom box for some music among other things. Tonight was the night he planned to finally get it on with Lucy. All that was left was to get her there.
It wasnt just about sex. He had become somewhat besotted with her over the last three months. She made him laugh when ordinarily he was the one expected to make the jokes. She had a kindness about her that was rare in the high school environment, which was usually so full of brash, shallow, image driven clones.
Lucy had helped out Colin Davis, generally known as Dipshit Davis due to his very obvious academic shortcomings, with his English assignment. The guys had suggested that Jack kick his ass for spending a good chunk of the night alone with his girlfriend, and the old jack might have done just that, but something in him had changed by her presence around him and having gotten Davis alone he found himself offering to pair up with him for their Biology practical, another of Davis many weak areas.
The feeling that he got after that was something new and strange to him, it felt good.
Lucy was dead against the motel idea. As attached as she had become to jack, having seen him change subtly from week to week, and as much as she now trusted him, spending Halloween in that filthy, creepy old place when there were parties everywhere to go to was not an appealing option to her. She did hope to get some time alone with jack tonight though. She had tested and teased him to distraction and despite her initial expectations, he had passed with flying colours. Tonight, given the chance, she would finally get intimate with him.
On Halloween night they found themselves at Lucys friend Chloes party, an over-the-top extravaganza of all things fancy dress. Jack resigned himself to collecting his stuff from the motel tomorrow, he could try again some other time.
He had dressed himself as a standard murder victim, blood stains down his white t-shirt and gory wounds plastered across his face and neck.
Lucy had resisted the Little Beau Peep costume. As hot as she looked in it, it just wasnt Halloween enough. Instead she went for the sexy vampiress, with its short leather skirt, and bra, fishnet body stocking, and knee length leather boots.
She had looked herself over in the mirror before meeting Jack and given herself an appreciative Oh yeah.
On his first scan over his girlfriends outfit, her curvy body hugged tightly in leather and nylon, the long black hair let down over her face and back, her deep red bee-stung lips, he knew that if he didnt have sex with her tonight he was going to have to jerk himself to sleep.
If truth be told he did that most nights anyway. His youthful libido focusing on the moment he would finally slide inside of Lucy and feel her tightness around him.
He was blissfully unaware that Lucy frequently did much the same at night. Listening to the sounds of her sister in the next room secretly fucking her boyfriend, and sliding two fingers into her moist pussy, imaging that the sounds were those of Jack thrusting between her thighs and her own gasps of delight.
The party was excellent, up to and exceeding Chloes usual standards. Drink flowed and vampires, werewolves, mummies, Freddy Kreugers, Jasons, zombies and a slew of other horror regulars danced and drank the night away. Lucy was relieved by her choice three Little Beau Peeps had shown up along with four sexy cats and more scream outfits than was right or proper.
Lucy was eager to get Jack alone somewhere. Jack was equally as eager, glancing over to drink in her beauty every time they parted to talk to friends.
At 2am the party was still going strong. Jacks neck wound was peeling off as he danced with a caveman and his cave girlfriend. Lucy went over and took him by the hand, leading him to an empty corner. She reached up and slid a finger over the wound. Jack turned to look at her and they locked eyes. Something clicked right there and then. They both knew it. Whether it was the drink, the exertion of dancing, the outfits, or just hormones, something had slid into place just then.
Wanna get out of here? Lucy asked, grinning at her boyfriend.
Yeah, I think I do. he replied returning his own grin.
Still wanna check out the creepy motel? she asked. She knew that Jack had set the place up for them, although it was supposed to be a surprise. He had made the mistake of telling Chloe, who had promptly passed it on to her. It wasnt her ideal choice but she knew how much effort Jack had gone to, and in the moment she wanted to know what he had created there for them. She would be safe with jack, she knew that.
Sure he laughed You think you can handle the ghosts and ghouls?
Lucy slid herself over and sat on his lap, easing her arms around his neck.
Well she said in the sexiest voice she could muster, I was kinda hoping that you would make me scream tonight.
It was music to Jacks ears. His tiredness disappeared, his eyes lit up and his cock stiffened in an instant. Lucy felt it harden against her buttocks and giggled.
Mmmmm…I see you like that idea. she said grinding herself on his crotch. Jack reached up to kiss her. Lucy put a finger to his lips as they moved within range of hers.
lets go. She said and led Jack outside.
It was a twenty minute walk from Chloes house to the old motel. The chilly late October air did nothing to cool Jack or Lucys libidos. The anticipation of their first night of sex together grew as every step brought them closer to what they had fantasised about so often. They barely talked on the way. Everything that needed to be said so far that night had been said and it was perfect. They strolled hand in hand smiling to themselves.
The grounds of the building were surrounded by hedges and bushes which had grown wild over its long years of abandonment. Jack led Lucy off the road and to the spot where he had parted them for access over the previous couple of days. Lucys first glimpse of the place as she stepped through sent a chill through her bones. Shrouded by darkness it looked like a place where bad things happen, somewhere you may not come back out of, or at least not the same as when you went in. Lucy shrugged the thought from her mind and linked Jacks arm as he led her up.
Really? she asked Room 13?
He hadnt picked the number deliberately for any scary connotations it might hold, it just happened to be the room with the least amount of damage, and the only room with the windows still intact. In retrospect he liked the choice.
Unlucky for some, he said raising an eyebrow.
But not for you. Lucy grabbed his ass as he pushed at the jammed door, scraping it along the floor to get it open. The hinges creaked wearily like distressed cats mewling at each other.
Just wait a minute.
He went inside alone and set about lighting the candles, wanting the place ready for his beautiful girlfriends entry. He wanted everything to be perfect for them tonight and so far it couldnt have gone any better. Lucy looked hotter than he had ever seen, his plan to bring her here had worked out against all the odds, and she was as ready as he was to take the next step.
OK, Im ready he shouted out.
Lucy stepped in, threw her hands up to her mouth and shrieked. The room was littered with dozens of cushions. Candles spread all around cast a tint of gold over them. He had painted the room a dark red to cover the damp, and lit incense sticks to cover the faint remains of the smell. On the floor lay a trail of red rose petals leading to the biggest of the piles of cushions and spread all over the top of them.
This is…this is….amazing. She was taken aback that he had been able to turn the room into such a thing of beauty.
Well its not perfect, but I did my best. he smiled, relieved that his efforts had been so favourably received.
It is perfect, Lucy said, stepping into his arms, and so are you.
She kissed him deeply and he stepped backward dragging her gently to the pile of cushions where he dropped himself down. They laughed as they bounced into the luxurious pile.
You want a drink? Jack asked.
No. Lucy smiled and slid her hands up his t-shirt, stroking his chest. I want you.
They kissed again. Jack turned her, and she turned him. They rolled on the cushions, stroking one another gently. His hands found her breasts and squeezed. He had been this far with her before and loved how they filled his palms. Lucy undid her leather bra top and flung it aside. Her high firm breasts strained against the fishnet body stocking. He fell on them like an animal kissing and licking her nipples through the nylon.
Lucy pushed his head back then smiled and ripped open the material, offering him the bare flesh.
Jack flung his t-shirt off over his head and returned to his feast, greedily lapping at her tits. A hand made its way up her leg and under her skirt. A wave of excitement coursed through him as he felt the lacy material of her panties and pushed them aside. The body stocking was crotchless and as his fingers brushed her labia she let out a gasp.
His mouth moved down her slowly, full of eagerness but wanting to kiss every inch of her on his way down to the prize. Lucy slid her hand under herself and pulled down the zip of her skirt. Jack eased it down her legs and threw it on top of her bra. He stared at her neatly trimmed pussy, the moist inviting place of his dreams.
He went down on her then. Lucy squirmed and told him how good he was, how good his tongue felt, how much she wanted him, how horny she was.
Jacks cock was aching, begging him to put it inside of that sweet tight hole. Knowing the pleasure he was giving Lucy, seeing her arch her back and moan out, he could have happily used his tongue on her all night just to hear those sounds.
Lucy gasped out, Please jack, now, I need you in me… I need it so bad.
Jack hastily undid his pants and pulled them off. His hard-on bounced out as he yanked down his boxers.
He knelt between Lucys open thighs, holding his straining erection, again staring at her prize. This was the moment he had been waiting for, planning for, anticipating for months. It was now.
Lucy sighed. She wanted to hold his gaze when they shared their first penetration together, to see the look in his eyes when he felt her tightness around him. She opened her eyes…
…and screamed.
She screamed like one of the scream queens from the horror movies she and her Sister were so fond of watching in the dark, an ear splitting, piercing shriek of a scream.
Jack flung himself off of her and onto his back by her side. He had the opposite reaction, stunned into silence.
Before them stood a couple. On the one hand a couple who looked as real as any couple, as corporeal as Jack and Lucy. But on the other hand carrying around them a strange light, a luminescence, an ethereal quality.
Jack and Lucy looked at each other, they were in no state to run and the couple, the things, whatever they might be, were between them and the only exit.
Dont be afraid, the woman said We didnt mean to frighten you.
My name is Robert the man said, if indeed it was a man.
And Im Alana, the woman added softly, her voice like an echo.
This is our… well not our home. she said with a sadness to her voice.
We are trapped here, we have been trapped here for nearly ninety years now. she continued.
Jacks impressive erection had disappeared, leaving a shriveled looking tube in its place. He became suddenly aware of his nakedness and thrust a cushion over his crotch. Lucy did the same, covering her breasts and crossing her legs.
The story… Youre the couple from the story Lucy stuttered out.
She could tell by the clothing that they were from another time. His pinstripe waistcoat and trilby hat less so than the womans silvery flapper dress and headband, adorned as it was with an over sized feather curving from the ear over her short boyish hair.
The couple looked at each other and smiled.
There are many stories, most of them untrue. Alana said.
You have nothing to fear from us. Robert added.
We have no wish, nor the power to harm you. He demonstrated by trying to grasp the door knob. His hand passed through and reappeared when he withdrew it.
At best, if we really try, we could make one of your candles flicker, but nothing more.
Its only on this night, Hallows Eve, that we can even appear to the living. Alana said.
When the veil between worlds is at its thinnest.
What do you want from us? Are you ghosts? Jack asked, the fear in his voice still tangible despite the assurances from the pair.
Well, we are more spirits than ghosts. Alana offered.
The difference really isnt important anymore, not after the time we have been here. But its on this night and this alone each year that we have a chance to leave this world and go to ours.
Why dont you? Lucy asked, intrigued and now excited rather than afraid..
Because our bodies left this place with something left undone. Until it is done we are stuck here. Once it is done the doorway will open for us and we can find our peace at last. Robert explained.
Will you help us? Alana asked, she stepped forward, an urgency in her voice.
Jack flinched and Alana stepped back aware of his fear. He was out of his comfort zone. He wanted to be out of there. The supernatural had always terrified him, even though he proclaimed it all to be nonsense.
How? Lucy asked.
Thats the part that is difficult to ask of the living. Robert said.
It was our wedding night, that much of the stories you hear are true. Before we could… well…, consummate our marriage we were taken. Alanas voice saddened more with each remembrance.
What we would ask, what would set us free, would be to join with your bodies and perform the act of love we planned for our first night as a wife and husband, an act we never performed together in life.
WHAT? Jack blurted out.
Lucy smiled. They want to sort of possess us and have sex, right? She turned to them.
Thats not they way I would have put it, but essentially, yes. Robert said.
Alana looked at her husband. Lucy could see hope in her watery eyes, a smile on her pretty face.
Could we have a moment to talk about this? Lucy asked.
With a nod from Robert the two apparitions disappeared. Lucy turned to her boyfriend and took his hand.
Jack, she said pleadingly, We have to do this. Almost ninety years theyve been stuck here. How did we feel after ninety days?
Lucy had a point Jack couldnt deny, but the idea of a spirit possessing him and using his body to have sex was just weird.
As if sensing the reason for his reluctance Lucy added, Its my body youll be screwing.
He was not convinced of it. Being around Lucy had given him an appreciation of doing the right thing but this was way beyond the call of duty.
It takes a special kind of person to do something like this, she said, and I promise you the best reward you could ever dream of.
She slipped her hand under the cushion and stroked his cock, feeling it instantly respond to her touch.
All right, all right, Ill do it. Jack smiled. Anything to make Lucy happy, but he had a bad feeling about it all the same.
Lucy shouted for the spirit couple and they reappeared as instantly as they had gone.
Well do it. She beamed at them.
Just dont do any weird stuff OK. Jack quickly added.
Well, maybe a little. Lucy whispered, smiling naughtily at the couple.
Alanas face was a picture of joy. She thanked them repeatedly, her eyes now showing the sparkly green they had once been. Robert looked relieved, as though the weight of the world had been taken from his shoulders. His eyes took on a bright blue. Lucy shared in their happiness.
OK then, so what do we have to do? she asked.
Just accept us in when we come to you, it will feel a little strange, but just let it happen. Robert told them. If you resist we cannot take control.
The spirits moved toward them. Alana reached out to Lucy and Robert to jack.
Lucy felt a tingle as Alana stepped into her. It was pleasant and easy. Robert had a harder time with jack, but eventually he relaxed and allowed the spirit into its temporary home.
It was a moment of shock when Lucy found herself staring at her body. Alana was checking herself out, touching her new arms and legs, her face and breasts. A smile broadened on her face, Lucys face.
Robert she shouted in Lucys voice.
Robert was doing the same but it was only moments until he was feeling her flesh too, and she feeling his.
Jack appeared beside her, dumbstruck and silent.
Shit. he said, turning to his ghostly girlfriend.
This is cool. Lucy said looking at herself. She appeared to be dressed the same as her body, as was Jack. She tried touching him and gasped when her arm passed straight through.
Thank you, Alana said turning to them, Thank you so much for this.
Robert kissed her. Something he hadnt done in almost ninety years. It wasnt Alanas lips but he could sense her in this beautiful girls body. Alana had been shorter than Lucy, and thinner, but with beautiful soft curves, particularly the hips, and an outstanding beauty to her face that made her the envy of the social scene at the time. Robert himself was happy with his new body. This one was younger, fitter, stronger, and healthier.
Alanas hands roamed all over it, taking in the warmth of his flesh, kissing him deeply and passionately. Only she could kiss like that. She in turn sensed familiarity in the way he touched her, gently cupping her breasts, stroking her thighs and hips, running a finger along the nape of her neck, which always sent a pleasurable shiver through her.
Fuck me she said.
Lucy was a little shocked. She had expected something along the lines of Oh, make love to me my darling. But she knew nothing of the 1920s, and unlike Robert, Alana had never been the shy type.
Robert was ravenous. His hands ripped at the body stocking, tearing it from his wife. His mouth roamed her body, kissing, licking, nibbling. His hands grasping and stroking and tearing. He had waited so long for this, close to ninety years of desire exploding out from him.
Lucy and Jack were entranced. It was like watching a live porno staring themselves. Lucy felt a hint of voyeurism watching Alana and Robert, but it was hers and Jacks bodies. They both agreed that they looked good together. Jack was impressed by his erection. Alana was stroking it, pumping her fist up and down its thick length while Robert kissed her neck and squeezed her tits. The couple were oblivious to the original inhabitants of the bodies they were now enjoying, lost in decades of pent up passion.
Jack watched Alana go down on her husband. Her full lips pouted over the tip of his cock and her mouth slid slowly down. A moment he had dreamed about seeing, about feeling, Lucys lips around his cock. It looked sensational. Lucy winked at him. He found his spirit body getting an erection, a phantom hard-on, but he was unable to touch it.
Robert found himself in tears. The flood of emotion, of sensation, overwhelming him. Alana, his beautiful wife, was gorging herself on his cock, making full use of the borrowed mouth. She swirled her tongue around it and with an unexpected suddenness he ejaculated into her mouth.
Alana kept on sucking as he pumped his load into her sooner than he would have wanted, gasping frantically.
That was him, not me. Jack said to Lucy.
Yeah, right. Lucy grinned.
Jack hoped that was the end of it. He wanted his body back, and he was desperate to fuck Lucy once and for all.
He noticed that her bodys eyes had turned the same green as Alanas, that his own now had blue eyes like Roberts. Lucy noticed it too, and a slight thinning of her usual plump lips. Her breasts appeared smaller too. She could understand the eyes changing, somehow it felt like it should happen that way, but she put the rest down to seeing her body from the outside, her assessment of herself realigning with reality, or perhaps her mind being confused that it was not in the place it was used to.
Robert had a firm hold on his temporary cock. It stayed hard as Alana slipped her mouth from it and swallowed his semen in one loud gulp. He could see her in Lucys face now and his desire grew even stronger despite his release. Alana could see Robert in his face too now. The way he smiled, the lines that appeared around his eyes, the thicker eyebrows than the wisps Jack had sported.
She smiled at him and stroked his face then climbed onto his lap. He took her waist and felt it narrow to his touch, as slender as Alana had been. He looked up and saw her hair had shortened. Still long compared to Alanas style but now only reaching her neck.
She slid herself eagerly onto his raging erection, the beauty of her face a picture of lust as for the first time he felt himself penetrate her. He groaned out. It was Alana he entered, Alanas spirit in what was now fast becoming Alanas body. She touched his chest as she cried out in pleasure and felt it recede to the proportions of her husband. Not the buff athletic physique of Jack the sportsman, but of Robert, her hard working husband. Hairy chested, taller, rougher hands which she now felt slide up her thighs as she rode him.
Lucy was shocked. Was this supposed to happen? Would they go back to normal when they got back into their bodies? Robert and Alana were a good looking couple but she was used to her body. While she would happily keep the beautiful green eyes she would prefer to have back what she was used to in the other departments.
Jack was too dumb-founded to think anything much at all. He simply stared.
Robert lay back and watched the pale slender body of Alana as she bucked back and forth on his cock, which was now ever so slightly smaller, but a hardier beast than before. Alana tightened around him as the rest of her transformation took place and he grunted in delight at the feel of her tunnel clasping him.
She raised herself up and slid back down on him, smiling and holding his eyes, green to blue.
Oh yes she gasped out, and hearing her voice, her true voice, her accent, her intonation hitting his ears drove him wild. This was the woman he loved, and had done for so long now, and he was inside of her finally. He reached up and took a hold of her, thrusting her up and down on him hard. Every gasp of Yes urging him on more.
Alana felt she was already in heaven, or whatever was on the other side of that white light she knew awaited her. The feel of his rough hands driving her up and down, the hands she had ached to feel touching her. The cock she had ached to feel inside of her for so long.
Robert pushed forward and eased her onto her back, resting his wife on the cushions. He looked down at her sprawled out before him, her small breasts, perfectly rounded and soft as he remembered them. Alana spread her legs apart and he thrust himself into her again, impaling her deep and hard.
Wow. Lucy said seeing Alana jerk with the motion and throw her head back in pleasure. Now she really did feel like a voyeur.
Robert put his hands on Alanas hips and began rhythmically pumping in and out of her wet pussy. He would never have stopped at the motel had he known what was to happen, but this feeling, her tightness yielding to his thrusting manhood, was worth waiting for. Fate had ensured that they would experience this together and years of frustration melted away as they melted into one anothers glistening flesh.
He kissed her lips again, this time Alanas lips, and she wrapped her arms around his back.
The mixture of love and lust in her eyes was mirrored in his own. He thrust in hard again, his rhythm speeding. Her mouth opened as she orgasmed in a flourish. She tightened still further around his hard pumping member and writhed beneath him, urging him on, harder, more.
Lucy and Jack noticed the light that seemed to be slowly filling the room, like a dimmer someone was slowly turning up.
Alana and Robert were lost in each other, rutting like animals on the bed of cushions, rose petals sticking to their sweaty skin.
As if in perfect timing the light increased from all around as the couple built to their crescendo.
Robert continued his frenzied thrusting into Alana, grunting to her gasps, stroking her tits. Her pussy so warm, so wet, so blissfully tight. They too now became aware of the light and again met one anothers gaze. A moment of knowing was shared between them. Alana knew what had to happen now. Her husbands cock was pounding her relentlessly, wonderfully. He was close and she knew they would only have moments.
For the second time that night she felt him explode inside of her, this time deep in her sex, this time it was truly his cock. The light became so bright she couldnt see anything, just a pure warm, welcoming white.
With a cry of ecstacy Robert came hard inside of her, his semen jetting out in thick streams, filling Alana with his seed while the light bathed him, but he too knew what had to be done now.
Lucy and Jack tried to close their eyes to the glare, but closing spirit eyes seemed to do nothing to dim it to any degree.
They could hear the sounds from the cushions, Roberts final grunts of ejaculation, Alana crying out in pleasure, then movement.
The light continued, the pair were drawn to the cushions where their bodies had been and felt themselves almost glide there and fall. They felt themselves touch the flesh, the tingle of familiarity, then a flash of pain.
They passed out. The light was too blinding, the pull of their bodies trying to drag them back was too much.
They awoke again simultaneously, minutes later.
At the same time Robert and Alana stepped out into the chill night, hand in hand and naked as the day they were born.
I feel a little bad for them. She was such a sweet girl. Alana said.
Almost as sweet as you back then. Theyll get used to it. Robert replied.
Maybe we should have gone, when the light came I mean.
We have a chance now, a chance to have our life together. He reassured her.
And I want a lot more nights like tonight before I move on.
He squeezed her hand and she gave him a naughty smile. It hadnt been until they had truly felt one anothers touch that they had known they would stay, that they had to keep the bodies.
Someone will come along for them, like they came along for us. He added.
Or like we did for… what were their names now…? Annie and William was it?
Robert smiled. We should find them and pay a little visit.
Oh theyll be long dead by now, and we have a whole new world to explore. Alana was excited to find out how things had changed.
A whole new world to explore. Robert repeated back to her. He looked at his beautiful wife and smiled.
He kissed her and felt himself grow hard again.
Inside room 13 Lucy and Jack lay on the cushions unable to feel them, unable to touch or feel anything.
Shit. Jack said.
Shit. Lucy echoed.
The end.
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Tony: My cock had been hard as a rock most of the afternoon. I wasn’t supposed to meet her today, it wasn’t in our plans, but I knew that if I called her she would come. She’d have to, because her obsession was as great as mine, perhaps worse. It was already late in the day so she’d make the weak, obligatory objections about her husband coming home and getting dinner ready for him and their two kids… But she’d be there. I knew that without a doubt. I adjusted my hard cock as I thought about...
Cheating_______________________________________________ It's amazing really, how I, who always looked on love as something beautiful and tender and sweet, should be drawn into something so degrading and awful. Anyhow, to tell you how it all came about, I'll go right back to the beginning. I was happily married, and still am for that matter, but liked to explore porno sites on the net; and not only to explore them but to also talk to the sexy men who frequented those wicked sites. Of course I...
*** Night 1 Friday "You joking!" cried Newlyn. "No, I am not. Some things are not funny," responded Eric, Newlyn's father. Newlyn had just been informed by his father of the accident. The power pole in front of their house had just fallen onto their house. Easy to say Newlyn did not really believe it nor did his sister, Juliana. Apparently a drunk driver had hit the pole and knocked it over. Newlyn's father had just picked them up from school and had finished explaining what...
Introduction: My husband shows me off at a motel Just a quick note from me before I start my story: My husband is the complete opposite of how I depict him here. I have however, read of men who would like to do this sort of thing. Gosh! I wonder at what might have happened if Id married a man like that. Anyhow, I do so much hope that you enjoy my story and that it excites you. _________________ I suppose that we were like any other couple, in that we enjoyed browsing the porno sites on the...
Introduction: A young couples week away turns out provide much more than expected This story is all fiction. I hope some readers will find it enjoyable. Your feedback and observations are most welcome and help provide ideas for future storylines. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– SUNDAY Joan lay in the reclined passenger seat of their car as it cruised down the highway. Her shorts lay on the floorboard and her pale green cotton blouse was open exposing her...
I couldn’t even tell you how many years it had been since my mouth and tongue had touched a pussy. I hadn’t dated anyone since my divorce three years prior; and as for before that – well, my ex-wife was never much into oral sex even in our early years, and not into any kind of sex toward the end. If I got to stick my cock inside her now and then, I counted myself lucky – never mind any of the frills.In all that time, though, I’d had hundreds of fantasies about kissing and licking, fingering and...
Oral Sex8. I love sleazy places. I feel at home and strangely comfortable. The motel I used in my home city was comfortable. I guess it was too comfortable. One day about two weeks after the Levonne whore-fest I went to the same motel with a wonderful afternoon of phone sex, porn, masturbation, and perhaps random strange cocks planned. There was a possibility that a guy I met in an arcade would stop in and fuck me. I dressed in my usual- all black slutty clothes, the strappy heels, the...
My husband is the complete opposite of how I depict him here. I have however, read of men who would like to do this sort of thing. Gosh! I wonder at what might have happened if I'd married a man like that. Anyhow, I do so much hope that you enjoy my story and that it excites you. _________________ I suppose that we were like any other couple, in that we enjoyed browsing the porno sites on the net. What makes us different, is where it led us to. It was when my husband Rob began to look...
It was when my husband Rob began to look at the various bondage sites that the "trouble" began. He was really turned on by all of the pictures of girls tied in their various positions, and very soon we were experimenting ourselves with this new form of sex fun.This was something that I'd never dreamt of doing, but I must admit that I too found it very sexy and stimulating. Naked and tied, I felt so exposed, vulnerable and defenceless, and as Rob so crudely put it, "just something to be...
I’m afraid these two are still stuck in a present-day holding pattern. I’ve given you a dream sequence flashback (the third section, to avoid any confusion) to make up for it! In case you’ve forgotten, they’re both nineteen during the flashback, so there’s no underage activity. ———————- Alessandro shook his head in disbelief. Maisie was kneeling next to a strawberry plant halfway down a row, her hand hovering in mid-air as she stared off into space. She hadn’t noticed him, even though he’d...
Before I start the story I want to describe the setting so you get a better idea: it's a highway side motel, very rundown and not very cleanly, not a dump either but not the best place to have a family sleep that's for sure. The layout of the motel is a rectangle. The rooms surround the rectangle's perimeter, in the center there is a pool, a park area, and a parking lot. There is a walkway around the entire inside perimeter of the rectangle and every room has two doors, one facing the exit and...
CrossdressingRegina was slowly waking up when all of a sudden Amy came to her bed in a panic. She said, "Wake up Wake up Michelle is gone!" Regina's head was slowly engaging and she said, "What! Michelle was here last night!" Regina put on the satiny robe and she ran downstairs and she saw Elbert and Lillian. Regina said, "I was so worried about her I knew she was having a hard time with not having her former life. We have got to find her." Elbert said, "Your car is still here I don't...
Donald took the day off to finish up the porch and he was sawing a 2x4 when Cindy came by. Cindy asked, "Is Regina here?" Donald said, "No she is at work." "Are you her fiance?" Donald stood up and said, "Yes my name is Donald or Don." She smiled and said, "I think we met about 2 weeks ago." "We probably did and how is Susan since those events?" Cindy said, "She is doing well I think she might work for Amy." Donald asked, "Is she a CPA?" Cindy said, "I think she will...
Richard Evans entered his motel room with combined feelings of exhaustion andexhilaration. He had just concluded buyout negotiations with his Washington,D.C. law firm's top corporate client in a deal that all but assure him of afull partnership at the firm's fall meeting. He did not even mind the factthat he had missed his connecting flight out of the client's Memphis, Tennesseecorporate office and, rather than go back into the city late at night, haddecided to stay at a roadside motel near the...
Craig couldn't believe his luck! Buying the Sunny Day Motel had been the best decision of his life! He had gotten the idea to install hidden cameras in each room from one of those "Candid Camera" shows on television. Right from the beginning Craig knew that this little ten room motel could be a gold mine if it was run "properly"! After taking possession of the motel, Craig got down to the business of installing his hidden cameras and microphones in every unit, until by the time he was finished...
Voyeur*** Motel Week Ending 2 "What if you knocked up your sister?" That was the exact thought that had been on Newlyn's mind for the past two weeks. The thought permeated his entire being ever since they had left the motel. The family had been forced to into a motel for a week while the house was under repair. It was during this week Newlyn had shared a bed with his younger sister Juliana. It started as an accident and seriously bad judgment on his part that had then cascaded into the...
Chapter 3 Mel meets the motel owners Mel had been working the truck stop for about a month and a half. During that time she had accumulated tens of thousand dollars from working the truckers, twenty dollars at a time. At the end of each day, she would put most of the cash into an envelope and mail it to herself at a PO box that she had set up on the far side of town, using the PO box as a safe deposit box for her earnings. She would keep just enough cash on hand each day for food, drink,...
My wife, Lynn and I had gotten married when we were only eighteen years old. And it wasn't long until we were taking nude photos and soon after that had gotten into MFM threesomes and wife swapping. Lynn had come up very conservative and had dressed that way. But once she saw how sexy she looked in the photos we'd taken, she had started to order sexy outfits like garter belts and stockings, sheer lingerie, and other sexy outfits. And she'd gotten to where she loved to be seen in outfits like...
ExhibitionismI went from bored to horny really quickly.I had to get back to my gig, though I didn't really want to, now. Jeri and Miguel had their heads close together. then they were kissing just like people who are going to find a motel soon. I had never seen her like this. She was gettting to me. I wanted to crawl under the table, push her skirt way up her thighs, pull the crotch of her panties over, and bury my face in her pubes. Jeri had a nice bush, and a fragrance and taste, even when she wasn't...
Roots Motel Ch 1 By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])It takes hours to write these stories but only seconds to vote and send a message. Thanks to all of those wonderful people who send messages. It does make a difference. Please enjoy.You help fuck a friend's wife and cum all in her cunt and you end up buying their motel. As Ned Kelly said "Such is Life".Hello I am Marcus Franklin. I own a small motel in the Riverina and I spend a fair amount of my time in the bedroom. Well bedrooms to be...
Regina is starting to show and she just came from work and she is sitting down to rest her legs. She is thankful she manages the store because she can do most of her work at her desk. As she had her legs up and was sitting there for 20 minutes Donald got home. He came in and he and Regina kissed. He asked, "So how was your day?" She smiled a sleepy smile and said, "It was good but this extra weight on my legs are tiring and I felt him or her kick today wow just about knocked my...
Jason is now about a freshman now and Alan is here to pick up the 1975 Landcruiser and the motor is running like new and the transfer case is totally rebuilt and the rear end has an air locker gears. Alan asked, "What color do you want on it?" Jason said, "You know that stock light blue." Alan said, "That will look good. I believe I can paint it that and a couple of coats of clear coat for about $1,000 and I would recommend that especially if you plan to hunt in it." Jason...
Caught in the motel - Part 2 By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! This is a continuation of the previous Caught in the motel story. Please read it first to get the full picture, and if you are a sissy, make sure you are properly dressed, plugged and locked before you read this! He came back alone, making me jump up as he opened the door to...
Chapter 1 Mark Thompson was worried about the road that he and his new wife were on. Suddenly the road was dark and immersed in a forest. "We must have turned onto the wrong road, some miles ago. What I will do now?" He asked his gorgeous wife. "It's turning dark and night is coming. Try to find some place to stay for the night. Tomorrow we can ask for the right directions," answered Sharon, to her husband. "That is definitely not my concept of a wedding night!"Mark said. He had...
I had been on the road most of the day, having travelled almost six hundred kilometers in an effort to visit some of my most important clients. So, it was a relief when I arrived at the motel and was able to check in and get into my room.After checking my e-mails, I decided to head to the bar for a relaxing drink before contemplating what to choose from the restaurant menu.The bar was nearly empty, with only the barmaid and one other guest in attendance. This was good – I really felt that I...
Crossdressing“You cunt” the mother said “$100.00”, “no way $50.00”, I said “unless you want to go for broke and give up that ass of yours”. “$5 K” the mother said, “Fuck off” I said, “$500”, “no way” said the mother, “that monster cock is not going in my ass for less than $3 K”. “There are a 1000 dollars in the nightstand, take it or leave it” I said.“YOU Cunt” said the mother, turning to her daughter she stroked her hair kissed her forehead and turned and said “Show me”, standing and walking to the...
HALF A MOTEL ROOM IS BETTER THAN NONE I stood there in the marble-tiled lobby of the upscale motel chain and looked at the blank face of the apologetic clerk telling me I had to share my reward bonus motel room with some stranger with the same last name.It would not have been so dire a circumstance except for the fact that the Murphy in question was called Peter and I was a lifelong Mary. I wanted to shout out that this Mary Murphy did not plan to share her private quarters with any Peter...
Straight SexSnow covered the road., camouflaging it in with the rest of the landscape. Fortunately, the shadows my headlamps cast in the ditches gave me at least some indication of where the edge of the road was. That, and this road was anything but unfamiliar. I’d driven it many times. Hell, in good weather I could probably almost do it blindfolded, I’d driven it so much the past several years. There was a good set of winter tires underneath me, so that upped my advantage some. Still, one false...
Millie and Mary were maids at the Southside Motel, several buildings comprising approximately 50 units. Millie was a brunette in her late 20s. She was about 5'7" tall and, while she was carrying probably 20 pounds too much, she still had nice big protruding breasts and a narrow waist that emphasized her ass. Mary was younger, in her early 20s and dishwater blonde. She had a nice figure with large, conical shaped boobs. While working at the motel they became friendly, working on...
You might say my first time was a back door experience when I was fourteen. That same summer, 1954, Aunt Minnie was severely injured in a car accident. Since Uncle Cal and his brother Rod had just purchased a Motel, the accident was a major disaster. They had put their life savings into the venture, and had planned for all four of them to run the thirty six-unit motel until it became profitable enough to hire help. Cal had to stay with Minnie much of the time, and between them, Uncle Rod...
--------- You help fuck a friend's wife and cum all in her cunt and you end up buying their motel. As Ned Kelly said "Such is Life". Hello I am Marcus Root. I own a small Motel in the Riverina and I spend a fair amount of my time in the bedroom. Well bedrooms to be precise. I have just bought a 20 room motel that I will be running with my wife Sharon. We have bought it from two friends of ours Bill and Sheryl. It is called Roots Motel because years ago it was owned by the Root family,...
Motel Pool by SpectreOfHell Part 3 of 3 John was visibly shaking as he pulled his car into the parking lot of the Timmonsville Motor Lodge. He was ten miles from home. Timmonsville was just a hole in the road, an abandoned mill town with a single gas station and one run down motel being the only two businesses around. Teens kept the motel in business renting rooms by the hour. When John told the clerk he needed one for a couple of days, the old man raised one eyebrow but didn’t comment. Ten...
Cheryl’s hot motel date“I put your outfit on the bed, I’m ready to go when you are,” I called out to my wife who was just finishing her shower. I had arranged for a hot date for her at a local motel, but not exactly what she thought the date would be.I shared her now for over a year, mostly at the adult theater, but at a few hotel and motel meets with friends and strangers. Cheryl was used to two or three males over an evenings fun, but this motel date would be very different I planned a nice...
This is a totally fictional story about a new hot wife, Susie, and the rest of the typical words about the characters, etc.. She is a lovely wife, enjoys sexual adventures, and more, so stay tuned, she might go more places than the adult motel represented here. Susie's Hot Adult Motel Adventure Begins- Chapter 1Although we had spent a couple of weekend nights at this adult motel, this was the first time I was able to convince my sexy wife to venture to the pool area. The pool was enclosed, and...
Hi everyone! My name is Jill. All my stories are true and are about the fun that i have when i get away from my hometown so that i can explore my inner whore without the locals finding out about it. Here, i'm going to tell you about the weekend of November 19-21, 2010. If you want to find out more about me or be my friend, then please go to my xhamster personal page.Late Friday after work i took a flight to Chicago. My plan was to go to some sex clubs and strip clubs to see what kind of...
Donald and Regina have been planning their wedding for almost a year and now it is just a couple of days away. Alan, Amy's boyfriend Eric and even Earl Miller decided that Donald needed a bachelor party no strippers and not only that but at his house. Donald came out in his shorts and a button down short sleeve leisure shirt and his sandals he wore in Mazeletian Mexico when he went deep sea fishing 6 months after his wife died and he had a nice marlin on the wall that he caught. He had...
*February 9, 1848 - Thursday* Here begins my journal. I arise today a new man. My past is that of a cad, my future, if I have one, will be that of an emigrant farmer. I am Christopher Hanlon, 23, born October 12, 1824. I am 5' 6", 150 pounds, moderately good looking with brown hair and a beard which I keep well trimmed. I grew up on a farm in up state New York and left home as soon as I could. I had found employment at a stock brokerage firm in New York City. In the last eight years I have...
I looked out the window, observing white wispy clouds glide past my view of the brilliantly blue ocean beneath. And then the coastline came back into sight. We were almost there. Months after graduation. Months of enduring the mental torture inside my own conscience. Months of dreaming about Courtney's face. And now we were almost there. I glanced to the side to see Anna's face light up happily as she also saw the California coast, more clearly than I from her window seat. She turned and...
The Sun MotelThe miniature spy camera was the latest and tiny. They had cost me a fortune but its lens, disguised as a screw head, was completely undetectable. It is the last of 3 in this room. One in the ceiling above the bed, one in the picture hook above the head of the bed and one also in a picture hook on the back wall showing the reverse shot of the bed. An overhead in the bathroom light was already in place along with one in the towel rail in front of the toilet, giving a superb view of...
To tell you the truth, she wasn’t much to look at. But then, neither am I.Don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t scream and run away ugly, she just wasn’t the kind you would look at twice. Or even once. That’s the way it is with motel maids, few actually look at them.I was stuck in a motel in South Carolina after my car broke down on the Interstate. BMW parts for older models are scarce and expensive, and I had to wait while the part came in from some place far away. Probably Tibet. It was hot and...
*** "...of the total number of baryons predicted by Big Bang nucleosynthesis, as inferred from density fluctuations..." there was a knock at the door. Newlyn had been studding again. He did this when ever he could. It started about eighteen years ago as a cooping technique to deal with the pain of his greatest regret. As part of this he had next to no social life so, the knock at the door was a surprise to him. The only time any one ever knocked on his door was for mail but, Newlyn could...
Ok, so this one is hot, but is mostly fantasy…I have ‘earned’ a few nights kinda like this though… 13. I also fuck the hotel managers of another city. To be able to come and go all dressed up without anyone noticing is usually very important. Sometimes my company will have me stay at a premium ‘nice’ hotel. So I’ll get a slightly less nice motel on the side so I can do what I want without having it get back to my boss. A little caution and a few extra expenses go a long way. One of the...
Introduction: My wife cheats with my friend as I feign sleep Cuckolded in the motel room 1. My buddy Mel was old car collector and had found a 50 Ford in a small town he wanted to but and restore. But he needed to go there to bring it back on a trailer. However he didnt have a powerful enough car or hitch and I did, so we decided to take my SUV and go get it. It would be a fun trip through the mountains and would mean an overnight motel stop on the way and another coming back. He called a...
Motel Pool by SpectreOfHell Part 1 of 3 John slipped into the cool water of the motel pool with a sigh of relief. It had been a long, hot day, and he was glad to be done with it. Tomorrow he would be on the road again, making the long drive back home where he could report to his wife that their business would survive another year. The sales he had made at this year’s convention exceeded expectations. Hell, he might even be able to afford that divorce now. He dove under the water, relishing...
Cindy and Diane drove downtown to a large gray building with an dubious neon sign reading "Bla es Adult Nov ties". The sign, much like the building it was on was in disrepair, but the meaning was clear. The girls parked on the side of the building and walked up the sidewalk to the windowless building. A large heavy red door marked the only entrance to the place and so taking a deep breath each, the girls stepped inside the den of iniquity. For what "Blake's Adult Novelties" lacked in exterior...
College SexI could feel everyone's eyes on me as I stood outside the motel room door, As per our chat a few days prior, we agreed on a few specific facts before I ever arrived at the motel room.****1) It was undeniable that I was a cock-addicted, cum-hungry sissy faggot that needed to be used and abused by men. It was a universal constant that I couldn't ignore, 2) Once I stepped into the motel room, I would be acknowledging the aforementioned facts, and the understanding that a sissy faggot cannot be...
My heart was racing as I pulled into the parking lot of the motel off Route 25.The location of the motel would make one feel as though it would be the kind of place that would be desolate and run down, but apparently it was quite popular. I hadn't expected to see so many vehicles parked in the lot of the place; many with people still sitting in them looking at their phones, or just watching people come and go. I was going to have to get out of my car, and they were all going to see me.The fact...
Ok, so this one is hot, but is mostly fantasy...I have 'earned' a few nights kinda like this though...13. I also fuck the hotel managers of another city. To be able to come and go all dressed up without anyone noticing is usually very important. Sometimes my company will have me stay at a premium ‘nice’ hotel. So I’ll get a slightly less nice motel on the side so I can do what I want without having it get back to my boss. A little caution and a few extra expenses go a long way. One of...
Donald is in his Carhartt work pants and a pocket t-shirt and work boots and he has the 4x6's in the holes with the quickrete concrete already set and he his nailing the 2x4s into them. Regina pulls up and says, "Wow, this porch is looking good." Donald stopped and walked over to her and wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her. She kisses him back and said, "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you could do this." He laughed and replied, "Don't tell too many people I do...
Regina gets up early morning of August 14th and she has a sense of panic and calls Donald. He answered and said, "Hello," "Honey it is the day we have to get ready." He replied, "Honey, I will be over in about 15 minutes." She jumped out of bed and put on a pair of ankle socks, and a bran and a satin shirt and a pair of women's jeans and a pair of loafers. She brushed her hair as quickly and put on makeup lightly and by the time she was done, there was a knock on the...
Tuesday is here and it is time for Donald and Regina's first appointment to their wedding planner. Donald pulled up in front of Regina's and walked up to the front door and reminded himself that he needed to finish the front porch. He shook his head because of recent events slowing down that process. He knocked on the door and it was Stephanie and she was wearing a navy blue knee high skirt and black 4" heels and her blonde hair was cascading on her shoulders. Donald said, "Wow,...
Caught in the motel - Part 1 By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! He is running his hands all over my bound body, and it eagerly responds to his touch, even though my mortified mind is reeling in fear, shame and humiliation, as he caresses my legs, clad in shiny, white stockings, my torso, sheathed by a tight, long-sleeved, one-peace swimsuit...