Truckstop Nuns
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: Sister Mary give the best gift to the lonely 90 years old Nepalese man **co-writing with my friend from Imagefap, Reddwarf**
Many weeks had passed and life for Sister Mary Atchara had been changed immeasurably. It was as if a part of her that she had never known existed before had exploded inside of her, making her a whole new woman. She had now fully embraced her voracious sexual nature and reconciled it completely with her complete and utter dedication to the Holy Church. With a wisdom that she could only attribute to prayerful meditation and guidance from above, she quickly learned to be quite discrete with her gifts of the flesh and her personal vow to use them not for her own pleasure but in the service of the Church (not that Sister Mary didnt find rewards in the performance of her duties).
As a result of her enthusiasm and success in bringing so many faithful to the the Lord, Sister Mary Atcharas work was nothing short of miraculous in this small, bedraggled village. It was on a windy spring morning that Father Mahara, the 57 year old Priest found the cheerful Nun humming to herself as she put away the fresh bed sheets for the dormitory. Smiling at the site of her, the balding old man pulled his threadbare black cassock straighter, outlining his round, protruding belly. Smiling to her, he felt moved to speak to her,
You know Sister, your service to the Church has been very precious to us all during this past year. Mother Superior is quite pleased with your work and the members of our parish absolutely adore you. Your tireless dedication to easing the suffering of others is surely a sign from God of the rightness of your calling.
Helping and saving those lost lambs is the Lord working through me, Father. I couldnt begin to do what little I have without you and the other Sisters here helping me, but I feel so at home here and so happy to serve The Lord in any way I can, she said humbly, her words make the old priest smile.
I am so glad Sister Mary. It is again your turn this evening to go about the town visiting the parish members and seeing to the needs of those who need our help. I particularly would like you to visit one of our oldest members, Mr Bishal, if you are able. He is quite alone since his wife passed away and it is his birthday, it would be a shame for him to spend it alone, he said as he took her hand in his own, patting it with affection.
But of course Father Mahara, I will do my best to make my rounds and I will certainly look in on your friend. she said brightly.
Hearing the shutters bang on the windowsill as the wind gusted outside, Father Mahara and Mary both could see the tree limbs flailing about in the strong gale. Turning to the lovely round face of the Thai nun, Father Mahara produced a shiny set of car keys from his pocket, pressing them into her hand.
Bicycling or taking your moped is far too risky in this weather, my child. Take the Parish car for your work. God bless you and drive carefully, Sister.
Sister Mary Atchara was all grins as she hopped behind the wheel of the old, beaten and worn Volkswagen Dasher and started the engine. One of the many joys she had discovered in her time with the Church was that she loved the thrill of driving the narrow, winding streets of the village and relished every opportunity that arose allowing her to use the Parish car. Secondly, that her rounds about the town would be completed very quickly indeed (the way she drove, anyway), allowing her to spend a good bit of extra time this afternoon with Mr Bishal.
She was quite familiar with the 90 years olds tale, unfortunately a common one in this poor town. Born in Nepal, he and his family immigrated to been here when the town was still booming and converted to Catholicism and had been a long-standing member of the Church. He and his wife had many children who worked with them in their bakery and their many progeny thrived, taking jobs in the other local industries. Then, the economic collapse scattered his once-close family to far away lands seeking jobs while he and his wife stayed here, too stubborn to give up. After she had passed away and the bakery had long-since closed, all that was left was the poor old man living alone on his meager savings. As the years passed, his senility and infirmity also increased bit by bit and caused him great hardship to attend Church services on his own. Even walking or using the sporadic public bus was quite difficult for the elderly Mr Bishal and it soon passed to the loving care of the Father Mahara and the Nuns to keep a watchful eye on him, to take his welfare check to the store for groceries every month and to provide transport to the church when he felt able to attend.
Sister Mary gunned the old Volkswagen along the ruin paved road, eying the many abandoned buildings posted with repossession signs from the banks, grimly warning of No Trespassing. Finally she reached her destination, a plain and simple little house that, like it occupant, was in a state of decay. The front door was open, blocked only by a screen to keep out flies, knocking on the wooden frame, Sister Mary peered in to the dark home, spying the elderly man sitting in his chair in front of the television, having dozed off. Her knock awakening him with a jerk, the old man rose unsteadily and made his way slowly to the door.
The Nuns cheery, Hello, Mr Bishal! brought a smile to his wrinkled old face. The Nepalese man was becoming quite bald with just a sparse amount of gray hair left on his liver-spotted brown head, his silver beard not as full as it once was, but his big bushy eyebrows turned up with surprise and delight and his eyes twinkled as he recognized his most favorite visitor. Not wanting him to make the trip all of the way to the front door, Sister Mary opened the screen door and stepped in, laden with her hamper of food and supplies. As she made her greetings to the old pensioner, she let him steady himself against her strong young body as they made their way to the kitchen. His trembling hands held her upper arms at first, but as she had expected from past visits, one hand quickly made its way down to her waist, slipping occasionally to slide appreciatively over her shapely ass. Many other Nuns had complained in the past about the lonely yet horny old man taking liberties with them, but Sister Mary sympathized with his burning needs. She reasoned that just because he had a wrinkled, pot-bellied old body didnt mean that he still didnt yearn for the comforts of his wife, or of any woman for that matter.
The Nun actually found herself pleased that she could provide some small measure of comfort to the sweet old man, moving her hips slightly as they walked down the narrow hallway, rotating her ass underneath his gentle touch. As they made it to the kitchen to set his supplies on the table, his other hand also slipped as he reached across her chest to move a vase with a withered flower in it, his shaking hand gliding over her full, ripe breasts as he pulled it back. Her thick nipples hardened immediately at his touch and Sister Mary sucked in a small breath of air as he cupped her, allowing him to feel the weight of the milky tit.
Setting the basket down, she turned to look into the smiling eyes of the old Asian. He was short, just as tall as she was and she grinned as she gave him her most wide-eyed, innocent smile as she put her arms around his neck and said,
This is from Father Mahara, Mr Bishal, from all of us at the Church for your birthday today! We know each year has been more and more challenging for you, but your service to God and your Church is never going to be forgotten. Leaning in close to his gray-stubbled face, the cute young Thai girls moist lips gave him a loving peck on his chapped old lips.
Happy birthday, Mr Bishal and many, many more, she said in a low, sultry voice.
The old mans rheumy eyes widened as she shifted under his trembling hands, letting her black-cloaked form feel the warm body beneath his wandering fingers. Standing there in the golden afternoon light of the kitchen, a fat old man groped the lush firm ass of the Nun as she ground her body appreciatively against his. Giggling like a school girl, Sister Mary extracted herself from his grip and took him by the hand back into the living room. Turning his chair around from the television set and into the small room, the Nun settled the old man down and stepped back a few paces, ensuring that she was close enough for him to see her.
I know youve been lonely, Mr Bishal, she said as she looked around the room. Everywhere there were paintings of the Lord, looking handsome and kind and understanding. She saw images her namesake, Mary, beautiful, serene and (to her eyes) sexy. Crucifixes hung from the walls as well and votive candles shown dimly around a tiny altar containing pictures of Jesus and Mr Bishals dead wife. Somehow, the reverent and holy atmosphere of the room made Sister Marys head swim as she became more and more aroused at the thought of all of the Hosts of Heaven watching them, seeing into her very soul the lust that burned in her.
On the television religious music was playing, a full orchestra of piped organs and a boys choir singing in full voice. Her senses reeling, Sister Mary began to sway in time to it, slowly rolling her hips, her hands exploring the hidden curves of her body. Her flashing eyes fixed on Mr Bishal as a finger found her mouth, wetting it on her lips and tracing the curve of her breasts on the black fabric. She would turn and look over her shoulder at him, bending to display the generous curve of her ass cheeks beneath the Habit, then stand upright again and turn back, her hands moving up the sides of her face, her deft fingers reaching behind to undo the wimple and coif which fell gently to the floor behind her, freeing her long jet-black tresses. Shaking out her hair with her fingers, Sister Marys face was one of pure animal lust as she flashed her perfect white teeth in a smile down to the mesmerized old man.
Swaying to the uplifting sound of the choir as they built to a crescendo, the Nun unhooked her rosary beads that swung on her belt and clasped them between her teeth. Next the woolen belt was undone and dropped and as she began dipping and grinding about, the Sister carefully unbuttoned her tunic. Mr Bishals gasp of joy was Sister Marys reward as it hissed over her body to the ground, a puddle at her feet. Her incredible body was glistening with sweat from her dance, her brown skin shimmering in the dim light. Her full breasts seemed quite large for a woman of her height, her waist narrowing in then spreading to her generously wide hips, then down to her shapely legs. Bending at the waist forward, her eyes fastened on his as she saw the delight in his face at her tits swinging heavily forward, Sister Mary snatched her thin belt from the floor and stood as she fastened it again around her nude form. Taking her rosary beads from her lips, she fastened it again to her waist. Now as she danced, the 3 long golden crucifix swung about her hips and thighs, flashing in the light.
Closer and closer the Nun danced to the seated man, allowing his withered but hot old fingers the chance to touch the supple young body of his sexy Angel of Mercy. Presenting her ass to within 6 of his face, she shuddered with delight as she felt his rapid breathing warm her skin, making goose pimples pop upon her flesh. Wet kisses followed, the widower tasting the salty moisture of her globes, making he Sister moan. Turning to face him, she stood with her legs on either side of his knobby knees and looked down, happy at the straining fabric tenting up the crotch of his faded, threadbare drawstring pants. Her hands gently rubbed the stained sleeveless t-shirt he wore, massaging his sunken chest and pushing him back in the chair slightly. Leaning forward, her full tits dragged over his pot belly and chest until a thick, 4 diameter brown areola bumped against his stubbly chin. Raising herself slightly, Sister Mary bumped her eraser-thick nipple into his mouth where the old man instinctively latched onto her.
Drink from me, Mr Bishal! Mmmm…have your birthday drink from me, the Nun purred, groaning at the delightful friction of his scraggly beard and rotten old teeth against her sensitive tit flesh. Needle-like jets of milk shot from her as sweet, hot milk flowed. Only recently had the sexy Nun discovered that she was lactating and took it as a definite sign from God that she was doing His work. Now she could not only give the love and comfort she knew came from Him, but she could nourish her charges as well. What a Holy Gift!
White streams leaked from around Mr Bishals craggy lips and trickled down his chin onto his shirt. Sister Mary ran her fingers through the old mans wispy hair, cooing lovingly like a mother to child as he thirstily suckled on her. Another hand shot down between them, her hand finding the stiffness pushing the fabric of his flannel pants outward. Her warm hand gripped his astonishing (for his age) hardness and slowly jacked him while he fed. When his frantic pulls on her pleasantly tingling breasts had slowed somewhat, the Nun pulled back and dropped to her knees, eager for what she knew waited for her. Pulling the string of his pants, unknotting them, she pulled down the front of his pants and let his engorged dick pop free, bobbing straight up before her. Open-mouthed and wide-eyed, Sister Mary wrapped her fingers around the thick girth of a truly spectacular 10 cock. Frosted at the base with snow-white pubes, thick veins roped around and around the shaft that jutted up, ending in a dark brown helmet, smeared and glistening with pre-cum. The other hand glided her fingertips down the underside of the shaft, making Mr Bishal moan. That hand found the sagging ball sack, almost hidden in a mass of gray wiry hair as well, hot to her touch with each bloated orb heavily laden with saved-up cum. Focusing her gaze past the pulsing dick in her hands, Sister Mary looked into Mr Bishals eyes and said throatily,
Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless you, Mr Bishal. Happy birthday! as she took his thick round tip into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the glans, loving the velvety smoothness, the saltiness making her mouth water. Teasing his piss-hole, she alternated between sucking hard on as much of his dick as she could force into her throat and breaking her seal, panting as she laved her tongue up and down the sides of his cock, slurping up her own saliva. Diving down to the musky balls, Sister Mary would jack his wet cock slowly as she tasted his nut sack, dancing his full testicles inside her hungry mouth, cleaning them.
The choir sang Hosanna! on the television as the old parishioner moaned and twisted in his chair under the stimulation and teasing of the sexy Nun. The happy sounds of slurping and swallowing filled the parlor as the Nun prepared Mr Bishal for his birthday treat. One of Sister Marys hands had crept down to her between her own legs and she had shoved two, then three fingers inside her own black-furred cunt, stretching and preparing her hole for this tremendous meat. Pulling her face off of his dick with a satisfied , Sister Mary stood and quickly straddled his quivering member, letting the fat head of his cock split her lips open, allowing him to relish her heat on his tip. Her fingers, fairly dripping with her own juices went to her mouth as she smeared her lips with her own flavor. Leaning in, she deeply kissed the old wrinkled man, letting him taste her from her lips as she sank inch after inch of him into her. Mid-way down, Sister Mary could feel his thick cock stretching her wider and wider, the wicked ache in her loins making her more and more excited. Grimacing but maintaining their sensual kiss, Sister Mary forced herself down, willing her straining cunt to relax around the girth of the old man. His hands were like bony claws as they dug fiercely into her breasts, kneading the flesh like dough as he felt his dick enveloped for the first time in decades.
The nun broke their kiss and reared upright over him, her voice raised in unison with the childrens choir on television, her song a wail of ecstasy as Mr Bishal bottomed out on her, the entire length of his wrinkled old cock wedged tightly up inside the sexy Thai Nun. Her breasts jutted out as she arched her back and as Mr Bishal squeezed them in his arthritic grip, white jets of liquid sprayed from her nipples, soaking his face with milk. As Sister Mary began the wonderfully arduous task of raising and lowering herself on the skinny hips of the man, she had just enough presence of mind not to be too rough with him, lest she injure his withering old body. Still, sexual heat got the better of both of them and soon they were grinding and pushing against each other, man and woman together, transcending all age and social boundaries as they simply fucked like animals. Mr Bishal wheezed and gasped with such effort but could not stop himself as he pushed as best he could up into the Heavenly folds of this Angel sent to him. Passionately he chewed her thick, wet nipples with craggy old teeth, sending shivers of electric delight up Sister Marys tits with each sharp bite. Her head lolled about as she was possessed by a feeling of almost golden rapture, visions of The Lord and Mother Mary filling her head and a voice like thunder filling her ears. Her body was on fire and cool at the same time as her pussy hummed with the exquisite pressure of having such a thick, hot piece of meat sawing in and out of her tiny hole.
Her tits fell free, swinging heavily and jiggling with each blow from Mr Bishals hips as he gripped her ass now, finding once-forgotten strength as he mustered enough power to seriously jack-hammer his thickness into her at greater speed. Ignoring any thought of frailty, the old man was young again as he grunted like a bull, bellowing his dominance of this young pussy wrapped around his glory. Sister Marys brown skin shimmered with sweat as her rosary beads flailed about, bouncing the metal crucifix between her flat stomach and his round, pot belly. His roar announced the massive pulses of cum that jetted from his dick, the power of which consumed the now-shaking Nun. Where moments before she had been giving a kindness to a feeble old man, she now felt helpless and small before a mighty force, his manly grip and irresistible power overwhelming her. An iron hand took the back of her head and pulled her in for a hard kiss, his tongue rasping deep into her mouth.
The Nuns senses exploded as his rod, greased by his thick cum, slid even faster inside of her, heating the upper lining of her cunt walls, sparking off an intense, body-shaking orgasm of her own. Gurgling into his mouth, Sister Mary felt as if beams of light were bursting from every cell in her body. Her toes curled, her skin was on fire and she wrapped her arms tightly about the heaving body below her, pulling the fat old man to her as she rolled through the throws of ecstasy.
Suddenly she was jerked back to reality as Mr Bishal pushed her away, his strong hands gripping her head like a melon. Bleary-eyed and unable to understand what was happening, Sister Mary could only feel she were sliding down his body when suddenly her mouth filled with his thickness. Slimy with their mutual cum, it caked in a ring around her stretched lips as he forced his meat past her tonsils and into the back of her throat. Gagging, her throat convulsed around the turgid cock as she reflexively swallowed, allowing every bit of it down. Fuzzy gray hairs mashed into her nose and she could smell his intoxicating musk as he held her there, growling in pleasure as his cock amazingly pulsed again, sending more thick wads of his clotted semen down her throat. She never wanted it to end, the taste, the pressure on her throat, the way her tongue felt forced against his hairy old dick…it was wonderful! For his part, old Mr Bishal would have died happily at that moment if he didnt feel so alive, more so than he had in years. With his dick so wet and throbbing inside this beautiful young girl, the old man felt revitalized and able to face many more days than he had imagined he could.
An hour later, Sister Mary emerged from the shabby old bathroom, smoothing her Habit back down, every hair neatly tucked back under her coif and her clothing immaculate once more. Peeking in to the bedroom where she had taken Mr Bishal, she had bathed the sleeping man with a sponge and basin of water, taking care not to disturb the exhausted mans sleep. She smiled lovingly as he snored and closed the door, checking the kitchen that all of the supplies were put away and her note to him was left prominently on his table. It told him that she would petition Father Mahara to be allowed to visit him regularly and to promise to bring him personally to services every week. Locking both the front and screen door as she left, Sister Mary turned the key on the engine and thought that a man who could perform as he had, regardless of his advanced age, should be able to manage to make it to Church every week. Especially if he had Sister Mary to accompany him on his journey.
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She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...
It was a blazing hot summer day as Jessica trudged down the burning sidewalk, her thick wool habit making the journey much more arduous than it needed to be. That had been the story of her life since joining the Sisters of Guadalupe. It might as well have been the sisterhood’s motto. “Harder than it has to be.” But not for much longer. Their mission was no longer hers. Jessica was charting a new course and the first stop was a sex shop in downtown Austin. She had desperately wanted to wear...
Enough of the wit, you want more of my memoirs. Here goes The 12th grade had finally arrived. The big year. The make or break year. The big one -two. Alright enough with the drama. This was my graduating year, so I had to make it a good one; but it was already a crazy busy one I had discovered within the first week. I was working at the Love Hut Lingerie Store Tuesday through Thursday nights and then working as coat check girl at the Zebra Club. Plus , to no one’s surprise I was...
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All for Charity (Parts 1 and 2) Charlie is volunteered to help with a charity fundraiser at a friend's salon. Old feelings come back and as does an old crush. Susie from "The Dress" series makes her return in this story. SLIGHTLY REVISED Chapter 1 I got home early on Friday, as I usually do. I have time to change from my work clothes into jeans and a denim Ralph Lauren shirt as I wait for her to arrive from work. I open a bottle of wine -- a Argentinian Cabernet, one of...
All for Charity (Part 3) -- Charity Awakens Susie moves back home and Charlie prepares to volunteer Charlie The moment he finished, Charlie couldn't believe what he had done. Yes, he had another fight with Connie on the phone. Honestly, he thought, she says she wants to be with me and I want her, but she makes everything so hard. She is jealous of everything, domineering and never, ever thinks she's wrong. I'm on pins and needles with her all the time. Is this really where I...
The one exception to his rule has always been the academy. This great bastion of learning and knowledge, where the arts of magic are taught to students, scholars come to discover and hone skill for purposes best left to the imagination. Constant, unyielding, unbending, always there – a true solid foundation for the community; and yet even here the forces of change demand their tribute. A series of events have come about, one along with the other that is turning this stability upside down...
Center to the series is the young cat-girl Charity (patterned after the anime favorites such as Dragon Pink), who is both a magician (the practice is called the arcane Art, or THE Art) and a practiticoner of psionics - the magic of the mind. Please let me know how you think of it. Also, as a twist the lead virgin of the story is not the girl -- just a hint of what awaits. ********************************************* ********************************************* Among the roads...
All for Charity (Part 1) Charlie is volunteered to help with a charity fundraiser at a friend's salon. Old feelings come back and as does an old crush. Susie from "The Dress" series makes her return in this story. Chapter 1 I got home early on Friday, as I usually do. I have time to change from my work clothes into jeans and a denim Ralph Lauren shirt as I wait for her to arrive from work. I open a bottle of wine -- a Argentinian Cabernet, one of her favorites -- to let it...
All for Charity (Part 4) (Conclusion) Connie learns about Charlie as the charity event nears. Charlie finally sets his own destiny. The Mother's Day event at Rita's Salon was a little over two weeks away now. Charlie, after being inadvertently outed by his sister Tina, had agreed to volunteer at the event, giving manicures. He hadn't told his girlfriend Connie about the event yet; he hadn't even told her that he is skilled at painting nails. He didn't think that would go over...
Introduction: Charity dates her dream beau which is killing her Hello again faithful readers. When I last left you in my memoirs, I had just started dating my new boyfriend Chet. I was on the cheerleading team and having a great start to my school year. My best friends Faith OReilly and Hope Jenkins and I shared the same ridiculous sex drive, and my Momma Dee was a wonderful enabler of any of our perverted adventures. We were sucking and fucking our way through teen life, there was the donkey...
Each experience we have on all three parts of the mind play togeater, forming new wonders and memories combining in infinite ways. This is what makes us "US' the one where I am myself. The lifetime of all we have done, seen, shared, loved and so forth. Yet what happens if those memories we cherish the most could be rewritten unwillingly by another? Or worse yet, taken away, plucked by one who walks the roads of the mind and steals at will? One who loves terror and all (yes a real...
Introduction: What would you do if someone could steal the very memories we hold and treasure as our own most precious of gems and jewelry, those memories that make us and then find them all gone. Having known something precious was there and now gone for good. What would you do. Have you ever looked into a mirrors depths and seen the wonders of the image reflected back? What about having a second and a third mirror close enough to where you can see reflections of the other mirrors in the...
When I last left you in my memoirs, I had just started dating my new boyfriend Chet. I was on the cheerleading team and having a great start to my school year. My best friends Faith O’Reilly and Hope Jenkins and I shared the same ridiculous sex drive, and my Momma Dee was a wonderful enabler of any of our perverted adventures. We were sucking and fucking our way through teen life; there was the donkey dick nerd Beeder, there was Momma’s boss Marcus and his two assistants Denny and Bill...
In front of a smaller than average congregation, unusually attended by a few of the kingdom's notably agnostic Knightly Order of Dyna, the head priestess of the Holy Church of Merridan addressed "her flock," as it were... even though the warriors in attendance actually outnumbered her faithful. "In conclusion, give generously, my brothers and sisters. A heart that strays from our divine creator, Geod, is a heart that is susceptible to corrupt thoughts and malice against one's fellow man. A...
Fantasyby mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Thirteen: The Pleasure and Pain of the Nuns Slowly, the Ecstasy faded from me, the rapturous fire withdrew, and the outside world returned. No longer was I swept up in the passion of the Archangel Gabriel. My sense returned, one by one. The first was smell, the air filled with a lemony scent trying to mask a bitter ammonia cleaner. I could feel the cool tiles beneath me, through the fabric of my gray habit, as touch returned. My mouth tasted of...
I hate my life, I hate my father, and I definitely hate Catholic School. My name is Angelica but everybody calls me Angel. Don’t let the name fool you. I’m almost fifteen years old. I have light red hair that is kind of a blend of red and blonde but I escaped all of those freckles that usually go along with red hair. Mom always called it strawberry blonde! My hair is soft and hangs almost to my waist but it is thin too and I like to keep it in a ponytail. I like the way it swishes when I...
Without further ado, more dirty writing. Okay not entirely dirty writing, it’s a story about a journey. My journey for the most part, but not just mine. It’s been a long hard road from where I was when I first got off the bus in a strange town to where I am now; fulfilled wife and mother. I didn’t do it alone, and it wasn’t always roses. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was both. This is one of those stories, actually it’s two of those stories. I promised...
Introduction: Elections and Loss for the trio Welcome back faithful readers Without further ado, more dirty writing. Okay not entirely dirty writing, its a story about a journey. My journey for the most part, but not just mine. Its been a long hard road from where I was when I first got off the bus in a strange town to where I am now, fulfilled wife and mother. I didnt do it alone, and it wasnt always roses. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was both. This is one...
Mother Superior sent Sister Mary Margaret away and continued to watch the novice through the two-way mirror. Sister Mary Julian paced her small room, stopping each time she came to her bed. She'd stand there rubbing her palms on her thighs, wringing her hands, and clenching and unclenching her fists as she stared down at the soiled habit. One time she stopped in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. Her stare was so intense that Mother Superior jerked back as if the novice was...
I hate my life, I hate my father, and I definitely hate Catholic School.My name is Angelica but everybody calls me Angel. Don’t let the name fool you. I’m almost fifteen years old. I have light red hair that is kind of a blend of red and blonde but I escaped all of those freckles that usually go along with red hair. Mom always called it strawberry blonde! My hair is soft and hangs almost to my waist but it is thin too and I like to keep it in a ponytail. I like the way it swishes when I walk....
Introduction: the continuing exploits of Charity Jones Hello once again my faithful readers As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones, not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle, church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasnt an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars...
Charity flipped on the windshield wipers and turned the heater up while she negotiated the Chicago traffic. It had been freezing all week, and the rain was coming down in sheets, looking more like a solid stream rather than individual drops. She’d worn her favorite skirt today, and the knit pullover sweater she had on clung to her body showing off her best assets. Her beige canvas raincoat was in the seat next to her umbrella; her purse tucked safely under it. The tall buildings of the city...
MasturbationThis was part one of this story: is part 2: now for part 3:Later on we talked about her coworker. She said she knew of her inexperience but did not know how extensive it was. I told her we can teach her how to have sex with a man. She said she has a better idea. We can teach both her and the 18 year old she fucked at the...
As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones; not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle; church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasn’t an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars blush; but a gradual transition. For those of you who have read my earlier...
Introduction: The end of school has arrived Charity Jones here again. Weve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. Ill skip the witty banter and lets finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer...
We’ve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. I’ll skip the witty banter and let’s finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer park. And then those were over. Then it was Grad...
The Virtue sisters were the antithesis of what their father had hoped them to be. He had structured their upbringing around the names that he and his wife had given them. Faith, Hope and Charity Virtue, as young girls, were everything that a deeply religious father could ask for, moulded in the Reverend Matthew Virtue’s vision of perfection. They each began Sunday School before they were old enough for proper school, and their religious education didn’t stop there, they were encouraged to...
Introduction: Charity helps with a private fitting Welcome back readers of my filth. When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But thats getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my...
She looked vulnerable. A few smears of mud on her ankle and the battered suitcase made her look genuine, despite a hint of being jail bait on legs. I think I can trust myself to resist temptation and anyway I almost always pick up hitch-hikers. It’s a kind of payback. Years ago, when I was a student it was the only way I could get around. Peggy was at a college a hundred miles away, so on my budget, if I wanted to see her, I had to ride with my thumb.I learned some tricks, like I always...
Seduction'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were lactating copiously. 'Ugh... why?!?' She wiped her fingers on the bedding. It was so dark in her room that Jessica couldn't decipher the long, black habit lying atop her office chair. She had discarded it immediately upon returning to her room, but kept on her red leather bondage brassiere. She had been too...
When this humble narrator last left you I had just been fired from the rock and roll lifestyle know as flipping burgers for fucking the donkey dicked half wit night manager. It was merely the second in a series of three jobs I would lose over the summer before I moved into the two that would end up defining the next several years of my life. But that’s getting ahead of myself, you want to hear all about how my big titted self got canned from the next job. Here’s a hint, it’s a...
Charity Jones here again returning to entertain you with more adventures of my misspent youth. My lat recounting detailed certain highpoints in my life as it transpired through the11th grade in my 16th year of life. I introduced you to the complete trinity of my closest friends, Faith and Hope. I also landed myself a highschool sweetheart by the name of Chet, who in turned out to be my personal cuckold. And of course the trials and tribulations of jut being a high school teen. The...
Despite my worst intentions, Faith and I could not come up with a plan for me to bed my Momma. We were inseperable the entire time, spending most of the days together and the nights as well when Momma was off at work. Our planning was obviously impeded by our constant consumption of marijuana as well. It was just a week later, three Saturdays from the first night where I had kindled my incestous lust for Momma , and Faith and I were entertaining ourselves. Our form of entertainment though was...