Protector Of The Truth: Part 1 Down No Memories Lane (Edited) free porn video

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Introduction: Hey there. If you like a good story with magic, knights, dragons, mythical creatures and monsters all in the medieval time then this is what this story is gonna revolve around Hey there. Before anything I would like to tell everyone that this is my first ever story. Im not to confident with my self yet but if you enjoyed it than a rating would be nice.

Also English is not my mother language. Ive studied English and lived in the USA for a few years. So if I do have any grammatical mistakes then please point them out to me and explain why. Dont be rude and say my English sucks and not give your reason. Say about opinions on the story. I accept all types of opinions whether they be complimenting my skills and effort or criticizing them. As long as you explain what made you think that way so I can further improve my writing

As the direction the story will be heading to. It wont be non-stop sex every paragraph because this focuses more on the story than the sex scenes. Nonetheless there will be sex scenes. This first chapter is basically the introduction.


Light was seeping through my eyes, a blur in front of me was shaping into a beautiful womans face as my eyes fluttered open. Her face was so serene yet tears were falling down her face. Her smile showed happiness yet her eyes showed sadness. Once she noticed that I had woken up her face tensed and then slowly calmed as she spoke. Im so grateful you are alive. This women seemed to know me yet I didnt know who she was. She had my head cradled on her lap which told me that I must know her from somewhere. I racked my brain trying to think from where I knew her but nothing came up.

I slowly sat up and as my vision became clearer I started realizing the environment we were in. It looked like we were in the ruble of some house, rocks were scattered all over the floor, the sun was shining in from where the ceiling was supposed to be, and the windows frames were shattered. I tried to imagine how this place wouldve looked like if it wasnt destroyed to see if I knew where I was but nothing registered. I didnt know where I was, and now that I thought about it I didnt know who I was.

I looked to the beauty in front of me who had been quiet since she first spoke hoping to get some answers from her. I tried to speak but the only thing that came out was wordless air. My throat was very dry but I tried to talk once more. The women understood what I wanted and cupped her hands together and water was seemed to flow magically from thin air into her hands. As soon as the water reached to the top of her cupped hands it stopped as quickly it had started. She moved her hands to me and beckoned me to drink. I was suspicious at first but one look into her dark brown eyes told me everything would be ok. I moved myself forward and my lips made contact with the tip of her hands as I slightly opened my mouth and started to drink. I drank and drank yet the water never seemed to deplete one bit. It looked like the water was replenishing itself with every gulp I took.

Once I was fully quenched I backed up a bit and she closed her hands together and the water was no longer there. I sat there staring at her and drawing in her beauty. Her milky white skin contrasted with the black of her hair which flowed down her back to the edge of her spine. Her eyes a dark brown, so mesmerizing you could feel them pull you in. Her lips were red, plump and luscious. Everything about her screamed perfection. And it hurt me when I noticed that there was blood trickling down the side of her head.

Maam are you okay? You seem to be injured I said, my voice a bit raspy.
As long as you are well my dear. She replied with a voice so angelic.
I grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and tried to rip it off but I couldnt muster enough strength. After trying a second time I gave up and removed my top off. I moved closer to her and used it to cover where it looked like she was bleeding from. She smiled and slowly pulled my hand away from her head and handed me back my shirt. Do not worry, I think I still have enough energy to heal myself she said smiling at me. And with that she put her hand next to the top of her head and a greenish light emanated from her palm as she was healing herself. Even the blood started to disappear. Within seconds her injury was no longer there.

Maam, may I ask where I might be? I said sincerely.
Do you not know where we are?
Im sorry but I cannot remember anything before I opened my eyes.
You surely remember who I am dont you?
I slowly shook my head no.
Do you even remember who you are?
Again, I shook my head no.
I nodded my head

Her eyes started to tear up and she lunged herself at me, wrapping her arms around my body Oh Ambrose, I told him not to let you attempt it, I knew you were still too young and inexperienced. He insisted and now&hellip, now&hellip, She let out a whimper as she cried into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly trying to soothe her sorrow.

After she had cried for what seemed like hours but was actually minutes she looked up at me, her face now a light red and her eyes a bit swollen. The sun is setting, the explosion wouldve been heard across the land. We do not want anyone to know we were here. We must go now. I will explain everything later. She said as she pulled herself up and walked over to a body that I hadnt noticed before on the floor behind me. She focused on the body and it slowly started to rise up hovering in the air. She walked towards where a door shouldve been but looked like it was blasted to smithereens by the explosion she mentioned earlier, the body hovering behind her as she left.

I stood up and followed her outside asking myself a thousand questions, who is she, who did that body belong to, where was she taking it, how was she able to manipulate things like magic and many other questions waiting to be answered.

After we walked a short distance, no more than 50 feet away from the ruble of the house, she stopped. With a simple gesture of her hand the body dropped down to the floor like a feather. Another hand gesture from her and the dirt beside the body was weirdly enough digging itself. It looked like there was someone or something digging the ground but nothing was there. After a deep enough ditch was made she lowered the body down it and once again the dirt was piling itself in. I didnt know how to feel. Should I be afraid or should I be amazed? One feeling was for sure and that was confusion.

She looked at me with a stern look we must go Ambrose before they come searching for us. Who was searching for us, why were they searching for us the questions kept piling on but I was determined to get answers and the only way I could think of was to follow this woman. I nodded Mu head I dont know anything but I trust you. Where must we go? I asked
Anywhere but here, we must get as far away as we can from here
I nodded my head once again showing my approval.

She extended her hand to me grab hold of my hand, I will try to muster up enough strength to teleport us as far away as possible. I took her hand hesitantly and held my breath not knowing what to expect. Whatever happens Ambrose, you must not let go of my hand. All I could do was nod my head and wonder what would happen if I let go of her hand.

Suddenly and without any heads up we were hurling across the land. I looked to my side and saw that she was now replaced with somewhat a foggy white light. I looked down at my body and saw that I was a cloud like light as well. Before I had the chance to even marvel at what was happening our journey seemed to have ended just as quickly as it started. I looked around myself and could tell that we were just outside the walls of a town.

This is the farthest town I could get us to with the remaining energy I had.
Now what? I asked.
Now we need to find some shelter and food.
Just then I noticed how hungry I was. I literally couldnt remember when the last time I ate was. Yes maam, I agree.
As we walked up to the gates of the town we heard someone shout from above us. Halt, who goes there?
We looked above us and we could see a man cladded in armor standing on top of the wall.
We are but travelers lost and seeking refuge while the night goes by. May you point us to the closest inn?
Wait right there while I come down to you.
Seconds later he came from behind the wall towards us. Do you have travelling permits with you?
Yes I do. They are right here she said as she pulled out 2 papers from inside a small bag she was carrying that I just noticed.
He took them from her and read them Adrian son of Maxwell&hellip, he said as he looked at me. &hellip, and Elaine daughter of Owen. Looking at the women.
So her name was Elaine I thought to myself. Well that is one question down but now another had replaced it. Why was she calling me Ambrose this whole time while this soldier said my name was Adrian? It seemed that the questions were adding on to my head. I dont think I could take anymore.

He look at us once more and handed Elaine the papers back The closest inn is The Gnome Tavern just before the town square. You can get to it by walking straight this pathway. But I wouldnt advise you to go there. All the nastiest men usually go there. Not a place for a lovely lady as yourself. If you dont mind the extra walk and the extra cost then you should follow this path to the town square and head in the east direction of the square towards The Brass Badger you cant miss it.

Thank you for your assistance you have been most helpful. Said Elaine with a warm smile. I dont mind the extra walk as long as its quiet so I think we will be going to The Brass Badger.

The soldier blushed a little with the kind smile of Elaine. It is my pleasure my lady.

We trekked down the road and as we were nearing the square we saw the inn the soldier had mentioned. It was filled with shouts, the sound of things being broken and just as they were passing it a man was thrown out the door. The man pulled himself together and trotted back into the inn edging for a fight.

Other than the liveliness of the bar the rest of the streets were calm as the sun had already set completely and was replaced by the moon. We got to the square and headed east, a few more minutes walking and we arrived at The Brass Badger Inn. We walked inside and you could instantly tell that it was calmer than the Gnome Inn. Yes there was laughter and loud talk but it wasnt as loud. We walked up to the bartender who was a rather muscular tall man with hair that looked like it was on fire. As we approached him he looked up from the glass he was cleaning. ow can I help ye? he said with a cheerful smile.
Wed like 2 of your best rooms and a bath set up for each of us while we settle in. And food for after our baths. Said Elaine.
And what food would ye like me wife ter bring up to ya?
Anything warm will do. And make sure the baths are heated as well.
Aye, we offer the best service in town. Aint no inn or tavern bet than us. Thatll be 2 silver pieces a night fer the rooms and 1 silver piece for the food and bath.
Elaine handed him 5 gold coins Well be staying for 3 nights and 3 days. Will that be enough including all 3 meals and baths every night?
The bartender took them with a glimmer in his eye That be more than enough maam. Ill have me wife show you up to our best rooms and you can expect the best meals you will ever eat.
I expect the best service as well with that amount of gold.
Aye maam. Me name is Orson if ye need anything. And my wife Edna will show you to your rooms in a second. Edna! Come and take our guests to rooms 1 and 2.
Edna came from a room that wasnt noticeable at first. She was a voluptuous women with brown curly hair and bright hazel eyes. And by voluptuous I dont mean fat or over weight. Her breasts were more than a handful each and her bottom was round, firm and just perfect for her stature. Yes my dear. Follow me right this way. She said as she moved towards the stairs.
And tell Rosalie to draw up a bath for each of em. And once you show them to their rooms come down and prepare a nice meal fer em both. Orson called to her.
Yes my love. She said as she led us up the stairs to the second floor. We went all the way down the hall to the last 2 rooms. Both rooms were opposite of each other. This is where youll both be sleeping. Ill have Rosalie get yer baths ready and yer dinner will be brought up to ya right after yer bath.
Thank you Edna. We are under your hospitality. Said Elaine gracefully.
I also thanked her as she bowed her head and went back downstairs. I looked at Elaine and was about to say something when she raised her finger to my lips Shh, we will talk tomorrow. For now enjoy the night and see if you can remember anything she said with a soft tone. Alright but answer me one thing Elaine. Is my name Ambrose or Adrian? She smiled at me Your name is Ambrose son of Magnus. And I am not Elaine. My real name is Sarah. And yet again, as soon as a question is answered several filled its place. I was just about to ask Sarah why she had lied to the guard but she shushed me again. Again, we will talk tomorrow. There is much to be said. She said as she opened her door and walked in. Just as she was about to close the door she poked her head and wished me a pleasant night. I wished her one as well and retreated to my own bedroom.

Once inside my room I looked around. There was a large bed big enough for two people that was raised up quiet high with a window above it and to the side there was a cabinet with a mirror and a rug in the middle of the room and a small wooden table with 4 chairs in the corner. Other than that the room was spacious and empty. I paced around the room trying to remember anything like Elaine or Sarah or whatever her name was, asked me to. I didnt know if I should trust her. From the start it has all been deceiving others. Was she probably deceiving me as well? I lied on the bed looking to the ceiling asking myself many questions.

A few minutes later a light knock on the door brought me back to reality. I opened the door and saw a girl who was not much younger than me outside with quite a large barrel next to her. Hello master, my name is Rosalie and Im here to help you with your bath. She said quite cheerfully. Good evening Rosalie, come on in and call me Amb&hellip, I mean Adrian. Yes mas&hellip, I mean Adrian. She said as she pulled the tub with a rope to one of the spacious edges of the room.
Umm, excuse me Rosalie but I think that tub would be too small for me to sit in.
Do not worry Adrian this is only to fill the actual tub underneath your bed. She said as she bent under my bed and started pulling out a tub almost as wide and as long as the bed itself. While she was doing that I couldnt help but notice how nice her backside was. She was about a head shorter than I, and she had a magnificent behind that I couldnt take my eyes off. She was a younger more beautiful version of Edna which probably meant she was her and the bartenders daughter. Rosalie continued to pull the tub while I admired her behind until she had it on the other half of the room. Now to pour in the hot water She said as she struggled to lift up the iron barrel she brought in earlier.

Wait, Rosalie let me help you with that.
Nonsense, I always do this.
I grabbed her by her shoulders and looked into her eyes. Please, I insist I help you.
She shyly looked down and nodded her approval. I grabbed the barrel like tub and lifted it up with ease. I thought it wouldve been much heavier but it was as light as a feather for me. Surprised with my own strength I poured the water into the larger tub. A few seconds later it was three quarters full. I looked at Rosalie There we go. We are done. She looked up from the floor and said Not quite mast&hellip, I mean Adrian. Let me go get the rest of the water. You mean there is more. She simply nodded as she headed outside. Without saying anything and without her noticing I followed her to the other edge of the floor. She opened the door to what looked like the place where they heated all the water. A large fire in the middle with a stand above it to heat the water. There was already another barrel of hot water over the fire reaching a simmer as she entered. Is this the rest of the water? I asked.
Startled she looked back at me What are you doing here?
I just came to help
You are our guest. You mustnt tire yourself.
Dont worry. It isnt tiring at all. I said as I went over to the tub.
Watch out its hot. She shouted as I grabbed it. Too late, in my rush to assist her I had already grabbed it by the sides. Surprisingly I didnt feel any heat from it. I knew I forgot my memories but I was pretty sure I didnt forget how things felt. I still remembered what hot and heavy felt like. But for some reason I didnt feel them.
Dont worry Rosalie, Im used to this. I said thinking this must be the only explanation as I carried the tub instead of pulling it back to my room with Rosalie following in my lead. Once inside she closed the door behind me and told me to place the new water by the larger tub. I placed it down and waited for her to leave. She on the other hand didnt leave.
Can I help you with anything else? I asked.
Ahh, Im supposed to help you with yer bath. Meaning help you with everything till the end. She said coyly.
That wont be necessary Rosalie. I think I can wash myself I smiled back at her.
I know master I mean Adrian&hellip, but my father said it has already been generously paid for by Lady Elaine. 5 gold coins for 3 days of hospitality is a lot and he would scold me if I didnt give you the best service. She pleaded.
I tried to tell her no but she insisted If we keep arguing about this then the water will get cold. Please Adrian let me assist you, its the least I could do.
I gave up and took off my top and threw it to the bed. Once I was done with that she turned around as I pulled down my trousers and threw those on the bed as well. I stepped into the bath and felt a shiver climb up my body from the heat. The water felt perfect as I slid the remaining of my body into the bath. Once Rosalie heard me settle in she turned around and pulled out a piece of cloth and a small bucket from under the bed. I could see inside the bucket there were some ground herbs. She took those herbs and poured them into the barrel with the new water. She soaked the piece of cloth inside the herb mixed water. Sitting behind me she lightly started scrubbing my shoulders and around my neck. Once she was done she wrapped her arms around me from the back and scrubbed the front of my shoulders. I could smell the herbs and better yet I could smell her hair as she moved down to my chest, her head beside mine. The bath was very relaxing and the company was even better. I was starting to get aroused and was trying to restrain myself.

Once she was done with the upper section of my body she grabbed the bucket and filled it with the herbed water, then she slowly poured it over my head. Adrian would you please stand up so I can clean the rest of you. She said. I was hoping she wouldnt ask me to do something like that, because at that moment I was rock hard. The hot water, the scent of the herbs and her own scent plus the fact of a woman scrubbing were all working factors of my now fully erect shaft. I was thinking of something to say to try and weasel myself out of this but nothing came in mind. Please master Adrian I have to finish the rest of my job. There was no getting away from it I was going to have to do it so I slowly stood up. I was expecting her to get offended or to leave the room but she remained there. She dipped the cloth back into the water and continued he job. She started with my bottom cheeks and rubbed between the cracks and unlike before she didnt alternate between the back and the front at every level of my body. She continued down the back of my thighs and worked her way down to my ankles.

When she was done with the back side of the lower half of my body she filled the bucket with more hot water and let it cascaded over my head, she did it twice more and then she asked Master Adrian would you please turn around so I can finish here before your meal is ready. I knew I wouldnt be able to talk her out of it so I slowly turned around hoping she didnt just jump out the room. But she continued her job professionally. She started from my feet and worked her way up this time. With each level she went up, my heart pounded harder and harder. She was at my shins now, a few seconds later and she was cleaning my thighs. She had cleaned every inch of my body except for my raging hard-on. She dipped the cloth one last time and took the tip of my cock and lifted it up. As soon as I felt her silky skin on touching my rod my body froze stiff. With her other hand she cleaned the underside of my shaft slowly stroking it from my ball sack all the way till the tip of the head. I was going to go mad with pleasure I wasnt able to remember any feeling like this, it was all overwhelming. I looked at Rosalie to see what her expression was. She neither seemed afraid or disgusted but she seemed dedicated. I was relieved that she wasnt mad at me.

Just then she looked up at me and smiled. My cock gave a twitch and I was ready to blow my load right then and there but I was able to hold myself. Everything had gone perfectly and the last thing I wanted was to ruin it. I smiled back at her, if she knew how much I wanted her that second. How I ached for release. But I was never going to ask her for it. It would be rude of me to do so. Then she squeezed the cloth one last time and filled the bucket with the now cooling but still warm water one last time and let it run down my body. Her next action was something I didnt expect. She grabbed my cock firmly and started stroking me. I held her by her shoulder
Rosalie, you are done washing me. You dont have to do anything else
I know Master I mean Adrian. But I want to do this. You have been nothing but nice and caring for me this whole time. You are the first of many who hasnt asked me for anything. Please let me ask you for this one thing. She said as she sat on her knees in front of me, her eyes looking into mine.
That was it. I couldnt say no to her. I just simply nodded my head. She giggled and went back to stroking me. I was on the verge of releasing my seed all over her but I did my best to make this last for as long as I could. She moved her right hand slowly and softly up my shaft from the base to the tip barely making any friction. It was as though she also wanted this to last as long as it can. She then cradled my ball sack with her left hand and gave it a light squeeze or pull or just simply juggled it in her palm. I was really close to cumming and used all my will power to hold myself until she wrapped her lips around the head of my cock. As soon as I felt her warm, soft moist lips on the tip of my rod I grunted Rosalie watch out Im going to shoot my seed. But she didnt budge as I released torrent after torrent of thick white cum down her throat it had filled her up to the point that some of it was starting to leak from her mouth.

I could barely stand up as she finally let go of my still hard shaft. She swallowed the rest of my cum and wiped off the rest from her face using the cloth as I fell back onto my bed. My chest was heaving as I gasped for breath. My cock still poking up into the air proudly. Rosalie moved next to me on the bed and whispered into my ear Thank you Adrian. I turned my head towards her. No, thank YOU Rosalie for everything. That was the best experience of my life and Im glad I had spent it with you Rosalie blushed and grabbed ahold of my cock once more Looks like you are not completely satisfied Master Adrian. She giggled. Please, Rosalie stop calling me Master. Im probably not that older than you are. She blushed as she continued to stroke my thick cock Aye, Adrian Id love to completely satisfy you but you must get decent before my mother comes with your meal and then wants you all to herself. She said as she let go of my cock and went to clean everything up. I laughed at that remark Rosalie was a younger and more beautiful version of her mother Edna. But she seemed serious about that comment.

When she was done she looked at me from the doorway just before she left and said Maybe I could finish what I started after you are done with your meal. and with that she left, the image of her backside carved into my head. I got up and put my garments on. I was excited for what was to come but I also had that nagging feeling of not remembering anything. As soon as she left the questions piled back into my head.

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Departmental Storeil Pennai Usar Seithen

Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...

4 years ago
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Further Adventures of Lois Lane Virtual Reality to Actuality

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. As opposed to most of my Lois stories which are based upon past comic books, this one came to me while watching a rerun of a Lois & Clark episode on TV last week, in which Lois was trapped in a VR world. This story ends wide open, with the possibility of at least 4 or 5 more stories...

2 years ago
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Alice Cottage Lane the lucky farmer

Fiona didn’t pester me quite so much as she was happy to give her cunt a rest after the abuse it had taken from so many cocks over the last year or so. Going from a baron 4 years of no cock to a wanton 40+ milf had taken its toll on Fiona; although enjoyable she’d been fucked ragged. Alice collared me whenever we were alone and would rub my cock through my jeans or shorts whispering in my ear, “I need your dick inside me again, stretching my pussy open and spunking inside me, when can...

1 year ago
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Pretty Wives Lane

She left a note on my desk. It read: 17 Pretty Wolves Lane, Fillston, and a brief direction to get there. That “she” is Mandy, Amanda Bess to be precise. We had been in the same company for about three years by now but not in the same department. Come to think of it, we’d never had a real conversation outside of the “project”, when both of us were among a handful of employees, as models, in the company’s product catalog last year. That was almost six months ago, somehow she had learned out...

4 years ago
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Down Memory Lane

Having been married for nearly 8 years Helen and James were wondering what to do to celebrate to Valentines Day this year. Helen decided to take matters into her own hands and organise a trip down memory lane by recreating a Valentines experience from their youth when they were both love struck teenagers. Helen told James that she would sort out the evenings entertainment but that he would need to drive but she was sure that it would be worth his while. James agreed, the sexy smile on his...

2 years ago
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Fiona intoduced to the lane

Introduction: Fiona has no idea that the cock that uses her holes tonight is the same cock that fucked her daughter the night before……neither does the farmer know that his had his cock up a mother and daughter on different nights The problem Id had over the last week or so is that fucking 3 women, all in the same household, a tiresome exercise. The only thing that made it achievable is the fact that my missus the eldest of the two daughters worked away a lot of the time. Since I began fucking...

3 years ago
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Fiona intoduced to the lane

I admit fucking Alice was out of this world, her tight cunt and sweet mouth, awesome, and the fact that she too was now being manipulated into fucking strangers for me had made me regrettably overlook my sexy whore mother in law. I had to change this and as my girlfriend was away for two weeks and Alice was helping out in the pub till late I had time to get my cock up Fiona. Alice cleared off to work and I sat in the front room on the sofa next to Fiona. The clock was ticking round to 7pm...

1 year ago
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Memory Lane

Memory laneI have found myself wandering down memory lane of late. Waking up slowly, thinking of past sexual encounters, my fingers sliding between my slick folds, bringing myself to orgasms at the delicious thoughts. Four memories from 20 years ago, up until 20 days ago.. My first experience with group sex (after only ever sleeping with one man before), meeting a guy at a club, drunk and grinding on the dance floor in a tight short skirt, feeling his considerable cock through his pants. Him...

4 years ago
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Awakening on Titwhistle Lane CH 05

CHAPTER 5 – Boobs, Bikes & Bees Damian couldn't believe his good fortune. He'd gone his whole life and never had a girl pay him much attention...but those days appeared to be over. Just recently he'd had his cock smothered between a pair of beautiful, black tits, received a handjob from a woman nearly three times his age, shot more cum than he thought possible, and only the gods of boners and boobs knew what would be next. It was like a spell had been cast over Titwhistle Lane and he was...

1 year ago
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Park Lane Escorts

I was browsing the Park Lane Escorts menu all morning, ostensibly just so I could review their site for ThePornDude, but I’m not sure I can just sit on this information without doing anything. It’s kind of like finding out a local shop has a killer deal on that ice cream you like, but you actually get to bust a nut for a few bones instead of licking up some melted dairy product. I was supposed to take my grandma out to dinner tonight, but I think she’d totally understand. Sometimes things come...

Escort Sites
2 years ago
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Memories of Motherhood

Memories of Motherhood Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. Content Warning: This story contains a change of identity, with sex as the trigger. Although the change is implied to be temporary, it continues for the remainder of the story. There...

1 year ago
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Down Memory Lane

Two days into my college summer I went to stay with my grandparents near Bishopstoke, Hampshire. Grandpa would go to the fields where he would spend the day working. Normally, I would holiday in Desborough Road, Eastleigh with my older brother, Herbert. Two weekends before college was out, I had been at Herbert’s house when he and his wife Julie, went to Tescos. My town friends Rupe and Monty had come by and picked me up in Monty’s Ford Prefect to go to the new mall at The Bargate,...

2 years ago
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Awakening on Titwhistle Lane CH 03

The sound of teenagers squealing and laughing shattered the tranquility that normally resided at 524 Titwhistle Lane. No less than 12 hormone-fulled high school graduates were in and out of the pool; chasing one another, belly-flopping, dunking the less fortunate, and cannon-balling into the deep end. Most of the girls wore bikinis, with a few choosing a more modest one piece tankini. The young men scampered about, bare-chested in knee length suits emblazoned with their favorite team logo or...

3 years ago
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Awakening on Titwhistle Lane CH 06

CHAPTER 6 -- A health check turns into more than a neighborly visit. The ladies of Titwhistle Lane huddled around a rather large oval table at the back of their favorite restaurant, Spengalli's. The establishment was know for their cannelloni and handsome Italian waiters. The monthly gathering was a luxury they easily afforded, giving the women a chance to catch up on the latest gossip. At the table, the usual suspects were in attendance -- that is except for Alice Bottomley -- she had...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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The Ghost on Forest Lane

On Forest Lane a ghost resides,who in the darkness howls and cries.In moonless night he strolls outside,to find a victim for his plight.A careless soul he’ll bind and tow,into his basement down below.To use his soul for better or worseto find a way, to break the curseThis silly rhyme was told to scare the young c***dren of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic accident’ as it was...

3 years ago
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The Ghost on Forest Lane

On Forest Lane a ghost resides, who in the darkness howls and cries. In moonless night he strolls outside, to find a victim for his plight. A careless soul he’ll bind and tow, into his basement down below. To use his soul for better or worse to find a way, to break the curse This silly rhyme was told to scare the young children of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic accident’ as...

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The Brickworks Lane Pals

Tonight was one of those nights that in the past few months Second Lieutenant Theodore Stevenson had come to describe as quiet: although when was it ever truly quiet on the Western Front? He could still hear the spasmodic rat-a-tat of distant machine gun fire; the occasional whoosh of a sniper's bullet; and the muffled screams of agony and despair from a lone brave soldier lost in No-Man's Land. But mostly what the lieutenant heard as he strode along the trenches at night was the gentle...

4 years ago
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A Trip Down Pineview Lane

We met over a year ago on The Lush Stories site. I will not go into a great deal of details of the first year, but suffice it to say, we chatted many times, then many phone conversations and eventually we met face to face. I will call her BG. Not her real initials, as you might imagine. I am an older guy and she is young. She is in college to be a nurse. She is 18, but very mature for her age. Our relationship has blossomed from lust to love. She is very dear to me, but on to the event that...

2 years ago
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A visit to the Lane Glasgow part 1

The Lane is a gay sauna not too far from the Central Train Station in Glasgow, it doesn't have the best of facilities, but it does have decent cabins and a great darkroom where you can have all the anonymous sex you crave.I was in Glasgow for the day and what a miserable day it was, the city, rightly so, is sometimes refereed to as Rain Town, and this was the type of day that got the place the nickname. I hadn't planned on going to the Lane, but I bumped into an old acquaintance who used to...

2 years ago
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Annie Says Maybe Ch 3 A Shopping Trip Down Memory Lane

 Wednesday Morning: Four Days After the Anniversary.Annie worked the bullet against her clit, starting to push uncomfortably hard into her folds to get a little more buzz from it. It didn't help that her left hand wasn't quite as dexterous as her right, or that she been frigging her ever needier pussy every day since a hard go on Saturday with Sam.She'd even stunned herself on Sunday when she slipped two fingers deep inside herself while getting off in the shower after everyone was in...

Wife Lovers
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This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial story. This is a story around a mother, Michelle and her daughter, Natalie. Michelle is 40 and Natalie is 20. Both women have dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders...

4 years ago
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Driving in the Fast Lane

I had a non-sexual experience with a stranger, a good-looking blonde woman, which was as good as any sexual experience I have ever had. (Well, not really, okay, not at all, but for the purpose of this story, it reads better when I write that it was.) It took place in my car and in her car. We were racing. The only thing that I love more than driving is driving fast and the only thing that I love more than driving fast is winning. (Actually, there are lots of things that I love more than...

2 years ago
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A Trip Down Memory Lane Growing Up Girly My TG Story

A Trip Down Memory Lane ... Growing Up Girly...My TG Story (Pick a title) By Maddie Miller This story is the story of the summer when I was 10 years old.. It will go fast in some parts and other parts will be more detailed.. The only thing that are not true are the names. Although Maddie is my real first name, the name I've used for many years anyway. Also I use a lot of brand names. I do that for two reasons, one because I sort of relive things as I'm telling the story and...

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The Erotic Adventures of Lois Lane

The brown tressed woman hit the brakes hard as she brought her car to a sudden stop at the corner of Bessolo Boulevard and Reeves Lane, sending her short shoulder length hair in every direction. After hearing the first reports of the jewelry store robbery on her police scanner, the Daily Planet reporter had raced across town at a speed far exceeding the posted limits. A fact that didn’t interest any of the almost fifty officers spread out in front of her along Bessolo Boulevard. Their...

4 years ago
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Wharton Lane

I moved to this neighborhood a couple of years ago. I work at home and tend to be a homebody, so I really never have gotten to know any of my neighbors save the ones on either side of me and across the street. Being a homebody, I'd gotten kind of lazy, and when I noticed my Levis getting a bit tough to button, I decided enough was enough. I had to do something - no way was I going to turn into some single spinster cat lady as big as the side of a house, so I decided to start walking. At...

4 years ago
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Awakening on Titwhistle Lane CH 08

Stephanie Sizemore paced from their kitchen to living room and back again, biting her nails and thinking. She'd hardly slept the night before; fighting through fitful dreams of uncontrollable climaxes and having to explain herself to the police. For a moment, she paused and wrinkled her forehead in obvious distress – the police – what if I Connie tells someone? The very thought of having to explain her lustful, illicit desire for her son's huge cock was more than the woman could bear. Over...

1 year ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 4 Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane

Dramatis Personae: Frank ___ - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Daria was an MTV cartoon series that ran for 5 seasons, plus 2 TV movies. It was a spin-off of Beavis and Butthead, a series that I loathed. The main character, Daria...

2 years ago
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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

2 years ago
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Memory Lane

Jane was on her way. She was going to miss John's visit this week, but was anticipating their nightly calls. No one ever made her feel so full, so complete. So loved, so needed. She had made sure to leave him a special something on his pillow before leaving. Waiting for him to get off work, return home to find it, and call her. Looking at the clock, she smiled. "Very soon now", she whispered to herself as she cruised along the interstate. Her mind began to drift, still focusing on the highway,...

Straight Sex
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Memory Lane

When you first get to a Mexican resort, you notice the palm trees and the ocean. If you are from someplace cold and cloudy you might notice the sun but otherwise it’s not quite the on the level of the other two: you see the sun often, even in cold, cloudy places. It’s easy to pay attention to other things, but it’s there, and it’s closer than you’re used to. A good way to spot people on their second day is by their red tan lines. They didn’t realize what the sun was doing to them as they lay on...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Memories of a gay boy part2 run devil run

Introduction: New part to Memories of a gay boy! enjoy! Intro: Sometimes temptation gets the best of us all, for some of us it just happens more often. Your not told how to make the right decisions your just thrown into a situation and told to do your best. And when you look back on what you did nothing can fix that little mistake. I felt like my world was crashing around me when those words fell out of his mouth It really sucks Im straight. He said it so casually, like it didnt matter that he...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Dead Wood behind Lane 40

This is a 100% true story that happened a little while ago and since my last stories i shared got such good reviews and comments ill share another adventure i have had! As always my stories are 100% true i just change the names to protect the not so innocent.My adventure started one night at the bowling alley i go to all the time bowling regualry. It was a sunday and this was a practice night, so i was out with a few of my friends. Only a select few friends I can trust know my secret that i am...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

2 years ago
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Patchwork People V The Diner on Memory Lane

V. The diner on memory lane. The last time Marcia had spoken to anyone in her family it was to her brother Matt. That would be winter five years ago. They met in a 24-hour diner by the side of a highway in Metuchen, New Jersey. Pointedly, it was a restaurant Matt had never visited and no doubt never intended to visit again. Through a series of emails and two brief phone calls, she had explained the general situation and Matt's reaction had grudgingly advanced from "this has got to be...

2 years ago
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A Trip To The Memory Lane

My friend from Boyhood, live and work in a suburb of Toronto, Canada. We are like twin brothers. Even though we follow different religion. He is a big executive of a internationally based company. We talk to each other almost every week. In the meantime, I had to do a fellowship course, in the University of Illinois, USA, Springfield campus. In a summer holiday, he came to visit me with his family and insisted me to go to Canada with him. He said, he had a big surprise and gift for me. He did...

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Memory Lane

Lying in bed last night I could not help but think back on the females I have past by; so many women, who for good reasons, bad reasons, and often no reason at all, with whom I never had any sort of relationship. I got to thinking: what would it have been like, if only I had said X? Or if I had done Y? Or if she had been Z? What would have happened if I had thrown caution and concern to the side? Primarily, these thoughts were of the carnal variety. Would she have touched this or even that,...

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This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Quintessa (Tess) and her daughter, Rosa. Quintessa is 39 and Rosa is 18. Both women have dark hair. Quintessa’s hair is black and...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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