A Sense Of Symmetry Pt. 06 free porn video

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For a few days, Jason seemed wary around Dani. A couple of times when he worked overtime, he slept on the couch instead of coming to bed. Even when he did come to bed, he didn’t wake her when he got home, as he usually did. Finally, Dani confronted him. ‘Why does it seem like you’re avoiding me?’

‘I’m not avoiding you,’ he protested. ‘How can I avoid you? We live in the same house.’

‘Jason, don’t start with the doubletalk.’

Jason sighed. ‘All right, fine. Maybe I have been avoiding you. It’s a little hard to accept that the woman I married has been in love with someone else all these years.’

‘But I married you, not him,’ Dani said. ‘And you suspected how I felt before I told you.’

‘There’s a big difference between suspecting something and knowing it for a fact. When I only suspected it, I could tell myself it was just paranoia. Now I know I was right. That’s what I’m having trouble dealing with.’

‘Mommy, I need a drink,’ Anna said from the top of the stairs.

‘Get one in the bathroom,’ Dani called back.

‘I don’t need water! I need juice!’

‘You need to do what you’re told!’ Jason called. ‘I was up there five minutes ago, and she didn’t need a drink then,’ he told Dani.

‘She knows we’re fighting,’ Dani said. ‘She’s trying to stop it.’

‘We aren’t fighting.’

‘Jason, denying a problem doesn’t make it go away. You’ve been asking me for years how I really felt about Ben, and every time I told you we were just friends, we’d get in a fight because you’d say I was lying. So I decided to stop lying about it, and now we’re fighting because I told you the truth. How much sense does that make?’

‘It makes sense because of how much it hurts me to hear you say you were in love with Ben Mills.’

Dani shook her head. ‘I didn’t tell you to hurt you, Jason.’

‘I know that. But it still hurt.’

‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you, and I’m sorry you’re having a hard time with what I told you. But can you please stop treating me like you’re allergic to me or something? I’m getting tired of trying to explain to Anna and Sean why you keep sleeping on the couch.’

‘I’ll try,’ Jason said. ‘So, are you ready for this afternoon?’

‘I doubt it.’

They were getting ready to go to Dani’s parents’. Dani’s father had gone out of state to visit some friends of the family, and had brought back souvenirs for Dani, Jason, and the kids. Or at least Anna and Melanie. Dani’s father hadn’t been home when the Sheridans had gone to visit lately, and as far as they knew, he hadn’t even mentioned Sean’s name since the day he had called Ben a freeloader. ‘He better not have left Sean out,’ Jason said.

‘If he did, we’ll just tell him thanks but no thanks on the other presents,’ Dani replied.

‘That wouldn’t be fair to the girls.’

‘It wouldn’t be fair to Sean if the girls got things and he didn’t.’

‘We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it,’ Jason said. He didn’t want to argue anymore than Dani did.

As it turned out, they had nothing to worry about. Dani’s father had brought back a toy and a book for each kid. ‘Thank you for including Sean,’ Dani said later, while the kids were enjoying their new toys.

Her father looked surprised. ‘Why wouldn’t I include him?’

‘Because the day I brought him here to meet you, you ignored him, called his father a freeloader, and walked out.’

‘I shouldn’t have done that,’ her father admitted. ‘It’s just that you and Jason had just gotten yourselves to the point where you’re doing all right financially, and all of a sudden, someone dumps another kid on you. I’m still not sure why Ben thought you and Jason should look after his son, but since you two have accepted it, I have too.’

‘You might want to find a way to let Sean know that,’ Dani said. ‘He was afraid to come here because he thought you didn’t like him.’

‘I’ll take care of it.’

Dani’s father wasn’t the kind of person who actually talked about his feelings, or was demonstrative about them. But he usually found a way to get the point across. He started by telling Sean to call him Bubba, as Anna did. He showed Sean how to use the toy he had bought for him. Then, the crowning sign of acceptance, he invited Sean to join him and Anna on the couch for a story. ‘What did you say to Dad?’ Dani asked her mother.

‘Not a thing. He finally realized that carrying a grudge against someone who’s dead doesn’t do anyone any good. And Sean wasn’t even born when we had our problem with Ben, so it certainly didn’t make sense to hold a grudge against Sean.’

‘Well, whatever happened, I’m glad it did,’ Dani said. ‘Look how much Sean’s enjoying the story. He needs all the love he can get, after everything he’s been through.’

* * *

The next day was the day Dani had been dreading. Rebecca and Pete Perry were due to arrive at ten to take Sean for the day. Anna started the day with a tantrum because she wanted to go with Sean, Sean countered by throwing a tantrum because he didn’t want to leave Dani. Dani found this reaction surprising. ‘Don’t you want to see Meme and Pepe?’ she asked.

‘No! No! No!’ Sean screamed. ‘They mean! They say bad stuff about Daddy!’

‘Are they mean to you?’ Dani asked.

‘They say, be big boy and don’t cry when Daddy go. Meme don’t like Daddy. They nice when Daddy gone. They yell if I miss Daddy.’

This was the last thing Dani wanted to hear. If the Perrys disliked Ben so much, what might they say about him to Sean? Sean shouldn’t hear anything bad about his father, especially not now. ‘I’ll make sure they aren’t mean,’ Dani promised. ‘But they haven’t seen you in a long time, and they really want to spend some time with you. I bet they’ll take you somewhere special.’

‘It’s not fair!’ Anna wailed. ‘Sean has his grandparents and mine, but I only got mine!’

‘Calm down, Anna,’ Jason told her. ‘I’ll do something fun with you while Sean’s gone.’

‘I wanna do something fun too!’ Sean sobbed.

It was close to eleven when Pete and Rebecca arrived. This was fortunate, since the delay gave Dani and Jason time to calm the kids. ‘Sorry we’re late,’ Rebecca said. ‘There was an accident on the highway.’

‘That’s all right,’ Dani said. ‘So, what are your plans for the afternoon?’

‘We thought we’d start with lunch,’ Pete said. ‘Then probably some shopping. We might go to the Old Port in Portland. Then home in time for supper. We’ll try to be back here around five, we’ll call if we’re going to be later than that.’

‘I’d appreciate that,’ Dani said. She helped Sean with his coat, then asked, as though it was an afterthought, ‘Have you heard from Julie yet?’

‘Oh, um, no,’ Rebecca said, glancing at Pete. ‘If your friend did see her, she must have decided not to get in touch with us yet. Why?’

‘I just wondered,’ Dani replied. ‘I know I’d hate not knowing where my child was. Anyway, have a good time. Sean, be good for Meme and Pepe.’

‘Okay,’ Sean said.

As soon as they were out the door, Dani asked Jason, ‘What do you think?’

‘Lying,’ said Jason. He had been watching Rebecca’s face when Dani asked about Julie. ‘Definitely lying. But that doesn’t mean they’re taking Sean to see her.’

‘No, but it increases the odds.’

Dani spent a quiet afternoon with Melanie, who napped most of the time. Jason took Anna to see one of his uncles, who had a son a little older than Anna. They got back just after the Perrys dropped Sean off. ‘How was your afternoon?’ Jason asked the boy.

‘Fine,’ said Sean, more subdued than usual.

‘Where did Meme and Pepe take you?’ Dani asked.

‘They say don’t tell.’

Just as Dani had feared. ‘Sean, we’re your Mommy and Daddy now,’ she said. ‘If someone tells you not to tell us something, you should tell us anyway. It’s not okay for them to tell you not to tell us.’

Sean looked relieved. ‘They
take me to see my other Mommy,’ he said.

‘Did you like seeing her?’ Dani asked.

Suddenly angry, Sean shook his head violently. ‘I hate her! She ugly! She bad! She say I not stay here! I hate her, Mommy Dani! She want take me away!’

Sean dissolved into sobs. Dani picked him up and hugged him fiercely. Her eyes met Jason’s, and he nodded. Whatever Julie and her parents tried to do, they would fight.

* * *

The next week went by with no contact from Julie or her parents. Dani tried to relax, but couldn’t. She only knew Julie from what Ben had told her, but that was enough to convince her that Julie wouldn’t back down until she had what she wanted. Which, in this case, was Sean.

Dani had almost spoken to Julie once. It had been while she was pregnant with Anna. Jason was out, as he had been almost every night during the pregnancy, so Dani and Ben indulged in one of their marathon phone calls. It was eight o’clock when they realized they had been talking for nearly three hours. ‘You’d better go,’ Dani said. ‘Julie might not like you talking to another woman this long.’

‘Julie definitely wouldn’t like me talking to you this long,’ Ben replied.

‘What do you mean?’

‘She’s pissed that I’m still friends with you. I had to hide that picture of you that you gave me for Christmas a couple years ago, because she was going to tear it up.’

‘Why? I haven’t even met her. I haven’t done anything to her.’

‘She’s jealous. I didn’t tell her that we’ve ever been more than friends, but she figured it out. I can’t even say your name without her getting mad.’

‘Well, I’m six months pregnant and look like a beached whale,’ Dani said. ‘If she met me now, I bet she wouldn’t be jealous.’

‘That might not be so crazy,’ Ben said.

Then Dani heard another voice on Ben’s end of the phone. ‘Who are you talking to?’

‘Dani,’ Ben replied.

‘I thought I told you not to talk to her anymore.’

‘Julie, you don’t get to pick my friends. Besides, Dani’s married and pregnant. She isn’t any competition. I love you. That’s why you and I are living together.’

Julie snatched the phone from Ben. ‘Stay the fuck away from him!’ she shouted, so loud that Dani had to hold the phone away from her ear. Then Julie hung up.

The way Julie had acted on that occasion gave Dani an idea of what Julie must have thought when she found out who was caring for her son. Dani doubted that Julie would give up without trying to regain custody.

* * *

The following week was Thanksgiving. Jason’s parents had their annual open house buffet. Out of consideration for Sean, they had invited Phyllis, who had been pleased to accept. ‘I usually have Thanksgiving alone,’ she told Dani and Jason when they picked her up. ‘Ben and Sean are about all the family I’ve had.’

‘A lot of people come to my parents’,’ Jason said. ‘And as far as my parents are concerned, everyone who shows up is family.’

‘Which makes their family roughly equal to the population of New England,’ Dani added. ‘But don’t panic. The number of people there today will probably only equal the number of people in Maine.’

Carl and Susan’s house was packed. In addition to Steve and Ken and their families, most of Jason’s aunts, uncles, and cousins were there. Anna and Denise herded Sean through the crowd, trying to tell him who everyone was. Dani got nervous when she could no longer see Sean, but she fought the feeling back. She had learned when Anna was old enough to toddle that someone at Carl and Susan’s always had an eye on the kids, and somehow, even the distant relatives managed to keep track of which kids belonged to whom. She also knew that word had spread through the family about Julie, so even on the unlikely chance that Julie showed up and tried to take Sean, someone would stop her.

Children ran through the crowd, pushing past the grownups without any concern for toes. After the third time someone’s elbow caught Dani in the stomach, she and Susan ordered the kids to stay in the basement family room. The sounds of shrieks and fighting mingled with the sounds of laughter coming from the basement. The adults in the family didn’t usually interfere with the children unless someone was actually injured, so they ignored the noise and got on with the socializing and cooking.

Jason wandered off with some of his male cousins to talk about trucks. Dani set Melanie’s carrier in the center of the kitchen table and joined Robin and Leah, another sister-in-law, in helping Susan prepare the meal. It was tradition for the daughters-in-law to help, and for everyone else to stay away from the kitchen. ‘How’s the little boy doing?’ Leah asked Dani.

‘Sean’s doing all right,’ Dani replied. She started peeling the pile of potatoes that Susan had set in front of her. ‘I think it’s going to be hard for him when Christmas gets closer, though.’

‘He’s young,’ Susan said. ‘He isn’t going to remember much about his father.’

This infuriated Dani. ‘Susan, I want him to remember his father,’ she said, trying to sound calm.

Susan had known Dani long enough to recognize when she was upset, even when Dani tried to hide it. ‘Calm down,’ she said. ‘I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that the holidays might not be so bad because he isn’t really going to remember having spent holidays with his father.’

‘I still can’t believe Jason,’ Robin said.

‘What do you mean?’ Dani asked.

‘Letting you keep Sean. I know that sounds like I’m talking about a puppy or something, but you know what I mean. Anyway, after everything you went through with Jason when Anna was a baby, I wouldn’t think he’d have a good attitude about adopting another guy’s kid. I mean, everyone knows you and Ben had something going.’

‘Ben and I were just friends,’ Dani insisted.

‘And that’s her story, and she’s sticking to it,’ Leah said. She took the potatoes that Dani had peeled and put them in the pot on top of the stove. ‘Ma, you’ve got to stop inviting so many people for Thanksgiving,’ she said to Susan. ‘Your food bill for Thanksgiving dinner could feed a family of four for a month!’

‘How big’s the turkey this year?’ Dani asked, grateful to Leah for the change of subject.

‘Thirty pounds,’ Susan said. ‘I’ve had it in the oven since last night. It should be done in another hour or so.’

‘Now if Leah can just remember not to put the gravy boat in the microwave this year,’ Robin said.

‘I’ll remember not to put the gravy boat in the microwave if you remember not to give Pa a saw to cut the turkey with,’ Leah retorted.

‘Girls, stop bickering and help me get this dinner ready!’ Susan ordered.

Dani and Leah traded jobs, since Leah was much faster at peeling potatoes than Dani was. Robin worked at opening cans of peas and carrots with an electric can opener that couldn’t decide whether to work or not, while Susan checked the turkey every five minutes. Every so often, one of the men would poke his head into the kitchen and ask, ‘Isn’t it ready yet?’

‘Get out of my kitchen!’ Susan invariably screamed. After she hit Jason in the face with a chunk of biscuit dough, the interruptions stopped.

Dani was putting the last potatoes into the pot when Denise and Anna ran up from the family room. ‘Mommy, Sean’s crying!’ Anna said.

‘Sean’s crying!’ Denise repeated.

‘Where is he?’ Dani asked. She rinsed her hands.

‘Downstairs,’ Anna said. ‘They wouldn’t let him come up.’

‘Who wouldn’t?’ demanded Leah.

‘The cousins,’ Denise said.

‘Which cousins?’ Robin asked.

‘The mean ones.’

‘R.T. and Shane,’ said Anna. ‘And Allie.’

‘Allie wouldn’t let Sean come upstairs?’ Leah said. ‘I think I’ll go have a word with them.’

‘I’d better go too,’ Dani said. ‘Susan, can you do without us for a couple minutes?’

‘Of course I can,’ Susan said indignantly. ‘I’m not helpless, you know.’
< br> Dani and Leah followed the little girls downstairs. Sean was standing in a corner, crying. Allie and two boys were laughing at him. ‘Crybaby, crybaby,’ Allie chanted.

‘That’s enough!’ said Leah in a loud voice.

The three kids jumped. Dani picked Sean up. ‘What’s the matter, Sweetie?’ she asked him.

‘They mean!’ Sean sobbed.

‘They said he’s not their cousin, so he can’t be in the club,’ Anna said.

‘Tattletale!’ one of the boys shouted at her.

‘Quiet!’ Leah commanded. ‘What club?’

‘The Cousins Club,’ Allie said. ‘You have to be a Sheridan or a Sheridan cousin to be in it. Sean ain’t a-‘

‘Don’t even finish that sentence,’ Leah said. Allie clapped her hand over her mouth. ‘You listen to me, the three of you,’ Leah continued. ‘First of all, Sean’s a lot younger than you. That makes it bad enough for you to pick on him. But telling him that he isn’t one of your cousins is just plain cruel. As long as Sean is living with Dani and Jason, he is part of this family. You had all better remember that. Now, apologize to him.’

‘Sorry, Sean,’ the three kids mumbled.

‘Good. Now you can go sit on the stairs till dinner’s ready,’ Leah said.

‘Thank you, Auntie,’ Sean said as the three cousins sulked over to the stairs.

‘You’re welcome,’ said Leah, kissing the top of his head. ‘You have a good time with your other cousins. Dani and I have to go finish helping with dinner.’

Leah started up the stairs. Dani put Sean down, but he grabbed her leg. ‘Mommy, I go with you?’ he asked.

‘No, Honey,’ Dani said. ‘You need to stay here and play. We’re very busy in the kitchen, and there are so many hot things that I’m afraid you’d get hurt.’

‘You can play with us, Sean,’ Denise said. ‘You’re our cousin.’

‘Yeah!’ Anna said. ‘And you’re my brother. We can have our own club.’

‘Yeah!’ Denise agreed.

Dani went back upstairs. ‘Thanks, Leah,’ she said.

‘No problem,’ Leah replied. ‘I was adopted, don’t forget. I know how cruel kids can be, and they aren’t going to talk to Sean like that in front of me. I can’t believe Allie was in on it.’

‘What happened?’ Robin wanted to know.

Dani and Leah told her. ‘So now Sean and the girls are going to start a club,’ Dani finished.

‘I think it was just a pick-on-the-new-kid kind of thing,’ Susan said.

‘Maybe,’ Leah said. ‘But it was too cruel to ignore. Speaking of ignoring, Ma, isn’t that smoke coming off that burner?’

‘Shit!’ yelled Susan, grabbing the pot of onions, which had boiled dry.

* * *

After another hour and a couple more minor mishaps in the kitchen, dinner was finally ready. The turkey was set in the center of the dining room table for Carl to carve. The rest of the food was laid out, buffet style, on the kitchen table. Dani took Melanie and her carrier into Carl and Susan’s bedroom. She gave Melanie a bottle, then set the carrier on the floor beside the bed so the baby could nap.

When she was finally able to return to the party, Dani was relieved to find that Jason had dished up food for Anna and Sean. ‘Little Bit asleep?’ Jason asked.

‘Almost,’ Dani replied. ‘How she can sleep with all this noise, I’ll never know, but she manages.’

‘I was going to get a plate ready for you, too,’ Jason said, ‘but I wasn’t sure what you wanted.’

‘That’s all right,’ Dani said. She kissed him. ‘Thanks for thinking of it.’

After she had gotten some food, Dani joined Robin, Leah, and a couple of Jason’s cousins. ‘Dani, I heard about your new kid,’ said Shannon, one of the cousins. ‘How’s it going?’

‘All right,’ Dani said. ‘We’re all adjusting.’

‘How’d you end up with him, anyway?’ Shannon asked.

Dani sighed, and told the story for what felt like the millionth time. ‘But there could be a problem now, because apparently his mother’s back in town,’ she finished.

‘Who’s his mother?’ asked Corinne, the other cousin.

‘Her name’s Julie Ryan.’

‘Wait a minute,’ Shannon said. ‘Your kid’s father that died was Ben Mills?’

‘Yes,’ said Dani, surprised.

‘Watch out, Dani. Julie’s a real bitch when she wants something. She had a couple of her guy friends threaten Ben when he sued for custody. She’s not going to be impressed- wait a minute. Was your maiden name Phillips?’


‘You might be in deep shit, then,’ Shannon said. ‘She used to bitch about you all the time, saying you were trying to take Ben away from her and shit like that.’

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Fun with Friends (second night)That morning we'll got eat breakfast, talk about we would do tonight. I say "i need to go to town get somethings for dinner tonight, because I want cook for everybody." Clint says "that is nice." so did Mary and Dawn. I say "does anybody want to go with me to town?" Dawn say "i will." I look at Mary, she said " I will stay here with Clint." Clint says " since Mary is staying here with me, I think we will go to place about mile the road and go swimming." I say...

3 years ago
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Cheer Leading

I was new to the cheer leading squad, and our team, a pro-ball team, demanded the best looking girls. I was surprised I made it, since I don't consider myself that good looking. True, I've never had trouble finding guys, and my figure is pretty good, but not perfect. It took about three days to find out who the bitches were, and who the friendly girls were.Our costumes consisted of scanty wisps of nylon, and small shorts, our long dance leotards that hugged our bodies close. You just had to be...

4 years ago
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Cuckolding a New Couple

My name is Steve, and I live in Ohio. I am of South Asian descent and I have always taken adominant posture in all aspects of my life. I was raised in a culture where the men are always incharge in family situations, and my father is also a dominant man. We were fortunate enough to haveservants in our home when I was growing up, and it came natural to me to direct the servants incompleting their tasks as I desired. It wasn’t a matter of being harsh to them but was instead just aquiet resolve to...

3 years ago
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Initium NovumChapter 9

In discussions with Hebraic, the matter of how much of the technology on this spacecraft could be revealed to the people on earth arose. At first, Robert felt that none of it could be revealed, and only suggestions could be taken to Campinas. Hebraic asked some pointed questions that cleared up the issue a lot. First of all, had Robert and his team defeated those that wanted to use them as food? When that task was completed by the rules of war, who takes the spoils of the war? And finally did...

2 years ago
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Joan 7 part 1 San Diego

My next business trip was to San Diego. Naturally Joan came along. We stayed at the hotel Del Coronado, just across the San Diego Bay. The Del is the largest wooden beach resort in the United States. It was built in 1888 and has remained one of the most prestigious resorts in the country. It's had many famous guests from Charlie Chaplin to Oprah Winfrey, from President Benjamin Harrison to Barack Obama. It is set on a beautiful beach. Picture a grand white wooden structure with flags flying...

Wife Lovers
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Varda and Meand her Dad

Varda and I were school friends with one difference. My body was fully developed and hers was still in the “budding process.” I had a nice figure, developed breasts and a nice shape and she was still totally slender. Maybe that was why we became friends...she admired my shape and longed to have a figure like mine. We had lots of fun talking about boys and things like that and, as it came to pass, she invited me to her home where I met her Dad. He was nice to us and treated us like grown...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 06Chapter 9

[Janice writes from Mexico] "I left as soon as it was truly dark going through the backyard. It was slow going but, from reading this, you can tell I made it. After I had gone two blocks, the patrols lessened. I continued to move carefully and slowly trying to stay out of sight and leave no sign of my passing. It was unfortunate but I didn't trust guys in trucks after seeing them shoot the family across and down the street from my old location. "I walked all night. After three or four...

4 years ago
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I've always been shy and maybe rather obsessional. I got a job with a fabrication company in their stores and worked my way up until I was head storekeeper by the time I was thirty-one. I did try to date, but somehow it didn't work. The girls were all nice enough, but always wanted to change me, or the way I did things. You know, 'Aisle Altar Hymn'? Some were untidy, or wanted me to buy a more sporty car – my old Morris Traveller fits my need and personality perfectly – and who would want...

3 years ago
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Cousins by the DozenChapter 5

I knew they were up to something, due to the way they were getting along. I turned on the TV to watch anything and what was on was a new show called E! News Live with a woman called Dagny Hultgreen, a kind of pretty lady in her thirties, I would guess. It wasn’t terribly compelling, so I turned off the TV, and now had each girl’s hand rather high on my thigh. Leaning over, Shirley said, “Elizabeth told me what happened between the two of you. I think it’s really hot that you kissed your...

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DNA 2 Chapter 1

As he got up he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest shift. His eyes drifted over his large, firm breasts. He had hoped that it had all been some insane dream. That he still had his own tall, muscular body. Not a half female, half male one. He could still remember vividly how the horror had started. He had woken just two days previously and everything had been right with the world. He had been a successful lawyer, with a big house and a hefty bank balance. And he had just spent the night...

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Pizza Man

Pizza Man By [email protected] I was in college, I needed a job to help pay for my tuition and housing. There wasn't much of a job market, so I had to settle for a job as a pizza deliveryman. This was a hard job for me because I have trouble with directions, and many times I drive around in circles to find places.After I had been working there for two weeks, my boss warned me that I needed to do a better job at delivering the pizzas on time, or else I would lose my job. I felt I really...

3 years ago
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Oh Grandpa

Chapter 1 When I was fifteen, almost sixteen, my grandparents, my Mom's mom and dad, had invited me to come and visit them for three weeks during the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in high school. Though I love both my sets of grandparents, these were my favorites, they were older, of course, but they didn't act old, they just seemed younger than most. So, I flew to visit them and my grandpa and grandma picked me up at their airport, grandma is still working, she's a nurse...

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ValChapter 24

Val had told me about her mother getting married again and how her mom, Tatsu, and her former uncle now stepfather had been busy having sex all night. I was a little worried for her, but then she said she was in the mood for some fun. I went from feeling sorry for her to feeling intrigued. But as she pulled me through the halls, she stopped in front of Tiffany's friend Pepper. I was now starting to feel worried. "Hey Pep. I just had a wonderful idea. I hope you like it," said Val. Pepper...

3 years ago
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Biwiyon Ki Bahaar 8211 Part 11

Monika ka sar neeche tha. Uske muh mein pita ji ka lund tha aur chut upar thi. Pita ji sofe pe hi baithe hue the, aur chut chooste hue Monika ki Urmila Martondkar jaisi nabhi ko choosne lage lollipop ki tarah. Gazab nazara tha. Mujhe ek ajeeb si feeling ho rahi thi, jalan bhi aur aanand bhi. Monika ko pita ji ne seedha karke is tarah se litaya apni god mein, ki uska sar to sofa ke hand rest pe tha, aur gardan se lekar pet tak ka hissa god mein aur paon sofe pe. Pita ji ke bhari-bharkam mazboot...

1 year ago
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Lil Sis

Note : this story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live - it bad! One thing I've learned over the years is that brothers and sisters play around. That is to say they 'play nasty', Anyway, that's what my family called it. Other families call it by other names like 'playing doctor' , 'playing post office', 'playing naughty', etc. Now, I've played nasty with all three of my sisters at one time or another. Mostly just brief encounters that lasted a few minutes and didn't happen...

1 year ago
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In the old days, comic artists and creators had to work with publishers if they wanted to get their material out there. The best artists in the world weren’t shit without help. These days, anybody can publish their own webcomic. Oglaf comics is the work of just two people, Trudy and Doug, doing just that.Oglaf.com has been around for more than a decade now. It’s got a pretty rabid following, with millions of views a month and thousands of supporters on Patreon. It tells you something about a...

Porn Comics Sites
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My first experience with teasing small guys

My First Time Teasing And The Begnning Of A FetishGrowing up, I never knew there were so many guys that loved being teased for having tiny little cocks. I'm so glad I decided to google one of my favorite fetishes months ago when I was super horny one day! Now I get to imagine more than just my own experiences. There are so many great stories out there and I'm getting new ideas too and want to humiliate my boyfriend's tiny cock even more now. (not really small, but he enjoys my teasing...

3 years ago
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My 25th Birthday Present

I was so excited for my 25th birthday. I decided I was going to celebrate with a bang, or should I say two? I had been single for the first time in years, and was ready to go wild and try something new.  I knew I had a date with two guys. Dan was 5’10", 170 lbs. He could use a few extra pounds on him, but he was surprisingly strong. He had dark brown hair, and chocolate eyes that pierced into me each time he looked at me. We had slept together a few times in the past, were wildly into one...

Group Sex
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sis and her best friend continued

Episode 3 – Leapfrog and Crab Walking Continued from Episodes 1 and 2, my story of youth and innocence with my older sibling, her best friend Jenny (both 15) and me (12).I spent virtually the entire day thinking about last night and this morning. I couldn’t get Jenny or the things we did to each other, out of my mind. It was another warm day so I was wearing shorts. Each time my mind wandered back I got hard and Jenny wasn’t slow to notice, giving me knowing looks and smiles. Not sure if s*s...

2 years ago
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Caught Mom Giving Stranger Blow Job

Coming back from the pub after last orders one night, I heard the groans of a courting couple down the ally on our housing estate. I took a quick look and was totally dumbstruck when I saw it was my mother on her knees sucking this fat bloke off.“What and the hell are you doing,” I shouted at themMom let slip his semi hard cock from her mouth and stood up, pulling her skirt down as she did.“You get home,” I shouted to mom and grabbing her arm “And you can fuck off and leave her alone” I shouted...

4 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 6

When she returned to her apartment, Kim didn’t know what to do. Moving almost in a daze, she stripped off her clothes, entered her bathroom and took a cold shower. With her head somewhat cleared, she warmed the water but then had a different idea. Running hot water into the bathtub — it was as hot as she thought she could stand — she went to her medicine cabinet and opened a bottle that had been sitting there for months. It was a bottle of musk oil that had never been opened. Pouring half...

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Coffee Voyeurism

Ava was an intensely grounded woman for being so beautiful. Her allure never siphoned her charm, never left her hollow. Piercing blue eyes told you she was constantly thinking a million things but wouldn’t dare say what. On the occasions she did, pleasure was far too tame a word to say what it gave me.On that particular Thursday, her long, mahogany curls draped the shoulders of her thigh-length coat, full skirt complemented by lace, black tights silhouetting her curvy legs. As she entered the...

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Maa Ka Pyaar Bete Ke Saath

Hi friends, I am new here. Pls support me this is my first story. Me arun meri maa ka naam reena h. Ek din ki baat h me apne kamre me computer par bf dekh rha tha usme ek beta apni maa ko pata kar use chod rha tha pehle usne apni maa ke mammo ko khub ragda phir khub chusa. Itne me ek awaaz aati h aur me ghabra kar piche dekhta hu meri maa sab dekh chuki thi. Aur me ghabrahat k maare computer b band nhi kar paya. Phir meri maa andar aai aur mujhe khne lagi ye tum kya kr rhe the. Mene apna sir...

4 years ago
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Their First Toys Ch 03

In the morning, Kathy and Jane smirk at each other as they get up, that they are naked, that their nipples pop out again. During the day, they go to buy champagne, agreeing that Jane looks older, old enough not to have trouble at the store. She doesn't, coming out of the store with grin. Kathy immediately pays for her bottle. Snickering, they agree to buy ice, and Kathy pays for a bag at filling station. Snickering again, they return to their room and put the ice on the bottles in their...

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One of TwoChapter 3 Double Date Double Trouble

The ringing phone woke me up on Sunday morning. I idly wondered if it might be Carly. When my mother knocked on the door and told me Carly was on the phone, I felt a tightness across my chest. Maybe Nancy had called her and told her everything. It would be the ultimate revenge. If Nancy couldn't be happy, no one would be happy. I answered the phone with trepidation. "Hi, Carly," I said as calmly as I could manage. "Were you still sleeping?" Carly asked. I tried to gauge her emotional...

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ENC Embarrassed Nude Couple Fantasy and SciFi Edition

Imagine a knight battling his way to the top of a tall tower of demons and monsters. He wins every battle but is ashamed when he loses his armor in the process. He can't bear to see the princess he's been sent to save. Then imagine his surprise when he finds her stripped naked too. Or picture a man jogging and a female bystander, both abducted by aliens. Both subjected to a humorous experiment. Humorous and embarrassing and erotic. What else could our hapless couple endure? Are they ninjas who...

3 years ago
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Sara TG Gives it up

Note: This is a story I found online written by a man I knew. It is written from his side of the story but I will agree things happened pretty much the way he said. I use to wonder why I was getting hit on so aggressively online all the sudden and after finding his story on a CD/TG dating site I understood why. I'm reposting this as i have another new update. ORIGINAL STORY: Hey guys whats up? just a quick intro to my story. I consider myself straight but when i get horny i dont mind if a fag...

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Rajni my juicy lips girl

Hey dear friends, I am one of the new member of this website and enjoyed reading the real time fantasies and some daring confessions of the strong persons and I really congratulates the makers of this website to provide we people a platform to confess our doings whether right or wrong. I am going to narrate a very interesting real story which has given me my first real time experience. I am PHD scholar at present and my name is Neelabh. This incident was of those days when I was student of...

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Anjan Unlce Ne Apni Wife Ko Mera Patni Banaya

Hi dosto mai bhut dino se yaha per nhi aya hu sabse pahle mai ye bta du ki mai aaj se pahle ek stories likh chuka hu jo ki mila jula response mila jo nhi padha hai to padh lena stories name dost ki ma ko patni banaya by sanu alam aap mai apna new stories batane ja rha hu ki jo aaj se 5 month pahle ghati hai baat us time ki hai jab mai chennai gya to waha maine ek serch ker rha tha ki waha ek uncle se maine puvha to oo bole ki chalo mere sath fir oo room bata diye or maine ja ker room puchne ke...

5 years ago
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Walking the dog

I noticed the new dog walker the minute she came into view. Even from a distance I could see she had a fuller figure, she was not one of the regular dog walkers I would say hello to. As she got closer I could see she was indeed curvy, I also got a look at what she was wearing. Black leather calf length boots, into these were tucked skin tight jeans which certainly flaunted her curvy bottom. Into the jeans was tucked a white severely cut blouse. To me it all said Dominatrix but then I am...

3 years ago
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Passionate Danger Part II

This is a collaborative work between Kim and myself. Part 2 concludes "Passionate Danger."Chuck, instantly alert, heard his cousin hollering loudly in the sitting room to an unknown man. He untangled himself from Sammi’s soft arms and grabbed his pants. Telling her that he would be right back, he tugged on his pants, minus underwear. Sammi, who was still lying naked in the bed, was rewarded with a very sexy view of his taut ass, as he wiggled into his clothes.“Hurry back. We have a lot of time...

Straight Sex
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Story about my friend sexy wife

I would like to share my true experience here, the experience goes like : About myself, my name is Sonu(not a real name) I am not a very exotic guy, I am very simple, shy, average person, 5’7”, 165lbs, average built, wheatish color, Punjabi guy. This is a very true incident of my life; this incident is when I was 30 years old (5 years ago). I was virgin at that time, I never had any girlfriend and I was too busy with my studies and Jobs, I used to have a very involving Job at India before...

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Up until then, I used to do the stitching of my blouses by myself with the knowledge passed on to me by my mother. I decided to try this place. On a hot and sultry June afternoon I managed to find the tailor shop, after shopping my saree and the matching blouse piece. I was sweating by the time I reached the tailor shop, so the cool air from the air conditioning was a great relief when I entered. I was greeted by a 14 to 15 year old boy. "Hello madam ..Please sit down, uncle is busy inside -...

3 years ago
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The Job Chapter 3

By Darkride Chapter 4 - The Results When I asked my wife how everything went at Doc J's that day, she was pretty nonchalant in front of the kids. The kids were equally non committal, and both overly ready to retire for the evening. Once they were in bed, Jacqui told me about how Doc J had insisted on performing sexual disease checks on our dear children ("Yes hon, but it's just for the paperwork", I assured her), and even insisted on performing a pap smear on Ashley. That one did make my...

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ClubsChapter 3

I actually had a small plumbing job the next morning. Cash in hand, and no rampant teenage nymph to distract me. However, I was distracted by the persistent recollection of the night before, with Cressida writhing away under me, getting herself knocked up, and the thought that in a few hours' time, I'd be fucking her again. And there was the recollection of Charlotte, Cressida's mother, watching us from the bedroom window, and that little enigmatic smile. Did she know what we'd been...

3 years ago
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Land of the GiantsChapter 4

It was night time before anybody in the camp noticed that Fitzhugh was missing. This concerned Barry the most. For despite his shortcomings, he had been his mentor ever since their landing here in this Land of the Giants. On numerous occasions, Mr. Fitzhugh had saved one or another of the group. But he also got into more trouble then any three people combined. How many schemes did the old man try to perpetuate, even here, for a fast buck. But Barry still liked him despite his flaws. He...

4 years ago
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ab use use of power work in progress

Jamie was on his way home after work. After a pretty rough day he was pushing his car hard, using the speed to try to relieve some of the stress.Before long he raced past a police car parked on a side street. "Shit", he muttered. "Just what I need". Sure enough, although he had brought his speed down to the limit, he looked in hia rearview and saw the police car pull out and follow him, lights flashing. Jamie found a safe spot and pulled over.The officer that got out of the police car was not...

2 years ago
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my soul mate never thought to be part 5

my eyes open I realize today was gonna be the day that changed my life I was gonna become the next Harrington to get married I was excited nervous scared but undoubtedly in love. " I'll be out in a minute " I looked over my best man and best friend jack was looking at me, my dad and brother standing next to him. " jack im happy your here bro I can't tell you how happy you and Megan are out of the hospital and doing good i love you man, dad you've made me the man I am...

3 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 7

Alan is awoken up by the persistent ringing of his phone. He is a little groggy as he glances over past Sandy, who is lying alongside him on the bed, toward his phone. “What the fuck,” he groans. He grabs the phone and answers it. The voice on the other end answers with a hello, and it takes him a moment to realize it is Marian. Some years back he had given them his number in case they ever had to get a hold of him for some reason, like an emergency or to notify him of something about his...

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Aunt Karens VHS Collection

"I promise you...I promise you...I promise I can make it happen!" Karen was barely able to get the words out while her nephew drilled her pussy from behind. Brad had a fist full of her short blond hair in his hands, and each thrust was hard and deep. Karen was promising to help Brad seduce his mother, Sharon. "Yeah?! You promise me? Huh? You promise me?" Brad asked sternly while he fucked her wet pussy harder, and harder. "And what makes you so sure of that? Huh?" He leaned forward on to his...

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